Python: Easy to Learn

Clifford French, CAS London Conference, 25 Feb 2017

Easy to misunderstand From Pycon Conference

Ned Batchelder, Montreal 2015

2 May not be a very satisfactory session

For some participants, too

For some participants, too advanced

For the presenter, wish I could do more

Please do get in touch - [email protected] if you want a multi-session course, a one off half day or day, one to one coaching…

3 Three themes

1. look behind the scenes

2. How understanding “behind the scenes” helps in the classroom

3. Speaking like a Python native and a little extra if we have time.

[email protected] 4 Everything is an object

Other languages use variables

Key concept in Python is objects

A variable is basically a name for a value

No concept of declaring variables

● spring into life when needed ● removed by garbage collector when a new value is assigned to a name

5 Theme 1 - “behind the scenes”






If no name, object is swept away

7 Every object has a type and an id a = ‘pizza!’ type(a) id(a) a = 9 type (a) id(a)

8 Analogies - box, cup, aunty

In some other based languages, we declare a variable int(x)

It can hold only integers - box a good analogy

In Python, we don’t declare a variable and a type is dynamic

We can use several names for the same value, as a person can be “aunty”, “sister”, “Ms ..”

Box, cup - not good analogies in Python

9 Meet my aunties - first anna

aunty Like us, this Russian doll has many names.

Here she is aunty to some people

Anna to others.

anna Two names, one value.

This doll has one id but can have many names

10 Meet another aunty - dolly

This Russian doll has the name dolly.

aunty The name aunty stays the same

But the id is different because dolly is a different object.

In Python, names are associated with values. dolly Assignment does not change value - Ned will explain more!

11 “Myths about Names and Values”

Extra to watch after the conference - perhaps just 12 minutes.

12 Functions are objects

Returning a value from a function is basically assigning it to a name

Does this help students grasp a difficult idea?

Could be a whole presentation - one example follows

13 Double and add ten


14 How Understanding can Help

15 Using “type” function

Reading text files is basic KS4 learning

We will look at three approaches

❏ Using type() to what is happening “behind the scenes”

❏ Reading txt files from the Gutenberg project - copyright free

16 Using readlines():

Using type shows us that text is a list.

We can find how many lines by using the len() function

We can iterate/ cycle through it, line by line

17 It’s a list

Why the double line spacing? Use print(text) to see the list:

Displays each line with no end character (\n)


Does the type matter?

This seems simpler:

But this line throws a TypeError:

Use type(f) to find out what sort of object f is and why the error occurs.

19 Using readline()

This produces a really weird output.

● Each letter on a new line ● There are apparently 40 lines.


20 Use type() to debug - diagnose

Running this, we see:

21 t More sensible now to refactor ‘text’ to ‘line’

Recommended approach with

● very large files or ● with reading from an external source, eg an API or file on a website

22 So what?

We can “slice” the sonnet.

❏ Slicing the list (using readlines()), we get the last line first - reverse order ❏ Slicing each line (using readline()), we get each line back to front

23 Je voudrais une tasse de cafe

My school boy French is so bad, the garcon replies in English. I’m not proud of this.

24 Speak Python Like a Native


❏ Its eezier to understood iif u rightlyk evryone els ❏ You are more likely to get help from professionals if follow conventions ❏ We need to raise the game - for further study, for careers

Coding examples easy to find, eg Writing Idiomatic Python by Jeff Knupp

Style conventions are in PEP8

25 Avoid comparisons with True

26 No sentry variable, no comparison with True

.upper() deals with y and Y

[0] takes y or Y out of Yes, Yeah, Yup, etc

27 Names for values - “variables”

Always written using underscores player_name, not playerName

Professional IDEs will highlight and refactor these for you

● Wing IDE ● Pycharm - for teacher or sixth form use

These IDEs are free for you and your students if you email a request (,

28 Operators - space both sides

Trivial example to make the point

Wing IDE can be set up to enforce spaces around operators

Pycharm tests will highlight all PEP8 violations

29 But not in setting arguments to parameters

You saw:

Where a blank space is set to the end of each line

30 Slightly more advanced

A docstring for each function

● In double quotes, with the closing double quotes on its own line ● Except for single line docstrings

Two line spaces after a function

31 A Little Extra - demand Python 3.6.0 f string formatting - for me, the big win.

Say goodbye to: Confusing, off- putting, irritating

Welcome: Easier, neater, inclusive

Also retains order in dictionaries.

32 Develop that Function

33 There are only functions

There is no distinction between

● Procedures - which do not return a value ● Functions - which return a value

In Python, all functions return a value

If no return statement, function returns None

In Python, there are no procedures, only functions

34 Want more?

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35 Introduction to Databases for KS4

At Camden School for Girls - Sunday 2 April

£15 only