An Algebraic Approach to the Weyl Groupoid
An Algebraic Approach to the Weyl Groupoid Tristan Bice✩ Institute of Mathematics Czech Academy of Sciences Zitn´a25,ˇ 115 67 Prague, Czech Republic Abstract We unify the Kumjian-Renault Weyl groupoid construction with the Lawson- Lenz version of Exel’s tight groupoid construction. We do this by utilising only a weak algebraic fragment of the C*-algebra structure, namely its *-semigroup reduct. Fundamental properties like local compactness are also shown to remain valid in general classes of *-rings. Keywords: Weyl groupoid, tight groupoid, C*-algebra, inverse semigroup, *-semigroup, *-ring 2010 MSC: 06F05, 20M25, 20M30, 22A22, 46L05, 46L85, 47D03 1. Introduction 1.1. Background Renault’s groundbreaking thesis [Ren80] revealed the striking interplay be- tween ´etale groupoids and the C*-algebras they give rise to. Roughly speaking, the ´etale groupoid provides a more topological picture of the corresponding C*-algebra, with various key properties of the algebra, like nuclearity and sim- plicity (see [ADR00] and [CEP+19]), being determined in a straightforward way from the underlying ´etale groupoid. Naturally, this has led to the quest to find appropriate ´etale groupoid models for various C*-algebras. Two general methods have emerged for finding such models, namely arXiv:1911.08812v3 [math.OA] 20 Sep 2020 1. Exel’s tight groupoid construction from an inverse semigroup, and 2. Kumjian-Renault’s Weyl groupoid construction from a Cartan C*-subalgebra (see [Exe08], [Kum86] and [Ren08]). However, both of these have their limi- tations. For example, tight groupoids are always ample, which means the cor- responding C*-algebras always have lots of projections. On the other hand, the Weyl groupoid is always effective, which discounts many naturally arising groupoids.
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