Chapter 2: Description of Source Water System
CHAPTER 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE SOURCE WATER SYSTEM During the last 100 years, the CSD’s water system has evolved into a very complex system. It now serves a population of 1.3 million people spread out over 370 square miles (Table 2.1). The CSD treats imported raw water and local runoff water in three City WTPs, which have a combined capacity of 294 MGD. The CSD treats water by coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection using conventional technologies. Currently, all CSD water treatment plants are undergoing modification to provide for the addition of fluoride to the potable water supply. To ensure safe and palatable water quality, the CSD collects water samples at its reservoirs, the WTPs, and throughout the treated water storage and distribution system. The CSD’s use of local and imported water to meet water demand is affected by availability, cost, and water resource management policies. Imported water availability has decreased the need to carry over local water for dry years in City reservoirs. CSD policy is to use local water first, when available, to reduce imported water purchases. This policy runs the risk of increased dependence on imported water during local droughts. Table 2.1 - City of San Diego General Statistics Population (2000) 1,223,400 Population (Estimated January 01, 2009) 1,353,993 Population percent change 10.7 Land Area Square Miles 372 Population Density per Square Mile (2009) 3,659 Water Distribution Area Square Miles (2010) 305 Number of Service Connections (2010) 274,832 2.1 Water Sources (Fig. 2.1) Most of California's water development has been dictated by the multi-year wet/dry weather cycles.
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