©ctofosr, 1906 ll CUKAIiD LINE Oyd© Shipping Company, i^W CASI ACCOMMODATION I LcfTTED.' W FIBST.CLAS3 . FDil-ponwa 8TEAUEES, olth Pa£foi.g'r Accomtm dstion of the most comfortable deeoriptioBi ligto'ed throrgbout by Eloctridty. ;¦ Begnlar Steam Cbmmunication TIE CITY iANP COUNTY Weather perrol'tir?, TIDIMB ipreventcd by nnloi* -.JB lo ciioumslMices, ¦with WV-etty la tow ^eaaelB &>Dd call mt n any Port cr Porto, in »ny order, in or ontof tbooastomary B0B uiBob&rgb cargo, or for any other ~ Campania, Bat, .-ent • »». "»,c» oonrfie , to recciVe ana OiTY 29 ^H xonls1 , , Tue.., purpose wbotBi ever. : rp ) |^\ (§, EtroVlB- ... Sata o?t « Oot 2 >^j| fp^ ™ ' »»•. Tnefc. Oot. Through Tourist TicietB ieso'd to iho Highlands of Carm8n I8, T»e J £ ifl Comp»n5 ' Handbook c^ Scotland—see ' m TMi ifi i? a Beit »cd cbi»i. e&i n u.« for Channol Islands via Southampton Waterford to. Glasgow vJatsrford Ste imstup Compaoy rJoflca £2EA, IP 1 2^7^:5c TZ&vzn ex rzctipt of Application, c::d wJ.l te found to 2L»©I^ :003s? 1IKNAPI4 . Co. ~ " T TICK. - Tha Watorford (8t Katharine Dock); to watorford. JTir- t[ A ° 1 CG;::$C7C f ovxirablywith ctkevs; 2 p.m ; 11th, 4 p.m ; 10th, 4 p.n ^toamahip Company {Liialtod lift Tbnrcd»yi i'b, i LS 25tb, 4 p.m. *\i ' . -itV' reoeftt! Gooa« a»aliTe e»«>t (cr Ehfp. THi3 KOTJTn •C,«.;5y5V/ moat <»n the obndluon. mentioned In TOMPOHARY ADVANCE ACBVD NO TBiNBBXPUBNT BT THI8 EzUhisJJaia . ic to ba M it tbalr uO 7C^Z1 C:^lII-liKO A E3 TOG Ordert for Collicbcn or Dittd-. & Warohouso, 8t Ctrcotior Clyde » V E B »• o B t> 4 « D It U I B T > k, Katharine Lock. Bii'/teoeive proinp> attoutlon. * ; Dublin. r». a wiTia/ooD TO B RISTOL I >OM UBIBTOI. to niTssrotb o Ton Tcnac AHD PAnricuLnr.a A??i.v •Watexford to Tuesa.T, Oct . 2 .. 12 to»c] Wodncsduj Oct. 8 0 p.n ! ...... 1 p-m 3^ Every 8atordjf, (vm BeDaBt) ™'J . 5... '-' p.m Satanjjiy, . 6... 7 31) p.m to Waterford (Direct). no*^«>. „ 8. 3 p.m WedofSiLv •. 1U..-1U U CJ- Jdj Dublin I IB i ii 6 p.m I WednMday, 17tb ... 6 naaj. „ L) .. s p.m | Sanduj „ H... 3 v WOEL1D - Wednesday, Srd ... ^m nosdoj I - , 16 m 17.. 3 (D'GONNELL STREET „ . 11 « WedneBdiy, ,. WATESPORD. 6 24'B 6 vm .. lOtr ... P-o> I i> ••• ridaj. „ 19 , 31st 6 p.m . l p-m Satardij . .. 20 ' Wednesday , Ti'Slay. „ 2 3 I p.m Wednexdv 24 ..lo • '1 .. sssssstesa Waterford to Cork. ™J»». .. JO . 3 p. m i Sununy. .. Jo.- • Bun OipiBiBj vbittcx) ... ' 2 p-m Taeodaj. „ 3 ...11 am WedD Bdaj. .. s» .. - -^ i »erns o Seu I'tamju 14 vu tg aoui». Cork to Watertord. I oniiiu, Borth-(henb«rlshd Basin, Brlp>u. fcVery Fridt) (Direct) ...... - o p-m Ecttini "•ijkeu Usuod at Bratol to Cork por BrUtol B. tV Co., «r>. svuUblo for return fToui UnUHD mcBout oitn U aterlord to London. cb-ryo. or from Wn^- octota or V?oxforu to Bi4dl>oi b; /cp CJ) [3 Ivttj raUr.ij t\ii, S^niboap AD, «id Foil) 4 p.m w. Tr/ord St^»m Ship Co 't, $t«araor» on pavmoat )f 2i 3c! ' 2 ftttr. I Eictj ? OECOJ ( T:B GI SBJJO *), cargo only „. p-m oia.-D Tlcieu 1CJUU<1 it JJrUlo to DuDlia por Drlot' ¦W aterford to Belfast. S N . ^c »r« »Tiul.ble f forl roturu from Waujrlur bi _ ili ffli mm (Dirtot) ...... 1 p.n '8Alo^d 'o Brutal bj Wslortor d Stoo u tu nil THOUA3 ' ^rr i>ory fcatniday .^ ^ WALSB. . i . . SUsunorf OD or from »>¦ IPiMS 1 >jmoat or 6s. oitr^ t o- Belfast to "Waterfoid (via Dublinv meat o( to 8d extra. ¦ Even Tuesday ...... I'm Bctarn Ticleu luaod ik V?»usrio»d or \v«xJoro AGF.^ Waterford to Plymouth (direct! cnjtol bj Wruorioid SUuui JlJp v,o. wo ituUble tor rov •» p.m. r C7 Bristol s. N. Co. from Br>»lo) to Cork or to bat>._. TcZnc&u, Srd-. 4 pjn I Wednesday. 17th... nuaoak payment VU\ | p| 24th«*« .. 12»¦ coon"wwu Ten 10thHJLIi ...,..!12¦** ooon*M I j, " •• UCixtxn I10 eta are BT&UKblq for : " mootb CEOV; U EOTUI,. W( dcesd>y, 31et, 4 p m v7iTEiiFoii D A ND L 1 v E a 1 o o . miSim^t " \o Watertord (direct) moM n«THrouD I rlon LlTlkrvo. UOHCK - 8TBEET, WEIPOED Plymouth Wodnoadaj, Oct. 3... 3 p.tn| , UoDd&j . Ocu ... D SO pm Saturday, 6th -. 6 p.m I Saturday 20th ... 5 p .m iTtday, . 5... 3 i>.B. i WeUne3ilJ>. „ o..l') S0 ejn lSlh :i 13 noon | „ 27th ... 1 p.ni Bondjj ., 7 ... 7 ajB rriday. . l.U noot ., WodneBOA, .. lu .. 1 p.m ilouo^i> „ b 1 &1 pjn Waterford to Bewhoyen. ¦idaj ., Ili ..12 t»oon! We ncodoj , lo.. llv p.ii fvm bOBtbompton) ... pm ' ply/1 E«iy SotordnJ * • yl (ui SonJaj ., 14 .. 7 1 ml Prldajj .. ll. 5 0 o 0 to 'Waterford 17edneadn,- . 17. .. 3 clrr ' Monda) „ 16... 8 Su t WATERFOIffl) JJewhaven ;9 . oorciDff. ; Frldj) , „ .. 3 pm Wednesday „. 17... » 30 • mm li Friday ,. Every Saui^} it ... ? o,iu ; Fria»7, „ 10...U 0 o W ateiiord to Southampton WodDeadaj. ,, 24 . 4 p.iu Moada^, ,, i2... 1 ' P- mrcsu PutJOo airuonaioED -£o thoiiii* a^ooCi ov : t) (. Dii»' t) ...... w Prida; ,, 28... J p m, Wedncoiaj ,, 24 .. 8 U & " CLODAGH HOUOC, £icrj Stttn * 8andi>. „ 23 . 7 a.n Pndly, ., 28... 5 0 BA1S0ISTSAI , " »¦ D » ST Wedocslij, „ 31 pja! Uonday „ 23... , Southampton to W aterford ... 3 O •¦ . (vi» NewbtTet). i Wodnccdoy „ 3l_- » «uotiQ2 Saddles Eiory Tho.rsda.3 Tho Bnndaj Vc^zu Load ^t North (/hart v?»tar MORSE CliDD.rs-^CIark's and Gcpsrior Aceonmiodation for Dallj. W«e§ W aterford to Dover- LonLnj Jksrth—Prlnoo'a Dr>ok, Llvci. ncd Bridles or rY Every fcati-rda> (v a fcioi) an.i.tnn A Nfnhaven) 4 p.a Averaire Dei Puzart, 14 to 15 Hoa. other Makers fild. • ^--l^-^^o^^ Waterford. —Wttcrtordand LlJcrpool ud T7alcno i Dover to Wexford Pind BrUtol—Cnbln 113. 1 do oo. tn. WATERFORD. , Binalo, Even TueBdav Ail8'u°^n (?ltt Sootbampton) oargo onlj ', pRJVINQ QEd Rj dinc Bits and Whips SADDLE PADS Proprlcica. . pAf> 8 E DOHEI . ?ndor 18 jean of ORO ortena&U travelling nltn ina. *o . 10a j do, Eetorn, arailable for Two Uoatha, optional to ntorx hf tuni Stoorft^e BC'UTL Cftbir. to or from Bristol or Liverpool,l^j. 1 Cabin (utorn, Onur v. otrfoM to OlMfO- . 17 B. 6d. tb». 10a. IS* tuiucr 12 join j, J " Cnuatv WHOLESALE AND V 16 . Lwck. ulnilo, B 8d 1 do. do, RE1AIL i"lj-mcintb... SOa. Od V* 10a, 0&SG, " Country orders carefully attended ta oca Bisks Wezford to Bristol 'locotbja. I Brtrtal to TTezford. iTrldaii QAVESON'S QC :1 Heed Cellar;, gTABLE Rrusli23 and Cban:: :-. mation to be bfd i-t ibe Omcc-B, : TV. 8TREET, PnonuErorj. ot i'tei|?M. ic., apply to i— itiTarOUU A1| D OUNOAHI IOI Por BaU» ftoa D D » UA»IOB—Duly, Sdndaji axooptod, at 8.K a.o ICE I loc .1 ICT M-A ltutnry In hot weather PLTDODIB •• BJW»rinR & Co rjtoa WiTiaroitD—Dallj,64 oda;s exceptcd at 3.43 p.n. John E HawkirB, I/>ndon and , wcnrely paete I for convoyanca by itl\,kts. Teri=s LONDCiN — Am *—The WavarlordBteai uanip Coopaa;, Llnivod, lajax» B »ppllcatloa Boatb Western Uailnay Co, uooda UhipiMHl by tbew Litos o( bteamen at 2a. M. pei -la E. BAEW fffNEE CAPS. C LARK'S Sadclo Soap and « Exet«r ' BQildlsga Artbtu oont. to TrCder* havlns Tearlj Afreements and 6a, pci " . > (I=xarar U C-JI tzU Un. 17. P0r7SC, ^0 ^ Harness Tele(TramB—" Balmon, Wotorford." Telejhoas Sbeit Y'eBt . and nt I 4 8 W oeuu to Ooouional Shippen, f alae to be dtelared at tlma of J ^ ( Conipc: [fo. •hlpment. Forma ana all Informatloo to bo bad at tha ^ C«so that haa lha " 107. Bailitay Becciving Hooce: offices. ?i ^^ ) laformaUOQ given bj Asonta a\ S( ^J OstabllohcC Ci»oorobly lsnovzn PromlccJ V7lttj Q Cc-t v.^Xk ) [j-j] (TART Harness and Mountings. LONDON — Cl5^e SbipphiB Co., Ltd. W ATXI roan—Waterford SUfunsh^p Co. (Unltal), Und CArUTPOLLY C2LHCTED CTOCn; anil nslta ^ Hc cbettsr BuilningB, 138, OHiota, The UaU. National It laphon* Ho L5. 0^/^ j colrj?Ci j . C^W" Lradenball St., E.a LivKapooL— Wateriom dte& nahip Coupan/(Llmltao,, i. 1 cuccc:3 oa oapplfflnj 0 Shipping Co., Elizabeth Branswiok^ttect, and Prlaoog Dook. lelephona Ho. C7. Harblo "& DuVEK • ^''y^ Btxuni p Oompunj (LUaltoa;, " ' Stono ^orks, Si. (Pier> BBlBToi^-TVaUrford li n OODO . . ,inp3fcip Jde i. appa (joaj. f5) AA fo) W S TRBB Z -Ly lja P.O'EEEFPE&SONa Do S5 1 QU W p ^ L\i DUBLIN - - E"" P ^[s lHJ. CJ!1 cpcdal tSisatlca to tbtU lasgi Besiatottd Address lor Telogriunii . - • BTEAlJ" »' V;»uir IS © Stock a OOBK - ^ P»*riok'8 Qoay ttru D is)/o\ [r\i in) v 0 Dock Eoa»Ur2» isl8cUoa o£ Intalsowj ' ba to L1VEEP00L—PHILA6ELPH1A 8EEVIC. Gdtlo fcocm for Oumetrlej Thi^< new Ifxaion will dedicttsd Si. Booiiiindcta , , , 6a d Pcdua. Every WED 3E8DAI. O tTITAELE tea Bco4 Tluia. Coach BnUxkio Harncio lioiao, Drc—irtD, Asthoi>7 LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA , Orcan Bulldoro, Horc^ioara. end Tailoro; Fcjcy Lti'ior ond Boot DCJICO cl tU oniuvot p iEQSn SEPHHBD , ABB 1WFAWT r.aiOOIOTJ to bs had nwa A OTRUGGUHO Calling at Qaeosatoi m every Tborcdn), dc^srlpticjsa from. f NOETHAUFBOW. PCBEengera and Goods am lindcd at Philadelpiilj ABllY Booto ; £33 Pciro Blcsliera, oxrw, T EA.rflEB ficb ; 0 Tons, fccolo Ei ^s ca3 IH THE DIOOESE OF * , LOANS LOANS LOAMS LOANS In CtZi nUr.rf m Frcslaa Umj tsa ctswtj , PAKENSAil, NOMXXLK. 00 the Wharf of tbo Poaocylvania R&llra=4, t7blot best ta&to; CQ3 Pains Boyn Tolcjraph -U Picccj, c;d. per U>; 6 Tom lioa EITC-J, tsrr baa tho Sborte3t aDd most pirect Eoa'3 to all plssca Qovonunent Ptttcrn, enitcblo for ch«rtlii3, ICo. Cd. por otrt; 3 TODS Sob LciOcr. Fl<-jci T7c:h« erirKicl to tfcea tX tha Shortert Notio*. b t£a Dcax Eeadera,—i>o caat a -Byinpaiiiotic and lor izH Eijla, tad oa ths MosJ Modeat* Teaai. do to io the Western Statci fhhlnr?, (joli. cao£i^ned BaU lOd. and lo per lb; 1 Too ttimcrj Lciticj, THE WATERFORD ' l pityiiw eye apon me in my (rrcti ctrc^ cnlteblo for all tredeo, 10 Teaj lot Plcac3. 8d. end MM. PCJ lb. LOAN COMPANY. Q- IieBn. O EEBF7E&8ONS h«T*t»faa tr» outpoat o4 tho Catnoha Fflitbm GLUE, ths tzportiat XfrriivSr.Tn Quirrita ti 1 Mm. cstafcUoh aa SOXITHAirPTON—NEW YOEK 8EBVICD 8al rwt lor a rent oi ONE A W Dminc;} cc7rlcd oa in n racit ctrcightforword and exect menner Avor£"a Weekly CotlecUoa ...... to. Od. ThSrt Cbra Faro at lonc:i ratci. OatUi c> aA15FLE3—Any qcintftr U vi rdod on rcccipi of Cc=h Order . , exoopt Hops. Not No connection wllh cny other Loan OfScca or ca-callod Banka in th±i Ooanty Nevj No (idavnnsnt whatever B=3 Cci\ Prtsco ci Applicatio. Route to a /treat kind oi endowment yon TTQI cay. good Apply to American Lino, Sootbamptot or Livo S Afa. wcUl 'Who knewaf Great ttinsJ pool, 0; to Apply-THE MANAGER, London. boTO, t> a. rule, ver7 emaU beolsifliac?. Ttore WATEM-OBD—Harvey & Son, 12, Glada«jn.-Jt>- ra ihTrtabl*«1 Btfthleheani and Ood'»Hand „ Wnrd Bros. X Barronrtraea-Jiiw S, John Strcofc, Wcterford a not shortened. I hava hopes. I have TIPPEEABI — John Cirrigftn; 81, tloln-otrca' rjreat hopes that *w Utert IBasioB opened CABBICK-OB-BDIB— Bionard Landy. by. tho Bichop of NonhtmpUm mil in duo CLOOTIEL—F Nra^eot. T6, O'Conneri-otrcj. KEY . F10 raOI STORE conmo bcoomea great Miajion. DmiOABVAB—J Callinon, Tho 8qaare But outside belp is evidently asccs^ary. CAPPO FUELOMG road reader, that you in your tsol ^oly Pa4 ^1 e^ui a WUIiotno. ©rrr^a &£foVour you with tU THOIIASTOWH--M Wc2to?rn»n. Cburoo-atset, ^ > telpina Land V> me? I cry to. JAMES ©I)?©WME DUE P0FULAM V IVATERFORD v< to coma to my owiataaco. xou W IITOUD—W Timpjoo, North lloio-ctrcal P HIGH-CLASS ¦ earoeatoess co (lat3 Uci^ro. C J. BILL, Llal::3), / AND \ OST not t» a-ble w do much, but 70a can KjLtiAoinouAfl— W O'Ooni Ohoo. Z tittSr Do thatilitOo which in, in your SOUTH-EASTERN power for God'o cake, and : with | the other 39 d 40, O'CONNELL STREET, WATERFORD . OEOGEBY gTOSSB; ehall bo 0M0 to o ¦ Q ' littles" that are done I (gnrjnuonrj pAffiouo© LorjE , BBG0 to nnnouaco that ho HAG OPENED the above flno We^ Prcralcca xj lih a > i GUIDE tiblicithia new Mission firmly. , Oplcadld Dtocli of \7atcrford nod other Flrot-claoo Dr. tdo Dacon. Pino' 11, (Suay, ) ^ it ohall he given to you. Deado. Porli Otcako, Sausages (fresh ] daily). American Bat in—Boot Quality '• "^T A ^TT? P 7?/niT» Th (Railway, Shipping, Fairs, and . " Olve and EMPBE8S " KOYAL .MAIL 6TKAMER8 : General Intelligence);- . ¦ ; DOXIT TUKN A DEAF EABl TO HY and Reliable. Loioin C^to. and Ualf-cwto. ouppllcd. nacben cut by tlachlno. "^7asf©JiouG8 High Ot.,; TJBGtBNT APPEAL, j LARGEST AND ITA^TES'! tTrczh Ejgn and Butter daily. In COOTO ONE PENNY MONTHLY. #J " Uay <3od Mesa and P«g>» County and City Shoplicepero ooto that I can supply all Goodo DI T/holccalO VQ/ P«s» F«e. V8 per annum. \g ' your endeavoum in cstchlishlnj TO CANADA. prices at a momenfo notice. BBANCH STORES AND CAl^C, TEAUORE • o Mteion pt Fakenh^^ o anOCEQV DnACJCCl-Tcaa of Qacat deccriptton to ouit all Purctiacaro. From Belfcn. From Livcrp -.oi Gntjarn, Dried Fruita, Spicco, etc. In great variety. QBAY Heaipton Boad, I EMPRESS OV I Remcmhc h AddK^-P«.THEB . j B.UTAIN I Oot h THE LATEST PEOP0CTIOHB p^cnhcin o Oct. 11. I LAO CHAMPL'IB | OCL . . 0 AddVe0? i?-JAMES BROWNE ' ( pjoaspiyl cck- L ¦ ¦ - ^ ^ ^^ C ; : (B. , Local Government Auditor, has ; . u*[AM*imyteflt to;,<^lcrt.r. ^ e^Sttol flitiTtcstae SOTlng»B*nk»Inn«tt!«i OEOEOE y. CAcion, u^i. 3r^>. Sbeoban lUie »th OCMBHB, 130$¦ , dmiMder >4oade»lH ;-Atidited. «h« Aoooiwite of ' dbo Ooftmty Council ttie Mttjryinj oatiOa"—; . 5 . . - . |; -- *•¦ f r- ; .. . ' P HAim/BOIT DBTTMSilOEl), P=j., JJ?. period ended the 90th j tf-p HABTY. of Waterfordfor the PTHCB BAmtmattTCK WATHtt ,OOT "' iVTTTiTJTAM J. GEOiffHECHW. Ei^. ; , , and bas reported to 1 I (1) ¦ Tobaccos—many good TobaccOB—lraij ' SLANEY'S [day of Baptfflriber 1906 ¦: ¦ : ^«iWf : Aeteasy tea E«w£ay. There are '4many ; ! • . -, . aOBXaSB, ,. , : «#i LTJOTD3 O. HTOEDOOT. Esq..' J>. ¦ x the Local'Government ; Board iliereon. \ . , io bettor thim them alii I i A copy of the A'nddtor'fl Keport and of the (2) THH MIWEMiffllOBKA" WATEB¦ iao.. is.; I' 1 '¦! ¦' ¦: iSGHBMiB -, • ' ¦' ' ¦ " ^v W.Urford. i TOBN BWOEEnr. Blv M>strivilthereto'referred \io can t>a obtained , . , ^^ I TIRED MEN JA23E3 D. OVXXinSlOtB. J^.y JJ at . this Office daring office honra by any per- in acoordan « valfit FDana and ebeolAcsViiou mj .rix "Uh i Jvi at «ii«ftie4«bo ar« -nillise to Join ***$«*¦ K. G. iPAULj Bearetary. bond ^oSy^j j Ctonnly ;Oomicdt Offloos,! Oungarron. . ; i»on tendSdi?rto * ** «» «lC«& SdTof%^OUeSHC^^S^EA USM0* WM. O0OTE (Mtta4l««;*4^tib Ua).; ; Hnut *Ttoe cbnftra<«imm* J btr.W gibf *** VABOipCWEILB -St5reet, ir* noV««t«-toa .11.30 '«^^^f«bo» » , ' D ^CAO S Bt» ' rdastraij' ' ' .^. OT 38 ¦ "^-j ^S^^ • ' ¦ ! ! • ¦ ¦ • - '!• ¦ : : p - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : . r . " - ^* Hondwl*oi ; . . . 1 'mxatxxm 'aTwa ^BXtiMa tawBU&B ' .: or. Aay,; bt T^Sia^foHUBafDBHIErY. THE I» & tmaioMB «oi»«^ Ms^w»*rs^rktita Poctcarda .' placing emdem . <«lMwites«. ADJthttW(o tw^Bu muMIWri. 1*100, a^ssyteMeS^Stt. 1,0^0. KILKENNY l : n-u^r, ' fcaattftt in Id. end 3d. - Jrw srs^ ^ *- ftttrton TM trxtar lor dSTtTLtml^ « Boer* &&& * OKOM . V- Bedtoottoofoe - ,i ;; . . . . i ¦ : : ¦ ¦ , -i :!! • ¦ • ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ,:¦• ¦ ... - ¦; 'T . .¦ ¦ - . : ¦ . : . : . .;. ,, . r . •" 1 ' -;/:' .: '-} -ly-t, ; : .. . , •;- ¦ -t:£ \i 'y;-:. : ¦ ' . : ' ' ' 'f¦ ^ • \- ¦ ¦ : ' r ¦ ¦¦ ¦ • ¦ ^ - -I- - ..] . • . . . :;-> -: ->: > • > ; . , (,V! :. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - TT i - • -:!. )¦ ' iX» ij | i ; ; ; • ' ' ' QATCnPORO QUARTHR 0C0OIOKD. ifusedito al'lotw i witness to examine the gun, : : ¦ :; ' ¦ ¦ Jcra^at ¦ nun iiow wihlo wa« , oauitfometi . last ;|; THE ibut hej did so] eventually. ! ' . • ' - ' ¦; \ : we&k.j . .)• . .; . 1 .| . -[ y 'HIB I Honor—|uo you think he wanted to ' ahoot them;1 | ' ; . i . - . - .' ; 'ifio iMlaatox sadd it "pros not fhe eaone roan. |. o.uferaaini—'l'he board will let bajn go j DATURDAY -Witiiasis said not, and that three y&ara ago ¦ }tiu3 BISHO^I . ' ¦; . ; ; prisoner saidl ha waa atooked at Toe Sweep i-iiiM Kith.' a oauiiou. • j .. ( Higu-GVass Caafociioaury^Eitablisbm AEK FOON DKS ' .i .ii retaru.'-; \>v.v$ oou^iidiered iaatiaiafttory. P and got such ] a bad" beating that lie had to go ¦ g .' i MASTiiS'S HEBOKT. i aod Diniog Room , - -i -^ .j . I to the Oorartiy ¦; Infirmary to get bj a head . '¦ These sessions, oponed to-day in the atitohed. , i lite ¦Msster'e wc-eidy riary' j ooatoiBed j iihe BOLTON STREET, I rfWIo'irtng:!—I employed Mr. Joiin Rico tJo do 7, BARRONSTRANO §TREET, arri County Courthouse, Waterford, before- H)is Mis Honor-r-The whalo thing is the question ¦ :Hbnor Gavid RLtsgeraild, KJC., County Court of intent. If he fired in rS^i.'- V L i vvHMW'litlr&L. tc-aiiijif sSy.duf ij tor Hie porter [tor tW'.vreoke 1 48; MICHAEL STREET. \ the air to frighten iwJiiie ; on -lea,v« of absenice.—lApproVfed'ol. Jmd&e. Mr. 03teilly, Registrar, and Qlr. people' there | is not the crime charged. : , (jerk oi the Crown and Sergt. Cronjn there Jincloeed please find certificJue 01 the 'con- 'William A. Dobbyn said iwas nothing known ¦ .Uiiaued ilmeas We gnarantee all oar claim s ore made frora i Beace, were in. attendance. against the ikison^r. j ¦ — • - ! ol .the maternity nureti, 11ns. ; :tKnowileS;:" A*hyr"24/p/06.-^Tli'tgI 'TS to oartii ' and made by ' solicitors engaged were—Messrs Daniel Prisoner s counee i said'that his client ad- *fff iK Q> i it i li i^* "1*^^ * *~rT~Tg"~1f*Vi— y Pdrb Irish Butter and Irish Eggi, JAMES MOIK. The HhJarj Mrs. Kuowle3 ie eti'U unwell and linfit , i Drunford , E. I. Thornton and Son (per iMr. nxiitltieid' tliat he fird the gun in uhe air from tlie ¦ ¦; Irian Girla. \ ¦ McCoy, P. A. iMJurphy, P. caravan witH the intcntibn to frighten the ;foT duty. la, my.. opiifjorf ehelwili be unable Engineer, .\lillwright,.lrm and Brass Foundry Janes), James A. ,-to resumi dufyMor at least three \\-oektj—3. Support Home Manufat tare : and keep out ;j. Kenny, J. . Keane. l lie. IJunphy and_ myself 4ro desiroua of (His loidship was engaged for a few hours heair any more of tihis case? ¦ ' undefended oivri bills The j jury said not, and without leaving the lal'l^iidiiig tihe leciurea in tihe technical school . Licenser! Beatauraut ut Faal'a Square. Agricultvral ImpUiaentt, yK-, Repaired. : in the disposal of the We' will attend to oaah orCher'B duiice should ! and the disposal of applications for com- box found the prisoner not guilty, and he Nothing but Beat Dnuks Stocked. ol the board be wdfiling.—(Approved of. ! ] nritttal against defaulting debtors. None was discharged. Shi Repairs to Boiler and ifac/linery, o "3 any feature oi public ; - ! SENTHN'iOED. A hou, w ater, supply-ja badly!needed in tho p I tihese cases presented ca&mil warda zia the perions cannot be bal'jhed Private Hotel end Dininj ROOTIJ at Strano ~ ' interest. -., After ttie mid-day adjoummertt, Hiis Honor Mwii^- i ! . any Description of Urgent Wor. - : , on thei admiksion.uwller cxi!a'Jlng cdncun> Street, Tramoro. ; The number of civil bill entries was 191 sentenieed ac-h od the defenidantsoharged as Promptl A ttended to. were no land above mitlh indecerr.t assault, to one month's stances.—tRafened to House Oommiittoo. I Lnncheoos, DioDcrs, Teas, [ Piinctunl atten- y and the defences 25; there | Tjue i modioal office^* canadex . the aparV . impnijaonmeut,, it being legally impracticable by the dance, find Moderate Charges, I cnser>. to send them to a reformatory for three yelars. mcn1i3 ocoup^tl Bible bkj died marridri Tclegramo end Letters— iwomca iimdMitiafo. • It ¦would bo wit I of a A DEMURRAGE CLlAIK icomjni.-ttco oi the preaeat board vist'ed. the NICE AIRY BEDROOMS ANO SITTING M0iNI>ATi The . Onyx Steamship Company . Bunro-.vs placa? and giva instnuetions iii tiie m^ittcr.— ROOMS. ! J. M01R, CShamberiC , Swansea, ahip owjiers. were tQi« ¦Referred to House Ctorranittcoi I David Fit7£erald, Esq., KC, _ 1 ' "f.h? His Honor piainlEiffij in an action against Messrs. Win. THE SUFFERINGla OF ANIMALS S&¦££'$<$¦ . bvTT,. \ 'Considerable diiscusiion. took, placr: in re- ' sessions , and WOK Ratiwui Treatment (^nn Thfc "K.F.A. Book. 1B3 pigti, IMmirattd . cloih bond covert ' - . . BOLTOII-STREET, Waterford. resumed the business of the and Jamw Parle, of Ixiwer Thomao-otneet,, ^ ference : to Nurse Knowlcb. i : < u:rie. tiff w-as H&rry Mason, Passagfe Eaist, and as THE ELLICi/IAN 'FIRST-AID 'BOpEt Knowlec was now some weeks atiseirt from. . EJ.isItop, Donovan, tor the re- cause of uotion being stated in the process ANIMALS "TREATMENT- S* Edition, compfctlnj KO.00O copin. commtlKlt the ¦COMMENDA- defendant , Jeremiah appended —To answer the plaintiff s bill for TION or PRACTICAL HORSEMLN. ui OWNERS OF ANIMALS c*ner»ii7 itnouPi- .ui u,r »"« !•» linur d-tiLy , and he thought it was bird! on tfie i rate- Caterer, Confectioaer uid Sweet Manufacturer dovery of a sum of £20 , in-reapect ol damages , of the RAfloniJ Treatroeot It iffonJs In ciiei or Accidents to. and AUmenti or HOKSt-.s lAVTl. l . [KKij r.nd go nuuchj tiffs £.10 for th*. use of the Ateamahip Onyx whereof BIRDS, is Indicated by thU mmroirr of IU Contend payers to be paying money to her alleged to 'have been done to the plain the rftaJntiffB then and were owners retained e,uihs.titue. : ¦ I IMPOBTANT NOTICE N'e«n , «* Passage Har- HORSES.-Rhtnnallirn.Sprains of the D:ct, Sboalder, Stifle Joint, Hock, Knee , Check l.lfancnt , ttahjnl boat. Je*4« and kept on i demurrage at ohe dfendant's re- Bacli Tendons, FctlocX, fastern ; IUSO Snellcl Legs, Splints wtien formlnf!, Spmns smews, Spavlr . Ilr. ECaokett—If a nurse is siok yo-u mast Novemlber last. .K. i» -i»>li hour in laintiff , quest !£pJ one duy at She rate of £10 per day, Oier-rtaches, Blnjbonc , Sldchone, Sore- Diet, Sore Tnroat , Sore Shoulder, Comnn.'' C- •. , pay hxj substitute. ; Mr H D Keane appo-red for the p which sam steamship was hired for a voyage Slrrofles, Broken Knees , Cuts, Wounds, Capoeil Elbow , Copped Hock , Chilled l.ohv B"".i " .li3 , ifir . Kenny—For haw long are you to pay ? VICTORIA H OTEL THOMAS CON WAY" ' (Messrs. K I. Thornton and Cooiitstlon of tbe Liter and of the Lnn^s, InlbinmaUon ol the Lungs and of tbe llu\>cb. Cue ol :- ( and Mr. Jones from Green hithe on the Rtver Thamea by Horses, Sc. Pages I to 97. I iMr. Huckelit—I don^t. know. BEG3 to announce that he haa puichtvj«d ihi. Sons) for the defendant. M«6&rs I C. Johnson and Co., Ltd., of Lon- Mr . Kenny—Is there a limit? I OOLBECK STIlfeET , hearing a n umber of \vataiasiei> it- CATTLLit—Conmon DIseu;] cf , with Prescriptions. Pages ISS to IK). j ! After don , froii the plaintiffs under a Chartered Ecnntl Dressing M Acting Clerk—Six moaths; i>ut Oie six VVATEKFORDi transpired that a lint was wantfnB in the DOGSa -Rrienmatlsm, Sprains, Cranp, Bruises, Cats, V/ounds, Kennel Loncnc^, | ax-oordingly party,I daied the 1st of June, 1906, and mado for lloaadj snd other Dogs, Bronchitis, Distemper, 6c. Pages 03 to 134. .,1 montllii) rul e applies to doctora on sick leave. chain of evidence, raid hio Honor i><'bwo,!ii M«isrt . Matthews and Luff a? agents Tt doe3 not apply generally to officers at all . , a.n" m oi nearing BIRDS.—Rbenmatism, Leg Weakness, Roop. Egg-bonnd , Diseases of the Comb, Sc. P;Ccs 137 to 152. M Ihe Clergy, Commorciftl Gfcmtlom*n " Lira adjourned the case for th* purpose j . is a BarMD for o.iitl laintiffs and the said Messrs ifr^,. c At the expiration of Six monies th'jro Ftmilics naitiiig Waterford will find «T«r- * th.s p THH EULIMAN FIRST AID HOOK. pric« Ifc. post tn* lo &H parts or the wotul irotrie-i !ur"t ,l). W 8 he found urw>n a l\hel affixed to the outside ai the liaci o the wrapper 3 C. Johnsor, and Co., Ltd., who were the criai Ot upon terms to ' ''^iJ' portion of the doctor's salary; deducted. Oomlort combined with ilodei"-16 Chnrjcs i d the necessary witness f Tfco Doas-smot section . U patf« only, may U hi.1 jparx ffom tha r] 1 After . and the eaic ELLir.lArj B ROYAL EMUROCATIOfl , If free iii. Haokett—'I tor one canncit, ai nil c^reo » !« en:.: C2 vroule repair terera of the saui ausamship, coapleu book of 193 paees and this section alooo tBI [u^esl and pov free— > : this Hoial. I La position i» convonient. in^ ^t-^ was forthcoming, and ho ooivi-ign^-c and reoetvers of the cargo o; tn« ELUMAN. SONS and CO.. SLOUGH , ENGLAND ; M irt-tli pouncing on anyone tihdt, is uniwciJl. If It hci bo her you r Bmuly. Invalid Port and flharriea oi Ca bill oi lad:r,g rclatuig to UIQ said cargt and hove a curious way of showing it. CUI5INE AXD WINX3 EXGEI.T.TZn W * **** • 0"faMM ' . Exlra sZi riZ THE RA ND J l'K.'- incorporating the co ndition and term* oi t)he CdHiirm.in—We mean kindness to the nrte- brown label, Bass and other Ales, tnd iaid char jr part} ¦payenj . We-are he.ro to lk after their in- Eloctrio Eolln thioujhout. exa.L-n,ed Tne .latter ^uiid that :Mr Tweedy, C.fl , narrated uho facts, on Wcdne>aday. Mt . man : I ' Edmund Power, Kilmacov d'Lidoded liiut the UTIBOUCI on a Saturday ¦Cl1ai nma.11, presided, and uhe other mem-bers spirit Bnoineca he can guarantee all b'j Larjfcen; Thomas Barrow, BaMymacan, he tlicug-h; twelve hours no;i ld . h«« benn , COi-airman— Saratoj .a Uotol, WoodAtoTTn . patronage eolieited. , ( ;hv «enl in-tru the .st.reKt and flung a large stone Jaaiu* Haok ott , T.C , June.- , Ja^ hi-r.d Dr O'Neill's cortifloate. Vnivmi. KHmalw iliehae'l! Mansfield , Orobal'ly J of th* carjAi ».'.' ii l.^o jtoveo>!. , Sl.eph.en Farroll. Side Entrance to Bar from Little Shananan , F To M: MrCflv- ¦! wn> the or thia at true pane of glass , wtucii was valued for Murph y, The Manor "Mr Keaxny said he was sure no one de- Pttriei. Norns. Whitesfort; Michael J : ' i- i .i ti f- afterwards tried K) break two otheo- 'Die allotting oflieiiiliS were in attendianee— Stl-flAt. Edmund Walsj. Park - particular .J < - . -JIJ.:« I . .' W)u> no: ;i>iur '..lie iired lio deal otherwise but kindly with lira. Veaie Oarrignaounia ; vamabio n-mdowH beJongmg to Mr. Breen. il,3--.r». I ' Kanneriy. AcUng Cfleric ; R. Moi'o- Not« Addreea— beg , Walter Holly, BaMyDn >teanl«": a::C I &<,i. '. Kti .j \> h(.v n:aii' men , , , K.now3es He would propose that Ohe ;ame TKOMflO 1 Si-rp- Waldron. n: r.«pl y U> the Judge, .said :i \t-e.LStAiit Clerk Jas Oo?grave Master nTrangelmeintB for t!he di'aoha rtje i?f N' r CONIVAY. were . I'.inj iloyed i dn. i'.oi M -, I -it wMicties ; ¦ha. ,, ' , Olerk oi ur^e N O 1 BROAD -; o: c^itnt couiti Uie priwjner w;i£ b.i.l class of come: 1): Airx Kord , 110 , P lle^irne KJIOW I CR ' dud« oonitinuo for three wt-oks, and 8TEBET AND LITTLE THE JUDGE'S SPHEC- I believe tlia. S'li :.a^> > r>e bo- Work.- Rel'ioviug Ofhcers J. Dolahunty, J. PATRICK STEEET ir, ;,w«i\ v working houri o- four- he do •¦hat tiiey terminate On tho expiration of that , d'isoJul rgu. teen hours , ailow' intf for meal mnea 1 r>erif>d : d'-CN¦ h<- earn h\i liviucr Win-. 11 i-aly Th'i.; vrz.i Keoondcd by IIT Young, and ¦Ojt'h.ar wiit.;i - ft*^ h-.'iv.:-.p be^J e^ajn.in^i v-rg-, Wa.droi;--J U " 'inv.ipally liveo wiu. . \\ ;; aru one >r |.h«' daiVnu • i-. FACTS A^D FIGURES. Dii^i^d unanimously. COURTS THE FAITH LEG-G CAS. HbolTidin^ M.'r i' ;^«i chAraot4 aiu ' *Jio proceeds of hej l^st Sai-u rday ] . ' fpouR 'r t ' Ther , ner<- u: the worktiaus* NTIHSE'S OBRTIPrOATES. antL •¦aniiTi: th.> .;or- ¦ ¦ :¦ ¦:• i..*r:i: -7o IHTMII :* . aci npa.njst S'. 'C in ; jn ilar> Hanta was- Hij I1'M ;- T i- . •: " NT •iw-w »:i.« • !¦ D Tt;:.ficatei3 ros.pcci of the following In tih u «use , in wind. li> )1 V ,.»• I.- u. - - - - i Ui .i . . •.•im-nl of ri'>i j r^»ioii.liii».f «wt l a-st y t«.r, ihowiiig an ui- OPENING cliarged with having caused Ju.- deatii of her in urrfi^rt [^roiu- : a.r >i iius:n.i^-v -' •- <-he h^iiiiiy port-on the qualifying tShem to act aoHrainednt uracs were infant iinkier circumstar.<-'-s: .V: Tw«'«Jy— -en . n< ; :-.-* prisoner i^ w y«ir , an iru-renee reported, lions.- .Wi iitfauist M8 .oM &ent inj by the medical officers of the work- t>t?cuiea uiidej titK' ^viitr.r.ii tt-'^'ion. , 1 i- houfc for agnature, rior to presentation : — Tihe Clerk of the Croini bailee upor, .\UtssTb Tt'KSn H Honor geiik-ikxvi the pr.^mwr to ij» t-: i wa3 an u»- p produce u> Thi- Aoung Olerf: caj d there rv^fherine FTuffe , Bhzabetth JSoolili-an, and TI23 ccci Up-to-date Hotel in .n snnonnco to my Friendi and Michael Wall and Thorns Su lli van to niaii.thrf im,prUor..u:-«iit wi"lh hand livbcn: . r»-;i ;he levt-r hospital. TC P? *° to tho- ILy Mono.' t:i,' Coui:t' O>urt J ,].lj. r ia " T . >f 1:1 1:; EJilen Vau.'rhan. Town. Public generally that I intend the accused. ' A VOTIHJBK I>KMi KlO\C'rE C.VSE ; LOiisunit-d , £108 16,11 , y OPENING a ¦tho ("our. a ti>: i- t 'lcck tins ::i->rr!iin V>3t oi (,rov isioti6 DISCKAE.GED . fcr iindCcaf:!-! r The latter appeared, anc 'tT'.' Ar,' diMilt:- «•!• riii'ii'M'r eqi;:' ^ fi Ccrlvsli^ Czcillcnca • - . •: "f "(fairs; £U B 3/- last year , outdoor rebel £47 Chaxcca. ; , then sub- and pnuxMClf* i' •li.sii..« r c ..:!• v >n>v. . ¦;i . ¦ ¦ ¦ Tliree imnatei—a mam acd two women- at Uodcrata Mr . Tweedy. Own Solicitor a. . \onwih .\ • ;• 11• - i cr> riia, iircrv.' 1 bu&met ¦ .iili nimuisi 1MH 18 . were ordered to be di^ririarjj od from tho house mitted that tlis ¦was a case which should go !- . »:t ri.i ¦ - : • r - -- lli.r^r '. l?:,'!!- - LEATHER, . i . w- ' relief ie prac- STO - K .-Vonuig Clork—The outdoor RE A.-JOCULI«;I3 win. t. .t J itift- wexs tn< U»1 K > V ¦ " fnr insubordination and usmg abusive lan^u- to the Count of Assize, and he asked that th* :o i -*>¦ . : u . . L- i.' i - -v .tk- ' .n i m.' i |. RESTAURANTATTACHED. court. . ing justu-ed —Mex-^r- . l.' iiok BourK^ R V. ticallv the aame as last yeix affo towards officials. securities be renewed for the higherr demurs. ' PROBATIONJOR WANTED. seems A. Solso n , il> i. ti j Fi)Me. ; . Harv; - 1 The board then adjourned NO. His Honor—From the depositions u In ;. . .i.:i. .:tl: -.i ,-'- I' . ', lii . u- Morpia; it: • (Jflicers Nurse In- 14., PATRICK STIIEET, accidemt. Sir J&invs A !' >>»e: Johr Ryaj . Jon: . The M«iioal and tih« to me that it vras an •• tn--r . i. 'i AmLw. , .\ \,% ~o;v . slu powiit -.n > '. ruolruss 1 Misa Thomas) wrote to ^ay -iiat a 03 (Mr. Tweedy—She attempted to loll her hus- V\"n'i t<- . and D: Ufurt'c . Msujr ¦; TH.E UCKNSINC; BUSLXL ;« I.< ' .:. . ] - • * . - M. ] fi ". Aa.- Mr - M irrli, ui^M ! pr>»iia !.i' ,:j *r nurse WJXG wajited. CATUnDAY, 12th band and instead of bhat she killed her child . W"i;:- re* Waiorf' ¦ rv - this matter @- Kllboy UAY. a;[«|>Lica.fK>[i t v.-er* irran",<- . ;rn^>i . . 'Itaim.ai. In uoano-tion. wit'h Moni?!/ His Honor thought the case mirfit I* now- Th<> iollowing - liartjotarifv Aybwarri . 1 Pnt - \ wish u> say [Jiat there in a young li.dy' who Ua=22ln3 Director. Having had eereral years' experience in dealtireaii with.wiui. V*i >i- ¦ .» t«j . - OMK n>to the :iou&e for the pur- firmatioi. on the case ,¦!¦'• - ¦ ¦¦ •¦ ' . • t.lu- i»l;iin:.ft :n nurriuij r - :iipi)lik"ari' Ft,.- H u.'t^' :'- i«tof 'if rwivLnp iins.1nic-t.ion cunnj tho Beat Goods at Reasonable foaing sent to assizea. He taid he would not will be no Prices ¦ifii&s Man Bntilnr. 3k OX'onin-li-ot rt— Sde w:|! rwi y her »ay , and there j ' CTC? CCO Cci/ccc^, Crtza 2/" send up a bill. -payers I 1 K .n: ••j ciuvie*' "ii :.ho xuni ir file ratt ¦ CS, ' His Honor—Very well . 1 will no; express n-finiia ' : OD <>' r. iran^U ' •> : • t(i . / Jru 1 zi z Ttlr^=»-' tat, ET^ * A TEIAL OEDEB EOUCITRT) Iron] Kll e: Bnti'n. ^uv wiitii u-^k '.hat liberflv bu ptvc.n :o her v; ^ any opinion on the t'ubjed license k'l .^ > toluutc :itU:ntl the :e< tureA h«rt; Later on Mi. H . D. uwuw appealed to the A OEfJUirJE VCTEntrOARV CURE. Mr Farr.dl \Vrio ul:at young lad y. .\fr Crown- Salici-iOT to haw. tut cast- dispobed of H. Okve- Hr->nihe;i. . 1 n..:n;u- -::. 1* for suet puddings JAMES POWtfR 25 years of age , Iran.^ifer of an ordiiiar; \\n:Ti$- \r< ,\ -M I nt Larmmg V7oric Have- unfortunately to : Scour in Cattle Omi -rmin- 1 •ion '1 know h<- r n .irw- (Lata oi HacNaniara'o.) and she greatly regretu-d aie ooourrenc*; , in Eliziibt't.n Jcs<'ptiin<.. Pa i uwi.u .«. Jan «f and dump lings. i diaeaie very pre-valent aod disastorouo u. A. 'ti 1 (j Cierk—^Slv I HJ IOJIISS U > one ,1 ;j* fact , she spent twenty-four days in hospital A McCoy for applies. ; 1 Nora AnDiisfjs— Rober'i F. But.:er . 20 Iia:'i«y .- N I-U -KIW. inai diau-icts. iL Ed n ard Walot . ol 1' K.IU I con^veiats. before its death. , i-oine m . 1 tnanrife <>i ar, ordinary hce:i'.-« !iebr. rf< -ei! ' i' Uu.ierBtxjwi., a weli-known Uroier, tello ua ol Chnarinai) -11 rfhe i* a' lowed I " This £0 si- 14. PATRICK STREET His Honor—Well, Mr. Twea ' ana , - l>oard or ;.h0 . .Bji.UybrioK<'.: . .i:,hni.> 6-year-oio. to bac witi dcour that jhe was lect u r>-« This was then d^11'- , a lady iidnuttvcl RISE Tha Grand Jury retunwx; :i« bii: againigu lion ^ti .'i tranafu: of an ordinary l-i<-e:L>< tn,:i LLnabic tc stano. u\. 1 gave her two dooea ol ill K.-.nn;y--\Y«, theru e\y : ' [ QlVtL j^ERVlGN Ui< Veterme Scou: Cordui., fe» unddr mi.-h .-ir< umii.tan<'A3? Browm & Poison s llarj- Harilon , who wa^ ai>y>r»iingh- dis- ilarlilu-i Pcrwei MJ ^ A ilunfii ' Jo' ap> ' and after a rJlicaji. naur> oho was walking about, and looked as A<:tm-i Clerk -You granted pennu^-ior. '.<> ^DILDBTQ chanred by the Judc ^ ~o All pa£:on;cr3 ibrcaldns joarncy ii Q0CIETY. Will-i;i.:r> -Cullet.,:, li<.-ii .ij«-.tto -«:rt>: . ;.ra?:.- vet as eve: I believe i-l to be a first-rate \tKUna lady aome iimo. <'i, to attend tho "Paisley Flour" ' <> locrfiiTetj ATTBMiPTBD SULOIDii fer o! ar. ordmar; U^VMIK*' 1T T. Ati ^-ai l reniec- Tut " Veteno* Scour Oordiat" IV A T E R F 0' R D J-effrlfi dccttaw«: M: Jame.- MrOv for fihoulc Dt kept a, hand and ^ven lunaLj. Porrmission 'VAr (Trani<i'l'i- «-*c6ii«nci 1,6 pe/ .e ix\ U. BOU' B, Qoaj , ".fiat they wouDd raise no objection to the a razor. Seng:.. McNaLly deposed that after to be executed at tlm Witer- ot Pauley Flour " mixed with 1 DGOLUV'G HOTEL, CO , QUAY. the attempt tne man wroutre« .. f<>nd Diepensary preanuboi. They returned the eight parts of ordinary Hpur makes j and subsequently confined in till*? asylum for h-rv-cificatioji find fdimate iorwardexl to them Gome days ; he was in c ustody f rom 'Me 18th Ht>nnetiwi'\*tri!t^ . -"i nnrnuitjor. <>1 tnin.-v.' i- the pudding or dumpling deliciously i| The Bnsiacia aJrcadydoaaezcrjoda V IV • LI , .omieotion witih tlie works in questior. V \ V f ->- of this month. Sarali ,! atic ATTACK OH fl PU BLIC HOU3L light and digestible. cant, Mr Murphy—I suppose the works vrtV. | AccommodatioD. for £1.780.000 Mi. Tweedy—Otay I ask you t! you thin k oomn><>nimeLl ii: ' A Ub'RIOUS SBQUiHL. Actons Olerik—The Olori of Worko wil] be 0TCLIST3 ANT) iiOTOUS • ;>l l:»p^r.bea Kixod »od Sergeant—I do not thirtk so . 1 made in- iilble all about the matter . 1: boiling, and Bcdetate. quinies and I found that the prisoner has Mrun>hy lor aj/plicant. •<> toll vou a better chance than | ' A: the WaWrford Quarter Besaiorw on Tue^ The Clerk of Weirktt tihoi cam/? before th* been always considered a ver)- inoffensive Tiwrnas Murray, Johj i b-U.n«. ooniirmation daj , I is the quicker method as well. | cf transfer of an carty closing hcenso ,at«d y the Urty Grand Jury rojectcd a bill upon >>oar«l and &aid he thought it "would be jua; man. ¦WKICL a man , named Thomas Kinsella, wii* - to«l- oe or T..-Ve. |* " *"»« ceastid . Mr Nlurphy proposed that the workfl be ™ fendant to be disdhaTgied. perti 11. uit kuou.^e of Mro LuneTgau , a licen^ou Fo»Tbrc3 Yo»r» ... BJ " J&EFRE3ILM.F3N7 ROO.\b A? THi NEW prorveded wifh immediately, ^ ^ ¦Mr. Tweedy—-Wail J-OUT HOIIOT ;>at him pu'uiluvu. Su'rx^eijui-ji. !• bufu rx: the J-udg* t. TBOHXIGAL INSTEUOTOIl SUES TIIE Jot RAILWAY 8TATK Acisuiif (ilerk—I sruixpos*. (jentaemen , you Pi'-pocSaa iOd etory informat.oa ondfirr a rule of hail to oorne up for judgment obuiin vow in;u]«. 1<>: £1j .«1<1 under the Cruiiu - addrea LICKXSE UPPOSKD BY THK >i.K'[ »"i 'II gl'v« Mr. Hcar.tiO instructioiiti to proceed ¦whep called oa? ^ HA: Liijurita Aniu>b \ , Si. '. tho in-tin the u-nrk imaB6rdanc« wittj the '«r«taJ7 o tochrijc.d l<-m:. t5 Wcstaoralnnd-attest * Graal SoutJien. a:;<) \Ve- ifha.imr-a.n~ -But uhere is n small board herv , GuggeStion. To-day ID the Oif 1' otit-e Court a nowe: 1^ lav- Dublin ]J.i<>d for rTjnfinnatioj > a :u;v cnxfuiarj i ipliase ol the case >va» llluj .inited, when Thot that MOKHJS r-.ii, od Saiftwd; iLancabbiro, agaiqst lle.v. You can set all tho cdiy and John Farreil, were respective'ly oi iiht application, wh ich was opi>osfd on th« REil UMER.\TION ca&e at Quarter Seeoaoni- t> , ut it mlaces to Mu BnAlitJ- 'M.ailJin, <)hrJflaan Brothers, 'itouat charged with having . on the lOtli of July last par! o! the pol iro !>v MaiiCwOiied hotal with tho -comfort and rfanu f>oturrt:nt:fc 6ion, in Tvij oh . HJho iplaintiff claimed; £100 exp€ii.^ii?o an' indecently assaulted n girl named Mary Crown S'tlicit. H-iynujnt oi £«1 to Mr. John Ryan for has 6er- . lxjiiorgan d«p.«- thai Vhe defendanr, dairtagea far -wrongful diemissal, i&zciiier wilb. Hawer, about two miles outside the city Mr . Tweedy ^nua ttia\ the Uoeritt ras viftrt in takinc and vahung stock in ihe elitereci hi.> wif e's i'ic*yisevi preinii^ej on the ibalauco of ualary from '12th: March to the kid convcntionaliticj of h&niD lile at tho above The particulars were not suitable for grarnt«l at P*ttv Se ssions for 6 refre&hinenl wor.kfl:ix>Uo« for tiie hadf y<«ir ending ;i0:ih m&t. 27u. ol June, :A>j H V t«. t.hv lioura of BIS OI UJ of the cditool year, also £100 for lilxsl, publication. room bceiiSL' oi the expre^o condniOD that ilr "Mju nphy—Iliu Mr R yan coiiimeii.-t-d -s»?vei, oVkiek p.in Uie accused came into At tho clooo of tho itcarinrj of iinxieicnded lloderitc. The jury Jound both prisoners guilxy and drink wa» only ;o be 6upi>lit- , ami one of these- mvj . i» a case, your Honor, of Morri v. llullan, r.inO. JAtJC DOLAU, (His Honor—iWhat am I to do with them ? was gcven , bui the coaidituons o! thii. ha Ix>cal Govonmicnii Board also cane- News, which haQ ) \i&\ oome Ln , heard the 1 now formla'liy apply for 11t fiamisa rwi-Ja oosle. bm Sir. Tweedy—I will look into the matter tlicrt-ione a- y > the characte r <*f :lw applican. tione to tli« A&?i^tant Master Broazo 7 noist ori gla s3 breakuiR D H1L3 Hionor, Judje Pitzc an.lt-r- a* t«inrporary' subelituK tor tile Master whilM CLCKDALOUGH. rt monstratod with mtnt'iss went, to remove the iatter was abserfLt, under t-ireumstances on? J lT^^ «| , MjCENSE TR.\XSFTiR^ taJan? given or behali of the lOinpaj iy . but 1 KinseMa iKeane—?ii£t;({uenwrit and Tarciitting order make Olark of the Crown and Peace that un •l' < .st-)z»- a riKil'Jat i:; the hind eo jic t/> u.'ie ch ut -iJify were infonu etl by th«ir in- cop <«i. IKJ grip pplicatioin. John. Cooney,Kill , connrmataoiioi trartsfar h;id STIVOT thi, . K_inseilLa then went out ¦>!. e-rvi-tore rtiat uncertaintyexist s in regard to ihi3 A. ' inrhich ia the most comfortiiMe and chcapeit taking been . . but thai inr I3i« ftlrve, briok HJLJ iHonor—uton tilie eerunoatt- oil t.n<.- ILPIKRVV ano oamt' back n^th a ano title powers and duties of BoaTd of Guardiane in the locality, and . in the contra of tha eey ; granted. Mr. P. A. Munrihy tor applicant ftiia~h«o all round . :n Ciiot did his best to ID i-oiiiiootioQ with the relief and control of aboitl? : grandest and most tar-famed cceaery. In Iron of tire 'police A-, any rau ivh«;he- o- . iKjoanc—or children and the protection of infant ^fT. vicinity are the Dcvil'8 Glen, Poulaphonxa TO THE oanflrmatoon of transfer of an ordinary license ! siiic he briefly the more important ployed by tho Christian in. 6op the Moetinu of the Waters. And tie numerous O'SirTEran for the applicam. Tne dtdendajit ~iUi triM the rro .\isi(xn6 of thv various enactirrenU dea'inp : other charming tpoU in this locality.—JOHN , li<-e tiroatmej;; whu-h he had rwerved at the harwl? with the subject and to pive under separate- cj onatruoti'on. ajid allied eubjeoto for ervening RICHAEDSON, Proprietor. apdiUjr Wrlttia tot Studtati md Pt«oti (wUcS John Hennebry, Brown-strcot, Portiaw cotn- on the n.ie was unusual and llles. uiimrjian pupa , anni eflomciitiary carpentry, •etc., for firnratiion of an ordinary license from Patrick Ilia Honor—You ar^ qtnl^ ri^h'. I tnoujrir 'X on t'lie occasion in quc3tjon , he iu-vuU su<-h otx-wvationa as may appear is iin. u Kpenr inx«5£>ary day cdio'iarj. Soon of tar /the ccm tneiiocnicii t peno* taa itnrlT ol Medlcln^ tnctndic£ anxaja- Hennbery, deceased; granted. Mr. H. D. that at the time we had no po-we u Q> : T ¦woro ' «/ Kcane far the a-pplicant. an[ RTRKN DA YS IN irOSPIT.VI. . Mr Keiniy- Wha.-. :s tihe meaning and pur- of tlie classes oamplain'lj . made to iilr. ' tdiabuM.). Ou b. h^ioa ^n» ^r,; he ii- ilullan, the Superior at Mount Sion, that . t010TB«^ C.TB ilo IlHIV w,,r 5lW ^ Daniol Long, Dunmone East, confirmation Mr Fiw^SVbon said believed ti> wuU Hi . ti* hart of this' SOMETHING NEW. V . AtBo«^.. ba |a(bl« to show the police tihai Uujrc- wa.- iu uaae.- remand aftonv.ardj), aivaitiug' trial at Acting COerk—Pfc"£< hoi forms have to be Mr. SIorrL3 had applied A>ul nainea to the 0tn:LTil8Tii*xT. r>n»r,/^ ; ; of transfer of an ordinary license from Richd Quarter Scs-iioni svraod in respect of ^very ohil d that leave i pupilj, a3Oiult«>d niean and mad'* offensive Btapleton Cheasty; granted . Mr P. A eutili povnr >und«r thi law . aiu! ri«- proriu.sec abj ervatiano .ntions land if ceedfui, to sau^fy Uu- henr h i.i,a: I wiu> t Sens?. Snaiuior. oorroMrated the prisoner a 1.he houoe A form muit, be sifrn«d by the rcjrardinjr Itheir loasoci THE Latoot . fuovclty in tho vray ol a Murphy for applicant. rCiatem«rv. ' parentage, ivitih, thd KauCt :tiho.t eome of tho inop.: unroiuiOnaDie tiling to apj>..- re TB« a* to his dt-ieJXOion in hoapitai edhoolmaster or echooimi.-'Srei.? staling that tho Boot Polish, hM joct been introduced ic'o COUNTY OF WATBRFOBD BridMt Nolan, Fenor, transfer oi an ordi- law «a< irtich that t'hc iii.ig.v-t.rat?in.y longer. Irolcind, a ia, viz., nary license from Eobert Nolan, decayed; eittor Oi,!y gran t or ref use a ho-nat a- wae K.insolui waa remaiidtxi to Poi'jy Se-sions , an educational nolnt of view The uiual Tilia treatment ot the pupilii mai oi daily granted. :MT, H. D. Keane for applicant. Phi>p.nix Park HoUi tv oai! bfir.R allowed. form o! agreement h-aa k) be sijrned by the- occurrence. Inquiry toving iieem mada. the THE " Itotuf ixed,b y the County Council ot Woterjord heljj in t!i^ r os* th* ' " r OLLU " SELF-ACTING Mary MiargaTet 0'iBnen , Powersknock, u' -i IJar> -jn , IKI WKJU tt e ui.Jarstw'uid t.h;v. an api>oal has ClLai rman oi the board, as well as by the t5ur>ject of the3e complainto was (brourrti to for holdyg 0 Quarterly I>or!d Cn who U r. >Io« : i tnu - b) be*m J Meeting) tor Syea t transfer of an ordinary license from Patrick was no i>o^{.' aruiex the .aw ;< pin &u« -r i<^Ctxi M.r Reaiifc , s.;l^-iior for Mrs. Loner- peej on talcing out tihe child. A certificate tho notice ocf 3tr. -MJoTria1, .wh< ¦promised that POLISHING P4D ending 31st O'Brien, deoaasod ; granted. M.r Jamee Mc- a care ehould be taken in ftitui-e Uiat no ob- . May, 1907. ' " tiijcr " on Vu I . i ;,r an; ii the rruw must be obtauiod from a c-lerjryman, m;igis- Fon DLAC:( & onotvn DOOTO C Coy fox appticant. 1: 13 Honor—I * wa^ always ol aptnioi tnav trate or householder. servations -would be mada which would bo , & Thoma3 E. P. w«r w-iinu-v IH;LR» HI Mr Konny—I th'ink these . reg-ulations are ¦hurltful to tho tfeoliiiss Of ihv> pupils; or that oonfi-nnation of o transfer of an. ordinary e: t< would Ln any :. r-it J iMrurphy—Jit extended hia incrultinfr reraarftB to matterj of allow it to become brittle or dry up. j ¦ ^o s-how * what ^rround^ Da -t t/bi? Mr. meano that a child btufore No bru&hea are needed ¦S H =3 > - 5 : : 1 .a. -- - AMiEG-BD FIRING AT THE PERSON . Q mur.1, faitb 'and doctrine, doarosi to i£ae beartti oi or no paste to noil - , . a abi motion- Wi MIT I>sayin3 \&\ inslitution show a certain the lianda. " Tho Olio Pad " is particu- s' r . Tweedy—That the applicant nas violated ^<^X\ amouift of proflciicncy in education . Oatholic3, «:t> tho eaan timo dilating; on the a< ¦ William Walloughby, an itinerant vendor Cha-irmaiv—iWe never let a ohild out un' advantages of iFreemasonry and PrDtestan'tism larly suitable for Travolloro, Vlsltoro > ~ -?a ¦ his obli^ati'>n / -il to the Ooaoldo, and, in fact, to all who 2 •2£'S53£55 ° a *. „ JS of basQiet work, ibelonging to Wales, wao in- y id lionor, having consuluid with the other^ Oy he or she is 14 ycare of age. With more forbcaranoe than oould 1>e expected ght of the 26th it am ¦M-r tf £a man uperior of. The originator of " The Olio Pad " agr eed lo reri fw the lioen.se withou. an . Mount Sioa ,to eirre him ha3 also introduced : 1 ~ Tnitin intent to wound Patrick Oondon ana conlditions whatever If the law 6aid thai U:? , an aisuranoe, in o SENT FOB SPEOIAl TEEATME.VT. E-Ja Pads for Ronovatlna: Dark Cloth. s : § -i- f Peter Caulfield. lioaiise : •was not to =ell to any body eist rtian Dr . JnokJiKm rcoom maided that Patrick •wTitinff, 'that in future dealinf.} with tho \S to k '5 Tha prisoner when arraigned 6aid he did and ' Knglidh 1>e 6ent to the Oitiy and County In- pupils tho introduction of: all such jeirbiccta Pada for Furnlturo Cloanlnfj. rpasfeer^era employees, tWn ht Pads for Ronowlns OIIU and Folt fire a couple of 6bofe , but without intention could prostoute, bniig the case befiore tJhe firmary for treaianent.. as thoia .complained ol, should, be etriotly to- injure anyone. Ordered to be sent. avpidod. This. Mr. Morris rdused to do, Hato. , ma.'fcistrates , and, if they l&ed. (o the Lord ' Pads for Stove Pollthlngr. Thia was «juivB3en.t ft) a plea of not guilty. Chi&f Baron^-dauch'ter'). LEAVE OF ABSENCE. ¦wTicToufpon ho was promptJorrUy difanitoed. Mr. Artfhlux italtheson, B.!L. (instructed by n&sistanit ni^ht mireo, in Tho iplaAniifl !h!aiviT!{r tarled to tfippear, hia Pads for Silver Cloanlne, and I THE GBiVND JniBY. John Coffey, tho ' Pada for Cleaning Qloves. IMx. James McOby), (Jefendod the prifioner. Tlh.o iollowing gentlemen were &worn on tne THERE'S NO-HING TO EQUAL liospital , applied for two weak/ leavj of claim was dimnisscd with, ecefia. . Pro^UMn n. Pitcnos ft IT Tbo Utter ladles wllj find 4xoell«nt. 1. Mr. Tweedty, CA,' paoeeoutdd an the part azon Arthur Whito and Jamea L. ip.'jponTANT TO tfonoc oivwcno Mostxrr-—23 or 24 years, i i§ «• |'... ss ,. . jl : . B a caravan at'tfhe men- above mentioned. ¦W^ght: ; • • i Mr. Kenny—(Are tho doctors csrocible to lifffill r O Has HbnWN-iWih&t do you moan by a "cara- i To cccuro a ' tjh -.? : i . . Vld.. wTanTT/- each. ; o f j JUDGE'3 SPEBC5H. 10113 price : to a Good horw . on Patented in Thirteen Oountriea wan?" . <- :hairman—& will 6end this applicatioi! bade . : Mr. Tweedy—'He ia a gipsy. 'tw£ bills. | sentia!. Mr. B. Stafford , a popular ho»»> rlio the. doclxwe • if you l ike. ¦ Tho application wus granted subject to {be Local Arongi'; i- IVjter Caulfleld deposed that be -was in, tho John' Dwyer a man with ee(veraT oonvictiona man, "tells ua how he removed & olemidi and K. OXoary «nino Ointment" I VACCINATION. ' ti* Bciienring Otueer Roche repor'jed that ol the R. Ooad. Barronartra od Btroet, and | «flllfig|ij i'* prisonercame in; a man named Condon also on & valuable iorco of mine whici, after. two DttBtarfbutlaeA Jtmt: ! came in; I wanlt thiitty yards past Skibepaeai appHcationo, removed a; curb. ' I had 'pro- 53 Taoeinatiioo derlaultere; referred to him for (TUniFlEO TBS OLOOO). Ibmdge and waited fifteen ntunns tar Oondon, yiou£Jly tried three pota dfjmothar •w«lHnwwi> inquiry, 33 have been eruoooEefully vaocinated, - ¦ 4 have dded, 0 havo left the district, and 10 I J:f . ittr gij «: 1 «» who was also in the empToyment of Mr. Mor- blister, but with, no snocesa. Where over I ; Q«rf?aKnd ¦ * ;• : ; ' ¦:¦; : ' ¦§ men came can I will recomm&iMl; ¦were unfit (or the opersiiibn. The unit casea Pe*co«ta \ MENRY itt BELL," §. - . B 3 a#' • gan; I vmo prfeotly sober;three 4iio ' Anti-Ourtilne : also been vaccd- MM j ; H.-^ .. OD tib«m Ointment.'" ¦reporteki last quarter have Crona Rhawmatlafiti B P> .V^ . mti. . li oa the end w tibe grassy rwad; » rf, , Thia exoellent hore« bliMer, nafled. : ' ' : another, ana Ocmdon said "IB that which lo a : fine preparation fox reffiOTUig , C~nAilB,OFIKln<'i «w», Wmmf mtest e i Qv A Y, .w^(t«if ttouok H-j,- COUCH: Gum Reliovdng Officer DoyTo i reported that ot {ho ;. rent*. r«v :v> ol . ' GaulfWld?" I eaid, "Yes.t . I tLcQced him up curbs, eplints,, caiona or bony formKt<]ana HOI PIMM fl -3r l > 6 irtetaulters refomed to hiJ^i, • 4 were, euocccs'. Qvsrolllnria, ^I * ' •¦» and w» walked about twelve piaoes;,-thMi- I may bo Siad from lbs originator, Henry Bell, ^ BM U |i ¦ I s'5s-tt«>**«« i' I * -•* • . -.- Qor Then fairy vaccinated and 1 rrta4 unfit. {2oNM, Ab«wuM, ¦ Jiaard a voioa buying V DoiaKi, " . Veterinary Chemist, Waterfowl. 2/- &ndr3/0 The 6ame officer, teportod that of 8 de- BrwpttaM ' ¦'• i-*s* «aste 44 4~£Ll A therewta e a ehot, sod I ran. away: .wiere wane t»r pot poet frfco. : • : i7TOH4«lo,Rln gwavM, , . . .. :fo ;,M.;;u ^¦„ ' j' ; , - , they came faultom in the Kiilin-esj dern)district referred to .; . th« Skin. ni4.mH *4i- • I. two other abate rn snaoetssioiv and' Ihim had been-etiqccssfu%i vaccinaUid, 2 •« ¦ ! i : Jtan the same ddieefficmias the ^aratvanwa e; . 4 ' 'QI»«WM««ff 4^V ¦ ' : f:^-: iHi ;: |* .j -A&i'cih-- -it h!ad died and 9 wtfroVuniH. : witf;Skin ^j ^ .TJJIH-r!) f t r < lyt ri. ^* tfie 4hot» hit the burihea sama aa a fltafnl df ^RONCHITJS demolition, will 4ln4 tt> MiMH > gnavel ftred at it by hand. . Mu AND ASTHMA RAILWAY AFFlCS. j i 'ft ' . kiHiK JlfTYA'- fitKEPLY. and ¦ffimtiua . Hiii^i . ); ¦ Ftotiidk.Oaad aft, ailco in tfie emfpHoymant of - llniei^aW-AGxJUiid: ppE0d tlbe ccnlractora'dnring ^^m r***"**! *^— '-T r rfllMilinMiSTliT * ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Cbl«-" ¦ ' t>7 th* week— Hfcu itii\mt Iffinir inrr WStTI Is donian, £1,4&6. - -\- • ftnmy thing altogether; ' '¦ ' a • ¦ ¦ ll CBBto HkH^-Jt : . it John Hielan, 1 10: > Sh^efhan, 10i; Ed. fuw pii Hti ' ,: ¦ Wnn. f*—iil>twl avtn»#*ji*i mitU*ummk < id Ut. ' ;.. . , 1 man, 10 3-7; ^n-|Jrje2o» 10 5^: '^f ^fjf m WSaj BSMm ¦ Bw«edy—The dbote wonM appear ;, ...... Ed. Pi TSrifa. Gongb 10 B-7 -James! Kfraa 10 Wl; BdwanrJ » ! '^ ' ' i ^ ii of . . ' " |. '^ " 'hyVK *' *:.f £J -' te^to, dtoSfi W^f M ' ¦ ?&&. Cinito $*»*•*» a d6oMe bftrwl gnn 3; deedb of .axreaeemeat}4: tkXal; 6 t&Jg A l*23[MS B»-J>»I mn oo, tbe oocapian w- iw>t de/OBoeab in baxOmtpbcaeB of 13, «^Jd a m 'fe-H |g Si ^ \£2& *** «SftJ fix* STkMMr ?* £2?M&i£1 *9ed" «*rMWffl««WB* la 1 1906

¦ ¦ ;: ' r ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦:¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦- - ^ liiillili ; . 1 • ;ii, ! ! . \ %

¦ «!¦ «) PH i 1 1 .cbraifnwT qp^ wcncfr"" ^ way 60..1maole in KWOCKNAGOW dhurch DA2AAR AWD ««FETE-»u ing h'im! y6u would eave something. : and ohapel t broughout the length ' i j W-H mk DAII.Y0RICXER1. and breadth of Ohr s,temH>m da the . same o ! IUhairmian-iYeB. iT;S|SiPUBlJ Messed njiir O'Clconior TM3 lady has over; 25 years ¦ wook i>i the inoirhaiion 'being re- G-BAiJlD dHHNHIN'G OEKEMCXNT ¦ ' eervtiice.; I us for a long time a reader oi the ¦ newed for chaistian people, and flhat tco at o ' ¦ j ' ' lunnes in a uewspaipor» and I danis thdnk thcte - iris t \MMiiE \ : sit-riiing fomi o£ ii« work whioh aPlEBOH¦~*~^ ^BYx TiH£J.JXJ, BlilHOPx>j_iri.vr. ©ingle complaintwiLatever ag ainst tlhe echool- THE FOEStilL OPfiXiENG. iHe loved to do. T: e Qkurch is ceiowatme 1 a unietirctse witti regard to th« manner 'in. wJxich loday all over, the : world 1 . the feast that is &iaolmago.w Bazaar she diaciargal her duties, wJiish are oi a most GERM ! CAKE iknown as tne :feast:6f Our liady of Mercy. onJfeOJuesday PJ* * was * ^ School Mr. McCarthy—I would like to know, wha't firrit. institution damiea us; btwik to a God-like S& and cKiience StshoolsTbesideT «¦ ! GOOD 11 tlho old - in Mlira Downdnjr's asc—(lausrhter). FOB ALL STOCK. On :il»n. L. J EQ&n dhildren were drasrpted away cruelly trom Cha'lniKin.' —K yeara. « , CO. BaHybiieikeii. AJlso Dre- and his myriad ^upportere ouiminate BE ¦Mr .\n'd :—(Hi3 Lordship the Bishop thear home3 and carried into distant landa. great bazaar in tie ¦ WILL THE . McCarthy— ohe is efiigle still? Jj , notiirithatand- 70a cio not pleased -niti qaall^ TTO O the community. yrading , and in reality more cruo. ;iiau any M Coni tfirco on recefpt of 2, S. U TIH IE BISHOP * -ilDOXniESS. •ing that we could give a £.100 and £200 f^id yo-ar (The foltowing were amongst tfhose invited : iwiuich tie MussTiinuin »n$ able tt. inflict increases. money. This to rl^i. ' ' The Superiors of Warerpari. and Mount Sion, upon the Christian . , There is a slavery ol The Mosi Ke^ tDt. darkness, of ignorance, there is Jie s-lavery Sheehan , who was IMT. Poley—If she needed it we would be I>. 8. Jack-man , Ford , Morris, MorriBsey, warmly received, eaid—J am here to-day the first to support her. K ileher, Kennedy, CSullivan, Haydon and •of sin, there ie u olavery of degrading work, discharge u very i io it ia ; there ie a slaj'ery of i id'ieneas, and from all p eaaaiit work, and that js iMr. Parks-^I think a very bad prin- St aphenson ; the 'Mayor of Waterford Power, Fakhlezz ; Mr. and MIB. (railway. fore God' l)glht has shone upon the Ohiria'uian Ie« , ven.ure j^j 2X. soul to guide ita life and teach it tihe ixuchs . to fca; who expeo;ed thai toe Mr. Stack—I exprcAswl my opinion. libs. Bosanquet, MOBS Connolly, Mr. and Mere projea. -wonit a.ssuni. the Mr. McCarthy—I only naeant to give my Mjurphy, St. Otteran's Place: fiLre Smith, Mm oi c-tematy—ithe young child wnet. u is immense pro- itisod , Ui« habdt oi portions wmci »t se<- displayed here a.,- this OTO i/idopondcoit opinioa on it, and I ought J-i ckman and iliss Bryne, Miss Doyle, Mro. bap receives, as it is oallec moraon unoe- t.ie to b? fenlitled to do that. laith — an i neCinauJOJi, tlhat is to saj , U) be- ' hil* oi you: own p^Mid I did not meet or B vnsayne, Miss Flynn, Miss Phelan, IMTS. Tipj-xrarv-^ppiaust, Bu-. ' ''peak to ayojie In -referoace tc thia miatter. liev*. urx)ii God's word , tihe truths o! faltih it is impossible Q linlan, Mire. J. Hearne, Mi. and Mrs. almost to realise fully the energy and power liEr. O'Connor eaid it was in consequence ol Gpnald Kelly , Mr and Mrs. C. P. Eedmond, iwihen ih*y are taught to it later on. It is the oi org-a-rusatior: thai: what Mr. Mc'Oaxthy and Mr. Foley GUNS' •Work enaibling soulls in the Ohuron w-day M: Weator. was able to had taid FOR SALE Miss Miullroney, (MJ . and Mrs E. Deevy, '>f connnai.o -i a,pp.a,uje>—nit earnestness that be supported the iiie-re-ate to Dr. Crtan, M,r. and IMirs Maokey, Miss Casey, to speak to the young, to deliver their from ami 'but ho did not advocate and give ihem the entmisiHBrn •n-itc wQiiat. t,he people of Clonmel oponuiR cerernony. and hx»w earnestly I hope DUCOGAnVArj DOARD OF GUARDIAFJCS the rncreaie applied ¦ilk. O'Shauxhne6sy, Messrs Walsh and Field- the slavery o: iguorapc* ore aibu -wo rts Jor by che doctors wiho came there a fort- freedom of the Idhildren of God. 'For woA erf •* in t> cause whioQi they cor> tha.t ivien this ibazaar has been concluded, iright ago. Ho fhoughii Beat Selection of Second-hand' irk, Mrs. P. Murphy, Mre. Morris, Mrs. ' suit - 1:,. .aust of PaiU and Fatherland— Mr. Westo n will have the satisfaction oi SOmxyLiMI STRESS AND HEK it wouM be a very South Gtms in the OJMahony, iMrs and Afisa Coyne, Mrs. and ithis kind t!he Bisters oi Mercy , bearing the each, fiingle Caulfield , M and Mra T Oasey, Mr. and Mra jud^iiifr i what have- been reading formallly declare th^ bazaar open— do. Ix tiw uow^iKipen - sin ,-e the meetinr to Several other opeiechee followed, and wheia Tho weekly meeting of tlms board wao held ¦is Oonble Karrell nuc& (Jura is for tJieru to reach souls that perhaps may . iiav. reJerreo waa hold, and still on Tuisd'.iy Mr Michael Pa rk a , and sub- 'wore in anorher position eht would ' very ,« Eing; Wm. Stack JJ1 h to 20 children under her charge, and nature and power to «."in souls to God . and am worx with eomeiuhing, if : Frani Stuart, ehe is only getting £30 a year. I thrall fiho aid Mro. Bryant, Mr. J. J. Phelan ,. dies I maj r>e permHted to cay it , ¦ U.V .C ; Joh n Walrfi, Sloady Castle. 1 , Mr. J Widger, Mr E. Kelly, Mr. there is another wort which , perhaipa, is leas more even than 0AiKiHIUK-L)N -8L'IT: VRDIAN S A3«1D ought to be iput on a ipar wjih the nuilo ' Puelan have , re- thei: wonlec enenn" d onmel should hi Tho following officdnia were in attendance— /ixjadhor , only two Jiames Hearne, Mr H. D Keane and lihe /blessed than tbaft to w^oh I jus' Miessrs. John R IXawer, Clerk ; iMichxvel who h'.-^a ch'Cdren, and iHIIIGHESt • Mr ferred. (We have am-jngst us on every fflov ¦A THJSIH r £1A> paid £40 : a year. I will take a poll now. ~ MEsse3 Keane, Mrs and Mi6e OMahoney. PL.VI; Fi.vOI TC WORK A KAZAIATl L>} Flynn, Assiitaivt C8crk ; Thomas Wakhe, Mr. ParOc&—I add Mre. Arnold , Us. and Mra. Kearney, young cdrls whose lives are drean anQ u.*«>- JUaster; Reflievmg Officere T Doe and E. don't care to vote. ¦less. Tney have no joy in ,tlhe presen't, no On« neec At C4»tiU'k-«.Mi-bu-r Quarter ix-wions on A drviiiion waa then taken, and tnore voted G acedieu ; Mr. and Mire DriscoYl . Mr. J. 1 >n.j «ane in-K.- the town 10 see ew _ Kiely. PRICE , Messrs Hearne and ¦real good pTospocit in the tu't ure. Le-Et to aenr the- It' uiat lor wAB <$p? & nelly -. these to w* are now assamibled, I dians, and Me J F Quirk tor Itr Heimxibry. Rinpr-2. * k&m W B OlDonneli , P.P; P F. Fitzgerald, Sitsters of M emcy ;o ,g< amons& thiuj . any strange' wno comes into your returned cheque, ibtti > 03 there wall be no The propecition was midst canno". faC &, (Mir . OTDoouicM . iu oixining the case , said meeting of tlhe Council beHore the let of then deolared carriedl be inrpreMed bj tha r prazin^ ifor montho, for and you may re-preewn the pay- iilr. O'Connor—I ihave a resolution hero this—oh tho aware there iras a mim of £93,000 in the ($Zp SUPPLY CO, Ltd itawL you nsvt eviaenc* oi piety and ihirK T.-.23 poin3 on. aX the iworidhouee, and the hand3 of the Treasury which .belonged, I lo 1 toiowieaa \ OL navo Ohajnman of the Uriban Council (Air. Hayes) p ^ convent* and guardina an their agreement neeerveil to llhom- dj here. I tliinik we will refer this letter to might say, Ito the County of Waterfom in ' re- TKr.^^ ggAD. WATERFORD monasteries, anc .vox nave three oruirclKis , oi selvea about 80 perchee oct ihe land, tto be .usod, ference to .th-b railway, and we have got to ¦Tilhich any Qatnolic com-munity in the world 1 you. ¦nrOEOUG-HBRED COOKEEEL9 FOESALE -fe . if neceisary, ia connection, wtttlh n 3-J. -Xhirin; that itime the ratepayero displa .v o: persoiia: power , eometihint even woo a aneriiber. decoded itio CUDJOW Mr. (Hienne- cJthi3 diitrictt have been paying 1/4 in the they didcxxvered that ond ho contradicted' the statememlt of Sir still mor* tihar. any ol tne manifesi'atione oi 'bry £5. Subsetntenitily Oharles Cameron, and tihia b hia reply : — pound of the guarantee, .while other ipart3 of AT THE ABATTOUJ, UOEBIEOS'S EOAD. pidty anc iov<- 0' knowledge 10 which I havo they had lacked ullegaly . aa nortlice ci tmotaoQ ttty Le.'bomtory.| 17 CasftTe-eSreet the county blj A ibeen. payina Cd., 8d., and BO Ibeen given IA surwey of tiho , been referring that nave helped to make thu ehould have Dnblin, 8opt. 21, 1906. on, (brft we have al-waya been .paying 1/4 for WiATEBFOED. ¦movement tne sur-cau wihicih we all be-heve it fidld was tftum made by Mr. T. J. Toafe, land (Dear Sir—J havo to express my apologies the past 33 yeara. Therefore I think our vril' surveyor a imaip or! iwihich wiaa before bis . Dt Here 11 these schools you have that to tihe doctor tor thinking that the bottle in claim should ibe very etrong for a thare—a . P. A. DUmtlH. mighty power a; worX fiha-J underlies every Honor. The guardiaEo at a eubsequent (meet- (which tho tunpentino referred to wa3 not grcai iihare of tho £03,000. I have attended £ctioi a) uu In- TOIL POUTHK OF RHLK>I<» oould not cjjree to, hence ihese ond attribu.t«*d its condition tto the bottle con- Ibeen made rwere favourable to these projects, NEGLECT IMr M. Hickey. AEsiatant Clerk to Uie taining it being dirty a put cantpio would build a Minii^gmimm to Insure Horses, —^a-ppiauBt Tnes« lm- poweio are n-eedful cOTrcrtxxraited MT OT>ocnnell'o that but in those days if you wanted to s^irz ** Guarcfians, be eent. I have now to report that the bad bridge to the Cunnigar it would, fall upon the f Wfi^^^. mStallions. {-. Foaiina anc usefti evorywiiert but nowhere ' more staltentonit, anid prodiuced ithe mimltes ol tihe condition of the turpantin© was due to a would not be the case now. Mares against Accr Qiax IL ou o»x ImLaiiri of to-dag We nr\) dJooumeatary ervtiiden.ee. Kites, but ftudb. I I^K^sS^Siffls Ihoard and otlhei juther large amount «f parioxMo of iron, Therefore I ¦Chink, overy man in the County y*^ dent> Dlaeaaa tutu beh.uic al. tne nationb o.' Dhe earth in every- (Hda HJonor—>H)ow did tihe ocnranitteo orn-wei 'M lo around *J \ ll 1 oonjpensaltiicm duo? mix^d' with it. Sapacf ied- frwn> tho eo •Waterrord--very .particularly peop >tt •will be remembered' that the foundation faiiikLmg line in thUiat ha done 'to have cihcao mmih¦ needed j Presenited to His imid—Bometlrixnf like a mi^rity motor, or a and to reply W> Mi. Quinke I cro. etc.. unless we take im- Chunoih in Tramore, itfhe completion of it rrlonfiec erprees Rosstero train, tx> enable Ua ¦was a member of the camrairtitee that had mente carried out, and The Most Reverend Dr. Sheehan ibeing done by Mr. Ryan's father, who was at the appear- OmV3. A. CAMERON. mediate action iwe miy not get a shane at au. the o<^xisum of laying uhe Foundation to eatcl uj: me nataons w'hich have outdis- inspaa'jad the field , it presented Chairman— try th«nr more fortunate ctirouin- anoe of having 'been very jnucih trespassed This resoCution whicih I have to «>«>PJ«« Stone of the •Mr. John Ryan wtta born during the tone his j ee doctor? Wo do not Jaiaw whit proportee subject oi .the memorial foiwarded to \'ew Oonvettt of Mercy. stajicea ID the years that have passed. U we on in come parts , the comroif' iwero 01 ouffht to bo in turpaniino or vrhat ousht wit on the Eather was Mayor, arid received ithe usua.' ¦want to progress 01 proper unieD there are opinion [that && wx>ulrf Ibc a (fair sum to offer 1st May, 1905. silver oradle in 5ix>nwur of fie even/L Mi to w. ! xdative (to the conitnitfUon oJl a , CE., Aieaitwi ¦i»x> th'inge we need beyond all—education anki &ia\ £He3mebrj ¦Acting Olori—'It is vcrtjr caltatsotory, from for Ir&, Cunnigar J. A. Ryan John Hearne, the builder of the convent, did tihe guardians DUD- bcfjweea (Dungarvan and (the Hearne , Biiilder. religion—dareotmg enri praiiding ovoi that aju iHonor—Maw the doctor'fl porat of viaw. It complet busdness oi the decease ot ius educational wocrk—{lioar haar) Aj 1 etamcT eeaueniily reduce tt Kto £1 I3flP I wiH now propose-" That Mr. Bryee tihat tlie plans for xhe tatiher , l vindicatco him. pers&nal inspection of tie il'. ^ a;»;>TOipriiite and has sinco gone . ahead t>j leaps thort , aiiiO look round mt , I see whererver I Mr. Pcnrer—J do not know , your Honor, I IMir. Parico—Isn't it a matter mcxro tic refer , ouested \o mLkc a iivagnificent buildins. formally opened on and bounds. Both ihe arotetoat ami Uie turn in Ui«so Large prounda tihe uvidencus of waa not ipresoot ox tho Gubsequesrt. meotmj 6ay Mr ;builde-r ' ' ¦ to tbo con-tractor to 000 what ho ha3 to 1 1IA? 'Monday, should have been entrusted to -are to be congratulated o7- Uie the wock for educsa-toem' that hae been carriejd of Hlie Iboand. . ' c'bou'ti it? 5SrisEs? « Ryan. The name of Ryan has been a hou=e- splendid structure tuilt for itie u«i - '>in- on here by the Ohrisntian Brothera There is Ulr. Quirke Baud- that another catoee of damr Acting Clark—It win go to tho Local Govern-: generations pjst in the unodation orf the Si^Afira of fM'pp- nOtxj of epring Ihad been J 'i\d, \rord for many no . edu<--aticn: for any of isyour no boyB, age to lie &ono3hue portAinity of aMaining , quality of the turpentine io bed, end thai n- ley CC- \V Kehoe, CC; suitable and rom uner- years require a txaiirmg eomething of the 6ome ?&%%%££X8SZ **.T F. Mo being so, musa't you refer it to tho contractor ; BEST emd ative wx>rik, to bring Jjy into their hearts , and kind on mterinR into the Primary SnliooC* irifisey, D.VX). td the IboaiU'. who aupplied it? heip to male Ilheir homes happy. Thii i«. i - precent when tnia '¦ HCT- Mr OuirSi—iW«iw -yoTX The ntattor wan rofarrcd to tho medical onl y the briafest and most imperfect outhnr question, of cllowing Qlr. 'HenneT>ry £5 coni- offioei and the contmcUar. LAST ioNGEST of tihe work wnjdh the Bisters, who ar f «.. tii-K««nieat:iincdSiw - when in hsr salary of £10 a year. blessing of God and ; the Church, knowled3<. a:: •they are to live ori your boyti ttlli tihjn)pi oi lecving echool, for yoar Hionor ctA£ ; Rc-v J ^nnon all their future life Thf there w ne^i fartlteim cntor upon the worik. Witne£-I oomld not eay, iwS3 adjourned, 6O that notice might be given oSlUnane - *>• * > Sister*. -of Mercy are ;no new institution ,u\ ' ¦M)r IQuiilk—Tihe Clerk etellltiled ' that. (To to eadh, guardian. 9(li\ "AT3 Allied u>d found by Kt J, Etna Rev M . V^*& W^./ *Rev.% W. Irelajid to-day. In every of thaiT lives at anoo. But tihero are othera matter of tad;. did not BlM«!l 1 Breooo. feh , Troiaore ; Rev J Caulfield, part of the land and tboy requirx) oomething o4 a bcWci and Mr ftrorriE=3y>-^Ao a Mr. Sayej-iWell, ffilr. Chairman, and 7! . °{, rn. after Mlo*ons l/ and/Mrs Murphy Mm Barren- , they ihave been fulfilling tfheir God-bk* itha Ctofe prcsant rsbj a to you and teD you to Gentlemen—J navo very great pleasure in Box oi Harrison's -'Retlabto " Rat Etidy, Mr imissibn , huchar teainJiBg. Bhere , i3 .a £mib of know- ' ' EquaUy SWei and M5i Barwii-KOTell. Mr F Wans- . and away Jar beyond the bounds of ledge whidh the tree in th» primary school caa- totWdoon t exadtly itmoemiber. moving this resolution—--n iMir. Jamea ll atvflaya tound tho children neat, olean may be a source of Messing lor generations be others, and tor them. *-no also examined. iwoll cJothed, and they are indtruatod by Mis& yet again there will ¦Hia Honor dismissed ibh» oaso on' the Dawmng in needlework. She informed me unfborn—that it may dairy on in its i-w n have to earn thei r livelih'ood by the work Of puatttisSiia should , Mr E Phelan , iway and time the worfli whix/h Our Lady oi , you have your teco- morita, (holding ttha't «he ihiL during tibo 25 years ehe baa acted as. MrIs J asA Ryan^P, MIESE Phe^Kten vSf their hands anc! brains odhore to itlhe dociaion of Ithe comimttee aa fichSootmislrcss that all the clothes tor the- Mercy gave to the saints of oth-er days—ihat nical school thai echool n'hioh, let me aay , at may penpattiato , children, were roado by hereelf, and that is a AN ADVERTISER'S in !thi3 district and every- in passing. 1* one wxirthy emiiiieB'tily oS the other business toeifore 1ihe corari a bt - 'n'fhere arowid the manuary of Him who, for consideration of every thlnlking man in youi The only thing she neod not have done, but' It meant Birks seconded the resolution ; fche fiifit time to-day, ¦WS3 itho usual batch ol processes 1- r defote ty a bag caving to the ratepayers-. She baa uLo Mr ' resides in this Taber- midcrt who has at heart tihe wiollaro of your of the oases ¦pra .-nted tmy nado—that 'it may pknpeituite ffis wv>rk f or town anc1 ne^ft'h.'bourhooH—(applause). We teade-ro. Kono cctefl aa nurce to them at night, and I know; ECONOMY. ever and for over irriore our natural capucity lciture of public iateicat. 'when these- children had eoailatina and other; in .teaching t!ic must not be too proud OJ di38C3eo before they were removed for isol»r Mrs Kennc^;. Ote* . O ffivan ignoaiant, in comforting tihe afflicted, and in God haj dowerod our pexxpto no doiiht with Morrissey. , J. Walsh, the affording that sweet .powerfu l add that chu great gitte , they have ounuintr of the hand tion she ollen remained up oil night minding M?;. Stoiiniy. iiss Arnold rity and nursing them. She 13 the oldest officer, EoocomyIa ftdrorlkin^u a matter of dss» alone can e'ive *)' makfe .real happy a and 0? the mind, but theae ghta ii they are £20 to £6,000 acVvmced on note 01 band MEmmconcern to aU etc. ohq int««»t«d 5 all, ete.. Christian pecpte. not developed will never produce the resu'tB Bills oi Sale teieu or dhargeo ol tinb board, and no one knows whether Tn.ha bwiac sac; liTS alone. No is there or not. because dho , ia a, lsdy of a tog rooVwiDc4pl^t<<.»aoc«s» amm j bm fBenedidition wa'3 tlwn given by His Lord- for w'hich God gave them. They will nev^r made unlos3 business results. D;n't appGy ¦retiring , ajid I eay openly and T.HE BISHOP'S An>Dtt>ES3. ehip, and the visitors irrare BubGequen'Jly enable those who po:se£3 them to attain the Banis or limited Oompaniea, diEjpoaitiion ilSHigLSSI to so-called j3 ipteition Providence, who gave ntich to conceal the identity abovo Doarcl, there no offloer of this imioq ''' unanimously adopted. At the oonclteion of the 'Mass Kij Lordihip hospitably entertained by the good sisj eie. for which vihicii are regi^rod ibaitor entieibd to an increase. In fact, aha The rcsoluUon ^as and addressing ihe oon- The catering SfiftB , intended them. Therefore I do thick of tho proprietors or ehareholdero. I conduct concluded the, .business. amended the altar,, was done Iby Messrs \Y, J who u aniious informed me ehe hss not &3 much ae onb This SSation, eiid-iDe^rty beloved brethren, we Smi'Jh and Co. ' that it behoves every man my ibuaincas in my own name, and am the penny. The ohildren who have left the ecbool here to-day for the purpose oi alxjut Uie progroAs of tlhii town—and die otitttol lender. (Write in confidence , stating are in constant corrccpondanco wrth her., j i District Council. arfaTsenibled . iame LS true ir. its own place a!l>out evety -wait ' insisting at: the formal opening oi an m- with requirements, when representative will (Mir. Staok—I will cooond that. 1 know he: trust, is destined W other low-n-^t^ lor»k sympathy and you !by appointment, and complete Tho poefiibdlities of Stution, wlrch, as we thi£ kind, ar.d give unon eiruse I camio hero, and I dop't thini there i^ £hia will 4t one mm- many and many & year, lor the favour upon srhools of traniactionB.-C. WELLS, 35 Exchequer a beUber or more deecrving o£Qcer in tho geflt ggmebhipy tangible to tti* zniodU ci to- lasit for n PICTURU FEIAUE, , all the h<-u'|) ho o.in. I believe in doin g -o he Head Officea-^Corndor &ur and jloiy of God. for the i°™° ¦ Street, OWblin. institution. , I ¦ for !is doins TTtOOft . , . off the ignorant, for the dare of the sidk ,, nOOtl, AMD DADO Oliambera, Leicester Sir. P. Foley—The ouestion. ia, Mr. Cbair'r srsSiSft- jBrar'-sS good of many soub. The p:a«j man, tfoea she need itr ! I Chaintoan, presided. 'S 8L spiratual . A lew COUNTRY. ; Jd te lime are alike , opportune ¦ A GREAT WORK FOB HIS lOtoirman—Wefll, Mr. Pol'c!y, bcre 13 her owr) EfflO^tBflMGS,; BA.DDLES. BBIOLE3 AND HARNESS. ; application. . . '- ! I j >-QW LABOUBEBS' ACT. : , OOUIEC more directly for all thoce abovo fememj tho largest in -was nwde- Catfltli tad P«n(s» rUan fr«o«i. ZnrrTtt-riZH and oi . Our otoci of Mr . Foley—1 underdttuwi ehe was Induced Tho 'following recommendation1 . tor no labottred enoomhBA; #PD ' tb* Ip tr tm thmTnt*. R»«U«S»lltT. Uxiscfg~) boya «-!ho will come WJo these techniaal Ireland) wu pxiroripsoa ietore the roocat by earn* membera oJ thisjjtaard- to riiako rewatmendtha t .the ClerK * tt Hmdtan la- Xu -13 comemhinrj moro than ad- - T3iat the Council vS&m::(EfTD tOa FAT. cchoola. But there ieavy riso in tie prioa ol leaiher. No appTacalabn;and I must cay cbe dStnU lot thd ¦bo MicUt Uie rate «1\1V per cent, on th« <«V TSSH OQOO,"' ¦ clearod. a-prndioation. How soxrw ifiotam oxewding " ' . ' "™ ¦peoole cupply i? ' riLl on! the number t&H i^Lj- • ' '- • fa»fa^pTVarbri, n-. . i : , ...... \ believ«, that il you want Do odlucate the 40 fKjtlV-a foor Bveraso ctoci), to eoloot BWB. betterprio as(or Ui«dr catilff, vHch are a deac" »T«rt ol Ireland .property ieH?icm musi bo Qie -Walter WeW» and Sons, ' BaiKaiatrcad- slump in- tho market at the present Urn©, taxi ttaw«b on th» a*t«U. : aw^ W«tJtjrJ^; Ilti> tnWMORXPIIil iIl ?'¦-.¦Crtatat =S«nijV end: ol your eyeUan ol eduta- ' OonAxr> poa»er ti* ialta Nw jwist t f! • i l i'T. T-—"**". \M7 .'beginning and ctrcct, Watorford. • ! under the dbKuanbuioes Mr. migh' PW ^ 9MSe u ' fl^Ej^^ ^ ^^^r > .^S wWr - $M £~4 W JHlp VBvJ-pPPvVi ^7m2:n«it;uclOcjCiarvTXrd ,CalQ, tfloa . We neod to be reminded ol thia to-day^ ^ get another . hint to apply tor eaxmet tnjcreasS wa*« *****«h« innairy. 2*1 * ^^^j *^T"3S—^i^f . l 4i \ we eee the currerMa £3 3/. Mr day for irttebdu* particularly « e for outside our aim land In. his »alary. Voder Ii© circumstances; I SSL^ptaoe; «J»ffi * OW STTUU *. - i rattan W3 te ^l sftrongly eetitiing to famrar ol whit it » tihe TO QOLFBE8. : would not media f orit. 'I ' ' " * ' '' ' ' ¦' ' ' midejuOTSaatlonal, or wbat yoa that ire hare be«o edyerju be 1 ¦ ' ! ¦ - r ' - custom ol to call T7« fcer to inJonn Mr. Stuart—X tmckTBtendtho Local Govern- - An order *^» made 'Uwt- ffn«^. ' • ! ¦: . I 1 v : • ' :!' .. has been called, and called' risK-Jry, ffodltea eWniS Bd»"H *L ' to> WQljfn Oltooa ment Board wilt pay it and np«n ' Ohairman-4lw£a! came enrf oi the fund of ^Slwerid ttiei aai Ootob?!..:; • . . , .| AM GXHIDITOn AT T^O RECENT eaemficed tt» mum for now io 4 JMatlkm-to only way it will IbaWsuBerod anx» m« eay OSMZDTton); and *r» ol th» th« Katioaal Board; but the ' ' " :¦' Godfe ^useHMid. ;let ; for . their: own «^Tyra lA«iBin*» Hotda d oenneagate&t' the ratepayersH in her pension1 ; • • i TSHB KKOCEBOY BITMiP.. -. . ;. <[ WATEn?0nD CHOW. ' !««»' ^ ggdu Btaroe*Aad jgentrrw oald do »»rF£ unindki ol fhA ' ohfldrea fecrmnflBted t» and Barbenf BiftkMHn&MS^.' to azdban»|!i BrlaoiWotf.iaDd «w , Ur. tStttama,. pi«ft that JoBow: U*) wactiadknounplsT: ted tmt • ttelr Beoullar iwanicheB the dhrirtfian Bmthera «ill -WaiH« . WU and (S 1>ry *ayii ^ ' ; s ¦¦ '¦ ¦ at^i ^OtadiniMi i-tei/ J " ' • ' ' ' jlSJiKjt.ba.-Biteiidfld •O :M .W, tpfp v-, Wr .(we wp« ¦»«•««!* Oondoa mi 'called <*n to MMgn hi» Hter ' Oo and i after; JW^. : JH*- - 1g» 'IWB £40.'aiSrJilt *ot#n f t yenTO, hkn g > ¦ • ; • "Watorfotd1 Newr* juS : ba on aaia at H» * *M lor » ' m >nitfa. :: ; - ^ .r- --:V: . . . ' . c:\:t^ d ; to fh« lasaoiiB of those Who* in M«:pension wcmM pome to tbe aant* tUag tk ' ' ¦ ¦ - ' ; H».*BiS^ i^> nw 4g*» 'g iWaiedted. Jftmafacfuwr.i •;. ; IHo be faithfal ItaSTIoat O0o». aa faaratolon. ! ' :' : i «— '1. _^^ i g^ | 5M» ottid CattjDlio •Stwm in d>5»gone fcy h^re btB-mUiry,' and oaafe(|wnflrjr >oa kept him ot . . ChMrmaH-ATr.Oondto ' Mtery is £40 ftw 1 * ' the NsUosM Boont btat hb nwtM and Ugb , ¦ A IM« nnnritn i P* ' «t .! bnthi« dewBan-.-wal :..-. > .. .i|j. .^. ¦- . ¦-[ -i.:¦; ' - v ' K *vJ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ']:« • . ". ;.pi. i ' .; ''-r ': ' " : -V'1 mmmimism, j|!- -f , : "|v: - -/ . -- . V- -j- S\ ¦ . i: - ;: - .. • i i " ¦: -\ ' ' . n\¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Kfcilifciialiiiiis^l ;, i .1 . ! : .: 1 ¦ inj ¦-» "V; !. * ' T ^-^ : THE MOMENTUM OF FtilSff FASHION ... m .^e^ible tor although it is but a few tft weeks since i P^y Offi \\^ ^ OUR MANTLET iil iir! AM) MILLINERY BUYER wag in the Markets, he has again visited them this veek. Ladies have come to expect:great ALL things in this department , and we venture to anticipatey that their expectations will ibe fulfilled.

OUR DRESS Uol ! BUYER has also returned , ana a, Autumn is upon us Summer Gowns Oar Buypv is presently at tlis Harketo. la , which have been permitted for a longer penoa man usual , must be laid iaside for something warmer , and more sober in hue. Claret and Wine shades are said to be a day or two we will bs skGi7ing Our ETeJ7 Sciaiaoaa iUl &ur Buyers are "busy preparing for the favourites for the toming Season , but the vanetv o: New Colouring is practically iWintor Trade, and hava just returned from endlest, or / pentrcs o2 a visit to all tho Ticadin^ atanirlaaturers of Hcd©o from -M^ .gToat FaoMon-Vreatinf the Riittdom and aU the Centres of Fashion. Paris asid landon, together ' with a cMes cslGptioH^ IV BOTI DEPARTMENTS SHOWb WIL COMMENC dQsigiifi. DBHS3iL4iK'L\.G. ON MONDA Y. OOTOHF.I i of our own Gsoluoivo 'Our Drc^ErniaTier is one of the land. ¦

'A S2ECILML OTiJHHR FOR OCTQEBR COS- TlUiJIE 4j/- compIeVs, lined with Beit Silk or l?oc-gcDG©n & @O Gitin.. [IM0@oBtfi©(D trJIlt be higihltf atoftfoc/afieta GDn (LOGOH O ®,, rJATTECH(?(!DLin IEISHE M LTD., Ho. ol Fic\ Par Irctartioi Wordfl. Incaruoi. After Ficr. WATERFORD 1Q Cc. .._ li. 10 .—- 3d. _ lit ? DM €M C4 . •la .._ 2c i arFwed tiiey Editor," " Tho Proprietor," or " Tho have linaajcr " Ecpliea comotiinca eontaip OmeMo paicoiial matters and ori(rincl tcsi O^%7 delBakerw] monlalo, for Trhlch X7a cannot c cannot b© tar: distant tecrxxadbla. First A Large and Meet Sfcccls of Omlw On®, Perfect Mread educated. App'y P. M. Doyle, 79 Qnny, Waterfora. A PARTMENT8 To Let for single Bentlcman. md JC&. Apply So 9 Olive Street, Waterford. , Wool Shirto Panto, for Rheumatism. ° Men's ^Letlaxid ANEW CURE —SprinRborn'B 110. 01 V Campbo-oxidieed Bathing Salt. It ¦trenghtan' ATEfiFORl. the system. Tboucasda ura it doily. Is. at Be);. Ladies' Kaittsd ^Tcol ¥e3to9 62 and 89. Qaay. O'BRIEFS HINT to Householders.—Wben buying yenu , A witter supply of Lamp Oil enquire Bell's JV; CMBERED Tic&eti tor aaanomoii «, E2aa's Cashmere SMffto and Panto price. Oil Importer, 62 Qoaj. X^ Races, Ueetlngb. uoDccna, «c—a ci*- NOVELTY.— • Olio," the eelf-pollnhlDR Booi tbe receipts—in rolls ol 6(A< , VQ , eacn pooix Ladies' Moaeyoomb Wool Wraps, Pad for brown and black boots, Redmond Sc Co., Watf and New Prom®® Mreadi A etc. No brushes or paste requited Thousands cold. H_ ONE Doto n Beautiful') titoa painieu roc^. laclioto Bell , local Agent. Irihh Erublenp BDC ueaitDt pnttreit DP Hefc'o and Boy c' Ca^di^an Jerseyo. /\ UK FOR POOLb o Be»i Baod coloored post free lor On. 8> illlrg heomcrii .* _r\ Pict rial Postcaida ut Id. each, and 6ee that W aterford and IIUDCO- Ladies' Wool fabric & Liolo ©love Bsware of Imitations. yoa get them. Every Cord narked •¦ Photo bp FLASTTERER-WAN TED OJ onoi nomrx Ltd., - "Eu GEaccrr s A. B. Poola Wnleifoid. " Wholesale from A. H. The Csstla . Iha l«lant . W ate: 20 Poole & Co., Mali, Waterford. Agoots wanted O ELJAliLi Mgt-v iua tAVt t \.Ptn* Shirts and Pants, otc, otc, Tdkr^cno "Q §j Hea's Fancy ABB you rrantlr g o Servant 7 Twelve rcardo ll and Saies Sccf, SJ, Bslljbricaei. 13cax~ C3©0JQEC-3©LS) for t wopence In The Evening Nero. Qxoen 's Lant. hlOHABD Ql KESl^ J/iQ. ABB you a large user of Buiioe^jEnvelope s fcr pi letoi. Lending Deportment— blgoest nci Accounts, iDvoicen or Advertising matter I 0 atohca. Jonellery, Fnrolture. Bedding in. We ba*e a great line. Single 1*00. 2a. Perhaps »a Hair), Bloycle., Wheela, Musica; uatrummi. 2ir> r, you have a email shop. Get our quotations for Leather flood* , iDciudlng Haxnecs. eui , eu 8d quantities. Bedmond & Co.. Waterford. Socond Prfct Sale Department — Fortoit? 31L re "(3) BBIDGE Scoring Caras can ba obtained at Tho Pliiges, which Inclndo the Renoral run ot nd \i o); fn|n n Hewj Office , Waterford. Ordero by pom docmad Pledges from M OALLYcCLLANE Railwjy Btation. —Can for «aJ Pillows, Watcbej, Riogt, Bedotcart u- k r T rruiK :in | j()af 8np>r Jt3 Hire-at 10 mii.utts' notice Telegrams— ton. Boots. Shoes, and eundrv GooOt Solid tr OF OUU Watcdes from 6t ^ Patrick Power, Bal^cullane. SoaranMed MUltar- u BAKERY, with two (food ovonB, ahop and dwel - Tt 6c. Furnltan Bonghv Bes» Fnoe i». lingbonse, to Let or Sell, a centra! position F irDltoro, lelt-o(? Clothing, rta , removed rrc^ bi iO' an. y. QU WATESFOBIJ lu Kilkenny; splendid openlns for a working cl» rgo. Buoloeas trcn^ctcd lottor o> . QUA' AY o. . 47, , baker. Apply 1419 this office. C7b; )re§siBaikiiifflg- Pepartmemit (P>031CME TWEEDS and Herring BoneSnltings TiTBOOtlS TO LET ai ta veua j uooo ru. ' -LLQJ soltable WATKKFOin Lies irTthF'fact tliarwe employ none but competent hands. It is in the sole \J is the newest Autumn Colorings for Ss lid., tor dwoliiog or offlcos UBO O ¦ ¦ carriage paid. Patterns free. Bargreave'a Dreaa room and yari . Applj ben TH A.T. charge and management of MadamO Belli, fro m London, an Artiste •¦ Warehouse, Leeds, EEAU the Wiccrrora tiotcj- in cn> o=.. of no mem repute, and who has already established herself as being the /COMFORTABLE Board, Lodgings. Terms day Herald" every weoa sun icaru io- - IVatorfortL She designs and also copies otil at the principal evonta In Premior DrOOOmattOr Of V moderate. Apply 44, Lady Lane. tbo oin . L-..TX ,\ , copies nor imitates the QTABLE.S TO 7Wn the Latest Parisian and English Fashions, but neither BO JC::orrD a Co., Tho JX 20,000. neatly ps dua In boic>. Hdmo characteristic of it cau be obtained only by using and Bridesmaids at the Wedding held this Pi Inters, Watcrfori C Oo., WaterfoK Which is 's entire Trouweau, we supplied, were simply a marvel of perfection K. I .VGV BH.wiK DJJVISION- the Bride DTJNUARVAN.—Picture PoAsrda of Looal qpBE " BATURDAT HERALr u tn. D. ' and most UP-TO-DATE admired. We are now preparing for another : BA.VK.Rl'JTOY the HIGHEST CLASS FLOURS . and excellence, and were greatly and £tber Views in large variety at News 11 Brlghteat and BpVdcst ol l»l«i c-nn. Tueiday. " Main-street Peters. Oan bo had by Wedding on Branch Office, , Dungarrnn post for IE wcasi rof JL>:,\, - , j A)i!,a- METHODS in the production of yen vr&nt a Situation t Try twelve wordo In Id from the Indepssdoot Office, Lowv Tn^r. JoSHPH RA.RK/1 BO i bjiitiitu|i. and So f urtl for twopence.Jn The Evening News. Btreot, Woterlorc John Hearne, Ulntricc ajr Spscialite rs for BeBk 8p jrtiag W© Hake Bridal Ordoro a S . DAINTY Styles Autumn wear in Lidies' THE aomlng P&por in ireioc TC 3t COLD y Blouse Lengths one shilling each , carriage tbo " Dallj Independent " jar; m u . 13 TEi\]D2». B a Vl pa.id. Patterns lxce. Bradford Dre=3 . Wurehooe, see for yoonioli Johr Horn. Discn AR - . >1. P,,CK LO'ft u- i.^ -r. Qaebee, Bradford. Lowor Toomao-ctre^ a. i, OM« a ttu- O>art J ARRIVAL FROM THE MARKETS OF , LeodlDg AdvortlalnR . X«nu«« £) JOHN STOEEB Mu3. Buc , Oxon., etc., /TpHB Mediums In Irclant <§ L LJU BB. S>n_Lruir I1M J ' Organist and Choirmaster, H oly Trinl'y -11 at the present tlmo are chs " Daily Indopo, •M*:H.NT IiRL O lii . -ii A^sifnec, BanX tdial, Chant, ' dLDt , " " R eclrjy Inde " " rupui (Jat b and Professor of P.ain St. JpJns ¦¦ pcndout , Evcnic? Hcralr" College IB prepared to receive pupils for tbe Piano, led Satnrday Herald ' jdvertiietnents for tbeai Mi., .uy u: 0e: . 1S06 , inclusive pi fcrte , Organ, alcRing, Harmony and Counterpoint Papen «ro received &i «ie lociependtn Otto forttot Fashionable Goods for Autuiaa leaf ' , Lowoi ThoK>aa-8treol etc. Terms oaapplication—9, The Mail Waterford. , W&tertord, trom U » m f Wi. kuis.-u,;* anc hjs Assiffn«u , ^7^ p ** Showing immense value in all Departments. Mantles, Jackets, and Costumes, ¦frjM HOL"—For M> torists and Cyollsta— 0 pm dallj . John Hearne, District Aco t.j.:ownn H anc u " .Ji- a va.liable property, situ^i* ^ Tailor-made Coats and Skirts, French and English Millinery, Flowers, Feathers, I Pi Betnores greaee Instantly. '1 orner, Chemist, AdrertUIng nno Pr lot'Dg tor alJ trie ID ^ W. J. SIH THE porUni S ID Laces, Ribbons, Ladies* Underclothing, Hosiery and Gloves. Latest Novelties Carrlck-on-Soir. porting and otber Fixtures in , DB.SURD]>Tn-J.; PARTLOUiLAEfc "|77 We are i» n way to (r » ttierr a K(. »iteL.UJJh ai.o S ru-iibive Q—p will found most Bedmona t Co., Waterford. most publicity wlll> all clv-tri of tLe ptoc e^i .- K-. Out-Oflu.-e« jj^ Fcji CC"323*SdOaS a interesting Collection ta oar ' ' :hercr .. v^.-Ui* w:tf, Uio weli Law (T^NQUIRIEB Invited Piiatcd Pootard nnOURISG in the c:outb-Eojt of Irelanc it t .•i* U.iM f n a,ij.>.run for the Season 1906-7, manufactured from plecauro ? same and Plot o/ Lan.: 9, G EORG E'S ST. & 121, QUAY , WATSRFORD of Furs in all the Latest Shapes )ni JBookf , oith dcpltaiia. Great Civicj In JL wheo you have one of Bedmond i c-i)Ui.r ;ir! K 2fc ata* and a7 Coscaonlcatioxia ea^Itd c!icn orlttsa. Bead Mips. Bedmond & Co., WateitK jterches t.uu.ut« TRl.RPHONE NO. 83 specially selected. rtctiit. oieodurt. K-iu.-t. TLV beet, reliable Skins & Co.. Waterford. LET—Evergreen Cottage, O ntlcrctowt. ,i used for the pur- tbaoond TO . witb I» »r »r.>u-in,? s tobacco crop and an EKTELOPSB.—Make overy letter yon csnd on* paddock and orchard altachet M xleratt n; oats ^fl ^:ii:iU- Ho»diM . ID the »n adTcrtitonentfor your business by bavi&3 rent. Apply 1122. this offlv ..v County o! ¦ J\Vx1 . T hi. ,«, n-il. it,e diluted lo th« tSun printed at " The News Printing \7orfeo, fTTIHE ' Star " l iver Bean« cure Conetipatioc BD <" i"ur -fi,i_~«r • Iron, 000 Good Busines Envelopes printed -1L lu atteudHiit in, u Oay of Aiujusi, 16 Waterfoid. 1, duoniers. Boxti n eaci. r M- yi' .-ira subjeo-. M tlie 6)000 for Ss. 9d. Obterve top name on tbe label " The Star Lhemica yearly reni o.' on flap ft" 4*- it*. !«y.n.le naif-yearly ,,n every , Woman or Child fclcrcslcd ladho Co ., Philadelphia, Nen YurK, and Chiohii- JDt lat day J! EVEBK £IM N 3.V-J.- «!i- i 1 M -lay Kebruary past History of Ireland should read tio other LB genome Sole agents lo- W &terior — «- >f in each yea: >^ aii- iUiOvt ai taxAi fiistorlei of Irish Counties at pressit rnnnlrs is George White and SODS Ch^m' ahargea ajid ui, fho Proraltoir CBrooGcnatsopo ana LaaSllncra, the " Weekly Independent," Ba:k namben cm ho ~K 7XTA8TBD by Cirroli A Lo., Waterior^ tw ^BQM Utitlon to ths Iniopcndcnt Odea, VV Respectable Buyi o» Appreuticci ti tne nmm had on opp b^ARU). (r.H. John Hearne. DlrtrictAgent , Drapery Ba-iDes. .R^ialare , Ln the County a US, ©Darc .-crrtiaimn? TV n f * WTi? n our\n ._ i\_n..__n.n >n^ • .. _- in of about 53a. Ir Si). : FAEMBEfl should try tho " Wecily Indopcn- t>eau':iii).,i i a id ; yUAI WATERFOED. ou ami equipped a3 a GoL' 112 diEt" for >ix months If they want » good cup V V Suir ; mtut be in best poaition , Btau measure L.riK! iv .'no;, «•,.! . Weekly Paper. meats, rent, etc., to J M., 203 Old Su , London, EC ^ aamiaed to the pur- inteiexliDg Irish Canbo had bo O.'ia.M- !r,ji r, U\e 1. - jav [H10USE AWO LAMP A^EMTS, pest for six montns for 8s 8d from all Norrcascnta bara the nnest Unc m Letter Cupying Bootu - ^ A-ugiist, 1905 , lor W£i : ":l IIW Jcbc Heerne, District Agent, ZiovreT Thomas etrco. in iJio city. Mcrvelloua vth^ H'Slaiond i -" *' ¦ % '• W- ' J' . subject to the yearly .--" '• C'ji) inyabi* AW O FAI&IS FOB. aAUE. TtTJOB: SALE—An Edison Standard Phonogfaph Oa, NEWS Office. Wnterfor<< haLf-yearly on every lit FBE^ E LDFE BMSUtRA^CE ' ¦lai .' Au?usi an.i It-. ,lay of February in AGENTS BUn/L OVE&H&KGISG A TUXAL RIVEH. iC with 31 Select Records (latent), Not two WANTED. A gold Geoer&l On . Ma»i o4 ) -n. -r. 10Q3 l able lo cook and wash Appi> Hi^ i-a: ovr and above nil Uixe3, charge ilONJXVY, 22ml OCTOBER, , OiOGiilj adjoining the river wall on loo months Ip use, what oHero. App y 1420 this to\» .ino i:i[|)-M:ti« V!i OISCA .< whatsoever tit il2 o'clock, on the Lands. ; northern chore ol the Eiver Suir, at Water- office. L/ r? o \j- , Ferryibaiik (station TI7UBKISBED Apartments, euit gentlemsn or UTjtT^ ANTKI ; —House o' omsll Shop u respectihir —- i tha: the Land.-: of HOPE- lord th« oi tbe Great LA!M)s ,-itu.tt,- HI SotfJhern and WeeUsrn, EaiU-ay ia zo e!oaely Jr married couple. Two bedrooms and fitting- VI locality for professional tmsioes. Km R<».slsLre. in tlie County ol VA'IiUiRUE ¦RE3ED(HNaaAL !Ili!Rii at in about Cn a week Apply 142a ih:« i>tnc VWvt'.r. . coutaininy at>out 910a . 3r ' ip heai£m<^d by hiiW that {he m^i^ higbiway room. ''2, Parker-street. 5S'or . sr-a '-r. nicasur. OURHLiiaHlirOBE, near Ornins, containing " butter come qoiokl in tho — A L experience' A^sieion re- ' . anc mail euit-ible for t/he tram CUwmel tonnorly occupied nearly all IOBEEZ1KE makes y W»_NTED. - r>u. :-..-c . 173 acres, £3 iporcha, eLatu*.e, held subject to Uio level ground behind the station premises. IP churn in hot weather, and improves the Grocer; and Spirit i)ep;irtineu Sen( " ' s TTHzin z n-.hioli will be «-a ; ,ver ami above till taxes, charges paycblo (pnicticslly) on doraQDd. _ ; to arxanga ano i:ii|>xsil:.ioiij HOUSE and GARDEN , L.idy Lane. itainio g 4i aore3, 3 roods, and 33 ipcrches, for diverting the road in question, eo that Watertprd. MON'D.W oCTOiHi R l.- . l'.» wliaiiioavcr. st atute, 'bald stfbjeut to annuity of fllB 3a. Bd. un A —All that p;irt oi the . iheSr. e&tabGshxneol should not Ue eplit up / T\EKERAL Servant Wonted.—Plain cook , milk Land3 oi HOUSE and GARDEN , Soath Parade. ipayablo u> I. L. Caniarids3ion, which •will ibe into two portion! *, and for wash with machine. Conoty Wexford R^-liiira^erneib E. VBBIT WH'KKEN , JirDDUi WAiRREN and the purpose cu \JT 2 bows, . reduced 10 per cent, in 1907, ior Ilr. (Lft-menoe OTOikiing tho danger oi a levdl crcesiug or tho Bend reference, state wages , Address 1412, office of 'ilE J \\ WHITBRB ^D'f O » .M P > \ b MO.W.S WiVrUKiBN , satuatc at Ro3»lare , A LARGE HOUSE- IN NEW-STREE T Advances raada to Q limited extent on cound Lee, Coolehill. i! in.- County of \Wx:ford, containing in or inoonviemence ol a bridge- in the luuMle ol this pacer. , Oi Irish -I'Layvra un<' -' direou-*: • ii HOUSE AND SHOP—No. 13, Gladstonee- ccenrity. 'Partiaulara and lOonditiona oi Sale3 apply tho itation . Ae may be aurmlisod from tha EOCEBS' Bottle Wreppern.—Assorted colours. ai>..iu 137a . 2r "p., and n-hicti are most BUit- to /fi Dane OLarke liK-ludiitg tlie Kajii-iu 1 r>J . i- Street. proximity erf th« fttafion to the m-er tide it HJT !Enquire our priccn. Bedmond Cc Co., Coinedliiii , ilr J,Uii'ia- O'BKL: a'M ui'' ->nv«nient for the fiuqKtso of bruiUl- *AM!E3 J. SffiEE Solicitor, :;.? 5 HOUSE AND SHOP—No. A Michael . -was not easy at first to see hem- tha road Waterford, : te» which w:Li bo domuoil u> the pur- 30 , Oarrict-on-^uir. could be diverted to «j .}!:a-f. from xhe I N ; i;iy to paUs in front of BUSINESS I—Over your own counter il'OLNDA Y ALMD PItliDA V .VIOU T ¦ ' of .Vu^u.'-t , 1903 , for iPATIUCK GBACNGBR. AaioUone«r, !tho buiidinK* withont HOW'S O-V •„ .<- it- ru. ii '.TO year^ , >cib)e;-t \o the yearly- OYJJJOM Cashed the consRxuciion ol a joo may speak to a (ow dozens in the day. JFor I/he first lime jn 'Wattrlora, IIK- br-.-ui. FUKN1SHED HOUSE IN TRAMORE. ^ Cilian. : taiLsonry embankmente inrflar to tho^e to bo Through tbe columns of Tax MEWS yon can talk to r-iii .I CIV livable hail-yearl y on tho ltst Comedy, which was uriginally j>reoeui«.i .i oil found ia Londoa oa the northern and'acmtbern fanndreds nf thousands ol peoplo In the South of ithe Roya l Queen 's Theatre , Dublin , ui> i«r t,:i >\ August and lsl iii y of Fotu-aary in banJcj of the Thames. Any wtjrk ot this do- Ireland! Try an attractiveadvertisement. ipatroiuige aud presence oi ca. :. year , over and a.jove all t-^ixes , charj;ej spripdon woiuMl have beea tar diaiiu^uisheii Jvii: anJ iutpositi->nj v. CiVSTLBVlEW HOUSE," a^LLA^" too coatiy, a HAftllSW ORTH ENCYCLOPEDIA oi E. Redmand, (Esq., 'M.P., and the au::i.T 'iiatsoever. watcrfcrd Qao ' Gc^napv. ' timber fttrucaurto would have been quitie in- i" Japan' Fight for Freedom," strongly -Pirliameniary Party idinifiEitte. Q-aringto its liihility to i^cay and * colHeaOTea oif the Irioh-. TBMDHR3 iwill also be received and con- AUCTION eased, (or Is 63, or to own coven (or 2a Cd- Hewo i ; CDPED !EN KKRRY, OP ; .Beiore Messrs. War. Orr, EJil; A. J. P. injury by dcstiracrtave sea wnw and th« •Officei Waterford. ' "" sidered for the 'purchase of the entire four and T. H. Itormioa. adonfitao erf jteelwould eatfjlcd (By Ithe late (Edmund Esq., 3LP . lo'.3 mentioned .above , ivHAT RiESinH.NCE, known ^ " OASThB- V/y^e ; ., h*ve heavy flnr AVB yon bled Kinko, tho^naw Plat* Poliahh I>eamy. ss one separate lot VIEW HOUSE." C.ULLAN , with about 9 < I>iy;ric'i Irwpoator tEjtan, Dang*rvan, nwaTYtpnwwig chargM, oven ««enrrvi-ng tlmt - fTH large Bottlea 6d and 1/- each or frco To'b« Ifollofwed by the iLausha.'bieEOY Insb. Faroe, being the lands and premises comprised in REDUCTfON IN PRICK OF mftteriat to aooepWi!* (by ! QltfiLES' Alcres of Prime Grazing Land. ^Present Ittnt, dhargai Mr. TiKXmae Doooc^,puWioan , Bock- 1* (!bx> hitaray eamplo from Georgo White and Sons. eniitled-^PlAIDD^ . Paddy an Indenture oi LeaSe dated the 15th floM , »-uftitarJtae». A aahtboa at the problem was iMylcs, Mr, 'Jame3 O'Brien. (N ovember , £16 ia., being Intercit on Purohase Money, ; GAS , Oappagh with a breach ol the Sunday HEatTfl SALT—Best Qualltyi in Pourpenny VMo , for a term of 903 yeare, from ¦whicJi will be further red uced to £15 on com- ^ | j Ctoiicff Act on Sundaya, i&th aud 29tii J.tdy 'ultmra'Wty found in the project prepared by Tins, at Q Whito tt Sons, O'Connell Street. TOESQXiiy, 'OCWOKER 2nd, Dion Bouciea u'.t' r tlie 1st August , 1005, subject -to Uio yearly ~ ! last. : ¦ ¦ : iMx. L. C- Maachea. al Weataninktor, who pro- ' Clij ip:«+ion Desart Es'-ate. P. ' L. Valuation, £18, ! Form' a refreshing and cooling aperient drink. i !Famom Irklx Drama— rent of , payable half-yearly on ute 1st , Fpora rama— -hatcOoVer. CLEW13 J. WATDBRS, LL.D., an tho pr«mL-£a pdoadod gtaQtiy to sot baing the Btrengtfhand! dtaMkdtf of stool Sixpence each; a Inxory for the table. Best quality \ THE !EBTBH'lIi.VN A"! Tenders which may bo received will foe , Kilke-nny. boaa fide travellera. . I , ; . with th« eaUdtty and durability of ttone. The Solicitor : tiradb(U9< wt^ \uU Strained Honey, 8d. per lb. Bee-hives and WUESDUX O'CTOBBE 4th. the e:iimer.'. i y 6ulimiued ;o the Court for consideration. "PATRICK GRA1NGKR , Auctioneer, 3&t. John P. William*, 'solicitor, Dungar- n*w ootapteiei month, one A Statement oi Title arid Conditions oi Sale : , appliances kept in stock. i ftuooeasful Trieh Eomance— Callan.. i #kf Id. Worth of van appeared for Mr. Dooiey. , 1 want Art Circulars, Progranuncs, Ilenoa, are ;<>i?t:il in the office of the Court, and aiay ¦ Seiyt. ||ik« drivea aJjcrol««L yon ILOf BlD EDWA'BD. 2oth Soptember , 1000. ; j John Doh^rty, Oaiipagh¦ ¦ , pwyd the toto tfc* eound, and XF InvitatlonOarda, DancoPwgramme ,aGreeting ¦Iw it-e:i a'i»o in the Offiea of the under' men- oa«e», when , - - . . j. • ¦ SA.TUKI>AIY, (KXTOBBR ton. r Qas '¦ Tlcteta, or General Faney Oards, ¦t:>!ir-i Solickor having Carriage ol the | Sale. will¦ do :! [Crilence waa tendered iJi th^ defence Oard» Concert Tills enormously successful ^Military Drinu . ¦ ¦ • in DLACK V7IMTEB OATO. i j . She ftoet cbftrge nroinriaUtt«akJ«oU infa> let oa irnbmltourbooks of samples. Any pattern dealing irith Ithe Thrillinsr Scenes leading up Dated thU 18th day oj;8erp1omber, 1900. , whSoh wea to ehohf tiWV the s oaaMoi and aeenn 's notice. C. P. Rei" mtvA & Oo, ' Chief Clerk. Give a Light of 20 Candle Power f at awa - w«ra- Ibiooa fi^a. U is oaa« .«¦¦.&»¦ obtainedat a day 1» (and attending the awful 1Iassacre _ otCawn- HUOH DOYUVE, cm any Land. 29 Waterford, ha iFvr further information apply to:— I ivory (Heavy Cropper . HOUIt. : rrusacH. : : i 111??? -S*S2 Wnteri, raid cat rppre, as produced (under toe. dUiinguUheU ' To be Ettwn m October ana I S^it^f^L. yttrr DongarroB Novre^cnt hi) •ALEXANDER !KNOX ¦MdENTIBUS, SpJoudid Straw. A floo of £Q and oo*t»» «ii a reoonj Bi«niDg erf . toa jpobUoomni.ticmt , i . JXyHN ; J. IMXXNiAiIiD, : Solicitor ^ ¦ ¦ tn* t*>» : laidy Bo3>erta. Tta Nevr and Entirely Orijiiiil John's Ikn«. ¦] ' ¦¦ l ^roflfiP^ COHWAY, Indmttirea Cfalmnai Jraring Carriapo of the- Sale, 25 '3 HourB. . • ¦ 1 beach agr««**to do'»o BfOei~e0T«Ka7c ootioa- ¦ • i | Military. TDrania in 'Five 'A&s—' : I ; . . • .. ; ::; j. . . |- 1 , . • «l Cleaoer, thoroughly nodentacdf all kind* of IHonry Street, Dublin. ! ' ing tbe paMic*a. ' . • . «1.-^ &nA r.blmnrn. Bcreaford-strest.VT ater ;! mE vmc?roEiiA CROSS. : Will iKoap A dot imd A charge ctf «andtt' 1 raferwd \m Bw ¦ ior SO ' floor*. Hot ¦ OTihere may W Been Statesnenl ol Title and THE VVIOKLOW KOTSt, : ¦ ¦ :¦ ¦ ¦ i- ! ¦ ^ t .: ' ' ¦' ¦ ! .. 1 llhe Tnades •Hall Band specially engaged for Conditions ; of. Sale. . < . . . 1 ,' Single Letter*, tea inche*by twenty, ¦; ¦ ¦ G ASTON OTBEET, • :,/ "j f i ;.- .r ' t¦--. , . , . '<¦' •' 'V- ' J > w.'^siift {>"JJ*;' E«dmond & Co , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ JWill¦ Oook¦ a "Good Br^altfjurt for! Six¦ ' : wintlov iignv ^- P W'f • ! PHPOfBY OUHANIKO. ,: .' DUJJJJIN. C ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ',. r ':'::- r , ;- , OdUi(b*r. 6th. . : : , : s . I nBtttosa}¦: " ' • . ;; ¦ ^ r^.imm ^-zx ^um ' ¦ ii ¦¦.- ' ' ¦ ¦" ¦ General ¦and Stage (Mr. (Dane E. PSELAN, «T, JOHN OTEEBI^ • ; . : : ¦ • ',¦ - iv.rf -;:• :,i -y«!Si« X7F:;IJ ' * by John MoTl«y. Itt i QfaTia^er, •! : _^ ^l - - - , f.I: ¦ ¦ ' 4 ;?• X mf()? ;GLAD3TONE1 , yAl&' B 'OBD. . . \ ¦i :¦; ¦• - O ¦- -3 ¦ . "' '* ' '¦ : I U -j X '- . u .;. Ion . «nd ] ; . _ " ; I' - . . . ' BdlUon r 8 tol*. Irtland;i Adivanoe' "Rapreseniiatlve, (Mr. T. , IW{. ¦C«ra to d,T» sotJM to liia Friends and tho : Centrally oitooiod. Mod«*t9. lice* . M». New* Offlee. ' ;;. - . : ^iwii r ;i OoaiforttWc. Apply Eooney; (Wardrobe (Mistress, Madame Vert ; PoftUt isst¦ th# ^Hi. f y Olcsstox, T'oidncss i «w, friM ; ! r . ! Enquiri**J a rtUd. : Oty, TOBII Gold HeSrt-ibaped Machinist ef ilia hi*Vincent Ho gjp t» ncy ^tnrtMTed ! Hl^WJUisBM tinrmt c . T> O#T In v »he Carpenter .' air. Fr Jolm«ton.; Sag- (^ B. _ ' XJ- lAefak *itb grsenu tose* attachod to a oh&in Rage Martjr; Mr. T.1 , ior- Mr. W. *u. Tbcfl&o , 97, Xd hv'KlJMAf waAttfofd. i WeddingBr Mfcfitfto > ^odtHty. - ¦ ¦ . . /• , •£** ¦£ ,8»tt*g«Mii. Halt - ! i (Wjpitbre&d'. i ¦ ! ' In fatttr* all taetaeaf oo*mrttraTe*tteiadroaM Tha nOynj mrio*Ml oWr Ito j q^bjt 7 'imiuA »Ul be glvtsnanyone finding 1 ' ¦ : tM CddMOMd ,, Mi ^ ~H O8L—H Bwg to IPrice* !«rf iAlirni«ioii—W Then IttV ld«i rito»«ion ot tin M». WALSHR'B CONSIS.VMiOil'. BB E !L ¦[L ®• tP©(Pi[Li\ i tiC*AT f o 'HTQ'P 'RTr'T 0 ' ' ¦ ••; ' ' E5 ' MKSE¦¦ S lAJ v/XVlJ Ob X-'J.lOJL £vXVX « £»8«I nukflFwdu^ tich. Mtamul («li*g«, wiih ihe With ttfertooe to Air. Walthe a cousjijomoot, it : •; - ^ FOR — ' ; i .: .- . . .. ; .. a ccntarv has betn robbinrr Ireland. Poro ; lion. Commercial . Gecgiiapny... .- ¦ j our ! may b*HMStfoaed that ho baa beea breedingand show ffrade* iPfeffkaratoiry M lo~~ Uie Kobb^aa City Menffi . ha, ehOwn time !' ing pur* bred shorthorneattU for tbe put thirtr yean, School, th9 Bighflp PAQQTP ^^K ^XTat ^tt X ^ explaining. from /the and agnin in his Parliamentary oap&city, utd : \JV/>OOXJL » ; mmiciu murmnHngi ' in4a' Mr*. H4?a and bu won prizoi and cballenge eupe is tbe open ayHabue.; pointed ot*bi* «*. oat that tihe aim of f naa ber bud* full hi catering for tbe erventy gaestsj classesin DubUa, Cork, Kilkenny,Waterford , LJisaora, to provide ecbool ve» kc that ossemM-d ' tor boys over tbe age ;oi 13 ffihe tose demand at Hi EELLB and BELL tbe eitBQtion. Thqy make a grant hero and . im-i right well did she M>4 beraaa'stanta Mallow, aod Hidleton. Boma of Mr. Wolsba'i calves wibo have received yeam ©EOTgEBS' for Drui tnd Patent Uedioinea aoooeoplisb tbdr task. i"Hiore* spent a more enj«yabi» are by Fittliivmder BroadbooVs, eon ol that famoas &t> eduoation- eoui-vaient aizvies these Goods bc^is V&& tosh, a matter oi there or Banction a loan eomewhero eka, always night to tbat of fhe Sixtih Standard at ' tho ubnesi japoitcaco. BB5E OOiFPIEIl QtirjBiKKT. i • was tha unanimously expressed opinion of every- ball Stephea; Flulsvender, whose tribe ore winning at School a Kationfll ¦ • ¦ exacting ¦ , such: a course of training I Uoaal My ¦ - ¦ I tbeir pound of flesh in the shape df . Tba CMH Vharurt tat thfr jiut fortnight were one present . i all the loading; shows this yew. , A Broadbookiealf &e will, fit ~ . . Vz'sA liy rJliem to emrtfir upon an industrial ' I . prioa. price. . interest. It u, 03 far aa Ireland is concerned, cabled u 800 ; tons, iDclnding 050 toot (hipped; ABOttaTOL0(JIOAL , ; wot sold ' at' Perth tale last spring for £1,500, bdrjf jaubjeota—Exrperimen'tal daroar. ' ' direct to Amulet Ito aupplies for tba lima JOtrBNAL. a record Price. ' iSScietnoe, ' (Dran*ing. Qnjrlor'o Cmulolon ... to Cd 2J 04 FeltoWo Shylockian, and It oiight to be tho duty of all period We take tho folloninj M (Praotioail Mathematica ^ratlp !•L ^&6b 6d .glo % vera 16,038 tans, ajilnjtt4,707. ton» deliraica The thxca parssraphi from U , Manual InstructioD, tAMbocVfl Plasters lo ; lid Cd ®a S6.,T » 3d the Irish morabcrs of the Irish' Parliamentary "Journal of tba Waterford and South-East of Ireland BARBACK STREET BRASS AND REED BAND (Praotioal (Jeonuatry, Bngliah lAalea'e Hair Bettorer ....- Co Da d Od ?? ^? Vuibie Qapplv bm thus iod ..: 23 6d lo Old legall " Dromana ' by Mrs. Therew this school provides. The Blaud's Pilto .... 3?*"? ' ; y extracted from this country. ' Total Stocks ID Koglasd Muir ; McKenzle, ne. &UB3 INTACTA HARRIES CLUB. subject* oi study lo Cd Ho Cd aielhn o Food . lo 6d- lo Id Villiers Staart, aupplies no Information A meeting wa» held in are of such a nature that the pupil Idfihop's Citrate Caffeino... £3 Od {Murray' All we ask tor io simple jusiiCe in this cattel .. , end Franco .. $438 7682 8075 respecting tba I the Pavilion, in the Park , Ihb cannot ia Sd s atasneaa la 0d GJd ' Do. afloat from Chili cad ; late Mr. Villiers Htnort, of Dromana, one of tbe ewliesl Witb a Tletr to starting tha above pe to cope with the vXnHs.] aalees entered l eetham's Glycerene and of education — equality of treatment, s*y. Club for tho seaaon upon at the MMnra/o Magnesia .J 2s 6d Is Cd Australia ... 3825 4250 ' (19011 i members of the Waterford Arcbo .logloal Sodety ,' it 1906-lOor, at which a Urge crowd attended. The 'beginning of tihe. Session. Tho Cucumber Is Od 10id Neavo o iFood .._ '.„ Uciouists are going about boasting that Ire|- may bo well to intention was to train boys ' lo Od 6W record here some biographical details re- «0air was taken by Mr. T Hduo at 8.30 p.m. on tho ia this prepara- E rown a Satin Poliah _. d3.0d "lid JJoi*on'o Ohamomilo . i Pilb lo ; ltd land is and ' • lating to this distinguiahed tory school eo that they might ' lOid shonld be part and p reel of t 6 Total Visible Sapply ... - 12,263 , 11,032 IB 378 traveller and writer. Mr. 25ib iott The Chairman then addressed the meeting, be enabled California Pic: Nugget, Blacking 6d 4ld yuiiers Stuart was tho eoa and heir of tho Uat Lord tu tbe course to enter to tbo various branohes Oyrup ; Empire. And yet when they are usked for Th- ibipanenU fromf.N-w YcV Baltimorr »od of which he draw attentioo to the falling wiii'ich cd trade j la ed 13 6d Paruah'3 Food ..- 2a Od lo 6di , Stuart de Decits. whoso castla at Droaiana off in numbers they m-jgh-t haine aeleoted—or Cf reciprocal treatment UB ' overhangs wbicb took place towards tbe close of the tih«dr pckle'e Pills la l}d 10J<3 (Pear'a 8oap ...... 6d they give bnt lit le or Philadelphia for tba;n»k eudiug 22ud oro cabled m the Blockwater, at some distance last parenti for them—to folTow Clark' 3ld 2 below Oappoqob, and season, and emphasised tbe fact tbat if tbo Ulob life 1 ia .tfoeir after s Blood Mixture . ... 23 8d £> 6d Pink iBorado Wool ....'...'..... Es 6d la 8d nothing ia respjnse. That is what makes it ,059 tons. r i» now occupied by Uaptaia Villitrd ua< it and make them happy partiianlarl Clark' Muart. Mr tended to carry off any laurels this seaion It UiJa stage y at s Night lights la Od 6d Phnl Nana Perfume ..~ 23 6d £} Od so hard upon the Irish people to appreciate vim LMMU'DGiAMA'fen). iaaPi5®B 00., yilliera Stnait, wbo was tho first ex-clergyman cf the members sbomld attend regularly of the world's hiatory. Hie Lord- Ciiticara Soap «t the p.»<;tiu,.«. A Bihdp riaferrcd in1 la Od 101d Bimmer'o Toilet Viaeij&r... Ca Od lo lOd Aa well u all the other lading American producer!, Aoglican Church to enter the Houss of Commons, vis the coscjpaion of tho address, tha election of otBcer further; appreciative! Calvert's Carbolic Powder English administrative methods. Beggars, at lanryuaKo to the terms Cd £Jd Bowiand'o Uaoaczzs Oil ... 3a 6d 2> SA. are nutr practically «old out for the current jeor , tome twloe Member of Parliament for thi County Waterford . for the cooling season was proceeded with, tha result or of the eyilaoits. Carlabaden Salts £3 Cd Ca Cd tcott' the gate as it were, we ask them for educa- vix., 1873-1 and 'Mr. Ftetidher f-Ollonvod: hia o Cmulolcn ... Q Cd lo Ud eieb notii tba end of Februirj, 1907. In conaidulng 1880-8. He was a raember of the which is us follows :—Pruideot, Mr. P. O'Connor ; ileingrfoened UocrdAUp in a Cascara Tabloids _... la Cd la Cd gcrubb'o Oloady Ammotnia tional bread nod they givo as a Treasury onub. thia uaaiual utoatioD, it most be boma la mind that Society of Biblical Archoology and, , aa 'mi ght 1>e erpocttcd 2a Od lOd and of tea Committee of Yioe-presWent, Mr. J. J. Cuiry j Captslo, Mr. J tliorouK'h'ly practical , Cno'o Fruit Oalto £3 Cd la lid Savery cad ilooio'o Food Co Od do 6d Thu must cease. If technical education id nearly cv (Jd £3 Gd Steedman'a Powdero .; Jo ljd 10}d Ireland is to fulfil—and wo oio Euro it rcill—- tho poMcsaioa of manofactaim, >alca to dealer* barioj well as aa eminent writer tbo following interest- V, J. Dalton ; I 'lrcsarer, Mr X. O'Brien ; Committee, vote ot thanto Edward's Harlene 2a ing works ilia -Mr. FJetohor. Cd C3 Cd Soda Hint Tabloids .; Cd 6d its recently besn eschewed in cotutqaeoco of tbe ulr» amply show—Nile Gleaning*, concerning tbe Messrs. T. Heiat, P. Dwyer , J. Hartery, P. Grant, N. Mr Fkrino's Eau do Cologne... 5b Zd CJ Od great and lasting purpoaa, tho peoplo re- Btinology, History and . J'ames J. Phdan 6ecoruded the fDatcno lor tho Hair .i £3 Cd lo UOd 1 ordinal j demand from regular caitomera. Tbe ao- Art of Ancient Egypt, Nobia, Plannery. It wasr decided to hold' tbe first run on tbe iVhicili mefcon, Ffcan z Josef Water lo 6d la Od Valentine'o Meat sponsible for the government of the co&ntrj cnmaltitions in tbe hands of merchants &o. Lonrion, 1879 was r.ut by the Lord Biahop and passed Jnits ... £3 Cd £3 fid , upon wbicb tbe . Funeral Tent of an Egyptian G«fJ Track on Tuesday, October 2nd, at which a large irtoit oondTaHy;. Florllne 23 6d 2a Od must eec that tba work is generousl trade hu saw to rel OTCT Queen. London, 1882. • | y supported y for its provision of copper Tgypt .ifter ths War, in- attendant is expected. A vote of thanks to the Chair- Mr.. He'Whcr 1 out <>f tho the remainder of the year, can therefore only be very cluding Experiences amongtt tha Natives. London. man broug xeapoiaJed, anid in doing eo, Exchequer. Tbcro is no compli- ht tbe proceedin""gs to a clute. oxpreseed) the great inierftst POST ORDERS PROMPTLY AT/TENDED TO.—PJHESCBJJPEJ.ON3 POST (FREE. litiita), and most bara been considerably encroached 1883. Adventuresamongst the Equatorial Forest* and al'n- whicih he had ment in asking for a return of otolon moneys, Rivers of Sooth AUCTION BALE3. ays taken- in regard to the work upon during the pasl week by tha enormous parchuea Amerioa, abo In tho Wtst Indies, and cal Education of Techni- end Great Britain ones to Ireland a tremendous of reUned copper made ia Europe. Florida. London, j It will be seen by announcement in our advertising in Waterford. Small wonder there- 1881. In hi* 68th year Mr. columns that The City High haul in the way of illegitimate taxation. Tbi.t fore that tha pries of Electro Copper has reached the villiers Stuart mrt his death by dronnlDS, bating fallen there will bs an important sale of horses, Sheri0 was moved to tha EN RY BELL dairy cow«, and bullocks at Megan. Thomas Walsh & scieond chair, and & BELL BROTHERS u all in tbe I resauij which is starving the record fi gure of £92, and that bolden who an able to out of hia boat on tho Blackwater on tho 12th of Mr (David October, 1895. Son's Ballybricken Paddocks. This sale should . MaoDonaW ii» a jrraoefuU fflCnc 'Cuailo'&a , (32 aracD ©©, ©usm, ^Jatorffos-d. operations of the Irish Technical Department accommodate buyers with the brands and deliveries attract worded speech y , csUed for * large amount cf attention. On Thursday tbe proposed a vote ot thanks to op ooamand almost any reasouabk pries. IWTHHTE IUMH1LY sane tks Bishorp who had1 and throwing upon individuals the work oi the Tho transactions concluded tinea our laat report OF GO. WUfTEHFOiBiD. , auctioneers will be cllin|r tbs effects of tbe late just declared tho echool hare I should bo glad of information Mrs open. Telephone State. In Germany and Denmark such a system been very Urge, and an ujer demand for near delivery , for pedigree pnr- . O'Cnnnor tt No. 1, Boubsak Tcsace, Tnmore, No. S3. peso, of tha branch of tta White famil and next (Mr . John 'N. White siLES BY lHOS. WALSH & SON on thep&rt oFEorcpeaa consumers y of Co. Water- Saturday tho samo firm trill offer for tale at , J.P., seconded tha of paroimooy nonld not bo tolerated for long. is still in progress. ford, that were settled about Dromana In tho 17th the Market motion, which ,-waa -put,' SOOJ O of tbe more (ar*see^Dj manufacturers hat* Boise Quay various lots of useful timber. by; tho High Sharif! MU lRiKTTTT It is timo, ludced, that thb official financial already century. Tbo following ore a faw notei that I have and .passed ¦ w5th acclamation. BOUSE, QUA)Y, WLITTEEFOBD W o Jo JONJES9 made arrangement* to-.prorlde for tbeir rraoireamta oi collected OABRICK-ON-SUIR GAS WORKS. iNAiYTKlAX brigandage shonld be pot a stop to, end that ' :—Tbo family of Wtito originally crccied to !H5s Lord&hip responded, and' ¦lie prooeed- , 0MSPENSINX3 ii!NI> cupper for next year s delifery,and in the United Stabs, England from Saxooyjn the 6Uj { On Thursday tHtrcooacbout 4 o'clock a cr? gu irjga terminated. ; UNRESERVED AUCTION PBtVRMACODUTJiOAIi the present Government, who are plcdgo particularly Pith the luge electrical oeatury, and were holder, to hold about OflEMOS" d to concern*, a goqd then known as Vitus, Wito or Wdnht (Bedo). They fifteen thousand loci of gas , was OP govern Ireland accojding to Irish ideas, will biuineu has been eoostiEimated at prices sp to 19.371 held a diitingubhed opened at the Oarricfc-on Suir Gu VTorka. Mr. W. H. THE CITY PHARMACY cents, position in Wales lu tha reijn cf Apted i NEW TLMJBHR. CM that It eland will be no more put into the for Lake and Electro Copper. Tho enquiries Herny IL, where Ethtbert V7hytsgovercsdthe souibern , it " Maoijer, issued A cumbu of invitations, CAnnictt-orj-oum PCVTY ocooiono 82 nere of each s pressing nature that producers hava, again and cover*! photographs were taken afUr the opesinj , Quay. TO ate r for. corner OD the open-your-moath-and-ahat-your- province as Justiciary or ProcoasuL His son, Cherclier (BY bxa compelled to pat ap tbeir prices to 19.50 cents, function, which wts pufdrmed by Mrs. Aptcd. TO BE SOLD AUCTION , on SATUiR- oyes syotb. Gaultier White, aod his brothers assisted " 8tron({boir," »AY , Gth OOTOBlflR, 1606, el 12 o'clock , at SfR (or MAJ>Ail), and unlus the buying movement abates, a bah sharp Earl of Pembroke, SALE OF SLATES. advance will be unavoidable. Zt in tbe invasion of: Ireland. The 1 til . MlAIKKiET HOUSE QUAiY, WATER- J beg to inform yen tfhat I am Openr. is beyond doubt that Whyta family titiblthod theaualves ia Oo. Waterford On reference to our advertising columns it wiil be CFcou onu EEPOEIZE] S'" . r.'J , 5 ,000 PJIECE3 OIF NEW BOi-KDS ¦Buiiness at the above tbe msnuftctnricg world, aa a whole, has committed and different parts of Ireland. wen that the entire quantity of «lr.:rj removed from aaaraeo, whaoh -na itself for a far larger suppl (Abbe MacCreoghan). tbe an 1 SCuVlNTLJIXiGhS various lengths, most been fii::ed with the most Up-"ioJ)aU' Ln> y of copper in ona shape or There ia a very old pedigrcn of " White of Waterford" Cathedral roof in connection witb tbo recent impiovc- b,. :.ibit for . Farmere and others provamenU TWO PRICn ARGWMGK another than tbe producing capacity will be able to in Ukter'e OfHee, meots will ba sold b Builder* , the Compounding DepariLmet: on which is tbe same cost of arms as y Mr. J. Murphy, auctioneer, at the Xfleco fortnds'hIJy . .nui—Cafih . being separate from tihe Retad,, farnbh, and tbe only relief that can be expected will be that borne by Sir Nicholas White Qua; (near Market Hove) on Monday next, Seoaiona were held oa and hope to WtHAT DO YOU io tbe direction of tbe postponement of work con- , Master of tho Bolls, fair daj. Thursday beioro Ctalone1 merit and secure your confidenci PAY FOB YOOl in reign of Queen Elizabeth, acd owna tt tbtt time of ! Villiere Stort, D.L., \ THOMAS WALSH AND SON, MEDICINES templated for this year to a period vrhca supply and Duncannon SUDDEN DEATH IN THJ3 C1TV. and Mr. J. H. Power. i Auctioneers, etc.. Over ten yeans experience :r. fh<- leadui, Castle, and the came as is on tho sesl of W e dteply regret to tauouDco English ana Irijh demand fire again in harmony. Joma Wbit«, junior tho deatb, wbich AlDJlQUKNiED. i The Mall, W&teriord. houaeo has enahtod me 1 (who was livic et or near took place^uddeuly to-day, of Mr. Edmond A liv>id , TJhe niajoriity of aHHODliATJiVlE J I Dromani in 1694). y the cases listed for hoarinjj acquire a thorough and intimai* knowledge AT GOBMiAN*b MEDICAiL HAliL 123 Tiffi M UHK BT (Marriage Licence Bond, P.B.O., an agtd Kid rapectcd artiran of Waterford, whu had were adjaurnca1 a; j Haa aloo been extremely actire and buoyant Dublin). There to nexft cesiion? owing to the oif the business , which all times I cha'l QUAY , WATEEKXED, all Pfxat iledicinea , the is a pedigret of Sir Nicbolns White's txen (or a large sombw- of years connected as carp-uirj dteenoe of the eolici'iors endeavour excellent reports from all quarters cumulating family in the , v/ho were engaged NQ. 1 ROSERANK TER RA'CE . TRAMOBiE tx> employ w Uie bes; advantage and Medioai Bequiiitso ore cold at Whole- heavy College of Arms, London, with White foreman »t Uu Meptuoa Irco Works. He spent in a: Quarter Seaiions. aj mv Custamera. sale Pricaj for ' tear coferinrj and oome freah inrestment buying. Ao crert end «oat of arms (hind and dojgcr a crct, cost industrious and Cadh. Dootora Prcrcrlptiona of arms a useful life in that concern, and the ABUarVJS LANGUAGE. EXiEOUTOR'S It is nary intemtion to move w-i-iih Uie spirit 20 per cana. to GO per caul, lower then prices adrance in tho price of Standard of folly 80/ from lut chev., gu. between three roses). caasj of deatb nu potsibl Eiffien, Brien summoned" B.VLE week cu utabliihed, y failure of tbe heart s Mary Shanshan for oi the .times, and oonduat bu^ineda on chjijiei in many jmxa and had it not been for the liberal A'NKXI!HiEE PHDHG-BiHE. action. Tho Coroner hu beta cencoriutedwith. aTooisive language of the rhoraugMy tales on tbe part of holders, a Tery and! aUUflnrrtdng to osiaault \ ASOOERN PBINOilFDES, and XJaul 2Iy acute rice mljht There Is tnother pedigres to the Lambeih Library her on ihe 21st SaptenTber. ENHUTRiE HOUSEHOLD FUBmTU'EE, ¦whilat exhibiting every desire to meet. tlK bare takea plan. 1 his (ree celling, however, HEW GYMNASIUM. Tiie conduot ww prioo prico bad ths of "White of Waterford," which beare tho White repeated-on the MikMing day. I GLASS, CH1I1NIA, Etc. wishes o! OustoiiiL-rs m re^pa rds Dispensing effect of aubdaing the excitement, though it failed to v\ e opderttiid that the Qports Committee of iho Allcock'6 Piasters -lo lyd 6d family coat of eras. (Career MS.). Mr. White, of 'Oonrftiable Brazil gave evidence Charges , which will bt in all oase^ strictly encourage any heavy realisations in other quarters asd Catholio Younj Mea'a society have decided to provide to the eifect Allori'o ttau Kestore. .... Co Od <3 Od ; , Loughbrickland, Co Down, j» the repretsntativo of Sir that he saw -the defendant;, TO liE SOLD BY A UCTION On THUBS- I moderate , it is not my intention to sacrifice after a alight reaction from tbe hi hest, value* thb winter a well-equipped gymnasium, which will be a abusing the oom- , Aotper*© EmtiisjOi. £3 9c €3 Od of g moved Nicholu While (s=o Burke s Landed Qentry). Mr. .ptainaat at h«!r door, and he I>AIY, ' , or accuracy up e^ain towards tbe olese the week , and now stand fice addiiion to tbe intellectual and physical had her euni- -iih OCTOBER, 1906, at 12 oclook>ji quahu o! Drugs and Ghamicais Beecbam'fi piie, u lfd lOfd Orattan Flood haa kindly jent mo the following in/>ncd for riotous behaviour. ' at £88 CUD and £88 17 , recreation] of the institution. We are tare that the u\ o 1 ROSHBAlNiK T,ERlR]A)OE, TaAlMOfiEriV^f manapuLalion, in order to facilitate the Bender's ITOIA. 2a 6c £> Od 10/- 6 three months, the extracts from State papers, The defendant, wbo did tenJeoey being very strong. The total tranuctions P.U.O. Dublin and London, younger members of tbe icrtitutiua will heartil support not appear, was by di rections of the Executors of the late Mre< producjuon df a low-priced article Benger'e Irow. lo 60 lo Sd Horo MBS., Coulfleld, y fi.n4d ,10,'6 and costs. during tbe aeeb amounted u> about 6 etc. :—1286. Philip White, of thia new departure, and era thct it will be nell and O'Connor , '.Hie EN/TiRE HOUSEHOLD FUR- V All Prescriptions and Family Recipes en- iBLaud's 'Piic La to Is Od ,250 torn Mocollop. Oo. Waterford. 1290. DRUNKS AM) ' We quote Tough tt £92 to £02 Elits, brother to evidently raaihtainsd. DISORDERLIES. (NII'IUJIE, which is very good, oi Dining and . trusted to me will ibe prepared tinder my (Bond's Harking in^ Ci id 10/ lea 2J per Philip. 1803. Geoffrey White acquired iSeirgt. Gorman had Mlartin c;ut. ; But Selected at £93 to £S3 10/- lands near Ol*ary sommoned (Dn wing Rooms, a Bedrooms , Hall and Kitr /j HHHSONAL SUPJ3RVI3IO;N with th« utmost BL&hop's Citrate Cafleim,.. 2D Oa la Od lus 2| per Olonmell , Le., Geoffrty, the con. of Whita. 1625 ANOTHJiR TATALITY. tor drunQflenness and disorderl , , and despatah, and I bope, oent. ; Electrolytic at £91 to £03 net , Strong 6heda ¦wao y acmdtioi. He cheD. t care exaiJtitude California Fi« Bjrui, lo 90 la Cd Jama Wbito, Bailiff of Cijy of Waterford in 1638. Kiebord Blake, wbo tad fallen down a curs » ue disorderly by tuing obacene language. f|or detailed pitnt,icu:ar? oe« posters .by tihe puncuual executioL of al. orders, w Cockle-e Piiic Is lie 10J 6d Wttirford May 20th, 1540 1686. William White, district Ho;;)itiL Tho Corona bis ts-n John Tracey, for a £im£!ar delimjuency, TlHiaALAS WAiiSH AiNiD SO.N TihLs Bataibuiihment tvil ". be founc roplo^e Clarte Nwfhv f Perfumery, 1591, Sir Walter Auctioneers etc with a Large Cuticuxa So&i, la Oc lOJd While taking a look round Dungnrvan the visitor Bolagh lea:ed White's Island, near Daomana, to 'Bllen Oooclv; iox beiwj drunk was fined 7/6. I The Aiiali , Waterforc Toiler Articles, Patent- Median<», iErated Eno'o BVuit Saiu 2i Si la lid cannot fail to bs ttruek with the cleauiy appearance of Robert Balfe, May 8th, 1501. In May lOondtoWe uorman aL» prosecuted1 in these and Mineral Waters, Horae and Cattle 1644, Oapt. John uaeeo. Edward's Harieu. _.... o 8d £J 6otacled Phooographic Edrmud'o Herlent 2o Cd £0 Cd however , nitb coma measure of regret that tbe graTO mana, Co Wr-lerford. He was lOomStable Holroea uununoned 'Michael , ercc., etc., AT STORE PRICES , alao in command of tho came '.Healy, iMaterials Farino'i Eai; de Oolocnv. t) 3d £b Od and tba beards at ths bead thereof, which were erected garrison 27th July, 1644 (Carte Papers, Bodleian Lib., WATERFORD v.'to appaarad, for being drunk and iFOR OLASK 'dUwraeriy. 1 W A1SHS PAJ>DOOK'S H.-lLLYfBRI(OK_aN Frana J oczl 'Wax* lo 60 la Od nearly eleven yon ago to tbe memory of tbo poor Oxford), A gentleman who BU curclung in ths Ho was fightting witlh bis wifo and WATHKFOKLi Muoh fSI*omuij; the [av;.u.- j l y^'ur patronage . (elIowa Bcrord OQce ho ritmidk. her in compSainanfa ¦I r Floruu 23 Hi 2J Od who perished in tha wreck of the ill-fated , Dublin, sent me tbe following :—James prcsenoe. am , Si. (or iliadanu, FdloWe y 4s Oc £} Gd " Moresby " at Christmas Eve, 1895, need come little Whito was BenescbaJ of Dromana NEW TECHNICAL A fine of 5/- waa impoeod. Youns. faitniu't! , SyT^ Manor Court about lOani Q-amgee TIOSIK 2o Od to Sd attention ¦ It is a laudable thing to keep the memory 1698. Again in 1694, James White, junior, described ; 'ta.'ble Mara summoncid a nua n^nrpirl AUCTION OF WELL-BHED HOL^S^ n J. JC-^nii, LPOl, Etc llriton for intoxication. ' DAJRY 0O,\V3 and BU'LLOOKS Godd&rd'e Plate Poivrdx .. In Oh Cd greea of tboos who lose tbeir lives at sea, and for a small in hu montage llcenoa bond ts of Dromanagb in ye SCHOOL. It was his second Hbllowa/a Pa^ _„. lo 1W lo Od amount the defects in the graves referred to could be !Bary of DecLa and County of Waterford ofiensce , and be wa& finod 5/- , Gent., 00,-vfd Hunyadi TV OT £3 Od lo Od remedied. The boards might be re painted and re married Graes Grove of Kllbjrne Eoolcett aummJonod foy Constable TO SE SOLD BY I'-N RESERVED AU< *, , Doneraile, Co. Cork Jlara for was fined D fl n B I E L Kepler '» itah anc O«. .. 2i 6d lo lOd erected, u in cone cases tbe supports are broken end (Cloyno Merr. Licence Bonds, P.B.O.D.). O?27JirJG drunOcene^ 2,'C. : TLtLV, on SATURDAY . 29t!h SBPTHiCBh:}. 8co olio C3^2MOraV. aBSTEU/crriotx. ' 1901 , at 12 o'cluck . a\ >ur Paddocks , Bally- King'e Biooc llixtur., 3a 6d 23 Gd tbo boards lie on tbe hc=ds of tbe graves. It is a pity " Wbita of Kilbrrne" (B.L.G. for 1904), which gives -OL Saptoinbor 27'.r. Oi, D that there should be a neceuity to call attention to the tbe pedigree of bis famil Oon liable MoCarry summomod EdmonjJ 'bruiien , \Va.;eriurj , ty the Very Rev The Dean &. iluiiay 'e Hajneau £3Is Oc(k lo 9Jd T\HE STOBTf OF THE WTHBCK. YdlanCay ihe Osntreii Technical Schoola e-v . I>avies, J : charge in tho centre son oi Jdhn Teasdal*, Sobcitor , Y OTK XC Pink Boxacic Wo<* £> Gi la Sd success of Mr. Frank M. O'Leary, 1 of the street opposite land Bay. Rumpus his forebears), related the pathetio story. Just when tbe Principal Teacher Parkbrid ia tho BrcsideoS of tho vVaterford Tochiilcal th« peat office. 2—^Brood Mare , Si«bic , aibout 16 hand? (Marion, daughter of Ui* late D McDowell Pijul 'Nan& Perlum* 2j Cd 2J to people of tha town were preparing to celebrate the ge N.8., Olonegal , Co. lasU-uo-ioo iXo. Cariov? , who nas, on the recommendation Cammitlee. V:ho fortoiioQ itook Tho defendant was fined 2'6. ¦by Cardinal—lilai on: o.' Dublin La^ . and Mm. MSDonveli, o.' Waterfoi Bimmel'e Toilet VincQa. 2i K lo lOd tecUval ot " Pcaca on earth aod good will to men " a of 8. E. , Stronge, Esq., M.A., Senior Inspector pLaoe ia- tho tail devotod to Art, and in which TMBBA01BMED THE CONST,VBLE. 6\intcd to Rumpus Eowland'o Macassar Oi. . 33 Cd So Cd call was made for the Duogarvao life-boat to put oat in , been awarded a further annual increase of salary of £10 wore a number oi the .pilaater casts removed lOandtiaMe .KeTnieUy summonoc. Michael N\>j 3—Y oung Valour , a grajid Bay Colt , KlITOHlI-ViGJMAiLXD^lEIY-Oi. Uie 30ui. August Scott's Emulsion 2J Oc lo lad a heavy fog to tbe assistance of tbe captain aod cretr of , for the continued from the old Art School Eluabetn , efficiency of hi) school. Tbe tzibtant teacher in tbe , trhich used to be trlarrigan for being drunk and disorderly oa cummg a years, out oi Du'blin Lass by last , ax NazaroUh H^oio. Pon Scmbb'e Cloudy Ammonu la Oc lOd the " Moresby. ' Tbe vessel had ran in under ths light- caxniod: oa over the Qity Savingi Bani in ¦uhxr Sith Boptombar. Cape Oolony, h^}' *^h€ Most :Revefenr Scwodou _ Co Cc £5 Od School receivesO D IDcreaaa ot £.1 Valour , would make a useful liiinteL bou:: for cbelter and a couple of ancbors hod been let (yOonndC-Gtrcat. Amongst th« spocial viators Ihe dofendanit ifolJoT.-oJ cox-^lain-ant and N'j 4—Young Runwp ui , coining 3 yea.'t £ ¦ilvfeherry , "Dr. Charlov, t riu! Bay Coll „ Ba\ . ioc KAthenue Steedman o Powaero lfi 1{< 10id chared ths would bajrescueri that they did not require LifiSOaEATUON imantol Board, a eeatlcman who has tataa a Fined 10,'- and ooeta. ' JV daustJi-er a- M; P Malone; Ne»-»w7. 8oda Mint Tableau;, Cc 6o ¦5. *. O-'A C-l nrst-nui. Colt , ouiiairg 3 yeans . : auiatance. The following morning, however, the gale In e,ccordcnc9 whb tbo nrolutioo ikecn and swnpathetic interest in tie undor- OBUBLTY TO AN ASS. . . ¦'WaterioR. Tatcho lor tie &ai, 4i Oi lo 10d p":cd tX tho IC^r.lina] .\Li: , out of CKIbdys increased in violence until it blew a hurricane. The Annual Indcttrial Conference, held in Cork, in taking oi tno local cammltteo waa amongst Constable Ryan summoned Thoa. Hahiwsy Ko.|6—U;iy Fiiiy by Valour , out of Gla Cd Ca Cd ¦hi p dragged hirimctaor» end drifted on to the V7blte- itho priEicirpai penxxaagea on the .platiorm. ifor airogcd ijepteiu,t>e. , at November, 1905, tbe Council of tbe D. I. D. Association cruelty to an ass. • ; 2s'o. : 7. —i>av Filly by Governor Waller. I HLA:YI>EX—On Tuesday , 25in ' Country Ordera receivo .mmodiatocttcation. hours Bint, where a couple of veciels bad been wrcclied cro making Amonsot the ladies preGero -wero-OirB O'Hara, Tho comptaiiraat ctitexi ' ' Janiet Patrwik. arrangements for this year's conference in that tha deJendan-i a\TTLE itaxn ^street , Tramore, Carriage and postage paid on all prescriptions como time'previoujH. Dublin, in tho Mansion Houss The Palace. .Waterford ; MJO. A. Nelson, lira. worked the animal wheffa mifloring from a ; ->n of Martin and 'Muuy Haydei. Further Lif. erf Pricco on application from , Dawcon-street, on the eoro 7 Two and half-year-old Bullocks. eldes\ o ' }4tb and 16th November, 1900, Gerald Kolly, ilT3. C. P. Bcdmond, lira. E. on hie breast. 20 yeare Daeplj regrettod —It I F IE commencing each day 6 Dairy Cows. ague the Propnetox A BJd) HPEOT1AX2L tt 11 o'clock. Tbo Council earnestl Murphy, 'lire. OaulfloM, ilia . ilisca Keaue, The dofendartt said tho gall waj on tla Tbe tea broke over the doomed chip, carrying y request co-oper- 1 Dexter Cow , 4 yeara H I. GORMAN. P C 0, L P 0 . otion and support, and eo contribute to aim. Hcune, ilro. Catiill, airs. Nichol , Tra- animad'6 breast -when he bought it. BAEfRiElT4H..U\ilIILTON—Su. iftembe: 25Jim . LI 12! THE QUA! WATEEFOIL everything before it Tbe captain's wife was luhed tbo advancement !Howaiid 1 Year.ing of tbo important work whicb this and other kindred more ; M'i». f MriJ. Lyoxih, lira . Hod- A fine of 5/- was imposed. hot resMeiK* , Kibnaiiodk , Ntiv R.Tti C<. (For yeara with Hamiltoii , Lonj and Co. , Ltd, cecurely to the rigging wbile he made fast bis son beside , 2 Calves. ¦ Ac^ociations are engaged in- Most satisfactory results 'fcincon Mro. and iEcand3 C itrtda, lire, 'ilorric, Tho court then- race. : ¦ 'W(-xkxn> Oapuaan Saanuei RarrevwIiainJ , U L her. All tbe poor fellows were exposed to the elements lira , tie .Misseo 'Spanish D.'iikey. Tr:i.j > iuio I-Lam <.»<• . 6toto Awrtheoanci D D followed from but year s Conference BaHovu ^^rrace ; Stowart ton ibi.t« 3rri and 14th Rxiiiajri, J.F T-.. of that awful ni ht, and 22 persons could be counted , and it is etill 'Berosford-street; lira, llacjbcth otcetc. Oil view day prevj..i;b to a-n PETTY OEDOIOfJi. ments ere in progress with tba Railway Companies to ; •torai The men wcit filling benumbed and exhausted iDemis Wlieilan, Rev. Father Fitzgerald Adm., THOMAJ W.VLSH A.VD 3IXN cccuro favourable terms for those attendicj. Informa- , ' Auationeeri . eve., Trroi-*' A^.JIOIU were hold to-day IRIIOIY M: from the tinging tion St. Jofhn'd; iW. J. ManniDp, X.C; G. H. , giving ell details, with delegates' cards, etc., wilr Toom3, 'JJ anigor Waxrfoid Gaa Works; John The ilall . Water!or<] Jo!ir. Kya;. .1. Hit chair ileisn. Alestum • .' be enpplieo by Mr. W. J. Branagan, Secretary , 9, UOKDAY ¦Jicftsoj . L> . L>avi< MiicsDmiala tui«J . >. UN UUSiiXXBfY OF IHHIA'VIE MEN. A, Ryjm C.E; J. J. Flemicff, A.M.I.C.E; T. take an interest in tbe tablet which Duv.Ton street, Doblia WL. To-day visitor* Waldi, Tic iMall ; H. D. Kcane, oolioitor; IiNiDCSTRlA. SOH(H)f^ OAS. ta to tu ecu on a oall at tbe esplanade , placed thrio by J. J. Morrin, Freo Library ; ilr. Nichol, Tra- D THE SHINING OITY OF WAHHRFORD " Actll. tbeir fellow-townsmen. I honour of the bravery of SUni more ; Ri/.'h'ard Mahony, Airmounit; Rev. Bro. 1 Ttlfc IU- . '. Fufloiifi . cppi-^irt^ 00 the mighty ilisslesippi I h»»epaied in silent welder, A; the City Police Court ¦)Mit>r\j t.h « -our' iw.c >ai u.pplH"ai.tJOri on bodio of thoco recovered were laid to rut in toe church- Thamo oatjolog, Very'^v. Doan Haotc-tt, R&v. W. J. O"Con- dirac-tione LAST EDITIOi cLid nov knf»v Ui«- Where tho throsgiog Contractors, the STEEL STEAM wand' aird yard close to ths Park amid much sorrow. We again life o/ busy CngUsd tjtms, — n«E, O/O : Alderman Dr. Joioph Wlhite, D. TCPEaDAY. Rai(way the prouiio ctnn uu- olt?ic was erma But my heart will never csver 3j James A, IPcrwer presided BARG E '• OOOLAWN" to ctrry from 40 to 43 ha ever TiO; George D. Croicr, P. Waki , Matthew fined il/- for drunienneas aS feei'.l Beam 13 child van discharged \jh* In my dreams I Greea'a Lane on last night. John Double Cylinder Engine, Scraw Propeller wn .-. ooni.idorw. uvsuOlcie, would remedy it, it would be a pity if any room for Casein. T JO.; etc., etc. , Moimiaia IK tv read two and .William OUrden, charged 'blades, Boiler of the locomotive Tnt* cj^t was iid$t>\in\vtf u> r u W tti;c cumplaint be allowed to exist. !MT. O'.'Sh^uslmeisy 1otU*rs of 1 Witt assault- wit,ri three TECHNICAL EDDCATIO ^ Ycaro and years ego I left behind tba oldea ing and thrjoa'txming Bdwand typi , by Taugye, Two-lead Tank3, to hold rijquiri« might fx- mac ¦1/OIEiD nrrfRtTiTN BHRH9FORD Qolicz cpolbgy. one. from tho Right Worehipfal the O'Leary,, vero Vdlsy, Qtayor, expressing hij regret th at, ho vraa un- rejuanded till 'Friday, bail being allowed ia aboLt COO gallon s each FAPHEK AM SO. Lord Charles Beresford'a appointment to Com each i case. 'll wo rthy uhe attention o.! sunniu/netJ hit- >>n Where the shining Suir in beauty done along, ablo to a".itcmd and another to the eame effect The informaLion swam 'by Tnis Sale is we IN ISELAIN . A rD-a.!. n-Liu?wci Porrusinui . t* inander-in-Chiei of tbe Channel Fleet bos given genuine Where it winds end O'Leary yesterday showed She is in good work as>au; HiiVwif luvint tiir cvmiplaiiuuLi« of of this typical sea winds and wondero round tho grctn from Mr. Arthur Tura'buJl, WeJiTvood, TaUmv. that defendants coniracwra and ovhers for thai pleasure to tbe millions admirer* bles of tally, weie employed as barrow-men at the Gas , and can be inspected day previous sta'juinen . ti.»- magi^tnn*^ ordar ri-Ai)g WSJ most ing-order TRF.ASTTRT PABalMOr dog, cavn Where it croons and croons tbe magic of a song. condially reoaiyed, said thc-y were assembled WoJi£3, and dianissod by O'Leary, ilbe fore- to and morning of sale defeiKlan m imprisoned for o w-ee. at l£5t a round peg nas been found to fit a round hole. : man oi ithe gang;. They CONNLE ' MERNJ1 And tines then in vslltys tender cud in cccaa of rugged that day to witn He is to de:ervedly popular amongst officers and men cplendor they should retaliate in- the marner men- WALSH AND SON , THE formal g of the IMar' >'m " Vim- certain to leave tbe Channel Fleet under dl the circum5;ar.ce3. be described as THOMAS that bis promotion is I bave p.ezed fill on fair enchanting tioned. ' Auctioneers, etc.. Technical Schools, at Pcrnel l Street, v/hich T7us nao " Mernn, lor «:ill<3£ec' rrralucacma injun u> relations with " Charley," as he is my ctreams, — a wortc al all the better for its Bat tny heart v/ill ceve? c:vcr The Ifal l , ATatcrford. the Mo3t OT Dr. Sheshao , Lord a boils* her property, it. Patriic2t-itr-^- . Be looks &n ideal tailor, broad and performed by R . uolvereally called From my own beloved ri»er, Mr Dnitk' j n'Brier.. rtoliciltnr, 'JppvtLrod face , out of which shines a psir VU\ST ALVD IiVSTING DillPORTAKCE Bishop of Wnterford yesterday, affords food it burly with well tanned And shining Suir is ever WEDNESDAY the tiniest cabin boy or tbe biggut e:rtb they run, ol the people wa^ ca"J.ed in AUCTION OF SLATES. instructionof the young men and girls hiin chatting with There b eometblcg sweet nnd caothing in tho since a icwiting woa fined 2,'8 and costs. Joseph. Forrietal was j technical occupy i.h« nous emergenoy weather he will penctitta tbe flowing of tecjhovicnl ecihool at John's A"vemio, ^(| n°t. appwt: A.D. ; tad in a river, tihe late similarly fined for drankennesu. N , in Lots , on of tho city In various branches, but the holders The (i^f^t^*1 ^- < '^ii ^vsit; eerve tbe stokers with grug with his own for the purpoce of enteririg, a.f far as their TiU BE SOLD BY AUCTIO ¦ ctokebole and And my love is wide enough for every one/ OCTOBER 1st (Fair Day), at THE of the Big ParGG in London have exercised in scntoncec t< K WI-« K . .:npri .-oran«n. hands. opportunity 'allowed than tt the tinn.-, upon MC'NTXVY, , UN (JN.IIA I'I'V HOME I delight to eit and ponder where tbs ripplinj wtltm ing^ :he people with, tho (near Market Houie),of WATERFORD regard to the movement a wont of generosity " BKEADiLIGfflir CHIAHLJIE. " wander, the task of i supply QCAY Superior BASGOR Miar^ Doyi* •••uniinoiifxi h*v Kiis\xind apportun'ity oi obtainiris tech-nfctil instruction, a Very Lar^e Quantity to such an extent that their action in thia He ia particularly keen on night attacks and tho» 'Ne^th tbe sunli ht or the moon' ccLccTiowo -on To-r.ionnovv from the root of the Thomius. lor threatening lAnjjiuigt g s racbnntcd bc^mn— touring the iour years Uiat inure Bir.ee SIlATHS, just reimoved ye-word nmougct all 's stAteiocni . r-ht mycterious manoeuvres which necessitate ligbb out and But tbo Qret of all forever . on, x 8 and 9. 18 x 10 and re3pect has become a b ¦Havinj? heard tJie woniaif >\ mo • packed, i!ho; mwvemont had been carried Caihedral. fiizes—J6 'bench ad^runiec the fii&c- for nrj . in complete darkneis. For this reason be lias beea Is my own beloved river, .7, in supplyins technical vvirjDOon MCCTINQ. 1-i ; 26, 28, 30, and 38 inch, odncational circleo in tbb country. Tho De- aa his lKar<>r3 kno" ¦12;[ 2J x 11 and see how the defendant would conduct hun-oli cbrintcncd bj tho jesters of tho MedittrraccaD Flert Ab I the thining Gair b ever education, I widths. partmeDt of Agricnlture and Technical Instruc- ht Charlie." Lord Charles hu all ths epen- In 2terno Oak Plate—Dundreary. various condition , and ASa\UL1 " Dreadlig my dreams I Tjhese Slates are in good tion in this country h-tve been abused over and firjc Won. tVBrien wore taneous "it of his Watrrford ancestors. Once Sir —Dais A. McCarthy. DIFFICULTIES Ciierry Wive3 'X-urscry—Emla?h. building work. Jolu. MounUiUi UNDE]? VERY GREAT suitable for all classes oi over again for whot wta alleged to have been 6Ujnnionod by a injui mimed Edward Clean' , William Harcourt, just after his change of front on the Uloya'i Borough. Mandicap—•Noctuiform' * 12.30 o'clook ; Home Bale, was telling Lord Charts that j to tQueen Anne's Handicap—Deal. Sale at ¦ , 11, their supineneco JD not aapportiug nith more foram-an UitK>urer u> tht K US uxxri-os, for afeault subject of KK0.aKiNl\<3aW BA0AIAB. and it was no email prabe to the teachers ¦iltrRPHY, Auctioneer might in time become a ttatesman, 8p;aking til recently in three different ¦10/6 ' imprisonment. weathercock." tho ChrUtian Brothers are doing , ui tne LONDON DCTTIC'Q. OOV»!K1EEPE!RS' the Bishop pointed ont—-the limited resources or 14 days for Citholio education ¦parts of the city—at Mount Sion TOlATBEiFORD ¦nRANSFER OF UIOEK3E. locally, bnt of tbe whole-hearted and entbutiostic cop- >Cfliin^l^trc-a and for of the local school have bad to be hypothecated , "OHiAItliSrS UP. School «f Art in O i On tpbcation of lilr U. Dunford Aa a Parlitmentsrbn, Lord Charles Bercford was jport enlisted in the cause ef liquidating the burden that domestic eoonomy alasse3 at John s Avenue, HB2B DAY ASSOCIATION. y £{t00 a year is M to such on extent that actuall sediedtor, A trantJt-r of the lioen.se held by moct popular men of tho Boose. Bis presses ao heavily oo onr Little University." Having H-licre tiie operaticr.a in that branch . ol ui- Mr. John in respect of pre- ons of tbe xne now being paid In iDtercs—morel) than doable Dhe la'^e Miurruy speschta were as whiffs of tho briny t;j let lotcs taldrt set their bands to tbo noble task of providing long- duitry wcro GO EUcecssfUily earned on. (Special wiro to tha " Evcritng XovO mises at John 's Lane, was granted to tm atmosphere of party debate. wished for educational facilities for toe youth of thi (Aumber pupiU r-Ucndine thKe school waa ; aESAiRHWJTOH what is annually raised on the p:nny rate in the the hot and ov.rcbarged of ' . '¦ '' dau-^taer, Mary Arnie Hurray. _ and generall town and district, tbe Brothers naturally desire to com- , could they have- been expecU-d 9 to 3 ojjjt. Noctuiform (o.) ¦ ¦; ' [JOTICC, city for technical education purposes. Is it not They were tlwnn to tho point, y witty. cot largo nor ¦ GJUAS3- BRBA'KlI'N'G " was a cry that sped through the House phte it by wiping ont entirely the financial liabilities in' to be. Thac "n'a=, indeed. ' S ito 1 — et. Wolfram (t.) ' : bad that such a large onnri'il snm is to be Ballytbrioken, " Cbarley'a up too TOKuiias Loneryan . publican . like a 6ery cross , emptying smoking and reading rooms, currcd, BO tbat tba schools would bo able to freelj ao to tt — : Feather Bed (t.) . . from the funds of tbe technical in- siKiimor«J Thc/iua» Kniiella. who appeared Terrace, developeaud progress without dsnger of embarrassment. ; EVERYTHING TO H.WLPBR JO to a — Cffis. 3Iajesty (o.) taken away and even proving a greater attraction.tban the ¦ -.he 1st stitute of our cit ? As was pointed oat by the 111 cUKlxKli . for tireaknnjj. glass in hi.s iliceneeil He is suppoaed to "till hanker after a cut on tha gretn Much was staked in the venture, bnt the response shows !U3 ito 1 — iWinwick (t. ami o.) ' ' ¦j price of M'TLK from y that Brother Weston did not k» the city, but that it wan «hat the education- iprcimses on the 37iHi J'une. baicha. mitplaco his coo6dence in {he .UDOvuineut C3 to tt — i Magic Balm (t.) Bishop, who is one of ;the leading OIBrieii , i-oiuntor , appeared for tbe public,' who have rallied to his standard in a manner 'atK^Jiher unsuceof^ful, tho uwmu.itu.-o 123 to 1 — Spate (t.) be 8d! per GaUon LMr. D J , M.P. hot than ¦ ; OdLer to 1st April shail alist* in the United Kingdom, tho blame rests the C'iraj>l»;naat. ME. PAT O'BKIEN creditable to all concerned, and worthy of tbs traditions should ry.,m( to :he fact tliat no fcr.ver 133 .to a — ' Sandboy (t.) ,' and inferential 1 and obtained an A correspondent writrs j—" Everjono vrho knowi of this grand old Catholio town." : wore enrolled in tho three acfoooU ; : • entirely noon the Treasury ; The defendant applied for JI.P., and ba Is th< 700 uaintu 01HBRIiI>GE3rirjlE. " the case for a week so that Mr. Pat O'Brien , CO per cijnt; ol the-ae attended the Domestic |U3 to 1 Carnegie (t.) upon the Government.! No civilised Execu- adjournment of mon in tbe Home of Gammons, (BTaHJOP'S UBEBfDIIE OF PUiAISE. : trne asst. LATE 1 jmrfit be defended 'by a solicitor. best Unonn were also Economy Claaeei ; 50 per cent, atiendcd ¦18 to il — Sweot Katie (q.) ' ApVEETISEHENTa RECEIVED TOO tivo in the world over in-eated- on educational 'he nill be glad to hear that bo bos recovered from hu Tbo opening proceerlin^i marked by aud the remainder, UVRORVY OF OAiKDS. : declarations of tha highest importance. The Most iW etfhool p.t Mount Sion, 33 to 1 - Son? Thrush (i.) I • EK)B CaiAG3n?dOATION. department without providing for it ample charged with the recent illness, and tbat ho will be back in bis place iubout one-third of uhe whole, attend*!0- tho Trade ITcmoply I Secure the eole ! Hwo little boys were Dr. 8beehan who is ona of the leading educationalists of But they havo talen T7fn?EW00D the COM of Ireland thiB hia not , iiie property of when Parliament opens on tbo 23rd October next. Art. n-env e of Ptten?. Cboppins Machinery— funds. In larceny at a deck oi cards '¦ of tho day, paid v/arm and deserved tribnte'to tbr ^chool JC district UE. which Pethnps there is DO more popular man in tho Hmus of • venture—(hear, tear and ' opplause). . Hio work : of 100 men. Price £110. Hill and been EO. State e>iucuti'j>n of tho kind to Mr. ' Gctz, lie Quay. . the genial M,P. for Kilkenny. As ona work of tba Christian lirothers, aod emphasised the at tbe ]. Cons th; AWting Sergeant Kisho'n gave evidence to, 'Commons tban Jx>rxiiupctuu&idered this the beginning ! TO CORRBSPdNDptNTSi ' ¦; ¦ , Ltd,, trioestCT. we ore DOW referdug began in Ireland iii 190K ' of the Irish Whips . he is moat courteous and obliging, priceless blessiogs to the people of education under 1 cordially hoped would i Ecrbert Fercrn>cn & Co., I.U., (tbe effeat XhaX on the 3ind inst. lie was on religious Influences such aa imparted |n tbeir excellent real hifimors ol tfnni he "OOBKRT80N,! Ledlie, In the years which Intervened England received He noticed Mrs. atUolivo to his duties, and] always ready to reader a ¦be moot jtbe jmbd! : X] mounted, Black Harness. ; hiuTdijig the oflier boy who regret was evinced en every bod been won and preserved for tu at snob a terrible ¦wauM not tirrow Dhem, oar»- ; : one New Tyres, 'UC of Brass was the result ? Ireland did not receivo one fitness) let the. bor blood poisoning gentine . «ft>taioalcoaies . ftiilhoritiea, to' it »s ' «)JW»T«I fatt*d: -|Frid»j ) Waterford. ' A; pacik.oi cards. "He side, I am lad to see by Die papers that be it on ¦ price. His Lordship was cheered to tbs echo especially TSivwHM - ougiBy and attjm- : ' ' ¦ | /PPly, tarkfieia, with nwof penny, and we at this side of the Channel were 1 ran aXtor the oUhcr boy and overtooW g when ha referred to the fact that tbe religions education PSJTM WenirgB . ' '¦ }f ' ] ! . " M '" '. ' . i ¦ TmlBST'CliSES: Forniahed Apartments, go and visit to Mr, John B. Kedmond at Avghavaosab, enjoy- Aivrily p«n»e'them, ao*» to thoroughly !>nd«- j > ; ; let in Good Locality ; put into a distinctly worse position, for the {Hie said he got tho cards from theboj' Wicklow, I of our children is safe in the bands of the Christian be supplied ; M. Bath-roem (h * c), to be ihum. pack of cards wad ing the beautifulscenery of|tho County itond wliati might be fcxpedted to ' this office. money that ought to haye been given tor tech- ¦whd vra3 with him. The sinoeiestcongratulations on his recovery Brothen. to tha pupHft o! this achool in the jiiAPe ot j I suit gentleman, | APPly 1*28, offer him my WATEEFOBD PAWNBROKERS'ASSISTANTS' i & BP1RW8—Just diiengajed, education was devoted to grammar schools to health and usefulness." j ' ¦ Jjacimlijaal xhsfcructioti in tbe city. Ha»|lioi-4- IiAiBfld STOUT: IS /fii KOCEKEE3 ; nical dstpoaed as to giving one of tha ASSOCIATION. . ; : . dm MmUES AHEAD; ; man, 3 years' ezperienes both cranUra her teachers the Mrs. Getz fchip «aW fia wa« not aware ol howl WOTJ^- [ \JC yxmng indoor, BcoepWL and Ireland had to supply , rxwik oi cards. (When he was handed FAT STOCK i jPiRIOES.i On Wednesday Mr. ! John Whelaa (late ot Mr. ° nad, vifitod1 thevfcraow TetereBces; moderate salary, Ibioys o ; Uiem. Shi io!the weelily return ot tbe St&iiiUo gS* b« Ad*t«ed who iT. and fl. Doolan' 'East India Pot)*Jd» i hflhtst Bns New Boss. money and the . build|ngs. Aa tbe Bishop the canis ho ran away witih According T. F. Sheedy's, Ballybricken), wbo have since left hwms, tout he anxiously invited them IK* to * : applji *»«. McCabe, Doherty ^ to I give Ithe bars a and InUlligtnca0ep»rtmttt of tha Dtpartment of Waterford (or the United States, ok draught*nd in ixrttl« is «cknowl«dcad by Ered, Aserion, Eronia appropriately pointed outj it will probably sur- csked their wor&hi-p* ' was the1 recipient of a Wv«;tlie xifliding but tp ' £6 . ana «( J« • "RIOS SALE—On» Fore Priaj ¦ ¦ ¦ ! : - • ¦ Agrlcultor, etbd bUcnrbv (wen tba highest average solid silver vatcb and chain from the ¦ owmrron Domtat M being the bolt HaMato* \ months), won B^tond »t Sciencemany to kno? thwj^ theartmeoV Treasury, through Chance; . . . members'ol tha •toinBriJvas iAe yet th« rocome were W^J"»5? «!£«, nnd tiu Urge'b«4tl» ' ¦ -C Tnrtej Ci>«iG8 mise Inepecftkw eaid a loi oi palfeaf prices paid dorlsg . tlta watk In Dublin nutke*:— load branch of tbe above: as token of tbeir esteea w ^Wj lu'X jbi bave been The. DiBtritrt 82/- ; betters, 80/a j oowt, 27/- • tusna«ba, bat ho tomght no one .<»g*M2 'it ti^ i [ .- ; ShoVi^^^^SSeTKj. v»u««., »«.j the and; Art was going on in. the City antf it should b* BaUocta, per ajr^' daring Mr. WheUn'i membership. Chioikb, them, even M ther were, **n^ npf iMibf.xAuiSmmmm I '• CHd (Hmtars), direct. M*» , i for technical tag ¦ - . . '.:. ' i ¦ : '"S™"" i i : Cododi unmenso i sums fjfi money ipttt a stop-to. ' QISIB DBATOBt: tBAfllB. r ') „ hjjeBaBicraJrvanoeaedseiocinviacaf:. th*twww \; theu» T«Aix<3oom>i&s»l.w l[ Ooaar>~—i^ In dwtctorgied wSitih t „ , tba 8. MABINETBBBA0K, TBAM0HE. I «OT ' : H atoa ^ool buildings England,, contribnting w ISie dafewJante were Accotdtegto tba xWatrar-Ornerala return : Ttae ttrenissi ware KM b bSUteeiMd dome» greet TTcrk.ia tbe cSt ^, i : 1ST'-^Lic ^1&-. * ? ^ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ; y Mr. John Murphy, ^JSWW 5S ^: caution. ' • . .' death rau la Uw <&J.of WoUrlord lot* the week ending xWs week ffc. ; '¦ ! i- -i l BSS3a^»-'U*i ; mnchaa»millionaof l&r. Ofeonrse, lu Iro- 1 l pejahntnnof the1 smetioseer, 376 K~uiseaa, tbe purchaar QK ' two 9iU)t fttlt^HHHlBBID^^^^RBHHHMlutfirll :f ^fe erir/ L P< fa th» instruction SeDtenbo 22 w»»««inaltc'fl'7per 1000 . bein| Mr. P. A- Murphyi »oli. in| trust. I I I i i SatSmHoWtJ^oT , «g^ ^? bud mittir technical bnt we Mali ! of ,'WaXedtordIwiSin ih«« mtt* I ;¦ 6n g«d "canty.tY 1*29. OD ' i£e citakensu» j gSSFwajremain on* tbe Ztt mZUnoekil,10-8 ; Cork, 84-2-j KOkjimy, Vi ) tamoM'^ ahanda»t 6Um*u^Ja ow*4c» ^ ^ ^ ^ 00M1NO SALE or SHOOT ' flrtt-rlww munition, goodnea? bty ^Y handi- IitBertok.17-8 ;! Vfotori, 127; Dublin, 26-8, . ; HOBita. > \ -! 1 ^feRgf'yiTpLp^i stanhope in Trtoamy, J*ojMi ^ ^ *****' - JENNy BAILWAY dtFUDB. 1 ! On tbe 8rd OetoWraa event whUfa dumld MSM »6Wd b». .j» ^ ^ to»ar#>«s>r U)w Tf OLE ?** ipi&la!aM>yrBA tiny *«*«* . SS-^& ; TbTPta*f}r3 Party Md their Int danoa tbW •Mb lamer* rH. ^ \tkadatj i , * vro^O-JpaitBlsV oa •sSteOfawtM Ko«r 00MMfiM U. . : _ S;..^ jj- totiTZnQi iwk UK" i>* gwj aiwaJw ol moniai I***-ivnt' ^iKS ¦ ; :i I ^S^ F MS IS^ Afedi **mM?i.- *~M ^p^a'¦ TrJg lg *? *m m ¦i Mr D»."wt«»Ud Boon, h*« _ ¦ '¦ ' " ¦ ¦ gnm^t *$$&&*imb M . numtj ***ia. ¦ - . - - ... ;: . ; -\ ^K* - m 4 %^*^,rt££&*iUth eto««o< ¦¦ v: ; ¦¦ ' ' ; ¦¦ ¦ . . . . ;;. '.^*.. X \ * •- ^•^'- • ¦: •—*-^ .. *¦>• I ¦ - ¦ ' '' ' ' ; i ;; v / ¦} ¦:¦ : -. - . • - ' { !:-^ - — . :| ^'•'> ?F^3E ^Sg N»f#^™ ^; H ^ 4^ !^ ^ ^ ^v ^^ :,^; : ; P^[ ,

* ¦' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ '¦ m !¦ ' : ¦* I '¦ \ r - ¦ ¦ j j ^^ ^ 1.1 ilii .' KILMACTHOMAO DbARD OF jnutoh. eyory year to Mr., Heam, but he never ^'¦'•:> ., ; 1:1, M ,1 I jpaid Janytiing, nor did , I GUARDIANS. : iMr. Hearn bother in OUR¦ GiELIG COLUMN, ^ oakdrjig ft. . • , ¦ ". ' . i ' . . 1 • ¦ 6—'' ; ' : [iPaou oua EEPOBica]. Clerk—lotr-<'W!h€-n on the land settled' P Agus ^ Ol&¦ l • Look• ¦ •'t ¦ ®6n ' - ¦1 The usual weekly meetlLng oi tttua body was (witih oocnipier for additaonal aUoiinent Triiicin, AM 5Aet>itse 50 ttnSt. j _ Mi:. :l -^ . . - .; . . in ;-n: lied'd on: Tuesday. ; MT. Mictoel 'Byme, V.C., is nKuiked ISa on- ordnance sheat, 34 in black. and sufusequently Mr. Dawd Crleeson, The reclaimed corner in plot by the labourer muinip ti. M A ¦ptoin 'n TJO c^n. ' not to be measured in as agreed on by oc- Chairman-, prodded, the o'^ ™f™?^ff cupier, r i ¦ seat iwere-titesrs. Jam&s Ooftey. ^V.O; Ajv tftuinnajt n& Unine A jcotAipj e iijup Thlomas Totan , Win. Buckley, Joto Bronan, ! EUJjiJUuViHEATIClN TO -CttiEIEK. John Quinn, (Miciuvel Power, Adrsmomo; f cQtaijte 50 gcuipit) "Oia A5Uf & rfidtdip Waa&he and I lioaal Government Board, Dublin. ' ' i IBI iWfell « SULPHUR Thomas J. Dempsey, l£aurioe Slir-j-fWitih relerenoe to 4fhe ann-utes of the onfus ronAr bUAti. " tMoig&n Ehelan. around post tha mincato K£l, iTrlhere.eaxylhci atteDdanc&- iKi'lTnarthomas 'Bural district Oouzicil of the MEWS OF atop, Tlie fcfflkrw-ing officials Few in JIL51 in3t., relative to the paymeat prorx>sed 1716 rfiile tieAnnaCc ope tifl^Conncde OUR was madp toi; tea. iafleT jwhich. tliei. oom- Clerk; Pat M.or- •pauy Adjourned to a find large TOODI nihere Messre. Thos. F. Walsbe. ¦to be!allowed to their Oleik aa renruneratioo riiiey. Assistant Clerk : t. Power, M£pr : popcUipse, I danaing and ainging-' was tho order for b low of Works; Behoving Officers tor hiis services in. oonn<3ciion with the last : more houns-. .The : eignial fx»| home fliaa than; IP Power, Olerk improvement scheme, -made by the Council Stii'OuigeAnn cu plop ceAng^ tiAorh NEIGHBOURS Ti d O eiven, when rcimy sad iaiaea ooiild be &een &t ¦ ¦under the Labourers' Acts, I am directed by pAT)JVM5 SAn 0. i .. .. : ! . u:.: . . . *&^!¥lo SSl &TA0iEE. 5 ¦the terfloinatian «¦ euch an euj 'oyaib.le day. > _ application from the I/>cal Govexitment Board for Ireland to 1n -co coLAipoe zi. fcouipe -\ mumceoipi ^ ^ Cierk-J have received an request , Kate Walsh e , of the KJmac- !that they may be informed of the Tho Jewish New-Year , aj i we haw etated, ' utoe oommdttcb are fxwimdng ! a 'quadriUs olaia rtlhe caretaker amount of the out-of-pocket expenses in- ctviiOce/iC I v Qrey Hair to e natural Color. fhwnas diApeJ^sajv for 5/- . DA commenced at the hour of sunoet on l hura- ifjor tJio BiniteJ:, and- all 'desiicue of joiniri s OizcHyg. Dark&iio . • » curred by the Clerk in paying for the outeido ¦Ap A tSn-tiice^U 45 r«oC in their religioiii iDiwyer's. 4,. Eaton Cottage., ITipperavyl AD an assistant , and that an assi&'&iii ls n&ofs- 50 II -UAI C. than the Jenve, aad ;1IL5 great festival'is ' from the midwife of ifhe Bonmahon dispen sary ne^C ¦ eo the Ute3t Gportihij resulia by wire. . leave of albseoce, to sary. ! I think if you agree 1 will convey to 45 C4ot Btoct'ly observed hy tihm that it is said disxr-ct for thxe* weeks ¦ ; Troin the 2&h inst. H you allow her them Uiat Sh« appointment of M;r Morrissey go cpuigrfieAuc AS slAot>At &p TJO rfiuin- their synagogues ano unalble bo acoooimiodate A ' fwritcT iri the neiw number of : " The date to did not tabe place for a long time after the the congregations, Shese holidays it will be ncoessary fox you cip ¦oea^-tfitancA and halls- and schools (World's rWorli " urges..Uhat in. liibe interest 4i there is nothing a'bou. oreaarationa of this sdheme were completed. have in many ' pLaces to be reqaiirtioned as th« aW->iiit a subsiiiMite, Cum na 56ArA A rcAOtLeAt> public the revenue tax ion. patent medi- u eubditnite m the letter. On thus d»yj? rt- WATIER 3UpiRbY . 01 go ce^n n An UanpMary. nousea oi prayer.. Tiho New Ye;ar cines? should be laboHehed, or failing JJhia, it before Rockmount. ¦ob ' is inimgurated by a 1 1 : similar application cpoitie, penJUmfel period of tem j iyli •uar you had a ehcnild bo hoarily dncreaiedj and oil paten! l SK8N '* . ©ittll was on his holidays De&r Si r—M: Btreiiford has directed me to dnye called Eosh Hashona,Jwlhioh terminates ' vT£" but as Dr. Power 1 ittediiclnes subje6:od to strict eupervision be- V a- v mine you deferred giving her no£Mlaj » »end you thv e:icu*scd tracang Showing posi- t)'ei|-.i5 popcUtp5e on tlie 29th Septerruber, the Day of Atonement. iore Ibcing o'llowod to Ibe eold. ; 1 Dr Power's. tion 'for the wa'tcr sur«P!y ¦<" Myrtle Lodge 50: cumaccac r^n On thai day all buoiruess id Jewish qiiarte-re REM6VS3 ERUPTIONS, uicL. Oie expiration oi ' Aimpp bUAt>AptA ,il-: Byrne—I •uhir.i w.- agreed to give her a Tilhiirh he has ma-iked with a JoKed line, and , wtill be at a standstill , aiid in'London and on , On iMonday forenoon an aocident occurred, f»ri,n«rhi the last time 1 am sending the same tc Mr. Jophson, so f Cumap gcpeiTH m i>\ m nDAop-rjpuiD itlhe Continent the Stock Exchanges 'will bo on the Groat Southern and Western Hallway DiSRGURSMErJTS, PIMPLES, CctK? [1Q H . guvfe^tatu,,,a^e - as he A rparalysed—e the hope the matlter w;i! be a'.: r>^ht wants CdOaipc cap n-Aif fUln to the powers of Uie Ibateersv 'Watertord and Grange, -whifh fortu- ¦ Oierk-I tihiok Mrs Bafe~ov ought act for \,\m yA> done al JIKO —Yours r^speotfully Jewifih financiers over the money markots of nately iwaa not atton)d6d "wiih dny injury to IRRSTATIO^ DEVELOPING !j 1)UAI U CO buh- Uip5e ; munity ia a great trial • of endurance, not eo fe<\v hours. When the train, vloioh. leJtWater- A FAIR SPOTLESS SKIM. Jast, vear we reiused itrs. Raggo holidays a* son , an.) had a rop.y from him , 30 "Jie n oj -k •Oo reAti-nArhAiD Ap Up cu much aa a drink of water baling allowed to para fond al. 10.15 AJD ., reaped pithin alxiut two ^^ ^ " difficulty about it , and thu> wi,: ! .-arneo n. a '.! rig.ht under the 9uper- t^s Seoippe their lipi , go we ward infonmieid1 by a gemtle- miles of Grange station—a -distance o£s.bout Jiheiv was some AD ClOflAn. year si us wanted three week* leave oi absence . vi ^. ¦[ .> :' Mt .l .-.nh-- .-, and at Mr. Bereeford'a man of ch«- Hebrew community resident in fl.v<> mriles from Waterford—(the front axle of a certificate from Or. Shanahan e.xilierus-. this city ' ihe tender snapped aseunder, the two Iront C51ILMHO DOTTLES. .Lid she had of 1 th at her health was not very good and lifr. U-leeson IOL j^liaff the ratepayers of -A t)ll-mutnap DA TTIumAn An ¦•wheoti leaving the Tails. Xhe train was stanui* not gAexiiLj bup . We urrdera-jaivd 1 that, she required the leaw , so we had the li .y.nsx'Zhoin. te Rural Distnd ano eur- CAom-mJCAif boat tlie Rev. Father Con- brought to a etanxMii'll at once. A eocond diffioultv in granttr.e it. and besit Uie don , «1ho has been -nending^ the eummor tritih engine was dtnainetf , thtt dieabled erj iia bedng much C A p 1 ^ »Lr« Basse 1- liere a loup tune and she re- Coun.-.i >, tme anhiirary proceeding taKei, by troopcAr Seup rmaCCA Ag CAOI , his iriwnda at BaUymacailbery, pungunian, ¦brought back .to Waterlord. trhcre tho passen- woman has letft for BelLarat 1 quired tff?s holiday : but here is tins ioniK ponson or persons in prevenMup the A5 impioe 50 T> UCAPA CA(; , n4iore he win epend a gers' had ic wait for too 2.35 p.m. mail train apply- <1 A\\ vo pAtpib faw yeare on the mission 'beiore - taking up vio ie not here oac-ahsird of liie tame public from having ai.vi.-ss to the sand thai j » TjeAg-miAnAc on order to reacfh ¦tJieir deatinations. O."he train weeks' leave. Now, gentlemen , , , duty in lua native diooesa. A kxiee num-'ber had to como on Grr-ngo ' at the down (or ing- for three accurpi ulated or. tlie beaich of Bonmabon , to wnsideraDion, I think »e Cum cu c t>puAr5Atlc &r An 4ic ACA CU O oif mends clerical and lay, himassembled a'» Kiilbonny) side of the Iin cuid'.thus be ehumled takng all titas into tt-it'hjiit having to pay so much po: loac to.' <; ij^ingj iirviirj ajid g^-ve . livil-i be perfectly jilted :n frrautang he: a 'deratioii tha. the CUCAC ! titauon a hearty over it-o tne eouthorn eide of the rail-way, ta same. Taking :ulo eona eeud off. ' pu 'oll'. had aocess '.o the 6trand frccL uine tihe ralib at that part of' the permanent wcj reJAU/-ro) Wave. wn,h ¦ : run fi» wore ibl- ikad ^To to S' will frrant imineiii-uria l imhout hindrance we looi OL A ttlurhAti CALm A, Atpp w where -the tolder broke ' down. fche appointment a suhSB.tu.te. * nhe .party responsible as lAnoip pjAp leAC During bist weuk 'AVesford has 'been Tlio oiHiclaU in- charge of the 10^15 train acted °* Lhe presen . arUior. *{ visited b T :M J cSnan-W * roust a*ft Mrs. BagFe if she illegally uiyuAtifipc in trying V> ii«i>nv* Iht SO Ui-oip, y M . Allan Bry<*, P., brasher with mudh iprompditude in getting the engine ¦ lace a; £1 per oi the Irish Gliiof Secretarj-, and by Mr John S. • mill be satisfied to take her p nu'Wi.- or.' their T>a=t riijht' C4 00 cAipt)e piop-ji eurcA and the carriages, ivhioh liititir rarere ill no way \. Thousands of yards arc cun ceAngi K«iiiix>p.d, lyeader of the Irish Parliamentary damaged , bnok to Waterford -nith the and lire. The Olerk wa- direcieo no siimnwi t nA ngAcCet. ihjj A no . portions and jjuttcro Bagge appointed at fll per we©* this maMer :n ' consideratlo* f^op 5GiDinri cun^pAOoip) nA from other Governmant Board . W' ; Parliamentary coj 'lea^u^a side, ihT sandEon of the Local Kasurn shewi ng the numrbw o lahourer/ ' i-dpeAn'- An excursion of the menubaro of tho Jjearjuo WV N. i on the IRISH KHVUfj OPilENT ASSOCIATION 1 1 has bevn staying with his family at Bally- of tiht Croaa, Tramore, torvk. place yesterday, r-oHtages in e-'ich elactoral drvisioi. aiu the T)r r CACApoipi X INTEBNATIONAt L\n umiatian w.is recewed from the Dublni PA . go n-T3eonAtt) 'Oia treiit House, whioh , by the way had been the destination being CiTxpoquin and llount X Tfi5 ^P^]^?^ send rateable value oi each division - —Annestaft . for maj iy yesms !he home . UK \J ii Industrial Development Association to ,946 r^r rAOi;». oi the Kedmondd "Jlvj llyray. Something over 109people pn-traincd A2^> bslncX. LTP& il ffi^ll ^V EXHIBITION , conference wiucn *» <16) , ' C3.aV7 To'- Ballylaneen (14). £1 I!'- 1 delegates to the annual &a3 8/-; Comerap 0l> ai. Tramore in the morning at 8 o'clock , and DUBLIII. in- the Mansion Bouse Duohn , Oarrigoastle fl7, Ul , -. Who hao been moving the Tramore Rail- " laid oa P.oor \ . N. if be hold »* i'3. tJUAiTj Lean cuigt- rT1uiii. r/ion- way Station Wi- loam from one of the station for ithriir weiUward journiey at nine £1 T.?l 0- Foxc i Cas t le (23). 12. 97;. 14. - . ?iAet>Al pof LAfoir reFuLbk' HuniLsworUi puMuMtioru thit it is Of HEW HAIL-V QPX 1 a (ieftfuesainvi. o'clock. The weather was beautiful^-jt-ypicar -pi^p^ v VN ' Kaersoy and Gardri!!tinrn.-' ''18> . £1.009 15.- , now a mile out of Water-ford. In. a column ^MrlPl i2L^B.lVyl^ 4^H N. J N Mr O)ffey proposed lihat Ml. (tf ,- El.OOt Ar PopcUipge 50 Cill-Aipne CA ctAnn n6 holiday weather, in fact acd a more enjoy- WAT V7ORIIS, Xlli ilE^M^ , KilmacthomaB, be appointed fHi £1 0S2 1^- Kibb!irr>imea. : N. ThM -wa? seconded 'by Mr . Tobin, and 15- . Kihnaoth-mias . £- . pomrin w^a reached in good .tirne., end in ^ mall- 1 '12> &JJ]2n 7- . Mount Kennetli (7,. Cer " pibipir ^?i.nri«i unanimously. ' g " no scotjcpiocA A tiiDipc Not long ago one of the oldest locomotive bnaikeo >and on cara tho excursionist:) tnado a GHED3 at Y7ATERFOIU3 ^) (di STOUKTiAKJ'XU. £fl 4$.) M • NV.tt i,«»-n f'27>. £2.671 13; - Sura*. ejiginei in the wortd was rdtirod from 6ervice \ ^l^irIT^ WI^I^i- >v (6. £70t 1. UAinn coitlii. irilielasanii journey to and from ih * lamoua 1^^ ^J? M l\i ^JT O The Local Governiment Board wrote stating hil'l'T i'i * £3.1:i! 10- Tini:«gart This was buitt by Messrs Bury, Ourtia and MHourii of thd Trappiat Order, -where it¦ i> r.r.4 MSSLAnE. X \ ' H-(L- *i.it J,o neApcui-o tTlACAir lopA cu that Hhey had saiuctiijoniod the proposed pay- Thi- derli d:r«.-uxi t-o forwan: i- , A gr^A* E^Al KemDody, exactly sixty yeara ago. For ju&t 'hardly n'f3Oecj ary tjo add1, tiioy -wcro m'oct cord> ment of £3 10/- to Mr. P. Quinn as remunera- Onuniii Uor i» cop? >¦ ' 1— TIO Cf>O1P» half a century it, did active Warfk irpon the alty r.vdcomod and entertained. A great many his services in taking and valuing Furaeai Railway flitt in the capacity of a. ft;? c3ccsplp-£lono o? Hcovo on appiica-Jion tion for the of the visitors had nevor visited tbis worM- GcrSSimci'icD all stock in the workhou^u lor ha-li year T FAT 0 ct porcic. passona'eir engine , and then aj a goods. Even ; fa-rcwl 'place beTorc, and thoy greatly enjoyed pointed out tlha, r'op-mAccnAm 50 after that ii wa* ueed for several yeaTs as a ending the 30'jh inai. And DAI At> re. thoir now exparieoce. do Cs-O PTOprJcto?a :— nayanent shouild not be made until.the work LETTHR5 TO THE EDITO shoinjtinjr engiDein the Barrow Do«iks. Happily satisfaction oi the O>T> ceAnjifO t)c crtot)Aipe its orvvnere have not relegutod thiiTetoran to 'the has been completed to the 1 nAj*a p6iT) i )\ & gTiardians THIE FiHtTFlN : BL'KMiNO A' .''A^A.rj clAonoeA enrevp-heap. It has been placed outside the NIOHT jroBfiE. Barronv-m-Furneci3 Statioai )r, DopcAr n-oit)co QKA¥2S «& CO., Ltd., Waterford. The Local GorernnKint Board also wroti A SAI > 'RETROSK: "A t>ionn cO AJ &t- OBITUARY statins that they have Bano'Joned the prc- cutnj e Ar lor It ni'ig'ht be supposed thct the engine just Miss Anastat.a maationed possessed the aibcalute record for DEATH OF MR. P. J. ttAYDFA7 poial to retain the 6ervif«s of TC THJi ED IIOH OP THB ftB' ru rieAOpAi <> bpireAx ACA night nuree in the workhouse for** J; O cpom uippi long survLoe. but thij is not the case. Another TRA3IOEE Power as Passage t- A LulK furtiheT period of a fontnight , on ttie ternit Sor^eaubei 2UK. 1^* ,^ loooroata-ve, built, by the eame firm in the oiready approved. _,, nionang *thr- vi-ua«ri - • iprerviprervioXXxuxuaa year, l&£5.1&J3 . iaia., or ;ivco vorvvery recently, vvo rennet to announice thb ovciunrj tha Dc-'ar da—On Sunday on 01 Ur. THE LATEST GATC [-3 jOierk—fn the first instance, Mrs. Walsho Passage East «i.. Uh« sc-ene oi a flrt IMIL. . I TAinem in- nj poti^io cJ puigteAC n« in djtily u^e iixo quaint little railway doalih Jam&s Patrick Hayden, who . applied for a fortniehfe teave oi absence, exfteat. ^ias trau^f which comn«ct3 tilie port of W-attenfJord wita ! di«rf on Tuesday waning at tho residence at nhocgi. oi insignificant LAOC -n-atering •and you appointed tie night nurse as sub- will!] Uo retiulti W the iortune.-" o: A the pliace of Tnaraore. ThiB railway I haa parents. Qliun-etroet , Tramora. Tho time she was Lut. <5t ceAi SPAI, . jcponiCe LS a curosi'i.y. I-u long- deceased \vas stitute at tie expiration of the .TXX > I vmj ov lano h«r tuiidtv , anc' reoaitls' >•¦ -Oo Ar i» only 7} miles , its ! onfly 26 yeara .of age, and up to cot feeling- well -so ehe applied for a further incident, m Iche We a! tlw v-iliasrv «4n«i seaiariug conimun: Dio-DAr coicciAnCi neApcui$o Ue t)eAj rv>nmecfeoTi with the last fortnight she rot Tiin long years u£ti 'tflK 6tea2iish;i ' ltenl!' ' ai tht two pliitforniB ar© both on the west I in this city. _ He -w-aa heud in groat regard CONTRACTS. s oargo oi eoa. en 1> cneu-. side of uhti Iirae. the carriages are ronorvjldcd by all his friendj and acquainrianocy. Ho . was after discharging a » Bread—Only ODe contract was -received dowji , anxl' the u>unt oi itlhe vos.-«l ¦»'«» &>¦ CAI ITK. . DuAr. , reArnuc , ctp-gpATioipl riof nh doors on one side only. -was oi a genial and good-natured di-ipo^ition, Mr O'Domoghue. KJkmac*Jiorrtas, agreed to gaged iin kedg-mg. and in it -wias Jolm Bsiatc- an j failing tn^-muincip bu^il prj binUe tlios q-uaani old maohinje , at -tja. per loaf.—Accepted son * awidem the fluk* ol tn<- ama'ii fifeesrs Robert heaith Since Juno h« has been jrraduaLy Mea'i—Two tenders were received One boa; aiul over • Curn^scCA- StepheneoTi and Co built an engine which failing, and pacsed cway peacefully !in hi caught in the gunnel of the ar from (Mr. James Fa-hy. Dungarvan , who wenl-., and tltt- sailor. wenn dor%vi wiQ. Urn Ar nAtti^iOit Js-ietHlje pt> was wfit to Fnaiwv. and up to the year 1WB dleop, aj stated , on Tutaday ervemnx Tha ew-t mutton - pu^ip Ar wins si.ill in agreed to supply beef at 35, - per audio: never U> ri»- a'bve 11i»> eympatli; CeATj Dua: use upon the Qhemin de Per du i docviaseds' father U Olerk of the Ca'Jiolic V\0 /3 verj- yvunp childrar iel^ u^Tirr- t>TA . HO lAt pne- l;jr mipn ea c po fiatoH wft.h nouplkij driving- vrheelj. ' knovm and recpectod The d<*xsaa:d was a tendered at—Beei , 36.'- per orwt juutton, 6d vided for by 'the sailor 'a dea-jb tmt cases c n-ir. Ct ' brot&r of Mra. E. J. Cahill, Traniore, Itrj . per 11); heads, ],!- each and houghs at 1/6 ltwe tke fasaaj ;!. ; Win'tor , Waterfowl, and Mrs. T J. Wid^c-r. t!ie land will turn up ai. a (p uiigapvan, 19/4 per and. privations 60 provide for and rear up tirf uuittoe decided that photographs ol iboxcs prdct'ice in Tramoro, the coffin wiu carried .too ; Murphy Brothers, Watesrford, 19/1 pex ca-lamuifv- 0. FociOijfv by iby a nuniber of deceaeede friendo, Iha open litftle one6. Now oom«J 'iJie dire 5nAt)uiSeAtm • and gang^-ays og«d tJie Atlantic Trane- Frcs Gample3 from sole Agent, ton. delivered free at Katmactihoireas station ¦fire now that the brave figtit ss nearly ove.' port Company with a roq;UCJt to hiivo HJ10 IhcarJa Hollowing with the i\\Tea.'-jhs, which were 1 " ' Hiessis. Iturphy'e tender was accepted. and that ihe migte, ejap tc lov. The Ocunindttoe also agnj eli to request the- Bopreaentativea ifrom the leading drapery 32; - per sack. The Jhoito&j in the city ware prefeont t» pay thtir R Mo DOYLE, Gigar & Tobacco Mercfat She best Lrisb oatmeal at ' prwide for he." AicDeoCAi Ooirepanj- to havo proper dtablcs erected at Beechfiald -Milling Co lendered at £12 per When tlw people were w, McA JUatis on Sux- Rair Irish prcilx At or A1C cOfres pramu.-iG3 made' by tlie directara of the G.S. .t love to The latter wa~ aoeeptec bed. Lhey observed Mii-ok* issuinp from ly of Indian meal , from M: Flateniir, , ' iinan fellow .chough 'tie was 111 a ehip ' said 'bring the nwter under thi> notice of the regrcli and Dj -mpatlhj'^Proim itihe Akiiifcante of Kilmacthomas, at 14, - per tact it was nothing particular , but. Later on. wjiei. ¦OeAj-rtiian. irauiiurer ¦I>e«vy uca\i&cCAC On Thursday a num'ber 01 tho directory of ¦Njiiuaotor at 1/3 per It corrugated iron it arted l ike 0 ventilator , anx.' 50 , ttio Great Southern and Wciiiarn Hailwaj. ir» iloving memory of dear Jim—^From Annis Ecgs—MT . Danaei R;eiiy . Kilmac'Jiomaa, ht tiia- t!he hout* was lilu Implonnjr fervi ntr aeoonipan:' iuid Tom , tjo dear JimMFrom Aunt Bridget ; ¦ " drow linacb, a draug .ed by a refprwso.ni3a.''j !ve of tOie Har- Mr. and tendered foT tibe supply ¦>? best fresh eggs at a fhirnaoe , and it »"a* inf[KK53ible for (uiyont ^O CLACU. oom Wirol&si Toleg-raph with doep ^Tnpa-thy—iFrom lien. y Company, vioitcd Phejan 1/3 per doz.—Accepted to eater it , and save any of the poor people 6 1 rumpled , HubUu HAV^I.-IIV , whore a Marconi eta-lion is in , Victioria Hclte'l , Tramorej with deep Broken Stones—ilr Jwunea Ooffey, Faha- was that the aoemtvu- .^ aym-piliy—From all in Power Brothers. TJt belonfflnes The result j ;Oibini oi>era.t.ion for 6ome yeare pa6t . The object in feela tendered for the broken 6t»nes at 10ld lationt ol ten years st ruggle and rmaustn c») th<; visi-i was purely formal, and a brief wia^ the latter plaoe that th« dsceared tper load Mrs. Cullinar.fc also tendered at wac reduoed t» ashea, oven file Qcte&nes whui. Captivtt 'ijiw]>tv.-t-ioii nLade of tlie aricj igemento fox &or\-ed his appremtfecsh'm. and the iwr£«t!h Md. per load. had .been s'.ored from tJie garden were ibunv. Cotgcpu the reaavinp and tnirtiiiutt.in3 of milages oent from tluj , firm epoke ¦voluin'03 lor the The Master s:dd that Mi O'Donoghue de- Ody 'the genero.sity of a nei?htx>ut wtw It is <3ontaniipLa.tod to erect a ttatiion, ¦ Chv- one u> Rod^lare Pi3hguard, eo tha^ iCousin Nan. iwould take some of the srones, and that he the poor woman from being forced W- caniT ACCuin*, bot)i places caji convey mai-ages, osid th'in Office and High Mncs -was heCld on Thurs- would give whatever pnoe tiw guardians would in tbe open. Among the many wiliuip worker, A nfttiti wrli pixjve a graaj;, benelii; to passengers and day rooming at 10.30. tho offioiatilng .clerrry- ii ; ¦ mem (being—-Jlav. Ftijhor Comidoji ask for them. wlio tried to 6u'bdue tlit flames »«"•<. . e.. othwm availing of the new rou"t)O. JLt is aloo , oelelbrant; Mrs-. OuUinane'e tender was accepted. Grant who OB supeTintending the wor.. ,1. Uit Fui^' oontviinptated Rev. Father djumon , Donmore Kast; Rev. uns by tilie d-ircctOTi oi thi G. 8. MASTER'S EEPORT dock ior !£he Board of Works , .was coiu»picou? H<" . '- leavinrrK mid W Railway ix> equip tie newly built Fdthetr Cal bg'han, 'Eassago East Itev. Father Nurse Power who wa*, doing temporary and 6«veral anica tried to eiwer the bumuip TjeAj-cpetc turiane* now in -uho carivice beftiweom Ross- Dupgan and Rov. -Father Dooley, St. John'o ; night duty in the inflnmary , left on t!he 20th house ia his shirt ekeves . also Mr Weldoi. Uooo quuiiii b tano and FWligua.d wi'Ji. tho Marconi oppa- lOalkge. yjT D/ s> in_st..—l?And , who improvised 0 The cihiaf maurnero'v/ere—(Mi. llartin Hay- of the T"erro-Concrete Co. Seapn, m-ud an soon, aa .irrangaomcn-ta have been On the requieiidon of the medical officer I contri\iance With planlu to strip off the corru- d npleuxl for tihe purpoao. This now in- den (5atiier); -Monsru.- ; iPatriok and Martin coJiununicated vi:;h Dr Byrne , MX).. Kil- gated iron and allow water to tw poured OL St<*aata s: L-ition wi'M bring tha people of both Htvyden (brothers); Mrs. J. Winter, -lira. T. and meaden , who attended on the 20th insl . the ruias. 1 am euro that wfrue-i ihe ca&e :t SIOLP.' o>':n'trk'a in clojeing forme d r.o roof litie houst «^- (oinolo) ; Mca3ra. John .Winter and E. Cohill As directed, 1 got the oate threshed by .«i:'i>on ;e will be generous, a;io th.nj heii' On Sunday moming Last a fire ibrdke out tfbrotherc-in-ilanv); i£ra. • iCSapt. -Hsiyden and machine at Mr. Oqfley's plac* 1 ave the \0v.2 the (X>tta^>» OE the Wot iHil win ca. a; Piisaase, in tlie house oi a ra-oman named "ilira . Joseph O'Brien (auhlo). &tra/w stored for Ixyidnig. and would i. k your bj i Very iRov. Canon Coffoy, P^P., and Retv. J Uw hoiiw 0! the W.dow Bai' Bji -ion The lu>Uit', u-hicli is a email one, directions as to the disposal o oati Fatthlui-lv v»i- t-ACc6 simpirte with a thatched roof , w situated' ct a ptace Ftithur P. Wiabh "wore unavaJdaWy absent. An order was made V> tho efiw; \i*. the A SYMPATHLS s^eiiiist caJflcd " Wet " The funeral cflco waa very largely attended, Hill , and it in not known haw ' oate be gold . .n N;L:ii- elu-lot the fire originated , as al the tim® it occurred and Kho arxangemento i-wero si'j &faotorily Mr. K ieTEey r»-ct^ed tlit pump ;» i iot> re ' %A mapCAt) 45up ' ^i, n-iteA« Iranian and a widow, her hudbond , citdaan end mcrch t of that town . Sn<3 hmi s. [Paitrick Flynn, KJlma years njro in the Rii'ver Suir. a year or toam «-jll n umber iii ita ranks Jin. Uoctit ciAp CAII. tn cutr5e Cu5 more che had been, GU.: "ing fjom Ihcai'i cepted. wno recentl no trouble XBW COTTAGE CHRTDFLBD v defeated Young J ohi. L pus r <5 Aip, A5up emp rM^e-3, and fav-ura football 5morh . st% one oi -the youngestehi p m-aotero in the Iby 3>r. l>cnia (Kennedy, but die had £a afteriKXH. . 23rd inst., Lady'a Chain THE KINO I«2^1L*H IWVIQOBATIKQ or. .y application . en.t in it was unanimously ibejn^ arranged betw-^n Mi«ono i>in Asup Ii;i(,- . c/ontiiinirig Cafillc- le n-a linn pn TJO bam gold witch, anall pocket JUOT IVHAT FARMCRO OP Vi^^jJ ' TO -not i .i< -» -spied . 'bri.l;'e htirhn? e ubs , .'i p.m. beinij named for r6 cpoiceann na iX/iiib and tmnd-kCTch-ief " IVAHT. ' CAOPAC ; initials " -M.G. laero ora no vatariaAry remedies CSGTOnATIVGO EXHAUSTED OOiJJiEdPaMDfiNtiE. ¦this match. Four of Wexforei L' , Tje 6eann riiicdipe. " Sin 6 acain on back of watch. Finldor Will so good jjsgfflT nittx!—^Breen 1 ,, he roward- and . nono just co reliable ta thoea -which The Local Government Board wrot-e, staling 'BUitler , Corcoran and Shor 'Je—will probably S. ' A^\ peireAn , " an ed oi> returning aJl>ovove advertised o.n September S4th seasonable:—Tho OpfiiTjip o " Kidney Drench," prompt in Action ; the report, and other douumente mentioned in. 5 mbiAt> cpoiceAnn CAOPAC Ap in tho " Bvcrr.ir.fr Ndwa," ap.tl was returned to Uve fuTj owner on Septembor "Scour Cordial," very reliable; tbe I' Drying tiie board's letter oif the 23rd July last. Tlie Ague; nap caoipo C HA taoO fin. 25th . Powders," (board requests also to h& infonaed Whether wo FLonnanv. act quickly; the HOOJW I Drench, ! C'o Sut TjcugAip TJO tJpeit peuc IOAC curco hooao and snoring; i tha any arrangemeiit ihas heen made mth regard . CoujM of Uanufacturc;! Tc:llr.rJ^: ircu: We are very pleaiud to bo atole to report Tirober-Tonffue t>e'n cpotceann. Cure, true to its n&mo; 'the Worbl$ Appli- to the price to be paid for ti« balkacre plot tliat the youcg Clonmel cyclis;, iltr: Prender- cation provento tho flly from' attached to the existing ,hou*e. Tho-l>0Qrd NOTES. ga^i, who mt-t with ¦ juiking; the such a oovoro accidantt Healing Lotion lor ev«ry; cut; Anti-Corbine also roquesta, id ji.6 eamo time, 'Chat the CpoiceAnn caopAC i recently whik- riding1 down Ghriaimas'a Hill , » r 'letter , Ointment, the beal of t>U*t«r«; Horse Worm ¦ * ¦ consents mentdoned in their df the 18tlh A »h cri ekin. (Lit. tho at tho Sweep, ie> now; c»n,-vale3cent, which iPordera remove the cause 1 »tt^^-Tpia o»Tasam^ Aa8faaaa8 nn mini n^^ami -ra rj .une and subsequent correapondence may be oliin of a ehesp.) meano that all danBeJ ol poor condition CaopaC 13 over. We wxxl etc. Hoary Bell. Watorford, U&nnf&atnrar. ' ¦ Jurnishcid! uuthin three dayB oi the receipt of , pen. «cso of caopA. hardly add that the madicil ctaQ and EUKOJ " ' ! : ¦ , as: it is iinperaUvo that in oo:i- of' tiie Infirmary ' 1 ^"f^ - - - ' - i 4>his letter $A ttiAflDATiA gUf SA ti-iCeATj, wc-re nw>st assiduous and ¦ ,, ' eaquenee of legal coosidorataon arising oui vi At their killing; kind to the patient during the trying porioci Pi™* 1 ' !. T , the Pro- and nt their tiling. Eatiwr of .hi* illnii^a. . (the provisione of the -Act of 1896 and billing ; , VBS^^ Qf ^Om ¦«» ******* ¦• », If, Wbuual * Woit* ir«c*fcfe, «]ClMfai4unw visional Order in confirmation of the schwne th-m. ; a PURE SLOOe B ioiready inquired into be issued before the Mt fe -OetpPAt) eiAp CAti. In tho Carrick-on-Suir butter mariot 00 INoveniber next.' - To enable this to be uld cause No sooner, ¦ iperonrt. The tuyerB •weTo-j-JM.eosrs. ' Ccrartenay and Eidhajri are «lu»Uh due delay, must be omitted from the 6fhame. ' and Son , H. Ridgway and . Son-, VJatetbm, or imgntar. HoHim»T'» PuErar«i ff lerk—The hoard makea nristakes eome- AojAipe, i and Air. T. IWW CttonmeJ. . i exaaly what U needed—ag enlla! have been told over and over ymh^f n ? If ao, nadir iha lUn TOB ) >*IB poboo IfcM ou want." \7by diJ yoa.' aaSh'a Hottel, Easaaco. on Ba'Juraay night, i QCTcr cua noorct Imt oa TOiarn aaaj» ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' : ' ' ' ¦ ' U> the "board ; Ito-cnorrow••. (JWednesday), , ou t co tufisnut tfl) dcttb nlousi ¦ CfOC, . . j.; 'before Xhureday, 3Ttn. } :i'WBJ |BBG ;jr0 '-ANNOCNOS ijft 5.- ;/, . . that he Uunk3 there wil 5oa- VtAxpt JOB kotts uu iw«n«a.th«lo lnii betot ¦ j The above waa fldv«rtist)d;is the " Evaning . ti28t ^aaual w««wiiBW6 ercaiMdon. ol 11 ^.- . —. li—L- :. ' II iDu'blin and he signed it, but the •occapier ¦ re|(UBed to fflgn it. There is • ^A™ moraorallj •. ;I . . \ /Eachard Slearn) . .fegsasM^'^saassfiK i aatt tfieor lady irianida-lDtikiijltoce on lh« 23al ." :; || l|5iJl9 ff?^^f BWli*f"'II little corner which he wants to %*** «- Sntfiut A rTjcujcusAigAtjtp 100-oo B6|ireift,teit, - ' !i ™s±- ?^« p^niy joun» «d toTth* quaint old II ': a . The Clerk ¦ 7 ^sss¦ aaka±SsM±Sii^aBr chided jn-theia*litional haU-aer* , . Before ;ypuH Bgive c, yonrUur jj,ogiiderneutndgmciit.raoiit, .: wlafi» oftSTrnMt anjoyaMo U . W.Offi 'ta Ai . Seafield.^ i (LeAtif(LeAnpAp A «ewe reo.) *bi9 oKat h*? hid ednw (te *>nae«tiioii -« '- fair II J"M W" . wlui -w-ftlta b " ¦' youa enclosing «*• : .-i;[p- t>,:,m • " ¦" - iitear Sir-fl im in recpipt ql SRASSHOPPER ; An«n iISstoEOoUitteUijte mMmmm^ 9r i t)occDoCp. creature comforts dud eaWyinatVt at ¦ ' wd«?w gnHn« : Ibe pa rtr || f»WI Ubtekah I ^ rri —: (-T-, —^_ i^l^ting tlbA highest or jidj* . aa • MaTofil :J| Wyfeia. Itb, <; .;. . ¦ ^ ! If OWtitM! ^i¦^*U: dag** -by ,MSM CM% AWU^T ^ |lf: '¦ o < » i' ffTHHBB ""! • ¦ ¦ , ¦ Sii '*2 T* '1 Sljfi ^**' s- ViMll BlMVCaaiktt . •! , • • . ' . I " I * ' H-" KlMfMliMB^jUW MB> «tMnW .., i ' ' ¦ ' " ¦ S :-f *mA ™—[ ; ¦ ¦Cheiaka ta4 8UR*. . f . . ,' ., , j ¦ ^- tkmlm iAxid'vfiMf. &. Bonimahbnti< ;H^ «**«!¦£«rjp < ^^ifPKrL ., . - mumno#j 4»ri«fao ttttn pDokm * tt>:' ¦ .¦ ¦ ' " 1 am i«ma«rithKwg i*« ujedton '' \ ' — ' tra WM^» - ' iJV r ? ' ' ' «*' * > !' ;'- . f -r-ffir of SB i Itfl LBISBB Beitoctton.» WBU' oMb' captato «^ «*«t»^. : ' . ;w« : * M -tti« ]B«at ^ * f <»^ " - ' ¦ ' '¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦¦" V'b ] ' ; .. • ; ¦ , : ¦ ¦ : • •:• i ¦ I - ' i . : . . : ' \. «¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ iiKilteRiiii '.Mnksi'-f ^iu :.;:-'i' . ; ¦ • i-,.- ¦* . •• * >... ,: ,. I I n ; i DPOHTirJO, CYCLING a ATWLCTIO I remember rightly, was ray 'friend Tom 11 I ! ' Neville's No JJoubt, from BislUnabooIk, New . I : KOTEO. |. , ' ¦ ' Boss. . . . j ; ! | , i . THANKS ( I BA.OTNG SttXTURBS. o i .' ! ltS October 3rd and «bj-(Limeri*rS. iAN OM> MMHB. i ! PI'; t; j October ICth, 17th and l&h—©arrest Oue oi the most consistent and successful P D ;*fKi^! Annual ^teouoa o Sunday.. 10th. C '.K1S J^% O I wMfc^i-i E - i»^V'^%;y Beptem- ; ! ! OITY ^ 'B.A iUi'RT.TeRa. supporters of those Kilmannock meetings nsad I . THE to be the genial John Allen, of Dinord OATHEDEAL~ . The following runs bave bean arranged fox , Pounty Most Uaf. ' Dr. Sheohnu .... TDxyoih of September {weather pexrnittins);— Wicklow, who pulled off a ¦Very W. J. T £3 0 0 : couple of blg-otakos B^ Canon Walsh, DJ>'" September SX/th—iDuafraryan (gentlemen . 0 0 1 With All Money and Ashplant, two very fine «ov. T. .F. Purlontf, Adm i n. X o only), 10.30 &jn. : ; L ; Eev. typ;o ¦ ¦ i)wii^V W. I O-Connelt ol the long-toil tribci of canines. 1 ' • •fr ' ¦ ¦ ""'Sf O.C. ... 1 1 ¦ • : '/? 0 0 ¦: ¦«¦ •: ¦!. .'¦ - 1 OOUBSING. ' •: ' K co .„:¦ iU «ev. W. , \ . also remember that ' - . iKehoe C.C. ..I :Z::.Z:\ October 9th—fPortumna.- fine eportsin&n Mr Wynno, | (MM. Keating,' Quay 0 0 at Kilmannock, winning with Waltbam ' 200: October 16th and lm-nFedamoro. ; II., a Mr. Niohfxl'aa Power .;-. -.^.. 2 0 0 ¦October 24th and 25th-iWe3Cford. dog that afterwards figarcd to advantage in the Mr. John Hearnt 2 00 Octobe.- 25th—(Bandbn. : I ' ¦ ii n Waterloo Ccp. j ¦ HOPRf aie=ars WalA and Fielding . 2 1 1 0 0 Octobe. 29th—Kilmoganny and Blaoibo a. 'Walter Waba and Sons , 2 0 0 Octobe: 30th and SLst—Tralee. i' Qlr. Xhoicis SHE UVW MAETIN AMKHHJB1, I ; ¦ Brean 2 0 0 Octdber 31st—(Norfh ; i : KiMare. Of Thomas Street. Waterford—peace be to \ Mrs. Barron -XoweU, "\Vocxktc-.\-n .... a 0 0 November Gth and 7th—South Glare. ; Jll£3 NoliLn .... . ¦ • ' 1 /\- n his "" Noveniber 13ffli and !Klh— December 12th—{Newbridge. Meeting. The lato "&¦ <£•E. Kelly .,...;. 1 0 0 (December 26th—Ealmoganny cad Blijiboc Captain Barrett-Hamilton todk a great pareonal ^fr. E-an 10 0 Oecemtter 26th and 2Trth—Tralee. interest in all these aud manyj otbher events. Mr. J. OnrroW , Quay 10 0 December 28t'h and 29th—Westmeath, He was a good neighbour and IMr. N. Bol-or ,;. 10 0 January 4th—Oo. Baj common. placed his A1 beautiful demesne at all timea Friend 1 n 0 January 30th—North Kildare. , and unreservedly, •MT . J. Murphy, Christendom 10 0 iPebruaty 6tlh—(Newbridge. to promoters of logitimato ejort. As far as IMr. W. Murray , _ 1 0 0 March '6th and 7th—Tramore. Coursing was concerned he pai'i all the ;1X13. «ioh—AEri. Furlong, Quay; Mrs. oxpenses ol Keepers for tho preservation of (Bishop, Mcsare V. Hcward1, James Fitzgerald; TEE DQG-STBAflLfflNlG EflEKOSTEY game, ami by his 'femise I can testif JVJhn AyH-ard, R. Cullinape, Puroell and Co, jThis s tne heading under which our , for one, y J. Devefeux. I that tbc world . ; his John Higgins, A. Friend, P. contemporary, the '-Evening Herald," treats f sport io all the poorer bj iPhelan , (ffi gOx-slreet ; P. A Murphy, A Friend, rliyith T. Gets, ' Quay. ¦ the matter oi so much conct rn to many dog Si. each— owners tb-rtay who (Tom 'Mrrs. J. Pholan, High-street; Mn* time to time are put A OHUiLtLBNGE. H. TChelAn, 'MB . Cooney, Mrs, Fleming; to their ^y its' er:d to know whether '• Fido," OJ Pit L).i(\ , C ooliTj dislioneflt MIR. W: P CTJLLHN'S S-TEflLVG y IP. 'ffi gjms, T. Lynah, J. Kehoe, M. Coghlan "The dog duly di-appears, and his disconsolate Mr J L<»n» '1 >ie 's horsps will in futiu"e Dt 1 ' J. H031J1, John Whi-jtl'e, (Priojuknoci - J ^ LFlynn, James Barry. ' owner, afler thr osual fruitless inqui ies, among be trji Hii 01 M: A'. P. Cullen , at Watertor ^ ^ 2a. eacih—M.;s3 Power, Messrs J. Walsh trip! neighbours, seeds the assistance of the I O^iTfi . C II :T 1 , J. of or of '!'. rt«J1M iwsre, J. I Kety, Jo'hn iMurray, M. Hickey. advertisi^e departmeni one other the _. , 1 ST. JOHNS, piiptrs— w-luch , i ' may he remarked eu passant, F WfKrTTON Api ittehard IPonver, Esq., iianor . ... £2 0 0 raaGtii-fiilcei^^iy psoitii'lGirO TURBD[\3E Stoar^occ, Mrs. Mahcr, William-street ' '" is | the only agreeable feature of the whole 1 hat ii »t ,r if ih-* first magnitude bad ansei. (Mra. . . , 1 0 0 :im. :IL ¦uir li lit wei hts was clenr wQer; a= Deevy, I>andoC^pe ...... 10 0 buiires3. Meanwhile the dog is safely housed, ' g g : rt A\ ¦Mra. SrriStJi „ , Woo 1 ton , ur, er the disadvantage '.f hovi' ir t< -L V ie^i d -?r Ira » JtS L^UJ I Q I while its volunteer caretaber inspects the adver- ^ -^ 1 ^ M Jo^i&c. Mro. Garvey, Johnetm n 10 o( force un openinfr on the rails, wi D the P'^rtlanr ^^ !Mr. P _ \. 0 tising o> lnmDS siforesaid. In these days WATER rOOb COD,, .. a.m. _ O . Kent ... ,~ . .1 n n 1 Pliite ai I>. in-astpr on Nero, nnd this impressioi ATEBFOCI b coD 11U°20 1IO 35 p.m. COrJDOCO, Copi ... O 4G a.m. ... 0 05 p.n. MT. j . oahin ..!.. ...,.::::::::;: ::;¦¦¦;:;¦¦¦¦ fn c libra: its this is nn easy matter, and eicitea ^RDOP c?v p.m .? tD a.m. a o o was mrci i-ifit-d hv his ahl - handling of Ann t. CACJDOF Ci^r • 7 C O CAREDFF, •• - H CO „ ... 11 CO ,, aOi each-Gl-rs. Williams , John 's 'kill; ails no suspicion. The advertisement tells ; the Hanly, Manor ; on ^.,tur . ,n I is. " Franlt " has three stron: LOJfJNDlDi . 0 00 „ ..0 0,, IVaViZnFOnia, C?P. - C°20 p.m. ._ , Ce2D a.m. Mrs. SUiitery, Kewto^ ; dog is letuined to the gratefc l owner, and the ' • Iiti Time. j F!eniin poi' ts—irnTit ronfideoce in himseli , witnot. T^ ' ^ J M aeiey. reward handed over to the honest, thoughtful Pull particular:, upon application to Ur- E. J. O'D. CROUCH, or Ur. E. FOGQ, Lower CaclrvHle Street. Dnblln ; Ur. A. ^7. PERKS, Adelphi Whirf, Watirford ; Fotey ?' sprrj 'l/i. ce •/ cbeekinepf or asscrtK>.. J c !1-( r creature who fuir d the unimal ' straying.' se'f Ui. A. G DOBL . oJ Hatrlch Street, Corlt ; Ur. J. A. O'KELLT , a Oeorjje Street, Llmericfe 3 Ur. W. J. PRAHCIS, Ro;o Inn Street, Kilkenny ; or to the Superintendent , \rff ; , ^ »- ,peveMren. x . Boresford^treet; exceiJtionnll hands, and pationcs almo-, of the Line., Paddingtoo stafion, London, w. 0[£^ Miss Barc&y Likely enough, in the mutual delight of dog y g'Xid JAMES C. INGLIS, General Manager. / Lfower£ , . Messrs P Dnexnm i di n >nc «o young. And the g c;ite8 C. ^T>unne , >M Suwrvi wr ,i and master, or mistreat, ,uo questions are aaked. ^ Oustonis ; M. Fitwibbon so much the w.rse for as likel as not the of t!'e,e ii the last , :o: be kmuv p hop to sn . \M Kx o™-5, P.P ; y ¦ Cos-ten, Aid. HThittre process is repeated at an early date. The ftil , . and hte cifcn-t:or. it. this respect yio owner has established a reputat'oo as a ' mug ' wondr-rfti. sorverei^ja , pr'.»v!v uukiny ailiow- WATCnFOCJD FCDEnATCD TnAOrg .throughout thic extenlsive diocese over which, anot Uic A^ig1!!.; ;< r.» ^a.r:n\ ,.¦ mj . rtilu^ed he presddeei, we ehould fool deepl wilb the dog-faneyii'g fratoruity ; his dog— IGULF TO U Ki\AMh >JNT AT r,rjD (,«coun urjiorj. y grateful to ¦FiMi y FUTH R: beujw ihe iiauirmui i»rt .s^rioe. t>" tnt ruJ* tan for the 6elf-sa!crifioiEg Icirtdneird w!Ml> the writer know? several—becomes a veritable stia, i-iu-jcj rwh'ich II" fa i tie: tms had ft aoccesafnl career af 11: Pa rt Ife uiio tun' t> ic Un TKAA10HE . LBcrrUKE OJJ TBCKNilOAiL E0>Da\TIOM he has attended here to-day to give disappearin g qu druped , which is almost worth aliionvutoi to: : » ¦ yea; m .tt> j .iys eac: practical proof of the groat interest he takes owner-tr.iiri • r in A slruhn , and alsn in Sotr t) l a standiuR ' ad.'" iro* Hhk in on his way to England. un' oo unlrj o: on-.v. Uie otlii, tia\> woi. :«n i RESULTS OF THE WEEK'S wiAranaFaHD io very dear to his heart. Hia kind and genial ^ He is ai leas; us clevrr with horsi-a as even the f^iret ui ai. w'hioiTje ve >fi;ii tirs. n - .-iy COMPETITIONS disposition hare moreover endeared his Lord- TOHlY NOT PKOSEOUTEP „ j chip to the citizens of every elas& and cre«l. interesting c ontroversary bt/8 nf hi-< nvali " Drwn under ' and he. hie y isMi».. In tlitf Trades Hail, \WUiam-6treet, on Some time ago n Jahu J I'lanoca. *'tu v,n ncr ^ x' tti* as Sun , tjie Most fi«v. l>r. Shoehan presided ¦Even cUiidren' ?¦ making cases. " Well, son. a- i ci iiit " mate " (as he c .Us him;, Mr. Fi WIN..V1SRS follow. ^^"f c™ ££*£ ^-^ ' ¦ arose on the subject of " a^ t,n<- Bocentn* reine:: .- Oarujvii, 0: siwn at a ieoture dioEvened on the subject of Tech- ¦ With esidearing Wile, 10 here is a fi. ld of almost virgin quality to be Wi.i ii.B < >n , known and esteemed throughont ai CeltJe Park . Ne1 Von.. &errlo:iil><.-: 'irm Oui)—£ nu'al Education by Mr Oeborne, the principal And pincik his gown ^ Wtoo''er W C . mpeM j . ^. J.iFoley^I^ f l 00 worked by some D.M.P, man on the look-out the Coi.inie? us " Wilbie," form i, powerful B* won three nr* [>nze». anc. :k-i—\\lit> Hiu.iJ>are nuaaher oi the Queii£town Tedhiical SchooU. To share jth© good nuns £mi!c Itrs. WaUh, "" r^-«or tlhail-lense Cup—J H Wal»h<- ' atitendanoe of nuanbere, in- I h!ave much pleasure in. prOTxeing that -Jio Jtre. W Power, Barronitrand-elreei w€Q*:h'i,, unUrnji4?c rir. and t^ .' , t and Mi. E. Gleary, Socretaif/. Amongst those *Lk,T Jr ' .... 10 0 DII'D CL UT A IN WEBB SWOf TI. ' ' ' .n* HalUDiire Cup—dl L!> Buvit. iind 8 E Larddhip, the Moit Rev. Dr. Shoehan , tor hia M . W. ' FitzpatripJc periods, and he will earn not only his stripes •> nuih<-s. u-(u< "r ,~Lii>ii!;iiiits TI . o <: raarl! of also present we nidiced—iDr. O"SuUivan. T.O ; 10 0 GrTL\A^"EIL- 4 ¦ S:iiiti. 'kinilneos in^ preaiding over this meeting, and ¦Mr. iritfiac-1Sullivan but 1oe gratitn.de of a long-suffering public. ¦)( feei 1 i.']cr-.« m;M. !> ti.in.-c; II «a-- Boj e y Coinpe;iLiv->n--» liov T. Furlong, 4dm , The Oathdral; Eev. ¦Mr. 10 0 A ge tlcman in W»terford having rca « it "ne -A d Driver 16 and P flLtagorald Adnr., his uniform interest in the merribera of our p. .whittle ;/;..; j 0 a The seme Dublic is rot withoat responsibility. :H >*. aivn >un«t^ fiai. -'if Li.e *v;j;'i. hat! bt'O.r i\-er < l:i33. , St. John's , P. Higgina, cl-ufr>—(applauso). Mr. D. _ ' f tLe Eng !i?li week ies a statement tb\: two Jajnes J. Phelan , Very Eev. Dean Fdynn., 0 ' Grant .., a 0 0. The 10*8 is as often ca not onreported. The Bogey Oo;i«po'ui1jjcai— I Dof.vr...- ijj and J U Alderman. 'Richard Heamc KCCOIKIMI thp llXls. each—airs. Slaney, Barronstrand-et. ,1 sail' re. a( present li>in g in Calais, were wilnnp Waitiiiit , 15 and ¦uJ'"d& P.P , David Hyland, T.C; Bar. L. Ormond, mxrttort. We all know onimal once returned no questions are asked ; 0 KORi. CO , Aldrman W. &. Ward, City Higfh , he said, that his Lord- 'Airs. (N'olan, George'g-s.treet; 3Iisa HeminJ to v. ueh for the statement they nade tha. tne uiiaj :^ CJ J in. Drt*.f.;. u*?i,trM,.^\. 11.a; no' Indies' Fciursome* (¦•• | IMZ «. JT<£«I) t&d by ehdn is heart and eoul in the interests of tech- Patrici-btreet. • a euro way to encourage the practice. An Shx-raff ; Januii Young, T JO; Mr. OShaugh- late 0 plain Webb in his Hucceisfu. endeavour luuovi jlia.-- lu.-:u; :¦.., -1.10. • :ire- - Livrgi i. J. Murphy—liBisis Join*, arui Mass Haokett. nctsy, Pnmaipail Waterflord Technical Inati- nicaU education in the Oity of Waierford, and 63. i .1:. . hij ia> 'them that day would have the desired effect geraTjd person who returns the animal is honest or whi< h tbci*e two men were, wrote to one of , 'H. Grainger, R. Gough, Mackey aEd race (l«63j a\ ari&i- GOLFETO N'cniES 1 —h Hportinp Tho Bishop who on nsing t« imtroduco tiho 1 Patricik-e.trDet. papors and received the Forxiiiam :i. L lane.- on.-e .vrou .-^tceriiiri , Mr. PhdUm put the reso>iirion in gracerul ¦Js. eaih—ilrs. Keane, at thi n> (rest p lice station ? In every CUM- Tramoro Gotf Toin-iiaiueait looturur waa most cordially roaoived, expres- tcrrna and it was passed Michael^treot ; Mre, following iep y : — hit early career " . earned «i Mi. :ny fim Th* ax>uiui up eed the great pleasure lit gave han to take tie witlh- acclamation. B. Aylward, Poter-etree't. where nu su> h report haa been made u tnr my or. &Aurday evening ix> a vcri'Uible blaae of 'Hia Lordship th» B^hop in responding, Frii iTTtiiMOit E (Waterford)—Trtkc n miimnii moun t a BnirhtoL ¦ lowe^ choir at what he must regard &z an irrrpoTtan.t 2n. 64. each^-iMhs Moni-jcy, Patrici-st. ;| ¦ ¦ ; plcn-y Tiutt it wa a raiitarifcabl« said ho folt deep prosecmion for illegal possession should follow \v'<- i^iV. ;'. lfi;i. I! IK ; L; U to .1 ••'-!. " atUs euocves, from nit'eiing. waj ly grateful to the proposer Messrs T. Hicnnaberry, notice .f their statementi. 'I nert > Hwry point, of view, g\)ta "vvitiliout e&ymg Mr He preseut «ath hia coKaagucs and seconder for J. 'ILayes, L. Hoj.-i', J. A few i-u Ih pr secutions, followed by exemplari vi. I K.V1 vr-L.. . oi tho Technical CommatUsso af tho city amply the kind remario they have Collins, James Redmond. not toe slightest doubt nbou; me z. Suoretary Cllainlpatit'e uiil'ieaaiwje ¦v.aa per- mcade, and to the meeting for the manner in : sehttriicos: vuiilij s ¦ u pot an etop to a practice A POPUU.-U xa and solely on the invitation oi the trades, 2J . each—lileisra W. Meaghc-r, S'-tphen-^t. ;i lormiinct He was accomij anu-d ^• 1 l>etuall(y wTCT^Jied siiules, aiud he ware o twhboh they recemj d thrcn_ He eameiSly A popoia -.ni : a Hu.'s ; M^irMa »';ia and fox the purpose of liateniDj to the lecture horpdd T. Graiit (Clarke and Co). which is tust becoming an intolerable nu'sanei. about bait s dozen representatives o ¦ oonsiaKS air liHhed, delivered to tiheai. They had ¦tha various erieakeis, especially those of the TRLNITY WITlrlOUT. the id ' !• , woro \\ :jin;- ¦ iliic camo twgeiiher under tluo fbrtowing ciroum- Rev. Ml. F. Walsh, C.C -.....£0 10 0 JWTOiE/LKS'S aUEKLTNiG.* g newspapers wh.» . . *>k«0 and tibrally crowned with .suoceia. ¦Hear), regardiaig: the advantages to the city, [JU. .. Teiupit- a'jaiuces —Some four or n-ve monlis ago the Richard Walsh, Esq., BaUjibridwn 2 0 0 'lt e (, in ago poli 0 started an amosing (.arm must ix accepted in preJerence to tru '.ipiettiiij ill. caK'U...at.. m^ The result ol (the vanoui o >nipotutaoiiB w« and particularly to the young boya attending and ; of uraji rcxai. a bi'.«iitt:< -;u> 0: Mi* K.niisclere r«pori 111 oj iosher coiuian. Techciica'r Oommitteo waa engarrad in drawxag these classes, ¦103. (>ach—iMessre John Hi^gins Win. iis^erfiioos Calais sane ¦ , but ea passant , up a projrrajnina for tihe mew would be taken to heart by tho iecuit 'y bv an ntlcmpt to stop a *y&tem of fil-:r writ ir"'. .11 :¦ '¦ ' i - :«'' f.n.v iuit woi. w« -maul montion the umveroaily rDopular vic- ccnoal which is oitizens generally, beciauoe they needed the Cull inane. 1 " gambling which has been iutro- ¦to bs opened in 0 few dayc, and to what &3. eaohr-CIiss Henneberry, Gracedieu; ilT0 " wir-lff4 Sr.\,DAY VT LH-tifYlBRU. tory oJ Mr. Willie¦ iPonver in itlie Hoarue Cum . oou:ld be done and to be done as co-operation of all. On behalf of the Techni- dno d toj a< feat the law. As pool-rooms are PflNLv^. iNi: p J tF««ly oJt»o dititinguirihed faimeoJ , ou^ht fax cal Instruction Committee !he iharjked the K'UTA-an, YelC'aw Road ; il'*asrs iW. Powan St-veral cyclists and athletes from l>unj >nrvan IUI r. as possible to further teohnioiJ ¦ I ...«* 7i; iri- UuK» education in Shortcouree-; TJiomaa Burke, Jolin Murphy,, illega l , number of g. miDg men (says the to Oa.Ujnui; u ^ ^ and only faded, toy arm awxloe to got a pliico the aity, and they «iero reminded Trades for therir 'kindnecs in g-iring the use of * uDd surroundii'g districts arc gom^ Le^mv- \'wrli StaJtei a. K« -i.i.:o. riiia.i:.i ii.- w.Mtrlil IL illi caJae coaa'poUtion, though, piayiiiig, &$ that thcro tha HaB for the punpaiei of. this lecture. A Patrioi Parlier, John Hutdhinson; T. Kip< "D. i y f xpress ' correspondent) chartered the ¦n« wns a gricrvou3 ncod for Bocnnicil incJxueftiiOD brien on Sunday, when the fporto postt;onec hunc-dll eiprv£B«i in " ¦w-i'tli only one waj (Ball like that wns the great mecrinrj place of wan, R. Gleeson, Edmond Barry. Bteam'-i Cit v ¦ f Traverse, in which to conduct TU^LVKli PR!V..'. which iiiiiufncient an tar. It wasor than "tho Tuadea, and 23. 6d>. eacih-iilra. Fitzgerald, M«. Doyle, . on from Augu-t 12th are coming of- There wil dociidod to eeo wlhertlher oomcthlin^ other :in it no trade riiouid be un- their ~'{ie^ tiun- wuter by means of wireless iilc <)pL>iior> horsu. wi. i tuliLri !* hi the evening tii* "W: I' -a" ¦*¦' G 1 ^ (rueob of itliv Xrainarc O>ijf Oiulb at a liaiwjuot n.ffAiTB. And so tihe committee worthy of its purpobeMapp7au;e). There waa Nwhtfuw Phelan, W. Bald*-in, N. Cauliieldv Cup, wbich[jwill be run lor over & distance of cairr t>v „ ¦ 11: a*, .tlio Oraaid 'Hotel. Oorvens nverut laid tor S6, entered into o time when Trades Union HsTEs were re- 2s. each—CUrs. Kcane, 'M13. Reidy, 1XIB. and gering quite close to tho - - au:hv communication wi'ih the DcpaTtaent oi tog Aid y, 14 miles. The Kilrossenty Cup will be decide ¦Mi F Ru>«. tuu TKSj ^dUf ix^ rity IUKI under the able mana(yKineiit and direc- Tech- garded with a certain, amount til aversion by Walsh, Yellow Road ; 'Mrs. Walsh, 'Hen- Trave;-e set in iumieiiffc foghorn going in the un CMir J<>bi. tion «f iliea armery , t,he dtUioulty of a dual nical Lniitructiioin., saying that they (the oom- tho vaxioua c5as3ds in the conurranity, Kearney, S Grant < n the came track bat the distance will De onlv ;< iur. !¦>.' Nl. i. Ookv . ^l' mitteo) would like to eee a teal made in and ncosy's Road; Messrs D. * hope 'l cic-mi' g aciiiil vibrations which would M«Usady to- .\l. JiW L Orr kjv, -:. menu 'Was tucceesfulDj' overoojn«, tuul tie pa?tiicu'lai%', it was 60dd, -by ca.piialis.'te. That Joseph Fox, James Roche. seven miles. Several 100 yds challenge race*, ' (fuests eat do«ii 00 a Wateiiord in connection etaintially with, tha tinio wiaa gon« |b spoil ih- raeing cie>s igns received by the PKOfTESSK >S-AI i t-YiXlif. trumiptuoois ropaai. trades classes— ..reply from, .tihe iDcfpartmenit, ithe comindttieo " regulated us Mr. H. Fennessy ..J.. J ^ which were part of tbe o'd projiramm Jcntans ano Harr; Reynold mox OJI Saiur- <.'6f«ni«d to the chair ih*- 'vice-ohjur ibeaiig thxrix friend, b«.>cAuse they knew if it vrcro pro- Mr. F. Shortis 1 of the pul'Cb were mi-understood, and the pro- -.n ocouruod !l»y. oonsMercd that it would DO bjttefr that somo iporly carried be w ° ~~" >Laj a.; Jonet-t Boarc 11 6 CM iw event mntx JNIx. Brouyhrton. expeat ehoulid come down to Waterfoaid for nut honetft -wori m^uld done ¦10s eaca-iMrs. Allen, Oolbeck-streei ; ilre. lorigtd souml > f the horn was taken as a signal TR A.QUAIR. oi One Tv<,, au-a Piv« .'Uxlei The pro- Waen tho Liblca m-uro cleared . iitr. Brouyh- all round, ami good woifk would K> g-ot for Richard Doyle, !Tr 3. Knox, ¦Meiara T. Kelly, Race an.l t*xn noie u> propose tue itoaat of the " Tra- the purpose of ecEpCaininf; vtfhat thi) now tha honest war. Jaclanan, .. J. Power, Part; an I'Jiw of G^lfl^g resulli was that thiey hlad thero now tho head ¦TWt£d li^e to eee the ivic snictly nine, • . goLfere, but nover da. hia master ol the Queaniitorwin School, who would obeerved, John'a Kill ; Dr. O'Sullivan. their b ats to the arista' ce of the police. f<>r in ad iii"n to making a noise and having a HaiHlu.i. K'.CSii U^ v i- rs — A J M * bad he irict '«a;h such glorious (jood fel- and if order and 'regnrarilj- prtrvailod' if would , Parnell-etree Five IMilet lows iis he had irnct addreta them. Looking at thxs miititer C3 an 7a. Cd.—Mr. JameJ Birth Nii n bets of launches, failing boats, ana smaller dislike lo the starting g"ie, he distinctly cut it SwoeJiy. w. . .' ¦ l»»v »*¦ - ¦¦ T with in Tramx>re. He ihad he impossible to exaggerate the benefit it eaoh-'Mes&rs G. Spencer , J. i ^ ^ ixui the best time of has life during Uhe past outaider, it appeard to hiig Lordtiup that a twotfidj confer on' the Trades thctiKwlvoa ar.d1 fjo ^-"-f > criifi ttiso hurried towar, s the tug. While this when asked for a final effort to overhall M y I ll-,rai, , 200 :. W'a 0- tour Ipny.i. trader school was capable- (William-i-jreet; Arffliu r Dobbyn. D. H^yland, ¦ ¦ w n the city at lajigo— Uo."iolns 80 i ¦ M l. 91. i "or; developed tlho powero wSth which, Bachelor's Bott m is a ceitam starter tor ;! K ing Uhe Boy*; of Trauiorc. He would ixxntmuo God had operations to the accompaniment of a I 't>; uicj- , to £±og their praiseti ¦wherwer h« went. endowed them, then they could live in comfort Qucnrj'c COLLEGE, const the Piix rlu Conseil Municipal, to be ruo at eniM:» • Rrvn.il.U—a«?>- He J. S: ¥.fS«5.«Phelan, |vSJ. Hand. ' pahdtmonitm. Tv.ic [Miler- -J regritaad tiiai, he WJUJ not a gxx»d cjpeaker, in tiwdr native land. It was intended by the gerald, J. Davereux, -M. Paris on Sunrlay week and the Gold Cnp v^n t>; nv« K-nai. preaxaratory classes to make the pupila , I noWs ! but perhaps deeds iwould exprtEB his feelingD LECTlTRJIS; BEGrN" OCTOBBR 22. John Bftgere. Five Miles PjntM Kov*>- t )«¦ Champion 'bo'ttesn wionkmon still, and to enaiile them to Gilbgan. SmUDBif iJLS &ACE8. winner will be dcBpntched from Newmarket by ¦ letter itihwt nwrda. So he hod great ploasune PA .—H T . P. ! itip—V. . SwpeiP i. l>oj'i«. in oGoruag a ip rizo, lvalue £6, build .up h'oal'tihder and happier homes. If tjha SEVEN SENIOR SCETOL-VUSHTPS Value The Alfeting hel . at Stnuibully on Monday , epeci tl train on Monday nest. !^i—S—- . : Whet for ifche tourna- 1 I J Coyie . ; Woi b' haiJ ment: of :1907. The comdixorio ibaing 18 holes, praparatory dasscs could do this, his lord- £40 pp.ch. of tthicb i articiilara appear in another column, >-J«'nkLn> < w-j- 6hip t/housht the meetinjj would DSTCO with HB3T LIGHT ¦Five Miles i mot/ir-wi«*J invdiil iplay, under handicap, and oompetitoia 1OJ W^em ¦was verj- successful and rc-flecu great credit oti I nolds Reviio.rs), by Laveao—Arc LigbL the better—. . aboul the Uiorooiffluie.'a ot itihe usual " POT . n'ithi r»- firk race, owing to the -.NiuOnk v: 56 u. ex- they are Jollyi ; markalblo knowledge of h5» inlterK-sting cubiect, Sanoor Erbibltion value £30. , ' Kerry Lass mcludm? 1.0S) re-retfs Good i''el tows," iwhrnch events were startet Mr. Waters AOCSHPTAJfOES. cess of bis: vav Tn* ..»w n *Ji c lu-v* re- folJo*ed. and hfa rcmar&B on tho eufbjoet of prerparaSiory FACULTY OJF ARTS AM) SCtHEINCE . 1 1 iniitrutotioai Tvero B^tened' to -with wrapt ¦Thirty Junior Scsholarihi and Mr. K. Shanahan 'o Venus had two The fo'lowing havo accepted lor the Duko of gislorwl amount t- 1 .«». »<> HK"^^ I ' - - The Ohainnan, m respoiidjn;? to the toaa'C, pa value £21' M- 1K^ W holfriiisB re- caaxl-Ml.t -w.ia the joy of hoa life attewa'on. oaoh. successes each. York Stakeo—Roseate Dawn, Dean Smft, ¦last y«-ai "¦• lAK 10 eee lasEmibl- present 1 ,071 iiMej od atound Ji-irn at the f<^stivo board, such a Mr. P. Flynn, Preoidfent , mioved, and iir. SCHOOiL OP BXGIXHEBIXG. | ' Golden Mensnre, Champ d'Or, Polymolns, DOILBLE FOR WI.NOlCESTEh patfhttring of hearty sportsmen-. Ho was E. CCcary seconded tho foUov.'ins reaoiution: iKive Junior Scholarobipa value £20 each. mkiUW^y gHUELfl>S oOiEPBTITION. A to in layed on 8undaj at Admirable Crichton. Knrolsi, Cravol , Linkman, The Wi n-".. felt liis feet, Monster and Leinster. ' r^ Dudlev Handix-ai 'Chast anc (.ISSJ- ' B Revel upon the goli course and tho nddresa of hi3 Liordship the Blihop, and they '¦¦Aipplica. 'don for adm^sionoi ilatriculatwi Lein3ter iran up a big score, but somo smart lie Hiimier, 'C;n;is. Tumin' Moron rode peasant griy ol Hue la-vouritie y play io 'he second half by Munster (Tippemry) The following havo paid forfeit—Earla Mor ib(yt« Oandidatfls fox these Scholarchipj (see fey , NIAAltE. , all Jindc fled a\vay nftraghtod. land rtlhe carea opcra'to modern, metboda of wot . feol resulted io a drawn came. Ob Prince William . oi the world weighed no heaiviej upon him nery, it 13 albeoiutely (sseentdsil that a echemo . Besulatioini¦ p.p. 1G-7, 20-2) should be deeply , , Tbundorbolt. His Eminence, The DuJu- oJ Devoiibtnrt- IIOJ named rus - : mad« not later ; than October IC, on sS^ Aid. Ritchie, Love Charm, St. Hilaire, Certosa, Urrree-year-old Clayu. .-ol". !>• Persimmon than ;a pufl af tinkiakadown. irfe was aelighted of technical education ehouid bo availed of who pw«, tteur ^t MATCHES AT CABIRICK-ON-STJIE. -oid w OSQ around hiim> eo niany represen'Uati've by ail tradsmen and apprenitiees. Con- ; Sornru to be] obSaJnedirom -ta* TLe& ^i' icx. ^to the B^Hemen Dalharco, Cythcra, Bfillernp hnn. "^*"^ a- 1-;!) " Fugleman ' am: fn- iw^-yca r by Amp- chuMtti doors as collectare, ^ On Sunday next two interesting matches will °" .VX!l£EJL;. CfflANGE OF STA.BLu : ¦il tne osvne.r o( The Page, from the CSt(y oi Cork , and from ooross tho itotruction to bo availed of in the Cantral : teach. teams of Kilkenny aud Wexford will p'ay for a The road race from Waterlord to Clonmel, r J. C Sulhvan. seas; all drawn together bu has left Hedibngton .Manor for his new by tlw> lave of .the Technical Institute, 't they will also give i lBraminatic ipAIIL Subjects Two Pound;, created They are situated ho would liko capeciaHly no OuariJi tlio Tisitora olOEEea and do their utmost to assist in ,, and Moor)coin (Kilkenny) lamentable accident to one of the members of DovizfO. and liK. distsin<-e from the 1 . except the Pjvictical CQa3ae3 in Anatomy, BROS* , * * from Liverpool, who hlad conna in euch goodly puUiog (ha whole iaito efloctive operation. PhyaioJosy, and; Chemistiyf and .th a First C0ONEY ¦ takes p'ace on Sunday, the 30th inst. Besides Round'tt-av eauoi num'bera, and who had helipad in ewry (pos- Th» next reaolution whieh, was proposed by 6M1TS9 ACT • . WJR.; J T.VHDG-ER'8 B&RJOH!ASEa. Oourao in, Anatomy and Physiology. nbttN WORKS. . for the first prize the SCKTLLI^ G MATC iibU- n-ay to mn-aie (he ¦wciok ian enjoya'ble and Sir. Dalton., eelconded by ilr. Pitsj orald, and After ber success in the Selling >nrferj a cup (presented by New The Canadian ecuric. LXum.ii. has cabled iFull irtJotrmtition as to Scholarships and ¦ Hudson Cycle Company) medblx) wil! alco bs memorable one. adoplij d, wj a 03 folLaws:—Tulat in order to . itACSEnnsT3. i Tuesday, Mr. J. Widger So hifl ropresentati-v* a. Syd^ne; lo bind a iEe. J. W. iWaWi expressed ha foeCinsB of O M Olicses is giwn . in tho CoHoje RejuZationo, \ 1 Plate at Cork Park on IS fo- the « Beo after the interests I the apprentice! Lord Edward- II— given. m.atob with T^I T wcrid champion- yloasure on wing aTJawud 00 add hie testi- and cthera direoUy connact«i with this club a oopy af which wiU be sent free .to any par- utn. purchased Watseka, by ir MaKih non Daman ^ eori applying to the Resiitrar, Quecn 'o c A -nnicK-ow-s j ! for 55 sovs. He also paid SEHRBJiES SPOET3. ship of £500 aside mony to tlia.t of ithe other speakers dbout tho in the matter of technical training and educa- Royal Duchess, v.-ii! sail foi A ustraHi ot Hot ->r>or \2lh princely good fellowship of the Tramono tion, we recommend that a eu'b-comnurLtee be Oollego, Oorrk. 95 gns. for a brown mare, 5 yre, by Keswick— Tom Kiely was a competitor at ofeorries {jolicra. Hia vis.it had been a moat plcasure- appoin'iod to render suoh acaiGtanco to the A acceccaiy to put tho cdhemo of technical in- canmoHis.; ' ' COUKSEKG. , WONDiBaFUi no doubt that there was not to .be found in Gtruatian into effccjiive opara't.ioii. FOE ! is but an inch short of the norld'o record. He Ireland euch a eat of right good fdHorw-a as Very 'ltev. Dean Plyain propo&ed a vote of i It is n quarter of a century ago emeo grey- WATHEFORD WUMA LN ¦ at Kilmannock ¦W&3 aloo cacond ID the Hammor and Hurdles. it .had been his pleasure to meet with in. thanks to Mr. Thompsoo, the lcotiurer, which 1 Every Descriptioi « i ; | hound cqarsing was established , Tramora •he hoped would tend to fitim-cl'ate tho mindj OTnAr.] MAULIKG CO.JTiIACTOna. demecoo of wo lato Captain the beautiful (HORSE JXT1EPING -AT BILEECnry. majiy oi us in Wa'lerford 'itr. Downing, apeaTung for the Kingdom oi of parento and chSdren. in regard to tliia work nhosa ccroDd Burnorne vrcs It wiU do good to Kerry, eiid tins w^is Ilia flr&t nnooX Vo 6hip, Barrett-Hamilton, Mr. J. V. U'Brien. Aglioh House, Uappoquin, lo read tJhjs story ol a neighbour oi ours, for XVamor tiat of any in tho country. Ho hi^ fliibjeot. i ; __ atlCEINiEBY ; BE-ttODHLLED. ; end which he loved so well, and " the green nvityh, wherein he.will be rididen tiy H. Ran- tad, says : —" AEUiough I am gottina on in couM only c-cho etMnX <\3M previous epeiaJoexa Dr. O'Sullivan al£o complimented the 1 : . ' giowing 'ronnd.V i • dall. ; , much ibenofit from ted i to eay about tho local mien. .Wanda failed: loouurer upoa the dlaar and lucid manner in- grass yeaw, I have received iBuildcra and large con- S0FTON1 'OHAS3. : Doian'4 Backache Kidnoy Pills, and I, have him to express hiia foolings of gratitude far wlhich he nad .preaento1 d the question of teoh- Special tenrin .to THE BIST ! ' woman 6ince . U-una the .Tray in whidh ho ihadi been, treated. . 1 nicat oducalacai to the audxpnice. In thi3 sisnani. ' 1 •BIB WIA3 iiBOtTT . (We ai» reminiried oi «ie itpproach Ol tho felt quite a different I : Ccursiiig man 1 Isnuw of in the Sffcib of season, MT. H!ai(rreaT it tfai intended thai, its life wa* intended to "be . . . . -I - ¦' . ¦-'ii'f j the win of; Mr. J. J. JceVs Rosy 'dhtiseins^are ¦fJhat scoroely : ¦ rtmanbera names of one or t/wo good ¦ zniss- asain. I uecaane so had I could 'voluinCB for itho Jiard mx»rk, patience one ! dovoted'. Aiflo fchiat tho iimdeoiltiureo should i AGijNt, * TZS tned, different ¦ ijass, to whom Mr. ; James Knox 8 Eatty \ Bnx. . • ! .\ ! Bot a-botit, and though , 1 perftarcnanoo orf. ithe ; 8ocrotlary. n«• conltiaiB; a orradiilikm.i to tha$ effect, and wfbldb 1 them seemed able to help (Barnes, in ^aid tod faooc. m-Duld enoibto the apprentlixM tx> rise from ,tho ¦ ' - tinner-u J. : •' : UUKE OF YOEK OTJUKIS; ; | ithings. none of iMr. socbudina - D U N ii 0 S B BAST. . : b vit: !.*:' .^.!-© ^;';; ;;;:}/! ¦ ¦ Eada. Mor is- top weight for , the.DBke oi the i terrons of an ocean, •voyage to reach. Tn> oommioD groove to > *iho . poBfltea - af . jnastor * ¦¦ ¦ oi Doan's Backfthe m«4! Iwith manjr vMBBotaiclB^ horoaStep—(hoar, heal and applause). ¦ EOtBEEBX F. KHHUAiS. ; - • -- Tori Stofcea , $he IrahJbred-honse being' iet ' • "A neighbour told mo morte. Ho lia^ en : (HAKES BfiSB, - EtO;.)! ^- '^M ¦ ' ' . , 6lb io Orb, 'ey Klla, and adriaod jne to try them. I delays and even. iJoi^es ivwyuger. but/thin w The Biahlop 6aa? ho had' rrcat) pCSeasure in i Had nothing in that meeting, although ha Ao concede 31b to Bi>3eate;: ( Da*n Kddn . to Bdan . Swift, wjnfij eli Is exada«ii»!f 6P1C* 9? ^ri*j &rj i pUilDg Kattyi when i6he fttoi and lost ecale 4U>! oa a re3ult «il ,hw nmniiig ; tie Hhan I had 1011101 lat& second dhaar, caid-; : ¦ 1 ¦ turt ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' always ptteased U> epeak lor DoanVFUW. ivities were

... - • - ;¦ ¦{ am ant . ; | ; Sold in 'r it-^afl| £ .tthott\ ¦ ¦ ; «f kidney itroublo Binding (My Lortl, V«ry lUtr. and Bov. Father*, ¦ ' ' ¦ " ¦ ¦ ' tbVccSrae ' ¦ ' • • : ¦ One oJ the surest fiigna . ' « ^¦ • ¦ '¦ ¦:¦ " ¦ : ¦ sanji BEJAHD. • . - and1 feet ed cormpany,oonie ffuded ithe oveming,and an* felW nwmhefa ot tho Watowstoid Fedratifted. {Next to J6t. John's C&mrcb). : ¦ . = ! : ? '4 vi-:||f, L yMle'it . ljasted.... .}, . .ji . . . . < = , :-. . • . -. . ¦ ~V£ is dropsical ewelling of the limija : Mr IJ> iff. a-Peanav , W been ordered neuralgia, lOiaaimatiKm, and all 1. freire agte ei that it vfea & 'worthy ttixk Tradi(» and Latwur Uniar>-a DBTO filttpnoed a ' Oompije-'e rest or under the eyea, : iay'j tiOTBj rt ¦ !-W ILLIAM A PKHIV ' (by his medSeaJ fldvisers to E^/ languor, ditziness - ' . up 'to &n over ffiBmombila waedcoff pleaeuro. laiK» aomfoer of meotingB durimg . . j;O ; ¦ for a. few weeis after hie r«*nt raujet savere wiirfioa, ~ . . ele ^W^e ' ' Sad blood, pinipl<* on tho ;taco, h«ar* trouble. : |jii prapaje-HUNT-- l Jim.l'i!ifft--,, .- • 4 out.? -I! you wOM be SSwtoed, of j^Wl ¦ 'taigii'to W dsiSt with. ftobVitoo 3SSS meetiBg cf thA WfagnA jHunt mnnot properly take drn/va Uho banoar oi proptwui^A vote vmxo» i Non*too . j n* held^A Btntogton- , | ¦ ¦ to tfleiEtshapfor presaddjjg on thia aattne o. Ctoiffltt«e wffl b^ |IEUl|l|M9£**££*O*g a*Kf' ' ' d TwbM to.ftUi c| ?Mr. iateft*rm«And: pr*dt*o*l.wi tfrw*,* Wob aw •IWwiil wi. i •; ¦hu^ ,.-y ,- : : «! ;. mema*™ wonld d»WI:.to «toa to bf««rt. ««* ¦ftaass pttm?srjat.r- " 1 w||2|frwu»x oa, I WmASSMb ;OAFFtN»r :- Wi rteaiTBd '\lQw . f &tap'lin GrenviDe, * in cs» dab Bj fcmalr/ %Z£Zii£j %jTr& m *i,.brit* th*W tiumFWminw* intfewrit 'SSSone&'fasiaauMtis^^^^t oaiMtii*V BTT xsSoiieiumwt^ooov sS P»U« :*rt Mre. . p-»ne» 2$g^aS ? ^r QflWTfor S^*«*te m *> : cMra tor Lor : n . ¦ ' " ! ¦¦ - • ¦!• ' ' ¦ ¦¦ ' ' ¦ " ¦: !- ¦ ' .>¦ • : ¦' ¦; ¦ •¦i - : .; : -I • ' ; . .. . , » ! - - ¦ : r - I- - ¦ ili-ff i . ¦ . ¦ ¦ \ ' ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ :i L" ¦ - ih :• ¦: i : \A . . : . . :;

\\ - A; ).[:.. UAM i~Mti :&miM$$MiMli& ILIOMORC Mn, CYHIl. KCICHTUEY'O COMPANY NOTIONS. At the bsft meeting: of the Board oi Guar- THE BATHilSa OCCIDENT,/j|p|! g» NOTES & dians the' tenider of JUleUeiB. T. Lyona and AT THE THEATOG. M »^9 O U N G A B V A W. I Co.j The Arpade liijtmone, was accepted for "~~ — — AGENTS ¦ APPOINTED SOLE glorious weather^-aiMi supplying' tlhe Jolittwinjj datapery gwda to the ^ j ' : The prevalence of 1 (there ia DO exaggeration in; describing H as iworkhoueei-l-Trtveed, blantoite, toad ruga, linen , no doubt, for tteken toweU'inga, ehroud'ing, gingham, wor- On Thursday morning !one oi our r*pre- i Sch-ott, tiie sea side, account* , th ' presence 01 numerous i visitors. «=uiil m sted ^n.t..Mng read, . black and white linen sonitatives had- a chart intopviow vrith. . jMi. District the ¦tth.-jad , needles but- W&lerford and , niaShine spools, tape , Trith hi> dompany, (ttons aiid ne^dHea. The above particulare are Ciyria KeacMeor rfib hadv SURF oinitted froip the report of tfe nroceedinge on bom Mmeiftek, -where they had TRAMORE ! just come oa of the boarVi elseMihere, owinrj uo t!ae fact that a very successful' enga^emeiit Monday, CO, . tall tlhe draipary camplaa were fiDlbmitlWd for FUND. TO GIBSON ^ & KIMHOEI, .tha iBatronii approval prior to the decision of Tucfcday and: Wednesday j eveninga. i BOAT] tody, or to be more apeoitfte. the the guanifkna. . ILasi evening IMT. 'Keiattitley and Ma com- suiBspHrpanJOiNS. Makers S^urt Bngtoh atten- c d Iron Golt ^lub to ^rtrkt of King where, by the way. Again and again wo have dlraiwo the pan.y, which, includes i iMic3 Hoideo Gram, Celebrated out clear to the naked ¦tiiJan; of the pubDic to tihe tact that a supple- , BiWdale; 'Wa-teriord 10 0 S lime Sx*en stood ' iLhat amusins ' old W. A Dobbyn " noble bay looked eerene and sr.^niiul water su'ppfl y for tho ttawn- ie a matter prc&en,l*d in Watenford J. J. O -Keeffe, Witerford 0 10 6 Sre "1-Me the uhoee 1 & It was a grand panoiBina for af unjent noc&ssity. At the fast meeting orf comedy "Tiho Scihooi ifor Scandal ' ; to- ¦H. K. Beamor, J.P 1 0 10 0 aM to ithe Rural1 District Oounioia the Mjedical Officer " The iCihuma, Grand Hdtel, Tramora 0 10 0 Champion) ?& i«« " ito Oonquer, and at the Open labour *» S ' nigh't "She Sioops (World's ^*2 of HetalDh, Dr. Batrrak R . Derniehy, reparted , Fancy Fair 'Proprietor ... 0 10 0 BEAID" : W. Piper JA1EB ^^ ' . . . i ggf ^r^itSUSs^sS:- frtg on tiiie soarri;y of water, brCj ui the worfk- miartiiniee, on Saturday, the now play which Edward Jacob , Trdmoie '. 0 6 0 hou'se arud in ,:he wmi, and tittntec out the , tafiked of durinrr the past W.1 J. Robertson, iKewtoToi 0 5 0 has been eo much ' AufiooropSa, :can euivisi'biUty - A providing (> cappleinerrtai joirjuffM. " iMolea Oarew, Hufjhnvayinan.' T. F Sheedy . $ ° 5 2 Fcoc3crJ!!ba ov -^ie GDaaEopIosa 'o Cleabo,} with Mo own bathing, baths , diuVjjj g ana trips w supply. Replying to our query as to hia oonneotion J M lAIjurrphy, Olonmea - 0 6 0 ¦ t£a£ne "«l)eo taiav the • ' : ! 'l'h-e Council , however, de< witih Mr F. R. Bensoq'fl . Oompany SMT. Rev. Father Brophy, P..P V Preston... 0 6 0 . i now too Eaadl OiJLV aft . . : . exidUng s-ULte of affairs shoifki or.riinie ;ht Keightloy was loud in. his praisa otf hiia old The MisEe3 Power,' Imporfcl Hotel'... 0 6 0 'Chairman being af opinrilon. tli;n U KT C van n< vhiel 1 have," ho 6»id, " been with MJ. Michael Sullivan , IVatetflord 0 6 0 danger , wh'i'le the Vioe-Hliainmu. ver> pr<- jieiisoL as leading maa tor tho past four Aldarman A. Kurrell eiiocesslul n<- o|>miou ° ? 2 which was one of tihe most- ¦parnly remarked that he uxiuUi 'i(w year.-- , doing such parts as ' Htotispur,' ' Oaa- " Ufeboat," Tramoro _ 0 2 6 ^fe££ngSSS irtii thp. JTTAtll^r 2 the y kuA . ' Aloroutio,' ' lago,' and many othens. " Ufeboat" ° ? STrSiri. and *™\ «*V£»**j£ The usuall inoiv:.n:l) ni«.c-ti:ij.' ¦£ tiu loca. 0 l Our repentioire inioliuded no lesa than twenty- M. Horton School a"ttene Oommittee waj >ielr. Rea, Tramore ..: . 0 2 6 &i8. Kirwan C.C ; Jteisre Patrick P. DeiLneh> . ,' the famous Greek Jlav Father Condon , TramoTe 0 2 6 , ' The Trilogy oi Aesculas IM'.'D , Joh n Oro^Jty, J.P , WiVUsun .Vhcame tragedy; also in Mr. B&i> Jblmsan's ' fivery Geore-e E. White, Tramora-. 0 2 6 ' B 3V«"Sqi vjaranpono MAnKCTo. T .C., and Lieire -lOolonol Cottor. MT M'aurice Man in his Humour," and in ' BidhelieU.'" Colonel (Mlarah , Tramore 0 3 e 3K JH2 JLil-n-Zr & GOlSia:E -A. Doy le. Clerk and LnsjKj otor, waj u AV.emj- Ae our representative- noticed that iMr. A Fflieoid- 0 2 6 Uonnre Manniactnrfn, liilXcn, Grain and Seod Morohanjrj busiiie^s vvas routii ¦ tsir, arrd met v, iti anoe The KeightBey is an athletic young follow of any- J Kolly. ParnoU-ctooot ... 0 2 6 WA-i'BB B" i r-^.L1 - All round cupplies wore AVf regret to announce ii".f w etiK t.'i< Ji-ath thing- from 25 to 30 yeara, ho was tempted to W Pope, WaterfoTd ..-..:¦ 0 2 6 " equal demand duri-ng- the week, as far aa ( v,r. - ran ^x-J r.i|x-oto' I JOJIK IOI, TO CATTLE FEEDERS. . conotrnt-d. sniti o: Mr Patrick . , jiak ' H<«v long have you been, touring thdB F W Spinto, Tramore 0 2 6 \ , tho Corporation: irsarkoia were i '' ^;uj fv.-n-< JCCUI - and Cotton Cakea, Acd we will cs« to jou a. 1 .\rt.tn>P'.> li't:an P<> :t> « Ir.vJi . oom]Miny : " "About a month," replied . thJa Mirs l)oan Shakon, 2 Wo are the Largest Importers ol Linceed ¦BUTTER—^Compared n'ith th« corre3pond- ¦ »!u-v L)ei-«&stronu.-jnp youjig aotor " 'TVe had? a chort Miiss MldDonald , Tramoro ¦Loueo; Liverpool &nd -London Pnc« ^ffij}™ ircg week last, year, supply was considerably l jt . , U Ud Whole Mid Crucied Plainedld . \\0 '- .us ju: V ;«vlw m-unlhs r*t>KifJi-: thia f^iatoi. ID Cheltenham, and then decided to 'Patriok Troy. Tramore . .... Linseed Cakos (de(all brtirands).ted ¦heavier, there being 299 firkins disposed of ¦ ¦ 'ji.r \v':t: al .MIUSK<\J " 2 *" °° mdMOrU ' . u'a> i! s fxi]>u . t.a)» aw verdict of the DuMin theatre goers , W. J. Shalloe, Tramore . .. 020 l5a dko ti, price-i ranging from 80/- : to 100'- per cwt. . :n3ijr:ii>>i:."!n-ni , anc Hit liM-i' J' hit " M«lfcoSn Meal. Indi The cop quotation- last year wa^ the same. ¦ \ * a:i>: riiwiU a week m.th great eucc«&s in the ¦M P Murphy, Ossory Hotcd, Tramore 0 2 0 ^te S 1 ^ - -; nruni::.( I HI - and Barley ci- 1 - ':\i I. [il-u:i(Ttni intf Cai«lv Theatre , following up with a visit to Mx3. HaLUDare 0 2 0 " Ono and All" Feedins and F&ttenins Cakeo. I M«o\- . , T HAY AND STRAW—Supply imprwing, and ..Aiu. ::o« of hii riLtlief pren'.aTur. den:i>> a: Mir Upena House CVwi , wh«re, I am de- ; O'Flaherty, Tramore 0 1 0 JohD L e pr'icGj rulad . OJ ftDlTom-3—iMay (per ton), 45/- a l>- '-.r ;.he isixueCii y«u of his ac Pint i» DU ; - ; oaten i,tra.- ¦iijrtvted wore al£O well received, , Tramore 0 1 0 • ™ to 60/- ; inferior, 35/- to 40/- .v, ¦ ¦ to say. w* M. Ryan <*« ™«* •¦¦ s^^^^rsr^wya11110 ,r. c:.:i -r ii'Mid illu<«t ration >¦ in- .!::. » 0 l u £ ' , 40;- to a* f'miMunj- Uu- rtngiigoment on Saturday even- T iDavies, Tramore . . 4 23/- to 27/6 ; wheaten eheoi 45/- ;u::.n of this li:k t:ll f O: L 1 V :x)!iw<»lirii' !«-iilAi r»- J Ki nvr&n , Tramore 0 10 Oiir ffifc ^r POTATQES-iSupply limited, but in good and 6ucc«ded •vf iM«* sad ooourrcrve ben:}? thai ::u .le.i- < «i-< > '. ' ' ^£»^hr^^£S^fis^%Large Whrtp-Lesied. Irish Brca. roquctit, at frtom 4d. to 5d. per «:one. SffiK in a- piwrtical inMiner . Wlia-, d' you t.hin.k oi iMr Benson ' | W. Huloh in son . Tramore ' Old Black Clipped Oatc. ^^ wag A 'iiK^h. ;-. r. J J T v^Ju 7^aLou* C^al jr.«*i#' ur rcprest^ituitjve " I cannot eav W Power, Tramore J Old White Nwwmarket- Oato, aa supplied to Screened FUiieed. FJ13H A.Na>- FOWL—Oi fi»h the auppl y wao nei piUN&ef. l.r>nr Wn? «v,r i ; k ir>, ¦ old);. ffWiiWurOioo^ iiiijthiing aibout MJ . Ilamson ," replied Mr W. McConmok, Tramoro ° tha leadina trainerj . Split Beano (2 yeare Isiriy good, ae wai alio inquiry at under- H>>P ° 2 dnnka). to!e<: by the :mnwtration;? if Wi« if. in r koijrhtley. " thai could possibl y meet the case, E. J Oahiia , Tramoro 0 1 o Boiled Oata , Black o. ! White. (No -waste, ao Special Oatmesl Flour (lor meairt'oned' rategr-Sole, l/6 j ood , hake and -Aliiiv he nesi IT. 0 l 0 Meal; . plaice Gd; dory, 5d; finniea, 7d. per lb; mm i* JIB he LS one of the moat defehthil all-round MBB. Brodax, Tramore the grain is flattened , not crushed oroui).7 Mollaane . Toftune to know Mrs. Murray, Tramore 0 10 Aok your Grocers-for KELLY'S FLAKE OATMEAL-* Spec&lity. haddodk, lOd. to 2/- ; gurnet, 6d. to 1/- ; ero.b3, :neii it has evor.becn my good (cut Iron and Btcel (lor Bacs- AS .iminus, Kilkenny 8ide). 52'- per (" ¦. ..<• : :<• > . .Mi. 0 i 0 s \t V i M iiv .vrdeL ails< ptiij-exi ' M-ra . Mialaprop.' Alfred Hodkinson, Waterford . owt. ;• ;¦. - -• \ :«• .':..-::• W-l' --. '.:n i. ' Wairford CelLir quotations—Sixes, sizeable and itout, Siiilso£ Mr, Candour eu in Mr Benso n s No 1 J»iciTOe KenneaUy. ° ' 2 rs:-Tu <^- ' 0 10 s» n-pre^ratiainve .. . ^kiamerrtaryf T. i,.- MVmvpain Then th«rp is Mr A. B Pittar . A. F Tome, w atedoj d . 50/- ; overn-eight, 43/- ; unfinished, 40.'- per g S *?n the matter , and «*en ..n | wh< !vas be«n playmy Brutus.' ' Kent. t:' \" M L J t> 'K:'jr Waters EG-GS—Supply and demand good at 9/- per ™Tt Jie other day he «* m«h <• • ^ = I u. tfie same conTpany,Mid who was in uM. OS 2 i 2 public official that • Kv™ \:'' "nii : t \ve " ' " Yea Milss Haidw 1 (M'iss M Beeoh , HxxLiday Home, Tra- article in our market*. look at toe aiDB- was also ¦n:.OTf : ¦ '' ' naUBE 7ROr.3 IR3SH DAOLEV G.JILVi BABLEY—iBuyere of mailing have stepped Main-streei take a , Omu, who is the loading lady, \ postcards in the News Bra. lad fo- M? BiDward Conrpton while J J Thorpe . Tramoro . 0.0 purchasing for tho present, and ecarooly any pioture of ortir Inadm* y . TC3E DCDT GTOUT FOO OrJVALiDO. Office The cards are all works I 'Mr. Orooke? pLij -«! ' Sir Pefter Teaale and I IH W ¦ 0 ¦ caconidtay offering. : purchase if you do oc 1 " > T[]C DEGT GTOUT FOR E3EALTC3. I merit and you need not TiK-ro wvus ;n ;»u^ J Liitix' njoiiieii. ;>t;rorr M: Hardca ttle ' to MT . Ckjmpton . ThToe ot'h«r I 05 P Parkinson . • ° J 2 Particularo of Traneaetiona in Store Stocv The very latest cards are on Boa ro ¦)/ uj i.rdi;uifr la^r. 'I* j Exi«VaTvl TTannsoi. Mr reported to the Department of Agriculture r.nd not wish to ^j ^ U Sin.urtxiv Iu. I !-s<-:iwr>ni.T.n<. nr>' -e w" a.n< R C Murphy 5 12 cpaciTnen of Porter in which Ihe Solid or Nutritive OonsSitTicnis "n'ere 60 abundant as Kihe contest , unti. the depart'Ure •>: tin- ! Mre. Teehan, Kilkenny » of its olf Ord class i(127), £2 6/- ito £2 15/- ; yearling.-i , 2nd m* ¦ ? ? in the case of this Stout. 3-t ..-onUino ten par c^nt. .weight colid matter, or 5>resonj'Sed an animated aspecv A bmei: »¦ I M Coyne <> ° » olaes (37), £& 10/ to £6 12 '5 ; 3rd clacj (10). was done many the » » » nearly the amount of solids con-iainod in 'Milic . T:,~- flavour is good, and- it io remark- \Vm 3i^&^ by of imbLicauik t i M K-eohan . Tramore . £3 10/- ito £5; two-years ; old , 1st cla33 (12), - Messrs. Ohas. J Ourrai. .IP . ¦overywfhwrc the best order Drovaila v Tramore 0 0 6 a!t>h- free 'from acidity 1G Stog t J P , Magpie Flynn (Hisned) lEHil U2. Id £13; 2nd clasa (35), £8 to £10; gj aok, JJ> ., M.C JC: Bdmand Nugen _ •tiht contemn it^eli , u was tht besi see-i i. A Bather ...... 3rd class (14), £& 6/- to £.7; -three-yeara old Walsh , KUmeaden . John M taaue m the beautiiul anc wet Laic <• Cunningiham °¦ ?'' S MJC id Thomas "lout P '' ; ° OHLVRLES A m^rERON, 'M », F.R.C, S.I 3rd class (24), £7 10/- to £10; 6pringe--s, let grounds O-' ILr ilaurrce Davii. wni n : A5m Mallet. Tramore rt ' 6 class (5), OB to £L7 15/-;j 2nd class (11), £12 ¦turn*, was one o: -iie i anc m»». ra.m.>. 1 P L.G , Wiaterlond 0 . 0 6 XOURTSHICN'G OTOUT. 88&-J&iSX3&c'2Vy theg Revi b*a if S Farrell. 4STR FYVR IT HRE T-HiAT YOU GET 7.IOUKTJOY Ho £35 10/- ; 3rd class <£), £7 10/ - to £10 10/ ; interesting ep«oh was made b iiUUetee ID the world llnnsuy «*hi<-: ». ^^^^ ^ \r Per Mr Fie2ri, Fancy Fair Pro- "very email -.supjily of limbs, for •which there Rj ihor MtoCann in reflation to the fifihrag in- roprwanited by tne selectee h.u-Pien a' i ¦ pointed out that prietor — wea good demand. Lambs, 1st class (10), £1 dustry TJie rev. genltfleman perary, showed \i\) oadf Iron, ft soonnj poi: Mr and Mre Sam Field , Dunsnnvan 0 i 0 !•!/¦-; 2nd ola*3 (35), £1 7/- to £1 10/ ; young ' present tune the supply of fish «<* , (K> , Dungarvan 0 » 0 at the fact, a' view u, the fir*,' hali OTi'U*- Lou'.^t<" lX\n nnd Wil'lic Field piga 8 to 10 weeks old were In good demand dbundant, bull Uiere was one regrettable kerin-y) errtered or. th*- second tevLJ witr, a eu. iDungarvan 0 : 0 »w eearoe. George MoNally. a.t from 31/- to 28/- each . ¦and that maa buyens .sui.'itia. so^re- -p<«iL.- and pouro TIIL> hie George Tublbritl, DunB-arvan " 0 Kerry) construction of a bridge ¦ ; ~ flfCenmare ^Co. fair , held on 2Gth IDie question of tlhe ;n)s<"d man u predixn dff«i.. to- t,n<- O'Gorman , Dunjarvan 0 1 0 by Mr .' tK^\i [iichard Sctptciriber. 'Large fair; elow demand. Year- -to the CuimSgar Was brought forward o: rho gouth . but u. the I SLS firuvi :nmiiu» William Kiely. Dungarvon 0 10 proportion , seconded by -te) 0 5 0 lings, 2nd class (5), £0 2,5 to £5 10/- ; 3rd Stack and on his \vh;i\ 6 pleasant turpn^e wa.- Rive: u th< Nfr B Wfton & Family (Palmir, class (K7). £3 5/- to £A 10/ ; two years old, Mr Green , a resohrtion was adopted remiest- im?j 2nd >M'und:er following when tn< liw playuig mm ' class (10), £7 to £7 ; 3rd class (127), £4 to T Bryce, Chiel Secretary, to visa Dun- (LIMITED) '15/- ing M . with griic determination , shoi .nr, (iwiif anc £0 5/-; springere, 3rd dai^ <3), £5 garvan in connedttion with the project. points in rapid euccesaioi. will tn. rvsul' 10/- to £C ahe uaim . F' f.N.HRA'l. pon«-iwi- a e*>n - anE5 Ff'nvoLflZGn n^rrjFACTuncino, It advocated the inohrao-n of tanmejie tioB 6 UOUKS to 3 goaU \> DOI- \ (S&S^^ , \ \ VG^' this; esteemed gcirtlftiium M«rki!t 8n-»r whose valuation is between 3120 and £200 m The death of ifrs O'Connor wiiaoi. .xv urr- V yK« \ Th« tun«ra.l of Cnpplted bj Ur. Jmr» flnrrrt, mares' scheme for the coming year. Uon- *¦ \ ^ Ylf ^ twik phice on Tuesday. The remaans u-ore interest. JTST the uiufxrpeoledly in Trajnore a lav oay» a*c « V \ 4^^ N^* 11 rf ojjgr , the ouier one eidmlble diecuss&m ,tooik pltaoe on the motion. i«i.rned here with the keenxa- ~ euclosad in a 6U!£te of coffins CU'l'j'fiE ! Curran , . re?rrtf, D' . \ \ V^\^< ' ^ *SiJl,ys>' > oak, with ina;^iv4. bras-i Mil I S' THEE 1 \ D UB LIN Which was seconded by Mr Chas. — 1 \' of highly pdld&lied ITcrabea Prloe. classes The deceastv: '.ady wdo hac ream \ _ i . ^(tf / ' clidold wnb tlio and supported by the Rev Fa1ih«r McCann in Gamox for -jnai; y«iT6, was wuc oc i mounting and a raised EzJLzziaj 80/IOj ow- .' . sJ SsSs~««—ii^^ "^ ! V 'lloni:— The motion was lost on a division , rhe foll laif il: P O'Oonno : who conductec ^ ^-^ folfinwuig elimpla inscrip lloaday CO/00 it—(Messrs o^ ^^ SAMUEL BlAHRiBTT-iHALMlIliyWN. Sole Contractorei to the Roy; 1 Zoological Society, Ireland ing members voting against tne largest and bftar^ oalironused erocerv , •¦ ;; ,__ Vvtrsdsy 411 ** CO/M Chairman ai^ r>. >yrl w ,_v»i M I CtlIW(v Died 22nrf Septeiriber , 1203. Nugent Green, Stack , and the «pdrit establifihmenw m th« Wwi av w- Ol: C' - ^^ X7eS2z£i.y 62 60/103 The majority of the guardians voted tor ^ "^Rl«hwJ ASymin., Agied 68 Years. and Veterinary Department of Ireland. Then t ay ; 42 60/ 103 Main^treoi, which a now u, poase^sioi : ; ram thv Mr. James Haves' motion, last Tuesday in- the Messrs. Skehan. She ins weE and 6> The edtiate men- bOre (he rentaiiid I Friday I 0 Downing, Work- house to the simple opca> bier in, waitanR. com- crea-ing the salary of Miififi sen-edly liked by al!! who enjoys the pLoasure " Wiuu about the W^ play, ' Mliloa Oarew , Telephone No.No CO. Telegrams : O'lleeffe,' Graccdieu, V/aterford Vo. of flrklcj corrcnxsidlna week of Ihiouse Schootoiistiress, by £10 a year. Thus oJ her acquaintance, .pl«i<3>y covered with beautiful wioatha year. S23 ; -;«! , DCa to 1013 Od pft cwr otn- and the greatest BVin. | iMc Recght'.oy , nhich I 6ee you have rvslegat«sd were—(Mrs. Barrett- f lady, who is one of the most deserving \ya.thy is generally ieb for her da-ujrhte: Muss l tx 6 irratuiee " Wilih. reTorence to the The dhiaf mournon? Pay. Mr tea _ «« oa to M« CJ in. the position '" H amilton (wife) ; Major Harrct-UHiajnilton Irjfcrlof „ 3j» r& caeliB of the union, has been O'Connor , in her sad borem-emen- A fter ! matinee, " saud MJ Reighlley, " ¦we oaulci uot, to 40» Oil ; aod during that lengthe- (son) , Miss Earreitlt-'llainiltjon (dau^htor) ; TQ) EG to intimate that they have Leased the Worka and Premise Oako Eiran. 25i Od to 27« Od Sor the last 25 yeans, Office and High Mass at Tramont* to-cfciy (Fri- ; v«n - well avoid IV . aft we have to return on ned period She has discharged her onerous i u> Mas Hmclieson (.lur.t); Mr. Willi;un Hucho- v7l*at«, Str»w ¦» >. «> tn (» M ila'' the remainu w. re remo^ieO Qarriokbeg, i Satarxday mght v- cqxsi in Nciwport oc Mon- ^ WfcK-. ghrtf duties in a manner worthy of the highest u-h-ere t.h« lntefrmcii: to'-k plac» i-n tne ion , Capirjain. .Mlra and 'M&3 Rinfrroce. at GRACEDIEU, WATERFORD, where they have OPENED t's «; 403 Od to 43s Fnary | dav (nxj iinp Tnt ston' of the daEhing high- Th« l»er was follloiwoil :by upward*of eighty- Tnrelr.3 _ 001 to OOl Od Ctuiietery The attendanc* or, the safl occa- ! way man wa= writton isonno Ettlo time batone LJaricld. _ 00. to CO. MT James Hayes, J.P., presided over the sion was very ' frve oarriaKes and cans, and was m«t at th« a Branch of their Business, and are now prepared to remove larp* and thoroai^hJ ' petw^oT). I . took thie coircpiui'i out, but I believe , the rfiurchyajid by the Rov Mr. John- Ooad QCcl CinoU .J CO to (i0« roeffting of the local branch of th* U.l.L on l.atlve of all creedfi and 1 «-h.om wjiStdng enltTance praseiirt wore— osa*- au-flior had me in his jrand tihe 6<) n . Rector of All SoQiits, Duricannon . whore _* *i to M per >toc a Sunday The otheT memlberB The mon"jhlT I in was rathe- tiini* on 1 .pmicLpal oharactei: I hAv« bctern desirous oi LD ET Wan. Staok, J.(P ; John Ourran, John the intemient took place . who. road the oi»er.- GDCcobOcd C3oc?OOO Cind GdCrlilQ at their own expense, within a rnian, : O , 1J 7 Messre. Thuiwday, and for Se>!>tem'b<;r tihe nattie supp ly 1 playing this etyOx" OL' part for a lonj urns ' : >. * which ¦bit . and I suppose .' wao nearly broiight up Bti ... ! 13 0 HO Thomas Scartlan, D. Walsh, fx>rn< ' out of tlip ch'urah. and then lowered ... : Utenis 0'iBrien-, iwould not be very remunerative tc tru !<;> yen.- ouis. . & to 1 however , the sport af Xinga does not intereet i.-' ><~ 'V BAELET—ooi¦ brl. ol El Ibs- and Sides Kdaly £12. 1 and creeper Riov Mr Johnson then read ¦Blades), Edvepje iilly Horton), Chamjxion QrinMvz... „ 10 0 10 0 . Grattan - three year o!d» . £12 10'- v £i-. S>no«p , me as much as ft used -when 1 was in the commnititia] and closing portions of '.h*. <; ; A'letter was read from Mrs W alsh 50-' • .-tore PIJTA . 25- to 45 ¦ Oooo KUJ>PJI and Austmalia. aM/hough " added Mj. KeSghtiley . Lady (H: E^ott). lf»Ulng 14 0 14 0 her sincere ¦ ;burial serwroo. THIS DAY'S RAGING OATB—p^r brl of 103 square, iDungapvan , conveying demand vritp. a amale " T. thici even now 1 should iBdV-inj—3 to 1 a,-."i Vcnilia, 7 to 2 Prp- Iba— ihatiks W tlhe members for 1iheiT kind resoflu- ¦ Tho foiliawing; eont vrrcathii : — di ' Black ... .. :.. 8 2 9 1 know a pood honeo H I sa-w one, as Aufitralia . HVom his lovitiK Hcwr.iARXGT MEET::; S ^y-. 9 to 2 Orpah lilly, 9 ito 1 Hill Climber, FLODB-p«r t»ck of 4ior> of syitkpalihy on the death, of her eor. ¦ wofe to 9 (iunhrg, KD Its- occupation of evicted r A L L <- : in a greai racing country. To my father , tiho Uut triond ..f my :iff- ¦ '100 100 to 8 O'Cullen, 20 to 1 Ex Snpcrll'O „ i 25 0 MO Thd names of those in Q,, , _ . . <.)alting- to mand MJ Benoon'o prowe» «3 a others. fantiB were handed in by th« fomner tenants t hn Uhri*- , , " Pnnn Genailld. s CTOBER HUNDIO.VP Fiae« ... 55 0 15 0 hft^ ^ *> c ^rd eIX,r ml ou roppocentativc VCntTir« to Won by a head ; a length and a half bc- TMrfi... Considerable discussion arose on. the question PcS^X l 1 er> -^"ner ¦ Mr To my dear fa-tiher—-Prom Jenny, IT , lov-tn^ CO 0 no o JU^T"* °™ «- " n^' did KeoffhUey pracUi onj fane of HQEW V.veon 3ccond and third, i OA.TUEAL. 23 3 oi ihe, nrODOsed Land Oomfereniee. from which sSm^L-^ 1 , I! ai *a; ¦ wl rt him PMin«m(l>ran)co WON BY HEAD pat »«i 29 3 ¦S^ uana^ ^"^ : seli . and »Z informed tSat one of ([Winner trained by Rotanson at Foxhill). DEAN, per owl C5 9 C 0 the IniElh Lead'CT, Mr. Bednmonid, has deoided be^rW^nLi t^v3 qn -' ^ To the kairde.-il orf g-ranct{atlhe'r&—From -.he JLr ><"*" ' him hobbies, when ho could fino time, was By 3.S3-tfiKnr.BY POLLARD do '0 0 7 0 flo keep aloof , being of opinlron that a Land ^ rate? ^ ^hano-tjauil«1 .Inutile ones thst he lioivwl. (PRE3 ASSOCIATION fiPECOAX Wir3LTEIIl HLiMCvrCAP of 200 deS-na ft£ to^.^rv^ . . i -fi^hdna . a sport he ¦beoar™ attached to during TBLEGBAKHIO aEEVlCE). tors.—G Curlon^s. WHEATSAT, ocroer brl. of 2£X) Ita— AxA having ibeen pa63ed , no cooiference ia In^h W PO^agt -luxlniond , ew In rovuny nwrmory—'Prom Hrj. Huchf.wjn . 6pnnj_ i^\aT^^ ' hlfi ^e Zealand , the home of tW Willie ami .BaM.io. Diiie of Devonshire's geldins by Ctinpon— _. ... _. 00 0 necessary. The moeftin? agreed to take no ^ ^ CallforolMi ... ! tocher daveOJommentB. U ahoir 1 1T. i Lord !H. do Walden's Marozzo, 5yrs, 7-3 'r- (O Quarka „ _. _. 03 0 the open market on Tuesday morning. The the With syampia'Ji.y and ¦re^Kf l—(From Com- air. J. iB. Jool'o Pelual, 8^5 HccMord) raper, anxi • nT^^^at -"- .mtteo of N«f\T Ross Arjrfctittura'l Society Lord Deri>y'G filly by ilelanGS—ifolly Jenny Lord Derfb/B Glucose, 3frB, 8-10 : iT--^' r^Hiwas^ • -v - TsS^ PIG3. nFrilay Bnothare. effected a speedy olcaranoe .,f \V51lh di 8a |L«U ftso t— d-u^ie M^lanoe tora.vimn, •¦ Lvo ¦Wltih sinioCTe symipatliy—iJIn. Power . Be.U- ' ALso ra-n—LVmerican Lad (Rand' at 51/- per awt. u .ufrjuo toTt , acted with Mr Harry iTr. a. J.King s filly by Worcester- eil), Ave- [During the yerik the euppfl y of fish, par- J ""^ Or f exunjrmsiiti ^^ vut- House. Wy (iHi^, ), Quoeri'o Camilla (Madden), Prt f ^" * Pauitnn . the author , in hie piece 'Niobe , and Florida H., frOl8J1 (H. Jones) 3 ne vjn iiuniw a:u suinc ' iMaW Oanew • r -From iilartin). Paradoxical gelding iJW. Saxby), to 2 c^r&t araJTO.lachie, 6 to 1 _ ' , 'hieh was disposed of ai Liuile , Major and MIIB Wiieeflar-CufTe lAvcbury, nr«n l»hod Tuesday s mariket w quanuiy daioaywi . f o u *»< >u u» W hope thav n the ehort s«isoi M: , Woodlands Quip (C. Leader), Adelaide filly (J. RolLason). G to 1 Red' ¦Winig II. gelding, 7 to 1 l(Hd. , which was the top :fa»M HIM a Hunting .«,i. ^ In loving rCTrw'Oiibr'aniCe and deep sympathy Gluoo- per lb. fox eeparated ~ jn progresi hac be- Koightle.? and hu company will occupv the IBattas—6 to -i on Jolly Jenny filly, 5 to 1 ae, American Lad, liarozzo and Valam- Mr T Fit^irald1 VOID , —From his oia servant Kent. , . rcnortj aym'p.i1lliy for an old friend— n d The aiui fomnn« a mi. ^ the with hut. some reraoWooiiona nt Watortorri ¦Fun , 100 to 6 others. IWon t>y a head ; a leni^h and a half be- Bwt fceef Joitu«lM*l' : ment lor many yearo is the oucoeedtu re- r»ver aix>u3 JIWO hundi- Jarnea Feely .voDn 1 : ' £ OS Kl yara, an with play-ROoro. which mil induce him to pai ua iWon by a length ; a leajth and a haM be- 'ii' second and ithird. Roa%h-:t Pieoei , opening of the Bonmahon Mines. Picture (Jmukeia in Wish lov.niK wyimpiiithy—(Fronri Kill the Mi 0 7 "uheir handj feUlhed J.he wateriroin manv a future vi.-iv 'uvroeri secon d and third. ([Winner trained by Goodwin ct ^ovrmarttt). 'fir , J,*ri, T «0 « 0 ungarvan, sX a ;in thi« ¦n iaaner Uit flaniej wer. yun-ki- muoh svinipathj'v—Prom Dr , Mlrs and CDiriDUHGH MgETI ^a1 «. . Mt OYTML KJ3IGHTLEY AT TH! the Miisse.t PhillipsiConm, House, Newmarket). • KO. ~ 0 £> 0 10 penny each- ibmug'hl unde.' waj Meantim* nau-jo». THEATRE Mount Ida. !1^3-ST. LEGlBR aaVHES oi 650 covs. for rresh Pori ., i _, u t- 0 8 ¦Bnriiness corn trade is very bh^k at y.»uiuj With de(ip uymiiathy— Mr. aiwi 3cmft^ TWf ^ ! in the jiifcn wi:h grc.a energy ot-pa.-ii.iei tnt M: Keiffhtley and h:s Oompany, uicludinp ^F.rOIn Mrs three year olds.-^l milo 6 furlong. (PRES3 ASSO0IA.TI0N SPEOUL "5 0 6 the present time. Large supp'laea of oats are .riurrung part from lue Isinadl WaUis ared family. 1 EGO? reA u-ai tn,. n-bu!". M'IK.1 I!aide? Gurro and M1S3 Ethel Dane . From Mr \UlU Majesty's Choverel, 7-li (R. Jonci) ... I TELEGRAPHIC .EERVIOE). Chatlcs J. BUI. lM f earning in, and the menchanas are paying at ove italed , and «., averted wbai img,rn Jiave Fennes-sy, Waterford n n]f ii — opomad a short reason in Waterrord on TH IUJB- From ¦Mir. J. Joicoy'8 Orpheus, &6 (C. Leader)... 2 Hra f33« (pail'0) „. ¦;. Si« rate of 9J3 par barreL !;»etfii a wry s<-nout :^s u M: wan the Steward s -wife and child—With 0 0 9(> -Miin da.' evening in ft verv aufipicfoua manner , m uch j yinpat!h y Lord EUtsmero's Examiner, 8-6 <1W Gri^tp) 3 °"ete Mtssre. Beamish and Oranriord, who suc- rendered very :Dsign;fii.-am injie^ ther* " 9 ' 0 D the ownership of Aiiiou>til ix'ine n, crowdod house, who gave them 'Mbv M f Kenny Mso rcn-JPanc (M. Cannon). 1£a — MuaSHUBXTJlGH HLVNu.UCAiP ^ OOAt^. * ceeded Lord Waterfoid in J.ho«s who Ri-/k a v«-r; ac:ivr an>: DIy M'r. J D , fWlon . /• *hree lengths; itvro I^a^iha divid- ShnQcrwer HESSD3 VLYHM A TOUKQ'S HI3V>BT_ (pnrtposet> in DBnganvan at tram 12/9 to 13/- .&anla n , .ifr. Hogai. Mr T Palmer undertaker. Wntcrford and Orphan Boy. iBottinj ;—9 to 2 boon, not to eay . Spilian* R <.. as Chn-rtoi Surface Hi6 portrav-ul of the [>nrt inf» coco.id and third. ajpi Weddcitoum and Sir Wiuiam POULTRY Who »\t.) per barrel. This is a great ¦Mr J O'Mahony. Mr M CaS(-j ano Al. D »*as a splendid piece of character acting, and trained by R. ' , 5 to 1 Oilcien*, ptr palr oonrenienoe, tjo the local taxmero who diouM <'Win.i^r iTaren at Ejorion Riviere, 9 to 1 Oudtoo, 10 to 1 ^_ -.3040 lfl-j«h<'. The relic/ j>ar >ty, wh;oJi KIL> v«r ry wei. •Mi Keijjhtley fieems to be as much a\ lioine ¦House, Newmarket). i\mora Miarc, Dcsri „. n f. n ~ otiumrise to 65j spose of the barley have to ^rg'anised , acted und«r the of ir comedy 100 to 8 others. Won iby toieo-parU oi a cart it long dlstarnces—Ho Ybughal and other direction^ the ns "in tragexly. Mr. B. A. Pittar lervjuh ; three leng 1 Bev FaCht-r .Murphy. J ireade an excellent of ths 'between eeoond find remote plnoo. " P P . tie Cathou^ Moses , nnd infused a good 2.a-O^iiaBElR HAINBUCAP l>00 : 8ovs.—1J third. Sola, £lurau-, and Ur D. Ltfiiitujn , •leal of humour ir;o the' part. AH Lady Teazle ¦ (JWinner trained by ¦ ulrmstronff at pa ft ~ | 0 D TO-DAY'S . WIRES miles. u foot , rfl: the part* worn very w(H filled , and 3. Also ~ 0 (1 Horca Hair bought Highest Price paid for L__J London. Friday Evening. (F. Wootton) 2 ran—Gaarnesi, «• k 0 0 C And JHL-O.JI U. Av.-ke-J witD KJ IUU /.: v .e^u !¦• when we add that the stupinjr was exoeption- 's Hay lor, 3yrs, 8-2 Madam Boot, Scotch. Bet- ell cbcMS Of WooL ^ Co! H Blonr)p|l, formor Conncrvativo member Mr W. M. G Singer ting—2 to 1 asat Rare Find Queen, 10 0 6 ssuve lua go-«ic is a svnk.nr/ ./oje • . itc soi. IA it!>v fiix- ue ar<- o'll y giving the credit which (O. .Madden) 3 , 3 to 1 oi Haddock, Md Note Addrea:— is due To-night fFriday) " for Inco Division of Yorkoriire Hied 8habba, 7 to 2 Traitress, -to 1 Gaamcss, 0 10 to XonhfcrD bi^a:.-, mh. . .irrr so a>.vj.-it..in<-<- ;i we shnJil have She , to-day. Also ran—'Ireland (W- Halsoy), Envoy (W. 6' 100 Gnrnel „ 0 6 O'OOOTraZMi ETTEEBT, DTJNGAS.VIX. 8' ooj« to Oonouer . " and the muoh talked to 6 Scotch, 20 to 1 M-iHtiTtv Boot. :Won by a Herrfnj f.p« do» 10 (>/eaeh of Catholic in:-jlerance .i tiu Souti. Lord Milner, rcp IylDg toon address from the Sai:by). 0 10 0 10 ft 'were well that tht-^ shouuj :aK.- ;. n^tt atout pTay " Mifes OarfJuv—iH'i^hwaynian." at head; three lengtha berl(»-een second and CAPPOQilKJ ^/ inhabitants of Cops 0"lon7,boarin(r ovor 25,000 iBeii-Unj—5 to 4 agot Haytot, fi to 2 Horn third. {Wanner 10 10 tins and ilopon thrnL«elve>i n. a iinnLa r fh" matinee on Sat urdlv Hoad, 7 to 2 Gourd, 10 to 1 Envoy,: 20 to 1 trained by Manning at Mid- 1 0 1 0 On Thaisday (fair dsty) Meesrs-. O'Brien and signatures, said the danger in Sooth Africa was dleham). ¦ j ; ¦ JflnnU•tar,fc perlb*" ancticmeenj, Losnowie and Oappoqiiin , spirit. . at otiiera. ; 0 7 0 7 Walah, inj riinunion, but thfj don^r home V7oa tho 2^8-J3.S3 AND GKIN3, A1BO EGG3 ! T.TTiE R.4.OE. Lob*Urs.Maii . 0 6 0 8 cess of Uie recent gieat .annual jair growth of the spirit of what ho could only call OAP—Vcra fl3ockeras), li!' ChriHrmM BT« 18 2 0 attracted a good deal the way dear ol JKnvoy, Hay- ¦ ¦the excfllient (prices given, a certain rejpecn- nnti-notionali-m. ,¦ Onco .ponp , (Georgo MoOall), -2: Chetaopo* fWh«ata«y>, * i 6 4he first pablio »ale of ponies' ever held) in v7ANTDD. lo roaliBeu tho tor and Horn Head end in this order they 3. Also able farmer, i^ho U s.\so a famous athlete, denger of this spirit ran to itho 1 buahea wiea Envoy wad beaten, ran— TEsama A nesifc 9unidtay friaa his annual holidaj-B in, I am very tbej saibOTess, left inotatc of £24,000 gross. : Jdso ran-^KnJght enftertairrrrrentwill be held in> The Qiaill here, happy fx> 6a.y, excellent health. ' oolt £(hee3) fair will be held here is to.day Mnher), |Popp A aa»tJ BBMTKIW *H(T, 4 to anoe Of his cetehrataiIvuaxrroti este fch "The future oi the first Thursday in September, 63 to the diaaster oil tko Souh-wettern Railtray B«Sting-if to 4 a«Bl KfflMi4 ei TdLly. 9, to 3 xaipon, 0 to 1 Marjode(D«fw «nd StSMtci, 8 :to •V. - ! »: = V SteKBen," whEtoh.has afiteacted crowded bouses ia cltjhe* jirords on "the jiret, cattle lair alter tt Salisbary, Trhraithe American boat «xpnsa 4 (Miayibole, 4' toi (Bnsty (Mailer, 5 to I 'HIWA- a' My BIwwthMA, M to 1 Seoood jB *, * GiSHArr 1 ¦ ¦¦ ¦ loo to jf, flVVy CWKW,' ! Wboi ereiyMwea _*; laa beea .-preBentel wp to lira ithe annual horse fair. ' I'hi3 ia a rroait eheop from Plymouth left the ITCmTlO to I ctfhe». • ;• : : .. i , 6 Hrorro MoiJ *ttd ; "WBsraiBW rail? and collided with |A n«' -; A ttio gfiveo b«fc*» the rf .ay. to thati large fair may be reasonably, expectted next radi beiojr killed. ! Maior Pdngle, who held - : (JWinner trained by owner at Bev^rley nlng at MMdflehata). ;!: " •- be: pra;eot, ! : a artrtndai how ehoniM as tbo September -when¦ inany bayere yfill be pre- tho wiquiryV »y» .fa' *'«C» «poe* at whieh the i - : iHtoopa, tfetmxuflB*). |. !-. : 4fi~QIKIVBB!HBiK miATIWrurifin *( T.! Kick' price» 'ai« exiceedfaj^y -rtppmat. ,_ ¦ ¦ 1 •Oaim, V: Uti .OhMJcrttot- ». 9fi*(Si3^j .^^rte^ sent, ; V j<»wto ^ i! trajn was trareUlDg caused the Jengins to. over* Art. ' tihe rarfi nreOtting of me XAermoTe KtiraJ •Mx.- and'.Mlrs. Oaaavan, .oJ tSvs -Post Offioe, CURES GAPES \\ 2. BdwW-JT to 1 Oh. Ttottte. Wofl.by**' ^^ OonacJt¦ fltoTMicftB«fli '!(W3t)Binellll traa : 1 . torn off a shwp cdrvs, and that the . disaster ' ' fcmrfli. bffattdti'bjr. -\tktdUUr or a ^ J>afaiqt •will reWrn to. town to-morrow Trom Yon^hnl MiAINir nibosaoda od l Cblcikcno Died last HETTJBNX3' 'ON' CttlHBfiC-- ¦well year tram floup and Chokoo. wo* caused by tio[ speed of the train, which afifcjy. - :•] ¦ \- : to We w¦e tflM of ¦¦ ¦ : :^^,-'>^iU\ \ ^fifiwtrtwge «wto BadSwtattrt. «»• aataea li^lidayB. ' . :, : .. , . . ; y,_ ' They could havo. boon »avx3dl by the piopex must have been auoh in excew of imtraotioas. M CAJBUBBJHWiaffiragB. , , ' .j\- ^ ita efaoioe, as we are • ' - igiatuWte me:Cbunctt on 13ie Otmna sports. &re tir> ibe held next ©on- Sir Andrew Noble presidio*;to-day at aonua) B/BO to W- a^ - .-yetno< -JWMMBrn i ; wena it for (be fa* thart ^ **B| m* dhty, and'dl iplenijr at fundo and : large ntunr *¦ ' mdotiogof Annstr^Dg, Whitworth . . btte cif fentmea &r» to indication. enootsB i» " GHICKEEN." J ft Oo, eaid : . m^M ^limmm ; -not have been< elected, by ;. 9oM ia Tina, 6wpi m-.w' Am &MM0 be WJ?M -:! ;: , : ¦ esauredJiThcominititeee -whidh , is comrpoeed Poet Free, ftt acqairft W 200 »v *r * \ *™p p ±, 'i; -J- -:t ' :Sp ^;M *) * !f . ;• . . cJ'most l energetic &td capalble men; hnve aCMKE by the CXVETJIJE tolCB an Interest in the firm of Whltehead& Co, who ; thto ¦ CO, NHWliiy. jLord- (HlatmWcm of iD^^° fpnp^JMMie ^ikittore 'ia.bnnoanomg nrade ev*ary possible preparati on, and have ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' important! gf^M i| A«ot:i- . ' possessed patents!tn torpedoes. ^ . JBT , kft nottftng utdoD« yMoh may to any way .MOMIW tt^ftlM «f-1Oi». Jlrtdfeet H UT tend to knnn»v« the i proapeata of AD; ex- «l. X1B.IPJ TUK^ KU, L r.8.1., i •**-¦—» '• ¦! . ) Wp M»^CBP>y OH cm lueBCB»y : aw ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ; . ¦ Lr>rd IIWlto«ij' ProdSw^ SE kSP^I i "Wimi ' XPHaBy' , ceUenrt M3* ^Wfr »Wltoc. "| OEw-iOaifcy •i»jaWaK ns*loSi'tci4 .by the Stiver iGtoeen's /"figghi¦ BaverB"; ia 8peotfecle« ; ^ known «U OTMJ iW wAI tot Unit SUv ¦ •:¦¦ or- ¦ 1* ©ride, 5& VjtfetS level land in ekoellent order.; BWldei*. . ; - .: . {.;¦ «l«a» Oatftejr. Mid \>f J<*wph Sxtat, Btod; XSjire itf iiofihing now] left W b» done t«d to • •PreeciSpSious careHuily conmounded'. land V!ATP «JJd Q«oeralI)roiiinodMrr*, SHtnaknaa «f , i ¦; -j ¦ ¦[ ¦ ] ] [ Aaavered foee by - ¦ : - , . ' dmpam m*?* (»fe)v9ffgS5Jrimmt jnsfer tot god* "wwtaie*. ;. :: ] po**or biojrek. : . i j . 8tnft» W*t«rfot<.T ; : |T . . ! . ]'[ . ¦{ ¦i»iiIII iili ffil^tt w Jt , E-iprjaonc I uroaoro as. (well -ajipied fori ftlh© ippsifcioh il inoiiw seek as 17ATERFORD j CITY AMD COUNTY masskoiers' - iCIount. - The mooey. would be. THE L/13OURERS ACT 1ST iWATERi CAnniCK-ON-OUIR {E9AHD UP .when it ;be ¦ ' ; " " ' ¦• ' QUAITOlAfa^. ¦ the tfJoersj were x>roisain»" 'Mtodder dSLver. JMean"1 flwrjanMARy, • driaiwn o^it shojtbly, vraufMi for-iite . . - -: ' . • ¦ j .OOiNaJBAiuT : D^lY-HAiMUlSIENlG AlPELI ;. ;; . laojmmitteo to decide'.whatt';itiivfistr4ea!t, it vrould:' ' FO?iD 'tlMIOTJ. " while sthouM amy (particular -instrument be : aATmm>Ai reqxrired John DBuynn, ait Ithe coal'' yard', Oap- H^ri^YMSK '!M!EiBTI^G'. : " be iput! in/to/ " - ' : i sJ < ' Y. poquin, wiill Idoj Ithe needlfiul. 'He this on shoyi* ; ilaeter—'That tU very satisladtoxy, and : iMBPOWf UMMi W oleams uipa gxeat deal. .... ( ; : . . . . ; £!FBOM qua KBPOBXBEJ. OF STIOOKTAiKlEIR AiND affil classea of tradesmen's toolB, et(c. Tiiere ia Mr. J. J: iPheUan The weeMy meeting of this board was held ; OL'SEIK OF; (WKXEES. : one jpiaittieuilar :insjtrumen.t-iha 113 . showing in , Master of-the above In- i 'Sk 'William' Goff proposed a vote of thanaa I00N-JOMT iMBETING OF OOUNOIiL® ¦ stitution presided IMionday T on above diay* liEr. i —- O j al'-tihe 'half-^yearly to theiiUiaster, 'as to whose: imlece^t I i tib John O'Donnell, GhaiT- j connedtion wffithi i .the s^ieedy: 'execution of ¦ : meefobis. and there were alB^' - precsnJtr-lEag'ht ha spoke, in- 3he moeib conij lMen- man, ' presided, anidi tihe other memberfl pre- ' Mr j Patrick 0'Gorman! (Chairman) presided labottr; ithis in- 'itself BsnoidkB itihe inivenitora of ' iiiisrtiitution, ' ¦ ¦ Tthe other nwkmiberB '¦ ; Rev. Dr. OTHkita, Lord' Ejiihcto ^fii Ca&bel -j - itany tertaj. ' ' - , ¦ ¦ sent were:—iMi33 Grvfif o; Ale^sre Thonxis F. present¦ were: —Mes&r3 iturbines lindio a icoKsked (halt. (BIT. [EHynn i^ Very Bav. Dean. l HaJcdre'bt ; Sir; Wdldam- G. D Morrilssey, D.V.IO; John Sheehan , raok€ D Jatriok toooicey, better Gtniawn as! Hiko icfoQUeatoi? olf curaositoes'; . j iBdshop O'Kara, in seconding ' the motion, Saiturday a> special meeting of theWateriOrd ' J.P; Jas. fee? ^,t ;l' .I-°J . PMlip i doff , Bart; J. N. "White, J.IP; A. E. Graves, dessciffibedi Mr. Phcdian as a most . excellent Kios: Sand' 1 Dmnphy, J. OuXmnell (Glena&oca), James KJaMQ, Thos. Gtaiffin , John MtaGrath he is in ipossessdon otf a jptteci'' !N'oali) '' iD^te^ -C&ulasiil^/ a- 2, w^s (hiedd in D V 0- iolf. 's> iAiilk J.P ; P. 0*Gorman JJP., Ohairman Oomnty 1,-^d ' ! ' ' i ' Bowe. i • Thomas Dbowsy, J'ames iC. lOIBrien, JJ? and jUhe saTicepah Mosea goit ; (tlie first didnik ' Master J the board room of the worihouse, Mr. Thtomas Bllicihiiiel i lOounoil ; John Sfcrangman; iHev. Oanon j 'Mir. Ph«fLan namng responlded in brief and iNiolau, Mr. James Muffins, OierJi, 'was in attend- Ouffe, MicMel D, J JP; Edmond Hotel, iMr. Pienae Boilger., IMr. Joihn OF&ves-, ; iWiiMiam GaOiwey, J.iP; Tamsea - FanrefH, ' Kil- IHJumrt.1, m>feJely forrM' .meeitinr, , \7Mcih tihe (JoTrerhoxs -vaiiik)ais ;die(parkne>nta ol tins house and were mafcotw; Jiam^a Powieflr, i iBaflDean ; George leave of absence, which was granted. Tlhoma s Soanibn, Michael Murray Tourin, and) ! tyb. Edward iMeGnaltihj dKaiper, iwere oi. god' to, holla 'under the statute by (h'ttghEjyj iipleaae'd ^vath- the , resmllb of their ¦wmvnwA.Tn"ja IttatrdiUk Hes!kin, Mliehae'l McGrtath (uBiailly- vvd'lfl. i&ujxplly ltzhe;(wanit. You wSlli have a shower ' Ga.tnlble. A. G. Bowers, Edmond Donovan, wbiiidb. tli" inlsltfittulSoii was confifttruotedi. There danspeciion. . : ¦• ¦IP; W. Kenny, j; iP; P. Grant, J.P; Eiobetft The Kilkenny and South Tipperary Co. djuff),j WliMaun ED;'gau, iand iMtas. CatheaLne of .a^pipTidatione dtroan ILeaguexs, Ibuit whalt I was-really-no (business Mo be' ^ittraiifiaotleidV and i : (WaMi, Bal'lindiud; (Oouacila ndaified the guardians that they had Bedhur. would-diojwith Jtiheae, as well-asi)heT3tteii"',1ih)ait yet, as the Governors were, pnesemt, he was sent on the 3rd instalment of .the money due Mtesare John Murphy (lAidtin^iClenk.), Charles have been lapppinltedi on ' : ; BLilBTIST BA!M) OF K0IE;i to oonisdlder tih© new rulel3 ithe pump in connection wiSh the sanitary , alLAlSTER'S iHEJ^OElT. from'(the good landi popular gen'fileman iwho is availed tif dm (prewioua seaae> in (B.iA., on the " Damgiens of the DiiLnik Tramc," in sectdon 31 of tibe Lalbourets Awtb, '-whacih the arrangement in the woi'lchous-e hoaplital at iAs i direobedi by the gu&rdffians at llast meeV deteimined to the land! go Ibp- .baafc 'mid /tihe .beams of itfhe fbar- 1 w«L'fia'titon& by <3|civieimm. stnuictedi 'by Miss PorteT," g^aiv© ezj odlent tho ittaittier or deail with it •nhenn&eU'ves. li meeting oil this Council was. held in the i ' ilVuring the p-aat inonrtib the totwzi' supply igTiardaiana, and if 1 will molt, receive at your floendj a Mtitla more money ihian uaual,. and.1 iff (dis lay of daunibefci.ciluto owdinging, and hooj> Ohairmian—Oh, we are emiall enough Do-day ' , 'is p ¦ 'Oleris office . . Mr., J. J. Quinlan, Chairman jof- waiter short off f r^an 9 o^cDodk ajt.niglht handis fth'e giuBltalce il exipeWt I will frame a tihe Govemoro would do holm YlUhe MasterV lihe dtriifli, ihie sMli aaiidf iranlnjiiajr of tlhb MBissea M. anxl 'we can deal with it our©eOlvie&, I : ,presided,. and there werei also present .Messrs jujhltiiilj T1.30 netfi d-iy, f ind irom itw© o'clock anemoidal and Ihlave same sent to (Dublin. la ' ' ; honour of going! over the 'bui'Wing with him* iB^ggti end E. BilooPga in', tiheawi .club {jvyinsUng, _ Mr. Kemny—This, is an embLrely netw tlhinjj Thomas Sexton, M. -Bowers,- 'David Rockett, junlialj six o/kxk>ak in the; evening. Tie result iconcfl-iusion, siT, II may add, invenltJors are the alter the meetimg hlad csoindliuxted, -tihey woulol iwaa ' ¦e'speicdiaOIy' ajpipre^i^teid! a/pplauded.ir» one sense, and there aie a ceifein' nnimiber ¦P. Shea,-P. Delaney, M.; Fahy. ; DS ttoat while the wiater j is- eOiu't off tihe closets las-t that ishooiid' ibe employedl for rtihey make see what it was l and' what was needed; iWIhiab Mlfe "Ada Mifcie conitrdibub&d' a song, eptnifled of officials—seven' or edgfo't—wangling from fcWe The mew Labourers' Act was discussed a.t land jsewers are not flushed. The oontiiacftar every mi'altiter effladtdlo ttio euitti (their own pur- would inivolviG the texae eacpensB would be the ''T&e ^omt'C^l' at ./SdHofo-l," and a d[aet was Olork down to th^teuagrapliere, whooe ait- ¦Uhfere not, 1 great lengtih, and ' itfoe j Oouncdl expressed isjiJa'tes that L? sufficient -water in ipose. The man jrooi iwant ehooild be indepen- liaTijer espenES moxo.llaan' UD0h.img €&& is the sutig by 'tiie Misses Bteggia anid Broofe. The vices ¦will be required, ana relathrely to tho opinion,that 'the provisions of the Act had the pumip| to -work it. The sacristy requires idenlt, sofbar, and halve an eye like a !haw(k , and new system of I heiaiilng, which would mean; iakx5ioaniipianimie r&iiii disMcte' «f fihe TJa-'on, , (Labourers^ Act the I: aui dftrected by HhA DDofial Gwerhmsnrt; ¦In ' reference ito. the Council arrdveid at a similar decision as the Qi&ari tor, Ireland1 to ebaiteby tliat amder tihe ' ' : (cdTCrumsijancies inentioij.^d tihe guairdianfl Co. • Tippemry Oourici'L • The CShainman eaid thai tihe ^cal Govern- •I hey | 'have; on tihis oooasion slanidtaoaied the ' ouj- u emunerartdoa proposed: i tx> Ibe laEwved , Mr. ment 'BoajKi' . pcacSlScJatLly "ignored the ; ges'tiona o'f the douacil as "fat as the last cot- Ountidngten for has senvi!C€3, -bait fhe Iboard; ¦¦vras ' woul^l request itfhat' ttei gtuardilaaa woald' xuojt r? tta^ea edheriie conoerned:. icai- aay fuitoxre : j'Sdasion!enfcrusi tihe duties of m There was no other matter of interest be- -¦¦:• ¦• reiie^ins offi' eer io the I tihree ddJs'tittLctto of the fore the meeting: - uniioai to one person/ ^tixe Local Government (Boiarii' iaive aJtso sianatioaedod the payoienit of STBAiKRAOOY ¦HiOERE \mS> IPlOfNiY . iRACE3. reiniuiieiia'tion at the ra^e 7/- .per -we^lc WiiitSi _~«2^— • nafaaha to Jimea Aiheacne for Ma eeirviicea a« ' •DTJLVLI SUiOOSSSES (FO& KEffiRY iLAjSS .AK3> it^poip'oramy -wiai fldamiaai ifa ttihe limatix; depMitr • ; (VENUS. raaniti' of the worichouse.—tf aan, cir, your ' o1>edllen!t¦ serviat. ! (yj om our 'Eeporiier). • i ; A. R. IBABJliAtS, Secretary. w^re reoeiivedi from IStawiards-UXr. IPoiwer, aiesara. T. McClarthy, Tii«e aippOi^atiions can- J. KiBwan-, 2^J'Bowerj in^lGTeeaon 'W -Glciicn'j didiait«s- iwho ' elected tcj 'toke atodk of tihe T. IV>ran, E. Qu'eaHy; T. WaMx, ^Q. Moore, T. 'dodlhing, pro'visiD-ns, e*6., of tihe WotriKhJoxise JUynn...... :' . .. fox tfae hlalf-y-e-ar ended; 30th Baptbemlber, W.03. lOommiDteer-Mesara M. lOoffoy, J. Cum- These were torn Blessrs Bdhvard BI-- OTLeaay; wi-no,'R /Hinwian,..IP. iBoioMey,iW. QueaHy, T. T&lloW ; Ttoo-ni'as Keaiie, :C?app;oqtiin', and Oonmdra, T. Walsh',. J. ^rorrifi,' ST. Casey, W. WUlijsum Hiiittaiet'fc, lisnlore. OTBrien; J. iQun-nfingtifrro¦ , IF (Orpin, T IWihelan. : I MJri GkrafBn pooipo3ecr,! and iMr. Thoon^a and^t lCoiinorBii , ' . : . . jooay seoaadei, the ajpp>initan'en.tr of Mr. 'D' ¦ : ffrtzdgeo«*(MJ®8rE. :.'W; Walsh; J./P.; ' and il. Keane. i Oasoy. T. MdOacth - Caihuil pcoipoe&d-,' bait was not seconded St&Tie^-r y. -CQeris -c" 0irl BAsf i-ea-rMp OtKtden 1—^J \ / t—f e_Jj - c_b \_/c_i A The jacea iwhidh caare'off alt IStradbaUy on puifc the i!hree oi them- 1^>- a uid remain W-5sGhiair- Wli@iiss5!iil Bo^&abon : iFM(tv(to Pmies) Mr- ofa. Shano- : • ¦ '¦ ¦ • ¦ ' - : a 5 K«t^«nian d Ithe caan-W9. j SSif6toteno.ur, ty/hose conctoi'tmtdon- doe3 Jiot bear a duo' o : ' : iBdtting—6 iiiniff Mr. Thomas J. p'Ooiimel, Iasmore, ^ VSQ do not know exactly what ia to be done. vto 4 on Kerry JLasa , evena Bill, / micrdbe oSJoWbinijv.. , NEW SYSTEM OJF^ HEAiCING ¦The hc-i occurred at;KlillmanoMik, CSo, Wey, 6 io 1 ag^t oahere. eglg8;|MT. P. :'H . O'&orman, Losmiore, baoon iA ipoll (was Itiaiken between : dc^iuh' We remember what was paid un-Mr the old ¦ Pa'cker, 'Lismore, meal'; the candidates, Ooncequanfjly they intviited . -fcfendaroy . end- ac- Wex&nii, of 'Obpttadn1 'Bara^JiWHisanffilltaa, JDJL.. Bohome, and could Mrly teU the am->uj) i tkat . iWon in a canter fby two length! |fMs; Mr. Williiam ¦and tifhere jvo ftedi: — cepted tDom pus fum #hsifc they.V7isi o'£nifio3toed Wr. iE'dhlaeT aiic'Oarthy, j Iismore, Gniinnefe3'e (]^/ J in his.68th year. Some yeairsago- tiho couiEin* could be appontaxwiedto the Olefi, the eolica- SmAlWSMJLY PIiATE. of aid ; hurdle 1 1 (R>r . lConnelll--)M!e£3n3 !Br&ciketit, jDialy, and liad reason to balieve. wib'GSOand to mine meeting'helid ove? hia propertyweio amongs t tor, the : cost of taking tihe land eid of cc%n- raco ttout. l birajndy, soap, c-andles and statwh r Mn. John '' .MjGTSi^iaifc'b, m the s rrr, _, ¦ ¦ W*>- *i •¦ miles. , iwaslhing soda, Cffiunt 4Doooey : (3), Kenny, matter of ,tho ere'dtion olf.heating ¦fcho- tot in Ireland, amdi-l ba Tvaa in every Gtruction/, but so far we have - not sufficient in a J fWilliato Anearne-, lismbre iSaanlon, (WDuiray; 1^2), Kucselll, OaMlll', jHeskuii ctacaiatus. The 'Mc^ter went on. to jpoinlt 1 treacly', ha-rdhvape an'd ib;1ue; QITS. Bmdget am (res{ps6(iii a good type of a fine oM Irish geatilje- data as to the new adheme to guid? us.. Mr.(P,l^Wa BialBailey, ilJl-7\F ^ 'Fulgey IQuflje, j Oriffin, Htoj am, Hits. Bedherand that auch was the scheme of healingadopited i tnian.; Oafptam HamdHtoa was meat poipttlar - l iie Chairman) eadd thiat Jto. Mi3koy, Clerk. ol 03rien Q [Hleelap, Iismkxre ; race, fJepiper and minenaTs; the lQhladmjian-H2(), . ; that the. temperature ' ' Mr. OtRierd-on's^Queen Shebba, l(M) , hay and . could 'be regulated »J!1! .amongdt the country folk, and, a man," oil wtuld be aMe to etate whai tfce ofBciaU were air. ' John "Walsh , S^heanl BaXly4.uff ¦POT MT. ; (WlattsnT-nMessra - ORlynn, Becher, lower- the house, and that ¦Mha Ofpeaiating ', ' (to Sullivan, Kno'cfoawn , o-aita. -rowm WiSal'th,-'. he cpent money f Psoly in> promi'tengo pai(3 under pnerwom; ooJieme«« \ , f i , i ^Wr6 2 on Kerry ^ straw i Mr. Pewr 'O'lGorman,: and Milto—4. could!, Ibe eefpara-tiely d'Saflfo/miiitlhiAiinder - the fthedr ,b83b inlfercsts. Tho liater Mlastfexotf .-KfljE* I. iGterK-- ; I ©Bo-Eric* C OMBUC II. ' ' Master eaad .ttet* fcho osttamafted' cost oi " '* SAi^ ^^ ^^^ : votes. i ! was 1 ia* Annongalt hiarOol'lteaBueB.ibodaig. 34^- '^'S^? all the wori wJuitsfc- yotir ^m^iotji$A'brfo«i» «)Mia^«4IHia»"iBliAfflBI" of ' ' : MT. James G.' OIBrien , J.P-, Ohairmian, MT. O'lQonnell iwarr It/herelfore declared) ^aJlHaition £400,. wWich iihe comindtteia Malher i the ownerW Fmfealte, a wmtQier."<«'8ia Ox- couxsOj tlhe' crudfluiotii-* oz' uffble. iy *^ y'i/wlfiffly darilMBdrcBm flB 'S I ¦!'• ¦ " ¦ ifieOlt . would be a . to _!race foriipocaiwj catidi weioM»-a.i miV>» " presided.- j ; • _ eledted. i j ; (Jreat citraiini bai tho fundia of ¦Grand ^Naltd'onsl; which aleo oame later on odanpHned, for now-l i I ami eUtM^di &B Hh* •Ute H. flhMWbwte I Qrr. :!Francd8 ! B. ' Orms^y, Se'&re'tiary Great The noli'dei of motion moving:'Ifflie erection of (the imstfftiutLon, and . he \fxa very gliai to in- ito WBt^ntonJ over i. Joe Wddger'© wxa- on wSw identity ' of tihe' petWai.t &intfng': oir holding -yeniwij ar.U ....7" j ¦Itaffl' way, wrote tadk c ifoim them, that in onder to ¦ (Mr. J iKonrtaa'B .Three,Oa^-Triol(JD(altoa) Soutih<;rn 'and' (Western ^ =ka laTtesian well at IBaJIilysas'ja'rbbe^, which reQievO'tlhe pirea- -Man from Borneo-overthe same course. But the tiue'I am atJthtoSieeid to pay Mm. a n owl fhe Oaunieal''s! resodution re de- ertiood in .the 'f (Mr. sure, the committee hbd agreed) to apem a i!i> wtaa igTeyhoundi coursing' wMch aJpfpealeid A prolongedd ieotiasEonaa to detj aJIs ensoed ^- ^ ,D- Wfotort 'Maureen, flfc 'j e woi(k w Oapipoqiiin .in sufficient i toudh wdltih | the • xa&tMtfifam, SornlcD relate many an- iutteiwertJilng ^fttory of That the Utef k of WoiQd*,! aa per Ontounce' .,_ 5 of imSles. the nasoilt: beinff tiiiat if waa dejetided to resume , end;: :ie> Mb?OJB^pV' '%*w*0*** •Woodflfcown Boy, l^icsa uno-Trout w. . orv need ¦ NOBODY OAME ' • •} : : > ; ; 1 fTollowsi-.-jRepfyiitg' to your •adv!ertisemen!t re tefeiB$3! tJto StoTQ hovata ox todrfna tn \ h© ftoulyi Tiiah; goodness of hfe Mie/ May the ' aDlorw o* —^ug-hter). l^otwi thought they magtot greea eod Ue ligbtay: aver him. . j • > - TWaJt the^Ilec4ojBol cpiki^; ^^^^^ lOleric of Woito tor Caprwqtiin sewera^ lot thOTe tMa cea^oai. ciurald raad our Prep'a'UJ ipnaotd:c»&: : . ^H^i^ a ^piT^q;' T^l iWa , A,'Nm HtSJBr^EaS. ' ' ' : ' , since the -VI ; ' ¦ sua^eBftikcQri Rli^| mee#ng.' : v . r - : ¦ '¦ . : :• ! ( ; 5**elvo( wiwdl? , . . ' :• :.. . •¦ mrhMi theymight • tfci^ dsaiiBlbQiefW' oe'. coirWfld' ' ' Our atodk of albov'6 (among the tetgeet in f . . \.\\\ - ; j ; > f fk- wH < c8t 1 >1iW ;hi9-—9 well I possesa : . . . . ,,- , .,. s ; ¦.. ,.':" T.-i fi'¦• <¦ .• V-t!rf ; ; ,' • •{ - SfeP* "^ '*! ** ' *8 Boaioriity of'your: (board., Know . ' ¦ ¦ out. 15he Ma3t»T:ot)n«lliiKjedi by-^haaMnjr !th3 Ireland): was purohlaHs-a befom . ,the recent ' - ' ^ ' 'bar -of 'OTialificationa.. Very - ;¦ ¦¦ • • ¦ ; ^m ^i O^nm 'i^:Pi ^rty) . ii vn •unUliiniited nsnn ¦ ; :.j I ,> ;. ; ;. . . = . QoreimJore for the'lr aittettdantoe: • I" ; heavy rise in ifiie price of leartiher. No ad- 3p. fl)W0M«W'«rdtet4d» i9See?i |r or. M&hj:. . e Mr MjWmea< Eiely.» - of-. - Toouin - uaUciay carvices e$.] ova.the SouSh of (Was summoned, j- ' . ' ,[- . . . . - ']| : - , ' -..' ' ¦ eupcSsf i 'IB' cleared. 60-.Stfas-^ of - Sbiroeasuand -•enrlowHdi-^ieata^iswtUi^/ _ twn-hapf.| i Jiimmy if or . a ; weet could Ireland ihswe bean reviced. ' flaidera ol'fitoi " ; from. teelaod Isaje teon .reivttsd.!. r BM&fegf W%^ iPj.. ;Kta««teiidF»i Tihree CSKS *o1dierin'2 wiffli 1 i ffillr: Kentt niien^toned tiuaJti ¦^ . .X«aipenai'b6(iTO 4O 8^cRI«^W ovwisa«e,d !^), <» B^eofc . £» easily PUM iwitihi-initeBigenl men. rand tae >Li8- Penny-EcfiiBBiay Guide fox gaptcEfbor uiH aci projpe^ty hiad) fxaeni cold, and: t£at tho- —^Talber WflSoh 83)3 Sons, BArronfltrann^ * ?enny BtadBway Guide for 8flpteni!b«r *»oi 1 I am he ¦ "' ; money1 ' ¦ ' ¦ ; ;- ; ^ ^ miore iBoard1 of 'GiiirdSansiare a!:'! *nat. (2? actesay - (which vrca m the j hanidb of the Latfd' Oom- atte*. Wefte'rfMd. " • . / i " ' be fttf Mttay. ' ! - j: :rf- ¦ [^. •N^vl

" ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 1- i "T : ...... 1 ' ' V ! !: :

' ¦ ' ' '¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦:¦ ¦}¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ •'¦ v . ... I . j -!• -i ' " :^|i|im!liiil^lMli fl i i0 H ¦4' "• ^fivite ; : v:; : ¦ ¦ ¦ fei^t il¦¦•;[;;iL> iv' ^M: :-T- - ' h - !i r -'"i! iiihi i^-P1 ''^ !--;:i •Pni-ifiiviiii-fj ^^ i Hwfefrfe i . ::':!' IV . : i I '¦ i ' ¦ " ¦ t ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ \:\- 'Y- , ~ ¦ {•¦ •'|-5- . l.!i - i; !IV. - k ;;.; •; . i » - ' ¦?•¦• ¦- • ; - ¦: - ¦ : ' ' ' ' ¦ " . . -w r: - :• - i . • 'ii . 1, I: .: -i;!;:' - • -;!¦: !¦: ! '- ¦{ •' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ " ' ¦ h' ' : ; ¦jv--i--r[ : \. ! "' . : v ¦ ' \ "¦ " .• i • '¦: j! • "is - !": t . . : .. . '. ;. - . I": ¦ ¦ ¦ -;i ''¦ " ¦ ¦ ' '¦ ' ' ¦ |- -Tl i- : . - = ¦ ¦; • • - "¦ • ; 'S' v ¦ ' : ;: • ¦ :- ; ;; ¦ I!' :¦ ' ¦ '' 'il !' " ffJ Vi ^ I - i - • •: i i , .v ¦ .¦ ' [i 1 ¦ ¦ fflii ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '< ' ¦ •: ¦: ' - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' . i . ^Uw- . hP BFfltW¦ e. ¦ ¦; ' ' ' : ' ¦ " ¦ ' ¦• ' • ¦ ; ¦: ' ' ¦;.; ¦: .- i V . .;- .. '.. - . . i .:. .. ,|i . ¦li - . - L- - . . j U--mmm C .; >- .> ;(. . .}- : i#iitteBttJj i|iii^llKI truli vs/ Ibl/Utsi ©raw ! Fap®§^ ; i : te*;- -1!#c :f-{:| ' ;:: '*:-M :- ' liu ' ¦ ' ' ¦ i :¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - - • ¦: • < *'^ ' ' ¦ :;¦. . ,j,-i . . ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' ' ; ; . . ¦! ¦¦ ¦ ; ¦ . 'O rT: ' ¦ . . s ¦ ¦ :¦ - - >¦ ¦ : ¦ . :.r- ..y!¦ - - •( v)- 'U:^-- - • v i (- ;• ( =:| ' ¦ ^:M i \ Ijffflr flfcitd-: ¦ ¦ UI 2/Q ;- vf rMoimmd^ \ • in

' ' ' ' ' '" ' ' ' ' ' * ^ ' ' : ¦ \' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ >¦ ¦ - • ' - ¦ I t • - ¦ 1 ij , . • . < .;. . . .;. j- . - ; ; ; ' ' ¦ :; Pand ¦, < : '! :i.v ii-j . i -(By.- -Haij(i-!-i' ::.ii..v-.a/a i; -; ' l£i!(w ;',..: : r i ^Q-4^ b - 1 $/$ ¦ ¦ ; 0 Moiith8.« : | -1 * " H-f>^ I' -^'-Mi i ::s6 ' ' v; ;-•< ¦¦ ¦ • - ¦ • ¦ • : ' ¦ 4f' :! -Moii^i.^ - f Pr iji.MM : ; ! ' ' • , il. r- ^a :.. •• . -' !- ' • • ¦; ' ! ' ¦' ; ; : . ; . ;\j \ . -. . .'f L- .: : r - ^ rr:- :. : [ ¦ :.;! 'OTV^ ' i • i 1. ;;T ^ ;- i ,(BV;Pb^ :.]:U .«:e3/3JH!.. ii;; #"}|!.^:f =0pF Ed8t, ..&>/iQ • - ' ; ¦ ¦ ¦ " ; '" ' ; ¦U : ' j. ! j ; . j ' . . jji l .|i v: ;: ;- . 'T.'- ' - I ". \ ''. 1 I ! ; • : : i .V .J H . - i - r - |.-: fi - - :1 '\: : - s - -^{ IY ;, *¦: . ,-Mi ;, ii- - - . j (By:HamIr!r^. T'4/4!!i' XM- ,¦- ' ¦;,{¦ ¦ M j .^^Bpiand --Wj' ¦ o- r-Ii:¦ 1 ¦ • ;¦ ¦ w ¦ R^OE laiMonths... i-Mi' ,j;|!^i ^ ~ ' '" " ¦ ' " ' ¦ [ ^ 1 m X2 | . T* . I » . i , ' ' - ' ' ^ j . ; \ \ -1 . : I ^/IE rfill^TDJ^ lBElkiJii lifipiill :^ptfUi^4^: L-l!- ¦;¦;; !]!I . . O DfM : ¦ •• ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ByfPst y\jjtt $ : lil " ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦^ " ¦ v-l-j JM ¦ ¦ • i ¦ • • : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ !- i-= ':¦ ¦ •' i- -; n •: . • * ' .]' ! ¦ 'Til' -" , -; -' : ;. !;¦ i> -- ...... '! . . =; ; ¦- ¦^¦ • :. - t ¦ : : " , ¦ ¦ ¦ J ' i;: - -H-> 1 ;l! 'J; "ii -: :;t - " " ' i- ' I- :! - :- :!• ii; ! -Ik i v... i 1 •! " . . -k i' : : Stood ¦ : : : amd give her xegiu'lar eremi&e. Irf tihe '! /y ' ¦ '- ¦ ' J . " - = i . - ..i : ' - ! iK -i : ^-|^ {- :- - !i TT^iM ,-,:. • AGRICULTURE OwteMingr ufBUPSTiows. • . . j i; - -j preptamng [ 6*efipllte rntofeiamgr f irotm , \Wd ,^ilc I beamng. :food and she miigtht be HUELING J anentte. : 'Alt th'a!t' tdime CJointy Ki'l< aire^ was lui^ jdiiiiifk,- for j tihe': 1 iU^ryvand!' thirBSty and ezJes&b- gtitvan a [dose of .purgative ' The " Palli Mall Magiaauile.'' :for Ootdber is: .sphere of ia&j meduicine ' — * ¦ — ateftdndSies, : knii this Gj iuntiy • :Kfl- mteid"passesrigar^.|:iWiae{n 6he fog lightened", From tbe (/Vinzj er*' Gazette ) . ' well up. to. tbjo. uauali etanldawi. One- of tihe i ;dare he #tiil xetuinBfor a idnr wee&'i niost readaJble hunting' itfwo. Bteamera;io t one^wereiseen 'in- the offing-. GiDfEAIT 'MLVTOH' AT CIAiRlHliaK-O!N|sUlll! e*orie3, .wath i its oiwn quaint .when |th© Jak»mg.*efason- i^j -^veriy r pSrig'Liiniil': Oin hM; started- froif j jRfihgiuaM twelve hours • Producing- Richer - Wesit of England' 'humour.: i h '' Th^ .Pareoo- ' " ¦ Milk.—J. What is .the beat and ;CVtonng:to j Enigilland ia :th&.inaddl« tihe i iihiS' tadifcar- hj ef 'airilier slttp!\ \[¦ !¦ ' . : {, itme. 'Olerfti'' .ibyi Ed«in. PlniMipoltrt^. Aao. inltereat-J ¦tte&i ^. ' f [ j means ,to .improve tbhto ibutjer fat 1 in- aniLk? 2. u . r J -Ida seardE joi greater, owpoiioimt^e' 3 for.:!thi i -i^bet. ivEHiage ]jo F [Rd^eJfa.:i©; is'I situated ' af *xuii lV>b iv' ir)g-; illusrwtated imltervdew ; ¦A'ith: tihe . Earl and^ .^xeroi&ejof¦¦ has; itoJl,' Mr. Gt!Spiiiitiei . tih Skin Disease.—A cob about tiwie%e Has good. (Winter feeding iany efiect in jpro- ^ Countess: pf ¦ : who (five, j inri|I!es' fnj em fjhp iharib ¦ >uri If you travel to MJUINlSaffilE v. "LEMiSTQESR. I? ¦ .|Crewe is of dmterest' to- Iri3D- Ho'uise', 'Bli^pSomi.-i .ptorsetehire;?. a |j .magaiifieeiit tElo^alairevby:i^-^nominj triaaavHSay,1 ' years old, fox Che last three or fou r year*, f om duoing iriidhCT jmil'kj im summer' [than ' jj ^derg, owing W- Orewe • r..; - j .•&> &&a ordi'mary . r.lJord' 'a tenure i ati se&'t. . of . bttld! ^Squire i^quhatelj l fo : 4rdend8a(8eTy!»ii! biterdlode'of theaew 'turibjaJed about; the moaLth of May and duiiLr the oare ? 3. Wbuljl you uwoonanend rtlhe tanose ,\ which :tHlls the! anoittiala j>ver : most in the withers-, with epots over the body, the Ibaiwin. 4. 'Wher& ctan. khie Jersey ,be On Sunday one of the beat Rnd m/qst excit- jatjoiy- ' wt^'him. frpm! Jxelmd, .and.they fed - 'bWiig-,yi)^jifc^dldr;wVt^Jy6u, ; theie\Js]iio-: got, ing huafling ; -"6f -.iiae winnieri oi -tha's year"* Derby.! Sir: •imj oliuded: Watea^en.,. jwito[ wjcini" ta'e i iDerby . 0>up; . 1 ' head find1 eare ; tihe mane graduai% and Avfliiait may be the «'4ntfest& •waitoessed) in tiheiito&Kvdcinity : jyamton.rSiyikeS had; ^ent • .6on : roMng tf> :]>rwejn]fr j i y-m fi bim j sf aming or -from dropfe off , ipitJci of a ial three or j e j ox his yfari mgs Iby a'shoiif,; haac!': after a. dearpieMte.! 'struggle < of Cta^rdc^k-loal^Slui^ tor a long time place DonoaeteritC'ibd-fiold rin ; l904. d-yanSr- of-thd iimi lUri'M s v->u ar«r a.!«i>rdiitei' ami the toil is aJlso affected. He is continual'ly tour imo-niths oiEdi tfchlaJt ••wioulld (be iable jdo ser- tfl . .] The.agg¦ re- : : *o in tihe be&uitlilfuUy situarted anid .Tveil-j laixi ouft gate . yie01^l.,.was lO ,7lOi : gT]iinea&., : - : ¦ :• ¦ _ ' Idaav db'.your .owe irimKs w JBbWllar© viil&ge(Bmd (nibbing and .biting himself. I frequently \iioe inext 'Jiulyi' iFeedlng wiith- ooUton, girotmds of MSauidoe Oavdmi at'" ' /t , i bouglhtt f^rV Neumanm); . and-LSJrtjalaj ,wbo wo& lyiour'j nrroi m^leHliDack1 to; Elossilafe etc., on . lWeiipaiik-;ibe- |There wiere only .,three,.lojtaj-whfcn- failed to ;the Diiike of 'k ' BCarb&urT dress him wdltih Myikrdl whddh keeps the dis- gJaas te omit of Itihe iqa&s&m.—,1. CWe ttjween Hhje selected huiflera oi Munslfer land1 lYor .ISpabe b at;Kemjp.cohaii wom-afteir £ pffiLOTei •• is .-.iio - iorafohy nti;oa itadde !car/ no cartU-no! ipresume excite the (X>vetousneS(s.!oc| breedere. One was great figiht'. with: .MoTiint^Prospec^ d the 1 ; ¦• : ease J'rom spre&diimg, anld after a few days toy " i{io 'iimtproye" you mBan " ito ILeinatex." The batHe. and a hot onfc it was a [eon. of !Ex>yal Bamiptan janoDher a colt by 1 anyJEhdrng. on 'jw&^elfe-;| .i: '|- '! • . .- ! ¦ ! '• inorense" from stant to finish, i J>uWle^' Btiakm 'the^ ifwlfficflylng '' yJeV-after a } ;.' jJifier iiraidtwlaly; ' Tjiopteirs :ut-: EokBHaTe! j scales and scruff peal off. Hawing access rtOi© (butter ifat tin. mdlk Hhe was for tie shield (pre- isinglass,! and thejthtrd a dolt ;by, Carbine, an terrific iiv ry ' r -Beem tj a to lantarwer is, by eenjbed Iby tihe directors oif the G\neat Southern s4* ^'Mei' ]Methodi&tiTj This wali. lhiiiv|e!' 'been. s^eoted-; front-a!dlaBs -" wMdh j haa an ar.»en. house he never lies out at night. teisitiing iyauir differemt lAjistraillilain horse brought i|o : thi6 cc-mntry by but an. eames/fc^ otf '.what \ waU to1 i f^l ow, "wlhei. oowtg indli'viduaily, and Western Railsway Ooonipany; The Hweatlher the .Duike|;.of PoritLand; Try, as he. would, the ' ' ' never be|floTej !^ejein.||a;-iiafiii K . I-hfeaiid' a lady aslfc GeitfT better in tihe co!Dd weafbher. Pliaaae say eiimdnartiing those whaicih ¦conddltions -were sdmtpiy gj lbrtioua five .ypaij s ago,;he j q'orfed;.to||Newanatbelt;i " .aLtbirter' alboiuit -fiher" fl|ugE|jjai©..-i -She' : wiaa . jnqQid, ' give andlk (naturally , and HJhiis fadt audtlitoneer could _ ilot get ; & hdgher ;bid : than There £re fefwr ibetter' judges' of !tih4J>os8iiib6Li¦ . wli^it. may be the cause.—We are of 'poor in kiuaflity, no doulbt was to a gireat. exitenit responsoMe 300 guineas for tihe co|l1t. !pcflfiltle!ly,v :'tlhia*liif s3*e]iwiantadi J her luggage--to tlhe 'breeding from /tihose -wliM), one d C&tibuie The ties dK>™a«ht in;a youngi.hoirse.ii in jfeibriUBxy, jawqimipany • ; shle| ibla t«Wer see ¦ opdriii'an your cdb h suffering from eczema lab la msauJIt otf if ox tihe. va£tnesd oi tihe attenidiance. < All tihe badider was Miajorjr Eudtooc : |Doder, :amd~ the IQOQ^ 1' -hi^ ) i after ' it tMs iprodiutte (beat, ehiOivs a Ihigh trains in oonaaecSUtion wdttih matt' Mr. Gilpiir went over to Ireianid to yujJ" hfftaefStJr .One c lay.;iidsjb .- w eelkj ai genlfflJeimam; and! Th is in the majority of cases owes prodfuicrfcioD the eh were youngster wals Spearminit, rao thisde year won a horse named Wise Alec from the j Oumagfj i : I its origin of /butter tfla't, and rettaining their •very Laigeily availed of. Ihwung the day tlhe the Deifby anli the'^Giiand Pirnx Paris: The ! bisifamdly, arjr3Tieidi iii iWiiteB&xra destitute I All to srame form of gastrdc derangement. Inter- female offspring again ! trainer, : Shamahan. |After the traosacbLon was (their bellccigaaiiga^loesi,hi (a-i motor -cairj a tto grade tup (the frmttej best of order prevailed, and the keenest in- two races were worth £16,000! completed,' Mr. Gilpin Jsaw: a- two! 'lyeiar old nal tjr'aatanent is accordingly of pnimaiy im- produoing capaedty «f the herd. S. Dairy cows terest was tatoen im the conltest which was of 3s [Mlatjor Lodeor is a Cflaniparatdviely; young man, and) icihaluffeuTi an|dl othieorr 1 bag jag©—ftilaiinot feravel- 1 1 1 coDt he liked very muchj , learning it wai ZM\- w4tfh th^n'lfrom ;: B5aai&re, nor did1 11 any portance. We wouM recoanimend you to feed should 'be generously (fed at all times, for, a friendly character, and ibeheld by fully andi has not been; ani owner of; race horaes Shanahah'^, asked him to put a price on the 1 6,000 people. very long. But diuring tilte' brieif oariod in ! offioM'otbxam,. aip(piaTCytay,a(nnairerMv.Mkna; (fcno:s calving, ? .teaons lodking' tlhe pinik otf form 'ttned up at mial tlhiat the iMkqor has Ibeboane to be kmown him at the Dujblflni house eJiow; !a^ jaj yearling' Una will " Luidky Loder." Luitfk has ¦ toftj' traffic. uaidef jexiii§tingcirjaumlsrtiance ai is & the following powder tiwdce daily for a couple give a (Larger yMd of indflik 3^0, and ehontly afteirward& tthe Ibalil 'was ter and wdlde as for £80, j and immediately laftieriwaidls,' iaipjp(a)» ithan if ehe had ihhrownbetween. iLednster were first to potaSesa no doubt pllayed a bdg part! ' , faghjioa uifi his ' i^i^n. ipuzaale;;. -Hiaviin?'fail-e.tod be |in, ;readine& at of weeJas: —Salicylate of goda, dre.; powder- been Boaaitiily temtiy regrjeititSing' his bairgainlj'offeredi to •& the'-btegdmining.M -;tb,e; toa xiei U bept ; iwhlile, howaveT, spring- and tiranetferred imtio the Munster terraitory career. There are people who -will tell you Eildlare pUiblican-for tHe amouotHof!the lftc*. seaeon'rJt • wiiuldl ed genltiian, 1 dr ; powdered nux voimica, 16 ing KXXWS are Ibest mot overdone, it ie too from whidb tihe hall was swiMy 6enit : to midt- thiaj. there is no such thins as j ludk Th*y i hlavia toeen infi niieTiyl. wii ser i to haW- adopted To the eubsexjuent ad>?antageof| Shaniahanl, erfflier of tw« ^raes—ffip!: hatre: waditeid grains; powdered caraway seeds, 30 groins. m/udbj tto exjpewt that the food" gtfven at this fieid. Here quidk and scientific woflk wae are wrong; at any rate,, every man who haa but paitiic#acly of Mir. [ Gilpin, the jmtan did ¦j^ uwfil; seen on both 6tides, when Harty, oif Leinster, anything to do worn racdmg will tell yoa they ' ' Sjfji next fills yi oofr to idhave " (pult thie ! new GDf the skin if very irritable wash the affected eltage iwiiM affocit Ithe quality of the milk ao* clnciiI the \ bargaia. [ Delaunay > waa prao- (tupIrK;. ertJeame ships—on--the! iwiifb a long pudk sent over in cuose proximdlfcy are wrong. But it waa niot luck pure aiid tEiaaily the1 equal oif Erebbj; lover• eii ^—^e^lend Mnil- parts (daily with carbolic 6a£t soap and tepid during titte milking period'. 3. A Jersey buOll eimmde (tShlalt placed; Snearminiti' in Maicx &$& .ford . to Water&rd route iiqftal .euc'hr time j as to the Mhineter goaH. Thia v/m after about a fmrlongsi, |as it was proved morethian once! in ItJriej ')jare, I ;: water; and when dry dress with an ointbrnen* crossed on the ordinary iShoitthorn type of imin'ute'6 pday Siibsequently for fully'fiv^ Xioder's possession. Im the liaMer daye oi trials; and was the omLy :hx«Be|jwho aauli iK^hguia^4Eioie route wa$ readyJ Augu&t, 1904, he was staydog at IHarrowgate, eh ¦[¦] AB^tb'tihe fujtJafje.of j tihiio. line yariious. opdiiipinB composed ae foBows : —iMyfkrol, 1 part ; vase- dairy ootwis does >welO enough, ifbr onoe ; tihe m&niutes there wa& hot baJtrtiliing'for the greater elver make the great: mareji gaiUo^p{ unltal i : aK ' a and one mominff motored over ito Sledmere ejast.- |At thJ6]WieP^~h Je''tjhere i& opmnfijEim. line, 40 parts resulting' hedifars, 5tf a (bit llawking in beaf pontion of tlhe time in the centre w iA^ -ithe ^ jisi [foul was declared against Dicik Keeffe, of to inpect the ye!arliiin«s that were ihori y to be this year—theiracein. whicih he; smffered d<- , JrisH[ side th^re BioxueitherOla''Mnil of producing quailities, twiilll (hawe- Ibortlh yiedd and sent to Domcafirbex lor saXf..¦ Aiiconipanying ama.th'y'i or a'^Ma .oij .^va l . In the';:cdj(;y ol Our*? for Wart*—.1 have a year and a haJif (Mtunster, but Little good came, *o Jj ednBtox ' tfeaSb lor the fixet time | in Englarud.! TweLv^ iWateitflorid quaiKty in mti'lk. EDoperdetnoe has ehoiwin, falorw- from tihe free awiamded themJ; Thev caioceed- him was '.'-.MB. Noblei JohDBon, ivfho; eo ably mon*hB aso Mr. Gihxin refusedI an offer of the .' xpicdon >anJ; the \ wMxLe;ia ; not of old dull with warte albout tihe eye ; they are superimibeaids the Magor'a nicdmg 'aaid breeding iaiy\ enit[h)utsiafi'l)i< t' >\\y; ftlvotiriaibilie ctttaraiclihltiex!.^ !.. lit evter. ifchart, i'b is unwise to introdluioe more than ing play was very brillliainlti, esjoiting in Uie £ao,000 for De&unay. regarding-him I as oemtaic ' iewj on- &iii)ce May, and do not show any sign of : esf&jhflafihimJeaiii at Eynefield Iiodge;The Ourra^ih dlj .,isai3~n)^ _thdi\ jcityi.'fihiM^tih^ :j wfiUIl one dash of the Jersey; if eo, Mihe hardinei?sof exrtireme, Leinster .baDtaSnig swift and> strong to win. the Bnx * uu Oonsebl iMrtrnicipail;alb im.j ^e-the :p)yt ojt ;^telnBcM sjardtot^Bllyf tEhs going yet. Please let me kntfw a remedy — lor all their wtortih,, and theix efioutB , after 14 and to wihoee friendly gtuidanoe and advice Ixmgchamps(the event in which]?jj ett>y Boiiv j. Ihe Shonthoro wiltl "be affected, and the iresult- BO much oi hid euooess ma benl due. They Sjaiwur. DokcmiesS^e^lk^kiaska ioxie,axl it. Dne&s the warts daily wffiUh. castor oil Oon- minutes from the opening of the game, wero Buffered her first defeat) and thlej [Cambridge- ^ ing animals .will be (Liable rto lall "kdiids of regarded with a point. 'Aiffrer this Uiuasilker toot a fancy to the colt byi C*rbJce— iMaid of shire-; but that eaimej : we^k D^eiaunay de- OSie laitamlcloiilrigiof the^ JUffiLBord xou'te.mil1 into tiniuie this for a few weekis, and if not ait/tended ohdQlls The Mint. When in due counsej he went to Vhxitni , dfereotly 3cp '&mp - £2,0001 a I year in har- 1 , and unfit for the ordinary treatmentof -wtae on the defenrive, and itheir footl%S3 velopeda cough aind a | liver, comiplaiiLt, could Qiae0T-6o , , wa3 pleased with 7^00 guineas.: . ; |! i : - . tymdl who: hiad l-nevei ! previto oislyb ^nibemplated to avoid any eel/tang imtio tihe eye. of avftioim, euMng. im a poin^-fior ; podk ' youngs^s^Jaippcarianjwr. They were not i M . . . &~ y$iwkrj tx>ift; ^ ii Bmeiraakii IsJe. : i Tc» start j fronx iwe h!ave mo dom>t, you will get a out -'there :-Trco hot ibailtMng- ifai , the 'vicTnity th^ " Aifber we ; brought Speaiiniiiilt home Irom ! bull fit for eervdee. We coufld mat give you jKiEtxywD, iailion©i in.' fonningf a^ha^h otunion t >l the. colt's Dianwaebex at; the close of the Sale," Mr1. f>tittj d'ixi'!iini!ifti€r-; inoisriingi|: and to be alMe to I OW Thdgir—lOali injured of '-the Qliunster %todm, Amlpony, of meritg at' ' impressed ; ddnej at KOfliairm&yj .-flhejeaimejeiveniingj is O with Wound on- (which resulted,in a- :" lelast one^mer maii. was Gilpin confided to me! during ou* tialk, "jHb a!pro- any idea of price, as 'this ip usually a matter doing splendid wori, with that! particular " lot.' By thie third ; •grai^-wlMidh.j weafs^a iflascainatnnftlngy air.!iiaW ;Am diumng Dooming.—^PilieaEe sa(y best treatment goal for Leins/beT amtid&t the lusty cheere ol was very ill for five months. ;He developed -TCnililflir ; ifor agreetnerit. We cannot understand the party had|not the power wmLoh a keg puree friftriifrisnrtnr fltymn' f!p.^lfff-^> just for ac open wound in cow's thigh", front leg .theiT frdends. The -wonk after this was - veiy a cough, which we idid not' manage to atop tfcel IOUT force of lyour (Latter xemartks as to feediing giweSi¦ ana when the biddingwas in progress ctntii the first -weekofthe Fe/bruajryfollowing. Ibe^acpotrnpfflM^^^Ttee f^ rejnmn | -- :i(lso \Vihat to do with a calf whfiich has had a fast, Tipperary hurling up the field wHttih gmin he •had tx> retire from thej icay After mafcuig n^yjij oailgr,;"jtdr/d0 j'. rAibxxofc edghit; ! hiuridred.'[xias-' ootton caKe on grass We regard1 this method deftenmin aftion shot out a point; towever, Th ffretat marvel is, hot tihab i hej should be ' J-ole i/unmt in skrul'l in tiaMng of| 'hom wdfcb am offer o2 280 gudmeae. Luck again ! Major TOoitth. thousands, but musJhj as half . &engiers"ovaii led !thepusdlnS#of it; jBuitiiFyjs:- oi feeding! as highly adrviBablej w'hen the pas- aifiter pux& out Leintiter bore down amd aug- Loder was. no doubt, agtreeaJbly surprisedwhen &>\\ ijuesi&ithalblld- .m[' 'ttIh^j^r?taisdohi:'.|Of T theTL10/6 oanKtilo ptftaab:—Kieeip the wyuxtids dLean oid anotlher. point, and ¦ ture begins to get dry in , summer and (the mented their score with h. i foupd hirmseOf the owne?ra St»&i>innit: at !aii " itrapipierl wiptj.wr isyan-'iccm bisedbleasing' . Mudh diress ' tihen ' loaning and evening with the after ? aibout ] two ' minutes | they. 6apta(redl « . ia ' 'j 3Q0 ajlio We : always treated him > yery quietly and !lajeB ;in !ite |alopi&ieBS. nutrfltdouEness of Ithe grass, to fail. Further, ai ooMay oi &udm>eas only.j an .unt which oarefuQly., ' i'rom the first 1; wa»j porticuiarl:r lotiBpe 'cihainn ppfft KilEIiaTne;[b- 1\ folLBowing i le*r : —Oiinsol pawdjer , 1 pan ; quicsklsuboassi^m 1 gnoint and a [goal; "; (AA this scoreB of fmeoaiareprepared [to; giv^> iar a horse ' ;JDt:!j&'^^Sip6s 1©-''^OPJ5M ^ «iny 'tb&ei opiiiiioai , we believe dt pays and pays rwdJl to give a ipnttlh'usd'asm of the Leinster ¦ follLa.wv wice. fond of ™*n and had ^.' great- opimbni of him. l>oraic acad powder, 9 -parts. ' Stage Ijhe capaJble of wiiiindnga paltry eelli^ . . He iB a beautiful temipred-' py horse. ' otf the |Vdeiw&pa- businessinen in |Ireland';ic- [¦ _¦/ Jbted¦ ¦¦haSd f retenred! comtemiptously to the' rubbish that then Blood:— ' . . . i '../. 1 • .' faalefl io disiSniruiBlh; IberBelf on tho had been> i wziibbeni cttniO6Tiniiing'.;, tjb^!l jdafficu?!ty a 'ptoutojposf af tdepar*ure-farjNew , York iti 0i trees, and .every September great quanjtaffieis nesa of t/he (burtiter, oatid in addStdon to all tihis raJcecourei,and had not jpBoduceda great InvvjaTry. wtjlL i .\cMapa |h-wjho! jriotssess kpow- malre^ e T distJaB(beiM: tihat'tJhe flies look t^geibbier witih tihe Asoot Gold Gup, ' are the Oud talk drafted to' ; , (¦' fiojath'i coast.. of ^ ** ®° A POfPUHiAlB TIBPEElABy GENTLEMAN (resulted in an ovox. The play eubsequentfy Spearininit , becamiean I elevenltlhhour !favourite 'ledge: cif thie i wnflhijeoBtth !and ; fox: an exdt qiiielkly. Apart fram iMs, the -was brought to a stand etdtl owing to an ac- eryenife thiat hall-Dnarikiedai oi «niiimwji. and add 'iretond1 wail ^M yba i jtt.i therSdeal hak boTir dirnmieiaefuralblyto its ra&uel and to the value alter the I'breakdownT5Iiiifu< -i»ntf 5 MDSdj 5be.=i isaldJet; -byi fast rsaifliniz (Paddy Maher and 'Mat ; [Deatoy appealred to] ibe atj herTiniercy. " I yrii l&Q.asiu ' ¦ ¦ ¦remedies most freOuemltily ultaMzed at Grantslborwn iHMIl, Tippeikry, oif lieutenant- Kupwi aroce. . pcftft^rtuwn^ * j & )fl.TT t?O XCUT h-OUJCS*- &*' Ibeding resumed Leinster snot oui m thoucMshe would wan itfc,"ii said. | tihe trainetr. . r iidne General iDunlhaan (Massy, uiB, DX, J.!P, elc. Buccession two ooints, but a few ; minutes iBmt if Sjpeannint could nott Bhortj^aai^reyniaij e—M^ i ! ^> ten.is' males lihe deceased belonged "be: regardedas: ¦-^ IWtoeirfomj^ y ;wioufl 1 djo allijhat nfeed>; Aipiflto Thee (Jiwving ibuH) not Be'amng.—a to an ancdent Kp- HaJter Mun&ter, stirred aa drb wero inito addon, a fa^MonaMy ibred. horde; a very cursory' Grand Prize, i iThialt jwas out proga^mme, but : perary fakntfly ,lhaib aaiwayi took a pride in , amd a iful to ibrding'j ^^tetrj ord'i : Pork,i SSUarney^land have i a number of apple trees alwut five brought the bail ailong in fine style gdiaace of ibis pedigree rer>ea3bthe fact that the mMiap tp Ftor leoeesottj atedja! change o| ' ' ,' : their natilve county as wet} ea a deep interest good puxjik by Semple brought, them ! a point, he hias couiBing' throughIbiib veins eom© otf pTane. Sparmints'; i preparationij jwa3 hurritt ¦ttibe. ^vihWlid. oj {f;ihe Bouth. rf : -Ireland into] easy \£eapsi i old . They gretw from «fl5ips !OT litttl© in its puIMic affairs, and1 " The General," as captureda goat 'LeinB- little, aid, ais . erTOiry ' -. ifter-' ibnamohes, mmeh the eame as a wSiiow. Is -was popularly refenred TO, was not an ex- ter nothing dauated' nQsyed bravely : on and (bite £iuper-*ecDce'Lleince is , cttMibufflaJDte to the iwihat ¦we asM;.lum..t o' d^at:lBpaopai;"::.. ¦-¦¦!— '\WalIies. ; . Btt*,|Ii aaiiTpef BtaBsl^'^uitie-is !any chanoe of them e/vex bearing fruit? ception to bis ancestors!. He iwas' elected1 to in .qridoik time twKJ . pointo. lAifter piromineinoeof the mare Bocalbj ofntos'- iav hitf insorarjaii' emam sjhect iiaidt apa it will get a| fiair 4Jhere every • xudhed oui fBrM'; and: onijo ipi o^y. wish- Godf speed-io am';: position'that it was in (the -peopleis thfe J. Keeffe seized, and in nteiat atyiLe Becur- fineagie. Tour sdenXific breeder aQiwiays xvayis _ 1 They are all running to dhbote, and last year ¦power to bestow upon ihfrm, and, the lemitenprose.-whttcn, !¦ haa"..i&een. : oarrieki- 'out.. alb in re- ed a podnt for . ajjunster. In^ 8u : ' each: ; \Aiot. - HBs (popularity -was undoubted, ami bia , one of the players who remadkialble influemoo in - thied!! cLajy and^gjelnira-" . (By an -IrdB¦ ih CbpredponiJeait;ini ! .The i %dd:| r fau yrjreaohof i offier , .-; And them ! are 6 or 7 feet hagh, and as; wMe I ' tftnltniibed! by Hayes 1 ¦ , i: j ; 'llJ!Wldl|^? - ' . - - :-r? - - iavery' effort'- jro toasi'^ Er scrtaon ^hou;ld .be i alp- death comes as- a serious loss tto the locality. ormerly hurt. After . . thita Munster, Itdon amid [ ini teiiccteedSfngway! gjeniett Sjuoiffi iomsv• ' Tloloa- •Oa^¦ lS: i)KI ;fJ . . 1 1 6hv>u1id say Kdndly give me youij cemdlid When only a got . f . nn in :onej ., :Th©re ie cb«x» alt}SotssalEare.--!l]P^cib&/bl7. xui> mOlatuictea, by;; flhte ; betiple of j Ireliaind,! for | tlbJely be bUt iboy; of sixteen ho displayed battling with great force and P:mia*1'oa:i honttas, toalLed^ 183^ them, She ted ( adwic^ ahout them. What -would time an/udb mj ore than conspioious bravery, at the 4^ two' wise jthe ; damo ,;oi¦>¦ StwdciTO'll | (perhafpe lihe' greialb iralillfwayjjOToaecwiae^. erv»ri:£^ i.uiaei; hj avfeinoithjfcgtjv\ lose by >uich:efforts- stalking r captured tiwo goals and one point, and : thei'.co'unfey/ ! us" [&;.' ^fhWlf and. inot ; coiifi;i Kng tto eul growitih^ off , and. how?—(Are you!oerta Sn ¦Redan, in hfe condxuot there, and earned for wither point. gTJveateiste ;re,:.pf all i iimDee); of flotoplan, and of w ; V ; anamutes latea. . Whey added «>utte|to:Iremndv^F EMigniara andrEoesBanfrme^/.oasS«fll;^ "aniy;; ^:jsva a,te*b^estaba- ¦ ferred' toat are; at .plreserit 'mounted'iundsr^trie haifc eeoured victory, for them. wre .lytfuefkH land ''M&nHamg, both renowned¦ for| ' ' J acootmt for their luxrordanit! ' growth. In toiffr^t G' rwhivclh wouM their ' sterling; .qualiltes, jp^tficuilarlythose ' Of: Bhlea.1 Am danrjortaint anouinenlb .jun?ed-iin HeaT.jvoytagiei: ,i^~ wrfeOTled r*int^.'- [thTee^|(iirB. l nanftetoiwn. BDall on the very/ car- The matfoh res'ufltdd in a d'raW at for— Savour :oal Thje,:eteanierJ toveffi^ vwirtht ' November, when their leaves have fallen off , utiiages q(Win, -:. ]. ¦' ..... i-IJ» thei purtposee fia»t faaiir11 ' ,¦^frttmm. . r^^^PiaadSvmiogian¦ ¦ '. 'wj;/ijtb j: Ktyf]|uuntt]ltariie]* ifflie -.-toainc.ff' teullt' *$tttii(& K ih^uattlfsome jwithip tAvo inchea of th'edx basils all .ehoote the passing of the Irdrihr i Local1. iGovernmentt ¦ 1 ofi T^LcT"¦ ¦ • 1 ¦¦ r ^ ¦ ubdnS ^ capalble manner. . . ,-i- r; i ., ' ftihw"artdx?tei-.I oWtained am iiinlteTvie^Mtih'Mri;*^*6 : , - •' : ' -'U L: '' ,' "' ¦ ' .i ;i'' :M-L^- ; . ".-¦ :- . . imiouitesi late¦ ,!!: ft^iahivied - , it -fPbd^itnglfcbn ito produced, -wi'th: ezx>epitaon of the leading 'Aidt .he has• keJd ihe . rposittfion oi, amongsft -f ¦ ¦: ¦ n €^n' etita• inge -iitfflDjK-i' -bis - i! ' ¦;¦¦ ' i The team, Mun^Ler Clipper.i !Ty>—(P'i[ Hayes, iGdapiri, ther trafiner .of ~ )3!n«aiim4nt, juef > 6ix! > ° ' :¦* . jij^cj djh-^aCjte.T 'eoB f ^M\ . ^y^ Bhbots on the princdpal Ibianicihiea, whieih other th&igs VJcoJGKaiiman • of the Ootmiiy d«yo aftei- %o colt had ; won. the' :jGTand Prix.i 1* \^JJ ^ 'e^ \ v&to>' " ¦$&& m)mM•fe- lv.i,Th^.i9.'a)a|^wS^#DQeSP,afe*^* « noisat-.oCi'-y^^^c'orlc'yeVi; va •OounicE dt the 804111 fRadintp of Tiptoerary, as yf. I>uinin©, James (XKoeffe , J/ .Gl^eeoii, i T. : weJ *?1 ¦ ¦; ghouild" not be linifceriEared Vith unMl rTovem'ber, 'iSemj ile, (W. P. i Oleeaon, . ;IW|;-!vG-leekni, :O. lt wiouiat': #«*«*»> te stattcihing-. a polnit 'to^ splemdxd'jtupbine: 6i*^«rs :. a^:f(k>iiiox*» |^y:idt^^^:#wBvi«a B)^^ toi ;Bbte«lBfe. - IMii.; •well as being a,meTn(bor of the Asyilum Oom- decOaire thaf reoediy ' w^n »'¦ 'wawe: iweelk i^e sou tbie^ft Lc!hh^l Instrodtaon Gbm- oroen- i arma. f iQne otmlldi ^yimipathase wfiBh !!)3B :XxeIta!dKi w)a»-jehvelUbp^a' in «.d)a^j irinBt. !ft4 » tiheit^k; .titi-pririliafi. ¦ . _ , ' ¦ ¦ ¦! (E. Hbiee {c&pt.), T. Allen; J; Dohjarty, I IM 1 :¦ to"iV#;#^P:iitell!fiM^-tto; Wtefc ; anittee,; and' nuim'a voais oUher (boaTd^. • _ •.' ¦ de^e to fff it the : oiidleial l ta\'wlhibh-he-' ' i (Tournfey f^omtpsih«uard tojBtoisslJate, iiiniateax S ' Jbas;;»ewt"ipoi6j tor^.ppli&n hasCa 1 ' fRurceU, T Oondicm, W! M!aiher! '*4 °^Pv ief^«si9,itto«a,< 1tihi©e bonw ^iiOOOR - h ft! #r^^^^b(lK :j#te;fliiwTH#ti*e! -triicikh- i iCape (wii.th iSwelldiig.—A man) ol mine got -(LeintJteT' (M1ifcenny>--4P. Maher ¦(¦»6al>, I. Monaafly do5empaeef : j fooy "days; at on a<}ademy; knoim ¦ a3 , Jamea'fl iDioheny, 8. iWIalrtibn (TuHiairoari)! ;J.; lalw/ M- a4dlayB one Of the .peniaTifiei of •greaifeiessj ardj Kms ml mWe-.'jtt ^ ^' A}m\^ .^qnua 1 ^feiidaajy }in-/ ^t^Sbf^^-anoi^harbid'rrs i- W (awning Hinder tthe\ Welly tnea,T the ,teats, of Bohool oh -wap loeplt! Iby¦ ' a ' gesnWpanan in. hoe -paittiiiciu^jlime [.MT.1 - Gilp^ trail j of. pwsdeog^^w^iia "whS' ^^ , IMor, T Muiiphyi J BocMoord'KThree i Oaafliea); i^mMflonlk:'> jOnet wuet a' yerp-e trffc mature at fireit now tit bass iremoved named ; BumphireyT Jomes in Tramore. It y : Ihe, houaea CPdltiowai), |D. wilajt greatness- wSifih' .aytonoBhEng j rapidity, ;fpri ; at iffi desitfelA'tjoW .pr ^ iy w ijrimn'p^ ^^^en^M^ jout iian)d' 5s (hard. It !tto ixtw just behSiid ffirdn'e Own), J. ' Aoitony: !i Mo- only-ijoinie thae aince hs came to! l6ainn>t»iafythere, ^, M.. ^wlata ^yearia¦ ^ wi^jioe -eaiail .! ij^*5oBB¦ MSii ;; baddile,girths, j What fe titria eweHMng due to? ,|wWohi ¦wii 1 belonjattri^ to the | OEbgiliand1 l.ifiom ; 'IIrel!a^; .t Olla*3haveh;';;'h^^"a * ,uoiirorii^iflw^i.ua^>emgei)•i^W ^iR^IT SpMfefe:!iS 900, !:' the plnysfrouinid CJtamjiniln's,: J! Kennedy,; JV -Shiojrraall' ^exirocrd) ; ; ' ^ fWihaJj -i-would (be 'l>est ftlreataienft? IMIay . ihe . ' * 6!t>lenld1a'kftjaiMMiirnieairfi ait Newmariet-'wiilliDe! 'P&& toJrejiwBni in ¦&>* camilj^li l<ih^linMi , 1 - - . l! and miasw of ou-ridllder readers wi31 - ' r*dhooi ¦ ¦ -:- . 'i ¦ 1 .-t i' . ¦:¦' ' * ' I. . - . . l- ,.. : .!. .. i;. ,. ' ; wcWpejWafl)'- - ¦ -faino - - iaimmiil Ibie vrcpSked?—Theee CEdemataus swiefl-idouMiess rememlher Jatrn<|i9'e;jas .: oiie. .of the iipftrtet itatxp aa':eo Xoi ag f«s ¦to¦¦¦ erd-a.re racaj <*Bieit©tf any 3b' JilotW 4-JWii^aiM>' al. ' -^^e " W«w ia «dtft»D»ei(- -'.r. 'i - -l' : "¦ ¦ :¦ . -: 'y;A': flKS^wnimenib -Kind Bpm!brB|HlBttidw' Un'gs lore cenietttHy oaused "by teome B&dgfcfc ia^ ^ wlhidi were so - ' ^. \ iCkxmx&r ' is quoted' from I the'illldtal E»diiiangje ; . be to . Bufl)&hg l3; Loinxiion:, • under'' "w$tha-l. . . ¦] l .[, '' ' Sapteiniber 22nd, from ££>$rto 'Wh W' f°?!S ^ ^< t ¦ , , - ¦ ¦ - ¦ -¦:" ¦ ' r r . ryr _ , • . : I . . li'Ar W"j H y npfilpiip ii [1 . . . :: v.\ fl-i ii l i i ii i i ft