Democracy Network Program DemNet II: Building Civil Society in Bulgaria Final Report Democracy Network Program DemNet II: Building Civil Society in Bulgaria 1998-2002 FINAL REPORT TO THE U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Cooperative Agreement No. 181-A-00-98-00320-00 Institute for Sustainable Communities 535 Stone Cutters Way, Montpelier, VT 05602 USA Phone 802-229-2900 | Fax 802-229-2919
[email protected] | April 2003 Photos, front and back inside covers: Bulgarian landscapes; next page: DemNet-supported activities of SO partners and NGOs working for positive change in Bulgaria. Table of Contents I. Executive Summary • 6 II. The Context • 8 III. Program Design & Goals • 9 IV. Strengthening the Capacity of SO Partners • 11 • SELECTING SUPPORT ORGANIZATION PARTNERS • ORGANIZATIONAL STRENGTHENING • DEEPENING PROGRAM IMPACT • KEY OUTCOMES IN DEMNET’S FUNCTIONAL AREAS V. SO Partner Performance Stories • 22 VI. Supporting a Vibrant NGO Sector & Strengthening Civil Society in Bulgaria • 24 • TARGETING UNDERSERVED POPULATIONS & IMPROVING SOCIAL SAFETY NETS • CREATING ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY • NETWORKING & COALITION BUILDING FOR SUPPORT & SUSTAINABILITY • STRENGTHENING OUTREACH & PUBLIC RELATIONS • INCREASING CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN POLICY DIALOGUE VII. Lessons Learned • 27 VIII. Conclusion • 29 IX. Attachments A: DEMNET SO PARTNER PUBLICATION B: SO PARTNER SUMMARIES C: ORGANIZATIONAL STRENGTHENING & PERFORMANCE MONITORING COMPONENTS D: SERVICE QUALITY REVIEW REPORT E: DONOR SURVEY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY F: ENGAGE INITIATIVE REPORT G: TRAVEL NOTES PUBLICATION (ENGAGE INITIATIVE) H: VOICES FOR CHANGE PUBLICATION I: ADVOCACY INITIATIVE REPORT J: LEADING LIGHTS PUBLICATION K: SUMMARY OF NGO GRANTEES L: SENSE OF EMPOWERMENT VIDEO Acknowledgements The success of any project is in the hands of many people—the SO partners, the capable and dedicated ISC staff in Bulgaria, many excellent consultants who supported the program, and the Bulgaria USAID mission that provided sound support and counsel at critical junctures.