(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date WO 2012/085915 A2 28 June 2012 (28.06.2012) P O P C T

(51) International Patent Classification: AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, G09B 15/02 (2006.01) CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, (21) International Application Number: HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, PCT/IL201 1/000961 KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, (22) International Filing Date: MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, 22 December 201 1 (22. 12.201 1) OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, (25) Filing Language: English TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (26) Publication Language: English (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every (30) Priority Data: kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, 61/426,5 17 23 December 2010 (23. 12.2010) US GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, (71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): P.R. TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, SOUNDS LTD. [IL/IL]; 56 Inbar St., 30889 Caesarea DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, (IL). LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, (72) Inventor; and GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). (75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): GOLDMAN, Yariv Shlomo [IL/IL]; 56 Inbar St., 30889 Caesaria (IL). Published: (74) Agents: R. ZANGO & CO. et al; 8 Jerusalem St., 42437 — without international search report and to be republished Netanya (IL). upon receipt of that report (Rule 48.2(g)) (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,


(54) Title: APPARATUS FOR TEACHING MUSIC THEORY © (57) Abstract: The present invention is directed to an apparatus adapted for finding notes, chords, and notes to a chord of a musical scale, mode or makam by a user and to methods thereof, the apparatus comprising at least two concentric discs and a scale index, o wherein a first disc comprises notes names and pointers, and a second disc comprises scale markers are grouped in branches having a geometric shape that ends with a pointing line (branch pointer) and divided into concentric radials. The apparatus may also be con - sidered as a compact mode/maqam/scale encyclopedia for hundreds of scales/modes/maqams/rags/dastgahs that provides the user a o fast, simple and convenient way to obtain information he/she needs about a selected scales, it's notes (easily translatable) and it's main chords instead of leafing through pages to locate similar information. APPARATUS FOR TEACHING MUSIC THEORY


The present invention is generally directed to an apparatus for teaching music playing, and more specifically, to an apparatus that may functionally be used as an educational instrument of music theory and/or as a working tool for musicians and players. The apparatus may further serve as jewelry and/or as a musical amulet.


Relevant references to the present invention are the following: U.S. Patent Nos.: 10,217; 148,097; 1,467,032; 4,037,518.


The present invention is generally directed to an apparatus that is functionally designed to visually express various aspects of music theory of various music systems including without limitation: Western music (e.g. European classical music, jazz, rock, blues), Eastern music (e.g. Hmdistani/, Persian music, Turkish music, Arabic music), and other music systems. The invention further provides methods of using the apparatus of the present invention to thereby allow a user finding the notes of any scale and any mode of each scale, to allow finding the chords that may be derived from that scale, and to further allow a user finding the notes in any chord of those scales.

The present invention is aimed to provide an apparatus adapted for finding notes of a musical scale, mode or makam by a user comprising at least two concentric discs and a scale index, wherein a first disc comprises notes names and pointers, and a second disc comprises scale markers are grouped in branches having a geometric shape that ends with a pointing line (branch pointer) and divided into concentric radials; and wherein finding the notes by said user is obtained by the following steps: (a) Choosing a scale, mode or makam in which said user desires to play/learn and finding its marker in said scale index; (b) Locating the marker found in (a) on said second disc and aligning the pointing line of its branch with a pointer comprised on first disc of the scale key (note name) the user desires to play and/or learn, by rotating either one of first or second disc; and (c) Starting from the first note that is aligned with the scale marker and progressing clockwise on the second disc until completion of a full circle, wherein only the markers positioned on the same radial as the scale marker and that are identical to the scale marker in color/pattern, and that are now aligned with the notes of the chosen scale, mode or makam in the chosen scale key are the notes of the scale, mode or makam.

The apparatus of the present invention is further adapted to allow a user finding chords in a scale or mode, and further finding notes to a chord in a specific scale or mode.

The present invention further aims to allow a user transposing any of the above mentioned scales from and to any pitch under the division of the octave into 48 tones and to compare between and translate various musical systems.

The present invention also allows a user finding scales of western music that do not fit the common intervals of tone or half a tone of the regular diatonic scale (e.g. Ionian #5).


Examples illustrative of embodiments of the disclosure are described below with reference to figures attached hereto. In the figures, identical structures, elements or parts that appear in more than one figure are generally labeled with the same numeral in all the figures in which they appear. Dimensions of components and features shown in the figures are generally chosen for convenience and clarity of presentation and are not necessarily shown to scale. Some of the figures presented are in the form of schematic illustrations and, as such, certain elements may be drawn greatly simplified or not-to-scale, for illustrative clarity. The figures are not intended to be production drawings. The figures (Figs.) are listed below.

FIGURE 1 is a schematic illustration of a musical apparatus in accordance with variations of the present invention. Figure 1A - schematic illustration of a musical apparatus of the invention comprising two layers: an inner disc and an outer disc; Figure IB - close up view of inner disc of the musical apparatus of figure 1A; Figure 1C - close up view of outer disc of the musical apparatus of figure 1A.

FIGURE 2 is a schematic illustration of another variation of the outer disc of the musical apparatus of figure 1, in accordance with the present invention. FIGURE 3 is a schematic illustration of a musical apparatus in accordance with variations of the present invention that comprises a set of rings instead of discs.

FIGURE 4 is a schematic illustration of a musical apparatus in accordance with one another variation of the invention. Figure 4A - schematic illustration of a musical apparatus of the invention comprising two concentric layers: an inner disc and an outer disc each rotating with reference to the other; Figure 4B -close up view of i ner disc of the musical apparatus of figure 4A; Figure 4C - close up view of outer disc of the musical apparatus of figure 4A.

FIGURE 5 is a schematic illustration of another optional structure of a musical apparatus in accordance with variations of the present invention.

FIGURE 6 is a schematic illustration of a specific implementation of the structure illustrated in figure 5 using combinations of colors, numbers and geometrical shapes establishing together a musical apparatus in accordance with the present invention.

FIGURE 7 is a schematic illustration of a simplified variation of the apparatus of figure 1 and optional accessories for such variation. Figure 7A - musical apparatus; figures 7B-7E - schematic diagrams of various chords that may be positioned on musical apparatus of figure 7A so as to provide a user a visual illustration of the chords in a specific scale in accordance with variations of the present invention. 7B- Augmented chord; 7B - Diminished chord; 7C - Major chord; 7C - Triadic-sus-4 chord.


In the following description, various aspects of a musical apparatus compatible with various music systems are described. The apparatus provided herein is a basic, simple apparatus, designed to visually express many aspects of various music systems, especially, of the western and broader eastern music theory. The apparatus may generally be composed of two or more concentric discs or rings. The discs or rings may be made of various materials including without limitation, paper, wood, metal, glass, plastic, etc. The metal that may be used can be a prestigious metal such as silver, gold, titanium and others. In such scenario, the apparatus may be designed as an ornament such as a pendant, ring, bracelet, key chain holder etc. The discs or rings are capable of rotating in relation to one other, for the purpose of aligning predetermined markings that may be printed, embossed or engraved in predetermined intervals as will be described in details with reference to the figures. The discs or rings may be designed in various sizes. Thus, the musical apparatus may be a hand held apparatus (for personal use) or wall hanged apparatus (for teaching purposes).

The musical apparatus described herein may also be implemented in a virtual form in a computerized version, and as smart phone apps.

The musical apparatus provided herein may be used by any person who deals with or handles the field of music theory in all levels, from a new student to an experienced teacher. The apparatus may also be used by players of all musical instruments with an emphasis on the harmonic instruments (those who are able to play three or more notes at the same time) worldwide, in any country and culture where music is taught, east and west.

The musical apparatus provided herein may functionally be used as a compact mode/maqam/scale encyclopedia for hundreds of scales/modes/maqams/rags/dastgahs that allows a user finding information fast and easy, instead of leafing through hundreds or even thousands of pages so as to locate a desired information, simply by follow the instructions of a user's manual and all the information the user needs about the selected scales will be fully evident for each scale: it's notes (easily translatable) and its main chords.

The musical apparatus of the invention may functionally allow a user finding the notes in any key, scale, mode, makam, , dastgah, etc. By using for example, a predetermined combination of color, number, letter, symbol or shape, the user selects a desired scale or mode, aligning it to the note name where he/she chose to start the scale and note the pointers/"leaves" containing the same color/shape-number combination until he/she gets eight (8) notes, while the last note being the same as the user started with. In such manner, the user obtained all the notes in the scale. Specific examples will be described hereinafter with reference to the figures below.

The musical apparatus of the invention may further allow a user finding the chords that derive ("legal" or commonly used) from a specific scale. When a user sets the apparatus to a desired scale/key as described above, the names of the notes that are now aligned with the selected combination of color/shape-number as described in the figures are the note names of the chords of the scale. Note and chords Notation Conventions:

C → Do; D-* Re; E - Mi; F Fa, G + Sol; A → La ; B → Si ; C - Do ;

M -* major chord ; m -* minor chord ; o · diminished chord (dim); + - » augmented chord (aug); s suspended chord (sus).

The musical apparatus of the invention may further allow a user finding the notes of every chord in the scale. For doing so, the user should begin from the note which names the chord, and follow the "leaves'Vpointers in a preselected color/shape- number combination. The user should use a predetermined system of "play" "skip" "play" "skip" "play". The notes that the user "played" or "indicated" are the notes of the chord. If the user continues with another "skip" "play" move, he/she will get the full four noted chord (the basic is three notes). Specific examples will be provided hereinafter with reference to the figures.

The present invention is aim to provide an apparatus adapted for finding notes of a musical scale, mode or makam by a user comprising at least two concentric discs and a scale index, wherein a first disc comprises notes names and pointers, and a second disc comprises scale markers are grouped in branches having a geometric shape that ends with a pointing line (branch pointer) and divided into concentric radials; and wherein finding the notes by said user is obtained by the following steps:

1. Choosing a scale, mode or makam in which said user desires to play/learn and finding its marker in said scale index;

2. Locating the marker found in (1) on said second disc and aligning the pointing line of its branch with a pointer comprised on first disc of the scale key (note name) the user desires to play and/or learn, by rotating either one of first or second disc; and

3. Starting from the first note that is aligned with the scale marker and progressing clockwise on the second disc until completion of a full circle, wherein only the markers positioned on the same radial as the scale marker and that are identical to the scale marker in color/pattern, and that are now aligned with the notes of the chosen scale, mode or makam in the chosen scale key are the notes of the scale, mode or makam. The notes on first disc also include accidental notes, and the pointers of first disk represent either one of a semitone, a quarter of a tone, and an eighth of a tone. The scale markers of second disc are unique symbols, and each marker is representing specific musical scales. In accordance with one variation of the invention, each marker is characterized by its location on the disc, and identified by its radial location on the branch (from innermost to outermost radial), a color/pattern, and a number according to a scale index. The scale index provided herein is a novel index that comprises a predetermined list of scales organized according to music systems. An exemplified scale index is the index denoted in Table 1. In accordance with variations of the present invention, the scale index may either be an integrated part of the apparatus or it may be an independent component separated thereof. For example, the scale index may be provided to the user as part of a user's Manual. Alternatively, or additionally, the index may appear in a database for example in a web site on the internet and the user may get access to this information.

The apparatus of the invention is further allowing a user finding chords in a scale or mode, wherein finding the chords is obtained by the following steps: . Finding the notes of a scale, mode or makam according to claim 1 as the chords in a scale are named after the notes in a scale; and 2. Detennining the quality (type) of chords in the scale or mode according to the symbol denoted in the note marker, said symbol is either one of the symbols consisting of: M (Major chords), m (minor chords), o (chminished chords), + (Augmented chords), s2 (suspended2 chords), s4 (suspended4 chords), M-5 (Major b5 chords), M##5 (Major ##5 chords), m#5 (Minor #5 chords), s4#5 (suspended4#5 chords), s4(7) (suspended4 (7) chords. The apparatus provided herein is further allowing a user finding notes to a chord in a specific scale or mode by the following steps: . Choosing the scale, mode or makam in which the user desires to play and or learn and finding its marker in said scale index; 2. Locating the marker found in step (a) on the second disc and aligning the pointing line of its branch with the scale key (note name) the user desires to play/learn on the first disc, and finding the note denoting the name of the chord on said first disc; 3. Starting from the first note and skipping steps according to a predetermined skipping system, wherein a step is a full tone and a half step is a half tone, the resulting notes are the notes of the chord. The skipping system (skipping pattern) provided herein is according to the following: For Major chords (M): Skipping 2 then 1.5 steps For Minor chords (m): Skipping 1.5 then 2 steps For Augmented chords(+): Skipping 2 then 2 steps For diminished chords (o): Skipping 1.5 then 1.5 steps For sus2 chords (s2): Skipping 1 then 2.5 steps For sus4 chords (s4): skipping 2.5 then 1 steps For Major b5 chords (M-5): Skipping 2 then 1 steps For Major ##5 chords (M##5): Skipping 2 then 2.5 steps For Minor #5 chords (m#5): Skipping 1.5 then 2.5 steps For sus4#5 chords (s4#5): Skipping 2.5 then 1.5 steps For sus4 (7) chords (s4(7)): Skipping 2.5 then 2.5 steps

In accordance with one variation of the invention, the two concentric discs may be positioned in a manner that one disc is inner and the other disc is outer with reference to each other, and wherein each of the discs may be positioned as an inner or outer disc relative to the other disc. In accordance with one another variation of the invention, the two concentric discs are positioned in two layers in a manner that one disc is positioned above the other disc, while each of the discs may be positioned as a top layer or bottom layer relative to the other disc. In yet, one another variation, one of the layers is interchangeable, and may contain different note scales, so as the user may choose which disc to assemble according to its content. The apparatus may further comprise a third layer on which geometric shapes adapted to provide a user a visual view of the notes of a chord may be positioned.

In accordance with additional variation of the invention the apparatus for finding notes, cords and notes of a chord according to any of the variations mentioned above, may comprise at least two concentric rings instead of the concentric discs. In such scenario, the scale index cannot be integral to the apparatus but rather a complementary component provided to the user with the apparatus.

The present invention is further directed to methods of using the musical apparatus of the invention for finding notes in a musical scale, mode or makam by a user, the method comprising: (a) choosing a scale, mode or makam in which said user desires to play/learn and finding its marker in said scale index; (b) locating the marker found in (a) on said second disc and aligning the pointing line of its branch with a pointer comprised on first disc of the scale key (note name) the user desires to play and/or learn, by rotating either one of first or second disc; and (c) starting from the first note that is aligned with the scale marker and progressing clockwise on the second disc until completion of a full circle, wherein only the markers positioned on the same radial as the scale marker and that are identical to the scale marker in color/pattern, and that are now aligned with the notes of the chosen scale, mode or makam in the chosen scale key are the notes of the scale, mode or makam.

The invention further provides a method for finding chords in a musical scale or mode by a user via the apparatus of the invention, said method comprising the following steps: Finding notes of a scale, mode or makam as the chords in a scale are named after the notes in a scale, according to the method described above; and determining the quality (type) of chords in a scale or mode according to the symbol denoted in the note marker, said symbol is either one of the symbols consisted of: M (Major chords), m (minor chords), o (diminished chords), + (Augmented chords), s2 (suspended2 chords), s4 (suspended4 chords), M-5 (Major b5 chords), M##5 (Major ##5 chords), m#5 (Minor #5 chords), s4#5 (suspended4#5 chords), s4(7) (suspended4 (7) chords.

The invention also aims to provide method for finding notes to a cord in a specific scale or mode via the apparatus, said method comprising the following steps:

(a) choosing the scale, mode or makam in which said user desires to play and/or learn and finding its marker in said scale index; (b) locating the marker found in step (a) on said second disc and aligning the pointing line of its branch with the scale key (note name) the user desires to play and/or learn on the first disc, and finding the note denoting the name of the chord on said first disc; (c) starting from the first note and skipping steps according to a predetermined skipping system, wherein a step is a full tone and a half step is a half tone, the resulting notes are the notes of the chord, wherein, the skipping pattern is as follows: For Major chords (M): Skipping 2 then 1.5 steps; For Minor chords (m): Skipping 1.5 then 2 steps; For Augmented chords(+): Skipping 2 then 2 steps; For diminished chords (o): Skipping 1.5 then 1.5 steps; For sus2 chords (s2): Skipping 1 then 2.5 steps; For sus4 chords (s4): skipping 2.5 then 1 steps; For Major b5 chords (M-5): Skipping 2 then 1 steps; For Major ##5 chords (M##5): Skipping 2 then 2.5 steps For Minor #5 chords (m#5): Skipping 1.5 then 2.5 steps; For sus4#5 chords (s4#5): Skipping 2.5 then 1.5 steps; For sus4 (7) chords (s4(7)): Skipping 2.5 then 2.5 steps

For the purpose of explanation, specific configurations and details are set forth in order to provide a thorough understanding of the apparatus. Although various features of the disclosure may be described in the context of a single embodiment, the features may also be provided separately or in any suitable combination. Conversely, although the disclosure may be described herein in the context of separate embodiments for clarity, the disclosure may also be implemented in a single embodiment. Furthermore, it should be understood that the disclosure can be carried out or practiced in various ways, and that the disclosure can be implemented in embodiments other than the exemplary ones described herein below. The descriptions, examples and materials presented in the description, as well as in the claims, should not be construed as limiting, but rather as illustrative.

Terms for indicating relative direction or location, such as "right" and "left", "up" and "down", "top" and "bottom", "horizontal" and "vertical", "higher" and "lower", and the like, may also be used, without limitation.

In accordance with one aspect of the invention, the musical apparatus provided herein may be used as a musical navigating ruler or a kind of a slide rule that allows a user (i.e. a musician, a player, a student) to find the notes of any scale and any mode of most musical systems . The musical device provided herein, further allows a user to find the chords that may be derived from that scale, and also to find the notes in any chord.

In accordance with one another aspect of the invention, the musical apparatus of the present invention is functionally an instrument that feasibly allows a user to find scales of western music that do not fit the common intervals of tone or half a tone of the regular diatonic scale.

Reference is now made to the figures:

FIGURE 1 is a schematic illustration of a musical apparatus 100 in accordance with variations of the present invention. Figure 1A is a schematic illustration of a musical apparatus of the invention comprising two concentric layers: an inner disc 30 and an outer disc 20; Figure IB is a close up view of inner disc 30; Figure C is a close up view of outer disc 20. Apparatus 100 provided herein is a unique musical tool. Inner disc 30 has a fixed inner circle, on which the user may find notes and accidental notes 32 (sharps and flats), and pointers 34 that represent a semitone ( ), a quarter of a tone ( * ), and an eighth of a tone ( ).

Outer disc 20 has scale markers 22. A marker is a unique symbol representing a specific scale. Each marker is characterized by its location on the disc, and is preferably but not necessarily, identified by a combination of three (3) parameters:

(1) Its radial location (i.e. the location on the outer disc's four concentric rings, labeled Rl (the innermost ring) through R4 (the outermost ring); (2) its color/pattern (i.e. the color/pattern of the text in which the scale notes are written (Green, Brown, Blue, Yellow, Turquoise / small dots, diamonds, striped; large dots, solid color); and (3) its number (i.e. the first number of the series, which is written in the relevant location).

In accordance with variations of the invention the apparatus comprises or accompanied by a scale index that functionally allows a user to find the specific scale marker. The index may vary and may comprise various contents. It may an integral part of either one of the discs, and for example be printed o stamped, for example, on the back side of either one of them. Alternatively or additionally, it may be an independent component and be printed separately, for example on a paper as part of a user's manuals. Exemplary scale index arranged by musical system type is provided in table 1 below.

Table1 - Scale Index By System

Scale Name Marker

System: Arabic

Bayati Shuri (Karjighar) R4 Green 2

Busalik R 4 B lue 4

Farahfaza R 3 Brown 6

Hijaz R l Brown 5

HijazKar R 3 Green 1

Hijaz Nahawand R l Brown 5

Hijaz Rast R 4 Green 5

Husseini R2 Turquoise 1 Scale Name Marker

Huza R 4 Green 3

Iraq R2 Turquoise 6

Jiharkah R 4 B lue 3

Kurd R3 Brown 3

Mohammedan R Brown 1

Nahawand Hijaz R Brown 1

Nahawand Kurd R3 Brown 6

Nahawand Murassah R4 Brown 7

Nairuz R2 Turquoise 4

Nawa Athar R 3 Green 4

Nikriz R l Brown 4

Rahat El Arwah R4 Green 3

Rast Nahawand R 4 B l u e 7

RastRast R2 Turquoise 7

SabaZamzam R4 Brown 1

Shadd Araban R3 Green 1

Shahnaz R 3 Green 1

Shawq Afea R4 Brown 6

Sikah Baladi R 3 Green 1

Sikah Nahawand R 4 B l u e 2

Sikah Rast R2 Turquoise 2

Sunbulah R4 Brown 7

Suzidil R 3 Green 1

Suznak (Suzinak) R4 Green 1

Ushaq Masri R 4 B lue 4

Zanjaran R 4 Brown 3

Zankulah R4 Brown 3

System: Armenian

Cushak R3 Brown 6

Nihavend R l Brown 1 Scale Name Marker

Rast R 3 Brown 1

System: Balinese

Balinese R l B l u e 1

Pelog R l B lue 1

System: Byzantine

Byzantine R 3 Green 1

System: Carnatic

Abheri Rl Turquoise 5

Amritavarshini R4 Turquoise 1

Anandabhairavi R3 Yellow 2

Andolika R 2 Green 1

Arabhi Rl Turquoise 4

Bhupalam R l B lue 1

Bilahari Rl Turquoise 1

Bindumalini R 4 Brown 3

Charukeshi R2 Brown 5

Darbar R 2 Green 1

Desya R 2 Green 2

Dhani (Suddha Dhanyasi) Rl Turquoise 5

Dheera Shartkarabharanam R 3 Brown 1

Gamanasrama R 2 B lue 4

Hamir Kalyani R 3 Yellow 4

Hanumathodi R 3 Brown 3

Hari Kambhoji R 3 Brown 5

Hindustani Kapi R3 Brown 2

Kanada R 3 Brown 2

Kedara Gaula R 3 Brown 5

Mecha Kalyani R 3 Brown 4

Mohanam Rl Turquoise 1

Nalinakanti R 3 Brown 1 Scale Name Marker

Nate R 3 Brown 6

NataBhairavi R 3 Brown 3

Suddha Bhairavi R 3 Brown 2

Suddha Saved Rl Turquoise 4

SuryaLalith R 2 B l u e 4

Udhayaravi Chandrika Rl Turquoise 5

Vasantha R l Brown 1

System: Chinese

Chaio R3 Brown 6

Ching R4 Turquoise 1

Gong Rl Turquoise 1

G R 3 Brown 4

GuXian Rl Turquoise 5

Jia Zhong Rl Turquoise 5

Jiao Rl Turquoise 3

JinYu Rl Turquoise 2

Kung R 3 Brown 4

Man Gong Rl Turquoise 3

Man Jue Rl Turquoise 1

Pien chih R 3 Brown 7

Ping R 3 Brown 4

Qing Shang Rl Turquoise 5

QingYu Rl Turquoise 2

Quan Ming Rl Turquoise 3

ui Bin Rl Turquoise 2

Se R 3 Brown 6

Shang R 3 Brown 5

Xin R 3 Brown 1

YiZe Rl Turquoise 3

Zheng Rl Turquoise 4 Scale Name Marker

Zhi R Turquoise 4

System: EtMopian

Ambassel R4 Turquoise 5

Ararai R3 Brown 1

Bati R2 Brown 4

Ethiopian Geez&Ezel R3 Brown 6

Ka a Rl Brown 4

Tizita Major Rl Turquoise 1

Tizita Minor Rl Blue 1

System: Greek

Hijazskiar (major) R3 Green 1

artz iar R4 Brown 7

Kiourdi R3 Brown 6

Kiourdi R4 Brown 7

Niaventi (minor) R3 Green 4

Nigriz Rl Brown 4

Ousak (minor) R3 Brown 3

Peiraiotikos Minor Rl Brown 4

Souzinak (minor) Rl Brown 4

Tabahaniotiko R4 Brown 6

Tsinganikos R3 Green 5

System: Hawaiian

Hawaiian R2 Brown 1

System: Hindustani

Ambika R4 Brown 2

AhirBhairav R4 Brown 3

AhiriTodi R2 Brown 2

Alhaiya R2 Green 6

Alhaiya Bilaval R3 Brown 1

Asavari R3 Brown 6 Scale Name Marker

Bageshri R3 Brown 2

Bhairav R3 Green ]

Bhairavi R3 Brown 3

Bhimpalasi R3 Brown 2

Bhimpalasi Turquoise 5

Bhinna Shadja R4 Turquoise4

Bhup (Bhopali) Rl Turquoise 1

Bhupala Todi Rl Blue 1

Bihag R3 Yellow4

Bihag Rl Blue 5

Bilawal R3 Brown 1

Chayanat R3 Brown 1

Chayanat R3 Yellow4

Cora R Blue3

Darbari Kanada R3 Brown 6

Desh R3 Brown 5

Deshi R2 Green 4

Deshkar Rl Turquoise 1

Durga Rl Turquoise4

Gaud Sarang R2 Green 3

Gaud Sarang R3 Brown 5

Hindustan R2 Brown 5

Jaijaivanti R3 Brown 1

Jaijaivanti R3 Yellow 5

Jaunpuri R3 Brown 6

Jinjoti R3 Brown 5

Jinjoti Rl Turquoise 4

Kafi R3 Brown 2

Kafi R2 Green 4

Khammaj R3 Brown 5 Scale Name Marker

Madhuvanti R4 Brown 2

Malkauns R Turquoise 3

Marva R2Btue4

Narayani Rl Turquoise 4

Narayani R2 Green 1

Palasi R2 Green 4

Pilu R3 Brown 2

Purya R2Blue4

Rageshree Rl Blue 3

Tilak Kamod R 2 Green 3

YamanKalyan R3 Brown 4

System: Hungarian

Bartok R2 Brown 4

Hungarian Gypsy R 3 Green 4

System: Italian

Neopolitan minor R3 Brown 3

System: Japanese

Akebono R4 Turquoise 2

Hirajoshi R4 Turquoise 2

Honkumoi joshi R4 Turquoise 5

Ichikotsucho R3 Yellow 4

Iwato R4 Turquoise 3

KataKumoi R4 Turquoise 2

Minyo Rl Turquoise 3

Oshikicho R 3 Brown 2

Ritsu R 2 Green 5

Ritsu (Gagaku) Rl Turquoise 4

Ritsusen Rl Turquoise 4

Ryosen Rl Turquoise 1

Ryukyu R l B l u e 5 Scale Name Marker

Sakura 4 Turquoise 5

Todi R 3 Brown 3

Yo R Turquoise 4

Yon ki Major Rl Turquoise 1

YonaNuki Minor R4 Turquoise 2

Yosen R2 Green 1

Zokuso R3 Brown 3 System: Javaneese

Javaneese R2 Brown 2

System: Jewish

Ahaba Rabba Rl Brow

Misheberekh Rl Brown 4

Yishtabach R3 Brown 7

System: Korean

P'yongjo R2 Green 1

P'yongjo-tyemyonjo Rl Turquoise 5

Ujo Rl Turquoise 4

System: Mongolian

Chinese Mongolian Rl Turquoise 1

Kubilai's Mongol scale R3 Yellow 4

System: Persian

Abu A R4Blue l

A r R2 Turquoise 4

Bayat-e Isfahan R2 Yellow 1

Bayat-e Tork R4Blue3

Bayat-i Kurd R4Blue

Chahargah Rl Green 1

DaSti R4 Blue 1

Hom&yun R2 Yellow 5

Mahur R3 Brown 1 Scale Name Marker

Nava R3 Brown 6

R st R2 Turquoise 7

Sur R2 Turquoise 5

System: Romanian

Major Gypsy R3 Green 1

Romanian Minor R Brown 4

System: Spanish

Dorico Flamenco R Brown 5

Spanish Gypsy Rl Brown 5

System: Turkish

Acem Asiran R3 Brown 1

Bayati R3 Blue

Buselik Rl Brown 1

Dugah Maye R3 Blue 1

Isfahan R3 Blue 1

Kflrdi R3 Brown 3

Nfliavent R3 Brown 6

Nishaburek R3 Blue 7

Ussak R3 B e

System: Western

5th harmonic minor Rl Brown 5

Aeolian R3 Brown 6

Aeolian Harmonic Rl Brown 6

Aeolian Major R2 Brown 5

Aeolian Pentatonic Rl Turquoise 5

Altered Dominant R2 Brown 7

Arezzo Major Diatonic R2 Green 3 Hexachord

Auxiliary Diminished R4 Yellow 2 Blues

Bebop Dominant R3 Yellow 1 Scale Name Marker

Bebop Minor R3 Yellow 5

Blues Pentatonic R2 Blue 1

Diatonic l Turquoise 1

Diminished R4 Yellow 1

Diminished Half R4 Yellow 2

Diminished whole tone R2 Brown 7

Dominant 7th R3 Brown 5

Dorian R3 Brown 2

Dorian #4 Rl Brown 4

Dorian b2 R2 Brown 2

Dorian b2b5 Rl Brown2

Double Harmonic R3 Green Major

Double Harmonic Minor R3 Green 4

Half Diminished #2 R2 Brown 6

Harmonic Minor Rl Brown 1

Ionian R3 Brown 1

Ionian #5 Rl Brown 3

Locrian R3 Brown 7

Locrian #2 #6 R4 Brown 7

Locrian 9 R2 Brown 6

Lydian R3 Brown 4

Lydian #2 Rl Brown 6

Lydian 7 R2 Brown 4

Lydian Augmented R2 Brown 3

Lydian Diminished R4 Brown2

Major R3 Brown 1

Major Blues Scale R2Blue2

Major Pentatonic Rl Turquoise 1

Melodic Minor R2 Brown 1

Minor R3 Brown 6 Scale Name Marker

Minor Harmonic Rl Brown 1

Minor Melodic R2 Brown 1

Minor Pentatonic Rl Turquoise 5 mixob9bl3 Rl Brown 5

Mixolydian R3 Brown 5

Mixolydian bl3 R2 Brown 5

Mixolydian b6 b9 Rl Brown 5

Octatonic(H-W) R4 Yellow 2

Octatonic (W-H) R4 Yellow 1

Overtone R2 Brown 4

Pentatonic Neutral Rl Turquoise2

Phrygian R3 Brown 3

Phrygian Major Rl Brown 5

Ultralocrian Rl Brown 7

On outer disc 20, markers 22 are grouped in branches 24, wherein each branch may be divided to concentric rings. In the exemplified apparatus of figure 1, each branch is divided to four ring (radials) labeled Rl (the innermost radial/ring) through R4 (the outermost radial/ring). The branches may be in various shapes and sizes. In the example of figure 1 the branches have a "leaf shape with a leaf pointer 26, (i.e. each marker "belongs" to its "leaf'). As the user rotates one of the discs, branches 24 align with pointers 34 on inner disc 30. In accordance with the present invention, either one of the discs may be rotatable while the other one may be fixed, or both discs may rotate in a concentric axis with reference to each other. In addition, the outer disc may be positioned as an inner disc and vice versa

In the following examples, apparatus 100 and methods of use thereof are provided.

EXAMPLE 1: A Method of Finding Notes in a Scale, Mode, or Makam

Apparatus 100 allows a user to find notes in a scale, mode, or makam by following three simple steps: 1. Choosing a scale: the user should first choose a scale, mode, or makam in which he/she would like to play or learn, and find its marker in the scale index of Table 1.

2. Setting the apparatus: the user should then locate the marker he/she found in step 1 on outer disc 30 of apparatus 100 and align the bottom of its branch with the scale key (note name) he/she want to play or learn on inner disc 20. The term "key" as used herein refers to the note the scale starts (also referred to as pitch).

3. Finding the notes: on outer disc 30, the user should now use only the markers that are on the same radial number as the scale marker he/she chose, and that are identical to the chosen scale marker in color.

These are the note markers for the chosen scale. Each of the note markers is now aligned with a note on the inner disc. The user should now start from the first note that is aligned with the chosen scale marker, and progress clockwise on the apparatus until he/she has completed a full circle, noting all the notes that align with the chosen scale markers. Thus, the user has just found the notes of the chosen scale, mode or makam.

EXAMPLE 1.1. Finding the notes in the C major (Ionian) scale

1. Choosing a scale: the user should look up the scale in the scale index: C Major or Ionian. The user will find that the marker is "R3, Brown, number 1". This means that the notes in the chosen scale will be located on the third radial (ring) from the center, and that the notes in it will be written in the color brown and represented numbers beginning with "1".

2. Setting the apparatus: the user should align the branch on which he/she will find their scale marker with a key in which he/she wants to play (on the inner disc) - in this example - C.

3. Finding the notes: On the outer disc, the user should find the brown number "1" on the third ring from the center (there's only one of them). Progressing clockwise, following the number progression ( 1 through 7) only in this color (brown) and radial location (third radial). These are the user's note markers on the outer disc. Now, all the user should do is to find the note (on the inner disc) that each note marker (on the outer disc) corresponds with. This will give the user the requested scale. In this specific example, the scale is C B E F G A B C (do re mi fa sol la si do). EXAMPLE 2: A Method of Finding Chords in a Scale. Mode or Makam

Apparatus 100 further allows a user to find chords in a scale, mode or makam, by the following steps:

1. Choosing a scale: the user should choose a scale, mode, or makam in which he/she would like to play or learn, and find its marker in the scale index of table 1.

2. Setting the apparatus: the user should locate the marker on the outer disc and align the bottom of its branch with the scale key (note name) he/she wants to play on the inner disc.

3. Finding the chords: The chords in a scale are named after the notes in the scale. The user should find the notes as described in example 1 above. The type of chord is denoted in the note marker by M, m, o, +, s. etc. Continuing with the C major example, the chords would be: C major, D minor, E minor, F major, G major, A minor, B diminished, and C major.

EXAMPLE 3: Finding Notes to a Chord in a Specific Scale or Mode

Apparatus 100 also allows a user to find notes to a chord in a specific scale or mode. In order to do that the user should follow the following steps:

1. Choosing a scale: the user should first choose the scale or mode, in which he/she would like to play or learn, and find its marker in the scale index of table 1.

2. Setting the apparatus: the user should locate the marker he/she found in step 1 on the outer disc and align the bottom of its branch with the scale key (note name) he/she wants to play on the inner disc. On the inner disc, the user should now find the note marking the name of the chord (for example "C") - this is the first note in the chord.

3. Finding the notes in a chord: Starting from the first note, the user should use a "skipping" system/pattern as will be described in details below to determine all the notes of the chord. The user should pay attention to the chord type (M, , o, + etc.).

EXAMPLE 3.1. Skipping System In order to find notes in a chord, the user should skip "steps" according to the following instructions, using the starting note for the requested chord as a starting point. A "step" is a full tone (e.g. from C to D, or 2 frets on the guitar) and a" half step" being half a tone (e.g. from C to C#, or one fret on a guitar). Note Notation Conventions: C ·* Do; Re; E - Mi; F - Fa, G - Sol; A - La ; B ·+ S ; C - Do ;

M major chord ; m minor chord ; o -* diminished chord (dim); + →augmented chord (aug); s -* suspended chord (sus).

For Major chords (M): the use should skip 2 then 1.5 steps For Minor chords (m): the user should skip 1.5 then 2 steps For Augmented chords(+): the user should skip 2 then 2 steps For o!irninished chords (o): the user should skip .5 then 1.5 steps For sus2 chords (s2): the user should skip 1then 2.5 steps For sus4 chords (s4): the user should skip 2.5 then 1 steps For Major b5 chords (M-5): the user should skip 2 then 1 steps For Major ##5 chords (M##5): the user should skip 2 then 2.5 steps For Minor #5 chords (m#5): the user should skip 1.5 then 2.5 steps For sus4#5 chords (s4#5): the user should skip 2.5 then 1.5 steps For sus4 (7) chords (s4(7)): the user should skip 2.5 then 2.5 steps

A simplified presentation of the skipping pattern is provided in Table 2 below: Table2: Skippingpatternfor finding notes to a chord in a specific scale or mode

EXAMPLE 3.2. Finding Notes to a C Major chord

For finding the notes in a C Major Chord the user should play C, then skip 2 steps (skipping over C#, D, and D#) and play E, skip 1.5 steps (skipping over F and F#) and play G. Thus, the notes in a C major chord are C, E and G.

EXAMPLE 3.3. Finding Notes to a D Minor chord For finding the notes in a D Minor Chord the user should play D, than skip 1.5 steps (skipping over D and E) and play F, skip 2 steps (skipping over F# and G and G#) and play A. Thus, the notes in a D minor chord are D, F and A.

Reference is now made to FIGURE 2 that schematically illustrate another optional variation of second disc 30 of musical apparatuslOO in accordance with the present invention. Second disc 30 in this figure serves as the outer disc and it is differing from second disc of figure C in a manner that each marker 22 is characterized by a pattern such as small dots, diamonds, striped or such, instead of a color in addition to its radial location and its number.

Reference is now made to FIGURE 3 that schematically illustrates a musical apparatus 300 in accordance with variations of the present invention that comprises at least two concentric rings 320 and 330 instead of discs. The rings may be in various sized any vary from rings in a finger size that the user may wear, or bigger size rings (for example, 5/10/20/30 inch diameter or more) that may be positioned on a rod for example for teaching purposes.

Each ring may be positioned as a lower ring or an upper ring. In the example illustrated in figure 3 lower ring 330 serves as the ring where the user finds notes and accidental notes (sharps and flats) 332, and pointers 334, both denoted on the ring in the same manner illustrated in figure 1 with reference to the discs.

Upper ring 320 has scale markers 322. A marker, as mentioned before, is a unique symbol representing a specific scale. In accordance with the example illustrated in this figure, each marker is identified by a number, the first number of the series, which is written in the relevant location. The user should use a scale index so as to find the specific scale marker. In such variation the scale index is separated from the musical apparatus and may be provided to a user in an independent component. On the upper ring, the markers should be aligned with the pointers on the lower ring.

EXAMPLE 4: Finding Notes in a Scale, Mode, or Makam In a Ring Form Apparatus Apparatus 300 allows a user to find notes in a scale, mode, or makam by following three simple steps:

1. Choosing a scale: the user should first choose the scale, mode, or makam in which he/she would like to play or learn, and find its marker in a scale index. 2. Setting the device: the user should locate the marker 322 that was found in step 1 on upper ring 320 and align it with the scale key (note name) he/she wants to play or learn on lower ring 330.

3. Finding the notes: Each of the note markers is now aligned with a note on the lower ring. The user should start from the first note that is aligned with his/her scale marker, and progress to the right along the ring until he/she has completed a full circle, noting all the notes that align with the scale markers. These are the notes of the scale.

EXAMPLE 4.1 - Finding the Notes in the C Major (Ionian) Scale

1. Choosing the scale: the user should look up the scale in the scale index: Major or Ionian. The user will find that the marker is 1M 2. Setting the device: the user should align the scale marker with the key in which the user wants to play (on the lower ring) - in this case, C.

3. Finding the notes: on the upper ring, the user will find the "IM" marker. By progressing to the right and following the number progression ( 1 through 7), the user will obtain the note markers on the upper ring. Now, all the user should do is finding the note on the lower ring that each note marker on the upper ring corresponds with. This gives the user the required scale. In this exemplifying case, the scale is C B E F GAB C (do re mi fa sol la si do).

EXAMPLE 4.2 - Finding Chords in a Scale or Mode 1. Choosing a scale: the user should choose the scale, mode, or makam in which the user would like to play or learn, and find its marker in the scale index. 2. Setting the device: the user should locate the marker on the upper ring and align it with the scale key (note name) he/she wants to play on the lower ring.

3. Finding the chords: The chords in a scale are named after the notes in the scale. The user should find the notes as described in the example above. The type of chord is denoted in the note marker by M, m, o, +, s. etc. Continuing with the C major example, our chords would be: C major, D minor, E minor, F major, G major, A minor, B diminished, C major.

EXAMPLE 4.3 - Finding Notes to a Chord in a Specific Scale or Mode 1. Choosing the scale: the user should choose the scale, mode, or makam in which the user would like to play or learn, and find its marker in the scale index. 2. Setting the device: the user should locate the marker on the upper ring and align it with the scale key (note name) he/she want to play/learn on the lower ring. On the lower ring, the user should find the note marking the name of the chord (for example "C"), this is the first note in the chord. 3. Finding the notes in the chord: Starting from the first note, the user shall use the skipping pattern illustrated in Example 3.1 above. Using the starting note for e chord found in step 2, the user shall "skip" according to table 2, and note that a "step" is a full tone (e.g. from C to D, or 2 frets on the guitar) and a half step is being half a tone (e.g. from C to C#, or one fret on a guitar).

FIGURE 4 is a schematic illustration of a first disc of a musical apparatus 400 in accordance with one another variation of the present invention, comprising first disc 430 that in the illustrated variation is the inner disc (however it may also be positioned as the outer disc), and second outer disc 420 .

First disc 430 may comprise colors, numbers and pointers, alternatively or additionally it may further comprise different geometric shapes as illustrated in details in figure 6. In the specific embodiment illustrated in figure 4, the pointers are arranged in predetermined intervallic values coherent with the common intervals of musical scales. Each color/shape-number combination is visibly linked to 5-7 pointers, while each color/shape combination, on each pointer is numbered between 1 to 7, clockwise. In such embodiment the pointer by itself do not rotate independently but rather with the disc itself, with reference to the second disc. The notes in a specific scale or mode are obtained when a user aligns a specific desired pointer of first disc on a desired starting point on second disc. Consequently, all other notes of the desired scale are now aligned with the other pointers containing the same color/shape-number combination in an ascending numeric order. In such positioning of the musical apparatus, by counting 5-7 steps on the specific color/shape-number combination in an ascending numeric order, wherein the end point is the same as the starting point, the user obtains the 5-7 notes of the desired scale. The desired starting point is determined in accordance with a provide scale index stamped or printed either on the back side of the discs or on a separated user's manual that provide the user a list combining musical scale names to the appropriate color/shape-number combination. Each color/shape-number combination may further contain a letter that provides the user indication regarding the type of cord named by the note name to which the pointer is pointing onto.

The symbols and letters denoted on the outer disc 420 may refer to various music systems. Legends denoted in figure 4 are as follows:

Capital letters C, D E, F, G, A, B correspond to the natural notes Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, La, Si, respectively.

# designate sharp note; for example C# denotes sharp Do

designate flat note; for example Db denotes flat Re.

designate Natural notes

Designate accidental notes

In the example illustrated in figure 4, each scale is divided into 12 notes: 7 natural notes and 5 accidental notes. In addition, the scale comprises additional symbols that acquire their meaning according to the starting point as will be explained hereinafter. Division of the scale into M l tones, half tones, quarter and one eighth of a tone (hereinafter: 'coma') is determined according to the starting point. From each starting point clockwise rotation indicates a higher tone relative to the starting point, while counter clockwise rotation indicates lower tones referred to the starting point.

For example, the first symbol clockwise to C is denotes one eighth of a tone

, second symbol denotes a quarter tone , and forth symbol denotes a half

tone .

An example of usage of apparatus 400 is provided in Examples 5-6 hereinafter.

EXAMPLE 5: Finding the Phrygian mode (kurd in Egyptian scales) In order to find the Phrygian mode using apparatus 400 the user should set the black 3 leaf to a desired pitch (E). By doing so, the user now can see that the notes of this mode are: E - F - G - A - B - C - D The user can further see that the chords that are derived are: Em, F, G, Am, Bdim , and Dm. The user may further see by starting from each chord name and using "play, skip, play, skip, play" - following the numbers on the black leaves (in an ascending order) that the notes of the chords are as follows: (Em) E, G, B (F) F, A, C (G) G, B, D (Am) A, C, E (Bdim) B, D, F (C) C, E, G (Dm) D, F, A

EXAMPLE 6: Finding the Neiruz scale In order to find the Neiruz scale using apparatus 400 the user should set yellow number 4 to a desired pitch (G). By doing so, the user now can see that the notes of the Neiruz scale (makam) are: G - A - B half flat - C - D - E half flat - F

For transposing any of the above mentioned scales the user should simply re¬ align the above mentioned color/shape-number combination to any other pitch and he/she will get a whole new set of appropriate notes and chords.

Reference is now made FIGURES 5-6. Figure 5 is a schematic illustration of an optional general basic structure of a musical apparatus 500 in accordance with variation of the present invention. In this embodiment, the symbols and letters denoted on the disc refer to various music systems, and positioned in the center of the disc. Legends denoted in this figure are similar to those of figure 4, described in details in the above. The pointers in this figure are empty and may be filled with colors, numbers, letters, symbols, geometrical shapes, and combinations thereof. Figure 6 is a schematic illustration of a specific implementation of the basic structure of figure 5 using combinations of colors, numbers and geometrical shapes establishing together a musical apparatus 600 in accordance with variations of the present invention.

FIGURE 7 is a schematic illustration of a simplified variation of the apparatus of figure 1 and optional accessories for such variation. Figure 7A is a schematic illustration of apparatus 700 that is generally similar in concept to apparatus 100 of figure 1, having an upper disc and lower disc instead of inner and outer discs. The lower disc comprises note names and pointers, while the upper disc having the scale names expressly written, instead of the scale markers only. The upper disk is functionally replaceable and comprises one scale at a time. In such variation, the upper disc is not being divided into radials, as there is no need to determine scale markers as in figure 1. The upper disc in such variation may have more chord type (quality) possibilities for each degree of the scale (up to 4 possibilities). Additionally, the upper disc is concealing the notes that are irrelevant to the scale and key combination that was selected showing on the lower disc ONLY the note names that are currently relevant to the scale and key combination that was selected by the user. In such variation, there is no need for scale index, as the scale name already appears on the upper disc, as each upper disc is replaceable and provides instruction per one scale.

Figures 7B-7E are schematic diagrams of various accords that may be positioned on musical apparatus of figure 7A so as to provide a user a visual illustration of the chords in a specific scale in accordance with variations of the present invention. 7B illustrates Augmented chord; 7B illustrates Diminished chord; 7C illustrates Major chord; and 7C illustrates Triadic-sus-4 chord. In a computerized version of the invention, these schematic diagrams may appear on the screen in a virtualized form of the musical apparatus of the invention in any of the variation exemplified herein, by choosing a specific function of the software.

It should be clear that the description of the embodiments and attached Figures set forth in this specification serves only for a better understanding of the invention, without limiting its scope. It should also be clear that a person skilled in the art, after reading the present specification could make adjustments or amendments to the attached Figures and above described embodiments that would still be covered by the present invention. CLAIMS

1. Apparatus adapted for finding notes of a musical scale, mode or makam by a user comprising at least two concentric discs and a scale index, wherein a first disc comprises notes names and pointers, and a second disc comprises scale markers are grouped in branches having a geometric shape that ends with a pointing line (branch pointer) and divided into concentric radials; and wherein finding the notes by said user is obtained by the following steps: a. Choosing a scale, mode or makam in which said user desires to play/learn and finding its marker in said scale index; b. Locating the marker found in (a) on said second disc and aligning the pointing line of its branch with a pointer comprised on first disc of the scale key (note name) the user desires to play and/or learn, by rotating either one of first or second disc; and c. Starting from the first note that is aligned with the scale marker and progressing clockwise on the second disc until completion of a full circle, wherein only the markers positioned on the same radial as the scale marker and that are identical to the scale marker in color/pattern, and that are now aligned with the notes of the chosen scale, mode or makam in the chosen scale key are the notes of the scale, mode or makam. 2. Apparatus for fmding notes according to claim 1, wherein said notes also includes accidental notes, and wherein said pointers of first disk represent either one of a semitone, a quarter of a tone, and an eighth of a tone. 3. Apparatus for finding notes according to claim 1, wherein said scale markers are unique symbols, and wherein each marker is representing specific musical scales. 4. Apparatus for finding notes according to claim 3, wherein each marker is characterized by its location on said disc, and identified by its radial location on the branch, a color/pattern, and a number according to said scale index. 5. Apparatus for finding notes according to claim 1, wherein said scale index comprises a predetermined list of scales organized according to music systems. 6. Apparatus for finding notes according to claim 1, wherein said scale index is the index denoted in Table 1. 7. Apparatus for finding notes according to claim 1, further allowing a user finding chords in a scale or mode, wherein finding the chords is obtained by the following steps: a. Finding the notes of a scale, mode or makam according to claim 1 as the chords in a scale are named after the notes in a scale; and b. Determining the quality (type) of chords in the scale or mode according to the symbol denoted in the note marker, said symbol is either one of the symbols consisting of: M (Major chords), m (minor chords), o (diminished chords), + (Augmented chords), s2 (suspended2 chords), s4 (suspended4 chords), M-5 (Major b5 chords), M 5 (Major ##5 chords), m#5 (Minor #5 chords), s4#5 (suspended4#5 chords), s4(7) (suspended4 (7) chords. 8. Apparatus for finding notes according to claim 1, further allowing a user finding notes to a chord in a specific scale or mode by the following steps: a. Choosing the scale, mode or makam in which said user desires to play and/or learn and finding its marker in said scale index; b. Locating the marker found in step (a) on said second disc and aligning the pointing line of its branch with the scale key (note name) the user desires to play on the first disc, and finding the note denoting the name of the chord on said first disc; c. Starting from the first note and skipping steps according to a predetermined skipping system, wherein a step is a full tone and a half step is a half tone, the resulting notes are the notes of the chord. 9. Apparatus for finding notes according to claim 8, wherein said skipping system is according to the following: a. For Major chords (M): Skipping 2 then 1.5 steps b. For Minor chords (m): Skipping 1.5 then 2 steps c. For Augmented chords(+): Skipping 2 then 2 steps d. For diminished chords (o): Skipping 1.5 then 1.5 steps e. For sus2 chords (s2): Skipping 1then 2.5 steps f. For sus4 chords (s4): skipping 2.5 then 1 steps g. For Major b5 chords (M-5): Skipping 2 then 1 steps h. For Major ##5 chords (M##5): Skipping 2 then 2.5 steps i. For Minor #5 chords (m#5): Skipping 1.5 then 2.5 steps j . For sus4#5 chords (s4#5): Skipping 2.5 then 1.5 steps k. For sus4 (7) chords (s4(7)): Skipping 2.5 then 2.5 steps 10. Apparatus for finding notes according to claim 1, wherein said scale index is either an integrated part of the apparatus or it is an independent component separated thereof. 11. Apparatus for finding notes according to claim 10, wherein said scale index is provided to said user as part of a user's Manual. 12. Apparatus for finding notes according to claim 1, wherein said two concentric discs are positioned in a manner that one disc is inner and the other disc is outer with reference to each other, and wherein each of the discs may be positioned as an inner or outer disc relative to the other disc. 13. Apparatus for finding notes according to claim 1, wherein said two concentric discs are positioned in two layers in a manner that one disc is positioned above the other disc, and wherein each of the discs may be positioned as a top layer or bottom layer relative to the other disc. 14. Apparatus for finding notes according to claim 13, wherein one of the layers is interchangeable, and may contain different note scales. 15. Apparatus for finding notes according to claim 13, further comprising a third layer, said layer comprises geometric shapes adapted to provide a user a visual view of the notes of a chord. 16. Apparatus for finding notes according to any of claims 1 to 15, wherein said apparatus comprises at least two concentric rings instead of said concentric discs, and wherein said scale index is a complementary component provided to said user with the apparatus. 17. A method for finding notes in a musical scale, mode or makam by a user via the apparatus of claims 1 or 16, said method comprising: a. Choosing a scale, mode or makam in which said user desires to play/learn and finding its marker in said scale index; b. Locating the marker found in (a) on said second disc and aligning the pointing line of its branch with a pointer comprised on first disc of the scale key (note name) the user desires to play and/or learn, by rotating either one of first or second disc; and c. Starting from the first note that is aligned with the scale marker and progressing clockwise on the second disc until completion of a full circle, wherein only the markers positioned on the same radial as the scale marker and that are identical to the scale marker in color/pattern, and that are now aligned with the notes of the chosen scale, mode or makam in the chosen scale key are the notes of the scale, mode or makam. 8. A method for fmding chords in a musical scale or mode by a user via the apparatus of claim 1 or 16, said method comprising the following steps: a. Finding notes of a scale, mode or makam as the chords in a scale are named after the notes in a scale, according to the method of claim 17; and b. Deterrnining the quality (type) of chords in a scale or mode according to the symbol denoted in the note marker, said symbol is either one of the symbols consisted of: M (Major chords), m (minor chords), o (diminished chords), + (Augmented chords), s2 (suspended^! chords), s4 (suspended4 chords), M-5 (Major b5 chords), M##5 (Major ##5 chords), m#5 (Minor #5 chords), s4#5 (suspended4#5 chords), s4(7) (suspended4 (7) chords. 19. A method for finding notes to a cord in a specific scale or mode via the apparatus of claims 1 or 16, said method comprising the following steps: a. Choosing the scale, mode or makam in which said user desires to play and/or learn and finding its marker in said scale index; b. Locating the marker found in step (a) on said second disc and aligning the pointing line of its branch with the scale key (note name) the user desires to play and/or learn on the first disc, and finding the note denoting the name of the chord on said first disc;

c. Starting from the first note and skipping steps according to a predetermined skipping system, wherein a step is a full tone and a half step is a half tone, the resulting notes are the notes of the chord, and wherein, said skipping pattern is according to the following: a. For Major chords (M): Skipping 2 then 1.5 steps b. For Minor chords (m): Skipping 1.5 then 2 steps c. For Augmented chords(+): Skipping 2 then 2 steps d. For diminished chords (o): Skipping 1.5 then 1.5 steps e. For sus2 chords (s2): Skipping 1 then 2.5 steps f. For sus4 chords (s4): skipping 2.5 then 1 steps g. For Major b5 chords (M-5): Skipping 2 then 1 steps h. For Major ##5 chords (M##5): Skipping 2 then 2.5 steps i. For Minor #5 chords (m#5): Skipping 1.5 then 2.5 steps j . For sus4#5 chords (s4#5): Skipping 2.5 then 1.5 steps k. For sus4 (7) chords (s4(7)): Skipping 2.5 then 2.5 steps