AMERICAN RI SOLIAREDANCE "The International Magazine of Square Dancing"

AVM %ley C;1: Zni um—


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American SquaitDance, April 2002

J2444444.17444444444444444444444441,444444441114 4 4 4 J7 12 4 J7 PlaWhide Records BUCkSkin J7 /2 /I J7 J7 J7 12 2 4 4 riA --. J7 J7 J7 lit- 12 4 wit lk.. i r J2 4 Becky & D.CK Waibel Larry Cole Dale McClary Otto Degner 12 * ALASKA SQUARE DANCE CRUISE * 17 with the Rawhide Recording staff * J7 4 * * 4 17 June 19-26. 2002 * 4 17 * "We have over 25 squares booked on this cruise" * r; 37 * Space is short — we have a few cabins left! * .r; 12 Hank Lutcher Call us today to reserve your cabin or Steve Sullivan J./ 17 * * for your free brochure 12 * J2 1-800-247-1899 4 12 * 12 12 4 • 12 4 SPECIAL RAWHIDE RELEASE n RWH-213 PATRIOTIC MEDLEY by loin Rudebock 12 12 ('America The Beautiful' & 'Grand Old Hag') 12 37 Tom Rudebock 17 Jerry Heed 4VEW RAWHIDE RELEASES 12 RWH-2 I 7 THAT by Larry 12 RWH-2I6 SHE'S CRAZY FOR LEAVIN' by Steve Write for 12 12 RWH-215 THE SWEETEST GIRL IN TOWN by Larry your free 12 12 copy of 12 12 12 NEW BUCKSKIN RELEASES our new 12 BUC-1266 CANDY KISSES by Dennis Catalog! 12 J2 12 12 Mike Seurer 12 12 NEW KARAOKE SING-A-LONG SONGS 12 12 RWH-817 HONKY TONK ANGELS (SAL) by Dale 12 12 37 12 • NEW HOEDOWNS 4 I7 12 J2 BUC-1518 SYNCOPATED SPOONS by Jim 12 12 J7 47 • NEW ROUND DANCES 12 12 RWH-8I5 LONESOME 77203 by Mike Seurer 37 Jim Snyder Dennis Reardon

Dick Waibel Enterprises, 6168 North Stockdale Drive, Fresno, CA 93722-3230 37 4 Voice* 559-275-7076 — FAX: 559-275-8119 — E-mail: [email protected] 12 J7 Visit Our Web Met 124124444J744124J7412417441244444121144417J7J71744174417417 Amern an SquareDance, April 2(X)2 6 From The Editors - Ed & Pat Juaire 8 From the Mail Room 81 Index Page 58 Marketing Our Product - Bill Walsh 28 Moore On Contra - Paul Moore 66 Notes in a Nutshell - Frank Lescrinier 22 On the Record - Rounds - Ralph & Joan Collipi 50 On the Record - Squares 36 A/C Lines - Ed Foote - Tom Rudebock 26 ACA Viewpoint 68 Point of Order - Larry Matchen - Patrick Demerath 40 Round Dance Pulse Poll 12 ASD News - Bev & Bob Casteel 42 ASD Profile - Stan 'The Karaoke Man" 38 Sewing 101 - Donna !pock 54 CALLERLAB MS Emph Call 56 Square-Up - John & Linda Saunders 48 CALLERLAB Viewpoints 61 The Country Line - Mike Seastrom - Mike Salerno 45 Club Leadership Notes 35 The Koreo Korner - Steve Kopman - Bernie Coulthurst 77 Three R's 70 Convention News 74 What's Ahead 57 Country Kitchen - Louise Harmp 32 Creative Choreography - Lee & Steve Kopman 64 Cue Tips - Fran & Jim Kropf 16 Easy Level - Bob Howell

AMERICAN if Volume 58 Number 4 April 2002

SQUAREDANCE 'no IJormonowei Mo... of groom Editorial Assistants Subscriptions Louise Harrop Michelle Merchant Publishers - Editors Ed & Pat Juaire Michelle Merchant Cartoonist Corben Geis 4 American SquatrDance. April 2002 October 7-10, 2002 St. George, Utah - USA

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American SquareDance, April 2002 FROM THE EDAWORS

EH & peer 31:1111..XIM

de- Things We Would Like To Know About.

Last June we discussed the you club tried it? If you did, how's starting times of dances in various it working for you? If not, why parts of the country. Some areas not? What are your thoughts about have been starting at 7:00pm the method of letting the new rather that the more traditional dancers come along in their square 8:00 and they end by 9:30 or 10:00. dancing abilities? As was stated then, this gives the As a caller, do you teach the younger dancers plenty of time to new dancers using some other visit their favorite spot for food format? and drink and the seniors to get As a club, how do you integrate to bed earlier than midnight - if your new dancers with the they so desired. "seasoned" veterans? How is this working out? We What about your promotions to would like to know - both the attract new dancers? What has good and the not so good sides of worked and what has not? this idea. We want to share your The Multi-Cycle program. Has experiences so let us know.

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.4merir an Squarebam e, April 2002

Dagrace erwiseS

APRIL 21, 2002 — "Hawaiian Islands" — 12 Day Cruise aboard the brand new msSPIRIT. Square & Round dance the Pacific Ocean while you visit Honolulu, Maui. Kona, Hilo and Kauai. Fly to 4. Ensenada. cruise to Hawaii. Fly home from Honolulu. A R..", s LilTiA Bob & Helena Chris & Delores Airfare included. Taylor LaBounty Randall

MAY 3, 2002 — "Hawaiian Islands"— 12 Day Cruise aboard the brand new msSPIRIT. Square & Round dance the Pacific Ocean while you visit Honolulu. Maui. Kona. Hilo and Kauai. Fly to Honolulu. cruise to Vancouver. BC. Airfare and transfers included. Pgrw9

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411. JUNE 19, 2002 — "Alaska" — 7 Day Cruise - Cruise from Vancouver. BC to Anchorage. Alaska aboard the new msSPIRIT. Square. Round & Line Dance while you visit Ketchikan. Juneau. Skagway. Sitka. Prince William Sound & Seward.

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SEPTEMBER 25, 2002 — "Hawaiian Islands" — 12 Day Cruise aboard the brand new superliner msSPIRIT. Cruise, square & round dance the Pacific Ocean. Visit 5 Ports of Call. It 1 Fly to Vancouver. th. 4.I - 4 cruise to Honolulu. Don Ben Bnan Scott The Crapos Wood Goldberg Shannon Zinser

FOR A FREE BROCHURE - TELEPHONE TOLL FREE 1-800-247-1899 Inspiration Cruises & Tours, Inc. 1551 E. Shaw Ave.. Suite 107 - Fresno. CA 93710 Email: [email protected] - FAX: 559-224-1920

11-0141-********111-1****6-3* American SquareDunee. April 2002 7 FROM TUE INLA)EL Rooms ,,,c;v

Good for you, Ed & Pat. We couldn't have said it better ourselves. We are referring to "Let's Talk E-Mail" in February 2002 issue - page 5. After reading your message will help out in your situation. and how politely you handled the Please send 6 months of ASD to the problem, we sat down and wrote our new president of a local club I call for own version of your editorial. Thank here in middle Georgia. They just you for feeling the same way as we do, graduated (!) (you know how hard it is although our computer is strictly for for retiring boards to find replace- home use, many seem to think we want ments...). I'm trying to help them out and need whatever they choose to send with my 30 years of calling experience. us. Many times we receive the same Also, I want to get them hooked on ASD! "drivel" over and over again. Thanks and keep up the GREAT Much appreciated, work! Jack & Martha Jaremko Bob & Marie Shiver Daytona Beach, FL Warner Robins, GA

Hello Ed and Pat... Dear Ed & Pat, Marie and I just finished reading the Thank you very much for sending February issue of ASD and I wanted to complimentary issues of your maga- say it's too bad you had to take up zine to us. We received them just in valuable space to address "junk e-mail." time too! The class received their copy It's hard to believe there are so many on graduation night and we received so inconsiderate e-mail users on line. We many nice comments. I really do think try hard to keep off of our friends/ the articles within the magazine will customers "forwarding" list... but so broaden their knowledge enough to many continue to do it. I suppose they make them want to continue dancing have a lot more time on their hands than for a long, long time. we do. We hope your "Let's Talk E-Mail" We will have another class graduat-

Irde." - Cascade - lee00, KALOX - Longhorn - MacGregor

A & F Music 1911 Lori Drive, Deming, NM 88030 800-851-6203

American SquareDance, April 2002 BASIC SQUARE DANCE with Larry McBee OVol. I: Calls I Thru 23 OVol. 2: Calls 24 Thru 49 O WL 3: Mainstream Cloverleaf to Recycle PLUS SQUARE DANCE with Lee Schmidt OTea Cup Chain to Spin Chain •EXCEI'L INTRO TO consts. & Exchange The Gears IMPROVE YOUR PLUS SQUARE DANCE IN "D.B.D." with Don McWhirto DANCE SKILLS THRU O Vol. I: Tea Cup Chain to Relay the Deucey OW. 2: Cross Fire to Spin Chain & Exchange the Gears A-I SQUARE DANCE with Mikc Sikiwsky CIVisl. I: Accy Deucey to Crass Over Circulate OVol. 2: Quarter In to Mix A-2 SQUARE DANCE with Mike Sikiwsky OVol. I: Pass The Sea to Zig ZagRag Zig R & R VIDE() IN VTIONAL OVial. 2: Switch To A Diamond to Trail OIT ROUND DANCE with Boh & Edna Faudrec 3649 Whittier Blvd. CIPhave I & II: Fraulcin: St. Louis Blues Los Angeles, CA 90023 ElPhase III: Answer Me: Desert Song O Phase III: Latin Basics (Four Dances) 323-262-5942 ROUND DANCE with Joyce (Doss) Lane & Jim Line Ed Foote's OPhasm IV: Till Tomomnv: Audios: Rainbow Connec loo CLOGGING with Marilyn Hansen All Position Workshop 13Bcginning SQUARE DANCE TAPES Intermediate Basic/Mainstream Levels o Intermediate - Level I Two Tape °Intermediate - Level 2 Video Package CONTRA DANCE $34.95 Otharoduction to Contra w/Mikc Seastrom Package Includes: LAME Video. Audio Casettes & Booklet ($44.95) _i V ADDRESS OTHER TAPFN Sales .CA csalo HALLROINDA. WEST CI IAST SWINC. CITY NsPNIWILssWINI _LLY2 ETHNIC AND COUNTRY WESTERN TSAI Esclowsl STATE - ZIP CODE. OCATALIXI AVAILABLE VPIAN REQUEST ing in May and I hope we can make this callers broaden their skills in the area a tradition of receiving and giving of public square dancing. copies to our graduates. The two public venues in western Once again, thank you very much ... Massachusetts are using area musicians. we are very appreciative of your gift. Both callers however travel from Con- Sincerely, necticut. At times when I couldn't call the Deanna J. Taylor Bernardston, Massachusetts dance, ei- Wichita Wranglers ther a New Hampshire (Dudley Lauftnan) Wichita Falls, TX or Vermont (the late Ted Glabach) caller filled in. This may change. ASD Editor, Through a regional program funded In the Straight Talk column back by the National Endowment for the in the July 1994 issue, the late Don Arts, the Institute for Community Armstrong makes the case for ongoing Research, the Rhode Island State open square dances requiring no Council on the Arts and the Massachu- lessons. Herb Chisholm's more recent setts Cultural Council, I have three articles also have advocated that caller apprentices who will staff a

American SipiareDance, April 2002 9 dance this spring. This grant should Gone?" I especially agree that Round add more local "voices" perpetuating Dancing is just getting too difficult. Most the square dance culture in the region. Square Dancers I know are in their upper We could use more of this. fifties to seventies and just are not able to Bob Livingston execute the fast and intricate moves Middletown, CT required in some of the upper level Rounds. Thanks for your coverage of Square ASD, Dancing and I hope someday to see you Where can I purchase the Sew & in a square. Save Book? It was mentioned in the Sincerely, February magazine. Tom Hansen We are sewer's at Hoe-down Independence OR dances. Evelyn Dahl Dear Ed and Pat, Hopwood, PA Another "thank you" for the gener- Editor's• Note: Evelyn, you can ous gift of American SquareDance purchase this book from the Na- magazine. We included one in each of tional Convention website, it is our grad's gift bags. We had thirty-seven graduates (singles, couples, and families), eighty-one experi- Dear ASD enced dancers and callers, and approxi- I greatly enjoyed Bob Howell's col- mately fifteen spectators in attendance at umn in the February issue and espe- the January 24 graduation. cially learning that one of my favorite Nice crowd, good dancing, good food, traditional dances "Darling Nellie and the air of excitement was enhanced Gray" is now available on CD. The foot- by door prizes and the gift bags. notes that Bob quoted are contained Thanks for the support. I can not in the "All-American square dances" remember that we ever demonstrated booklet by "Allemande" Al Muller to new dancers the world wide scope of (1941). In order to avoid confusion as square dance as we have with this to which lady to swing with, most of group. It is attributable to American the New England and upstate New York SquareDance and a gift of National callers that I danced to in the 1940's Squares Magazines. used the term "and swing with your Again, thanks. See you in Saint Paul. Op'site Nellie Gray." Very truly yours, Herb Chisholm Jim & Dorothy Bobo Alexandria, VA Co-Chair Publicity Committee Memphis, 7N Dear Friends, I just had to include a note along with my subscription renewal to tell you that I Send your letters to: totally agree with the points made by Jon ASD Mail Room, PO BOX 777, Jones in the article in the January issue N. Scituate, RI 02857 entitled "Where Have All the Dancers

10 American SquareDance, April 2002 HI LT 0 N sound systems

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American Squarenance, April 2002 1 •ASI-C)) NEWS

Multilevel At Work We are also maintaining a busy In a recent issue, you read about the dance schedule. Our own dances have exciting start to our fall season: all of been successful, with up to ten squares our fifteen June graduates had re- in attendance. In addition, two to three turned, and fifteen enthusiastic new squares have been traveling to dances students were attending classes. Thir- in surrounding communities. We are teen class members have completed choosing to attend Mainstream and the basic calls and are now learning the Class level dances which can include mainstream program. Club members our June graduates and new class continue to be very supportive of the mentbers. We recognize the impor- new dancers, with strong attendance, tance of dancers experiencing differ- and a willingness to share partners so ent calling styles to expand their skills. everyone has a chance to dance. Our Denise Deshaies caller Bill Fulton, and his wife, Norma, Brunswick, ME maintain a steady pace of alternating tips. We have been averaging four to Shallotte, NC five squares at every workshop! Wheel & Dealers We are following through with our "You can burn calories, strengthen commitment to a multiple entry bones, strengthen your heart, and program and began a January to June make new friends," simply by square class. A five-member recruiting com- dancing. So states a flyer issued by the mittee used newspapers, radio and Shallotte, NC Wheel & Dealers to local TV to publicize our two Fun prospective dancers. Nights, held January 15 and 22. In Organized in 1980, this club has 31 addition, club and class members were active members and 38 associate encouraged to invite friends and members. Average attendance at a relatives to join them for this great weekly club dance is 3-4 squares. activity. Imagine our delight when sixteen new dancers arrived and we saw eight squares on the floor! The five couples and six singles (including two men!) immediately got into the swing of it! We are hoping for good weather, at least on Tuesdays, to allow all our students to progress. Our dancers are traveling to Brunswick from Bath, Boothbay, Damariscotta, Georgetown, Shallotte Wheel & Dealers charter Harpswell, Madison, Old Orchard, members still actively involved in the club Portland, Sabattus, Topsham, are, from left to right, Charlie & Marie Wiscasset and Yarmouth! Holden and Ellen & Ray Zuber.




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Occasionally this number reaches callers from the surrounding coastal five squares on those nights when area took turns calling during the dancers from clubs in Southport, two-year hiatus between Howard Wilmington, and Myrtle Beach visit. and Hal. Cuers are hired for two Rounds, lines, and an occasional special dances each year - one contra dance between tips offer a during the Christmas holiday season variety of dance styles. and Lie other an anniversary dance Hal Dodson of Elizabethtown has in the spring. been the caller since 1992. Mark Special club events in recent years Christie, the club's first caller, have included (1) a dance exhibition at called for two years and was Farm Heritage Days held at nearby succeeded by Howard Phelps, who Indigo Farms on the first two Satur- called for the club until 1990. Several days in October, (2) Shallotte Assisted

American SquareDance, April 2002 1 3 Living Exhibition/Involvement dance Dealers can chd m charter member- held quarterly, (3) ships. One of these Fall Festival at a is Charlie and Marie neighboring Pres- Holden, who recall byterian church, that the club was and (4) dancing at formed because the annual meeting Shallotte residents of the Atlantic Tele- prior to 1980 had to phone Co. Some of travel to Wilmington these events involve or Myrtle Beach to members of the promenade and Southporters, a club Current Wheel & Dealers officers and swing. They also based in nearby caller are, from left to right, Laura recall that several Southport. Several Morrison. secretary; Charlene Jones, married couples in dancers in the two treasurer, Hal Dodson, caller; Millie the club first met clubs are members Evans. Vice-President; and Susan Mor- one another at a of both. gan. President. A caller for three decades, Wheel & Dealers The Wheel & Hal also calls for three other clubs. dance. In 2000 the Dealers club is Hoidens became sponsored by the honorary club mem- Brunswick County Parks and Recre- bers. The other couple holding charter ation Department. Club president member status is Ray and Ellen Susan Morgan, now serving her third Zuber, who are associate members. term, notes that "this sponsorship is a Another veteran member couple is Ed mutually beneficial arrangement - they and Billie Carlson, who joined the club provide the facility - Shallotte Middle in 1989. Ed says the two continue to School cafeteria - and we provide dance because "'it's good mental and another recreational activity at no physical exercise." expense to them." Several members attended the Only two couples in the Wheel & 50" NSDC in Anaheim, CA last year


Club Dances & Workshops Every Week Night Specials Featuring Top National Callers Wood Floor — Air Conditioned — Apparel Shop

Resident Caller: Andy Petrere Andy & Algae Petrere Circle D Recording Artist

For information. Write or Call: 6451 Oak Cluster Dr., Greenwell Springs. LA 70739, Phone (225) 261-6143

I4 American SaitareDance. April 200_ Come Dance With Vs! For Reservations Call 1-800-388-4782 or Visit wwmehulavistareson.cont Jur21,26,2492 Sfranker I - 3. 2003 Norooker 22 • 24. 2002 Trail In Dunce to the Marshall Flippo di Ken Boner Round Dance Weekend National Convention Rounds: Leta 1111,11US & Al & June Knit 5 Professional Callers: Rub Paull Judy & Brent Moore Curt Braffet, Tom Miller, Plus Level Weekend Phase IV & Bill Harrison, Tint Ma rriner, and Tom & Kosslee Clark 5140 Per Person (Standard' 5139.50 Per Person (Standard) Si 55 pp Standard SISO Per Person ('otter) S I 40.SO Per Person ('Poser) 5195 pp Tower 4.11 7V. tfReetnfrer - Pitru.L.Z002. One 2-Ninhi. 3-Day Der Dee Dougherty & Pfaufges Include. Dale McRoberts 3 Day's Dancing Rounds: Rosalec & 'font Clark 2 Night's lodging Plus level Weekend 2 Breakfast Buffets 1 Noon Luncheon wf $127.30 Per Person (Slundurd) 1 Evening Dinner $137.50 Per Person (Tower) 2 Late Night Snacks

Chula Vista Resort 4031 River Road • P.O. Box 30 Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin 53965 and plan to attend the annual North As this was to take place at the Carolina Federation dance in Ra- stampede grounds on the open air stage leigh this August. Without a doubt in front of the grandstand, we were able every Wheel & Dealers member to hook the turntable into the massive believes an evening of square danc- sound system. (Now I know what Garth ing is much more pleasurable than a Brooks feels like - sigh!) Two squares day on a nearby beach or golf course, danced with Neil Vant from the Broken even if the weather is ideal. Wheelers filling in for Orist Sharun who Al Stewart was out of town. Over a thousand Greensboro, NC spectators attended and they were clapping and swaying to the music. Fifteen Minutes Of Fame! This was a great way to be able to (Well Okay, Ten Minutes) show off square dancing to a big crowd. Williams Lake hosted the British Let's use all the opportunities we can Columbia Winter Games in February to dance in public. A big thank you to all 2002 and the Whirlaways were asked if the dancers who helped make this they would be part of the entertain- occasion a huge success. ment at the torch lighting ceremony Nick & Mary Anne Turner held on November 23. We were given a Reprinted from 10 minute time slot and decided to do the Cariboo Connection two singing calls - "I Found a New Baby" and "Let it Snow" (with words written to fit the occasion) and one Send items of interest to ASD Round Dance - "Boot Scootin' Boogie," NEWS. Please include your name, address and phone number choreographed by Mary Anne. American Squamilaiu:e, April 2002 15


Ken Croft and Elena de Zordo, two of the finest round dance instructors in the San Francisco area have written a line dance book entitled and featuring "Simple Line Dance Routines." Round dance cuers especially will find the book highly useful. It is available from Ken Croft, 235 Buckingham Way #402, San Francisco, CA 94132. Following is a quick-teach featured in their book called - - - -


TYPE OF DANCE: Five-Count RECORD: Belco 284 (Belco Rhythm Boys) SEQUENCE: 5 times thru + Ending. A one-wall dance STARTING DIRECTIONS: Wait 2 mess (thru the Introduction); then begin dance with your left foot.






16 American SquareDance. April 2002 GRENN, INC. Latest ROUND DANCE: GR 17270 DAY DREAMING P-2 waltz by Jim & Barbara Connelly vocal cues by Barbara Connelly

New ROUND DANCES to old Grenn records: GR 17221 LEFTY LOUIE P-4 Jive by Ronnie & Bonnie Bond GR 17165 PLAIN VANILLA P-3 rumba by Allemande Al & Martha Wolff P.O. BOX 216 BATH, OH 44210








American SquairDance, April 2002 17 Come to Historic New Brunswick Where Saint John, Canada's First Incorporated City will be hosting The 13th National Square & Round Dance Convention Majority of dancing conducted under one roof July 18, 19 & 20.2002 Convention 2002 Box 21005 Quispamsis, NB E2E 4Z4 Canada WWW.00I1V2002.COM [email protected] Housing: Ron & Marilyn Craft (506) 652-1813 RV Parking & Camping: Wayne & Vivian Mellish ( 506) 466-2252

This being the month for Tom Foolery, following are a couple of dance gems. Looking for fun? Here is a routine that Otto and Nora Warteman of Trinity, TX shared with a group of callers at last year's CALLERLAB pre-convention CDP session. He didn't give his gimmick a name, I'm going to call it


FORMATION: 3 persons facing 3 persons in a large circle around the hall MUSIC: Probably any hoedown or singing call tune would do. ROUTINE: Break: 8 In lines of 3 go forward and back. 8 Everybody dosado the person across from you. 8 The two center persons go forward and after clasping each others shoulder they stoop (they stoop as far down as they can maintaining hand hold on each others shoulders). 9 The four corner persons now make a right hand star over the heads of the stooped couples and turn it once around. 10 Come back with a left hand star. 11 Same four corner persons circle left 12 Then circle right the other way back. 13 The squatters rise and they and their right and left persons pass thru to a new line of 3 to begin the dance again.

18 American SquareDance. April 2002 Here is an old timer that I dug up a while back and have used at my traditional square dance club. It is a fun dance that brings smiles to everyone's faces especially when the gals "shoot their man" as they pass him bye. It is called - - -


FORMATION: Square MUSIC: She Didn't Know The Gun Was Loaded. Available from the Kentucky Dance Foundation on a CD ROUTINE: OPENER: MIN YOUR HANDS, MAKE A RING, CIRCLE LEFT NOW WHILE I SING OF A LADY AND A GUN THAT WASN'T LOADED VERY MUCH ALLEMAND LEFT, RIGHT 'N' LEFT GRAND, ON THE FLOOR THERE LAY HER MAN AND THE PISTOL IN HER HAND IT WAS A-SMOKIN' (PROMENADE) SHE DIDN'T KNOW ... THE GUN WAS LOADED, AND SHE'S SO-0-0 SORRY, MY FRIEND WALK 'ROUND YOUR CORNER, SWING YOUR BABY, SHE'LL NEVER, NEVER DO IT AGAIN Calls are self-explanatory. This opener sets the mood for the dance by relating the unfortunate incident of the gal who knew nothing about firearms. FIGURE: HEAD TWO GENTS RIGHT ELBOW SWING, NOW YOUR OWN THE SAME OLD THING THEN IT'S CORNERS ALL A RIGHT ELBOW AROUND THAT PRETTY THING SEE-SAW ROUND YOUR PARTNERS THERE, LADIES WALK INSIDE THE SQUARE NOW SHOOT YOUR MAN AND SWING THE NEXT ONE WAITIN' (All sing) "SHE DIDN'T KNOW ... THE GUN WAS LOADED" LEFT ALLEMAND ... THEN PROMENADE YOU PROMENADE, THE GAL IS LOADED BUT SHE'LL NEVER, NEVER DO IT AGAIN Gents 1 and 3 swing right elbows once around in center, same gents swing left elbows once around with partners. All turn corners with right elbow swing, then all see-saw partners passing left shoulders. Four ladies promenade CCW inside set, pause in front of partner, cock and fire an imaginary pistol, then pass on to next gent and all swing, gaining new partner: The swing Is a long one with everyone singing "She Didn't Know ... The Gun Was Loaded." All allemand left with new corners and promenade with new partners back to gents' home positions.

Repeat Figure with head gents active again Repeat Figure with side gents active Repeat Figure with side gents active again

American SquareDance, April 2002 19 QUALITY SQUARE & ROUND Elmer Sheffield Bill Harrisor'. DANCE MUSIC BY SOUTHERN SATISFACTION *BRAND NEW* ESP - 1067 DON'T CROSS THE RIVER by Elmer ESP - 1066 MAN OF ME by Elmer ESP - 1065 WRAPPED UP IN YOU by Elmer ESP - 1064 JUDE (Hoedown) by Bill ESP - 1063 WHERE I COME FROM by Elmer ESP - 1062 DANCE WITH ME by Steve ESP - 1061 BY AND BY by Elmer

Produced by ESP 2213 S. Adams Tallahassee, Florida 32301 MASTER STOCKING DISTRIBUTOR OF ESP HANHURST'S TAPE & RECORD SERVICE / ASTEC RECORDS 1-800-445-7398 Our contra this month was written by Glen Nickerson of Kent, Washington who continues to write very smooth-flowing choreography. It was developed last year at the time of the 62,,d wedding anniversary of Charles and Virginia Kessner, who have danced with them 15 years or more. He named it - - -


FORMATION: Alternate duple, I,3,5,etc. active and crossed over. (Single progression). MUSIC: Any good tune is suitable, but Glen uses "Just Because" on Chinook C-057. ROUTINE: Al 8 All FORWARD and BACK 8 With corner, DOSADO A2 8 Same four CIRCLE LEFT 8 With corner SWING [face down] B1 8 Lines of four DOWN and Couples WHEEL AROUND 8 Lines of four UP and CASTOFF B2 16 Actives thru above FIGURE EIGHT [full] gb

20 American SyuareDanc•e, April 2002 Cruise Hawaii 4E> June 16, 2002 Board the Norwegian Star and enjoy "Freestyle Cruising" for 7 days.

• The biggest, best and most modern IKE ship in Hawaii SALE OF • Five Hawaiian ports of call and the ALL SAILS Pacific hideaway of Fanning Island • Private party, award-winning Broadway shows, 15 expansive decks, 10 restaurants, Cinema, and much more! • Square and Round Dancing scheduled on board with a Saturday night pre-cruise dance in Honolulu!

Cruise with Host Callers and Cuers from Texas: Barry Hendricks, Arlington; Vernon Jones, Poolville; Dave Vieira, Nevada; Michele Vieira, Nevada; Jack von der Heide. Arlington.

Cabins are going fast! Prices for cruise only, double occupancy, start at $899, restrictions apply. Call today for your free brochure and information! Call Toll Free 866-363-8800 DM Travel Company P 0 Box 400 Lavon, Texas 75166 NORWEGIAN' CRUISE LINE


American SepiiiirDaisce. April 2002 21 ON THE REconD Encyuxus RALPH & JOAN COLLIPI 122 Millville Street, Salem NH 03079 (603) 898-4604 [email protected]

Takea 111.(... at what is just released...

N'Allez Vous En (Don't Leave Me) Warm & Fuzzy Phase 111+1 (Diamond Turn) - Waltz - Phase II-2 Step - SRD-2001 -Stampede Grenn 14186 Harmony Waltz/Grenn - Sonya &Terry Jones. We love the beat 17207 Allez Vous En - Al Russ and the rendition on this GREAT 2 Orchestra - Allemande Al & Martha step. Very basic, canters (or side draw Wolff. Good music to a nice waltz, has close), broken box, basketball turn. diamond turns, progressive twinkles, This is a MUST for your record box, the canters, right turning box. Ends with a dancers will love it. dip, twist and hold. Bombolero New Love Phase IV - Samba - Special Press - Phase 11+2 - Waltz - Grenn 14086 flip Jerry & Diana Broadwater. Looking for Carolina Morn - Al Russ Orchestra - a VERY basic samba this is it. Allemande Al & Martha Wolff. This Sequence is A,B,A,B, and ending. routine is very good to introduce hover Basic, whisk, traveling voltas, travel- and spin turn to the Phase II dancer. ing locks, very useable samba. Nicely written. Senor Meteo Happy Rhumba Phase IV+1+1 Unphased - Cha Cha - Phase III - Rhumba - Tarheel Records Special Pressing-OBX-003 Flip of TARCD-117 - Wear a Happy On Your Foggy Dew - Bill & Olga Cibula. Great Face by Wayne Douglas - Billy & cha cha beat and wonderful dance. Has Sophie Moxley. An easy Phase 3 sweethearts, knee point, triple cha's Rhumba with a CW flavor. Kiki walks, with an extra cha, umbrella turn, very chase, new yorkers. cute ending.

Hello Dolly Foxtrot Lemon Twist Phase V - Foxtrot/.Jive - Roper 284B - Phase III - Foxtrot/2 Step - HH 884 flip Peg & John Kincaid. Double top spin, Moon Waltz - Larry & Marg Clark. Part cross hovers, feather finish, which A is Phase II 2 step. Part B is Phase III fits the music perfectly. Don't pass foxtrot, with wrap and unwrap se- this one up. quence.

22 American SquareDance, April 2002 Is You Mine Good Old Days Phase II - 2 Step - Grenn 17223 - Phase 111+2 (Qtr Turn & Prog. Chasse) Barbara & Jim Connelly. Good music, - 2 Step, Quickstep & Jive - SMASH has Charleston and sandstep and 2010 by Roger Miller - Iry & Betty circle chase included in routine. Easterday. Part A is all 2 step, with a slow pivot 2. Part B is quickstep, I Can't Dance quarter turn and prog. Chasse, Charles- Phase 11 +1 (Fishtail) - 2 Step - Lamon ton points, whaletail. Part C is single 10122 by Roy Yelton - Nancy & DeWayne swing, with rock the boat, throwaway, Baldwin. Easy 2 step with wrap and change hands behind the back, slow unwrap and change sides. Lace across, hip bumps. scoot included in choreography. Foxtrot Tonight A Thousand Eyes Phase V+1 (Throwaway Oversway) - Phase 111+2 (Triple Chase & Chase w/ Foxtrot - Roper 172 (Flip Long Ago & double peek-a-boo) - Cha Cha - Col. Far Away) - Kristine & Bruce Nelson. 6028-A - The Night Has A Thousand Closed telemark, open reverse turn, Eyes by Bobby Vee - Peg & John hover telemark, open natural. Feather Kincaid. Great music to this well finish checking to a double top spin. written cha cha. Open break spot turn Great foxtrot music. shoulder to shoulder to a left hand star into triple cha's. Fits the music to a "T" Love & Marriage for thousand. Just kidding. Phase IV+ 1 (Double Rev) - Foxtrot - STAR 501 CD - Iry & Betty Easterday. Another Blue Monday Nice to see so many foxtrots in this Phase 1V+1 (Triple Tray. & Roll) - grouping. 3 step, feather, outside West Coast Swing - Coll. 6051-A - Blue swivels, impetus, chair and slip. In and Monday by Fats Domino - Peg & John out runs, hover fallaway with a weave Kincaid. Sugar push, sugar kick & spin, ending. 's singing a great left side pass, sailor shuffles. Chicken addition to this routine. walks, wrapped whipped. Nicely done.

INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION rie No dress code L_I L_I L_J L_I vr No partner required OF GAY SQUARE DANCE CLUBS TV Basic thru Challenge PO Box 87507, San Diego, CA 92138-7507 800-835-6462 ES? Fun & friends

Texas, California, Washington, Michigan. Ontario. Arizona. Maryland. Illinois, Alberta, Ohio, Tennessee. Distnct of Columbia, Wisconsin, New York. Pennsylania. New Jersey. Oregon. Flonda. Alabama. Nevada. Minnesota, North Carolina. Colorado, Missoun. Tokyo Japan. British Columbia, New Mexico, Indiana

Allieri(1111SquareDance. April 2002 27; Tuxedo Junction FT THE ECAtimnott Phase IV - Foxtrot/Jive - Belco B271 or B407CD or B407 - Hank & Judy FOR THE PRESERVATION AND Scherrer. Intro has slow snaps, part A PROMOTION OF SQUARE DANCING has in and out runs, feather, diamond The Fbundation's purpose is to support turns. Part B is also foxtrot. Part C is the funding of projects that will preserve and promote square dancing. jive and has triples, change L to R ending is foxtrot. To be considered for the funding, projects must first protect the heritage of the activity and contribute to it's It's A Cold Day growth. The projects must also empha- Phase IV - Slow 2 Step - BNA 62235 size the social, physical and mental ben- Cold Day In Hell - Lyn & Bob Kenney. efits of square dancing. The Fbundation also works to increase public awareness Choreographer suggests you speed to of the activity by showing the fun and 47 rmp's. Traveling chasses, lunge fellowship that makes square dancing a basics, right turn with o/s roll, and popular recreation today. basic phase slow 2 steps are included The Fbundation is registered with the In- in this routine. ternal Revenue Service as a 501(C)(3) corporation and depends on private con- tributions, public grants and endow- Que Sera Sera ments for its operating capital. Phase IV+2 - Waltz - Roper 273 (Flip In order to ensure that the American folk Champagne Waltz) - Hardie & Sara art of square dancing will continue to Hartung. Choreographer suggests you flourish, the Fbundation solicits your slow speed to 38 rpm's. Sways, weaves, support through your lax-deductible con- chair and slip. Drag hesitation, impetus, tributions. box finish, double reverse turn, cross For additional information, contact the Foundation Office at (321) 639.0039. hovers. A strong phase IV waltz. Music and dance blend to make a nice routine. My Lucia 6 Phase VI - Waltz - Special Pressing - Spring Time Waltz IV Carlos & Nancy Esqueda. Intro starts Phase IV+2 (Double Rev. & Qk Lock, in shadow position with an arm caress, slo lock) - Waltz - Special Pressing - lady roll to lunge line, lady syn. roll to Carlos & Nancy Esqueda. Overturned bjo. Figures included in this dance are Spin, open telemark, open impetus, hairpin, same foot lunge, telespin, twist prom. weave. Drag hesitation, back turn, sync wheel. Defintely for the passing change, lady develop. We experienced Phase VI dancer. would also classify this as a strong Phase IV dance. 8 Amigos Cha Phase III +2 (Flirt & Triple Cha) - Cha Cha - Special Pressing (Flip of Slow Boat Recordings reviewed are Foxtrot) - Carlos & Nancy Esqueda. New supplied by Yorkers, reverse u/a turns, flirt. Solo fence Palomino Records, Inc. lines, kick to the 4. WewoWd phased& as LL 800-328-3800 at, a strong Phase III routine. Great music.

24 American SquareDance. April 2002


4 'Jr!

Lih I Buddy Ernie Tom Wayne Weaver Kinney Perry McDonald THE HI-HAT PIONEERS Kip Deborah Garvey KEEP 'EM SQUARED UP WITH HI-HAT & Carroll-Jones BLUE RIBBON & DJ DANCE RECORDS

Sorry we have no new releases this month: COMING SOON - "This House Won't Rock" - "It Must Be Love This Time" "I Guess It Never Hurts To Hurt Sometimes" - "Marlena"

GRAND NEW ON HI-HAT & ELK RECORDINGS Tom Sa11Joe01 Miller HH 5258 - "Wildflowers- by Torn Perry HH 5257 - "Senorita" by Dan HH 5255 - "Just To Hear You Say That You Love Me" by Buddy rN HH 5254 - "I'm The One" by Dan HH 5253 - "Deep Water" by Ernie ELK000I - "You Sing The Hits" a CD - Tom PerryfErnie/Kip 5 old favorites with music & vocals. Jason RECENT BEST SELLERS ON HI-HAT & ELK RECORDINGS Dan Dean Nardbye HH 5253 - "Deep Water" by Ernie HH 5252 - "You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This" by Buddy HH 5251 - "Cowboy Blues" by Dan HH 5250 - "Honky Tonk Blues" by Buddy HH 672 - "Sammie" flip hoedown 12 cpl) Basic 49 by Buddy

You may order the HI-HAT PIONEERS cowboy tapes from the producer. "CIMARRON ROLL ON" is now on CM! BLUE RIBBON RECORDS

Bill Dave Jerry Donahue Parker Gulledge RECENT BEST SELLERS ON BLUE RIBBON BR 298 - "All I Have To Do Is Dream'. by Jerry Gulledge BR 1026 - "Jezebel" (Round) by Paul & Ruthann's Rogers

PRODUCER: ERNIE KINNEY ENTERPRISES - 3926 N. TOLLHOUSE RD. - FRESNO CA 93726.7437 PHONE: 559-227-2764 FAX: 559-224-1463 - E-mail [email protected]

American .S'quareDance. April 2(X)2 15 ACA VIEWPOINT PATRICK irm3KERATEE

Recruiting New Dancers Birmingham, Alabama

The ACA Viewpoints for the July, The question of recruiting came up August, September, October, and during a recent visit with new caller, November 2001 in American Phil Mills. What do they do to recruit SquareDantr magazine focused on the the new dancers to the classes? There American Callers Association's are nine very successful basic actions commitment to help clubs and callers by that the Callers Association, clubs and collecting current and successful new dancers do to recruit new dancers. dancer recruiting and retention 1. Veteran square dancers, callers information that clubs are doing and and others are provided business sharing this information with the cards with information printed on the American SquareDance magazine square dance classes/new dancer readers. ACA has received several dances. Veteran square dancers pass positive comments on the new dancer these business cards to anyone who recruitirgand retention viewpoint articles. might ask about their square dancing This April ACA Viewpoints clothing. They also get the name, focuses on the successful recruiting address and telephone number of and advertising currently being used people interested. in Birmingham, Alabama, The Magic 2. Advertising flyers with information City. ACA is indebted to and wishes on the new dancer lessons are to thank Mr Phil Mills for providing presented to each club. The club the information. members are asked to pass them out to The Birmingham Callers people they meet. Association under the sponsorship and 3. Public Service announcements direction of the Birmingham Square are prepared and passed to the local and Round Dancing Association is Christian and Country and Western teaching new dancer classes, where radio stations. new dancers come together to learn to 4. A large banner with plastic square dance and can join a club upon interchangeable letters is placed in completion of the instruction. The front of the association square dance Birmingham Callers Association hall announcing the next set of lessons. members rotate the teaching of the new 5. The clubs are askingtheir members dancers during the classes. to spread the news to non-dancers. 26 American SquareDunce. April 2002 Cgu\--adriTM HOT QUADRILLE RELEASES 0-932 MANSION IN THE SKY - Shane Mae Gem( Guy Acicr, 518 485 0362 815-6.54-1U, • 8645,E Jvc. 0-931 BLUE BOY - Guy strrevese2 puvORxta.corn 0-930 Mm Mm GOOD - Stan Olunacom 0-929 YOU NEVER KNOW JUST HOW GOOD YOU'VE GOT IT - John 0-928 REBEL BLUES / HOLD ON - Hoedown Q-927 LET'S GET BACK TO ME & YOU - John 0-926 SUMMER WIND - Guy "Try our Platinum Series CD's" Quadrille Records. Box 7-11, Macks Creek, MO 65786 (573) 363-5432 e-mail [email protected]

6. Blue and white directional street is called the "Magic City." The signs providing directions to the square dancers and callers have square dance hall are placed at proven that Birmingham is the strategic locations in the vicinity of "Magic City Performing Miracles." the hall. This was approved by the City The American Callers Association of Birmingham. wishes to thank Mr Phil Mills, the 7. Names of potential new dances Birmingham Square and Round are turned into the Birmingham Dance Association, and the Square and Round Dance Association Birmingham Callers Association for coordinator who contacts the new sharing this successful recruiting dancers by telephone to invite them to information. ACA further hopes that the open houses. this system may be of service and 8. If a dancer does not return, he help other clubs/associations to or she is called to find out why and create successful recruiting offer them any help and programs. From the Magic City, encouragement to return. where square dance recruiting 9. Fun dances are held bi-monthly miracles are working, please for the new dancers. They are remember the film the Field of encouraged to bring their friends to Dreams "If you ask, they will come." introduce them to square dancing. For further information on the The Birmingham Callers Birmingham program, please contact Association working with the Phil Mills at Birmingham Square and Round Any individual, club, caller, Dance Association and dancers have association who wishes to communicate had great success using these their successful recruiting, retention, recruiting methods. The cooperation and retrieving programs is encouraged of the callers, clubs, and dancers is to contact the American Callers commendable. Six separate square Association at or dance clubs have new members Patrick at: demerathOtsum.edn. through this program. Birmingham Until Next Time, Happy Dancing.

American SquareDance. April 2002 27 AloortE oN ir PAUL MOORS

GOING AROUND Men walk around corner - 8 cts. IN CIRCLES Face partner, clap 2 times, stomp feet Circle dances have been an impor- 2 times - 4 cts; pass right shoulders tant part of dancing in all cultures, just - 4 cts think of Greek dances, Israeli dances, Clap 2X, stomp 2X; pass left shoul- African dances, and Native American ders - 8 cts dances. In square dancing (American Clap 2X, stomp 2X; pass right folk dance), most classes or one night shoulders - 8 cts stands start with circle dances. Clap 2X, stomp 2X pass left shoul- The most common circle formation ders - 8 cts (top of the dance) is a single circle with the man on the left and the lady on the right. Often we use There are two other common circle this formation for doing basic instruc- formations: one is with an inner circle tion — allemande left, dosado, right and of couples facing an outer circle of left grand, etc. However, there are couples; the other formation has one many very good dances that use this couple facing another, with Couple #1 formation. Many of them are mixers facing counterclockwise and Couple such as "Bingo Waltz" and "Country #2 facing clockwise. This is a Sicilian Mixer." One I like especially is called Circle. For those who teach beginner "Kiwi Ring" which uses just a handful square dance classes, the Sicilian of basics, but is always a hit with the Circle is one of the best tools for dancers. The music is 40 bars instead instruction: any combination of basics of the usual 32 bars. It is best to use the that can be danced by two couples can Lloyd Shaw recording called Kiwi Ring, be done in this formation. One of the a medley of Scottish reels by Stan great benefits of the Sicilian Circle is Hamilton, though there are many other that the dancers get to mix with tunes that can be used (Banjo Pickers everyone in the circle: dance a few Ball on Top, Java on Sets in Order, or figures that zero out, then have couples Saturday Night on Jay Bar L). pass thru to a new couple. That way, Kiwi Ring nobody is stuck with the weak dancers Circle Left - 8 cts of the class for a whole tip of Circle Right - 8 cts instruction. Another advantage is that Ladies walk around partner- 8 cts. (pass you do not have to have an exact in front and around in back to place) number of couples to make up squares. Ladies walk around corner - 8 cts. There are many great dances that Men walk around partner - 8 cts. are done in Sicilian Circles. The

28 American SquareDance. April 2002 following dance was written by Stew couple to the next couple Shacklette. He calls it S.A.C. For Sicilian Circles are so adaptable that music, use something a little differ- you can take almost any alternate duple ent: Lighted Sconce from Lloyd contra dance and bend it into a circle as Shaw Foundation, Angus Campbell long as you have an even number of on "Contratoons," also from Lloyd couples. For example, try Tony Parkes' Shaw, or Bubble and Squeak on Inflation Reel. This dance feels very Sting Records. different for each piece of music. I use I S.A.C. Never See Maggie Alone on ESP, which #1's split #2, separate round one to has a strong polka feel to it. Inflation place - 8 cts Reel also dances well to almost any Star right once around - 8 cts upbeat Scottish reel or traditional New #2's split #1, separate round one to England or Appalachian hoedown tune. place - 8 cts Inflation Reel Star left once around - 8 cts Dosado the one in front - 8 cts Ladies chain - 8 cts Same one swing - 8 cts As a couple veer right - 4 counts, veer Promenade in the direction the men left - 4 counts were facing - 8 cts (inside circle NOTE: The veer right and left is like goes counter-clockwise while the a zigzag so that the couples end outside circle goes clockwise) up back to back. California twirl, come back - 8 cts All reach back with the left hand over Face same couple. Right and Left the left shoulder and star left — 8 cts Thru - 8 cts Men move up beside the lady in front Two ladies chain - 8 cts as von promenade around that Same four circle left all the way around California Caller's College And one quarter more, pass thru -16 cts July 14-19 Give the Sicilian Circle a try. You'll Clovis, California provide variety in your dance program For New & Experienced Callers and you will also teach your dancers to ESSENTIAL TOPICS COVERED: dance to the music. You can't lose.; Mechanics of Choreography voiwimememewomiaig Smooth Dancing - Body Flow National Square Dance a Sound / P.A. Equipment Singing Call Techniques DIRECTORY 0,0 Showmanship Caller's Partner / Voice Delivery pi * Information & contacts for thousands of 10 club, in the U.S., Canada and around the Leadership / Teaching / Music word. Great for traveling & planning Programming / Ethics / Timing vacations. ot iR 56 $9.95 (plus $4.00 postage & handling) FRANK LESCRINIER, Instructing Life Subscription - $50.00 CALLERLAB Accredited Caller Coach Contact: Frank Lescrinier 5 PO Box 880, Brandon MS 39043 (909) 981-0230 (800) 542-4010 COLINIMSICIMMICWOWZAWCIrg American Squarenance. April 2002 29 ARON'S SQUARE DANCE SHOP ilk 8974 East Huntington Drive, San Gabriel, CA 91775 Phone: 626-285-8544 For the Home Sewer, send $2.00 for our New Catalog of our Patterns for Skirts, Blouses, Vests, Aprons & Dresses. Come by our booth at the 51st National Square Dance Convention. We will have Souvenir Badges with Rhinestones and the New National Directory, Ladies S/D Sweater Square Dance Clock White - $34.00 Men's Towels and Jewelery, White or Black Sm - Med - Lg - X-Lg Magnetic Badge Holders and Lots More. S19.00

More on Paul Moore

Paul and Mary have enjoyed Square literally draws an international crowd, Dancing since the mid-1970s, and soon with dancers coming from Japan, New learned Contra Dancing and Round Zealand, Britain, Germany, and Canada, Dancing. On a whim, in 1983, Mary as well as from most of the states. signed Paul up for a caller's class. It fit Paul has served on the Board of into Paul's previous diversions of Governors for CONTRALAB, and still is in musical theater, choirs, folk singing, charge of the scholarship program. He also and ballet/jazz lessons. We both has been Contra Program Director for nine thought it would be fun to know what a California State Square Dance Conven- Caller goes through, never imagining tions and for the 50' NSDC in Anaheim. the direction it would take. Paul Annually he programs the Contra Dancing thought it might lead to teaching one at the local dancer association festival. class a week, and that would be all. When he attends CONTRALAB, Now he teaches two classes (multi- CALLERLAB, or a NSDC®, he usually gets cycle), calls square dances throughout roped into making a presentation on Southern California, and has two anything from music to the cross-over of active Contra Dance Clubs. Every Square Dancing and Contra Dancing to fourth Saturday night, Paul calls the how to make your commands as a caller entire program — squares, contra, clear and understood. rounds, and line dances. In spite of the busy schedule (150 In their spare time, Paul and Mary nights a year), Paul and Mary think of publish the CONTRALAB Quarterly and themselves as dancers first, and they now write the monthly column on believe that dancers come first. We Contra Dance for Anier jean must do all we can to make both our SquareDanty, magazine. Paul is known old-timers and our new dancers feel throughout the world for his original comfortable while dancing. We must Contra choreography, and has had remember that dancing is a social several dances published in publica- activity, not just lessons in kinetic tions in Europe. Paul and Mary also geometry. Smooth dancing and time to sponsor the San Diego Contra Dance visit with friends are extremely impor- Weekend every July; the weekend tant to keeping our activity going. %

30 American SquareDance, April 2002 NIO-PhA CA ARE DANCE JAMB

P.U. Boa 421 • kairOine, KentuCky 40113 (502) 368-1006 0•-ee 140W ,01-5201 (P14 e1:911 E-ma:i • • visit oilr Web site -

Buddy Alhsun Bolt Newman Tony ()widow GA TX SC

16TH ANNUAL MID-AMERICA SQUARE DANCE Icon B Ivr X JAMBOREE October 4-5, 2002 Kentucky Fair & Exposition Center Louisville, Kentucky

Featuring Guest Callers:

Randy Dougherty e**,. MN

5,11. awl lumer Tim Mariner J P Sparks

Glen & Rosalee Kelley Bon & Beverly fasted Ed & 1311f1S Peers KY TN KY


1.4 me • Ragnvetra. (127 SO-S Adam. Golf Scra.ble OW 00-'5 • nmesk.n Tou, (1;r55 CIC.$ City,Stotaaip TOTAL ENCLOSED TAJO-um Ikea Coda) riLd Onnca Lever MS_FtLIS_OBIL_ADV _CHAU _ROE . • 521W Skop • IMO 41 der Li 00M nwse.• No lellad ar awealMan dleor 540 15 kOni Danro Car Seminar Cue, RIBBONS WILL BE HELD AT DOOR FOR REGISTRATIONS RECEIVED AFTER SEPTEMBER 1E, 2002 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO IMIel-Arnmeic• Square Clanc• Jerneoree, Inc. • RO. NA 421 • FaIntslo. PT 40118

American Squarenance. April 2002 CREATIVE CHOREO( rRA.PErir


This month, let's look at an easy idea but a tricky formation that results from it. Enjoy

1) HEADS touch 1/4 5) SIDES touch 1/4 GIRLS pass thru girls pass thru CENTERS slide thru & touch 1/4 CENTERS pass the ocean & hinge girls run girls run CENTERS pass thru CENTERS pass thru swing thru single circle to a wave linear cycle fan the top square thru on the 4t1 hand left explode AND allemande left allemande

2) SIDES touch 1/4 6) HEADS touch 1/4 girls pass thru girls pass thru CENTERS swing thru & CENTERS pass the ocean spin the top ENDS hinge ENDS hinge {each side} fan the top {each side} fan the top boys run extend, right and left grand bend the line load the boat 3) SIDES touch 1/4 left allemande girls pass thru CENTERS swing thru 7) SIDES touch 1/4 side girls run girls pass thru extend CENTERS pass the ocean right and left grand ENDS hinge {each wave} fan the top 4) SIDES touch 1/4 boys run girls pass thru couples circulate CENTERS swing thru bend the line side girls run box the gnat ping pong circulate square thru 4 extend right and left grand circulate, right and left grand

American SquareDance, April 2002 119 Allen Street (413) 566-3349 MEG SIMKINS Hampden, MA 01036 Everything for Square Dancers

Send for our "Free Catalog"

Handling $5.00 ea. NEW NEW

Luxurious nylon organdy is used for this full, but light weight, petticoat. All bot- toms are hemmed for comfort and long wear. Replaceable elastic at waistline. Extremely full #6000 - Sixty yards - 3 layers - 20 yds. each $36.00 Extremely full #5000 - Fifty yards - 3 layers - 20 yds. each $33.00 Extremely full #4000 - Forty yards - 3 layers - 20 yds. each $30.00 LENGTHS: 19, 20, 21 and 23 inches. COLORS: Red, Black, White, Light Blue, Royal Blue, Ivory, Peach, Pink, Hot Pink, Yellow, Lavender, Mint, Kelly Green, Navy, Dusty Rose. SIZES: Small, Medium and Large

8) SIDES touch 1/4 10) SIDES touch 1/4 girls pass thru girls pass thru CENTERS slide thru & LEFT CENTERS square thru 3 touch 1/4 side girls run boys pass thru LEFT swing thru CENTERS square thru 3 hinge, left allemande ends u turn back left allemande 11) HEADS touch 1/4 girls pass thru 9) HEADS touch 1/4 CENTERS square thru 3 girls pass thru centers in, cast off 3/4 CENTERS pass the ocean CENTERS pass the ocean ENDS cast off 3/4 diamond circulate {each side} fan the top flip the diamond girls run split circulate square thru 2 scoot back right and left grand extend, right and left grand

American SquareDance, April 2002 11 12) HEADS touch 1/4 LEARN BY VIDEO girls pass thru CENTERS pass the ocean GOLD STAR ENDS cast off 3/4 VIDEO PRODUCTIONS SINCE 1984 girls run P.O. BOX 215734 CENTERS wheel and deal & SACRAMENTO, CA 95821 sweep 1/4 (916) 929-6606 OR 800-874-4643 ENDS bend the line EMAIL: WEB SITE: CENTERS pass thru swing thru 1 1/2 VHS TAPES - 534.95 extend, right and left grand PAL TAPES - $39.95 13) HEADS touch 1/4 SQUARE DANCE VIDEOS 1. BASIC I TRAINING TAPE (1-23) girls pass thru 2. BASIC 2 TRAINING TAPE (24-49) CENTERS square thru 3 3. MAINSTREAM TRAINING TAPE ends trade 4. PLUS TRAINING TAPE 5. SINGING CALL TAPE - MS - PLUS girls pass thru ADVANCED SQ. DANCE VIDEOS CENTERS walk and dodge 6. A - 1 PART A centers in, cast off 3/4 7. A - 1 PART B 8. A - DANCE TIPS pass the ocean 9. A - 2 PART 1 left swing thru 10. A - 2 PART 2 right and left grand DANCE BY DEFINITION 14) HEADS touch 1/4 23. DBD PLUS ROUND DANCE VIDEOS girls pass thru 11. WALTZ BASICS CENTERS square thru 2 12. TWO-STEP BASICS - #1 ENDS partner tag 13. TWO-STEP BASICS - #2 14. EASY LEVEL ROUNDS tag the line, face in (12 TWO STEP, 6 WALTZ) touch 1/4 15. PHASE III WALTZ/FOXTROT coordinate 16. PHASE III CHA CHA/RHUMBA 17. PHASE III TANGO/JIVE/TWO STEP couples circulate 18. PHASE IV WALTZ wheel and deal 19. PHASE IV FOXTROT pass thru, left allemande 20. PHASE IV CHA CHA/RHUMBA 21. PHASE IV JIVE/WEST COAST SWING 22. PHASE IV PASO DOBLE/QUICKSTEP 15) HEADS touch 1/4 girls pass thru HOW TO ORDER: CENTERS square thru 3 SEND A CHECK, CALL US, EMAIL US, ends trade U.S. FUNDS ONLY centers in, cast off 3/4 WE ACCEPT VISA - MASTERCARD - CENTERS pass the ocean AMERICAN EXPRESS - DISCOVER cut the diamond CA RESIDENTS: 7.50% SALES TAX 1/2 tag SHIPPING AND HANDLING: EACH TAPE split circulate $4.25 - U.S. $5.00 - CANADA boys trade $12.00 - OUTSIDE U.S. extend, right and left grand IMMEDIATE DELIVERY

American SquareDance, April 2002 STEVE HOPMAN

Let's stay with the somewhat different formation in the previous article, but add a little spice. HEADS LEFT touch 1/4 boys pass thru THEN: 1) CENTERS right and left thru & 3) CENTERS swing thru dixie style to a wave head boys run ENDS hinge extend, circulate {each wave} fan the top scoot back trade the wave split circulate TWICE boys trade right and left grand circulate swing thru TWICE 4) CENTERS square thru 3 right and left grand SIDES pass thru girls walk and dodge 2) CENTERS pass the ocean boys trade, touch 1i4 ENDS cast off 3/4 circulate, right and left grand boys trade boys run 5) CENTERS pass the ocean hinge ENDS cast off 3/4 girls run boys trade pass to the center {each side} bend the line CENTERS turn thru touch 1/4, girls trade left allemande split circulate extend, right and left grand Kopman's Choreography

SOMETHING NEW TO OFFER !!! Now available: "SOFT" set of Mainstream, Plus, Advance and

• 50 sequences per set • $50.00 per set • Reduce your calling preparation • Immediate delivery • Easy to read • All requests confidential Send check or money order to: STEVE & DEBBIE KOPMAN 1021 BRIDGESTONE PLACE MS PLUS _A2 _C1(NEW "SOFT" SET) KNOXVILLE, TN 37919 Phone: (865) 691-1580 _MS _PLUS A2 C1(HARD SET) e-mail: [email protected]

American SquareDwice. April 2(X)2 by Ed Foote


Last month we discussed that Scoot look at other people while you are & Plenty will break down if the Step & doing the Box Circulates, you are Fold in the center wave is not done likely to get confused. precisely, and also if one or more Now, the next vital point. After the 2 dancers begin the 2 Box circulates Box circulates everyone must hesitate before all 4 dancers in the box are again to see the box, so everyone will ready to move at the same time. know whether they are centers or ends. This month we'll look at a variation of Now it is easy to finish. The outsides Scoot & Plenty and see how these rules will do their Counter Rotate & Roll, and apply. The caller calls "Scoot & Plenty the lead center will roll back (away but the outsides go lefl." This means that from the adjacent center) to form a after the Scoot Back the outsides will wave. If Scoot & Plenty began from a 1/ Quarter Left and Counter Rotate. 4 tag formation, the ending formation The resulting box of 4 dancers on will be a left 1/4 tag formation. each side will have each of the dancers Note: For the 2 Box Circulates facing the same wall. Naturally it is where everyone is facing the same important that the center wave has direction, some dancers have invented done a precise Step & Fold. But what is a crutch, which says: "Leaders Trade, vital is that everyone in the box of 4 all Pass Thru, original trailers Trade." hesitates, so as to identify the 4 This may be ok on paper, but I have footprint locations in the box. If this found it does not work well in actual hesitation is not done, the resulting practice, because once the action is Box Circulates will be sloppy and likely underway people quickly forget whether break down. they began as leaders or trailers, so So how do we do 2 Box Circulates they don't know where to finish. I have when everyone is facing the same wall found it works much better to have at the start? I tell people to be sure to each dancer concentrate on only doing see the box, see where 2 Box their own 2 Box Circulates. Circulates will put you, and then just Ask your caller to give you practice do it without worrying where anyone on "Scoot & Plenty but outsides go left." else is going. I also suggest passing It is a wonderful call to help build right shoulders along the way. If you discipline in the square. 36 American SquareDance. April 2002 For Dancers Who Can't Hear Clearly General Technologies has an inexpensive solution, the Nady E03 FM System. Hook up the E03 transmitter (Tx) to the PA system and they will hear every syllable transmitted to an E03 Receiver (Rx) listened through an earphone (included). System consists of 1 Transmitter with cable and ac adapter, 1 Receiver with earphone. Eight different channels available, selectable by internal dip switch. Sale: $264.99

Additional receivers (Chaparral dB50) $39.99 each. H Many Other Discounted Products H Call Bernie or Joe at General Technologies: 1-800-328-6684 7417 Winding Way, Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Web: E-Mail: devices4less@

Bernie Joe

American SquareDance. April 2002 37 J EWING


As I was beginning a sewing project it heartache. came to me that I really break a lot of For instance if sewing rules. Not that sewing has a lot of the pattern calls for a drapable fabric rules...just that I don't always do it the and you have your heart set on a firmer conventional way. Some of the things that feeling piece.... it just won't be what you I do and don't do I'll pass on here expected I have proof in my closet Very, very seldom do I use the guide (don't' tell the Smartest Man.) One is a sheet? Oh, I'll look at it to see in what wrap skirt that I thought would have a order the project is put together in or to softer feel and hang better after get a general idea as to what to expect. washing boy was I wrong. It kept Maybe even to see how the fabric is laid it's shape, too much It has a mind of out for cutting...but I don't go step by it's own won't move at all and I step. This is so strange to me since I could almost bet you that it crinkles am always telling "the Smartest Man" when I bend. to read the directions whenever he I do use fusible interfacing but (we) get a new gadget to put together. sometimes I've gotten in a hurry and it I don't cut away the excess pattern has bubbled on me. When this has tissue from the pattern. This takes happened I usually take stock on "what time!!!! Oh, yes and remember to cut the heck did I do wrong" and try this away the entire black line on the quick fix press to soften the fusible, pattern this is how the pattern then gently pull the layers of face fabric will fit together not black line to and fusible apart. Allow to cool and to black, but, piece to piece. dry. You won't be able to repress, but Ido follow the suggested fabric given the fusible interfacing will now feel like on the pattern after all, these are a sewn in one. Be very careful how you the experts. They should know what press the garment if it is washable... use fabric type to use and not use. Follow a press cloth so the heat won't be so their advice and save yourself some may have to repeat this

CaLyCo Crossing - A Full Line Square Dance Shop See our Web page at WWW.CALYCO.CON or call for our color supplement. 1-800-627-0412. We ship World Wide. 407 Main St., Laurel, MD 20707

38 American SquareDance, April 2002 CALLERLAB ACCREDITED CALLER COACHES ARE BEST FOR YOUR CLINIC OR SCHOOL ACCREDITATION ASSURES KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE Paul Bristow 286 Long Dr., Ruislip, England H4A OHZ, 011 44 20 8845 5073 Daryl Clendenin 7915 N Clarendon, Portland, OR 97203, 503-285-7431 Deborah Carroll 9797 LaMonica Dr., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, 909-481-9235 Larry Cole 3302 N 500 W, Marion, IN 46952, 765 384 7089 Ed Foote 140 McCandless Dr., Wexford, PA 15090, 724-935-2734 Bengt Geleff PO Box 20034, S-400 50 Gothenburg, Sweden, 011 46 31 260029 Betsy Gotta 2 Laurel Pl., North Brunswick, NJ 08902, 732-249-2086 Paul Henze 3926 S Mission Oaks Dr., Chattanooga, TN 37412, 423-867-2225 Mike Jacobs PO Box 2555, Flemington, NJ 08822, 908 284 0432 Jon Jones 1523 Bluebonnet Trail, Arlington, TX 76013, 817-469-1179 Jerry Junck 908 Brooke Dr., Wayne, NE 68787, 402-375-2420 John Kaltenthaler PO Box 679, Pocono Pines, PA 18350, 570-646-2945 Lorenz Kuhlee Hofaeckerstrasse 38, 76139 Karlsruhe, Germany, +49-721-678191 Frank Lescrinier 1720 W. Arrow Hwy. #83, Upland, CA 91786, 909-981-0230 Martin Mallard 222 Stillwater Dr., Saskatoon, SK Canada, S7J 4A4, 306-374-6250 Jim Mayo PO Box 367, Hampstead, NH 03841, 603-329-5492 Tony Oxendine 2640 Goldeneye Ridge, Sumter, SC 29150, 803-469-0495 Randy Page 43 Starr Ave. Unit 8, Danbury, CT 06811, 203-794-0053 Vaughn Parrish Rt. 2 Parrish Rd.. Berthoud, CO 80513, 303-772-5118 Kenny Reese Freidrich-Ebert-Str 116, 64347 Griesheim, Germany +49 (0)6155-828 6046 Gloria Rios Roth Clementsport, NS, Canada, BOS 1 E0, 902-638-8035 John Saunders 101 Cedar Dunes, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32159, 904-428-1496 Al Stevens Dillweissensteinstr 57, 75180 Pforzheim, Germany, 07231-766704 Don Williamson 52 Crest Dr., Greeneville, TN 37745, 423-638-7784

)roeess over again with each pressing. buy the thread to match then if you Also remember to always buy the brand need other notions you can carry the name sold on bolts not the precut sold in spool of thread (or a length of the plastic bags. The precut is usually sold thread) with you instead of taking a for crafts not for garments. swatch. I sometimes carry a zip lock / do purchase the thread and all bag in my handbag with several the notions I expect to use for the lengths of thread taped to a sticky that piece of fabric when I purchase it. has the yardage and what notions I Right now I must have four or five need. This doesn't take up much room different shades of what I thought was and you never know when you will find the correct shade of pink, or fuchsia, yourself in a fabric store. or scarlet or.... anyway, I thought my Hope some of these will be useful, eyes could be trusted to match the Sew Happy!! correct color from memory. At least Donna

American Squur,Dance. April 2002 39 itovzsm DANA= PVLSE PoLL BEV & BOB CASTEEL Dear readers and friends, We are already in the fourth month of the year 2002. As the saying goes, time sure does pass by quickly when you are having fun. We truly are having fun by enjoying our favorite sport of dancing and it is truly a sport. Dancing is considered by physicians and experts related to several health problems i.e. osteoporosis, heart, etc. as an excepted form of exercise. Do you know someone who could value in this form of exercise? Let them know what fun they could have while they would be benefitting their health. Let them know when your new classes begin. Please keep sending your monthly selections to us and remember, keep dancing (exercising).

Chicagoland Round Dance Minnesota Round Dance Leaders' Society Council - ROM Teach of the Month for March/April 2002 February 2002 Steve and Jean Philson Jayne and George Sheldon Phase II Phase II Cincinnati Rag (Schappacher) Star 136 Around the World (Paull) II+1/Roper JH 405 Phase 111 Dancing in the Fog (Cibula) III +2/SP Phase III Movin' Quickstep (Holm) Grenn 17211 Phase IV or 14205 Summertime IV (Broadwater) Sp

Phase IV ROM - May 2002 Drinking Champagne (Paull) IV+ 1/MCA 79070 or 54277 Phase II What the World Needs Now (Vogt) H + 1/ Phase V Star 146 I Got Rhythm (Noble) V+ 1/Star 152 Mitchell Ross

,Spryia nig 4s- tlix9r& 4dip

40 American SquareDance. April 2002 CUE SHEET MAGAZINE A GREAT SOURCE FOR CUE SHEETS 12 Issues Per Year - Subscription Rates $32.00 USA via Presorted Mail - $45.00 Canada via First Class $49.00 Foreign via Printed Matter Surface Mail (Europe only) 4015 Marro St., San Diego, G4 92154 Phone: 619-690-4361 • Fax: 619-690-4016 hllp:// - E-mail culec,uer@tnaik; • [email protected]

Washington State ROM 8. (Shibata) March 2002 VI/Slow Two Step Ron & Georgine Woolcock Tips of My Fingers (Palmquist) II Waltz/Hi Hat 928 Moon River (Slocum) Roper 272 or Through Your Eyes (Read) VI .JH 405 Rumba/SP 388 Stuck on You (Rumble) IV/Jive DRDC Top Teaches as the Coll 4509 Elvis Presley Reported in Love Changes Everything (Pierce) February 2002 V/Bolero/SP 378 Mark and Pam Prow Foxtrot Tonight (Nelson) V Newsletter Editors Foxtrot/Roper 172 I Wanta Quickstep (Palmquist) 1. Amapola 3 (Kennedy) 111+3 III+ 1/Quickstep Rumba/Star 131 9. Spinning Wheel (Smith) IV/Waltz 2. Choo Choo Ch'boogie (Goss) VI Star 167 Jive/Star 126b Liebestraum #3 (Shibata) V+1 3. A Brief Romance (Rumble) 1V+1 Waltz/SP 310 Waltz/SP 362 Lefty Louie (Bond) 1V/Jive 4. Wounded Heart (Worlock) V Grenn 14218 Bolero/SP 377 Crazy World 2001 (Finch) VI Que Sera Sera (Shibata) UPNien Waltz)SP 149 Waltz/SP/Col 13-33029 Could I Have this Dance (Eddins) Funny Face (Buck) IV/Waltz II/Waltz/Capitol 4929 Star 166 Anne Murray All That Jazz (Sechrist) V/Foxtrot Chaka Chaka (Phillips) IV/Cha Star 133 SP 157/Polydor 863-324 Adeline (Shibata) V/Slow Two Be My Lover (Shibata) Up Step/SP 376 Hustle/SP 5. Tonight (Shibata) V+2/Waltz 6. Duerme (Slater) 1V/Rumba/SP 51 7. Good Old Days (Easterday) 111+2 Send your round dance Mixed/Smash 2010 information to: Steppin' Out Quckstep (Vogt) V+2 Bev & Bob Casteel, 1540 Hull Lane + 1/Quickstep Knoxville, TN 37931; 423-690-5498 Answer Me (Palmquist) III+ I e-mail: [email protected] Waltz/Hoctor H676 • American SquareDarwe, April 2002 41 Stan "The Karaoke Man"

Stan Williamson, music director for Rap, Blues, Folk, Classical, Disco, Red Boot Records, is a professional Regae, you name it and Stan and his musician extra- ordinaire. He is employed by Ten- nessee Produc- tions, Inc. of Knox- ville, Tennessee. TPI is one of the major Karaoke Producers in the world along with their Big Mama's audio and video studios and other associated, music oriented busi- nesses. He spends much of his time analyzing, arrang- Jeff Foxworthy (1), comedian and Stan Williamson ( r) musician ing, planning and at a recent concert starring Lee Greenwood and Jeff Foxworthy. recording all kinds of music for Karaoke. As a member of a peers do it. Norbert Stovall is owner full time team of musicians and and director of TPI and is proud to have engineers he specializes in reproduc- his company among the tops in the ing piano and other keyboard sounds. skyrocketing Karaoke field. He has the ability to reproduce almost Stan, son of "yours truly" Don & any kind of recorded music and make it Mildred Williamson, has been the sound like the original which is primary arranger, musician and engi- important in Karaoke. neer on over 3000 square and round Many years of playing in numerous dance recordings for Red Boot span- recording studios and also operating ning some thirty years. Two of his most his own studio has prepared him for successful musical creations for Red this unique position. The Karaoke Boot were "Pink Cadillac" a singing World records everything coming and call for me, and "Jacalyn's Waltz," a going in all kinds of music. Country, classic round dance arranged by Steve Rock, Gospel, Jazz Bluegrass, Broad- & Jackie Wilhoit who formally worked way tunes, Movie themes, Latin Music, for Red Boot.

42 American Squarthance, April 2002 Come enjoy some good old fashioned Western Hospitality and a

Great Convention in USA

5•40., 3.101a Boise, Idaho ZPI•int August 21-24, 2002

We offer a full program with National Callers & Cuers V All levels of Square & Round dancing V V Country Western, Line, Clogging, Contra, Youth & l-4andicapable dancing V V Clinics, Workshops, Seminars V Fashion Show, Vendors, Demonstrations V

Near2-baydjacer t facilities anjotines dhobLlas plaza - Wlocoia,illaFlooarscti park:ng &many ons. ut.11‘er Pre -register Now! Forms available on the net: For more information, registration forms, visitor brochures, etc.: 7.7 & Bruce Chadd, Housing & Registration Ct. 4.K g3„:tr P.O. Box 6757 V Boise, ID 83707 e Potato Ray di Kathy Viken, Chairmen - rviken€valuatenw corn 208-376-9378 Al & Linda Shaw, Co-Chairmen - Stan grew up square dancing the recordings after the other musicians traveling around with me. In his early had left. This seemed to be the start that teens he learned to dance and actually would shape his future. He now has 30 called a few singing calls. During his years experience in arranging, playing, school years he also excelled in and engineering in studios too numer- basketball and baseball. He was named ous to mention. after the famous baseball player, Stan Recording for Red Boot has actually Musial. His music talents, however only played a small part in Stan's came to the surface and he chose to musical development. In addition to a become a professional musician. When multitude of piano lessons along the he was 14 he began playing keyboard way he attended Tusculum College in and guitar in the recording studios with Greeneville, Tennessee, finished his the other musicians during recording course work for the music degree at sessions. He began to work with Maryville College near the Smoky engineer John Taylor, of the University Mountains and worked with the staff at of Tennessee and the former Handy the University of Tennessee both as a Studio in Knoxville, in learning to student and as a staff member on some overdub, mix and handle various of their special projects. phases of engineering. John and I soon As a performer Stan has played with began to call on Stan to overdub various bands and performers too numerous to parts, correct mistakes and enhance mention. Some of the most recent were

American SquareDance, April 2002 43 Lloyd Shaw Foundation 1Dance Camps & Events - There is no healer way to share time together Than with dance & music al events designed for all ages Enjoy Traditional dance, Live Music. Excellent Facilities and outstanding staff. IN ww,LIQy.$)Shaw.ufg Rocky Mountain Dance Roundup Teipichores Woliday Juno 30-July 6. 2002, Colorado Springs, CO December 27.2002 - January 1, 2003, Weston, WV Sae Wehsite or mil Chris Richards. 303.688-6294 Soo Wobsea or coo David Glick, 248-344-2059 Cumberland Dance Week Don Armstrong Memorial Dance July 28-August 3. 2002, South Contra: Kentucky May 25-27. 2002. Altuguarque, NM Sc. Wobsite or call Ent; Schreiber. 618-374-2024 See Websete or call Marie Armstrong 336.643-7975 LSF Membership do Ruth Ann Knapp, LSF Archives c/o Bit Litchman, 1820 LSF Seminars do Chris Bischoff, 2124 Passol, Saginaw. Ml 40603 Los Alamos. SW. Albuquerque, NM 1013 Plum Creek Road, LSF Dance Center ue Dorms Baum. 87104. Taylorsville, KY 40071, 5606 Cool 'Worm*. SE. Albuquerque, IS° Educational Resources P.°. 502-477.9102. NM 87108. 505-255-2661 Boo 11. M apes Creek, MO 65786, m addOdiratalou.aan renauerearan.cein 573-3634868,

in the Pigeon Forge Theatres with such quite a reputation as a praise and performers as Lee Greenwood, Conn worship leader. Hundley, The Four Guys, Jim Ed Brown Stan and his wife, Mona, live in and Helen Cornelius. He also played a Semour, Tennessee near Knoxville and couple of years with the Country TPI Headquarters. Stan has one son, Tonight Show of Pigeon Forge and Ryan by a previous marriage. Ryan is toured Japan with their show. He married and has two young step sons. toured with Lee Greenwood and still Ryan is also an up and coming plays with him occasionally. musician now serving as a praise and In the studio he has done customized worship leader in Maryville, TN. Mona work for many stars such as BJ Thomas, has two daughters (Autumn and Mickey Gilley, the late Eddie Rabbit, the Abigale) by a previous marriage. Stan late Boxcar Willie, Stella Parton, Tareva and Mona are expecting another little Henderson, James Blackwood and doz- Williamson in the near future. ens of gospel groups, choirs, quartets The music industry, like square and individuals. He has done much work dance music, is undergoing tremen- for Larry Butler, who did much of Kenny dous changes. The MP3s, CDs, Mini Roger's successful ventures. Stan spent Discs, computer and the internet seem some successful quality time on the to be coming to the forefront. TPI is on Nashville Scene before moving back top of all this. Stan says it sure is home to the Great Smokies. exciting. Red Boot and yours truly plan Another phase of Stan's musical life to piggy back on some of this has been his work as a music minister knowledge in an effort to give a spark for a number churches. He has directed to some new exciting music for the a number of church choirs and has square and round dance field.

Do you know something that deserves special mention? Is it about a dancer, caller, cues; club or association? Send us the background information and do include at least one photo We will feature that special profile in an upcoming issue. 44 American SquatrDance, April 2002 CLTrB LEADEasuir NoTES


We are sad to report that Joy Hoyt, new dancers on the floor that were not the First Lady of Illinois Square taught "Fan the Top," etc. We also told Dancing, passed away recently. We got him "Fan the Top" was dropped from to know Joy and Earle quite well during the Mainstream program by our LEGACY years. She was the co- CALLERLAB. He said, "He didn't know founder and the first president of the that "Fan the Top" was dropped." State Council of Illinois Square Dance Several of the new dancers at these Associations and a past co-president of dances commented, "We don't know the United Square Dancers of America what "Fan the Top" is; we were not (USDA). Our sympathy goes to Earle & taught that call in our class." They had Joy Hoyt's family. that look of confusion and frustration. A growing problem has been Experiences like this is what drives new bugging me for some time now. The dancers away from square dancing. problem is that some callers who are If your new dancers were taught the members of the American Callers CALLERLAB Mainstream list in your Association (ACA) are following the new dancer program, we suggest that ACA program list when they call a you change your contract language so dance instead of the CALLERLAB that the callers you hire to call at your Mainstream list, the list that is followed club dances call the CALLERLAB for most new dancer programs across Mainstream list with no exceptions. If a the country. We recently attended two caller refuses to abide by your dances where this experience hap- contract, we suggest you don't hire that pened. We told the caller that there are caller anymore. DON'S CALLERS SCHOOL 2002 WHAT: Don's popular Callers School (4th year) WHEN: Sun. July 28 at 8pm until - Thurs. August 1 at 12:00 noon WHERE: Comfort Inn (former Holiday Inn) 1790 Andrew Johnson Highway, Greeneville, TN 37745 Phone 423-639-4185 (2 blocks west of Charray Inn, former location) CONTACT: Don Williamson, Accredited Caller Coach 52 Crest Drive, Greeneville, TN 37745 Phone 423-638-7784 • Email: [email protected] American SquareDance. April 2(X)2 45 AMERICAN f,7 SQUAREDANCE "The International Magazine of Square Dancing"

GIVE YOUR NEW DANCERS 6 MONTHS OF AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE FREE! YES! 6 MONTHS OF ASD --- ABSOLUTELY FREE! This offer is currently only available in the U.S. of A. You can send us a list of your new dancers names and addresses.

New ,u1N-Tiptions man with the next monthly issue IF we re-ViVC this completed form on or he hret the 11th of the month We are not responsiNe for non-delivery. Pom Office does not forward Fla:lock:11s unless subscriber rays postage: contact local Pist Office for details.. Send to: ASD, PO BOX 777, N SCITUATE, RI 02857-0777 (Offer valid until 045/02)

Cal Campbell, a member of the graduates from Mainstream lessons. CALLERLAB Board of Governors did The second section contains some an independent survey on his own observations that came from spontane- recently. His data was obtained from ous comments by the people who chose over 175 callers and dancers by e-mail, to respond to my inquiry. It reflects postal mail and telephone. The infor- opinions from the heart of the people mal survey was conducted from who responded. December 2001 through January 2002. The third section contains his He set a goal of contacting two or more speculations on the progress of how individuals in each state. He was Modern Western Square Dancing successful in contacting individuals in (MWSD) has moved from a program that all states except Alaska. He was only was once almost universal in content to able to contact one individual in three the widely disparate situation we see States - South Dakota, New Hampshire today. Quoting Cal, "From this I think we and West Virginia. In many states can make some predictions about what several people responded. The high to expect in the future." was eight people from Alabama. Cal tried to gather opinions from His report is broken down into three callers, (CALLERLAB, ACA and inde- sections. His first section assessed the pendents) and dancers. Most of the square dance situation by broad returns came from callers because he geographic groupings. His purpose had the greatest access to direct e-mail was two-fold: "1) To show where addresses. With the dancers, he had to Mainstream dances exist to provide depend on e-mail forums. places for people graduating from I will report Cal's findings in this and Mainstream lesson programs to dance. future Club Leadership Notes column. 2) To show where Mainstream dancing "Mainstream Viability" is no longer a viable option for Mainstream dancing is a viable 46 American SquareDance, April 2002 Cpt eorntosktabPe, qtAth... tic-tac-toes°9 MADE IN AMERICA

11111141/446"...... andTwice, /ook and ged ghead

All Shoes Manufactured in Our Factory CALL TODAY FOR 1 at COLOR CATALOG * 1 Hamilton St.. P.O. Box 953 Gloversville. NY 12078 Toll Frre 800-648-8126 destination program in the following longer a viable entry level into MWSDing states grouped by geographical region in the United States. The Mainstream of the United States: program is not healthy in many states Northwest - but it is certainly not dead." Oregon, Washington & Idaho More next month on Cal Campbell's West & Midwest - independent survey. Cal is to be Nevada (split, Las Vegas is Plus; the commended for his efforts. He recently rest of the state is Mainstream), shared his findings with the Montana, Wyoming (some cities are CALLERLAB Board of Governors. He Plus), Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, wishes to emphasize that his project North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, was not an official survey by Kansas, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Iowa, CALLERLAB. The survey was con- Missouri and Wisconsin. ducted solely by him for his personal East and South - knowledge so he could be a more Maine, North Carolina, South Caro- effective member of the Board of lina, and Georgia. Governors. His survey is the first Plus tips are featured at most so significant project since Dr. Walt called Mainstream dances. These vary Cole's research efforts for LEGACY. from one Plus Tip after the dance at Cal gave us permission to quote his some dances to a Plus Tip every other final report. If you wish to communi- tip. As you would expect, the closer the cate directly with Cal Campbell, his e- clubs are to "Plus Only" areas the mail address is [email protected]. higher the number of Plus tips during Till next time, happy dancing! the dance. I feel it is safe to state that new Bernie Coulthurst is the Editor of Club graduates out of Mainstream classes Leadership Journal. For a complimentary would have opportunities to dance at copy of Club Leadership Journal, please the Mainstream level in all these states. call 715-824-3245. The mailing address is I hope this puts an end to the PO Box 766, Plover, WI 54467-0766. speculation that Mainstream is no E-mail: [email protected].

American SquareDance, April 2002 47 CALLERIAAMiguavimeli•bmi By Mike Seastrom

The Phoenix Plan - A New Beginning

When the Board of Governors of CALLERLAB approved the name for our long range marketing plan, we knew that square dancing would benefit from a professional approach and a change of its widely held image of yesteryear. The phoenix is a rebirth and we felt that the activity not only needed a fresh start for its publicity, but also a new beginning. All the time tested methods that educational activities and handle have been used and promoted in our funds and fundraising projects. The existing publications for recruiting CALLERLAB Board and the new dancers would be much more Foundation for the Promotion and successful if the general public could Preservation of Square Dancing view our activity as a fun and social currently serves this function. Our way to exercise, laugh, celebrate life current marketing advisor, Jim Hensley and receive a healthy dose of mental of Creative Marketing Services (CMS), stimulation. The CALLERLAB Board wrote about this new entity called the of Governors understands that there is "Alliance for Bound, Traditional no quick fix to significantly improving and &ware Dance" (the ARTS) in the the promotion of our activity. Our CALLERLAB Viewpoints article last vision is to preserve square dancing, December. CMS began its initial work and all its related dance forms, for creating this ARTS last year. generations to come. Additional goals in Phase I of the There are three phases in the Phoenix Plan include developing Phoenix Plan. The first phase has six effective fundraising programs to goals and each goal has two to five successfully carry out our long range objectives. The goals of Phase I include promotional efforts. It also includes expanding communication and continued market and image research education within our activity and with to make our publicity and education other related dance and recreation projects as successful as possible per organizations. It also includes creating dollar spent. an operational entity representing In the last two goals of Phase I, associated dance groups worldwide to CALLERLAB is working with other administer promotional and organizations in the dance community to 48 American SquareDance, April 2002

7-Day Hawaiian Island Cruise with Steve and Debbie Kopman Lee and Lilith Kopman July 28, 2002 - August 4, 2002 AtE NCL's newest and most beautiful ship, the Norwegian Star. All meals (plus 24 hour complimentary room service), nightly entertainment, incredible chocoholic buffet, The Big private welcome reception, hot tubs & sauna, Isinnd 24-hour fitness center & spa, and much, much more! loin us for the cruise of a lifetime! Square Dancing • Large Staterooms • Swimming Pool • Internet Cafe

Inside Stateroom starting at $1,299 Triple and Quad rates subject to availability for additional $399 p/p A $300 per person deposit is required to confirm your space. Prices are per person and based on double occupancy, and include cruise, port charges, and government taxes. Discount airfares available. Please make checks payable to: Steve and Debbie Kopman 1021 Bridgestone, Knoxville, TN 37919 865-691-1580 or e-mail [email protected] Knoxville Tours and Travel Center 1-800-251-2027 ext.106

more effectively promote existing More information on the Phoenix Plan marketing materials, and help to enhance, will be included in future CALLERLAB develop, and refine additional resources. Viewpoint articles. Stay tuned! By sharing current and future market CALLERLAB is on the move and research, and emphasizing cooperation, committed to the promotion and CALLERLAB is determined to make preservation of square dancing. We turnkey promotional packages, look forward to working with all dance successfully tested by professionally and recreational organizations and accepted methods, more accessible to individuals in expanding the activity the dance community. that can so joyfully enhance the lives of We have made progress toward its participants. We need your help and achieving every goal in Phase I, and are encourage all those interested to currently working on the goals in contact us at our home office. Our full Phase II and III. This includes applying time staff is available between 9:00am for grants, improving our position for and 4:00pm, Monday through Friday, sponsorship, and recruiting new leaders EST at 321-639-0039. Or, you can e- in anticipation of our future growth. mail us at [email protected].

American SquareDance, April 2002 49 ON THE REcorua ESCAVAltES TOM RUDEBOCK 4551 Grafton Rd, Leetonia OH 44431 330- 427-6358 [email protected] TITLE - Label ARTIST

Old Cape Cod - GMP118 Doug Bennett An oldy with a nice guitar lead and a smooth string background. Guitar and piano riffs accent in the right places with just enough drum to set the beat. A nice smooth number when you need to relax the floor. A keeper. Hds (sds) promenade 1/2, Pass the Ocean, Extend, Boys Fold, Girls Slide Apart, Boys Step In, Boo Trade, Cast Off 3/4, Boys Walk, Girls Dodge, Scoot Back, Swing Corner, Promenade.

Puff The Magic Dragon - SSK118 Steve Ekin An old Peter, Paul & Mary hit. Piano lead with a string background. Drums and cymbals are the rhythm. This is a smooth relaxer. Hds (sds) Promenade 3/4, Sides (Ms) Right & Left Thru, Pass Thru, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend the Line, Touch 1/4, Circulate, Boys Run, Swing Corner, Promenade.

One Of Those Songs - GIVIP982 Tony Oxendine Piano, guitar, fiddle, steel and some great runs with a relaxing string background make this a danceable piece of music. Key change in the middle and closer. Hds (sds) Square Thru, Do Sa Do, Swing Thru, Girls Circulate, Boys Trade, Boys Run, Bend the Line, Star Thru, Square Thru 3, Swing corner, Promenade.

God Must Have Been A Cowboy - TAR118 Vaughn Parrish Piano, guitar, organ weave in and out of the lead with rolling percussion. Good instrumental fill adds body to the music. Tag lines give it a spiritual feel. Hds (sds) Right & Left Thru, 4 Couples Rollaway, Hds (sds) Square Thru, All 4 Couples Square Thru 3, Do Paso, Promenade the Corner.

Wild flowers - 11115268 Tom Perry Lilting piano, guitar, harmonica with smooth rolling percussion and just enough background instrumentation make this a smooth danceable number. Signature Hi Hat sound. !ids (sds) Promenade 1/2, Square Thru, Rigid & Left Thru, Veer Left, Couples Circulate, Ladies Trade, Bend the Line, Square Thru 3, Swing Corner, Promenade.

50 American SquareDance, April 2002 ..Reema( :gernee. tee/ jeer gr dge-ezek Kt/43‘. June 7,8 & 9 Phase IV-V Tango Clinic Weekend - Montreal Quebec Canada Staff: Ralph & Joan Collipi, NH - Host: Des & Ruth Cunningham Contact: Collipi's July 7-10 East Coast Round Dance Leader's College - Salem, NH Staff: Wayne & Barbara Blackford and Ralph & Joan Collipi - Contact: Collipi's August 9-11 Round-E-Vous Round Dance Weekend - Phases IV-VI Hayloft Barn, Sturbridge, MA Staff: Bill & Carol Goss, CA and Ralph & Joan Collipi, NH - Contact: Collipi's Contact: Ralph & Joan Collipi, 122 Millville St., Salem, NH 03079-2238 [email protected] - 603-898-4604 -

Rockin' All Over The World - SIRS08 James Wyatt An upbeat number with steady sharp percussion gives it a Rock 'n Roll feel. Fiddle, guitar, harmonica and a touch of steel. Key change in the closer. Standard 8 chain 4 Figure.

All You Really Need Is Love - CRC I55 Steve Jacques Energetic country melody with a good steady beat that says let's dance. Steel, fiddle, guitar share the lead and fill riffs. This one should get the hands clapping. Hds (sds) Promenade 1/2, Lead Right, Do Sa Do, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend the Line, Right & Left 77tru, Pass the Ocean, Boys Trade, Girls Trade, Pass 77tru, Swing corner, Promenade.

Heal The World - DGR006 Robert Hurst Electronic piano with overriding percussion. Vocals on the instrumental side. Spiritual lyrics. lids (sds) Square 77tru, So Sa Do, Swing Thru, Spin the Top, Rigid & Left Thru, Square Thru 3, Swing corner, Promenade.

Hoedowns: Jude - ESP1064 Bill Harrison A mix of strings with a little harmonica for an added touch. Good strong beat that does not over shadow the instrumentation. A good addition to your record case. Bill calls some interesting and challenging mainstream on the flip side.

Fitz-Giddlow/Dime-A-Night - SIR510 Fitz-Giddiow has an electronic modern sound with a steady rhythm. Dime-a- Night has more of a melody line. Both usable. A diversion from the more traditional sound.

American SquareDance. April 2002 51 CA LEE AB Irderrusi knout A.ssoeia(Hrn of Square Dauer Cullers

Established in 1974 World wide dance programs Membership of over 2,000 callers (U.S., Canada and 15 foreign countries) Convention once a year callers from all over the world discuss the activity see what is going on in other parts of the world get better understanding of the Square Dance Activity interest sessions for all callers and their partners individual voice sessions social gatherings Full line of publications for the beginner caller and the accomplished caller Scholarship programs Association Affiliate membership available equipment insurance liability insurance education grants

For further information contact: Jerry Reed, Executive Director 467 Forrest Avenue, Suite 118, Cocoa, FL. 32922 TEL: 321-639-0039: FAX: 321-639-0851 E-mail: CALLERLAB@aoLcom; On The Web: CD's One Woman Man - ENIS2600CD Tim Carman A little steel, a little fiddle, a twangy guitar all blended together to give a country sound. Steady sharp percussion. About half way up on the energy scale. Standard Ferris Wheel Figure.

Hi Neighbor - MAC1O99CD Jerry Helt Banjo, accordian, a muted horn, piano, and guitar all talcing a turn on the lead with a toe tappin' beat gives this a Dixieland feel. Hds (sds) Promenade 1/2, Square 77tru 2, 8 Chain 4, Circle 4 Hhalf Way. Dive Thru, Circle 4 Half Way, Pass 77tru, Swing Corner, Allemande Left, Promenade.

One Promise Too Late - RHY284CD Mike Seastrom Good blend of fiddle, steel, guitar, a muted horn and nice mandolin runs. About 2/3 up on the energy scale. This one will have them smiling and dancing. Hds (sds) Square Thru, Right & Left Thru, Touch 1/4, Scoot Back, Boys Run, Right & Left Thru, Square Thru 3, Swing Corner, Promenade.

52 American SquareDance, April 2002 Buckets - MR49CD Mark Clausing Spiritual style dance number with banjo, mandolin, and a busy bass. Vocals on the instrumental side. A hand clapper, near the top of the energy scale. This one would work as a hoedown. Hds (sds) Square Thru, Do Sa do, Swing Thru, Bays Trade, Turn Thru, Left Allemande, Weave, Do Sa Do, Promenade.

Smooth & Easy/Sentimental Journey - C317CD Gary Shoemake Smooth and easy is a rhythm hoedown with a similar sound and feel all the way through. Sentimental Journey is from the Big Band era with horns, guitar, fiddle and piano all blended with a steady beat give it a full sound. Hds (sds) Square Thru, Right Hand Star, Hds (sds) Star Left. Single Circle 1/2 Way, Rare Back, Star Thru, Roll To Face, Single Circle 1/2 Way, Rare Back, Star Thru, Roll To Face, Swing Corner, Promenade.

Hoedowns on CD Berry Blossom/Jubilee In Jackson - BMV3O32CD Berry Blossom has a fiddle lead with a second fiddle in minor. Would work for the reels. ,Jubilee in Jackson is an arrangement of AlabamaJubilee with guitar, fiddle, mandolin, banjo, bass and solid drum riffs. A mover. Both have a looping feature for extended play.

Sticks/Walter - STCD2011 Sticks features a 5 string banjo with a walking bass with a drum stick/bass interlude. The second track has just a walking bass interlude. Walter has a banjo, fiddle, bass and guitar. Both are peppy numbers.

Dixie Patter/Foggy Mountain Breakdown - STCD2009 Dixie Patter has a dixie land feel. Several instruments add to the variety. An upbeat, let's dance number. Foggy Mountain Breakdown is Blue Grass all the way with some good 5 string banjo playing and good string background music. A mover.

Bull Winkle/Rocky - 4C-003CD David Cox/Jack Berg Bull Winkle has a ragtime feel with a piano, banjo and busy bass. David Cox calls Mainstream and Plus. Rocky is a more modern sound extended play hoedown all rhythm instruments which build each progression. Jack calls Plus.

Davey Duck/Duck Fat - DDP0223402004CD Davey Duck is all rhythm with no melody line, disco style. Duck Fat is a disco beat with some lead instruments. Both songs have a called track. This is a CD for those who like to use non standard music.

Recordings reviewed are supplied by Hanhurst's Tape & Record Service 800-445-7398 American SquareDance. April 2002 53 CALLERLAB MAINSTREAM EMPHASIS CALL


Dana Schirmer, Chairman of the Mainstream Committee, is pleased to announce WHEEL AROUND has been selected as the Mainstream Quarterly Emphasis Call for the period beginning January 1, 2002. Submission presented by John Swindle, Mainstream Committee member from Melbourne, FL. Starting Formation: Couple. For instance, parallel lines facing in or out, Two- Faced Lines, Static Square, Double Pass Thru, Completed Double Pass Thru, back to back couples, couples promenade, Trade By, Eight Chain Thru, etc. Arrangement: Standard arrangement is "0" Normal Couple (BG) Definitions: The couple, working as a unit, turns around (180 degrees). The left hand dancer backs up while the right hand dancer moves forward. The pivot point is the handhold between the two dancers. Styling.. If the dancers are Promenading when WHEEL AROUND is called, then they retain their Promenade styling until the call is completed. In all other cases, the dancers will join inside hands, men palm up and ladies palm down, with the forearms held close together in a locked-in position until the call is completed. Teaching Hints: Advise dancers they will be facing the wall opposite to their beginning position. Timing: 4 steps Ending Formation: Dependent on starting formation. Dance Examples: NOTE: The call combination PASS THRU, WHEEL AROUND can be substituted any time for RIGHT AND LEFT THRU. Static Square Formation Heads (Sides) Right & Left Thru, Heads (Sides) Pass Thru, WHEEL AROUND, Flutterwheel, Sweep a Quarter, Slide Thru, Dancers are at home. Heads (Sides) Square Thru, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Couples Circulate, Bend the Line, Pass Thru, WHEEL AROUND, Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal, Centers WHEEL AROUND, Allemande Left. Facing Lines of Four Formation Pass Thru and WHEEL AROUND (equivalent to Right and Left Thru). Two Faced Lines Formation 54 American SquareDance, April 2002 The "Out-Facing" dancers WHEEL AROUND (transition to Facing Lines of Four). Be aware of the Body Flow of the call preceding the WHEEL AROUND. For instance, "Swing Thru, Boys Run, OUTFACERS WHEEL AROUND" violates good Body Flow. "Swing Thru, Boys Run, Couples Circulate, OUTFACERS WHEEL AROUND" produces much better Body Flow. Double Pass Thru Formation Center Couples WHEEL AROUND (transition to an Eight Chain Thru Formation). Be aware of the body flow of the call preceding the call Center Couples WHEEL AROUND. For instance: Heads Star Thru, CENTERS WHEEL AROUND - bad body flow. From Clockwise (Right-Handed) Two-Faced Lines, Ferris Wheel, WHEEL AROUND bad body flow. From Facing Lines, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, CENTERS WHEEL AROUND- good body flow. From Counter-Clockwise (Left-Handed) Two-Faced Lines, Ferris Wheel, CENTERS WHEEL AROUND - good Body Flow. Completed Double Pass Thru Formation Lead Couples WHEEL AROUND (transition to an Eight Chain Thru Formation). Reverse Usage Same definition except the right hand dancer backs up while the left hand dancer walks forward. The pivot point is still the handhold between the two dancers and the couple, working as unit, still turns around (180 degrees). From standard couples back-to-back, Reverse WHEEL AROUND, Reverse Flutter Wheel works well. Heads (Sides) Right And Left Thru, Heads (Sides) Pass Thru, REVERSE WHEEL AROUND, Reverse Flutterwheel, Sweep a Quarter, Slide Thru, Dancers are at home. Heads (Sides) Square Thru 4, Touch 1/4, Walk & Dodge, REVERSE WHEEL AROUND, Reverse Flutterwheel, Slide Thru, Left Allemande GETOUTS (Zero Lines) Pass Thru, WHEEL AROUND, Star Thru, Pass Thru, Allemande Left. In the sequences below, the dancers are doing the WHEEL AROUND from an Eight Chain Thru Formation. (Zero Box) Slide Thru, Pass the Ocean, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Tag the Line, Face Left, Wheel and Deal, Pass Thru, WHEEL AROUND, Allemande left. (Zero Lines) Slide Thru, Right and Left Thru, Half Sashay, Pass Thru, WHEEL AROUND. Right and Left Grand. Our thanks and appreciation to John Swindle for developing and submitting. the above Emphasis selection. Americus SquareDani e, April 2002 55 SHOWOFF TIME your association dances and to other club's dances when you do visits such Now is the time for all dancers to as banner raids and retrievals. If you show off their talents. Yes, show off take them to a dance that you know will their talents. I don't mean their be over their heads, with the thought dancing abilities talent, but their that you can pull them through, you will abilities to get along with other people be doing them a disservice and could and their abilities to introduce the new maybe turn them off to the activity. dancers into their clubs. It is also a Third I would like to emphasize time to show off the new class members strongly that you should keep the new who are just beginning to graduate or dancers away from politics. If you want are close to graduation. How can you them to be involved in club activities do this? Let me count the ways. start with letting them assist in being First and foremost be willing to greeters at the door and then maybe let dance with these new dancers and make them assist you or someone else with them feel welcome when they start refreshments one night if they want to. dancing with the club whether it is for a Don't make them feel that they are full night or for selected tips during an obligated to do these things if they evening. Try to ensure that these new don't want to. dancers don't square up together all Whatever you do let them call the night. They will have a tendency to shots. Don't make them feel as if they square up together because they feel are obligated to do anything that they comfortable together. If all the club don't feel comfortable doing. I know members take a new couple and be sure that you probably feel that if you are that they dance with different people part of the activity you should be each tip this will go a long way toward willing to help but they are new and introducing the new dancers into the they maybe aren't as sold on the club and to make them more comfort- activity as you are yet. Give them time able with the club population. to grow into the activity. Second you must be sure that you New dancers are hard to come by so invite the new dancers to go with you to let's all work hard to keep them.

Inflation is the price we pay for those government benefits we thought were free. 56 American SquareDance, April 2002 Country Kitchen By [olive Harrel)

Oatmeal Scones Tea Rings

3/4 C flour 4 1/4 - 4 3/4 C flour 3/4 C whole wheat flour 1/2 C sugar 1 1/4 C oatmeal (not quick cooking) 1 pkg yeast 1 Tbsp baking powder 1 C milk 1/2 tsp baking soda 3 eggs 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 C butter, melted 1/4 C sugar 3/4 tsp salt 1/2 C raisins 1 1/2 C dried fruits 1 egg, beaten 1/2 C chopped nuts 2 Tbsp melted butter (melt until lightly Dissolve yeast with milk and about 1 browned, do not burn) Tbsp sugar. Using a mixer, add butter 1/2 C low-fat yogurt (I like vanilla and eggs, mix well. Add flour, salt and yogurt) remaining sugar. Refrigerate dough 2 Tbsp vegetable oil until you are ready to form the tea rings. Combine all dry ingredients. Form Divide the dough into thirds. Roll each a well in the center and add egg, piece into a 8 inch by 14 inch rectangle. butter, yogurt and oil. Stir until moist. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup dried fruits and Knead on a floured surface 2 or 3 1/3 of the chopped nuts. Roll up along times and form into a ball. Pat ball into the 14 inch side and form into a ring. an 8 inch circle and cut into 8 wedges. Place in a greased pie pan. Repeat Bake at 425° for about 12 minutes. Do with the other 2 pieces of dough. Cover not over-bake. and refrigerate from 6 to 24 hours. When you are ready, heat oven to 375° and bake for about 20 minutes. Clip Art on CD - $49.95 Over 2500 images - B&W and Color Clip Art 1-2-3 on CD - $24.95 Over 500 images in B&W (both include shipping in U.S.A.) Sec page 73 for ordering information and other products. American SquareDance, April 2002 57 Marketing Our Product By Bill Walsh I am encouraged to read that both nearly everywhere. I have often seen caller organizations are writing about skirts in an office at two o'clock in the re-examining square dance thought afternoon that would be acceptable at patterns. Recent articles have even tip the evening's dance. In any event while toed close to the possibility of changing very important, the sociability and the our product. We are a large group of costume are the packaging, not the small businesses. Each caller and each product. It takes more than a good club is a business. Our product is the package to sell a poor product and the dance program that we use. I believe people we cannot recruit consider ours each of us wants more dancers in his or to be a poor product. her club and more people dancing at Many of us have worked hard to our levels. However, our product is recruit new dancers. When I learned to very difficult to sell to a fast food, dance each caller often said the same instant gratification society. It takes thing, "It is your job to get people here too much time and effort to become a the first night. It is my job to keep them square dancer. here." I haven't heard that statement All of these recent articles encour- for years. Of course when I learned, we aged friendship, sociability, and wel- were taught about 60 calls. There was coming of new dancers. The points are no Plus program and square dancing well taken. There has also been much was growing like wild fire. As I discussion about clothing. Changes remember, a National Convention in have been made. Perhaps more are in California in the mid 70's drew 43,000 order. The prairie skirt is accepted dancers. The last convention I at- "JOHN'S NOTES It Silver State Caller College Monthly Note Service Reno, Nevada For The Callers Who Care November 21- 25 by API John & Linda Saunders dill Full CALLERLAB Curriculum Accredited Caller Coaches Caller Coaches: Choreo Basic. Mainstream, Plus, Bengt Geleff (Sweden) Advance 1 & 2 and C-1. Singing Call Doug Davis (Nevada) Review, Partner's Page & Contras. Nasser Shukayr (California) We're anxious to serve YOU! Contact Nasser Shukayr For FREE SAMPLE contact us at: 101 Cedar Dunes, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 E-Mail: NShukayr@aoLcom Tele: (386) 428-1496: Fax: (386) 409-8805 Phone: 925-283-3560 E-mail: [email protected] WEB SITE address: www.NShukayr.conilsscc.han 58 American SquareDance, April 2002 Event Ribbons 2002 ALASKA STATE SQUARE AND ROUND -Free computer typesetting DANCE FESTIVAL -Square dancer owned ..,tJuly 4-7, 2002 -Competitive prices Caller: Randy Dougherty -Samples available Cuers: George & Pam Hurd •Fast service 2002 Alaska State Festival Paws & Taws Square Dance Club Please cal us with your needs Attn: CaM Feaster PO Box 2765 Palmer, AK 99645 Pa g L G Designs 907-745-1951 leaster44tattnet P.O. Box 1639. Tracy. CA 95376 s. s. 2929-• Fax 2041342920 e, ..c- *mei PROMENADE TO PARADISE tended drew 13,000. The numbers tell if these names were omitted? I think not. us that the general public will not buy I also think at least a dozen other calls in our product as it currently exists. the combined Basic, Mainstream, Plus To make things even more difficult, list could be eliminated without any when we do get people to the first sacrifice by current dancers. lesson and they learn about the If the lists were thus shortened, we commitment involved it often becomes could really get into a marketing their last lesson. Some stay for a few program. The "New Revised Modern sessions, others graduate, then drop Square Dance" might sell. It could get out. Each dropout becomes a negative the attention of some who have been sales person for the activity. They tell turned off in the past. Most sales people their friends, "I tried it and I didn't like jump at the chance to talk to customers it." Can you imagine how many about something different. negative sales persons we have across It allows them to reopen a subject the country? about which the potential buyer has Perhaps, working together, the closed his mind. Could you approach a caller organizations can do what they friend to discuss a new improved could not do separately, namely sim- activity? Wouldn't that be better than plify the product. Do we need Acey once more asking the friend to attend Deucey on the Plus list? It seems hard to beginner dances? Think of how many justify giving "ends circulate and products have successfully introduced centers trade" a special name. One "New and Improved" versions. The more call for beginners to learn. How phrase is used because it works. about Do Paso? How often have you Would such simplification make heard it called without directions? If it square dance boring? I don't believe so. can so easily be called directionally, A good caller can keep any dancer alert why give it a special name? Is our and entertained using only the Main- activity a dance or a memory game? stream list, but many dancers would be Would Plus dancers sacrifice anything unhappy if they were told they were

American Squar.Dance, April 2002 59 Q i(dgd& Maft&"41P

Contact these traveling callers for your Club Dance - Festival - or Convention Tom Rudebock Bob & Lorrie Morrison 4551 Grafton Rd 2515 Selman Drive Leetonia OH 44431 Duluth GA 30096-4350 330-427-6358 770-476-8445 nidebts@ [email protected] Rawhide Recording Artist Now calling full time dancing Mainstream. However, if the suggesting that the participants in that program did become boring to some, it level usually dance two or five times could be the best for both worlds. each month. Imagine more dancers and more bored I was disappointed that the dancers. What an opportunity for CALLERLAB Plus committee recently recruiting at the Advance level. passed up a good opportunity to I feel it is not important if the shorten the list. Three calls were resulting program is one list or two. It eliminated from the Mainstream list. could well be an improvement to have The Plus committee chose to add all one list. The current theme seems to be three to the Plus list. I recognize the "think out of the box." Let's try that. stated goal is to equalize the number of What we have been doing has not calls on the two lists, but had hoped worked. Only a fool continues to do the that there would be some reduction of same thing and expect different each list in the process. It seems that results. Get rid of the names Main- many callers agree we would be better stream and Plus. Who wants to dance off with fewer calls, but it also seems JUST Mainstream if Plus is available? there may never be agreement on We use Plus detergents and Plus which calls to drop. Perhaps a czar gasoline among many other Plus should be appointed. Tell him or her products. The term Plus degrades the how many calls to drop, when to reach title Mainstream. It has been suggested the target, and let the action begin. that one list be called Square Dancing. Democracy is great, but in this That sounds good. If the decision is to instance it is not producing the keep two lists, they might be called changes needed to make our product something like Twofers and Fivefers, more saleable. 4)

It may seem a hard thing for a man to say, that he is right and all the world is wrong-, but, if it be so, how can he help it? 60 American SquareDance, April 2002 THE COVNTRT LINE


Welcome back folks. It is time for our monthly Line Dance conversation. Quite often in discussions with dancers, I find that we become "one trip ponies." With all the music that is currently available, we frequently limit ourselves to what we consider the "Real Song" for a specific dance. I always offer three music "suggestions" based on my interpretation of the dance. Today's Line Dancers are becoming increasingly cognizant of musical interpretation, phasing, rhythms, and tempos. They are becoming aware of how a dance fits the music. Choreographers have responded by tailoring dances to specific pieces of music. This requirement of specific music for a certain dance is fine if the music is generally available. Alas, this is typically not the case. This month's dance is a prime example. It is a great dance that increases our knowledge base of basic steps, but the dance was choreographed for a song by an independent artist. The song is available by direct mail or on the internet if you want to purchase an entire CD. I have chosen a song that is more readily available. More important than having the "Real Song" is that the song you use is the same type of rhythm. The song might be very bouncy or might have a bluesy feel. Perhaps the song is a definitive Cha Cha or Latin rhythm. So, if a song suggestion is not readily available, find another song that you like with the same "feel" and the best tempo for your dancers. In fact, if you find a real good song for a particular dance I have presented, let me know. This month's line dance was used in line dance competitions all over the world. The dance is fun and offers some variations of steps you already know as well as some additional fundamental steps. You should enjoy it. If you have any questions about this dance or a suggestion for a future column, please contact me at P.O. Box 2685, Topeka, Kansas 66601-2685. I can also be reached via e-mail at [email protected]. Until next time, I will save you a spot on the dance floor. TURBO TWANG

Basic Steps weighted foot and is kept off the floor. A (Official NTA Definitions): Lock is sometimes called a Hook. Lift the foot by bending the knee and BASIC STEPS: Hook, Jazz Box, pointing toe downward. Kick, Pivot Turn, Rock Step, Sailor Step, Scuff, Toe Strut Jazz Box (Square): A dance pattern with four weight changes. It Hook The free foot moves as a may start with a forward step or a cross. pendulum in front or in back of the

American SquareDance, April 2002 61 NEU) LINE Di FASHIONS

CALIFORNIA KANSAS ARON'S Square Dance Shop BIT SQUARE DANCE SHOP 8974 East Huntington Drive 635 E 47th St. San Gabriel, CA 91775 Wichita KS 67216 626-285-8544 1 blk, W of 1-35. Exit 42 (316) 522-6670, SQUARE D FASHIONS Closed Sun & Mon 5821 Auburn Blvd Ste 5 Mail Orders & MC & Visa Card Sacramento CA 95841-1207 (916) 344-0346 RHODE ISLAND WASHINGTON U-TURN BACK MASSACHUSETTS PETTICOAT JUNCTION 63 Mauran SI MEG SIMKINS 14523 Highway 99 #1 Cranston. RI 02910 119 Allen St Lynnwood WA 98037 (401)467.8603 Hampden MA 01036 (800) 344-3262 Tue & Wed 1-5 - Fri & Sat 11-4 (413) 566-3349 wvAv.petticoatict corn Call for directions Everything for Square Dancers e-mail: or appointments Send tor our free catalog. Describe it, we'll find it! Searching for Square and Round Dunee Clothing? Order from these shops:

Kick: Lift the non-support leg from In a Left Sailor Step, lean to the left as the knee and straighten the knee, the left foot goes back of the right foot. pointing the toes. A Sailor Step is a triple rhythm movement, counted 1 & 2, that changes Pivot Turn: AKA Step Turn or direction from side to side. Example of Break Turn. A change of direction turn a Left Sailor Step. 1.) Cross/Step Left in the opposite direction of the forward foot behind Right foot in 5'" position, foot in 5th position. Usually making &.) Step Right foot to Right side in 2" 180" turn, returning or replacing the Position. 2.) Step Left foot to Left side weight to the original foot. in 2"d Position.

Rock Step: AKA Break Step, Scuff: To brush the heel forward. Check Step. Two weight changes in opposite directions using two beats of Toe Strut: Moving forward or music. Forward and backward Rock backward, place the toe and then the Steps are performed in 5'" position heel of the foot on the floor for counts 1, (Toe to Heel) while side Rock Steps are 2, with a weight change on count 2. performed in 2" position (shoulder width apart). Turning Vine: A pattern which consists of a Vine with a 1/4 or 1/2 Turn Sailor Steps A dance pattern off of count 3. accomplished by leaning in the oppo- site direction of the back crossing foot. * Prompting Cues are in Bold Lettering

62 American SquareDance, April 2002 TURBO TWANG 32 Count 4 Wall, Beginner/Intermediate Line Dance James Gregory and Jean Garr, Garner, NC. Music Tempo Suggestions: Slow - A Little Bit of You by Lee Roy Parnell (108 BPM) Medium - Big Love by Tracy Byrd (116 BPM) Fast - Twang by Neal McCoy (130 BPM) Official Song "Turbo Twang" by Rick Tlppe (146 BPM). Available at or 1-604 465 4727

COUNTS/STEP DESCRIPTION Kick, Kick, Modified Charleston Step, Step, Pivot Jazz Box, Vine Right With A 1/2, Hook, Walk, Walk 1/4, Scuff 17-18 Kick Left Foot Forward, Kick 1-2 Cross/Step Right Foot in Front Left Foot Forward of Left Foot, Step Left Foot 19 Step Left Foot Backwards Backwards 20 Point Right Toe Backwards 3-4 Step Right Foot to Right Side, 21 Step Right Foot Forward Step Left Foot Forward 22 Pivot a 1/2 Turn Left, Keeping 5-6 Step Right Foot to Right Side, Weight Back on Right Foot, Cross/Step Left Foot Behind Hook Left Foot in Front of Right Foot Right Shin 7-8 Step Right Foot to Right Side Note: This is the one exception to With a 1/4 Turn Right, Scuff transferring weight to the lead Left Foot Beside Right Side foot on a Pivot Turn. 23-24 Step Left Foot Forward, Step Step, Pivot 1/2, Step, Right Foot Forward Pivot 1/2, Left Toe Strut, Right Toe Strut Left Sailor Step, Right 9-10 Step Left Foot Forward, Pivot Sailor Step, Rock Forward, a 1/2 Turn Right, Transferring Replace, Step, Scuff Weight to Right Foot 25& Cross/Step Left Foot Behind 11-12 Step Left Foot Forward, Pivot Right Foot, Step Right Foot to a 1/2 Turn Right, Transferring Right Side Weight to Right Foot 26 Step Left Foot to Left Side 13-14 Touch Left Toe Forward, Step 27& Cross/Step Right Foot Behind Down with Flat of Left Foot Left Foot, Step Left Foot to 15-16.) Touch Right Toe Forward, Step Left Foot Down with Flat of Right Foot 28 Step Right Foot to Right Side 29-30 Rock/Step Left Foot Forward, Replace Weight on Right Foot 31-32 Step Left Foot Forward, Scuff ARINgi Right Foot Beside Left Side%

American SquareDance. April 2002 63

C7E Wirt


April fools jokes are a lot of fun if they are played on someone else. If "Someone Must Feel Like A Fool Tonight", don't let it be you. So beware and don't get caught being "Somebody's Fool." SOMEBODY'S FOOL Dorothy Sanders


,,, KlMalik A og A , .e.*0 4 ).b .k.0e ..,..,. .. 4 ,e fue, IT:3 5 4,, m. am..[ ...... 44 ck 4,e 41" Ss 4 444' %C 4:Wee 70 4* ...e, pa 914:444 -CMK11814eC.72.11 AVE CP Phone* 013-202-1240 Club Orders 20% oft (800) 989-DOTS (3687) Custom Fashions 64 American SquareDance, April 2002 4-Bar-B

BBB .14km, f ,ave Guile Gay Mahnken i71Damon Co. 4-BAR-B F15.141 0:119 9.' 957 3541 816,3942667 804-223-2114 Records, Inc coesockncekOool can HOT 4 BAR B RELEASES "The Quality 4B-6146 SHORTNIN' BREAD - Dave Sound- 4B-6145 RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD - Tom 4B-6144 MARY LU - Jimmie (hoedown) 4B-6143 ONE NIGHT AT A TIME - Dave "Try our Platinum Series CD's" Four Bar B Records, Box 7-11 Macks Creek, MO 65786 (573) 363-5432 fan ROP. Arm* Surnmatin e-mail: [email protected] 618-962-3102 903-524-2502 SOMEONE MUST FEEL LIKE A FOOL TONIGHT Russ & Wilma Collier RECORD: Reprise 7018967 Kenny Rogers FOOTWORK: Opposite except where noted RHYTHM: Waltz PHASE: III +2 SEQUENCE: INTRO-A-B-A-B-C-A-B(1-8) INTRO WAIT 2 MEAS;; APT PT; TOG TCH; PART A CP/W FULL WALTZ BOX;; WHISK; PKUP SD CL; DIAMOND TURNS;;;; OPEN TELEMARK; THRU FC CL; BAL L; REV TWIRL VINE; TWINKLE RLOD; THRU FC CL BFLY; BAL L & R;; PART B WALTZ AWAY; FWD WALTZS(W SOLO TRN LF) BOTH SOLO TRN LF 1/2; BK BOX; OVERTURN SPIN TURN; BK CHASSE TO BJO; FWD, FWD/LK, FWD; FWD FC CL CP/W; REPEAT MEAS 1-8 PART B PART C TWIRL VINE; WEAVE 6; MANUVER SD CL; OVERTURN SPIN TURN; BK CHASSE SCP; THRU FC CL; CANTER; REFEATAEAsktuatEL ENDING REPEAT MEAS 1-4 PART C:::' BK TRN L TCH; SD CORTE; Correction; February's dance Pretty Pink Jammies: On Part A, 4 measures were left out, they should be; SCP TWO FWD TWO STEPS;; HITCH 6,7. Rs

American SquareDance, April 2002 65 NOTES IN NrTSRELL netArgriE LEscrInsuErt.

CALLERLINK CHOREO-WISE Australian Callers' Federation David Cox This is the Official Newsletter from [email protected] the Australian Callers' Federation. Some Fun Routines is the title of Their Web site address is: http:// this month's Basic section. The rou- While some tines listed are set-up in an Arky-style of the content (Letters To The Editor, Circle (two Boys, then two Girls, then etc.) relates to the Square Dance two Boys, and two Girls). All the activity 'down under', much of the dancers are in sequence, and their contents are still applicable anywhere Partners are next to them. Same our activity takes place. genders dance zero routines, and then A very thorough discussion of the finish with a swing with your partner. Digital Music Media is written by Jeff The Mainstream section uses the Garbutt. While vinyl records are still calls Fold and Cross Fold. the mainstay as a music source, there The Plus section includes some are now several alternatives in storing routines that are relatively difficult for your music library. These choices are dancers. The reason for the difficulty is Music CD's, MiniDisks, and MP3 the combination of some figures change players. Your music can also be stored the axis of the formation. This change of on the computer, and played with an axis and formation requires good amplifier. This article will be continued formation awareness by the dancers. in the next issue. Peel and Trail is the Advanced call David Cox shares some of his for this month. This month's Featured experiences as he traveled to Europe Call is Cut the Mustard. The starting and the USA. This is a continuation formation is any general line/wave from the last issue. formation. The definition is: Ends Slide Now that Fan the Top, Spin Chain together and trade (as in a Cut the Thru, and 8 Chain Thru are on the Plus Diamond). At the same time, the program, many of the singing call Centers will dance an All 8 Circulate figures with these calls cannot be BUT veer from the Center to the End called at the Mainstream dance. position (i.e., they dance their part of a Several equivalent modules for these Cross-over Circulate.) calls are included as a substitute. Both Brian Hotchkies and David share their record reviews of the recently released records. 66 American SquareDance, April 2002 AMERICAN rr- SQUAREDANCE 'The International Magazine of Square Dancing'

USA CANADA FOREIGN 24 issues (2 years) $45.00' $50.00 Unavailable 12 issues (1 year) $25.00` $27.50 $56.00" Class $37.00" Surface

•Rhode Island add 7% sales tax "Foreign subscription rate applies to most countries price subject to change due to international postal rates.

All subscriptions arc non-transferable and non-refundable. We arc WI responsible for non-delivery. Post Office does nr'i forward periodicals unless suhscriber pays pixstage: contact local Post Office for details. Price subject to change

Send to: ASD, PO BOX 777, N SCITUATE, RI 02857-0777 OR CALL: (401) 647-9688 OR 800-333-6236

JOHN'S NOTES any arrangement of dancers such as John Saunders two boys facing two girls. The [email protected] Mainstream Program call of the month John includes a record review and is Hinge, which is a half of a Trade. This things of interest section. There are includes Single Hinge, Partner Hinge, several singing call figures included and Couples Hinge. Also included for that are used in the new songs. the Plus Program is the call Fan the In the Workshop Ideas section this Top, recently added to the Plus month, John looks at two calls from the program. higher programs, Shazam, and Tag The Advanced and Challenge Your Neighbor (and Spread). Shazam Supplement includes: the As Couples can be used with Mainstream dancers, concept; Belles and Beaus; and the while Tag Your Neighbor (and Spread) Stretch concept. combines a Half Tag with a Follow Your Neighbor (and Spread.) Do you publish a note service? The Mainstream (1-53) Program Would like it mentioned here? call featured is Circle to a Line. This Please send it to: 1720 W. Arrow call can also be used any time you have Highway #83, Upland, CA 91786. couples facing with one another on the Thanks, Frank. inside and another on the outside with American SquareDance, April 2002 67 POINT OF ORDER

Reply, Brief History and an Appeal for Help!! By Larry Matchen

This letter is a reply to the article in Legacy, American Callers Association, the January 2002 issue of American International Association of Gay Square SquareDance by Gary Shoemake Dance Clubs and USA West Square titled ACA Viewpoint. Dance Convention) it was agreed that I am writing as a concerned square all should meet again. Four goals were dancer and an executive committee presented for consideration at the next member of USDA. meeting and they were: To begin, a brief history is neces- I. New dancer recruitment sary. At a winter meeting of the USDA 2. Image (marketing and dress code) Executive Board in January 1998, as 3. Promotion (advertising - national Eastern Region Vice Presidents, we and corporate sponsors) asked what USDA could do to stop the 4. Retention of dancers in the activity decline of square dancing. The USDA From this original Roundtable Executive Board was to think about it another organization was born. The for six months and present some ideas NATIONAL COUNCIL OF SQUARE at the June Board meeting. DANCE ORGANIZATIONS was formed After much discussion, the USDA and it became known as the "Council." Executive Board authorized me to set The Council had its one and only up a meeting for January 1999 prior to meeting in May of 2001 in Cleveland our winter meeting in Baltimore Ohio. I did not attend, but was informed Maryland. The USDA president invited by those who did that the Council agreed 13 National Organizations to come to further meetings and the Chairman- together in Baltimore and attend the ship of the group would rotate among Roundtable. The USDA was prepared the various national organizations in to pay for two room nights for the the Council. At this meeting the biggest invited organizations. Nine organiza- issue discussed was the square dance tions accepted the USDA invitation to dress code or attire. come together and discuss our mutual Jumping forward! We arrived for the problem, which was and still is the USDA winter meeting in January 2002 decline in the dance activity. and were informed that the Council had After two days of interesting somehow died on the vine. We were then discussion with the major organiza- given the ACA article by Gary Shoemake tions (CALLERLAB, USDA, National from the January 2002 issue of Executive Committee, ROUNDALAB, American SquareDance. The article

68 American SquareDance, April 2002 Corben Geis CALLER

CARTOONIST (814) 940-6046 [email protected] suggested that callers and dancers get corporate sponsor. ogether and work on solving the I think that the time has come for problems that face the dance commu- the dancers to get out in front and take nity. Further into our meeting we were the lead, work with the callers, and as given a copy of a paper titled "A New Gary Shoemake suggests, "save square Alliance Partnership in Growth" by dancing." We don't need another .James Hensley. The paper was the organization, we need action! product of the CALLERLAB sponsored As I see it we need help from "Phoenix Plan." dancers with expertise in national The meat of the paper suggests that marketing, advertising, media experi- after many surveys another group ence (TV, print, and radio), experience should be formed to attack the in finding a corporate sponsor that problems we as dancers know exist. would have the same interests as those .James Hensley suggests we form in the dance community. Yes, it is a another group to be called, "The large order to fill, but I believe that Alliance for Round, Traditional and somewhere in the dance community we Square Dance" (ARTS) to work on the can find the individuals and organiza- problems of our activity. tions willing to work to save our The ARTS plan suggests areas we favorite activity. I would strongly urge need to work on to try and reverse the all to come together to work on our declining number of dancers and the common problem. For those with the many problems clubs are having knowledge, experience, and desire to around the country. The sad part is help, I would suggest they contact one that many of these issues were of the following organizations: United discussed at the Roundtable three Square Dancers of America, American years ago and it took the Phoenix Plan Callers Association or CALLERLAB. two years to come to some of the same We need to work on solving the conclusions that were discussed at the problems that we all know exist. We Roundtable. Yes, we have an image don't need more surveys or need to problem, we are losing members, we form more groups. Let's get working have difficulties attracting new danc- on our problems today or there won't ers to our activity and we need a be a tomorrow. la American SquareDance, April 2002 69 CONITEN N EmaegGE rESTrVALL

Idaho Square & Dancing. Other Round Dancers topics scheduled are proud to be are Leadership, hosting the Fifth USA Recruiting and USA WEST Keeping New Square Dance Dancers, Convention®, Effective Club August 21-24, 2002. Publicity, A Dance or a Four days of educational activities, Dance Workshop, and Planning Special Square and Round Dancing, Contra Dances. The Round Dance Director and Clogging, as well as Country has scheduled figure clinics. Sewing Western and Line Dancing await your clinics and demos are also scheduled. dancing pallet. Our plan is to have a learning Want to look good while dancing experience for everyone. and give your square a higher success Non-dancing visitors will be rate? Come join in a square for Be a welcomed to view the activities at no- Smoothie with Style to develop style charge after a brief registration. and habits, which contribute to a Additional information on the Fifth USA stronger square. This workshop will WEST Square Dance Convention® is be presented by a member of available on the web at: http:// CALLERLAB. Do you feel awkward, www when the command is for the gal to If you would like additional turn the guy? If so, plan to attend the information, please contact us by e- DBD (Dance by Definition) workshop mail, mail or phone as listed below and gain confidence. Aug. 22-24 Sincerely, Education Presentations will be held Barbara and Lars Hansen Thursday and Friday from 10am till Directors of Publicity 2pm and on Saturday from 10am till USA WEST Square Dance noon. A member of ROUNDALAB will Convention 5 present Voice Presentation and 5879 South Rock Rose Place Techniques and New Technology- the Boise, ID 83716-6916 Laptop. A member of CALLERLAB will (208) 336-2571 workshop Putting More Fun in Square


70 American SquareDance, April 2002

51st National Square Dance Convention Saint Paul, Minnesota June 26-29, 2002 "STAR THRU TO SAINT PAUL IN '02"

EXTRA, EXTRA, should be able to offer some wonderful EXTRA!! tips to help shorten your sewing time. Read All About It The Syllabi for the Rounds, Clogging Read all about what you ask? Why, and Contra include dancing routines for all the extra items that a National each of these types of dancing. Convention has to offer to help make The "North Country" Cookbook is a your time at the convention a fun and compilation of recipes from the dancers enjoyable event. When you register for from the "North Country", including the convention, you'll notice that the recipes for main dishes, desserts, appetiz- registration form has a place to order ers and even a recipe for very, very large items that will help you enjoy the groups. Bring one home and take a part of convention more. Below is a brief the "North Country" with you. description of the items available. Be sure to order these items when The Convention Program Book is a you register, as there may not be tremendous source of information extras printed, and we wouldn't want about the convention. The Program you to miss out on any of them. If Book includes a schedule of dancing, you've already registered, just write or educational events, exhibitions, a e-mail the registration office and let listing of the shops and advertisements them know which items you'd like to from the shops. This book will help you order. You can add items to your plan your time at the convention so that registration without a change fee. you can get the most out of the Don't forget to order tickets to our convention. The daily schedules, that Special Event on Wednesday night, come only with the Program Book, Steve Hall and Shotgun Red with the include the dance schedules, the room Shotgun Red Band. This is great family number and location of all educational entertainment for the very reasonable events. The daily schedules are pocket price of only $12 per person. size and can easily be carried while at the convention. Shop, Shop, Shop The Sew and Save Book has helpful Each year thousands of people sewing tips, information about the come to Bloomington, Minnesota to dresses on display, and information shop at the Mall of America. The place about the sewing machines being used is overwhelming! Hundreds of shops, in the Sew and Save Room. If you're miles of aisles, crowds of kids. A sewing your own clothes, this book shoppers heaven — or nightmare, American SquureDance. April 2002 71 depending on your point of view. lightweight flexible cutting board for How about a pleasant alternative? Visit all your chopping and dicing, the 51'd Ways and Means area for some Last, but not least, you will need a wonderful souvenirs and fancy duds. bag to put everything in. For the Do you need something to take dedicated shopper, we offer a super- home to the kids or grandkids? How size tote, or for the more conservative, about a slinky in the shape of a star? Or a more moderate size. Both are navy- the wonderful Lottie Loon. Squeeze blue, water resistant and close with a her gently and she will call you back to sturdy zipper. the north woods with the plaintive call I think I forgot a few things. Senior of the loon. moment, you understand. That's why I If you like to wear your souvenirs, need my 5-year planning calendar (also the 51" has a diverse line of T-shirts available at Ways & Means.) It really featuring river boats, wolves and stars. comes in handy when we schedule For a more subtle look, try the polos callers a couple of years in advance. with discrete embroidery. Top it off See you in Saint Paul, and, don't with a genuine fisherman's hat (or forget — SHOP, SHOP, SHOP! must I say fisherperson's?) or a classic baseball hat. Even summer nights can Outdoor Parade Of States get cool in the North Country, so don't And The Wabasha Bridge forget a long sleeve denim or suede Put on your state or convention shirt or a jacket. outfit and join the parade! The Outdoor Everyone likes jewelry, especially if Parade of States will be on Friday, June it is the unique belt buckle, scarf slide 28 and will march to the Wabasha or bolo for the men or star earrings or Bridge over the Mississippi River. Plans necklace for the women. The blinking are to attempt a world's record for the loon pins are a real eye catcher. The most square dancers dancing on a batteries have been known to hold up bridge. The number of dancers will be to several days of continuous use, but submitted to Guinness Book of World just in case yours wear out, we also sell Records for admission. This will be our spares for less than you would have to best opportunity to show all of Saint pay at a discount store. Paul that there are square dancers from Now that you have shopped so much all over the world in the city. The you may have worked up an appetite. If beautiful costumes will be striking, and so, he sure to pick up North Country heighten awareness of a secret kept too Cooking, our award-winning cook- well! Make plans to be part of this book. You will want to get the special parade and record attempt.

Do you have convention or Festival News. Send it to: ASD, PO Box 777, N. Scituate, RI 02857; Fax 401-647-3227.

Well done is better than well said. -Ben Franklin 72 American SquareDance. April 2002

American SquareDance Products ITEMS for DANCERS, CALLERS, CUERS and LEADERS

ACCOMPLISHING BETTER CALLING... $4.95 ALLEMANDE LEFT (Mentally Handicapped) $5.95 ASD BINDERS (2 pack) $9.50" RI residents add 7% sales tax CALLER/CUER CONTRACTS (20 PK) $8.95" CALLER'S GUIDEBOOK (399 page text) $14.95 CHOREOGRAPHY GIMMICKS $6.95 Shipping & Handling* CLIP ART 1-2-3 (Sketches, paste-up, 3 books). $15.95 $0.01 - $5.00 $3.75 CLIP ART 1-2-3 CD - over 500 b&w images $24.95" $5.01 - $10.00 $4.85 pc-compatible, pcx format, b&w $10.01 - $20.00 $5.95 CLIP ART CD - over 2500 images $49.95" $20.01 - $40.00 $7.25 pc-compatible, various formats, some color $40.01 - $60.00 $9.50 EASY SING-A-LONG (Adaptations) $4.50 $60.01 - $100.00 $13.25 FUNNY WORLD OF S/D (cartoons) $3.95 GRANDE SQUARE (game) 36.95" GUIDEBOOK FOR SQUARE DANCERS $2.95 MUSIC & TIMING $9.95 International orders PARTY LINE (After party ideas) $6.95 shipped Global Express. PROGRESSIVE WORKSHOP $5.95 Additional charges will be added SET-UP AND GET-OUT (Modules) $6.95 for this service. SETS IN ORDER 2" Day UPS shipping available. INDOCTRINATION HANDBOOK $.75 * Orders over 3 pounds normally BASIC/MAINSTREAM HANDBOOK $1.50 shipped via UPS may incur PLUS MOVEMENTS $1.00 SOLO DANCES (Single, line routines) $7.95 additional shipping charges in STEP-CLOSE-STEP RD BASICS addition to the shipping charges by Frank Lehner $10.00 listed above which we will invoice SURPRISE GET-OUT by Wayne Morvent $15.00 at time of shipping. TEACHING TOTS TO DANCE (Family) $3.95 ** Shipping and handling included WHEEL & DEALING (Handicapped) $5.95 U.S.A. Only Additional Charge International Our Return Policy. If the item is defective, we will replace it. Due to the proliferation of copying devices, we do not issue refunds. Prices subject to change.

Minimum charge card order is $10.00.

Order from AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE PO BOX 777, N. SCITUATE, RI 02857-0777 401-647-9688 - 800-333-6236 fax: 401-647-3227 See page 81 for office hours.

American SquareDance. April 2002 73

WHAT' 4i• AHEAD Not for profit Association/Federation festivals, conventions or benefit dances can be listed free of charge in What's Ahead. We need the event date, name, location including city and state, contact address, phone num- ber, and e-mail if any. The name of the not for profit Association/Federation must be printed on the flyer to receive the free listing. Send us the event information as early as you want but we must receive it at least 4 to 6 months in advance of the event's scheduled date.

NATIONAL CONVENTIONS 13 WISCONSIN - 3" Annual Breast U.S.A. Cancer Research Benefit Dance, St Jun 26-29, 02 St. Paul, MN 51" NSDC John's Lutheran Church, Oshkosh. Aug 21-24, 02 Boise, ID us"West Jun 25-28, 03 Oklahoma City, OK 52" NSDC Charlie Bitter, 920-231-3453; Jun 23-26, 04 Denver, CO 53'd NSDC [email protected] CANADA 19 VIRGINIA - 41't Annual Cancer Jul 18-20, 02 Saint John, New Brunswick Benefit Dance, Fairfax High School, Fairfax. Ralph Driscoll, 205 Yoakum APRIL Pkwy Apt 502, Alexandria VA 22304; driscollr@ 5-6 MISSOURI - Annual S&RD Jam- boree, St Ann Community Center, St 19-20 KANSAS - South Central Kan- Ann. Art & Wanda Kruse, 519 S Geyer sas S&RD Festival, Cessna Activity Rd, Kirkwood MO 63122;314-822- Center, Wichita. David & Charlotte 1826; [email protected]: "Doc" Stone, 3510 S Hiram, Wichita KS Darrow, 815 Autumn Grove Dr, 67217; 316-942-6852 O'Fallon MO 63366;636-978-8698 26-27 MASSACHUSETTS - Annual 5-7 NEVADA - 55•' Silver State S&RD New England S&RD Convention, Festival, Reno Hilton, Reno. Pat Riles, Sturbridge.; 775-856-3444; [email protected]; 27 NEW YORK - 40th Annual Clinton [email protected]; S&RD Festival, Clinton Central School,; Chenango Ave., Clinton. R Bates, C 6 OKLAHOMA - Northeast Oklahoma Brodeur, M Callahan, D Schweitzer, E SD Associaition 55" Annual Festival, Mindlin, C Landry. Paul & Barb Credle, Tulsa Convention Center, Tulsa. 10687 French Rd, Remsen NY 13438; NEOSDA, 192 S 122 E Ave, Tulsa 315-853-3464 OK 74128: 918-438-4463

A friend is a gift you give yourself. -Robert L Stevenson 74 American SquareDance. April 2002 MAY 25-27 NEW MEXICO - Don Armstrong Memorial Dance Weekend, Lloyd Shaw 3-4 MONTANA - Yellowstone SD Dance Center in Albuquerque. 20 leaders Council 48th Annual Magic City from the U.S., Canada and Germany will Hoedown, Metra Park, Cedar Hall, contribute to the program of contras, Billings. Glen Seavy, 406-259-3036; quadrilles, English, folk and squares. Ray Karls, YSDC, PO Box 20141, Only $10 to cover coffee breaks and Billings MT 59104; 406-669-3101 after-dance buffet. You arrange for your 3-5 OHIO - Ohio Dance Convention, accommodations. Albuquerque has John S Knight Center, Akron. Dwight & many good motels, RV parks, and res- Judy Witte, 42'd Ohio Convention, 6215 taurants. Contact Marie Armstrong, 8021 Sandalwood Ave NE, Canton OH 44721 Linville Road, Oak Ridge NC 27310; 336- 643-2975; [email protected] 9-11 ONTARIO - International S&RD Convention, Brock University. St. 31-6/1 KANSAS - Kansas State SD Catharines, Ontario, CANADA. Dor- Convention, Bicentennial Center, othy Budge, 2435 Kipling Ave #905, Lenwood Park, Salina. David & Sherry Etobicoke ON M9V 3A7 CANADA; Hubbard, 2277 First Rd, Junction City KS 66441; 785-238-1367: Forrest & Pat Haskins, Publicity, PO Box 2204, 10-12 CALIFORNIA - San Joaquin Topeka KS 66601; 785-233-8265; Valley SD Associaiton Spring Jambo- [email protected] ree, Lodi Grape Festival Grounds, Lodi. Scotty & Betty Scott, 916-689-1039; JUNE [email protected] 6-8 NORTH DAKOTA - International 16-18 VIRGINIA - VASARDA 14' State S&RD Convention, Civic Center, Convention, Terry & Marie Ingerson, Jamestown. Mel & Joan Diers; 2020 Chicory St, Virginia Beach VA 701-839-6237: Richard & Ruth 23456; 757-368-9177 Michaelson, 10627 22nd St SE, 17-19 MICHIGAN - Northwest Rogers ND 58479; 701-646-6078 Michigan S&RD Council 47th Annual 6-9 TEXAS - Texas State Federation Spring Festival, St Francis High of S&RD 40th Annual State Festival, School, 123 East 11" St, Traverse City. Waco Convention Center, 100 Betty Mansfield 517-785-3153; Dennis Washington Ave, Waco. Rick & Diann Barnes 231-946-8673; Griner, PO Box 185, Wallisville TX [email protected] 77597; [email protected] 24-26 FLORIDA - Florida State S&RD 7-8 ILLINOIS - Chicagoland Round Convention, Lakeland Center, Lake- Dance Leaders' Society June Jubilee, land. FSS&RDC, PO Box 4143, Ft Trinity Lutheran Church, 405 So Rush, Walton Beach, FL 32549 Roselle. Gil & Judy Martin, 847-831- 5413; [email protected]

We hope to see you at the New England Square and Round Dance Convention in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. Stop by and visit us at our booth.

American Squarenance, April 2002 14-15 COLORADO - Colorado State 26-28 ILLINOIS - Annual State Council Festival, Pueblo Convention Center, of Illinois Square Dance Associations Pueblo. Bill Hill, 2020 Jerry Murphy Rd Convention. Peoria Civic Center. Larry A203, Pueblo CO 81001 & Ruth Wehmeier, PO Box 165, Mackninaw IL 61755; 309-359-9082; 26-29 MINNESOTA - 51st National [email protected] Square Dance Convention, Saint Paul, MN. Info: Jay & Gail Richards, General Chairman, 3243 Casco Circle, 28-8/ 2 KENTUCKY- Cumberland Wayzata, MN 55391; 612-471-0510; Dance Week, Kentucky Leadership fax 612-471-7864; [email protected] Center, Nancy. Eric Schreiber, PO Box 30-7/6 COLORADO - Rocky Mountain 32, Elsah IL 62028; 618-374-2024; Dance Roundup, La Foret Conference [email protected]; & Retreat Center, Colorado Springs.; Roy & Chris Richards, 1053 Bulkey Street, Castle Rock CO 80104; 303- AUGUST 688-6294; [email protected] 15-17 TENNESSEE - 28th Tennessee JULY State Convention, Grand Resort Hotel & Convention Center, Pigeon Forge. 4-7 ALASKA - Alaska State S&R Dance Registration Chairman, PO Box 1297, Festival in Palmer. Carri Feaster PO Box Lavergne TN 37086 2765 Palmer, AK 99645; 907-745-1951; [email protected] 16-17 MICHIGAN - Michigan S&RD Convention, Valley Plaza Resort, Mid- 4-7 ONTARIO Cloverleafs and Maple land. Wayne & Margaret Nizon, 810- Leafs 19th Annual Convention of the 659-9283; sewmarg @tircom: Lloyd & International Association of Gay Square Linda Catey, 3462 Doane Hwy, Grand Dance Clubs (IAGSDC), Fairmont Ledge MI 48837: 517-645-7417; Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, [email protected] Canada. Registration enquiries: 16-17 NORTH CAROLINA - 13" North [email protected]; Carolina Folk, Round, & Square Dance convention Info: clml [email protected]; Federation Convention. North Raleigh mailing address Cloverleafs and Maple Hilton. Raleigh. Contact Lesley & Debbie Leafs, PO Box 47, 552 Church Street, Green, General Chairman, Cat Tail Court, Toronto Ontario M4Y 2E3, Canada; Durham NC 27703; 919-598-1104 18-20 CANADA - 13' Canadian Square and Round Dance Convention. Info: PO Box 21005, Quispamsis, NB, Canada, E2E 4Z4; DON'T FROWN To make a smile come, so they say, Brings thirteen muscles into play, While if you want a frown to thrive, You've got to work up sixty-five. -Kay Harvey 76 AmeM•an SquareDunce, April 2002 16-17 PENNSYLVANIA - Annual Pennsylvania S&RD Federaton Con- THREE R's vention, Penn State Conference Cen- Recently Released Records ter Hotel, State College. Bob & Ellen Now Available Williams, 2159 Palomino Dr, Information supplied by Warrington, PA 18976; 215-343-2969; Hanhurst's Tape & Record Service [email protected] PO Box 550, Marlborough, NH 03455 USA & Canada: 1-800-445-7398 16-18 WISCONSIN - Wisconsin S&RD Fax: 1-800-346-4867 or 603-876-4001 Convention, La Crosse Convention Foreign: 1-603-876-3636 Center, La Crosse. Dean & Pat E-mail: [email protected] Peterson, Registration Chairmen, 118 S Internet Home Page: 27th St, - Available on 45. 2 - Available on CD, La Crosse WI 554601; 608-782-8505; 3 • Available on MP3) [email protected] Rasputin (1,3), Soukup ABC 12 Chattahoochee (1,3),Rosenberger RBS 1349 21-24 IDAHO - us"West SD Conven- Shirley lean Berrell (1,3), Golden GS 709 tion, Boise Convention Center on the Your Cheatin. Heart (1,3), Golden GS 714 Love Lifted Me (1,2,3), Dougherty RYL 816 Grove, Boise. Art & Reita Musser, 9911 I'm Gonna Be a Country Boy Again. Bristow SIR 327 Barnsdale Dr, Boise ID 83704; Good Luck Charm, Markus ...... DGR 004 208-375-9857; [email protected] The Wagon Tongue. Baier & Ploch GMP 939 Take Me I'm Yours, Pettersson DR 95 OCTOBER Two More Bottles of Wine, Lesson RYL 524 I Don't Want to Miss a Thing, Geppen SIR 703 25 - 27 VERMONT - Tumbling Leaves Braveheart, Lipscomb GMP 507 12th Annual Festival, Bennington Col- She's Crazy for Leaving, Sullivan RWH 216 lege, Bennington. Red Bates, Cliff Puff the Magic Dragon, Hurst DGR 007 Four Strong Winds, Moore MM 106 Brodeur, Tim Crawford, John Marshall, I Wanna Talk about Me, B & L Enir DR 97 Tim Marriner, Jim Pulaski, Ralph & Joan Not My Mule Hoedown/Vato Loco Hoedown, Collipi & Esther & Iry Mindlins. Plus, A-1, Braffet CCCD 107 A-2, C-1. Info: Cliff 413-443-3060; Liberty/Maple Sugar BMVCD 3034 cliff O; S Hoedown/Soldier's/Wolvertoo STCD 2012 Fancy Hd B/134/FII/Fiddle Dust PIOCD 5006 Red 941-423-7143; [email protected] Dock of the Bay. Driver RRCD 205 26-27 KANSAS - South Central Kan- The Elvis Trilogy. Poyner CCCD 108 sas S&RD Festival, Cessna Activity Mountain Dew, Hotchkies & Wonson STCD 1005 Center, Wichita. David & Charlotte Irish Washerwoman. Otis BMVCD 3047 With a Shillelagh Under My Arm, Hotchkies Stone, 3510 S Hiram, Wichita KS PIOCD 6000 67217; 316-942-6852 Osamay the Camel, Berg CCCD 110 Out On The Texas Plains, Weaver Mp3HH 9001 False Hearted Girl. Weaver Mp3HH 9002 lust Another Polka, Weaver Mp3HH 9003 Fouls Rush In. Weaver Mp3HH 9004 I Believe in You, McClary RWHSA 809 Act Naturally, Oxendine & Story GMP 901 Having A Party, Peel GE 0021

American SquareDance, April 2002 77 111 eLASSIFIEIDS RECORD DEALERS CENTURY CLUB Merit Badge of Distinction. Join Today. HANHURST'S TAPE & PO Box 57 RECORD SERVICE Westfield, MA 01086 The Professional Source for Square and Cost: $2.59 plus $.50 postage & handling. Round Dance Records & Equipment PO Box 550, Marlborough, NH 03455 NOTES FOR CALLERS Phone: 800-445-7398 or (603) 876-3636 Fax: 800-346-4867 or (603) 876-4001 JOHN'S NOTES E-mail: [email protected] John & Linda Saunders 101 Cedar Dunes Website: New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 904-428-1496: E-mail: [email protected] PALOMINO RECORDS, INC. Web Site: http://[email protected] Over 500,000 records in stock Basic through C with Added Attractions Squares, Rounds, Clogging, and Monthly Service, Contact for Free Sample Country Western Current and Oldies "For the Callers Who Care" Your 'One-Stop Shop' for all of your music needs 1404 Weavers Run Rd, West Point, KY 40177 TAPE SERVICE Voice Orders: 800-328-3800 Fax: 800-227-5420 FREE! SAMPLE TAPE PERRY'S PLACE HANHURST'S TAPE & 1155 Lexington Rd., PO Box 69 RECORD SERVICE Nicholasville, KY 40340-0069 MONTHLY TAPE (606) 885-9440 NOW 110 minutes of music! —orders— All New S/D & Rib Music The. Continuing Choice of 1,750 Callers US 800-882-3262 Canadian 800-292-2623 Intl. & Fax (606) 885-9235 Serving Callers Since 1971 A Perfect Gift for Your Caller SILVER STAR RECORD & PO Box 550, Marlborough, NH 03455 TAPE SERVICE Phone: 800-445-7398 or (603)876-3636 10 Saint Moritz Road Fax: 800-346-4867 or (603) 876-4001 Winnipeg MB R2G 3J6, Canada SQUARE DANCE AND ROUND DANCE Phone: (204) 668-2216 Fax: (204) 668-0140 TAPE SERVICE BADGES Over 100 minutes on each tape every month Call or write for FREE Samples A to Z ENGRAVING CO. INC (847)526-73% Service with the 'Personal Touch' 1150 Brown St., Wauconda, IL 60084 Palomino Records Inc Home of the Original ROVER Badge 1404 Weavers Run Rd., West Point, KY 40177 Custom Engraving from your Design. Fun Voice Orders: 800-328-3800 Badges & Dangles Rhinestone Badges, Mini Fax: 800-227.5420 Purses (assorted colors), much more. AUDIO TEACH & DANCE TAPES BY ED Write for FREE Catalog - Since 1954 FOOTE. MS & Plus taught all-position to CUSTOM I.D. (800) 242-8430 dancers who already know the calls from standard Quality Engraving & Imprinting position. A-I and A-2 taught with walk thru & Quick Delivery — Satisfaction Guaranteed practice of all calls. Teach tapes emphasize Custom badges, dangles, fun badges, etc. understanding of calls, are widely acclaimed as Don & Loretta Hanhurst best on the market. Drill tapes. dance tapes & 3506 E Venice Avenue, Venice, FL 34292 two-couple tape also available. Write for litera- ture to: Ed Foote, 140 McCandless Place, Wexford, PA 15090.

78 American SquareDance, April 2002 BOOKS RECORD DISTRIBUTORS

BURLESON'S SQUARE DANCE ENCY- ASTEC RECORD DISTRIBUTORS CLOPEDIA: 5100+ calls and movements. Continuing Dealer Management Program Coming son! PO Box 550, Marlborough, NH 03455 SPECIAL - ASD BINDERS Phone: 800-445-7398 or (603)876-3636 Protect your back issues of Fax: 800-346-4867 or (603) 876-4001 ASD. Holds a full year's E-mail: [email protected] issues of magazines. They Website: open flat for quick and easy reference. 2 for $9.50 S/H PALOMINO RECORD DISTRIBUTORS included (foreign postage higher). 1404 Weavers Run Rd, ASD, PO Box 777, North Scituate, RI 02857 West Point, KY 40177 STEP-CLOSE-STEP ROUND DANCE BASICS. Voice Orders: 800-328-3800 19911 New Revisd Edition, Round Dance Basics Fax: 800-227-5420 Book, $10 + postage. Now includes 10-week dancer-proven course, dance positions, complete S/D PRODUCTS approved terminology, mixers, teaching hints, plus introduction into foxtrot, tango, cha cha and FIANHURST'S TAPE & ballroom. Coordinates with the Grenn record RECORD SERVICE teaching series. Order from Palomino Records, "The Professional Source For Dance Audio" 1404 Weaver Run Rd., West Point, KY 40177 I -argest selection of professional calling and or call Tom at 1-800-328-3800. cueing equipment, records and publications available from one source! EASY LEVEL SOLO DANCES: The Bob HILTON SOUND SYSTEMS Howell Collection. Here you'll find everything YAK STACKS to get your toes tappin' and hips swinging-the PO Box 550, Marlborough, NH 03455 music, concise directions for all levels, plus Phone: 800-445-7398 or (603) 876-3636 interesting history of each dance. Cost: $21.95 Fax: 800-346-4867 or (603) 8764001 per book. S/H $3.50 U.S. - $5.50 Canada. Order from Siddal & Ray Publications for Dance, E-mail: Music 1017 Williamsburg Drive, Charleston, IL 61920 Website: NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT PLUS, ADVANCED & CHALLENGE DIAGRAM BOOKS FROM ED FOOTE. Turntables, Speakers, Speaker Stands. .5 books available: Plus. Al & A2 (both in I book), Microphones (standard and wireless). Cl. C2. C-3A. Each book diagrams all calls for the Your 'One-Stop Shop' for all of your music needs. indicated program from a variety of positions. also Palomino Records, Inc. includes helpful hints for dancing the calls. Books are 1404 Weavers Run Rd., West Point, KY 40177 8-1/2x11 with spiral binding, laser printing provides Voice Orders: 800-328-3800 clear sharp images. The most complete diagram Fax: 800-227-5420 books for Plus. Advanced & Challenge available today. Cost: $16.25 / book includes shpg. ($17.25 for HILTON AUDIO PRODUCTS, LNC. C-3A). Canada add $ .80. Order from Ed Foote, 140 amplifiers • turntables • speakers McCandless P1., Wexford, PA 15090. wireless microphones • rack mount systems 1033 E Shary Circle, Concord, CA 94518 Now owners of all 'New England Caller' Telephone: 925-682-8390 products. Caller Teacher manual, Caller Text. Mainstream and Plus Student Handbooks, Diplomas. Calendars, Line Dance Books. Videos, and lots more. Call or write for a price list. PALOMINO RECORDS INC 1404 Weavers Run Rd., West Point, KY 40177 Voice Orders: 800-328-3800 Fax: 1-800-227-5420

American SquareDunce, April 2002 79 VIDEOS CALLING EQUIPMENT

KENTUCKY DANCE FOUNDATION instruc- HANHURST'S TAPE & tional video tape series. RECORD SERVICE "BOB HOWELL LIVE' $19.95 +$3 S/H. II "quick "The Professional Source For Dance Audio" teach" dances for one night stands and recreational use. Largest selection of professional calling and 'KENTUCKY RUNNING SET' a traditional cueing equipment. records and publications mountain-style dance. Includes video and 2 audio available from one source! cassettes (Dances From Appalachian and audio of Stew Shacklette calling the dance.) $29.95 + $2 S/H. HILTON SOUND SYSTEMS "JERRY HELT'S DANCE PARTY", featuring YAK STACKS material useful for one night stands for commu- PO Box 550, Marlborough, NH 03455 nity dance programs. Includes audio of Jerry Phone: 800-445-7398 or (603) 876-3636 calling the dances. $29.95 plus $3 S/H. Fax: 800-346-4867 or (603) 876.4001 "SCOTT MCKEE'S INTRODUCTION TO E-mail: [email protected] CLOGGING" makes clogging easy, even for the Website: novice. $19.95 + $3 S/H "JERRY HELT'S COMMUNITY DANCE PATTERNS PARTY" features a 24 basic square dance program suitable for community dance programs. Includes SQUARE DANCE PATTERNS. Full line of audio of Jerry calling the dances. $29.95 + $3 S/H. SD patterns and western. Featuring snaps, Send check to: Kentucky Dance Foundation do elastic and many other items. Send your name Stew Shacklette 460 Long Needle Road, and address along with $2 for a catalog. Brandenburg, KY 40108. Visa and MC accepted. Aron's Phone: 270-422-2421 or 800-4445-1209 to order. 8974 E. Huntington Drive, CALLER INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS by ED San Gabriel, CA 91775 FOOTE, CALLERLAB accredited Caller SQUARE DANCE/ROUND DANCE Coach. Two videos available: Creative Chore- THEME COUNTED CROSS-STITCH ography, Sight Calling. Each color video about PATTERNS. 3 square books, l round book, 5 90 miss long. Presentations organized and patterns each. $5 ea.+$1.50 pstg. per order. complete. $39.95-one tape, $59.95-both tapes. State patterns available upon request at $1.50 Order from Dale Garlock, 2107 Shunk Avenue, ea.+$.50 pstg. per order. Dealers welcome. Alliance, OH 44601 Ralph & Mary Ann Kornepy, 138 Mohican VIDEO POST-GRADUATE MULTI-POSI- Trail, Wilmington, NC 28409. TION TEACH TAPES by ED FOOTE. Calls are taught from multiple positions for dancers who already know the calls from standard position. Numerous walk thrus of the more difficult calls at each CALLERLAB program, along with brief samples of dancing, and hints for successful dancing. Understanding of calls is emphasized. 3 video tapes available: Main- If you stream. A-I, A-2, (no Plus tape), each tape about 90 minutes long. Cost (includes shipping): are relocating for the sum- Mainstream $34.95. A-I $24; A-2 $24; subtract $5 for 2 or more videos. Order from Dale mer months,you MUST no- Garlock, 2107 Shunk Ave, Alliance OH 44601. tify us of your address NEW VIDEO RELEASES FROM THE KEN- change no later than the Kr TUCKY DANCE FOUNDATION. Bob Howell's "JOY OF DANCING" and Don of the month preceeding Armstrong's 3-tape series "REEL TO REEL" and Stew Shacklette's "LINE DANCES FOR SE- the move. NIORS" and "COUNTRY-WESTERN LINE DANCES FOR SQUARE DANCE CALLERS". We will NOT be responsible All videos are $19.95 ea. + $3 SM. Call (800) 446- 1209 to order. MasterCard and Visa accepted. for undelivered issues.

80 ,Ainerican SquareDance, April 2002 American SquareDance 0 PO Box 777 N Scituate, RI 02857 401-647-9688 - 800-333-6236 4,-,:.'- FAX:401-647-3227 r Email: [email protected] - Website: Office Hours: Monday - Friday; 9:00am to 2:OOpm EST April 25 & 26; 9:00am to noon

Member of NASRDS - National Association of Square and Round Dance Suppliers

ADVERTISER INDEX 4-Bar-B Records 65 Foundation 24 A & F Music 8 Geis, Corben 69 Accredited Caller Coaches 39 General Technologies 37 Alaska State Sq & Rd Dance Festival 59 Gold Star Video 34 Aron's Square Dance Shop 30 Grenn, Inc. 17 ASD Hanhurst's Tape & Record Service.. IFC,82,BC Clip Art 57 Hi Hat/Blue Ribbon/DJ Dance Records .... 25 New Dancer Subscription 46 Hilton Audio Products 11 Square Dance Products 73 Huntsman World Senior Games 5 Subscription Form 67 IAGSDC 23 BLG Designs 59 Inspiration Cruises 7 Caller's College - Lescrinier 29 John's Notes 58 Caller's College - Shukayer 58 Kopman's Choreography 35 Caller's College Williamson 45 Kopman's Hawaiian Cruise 49 Caller/Cuer Lineup 60 Lloyd Shaw Foundation 44 CALLERLAB 52 Meg Simkins 33 Calyco Crossing 38 Mid-America Square Dance Jamboree 31 Canadian Convention 2002 18 National SD Directory 29 Cardinal Records 6 New Line of Fashions 62 Chula Vista Resort 15 Palomino Records IBC Classifieds 78 Perry's Place 13 Collipi, Ralph & Joan 51 Quadrille Records 27 Cue Sheet Magazine 41 R & R Video 9 Dot's Western Duds 64 Rawhide - Buckskin Records 3 DM Travel 21 Tic-Tac-Toes 47 ESP Records 20 USA West 43 Western Squares Dance Ranch 14

American SquareDance (ISSN-0091-3W: USPS 513-2401 is published monthly by E & P.1 Enterprises. Inc.. 145 Stone Dam Rd.. N Scituate. RI 02557. Subscription rates: 52501: Canada 527.50: foreign 537.00. Payable in U.S. funds only. Periodicals Postage Paid at N Scituate. RI. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ASD. PO Boll 777. N Scituate. RI 02H37 Printed in USA. Copyright 21512 by E & P1 Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. Amerii•un SquiireDance. April 2002 8I

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82 Ainerit un SquareDance. April 2002 PALOMINO RECORDS, INC 1404 Weavers Run Road West Point, KY 40177 800-328-3800 YOUR "ONE STOP" SHOP!!! [email protected]

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