View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by CERN Document Server DPNU-94-60 hep-th/9412174 Decemb er 1994 Zero-mo de, winding numb er and quantization of ab elian sigma mo del in (1+1) dimensions Shogo Tanimura Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-01, Japan Abstract We consider the U (1) sigma mo del in the two dimensional space- 1 time S R, which is a eld-theoretical mo del p ossessing a non- trivial top ology. It is p ointed out that its top ological structure is characterized by the zero-mo de and the winding numb er. A new typ e of commutation relations is prop osed to quantize the mo del resp ecting the top ological nature. Hilb ert spaces are constructed to b e representation spaces of quantum op erators. It is shown that there are an in nite numb er of inequivalent representations as a consequence of the nontrivial top ology. The algebra generated by quantum op erators is deformed by the central extension. When the central extension is intro duced, it is shown that the zero-mo de variables and the winding variables ob ey a new commutation rela- tion, whichwe call twist relation. In addition, it is shown that the central extension makes momenta op erators ob ey anomalous com- mutators. We demonstrate that top ology enriches the structure of HEP-TH-9412174 quantum eld theories. e-mail address :
[email protected] 1 Intro duction As everyone recognizes, quantum theory is established as an adequate and unique language to describ e microscopic phenomena including condensed matter physics and also particle physics.