A MOMENT IN TIME ~ A PLACE IN HISTORY Hermitage Park Activity Plan July 2015 Contact 65 High Street, Farndon, Chester CH3 6PT T. 01829 271329 F. 01829 271429 E.
[email protected] www.headlanddesign.co.uk Hermitage Park: Activity Plan Contents Part one: Where we are now 1. Introduction 3 2. Argyll and Bute Council and the Friends of Hermitage Park Association 4 3. The environment in which the project is taking place 5 4. Current audiences, activities and perceptions 13 5. Target audiences for development 15 6. Opportunities for development in learning and engagement 15 7. The heritage stories and resources 16 Part two: Taking strategic decisions 8. Comparable projects 20 9. Consultation with stakeholders, partners and target audiences 25 10. Barriers to access 34 11. Challenges and opportunities 37 12. Project vision and aims 39 13. Developing the activities 40 14. How the interpretation and capital works will support the activities 44 15. The need for a post 45 16. The Friends of Hermitage Park Association and the volunteer workforce 45 17. Leadership and partners 49 18. Marketing 51 19. Meeting HLF aims and maximising the benefits 51 Part three: Action Plan 20. Detailed proposals and costs for activities, volunteering and training 54 21. Activity Action Plan 69 22. Delivery 76 23. Programme 78 24. Risks associated with activities 79 25. Measures for success 80 Appendices A. Formal Learning Plan B. Volunteering Plan C. Evaluation Plan D. Consultation notes E. Public Consultation Survey Results F. Hermitage Park Manager Job Description Hermitage Park Activity Plan 1 Hermitage Park Activity Plan / July 2015 / For: Argyll and Bute Council Hermitage Park Activity Plan 2 Part one: Where we are now 1.