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[email protected] Web: www.forumrarebooks.com Web: www.asherbooks.com v 1.1 · 07 Jul 2021 front cover: no. 47 Exploration of southwest Iran 1. ABBOTT, Keith E. Notes taken on a journey eastwards from Shiráz to Fessá and Darab, thence westwards by Jehrúm to Kazerún, in 1850. [London, Wiley, 1857]. 4°. Modern blue wrappers. € 400 Abstract from the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, vol. 27. Transcript of a presentation held at the Royal Geographical Society, February 23, 1857, by British diplomat Keith Edward Abbott (1814–1873). He was active throughout his career as a diplomat in the Middle East, mostly Persia. In the present work he describes the journey that he undertook in 1850 in southwestern Iran. He takes notes at length of everything that he encountered. In very good condition. The Interpretation of Dreams 2. AHMet IBN SIRIN (et al.). [Kitab al-Jawami (and other works) – Greek & Latin]. Artemidori Daldiani & Achmetis Sereimi f. Oneirocritica. Astrampsychi & Nicephori versus etiam oneirocritici. Nicolai Rigaltij ad Artemidorum notae. Paris, Marc Orry, 1603. 4°. 4 parts in one volume. Title-page printed in red and black. Greek and Latin text in parallel columns. Contemporary full calf on 5 raised bands with giltstamped spine; gilt fillets and ornaments to covers.