@ß Muënmumumm , ¿Mam/Fa @Waff/Wa .Ym/244C? ¿Aßëffä INVENTOR
Sept. 23, 1969 c. e. G. BARRETO 3,468,209 APPARATUS FOR FACILITATING THE PLAYING OF MUSICAL ÍNSTRUMENTS l' ZZA @ß muënmumumm , _ ¿Mam/fa @waff/wa .ym/244C? ¿Aßëffä INVENTOR. BY ,f/j n Sept. 23, 1969 c. G. G. BARRET@ 3,468,209 APFARATUS FOR FACILITATING THE PLAYING OF' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Filed Feb. 14, 1956 ' 3 Shee‘bS--Shee'Cl f3 44 ¿i d5 5f 5a /74 g4 54 5f 5/ @à 5f @Ö ¿l /1/ ¿,4 ¿E / /04 ¿0 60 ¿g ./‘762 4f ¿ß 5A 55 'Y di / 5/ ¿A 54 ¿f ¿i Sept. 23, 1969 c. G. G. BARRETo 3,468,209 APPARATUS FOR FACILITATING THE PLAYING OI“ MUSICAL XNSTRUMENTS Filed Feb. 14, 1956 3 Sheets-Sheet £5 AA E30@C) O @QGQOQOGGQG OGGGQQGC) @5 GOOOOGCDOPd f7@ 5. 5 @wêêê @0G00 f7@ 7a).v 3,468,209 United States Patent O ” Patented Sept. 23, 1969 1 2 spond to the sounds C, D, E naturals, F sharp, G sharp 3,468,209 and A sharp, respectively. That is to say, this row is formed APPARATUS FOR FACILITATING THE PLAYING by the keys that correspond to a scale of six sounds which OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS are between themselves at equal ascendant intervals of Clodoveo Guillermo Gonzalez Barreto, Caldas 484, one tone, from left to right, starting with key 10, which Quito, Ecuador is for the sound C natural. It is understood that key 13 Filed Feb. 14, 1966, Ser. No. 527,198 or F sharp can be considered enharmonically like G flat; Int. Cl. G10c 3/12; G10d 11/00 p key 14 or G sharp like A flat; and key 15 or A sharp like U.S.
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