Sports shorts NCAA Track and Field PENDLETON US soccer defends Solo decisions Jaxx drop :,11,3(*0DQLWRED (AP) — The head of Duck Dynasty U.S. Soccer defended the road pair federation’s handling of East Oregonian goalkeeper Hope Solo’s .(11(:,&. :DVK domestic ² 7KH 3HSVL 'LDPRQG-D[[ assault case couldn’t piece together enough in a letter RIIHQVHGXULQJ)ULGD\¶VQRUWKHUQ to U.S. Senator Richard excursion. %OXPHQWKDORQ)ULGD\QLJKW 7KH'LDPRQG-D[[WZRJDPHV Solo was charged with which were each late schedule two misdemeanor counts DGGLWLRQVUHVXOWHGLQDORVV of fourth-degree domestic WRWKH7ZLQ&LW\7LWDQVDQG violence assault stemming loss to Southridge (WA). from an altercation last 7KH 'LDPRQGMD[[   June with her sister and managed just 11 hits in the \HDUROGQHSKHZDWD WZR JDPHV DQG RQO\ RQH UXQ IDPLO\JDWKHULQJLQ.LUN Kai Quinn came home in the ODQG:DVKLQJWRQ$MXGJH ¿UVW LQQLQJ RI *DPH  RQ D dismissed the charges earlier 4XLQQ&RFNEXUQVDFÀ\WRJLYH WKLV\HDU 3HSVL DQ HDUO\ OHDG %XW WKH %OXPHQWKDO '&RQQ  'LDPRQG-D[[ ZRXOG FRPSOHWH wrote to U.S. Soccer the evening with 11 innings of President Sunil Gulati on scoreless ball. 7KXUVGD\UHJDUGLQJ6ROR 3HSVL WKUHZ ¿YH SLWFKHUV LQ calling domestic violence WKHGRXEOHGLS$OO¿YHDOORZHG ³XQDFFHSWDEOHSDUWLFXODUO\ DW OHDVW RQH UXQ$XVWLQ =DXJJ for an athlete representing DQG 'DQLHO 1DXJKWRQ HDFK the United States of America (AP Photo/Ryan Kang) HDUQHG D VWDUW =DXJJ DOORZHG RQWKHJOREDOVWDJH´ The University of Oregon celebrates winning the national championship during the NCAA track and fi eld championships in Eugene on Friday. IRXU UXQV LQ RYHU ¿YH LQQLQJV Naughton gave up eight in two. The club canceled its LeBron getting Oregon repeats as men’s national champions 6DWXUGD\ KRPH GRXEOHKHDGHU extra exposure By BOB BAUM “We thought heading into the -RKQVRQVDLG³,W¶VDSUHWW\VSHFLDO ZLWK WKH &DSLWRO &LW\ 6HQDWRUV Associated Press GD\WKDWLIZHFRXOGJHWWRSOXV SODFHDVIDUDVKLVWRU\DQGWUDGLWLRQ ,QVWHDG WKH\¶OO SOD\ WZR PRUH NEW YORK (AP) — His that would be kind of enough to DQGOHJDF\JRHV´ JDPHV LQ WKH 7UL &LW\ DUHD RQ team getting clobbered in EUGENE — Oregon won its PDNH VXUH ZH ZHUH KDSS\ DW WKH 8QGHUWKHQHZPHHWIRUPDWWKH 6XQGD\ the NBA Finals and his head second straight men’s team title HQG´'XFNVFRDFK5REHUW-RKQVRQ men and women are competing on ——— TWIN CITY TITANS 10, DIAMONDJAXX 1 bloodied in a collision with )ULGD\ DW WKH UHYDPSHG 1&$$ VDLG ³DQG ZH MXVW JRW RQ D UROO DOWHUQDWH GD\V 7KH ZRPHQ ZLOO R H E a camera was bad enough TCT 010044 1 — 10 15 1 RXWGRRUWUDFNDQG¿HOGFKDPSLRQ WKHUH´ ¿QLVKRQ6DWXUGD\2UHJRQOHGWKH DJX 100000 0 — 1 8 1 for LeBron James. Now ships. ,WZDVWKHVHFRQGWLPHDQG¿UVW women’s team race after Thurs- French, Henke (5) and Searles. A. Zaugg, N. Lani (5), G. Correa (7) and Q. Cockburn. W - he’s trapped in the endless 2UHJRQ HQWHUHG LWV ¿QDO HYHQW LQ  \HDUV WKDW 2UHJRQ ZRQ WKH GD\¶VFRPSHWLWLRQ French. L — A. Zaugg online loop of WKHQHHGLQJWKUHHSRLQWV7KH PHQ¶V FURZQ WZR \HDUV LQ D URZ The Oregon men and women 2B — Garrard (TCT); Enriquez (TCT); Price (TCT); Peterson (DJX). 3B — Jones (TCT); FACES the moment he 'XFNVJRWLQD¿QLVK² 7KH 'XFNV GHVSLWH WKHLU VWRULHG never have won the NCAA cham- Larsen (TCT); Roe (DJX). got caught with Edward Cheserek and Eric Jenkins WUDFN KLVWRU\ KDGQ¶W GRQH LW VLQFH SLRQVKLS LQ WKH VDPH \HDU 7KH his pants down SOUTHRIDGE (WA) 10, DIAMONDJAXX 0 JRLQJ¿UVWDQGVHFRQGDVWKH\GLG  'XFNV KDYHQ¶W ZRQ WKH ZRPHQ¶V (5 innings) on national LQWKHWZRGD\VHDUOLHU ³:KHQ \RX VWDUW WR FRPSDUH WLWOHVLQFH R H E DJX 000 00 — 0 3 0 television. 2UHJRQ VFRUHG  SRLQWV DQ\WKLQJ ZLWK ZKDW ZH¶YH GRQH The Oregon team total was SOU 307 0x — 10 5 0 James’ in the past with what we’re doing ERRVWHG E\ XQDQWLFLSDWHG VHFRQG D. Naughton, K. Quinn (3) and R. Russell. B. Florida was a distant second with Morgan and J. Kirchoff. W — B. Morgan. L — D. wardrobe DQG$UNDQVDVWKLUGZLWK LQ WKH SUHVHQW LV SUHWW\ VSHFLDO´ See CHAMPIONS/4B Naughton. adjustment James ²EULHÀ\ lowering his compression pants in the moments before his Cleveland Cavaliers took Women’s World Cup on the Golden State Warriors 7KXUVGD\²ZDVDQRWKHU example of television not 866ZHGHQSOD\WRGUDZ moving fast enough to stop a moment best left off the air. By ANNE M. PETERSON 7KHPRPHQWÀDVKHGE\ Associated Press VRTXLFNO\ZLWK-DPHV¶ERG\ SDUWLDOO\REVFXUHGE\DQ :,11,3(* 0DQLWRED ² 0HJKDQ United States Sweden RQVFUHHQJUDSKLFWKDWPDQ\ Klingenberg — not Hope Solo — made 0 0 YLHZHUVSUREDEO\PLVVHGLW the biggest save of the night for the United in real time. States. A win would have assured the United “You needed to have .OLQJHQEHUJ D GLPLQXWLYH GHIHQGHU States a spot in the knockout round as the DUHDOO\JRRG'95DQGD OHDSHG WR KHDG D VKRW E\ 6ZHGHQ¶V &DUR Americans seek their third World Cup PLFURVFRSH,WKLQN´VDLG line Seger. The ball hit the crossbar and WLWOHEXW¿UVWVLQFH7KH86ZRPHQ 7LP:LQWHUSUHVLGHQWRIWKH FDURPHGDZD\IURPWKHJRDO DGYDQFHG WR WKH ¿QDO IRXU \HDUV DJR LQ Parents Television Council. *RDOOLQH WHFKQRORJ\ ZDV XVHG WR *HUPDQ\ EXW ORVW WR -DSDQ RQ SHQDOW\ FRQ¿UPWKHEDOOQHYHUFURVVHGWKHOLQH kicks. The save in the 77th minute preserved The United States has one more group WKHGUDZZLWK6ZHGHQRQ)ULGD\QLJKW VWDJH PDWFK RQ 7XHVGD\ LQ 9DQFRXYHU “Sorry, but I in one of the most anticipated group-stage %ULWLVK&ROXPELDDJDLQVW1LJHULD6ZHGHQ matches at the Women’s World Cup. KHDGV WR (GPRQWRQ $OEHUWD IRU LWV ¿QDO don’t think they ³%ULOOLDQW´86FRDFK-LOO(OOLVVDLGRI group match with Australia. The month- hand you the .OLQJHQEHUJ¶V KHURLFV ³%HOLHYH LW RU QRW ORQJWRXUQDPHQWZLWKDQH[SDQGHG¿HOGRI ZHDFWXDOO\SUDFWLFHWKDW´ WHDPVLVEHLQJSOD\HGLQVL[&DQDGLDQ trophy based on 7KHPDWFKKDGEHHQK\SHGEHIRUHKDQG cities. morality. They as the showdown between the second- 7KH 86 OHDGV WKH *URXS ' VWDQGLQJV ranked United States and former coach Pia ZLWK IRXU SRLQWV IROORZLQJ D  YLFWRU\ give it to you if 6XQGKDJH QRZ FRDFK RI 1R  6ZHGHQ RYHU 1R  $XVWUDOLD LQ WKH RSHQHU ,WGLGQRWGLVDSSRLQWLQWKHIXULRXVVHFRQG 6ZHGHQZDVVXUSULVHGLQLWVRSHQHUE\1R you win. So sorry half.  1LJHULD ZKLFK HUDVHG D  KDOIWLPH John Woods/The Canadian Press via AP about that.” $EE\:DPEDFKFDPHRIIWKHEHQFKEXW GH¿FLWIRUDDOOWLH United States’ Abby Wambach (20) and Sweden’s Nil- KHUKHDGHULQWKHQGPLQXWHZDVSRSSHG (DUOLHU )ULGD\ WKH 0DWLOGDV GHIHDWHG la Fischer (5) vie for the ball during second-half FIFA — Steve Kerr XSDQGRYHUWKHFURVVEDUE\6ZHGLVKJRDO Women’s World Cup soccer game action in Winnipeg, See WORLD CUP/4B Manitoba, Canada, Friday. Golden State Warriors keeper Hedvig Lindahl. coach on decision to lie to media members re- garding his starting line- up in Thursday’s Game MLB 4 win. Kerr told media members no changes would be made to the Astros rough up King Felix in blowout win team’s starting lineup Seattle ace registers Seattle Mari- +HUQDQGH] IRUFHG WKH 0DULQHUV WR prior to tipoff. Instead, ners starting use four relievers before going to the Warriors started An- pitcher Felix Jesus Sucre for the eighth. one out in worst Hernandez 6XFUH ZDV HIIHFWLYH DOORZLQJ RQH dre Iguodala in place of yells as Hous- KLWLQDVFRUHOHVVLQQLQJLQKLV¿UVW Andrew Bogut. Iguodala start of season ton Astros’ major league pitching appearance. scored 22 points in Jason Castro, background, Altuve got the big inning going the victory. By KRISTIE RIEKEN Associated Press rounds the with a leadoff single before Preston bases on a Tucker walked on four pitches. THIS DATE IN SPORTS two-run home ’s double down the +286721 ² /XLV 9DOEXHQD run during the 2003 ² 9LMD\ 6LQJK and Jason Castro homered as ULJKW¿HOG OLQH PDGH LW  EHIRUH fi rst inning WKLQJVUHDOO\VWDUWHGIDOOLQJDSDUWIRU matches the best score in the chased Felix Friday in Hous- PDMRU FKDPSLRQVKLS KLVWRU\ +HUQDQGH] LQ DQ HLJKWUXQ ¿UVW ton. Hernandez. shooting a 7-under 63 for a LQQLQJWRVQDSDVHDVRQKLJKVHYHQ AP Photo/Pat Sullivan Evan Gattis hit a one-hopper to share of the second-round JDPHVNLGZLWKDZLQRYHUWKH +HUQDQGH] RQ WKH QH[W SLWFK DQG lead in the U.S. Open with 6HDWWOH0DULQHUVRQ)ULGD\QLJKW start of his career. WZREDWWHUVODWHUWRPDNHLWDQG the right-hander threw home to -LP )XU\N 6LQJK DQG )XU\N and Chris Carter Brett Oberholtzer (1-1) allowed end King Felix’s night. WU\ DQG VWRS 7XFNHU IURP VFRULQJ  KDYHXQGHUWRWDOV DOVR ZHQW GHHS IRU WKH$VWURV EXW three hits in eight sharp innings and &RUUHD D KLJKO\ WRXWHG URRNLH ,QVWHDG +HUQDQGH] WKUHZ LW LQ WKH the lowest 36-hole score in All-Star second baseman Jose Joe Thatcher completed the four- PDNLQJ KLV KRPH GHEXW ZDV WKH dirt and the ball bounced off catcher the U.S. Open. Singh also $OWXYHH[LWHGHDUO\ZLWKGLVFRPIRUW KLWWHU ,W ZDV 2EHUKROW]HU¶V IRXUWK RQO\ RXW +HUQDQGH] JRW EHIRUH 0LNH=XQLQR¶VOHJIRUDQHUURUWKDW had a 63 in the 1993 PGA in his right hamstring. start of the season after missing KLV HDUO\ H[LW %XW WKH WRS SLFN LQ allowed two runs to score and Gattis Championship and joins Greg +HUQDQGH]   ZKR KDG PXFK RI WKH \HDU EHFDXVH RI WZR WKHGUDIWDGGHGDVRORKRPHU to reach second. 1RUPDQDVWKHRQO\SOD\HUVWR allowed just seven runs on the road stints on the disabled list. LQ WKH VHFRQG DQG &DUWHU SXVKHG +HUQDQGH] VKRRN KLV ¿VW DQG shoot 63 in two majors. DOOVHDVRQZDVWDJJHGIRU¿YHKLWV 7KH $VWURV ZHUH XS E\ WKUHH the lead to double digits with his cursed at himself after the ball Contact us at 541-966-0838 or and eight runs with two walks. He EHIRUHDWKUHHUXQVKRWE\9DOEXHQD VRDULQJVKRWLQWKH¿IWK UROOHGDZD\DQGWKHUXQQHUVFURVVHG [email protected] JRWRQO\RQHRXWW\LQJWKHVKRUWHVW and Castro added a two-run homer 7KH DEEUHYLDWHG VWDUW E\ the plate.