Government Gazette of the State of Number 45 Friday, 22 May 2015

The New South Wales Government Gazette is the permanent public record of official notices issued by the New South Wales Government. It also contains local council and other notices and private advertisements. The Gazette is compiled by the Parliamentary Counsel’s Office and published on the NSW legislation website ( under the authority of the NSW Government. The website contains a permanent archive of past Gazettes. To submit a notice for gazettal – see Gazette Information.

1185 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Parliament PARLIAMENT ACT OF PARLIAMENT ASSENTED TO Legislative Assembly Office, Sydney 15 May 2015 It is hereby notified, for general information, that His Excellency the Governor, has, in the name and on behalf of Her Majesty, this day assented to the under mentioned Act passed by the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council of New South Wales in Parliament assembled, viz.: Act No 2 — An Act to make miscellaneous amendments to certain legislation with respect to courts, tribunals and crimes; and for related purposes. [Courts and Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill] RONDA MILLER Clerk of the Legislative Assembly

ACT OF PARLIAMENT ASSENTED TO Legislative Assembly Office, Sydney 18 May 2015 It is hereby notified, for general information, that His Excellency the Governor, has, in the name and on behalf of Her Majesty, this day assented to the under mentioned Act passed by the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council of New South Wales in Parliament assembled, viz.: Act No 3 — An Act to amend the Pesticides Act 1999 to make further provision with respect to the licensing of activities involving pesticides, to implement certain nationally agreed reforms and to improve the administration and enforceability of the Act; and to make consequential amendments to certain other legislation. [Pesticides Amendment Bill] RONDA MILLER Clerk of the Legislative Assembly

1186 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices GOVERNMENT NOTICES Miscellaneous Instruments

New South Wales

Notice of Final Determination under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995

The Scientific Committee established under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 has made a final determination to insert the ecological community referred to in paragraph (a) as a critically endangered ecological community under that Act and, as a consequence, to omit reference to the ecological community referred to in paragraph (b) as an endangered ecological community and, accordingly: (a) Schedule 1A to that Act is amended by inserting in alphabetical order in Part 2:

Agnes Banks Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion (as described in the final determination of the Scientific Committee to list the ecological community)

(b) Schedule 1 to that Act is amended by omitting the following from Part 3:

Agnes Banks Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion (as described in the determination of the Scientific Committee under Division 5 of Part 2)

This Notice commences on the day on which it is published in the Gazette. Dated, this 12th day of May 2015.

Dr Mark Eldridge Chairperson of the Scientific Committee

Copies of final determination and reasons Copies of the final determination and the reasons for it are available to members of the public (free of charge) as follows: (a) on the Internet at, (b) by contacting the Scientific Committee Unit, by post C/- Office of Environment and Heritage, PO Box 1967, Hurstville BC NSW 1481, by telephone (02) 9585 6940 or by facsimile (02) 9585 6606, (c) in person at the Office of Environment and Heritage Information Centre, Level 14, 59–61 Goulburn St, Sydney.


1187 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 C:\Docs\si\s2015-097\Working\ 15/5/15, 02:08 pm Government Notices

THREATENED SPECIES CONSERVATION ACT 1995 FINAL DETERMINATION The Scientific Committee, established by the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (the Act), has made a Final Determination under Section 23 of the Act to list the Agnes Banks Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion as a CRITICALLY ENDANGERED ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY in Part 2 of Schedule 1A of the Act, and as a consequence to omit reference to Agnes Banks Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion from Part 3 of Schedule 1 of the Act. This determination contains the following information: Parts 1 & 2: Section 4 of the Act defines an ecological community as “an assemblage of species occupying a particular area”. These defining features of Agnes Banks Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion are described in Parts 1 and 2 of this Determination, respectively. Part 3: Part 3 of this Determination describes the eligibility for listing of this ecological community in Part 2 of Schedule 1A of the Act according to criteria as prescribed by the Threatened Species Conservation Regulation 2010. Part 4: Part 4 of this Determination provides additional information intended to aid recognition of this community in the field. Part 1. Assemblage of species 1.1 Agnes Banks Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion, hereafter known as Agnes Banks Woodland, is characterised by the assemblage of species listed below. Acacia brownii Imperata cylindrica Acacia bynoeana Isopogon anemonifolius Acacia elongata Kunzea capitata Acacia ulicifolia Lepidosperma longitudinale Amperea xiphoclada Leptocarpus tenax Angophora bakeri Leptospermum polygalifolium Baeckea diosmifolia Leptospermum trinervium Baloskion pallens Lepyrodia scariosa Banksia aemula Leucopogon ericoides Banksia oblongifolia Leucopogon virgatus Banksia serrata Lomandra cylindrica Bossiaea rhombifolia Lomandra glauca Brachyloma daphnoides Melaleuca thymifolia Caleana major Mitrasacme polymorpha Callistemon citrinus Monotoca scoparia Callistemon linearis Olax stricta Cassytha pubescens Persoonia nutans Conospermum taxifolium Philotheca myoporoides Cyathochaeta diandra Philotheca salsolifolia Dianella revoluta Pimelea linifolia Digitaria parviflora Platysace ericoides Dillwynia floribunda Pteridium esculentum Dillwynia glaberrima Ricinocarpos pinifolius Entolasia stricta Schoenus brevifolius Eragrostis brownii Schoenus ericetorum Eucalyptus parramattensis Stylidium graminifolium Eucalyptus sclerophylla Thelymitra aristata Gonocarpus micranthus Trachymene incisa Haemodorum corymbosum Xanthorrhoea minor Hibbertia fasciculata Xyris complanata 1.2 The total species list of the community across all occurrences is likely to be considerably larger than that given above. Due to variation across the range of the community, not all of the above species are present at every site and many sites may also contain species not listed above. Characteristic species may be abundant or rare and comprise only a subset of the complete list of species recorded in known examples of the community. Some characteristic species show a high fidelity (are relatively restricted) to the community, but may also occur in other communities, while others are more typically found in a range of communities.

1188 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

The number and identity of species recorded at a site is a function of sampling scale and effort. In general, the number of species recorded is likely to increase with the size of the site and there is a greater possibility of recording species that are rare in the landscape. Species presence and relative abundance (dominance) will vary from site to site as a function of environmental factors such as soil properties (chemical composition, texture, depth, drainage), topography, climate and through time as a function of disturbance (eg fire, logging, grazing) and weather (eg flooding, drought, extreme heat or cold). At any one time, above ground individuals of some species may be absent, but the species may be represented below ground in the soil seed bank or as dormant structures such as bulbs, corms, rhizomes, rootstocks or lignotubers. The species listed above are vascular plants, however the community also includes micro-organisms, fungi, crypotgamic plants and a diverse vertebrate and invertebrate fauna. These components of the community are less well documented. Part 2. Particular area occupied by the ecological community 2.1 The assemblage of species listed in Part 1.1 above which characterises the Agnes Banks Woodland occurs within the Sydney Basin Bioregion. This Bioregion is defined by SEWPaC (2012) Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for , Version 7. Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. 2.2 It is the intent of the Scientific Committee that all occurrences of the ecological community (both recorded and as yet unrecorded, and independent of their condition) that occur within this bioregion be covered by this Determination. Part 3. Eligibility for listing 3.1.1 The extent of occurrence and area of occupancy (AOO) of Agnes Banks Woodland are estimated to be 16 km2. This estimate of AOO is based on four 2 x 2 km grid cells, the scale recommended for assessing AOO by IUCN (2014). The geographic distribution of Agnes Banks Woodland in the Sydney Bioregion is considered to be very highly restricted. 3.1.2 Remnants of Agnes Banks Woodland are threatened with further clearing and sand extraction for rural and rural- residential development; while most of the area that has been cleared was lost prior to 1998, 15 ha were cleared between 1998 and 2011 (M. Tozer in litt. October 2013). Any future clearing for sand mining may target Agnes Banks Woodland on well-drained sand dunes that are floristically distinct from the surrounding Castlereagh Woodlands (M. Tozer in litt. October 2013). Other continuing threats include weed invasion by African Lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula), Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), Camphor Laurel (Cinnamomum camphora) and Privet (Ligustrum spp.) (J. Sanders in litt. October 2013; G. Steenbeeke in litt. October 2013). ‘Loss and degradation of native plant and animal habitat by invasion of escaped garden plants, including aquatic plants’, ‘Clearing of native vegetation’ and ‘Invasion of native plant communities by exotic perennial grasses’ are listed as Key Threatening Processes under the Act. Illegal rubbish dumping and access by four-wheel drive vehicles and motorbikes are an ongoing threat. 3.2 Criteria for listing Agnes Banks Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion is eligible to be listed as a Critically Endangered Ecological Community in accordance with Section 12 of the Act as, in the opinion of the Scientific Committee, it is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in New South Wales in the immediate future, as determined in accordance with the following criteria as prescribed by the Threatened Species Conservation Regulation 2010: Clause 18 Restricted geographic distribution of the ecological community The ecological community’s geographic distribution is estimated or inferred to be: (a) very highly restricted, and the nature of its distribution makes it likely that the action of a threatening process could cause it to decline or degrade in extent or ecological function over a time span appropriate to the life cycle and habitat characteristics of the ecological community’s component species. Clause 19 Reduction in ecological function of the ecological community The ecological community has undergone, is observed, estimated, inferred or reasonably suspected to have undergone or is likely to undergo within a time span appropriate to the life cycle and habitat characteristics of its component species: (a) a very large reduction in ecological function, as indicated by any of the following: (d) change in community structure, (e) change in species composition, (g) invasion and establishment of exotic species, (h) degradation of habitat. Dr Mark Eldridge Chairperson NSW Scientific Committee 1189 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

Part 4. Additional information about the ecological community The following information is additional to that required to meet the definition of an ecological community under the Act, but is provided to assist in the recognition of Agnes Banks Woodland in the field. Given natural variability, along with disturbance history, Agnes Banks Woodland may sometimes occur outside the typical range of variation in the features described below. 4.1 The vegetation of Agnes Banks Woodland is described under the same name in Benson (1992), James (1997), National Parks and Wildlife Service Threatened Species Unit (2000), Tozer (2003) and Tozer et al. (2010). 4.2 Agnes Banks Woodland is restricted to small areas of sand dunes overlying Tertiary Alluvium at Agnes Banks on the east bank of the Hawkesbury River in Western Sydney. ‘The vegetation of the Agnes Banks sand deposit includes several assemblages which intergrade in a continuum along soil drainage gradients and collectively comprise the Endangered Ecological Community’ (M. Tozer in litt. Oct. 2013). Stands of Agnes Banks Woodland found on deep, well-drained sands are recognised as a separate community from the surrounding communities of Castlereagh Ironbark Forest and Castlereagh Scribbly Gum Woodland (Tozer et al. 2010). 4.3 Agnes Banks Woodland is a low woodland dominated by Eucalyptus sclerophylla and Angophora bakeri with a diverse understorey of sclerophyllous shrub species including Acacia brownii, Acacia elongata, Amperea xiphoclada, Baeckea diosmifolia, Banksia aemula, Banksia oblongifolia, Bossiaea rhombifolia, Callistemon citrinus, Callistemon linearis, Conospermum taxifolium, Dillwyina floribunda, Hibbertia fasiculata, Kunzea capitata, Leptospermum trinervium, Leucopogon virgatus, Monotoca scoparia, Olax stricta, Persoonia nutans, Philotheca salsolifolia, and Ricinocarpus pinifolius. Ground layer species include Caleana major, Haemodorum corymbosum, Leptocarpus tenax, Mitrasacme polymorpha, Pimelia linifolia, Platysace ericoides, Stylidium graminifolium and Trachymene incisa. The species listed above were identified as diagnostic for this community (M. Tozer in litt. 2003, revised by M. Tozer in litt. October 2013). A diagnostic species is defined as one with a higher probability of occurring in the target community than expected, based on their frequency of occurrence in the data set for the Cumberland Plain (Tozer 2003). 4.4 Two of the plant species found in Agnes Banks Woodland (Acacia bynoeana and Persoonia nutans) are listed as Endangered species under the Act. James et al. (1999) identify a further five species that occur in Agnes Banks Woodland as being of conservation importance in western Sydney (Banksia aemula, Callistemon linearis, Dillwynia glaberrima, Lepidosperma longitudinale and Xyris complanata). 4.5 Agnes Banks Woodland has been heavily cleared in the past. The original extent of the community is uncertain as much of the community has been cleared due to sandmining. Independent estimates of the pre-European extent range from 475 to 627 ha (Benson 1981, Tozer 2003, M. Tozer et al. 2010). A reappraisal of a range of primary data including quantitative survey plots, field-verified aerial photo-pattern and soil landscape mapping (Bannerman and Hazelton 1990) suggests that the original extent of the community was at the low end of this range (475 ha; M. Tozer in litt. October 2013). Agnes Banks Woodland has been extensively cleared for sand extraction (68–84%; M. Tozer in litt. October 2013). About 75–151 ha still survive (M. Tozer in litt. October 2013) and the community has limited representation (45 ha) in Agnes Banks Nature Reserve. 4.6 Agnes Banks Woodland has currently been recorded in the local government area of Penrith however unrecorded stands of the ecological community may occur elsewhere in the Bioregion. References: Bannerman SM, Hazelton PA (1990) Soil landscapes of the Penrith 1:100 000 map sheet. Soil Conservation Service of NSW, Sydney. Benson DH (1981) Vegetation of the Agnes Banks sand deposit, Richmond, New South Wales. Cunninghamia 1, 35–57. Benson DH (1992) The natural vegetation of the Penrith 1:100 000 map sheet. Cunninghamia 2, 541–596. IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee (2014) Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 11. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Subcommittee. James T (1997) Native flora in Western Sydney: Urban Bushland Biodiversity Survey. NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service. James T, McDougall L, Benson D (1999) ‘Rare bushland plants of Western Sydney (2nd edn).’ (Royal Botanic Gardens: Sydney) NPWS Threatened Species Unit (2000) Interpretation guidelines for the native vegetation maps of the Cumberland Plain, Western Sydney. NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service. SEWPaC (2012) Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia, Version 7. Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. Tozer M (2003) The native vegetation of the Cumberland Plain, western Sydney: systematic classification and field identification of communities. Cunninghamia 8, 1–75. Tozer MG, Turner K, Keith DA, Tindall D, Pennay C, Simpson C, MacKenzie B, Beukers P, Cox S (2010) Native vegetation of southeast NSW: a revisited classification and map for the coast and eastern tableands. Cunninghamia 11, 359–406.

1190 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

New South Wales

Notice of Final Determination under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995

The Scientific Committee established under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 has made a final determination to insert the ecological community referred to in paragraph (a) as a critically endangered ecological community under that Act and, as a consequence, to omit reference to the ecological community referred to in paragraph (b) as an endangered ecological community and, accordingly: (a) Schedule 1A to that Act is amended by inserting in alphabetical order in Part 2:

* Artesian Springs Ecological Community in the Great Artesian Basin (as described in the final determination of the Scientific Committee to list the ecological community)

(b) Schedule 1 to that Act is amended by omitting the following from Part 3:

Artesian Springs Ecological Community (as described in the determination of the Scientific Committee under Division 5 of Part 2)

This Notice commences on the day on which it is published in the Gazette. Dated, this 12th day of May 2015.

Dr Mark Eldridge Chairperson of the Scientific Committee

Copies of final determination and reasons Copies of the final determination and the reasons for it are available to members of the public (free of charge) as follows: (a) on the Internet at, (b) by contacting the Scientific Committee Unit, by post C/- Office of Environment and Heritage, PO Box 1967, Hurstville BC NSW 1481, by telephone (02) 9585 6940 or by facsimile (02) 9585 6606, (c) in person at the Office of Environment and Heritage Information Centre, Level 14, 59–61 Goulburn St, Sydney.


1191 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 C:\Docs\si\s2015-098\Working\ 20/5/15, 11:47 am Government Notices

THREATENED SPECIES CONSERVATION ACT 1995 FINAL DETERMINATION The Scientific Committee, established by the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (the Act), has made a Final Determination under Section 23 of the Act to list the Artesian Springs Ecological Community in the Great Artesian Basin as a CRITICALLY ENDANGERED ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY in Part 2 of Schedule 1A of the Act and, as a consequence, to omit reference to the Artesian Springs Ecological Community in Part 3 of Schedule 1of the Act. This determination contains the following information: Parts 1 & 2: Section 4 of the Act defines an ecological community as “an assemblage of species occupying a particular area”. These features of the Artesian Springs Ecological Community in the Great Artesian Basin are described in Parts 1 and 2 of this Determination, respectively. Part 3: Part 3 of this Determination describes the eligibility for listing of this ecological community in Part 2 of Schedule 1A of the Act according to criteria as prescribed by the Threatened Species Conservation Regulation 2010. Part 4: Part 4 of this Determination provides additional information intended to aid recognition of this community in the field. Part 1. Assemblage of species 1.1 The Artesian Springs Ecological Community in the Great Artesian Basin (hereafter referred to as the Artesian Springs Ecological Community) is characterised by the assemblage of species listed below.

Abutilon otocarpum Eremophila deserti Acacia victoriae Eremophila sturtii Alternanthera angustifolia Eucalyptus camaldulensis Atriplex nummularia Eucalyptus largiflorens Atriplex pumilo Eucalyptus populnea Boerhavia coccinea Geijera parviflora Calandrinia ptychosperma Glinus lotoides Calocephalus platycephalus Marsilea spp. Centipeda minima Morgania floribunda Centipeda thespidioides Myoporum acuminatum Chamaesyce drummondii Myoporum desertii Chenopodium cristatum Myoporum montanum Convolvulus sp. Nicotiana velutina Cynodon dactylon Pimelea microcephala subsp. microcephala Cyperus bulbosus Pimelea simplex Cyperus difformis Portulaca oleracea Cyperus gymnocaulos Schoenoplectus pungens Cyperus laevigatus Schoenoplectus validus Cyperus squarrosus Sclerolaena birchii Dactyloctenium radulans Sclerostegia sp. Diplachne fusca Sporobolus mitchellii Dissocarpus paradoxus Stemodia florulenta Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustissima Swainsona spp. Einadia nutans subsp. nutans Trianthema spp. Enneapogon avenaceus Triglochin hexagona Eragrostis australasica Triraphis mollis Eragrostis dielsii Utricularia spp. Eragrostis tenella 1.2 The total species list of the community across all occurrences is likely to be considerably larger than that given above. Due to variation across the range of the community, not all of the above species are present at every site and many sites may also contain species not listed above. Characteristic species may be abundant or rare and comprise only a subset of the complete list of species recorded in known examples of the community. Some characteristic species show a high fidelity (are relatively restricted)

1192 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

to the community, but may also occur in other communities, while others are more typically found in a range of communities. The number and identity of species recorded at a site is a function of sampling scale and effort. In general, the number of species recorded is likely to increase with the size of the site and there is a greater possibility of recording species that are rare in the landscape. Species presence and relative abundance (dominance) will vary from site to site as a function of environmental factors such as soil properties (chemical composition, texture, depth, drainage), topography, climate and through time as a function of disturbance (e.g. fire, logging, grazing) and weather (e.g. flooding, drought, extreme heat or cold, seasonality of rainfall). At any one time, above ground individuals of some species may be absent, but the species may be represented below ground in the soil seed bank or as dormant structures such as bulbs, corms, rhizomes, rootstocks or lignotubers. The species listed above are vascular plants, however the community also includes micro-organisms, fungi, cryptogamic plants and vertebrate and invertebrate fauna. These components of the community are less well documented. Part 2. Particular area occupied by the ecological community 2.1 The assemblage of species listed in Part 1.1 above which characterises the Artesian Springs Ecological Community is known from the Mulga Lands, Cobar Peneplain, Darling Riverine Plains, Channel Country and Brigalow Belt South Bioregions, but may occur within other bioregions within the Great Artesian Basin. These Bioregions are defined by SEWPaC (2012) Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia, Version 7. Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. 2.2 It is the intent of the Scientific Committee that all occurrences of the ecological community (both recorded and as yet unrecorded, and independent of their condition) that occur within these bioregions be covered by this Determination. 2.3 The Artesian Springs Ecological Community is associated with artesian springs within the Great Artesian Basin (Silcock et al. 2013). Part 3. Eligibility for listing 3.1 Reasons for determining eligibility for listing 3.1.1 The Artesian Springs Ecological Community was listed as an Endangered Ecological Community under the Act in 2001 (NSW Scientific Committee 2001). Since this time new data and analyses have become available and the Committee is of the opinion that the determination of this community should be revised. 3.1.2 Major threats to the Artesian Springs Ecological Community are trampling and grazing by stock and feral animals such as pigs, goats and rabbits; and hydrological alteration or unsustainable extraction of water from artesian bores reducing flows (Westbrooke et al. 2003; Caddy et al. 2010; Fensham et al. 2010; Powell et al. 2013; Silcock et al. 2013). 3.1.3 Trampling and digging, particularly by feral pigs, is a major disturbance around the edges of artesian spring wetlands (Fensham et al. 2010). Soil disturbance from feral pigs in and around wetlands can cause disruption of the seed bank via deeper burial of seeds and encouragement of weeds (Bell et al. 2012). These effects can be particularly severe in small spring wetlands where animals have unrestricted access and the vegetation of individual small wetlands can be completely destroyed by a single incident. Pigs may also degrade the habitat for specialised fauna through sediment disturbance that causes increases in water turbidity (Fensham et al. 2010). ‘Predation, habitat degradation, competition and disease transmission by Feral Pigs, Sus scrofa Linnaeus 1758’ is listed as a Key Threatening Process under the Act. 3.1.4 Human induced changes to artesian discharge and destruction of spring wetlands through excavation negatively impact the Artesian Springs Ecological Community. Although the Great Artesian Basin Sustainability Initiative bore capping program has made considerable progress (SKM 2008), a number of springs have dried in the past 100 years due to falling water pressure caused by over-extraction (Fensham et al. 2010, Silcock et al. 2013). Prolonged exposure to disturbance and aquifer drawdown constrains artesian spring vegetation community succession and has caused the extinction of aquatic invertebrate and plant species (Ponder 1986, 1999; Fensham et al. 2010). Powell et al. (2013) recently visited 45 of the 54 spring groups in New South Wales and found that over three-quarters of the springs had become inactive, with all springs in the Paroo Overflow group, except Peery Lake, recorded as extinct. The extinction of two populations of the Endangered Salt Pipewort, Eriocaulon carsonii, is known to have occurred as a consequence of artesian springs becoming inactive (Fensham et al. 2010). ‘Alteration to the natural flow regimes of rivers, streams, floodplains and wetlands’ is listed as a Key Threatening Process under the Act.

1193 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

3.2 Criteria for listing The Artesian Springs Ecological Community in the Great Artesian Basin is eligible to be listed as a Critically Endangered Ecological Community in accordance with Section 12 of the Act as, in the opinion of the Scientific Committee, it is facing a very high risk of extinction in New South Wales in the near future, as determined in accordance with the following criteria as prescribed by the Threatened Species Conservation Regulation 2010: Clause 19 Reduction in ecological function of the ecological community The ecological community has undergone, is observed, estimated, inferred or reasonably suspected to have undergone or is likely to undergo within a time span appropriate to the life cycle and habitat characteristics of its component species: (a) a very large reduction in ecological function, as indicated by any of the following: (e) change in species composition, (f) disruption of ecological processes, (g) invasion and establishment of exotic species, (h) degradation of habitat. Dr Mark Eldridge Chairperson NSW Scientific Committee Part 4. Additional information about the ecological community The following information is additional to that required to meet the definition of an ecological community under the Act, but is provided to assist in the recognition of the Artesian Springs Ecological Community in the field. Given natural variability, along with disturbance history, the Artesian Springs Ecological Community may sometimes occur outside the typical range of variation in the features described below. 4.1 The ‘community of native species dependent on natural discharge of groundwater from the Great Artesian Basin’ is listed as Endangered under the Commonwealth Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The Artesian Springs Ecological Community supports a suite of organisms that are distinct from those in seasonal wetlands, including perennial wetland plants (Fensham et al. 2010). The Artesian Springs Ecological Community is variable as each individual spring varies in shape, water flow, topographic and geographic location. The vegetation within the community frequently consists of sedges or similar vegetation (Pickard 1992) with Cyperus laevigatus dominating most spring wetlands (Powell et al. 2013). Trees and shrubs occur on the edges of, or near, the springs. The locations of all known springs (dry and active) are provided in Silcock et al. (2013). 4.2 Artesian springs are often characterised by mounds of sediment and salts deposited as water evaporates (Ponder 1986, 1999) or they may be depressions. 4.3 Where artesian groundwater pressure has been adequate to maintain the Artesian Springs Ecological Community, it can be distinguished from most other wetland communities of the region because it is not subject to seasonal drying out and is sustained by a relatively constant water supply. However, rapid reductions in spring flow and habitat condition can lead to a loss of water-dependent species. The soil seed bank and extant vegetation of degraded springs often consist only of common flora similar to an overgrazed terrestrial plant community (Pickard 1992; H. Caddy, unpublished data). 4.4 Three artesian spring ‘supergroups’ are recognised in New South Wales: Bourke, Bogan River and Eulo. The Bourke group extends 500 km from White Cliffs north-east to Culgoa Floodplain National Park just over the Queensland border. The Bogan River group is comprised of widely-spaced springs west of Walgett. Four springs in New South Wales south of Hungerford are regarded as part of the Eulo supergroup (Powell et al. 2013; Silcock et al. 2013). 4.5 The Artesian Springs Ecological Community corresponds to plant community ID66 Artesian Mound Spring sedgeland wetland mainly of the Mulga Lands Bioregion (Benson et al. 2010). 4.6 The Artesian Springs Ecological Community has a highly restricted geographic distribution. The extent of occurrence of the Artesian Springs Ecological Community was estimated to be between 25000 km2 (active springs only) to 89000 km2 (active and non-active springs). The area of occupancy was estimated to be 44 km2 (active springs only) to 232 km2 (active and non-active springs) based on 2 x 2 km grid cells, the scale recommended for assessing area of occupancy by IUCN (2014). 4.7 The Peery Lake artesian springs are within Paroo-Darling National Park (Westbrooke et al. 2003). Although this is a reserved area the springs are not likely to be well protected from the threat of alteration of flows. The unsustainable extraction of artesian water occurs outside the reserve, and is likely to influence all springs within the region. The endangered Salt Pipewort, Eriocaulon carsonii, is known to occur in artesian springs (Fensham et al. 2010) and is endemic to the Artesian Springs Ecological Community (Silcock et al. 2013).

1194 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

References: Bell D, Hunter J, Montgomery L (2012) Ephemeral wetlands of the Pilliga Outwash, northwest NSW. Cunninghamia 12, 181–90. Benson JS, Richards PG, Waller S, Allen CB (2010) New South Wales Vegetation classification and Assessment: Part 3 Plant communities of the NSW Brigalow Belt South, Nandewar and west New England Bioregions and update of NSW Western Plains and South-western Slopes plant communities, Version 3 of the NSWVCA database. Cunninghamia 11, 457–579. Caddy H, Gross CL, Whalley RDB, Price JN (2010) Biotic and abiotic thresholds to recovery of degraded spring wetland communities. 16th Australian Rangeland Society Biennial Conference, Bourke. (Eds DJ Eldridge, C Waters). Australian Rangeland Society, Perth. Fensham RJ, Ponder WF, Fairfax RJ (2010) Recovery plan for the community of native species dependent on natural discharge of groundwater from the Great Artesian Basin. Report to Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, Canberra. Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management, Brisbane. IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee (2014) Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 11. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Subcommittee. NSW Scientific Committee (2001) Artesian springs ecological community. Final Determination. NSW Scientific Committee, Sydney. Pickard J (1992) Artesian Springs in the Western Division of New South Wales. Graduate School of the Environment Working Paper Series No. 9202, pp. 1–120. Ponder WF (1986) Mound Springs of the Great Artesian Basin. pp 403–420 In ‘Limnology in Australia’ (Eds P de Deckker, WD Williams WD) pp 403–420. (CSIRO: Melbourne and W. Junk: The Hague) Ponder WF (1999) Box 4.5, Mound Springs. In ‘Australian freshwater ecology: processes and management.’ (Eds AJ Boulton, MA Brock) p. 50. (Glen Eagles Publishing: Adelaide). Powell O, Silcock J, Fensham R (2013) ‘Overview of Artesian Springs of Western New South Wales.’(University of Queensland/Queensland Herbarium: Brisbane) Silcock J, Powell O, Drimer J, Fensham R (2013) Final Report Volume 1 – History, Ecology and Hydrogeology of the Great Artesian Basin Springs; Springsure, Eulo, Bourke and Bogan River supergroups, Part 1. University of Queensland/ Queensland Herbarium. SKM (Sinclair Knight Merz) (2008) Great Artesian Basin Sustainablility Initiative Mid-term Review of Phase 2. Department of the Environment and Water Resources, Canberra. Westbrooke M, Leversha J, Gibson M, O’Keefe M, Milne R, Gowans S, Harding C, Callister K (2003) The vegetation of Peery Lake area, Paroo-Darling National Park, Western New South Wales. Cunninghamia 8, 11–128.

1195 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

New South Wales

Notice of Final Determination under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995

The Scientific Committee established under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 has made a final determination to list the following as an endangered ecological community and, accordingly, Schedule 1 to that Act is amended by inserting, in alphabetical order, in Part 3: Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland in the NSW South Western Slopes and South Eastern Highlands Bioregions (as described in the final determination of the Scientific Committee to list the ecological community) This Notice commences on the day on which it is published in the Gazette. Dated, this 7th day of May 2015.

Dr Mark Eldridge Chairperson of the Scientific Committee

Copies of final determination and reasons Copies of the final determination and the reasons for it are available to members of the public (free of charge) as follows: (a) on the Internet at, (b) by contacting the Scientific Committee Unit, by post C/- Office of Environment and Heritage, PO Box 1967, Hurstville BC NSW 1481, by telephone (02) 9585 6940 or by facsimile (02) 9585 6606, (c) in person at the Office of Environment and Heritage Information Centre, Level 14, 59–61 Goulburn St, Sydney.


1196 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 C:\Docs\si\s2015-163\Working\ 20/5/15, 12:11 pm Government Notices

THREATENED SPECIES CONSERVATION ACT 1995 FINAL DETERMINATION The Scientific Committee, established by the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (the Act), has made a Final Determination under Section 23 of the Act to list the Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland in the NSW South Western Slopes and South Eastern Highlands Bioregions as an ENDANGERED ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITY in Part 3 of Schedule 1 of the Act. This determination contains the following information: Parts 1 & 2: Section 4 of the Act defines an ecological community as “an assemblage of species occupying a particular area”. These features of Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland in the NSW South Western Slopes and South Eastern Highlands Bioregions are described in Parts 1 and 2 of this Determination, respectively. Part 3: Part 3 of this Determination describes the eligibility for listing of this ecological community in Part 3 of Schedule 1 of the Act according to criteria as prescribed by the Threatened Species Conservation Regulation 2010. Part 4: Part 4 of this Determination provides additional information intended to aid recognition of this community in the field. Part 1. Assemblage of species 1.1 Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland in the NSW South Western Slopes and South Eastern Highlands Bioregions (hereafter referred to as Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland) is characterised by the assemblage of species listed below.

Abutilon oxycarpum Hovea linearis Acacia decora Hydrocotyle laxiflora Acacia implexa Hypericum gramineum Acacia penninervis var. penninervis Leptospermum brevipes Acaena novae-zelandiae Lomandra filiformis subsp. coriacea Allocasuarina verticillata Lomandra filiformis subsp. filiformis Aristida ramosa var. ramosa Oxalis exilis Austrostipa densiflora Oxalis perennans Austrostipa rudis Panicum effusum Austrostipa scabra Pleurosorus rutifolius Banksia marginata Poa sieberiana Bothriochloa macra Ptilotus nobilis subsp. semilanats Brachychiton populneus subsp. populneus Ptilotus spathulatus Bursaria spinosa subsp. lasiophylla Ptilotus spp. Carex breviculmis Ricinocarpos bowmanii Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. sieberi Rumex brownii Clematis microphylla Rytidosperma caespitosum Convolvulus angustissimus Rytidosperma laeve Crassula sieberiana Rytidosperma monticola Daucus glochidiatus Rytidosperma pilosum Dianella revoluta var. revoluta Rytidosperma racemosum Dichanthium sericeum Rytidosperma setaceum Dichondra repens Schoenus apogon Dodonaea viscosa subsp. spatulata Scutellaria humilis Elymus scaber Senecio bathurstianus Eucalyptus albens Senecio quadridentatus Eucalyptus bridgesiana Spyridium parvifolium Eucalyptus melliodora Stellaria pungens Eucalyptus nortonii Themeda australis Euchiton gymnocephalus Thysanotus patersonii Exocarpos cupressiformis Tricoryne elatior Geranium solanderi var. solanderi Viola betonicifolia

1197 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

Gonocarpus tetragynus Wahlenbergia communis Goodenia spp. Wahlenbergia gracilenta Hibbertia calycina Wahlenbergia luteola Xanthorrhoea glauca subsp. angustifolia 1.2 The total species list of the community across all occurrences is likely to be considerably larger than that given above. Due to variation across the range of the community, not all of the above species are present at every site and many sites may also contain species not listed above. Characteristic species may be abundant or rare and comprise only a subset of the complete list of species recorded in known examples of the community. Some characteristic species show a high fidelity (are relatively restricted) to the community, but may also occur in other communities, while others are more typically found in a range of communities. The number and identity of species recorded at a site is a function of sampling scale and effort. In general, the number of species recorded is likely to increase with the size of the site and there is a greater possibility of recording species that are rare in the landscape. Species presence and relative abundance (dominance) will vary from site to site as a function of environmental factors such as soil properties (chemical composition, texture, depth, drainage), topography, climate, and through time as a function of disturbance (eg fire, logging, grazing) and weather (eg flooding, drought, extreme heat or cold). At any one time, above ground individuals of some species may be absent, but the species may be represented below ground in the soil seed bank or as dormant structures such as bulbs, corms, rhizomes, rootstocks or lignotubers. The species listed above are vascular plants, however the community also includes micro-organisms, fungi and cryptogamic plants as well as vertebrate and invertebrate fauna. These components of the community are less well documented. Part 2. Particular area occupied by the ecological community 2.1 The assemblage of species listed in Part 1.1 above which characterises Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland occurs within the NSW South Western Slopes and South Eastern Highlands Bioregions. These Bioregions are defined by SEWPaC (2012) Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia, Version 7. Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. 2.2 It is the intent of the Scientific Committee that all occurrences of the ecological community (both recorded and as yet unrecorded, and independent of their condition) that occur within these bioregions be covered by this Determination. 2.3 Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland is associated with serpentinite geology formations (Lyons et al. 1974; Benson et al. 2010; Mackenzie 2014). Part 3. Eligibility for listing 3.1 Reasons for determining eligibility for listing 3.1.1 The geographic distribution of Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland is highly restricted. Using serpentinite mapped in the Coolac/Gundagai/Tumut area in the NSW Statewide Geological Database Geology 250k (2001) layer as a surrogate for the distribution of the community, the extent of occurrence is estimated at 1721 km2. The extent of occurrence is based on a minimum convex polygon enclosing all mapped occurrences of the ecological community, the method of assessment recommended by IUCN (2014). The upper bound for Area of Occupancy (AOO) is estimated at 460 km2 based on 115 2 x 2 km grid cells, the scale recommended for assessing area of occupancy by IUCN (2014). Due to extensive clearing throughout the community’s range, the AOO is likely to be much less than this, but it is not likely to be < 10 km2. The community is not protected within any conservation reserves and reductions due to the action of threatening processes are likely to continue. 3.1.2 The Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland has been extensively cleared and heavily impacted by weed invasion and grazing. This has led to changes in community structure and composition, degradation and fragmentation of habitat, and invasion and establishment of exotic species. Collectively, these threats indicate a large reduction in ecological function. Benson et al. (2010) cite major alteration to species composition and geographic distribution due to weed invasion, grazing and clearing. Benson et al. (2010) note that some areas of potential habitat have recently been converted to pine plantations, while Mackenzie (2014) found the Coolac Serpentinite outcrop and surrounding landscapes have been extensively cleared for grazing and agriculture. The community is highly fragmented with most remaining stands small and with high edge to area ratios (average polygon size of 4.8 ha, OEH in litt. 2012). Armstrong et al. (2013) note the adverse effects of grazing by domestic livestock and introduced animals such as rabbits, hares, horses, deer, pigs and goats on the structure and floristic composition of plant communities in the upper Murrumbidgee catchment. Mineral prospecting and mining may have local impacts; past mining took place at Tumut Gold Mine and McAlpine Mine and significant areas of serpentinite are covered by current mineral exploration licences (Armstrong et al. 2013). Weed species affecting heavily grazed locations include Saffron Thistle (Carthamus lanatus), St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum), Avena barbata, Petrorhagia nanteulii, Briza maxima, Hypochaeris radicata and, in gullies, Blackberry (Rubus spp.) (Benson et al. 2010). Armstrong et al. (2013) recorded the following

1198 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

exotic taxa in 30% or more of plots assigned to the community: Acetosella vulgaris, Avena barbata, Briza maxima, Bromus diandrus, Bromus hordeaceus, Carthamus lanatus, Hypericum perforatum, Hypochaeris glabra, Petrorhagia nanteuilii, Rosa rubiginosa, Rostraria cristata, Sonchus oleraceus, Trifolium angustifolium, Trifolium arvense, Trifolium campestre, Trifolium dubium and Trifolium glomeratum. ‘Clearing of native vegetation’ and ‘Loss and degradation of native plant and animal habitat by invasion of escaped garden plants, including aquatic plants’ are listed as Key Threatening Processes under the Act. Due to the small patch size of remnant areas the Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland is likely to be subject to stochastic changes in its immediate environment. 3.2 Criteria for listing Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland is eligible to be listed as an Endangered Ecological Community in accordance with Section 12 of the Act as, in the opinion of the Scientific Committee, it is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in New South Wales in the immediate future, as determined in accordance with the following criteria as prescribed by the Threatened Species Conservation Regulation 2010: Clause 18 Restricted geographic distribution of the ecological community The ecological community’s geographic distribution is estimated or inferred to be: (b) highly restricted, and the nature of its distribution makes it likely that the action of a threatening process could cause it to decline or degrade in extent or ecological function over a time span appropriate to the life cycle and habitat characteristics of the ecological community’s component species. Clause 19 Reduction in ecological function of the ecological community The ecological community has undergone, is observed, estimated, inferred or reasonably suspected to have undergone or is likely to undergo within a time span appropriate to the life cycle and habitat characteristics of its component species: (b) a large reduction in ecological function. as indicated by any of the following: (d) change in community structure, (e) change in species composition, (f) disruption of ecological processes, (g) invasion and establishment of exotic species, (h) degradation of habitat, (i) fragmentation of habitat. Dr Mark Eldridge Chairperson NSW Scientific Committee Part 4. Additional information about the ecological community The following information is additional to that required to meet the definition of an ecological community under the Act, but is provided to assist in the recognition of Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland in the field. Given natural variability, along with disturbance history, Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland may sometimes occur outside the typical range of variation in the features described below. 4.1 The structure of Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland varies between tall open heath and low sparse woodland. It is usually dominated by the small tree Allocasuarina verticillata and shrubs Acacia implexa, Ricinocarpus bowmannii and the grasstree Xanthorrhoea glauca subsp. angustifolia. Scattered taller trees include Eucalyptus nortonii and E. albens. The ground is rocky and the vegetative ground cover is sparse on exposed slopes and dense in creeklines. Ground cover species include the grasses Themeda australis, Aristida ramosa var. ramosa, Rytidosperma pilosum, R. laeve, R. racemosum, Bothriochloa macra, Poa sieberiana var. sieberiana, Panicum effusum, Austrostipa scabra and Elymus scaber (Benson et al. 2010; Armstrong et al. 2013). Senecio quadridentatus, Cheilanthes sieberi and Carex breviculmis are common components of the understorey (Armstrong et al. 2013). In protected gullies and footslopes where the soil is deeper Eucalyptus bridgesiana and E. melliodora can be found. Banksia marginata is restricted to protected gullies and occurs with Dodonaea viscosa subsp. spatulata, Bursaria spinosa subsp. lasiophylla, Leptospermum brevipes, Abutilon oxycarpum, Acacia decora, Ricinocarpos bowmanii and Exocarpos cupressiformis. In these situations the ground cover is dense to mid-dense with Acaena novae-zelandiae, Rumex brownii, Geranium solanderi var. solanderi, Hypericum gramineum, Viola betonicifolia and Clematis microphylla var. leptophylla common (Benson et al. 2010). 4.2 Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland corresponds to plant community ID301 ‘Drooping Sheoke – Ricinocarpus bowmannii – grasstree tall open shrubland of the Coolac – Tumut Serpentinite Belt’, and plant community ID337 ‘Apple Box – Silver Banksia – Drooping Sheoak open woodland – tall shrubland in protected gullies of the Coolac – Tumut serpentinite belt, confined to the NSW South-western Slopes Bioregion’ in Benson et al. (2010). Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland includes the following: u43 ‘Mealy Bundy – Acacia implexa – Allocasuarina verticillata – Ricinocarpos bowmanii tall grassy open woodland on serpentinite in the Coolac-Goobarragandra area primarily of the upper South Western Slopes Bioregion’ of Armstrong et al. (2013);

1199 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

Biolandscape HonS29 ‘Western Slopes Dry Sclerophyll Forests’ and Biolandscape HonS84 ‘Upper Riverina Dry Sclerophyll Forests’ of Priday (2007); Vegetation Group 182 ‘Western Slopes Dry Shrub Forest on Serpentinite’ of Gellie (2005); and ‘Serpentine Woodland’ of Mulvaney et al. (2005). Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland is most closely aligned with Upper Riverina Dry Sclerophyll Forests vegetation class (VC 84) (Keith’s 2004) although it has elements in common with Western Slopes Grassy Woodlands (VC 42), Southern Tableland Grassy Woodlands (VC 86) and Southern Tableland Dry Sclerophyll Forests (VC 28). 4.3 Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland is associated with soils derived from the Coolac Serpentinite formation. These soils are relatively rich in magnesium and iron-group elements (cobalt, chromium, iron, manganese and nickel) and poor in calcium and potassium (Lyons et al. 1974, cited in Armstrong et al. 2013), inhibiting the growth of some plant species. Soils are commonly shallow to skeletal with much exposed rock (Armstrong et al. 2013). 4.4 Coolac-Tumut Serpentinite Shrubby Woodland has been recorded in the Gundagai and Tumut local government areas (within the NSW South Western Slopes and South Eastern Highlands Bioregions) however unrecorded stands of the ecological community may occur elsewhere in these Bioregions. It is not known to be represented in any conservation reserves. References: Armstrong RC, Turner KD, McDougall KL, Rehwinkel R, Crooks JI (2013) Plant communities of the upper Murrumbidgee catchment in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Cunninghamia 13, 125–265. Benson JS, Richards PG, Waller S, Allen CB (2010) New South Wales Vegetation classification and Assessment: Part 3 Plant communities of the NSW Brigalow Belt South, Nandewar and west New England Bioregions and update of NSW Western Plains and South-western Slopes plant communities, Version 3 of the NSWVCA database. Cunninghamia 11, 457–579. Gellie NJH (2005) Native vegetation of the Southern Forests: South-east Highlands, , South-west Slopes and South-east Corner bioregions. Cunninghamia 9, 219–254. IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee (2014) Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 11. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Subcommittee. Keith DA (2004) ‘Ocean shores to desert dunes: the native vegetation of New South Wales and the ACT.’ (NSW Department of Environment and Conservation, Sydney) Lyons MT, Brooks RR, Craig DC (1974) The influence of soil composition on the vegetation of the Coolac serpentinite belt in New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 107, 67–75. Mackenzie BDE (2014) Supplementary information on the distribution and floristic distinctiveness of Coolac-Tumut serpentinite shrubby woodland in the NSW South Western Slopes and South Eastern Highlands Bioregions. Unpublished report to the NSW Scientific Committee. Mulvaney M, Boak M, Priday S, Hudson K, Crane M (2005) The Native Vegetation of Gundagai Shire, NSW Department of Environment and Conservation, Queanbeyan. Priday S (2007) The native vegetation of the New South Wales South-western Slopes Bioregion (Lachlan, Murrumbidgee and Murray Catchments). Unpublished report to DEC Southern Office, Queanbeyan.

1200 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

New South Wales

Notice of Final Determination under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995

The Scientific Committee established under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 has made a final determination to insert the species referred to in paragraph (a) as a critically endangered species under that Act and, as a consequence, to omit reference to that species as an endangered species and, accordingly: (a) Schedule 1A to that Act is amended by inserting the following in Part 1 in alphabetical order in the matter relating to Myrtaceae under the heading “Plants”:

Eucalyptus sp. Cattai (Gregson s.n., 28 Aug 1954)

(b) Schedule 1 to that Act is amended by omitting the following from Part 1 in the matter relating to Myrtaceae under the heading “Plants”:

Eucalyptus sp. Cattai (NSW 318983)

This Notice commences on the day on which it is published in the Gazette. Dated, this 12th day of May 2015.

Dr Mark Eldridge Chairperson of the Scientific Committee

Copies of final determination and reasons Copies of the final determination and the reasons for it are available to members of the public (free of charge) as follows: (a) on the Internet at, (b) by contacting the Scientific Committee Unit, by post C/- Office of Environment and Heritage, PO Box 1967, Hurstville BC NSW 1481, by telephone (02) 9585 6940 or by facsimile (02) 9585 6606, (c) in person at the Office of Environment and Heritage Information Centre, Level 14, 59–61 Goulburn St, Sydney.


1201 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 C:\Docs\si\s2015-095\Working\ 20/5/15, 01:43 pm Government Notices

New South Wales

Notice of Final Determination under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995

The Scientific Committee established under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 has made a final determination to insert the species referred to in paragraph (a) as a critically endangered species under that Act and, as a consequence, to omit reference to the species referred to in paragraph (b) as an endangered species and, accordingly: (a) Schedule 1A to that Act is amended by inserting in appropriate order under the heading “Orchidaceae” in Part 1:

* Genoplesium insigne D.L. Jones

(b) Schedule 1 to that Act is amended by omitting the following matter from Part 1:

Genoplesium insignis D.L. Jones

This Notice commences on the day on which it is published in the Gazette. Dated, this 12th day of May 2015.

Dr Mark Eldridge Chairperson of the Scientific Committee

Copies of final determination and reasons Copies of the final determination and the reasons for it are available to members of the public (free of charge) as follows: (a) on the Internet at, (b) by contacting the Scientific Committee Unit, by post C/- Office of Environment and Heritage, PO Box 1967, Hurstville BC NSW 1481, by telephone (02) 9585 6940 or by facsimile (02) 9585 6606, (c) in person at the Office of Environment and Heritage Information Centre, Level 14, 59–61 Goulburn St, Sydney.


1202 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 C:\Docs\si\s2015-096\Working\ 20/5/15, 01:46 pm Government Notices

New South Wales

Notice of Final Determination under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995

The Scientific Committee established under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 has made a final determination to insert the following population as an endangered population under that Act and, accordingly, Schedule 1 to that Act is amended by inserting the following in Part 2 at the end of the matter relating to “Pseudocheiridae” under the heading Mammals:

Petauroides volans (Kerr, 1792) Greater Glider population in the Mount Gibraltar Reserve area

This Notice commences on the day on which it is published in the Gazette. Dated, this 12th day of May 2015.

Dr Mark Eldridge Chairperson of the Scientific Committee

Copies of final determination and reasons Copies of the final determination and the reasons for it are available to members of the public (free of charge) as follows: (a) on the Internet at, (b) by contacting the Scientific Committee Unit, by post C/- Office of Environment and Heritage, PO Box 1967, Hurstville BC NSW 1481, by telephone (02) 9585 6940 or by facsimile (02) 9585 6606, (c) in person at the Office of Environment and Heritage Information Centre, Level 14, 59–61 Goulburn St, Sydney.


1203 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 C:\Docs\si\s2015-099\Working\ 20/5/15, 01:49 pm Government Notices

New South Wales

Notice of Final Determination under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995

The Scientific Committee established under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 has made a final determination to list the following species as critically endangered species under that Act and, accordingly, Schedule 1A to that Act is amended by inserting the following in Part 1 immediately after the heading “Invertebrates”:

Mollusca Charopidae * Mystivagor mastersi (Brazier, 1872) Masters Charopid Land Snail * Pseudocharopa ledgbirdi (Etheridge, 1889) Charopid Land Snail * Pseudocharopa whiteleggei (Etheridge, 1889) Whitelegge’s Land Snail Helicarionidae * Gudeoconcha sophiae magnifica Iredale, 1944 Magnificent Helicarionid Land Snail

This Notice commences on the day on which it is published in the Gazette. Dated, this 12th day of May 2015.

Dr Mark Eldridge Chairperson of the Scientific Committee

Copies of final determination and reasons Copies of the final determination and the reasons for it are available to members of the public (free of charge) as follows: (a) on the Internet at, (b) by contacting the Scientific Committee Unit, by post C/- Office of Environment and Heritage, PO Box 1967, Hurstville BC NSW 1481, by telephone (02) 9585 6940 or by facsimile (02) 9585 6606, (c) in person at the Office of Environment and Heritage Information Centre, Level 14, 59–61 Goulburn St, Sydney.


1204 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 C:\Docs\si\s2015-094\Working\ 20/5/15, 01:52 pm Government Notices

THREATENED SPECIES CONSERVATION ACT 1995 NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION The Scientific Committee has made a Preliminary Determination proposing that the following be listed in the relevant Schedule of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. Endangered Species (Part 1 of Schedule 1) Black-tailed Antechinus, Antechinus arktos Baker, Mutton, Hines & Van Dyck 2014 Any person may make a written submission regarding this Preliminary Determination. Send submissions to Suzanne Chate, NSW Scientific Committee Unit, PO Box 1967, Hurstville BC 1481. Submissions close 17th July 2015. A copy of the Determination, which contains the reasons for the determination, may be obtained free of charge on the Internet, by contacting the Scientific Committee Unit, PO Box 1967 Hurstville BC 1481. Tel: (02) 9585 6940 or Fax (02) 9585 6606, or in person at the Office of Environment and Heritage Information Centre, Level 14, 59–61 Goulburn Street, Sydney. Copies of the determination may also be obtained from National Parks and Wildlife Service Area Offices and Visitor Centres, subject to availability. Dr Mark Eldridge Chairperson NSW Scientific Committee

1205 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices Appointments

ABORIGINAL LAND RIGHTS ACT 1983 REMOVAL AND APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR OF RESERVE TRUST UNDER NOTICE THE CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 I, the Honourable Leslie Williams MP, Minister for I, MICHAEL BAIRD, MP, Premier: Aboriginal Affairs, following consent by the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC), do, by this 1. pursuant to section 119 (1) (a) of the Crown Lands Act notice pursuant to section 231 (2) of the Aboriginal Land 1989, remove the person named in Column 1, Part A Rights Act 1983 (the Act) extend the appointment of of the Schedule below as administrator of the reserve Mr Andrew BOWCHER as administrator to the Balranald trust specified opposite in Column 2, Part A of the Local Aboriginal Land Council for a period of six (6) calendar Schedule, which is the trustee of the reserve referred to months, effective from 24 May 2015. During the period of his in Column 3, Part A of the Schedule; and appointment, the administrator will have all of the functions 2. pursuant to section 117 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, of the Balranald Local Aboriginal Land Council and any appoint the person named in Column 1, Part B of the other duties as specified by the instrument of appointment. Schedule as administrator to manage the affairs of the The administrator’s remuneration and expenses are not to reserve trust specified opposite in Column 2, Part B exceed $120 000 excluding GST without the prior approval of the Schedule, which is the trustee of the reserve of NSWALC. The administrator’s remuneration may include referred to in Column 3, Part B of the Schedule, and fees payable for the services of other personnel within the the appointment continues. administrator’s firm who provide services as agents of the administrator. Dated this 16 day of May 2015 Signed and sealed this 14th day of May 2015 MICHAEL BAIRD, MP Premier LESLIE WILLIAMS, MP Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Schedule GOD SAVE THE QUEEN PART A Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 John Michael Government House Reserve CLARK, Sydney Reserve No: 1037869 Appointment of the Member of the NSW Local Executive Trust Public Purpose: Government Remuneration Tribunal Director, Vice regal His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley AC Corporate residence and DSC (Ret’d), Governor of New South Wales, with the advice Services, executive of the Executive Council and pursuant to section 237 and Department of government Schedule 1 of the Local Government Act 1993, has appointed Premier purposes and Dr Robert David LANG, as the Member of the NSW and Cabinet heritage purposes. Local Government Remuneration Tribunal for the period File No: 13/03688 commencing on 1 July 2015 and expiring on 30 June 2018. PAUL TOOLE, MP PART B Minister for Local Government Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Michael Government House Reserve MILLER, Sydney Reserve No: 1037869 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 Official Trust Public Purpose: Appointment as an Assessor of the NSW Local Secretary to Vice regal Government Remuneration Tribunal the Governor residence and of New South executive His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley Wales government AC DSC (Ret’d), Governor of New South Wales, with purposes and the advice of the Executive Council and pursuant to heritage purposes. section 236 (1 (b) of the Local Government Act 1993, has File No: 13/03688 appointed Mr Ian REYNOLDS, as an Assessor assisting the NSW Local Government Remuneration Tribunal for the period commencing 1 July 2015 and expiring on 30 June 2018. PAUL TOOLE, MP Minister for Local Government

1206 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices Mining and Petroleum Notices

Notice is given that the following applications have been Notice is given that the following application has been received: withdrawn: EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATIONS EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATION (T15-1048) (T15-1039) No 5177, BUNDARRA RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 147 No 5169, SANDFIRE RESOURCES NL (ACN 105 154 185), 466 966), area of 100 units, for Group 1, dated 13 May 2015. County of Bligh and County of Lincoln, Map Sheet (8632, (Inverell Mining Division). 8633, 8733). Withdrawal took effect on 30 April 2015. (T15-1049) The Hon ANTHONY ROBERTS, MP Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy No 5178, RIMFIRE PACIFIC MINING N.L. (ACN 006 911 744), area of 100 units, for Group 1, dated 14 May 2015. (Orange Mining Division). Notice is given that the following applications for renewal The Hon ANTHONY ROBERTS, MP have been received: Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy (C92-0349) Authorisation No 460, CENTENNIAL SPRINGVALE Notice is given that the following applications have been PTY LIMITED (ACN 052 096 812) AND SPRINGVALE granted: SK KORES PTY LIMITED (ACN 051 015 402), area of 1104 hectares. Application for renewal received 14 May EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATIONS 2015. (T14-1115) (15-1134) No 5064, now Exploration Licence No 8358, WENDY Exploration Licence No 3854, NIMROD RESOURCES RUTH YARNOLD, County of Hawes, Map Sheet (9234), LIMITED (ACN 130 842 063), area of 7 units. Application area of 6 units, for Group 1, dated 8 April 2015, for a term for renewal received 19 May 2015. until 8 April 2017. (12-2212) (T15-1006) Exploration Licence No 5860, WHITE MINING (NSW) PTY No 5136, now Exploration Licence No 8364, BOOMERANG LIMITED (ACN 089 414 595) AND ICRA ASHTON PTY NATURAL RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 602 859 129), LTD (ACN 097 499 780), area of 272 hectares. Application LEON CRESSWELL AND NORTH GOLD RESOURCES for renewal received 15 May 2015. PTY LTD (ACN 145 991 144), Counties of Mootwingee, Yantara and Yungnulgra, Map Sheet (), area of 35 units, for (T04-0020) Group 1, dated 24 April 2015, for a term until 24 April 2018. Exploration Licence No 6241, RIMFIRE PACIFIC MINING (T15-1006) N.L. (ACN 006 911 744), area of 15 units. Application for renewal received 15 May 2015. No 5136, now Exploration Licence No 8365, BOOMERANG NATURAL RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 602 859 129), (04-0517) LEON CRESSWELL AND NORTH GOLD RESOURCES Exploration Licence No 6413, AUSMON RESOURCES LTD PTY LTD (ACN 145 991 144), Counties of Mootwingee, (ACN 134 358 964), area of 6 units. Application for renewal Yantara and Yungnulgra, Map Sheet (7436, 7437, 7535, received 14 May 2015. 7536), area of 65 units, for Group 1, dated 24 April 2015, for a term until 24 April 2018. (T12-1150) (15-0308) Exploration Licence No 8089, PERILYA BROKEN HILL LIMITED (ACN 099 761 289), area of 3 units. Application No 5140, now Exploration Licence No 8368, FORGE for renewal received 15 May 2015. MINERALS PTY LTD (ACN 121 258 713), Counties of Courallie and Murchison, Map Sheet (8938), area of 24 units, (T12-1045) for Group 1 and Group 10, dated 6 May 2015, for a term until 6 May 2018. Exploration Licence No 8091, PERILYA BROKEN HILL LIMITED (ACN 099 761 289), area of 2 units. Application (T15-1010) for renewal received 15 May 2015. No 5141, now Exploration Licence No 8370, ABX2 PTY LTD The Hon ANTHONY ROBERTS, MP (ACN 139 791 478), County of Camden, Map Sheet (8928), Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy area of 43 units, for Group 2, dated 6 May 2015, for a term until 6 May 2018. The Hon ANTHONY ROBERTS, MP Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy

1207 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

RENEWAL OF CERTAIN AUTHORITIES (T10-0275) Notice is given that the following authorities have been Exploration Licence No 7740, CARPENTARIA renewed: EXPLORATION LIMITED (ACN 095 117 981), County of Mootwingee and County of Yungnulgra, Map Sheet (7335, (13-1717) 7336), area of 29 units. Cancellation took effect on 14 May Mining Purposes Lease No 313 (Act 1973), R. & M. 2015. MANSFIELD NOMINEES PTY. LTD. (ACN 005 203 805), (T10-0305) Parish of Mebea, County of Finch, Map Sheet (8439-2-S), area of 1.752 hectares, for a further term until 12 July 2018. Exploration Licence No 7741, CARPENTARIA Renewal effective on and from 10 April 2015. EXPLORATION LIMITED (ACN 095 117 981), County of Farnell, Map Sheet (7136), area of 13 units. Cancellation The Hon ANTHONY ROBERTS, MP took effect on 14 May 2015. Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy (T11-0258) Exploration Licence No 7912, ABX2 PTY LTD (ACN 139 REQUESTED CANCELLATION OF AUTHORITIES 791 478), County of Argyle and County of King, Map AT REQUEST OF HOLDERS Sheet (8728, 8828), area of 33 units. Cancellation took effect Notice is given that the following authorities have been on 19 May 2015. requested to be cancelled: The Hon ANTHONY ROBERTS, MP (T11-0258) Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy Exploration Licence No 7912 (Act 1992), ABX2 PTY LTD (ACN 139 791 478), County of Argyle and County of PART CANCELLATION OF AN AUTHORITY King, Map Sheet (8728, 8828), area of 33 units. Request of cancellation was received on 14 May 2015. Notice is given that the following Authority has been cancelled in part by virtue of the grant of Mining Lease The Hon ANTHONY ROBERTS, MP No 1703 (Act 1992): Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy (08/4430) Exploration Licence No 5497, DONALDSON COAL PTY CANCELLATION OF AUTHORITIES LTD, (ACN 073 088 945), Parishes of Hexam, Stockrington AT REQUEST OF HOLDERS and Teralba, County of Northumberland, Map Sheet (9232) Notice is given that the following authorities have been Description of area cancelled: cancelled: An area of 24 hectares. For further information contact Titles (T10-0260) Branch. Exploration Licence No 7735, CARPENTARIA Part cancellation took effect on 9 December 2014. EXPLORATION LIMITED (ACN 095 117 981), County of Evelyn, Map Sheet (7138, 7237, 7238), area of 29 units. The Authority now embraces an area of 4687 hectares. Cancellation took effect on 14 May 2015. The Hon ANTHONY ROBERTS, MP (T10-0261) Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy Exploration Licence No 7736, CARPENTARIA EXPLORATION LIMITED (ACN 095 117 981), County TRANSFER OF CERTAIN AUTHORITIES of Evelyn, Map Sheet (7237), area of 21 units. Cancellation took effect on 14 May 2015. Notice is given that the following applications for transfer of authorities have been received: (T10-0262) (15-1078) Exploration Licence No 7737, CARPENTARIA EXPLORATION LIMITED (ACN 095 117 981), County of Mineral Lease No 6023 (Act 1906), SIBELCO AUSTRALIA Evelyn and County of Mootwingee, Map Sheet (7236, 7237), LIMITED (ACN 000 971 844), to TALLAWANG MINES area of 15 units. Cancellation took effect on 14 May 2015. PTY. LIMITED (ACN 603 135 548), County of Bligh, Map Sheet (8733), area of 7095 square metres. Application for (T10-0263) Transfer received on 29 April 2015. Exploration Licence No 7738, CARPENTARIA (15-1078) EXPLORATION LIMITED (ACN 095 117 981), County of Mootwingee, Map Sheet (7336), area of 8 units. Cancellation Private Lands Lease No 3610 (Act 1906), SIBELCO took effect on 14 May 2015. AUSTRALIA LIMITED (ACN 000 971 844), to TALLAWANG MINES PTY. LIMITED (ACN 603 135 (T10-0269) 548), County of Bligh, Map Sheet (8733), area of 7992 square Exploration Licence No 7739, CARPENTARIA metres. Application for Transfer received on 29 April 2015. EXPLORATION LIMITED (ACN 095 117 981), County of Evelyn, Map Sheet (7138), area of 46 units. Cancellation took effect on 14 May 2015.

1208 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

(15-1078) Private Lands Lease No 1093 (Act 1924), SIBELCO AUSTRALIA LIMITED (ACN 000 971 844), to TALLAWANG MINES PTY. LIMITED (ACN 603 135 548), County of Bligh, Map Sheet (8733), area of 2.767 hectares. Application for Transfer received on 29 April 2015. (15-1078) Mining Lease No 1241 (Act 1973), SIBELCO AUSTRALIA LIMITED (ACN 000 971 844), to TALLAWANG MINES PTY. LIMITED (ACN 603 135 548), County of Bligh, Map Sheet (8733), area of 78.54 hectares. Application for Transfer received on 29 April 2015. (15-1078) Mining Purposes Lease No 265 (Act 1973), SIBELCO AUSTRALIA LIMITED (ACN 000 971 844), to TALLAWANG MINES PTY. LIMITED (ACN 603 135 548), County of Bligh, Map Sheet (8733), area of 27.02 hectares. Application for Transfer received on 29 April 2015. (15-1078) Mining Lease No 1652 (Act 1992), SIBELCO AUSTRALIA LIMITED (ACN 000 971 844), to TALLAWANG MINES PTY. LIMITED (ACN 603 135 548), County of Bligh, Map Sheet (8733), area of 76.1 hectares. Application for Transfer received on 29 April 2015. The Hon ANTHONY ROBERTS, MP Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy

1209 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices Energy Notices

PIPELINES ACT 1967 Schedule 1 Instrument of Grant of Pipeline Licence Lands affected by Easement for Pipeline Licence No 44 Land Parcel Deposited Easement AGL Upstream Infrastructure Investments Pty Limited Plan (DP ) Area (ABN: 96 092 684 010), having its registered office at on which Description Level 22, 101 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW 2060, has easement for on DP applied, in accordance with the provisions of sections 12, gas pipeline 13 and 13A of the Pipelines Act 1967 (hereinafter called under the “the Act”) and Pipeline Regulation 2013 (hereinafter called Pipelines Act “the Regulation”), for a Licence to operate a pipeline 1967 is shown (hereinafter called Licence No 44) to convey natural gas between Stratford and Tomago and has agreed at Annexure A Lot 21 DP 1164626 DP 1194328 (P) to accept the Licence and the provisions and conditions Parkers Road DP 1198984 (P) attached thereto. This application complies with the provisions of the Act The Bucketts Way DP 1198984 (P) and Regulation and therefore I, Anthony Roberts, Minister Lot 1 DP 531023 DP 1194328 (P) for Industry, Resources and Energy, do grant Licence No 44 to AGL Upstream Infrastructure Investments Pty Limited North Coast Railway DP 1194511 (P2) (ABN: 96 092 684 010), effective from my signing of this Licence. Lot 392 DP 876813 DP 1194328 (P) The lands affected by the pipeline licence area are indicated Lot 391 DP 876813 DP 1194328 (P) on Registered Memorandum Number AJ 12235 including Lot 371 DP 832477 DP 1194328 (P) associated instruments, lodged and registered at the Sydney office of Land and Property Information NSW. Woods Road DP 1198984 (P) This Licence is granted subject to the requirements of and Lot 1 DP 1003762 DP 1194328 (P) conditions set forth in Annexure B. Lot 2 DP 1003762 DP 1194328 (P) Signed at Sydney, New South Wales on this eighteenth day of May 2015. Lot 522 DP 95600 DP 1194328 (P) ANTHONY ROBERTS, MP Lot 417 DP 1127448 DP 1194328 (P) Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy Spring Creek Road DP 1198983 (P) Lot 2 DP 874695 DP 1194328 (P) PIPELINES ACT 1967 Notification No 1 of Vesting of Easements Lot 1 DP 874695 DP 1194328 (P) Stratford to Tomago Gas Pipeline Lot 525 DP 730328 DP 1194328 (P)

Pipeline Licence No 44 Lot 5 DP 1107168 DP 1194328 (P) I, Anthony Roberts, Minister for Industry, Resources and

Energy, pursuant to the provisions of sections 21 and 61 Lot 7 DP 846843 DP 1194328 (P) of the Pipelines Act 1967, hereby declare easements over Lot 6 DP 846843 DP 1194328 (P) the land described in Schedule 1 hereto are vested in AGL Upstream Infrastructure Investments Pty Ltd ABN 96 092 Lot 2 DP 829617 DP 1194328 (P) 684 010 (Licensee) for the purposes of and incidental to Lot 6 DP 1107984 DP 1194328 (P) the construction and operation of a pipeline subject to the restrictions on user set out in Schedule 2 hereto. Lot 1 DP 1010435 DP 1194328 (P) Dated this eighteenth day of May 2015 Lot 100 DP 1083871 DP 1194328 (P) ANTHONY ROBERTS, MP Lot 101 DP 1083871 DP 1194328 (P) Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy Lot 11 DP 1116119 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 12 DP 31955 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 700 DP 95757, DP 1194328 (P) being part Auto Consol 15165-38 Lot 5 DP 95686, DP 1194328 (P) being part Auto Consol 15165-38

1210 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

Land Parcel Deposited Easement Land Parcel Deposited Easement Plan (DP ) Area Plan (DP ) Area on which Description on which Description easement for on DP easement for on DP gas pipeline gas pipeline under the under the Pipelines Act Pipelines Act 1967 is shown 1967 is shown Lot 1 DP 803291 DP 1194328 (P) Stroud Hill Road DP 1198983 (P) Lot 7 DP 803291 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 3001 DP 1126338 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 5 DP 803291 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 667 DP 95671 DP 1194328 (P) Monkerai Road DP 1198983 (P) Black Camp Road DP 1198983 (P) Lot 6 DP 803291 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 51 DP 1128500 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 37 DP 95775 DP 1194328 (P) Black Camp Road DP 1198983 (P) Lot 350 DP 95778 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 2 DP 744888 DP 1194328 (P) The Bucketts Way DP 1198983 (P) Lot 3 DP 744888 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 17 DP 746061 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 43 DP 858015 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 32 DP 828026 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 42 DP 858015 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 5 DP 876013 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 41 DP 858015 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 2 DP 1165003 DP 1194328 (P) Black Camp Road DP 1198983 (P) Lot 1 DP 1184995 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 35 DP 95407 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 1 DP 1103426 DP 1194328 (P) Black Camp Road DP 1198983 (P) Lot 2 DP 1103426 DP 1194328 (P) Black Camp Road DP 1194285 (B) Lot 3 DP 1127503 DP 1194328 (P) Black Camp Road DP 1194285 (B) Lot 1 DP 779047 DP 1194328 (P) Unformed Road DP 1194285 (B) Lot 4 DP 838079 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 342 DP 1075647 DP 1194328 (P) The Bucketts Way DP 1198983 (P) Black Camp Road DP 1194285 (B) Lot 53 DP 873919 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 122 DP 526671 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 469 DP 95667 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 14 DP 505209 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 37 DP 95642 DP 1194328 (P) Lot J DP 163593 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 19 DP 998668 DP 1194328 (P) Flat Tops Road DP 1194285 (B) Lot 18 DP 998668 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 16 DP 95009 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 17 DP 998668 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 13 DP 95008 DP 1194328 (P) Reidsdale Road DP 1198983 (P) Lot 14 DP 95008 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 16 DP 1129310 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 15 DP 95008 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 397 DP 95663 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 27 DP 95009 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 75 DP 95643 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 2 DP 1098392, DP 1194328 (P) being part Auto Lot 284 DP 1129311 DP 1194329 (P) Consol 10664-36 Lot 293 DP 95643 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 33 DP 95007 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 371 DP 95658 DP 1194328 (P) Black Camp Road DP 1194285 (B) North Coast Railway DP 1194511 (P1) Lot 32 DP 95007 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 3000 DP 1126338 DP 1194328 (P) Black Camp Road DP 1194285 (B)

1211 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

Land Parcel Deposited Easement Land Parcel Deposited Easement Plan (DP ) Area Plan (DP ) Area on which Description on which Description easement for on DP easement for on DP gas pipeline gas pipeline under the under the Pipelines Act Pipelines Act 1967 is shown 1967 is shown Lot 341 DP 1075646 DP 1194328 (P) Lot 894 DP 262981 DP 1194255 (A) Lot 2 DP 95008 DP 1201203 (A) Lot 895 DP 262981 DP 1194255 (A) Black Camp Creek DP 1201200 (A) Lot 896 DP 262981, DP 1194255 (A) Road being part Auto Consol 14811-232 Lot 2 DP 1035953 DP 1201203 (A) Unformed Road DP 1194285 (B) Lot 1 DP 1035953 DP 1201203 (A) Lot 69 DP 753176 DP 1194255 (A) Unformed Road DP 1199091 (B) Lot 70 DP 753176, DP 1194255 (A) Lot 28 DP 753176 DP 1201203 (A) being part Auto Black Camp Creek DP 1194285 (B) Consol 11874-112 Road Lot 68 DP 753176 DP 1194255 (A) Unformed Road DP 1194285 (B) Lot 760 DP 1050282 DP 1194255 (A) Lot 29 DP 753176 DP 1201203 (A) Lot 10 DP 1040379 DP 1194255 (A) Lot 11 DP 733189 DP 1201203 (A) Lot 91 DP 733137 DP 1194255 (A) Lot 12 DP 733189, DP 1201203 (A) Glen Martin Road DP 1194285 (B) being part Auto Consol 2613-2 Lot 390 DP 884370 DP 1194255 (A) Black Camp Creek DP 1194285 (B) Glen Martin Road DP 1194285 (B) Road Limeburners Creek DP 1194285 (B) Lot 1 DP 450100, DP 1201203 (A) Road being part Auto Consol 2613-2 Lot 104 DP 730983 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 5 DP 241788, DP 1194260 (A) Lot 2 DP 248820 DP 1194251 (A) being part Auto Lot 3 DP 248820 DP 1194251 (A) Consol 12947-18 Lot 53 DP 740432 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 4 DP 241788, DP 1194260 (A) being part Auto Lot 1 DP 702543 DP 1194251 (A) Consol 12947-18 Lot 2 DP 702543 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 1 DP 1141804 DP 1201203 (A) Lot 3 DP 702543 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 3 DP 450100, DP 1201203 (A) being part Auto Lot 71 DP 731981 DP 1194251 (A) Consol 2613-2 Lot 72 DP 731981 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 4412 DP 1031344 DP 1201203 (A) Lot 185 DP 1114256 DP 1194251 (A) Black Camp Creek DP 1194285 (B) Lot 1 DP 204534 DP 1194251 (A) Road Lot 1 DP 705895 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 5 DP 528432 DP 1201203 (A) Lot 99 DP 1188878 DP 1194251 (A) Unformed Road DP 1194285 (B) Lot 100 DP 1188878 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 6 DP 528432 DP 1201203 (A) Lot 20 DP 815759 DP 1194251 Not Marked Lot 891 DP 262981 DP 1194255 (A) (Owned by Lot 892 DP 262981 DP 1194255 (A) AGL) Lot 893 DP 262981 DP 1194255 (A) Lot 1 DP 602809 DP 1194251 (A)

1212 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

Land Parcel Deposited Easement Land Parcel Deposited Easement Plan (DP ) Area Plan (DP ) Area on which Description on which Description easement for on DP easement for on DP gas pipeline gas pipeline under the under the Pipelines Act Pipelines Act 1967 is shown 1967 is shown Lot 21 DP 815759 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 25 DP 1101305 DP 1194239 (A) East Seaham Road DP 1194284 (B) Clarence Town Road DP 1194284 (B) Lot 3 DP 602809 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 26 DP 1101305 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 1 DP 797219 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 260 DP 1182734 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 100 DP 1039833 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 204 DP 1170203 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 151 DP 1067987 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 4 DP 1016694 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 153 DP 1067987 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 30 DP 1109502 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 3 DP 240033 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 301 DP 506711 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 1 DP 240033 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 2 DP 1110919 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 3 DP 1083911, DP 1194251 (A) Lot 1 DP 1169831 DP 1194239 (A) being part Auto Consol 8663-3 Lot 1 DP 598945 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 36 DP 753216 DP 1194251 (A) Hinton Rd DP 1194284 (B) Lot 7 DP 753216 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 1 DP 770353 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 51 DP 1110531 DP 1194251 (A) Lot 11 DP 242034 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 3940 DP 1129375 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 1 DP 701059 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 4002 DP 1129483 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 1 DP 770353 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 4003 DP 1129483 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 2 DP 197 DP 1194274 (A) Lot 4004 DP 1129483 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 3 DP 197 DP 1194274 (A) Lot 503 DP 1018399 DP 1194239 (A) Duckenfield Rd DP 1194283 (B) Clarence Town Road DP 1194284 (B) Lot 2 DP 456643, DP 1194274 (A) being part Auto Lot 502 DP 1018399 DP 1194239 (A) Consol 5881-81 Lot 7 DP 708057 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 2 DP 135852 DP 1194274 (A) Lot 58 DP 752487, DP 1194239 (A) Lot 1 DP 135852 DP 1194274 (A) being part Auto Consol 15164-79 Lot 342 DP 828134 DP 1194274 (A) Lot 2 DP 823760 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 341 DP 828134 DP 1194274 (A) Lot 2 DP 737844 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 35 DP 197 DP 1194274 (A) Lot 1 DP 823760 DP 1194239 (A) Lot 36 DP 197 DP 1194274 (A) Lot 1 DP 1006516, DP 1194239 (A) Lot 371 DP 825895 DP 1197781 (A) being part Auto Raymond Terrace Rd DP 1198301 (A) Consol 15164-80 Lot 11A DP 197, DP 1194274 (A) Lot 2 DP 1006516, DP 1194239 (A) being part Auto being part Auto Consol 10573-71 Consol 15164-80 Lot 9A DP 197 DP 1194274 (A) Lot 3 DP 1006516, DP 1194239 (A) being part Auto Lot 7A DP 197 DP 1194274 (A) Consol 15164-80 Lot 5A DP 197 DP 1194274 (A)

1213 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

Schedule 1 Land Parcel Deposited Easement Plan (DP ) Area Lands affected by Easement for Pipeline on which Description easement for on DP Deposited Plan/ Deposited Easement gas pipeline Land Description Plan on which Area under the easement for gas Description Pipelines Act pipeline under on DP 1967 is shown the Pipelines Act 1967 is shown Lot 202 DP 1014215 DP 1194274 (A) Spring Creek DP 1198952 (E) Turners Road DP 1194283 (B) (Diagram A) Lot 201 DP 1014215 DP 1194274 (A) Crown Road – DP 1198952 (E) unformed (Diagram B) Woodberry Road DP 1194283 (B) Crown Road – DP 1198952 (E) Lot 6 DP 262053 DP 1194274 (A) unformed (Diagram C) Lot 11 DP 1189457 DP 1194274 (A) Lot 1 DP 1166147 DP 1194327 (E) Lot 12 DP 1189457 DP 1194274 (A) Crown Road – DP 1198952 (E) Lot 12 DP 32585 DP 1194274 (A) unformed (Diagram D) Lot 51 DP 739336 DP 1194257 (A) Lot 86 DP 1130905 DP 1198952 (E) (Diagram H) Lot 54 DP 739336 DP 1194257 (A) (Pacific Highway) Crown Road – DP 1198952 (E) unformed (Diagram F) Lot 121 DP 1024846 DP 1194257 (A) (Pacific Highway) Lot 31 DP 828026 DP 1192731 (E) Lot 201 DP 1173564 DP 1194258 (A) Crown Road – DP 1198952 (F) unformed (Diagram E) Schedule 2 Crown Road – DP 1198952 (E) Restrictions as to User unformed (Diagram J) Without affecting the generality of any requirement imposed Crown Road – DP 1198952 (E) by the Pipelines Act 1967 or regulations thereunder, the unformed (Diagram K) owner or occupier of land over which there is an easement for pipeline must within the area of the easement, comply with Karuah River DP 1198952 (E) each of the restrictions as to user contained in the terms of (Diagram G) easement that apply to the relevant easement agreed between Crown Road – DP 1198952 (E) the Licensee and each of the owners of the land referred to unformed (Diagram L) in Schedule 1. Crown Road – DP 1198952 (E) unformed (Diagram L) PIPELINES ACT 1967 Crown Road DP 1198952 (E) Notification No 2 of Vesting of Easements (Diagram N) Stratford to Tomago Gas Pipeline Lot 422 DP 843104 DP 1194330 (E) Pipeline Licence No 44 Crown Road DP 1198952 (E) I, Anthony Roberts, Minister for Industry, Resources and (Diagram P) Energy, pursuant to the provisions of sections 21 and 61 of the Pipelines Act 1967, hereby declare easements over Crown Road DP 1198952 (E) the land described in Schedule 1 hereto are vested in AGL (Diagram Q) Upstream Infrastructure Investments Pty Ltd ABN 96 092 684 010 (Licensee) for the purposes of and incidental to Crown Road DP 1198952 (E) the construction and operation of a pipeline subject to the (Diagram M) restrictions on user set out in Schedule 2 hereto. Unformed Road DP 1197500 (A) Dated this eighteenth day of May 2015 Williams River DP 1198952 (E) ANTHONY ROBERTS, MP (Diagram R) Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy Crown Road DP 1198952 (E) (Diagram S) Lot 7300 DP 1198952 (E) DP 1134504 (Diagram T)

1214 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

Deposited Plan/ Deposited Easement Land Description Plan on which Area easement for gas Description pipeline under on DP the Pipelines Act 1967 is shown Hunter River DP 1198952 (E) (Diagram T) Lot 7300 DP 1201041 (E) DP 1163794 Hunter River DP 1198952 (E) (Diagram U) Lot 7310 DP 1198952 (E) DP 1165716 (Diagram U)

Schedule 2 Restrictions as to user Without affecting the generality of any requirement imposed by the Pipelines Act 1967 or regulations thereunder, the owner or occupier of land over which there is an easement for pipeline must not within the area of the easement, except with the prior consent in writing of the person in whom the easement is vested: • excavate (including blasting), drill or dig; • erect, place or permit to be erected or placed any building, structure (including fence posts), plant, apparatus or equipment, earthworks, utility services or other improvements whether permanent or temporary on, over or under the land; • alter or disturb existing levels, contours or gradients; • plant or cultivate any tree within 3 metres of the pipeline or any apparatus or works; • place on or use any part of the land for the transport, carriage or support of any heavy object, vehicle or implement, which could in any way cause or be likely to cause damage to the pipeline; or • undertake any other activity that represents a danger to the pipeline or is a danger to the operation of the pipeline or its apparatus or works including signs, vent pipes and cathodic protection systems including anode beds and electrolysis test points.

1215 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices Crown Lands Notices 1300 886 235

DUBBO OFFICE Column 1 Column 2 Dedication No 1024868 APPOINTMENT OF RESERVE TRUST Public Purpose: general AS TRUSTEE OF A RESERVE cemetery Notified: 9 March 1894 Pursuant to section 92 (1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the reserve trust specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder Dedication No 1024888 is appointed as trustee of the reserve specified opposite Public Purpose: cemetery thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. extensions Notified: 26 April 1963 The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Reserve No 88158 Minister for Lands and Water Public Purpose: rubbish depot Schedule Notified: 5 March 1971 Column 1 Column 2 Reserve No 91600 Public Purpose: rubbish depot Mid Western Regional Dedication No 1023028 Notified: 26 October 1979 Council Crown Reserves Public Purpose: general Dedication No 1015230 Reserve Trust cemetery Public Purpose: general Notified: 22 August 1900 cemetery Dedication No 1018128 Notified: 18 September 1897 Public Purpose: general Reserve No 30768 cemetery Public Purpose: cemetery Notified: 14 February 1873 Notified: 31 March 1900 Dedication No 1018368 Reserve No 46862 Public Purpose: general Public Purpose: preservation cemetery of graves Notified: 8 January 1876 Notified: 2 August 1911 Reserve No 11689 Reserve No 50168 Public Purpose: plantation, Public Purpose: cemetery cemetery extensions Notified: 2 September 1914 Notified: 14 June 1890 Dedication No 1024848 Dedication No 1018948 Public Purpose: general Public Purpose: general cemetery cemetery Notified: 30 July 1875 Notified: 16 January 1880 Reserve No 87094 Reserve No 149 Public Purpose: resting place Public Purpose: other public Notified: 7 March 1969 purposes, cemetery Notified: 1 October 1883 Reserve No 82235 Public Purpose: resting place Reserve No 84963 Notified: 18 December 1959 Public Purpose: preservation of graves Reserve No 89463 Notified: 31 July 1964 Public Purpose: rubbish depot Notified: 13 June 1975 Reserve No 86671 Public Purpose: children’s Reserve No 76624 playground Public Purpose: sanitary Notified: 29 March 1968 purposes Notified: 12 March 1954 Reserve No 87456 Public Purpose: rubbish depot Reserve No 87248 Notified: 17 October 1969 Public Purpose: rubbish depot Notified: 27 June 1969 Reserve No 3494 Public Purpose: cemetery File Reference: 15/05048 Notified: 11 June 1887 For a term commencing the date of this notice Reserve No 18605 Public Purpose: cemetery extensions Notified: 9 September 1893

1216 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

NOTICE OF PURPOSE OTHER THAN NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD THE DECLARED PURPOSE PURSUANT In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road TO SECTION 34A (2) OF THE hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access Pursuant to section 34A (2) (b) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. the Crown reserve with the declared public purpose specified Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public in Column 2 of the Schedule, is to be used or occupied road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. for a purpose other than the declared purpose specified in NIALL BLAIR, MLC Column 1 of the Schedule. Minister for Lands and Water The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Description Parish – Taloumbi; County – Clarence Schedule Land District – Grafton; LGA – Clarence Valley Column 1 Column 2 Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1207387 Grazing Reserve No 41715 File No: 14/09392 (Relevant Interest – Public Purpose: Section 34A Licence – trigonometrical purposes Schedule Licence 546603) Notified: 5 June 1907 On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1207387 remains vested File Reference: 15/01122 in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

GRAFTON OFFICE NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – North Wagga Wagga; County – Clarendon Parish – Woodenbong; County – Buller Land District – Wagga Wagga; LGA – Wagga Wagga Land District – Casino; LGA – Tenterfield Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1205845 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1204962 File No: 13/10830 File No: 13/10986 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1205845 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1204962 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Ellangowan; County – Richmond Parish – Taloumbi; County – Clarence Land District – Casino; LGA – Richmond Valley Land District – Grafton; LGA – Clarence Valley Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1207103 Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1207389 File No: 14/10579 File No: 14/09390 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1207103 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1207389 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

1217 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Drummond; County – Hardinge Parish – Ward; County – Clarke Land District – Inverell; LGA – Uralla Land District – Armidale; LGA – Guyra Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1207101 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1206466 File No: 14/10590 File No: 14/07352 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1207101 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1206466 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Stanton; County – Clarke Parishes – Ward, Oban; County – Clarke Land District – Armidale; LGA – Guyra Land District – Armidale; LGA – Guyra Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1207195 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1206477 File No: 14/07758 File No: 14/07355 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1207195 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1206477 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Swinton; County – Hardinge Parishes – Balala, Morse; County – Hardinge Land District – Inverell; LGA – Guyra Land District – Armidale; LGA – Uralla Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1207032 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1206478 File No: 14/09441 File No: 14/09055 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1207032 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1206478 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

1218 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parishes – Fenton, Dingle; Counties – Fitzroy, Raleigh Parish – Sandy Ridges; County – Hume Land District – Bellingen; LGA – Bellingen Land District – Corowa; LGA – Corowa Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1205965 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1205621 File No: 09/02416 File No: 14/07017 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1205621 becomes vested On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1205965 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. Council’s reference: 529/07

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Meerschaum; County – Rous Land District – Lismore; LGA – Lismore Parish – Baroma; County – Burnett Land District – Warialda; LGA – Gwydir Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1205620 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1206087 File No: 14/07617 File No: 14/07599 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1205620 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1206087 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parishes – Gregado, Woomahrigong; County – Wynyard Land District – Wagga Wagga; LGA – Wagga Wagga Parish – Boyanga; County – Burnett Land District – Warialda; LGA – Gwydir Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1201943 Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1206087 File No: 14/03310 File No: 14/07603 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1201943 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1206087 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. 1219 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. NIALL BLAIR, MLC NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Jindera; County – Goulburn Parishes – Dudauman, Stockinbingal; County – Bland Land District – Albury; LGA – Albury Land District – Wagga Wagga; LGA – Cootamundra Road Closed: Lots 1–2 DP 1204674 Road Closed: Lots 2–4 DP 1200550 File No: 14/02547 File No: WA05H77 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lots 1–2 DP 1204674 remains On closing, the land within Lots 2–4 DP 1200550 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. NIALL BLAIR, MLC The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Albury; County – Goulburn Parish – Redbank; County – Arrawatta Land District – Albury; LGA – Albury Land District – Inverell; LGA – Inverell Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1202521 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1207735 File No: 13/10197 File No: 14/10846 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1202521 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1207735 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. NIALL BLAIR, MLC NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Stockinbingal; County – Bland Parishes – Dudauman, Yeo Yeo; County – Bland Land District – Wagga Wagga; LGA – Cootamundra Land District – Cootamundra; LGA – Cootamundra Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1200550 Road Closed: Lot 1–2 DP 1200612 File No: WA05H77 File No: 08/0478 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1200550 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 1–2 DP 1200612 remains in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

1220 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. NIALL BLAIR, MLC The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Mollee; County – White Parish – Muluerindie; County – Inglis Land District – Narrabri; LGA – Narrabri Land District – Armidale; LGA – Tamworth Regional Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1207269 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1208251 File No: 14/11280 File No: 15/00004 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1207269 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1208251 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. NIALL BLAIR, MLC The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Kilgowla; County – Wynyard Parish – Bundori; County – Benarba Land District – Wagga Wagga; LGA – Wagga Wagga Land District – Moree; LGA – Moree Plains Road Closed: Lots 1–2 DP 1205859 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1207202 File No: 13/03871 File No: 14/09861 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lots 1–2 DP 1205859 remains On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1207202 remains vested vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Romney; County – Clive Parish – Armidale; County – Sandon Land District – Tenterfield; LGA – Tenterfield Land District – Armidale; LGA – Armidale Dumaresq Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1206729 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1205783 File No: 14/08831 File No: 14/07134 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1206729 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1205783 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

1221 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Ermington; County – Fitzroy Parish – Wantabadgery; County – Clarendon Land District – Grafton; LGA – Clarence Valley Land District – Wagga Wagga; LGA – Junee Road Closed: Lot 7 DP 1206362 Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1197302 File No: 14/03819 File No: 13/15211 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 7 DP 1206362 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1197302 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Stonehenge; County – Gough Parish – Mate; County – Wynyard Land District – Glen Innes Land District – Tumbarumba North; LGA – Wagga Wagga LGA – Glen Innes Severn Shire Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1207590 Road Closed: Lots 1–3 DP 1205791 File No: 14/09056 File No: 14/07150 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1207590 remains vested On closing, the land within Lots 1–3 DP 1205791 remains in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Clive; County – Gough Parishes – Burragillo, Derra; County – Benarba Land District – Inverell; LGA – Inverell Land District – Moree; LGA – Moree Plains Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1206960 Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1200500 File No: 14/08911 File No: 14/10042 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1200500 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1206960 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

1222 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. NIALL BLAIR, MLC NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Taree; County – Macquarie Parish – Glen Innes; County – Gough Land District – Taree; LGA – Greater Taree Land District – Glen Innes LGA – Glen Innes Severn Shire Road Closed: Lots 1–2 DP 1205292 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1206688 File No: 07/2712 File No: AE06H216 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lots 1–2 DP 1205292 remains On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1206688 remains vested vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Tomki; County – Rous Parishes – Yooloobil, Illingrammindi; County – Stapylton Land District – Casino; LGA – Richmond Valley Land District – Moree; LGA – Moree Plains Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1207593 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1203796 File No: 14/04202 File No: 14/03888 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1207593 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1203796 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parishes – Illingrammindi, Yooloobil; County – Stapylton Parish – Stonehenge; County – Gough Land District – Moree; LGA – Moree Plains Land District – Glen Innes LGA – Glen Innes Severn Shire Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1203796 Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1206687 File No: 14/03889 File No: AE06H216 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1203796 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1206687 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

1223 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. NIALL BLAIR, MLC The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Wolongimba; County – Benarba Parish – Tunstall; County – Rous Land District – Moree; LGA – Moree Plains Land District – Lismore; LGA – Lismore Road Closed: Lots 1–2 DP 1206686 Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1202065 File No: ME05H237 File No: 08/9189 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1206686 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1202065 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1206686 becomes vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown Land. APPOINTMENT OF CORPORATION TO MANAGE RESERVE TRUST NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD Pursuant to section 95 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road corporation specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein is appointed to manage the affairs of the reserve trust cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which is trustee of that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. the reserve referred to in Column 3 of the Schedule. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. Minister for Lands and Water The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Schedule Description Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Parish – Tiverton; County – Sandon Kyogle Council Gateway To Reserve No 82860 Land District – Armidale; LGA – Armidale Dumaresq The Rainforest Public Purpose: Reserves Trust public recreation Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1202172 Notified: 21 October File No: AE06H431 1960 Schedule Reserve No 57458 On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1202172 remains vested Public Purpose: in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. public recreation Notified: 26 September 1924 NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD Reserve No 72303 In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road Public Purpose: hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein public hall cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access Notified: 6 June 1947 that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Reserve No 57843 Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Public Purpose: road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. public recreation The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Notified: 13 March Minister for Lands and Water 1925 Reserve No 70864 Description Public Purpose: Parish – Tunstall; County – Rous public recreation Land District – Lismore; LGA – Lismore Notified: 9 April 1943 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1202065 Reserve No 97087 File No: GF05H563 Public Purpose: public recreation Schedule Notified: On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1202065 remains vested 16 December 1983 in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. 1224 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 Reserve No 58107 ERRATUM Public Purpose: In the notice appearing in the New South Wales Government public hall Gazette No 42 of the 8 May 2015, folio 1132, under the Notified: 26 June heading “NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF ROAD”, 1925 in respect of Road Closed: Lot 1, DP 1206588 at Moree, Reserve No 63033 County – Benarba should be deleted and County – Stapylton Public Purpose: inserted in lieu. public recreation File No: 14/05674 Notified: 13 November 1931 Reserve No 87232 ERRATUM Public Purpose: public recreation In the New South Wales Government Gazette of 17 April Notified: 20 June 2015, folios 1006–1007, under the heading of “Transfer of 1969 Crown Road to a Council” in the following notation under Schedule 1: Reserve No 69277 Crown public road being part of Summerland Way Public Purpose: adjoining north east of Lot 63 DP 755733, Lot 91 public recreation DP 755733 and Lot 78 DP 755733. Notified: 7 June 1940 Parish Roseberry County Rous at Old Grevillia Reserve No 86567 Public Purpose: Crown Lands Ref: DOC15/040194 public recreation Council Ref: GAK-PCP/65-83 Notified: Lot 78 DP 755733 is to be amended to Lot 75 DP 755733. 22 December 1967 Reserve No 89945 GRIFFITH OFFICE Public Purpose: public recreation ERRATUM Notified: 8 October 1976 In the NSW Government Gazette of 15 May 2015, folio 1164 under the heading ‘Reservation of Crown Land’ the note Reserve No 69556 should read ‘This reservation does not revoke the underlying Public Purpose: Regional Crown Res erve 1012550; this reservation public recreation automatically revokes Reserve 750872 for future public Notified: requirements’. 27 September 1940 File Reference: 15/05056 File Reference: 10/15360 The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water For a term commencing 1 October 2015 and expiring 30 September 2020. HAY OFFICE

CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 NOTICE OF PURPOSE OTHER THAN THE DECLARED PURPOSE PURSUANT ERRATUM TO SECTION 34A (2) OF THE In the notice appearing in the New South Wales Government CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 Gazette No 28 of the 27 March 2015, folio 918, under the Pursuant to section 34A (2) (b) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, heading “NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF ROAD”, in the Crown reserve with the declared public purpose specified respect of File No: 13/12018, notice should read: in Column 2 of the Schedule, is to be used or occupied Description for a purpose other than the declared purpose specified in Column 1 of the Schedule. Parish – North Creek; County – Raleigh Land District – Bellingen; LGA – Nambucca The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1204481, Lot 1 DP 1204482 File No: 13/12018 Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1204482 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1204481 becomes vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown Land.

1225 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

Schedule Description Column 1 Column 2 Parish – Kahibah; County – Northumberland Pipeline, Electricity Reserve No 84842 Land District – Newcastle; LGA – Lake Macquarie Generation and Supply, Public Purpose: future Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 881963 Pontoon and Pump & public requirements File No: 13/12985 : BA Pipeline Notified: 17 April 1964 (Relevant Interest – File Reference: 14/09899 Schedule S34A Licence – Reserve No 56146 On closing, the land within Lot DP 881963 becomes vested RI 542695) Public Purpose: generally in the State of New South Wales as Crown Land. Notified: 11 May 1923 Council’s reference: F2009/02020 File Reference: 14/09899 Reserve No 1011268 Public Purpose: future Description public requirements Parish – Young; County – Monteagle Notified: 3 February 2006 Land District – Young; LGA – Young File Reference: 14/09899 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1204709 Schedule File No: 10/05188 : BA Column 1 Column 2 Schedule Pump and Pipeline Reserve No 756533 On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1204709 becomes vested (Relevant Interest – Public Purpose: future in the State of New South Wales as Crown Land. S34A Licence – public requirements Council’s reference: F112.01 RI 544400) Notified: 29 June 2007 File Reference: 14/10817 Reserve No 56146 Description Public Purpose: generally

Notified: 11 May 1923 Parish – Binnaway; County – Napier

File Reference: 14/10817 Land District – Coonabarabran; LGA – Warrumbungle Reserve No 1011268 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1204636 Public Purpose: future File No: 11/05864 : BA public requirements Notified: 3 February 2006 Schedule File Reference: 14/10817 On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1204636 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Pipeline & Access Reserve No 32043 Description (Relevant Interest – Public Purpose: travelling Parish – Manton; County – King S34A Licence – stock Land District – Yass; LGA – Yass Valley RI 542696) Notified: 18 January 1901 File Reference: 14/09901 Road Closed: Lot 6 DP 1172616 Reserve No 56146 File No: 11/11847 : BA Public Purpose: generally Schedule Notified: 11 May 1923 File Reference: 14/09901 On closing, the land within Lot 6 DP 1172616 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. Reserve No 1011268 Public Purpose: future public requirements Description Notified: 3 February 2006 File Reference: 14/09901 Parishes – Neinby, Eulah; County – Leichhardt Land District – Coonamble; LGA – Coonamble NEWCASTLE OFFICE Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1166653 File No: DB05H415 : BA NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD Schedule In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1166653 remains vested cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water

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NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Yarrawa; County – Camden Parish – Thoko; County – Wellesley Land District – Moss Vale; LGA – Wingecarribee Land District – Bombala; LGA – Bombala Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1192865, Lot 4 DP 1207897 Road Closed: Lots 1–2 DP 1198348 (subject to right of File No: GB06H497 : BA carriageway created by Deposited Plan1198348) Schedule File No: 07/4950 On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1192865, Lot 4 Schedule DP 1207897 remains vested in the State of New South Wales On closing, the land within Lots 1–2 DP 1198348 remains as Crown land. vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Boduldura; County – Wellington Parish – Lewis; County – Macquarie Land District – Wellington; LGA – Wellington Land District – Taree; LGA – Greater Taree Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1206393 Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1206069 File No: 13/14834 RS File No: 14/05018 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1206393 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1206069 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Description Parishes – Cookeys Plains, Monomie Description County – Cunningham; Land District – Parkes Parish – Donelly; County – Lincoln LGA – Parkes Land District – Dubbo; LGA – Dubbo Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1207799 (subject to easement created Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1202178 by Deposited Plan 1207799) File No: 12/08117 File No: CL/00835 Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1202178 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1207799 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. 1227 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Minister for Lands and Water Description Description Parish – Wellington; County – Wellington Parish – Waugan; County – Ashburnham Land District – Wellington; LGA – Wellington Land District – Forbes; LGA – Forbes Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1202325 Road Closed: Lots 1–3 DP 1206555 (subject to easements for File No: 12/08115 right of carriageway created by Deposited Plan DP 1206555) File No: 14/04973 Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1202325 remains vested Schedule in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. On closing, the land within Lots 1–3 DP 1206555 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. Minister for Lands and Water The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Description Minister for Lands and Water Parishes – Rutledge, Ruby; County – Oxley Description Land District – Nyngan; LGA – Bogan Parish – Mumbidgle; County – Ashburnham Road Closed: Lots 1–2 DP 1203053 Land District – Forbes; LGA – Forbes File No: 14/01958 Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1203936 Schedule File No: CL/00798 On closing, the land within Lots 1–2 DP 1203053 remains Schedule vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1203936 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1203936 becomes vested In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road in the State of New South Wales as Crown Land. hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein Council’s reference: D499746 cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein Minister for Lands and Water cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Description Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Parish – Bulbodny; County – Flinders road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. Land District – Nyngan; LGA – Lachlan The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1204004 (subject to right of Minister for Lands and Water carriageway created by Deposited Plan DP 1204004) Description File No: 14/01880 Parishes – Cadogan, Vittoria; County – Bathurst Schedule Land District – Bathurst; LGA – Bathurst Regional On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1204004 remains vested Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1206895 in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. File No: 14/06600

1228 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

Schedule Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1206895 remains vested On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1208363 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. NOWRA OFFICE NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. Minister for Lands and Water The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Description Minister for Lands and Water Parish – Grahway; County – Gregory Description Land District – Warren; LGA – Warren Parish – Wowagin; County – Georgiana Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1206136 Land District – Crookwell; LGA – Upper Lachlan Shire File No: 09/15464 Road Closed: Lot 3 DP 1186825 Schedule File No: 13/10899 On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1206136 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. Schedule On closing, the land within Lot 3 DP 1186825 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein Description cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access Parishes – Mumbulla, Puen Buen; County – Auckland that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Land District – Bega; LGA – Bega Valley Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Road Closed: Lots 2–3 DP 1188633 road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. File No: 12/06868 The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Schedule Description On closing, the land within Lots 2–3 DP 1188633 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. Parish – Watton; County – Roxburgh

Land District – Bathurst; LGA – Bathurst Regional ORANGE OFFICE Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1206894 (subject to Right of Carriageway created by DP 1206894) NOTICE OF PURPOSE OTHER THAN File No: CL/00369 THE DECLARED PURPOSE PURSUANT TO SECTION 34A (2) OF THE Schedule CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1206894 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. Pursuant to section 34A (2) (b) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the Crown reserve with the declared public purpose specified in Column 2 of the Schedule, is to be used or occupied NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD for a purpose other than the declared purpose specified in Column 1 of the Schedule. In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access Minister for Lands and Water that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public Schedule road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. Column 1 Column 2 NIALL BLAIR, MLC Grazing Reserve No 750388 Minister for Lands and Water (Relevant Interest – Public Purpose: future Section 34A public requirements Description Licence 550428) Notified: 29 June 2007 Parish – Uringalla; County – Argyle File Reference: 15/01539 Land District – Goulburn; LGA – Goulburn Mulwaree Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1208363 File No: 13/14223 1229 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices


NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD NOTICE OF PURPOSE OTHER THAN THE DECLARED PURPOSE PURSUANT In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road TO SECTION 34A (2) OF THE hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Pursuant to section 34A (2) (b) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public the Crown reserve with the declared public purpose specified road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. in Column 2 of the Schedule, is to be used or occupied for a purpose other than the declared purpose specified in The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Column 1 of the Schedule. Minister for Lands and Water The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Description Minister for Lands and Water Parish – Baldwin; County – Darling Land District – Tamworth; LGA – Tamworth Regional Schedule Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1205953 Column 1 Column 2 Pump Site & Access Reserve No 84334 File No: 08/1189 (Relevant Interest – Public Purpose: generally Schedule S34A Licence 548812) Notified: 22 March 1963 File Reference: 15/02529 On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1205953 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land. Pump and Pipeline Reserve No 1011268 (Relevant Interest – Public Purpose: future TAREE OFFICE Section 34A public requirements Licence 549416) Notified: 3 February 2006 File Reference: 15/02795 NOTICE OF PURPOSE OTHER THAN THE DECLARED PURPOSE PURSUANT Pump and Pipeline TO SECTION 34A (2) OF THE (Relevant Interest – CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 Section 34A Licence 547906) Pursuant to section 34A (2) (b) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, File Reference: 15/01916 the Crown reserve with the declared public purpose specified in Column 2 of the Schedule, is to be used or occupied for a purpose other than the declared purpose specified in Column 1 of the Schedule. The Hon NIALL BLAIR, MLC Minister for Lands and Water Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Oyster Farming activities Reserve No: 1012048 (Relevant Interest – S34A) Public Purpose: access Licence – RI 537523, and public requirements, RI 503905, RI 513306 tourism purposes and Lease – RE464020 environmental and heritage conservation Notified: 4 August 2006 Reserve No: 1011268 Public Purpose: Future public requirements Notified: 3 February 2006 Reserve No: 56146 Public Purpose: From Lease or Sale generally Notified: 11 May 1923 File No: 12/04416, TE80 H1767, 07/1729, 10/04586

1230 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices Water Notices

WATER ACT 1912 An application for a licence, under section 10 of Part 2 of the Water Act 1912, as amended, has been received as follows: RODERICK DAVID AND JULIE MAREE EDWARDS for a pump on Koreelah Creek, Lot 32 DP 661316, Parish of Beaury, County of Buller for irrigation of 8 hectares (oats, lucerne, pasture) (partly replacing an existing entitlement – no increase in area or allocation) (30SL067309) Any inquiries should be directed to (02) 6676 7881. Written objections, from any local occupier or statutory authority, specifying grounds and how their interests are affected, must be lodged with the NSW Office of Water, PO Box 796, Murwillumbah NSW 2484, within 28 days of this publication. MELISSA HUNDY Water Regulation Officer NSW Office of Water

1231 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices Other Government Notices

ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION ACT 2009 ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION ACT 2009 Cancellation of Association Pursuant to Section 74 Cancellation of Incorporation Pursuant to Section 76 ERRATUM Take notice that the incorporation of the following associations is cancelled by this notice pursuant to section 76 of the The notice that appeared in the New South Wales Government Associations Incorporation Act 2009. Gazette No 42, dated 8 May 2015, pg 1143, cancelling twenty five Incorporated Associations under s74 of theAssociations ACORN SUPPORT GROUP INC9888120 Incorporation Act 2009, including Kempsey Workpool ALBURY WODONGA REGION Inc, Y436922, should have read Kempsey Workpool Inc, INCORPORATED Y1436922. This notice corrects this error. ALMS OF LOVE MISSIONS INC9885457 INCORPORATED Dated this 19th day of May 2015 APEX CLUB OF GOSFORD INC Y0103621 ROBYNE LUNNEY Delegate of the Commissioner ARGYLE COMMUNITY HOUSING Y0353346 NSW Fair Trading (ACH) INCORPORATED ASSEMBLY OF GLOBAL CHINESE INC9894903 CHRISTIAN UNITY INC ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION ACT 2009 Cancellation of Incorporation Pursuant to Section 74 ASSOCIATION OF MORTGAGE INC9888443 INVESTMENT COMPANIES (NSW) Take notice that the incorporation of the following associations INCORPORATED is cancelled by this notice pursuant to section 74 of the Associations Incorporation Act 2009. AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY- INC9886050 SYDNEY SECTION INCORPORATED BAY WAVES NETBALL INC9880377 AUST SANATAN/W-CUP/ INC9895774 ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED LIVERPOOL JNR SOCCER INFORMATION BROKERS AND INC9884210 ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED LAW STATIONERS ASSOCIATION AUSTRALIA INTERNATIONAL INC9897039 INCORPORATED YOUTH CULTURE CONFERENCE JUNEE LADIES PROBUS CLUB INC Y0853909 INCORPORATED LOTUS HOUSE INDO-CHINESE Y2135934 AUSTRALIA NSW CHINESE INC9893747 YOUNG WOMEN’S REFUGE COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED INCORPORATED ROAM COMMUNITIES INC9883861 AUSTRALIAN ASTHMA & Y2525330 INCORPORATED RESPIRATORY EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED THE GATE SYDNEY INC1200307 INCORPORATED AUSTRALIAN BPO ASSOCIATION INC9893651 INCORPORATED THE KURRAJONG SOCIETY Y2760123 INCORPORATED AUSTRALIAN CHAO SHAN INC9886420 ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE Cancellation is effective as at the date of gazettal. INCORPORATED Dated 20th day of May 2015. AUSTRALIAN POLARITY THERAPY Y1177624 ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED ROBYNE LUNNEY Delegate of the Commissioner AUSTRALIAN SAME-SEX DANCE INC1300342 NSW Fair Trading ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED BELLINGEN SHIRE FAMILY Y0855217 AND CHILDRENS SERVICES INCORPORATED BELMONT NORTH PUBLIC INC9893121 SCHOOL P & C ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED BLACKMANS POINT AND THE Y1384717 HATCH LANDCARE GROUP INCORPORATED

1232 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

Citation of Authority BRUNSWICK VALLEY SOCCER INC Y1421108 3. Where a judgment is reported in one of the following BURUNDIAN PENTECOST INC9892711 (authorised) reports, that citation should be used: EVANGELIST CHURCH • Commonwealth Law Reports (High Court of INCORPORATED Australia) CHURCHNET COMMUNITY CARE INC9886543 • Australian Capital Territory Law Reports (Supreme ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED Court of the Australian Capital Territory) • Federal Court Reports (Federal Court of Australia) CLANDULLA COMMUNITY Y1803041 ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED • New South Wales Law Reports (Supreme Court of New South Wales) CLUB COMMODORE AUSTRALIA INC9887907 • Northern Territory Law Reports (Supreme Court of INCORPORATED Northern Territory) COMMUNITY OBSERVATION INC9893128 • Queensland Reports (Supreme Court of Queensland) INCORPORATED • South Australian State Reports (Supreme Court of CPI – THE RISING BASE INC9889406 South Australia) INCORPORATED • Tasmanian Reports (Supreme Court of Tasmania) • Victorian Reports (Supreme Court of Victoria) DEVIL MAY CARE INCORPORATED INC9890862 • Western Australian Reports (Supreme Court of FRIENDS OF MAGEN DAVID ADOM INC9882583 Western Australia) AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED 4. Other series of reports should be used when a judgment JOHNSON STREET OUT OF SCHOOL Y2328037 is not reported in these authorised reports. HOURS CARE INCORPORATED 5. An unreported judgment should not usually be cited unless it contains a statement of legal principle or a KNIGHTS CRUSADE INC9885560 material application of principle which is not found in INCORPORATED reported authority. In such cases, the Medium Neutral NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF Y1764215 Citation of a judgment (if any) should be provided. SINGAPORE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Dated: 15 May 2015 (AUSTRALIA) INCORPORATED T F BATHURST AC NEW ENGLAND EXCHANGE INC9887726 Chief Justice of New South Wales INCORPORATED THE ARMIDALE WALDORF P & F Y2108937 COMPANION ANIMALS REGULATION 2008 ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED ORDER THE AUSTRALIAN SYRIAN HOUSE INC9881719 INCORPORATED Organisations Approved by the Chief Executive, Local Government under Clause 16 (d) Cancellation is effective as at the date of gazettal. Pursuant to clause 16 (d) of the Companion Animals Dated this 22nd day of May 2015 Regulation 2008, the organisation listed in Schedule 1 is hereby approved, subject to the conditions contained in CHRISTINE GOWLAND Schedule 2. Delegate of the Commissioner NSW Fair Trading Schedule 1 Name of organisation Address of organisation CIVIL PROCEDURE ACT 2005 Friends of the Pound PO Box 164 PRACTICE NOTE SC GEN 20 (Tweed) Inc. Banora Point NSW 2486 Citation of Authority Schedule 2 Commencement 1. The exemption under clause 16 (d) of the Companion 1. This Practice Note was issued on 15 May 2015 and Animals Regulation 2008 from the requirements of commences on 15 May 2015. section 9 of the Companion Animals Act 1998 only Application applies to an animal in the custody of an organisation listed in Schedule 1: 2. This Practice Note applies to the citation of authorities in all proceedings in the Supreme Court of New South a) if the organisation is holding that animal for the Wales, the Court of Appeal and the Court of Criminal sole purpose of re-housing the animal with a new Appeal, subject to Practice Note SC CA 1 Court of owner; and Appeal and SC CCA 1 Court of Criminal Appeal – b) if the organisation maintains appropriate records General. that show compliance with the Companion Animals Act 1998, Companion Animals Regulation 2008 and the Guidelines for Approval to be an Organisation

1233 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

Exempt from Companion Animal Registration 2. The exemption under clause 16 (d) of the Companion under clause 16 (d) of the Companion Animals Animals Regulation 2008 from the requirements of Regulation 2008; and section 9 of the Companion Animals Act 1998 expires c) if the organisation maintains a register that is made five years from the date of this order, unless revoked or available to the relevant local council and the Office varied at an earlier time. of Local Government as requested. The Register Date: 15 May 2015 must list the names of all carers involved in the rehoming of animals and the locations of all animals GRAHAME GIBBS received under the exemption while in the custody Director, Investigations and Performance of the organisation. Office of Local Government 2. The exemption under clause 16 (d) of the Companion Animals Regulation 2008 from the requirements of section 9 of the Companion Animals Act 1998 expires DISTRICT COURT ACT 1973 five years from the date of this order, unless revoked or District Court of New South Wales varied at an earlier time. DIRECTION Date: 15 May 2015 Pursuant to section 173 of the District Court Act 1973, I direct GRAHAME GIBBS that the District Court shall sit in its criminal jurisdiction at Director, Investigations and Performance the place and time shown as follows: Office of Local Government Albury 10.00am 11 January 2016 (3 weeks) Armidale 10.00am 11 January 2016 (3 weeks) COMPANION ANIMALS REGULATION 2008 Wagga Wagga 10.00am 11 January 2016 (3 weeks) ORDER Dated this 14th day of May 2015 Organisations Approved by the D M PRICE Chief Executive, Local Government under Clause 16 (d) Chief Judge Pursuant to clause 16 (d) of the Companion Animals Regulation 2008, the organisation listed in Schedule 1 is DISTRICT COURT ACT 1973 hereby approved, subject to the conditions contained in Schedule 2. District Court of New South Wales Schedule 1 DIRECTION Name of organisation Address of organisation Pursuant to section 32 of the District Court Act 1973, I direct that the District Court shall sit in its civil jurisdiction at the Riverina and District PO Box 398 place and time shown as follows: Animal Rescue Inc Narrandera NSW 2700 (RADAR Inc) Orange 10.00am 30 November 2015 (2 weeks) Special Fixture Schedule 2 Dated this 18th day of May 2015. 1. The exemption under clause 16 (d) of the Companion Animals Regulation 2008 from the requirements of D M PRICE section 9 of the Companion Animals Act 1998 only Chief Judge applies to an animal in the custody of an organisation listed in Schedule 1: a) if the organisation is holding that animal for the GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES ACT 1966 sole purpose of re-housing the animal with a new Pursuant to the provisions of section 10 of the Geographical owner; and Names Act 1966, the Geographical Names Board has this day b) if the organisation maintains appropriate records assigned the name listed hereunder as a geographical name. that show compliance with the Companion Animals Roger Nethercote Park for a reserve bounded by Act 1998, Companion Animals Regulation 2008 and Hickson Circuit and Morello Terrace, Caddens in the the Guidelines for Approval to be an Organisation Penrith LGA. Exempt from Companion Animal Registration under clause 16 (d) of the Companion Animals The position and extent for this feature is recorded and Regulation 2008; and shown within the Geographical Names Register of New c) if the organisation maintains a register that is made South Wales. This information can be accessed through the available to the relevant local council and the Office Board’s website at of Local Government as requested. The Register D MOONEY must list the names of all carers involved in the Chairman rehoming of animals and the locations of all animals Geographical Names Board received under the exemption while in the custody of the organisation.

1234 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

LAND ACQUISITION (JUST TERMS A copy of the Regulatory Impact Statement and the proposed COMPENSATION) ACT 1991 regulation are also available on the Office of Sport, Sport and Recreation website at NOTICE Written submissions are invited and can be submitted to I, the Hon Dominic Perrottet MP, Minister for Finance, [email protected] or to Locked Bag 1422, Services and Property, pursuant to section 60 (2) (b) of the Silverwater NSW 2128 marked “Mount Panorama Regulatory Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, Impact Statement” no later than 24 June 2015. For any notify the amount of $26,710 as the maximum amount of enquiries please call Kevin Frew on 8754 7927. compensation in respect of solatium for land acquisitions taking effect on or after 1 June 2015. STUART AYRES, MP Minister for Sport

MOTOR VEHICLE SPORTS (PUBLIC SAFETY) REGULATION POISONS AND THERAPEUTIC GOODS REGULATION 2008 Office of Sport, Sport and Recreation ORDER Proposed Motor Vehicle Sports (Public Safety) Regulation 2015 Withdrawal of Drug Authority Regulatory Impact Statement In accordance with the provisions of clause 175 (1) of the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008 an Order The NSW Government intends to make the Motor Vehicle has been made on Mr Hussein FARHAT (PHA0001789743) Sports (Public Safety) Regulation 2015, replacing the Motor of 11 Sackville Street, Bardwell Park NSW 2207, prohibiting Vehicle Sports (Public Safety) Regulation 2010 to support the him, until further notice, as a pharmacist, from supplying aims of the Motor Vehicle Sports (Public Safety) Act 1985 or having possession of, or manufacturing any preparation, which regulates motor vehicle racing in NSW. admixture or extract of a drug of addiction as authorised by Pursuant to the requirements of section 5 of the Subordinate clauses 101 (1) and 102 of the Regulation. Legislation Act 1989 a Regulatory Impact Statement has This Order is to take effect on and from 18 May 2015. been prepared. Copies of the Regulatory Impact Statement and a draft of the proposed Regulation may be inspected Dated at Sydney, 14 May 2015 or obtained by contacting Kevin Frew, Office of Sport, Dr MARY FOLEY Sport and Recreation, 6B Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Secretary Park NSW 2028, or telephone on 8754 7927. NSW Health A copy of the Regulatory Impact Statement and the proposed regulation are also available on the Office of Sport, Sport and Recreation website at SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE TRUST BY-LAW Written submissions are invited and can be submitted to SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION ACT 1989 [email protected] or to Locked Bag 1422, Silverwater NSW 2128 marked “Motor Vehicle Sport Notice is given in accordance with section 5 of the above Act Regulatory Impact Statement’ no later than 24 June 2015. of the intention to remake the Sydney Opera House By-law For any enquiries please call Kevin Frew on 8754 7927. under the Sydney Opera House Trust Act 1961. STUART AYRES, MP The objectives of the By-law are to: Minister for Sport • Protect the fabric of Sydney Opera House and its contents; • Protect the image of Sydney Opera House as a MOUNT PANORAMA MOTOR ‘national icon’; RACING REGULATION • Maintain physical access to the site and the building; Office of Sport, Sport and Recreation • Preserve revenues generated by Sydney Opera House and Presenters/Hirers; Proposed Mount Panorama Motor Racing Regulation 2015 • Assist in maintaining the safety of persons on Sydney Opera House premises; Regulatory Impact Statement • Assist in maintaining the security of persons on The NSW Government intends to make the Mount Panorama Sydney Opera House premises; and Motor Racing Regulation 2015, replacing the Mount • Facilitate the effective management of Sydney Panorama Motor Racing Regulation 2010 to support the Opera House and its staff. aims of the Mount Panorama Motor Racing Act 1989 which regulates motor vehicle racing on Mount Panorama. A copy of the Re g ul a t ory Impa c t Sta t e m e n t and draft Sydney Opera House By-law 2015 can be Pursuant to the requirements of section 5 of the Subordinate obtained from the Sydney Opera House website at Legislation Act 1989 a Regulatory Impact Statement has or by contacting been prepared. Copies of the Regulatory Impact Statement Caroline Hawkless of John Hawkless Consultants Pty Ltd and a draft of the proposed Regulation may be inspected on (02) 9876 2001 or at [email protected]. or obtained by contacting Kevin Frew, Office of Sport, Sport and Recreation, 6B Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2028, or telephone on 8754 7927.

1235 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Government Notices

Written comments on the draft By-law are invited and should be forwarded to John Hawkless Consultants Pty Ltd, PO Box 65, Swansea NSW 2281 or delivered to the Stage Door of Sydney Opera House by 5.00pm on 23 June 2015. Questions relating to this Notice can be directed to Caroline Hawkless on (02) 9876 2001. LOUISE HERRON AM Chief Executive Officer

1236 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Council Notices COUNCIL NOTICES CANTERBURY CITY COUNCIL SHELLHARBOUR CITY COUNCIL ROADS ACT 1993 ROADS ACT 1993 Section 10 Section 10 Dedication of Land as a Public Road Notice of Dedication of Land as Public Road Notice is hereby given that in accordance with section 10 Notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of of the Roads Act 1993, the land described in the Schedule Shellharbour dedicates the land described in the Schedule below is dedicated to the public as road. below as public road under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993. Schedule Schedule That land situated at Earlwood in the Local Government Area All that piece or parcel of land known as Lot 252 in Deposited of Canterbury, Parish of St George, County of Cumberland Plan 1202884 at Albion Park, in the City of Shellharbour, being Lot A in Deposited Plan 361130, Lot 1 in Deposited Parish of Jamberoo, County of Camden and as described in Plan 319775 and Lot 1 in Deposited Plan 361129, excepting Folio Identifiers 252/1202884. thereout easement for overhang 0.6 metres wide affecting MICHAEL WILLIS, General Manager, The Council of the the land so burdened. [7972] City of Shellharbour, Locked Bag 155, Shellharbour City Centre NSW 2529 [7974] KU-RING-GAI COUNCIL INTERIM HERITAGE ORDER NO 4 SHOALHAVEN CITY COUNCIL Under section 25 of the Heritage Act 1977 Ku-ring-gai LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 Council does by this order: LAND ACQUISITION (JUST TERMS i. make an interim heritage order to cover the item of COMPENSATION) ACT 1991 the environmental heritage specified or described in Schedule “A”; and Notice of Compulsory Acquisition of Land ii. declare that the Interim Heritage Order shall apply to the Shoalhaven City Council declares with the approval of His curtilage or site of such item, being the land described Excellency the Governor that the easement described in the in Schedule “B”. Schedule below, excluding any mines or deposits of minerals in the land, is acquired by compulsory process in accordance This Interim Heritage Order will lapse six months from the with the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms date that it is made unless the local Council has passed a Compensation) Act 1991 for water supply. resolution before that date either: Dated at Nowra this 18th day of March 2015. 1. in the case of an item which, in the Council’s opinion, is of local significance, to place the item on the heritage RUSSELL PIGG, General Manager, Shoalhaven City schedule of a local environmental plan with appropriate Council, Bridge Road, Nowra NSW 2541. provisions for protecting and managing the item; and Schedule 2. in the case of an item which in the Council’s opinion, is of State heritage significance, nominate the item for Easement for water supply 5 wide shown as (E) in DP 1202901 inclusion on the State Heritage Register. [7975] Sydney 20 May 2015 JOHN McKEE, General Manager, Ku-ring-gai Council Schedule “A” The property known as Stow-on-the-Wold, situated at 140 Pentecost Avenue, Turramurra on land described in Schedule B. Schedule “B” All those pieces or parcels of land known as Lot B, DP 389475 in the Parish of Gordon, County of Cumberland. [7973]

1237 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Council Notices

MARRICKVILLE COUNCIL LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 Section 713 Sale of Land for Overdue Rates Notice is hereby given to the persons named hereunder that the Marrickville Council has resolved in pursuance of sections 713 (2) (a) and 715 of the Local Government Act 1993, to sell the land described hereunder of which the persons named appear to be the Council to be the Registered Owners or in which they appear to have an interest and on which the amount of rates stated as at 30 April 2015, is due.

Owner(s) or Description of subject Amount of Rates and Amount of all other Total person(s) having Land Charges (including rates and charges interest in the Land extra charges) (including extra overdue for more charges) payable than five (5) years and unpaid (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Stefanos and Koula Lot E DP 103210 $1,338.93 $9,528.18 $10,867.11 MARCAROS 119 Addison Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204 Sam Joseph Lot 66 DP 15123 $2,692.67 $12,048.75 $14,741.42 TREFFILETTI 313 Old Canterbury Rd, Dulwich Hill NSW 2203

In default of payment to the Council of the amount stated in column (e) above and any other rates (including extra charges) becoming due and payable after publication of this notice, or an arrangement satisfactory to the Council for the payment of all such rates being entered into by the rateable person, before the time fixed for sale, the said land will be offered for sale by public auction by LJ Hooker Dulwich Hill at the Viva Room Canterbury Hurlstone Park RSL, 20–26 Canterbury Road, Hurlstone Park NSW 2193 on Thursday 27 August 2015 at 6.30pm. BRIAN BARRETT, General Manager, Marrickville Council, 2–14 Fisher Street Petersham NSW 2049. Ph: (02) 9335 2222. [7976]

1238 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015 Private Advertisements PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS COMPANY NOTICES OTHER PRIVATE NOTICES NOTICE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA TRUST PROPERTY ACT 1917 JONES & ASSOCIATES DENTAL SURGEONS Notice under Section 42 of the Anglican Church of Judith McCullagh, Michael Wood, Andrew Chadban and Australia Trust Property Act 1917 (the 1917 Act) – Grieg Allan who continue to carry on the dental practice of Anglican Church Property Trust Diocese of Sydney Jones & Associates Dental Surgeons at: By resolution passed on 23 March 2015 under section 14 of 1 1 Bellevue Road, Figtree 2525 the 1917 Act, the Standing Committee of the Synod of the 2 27 Central Road, Unanderra 2526 Diocese of Sydney declared the existence of a vacancy in the office of the Anglican Church Property Trust Diocese of 3 90 Central Road, Oak Flats 2529 Sydney for a member of clergy by reason of the resignation 4 60 Crown Street, Wollongong 2500 of the Rev Craig ROBERTS and by resolution passed on 20 April 2015 elected the Rev David OULD to fill the vacancy hereby give notice that Michael William JONES, formerly a arising on the resignation of Mr Roberts. partner in the dental practice of Jones & Associates, assigned to Celia Barbara JONES his interest as a partner in the G N DAVIES, Archbishop of Sydney, St Andrew’s House, dental practice effective 31 March 2015 and the partnership Sydney Square NSW 2000, Tel (02) 9265 1555. [7978] otherwise continues to carry on its dental practice in the name and style of “Jones & Associates Dental Surgeons”, at the above premises with the continuing partners comprising Judith McCullagh, Michael Wood, Andrew Chadban and Grieg Allan together with Celia Barbara Jones. [7977]

By Authority ISSN 2201-7534 JILL WAYMENT, Government Printer

1239 NSW Government Gazette No 45 of 22 May 2015