Minutes of North Parochial Church Council Meeting held on the 9 January 2018 at 7.30pm in St. Edmund’s Church

1. Opening Prayer read by Margaret Culley ​ 2. Apologies from Beth King, Andrew Talbot Rice and Bill Truscott 3. Present: Rev. Hans Taling, Merle Harrison, Ian Smith, Georgie Christopher, Margaret Culley, Cynthia & John Cowley, Valerie Rickwood, Clare Krajynk, Anthony White, Christine & John Hockley, Cathy Pierce and Elizabeth Stott 4. Minutes of last Meeting were approved and signed ​ 5. Matters Arising & AOB – Maids Moreton School Rental, New ​ ​ Primary School in Buckingham, Statistics for Mission 6. Update and Development in Parish Churches Akeley ​ A Meeting is to take place in Akeley Village Hall on the 21 February at 7.30pm inviting the parish to express their opinion on the proposed structure to be erected in Akeley churchyard. A diagram of the structure will be available to view. The War Memorial has been given Listed status ​ Candlelight Carol Service was attended by 70 or 80 local people. A Meeting is to be held in the near future with the parish coming together to decide how to develop the use of the church Leckhampstead ​ A structural surveyor has visited the church to inspect the condition of the tower. Whilst there an item has been found for either a cadaver or a coffin. This is to be cleaned up and used as an attraction in the church. The church wall, railings and a grave have received attention. The Carol Service was attended by 38 people. ​ The Carol Service was attended by 90+ people. A communication has been received from the person who deals with the contents of churches and the painted artefacts and the lighting was mentioned. DAC to inspect and church wardens to be informed the date.

Maids Moreton ​ The money for the pathway repair has been raised through the success of a concert, Tesco tokens etc. The provisional th date for construction is 14 ​ February. ​ A Pancake Afternoon for the children in half-term on the 13 February is planned. 4 services were held on Christmas Eve and all were well attended. At the Crib Service in the afternoon there was standing room only. It is proposed to form a Friends of St. Edmund’s Churchyard Group to help keep the churchyard in order. 2 Bible House Groups are thriving. Ciaretta would like to be informed of any updates from the


parishes. 7. Finance ​ No change in the Bank required Maids Moreton have met Parish Share Lillingstone Lovell Parish Share paid in full Akeley Parish Share paid in full Lillingstone Dayrell – Parish Share paid in full. Leckhampstead Parish Share met Paying of Fees – Fees to be paid up front. The PCC has unanimously agreed not to let fees or any other ​ outstanding payments unpaid or reduced by any debtors to the North Buckingham Parish. If a situation occurs in which fees or payments can be wavered or reduced it is only at the discretion of the PCC, after proper consultation, to agree. Organist for events will be arranged by the churches. 8. Checking and Confirming of Policies ​ Vulnerable adults Child Protection Health and Safety Churchyard Policy – This Policy has been updated as of ​ January 2018. It was agreed to go in line with the diocese on Policies A Health and Safety Policy is available on the Ecclesiastical website. 9. Rental Terms ​ Users Agreement for Policy and Protocol for secular use of parish premises. 10. Parish Deanery Fees for 2018 ​ It was agreed that each Parish church charge the same amount and fees to be kept at the present rate. £55 to cover heating, lighting and cleaning £80 for an organist £20 per bell + £30 for upkeep and maintenance of the bells 11. Outreach/Mission ​ February is Mission Month in Maids Moreton 12. Easter Services ​ Lillingstone Dayrell 1 April 11am – Valerie Rushton ​ Lillingstone Lovell 1 April 9.30am – Rev. Hans Taling Leckhampstead 1 April 10.30am - Andrew Hyde Maids Moreton 1 April 10.30am – Youth Church & Youth Choir Akeley – no service A proposed Confirmation Service to be held at Lillingstone Lovell on 25 March at 6.00pm. To be confirmed. 13. Visit by Bishop Alan on 8 April ​ Attending a Dedication Service at 10.30am at Maids Moreton. 14. AOB ​ The proposal of a new Christian Primary School to the west ​ of Buckingham. A proposal has been made to the Diocese Multi ​ Acedemy Trust to support such a proposal and to build a case to be put to Buckingham County Council. Statistics for Mission – no communication at present ​ ​ Maids Moreton School Hire ​ 2

The PCC agreed to the signing of a Hire Agreement for the use ​ of Maids Moreton School for the Youth Church of the Parish. Deanery BUCKSIT! 2018 – Reorganisation of parishes. ​ To be discussed at a later date. ​ The PCC take this opportunity to give Cathy Pierce our love for the 16-18 April when she goes before the panel to become part of the Ministry. Discuss in April insurance on parish churches. 15. Next Meeting AGM 16 April 2018 7.30pm at Leckhampstead at Leckhampstead 16. Closing Prayer – Rev. Hans Taling ​ ​

10 January 2018