Florid" AtJlIlll;c U"ivertJily t No.4!l~.z Vol. 21 BoclI Raton. Florida !\tay 22. 1973 Ad Hoc Cornrniuee Recessed

1""" 'ouowlDf: to the .,..."plde leXt 0' the that any nndings made by your Com­ It is the opinion of our COmmittee that ."'I eDI ...-..ed by Ib" Ad Uo., CornmJlI~ "'1 mittee could have an effect on the out­ the operation of the Atlantic Sun should n ,.·1 come of the aforesaid case. Further. be turned over Imm.ediately to the since it appears that although you have sludents. hopefuJly to someone presently After o\'cr onc .....eek of intensive proceeded to hear the facts: as they relate on its starr but not invol...ed in the legal hearings. the Ad Hoc Committee met to the charges given you. you have made action. with OUT pr"Ofessional advisor. Mr. Jack no formal findings. It would be my The Committee has ...·orked long and Kassewitz. When he had been briefed on rec::ommendution that you report that hard and is ready to assemble its findings our findings to that point. he advised lIS because of the pending litigation you and make recomRlendations to the that he feU j( would be prudent for OUT r=ess further meetings of the Committee President and the University Community committee lO seek legal counsel because until the !innl conclusion of the litigation. upon a rinal adjudication of the fedeTal of the pending action brought inlo ancr which you meet for the purpose of courts. We do nol feel the Committee Federal District Court. making certain determinations and should be dism~; unless otherwise Today ....-e met with independent legal recommendations as they pertain to the instructed, ....e wJII sim.ply rec:ess until the counsel and have been advised as charges given you 1 would like to litigation is finally resolved At that LIme. follo-."$: reIterate that it ould be my slrong ....e feel ....e must make our report to the "That since your ogani~tionon May 'I. recommendation that no action be laken President and the University Senate. The i973, a suil was commenced in Federal by your Committee which could possibly determination of !he courts can then be District Court on May 9. 1973. by the prcjudico the outcome of the pending incorporated into the recommendations alleged aggrieved parties. It is possible litigation." of the Committe<>. AAUP Deplores Firings

Th< F AU ""PIer of Iho! .'l.rnerkan ,\..s""lall<>n on em.,. ~ .....tolalion CIf duO' process" In the recenl nrlnlll' CIf AUlonUe Sun

M'_Th< AAUP ...... ,.uli_. ~.I the "hap_·s ...... meo:Unl!I: ;\t4>y ,. l"rada' ~ ~ Atlantic Un;-rsuy Chapter of lho! Am"rlean AaM>ei.Uc>n nO Clfille "Allanllc Sun." We f~llhal \he Issue has I>Ot -. """' or .. dec""" '" lbt p"p"r's quIOlllY· W" I&t1l" the re!nalatemenl of the edo\<>l'lO and .. I"flUI"D I­ sUtu\k>nal ...... tw_ln ...-...... ,b pn>bIemIO In \be ho~.'· Delta Sig Service I s.~.. nteen Fll>rld. AuanUc u-ersil) faaall)' memt>en ~ .-od tenure by the 8oM"d of leota .1 Ita ...... t1nl In .. q", ",.., "''''"' Dade Center's 'Last Tango'

~ ; ,,:;:~""", ...... ,.. = .--=---,. TOlllorrow, Thurs., p. 2 Sylllphony Concert Bond Speaks at June 10 Co:rn:rnence:rnent Julian Bond. young Georgia leglslat<>r, will speak III I"AU'~ slxlh annual Commencement ExerdS"'l In the Quadrangle June

".1,005 dandldates fOT degrees ,,·m be awarded them that night al 8 p.m. Bond III the spokesman fl)r the "new pollUcs," whose con­ sUtuenls he describes as urban mllitants, campus ....bels, SlnIIlI farmer... ",elrarc people, housewives tired of rising pri""" and hlgh school students "who want to wear their hair more UUUl one Inch long." Julian Bond JinlTnie Woodle Bond, one of the founden of the Student Nonviolent CoontlnaUng Communlcallons director of Commlll.ee (SNCC) was the fi....t SNCC until 1966, Bond was first black ev.... to be nominated to the elected to a _t created b)' Vice Presidency at the 1968 reapportlonmenl In the Georg!I Sy:rnphony to Perfor:rn Democratic National Convention. (ConUnued "" p. 6) JUnffiy Woodle, chalrman or fine art>I at Brtlward In 1965 he foWKled the Broward Symphony Or­ Peterson Communlt)' College, will be "",Joist with the FAU <:hestra and he "''''" also Inslrurnental In Symphony tomorrow and Tt>~)'. eslablishing the BCC Artist series at the Parker to Sing TolIlOITO....·s OOn""rt will be pari. of the M .....c at Playhouse. beln,g .. Noon aeries and will take pia"", In the University In addition to condu<:tor. Woodle .. actlve "" .. con~ pianist and haS appeared on several Tenor Arias Theatre at n<>Of]. 8:30 p.m. ill <:Urtaln time In the oceasIonswith hi.l wile. Kathryn. performing music S1nger~poser..polnter Thea,", fo~!,he Mal' 24 perfonnance. Admission Is Harry by free tlcke\ obtained In "dyanee orchestra In a perfonnonce of 1936, Is In _ movements characterized by varied Tl>e~Ita1will take plaC<> In the Kh8.chalwian',. ·'Concerto for Piano and Or· rhythms. beautiful therrJes and a solo concerto part The"u-e. ehelllra:' for piano of da=linll brlUianC'e. Pete,"""" is a legglero lenor Woodle attended Furman University, Greenvill". 1'he Symphony. conducted by Dr. Eugene Crabb. (light voice with aglUty and a very S.C" and ...... graduated from Indiana University will also perfonn Glinka'.. OWrt...... to "Russian high range) and wlll present a wI>...... he emned U1e Master of Mwolc In plano and and I.udmllla" and 1.Jsu's ·'Le.. Preludes," In the program of a<>ngs "nd arl"" conduetlnl· first part of the program. representative of that style. M""I of the numbenl are rare In the music world today bec:auae music lor his Iype of voice was Peterson wrluen m ...... than 11Xl ye...... "go and IJ>OIiII ill oul of print. on Worth ,,"venue In Palm Beaell. Peten",,'a program Includes an A natlve of Huntington, W. Va., '. aria from a long_rorgollen Peterson received the bachelor'. .. Meyerbeer opera, "'II Croclato In degreeat Marshall Unlvendty. He Egitto:' which Peter""n IIlmaelf has tauaht In Florida publtc unearthed In Clndnnali. OUler schools and ill acllve In musical rarilles will be an aria from evenla In this are". Boleldleu's once-popular "La lie has been sololst with the Dame Blanche:' "00 a selection Qpera Lyrlca, oinglng lRJCh roles ALFORD'S KARATE STUDIOS [rom Sir ...... th..,. Sullivan'a one as Goro In "Madame Butterf!>':' PRlV...,E lESSONS AT GROUP II...'ES attempl at aerloua opera. Beppe In "1 Pagliaccl," aJ>I1 ,... u' ...... rr .....~ "'''HI< """ ~ CO--'JOMNG "Ivanhoe." SChubert in "B!oAsomtime:' He One of the fealures of the recital currently sings with \he Civlc will be the premiere perfonnance Ope.... of Ule Palm Beae'- aJ>I1 PRIVATE fACILITIES FOR WOMEN SELF DEFENSE of one of Pete..,.,n's own com­ ball appeared with the De1J"aY REVOLVES AROUND MUSCLE TONING & FIGURE positiona. He has wrlilen lwo Beach Playhouse as Hennan In I I oralori"" whiCh have been beard "MO$t Happy Fella" and the In Pompano, West Palm 8caeh Padre In "Man of La Mancha:' He and Vern Beach. His paintings Is also ",,"'1st at the aceanChape! have been shown In Lantana and In Deerfield Beach.

ALL A.GES * * * BOTH SEXES :«S£U·ZS&lly_Circle K Is ~Best'~n!ll ,,·or With the appr....ch of summer some dh,era from the SCUbo dy. One orBanlaaUon power boat race. mu<:h 10 Ibo which aeem!l to be moving along andety of the Cout Guan!. SPECIA" COURSES PLANNED FOR CHILDREN Speci..1 C...fidenu _ Sclf Defe..__ .....-..ity 0...... , with a full _ of .",am is Circle The ",",,,t week found Circle K I I K. working to finish up N"tural "',,"ctuaUy:' said Michael FIts- Heritage Park {a past Circle K patrlck, Circle K pre

~- Sorrentino to speak Joseph SorrenUno. former IO...lime lawbreaker, no...... ~ who """ .",,'ed ....th me U.s. .Justice ~, wiU ~ ... '''Tbe ~ of • Dt'upout" ~ at ':JO p.m. In the U.comter PaUo. SooTenUno _bAcrlba I(> \he lheory ~l crbninal law should OIIUS...... )' condUCI whle" is • .""""""hle u.n.al to ~lel)'. 1& ".,.. _ "The MOrel Revolullon ,: .uxu- the profound upbNv~ In law _ ...... ca...... t by • ~IenIUnc ..cial d>ange.. He ..... deab with lhe ...\q:...... of IS looking me coury _ me "new n__ality," and the COUJttera<:tlon of the Sllenl Majority. w'­ leglsl8ton. he aays, have In­ lrOduced 200 new WIlli lo curb ·'perrnissl",.,..".,.." Joyeph Sorrentino " =.u 'p • Merchant Directory

These AferchrUlls nre Friends of the University and shou.ld be patronized by the student$ and faculty

Hardbo<;k. Paperbocks Personoglized Slalianery ~ Poslon; learning Cassell••• Encyclopedias ~~e~ e~ -I 'Ouu-_ BOOk11\Q..... _ 20'91 0 <11 _ aoc:: TON :)90-l717 __

~..., ,.~. __ ~_ Tr.... __ -...... _-_-~''''...'''',...... -

, ....t _ , •• P,_...... ~...... I T..n . . ,­ ...... I tlon. ••• h.phl•• UNIVERSITY BOWL -.-.,. "_'n..t_ fr_ C.._pu. Ribbon. .CC" ."TON Bowlin" ..•---,~ $'n".'..... lIOON.W. 13th &r-t. &lea Raton. f'1orida:s.lU2' .1Ii1or". • un {3O$j38l--4040 'r-1~;~;~;';~;-;~;~;~;-";';-;";:G;--;~~ .~~~ ~:-~- "•.~~~;~;-;~;'-";-;!~:~'-;-;-~'::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;~ Bob"s .".·s BUntrliq: .11eca ..... - --~-- ...... _... --- 'Am ;;'2-8181 -­.~,,- ~-~._- r. .__ \ •••, ...... _Q .. -7 ndts $ I MEWS HAIRSTYLfHG BY OSCAR AHa BOS ,••'.:-:': ~':~~~;"T_

..A1_ C. ."....-do. eewt...... We.I P ..... -.. .-hocell • ~ f.- ...... - A~ t.."i..~ ...lt,.·. o.;oU...;e of _~ .... hbIk A_ U- 01 ~ ~_ aI Po,... ~Ie _n ­ ,,,,..ch J lur lAllie,,,.•....",dl will .. J rater ."AU lleMOr 01 .drnlalAnu.a. ."" rip, II; Or. TUa HolUapwordt, _"'at $ . -prt>k""" iji .....iftotet'i'tlil;-;>tlIlf>lJl'''t''''' 1 116 '&lIili~. f ATI.J\.NTIC t>UN ~. May 22. 1973 Bylaws Open for Open Business I!Alllor-Poobl'-, Or. I{..-eu. K. W!lUaDu .....'T£KlM £OITOI\: Lot. McManus Hearings lJy STAN "~Jo:INERi\1AN ...... _...... _-.~- .... ~ ..._...... The Uni,·er"l)' _Ie Byla..... With the huslle and bustle of various and sundry ..-.no<. _,_ Cornmillee. wlll hold open elections, advance registration, impending graduation. __,'_ """-__,,-._'1o'wM' _ hearlnl'" on Its pl"OJX*'d minority aud the usual confusion the mind is heir to it becomes _...... _. T_ .U" _,__.. --.. --_ .....''"....u -""-""_ ..-"'. .. -"""'''''.-___.''...., .... __ ,. _" N "'''''' _ .... _ . .." ..Ira ..nd dlserlmlnatlon harder to keep track of the many interesting and I. -~ ~,_ Slandlng ""nunltlee today at 12::JO ' .' . m _ ":::,=._,.•t'.. ,, .,.-, ..n __ ..» • ___,...... "__ wl"•__.. __,. p.m. In the Booed of ~e _,_, c ' ___ Relents poI'wnt cvenls takmg place m Colle.ge of BUS'llClIl. room. AO 305. Several excellent pr.ogr~ms are m the wI!!d fo~ the near REPORTEItS: Th.. Byl.....s Commltt.... is future. The Accountlllg Studenls AssocialLon Will present Stan .'eln£nnan ,,",king advice on the ...... m- the first in its Career Forum Series tomorrow at 7:30 p.m !Wallace IlaI'per benhlp and direcllon of the in the multipurpose room in the University Center. -~ p.-oposed c<>mmltt_. recom· Representatives or major CPA firms. medium and small John Marke m..nded for for.....Uon by. a accounting firms, industrial firms and govemmental PfiO'l'CK;KJ\PW::RS; University .senal.. r...ol'!hon agencies will participate in a discussion of career op­ Jot.-. Kepl.inCer ..~ .,.....tlt~uonal porlunities in Accounting and Finance-related areas. Pat Dum VoUwertb ~ '!'At 'trill utablisb ~ Monroe will moderate the distinguished panel and win SPOl'tTS EOtTOR: Ray CianlieUo land ~~ :":te.· ll1l& ente~tain questions from ~ audience. The panel ~11 n... w_"lI of the resolution COlUlist of Edward Manni"!!. Ernst. & Ernst, Fort also ealb for .eekll1ft "~nony Lauderdale; Fred Dc Ho.n, Himes ~ Himes. ~As,W~t and advice from stud..nts f..culty Palm Beach; Ray Homrich. Homneh, Schmidt &< M,el, and staff In prepllrlng th'; amend- Boca Raton: Robert Hugelsofer. I RS, Plantation: Pete mcnl. Pres.singer. Harris Upham Co.. Stock Brokers, Fort· The amendment wlll b" Lauderdale, and Albert J. Sheridan, SOutheast Balik preMnted 101 the June mooting of Corporation. Miami. the sc,nal... The American Society of Personnel Administrators will have an organizational meeling on Thul"Sday, May 31 at t :30p.m. in GCN 104. Professor Tad Monroe will speak on U-Center the expanding ocean related industries in the area. Nev.' officers will also be elected at this time. The purpose 0( SUlnnter Sked the ASPA Student Chapter is to bring students who have an interest in the human aspect of management together 1be Universily Cenler aumrr>ft" Kbedule c:alla for caIn& of the with business people who are managers: or penooel ca Room belween June I and directors. J I$. It will ~ again at fWXln Our eminent faculty again goes forth to bring the 5aIUl'day, June 16 (lhe s..unrne.­ honors to dear old FAU. Professor Irwin Cochrun spoke Quoorlcr he8ln8 June II). Monday to the National Seminar of Auditorium Managen n... Cenler II8eU 'trill be ~ al their management program at the University of during th.. """rungs through the tlIill'lis. His speach will be on "Organization and Group ..V....'re p"'tlna m.. 0"," ...... l'ollce Chl"f Bill MeOln"I.· ...... "tlon qUbrt0 ...... not. The center 1_ iIRIf lsi not as IoJportant .. the FAU. I AlII really distreae:l by the pal""of the paper .... a list of the total m~tallon ..hic:h I bia«d ....y lhe ALlanlle SUn has candtdatel: r... all offlC'el, their bel>eve the Atlantie SUn hay.. 10 IwondIed the SGA Sprinc Eleellon e..... am c:olJeg.. Some of u.u. the Sjj:a ..lections. eow:r-age. Wormation ..... not ..,.,.....te. I W'\lld Uk.. 10 remind you thai Are and R As you will reeaJl, _ had a Several c:andidatea told me they lql ye.r. under FA Sctliff'. telephone converuUon In "'hiclo I were listed in Ihe wrona <:ol1"lIe edllOrllh'p, the PIlp"" hIod ..,.­ by W nllaee Harper told you I did nol think the May It.h lind others who ,,"ere llated 1M tremely ralr and aeeurllie eleeuon las"e had given ellOlIgh CtWerage ""nlo.... were really lunlenl. """"rage. When llosa Gn wanted It has been almost a year since United Artists released to Ule ele<:llollll. To thla YOll ~'uthleT, the unsigned editorial 10 .."pporl a candld..te. she had 10 Iheir legendary mllsters series. but these things are allreo:d,and yOlllt.Uured m"thalll "COmmenl"' w... off·ba.... II Ia an pay lor an ad. Thill year, >the limeless because they are all classics. I received two or I ""nt you the names aIM! e,.ample or "vlllfleatlon and merely wrote a ten"r 10 the editor. tnem and II has been hours of enjoyment ever slTl(:e. nunOC"-rnongerlng." The eonunent whleh was pub1lahed In full, to teles>l- numbe.-. of ..II the First orf, let's start with . He is tough, o:andldates you would be SUI"l' to ...Ied lhal studenl ...... enunenl push for one candidate. 1~1 wi ~ve the ..1e<:Uona hill coverqe In ..... not ~tauve beca...... ye...·• paper p"e the f...... about mean, and a fifties·PlInk. Man, is he nasty. Just look at the May 15olh_\..lrJclo ...... the we had voted lo. end eoIIege the .,.ndloUtes. let them ....k.. that greasy hair and baggy pants and the growl on his ....te of lhe ..lecu.:.n.). "'P""""'f'taUon In the senate and their p..ll....,.,... known. and did not face. oh yeah. Marlin couldn't do better if he tried. Right On Wedne8t!.ay. May 11th. I "'ve aw.rg., _ta. 1be ~ endone anyone. Tbb ,...... by orf you are going 10 notice the package. it is beautiful, ...... ed , ... the lnf...... Uon you f...un.... you know 10 make ."...trast. by rtUWlinc __ eaJ>­ B&W picture of him on the cover ready to rip. guitar in requested to be deU~ to your SGA moore Ue 110 the dldateoo' pall...... ,. and J&nor1nC hand, and the stance is fifties suggestive to say the least. otr"",. and on 'J1:>u.-.etay..-nl.ng. ....jority .-ould nrJ In previous theolhen.1 think the AUanlie SUn Next a full bio by Lenny Kaye, just so you know whal ye..... _ <:olIegu had no one Ma)' 10th, I rniaIoed part of a eu. h.u really railed the .tudenlsl. It you're listening to in case you didn't live through it. But lo orde<' to deliver a copyof the tisl rurutI,. for _lsi and people did not <:OIIvey to the Uro...... 8Ity ..oultl win with _ lhan 10 write. the important stuff is on the records (four sides of roclt: of eandldates to Lola M<:Man.... eommunlty adequ.I.. and .e· and roll). "" his biggest hit and lhe edllor. In Unlveralt)' In >'0""", while In other eoI1elle. eurate Informatlon 10 help lhem played by every rock band alive (check out the Who Uve RelaUOM. She told me thai she perha"" tJt...,... people would run vote willety. And thb I. eertainly ..ould not he abl.. to contact all of lor 1_ .eats. and one would lose wlvol the Job of the .;:ampus At Leeds at least), "" (the Kinds did this the candldalea. b"l dld ....y thai all yeutiU have.. lot more votes than "".....PIlper should be. in their late R&B phase - Kink!; Live) and "Cut Across 0- I'UfIIltn8 ,... the ..llecuUV.. the on.. with a halfodown write-­ Sln<:erely, Shorty" (the Faces recorded it about a year or two ago). offlees ...ould be read."d. Mia J<7)'B.She.....r As a matter of fact one could go on and on with people 'M.H __• lhat lqt poInl by MeManus SUU...ced thai loterlor PresIdent. StudenlGovl Aasn. who have done his material. This should be enough to rwr l'A8"'" of the paper could be ... __ ... * ... make you go out and buy the original recording& or the enUrely deYoCed to the ~ material. For the most part the originals are alway. the and I agreed thai un. would be a 1Jir... I!Alltor, I wIah lhat he had lone thn:Iu&b best and in this case it is true. but if that doesn't move 1_ idea. t am "";lina un. letter In the ~ e:bannda Inatead of you, then think of it in this way. Eddie Cochran made H• the Ma)" l$lh '-of ...... -- 10 the editorial by ML ~ a vlrtuaI "","",. I !be poIper has __ ftry solid , and that means very IIOlid. Sha Na NI .u- I.-s In the May .. be11ev can't tOUCh it. Eddie isn't nostalgia. it is hilItory, ca_ AUulUe &.ut. t1>a1 ....ny stude..1sI opp<>sed Cochran W~' and this kind of history you do not forget. me to '""'"""""" bow lair the dec:tlon WbUe I ama liberal o..n-:rat. I Pnesk\enI. aetklrt. reailJ' _. n--e .... ~ven the acr- 10 __ ""tenl 'trith ML I -.loti ....- entnly with the FatJo Domino isn't forgotten either, four more sides bUt ""mpt..te IllaUorm of one Lobed<. I do not bell...... that the Ietler of MIl. RitIle)' recardinlI the this time of New Orleans blues. Mao, is this-niceo/_noUter P"'O'lIdenUal <:indIdate•• Letter to Atlanlie SUn under Ed SChiff poaItlonoflhe editor. I would hope great package, no~ by Greg Shaw and MiCfd4 Oi:ttll. the Editor from anott-' and no ..efloleted the oplnlO"" of • thai the PublI.,.U_ Commfttee and two records jammed with Fats. I ""lIq 1'1 ~ menllon oflllf' third .,.ndldate for ....JorIty of FAU .wdenlsl. I would eo""lder IlmlUns an "Ain't That A Shame," "Blueberry Hill," "My Blue treasun:r withou' .-no<"e than one Uke..la dep\.., far ..10 ..y thai th.. Atlanllc: SUn bee<>rne found as Beach or 581-0520 in Fort Lauderdale of late ~r In _ ~ 1"",ldent of 1M pr...,..."lq FLY NAVY -~ n.. ml...... ~ wen lri&ll~""'- br Ita "h~mi"al nltro..en lrllocld~, a .,olalH~ .....!>stance lhal ~ on con­ ..c:t.llhas_~_U>e hall...,..ofmen'adorms.nd..­ 10 rig • te~ In ~ dlr...,tor WIIII.m M"Dowell'. ~~. SI"dent nan H.rkln. who burned U>e toe>I of hla righl fool and his l,,11 heel while walking b&refOOI. w"," lI~ted ... U>e ,",lr "","wdlr, Harkin w.. lreated ..t aoe. Raton Community tl'"Pltlol, Personal Property? n.. FAU Poll"" ~r_t has oI>ta;-o ~Ie<:vie .,...... ,vtne toola thai SWdenta, fa.<:\lltr and _ ..... invited 10 .-In n\Ill"Idrw ...... per-.aI ~y brou&l>t on Properlr atch u \llpe play«S. .,...-table Adioa. bi"ydea. ete., may be bc"-'>t In U>e Soe<:uritr \\U Offi"e loPpo.lt~ Ihe maIn THERE'S PLENTY OF ROOM IN OUR POSTGRADUATE cafeteria) ...here U>e ""l!...vtne tool rnay be ..-l br OW"".... ope

\Cont.lnucd from p. 41 ihe sixties and seventies, but for me these two records are Merchant Directory l musl, not only is it good musie (even today after all or those years or progressive fflCk) but it gives you a taste or what has been, what is now, and what's comil18 up nexL These Merchants are Friend. of the Uni"ersity Roots never disappear and Eddie Cochran and are main branches. Hail, hail. rock and roll. and should be patronized by the students and faculty - Last summer my honey and I were doing our wash in STUDIO !be sink of an Amslerdam hotel room when I said turn On 100 !be radio. Ten minutes later, after finding out how awful BARCELONA European radio is, we hit Radio Luxembourg and the Top CUSTOllo'lI'_MINO tithe Pops, This sounded bad until the DJ said "And now STOCkI'__S .~ IRImber 28 on this week's chart and moving up fast, ....,.and at..." SU~IIS "'California Man" by the Move, I nearly had a heart at· '""'.9'__ ':00> tack, yelling lo turn it up because that was number two in MOH.·'AT. Hong Kong last month, (it might have been this or their 1«11 N,W. '"' ..._. 80UI It...... F ...... , c.v.:rtJ.SJ4,o!, ...vtl.... _ single "Tonight," but I didn't care, I'm a Move freak and _ this song had never been hcard of in the Stales). Oh It was , .. lhe Move alright, straight-nhead rock with tlml fan· ., ---, ·r·· ..··--.. fd. WI::~ :"e':-; Iutically lush production, sure it sounded like Jerry Lee ~ Lewis, but still you knew only The Move could ever make Z'coea UniversIfy lDuslc like that. Pcn-:a ~ Split Ends is the last Move album to be released since a..4 National Bank ., !bey are presently apart. One might say it is their be$t, or ~ legendary masters series porot-Shazam period, bul it is '7taI

.aocA- ••TON" ....ottIOA _.~...... a_...-...n...._~__ While the rest is singles that were issued after their break _~ __ L.395-010$__• _....",.....-....coo<:ooo_._ j .-ith Capilol. If you already have Message From The ~ _. Country then this is more like half an album, bul sliU It is - .... worth the price for all those new singles. lfyou don't have I~ tnything by The Move, then this is it. S••••• :s • I couJd write a book on the things the Move do, first off Repairs lbeysteal from everyone; Johnny Cash, Elvts, Jerry Lee Lewis, Duane Eddy, Bee Gee's, Beach Boys, BeaUes, Lessons Who, Kinks, Herndrix, some classical, and even bubble _A·· rum, but it all comes up as a very distinct style of their A600gt t a OWn, Second, the production and mix are first rate, right Rentals lip there with the Beach Boys and Phil Spector (lop that) 1t(1I6~ tnd third, they are one or the few bands thal can produce 906....'6 ee-t!le rock and roll thunder. the kind of force that Oattens you lpinst the wall in sheer delight, Even the slower songs A one stop store for all )'our musical needs Ire great. They are the only band 1 have heard that uses lnoboe .Dd,OAeolrthelfew ever to use cellos. ThIs lan't lo Orchestnll and Band Instruments aalte them MUkI-Uke the Mystic Moods, ~use like ~thIngebethey do, Itfita into their progressive rock BY Ityle. ,Klne·Selmer.Am per-Ventura The Move are now split up into the Electric Light :lrebestra and Wiz:zard, So Split Ends is your last chance Complete line of sheet music·AII instruments .. $Orne of the finest progres.stve rock England has 3199 N, Fed Hirh.a, )toduced in the last few years. It may sound a little Stofe hours llrarJ8e at first and you might not even like it the first Boca Rata,! Dlil,~9;30 to 6:00 pm tIueri times you play it. but the Move grows on you and Tele. 392·8817 ~ the growing starts there is no stopping, 6 ATLANTIC SUN Tue8oVH rapidly from _ Iocau. Banquel 1aat n-loo' night. __ of anar<:h)I. It anpJoys to another••11 OWr the ""lIi4. The banqlIoet took plaee In • )IOUlI& studenl ...... -~. It had "n,e fl~ _ made .. " no..er er. one of lIoa c..~. MUIen¥UIe Stale College. Penn­ ...... Dr. Carl K.- preHIlled the 8)'lvan.... 11".':; mlnulft long, In PrU_ Robert &,'d .... .ward to DIane _ the "OUt­ bl..::k and white; I wouJd deac:ribe ino:orTectly qUOI.ed .. SIl,q. .., "tanmn. Greek woman" on k .. beInc • ...... -IJatk comedy came .....y from IbloI .-Ie wllIo with p&ot and act.lon but wW><>ut lhe _ f"'1!n4l I 1'"1 .... ~- confronu>d with lhe ~ lit TIle oatatandlna Sororll,. an,. definhe "enre. II use:o ~ TrfIpby. _ted by __ BanI< " tk:tion.... atattIn& ..alerooelon sl..ffed ..lth "I "l1oe ..,...,...... _ Ar1a IoeW: Ita oelepce -'-"'Y _ ""'"'_ Co.• wenl to 00. II .... poW. In ""Ie ;t ..-nbIa the 1'Nat ~ Tbls IIMMe rftiew makes ..,. ....esenled b,. F .....t Bank'.. _u,.. Here Prof_ f.:noeoilu Harold IIrIazrio..!oIqtllOT fl.) .... w1tll 1'" h was a>p)'I"lchted ~ ~ lltlJeew ""_"I all and Ir_ Fn,derick aa...... R.,....., .....-. nA -'deld. (ceD....) a-.l _,., .,m. ....,...... the Ft. ....~ $IuDplloooIy. "J't. ..hole poIlot of !he moone .. -"..,., lhe fUm you'll_ ....,.. W"1dI 00 abo _ the San S. n ..t­ that the .newer never ad<>aIl)" few celoMllal iI>dlcau..n.1n rqardo ~ KbolanhIp.ward. 8arlIoan CUn1e, DG. ~Iary_ _ U- "n--b Pleopae" but 10 Ihne and p~ 01 ~ Speaker .1 the banquoet was Mra. Royce can of Weat Palm _. Circle K- n.. bAnql.>el theme. United We Be.ch, N.llonal P.nheileni., t Continued from p. 2) Stao:od...... c:arTied out In n:d area~. three coctqea (_ boys) from the Coafereuce .,...,.u..n.few PNMll. whfte ...... Chemistry Lecture Florid-. School for 80,.. .t Follo..l,.. the t.nq..et ..... for 00, and blue 00wef'S with • Dr, Allen ... Bard. wIdeI)' mown lOll Iec:hnlc:al papers, • ICStboo:t. P.nheilenlc officer.. were In_ de 1ia -,.., few ManJ...... ne.... Be.,.use or fi....ls. notbel,.. chemlat who '- atftn \lrvlted and ill editor of ...... "ElK> stalled. The)" Cathy a.... Love, KKG al_ and FAU beside with lecture••t internallonal con_ tr_ I,.Uc.l Chemistry:· of n1nRham. PN M pruMIem.; and Panhellotnle tutorit>.: oce.n ...... sd"'-". ia planned few the .... of Moly. lerenc:ea I" £n&land. J.pan. _ voh1meI he.....--...... will find the dub ...,. Auatralla • ..:1 sweden. will at- • He Is abo the editor of • ~ ap1n revitalized.. F'tatIMd Is a talk on c:ampus tomorrow. 1,30 volume encyc.1opedic trea_ lit second Ure dr&re which will be on "EIec­ (ContInued from p. 2) the 11161 ConvenUon. 0Iarglnc Devdopment cer>ter on • trip to U"OCen«1Ited Owmiluminat:e­ He ill. summe cum"" House of RepraentaU_ In 1_. thet blaeka Wfte bftnI __ oce.n World. and atcendlnc jI>e nee," Dr. Ilanl'.. ..-edt In­ gr:oduate of at,. CoUeee of New bIIt ..... prevented from takinI {r..... aI&nlfkant parlldpaUon In Florid-. Dlstrlcl Cln:le K I«eata have beal b> the _ York and earned !he ....--•• Ll:adenhfp Conffl'Once .1 _ do:>clOn.I ce by memben ..ho ob)ecled the deleptlon headed by then-­ pll~.lIon of eledroch..mlc.1 to his _temenla on Vietnam. Governcw .....ter Maddo:I:. Bond UniW!l"Sity of Florida. meIhoda to the atud)I of cMmica1 Bard received the Ward Mf<\IJ iJ, AfteI' wtnnin& a aeoeond eJeclion 10 and fellow State R.eprao:ntaUve An activo! Cln:1e K Cub.t YAU Cheml.tr,. (19)>). • ... nil Ida vacant ..at, a special Ben Brown led an !natrgenl Is nothlnc new. Few the 1aat three DbtIttguIshed VIsIUns So:\eIIUst "I House Commtt,", ..aIn voted to deleptlon. the Geolar (1969.) voces Upon bts third eloecUon In 19M. lhat wou1d ha.... .one to the was to • fourth outatandlnll ,e.... the U.s. Supreme Court ruled M._ delegation and helped FAUCK b lhe fint Circle KC ..b unantmous1y that the Georilia defe.lthe unll nale lhat hud stifled In thenallon to be named the No, t House bad II!I'nd In reluainll him dlaacnt al prevlOllll conventions. ~lub for three Can .. jor,ty oIlh,s lIme ....ill be spenT In real world worI< II. Marcla Finkel by doeclalon • ..:1 as"'gnmenlS leammg To~as Inslruments 'ft gen­ Geraldine WlIltama by dedaIon. eral and sem,cooduclor acllvllIes in partlcut..r / \ EIght pia entered the _tina Upon completion 01 this 6 month progr.m. "Campy" substitute for small dorm _c placement will be In one oJ the maJOI" melropol­ Paddlebel1: Mark R1...... and Itan a.eaS 01 The UnIted States unique tlsummer house" for your lawn Loo1 Cardner bluteclO.J. Mld&ett FtN I"rther in~ma/Kxl.please conract andsend and Gecwgelle ~ U,7. IU, e resume fO in authentic Sioux designs b> the rmals of lhe Sprinc Y....tlval Buell: F.Itm.... ot.1rict ...... ee. portable-weather, wind Ml:m.' C1n:ie~Soott.25.2(' ' __ Pbr*:aI Educ:aUon major. Ort...... Florid. 321110 - (305) M4-3535 floof sizes from 7 to 14 feet CIIp!ured the Home R.... Den!)' crvwn ~ the Spo'iJls Weell: aetM.1Ies.. Mike walled few I' TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 525 Avenue I '--runs In ...... innlnp.. Rik , ...,O..PO.....TED Delray Beach, Fla. Oytrydt _ aecontI with five • ..:I AN EOUAt. OPPORTUNITY just south of Nutty's Marlt Ha...-dWd took thlnf with EMPt.OYER four to tu credit. n.e.iay. May 22, 1973 ATLANTIC SUN 7 Golf Team Is Success Story In 11169 the firs. }o'AU Golf Team ~ are Fr."" Coullhanour. COft1P'OIed Ln the Ylorid8 Inter>­ Crail: Scott. Ron B8lter and Jim c:olle1llOltell and came In laM of 17. M,","". "..t....me)-ear the learn ,,_ RelUm!n& ~ IU'C! fUndy up $2nd or 60 le.1I.... at the Shultis and St.e..... FJo<".,llent II'ia¥ Iteeor'" of .....tcbeO' and and pride In thdr Ieam and l.OUNUr>oOnU In the C.. Tbe)' have _ • vuy bo>t lhb Pl'&e). positive iJ:npact at'OUnd the entire Unfortw:>ately the Ieam can'\ .....~ section of the """try. compete In the NCAA finalA. several of the grwIuat1nll ...... be"...... of FAU'. auoc.late ..... c:apaIMe 01 fine careen In \he _ Matus. AlNeliol dIrec_ golf~-"'· ft.1... Brel~ _, "It Is IIooped In the ful.l.K"e IMt the Softball Unlvera!ty wUI ,..,)coy .. full .cti_ ....twI In the NaUonroI Col.legiate Box Score Athletic "'..odatlon .lter.. league £eDe&" DiYlslon 1- recosnl- la nallonwMie.'- LasI. 'I'bJnday. May 17, marUd A nude... of Olltatandl... the o:ud cI the .....,.war _ f..­ 5"-,.-.w be _ 1.0 the Ieam .t ...r"U4 ...... souu-..O W_ the F"U Intr.ml1l".1 Softball v-duaUon lhia year. GettlIl& their t.oQy, lib< fill 4 J.,,~ vllle , 1.-..-.StartIn8 -.na FAll 4 St. Leo Colle.", 0 .. In IWO .....sues will Mart com.. FAll ~ Fla. Tech U. 0 "AU I U. of Tenn. ","lilian In the pLoycff..t 10 doeter­ FAll I • r",u : Fla. 'IUIU!UI,. 0 EalIt Tentl. • Panthers mine an .....eraIl chaJnplon cI F"U. FAll : Fla. Inl"'rna' 0 FAU 2. Mieml • Suponfly _ Latnbda Otl ...., FAll 2T.m.... " 0 .'AU I I'".S.U. , tlrd f.... flr3l place In the Mondooy r"u 1 Wooller C<\lIel'" 0 "'AU 0 L.S.U. , Perfect I..oo:.que ...... -.1s .hIk Delta Sill FAll 5 Unt.., of §. Fla. I ••... U 0 G •. Sollihern , 'I11e Poonu....-.. 8SU'. IObter holds the I1JIrd ~ with W. FAU 5 RollllUlColI, I YAU 0 U"I... 01 ""a. team. mlolnwlned .. perlect H SUperlly and umbda Otl we.... --. reeonl to capture the rlnt scbeduled to -.ak thai li.. in • place trophy Ln the Women'. prne yest.enb.y. but b.oao..... 01 Spring Sol'thaU Leasue for 11"13. copy cloeadlines we ...... unable 10 Q8V1I',pv.. the Panlhflnl u...tr tlrinc you U>e ..-..Ita. ~he"l bIl1Uoe cI u...... In a In u... ~y L.o8gue, Al Sports prnoe u..,t w..nt ...7 In favor cI u... Dosal's PinG""'" ran up • ....,-feci champion... Th. l'anlh..r.t l~ ...... 1_ year'. deffftdlng domlnaled e~ other gatnf:. sollb.n .nd M ••le' Polnl Festival alway. wlnnl"3 by .1 .....tI. t.on Ch.mpions, the TriM. h.v.. ~. ..arned the ".,.,.,.-,d b.orth In U>e The Intr.mur.tla .nd second placey Heads are batULnc for third plaoo lrying to 'e<:<>YK from the on­ bolll ""Ut de<:l.tIo.-. willi ..ach wlln ..v.... W ...,.,.,..d$. ",., Funny .tIaughloi activityIn .portaduring other. The lie dldn'l la.tl long Farm .nd nead.t play today at FAU's Spring Festival Weoek. ""'-v...... QBvn. d...tcd orr 4:30 10 bN:ak u... tle_ Four ma)or IOIIrnamenUl .nd sss In 11,.. II.. b<"..alcer zz-a. Two playOff gam... .,... held various ou...r acUvlUes were mel The Pan~ MV" dominated each day through'l'hw"sd.ay of thla with a u-ernendous ._from "'''''I of U>e Wonw:n·••porUl In" w.....k. Th.. championship game .. FAU sludenta. yur. 8f!hlnd U>e 1".dC't'&hlp of achedu1cd for Thursday al ~:30 seven ""'tt>al1 tea".. ent.ol'Old C"raldln.. Wlllh"ns. Wllm. P.M. lhe doubl.. elimination tour· Nonage. CIlir. Fewl"r••nd naml!nt held all dJly Fr1day. May Andemll Colley. They Mve w<>n Cheerleader U. A1UOt' Inlrtecn ga...... had ben. are Io<>kln& lor new mem__•. piece 01 cake Ilk" th.. PlnGUIUI had making u...m U>e most con.tbt.onl Sign up with P.l In u... hoped It would be. SUperlly. afUOt' and to,."sl I"\U\nlnll women's University <:ent.or. exl. 2i\!IIi1. losing u...tr first round game 10 .lnl..tlc club In ~'AU'a hlolol'}'. When .ppllc.tion. .re In, C .. House 14-13, eonfldently Much cI the credit for l....sershlp lryOUUl will be lId>eduJed ,... the moved up through U>e I...... '. gou 10 Anne"" HWe)'. Qothy following wed<. brac:ket bl' d.of..ating Lambda ChI !luckman. Stephanie e..-n, .nd Expo'rl.once not ~ ' (Continued on p I) Ann p ..t.ora enlnusl..um a m ...11 _~~ ...... ~.a..-"­..... o.e _IOtbooU Illuo'-. Anything Missing? Classified recorder cases and pl••lIe SUN r..... your s ? A ra1no:oal1 with 10'1 lreene Nelaon ...I...,.,.t. Ttonoblaa ...... y a- FULL OR PART-TllW~ TYPING iolbe UQ\venltyee..ter. She ...... Mrs. Nea-. la In U..cemer ...... Mrs. Gaat - ~ ~ ilIt of '-I thlnp u..t ""_ bftn 110. or call est. 1lIIM. FAU ...... • .tall,'w ._-pboae Uti. IItned In In ..:ktIUon, • 1Ill"... n.h earrlD.g "arlell' ., lat"rutlq. --, 10 her. lndlldlnc four _. ••• __._. 1_ atarUDI: ...... jadefirMGf _UrI, 11<11"...... "'.e.l...... if; hoped toeo-ne ... • .... BM:a Hall A...--. call .w ~ ~_towiD be J eoI b7' ~,...~-.... _--- -~ ~ .. U...... p;a-er _ 1,1., ~ - -. ... Ma. CaraI .. ... ---... - _--~ ~ ~ - .~ _. GOS-*"_-.. Eal- .. l1Ic f1".....oulWl. S_b.. to....­ -.v__ t ~ I t>altl, fwaUhed ---,..-..,. ." .-• a.rt.tI _... • __D' .. _ ...-10""-'of the c.llele-Worll<-&ta.,. ~aU"tW_ , - rncra.m. _ .. na-daI I'bida 0- Aaoc8Uon. UNled •• UIlIMt'alt,~ _. lI,_ p-_. .U SIMa a- Fcderau.o. and A. _NW~A_ Itldent:o and MMn .too ...w be -~. - ~ lo ha_ ...... In _.U>et_~ 10 -- a "TW\NTIC SUN 1'UeMlooy, May 22, 1913 Waterhastobepurerthan a RockyMountainspring beforeitspure enoughfor RedWhite 8l. Blue.

Therc's no ligh( bct:r qu,re like Red Wh,te & Blue. We don'( say [hat lighdy. Its spc