Student Votes Speak, New Officials Elected

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Student Votes Speak, New Officials Elected FUN IN THE SUN: SAY CHEESE AND CHECK OUT PICTURES FROM THE DIA EVENTS PAGE 8 ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2009 Student votes speak, new officials elected and the By Brittany Hardy Hannah said. “I’m just most excited about Staff writer Hannah’s plans include getting to work and starting winners are: representing the student voice to work with individual orga- Results for student body to the administration and the nizations and groups around Student Body president, internal vice presi- Board of Regents and improv- campus and making sure the dent and external vice presi- ing the student relationship student voice is well-heard,” President dent, were announced at 9 p.m. with the Board of Regents. Wright said. Jordan Hannah Thursday night on the Diade- He said he hopes to lay the Wright said he plans to loso stage, just before Dave groundwork for a student rep- make certain Student Senate Internal Vice Barnes took stage on Fountain resentative on the Board of is focused on serving students Mall. Regents. with every decision they make. President Cleburne junior Jordan Han- Hannah also plans to Additionally, Wright plans Michael Wright nah ran unopposed and had an improve accessibility for handi- to build a strong relationship easy victory in his bid for stu- capped students on campus. with both Faculty Senate and dent body president and said Houston sophomore Staff Council to work with them External Vice he is ready to take over the Michael Wright was in a tight on issues that affect the Baylor President position. race against Plano junior Jes- community. “I’m very excited. I’m really sica Liu for the internal vice Amarillo sophomore Emily Emily Saultz just anxious to get started. I president position. Wright was Saultz won the position of Jacky Reyes/Lariat Staff wish it was summer already so announced the winner and said Electoral Commissioner Chris Fitzwater (Left) and a student government repre- Please see RESULTS, page 5 sentative took to the Diadeloso stage Thursday night to announce the winners I could start getting to work,” he too is ready to get to work. of the student government elections. Student-owned, Students anti-Baylor site speak here to stay out at sessions By Nick Dean registered it in bad faith,” Fogle- Staff writer man said. “(Baylor does this) by successfully utilizing the arbitra- By Trent Goldston and Eagle Pass freshman David tion procedures of the Internet Hayley Hibbert Hinojosa recently bought rights Corporation for Assigned Names Reporter to the domain name baylor- and Numbers (ICANN).” and has set up the site Hinojosa said he thought to The University Presidential as a forum for Baylor students look for available domain names Search committee held an open to anonymously discuss Baylor related to Baylor after reading a invitation session for Baylor’s life. story about John Stipe, a Baylor students on Wednesday in Mill- Hinojosa, a saxophone and alumnus who purchased the er Chapel. international music major, said domain names baylorbearssuck. Students were given the he bought the site after he found com,, baylor- opportunity to voice their opin- the domain name for sale for and ion to members of the search $27. more than a year ago. committee about the qualities “Anyone could have bought it, Stipe told The Lariat in they would like to see in the I just was the one who managed March 2008 that he directed the future president. to buy it,” Hinojosa said. “I just domain names to the official site Though this event was got curious one day and found of the Texas A&M Aggies as a intended to be a building block out that name was available.” joke when he realized he didn’t in the search for Baylor’s newest The site is currently in the have the funding to use the sites president, fewer than fifty stu- form of a message board, and as forums for the Baylor commu- dents were in attendance. The provides Baylor topics for visi- nity. idea of visibility was a common tors to post opinions and prob- The university responded by theme among many of the stu- lems within each section. Some filing a suit against Stipe with dents who spoke. individual topics include Chapel, the National Arbitration Forum, “I would like to see a presi- Baylor faculty, religion classes, which handles domain-name dent who is visible to the Baylor residence halls and greek life. disputes for the Internet Corpo- campus and in the community,” Hinojosa said baylorsucks. ration for Assigned Names and said Student Body President com was once owned by Baylor. Numbers. The National Arbitra- elect Jordan Hannah. “Baylor did own it in the tion Forum demanded that Stipe Students were also concerned past,” Director of Media Rela- return the domain names to the about the follow through of the tions Lori Fogleman said. “That university, supporting Baylor’s 2012 mission. domain name’s registration had claim that the URLs were similar “I would like someone who been obtained several years ago enough to university-operated will uphold 2012 vision, and who by a Baylor alumnus who did sites that surfers could easily be will enable Baylor to become a not want it to fall into the wrong misled. top tier school by integrating hands. That alum had the rights Hinojosa said he doesn’t feel fa it h w it h ac adem ics,” sa id Hous - to that domain name and gave it that Baylor will have anything to ton junior Kyle Throneberry. to Baylor.” ensue litigation against him in Other students were con- Purchasing of domain names regards to his Web site. Jacky Reyes/Lariat Staff cerned that the education they has never been a procedure “I just seized the opportunity were receiving was too expen- Baylor follows, Fogleman said. to own a Web site where people Wild n’ Out sive. “It is not Baylor’s practice to can express their thoughts. I “The next president needs to purchase domain names. Rath- wouldn’t just give it back to them, A member of Omega Psi Phi rips off his shirt as part of their Dia Step Show Thursday afternoon on be someone who will manage er, Baylor, like other universities, No,” Hinojosa said. “I could see Fountain Mall. Check out more pictures from the all-day event on page 8. obtains control of the domain Please see LISTEN, page 5 name from an individual who Please see URL, page 5 Investigation into Craigslist killing continues Denise Lavoie after placing an ad on Craig- is also charged in a robbery of well-being but otherwise The Associated Press slist?” the ad asked. “If so, you another masseuse that police declined to comment on the may have information that say he met through Craigslist. reports. BOSTON — Prosecutors could aid the investigation into Also Thursday, a law Jail officials declined to placed an ad on Craigslist on the April 10 armed robbery of enforcement official, speak- comment to The Associated Thursday in an attempt to find a woman at the Westin Copley ing to The Associated Press Press, citing privacy rules. women who may have been Place Hotel and the April 14 on the condition of anonym- Investigators were not cer- victimized by Philip Markoff, murder of a woman at the ity because he was not autho- tain the Craigslist ad would the medical student accused Marriott Copley Place Hotel. rized to discuss the case, said produce new leads. of using the Web site to prey Both victims were attacked by Markoff had been placed on “There may not be any on them. a prospective client who had suicide watch at the Boston other victims out there, but Suffolk County District contacted them through ads jail where he is being held. if there are and they have not Attorney’s Office spokesman placed on Craigslist.” ABC News and The Boston seen or are not comfortable Jake Wark said that Boston The posting does not men- Globe, citing unidentified law responding to our requests in investigators hope the ad, tion Markoff by name, and enforcement sources, report- the mainstream media, this posted in the “erotic services” Wark says investigators aren’t ed that what appeared to be may be a way to make contact section of the Web site, will sure there are other victims. shoelace marks were found on with them,” Wark said. Shanna Taylor/Lariat Staff persuade other possible vic- Markoff is charged in the his neck. Markoff has pleaded not Eagle Pass freshman David Hinojosa acquired the rights to the domain name tims to come forth. April 14 killing of Julissa Bris- Defense attorney John Sals- guilty to charges of murder,, pictured above, for $27. Hinjosa has set up the site as a “Were you attacked or man, a 25-year-old masseuse berg told reporters he was forum for students to discuss Baylor topics anonymously. robbed at a Boston-area hotel he met through Craigslist. He concerned about Markoff’s Please see CRIME, page 5 VOL. 108 No.91 © 2009, BAYLOR UNIVERSITY 2 The Baylor Lariat OPINION Friday, April 24, 2009 Internet security woefully underrated by government No other democratic society fic problem: the Internet. Lack Now.” it takes to protect the immense As for influencing our gov- in the world permits personal of adequate cyber security is According to the Wall Street amount of information stored ernment, you should write your freedom as the United States an issue that could very easily point Journal, during the Bush admin- online.
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