©Rrr^A &£Fovour You with Tu THOIIASTOWH--M Wc2to?Rn»N

©Rrr^A &£Fovour You with Tu THOIIASTOWH--M Wc2to?Rn»N

©ctofosr, 1906 ll CUKAIiD LINE Oyd© Shipping Company, i^W CASI ACCOMMODATION I LcfTTED.' W FIBST.CLAS3 . FDil-ponwa 8TEAUEES, olth Pa£foi.g'r Accomtm dstion of the most comfortable deeoriptioBi ligto'ed throrgbout by Eloctridty. ;¦ Begnlar Steam Cbmmunication TIE CITY iANP COUNTY Weather perrol'tir?, TIDIMB ipreventcd by nnloi* -.JB lo ciioumslMices, ¦with WV-etty la tow ^eaaelB &>Dd call mt n any Port cr Porto, in »ny order, in or ontof tbooastomary B0B uiBob&rgb cargo, or for any other ~ Campania, Bat, .-ent • »». "»,c» oonrfie , to recciVe ana OiTY 29 ^H xonls1 , , Tue.., purpose wbotBi ever. : rp ) |^\ (§, EtroVlB- ... Sata o?t « Oot 2 >^j| fp^ ™ ' »»•. Tnefc. Oot. Through Tourist TicietB ieso'd to iho Highlands of Carm8n I8, T»e J £ ifl Comp»n5 ' Handbook c^ Scotland—see ' m TMi ifi i? a Beit »cd cbi»i. e&i n u.« for Channol Islands via Southampton Waterford to. Glasgow vJatsrford Ste imstup Compaoy rJoflca £2<LWc.n<QQ3 Dail& f rom 5£ U&irJc&ds, Erory Mom »y (Direct) ... ... ... 2 p-n VU Plymouth. U ffTTEll). ' Q CL ] A[JV P/lLTir C7 DQELiirj , nd B Ucdnudsy, Sri „. 4 P-m I Wednesday, 17th... 4 p.m "* i (acoordmi to «teisa«51 ' * JW«3i^ \7odnesdoy, lOih ... lanoon | Wednoodayi 24th . 12QOOD INTENDEh OKI)ER OF ' SAILJNG- 0 «* P« «<nt. Wednesday, 3Ut , 4pm T© PACT-IBOS, SHOPKEEPERS, AND ALL RESPONSIBLE PERSONS, ON w^ ^T? ^? .*L on th. *»^- Glasgow to \7oterford- Qciob(3F, 1&06. Every Monday (diroort ... ¦ ... ... 2 pm Q9?Q©UG0 FULMSJCIAG, OE©Sll^B¥Yn V/ITHOUT PUBLICITY. C*l. Bail to Groenock. &2S p-m STEAMERH . Every Thnreday (Dir»oi) .. : ... ... 2 p.n CLODAOH , HUNUBOIH. BKOHNALL, Bf 5.25 run e CaL Bail to Gr. .-Book , L>EA, IP 1 2^7^:5c TZ&vzn ex rzctipt of Application, c::d wJ.l te found to 2L»©I^ :003s? 1IKNAPI4 . Co. ~ " T TICK. - Tha Watorford (8t Katharine Dock); to watorford. JTir- t[ A ° 1 CG;::$C7C f ovxirablywith ctkevs; 2 p.m ; 11th, 4 p.m ; 10th, 4 p.n <rrr^~~^.f r> ^toamahip Company {Liialtod lift Tbnrcd»yi i'b, i LS 25tb, 4 p.m. *\i ' . -itV' reoeftt! Gooa« a»aliTe e»«>t (cr Ehfp. THi3 KOTJTn •C,«.;5y5V/ moat <»n the obndluon. mentioned In TOMPOHARY ADVANCE ACBVD NO TBiNBBXPUBNT BT THI8 EzUhisJJaia . ic to ba M it tbalr uO 7C^Z1 C:^lII-liKO A E3 TOG Ordert for Collicbcn or D<j]iTeiy of Goods ecnt to OlDoca. : Ltd., 45 Broad Street, Bat- CL On eailj lloroinj fallt«, C»blM o» the et«MTn rn wi.. CHABI&8or POT3LTEB. C2S? . AT© f.lOST RELIABLE. E^ Clyde Shipping Co., Ltd, 188 Leodenbal] " open to reoolTo Ptc^ta.T :r» arrlrlPir by tha Htzat lla. THE BEST . 1 cU0, Snipp'nB Oo->ittd-. & Warohouso, 8t Ctrcotior Clyde » V E B »• o B t> 4 « D It U I B T > k, Katharine Lock. Bii'/teoeive proinp> attoutlon. * ; Dublin. r». a wiTia/ooD TO B RISTOL I >OM UBIBTOI. to niTssrotb o Ton Tcnac AHD PAnricuLnr.a A??i.v •Watexford to Tuesa.T, Oct . 2 .. 12 to»c] Wodncsduj Oct. 8 0 p.n ! ... ... 1 p-m 3^ Every 8atordjf, (vm BeDaBt) ™'J . 5... '-' p.m Satanjjiy, . 6... 7 31) p.m to Waterford (Direct). no*^«>. „ 8. 3 p.m WedofSiLv •. 1U..-1U U CJ- Jdj Dublin I IB i ii 6 p.m I WednMday, 17tb ... 6 naaj. „ L) .. s p.m | Sanduj „ H... 3 v WOEL1D - Wednesday, Srd ... ^m nosdoj I - , 16 m 17.. 3 (D'GONNELL STREET „ . 11 « WedneBdiy, ,. WATESPORD. 6 24'B 6 vm .. lOtr ... P-o> I i> ••• ridaj. „ 19 , 31st 6 p.m . l p-m Satardij . .. 20 ' Wednesday , Ti'Slay. „ 2 3 I p.m Wednexdv 24 ..lo • '1 .. sssssstesa Waterford to Cork. ™J»». .. JO . 3 p. m i Sununy. .. Jo.- • Bun OipiBiBj vbittcx) ... ' 2 p-m Taeodaj. „ 3 ...11 am WedD Bdaj. .. s» .. - -^ i »erns o Seu I'tamju 14 vu tg aoui». Cork to Watertord. I oniiiu, Borth-(henb«rlshd Basin, Brlp>u. fcVery Fridt) (Direct) ... ... - o p-m Ecttini "•ijkeu Usuod at Bratol to Cork por BrUtol B. tV Co., «r>. svuUblo for return fToui UnUHD mcBout oitn U aterlord to London. cb-ryo. or from Wn^- octota or V?oxforu to Bi4dl>oi b; /cp CJ) [3 Ivttj raUr.ij t\ii, S^niboap AD, «id Foil) 4 p.m w. Tr/ord St^»m Ship Co 't, $t«araor» on pavmoat )f 2i 3c! ' 2 ftttr. I Eictj ? OECOJ ( T:B GI SBJJO *), cargo only „. p-m oia.-D Tlcieu 1CJUU<1 it JJrUlo to DuDlia por Drlot' ¦W aterford to Belfast. S N . ^c »r« »Tiul.ble f forl roturu from Waujrlur bi _ ili ffli mm (Dirtot) ... ... 1 p.n '8Alo^d 'o Brutal bj Wslortor d Stoo u tu nil THOUA3 ' ^rr i>ory fcatniday .^ ^ WALSB. i . SUsunorf OD or from »>¦ IPiMS 1 >jmoat or 6s. oitr^ t o- Belfast to "Waterfoid (via Dublinv meat o( to 8d extra. ¦ Even Tuesday ... ... ... ... I'm Bctarn Ticleu luaod ik V?»usrio»d or \v«xJoro AGF.^ Waterford to Plymouth (direct! cnjtol bj Wruorioid SUuui JlJp v,o. wo ituUble tor rov •» p.m. r C7 Bristol s. N. Co. from Br>»lo) to Cork or to bat>._. TcZnc&u, Srd-. 4 pjn I Wednesday. 17th... nuaoak payment VU\ | p| 24th«*« .. 12»¦ coon"wwu Ten 10thHJLIi ...,..!12¦** ooon*M I j, " •• UCixtxn I10 eta are BT&UKblq for : " mootb CEOV; U EOTUI,. W( dcesd>y, 31et, 4 p m v7iTEiiFoii D A ND L 1 v E a 1 o o . miSim^t " \o Watertord (direct) moM n«THrouD I rlon LlTlkrvo. UOHCK - 8TBEET, WEIPOED Plymouth Wodnoadaj, Oct. 3... 3 p.tn| , UoDd&j . Ocu ... D SO pm Saturday, 6th -. 6 p.m I Saturday 20th ... 5 p .m iTtday, . 5... 3 i>.B. i WeUne3ilJ>. „ o..l') S0 ejn lSlh :i 13 noon | „ 27th ... 1 p.ni Bondjj ., 7 ... 7 ajB rriday. l.U noot ., WodneBOA, .. lu .. 1 p.m ilouo^i> „ b 1 &1 pjn Waterford to Bewhoyen. ¦idaj ., Ili ..12 t»oon! We ncodoj , lo.. llv p.ii fvm bOBtbompton) ... pm ' ply/1 E«iy SotordnJ * • yl (ui SonJaj ., 14 .. 7 1 ml Prldajj .. ll. 5 0 o 0 to 'Waterford 17edneadn,- . 17. .. 3 clrr ' Monda) „ 16... 8 Su t WATERFOIffl) JJewhaven ;9 . oorciDff. ; Frldj) , „ .. 3 pm Wednesday „. 17... » 30 • mm li Friday ,. Every Saui^} it ... ? o,iu ; Fria»7, „ 10...U 0 o W ateiiord to Southampton WodDeadaj. ,, 24 . 4 p.iu Moada^, ,, i2... 1 ' P- mrcsu PutJOo airuonaioED -£o thoiiii* a^ooCi ov : t) (. Dii»' t) ... ... ... w Prida; ,, 28... J p m, Wedncoiaj ,, 24 .. 8 U & " CLODAGH HOUOC, £icrj Stttn * 8andi>. „ 23 . 7 a.n Pndly, ., 28... 5 0 BA1S0ISTSAI , " »¦ D » ST Wedocslij, „ 31 pja! Uonday „ 23... , Southampton to W aterford ... 3 O •¦ . (vi» NewbtTet). i Wodnccdoy „ 3l_- » «uotiQ2 Saddles Eiory Tho.rsda.3 Tho Bnndaj Vc^zu Load ^t North (/hart v?»tar MORSE CliDD.rs-^CIark's and Gcpsrior Aceonmiodation for Dallj. W«e§ W aterford to Dover- LonLnj Jksrth—Prlnoo'a Dr>ok, Llvci. ncd Bridles or rY Every fcati-rda> (v a fcioi) an.i.tnn A Nfnhaven) 4 p.a Averaire Dei Puzart, 14 to 15 Hoa. other Makers fild. • ^--l^-^^o^^ Waterford. —Wttcrtordand LlJcrpool ud T7alcno i Dover to Wexford Pind BrUtol—Cnbln 113. 1 do oo. tn. WATERFORD. , Binalo, Even TueBdav Ail8'u°^n (?ltt Sootbampton) oargo onlj ', pRJVINQ QEd Rj dinc Bits and Whips SADDLE PADS Proprlcica. pAf> 8 E DOHEI . ?ndor 18 jean of ORO ortena&U travelling nltn ina. *o . 10a j do, Eetorn, arailable for Two Uoatha, optional to ntorx hf tuni Stoorft^e BC'UTL Cftbir. to or from Bristol or Liverpool,l^j. 1 Cabin (utorn, Onur v. otrfoM to OlMfO- . 17 B. 6d. tb». 10a. IS* tuiucr 12 join j, J " Cnuatv WHOLESALE AND V 16 . Lwck. ulnilo, B 8d 1 do. do, RE1AIL i"lj-mcintb... SOa. Od V* 10a, 0<i osder U years, 4a. ' MORSE Sheets " 20». M. SOs 103. Hi gTIRRUP LEATHERS , Rollers, and (Tiob Eoutta-irton "a£son)rors bookod Lbro (fb tietwboii Watorford and Cheshire and IRONS. u , Gamo, Poultry, and Ice Stores, " (»} 1 oi dot. 'Sa bo«tii. LI UOJ ' hAtJwaj StstioaB and LAm^ahire tad Yorluihir6 BailuaT - »"• Loin Covers an ptro * E»l) 2?« 6d S.« 16« ctunou I BEAU-STREET, WATEJJF0RD. NtK-»«<.n. J0n. .a, SO* :m l.i Hood* and Paroola Booiced through botweoa a pnnoip& " 1)0^ tr ... ^"". Od - '-On Stauoui: oti Qreat Northern. Ofoat Wcctom Lanoaahlro, and F-&miiy Qroeen-y QM gPURS and HarMcsalcs. Driving THHE attention ot tho '» otcimor. S , ^ATERPROOF Ruu'S. Gentry and Publlo 'la (») Bfciurn lm™ ' ondoo per Toon:d»j Turksblr^, London and Morlt. Western | Londoa and Sootb « Bmvotn si 1L called to this Ealititfjhment. KoTi-Tb" Ujde BhippinB Company, Limited, can We3l«m, Qreat Central, and Utdland Ealliraji to and Q0Op3 ' H e streGocdf «bivi"d by ibtoe lines of Steamers, aqal&st a Waterford. i WoCoegord. O7 THE C OICZOT QnALITT. Foict , E»ty of Premium, and all infor- wEIFOED AND BU18IO. ®plpl? WaF3&0>&SG, " Country orders carefully attended ta oca Bisks Wezford to Bristol 'locotbja. I Brtrtal to TTezford. iTrldaii QAVESON'S QC :1 Heed Cellar;, gTABLE Rrusli23 and Cban:: :-. mation to be bfd i-t ibe Omcc-B, : TV. 8TREET, PnonuErorj. ot i'tei|?M. ic., apply to i— itiTarOUU A1| D OUNOAHI IOI Por BaU» ftoa D D » UA»IOB—Duly, Sdndaji axooptod, at 8.K a.o ICE I loc .1 ICT M-A ltutnry In hot weather PLTDODIB •• BJW»rinR & Co rjtoa WiTiaroitD—Dallj,64 oda;s exceptcd at 3.43 p.n.

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