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2-14-1912 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-14-1912 Journal Publishing Company

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By Mali, 60 Cent Mouth; Single Co plea 5 Out. H WEDNESDAY, THIRTY-FOURT- YEAR. VOL. CXXXII1, No. 45. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FEBRUARY 14, 1912, lly Currier, 00 Ceiita a Month.


Chlcaso, Keh. 1.1. Mock Chun, n SEES DANGER IN Chinese carpenter, wan ehot and killed CHARMS EOR VISIOI J BILL DITCHED; THIRTY WILL BE E PRESIDENT OF hy Xcjr llonB in the store of Iauls Sing in South street toniwht, lu Clark and the police said the murder mark- ed a renewul of hostilities between rival Chinese toims Hint may extend. JIM HILL MADE PUBLIC REPORTED HUfIT TODAY MENTION Chun came to Chicago several MO months affo from Philadelphia where he was an official of the Hip Sing tong. He mude a statement Just be- S fore he died in he Mild Hons RUMOR was a member of the On Idling tong, QUAINT PHILOSOPHY FROM PUTS MANY ARTICLES NOW SERIOUS ACCIDENT ON Defendants to Be Taken Into REVOLT SPREADING IN and that Hong had followed him from Philadelphia to Chicago. AGED RAILROAD KING! DUTIABLE ON FREE LIST GREAT NORTHERN LINE Custody Simultaneously; Of- WAR TORN REPUBLIC accompan- Hong, who epcuped, was ficial of Mechanics' Union ' ied by four others when he entered Instructions Issued to Sing'B Ftore. Pcsit've He Tells Stanley Committee He Many Other Articles Made Du- Meagre Reports of Disaster to Jailed in Rochester, Chinese Residents Fear An- Diplomatic and City African Kansas Journal Cuts Price. Will Be An Angel Estimated It Will In- the Effect That Ten Coachesl other Massacre in Torreon; Kansas City, Feb. 13. The Kansas With White tiable; Consular Officers in Mexico City today a out Down llv Xlornlns Jolirnul SWi lid I rH.r,l XX Itf I Child- Journal announcod and Red Wings Before He Government Revenue Were Hurled Steep Em 1.1. -- ' American Women and in price from two cents a copy to one crease Indianapolis, Feb. Fulled . 7 "Foolish Stories," cent on papers bought on the streets Dyon, States District Attorney Miller said ren For Flight, Enters Steel Business, By Over Six Million Dollars, bankment Near that arrests or the lifty-l'ou- r men in- Prepared and at news stands, and from ten to eonspliacx tlve rents a week on papers delivered dicted in the dynamite t ror Morula,, Kprclul cares were set tomorrow. to subscribers In their homes. Illy .loiirnnl l.n.wil Mlr. S,r,-h,- l ) FIRM Kpei'lul I imim-i- I Wire. lty Moruhis Journal Wlr,. Mr. Miller said: Illy Morning .loiirnnl l.a.e,l H d STATES Washington, Feb. 13. J. J. Hill lly Mnrulnif Journal ' lr. Washington. Feb. 13. Tin, ehem-Ic- Dyon. N. 1., Feb. i;t. Thirty per- "The reason xvhy they did not take Tol l. on. Mrs., Fell. 13. Itehels in told the .Stanley investlgatin-- ; commit- place today cannot be rexeuled. l.agnna diMirlel, FRI'iND OF REPUBLIC tee today that he "would he u lirst tariff revision bill, prepared hy sons are said to havo been Injured, the estimated at members of the waya "It bin. been the Intention rlghl I, mid, today formally proclaimed G IS E class angel with red ami whltu thu democratic some seriously, In a wreck of xx RI the along hen once the arrests are b' 111 II i.x wings" before he would go in the und means committee of the house that Vasuuez (ionics president if Hi today. puts oriental Limited train or the Great ordered ns many as possible of the the republic and l:,ifnen (iarxa Ald"p steel business nml predicted that com- Was made public It tile short-jes- Hope 1 Jdef, be In the t x Knox Professes would be long following on the free list: Northern railway two miles or this ndalits "ill taken ic,. president, ami demanded the petition the rule after artielea possible time so that a inujoiitx city. Acids, sulpTiate of copper, borax, s:-- "i (veiling, surrender of this the present laws were wiped olf the place at o'clock this xx III custody I jssings of Peace Will black, coal a id of them be in before Their demand is lod taken seri- DF CHINESE statute books. charcoal and bone tar cur of the train, the engine any one of knoxxs xxho else Is ' day testimony w as sulphate of them ously by the local authorities, who n People of Mr. Hill's last of suniu of its products, and tender, h it the rails ami tnrueil involved. An arrest of one man at etui to replete with the sage expression for Iron, Paris green. laindon purple, place confidence hi ihe loyalty or the 'oxer, going down the tiillty-l'o- em- Hochester. X. Y.. today probably was liuriisoti, to be strong which he Is noled. lie said the stock- sheep dip, sulphate of nine to a local eomlilioii unknown to y .idden Nation, of rail- hII bankment xvhere the accident enough to resist attack. holders the Great Northern soda, strychnine, sulphur in forms, A is to have nie." road were "not wearing any crepe" ull drugs, broken rail said Since the rebels have erfecteil an talcum and practically j llefore nluht tomorrow the because the I'nileil States Steel cor- beans, berries, Units, caused the wreck. orgniilxatlon, looting and Indiscrim- flight" such aa harks, apprehended nie expected ,g Juuruul HfcMrlul I.eiel Wlre.l poration "in its had cancelled dried libers, roots und the like nut ad- Kvcry one of ten coaches that mail.' (In he sufficient lu number to reveal inate raiding ni'e not reported so , ' .ificin, Feb. IS. IteHllxiiir! (he tlreat Northern ore lease. vanced In value or condition by treat- up the train left Hie track and xveiit Mile extent of the plots which the ' u . ,1 it to American residants In 'You uill he in a comfortable po- ment beyond that essential to the down a steep embankment, turning government charges were carried on Fair In' in Ihe day reports reached ; or k.. ,'rnm the circulation sition, no matter whether the lease prevention of deterioration pending over twice. Full details will hot lie ror six xeurs against Iron anil steel here Unit the 'usiiiislas had robbed dispatches telling, of Formal Announcement of Birth is cancelled or not, won't you','" niunuiacture. Tlio same dr.ugs ad- known until morning. A special re-li- er contractors who maintained the the American Smelters Securities j.nii t 1 inter ention on thu purl of Chairman Stanley suggested. are sub- train left here carrying every "open shop" und In which the c pan, at Terrer and the Pennies , a company vanced in MilUo or condition (tne initou Males, tnc siaie ucp.n,-- of New Self Governing Na- "You could rtart steel ject to 10 per cent ad valorem, physician and undertaker available, and Urtle MeManlgal. con- Mining Company at Mapiml, both nt, today issued another circui. r of your own with 4fui,u0u,n0u tons of to scene of dynamiters, acted as aecoin- - American concerns. mi -, against 12.44 ier cent now." and hurried the the wreck, fessed lep-c- Fall of Old ore in the ground'.'" Vies, Xvas by 'to Its diplomatic and consular tion and Dynasty esti- leaving Hexils I. nke thirty iiilnul s pllees of others. Y'estcrdu.x a occupied In Mexico, denying nil "I will be a first class angel with According to the committee T. vlce- - rebels, no was to 'datives my wings bill would increase the after word of the accident had been John Puller of Hntfalo. the but effort made foolish stories'' about American In- Made to Washington, red and white leathers in mates, the j president of the Iron xvorkers orgau-Ixailo- hold It. I ever going In- government th chemi- received here. tervention, expressing good-wil- l long before consider revenue from announced today he Intended liallxvay in out of Tor- and the Mr. re- tt.uiMi.oim in The Limited left here truffle and slid stnoerost friendship of the to the steel business." Hill cal tariff to more than II Oriental llo remain here xvlth Frank M. Kyau, reon has hecu practically abandon",!. plied. "I'll be 7 4 years old my next tlie next llscul year, an Increase of shortly after 'i o'clock and was dim S. - government Mexi j. , l.r-i.n- president, and Herbert lloekln- No gone Sat- I'tilted States for Hv Mnruhig Journal Piwlut Wlr. 1 telling you S.OuO.hOO. the train has south since tlx-- birthday and don't mind more than in St. Paul at v:r. o'clock tomorrow ant, hciiiik IHiring tue Madern revolution ' Washington, Feb.' III. The Ching all work off morning. lh seconii urday. cir- that I've done about the hard It would take many articles the It will he nearly mornlm; secretary-treasure- r, until It became chil- state department issued a similar Hwa republic is the olficlal name 1 Many American women and if intend to do in life." free llsl of the present tariff law and before the relief train returns. There he cular, milieu the. present trouble the new Chinese republic. I'liing llw.i was known who were to Implicated, dren ale ready to leave on the llrsl Just before the railroad builder In. pose duties on thuin. Among these is no teb graph or telephone sen - serious proportion, the depart- means Chines( . Hon 11 of train sent north. The Chinese resl- - excused Kepresentntive are: I'.lack pepper, nutmegs, ginger at the scene of the accident. Hindi- every Mop I pass- d. nls, 'tearing another massacre UNc ment has Forum iinnotincement of the Texas, called his attention to the as- root, and other spices, I itrsiXKss ;i:xt of the stories of Intel vention b making ilyn ;sty H. lary, cinnamon MACHINIST I'XMIX JAILI'I. that of last spring, are great lv ., ing of the Ta China: which has sertions of K. chairman of mace, tl cents; cloves, si i 01) cent per pound: TKAIX WITH PIIYSIt IANS Y I 3. llHiu Us policy toward tile China for 3 years, and corporation, and other Busi- - Ilocheslcr. N. Feb. Clarence alarmed ami iiuiny already have left rul.d about the steel 2 cents; medicinal roots und herbs. 111 i) The American r pros, nat- the erection of a modern republic on ness men to the effect that the day dim- it id st i;m: :. Dow, I, business agent of Machin- for Monterey ami towns along 1 Including llcurico and sarsaptirllla In Mexico have been instruct". its ruins, was mad,, at de- of competition was passed and that SI. Paul. Feb. II. At 2 o'clock ist Local No. 3, was .arrested ives the state to 1 cent: Iodine, ID cenls: I'nion to circulate the note 111 the press and partment hv Kgi-t- h was hand when the gov- rootSf 'i this morning the following Informa- today hy Deputy Fnlted States Mar- today the Chinese the time at indigo, l it per cent; crude, camphor, 3 UHe menus to n w a copy regulate maximum and was given out of F, o. Ylehmann on a warrant POUTS )l Al to inry net the denial hich supplied of an ernment must a pound. tion at the olflces shal Ill l. before he populate. In the note, telegram from IVuin to the fol- minimum prices of coiiimodil ics. cents the ureal Northern: charging him with transporting dy- SPItFl OF IIFAOI.T hu- In the sinceiisl liicnilsnip tor Mexico lowing t fleet : "1 think you will have to tame Guns and oilier articles used Train No. 2, 111 charge of Con- namite from one state to another at Mexico City, Feb. 13. Spread' of and the Mexican people is expressed XCI..1,...... el,.,....., fu man nature and eliminate all selfish tusking varulsh, now free, are made ductor Prentice and Knglneer Pred different limes. The maishal xvas Ihe rebellion In Mexico Is shown oy . 1, I ph ,.,,, V 1 per by Ice Agent . with tile hope I liul the blessings of being established all ministers IOlleS lOIll llll' Jlllllllill llli," dutiable, at from to cent villi', easlboiind, was derail al two accompanied Secret Scrx dlsputchcs recelx ed here tonight, you holl- Washington, who ar- 11 peuce will soon return to then,. foreign governments every other lorm ot nie, neiore poind. Amber, used for ilgar miles east of Dyon, N. D. The engine, Fpperslelii of The rebels haxe ox ei'iu . he I.agun crcd'tcd to shall l .'v.-il- Mr. Hill 1 Ilrsl-cla- morning. Dowd made ,11 1 Mexico's political affairs are not a act prnViMona!l. n iiipioioalic rep- 'eliminate competition,'' ers, now free, is "Iv'en a duly of mail ear, baggage car, smoker. il cd here tills rlct, In Coahulhi, ami appeared In w ill be competition be-'t- i no when He was point cim-cr- to this rnmeiil. to remarked. "There cent a pound. Many oigi have couches, two tourist cars and comment arrested. the Stale ol' Durango, Zneatecas and of nuvi resentatives and continue pcrlorn, county The xxur-rs- Amer- just as long as the doctrine of the transferred to the dutiable list, most llrst-elas- s lodged in the Jail. GuiitiaJuata, according to the note, and the their duties i,J Heretofore. one sleeper, left the track, re- tin, fittest lasts, firsl-elas- was based on nil n gov i hut survival of and tluit oi them being given 20 per cent ad one s Indictment In Ihe south, Zupullalni coiillnu ica rinieni deiiutnd nothing "All members of the legation staffs 'will long all our while the diner, by grand Jury In of Amer- and (in America) be opcrstlng after valorem. sleeper observation ear turned ihe federal their campaign and In Guerrero fol- tile respect and protection consular olllctrs wiped off slid remained I temporarily present present statutes have been Almond and Chinese nut "lis arc on Knginccr lullanapolls. lowers of Jesus Selgado are sh'ixvilig ican hiu and property. shall retain their ithe books." the track. Predevllle Dowd Is 3 years old. He cttnie to 5 a poup,' coconnut 111 11 11 . The Mexican guveniiiicr.t has with pi sis."' ou then it would be made. cents had both legs broken. The fill from Mansrield, Ohio, in remarkable activity. The govern' nppolni-rri- think soyer lie,; cent Itochcster 1111 drawn Its lonitst to Mini. Mexican i. Is not known here if the i 'l'o government to palm and m was also slightly Injured. Two mall nt i. p. 11le.ll has shI.I that the pt Sr.e to lie to unwise for the federal id; peuiu Januiirv. was ledtral hohlleiH through American of A'fred minister HKsumu control of business'.''' Mr ,oi . U Rnh't clerks, names unknown, ale slightly Dowd xvas nrrested at a hotel. It uprising pin, j 1 vas In ' territory, from F.agle Pass to 1.1 ns. which mude th IHeull nuked, V '"A 1 t il injured, as are also llttcen passengers, is suld that federal detecthes have ended. wM I uo,e,-,.'Vini.- Tex. It upp-'- rs u law has I n last days of the tottering dynasty i J'ede.:hl govern t rlI none seriously. Ill Chihuahua, Antonio llojns and that will thiS the M UUIIIIIIILr heen shadowing him for more than to gbt which prohibit,, the stand, and the belief is that he a practically 110 , , ' A a xxheii did tl. aullo lleriiiinibx continue to evade luotrjil jmcnt docs that it will be short , reliei train was sent from Grand week, arriving here he give place to some pronounced repub- HiiiH-inii"- Ico gox Semilog of UonpS OlH l)f Mexico With- Islep until there will be no federal n Forks at 10:11, ami one xxilh doctors He bus heen a x isllor at the rooms of ernmeni irwops. tin the other lican. i, Villous n ns ns; P " - out pi emission of ooligrfss. government." used for inaiM IITi. Devils at 10:1.1 p. ni. The 1, In bar orgunl.utloii the last few hand, Geneinl oro.c has persuaded ' The department will I llom Uike Appall nUy Hits statute wan un- state instruct j "You think that such a go eminent fumes hlir cosmetics uic haiige passengers being taken to Devils days. the rebels at Casus Gramles to tpilt Its eftlcials in C'lina to do business n i'O per ale h known (luring the M:.d. To revolution, would not be much like a republic?" front free to cent ad valorem, Lake and will Icaxv this morning foi- The warrant. It Is said, has been bgl'ilng, aecor,lln.r to an oIIIcIhi h provisional way with Yuan Jshl Kai i be monarchy." Viinila beans, now free, are dutiable e notlflen-- J or wits Iguoici'. unci' "It would a st. Paul, expecting to urrixe here here for some lime and th tt'iiluht. to- in tlie north president Sun in the you 2a a pound. it ti ,1 In 11 - Duriingo ileports to the state department "Then, don't believe that the at cents about ,1 o'clock this evening. lion to serxe came from Ill the Slate of Ihe rebel south until a complete fusion of the 'lilted States should undertake to The more important reductions oils today. been tilled the most day Mexico limtcntol that I The cause of has not ranks hate for iniii y wo elements is effected, when the the wreck in the south was subslaiiliiil-l- regulate husllioK ."' Mr. Ueull re- made by the bill Include: been determined. A xvarrant xvas sworn out before purl by held hands, who have Jollied i ruz, regular govi rnnient of nil Chinu will sumed. Itlooil albumen, used In textile in- Stales Commissioner George In tooling on which the Kami', llunisn In Vera be duly recognized. I'lilted Ihe haciendas and Michiucan, conditions ,"1 would lay down the law of right dustries, from 3 to - cents; nnimnn'ii, II. Heating of Hatful. 1. After lodging they have been employed. Today the prihnoly were vviiijt and ami wrong," Air. Hill said. "I would from I Vi, to of a cent; chloride o( Dowd In Jail the depiit.v marshal dis- consuls In the City 11 Durango, capi- to have. HI'iHen lit CHIMISK IMMr KKHFXT limit the power of corporations. 1 lime, from L'4 lo 12 per cent: calomel. appeared and all attempts to learn tal of 'the slate, si nt messages to their feeling scclllud -. URGES ELIGIBILITY TO II Wt.K OF (iO ;hnmi:nt would see every corporation that :i.- , ecu,- - (1. fit ilvi.H ,r arrest or fede- Luis Potosl. that ...... , 1"- -- , - - Inr -from particulars the the diplomatic representatives In Mexico ban ,11. put ull money In i.r si- Foreigners at Colimir.a were re- Pekin. II. 19:40 n. The started business the ".0 to 'it n..r enm Iron, 12 tot ral building here were met with City appealing to Iheui for additional I would not be jealous oh account I law- indifference of the Chinese masses lojnnd 10 per 8 to 4 lence. ported to cur im onthreak of 1 cent; ether, iroin cents military protection. corporation. would per 1 n re- the term of government Is evident in of the not a pound; gelatine, to I cent Ill r, h i lessness. Front Monterey came m!t any xxatering of stock. I would from the Stale of ..icalecas the hud n Home the capital. Thev accept the nexvs of a pound; refined glycerine, ,1 to 2 Is characterised, as ll Is 'u port that bandits lak ileinonstrn-tlon- , see 1(10 uts on every dollar I OF SOUTHERNERS outbreak Sal-till- the republic xvlthout any that c 3 looting. u small towns between Parrns and xxns put up and that the money xvas cents: magnesia carbonate, from lo CRAZED the south, by raiding slid bridge hail either favorable or unfavorable. 1 cents a pound: cod. seal and FEAR BULLS many Hie mobs committing and that a railroad js ) on hand to take care of It." foinniunl-eatloii- a There not the slighlest difference K cry heen hurnod. Telegraphic xxcu. you a. com- whale oil, from b a cents a gallon, their depredations to the of apparent on the streets. The police irieu 13 12 a were Interrupted hetween bination once didn't you?" Ilepre-sentaliv- e and cod liver nil, to cents "Viva Znpnta." did not Instruct thx people to hung gallon. of qnlclllm of Cusas Turroon, Durango, Chihuahua and out flags In nexv llartlett asked, referring to T 0 PRESIDENCY The report the celebration of the from 22 to (iiamb-- a copy 11 mes- Monterey. xvas the Northern Securities Company. I'ltra murine blue, N includes of regime and, therefore, no bunting or 2 RUN AMUCK by. Notwithstanding; iKll of continued displayed. " i no government nm not let you ,er cent, with a minimum cents sage sent to or, ixeo 2." to I .. They 'said ulmrdern, the uttiliide of the Ami Owing to the preparations for the carry it out mil you are still doing a a pound: black pigments, mutineers. thai government reniiiiK precisely profitable railroad business." per cent; chrome yellow and green, thix had risen in Hie belief that Chinese nexv year on February Is, ihe ., , the Hiiine. anil Is confined to extreme people "Yes. and not making any com- 2." to 20. but not less than 3 cents would esp,.nst. llle cans,' 11 at no time have taken the 42 per Kentucky Legislator Resolves wan htiilui sh and iircparedness for of th" throne Into considera- plaint," Mr. Hill said. pound: powdered ochre, cent TUG L Vasuuex Gomes, but since this t any run TKency. tion, except In regard to prospect Mr Hill told the committee that to I", per cent: while lead, i to 2 'j 11.., so, they were placing themselves the 3.1 That Citizens of Dixie Should The instructioris sent today to of the soldiers marring the fesUvltie-- he paid little attention to speculation cents a pound: unmixed paints, to ill Ills dispi sltloll. olli-ie- land thought men who made 30 20 per every American consular i of the only holiday in the Jear. More he that 20 per cent; all paints. to Not in Future Be Discrimi- Abiabam s. minister of the in Mexico, well as to the em .10.011(1 or 'speculative prices in Wall Street did cent; potash, 25 lo in llll. I I'T spell! today at Chihuahua us than troops are in Pekin. busi-- ; Mexico City, Vollows: city not know much about actual per cent; medicated toilet soaps, (it .onioning Willi oroxeo ami l'ss at stationed around the walls. Their In 1, 0110 nated Against, You otficinlly to ness conditions mines miles per cent lo 30 per cent, other soaps, Animals Dash Through Coun I her authorities, regarding a solu- - Hre Hiithori.i'd discipline always has been lax and a way. thiciiHh tin- - local .r fH ami it Is now less stringent than ever and 2d to If, per cent: soda lloll of Ihe rex olllllolial ) mox cmellt. -- He predicted, taking Issue xxilh K People; otlai .vin-, ns under Instructions to this fact makes looting possible. 2o to per cent; sponges, 30 to 2u try District Trampling Herbert Knox Smith, commissioner I Hv Morning .linlrnni Saerlill f.Mw4 U Ire f foolit-- ititcivcn-tioi- i, is expect- per cent. I I iln so. nil stories of Xcveithcless Yuan Shi Kai I l l.Y SI I. T of enrporations. that the ores In the. in rankfoit. Ky., Feb. 13. "It Is the Finally Driven Into River and lls'l IKFI than which nothing could he ed to avert this. by The most Important Increases III o X I P HV HI III I S lease held the steel corporation asl ti t,, 20 sens,, Ibis house that In the t in ur further the of the Chinese ofliceliolders are confidi tit 1 1. duties Include: Chloroform, of Cm a. Mi x., Feb. 13. Seimra Iniii intentions worth SI a ton would be worth .I'll 3o One Thousand Drown. inaxiu KitM'tiiiiK lit of the I'niti il St.itcf. that Yuan Shi Kai controls the politi- a ton. predicted pep cent; calTlne, 20 to ier cent: ill the seleelion of a candidate for Fodhllilo .a pa la. wile oi Ihe chief of to royally He also egg in baking powder. v.hrh lias the fid eren friendship lor cal situation and that the south will jthat before maiix- .xenrs pig iron could albumen, used president of Ho. I'lilted St iles tin Ihe southern rebels, her son and Mexico people, to accept what he The south, 3 to ti cents a poind. , th.-- were ami tile Mexican oilers. I lie laid down in Itiooklyn from china ,. any prospeitlv,. cao-- and two brothers. ac- iiialificatloiis x l"ni. It hope., noon return lh" however, has not yet signified its SIT a ton, Ig- Hy MornUi Ji,rn.,l iHiiil Tested Wlrr. today Iron, Ayala .ill for i,hi si Id not be prejudiced or I I brought i proposed - Lisbon. Portugal. Feb. - M((iivs of peace, which no' ceptance of the coalition. I Mr. Hill said that Frederick Wey-- Is a ,, Fnte.n of General Jnstimo Itobbs, Slil oltieinlly nored because be ell nan of bulls, mob r iialnhis order "(iiie.l i!h Mexicos internal poliil Yuan Kai Informed the ei liaiiser. the lumber magnate, had stale ol the union." hundred liubtnm oiiiiiiHii.b r He has made no nolh-l- foreign legations toilav the IKIO southern for nr. 111, at lb" boll life, illll l affairs which Menmnds here that 'refused to pay for the fee to is conclusion uf a resolu- Ihe ;. 1. 11. .1111. m, nt or charge ngalnst and net, a fi., This the a I t ut lhP respect ami protcct'ou oi' throne has inrti d him to form ;tlie Wriahl and Dal is lands, w hich EDUCATOR PAINTS adopled by the Kentucky house establishment Villa Frame. r,'i Iheui. ' lepublieaii government wlili for the tion amuck lotia, ati.-- lire bad Miicii. an lit,, mil property in tin h. !lie afterwards bought as the major of reprcSclllatiV CS. lull mined, nppnrenilx. lo prevent time being will be carried on xvlth his o.,rfiiin ,if IcHsed til ran-- building". They dashed I.dlow-et- s tieixhiiiiriiur repuldii-- the lunil to steel copies Ithe II,,. movement of troop trains. former cabinet. ' containing ir.i ore The resolutions provides that .through life coimtn dislibts, tramp-- I "Vol i! ohsei-M- the strictest corporation and g o .lesns Saiga. lo today blew out I at 4on,iiuu,(tH tons. be si lit to Hie cl'llora of eierv sin la ling alow 11 in ! , i,, ,, wise Intel ici-- estimated leg 10 nlliiin lhat icine ., steel xladllct Mill. S Ii "I Mr. Wextrhauser made a PICTURE with Ihe roiiiesls tliiil each slate pal. Mam persons weie In- sixci. c.nti-mlin- think their hetWf.n forces, counseling INDIANA STANDARD OIL j lulll.tla. The vladint was mole th.ltl 1, list, Mr. said. islature adopt It. Finally, herd Miirl iois i to do ike." Hill jured serloiisl,. the Dirt high. y,,r districts im- 410, feet long and bet Mr. Hill said he thought it was was driiei, to.x.iid Ihe riicr Tsgus. I, likewise. Yen will use the hiiiicuaae INCREASES ITS CAPITAL! portant corporation to General Pol, s left lo re this u( Ir-- lor the steel hit,, Ho, Jumped and nun t this u, ti,,n." - wbbii on it spe, il train for lh cfinirol ol hII Hit' it mil Id I nai, ilu 111 were drowned. I crrpe nf soiiih will, a ii.,. . of Infaniry an "itti'l wt 8it not Wfitrinu nnj OF FUTURE GOVERNORSTOHEAR corps , - jf.u.oi sv 1 Him rv An i:iM'nMiti i: New York. F.-b- 3 ,1 fblals ol iMMHiifp thev have tftrtl to CHli- - ai till, aiobiilsin ok hi k vii .nr. Stand, Oil Company Indian.-- il th Ifum tin our ore IjiihIh, .Mr. ( omp.lllle.l him. K I", so tkoi A i.ispat'-- the nil of Texas. Ih. IS. that the l:n reas.- - i:. fjil) 4jiltfrvMl. "We rv imt uiixioiiH NOMINATION fciii 'iu.iv tonight, a..s announced toda. U'MM POPE inns. Soiiora. capita! stock from I ,,1101.1111,1 to t30. to inn k" that THE DAY IN CONGRESS. ttiHt Ceni-ra- Xeiiixeo, chief of thai ROM ROOSEVELT il-- coin, linn will b,. plvcu I" s.eekholders of Agricultural F tnliiuiy i,,n,.. of the w.,n7., m Colorado disajiproves a k rtixldeml If the nd- - 0n V,eim K, y nml consul, laid as si.n reconmi lev ssked. m ..I direi tors ar.' . College Says Reform a n: f""ti"ii h is a, v .doped. Much of 'his ations the approi.'.lj lib In't Mr. Hill ask.-d- bchoolj 2 p. no hv at the annual W" "He GOES OVER TILL In at 'iefinn. appear r.iciu the me I .M.-.'- l , .. nfiti a s con- - Iii.n,ver. to he 1 nexer told so didn't chase after j I,...!. re .. ing on Mai h . at Whiting, is About Only Place Boys Can ITPimlh hikI jmhmsy. predieiit-- d ineel them. Mr. Gary signed it. Some of NEXT WEEK . iii. d for higher duiles at steel tariTi "H.n the i io t lliat Vlljoen has heen Indian 1. the ttirii tors thought the price was I 1, one stun , Now' Learn Trade, inn. pre, eilene in pe iv nefrotlittlons Th.. resent holders of high." Pr.iil,t,t Taft withdrew nomination hri he j ,,! a receiulv naturalizeil Standard oil of Indians ' "Wasn't there one far seeing busl- - IY '. p. .wam us I'lill-'- Slat.s msr- - M X'( e v,f ,, I MONDf of reclc iwentv-nin- simps " " ' net ttcin u I.., nlul.l i,n ' II. Morning J.ximsl Stwlxl Um4 Mlr.' against whom I shal for H.tawsir sl.s k. Holders .,f fia. li.oial h': r s " In iiier. Feb. 13. .Xlioost ihe only bad been mail". dl-- j ol brib.rv Mill proportional' 'y In the w , ,,. y.ul ever advised J, p. hain't, a boy now lias l lear ; Giving Consid hues ctm- - share that - Colonel Careful I.01 no eoioiniiiei. agr.t'd lo TURKS w I - Is t m, a ell,,,,- am BEATEN OFF BY'on the ;i. ft", k. Morgan Insisted that this base be nit March 2 1 upon a re. ' pres- l.ler maiiei-- sent to the reform school." said ce - - I ' eration to Demand hrom Senate Unani- p.. i; In- pr. nl I., the seiiHle. ITALIANS AT TRIPOLI 'I nexer was." Mr. ident Chords A. Lory of ihe C,..-ra,- l said Hill. Can- SAN DIEGANS ARRESTED The ste, I eorH,rH,. .it's desire lo get Stale Agricultural College. In a West That He Announce mously in Favnr of New Mex- IIOlXlU r.- - Las-- , I,, . binds. Mr. Hill said, was d here loilax lore th. annual M. I 1.1 1,. ton Tripoli, ( I !. Re-po- ''fa. F, b. 13. '! FOR SPEAKING ON STREET ly - I Presidency. it U:"-.-n- on business prudence. Itv ofixelitbili of the Famiil' Flliotl didacy For Ju.l-- But t ..f army p. , Th- - ii. ico e Withholds 1:. vii .osid-- i i..n i..r,-,- . Tlfks i:. ,,r,-H- t company iheme was the Colorado. Mr. the. I. ,.,,,,. mir,,-,- eitempts b'b ,. he corporation would have all the rural school, which h,. delated Is On Roijiicst of Senator. J Hill sal-- l t t""l ntu.h ,! taij , iir,,. 11 Ihirtx-ftx'- .iii.s i i,,s, Id It nee-- e years. - VW Iii-t'.- ,. j would for Iwlllg le ruuel, rt 13. Ten m..r. ote lies ted. n- I rmm4 Irs ,.i. l.olb. r about '" tl - 1 hand- - Sm Cab. Feb. I Mwrnlns lie .JT at' eff alte- spemte tii-- trust-- ) s were liis-sus- Jnil I I re- ,,.. el w.-r- e j The of the property the farmer Is.xs are going I 1 i ' , Feb. t . ,11.1 bends. ,,,, 1- 1- erres's made - tile pi.liie New bale Ho.-- l ta MiHWiaa Jmnul I is ueiii,K willing- to iense terminated, It g- -- - Inve-iigali-- eveiglnde xcrks nighl persons who defied the iiiwtvj have the Into the ebbs. I,., said. is only a n 1,1 Ihe clghl -x shlllKl',11. Tilt sub- of Florid li'.l! of - ceiver! b net fri Wa s but I. eff-- these bad irdii,a,ii- Mr. Hill said. II will In', sal-- l - ,, a- -. t public speakinu - iestbri of time unill m.. iron, I'hbau.t." - tonic.. 1 Part-le- tl e nors. eonimm- 'tie Mint , I t - "XVhx do hey cancel It"- Mr. I i.,i,-- 1.1 - -, tn S,I Diego. Three tholli!ld pi lor the iiii.'ii 1. '..i..,,.! - , I, "11, ill nm six J11.llcb.iv whnh his no- ibi inu Mi ..lit IStrnieul. A '"' llsliat.. of re aided esked. Import fiM.ilstuf - I ,. H Clark a public ret ' the demonstration, is. . nr- fill lolirid- ri llrni. sfinll minati-.- W. s. i..nt, Staker n1' Bp- - I s.irs bj- l linu II lux Ihe in Jo.lue l'..f ,r " raxe warnit.g ot Die h- "I can see no other reason but their proo-nbl- M.-xi- ... I, I s a speaker mounted his rostrum The S l r.-.l- a di-u- n I in.lge N. .net oise.l him candidate for ,!'-- - eaoh lo it within short nine, (! Turks, - frlch,." . .., .1- - ml tl. m. Ts ..,., tak.-- into ust. ,lx until th. , tlnui' lomorrow. a week ' "mil th'l llm osb in Ill.T of if- - rati. .,e.,.e, ii tv ns T"rk- - lii ; were ntihiri '"St sixty k!I!..l. "What (hey afraid of, their - " I th. o nifhtly supply of 'martx rs." as thev I six n, tliiiis -- n Ho- sabbs t. finning the ,1 on, n i"! " , own shadows?" ., , . Kills t'ir. ki;i .1 '""ualiies iiiimb.T 'hr was xha,!"t".l. 4 rul-- s .,, ,0 of nr.. fait ,0,0-li- I albil (i. hhI: "111 M . ,1. term themselves. crman r M.'Vhth Mm Ii he would .f lk Ivv,, wiilili.l. "It might hav the witness Th.. ask.d ii, - F'ghteen of h.? 'his wnki ren." . r. f..i o. il n on th" t,..i,.ui..- I,..ll.s. Texas, II. Walter replied. Mexico Citx-- Feb. 13. The 001,1- - accept the piesidtifinl nomination mltt. . go I lay. All - - , M",iiav Warr-n- who cama here a week w"e nllelKllf.1 I de'l,I.- lion has unill - of Pretnen I'.il. n. ell ,,"'K'-- - ini-v- of mander the German ruisr Pih.x S'Mlfv -- ,1- - el-l- 1 , I"' l . h.. killed ? on Sii,sr-nK- Jmlge. irlals In default s in- ., I 1, ,0 roil, A.l-- and I - , I turnip ( which arrive at Vera Ct,i IihUv. Is d to make public In ol that ,,,trt i It ' fi. h all went 1. 1 Jail. A. Stale I'Iiioit lo lark. ,h, I tl.-- hno It In a b i. tioi'-- He ft - 1 - num.. ol u It iis.l lo ,t..iol,ie ilo.rve. l.b.. t , K'''- - ,s C instdera- I YVashislon. Feb. X. President xpe' ted t com.- to Mxic "itv wn,e let!, r or th" - ..i S ee. h - l-- si. na,..," a In whi. It he Wlote he 'had 'n 'I'l- -' iilmi-n- l vnnmr, ers of Ihe California Hre din- p.-- reepi- t h. w x r. lb it in.- .Hr,le lr.., iw ,c- tel. lii llte - tali.l Ust state time this t. his to Is reported, no-i- h.-- " her,- ti.r.igM said Mrs. Taft sxv the ink llt I rtii.i p., ei.i, ut t'e siiikr fil".l Ills'. br-iis- ! r I;., j rl n-- ' much e s-- will guest w bt New Y.nk bv form, ,'i..i,nnio ,.r ','""' uide.1 s ner of Ihe winl-- lhi even- the president. - be the as - sut'-- I, H, t Ihe Word '11-- ' ' ' 1 j.miire.i liion would nt,n,n - I - m. nib, r of th.- i ..mitiht. e whi. III. rd l .L, Ts't s tiKlav n,l , colon, whib- in II, Disirb Ati..m- Sin.. , " attention pa, itv or Ihe ing in f Spexker and Mrs. of the German FnKed Slates . I tor-Id- .1,,,,'Ot--.- t.,i the J;,lls Were filled ' 4'hicag-.- . il.s 1.1, M,n ihe fa " r..rt. hmtV.- - ,hM 'h rle,-lare- I'lark. vfly. if "h"nit ision, . law r..,-.-ib- inxalbl. TWO. THE ALBUQUERQUE UORNIKG JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1912. Ttsoro lo Only Onm mm pomp ATicunES ihdigestiibglar to have The "Bromo Quinlno" For Elderly People1 tm I UCURAT OH f STOMACH ! IETRIAL AFTER That pror-ertie- a Ae ba It attrartion no !' thian that strengthen n. r ach. liver and bowel, i rv youth In mor and quit-- 1W-o- a Tne we!! a vrup Pepmn. w hich ,u f Laxctlvo Bromo Qulnlno I life. IJut It to thla vrr We elderly peopi ue. to the OF FIVE YEARS t rue womuo onm to otmt a tm omt oat. ROUT MISERY without nuflk-in- Mrrtue that brir.s of al! other,., Triu!r''',iii cold r mo with It thrw d:ordf-- that arif from people like ifra. L0i Fawi,. inac tivity. Chif of are a chronic Mason KL. San Antonio H tu-- Jxevk the oj Afj twmithet lit l bum. p-- r intent i onMiati"n. Geo. Willmore. Crockett v . nr trouhl-- d in they Uke it at regular iniJrf-- Governor Will Wa!V But i i.irfv ir.r.l r' Ph thi Jles. State in that ,9v not onlv m -"-.;.- !jlm ertrr la. No Gas, Heartburn, Headache: New York Convict Permitted to ' .. .. "-"Il SWA .J.i.i, . but that they Je"? Troops Will Fire lasei-tu- Parade and exuug. ht-a- d ami''"Jigeneral ood as Dyspepsia Five Minutes' Withdraw Plea Guilty fin m nlia-aH- . . or of th-- r to ill Afa t it - i Jef-ferson- difficulty of in ia sap m w... Kriuntly . iCidS?7ve Despite - Salute Desire of v-- Ihw hmi-- 7 Dose' Which He Declared Ob diK-ti- light food. Much it In It ia v... .')- After Taking the First Was " ., on 'uol ,f atA al iroubi a It I hara to una family. , .r. .'H WHITE VICTIM OF 'J ui .u Utir Aji. i tt lie,. Simplicity. rniu.. au- - Anyone wishing the II 4 j tained By. Misrepresentation. a auitat.le rrri-ir- rirwt oi an me to hiake i, if-r A V I - of Diapepsin. remeily Ki'tn tori. t.- vif may ix? Kiv-- that peo this before buvine i, f. gOf I'. t( I H ' ." tll."rr''W ple ahooiil not u nalta. cathartic rcu!ar way utt a druses- - r,.i, elf Haw I or net r Kvf'tr. He will lake Ihniti lu.w.1 pill or powdera. watfn or any of th cents one dollar a lare. i liie b.tri tre.. nieol i t'M'l .Vitfftim. lrPhwMt. An., 1!, l'r-- ?f i 'Vhjr ixrt rim no thi rn - H; Mmwmi( JmiuI weUI W ire 1 more violent piirativca. What thy family rizel can liave a KL, it- us .N'ew .- 1- ni tr. hnn,. DELUSION IS to ft yourt of York. Feh. IJ. Alter aervins! tttvd. womfn aa men, to a mild the of s - r.--- thf A Per th i J week 'rj A nearly five In priaon for l.urit- laxative tonic, one that to pleasant to tie limiilv a.lilresRini? n. j'tk. . iaif :r j . i .i itu'f fe lary at ihe home of Mortimer I. yet acta without erliiiiii. well. :, Washington St., - h take and rtiHtr-flr- ii ti- p, thr l.lun arid e 1 from fl reporters, Invalid W. Muni. Mr:',iu'i rilfr. wh'-r- he waa formerly em- The remedy that filto all thei--e re- - IL our name and adilrea b' s ir , ttf or- - .lv it l C'.fi K I .,vt Sr.f I. fif)Mt'r 101. Hunt !.! thrtr UuKhx- -r Vijximi. rrmw. hi. tnn ployed as alet, Koike K. Irnndt ouirententa, and has in addition tonic ( t; l card will do. T OR f.r several hoots t..!,,cl('. Me sod il'"l tn f'h"-n- l Tttuuirtu al ! tk Vu,-- 1 Ii-i- to start th may be aeain o determine ti Uiir. - tried ('', tvB and J1' ,! ei' tin df attar fi'". Mr. Jlunt ii-- ik to th- il-- ; Juk urkiDK. Tb49re villi he Ik Kuilly of the rime to w hich he . it,t- - M " ,r' i in l ..jiJ.Iiih with u ir irWt4 an I no lv.,,,(a r 11' hing of a or orifeed. and Tor ihli ti he to under I", ifijf four nh oil,,. Uf atfc of ofi--- 'Wf J of nd) food; no entence lo m rv, thirty year in Jf w,. t Hie apartment, KrtU will th , ffcni eld . fl r.d ..h. f4.j,s ,,k a ,u,p of the priaon. SANTA FE RAILWAY COMMITTEE that Mr had It. I.. Mr. Jlunt f . Ifll if l"fc Ih.t riiry or I;.!-iila- k of Doctor Te'tifyinrj: Kiifimeil ., golf, it, City, but wlm-- d t.h. ,o,n,u j ,nJK. f.orna h.rtl.urn, .Uk hidch. Judae of the court Aliunde aenti-nce- f- -a ., i,.-,- l ittumt-m-ui- m MmI . food wl.'l not keneral aetuiiofia, who e ho'ira ii ). ,r tljxi r i,iftt-- A twin, that "' ""r Ca-- Declares Claiinarl i,l Mfs. Mmse were at nurd th m.l.tutr i.ara'J would uw through !'frm'nl rs! jrf.iiMin our breath with Brandt, today ordered the withdrawal f- of Km a plea of icuilty A'.'if H lorl l llt.kcfi, the tret at 2 it it k and tliaf ftstraeous - mil and the ENGLEHART SITE FOR CIH Imagine He Ready n PAIS Well N. J. afoie of ..nj-ii;t- nun wouid fii.. Pae'a 1'iap'pktn courts only it aiibatltution of a plea of not ifullty. i is Wistinz Bank Cashier, ents for a larsie law at any dru for a new trial. The new will review the Thia aetinn waa two hou as m m mm. m am I m invrii'ir I store her, and will relieve the most taken 1.0.1 In liia w ill 1.- If I.l.rde i...rtv riwt itajtiriate Indigestion L'p- - after J nut ire tierard of the aupr.ine hot all itf the mull. ..ffi.era. im of and FISTIC ENCOUNTER aet Kiumiuh In five minutes. court bench had reserved deciaion on ESTATE Nr NwMn; i -- 4 M ir nd iiii.ii) friend, in. Iiidiii W. i. an application for IJrandl'a release 52,500 MAHKET l ttftt ahtl ! There to nnthin ela better to yci, f't, Kirdli.-'- V.rynti. take on a writ of halieas corpu with the . rfMfil Mi.- - a nd )an-.ti.-- f from e'tnrnach and cleanse the lr.- in the ei. fiiiic remark that he was 'alitmi-- t con A m wMI l.e the Intestines, besides, KWfrrl" ', li tendered Kovernor Jt stomach and and, l y vlnced thai Ihe trial court had l I a 1' r at I lmn.edlsit.-i- ulfr-wur- d Im(iI Kit' fl It.ln sfl.ll.wB ' IN TEXAS COUR T hotel and one tlrisie doae will digest and pre- had Jurlmli' tion in sentencing Hianilt Santa Fe Railway to Be Ask-- vi 1. 1,, ( ) it.. rr I. in- - tlie inKiiKurt lull will be f.eld pare for a hoi mi la I Ion Into the blood Administrator Had Asked $5,- - . f;,.u-rri.- r I on hla pica unaupportu.1 by evidence. il Ji . in li- - f In the iilill.1 aireet. n Use Ground Ii ll,iif ,ii. f.. all your food the same as sound, A - f to Permit of M H wll - .1 r ' fealure today's developmenta (IiaHrl. niiirl. Mt. int the KMifi in: healthy h would do It. waa appearance 000 For Death of Engineer, A r".'',n i. "! t. stoma' the of Juili' Alton North Till, i il'.t t.irlh: ' U. I joining Tracks Just l'KII"'l f.lyi"l )i' t. , Wheo lilapepaln works, your stom- 1'nrker in liehalf of Mortimer . . th.. A'fitiieiiliin Ifc., IX II. ll f..c lit. ... i r f M I ch-an- s wno, But Compromised Suit For film Ih 'ri-- to in al h rests Itself In order, ncnirr, he dwlareu, la aiixniua I'oiik t Wi'lHK'i'i, n M. Judt'e Soundly Thrashes Man 'iuit.'l Aai... ii'te'l Central Avenue. itf fliiK ile ih- - world f'rif.k m up and then ;ou feel like eating to have the case sifted to the bottom, lil.-ii- i iv - t" Half This Amount. in. i Iiiij.iiiu.iiI itiiiii fur iii- Who Called Him Liar; Dignity .if iii.ii .:llo- - w hen you come to the table, and what in oribr that "falae and infamoiia . 1 1, I i' Ait."n.i. ,',.. i I, hi, I - li j lit mi, .. i ,,,.-- i til.- - , wtiait m ,.t- you you .scandals" miKht he proved untrut: At a meeting held lat nbht r ; r"' iii. 'i ii.,ii. iiiiiii eat will do rood. lrlt.All. J W MH luflfi'-- KifllM I. Vindicated He Himself to pdfi4-- . ,,t Alan, Kix, who joint committee appointed by the Hi.- - - rmes U'i.i in, lute relief from all Ktnmarh i.overnor previously re ,m- 1 filing a council, and the Con nl ii,iiiij, Aik4iitm I'm, n e'ineiMiMv niKiit. 1. Misery la you fused to Interfere In Brandt's behalf, following the of suit for the farmers feiruar waitifiK for soon as f5,0(i(l yesterday by club to select and report For Fighting, I late today appointed tjerard Administrator mercial you decide In take a Utile ia pepsin. Justice I VVI. Ii. r Mini 111 ill.- . as a Frank ilcKee of the estate of James site for a city market, cuiionit'll ir. lillli. Te your drtiKtfist you want comriilaaioner to hear Brjnilt'a - plot of irwini) iiilii.illori i.f Ht i luiii, lift . that Knglehart, deceased, in the Bcrna- its first choice the mt 'application for clemency, which was adkiiiun: I..- - I Pape's Uiapeln because you want north of Central avenue and .nil ilut rii, litiil li... ,, I, Mr MurnlMC Bweelal M tee FEATURE PICTURE as a move to caa- - I'llo county district court, the de , mr 4rKl Iae4 rcuuriicii take the Fe A in H to Iftgrna thoroughly cured this time. i.i" - fendant company, through Its attor- the Santa tracks. imiil !!., H' .,), Ml'lllllld, T. , "JudKe. i.nt JuilKi- Kosalaky's liutids. consisting McGalie', II. nip,, i hut K'l. if your stomach feels neys, W. Hobson nf this city, and tee of Messrs. tin a The attitude ,,f Mr. as pre and Stanim was appointed i IiiIiiimii! ii', h li k i llm- Isi ion are'" out of order and uncomfortable now, K. K. Tw ltehcll of egas. Clarke ty, laentcd by JiiiIk,. Parker, in part, fnl Iis w ith Fe official, ni. .lir, Int. I ,,f tliMi l!..lif Weill he HHii you can surely In five Judgment fur In lull set confer the Santa in i, ii.liir set relief lows: to securing a lease on this sit' Hi It II Ktlli.HM.ll lH PROGRAM TONIGHT of claims resulting from ative "Thla Mill iiliiii'l n'li'.uriie.) tlement all I, 'Oiirl "There has never been a liine aini-i- A report to the city Council sill twl'l, !',tit i l.rnivii, the death of Knglehart. who was t 'if iinlll I whin the mun h" Jtint called this innn s conviction that Mr. KchlfT made when the committee heuritron I well Fe engineer. At ir, iini,ti. ii i'iiinl. 1 1,., known Santa company. i.tiii..i me II llrft," IhIiii.'I Ihe JlUlK". would not have injected himself Into (Jcorge S. k, the railroad UlMl ll f"l"l'l Hi'' I I'lllllHlll tornev kui representing of joint commil "'lll' llll' lllilll.-illi.l- ' l lf llMltMll an application for clemency baaed The members the M M I i llf... iIiiik ilfld this adminiMrutnr, accepted the I lli.ifl l i.nwl iiMolm illtiiii' Mlii-l- Im PREMIER on Rrounds of - tee. Messrs. Conroy, Clarke and Ishn (. .M In contrition and reform which was a compromise, and llill'. llllll III MilH'-il- ,,li Iiiii, JihIk.' J. hIiIiiih ATTHE ORPHEUM ASH Hon. Inatead that, to 0, wood. reprirenting the council Hill) ii, of acrordlnic the case will not go to trial. Knsl-ha- rt III Unit Itln Hilml HIIH i.l- M'liiiiilaeloii. r i '.tift ttlthdremr with the rcpotis. Brandt's attempt to Messrs. Woodward. Borrailaile t was killed near Iiguna on c ti l. ll 'iillt li.aliiri.-- J.ll.-- Ifllv-r- Kiiln the sympathy of the Rovernor Sganzini, the farmers, and Hitm. "I hl la mniiah) I, tober 3, last year, when the engine SI a mm, MeC.affey Pearc, th. "! il, Hflillalilll'-- ill and other officials by laming as and Dr. im llilnk." .in urki "tlml I) 1. i Ihe i urn will ft.--r an REPORTED ABOUT he was driving waa wrecked on the agreed that th- m i.lln Iff l inaiili, in 'ii iIiiik t.i TohIkIiI iri.ln Commercial club, are it. nil u(f.ii!.K II. In .In..!.,. , . - martyr uniler tne Infainoua suiixi-- from iv li'lllKI vli-H- i illlitlilanliilii a, " d.J Xi'ell.'lit lilrtnre nrnuraill in colli)'-'- coast lines bi tvveeii this city anil railroad property is the logical ii 'llllll It HtlHu. tlon Brandt's in Mr llllflk 1' hmi '" i in JihIki- Kii'ivtha, na he aouii'lly Hull with the lilivellv Vllinl'-- llle act. that prixence. aliup. as it would furnish a mm III.' lI'lilliC, nil Si h Iff 'a linnxe wits to keep an appoint inasmuch "tH," Il.llll1 l.i at lila ni', na-r- The f.'ittur. la Anna llarria, ih mercial resources exhibition shirt Ik. i i lv l mti merit with one Itxcli. oiilil v l.k. tliliik '.lli 'I'lti' "!,)' ' t i'iiinili I.-.- Judge it IhiI aw linn, of the world, dearer than life rguinciilh In lllvorcc Suit Tialay would add to that proposed by th' l III.- - llllkltl III In Hill. ill 1 - i i it ahowiiiK In TO "With the liiHiftnt natural to hu Uureju I, kiinMlta im. in .mil lliiid her wonderful aklll Ihe RETIRE , Santa Fe Kailviav nnd the ..I iiiiiii fiithi-ra- t Final arguments relative to who IIIMll llll. I I 'III IhlUk III H.l .,r f'hlritko aw iiiiiniiii; iintrHihon uitii h- -i bunds or my client has Immigration, the railrml . lllmailf llilllllltK. shall have the custody of the four for which miini him' t.," - - nv-- like reaiatlim the call of civic ilutv a buiii 'I'll" illainl.. ul'ia,- win n 'niiiiitla- vl'lnrv other awiiimiira minor children will lie made this company probably will erect aluni'l' fll lv. llll njtn llli'li In the world a awlitimlnjf rueea held which deniiiniled expoaure nf charx iug in an early date. The coinniittff , . morning before Judge Kaynobls U J.iitu,' KnovAl.-a- i him', r ft I ii at In Ihe rlv-r- Anna an vile and otitraKcnua but be H. fhi'iian llarria . district court In the sun with Secretary a m' ni a iii'V'M--.i- ttnl'la the wnrl'l' i haint'lniiahtp for D.U-.- :., '"nk-er- lie hopes now for a the divorce Ilening ill nutu: niirl linn D,i:.:,.: "." Mrs. Maria vs. V. of the bureau the MORSE SAILS FOR women In long iliatHii'e aw linitiliiit. Ll lllJill ruilllLIUII ltrilt'lUSLUU lll thst w in enable the public tn Jiinpc of fatal. inn t. of selecting a. site. - It been "d TmilKlt! ia the tiitl)' t Iiiiiii .- in ae. I'atalann. has establish If the cannot T BRIBERY CHARGES BLOCK Report of Gov- -; Mrs. (.'atalano be granted railroad loinpuny aunt .liliira, """I That Leader thai shall mit Ihe life of Its property for u i the decree divorce and the court utiili "Hlllirk tiold,'' la all llltereallll n - ,hHt M" ,"'"v"1 'f market, then other sites now NOMINATION "f w v SWAYNE'S e. IIII.K nil lure ill Ihe early eat Relinrih wT,e."""r today ill decide on hit h of the consideration will lie looked into. M leiii'a Ihw anld ruati to I'Hliritrnla '" irtics to the suit shall have the ca "v r r jSi r 1 .t Ju'lge Parker a bpig letter i.f the children. . i ii "in p. ei hlff. In which 'he said "The Utile hoe," la a heitrt-tnn- i H I'. li, II, wltli-l.- f "The fac Is are simple. lint alnry nf u broken-hearte- h. nt Brandt Allumnv for lllvorcc Plaintiff. I mother i raw al lii'luy h I'l elil n T.ifl the w - 1 . wrnte an Insulting letter to my vli THE MODERN ho ki'liinia ii r Ii Ii Inlil to re- I Br w VLeiirSMl Sterlal laaed ' Judge Itaynoids yesterday ordered 1. - I I'J-li- . I - anil wan at once discharged niv i, In. .ii nf i', I', Mr. a viii. it I'llH- I'l.i. " her own, mid inaiiv yeaia later I.l II !. .Mllnig llll'lli- frniii P. Y. pay his wife, Mr Invalid . m piny. A limit a In Jose Arias to Outwits imI I Ihe i lillil la I, r. to .ar-eiil- a I'CIW .IIIIIIII , inniilh later Htiit'-- itutialiiil for tela MM I'e .unlit hack hia nf lite Ibplae of ills heri my Adelatda M. de Arais 10 per month iinHinat w h throiiKh Ihe Im I'li-n- l nf "a Utile fnr the ot parliiiniciit n iliteleil hi.nae at night anil niv New),jM:rinen Gets mil ihiiiK'' of liiiinrv hml In wall in a ,v and JHHI lor attorneys' fees pendtim m in en iiiiiiii., wita mi ilie ahii.'." mi. I row rumoiiil let ircmeiit for nic dark rnnin. di if room, e I the dlsposltinn of her suit fnr ORES i.l A ri, v i M. M. Aaiplitll pl'l.- - entered the nnd HEAD Away Fiom New Yoik -- linn i.l Urn.. nil "Auntie Mini the i'iiwIhivs,' la a rbert irnlli llle vorce. With I t nil ll.i'il his presence or a word hn;l iili. lh.' Iiili. r hud nrtaiilli-i- l with weal tin i i, full of Ringer slid the Illli r llll'., t'l'I'IV W Hie chief SUl'JVt - spoken, he m n HiitHiiir I'onl, Huavne wna i lmra- klml ililvea away bin. s. llf l'inVe-.iti'lU- .Vol llllll il HII I'l'I'iM.' li'i'n struck the ( oul BciiiA' Inlei viewed, ln that the a lct'liaiilc'N I. leu l llcil on laima. it with ii'tntiv In I hi. li.'lHivitte Tmiluht will be the In si iilvilil of Would he . ante il If the premier In a head with heavy ten iili. at . A In- - ... I ' i.f 1 tin I in wltlih il wiia Mllllifa III "A IliMlMllter I.f IIU all.. le tl lila hand he had a carving linll mechanlc'a lien agalnat the lh.' il inn,. r ii nlilcealid depi ndetit, Irependcnt Tomboy l,.'f,r. the a.'tiMtt' JnillrlHi'v nil pulntlnu pt.-i- "Thinking I and Baldness.--W- ihua." lion fniuel the sect a peerage. had im uriiiid iiumlai 1 ( Causes e Cannot Ml WurnlNl ..yrnul HM..a tfOttrD M Ir th'-a- glV'-- i and . B. S. .No. and i. B. S. .iiiiiinllli'.. Hwavi'e lurried ii vole mailt' by arlleta, are i, be It la ...lli.'il out while he has to deal with, I nrgiied with lilm. ti.-- the I v nw i iiiiii - 2 mining fn Sandoval Ni V.iik, I'i Ii. I.l W lii iiiml n i innii ihr- mi iiwav flee t.i p. ranna III the aillllcnie lint helil be poaitlnll nf premier cry nun mnmy and got rid nf hi'ii aa No. claims Change the Head Dress, , . I'onl Hi county was tiled yesterday Tor Sando- Mume, lit,. Iiu,, mi, I., i wii'..' II' I'nwilir Work In Idaeville to This big priigrHin ti.iiiKlit nnly at InliK. "a ciillipared Willi anllic nf his beat I i niilil, and naked hi'ii to cmv tlHH' 1,1 I ! county In court (in r in ii i. In ilti. Iiiliinl iiiiiI. I'llll the (I Ile til preilee. a. Ills U e been .In my office. When lie came I ha 1 val the district But We imiI lllll llaa Judge W. l Hen- - Can Prevent mill ki d by pnlitlcal iigi-t- him examined by at Bernalillo. the greniiat eminent alien M, cot k W. i". Ha I was I tiled the lien fnr Baldness. Inn. believed he nf uiisnini mind. Kraft four others. Judgment Iiuring the laat f. w .veil a Mr. The alleiilal declared him sane nnd and I fnr IGmi Is asked for work claimed A Ki n It biia iiuiil pel' eptilily. le- - ca used hla at t eat. I'p to the time we begun to civilly a Una. tia,. Inililiiig "I was Inlil that unless I to have been done on the properties And now ye of the cx.i of th" lav Involved. The cv.r.i d, re him a bald headed Indian was a Imaltliiii of la great It nli y to man he would n claims 'c It premier und Mr. m thia spectively, by Hold Min- Wearing nothing on Aaiulih It.. a large iHiully. tempt in siireiiil a. nulla I, ii. storl. the Peralta head except ing A Milling the covering furnished" Kveii iimniig w Im have I felt It was my duly tn family. Company and dscar being n niv !mlih of l.os Angeles. nature and stranger to the laken tuilt In the cailtpnlgn agallial .MR well itq to Society, tn refuse In be of a hair brush, especially the piii The Mill Sir !:.:. 1. It la .tgreid Influenced by such threats, as I he- - one, the scalp nnd hair had plenty d Tread . DATS. their i e Inn;,waa In great part Hcvcd that the man wan a murderer PILES CTRED IS I TO H ventilation, much sunlight and. hen" llle In llllll llcalli- - to prevent til'" a I heart even rf by my f.u I iinate Tour drucf 1st will refund money If a condition favorable to a luxurif ami eeililig In llle .l xhli. ua escape he hail lint lifetime one. In PA7.0 OINTMENT fall, to cura any growth of hair existed at all tlim they It was the adoption of air und lis Hie Hgalliat Ilia InrclKIl pnllcy. fat case of Itchlnr. Blind, Bleeding or excluding gears It la even auugeati d that the - head und nrtifim Give forma- Protruding. PI lea In to 14 days, tOo. hiad decorations generally. tnueth'' Ear tinit nf Ihe I'elalilll ci ln In tec, which VAI.KNTlM-.- ST. DVMK. recently W. .Mm, with the occarloniil use of a eotr reielveil in Shtiater, SO gave tlr Ihe AdmlMsInn cents to St. ANOTHER DYNAMITE TRIAL munity hair brush, which foiiuer treasurer general nf line's dance at Armory hall Wednes dandruff germ Its opportunity. Sir." Perala, whs really part nf this cam- day (his parasite has multiplied to paign, as evellliii;, February 11, at lt:3"l OPENS IN LOS ANGELES most ol the cnltimlttccmell o'clock. A big crowd Is expected. alarming degree until now there were pri'llnuiiccd auin. t la oi Kavlil hardly a person who is truiil.ini l.lovii-ljeiilg- this dan, e Is the llrat of a scries, not w t more or less with dandruff and fallim Unto The second dance ill he at Mil - Word Jnaepit III., 11. the Martin, the ml member I.os Angeles, Feb. After iUe- lows' Itull on Satunlny night, Fell- - hair. nf pill lllllnelit tile KilMt HI. I 'lll- nil day. opposing fnr ruiiry I The proceeds go tloning talesmen Many, to be sure, have passed tl" lll. im . i of I... ii. I. .11. w lm i. toward A. B. Maple, Hide mat Im m m In make ilalli lit. ninl.., inl.le. in the building counsel at the trial of worrying stage. Having becont' i :i fund for the Anthony' uninn men vviid pr.iinlii' in in nailii. I the aeciind nf Ihe trio nf chronically buhl they realir-- sanitarium. dyna- liolltlia. .mil now ia leader of the cx-ll- i Armory act ual tl of having conspired to nothing Is 'arable of producing natf in.- III "Hiiliiirlniii. The floor has p v v radicals' wing the hall of records September oil IIIIlM kii on iiMlng wihmI" for the litinlli. mi knnvi. bill In it lli llnl I,hii rcccic s bll and Itm )olM the comuiiiiia. been waxed and put In perfect confll- - mite ral hair for them. Let these l" ' aalil In im Interview lml;i, thi-i- e I. IS IV, had agreed upon only one warning to nil who are expcriemiti- - lite aritii, l.aik aliai our i tin- - om- - v llnu. pto lo"il ami drink, lb inciula tinit iiie.apread cmiihc of a II. 1 Wna ibillbt that the II . nf juror. the siunil leant annoyance nf dunuritf i 1 1 blalii Hiitlri ibiHiilall Inl. in no. ailiiit ami a l' la a ii".i vsi ti nf dloil, r. the lileliiliers of the bmiae nl i lot'llhalora, Brooder', The second trial of Bert II. dinners. ami falling hair. would view Willi keen ilia,.-pnlllt'lieli- t. Indicted with Maple, was set today for Dandruff, which Is to a genu, .supplies, evcr I hiiiK k due the eleVHII.ill nf Mr ;,. for lite stta April lli and falling hair can both be of- ami iHHiilirynian. I la-e'- s ward liley to Ihe il einb ahlp. Mr. Mr ami F. Ira Mender, the thlrrl man in come by the regular use of Xewtirdf Cyphers chcaiM-- r yon dicted, will go to the pres- Il-r- Coffee and Tea Mai I'll mi iif the npliilnn that h ma- Inculwlnrs than trial after ide. turity nf the libera! Ill' lulu It, f.ivnr buy them at the factory anil pay ent trial la concluded. This vonntlerful sculu remedy kill ireigiit.- - ua name the vicious germ which causes dutac semi jour ami r, KID- - be Imi ,., pol-II- . M'liil lllll-trsle- .1 IMIW !. H'CTS THE ruff, cleanses the sculp and stiit!1' I . ti I In !(( tl! tm mi i . 'It llilft reiltetii that will oh cwlalog'lc II a It, NKVK. hair from coming out. The destruc- Te are entirely illllclelll S, K1 Until, free. W. Avobi taking cobl if your kidneys are tion of the germ permits the hair ...hli.a lii llle lulled States und Y. I cad Ave. congests kidneys. grow tHlvl- l -- I HMll It'lltltMl1 iHMNll, m lit m i liMiH-- T all. I. ' sensitive. Cold the naturally and luxuriantly ii lii h .r rHIi try lftliiK lf iIm tiffr ihI Ir la,'' Mr. Maillll cnutllllleil throws too much work upon them. ture Intends. if' , I III (l HIMmI, 'I'll. I, lb,. In- i .1 "4" lllt'lr It pl'ltV Wotllil ollSlllt. ninl action. Ferioua Herplclde tirijH l.eliiie it,.- - ' AGED MAN FOUND weakens their makes the hair ainilnttiieiii ,,i h premier, kidney trouble nnd even Brlghfa dis nappy, light and fluffy. slid If be were unpiipiitnr. a big row ease may strengtnen your dollar slue guarantcS1 I,,, - IN DYING CONDITION result. dne bottles Wolllil ritlsetl. Here Ihe uiili'fli- kldnev net rid of the pain nnd sore- For sale at all drug stores. iiu iil ,1... i, wliliniit tliu niiaiiliiiu BY ness, build them tip by the timely use Applications obtained at the betf l . OFFICER HINDSl r Ita an ..i l la slid even if an iiiimi'. f Foley Kidney Pllla. Tonic In ac barl-c- rhops and hair dressing Par" nlwr mall Wet'e t' be lltaile premier tion, quick in resulta. J. II. O Kielly lors. - fe the p.utv would think long up- i 'o. Send 10c In stamps or silver IIIIIK the gi.V t tllln III." AI.B'.liiteU b. Iplesa as a result of sample and booklet to The Herfe n attack i f pneumonia mi. I in a clde Co.. Iept. II.. Detroit. Mich. . .Try Ad. GOOD INVESTMENT SHEEP i .ti.litn.ii. J.inn a Conner. an a Journal Want Results J. H fi piellv Co., Special Asc( ageil a i i. ml hand dealer, waa found IJCM l ist evening bv N'leht Officer lllii. la in IIIUI, I hi. re i.t S.'Uth street, t r,j I'trst UM Aptdli on r Ik - PO atlons for glaring ahren nil Ihn. called ir. S. Ihir- I. DEERE fm-iH.i- i. 1, v . th, san Iuckib grant during I t 1. JOHN I i.l.l-inn- the the si. i. m. In e lv .lav. main I., lb. onia ol ImhIiIi. ilw iIhiIv 1. .11 U.n,,-- . - nawr. thu ordered , i. H owi- son w ill be pt, d. d i IiiovhI to s liMi'pni.-- - . I lIJ, Lamla nCiitn SI. Joseph i vcnlnu Innii. Mini ni p ,.f iH.vlHawl h.-c- r sic .l,, naia hiht agalu In i siol n lrcl. 1 pi r lent laat seaaoll. fiHiil grsas. hns Hat h If It is considered itiHll't- - AND EMERSON SiicHina of pure wati-- r travtrse the till If he Wtil altice hia Illness 11m loiig. e. Had re.o bed M I nl stag,. le ',, the II Ml Ml HI Hi - tract, tnilca Fees reason-shl- rlll. heliT" PLOWS '" Will an W .l Im- - "'' ltill It. rotne, llrat aerv ed. Ad- hia plight ills, ..V er. .1. taking. First P.a-in- g dles, I IM s I.. Mill I Its. by the store, th.. nltlc.-- r at- tention waa attracted bv muff lei Sllpel UHend. nt. sr.unia. A N. M. he found that Iliiitilleriiue. tli.v ft. .m within. He shook Most complete line of Farm Implements the rrmit d,.or and ..ll.-. ,, w h.i. v er USED CANCELLED STAMPS was tiiM.l,. to I, t in,,, i ii'i'iinin-r- . who Ivlim p, i n the t lo .r Ye! Ye! SENDS TAFT A DOLLAR in Die rear of the place, where he RAABE & MAUGER Hear livid, litauawc.l t 115-11- 7 Hear ,r.,g himself in North First Street lite door and admit the '.filer. To him he I. .1.1 a i . pititul amrv. lie Vabiltst"n. I' ' b. t 1 , ..n- - I. I,' e- - -n !!l alxnit a Wek and two .! i. k w ! l all n iinnm lute Flat. as., In I,, having nolh-t- o h .1. Tea. had .a a. in ,i fresl fit Tills bill. to tn 1 1.. I . e.t time. n.. even a H I.-- 1m HI., site s i. .Ii ink of water. Hi condition waa "There's l.-- . a Reason" l.i'l, i s of Company .l.dlal mltl rate, the dren.h-,- pneumonia Montezuma Trust IIMHI. lever mule him d. In Ions. Ittbtt- - hI s. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO Sie to Ihe trtttm. II.. that ta w m In. . hrrent. I" Minke real it lit l"li four fold Slid a. I.f. Mad llilols not dlS,,.VeTel aha will send the 4vr ilir.-- .1. 1 1 h.-- Capital and Surplus. I ltwn.-4- . thu c..i,n..r he ,tt,. he $100,000 ISawM least! Itawiaiai. I liallle Ml. u-e- Imi, Ut.t. She wr.i ah have d.-a.- l t.-- before lioi-e- j ( meet h- - In h. ntshi p....l. II,. is ; jeiirs ..Id. INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS - THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1912. THIfJEE.

. aa m M

-i ' C T K LE BHUN CQMPANY K K'K'-- I t y ,J'i ;:;i!JT f j i. m W tH MAN i hllll MfeillWki ' w - -


.Ill .. CO T OF. S BUCKEYE STATE AUDIENCE .."""W f J. j Hi 'AHA" II, 1I2

r&El..-,DrVTtS.!H- RACE RESULTS. J WINTERS iY B GOVERNOR FOSS WANTS Gaining Strength Rapidly, Small Numerically But Great At JllHI'I'Z. FOOD PUT ON FREE LIST Opinion of Owner of Cleve- Artistically is Verdict of Music Juare. Feb. 13. Or. Dougherty, at land Daily and American Lovers Who Attended Last ' 4 to 1, proved an easy winner t the. Cnt m tti shnis MniHiii, l(l, nv ether ( eiienrtlT istea, M4 MATCHED WITH today. tnwul It- - . 1 till 1lr, villi (h mrnw k.oi smouRt brU M J handicap al six furlonas here Company Director. Night's Performance, l - C B j Immediate Removal of Duties Lumber IHHMIUI fit lllrllmmrT IrelMl IwtoHl lh Item- 31 nt two olii-- w On March the Juarex cii, mimt el sarklns. etire .Vnm ll,e fn,'!nry. in-k hire nd and a quarter miles, will be run and On Necessaries Only Remedy t.X.I'KNSk llnu), ami ri. our rltol- - of tlirwt UirM kaokl a Held Is expected. The flake ' , nBrT Rood "Mr, Tafl will carry the state of Small numcrl, ally, but bin arlistlc-ilh- will be worth ITtlO ihe winner, and i M l ('-',,- issue) $' t" For Industrial Disturbances Me is steadily ealuiiiK sireiiKlh the l.e lii un a Company last e i" ailvertisciiient elsewhere in this a cup. Weather clear, track Ohio. ,1 Tlie Si 00 GROT silver throughout tlie east ami, in inv'niKbt at Hlks' theater t, resent, acts fast. Itesults: Bay Executive II n Declares State opinion, will be nominated and elect. fn in "Faust and llovatore on hick an.l 1 s, pr'mte.l on paper, with red edKe race, live, and a half furlongs w, 11 i , ., First Oli of Cleveland a manner calculated to please lb ew i i tj :.t T 4 1. won; lJ.ra-to- n, ed." said C. A. - - - Ijidy Stalwart, to Mire. I Ky most exi'ilintt clitic. 111 Hj Uurulix Jiiuriml liecial Ohio. In this yesterday. ' lllnsiratra ' are roapt 4 to 1, second: Phil Connor, flrrd I The entertainment, which was th K''tu'la' cmueati a"flci,rilird eliewiirr thrre llorlon, Feb. 13. The undamentn ur-le- D1CTIONARV 5. to to 1, third. Time, 1:07 Mr, Otis, who came lure number of the popular star ami over o'-- v uo)cti.i ovaciiiutlj u Raton Lightweight Writes to cause of the textile strike at Lawrence di- third iouii.rii Uoynl meeting of the board of three-col- - I Second race, six furlonas is the hitili cost of livlnu. In the opin- the Lecture course, was well attended plates, titimeruu- s i ici ts bv monotone, 16 pspel al np"5 of New Tea, 9 to H, won; Moralist, 5 to 1. In a to rector oV the Auierbnii Lumber evcrv seat in the house belnu sold color?,. :n,! Lite Manager Mark Levy ion of Coventor Foss. letter Is In- valuable charts in two tlie United Mates o second: Amohalko, 5 lo 2, thin!. Kepn W. Cinlerwood, l'ompa"ny, of which lie an and the audience was i iilhueiastlc in acnlalive Oscar is owner of the. Present at this oll'ae ti connncviive Diclioiuiry rouf;onnd lh 0 Mexico Athletic Clirb Asking Time. 1:13 !. democratic Uader of the house of rep- fluential member, the extreme. prominent cit- w ere heauil- - Third race, one mile The. llailiii's resentatives at Washington, made pub- Cleveland News, a The acts throUKhoiit It it lKa-'l- Ittc R.ii. r IKc $2 (10 3" in ,Um cinh kin' as Tbe $3.00 r,: It, &, Bout February 22, Daughter, 3 to 1, won; Dottle H 4 lic loiiiifht, Mr. ross the Imme- izen of Cleveland, and one of fully statied, with costumeiy quite the iu imtri'ca in ffoia For tunes i , t ii 1, food-slul- newspaper men iiiaKiilliccnt, us the st eiil i u cr tt ite 1. Minnoletle, to diate removal of the duty from the best known w illasu-r- to second: li ntln-- in l.iml.nif lit I'll U til New imi'T, mt " - !. of life. state. Mr. Otis lias Til, re are but four singers the l.e ' third. Time. 1:41 and other necessaries in the i IIMMtrrtrtf hull i.ithT, lUiiitrwf1 tionv but company but one - 1 says In New Mexico, bcltm I'run opera each with o I i v oil- - e e FnfMuu licht-.veijs- six furious - The letter in part: interests ' f iO.NAItV n lu Fourth lace, lr. llcr-rend- o en is I i bill rTiiifiniirrtlt' Xow Mexico 7 1, as governor com- one men behind the litis an urlU; and iuiiitum iarvo ti nr Hoiuiii ui nouaheity. to won; Hold Finn "I uio, "f this of the spb-n,li- net oliiiiiiploiishlp. I'M Winters, , a briefly ,,f the In I4jutr corneri. ir.l clisrl omillfd. 5i A I MO - 4 t third. monwealth. luteal nriiiK to adjust Irrlnated Farms oiitllt at Uos. desciiidlve mnA I to 1. second: Closer, Jk CMM(utift nd 4 CP4jm U the Katun boxer, who hint Fri- most disastrous strike anionic the tex- well, a project which has taken a ti rprctatloii of Hie lanious om raiic CutMU lha iOC Kenny I'ap-pa- n, Time, 1:13. Mine. l.e lliun was a deliuhl I ill i day rilKht knocked mil one-ha- lf fur- tile operatives of this wool manufac- million to finance, ami one of t.ic robs. X , Any t Mi. !, :;v for PAtt4M in Fifth race, five and Jlai'KUeiite, and her clear soprano ttob Efr the Oklahoma chamiilnn, the 3 1, won; Lit- turing section, which already involve largest of its kind in the country. Mr. HM -' i. y .? iwenly-roun- d longs Faneull Hall. to reiioiiHly i ted by the v. of a. scheduled 111 30.0OII operative. Hack of whatever in nivalis in voice thoutsh nci fourth round tle .lane, 4 to 1, second: llelieo, to Otis is much interested allhude, did not lack sweetness nor limit t C'IovIh, ran written 1 local cauKe there iiimv be for this his enthusiastic 1, Time, :iiH '. New Mexico and 111 was Levy New Mex- third. cause In the I, powir. the solii; numbers. She Manner Mark of the Sixth race, one mile Cross I H er, strike, the fundamental lew of the condition of th,. Ik lum In the cliih, aHkiiiK for a match hluh cost of livitm from which the also to beard to espiclal ndwnitauc ico Athletic to 1 won: 1'ncle Hen. 4 to I, sec ber company heri" applies the Sonu." The contralto slumr. ALBUQUERQUE TAXI LINE rs iikiuh iu i worklnu people of all section of the in .Mr. "Jewel in the near future. miik ; Louis, 5 2, Time, progress of the ,tate aemral. Wilson, lias a voice o, ond John to third. - Miss llolothy BALDRIDGE 13,1 pounda haa a reputa- country now suffer, due In part dally, 133 to and 1:3 late Otis- iapor Is an Independent wombrful deplh and sweetness mid CllfforJ, rrop. n scrapper. For several to the present excessive tariff. now supporting- - Tafl LUMBER COMPANY Oskey tion a hard by immedi- and while it Is she s.,im the Si, bel and Dame Martlia years heen the Idol of the coal "1 believe that only an It was as prominent in Rates same t Hack. he has ate removal of dutle from foodstuffs for preslib nt roles in Faust, while nothlnu more Roofing campa in' llocky mountain lesion. TO elecll, f JU(loti I enure Paints, Glass, Cement, the NATIONAL LEAGUE ami other necessaries of life can con- advocacy of the in tii was heard duiiiiK the At Sturges Hotel Manager Levy in now urrunfontt i"i Harmon, as Kovernor oi onto. Mr. cveiilUH of "Home Stand of gress reduce tile cost of livlnx and than her siiialnn Winters to IlKht Kddle. Crinorv OPEN SEASON APRIL 11 In- Otis regards Mr. Harmon's senlc to our Mountains" in the prison seen and Builder's Supplies. '.'2. avert the rapid spread of these 1B!t I! ! here on Fehruary intern dustrial disturbance.'' governor of Ohl i s oveiat-- d in f Kl iiovatore. Frits N. Huttinaii as Itionea sml If. "matched for a tight with ncnn the country at lare, itmtotign tie sa.s Faust was superb, and possessed of i at- one scl-ilo- Wiitljrh. n Texan lishtweiKht. at I OWNF.US that in many ways lie has made an a Kloiious tenor oiee, such as I New York. Feb. 13. The National IF MILL UWjtiitwinrTiws'ir ftr.TirA.i t las on February bul it is sal. that 1912 wan mi ktkihi-.iik- . able executive. has the opportunity of llstenliitl :'. on leauue baseball schedule for .;ui:f to i:t a your soiled elothes to if he Is matched for a bout here public at the meet Lawrence, Mass., Feb. 13. Astent 'Ohio, however, will o r p'lbll- - to. Arthur Dcane made fine Bend his on (fake- minuted and made his rich baiiloiie voice the 22d he will cancel of the league club owners here 'of the six laiae mills aunlnrt which enn sal, .Mr. litis. liegaiiliess oi The Duke City Cleaners ill' t belllti will stilled to the role. The ment with Warned. tonicht. the textile strike Is directed have Harmon, vou must reiiuniaer th-.- Seven Lakes s, nun were ciuallv itnml tn Kl irova Wl'.ST AVK. I.evy Is still with mhidule provides for 114 agreed to confi renee with member Ohio is one of greatest rcpublbanj 220 ;il.l banlam-wiiyh- The the t. lie own employes, Selected by the I most cleaning the Trinidad reason iii three of their am' with inus-mplet- o The .fames, but the states In the union. The cvrnliitt us a w h ,e was a Hotel Kid WiUanl, of (lallni.. days than last year, beginninn , Central Iabor union. While repre be n'is plant Iu New Mexico. and ahorler President Taft, and think t ti treat, and whk a c demon a twenty-roun- d iro on Washins-u.ii'- h one day earlier and closintr tour nays ntatlve of the American Federation up mmy Chaves, New Mexico. . Outside Orders Rollolted. for were plain' to set- summed me suuauoi, stration of the l.ut that A lbu,(Ucr,ile birthday, and It is believed he earlier. The season will open on April of Labor arratiKini! to the iiy.-teli- at general his recent referem-- appreciates the really ttood in music. will Hi'.ccied In brlneiiiK these livn 11, New York at llrooklyn; Philadel- tle the like the committee which reached lis most spectactn if fiood Ai'fouiinoiliitioim. Plttsbtirtjh at St. of the Industrial Worker of the lb- l.ovs toKcther. K ho does, the phia at lloston; declaring culmination when the l.a te Msrry to Oil l iiiN. tana will witnets the fast- l.ouis, and ChteaKO at Cincinnati. The World was in the country Is not look (iciicial .MiTcliniiillsc. 8. all but won and still maintain- blew mi. The est exhibition In the Minarod circle season will close on October strike foe men w It H hlahlv pronounced or REPORT OF ARREST 9 Although the schedule was adopted ing that the strikers would abide by ever staged in .New Mexico. I policies at present aiul iu J. E. ELMER, Prop. & It was for no aKieeiiienl that not reached extreme National foundry noth- unanimously discussed my opinion, Mr. Taft Is the n in Manager I.evy declare that Charles W. Murphy of Chloiiuo. through a conference of the uenernl - way of listi'' hours. U' lieolile Will Show til. i uti- ing but the best In the' wa the most dissatisfied member be- committee with the entire body of mill bom the entertainment koch tr.mi now on and with the a tidence." Co. cause of conflictiiiK date Kent. ,f tbe OF Machine pre- if SANCHEZ with this auiiraiUee It Ih safe lo American Uaaue on live Sunibiy dnr-In- Mr. Otis is a personal fricni dict the hexing xame in thin city l'IKST I.A HIIIIM'K. TIIFX BROX- - uresldeni and some time aim, While dint the season. Mr. ."l"f-i"l)-f-f-- will continue to be Immensely pop- The only other work accomplished urns. In the capital, took lunch with General Foundry Work, J ular. was approval of a staff of um- That was the case with Mr. W P. Taft. at which time he was part U n the Ky. "My wife wa Willi what l.i i. pit ni ami us Castings. Last nitiht Alfredo Fnlnsuir, who re- pires, including two new arbitrators. Halley, McCreary, larlv impressed as usual PAI,OMSt HOTni:SPIUNtlH Iron and Brass City, taken down with a severe attack of he rl.ed as he unfsllliiK DENIED cently appeared here In a '"'"I with Clarence owens of Kansas charuett I dull). formerly with the American Associa- la arippe. which run into bronchitis, ftoodt nature of the executive, ev en in Stage lemon Inulo twice J BABBITT METAL. the nnoiha Kid, Issued a challcnfie ' coiiuhed a tho' she had consump ciimpuiKn. l ovM -- t rill en, Gregory, to make i ' S tion, was appointed to take the place she the midst of a vigorous meet aurceinx Hay, C. Hush, of tion and could not sleep at night. The extensive inter- A. JXMI S. Prop. Mexico. 2 pounds at the riiiKside. fa lima r is of Hank and ll. Honey Itesldes his other I'tlM'irr Albuquerque, New liavenporl, , was appointed an first bottle of Foley's and Tar ests, Otis Is ii n enthusiast on the T Kngle. . M. 1 said to be dever wrapper, and will Comiinund save so much relief Mr. emergency umpire. her subject of short-hor- n dairy cattle, of Socorro likily be Riven an oppoi lunilv lo nnvt will be retained as that she continued usim? It until she n, Former Sheriff 1m The veterans lias a line sl'iek farm I iialliip ready or all H and lie man, who follows: It. 1). F.nifile, J. Johnstone. wa permanently cured." J. to weight, which is aboui Fln-ncra- n, County Goes to Hillsboro comers at his W illiam Hreiinan. Mai Kason, W. o'Htelly Co. 1 :i hKhl, win- . r'alnzar is willing William Klein and Charles Filed by ner take all. or any other way. In Answer to Complaint any rn.s KiMlct. fact, he siyn he will meet ti Kb in. Hitler and Owens each sinn- Sierra County Attorney, the (iallup llKhlwei)ll "lay IllipoMC ed a contract' for three years. COLONEL PITCHER IS DARRUW DEWlRNUb just to net a chumc to flnht hlni. No siiKKcstion of changes were re- in ported by the rules committee. Chair- There is no Remorse 'The man John M. Ward said ll was not (P'hil rormimnilraer to Murium .luuraull likely any chaiiKes In plnyitiK rules Socorro, N. M ., Feb. 13. Former TRANSCRIPT OF IcTt CHICHESTER S PILLS would be made this year. HMALBUOUEROUE kihellrf thTollllllo KilllcheX till" Cold' Gray Dawn of the Morn- morning for I llllshoro In rosp. nnc to al KmU h J ,1 I Sllclil'l leth lryit tf llcii-lo- n DKplcases liyhl I'aiu. telephone luesaKe fom a Mr. San-ch- , VUlm in It 4 J iiftnic Hol- Kvtulail that warrant lor ' i!4 Oakland, l'a',., Feb. 13. Fritz sworn out III Sleiii: When You Drink w had been After' Iitij or rur Hern of ing J mi lhr. land of Spokane and Otto TESTIMONY collllty ciliilglllg li in with election oreuon, tonlRht founht ten rounds to ON EAST ' a draw hue. The de Islon was unpop- . I I'll lids. ular, spectators favoring Herts. The warrant was Issued on the con- - 01 D BY ORDfiQISTS LVCRWKlKE the If Ilia-- This is the second time the men plaint of Kdward l. Tilt man. a j Kllens-Iiui- candidal, have foiiBht, the first flttht In Prominent Officer in United; born attorney anil defeated Beer Wash., resultliiK in a draw af Attorney For McNamara's for slate senator In the recent election. Glorieta ALBUQUERQUE FOUNDRY ter ten rounds of hard lisihtlnn. Army Will Be Here It wiim alleged In the complaint thai1 States Lawyer Will Institute Investi- the Socoiro county sheiilf visited AND MACHINE WORKS While knocked Cat. .Monl'cilo, Sierra county, on the day Sailor Over Today; Says Trip Has in Which ',1 vi.l-- ; New York, Feb. 13. Al Palzer of gation of Manner of election and ther,. iiulinidat Remorse Comes From Cheap Imitations heavy-wein- re- the demo- New York, the who No Significance. Indicted, em who Intended lo ciisl Kiijilnecr. Koumlf M hlnlita Ct-lutr- s, cently knocked out Al Kaufman, was Client Was cratic ticket. of Pure Beer r. far too stronn for Sailor White of Frit nils of Mr. S in, h, r. are not In- I'liinphiK I'lant. Itcpalr Work litooklyn. knocking out hi opponent 1 ), Hpltt- - the fact lliat lie In to vl.-i- t clined to take the charges very neti-- I N. M Antonio, Texan, .11 d Krtul for mllniatf. Albiiuuemiifi. with a heavy rlxht hook to the Jaw Kl l'ano and San Hv M,rnl Juurnid I Wlr l oiihly. It In pointed out thai the former j In the fifth round of a scheduled ten route to WaahliiKtou from San Ktan-clsc- Kels 13. Kali ll"K-er- wan born and raised In Monti- - S. A., l.on AnneleH. sheriff round bout here (onlKhl. Paper's I'olonel W. I., ritclur. f. Clarence S. Harrow's attorney, ci 'In and is very popular there, heavy bodv punches weakened White. who HiriviM In Alliuiiier,Ue took action today looking toward an the frli lid of almost every man, o- -, Mogollon niulit, denleiV to a .Morning Jourtril InvestlKiitlon of the alleged llistif-- . nun, and child In tlie preoiini. Fori & Ice Co. j Cornell Crew Is Training. reiorter that liin tii aa of any Ilclency of the transcript of evidence this reason it Is considered extremely, Southwestern Brewery Ithaca, N. Y.. Fell. 13. F.very man cial HlKnillcnnce. on which his client wan Indicted. unlikely that lie would find ll nei n- - j elht-oare- il Auto Line nil last year's 'varsity ImiirovliiK ItiiH oiior-- t Ilogern who asserted that the resort to intimidation or other. ; Stage and on i ant Jut saiy to Albuquerque, N. M. crew reported to Coach Courtney unity to tltl-- i woiKicrtul counliw transcript did not contain the testi- lawless mean to exercise consioei. Phones 57 and 58 DAILY this, the llrst day of Cornell Cniver-slt- v of yoiirH," Iji the way i'olonel Pitcher mony of all witnesses heard by the nlile Influence In the precinct. Lctivs Silver City, 7 . . rowinit practice for 1!U2. Work explainliiB liia lor Jury which Indicted Harrow, com- put ll in reimon rand II is generally believed In re thai Arrlv Mngollon, 4 p. m. started In full swlnn with seven and alio for mali-Iu- k issued subpoenas for the foreman and disap- varsity and toliiiiK off here body, the charges ui'e the result of l.rav MoRolion, 7 a. M. binations of candidate Hiich wide detour via Kl Paso s.oretsirv of thHl investigating pointment at the result of the recent 4 I hrcc freshmen cIkIiI. on hla way en Hi. ihe official stenographer and several n III be cle ,r-,- d Arrive Silver City, p. m. . and San Antonio ebellon that Mr. Htn.iux had any con- witnesses. in 'Special can on requeat. Aked If hi trip here to- ll lite charges are ever aired Mike (ilhboii Victor Over lllck4 nection with the proposed tKialdiBh-Itioli- l The subpoenas are returnable court. 13. Mike liibbolis All'U-,iieriii- e in Judge Mutton's Call or Vt, Pi M New York. Feb. regimental punt ill morrow morning A ricently sent out rroin address C. W. Man of n report 1 heavy weitsht, won a hard San-chc- x 1 1 1 the St. Paul department, he court. llill.-b't-o 11 appear Mr. i A I Wi,.r ottr. N. U. Freddie l,y the war contemplated n made thai r I7l,"r, f foiiRht ten round bout from It linn not, hut I ISouer said he hereby Dl i toniiiht. anmvered; "X,i, Investigation of the manner in bad been arrested slid If waK ana iviapie i dusucu iuuimg Hick of lietrolt here he more than pleaioil to lie W. C Kendall. Thin wan far from tin A maturity the rinsside crow'' would which were returned. of d, tailed on nueli a mimlon. an I thlnK the inillctmeiiln truth, sitae Sheriff Kendall has mil (llbbon the better of each round - Builders' Supplies SPECIAL VAUDEVILLE lave thin In a Krainl country. I like the be ii Iu Socorro sine- the issuance oi except the seventh. of- - - noutliwint. For y, am I hh xlationcd DEATH REMOVES NEGRO 111 rrant. Tile Sierra coiinlv FEATURE in where 1 IniiKlit ln.lliiri! fl, r did. however, notify Mr. Sun hot N. First Street I'a- -l Ten Hi. in, Draw. Arizona, t til, Lumber Co., 423 (leiieral I Hinf U'dun WHO WOULDN'T BE FIRED bv leiei.hone of the la, that Albuquerque 12. Medford. ore., Feb. 13. Hobby under i'ooke. '" d him IVfti Martin MOXD.W. Mil. liixon WaKhlnxti u on leave 01 Hluteiice in paper h ot be, n Innued, and imk 'I Kvans of Portland and Youmi so that return iihkoi lot Kansas City. Inuunt a last leu not on any official iiilnnlon." visit llilisbor.i Ricardo-MILLER-Juan- h Htatloiien made. ita round draw here tonint. foloiiel Pitcher heeii Washington. Feb. IS. Thomas Inland. California, for noine at Anifel Itrown. 11 n, gro laborer in the capltoi. In of h, nt know n 3 Heels KvcTjr time. He one the iihn twelve yearn ago declined to lie of Now Picture army. !! - lm oliicem of the riiiiilar lired'- died today of old age. COLEMAN BLANK COMPANY ttonlRht. leaving al ...... r .all lilii.Li I'olll. 15 OK X. will be here until Ilrown entered the service of the . MacldiilsN and 1 ' " r ; " ; " MIMTKS I'l colonel Is l oumlcr-- " - for Kl Puno. The In Oil!., but more a n- - .li - ELKS' THEATRE mldnUht than CP-H- i Machiiil-- I ami I iriciiiiin 11 Alvarado. -. ORPHEUM THEATRE uuent Ht the decade ago. Colonel "Irtck" PrUlil. Irrigation Plant-- .. Write n for lieu re- ' th.n ergeant-at-aric- s of the senate. Kecoiul mill 4'hI. Tin: SOI M ' JOOI sought to discharge him. Machinery I". A1AVAVN -- IOC Mon. February 19 HEALTH. way with all Ihnt American Pumping M. MlMlsslON kid- "tin from lore ,.. 111. X. I not for those mitierinK from foolish talk," p.rown retorted. 'I lll.TII VIHll. .n.iiivii.ivir. ney ailments unit irrej;ulnrltle. The hi, veil I got time to talk to you. I v pri.mpt of Foley, Kidney Pills got my work to do.'- - .4 Sputum ie Cup Fillers will dispel hackache and rheumallniii. Scleral senators interceded ror heal und nireiinthen ore, weak and Ilrown and the or.b r of dismissal war ( ft",f;J GERMAN Ml i LED ailing restore normal action, x nn. I .?olinsiir kldne, withdrawn. 9 L III Id lirr and with it health and idrenKth. Mra. is Matb rsTA Brown F. Sialsl'tiry, Sterling. 111.. II. h: GLIDE fcMj fcv iSJV lOO l great pain in my hack AEROPLANES tor $1.00 and kidneya. could not aleep al niuht. and could not rain my hands over OVER NEW YORK CITY til my head. But two hotllea of Foley Kidney cured me." J. 11. I- of Pilla OF l USi: Wl I - "T II IT. O liiclly Co. .;. New York. Feb. 1.1 Two sensation- If our bread. cake. pic. etc. aeroplane flights were made our promlae. Williams DrugCo. IjImm- - t hi. nil on Wil-oi- l. al hre shouldn't come up to to hydro-aer-ophin- answer f. today. Frank Coffvn In hi f i'akery Ilea In the Trenton. .V. J.. Felt. 13. otflcern third flight over The beautv depend mid of the cxeciitlie hoar' made his the fact that you''can alway . ('enitnl. I I'Imiiio IW memlxm ten H pro- every Baking Problem. ' Uliie root. w of New York hal.or within the last on the purity end tialitv of of the N. Jersey Federation ij V. Ileatty flew over biscuits, hor callert on ilmernor Woodrow Wil da and llontr duct our bread. roll. Firxer-Whit- er Harvard pendiiiK I' from Nassau lloiilevard. I'lig Island, cake and pastry arc good all son toih.y and .llwiissed bunn It's Islation in uhlch oiani.ations and landed in Central Park. the time For under no circumstance FOR SALE I'offvn flight wan highly speeta, anv but the best material are Interested. both do we use loiter the federation representative Including dip underneath or alight the baking no matter how More Urviforrrv A tlm-sr- e Itrooklyn Manhattan bridges A today ard hnusp. lot of li d res4.ltitit.iin the gov the and great Ihe rush. trial order s movinff truck, A College liar nlih 'adopt, enl..rsinK a well na flight over Ihrm at a LARABEES-Famou- . ll ernor atlitiifle with regard lo or ill mean another tomorrow. by I.bwkin rollern, jack nwinilw In lli height Toil "" feet. rim nt lehtn uanize.i workers. of or Made M;'kr n,e nn Ileitiv s flight took him over ffr. TIIKATI K p.rok!n spire and New GERMAN PROCESS. rnixcrs Maiiw Kalfvil lo llartior hul. church A. 1 York's skyscraper, lie snooped into D. JOHNSON. Xcw York Havana. Feb. J. The hulk of Ihe dir. wa to harlw.r level Central Park meadow jot si dust, Maine raised the so th .t he hardly w t PIONEER BAKERY A todav and nw- lie m. Mired within the stiff from f.d.l ROGERS silverware; , A Jury ha been aide lo dismount. IN every sack.,' - lnt-n- cofferdam. mast COUPON St mtt on salt- t 'erected to raise an American flag n 207 South First Street 17- - February 15. the fourteenth annlvcr ollf. SATl ftlAY. IT:i. I "iXUkiU A PILLS. sary "f the destruction of the ah p. The parly who was een removing GROSS, KELLY & CO. the s. at from a l.n ycle in front f THE WM. FARR COMPANY Kuual SnfTrago In IHiki. the rp heuni theater on Tiica.!) 1 (Wholesale Grocers.) Col,, nihil. i.. Feh. 11. Kipial night, can avoid trouble l.y returning WholeaaU and retail deier Prices 50c, 75c In a Morning Journal. rs lfl provided for proposal ranif. to the Meal Sauwifci a Al!arrjuc. Tucnawani, E. 'rfa, X. tt Mia ndoot,-.- ! FYrth and Salt Ia hi, h wh bv the ruftrage bl-(- CO . mmm and ttoga th 1 ILowa, TrluitUd. tcl T. Law, and $1.00 .ommitt.f of the Ohio constitutional jOocullc Crrtm IfllliTinl W.Tnf Arfe tpeclnlty. For cattle ItM, OtfH. ki. . ' 1 1 VOU' la I v.ll market iiic r iIX

"1 -- n-rn- cj 1 -t--u i e-- ow 41 ' on mu III .tC ' V 1 minw saie. for I ll ll li dozen Women's Xainsmik I.s (li)ztn 10 dozen Women's S - s for 79c Women's uhk 15 tloreti Women t.i t efM '' f fluent llt- Ci illicit Wdm-ii'- Plain White extra er Ktt-- i;tt Ntnstln Vl" 25 rlozcn Women's I 'juality Muslin (towns, cM)d Oif'S' d 7 dozen Women's fine Clowns, low neck, sleeve, emhioid ("owns. uality nushn, Outing' Manuel (lm extra illjj (towns, test vmlity. ;issort-e- short lieoats, tiinimvd with fine eye - Outing Flannel Ciowns. worth ery trimmed, liijjh neck (Jovvns in pink- ;ml Mne strie, -- Nainsook Nijjht (towns, trim- and embroidery trimmed, tiijli neck, lieavy, fancy stripe, $l.Jo val- colors, $1.75 value on ale ttinnr.ed wTtli linen torchon let embroidery flouncing. $1.35 fine embroid-er- v long sleeve, a special $1.(X) long sleeve. $1.50 value on sale sale $1.(K, on sale for med with iiality 'f inline 5V value mi ue on sale for for lace, a 75c value on sale for value mi sale for lr , a $1.25 value on sale for value on sale for for 29c each 75c $1.19 59c 79c 49c 79c 98c 75c

Nainsook $3.50 White Drawers and Muslin Drawers Nainsook Com- Finest Corset The Great Black Silk Petticoats House Sacques Corset Covers and Corset Covers 19c bination Suits Covers 50c Petticoat Special for Petticoats $L49 Petticoats at 50 doyen on sale- - The $2.95 for 39c 25 dozen on sale The 5 Combination Corset Drawers are umhiella style. doen 25 dozen on sale This lot o Women's dainty lace $2.00 Drawers have hemstitched Covers and of 10 dozen fine Nainsook Cor- The best ever in Ta'niri 10 dozen Women's Flannel- embroidery Drawers made consists of the famous Closet i!. oh'U or closed ami Covers, b'rench Messalinc and silk ! CM and embroidered trimmed 7 doen Women's extra fine tucked ruffles; the Corset fine Nainsook and elegantly set jjrey enf Jersey Top in satine, black and Jere ette Mouse Sacijues in dark and trimmed. The Corset Cover with silk taffeta rut lie in white Nainsook. einhroidcrx Covers handsomely trimmed trimmed with (ierman Val. broidery, values to $1.00, on white stripe satine, also navy (jrti't white Petticoats, worth 5. arc made of all-ov- er embroid- line assorted colors ;md black, hubt patterns, values o 75c, trimmed IVttieoaK a $.V5d with lace; all 35c values, on lace and embroidery medallion, and white satine. values from on sale for ery and lace trimmed: jiosiiive sale values to $5.00, on sale tor on sale for value oi sale sale for a $2.00 value on sale for $1.25 on sale for fr values up to 75e, all on sale for to $1.50. $1.49 $2.00 39c a pair 19c each $1.25 50c each 79c $2.95 39c

u. House Sacques Children's Cashmere House Dresses Ladies' fine wool Tailored Waists Wool Waists at Aviation Caps Aviation for 69c Dresses for 89c Dresses for 89c for $1.25 Skirts $3.95 at 75c $1.50 for 39c Caps 5 Children's lot 1 IX new 10 5 CO 5 Women's tine An extra value in (ialetea doen navy and One Ladies' House Skirts tor Spring dozen ;'ood quality Union dozen Wool l'atiste Waists 20 dozen Aviation Caps in doecn extra One lot Caps, btow ii Cashmere Dresses, size Dresses in black and white wear, select stvle. assorted col- Linen Tailored Waists, em- embroidered and plain tucked Aviation haul ittality Flannelette House Ihtssos, I'leuch stvlc, lilue and combination white and blue and 2 to ( years, trimmed with vel- Sliepaid checks, jrood ijuality ors and black in all wool ma- broidered, in Copenhagen blue, styles in cream, navy, tan. crocheted in all leading colors, s on white sizes 2 to h, values values, Siumie. values to $t.50, strie, vet to match, values to $1.50, percale, neatly trimmed with terial. alu? to S10.(X). on sale helio and vv hite.'values to $1.50. brown, light blue and black, white and red. foe on sale on sale for embroidery collar for v allies. ( in ale sale for to $,J5, on for t and cuffs, fn sale for values to S3. 00. on ale fvr de for -- I values to SJ.U. on sale for a; 69c 89c 89c $1.25 $3.95 75c $1.50 39c 59c o Entire Stock of Ready-t- o -- wear Garments to Be On Sale At Nearly Half Price - -Some o at UJ Half Price and Other Garments at LESS THAN HALF PRICE. occ CO 200 Men's Suits and Overcoats On Sale BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS Suits Overcoats intheLatest Styles arid Final Clearance of Men's and 4 Colorings. Sold and worth from $19.00 to $23.50, On Sale at the Y0UR CHOICE OF ANY BOYS' STRAIGHT PANT SUIT IN Extra Special Price of THE HOUSE; VALUES TO $7.00. ON SALE EXTRA SPECIAL $ 1 4.95 the Suit $ 1 .89 the Suit THUS OAL SALE B- -EGEN A y 1 1


i . 9 ll V ifj vU? lui v w v h -- 4

i i ; ' o try juj ' w '": - - - ' Rr"- - - .. I ' - n...... -. - - ii'-"- lti in " ' a in 1m i inn n 1

IE. "We Do What We Advertise" UJ n : THIS SALE IS FOR! ma MLt ib run mi T i In lyl RULE DRY GOOPS at i C 0 m sh y No Goods Sent On Approval ANNOUNCES No Goods Sent On Approval


cii2-toili- pa M mitiii ti rn tti - i Positively the Greatest and .Most Phenomenal Money Saving Sale of the Year

CM cr (l STOCK - AAl cc ZD MQ0 CC (B co KOTWfQl UALITY wane A Remarkable Purchase by Our New York Bayer Who Bought All the Broken Lines T)C and Odds and Ends From The United Mail OrderillHouse of New York City, at ... . (LQZIfllS OU the Dollar They Did Not Have Enough of These Goods to Catalogue, Hence the Reason for Selling Same at Such a Sacrifice. Stock Consists cc of Everything Most Desirable for Women and Children Wear; All Sizes to Be Had. O See Great Window Display of Greater Values for Less

occ UJ o3 .77ms Vast Assortment of High Grade Garments and General Merchandise Go On Sale CO LU THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, AT2P, M and Will Be Sold At the Lowest Prices In the History of Albuquerque

,1 si Wi Si t Five D r, V m r ZZJbQ&r& Items On Sale, MOTE--Sto- re Closed AH of Thursday SIX. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14; 1912.

AW IXtiRFEMlRKT XEWWMr'EH. Tin-- : MfciiHY tatf.iiooi Of il!t:;ser; Tixoi.n COMMERCIAL CLUB KOCH PRESIDENT OF The Socorro Chief titln expresses the lilortiinrj nournal frrllnK of at food many of u, Irre pectlve of party affiliation or previ ADOPTS DRAFT OF THE AMERICAN (Official ear nf flaw Mallei) ou condition of servitude, when It rutilfahad.'! t Ih say: linglc JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. "It make onu' anatomy to the very toea to read how Honorable GOOD ROADS BILL LUMBER CO A MATHBIIKO.V pwalilelil George Curry and If. U. FcrKtisson, T McCKKIUIIT MailllKT our representative ' conKtcss, are M mirra H epreae I a I , asking for what bcloiia to New '. J. AMtKMMIV Martinet la Halltllna. Ill, Mexico, not a beiuar now hut a hir. representative of American ellly.en Committee Named to Prepare Board of Directors Finds Af raatern rWppaaealstlae, MAI I'll H. Ml I.I.IOA.V. blessed with all the rliihta and prlvl-IcK- e An Act Makes Report; E. E. fairs of Big Concern in Ex wmem M I'ark tuw, hmw )trk. of other American citizen. Soon Rnierad as sea'-rl- mattsr th. ttc ah.ill have two fnlted State sen- Van Horn Explains Cream- cellent Condition Under Pi es ixiciiffl at Albunaarqua. N M . uniiar a:i we shall of Concraaa .f Man a J. I', a. ator In conarcaa and then ery Proposition, ent Management, he In condition to atrut about with a TH K UHHSIVO JOCHNAl. IH 1MB MCAUINO JtKIM HI.Ii AM PAI'KK Of NKW Krcot Mr chip on each shoulder if we MKXICU. HI I'POpTISH TUB r'fIN''l IM.I;i OF 111 If HKITHI.KA V PAIlTT want to." At a wtdl attended aowtlon lat I. IJ. Koch, for some time past ALL, TUB TIMK. AND Tllli MKTIUdiH nlicbt. Albiioueriiiie Coiiimercla I manager of the American TItK RKIMIRI.K.'AN I'ARTT WHfc.N the ir st re-- lulj on Company, wa elected president Tllltr ARK HMIHT. Tbe want to ntlopted reaolut Ion Kiilimllteti the aiihject of vsood roinls, which reao-liilio- n nt the meeting of the board of di- cavalry one-thir- d because II Larirar rireulalli.n itia anr "ihar paper duce the embnilie.l a draft of a bill rector held in this citv on Monday. only par I N forth-eiimln- in Saw Tha ft. la too large In propmtion to the real for enactment Into law by the K Mr. Koch iiceed James A. Da nahcr. Mastm Mri. day In tin yar. luil vrr of the army. MlKht It not he a licltor mate leKialuttire. In nddilion who took the presidency at the time TEKM OF arilHt'HIPTION. the club llatencd to ll dctalli'd expla- of the leoriraniialliin of the company, HOi-- h. h. Hon to Increase the Infantry and Qo tmily. tty ealttcl. nil rtc.iilil nation from K. K. Van Horn who with the underptiindinK that he was east i Dully. by mall, mm nx.iill ,....t.' aitilh-r- to fit the cnvalry? propor.ea to eHtabliah a creamery In to serve temporarily, and who resign In "Tha Morning; .liairnal nan a thi city to cont upward of Ilfl.HOii. ed accordance with that stipula la lilhrIn any I tion. It. K. Dunalier, son rtlr. than A Colonel fliyan aaya he not The coinmltlee havluu; In charge the of the AlH eitiar in N'aw Maalen. Ilia Amari cnnviiHBlim t:i.000 aiock uh- - former president, becomes chairman wntilrln flnnlc: nf rlrinlfitirf 1 fni ak ll ft h Kawapaiwriarr tilrcifiry. bond to keep the peace. It for the f in fit arni ran under acriptlon to k urc the butldlnar of a of Ihe board of directors, with A. A. bud Idea to aend him I AMII'WCKKQI'IC NKW MRXP'O mlKht not be n tin it if factury. aln nunle u report Keen retaining the post of necrctary lo Join l nl. WnttcTMin in ine c.ver to the i lull, hIiowIiik it had placed and treasurer. ' 11 HI, CUO likely The wa he you get beer? lilaile or I It the Creiit Hlmnl of the ntock and would board of director reduced not 6urc turc If WiM complete ll work by the time the from eighteen to fifteen in numh"r, no 3 Hw amp ? 88 i'IiiIi on I lm. iln. successors holns named to three if from a ligKt bottle tliat Kas been exf H H ; The maul roiida resolution were members. The director pres- rWliy U by a appointed ent in to .VI r. were C. We know the tobacco trnut aubmilted committee addition Koch --si - on Ihe aulijecl, A. Otis A. to ligKt. you are not sure. , biiated from the fact the Culled lo conabler and act of Cleveland, Ohio; C. ht coiikIkIIiik of A. II. McMlllen. V. 11. IMuck of Detroit, Alien.; Hurlon Ad- lli Comimny him Cluiir M'iiiiufiiclurera' Hill. mint, r and A, ll. Hiroiip. The ams of Ijiihiuiuf . town; tie Aft .1 1 I ---.-3 it tock pledue Commercial K. T i. ftl TJ) M Voted to lncreo common rcKolillloii ihe Uolver of ChieiiKi,; Ii. Danahcr nf v ' i vtr ijigiu biuris uwuy, uvsn pure Deer. Q ll V V Hum fifteen to twenty million. lub to Ihe coriHtriictloii of a Camlno Detroit, and I). U Webb of Warren. in Ileal by Ktitte iind of lute M?J ' . "i the oilier Ohio. !!- m ll1 iiinl recommend that ap- r J.' jl j pun lilKlin The number t.f the directorate Tho iipertltlon that capital propriate law bo prnvidlnK Expressed I 1 -- - , 11,17 !' V enacted present themselves as hlkh " ' - 1 L 'v pat taf 1 1 I vala ulwu 01 '7''. I employment of convict ly pleased I I till 1 BBI idhment the extreme, penally ha lor the labor Willi the condition of the in 1 1 T--i a - upon the IiiiiIiIImk of The company mil 1 I n by liu alate road. ntialrs. ''We are hlkhlv Rteel-enamel- ed ill' ahiiltered the sentence Muhil i.ina Hpecllicully provide, how w tanks. livery tub, vat and tank Jj M ii eneouraKcd," said Mr. Otis of Hit iiiiaed on a Kunna man to obey hi I t .wtaii. ever. li.i convict lalmr Kluill not be Hoard to a Morning Journal reporter. WlOHTT lTI lt A IIOV l, wife for alx month. eliMilnyeil in ImikIiiibmi In which it "Ivverything Is In most Kratlfyinn scalded every time used. Every bottle is sterilized compete jl tyH itill.i: mt iii:h. Khali with free labor. The condlllon and the ntith o is nil that recuiiimendalinn la made that to fur- could he desired." III , 1,1 A . .... It him come nt Inat. A mirfninelle ther llie Iiullillnu; of Kood road by ill uiiMinlln. 11, iTi nvan.i.1. lyvvit!,.. ilniu wuiuuws lit uui uoillini;L.i i j Within the next alx inoMh" two umpired a name of hitHchnll tho other alate an. I county uinhnrltlca the that l Rrcat International rifle limichea will day In California. There ore no lituiueiit t.ixia for the year prior ii J)lant are of brown glass. lo Hill be by appropriate act con l.e held, the flrat III ArKentlnii, fur world left for her lo conijner. verted into Hliite and county roud SUNSET COMPANY (niiilx; that I lo aay Ihe porlloii down In Hoi.lh Ainerie.'i, n.i.l the that ' 1 (Icneral yiljncn hn proved a poor of Hie dcllniiient luxe belnnulnu to ltep - Tbe Brown Bottle pro- - In Hweilcn, one of the nioai biiltd-Iri- other peaceiiuiker. How did Ihey expect Ihn Hlate v!o Into a fund for the liorthern of clvlllr.e,! coiintrlca. The of al.ile road and Ihut portion I a from New Mexico - OAS NEW BOARD kjciiiuz purity y flF l Iloer iroinxiie r tournament at HuenoM Ayrea will fltilillnu of the tax,- helonKlnu to the courtly to alop H war? no into the county roud fund. The continue from NUv 14 to Muy 21, proporcd act tlrafted for cniictiiient to your glass. Vy which mean late autumn in that Into law authorize the county er part of the world. It Hill he for How can Hnrali Uernhnrdl bo on of the aeveral coiintle to levy a property purpoac 0 DIRECTORS rtiarkimen from the New World a (he vaudeville ntaue when hn hiin'l lux for road mixed In any acundal for not cxcffdinii five mill on the PiIm American ulfalr. Then will fol been tii riccis p" low the ureal rifle competition jit the year? Kollowlna; the uiloptlon of the reso Olympiad (Olympic Kiunea) In Htock-liol- lution reported hy Ihe special com- c mittee, (he tlls- - 29 Cahexon ha Joined tho prore-alv- club member present Annual Meeting the Hvvedlah capltill June In UHsed the sub eel lilitl It was nyrecd of Stockhold 6. rank. They are about lo build solidated Liquor Co. July that Mep should be taken to pliKh the Held a brand new hridm iieror the lllo prnpoF-e- bill leitlKlatute ers Yesterday; New ) riflemen, any the Clove before the ' American when II meet next j month at Simla apecliil for Puereo. Plant in Operation at Cer- - All)iijiicrfn!i land Leader, huve a renaoti K and urae lis enactment Into law. Ave, SlfefetC ( I dlrlnjr to be well repnuented In oplc of Ihe propoHctl law will lie rillos, $ tournnmenta hecauae there In to Mr, Kill, iiIho, it appear, In ii iii'iilHhrd member of the ICHlHliiture theaa tin Ir Inl'oriiiailnu. he a ureal International rifle com- merry old phlliinthroplHl who enjoj ir tnkliiK a fall out of u fellow The dull acted adversely on it let petition In connection with the I'erry ter inliireaNed to the i.l'Hi. inn by The Sunset Mining & HmehliiR centennial celebration next year Ii. K. II. Heller, vice prcHident of the Cniupnny held lis unniiai stockhold Then It In hoped and expecled that 'rlHlate tiood Itnatla iiaHociallon, rct-tlv- e ers' meetliiK lure yi sterility, at which fnrrln countries will aend criick Mr. Morae aald to be cunvaleaclnR lo crentltiK the office of slale various Important matters nf business not penl-ti'iitla- mad commlsi.louer, which official were attended to. A new bourd t.f at Camp rapidly. Thla will niake the - markainen to the mime would la come a member of the pru- till cctor.-- t whs elected for Ihe cnsuln.( treiitmcnt nny more pupiilar. f , Terry, near Tort Clinton. The belter iiwd rtnti) road coiiimlaalon, i n Hist - year us Alexis with, K. L. inn of Hie the. I'nlted Mliitei la repreaenled lit unveriuir, state etiKliiecr Irose Hint J. I', fiood ol this ; Now If the McNaniiira had and land couuuisslorier, Mesra. I'hil Kickniaa ml' l.:l W. L. tlm Arijentlne metropolis, and the Mock McMlllen opposed l'ns.i. and their tlvnumlu enemy tn hlowlnV Mroiii, and Ktaley of I C rrlllna, Ihe littler he-lu- g Hnedinh capllnl the more likely the the HiiuucHtlon on lh vrioiiid ihnt ll presldeiii or up Han FYnnclaco'a Chinatown wu not feiiMllile to the conipiiny. The will he to brinu create another new illiei-toi- n Ohio celebration stale ofllce. They cxpliiiueil that the iHrard of will hold y to the abort ljike In the next ,ew days, ill fanioiia riflemen of - pruporllloii ciiiitaincd In the auue-liii- n Homebody oilnlll to fill! it illi'lll- which ollii-et- Ihe year r.rif. wu virtually embodied III the for comliiK uniph In the proper room of a ccr proporcd Kootl rnads law by will he (elected. President Htal-- y aklll of American markmnrn tlrufled report Hint The tain residence nt Oytcr Hay. Ihe special coinmlltee. Henry laick-ai- t the new cnnecntratlnK hit alwayii been aomcthliiK morn iiiovi'il thai the letter be laid oil mill nl Cii illlcs was put In operation country- about a nuiiith ago and that Ihe mill than aource of pride In their IhnI the table, uhlch motion prevailed. Aviation will be at iicceful 10. K. is now in perfect adjustment. men. Riven a d Van Horn addresHctl thn It hat when they make It. harder to come eluli nt nre hu been The Icnuth on Hie etabllHhmcnt concentrated ai nae of necnrlty In time of need. doHn tlmii to o up. nf a proposed creamery In A lumpier and Ihe president says it has been mntka-Inaiiahl- p 111 bin hi at Biithorltlea Day Ihnt Hue lo cost IKl.iliiii. Mr. Van Horn demonstrated tMat th,. company can The Beer 21 la two-thir- d of the aoidicr. iiKiee to bull, the creamery and have suceesHlally concent rule all lis ore Mr. Tuft hu coiiMiitiied tho whole It In ope provided Into a product. 8otne make the proportion ureatei riitluii. Ihe club will hith iirude blame Iicmocracy to the Cocked lint purchase lor him a site. He doc "Development work nt the mine," All the world know that t than that. Club. not ask Ihe tub to spend uny money said Mr. Stab y yesterday, has been a race of men who ahooi airaluht until he has tullllled his part of th rushed, ami we now have over IH.Otlil That MilwauEiee aKreemeiit, He ask the money good y Made and atendlly miiat nlwuya be a bard that Ions of r ore What I In be for the alle be deposited In a hunk, and him ked out, while faces fmmi people to compier or detent, and the Mexico nerda the of when he has Ii Ih plant in operation, nil drift are In solid IiIkIi made ore. I one mi lined UKaliiHt the revolution l red in a f.ime of American riflemen to l i nil, I' him the tnonev he expend I ne x l Mile DEATHS AND FUNERALS. nonuntf draltint; substilutf uiKlieat stuff Is liclng sort In existing rf the unlet and conrlcoii notice ed Inr a site. Mr. Van Horn explain. ed fur shipment In the crude, we lor the article the treaty d III and rcRardinir resi that he had had experience the will - rlnlits of travel and aerved upon other power to l.xuure Htrlke nre reported from Law- creamery be able to ship about foil,- car- dence, which Involve passport business in Kansas. He ha loads In the Rheumatism nf attcioptlnii In wioiib the I'nlted nine, ,Ma., and Jiiarcx, Mex. laielully Invcsiiiialed of this ore the crude endi I'uiicnil of Mia. .Icnnlc Myers. question. Ihe situation month, our mill will turn out sev- Hlnli-a- . bile, he said, an, I was convinced such Ytslerduy afternoon In the chapel NTOM CII THOI'III.IN in ImluHiry would pay from Ihe start. eral cars oi eoiicenirates monthly. IIiimIiiiim to lllsciiss Treaty. KIOMCV AII.MF..NTS for ade. How n bout hiiHtliiH New Yolk We believe we (Suing of Struiis; Prolhers. wa hel( Iclo-iii'ils- To obtain Hind the He Minted In the club that he had that are to have the St. Petersburg;. Feb. I S. Th,. ts a mudi I iliuite team of rlflemi n to lliieno oclet' trim .maiiKcil fur it sallslactory rate fur plant and build up an fiinernl of Mrr. Jennie Myers, wife nntl nationalists nre plannini' o nl great Importance Avrt and to Mo kholm, the Nation-n- l shlppliiK milk In here from nearby lo this f M. F. Myer. who died Monday. hi Id a public meeting here this weel; point la ihe Hania Ke ami hud stall- section." to discuss the treaty of IN.12. which Faywood IMfle Araoiliition of America, link 4 Ilv. Hnxh A. Cooper, pnrtor of the PRAISES ANTHONY ed up farmers who owned In the I' church, conducted Ihe wn abrogated by the I'nlted States the help of llioae Inteiealed III till nciithlicrlioiiil 1 of three hundred cow services ti tut burial was In Falrvlew last leer in her. form of national piowea. The hen d SANITARIUM. who would furnish him the neceamiry cemetery. The funeral was largely Hot i.t the aaaixlatlon are In milk. The dub took Mr. Van Horn ALBUQUERQUE WIL L altended. AX El'IDFMIC OF COK.HIVfJ Springs iliiuitera proposition under consideration. I sweeplnu over the town. (Mil and and Albert K. you cured, Waahltiuton Lieutenant Mr. t yrmni; alike are affected, und the It cures, and remain Morning Lockart askcl the lull In take I'linci-a- l June, the aciretiiry, will f urn lull all i:dlor Journal. up the oi a nr-- c of 25 nf Trunk, .lone. strain Is particularly hard on little we know, and you will. If you try it. I of front mailer cent deaircd and receive all I'eur Hlr At Ihe air full made by Ihe Kon st Service The funeral of Frank June will be children and on elderly people. Fo- Considered the sreuipst Kidii'J Information ila I one III lie lo native lhee until to add wood BE held thl 11 lion,, 2 ii ley's Honey and Tar Compound I a on contribution which nifty be tnadehy In Vender. I..r the collection of BUSINESS tlei at lock '.roin water earth. word In your valuable paper and I Hi n timber on the national the chapel of A. Murders, undi rtakcr. quick, safe and reliable cure for all w-i- forest. Why not vis, FAYWOOD HOT Anicilruii proiiil of the akl'l of their iihk i workltti) lean anil wiuii.hi The The In , w ill by couuhs and cold. Contains no opl-at- i. Anlhony lender ale prnteslinK hkiiIiisI sen l. eoniiuctcd SPIUM.S first, aince you will aimntnmen In aluhllnti the rifle In tbla city lo aland by Ihe Hum fee a a lianlKhin and wan! II llev, Jesse J. linnyan, pastor Ihe J. II. n'Klellv Co. lum cottip ctil In the dam e . of eventually go there, anyway? barrel and blltlnj Ihe i enter of the Sanllai and abolished. The Cnrest Service olfl-- First llaplist churt h. Interment will al the Armory IhU evcnlliK and bill' nils will lie Inlet viewed on Ihe sub- CENTER be made In Fairview cemetery. Itoiirnc 0iMc IVnny I'o.--I. modern hotel. Perftct cl- lArael. I mi III,. htnhiii Intnl. My wife al ject. WBshlnKton. Feb. 1:1. Senator imate. Houklet. Hi In aaiiliarluin and t maklliK " President stern reported thai, llourne of tireiton. chairman of the Hi'lcnilld of titin ur . senate on T. i 51'DEKSIOTT, Tin: i nt. recoteiv from Ihe cfleeia II. Ihe n.Oiiil slock subHcrip-in- committee postoffices and Inyworal.' ktui: t ai rloii i peratlntl. Ihe cllllte ctml ii to Insure tit,, t.ullillnu of a an- pot i roads, today announced his op- - "The Can-iiiu- FAYWOOD, NKW SIEXICO. nf wbbh ill l.e within Ih,. mean of num taetnry here by the llreen h position to any present effort lo es- W e BEAUTIFUL HAIR The I... II wilt be pel ridlillR till k mi r.l'n.irv Hoilltifr man. I want tn coinyaliy bad been ralsetl ami Albuquerque Now and Always tablish penny letter puslaKC, fur the le lair lo be held In in I ai'tiallv Ihe Anthony that lilt uimiltee exneclMl lo raise li!t S. mil. w him ntid lo aak that you pub- the aibllilotial II. I" II ai an early date. the Mctiopolis and Business New Mexico tinder the anile lm m 'f lish tbia litter In your valuabb r. w run-I- . Center of the New State. Vovcrnnienl. Not only III a ,m-puiu- paM Any wotcan ho la AT SMALL COST! niplailuK Knlnu u a hnKpllal In the I be il Mil eek to make near (iituie in lux il,-- to call in me UNIVERSITY CLUB the flral teal Stale Kalr an rntltelv a i; I word Anthony Kan- - It l The f.r tho the aetlleil opinion i f soiitnl State National Bank l.ew pror"ltlnn. In e,ry Hetine of ilatium t'tlltteli t.f Albtiilletiitle will biiaitusa men of uflaira in Ihi city Ihe a elatt' ble rrourcc ex allow lllelr pllblle apltlt and help a Well .la in other pI'OKrcsaiva town of Albuquerque, N. M. wol ninny a nohle liv pairnnlKluu of A Simple Remedy poaltlon, Ihe ame nieciltm will miiae this new state that Alhiniieritie Beautifies!; but Ihe it.lin e nl the Arniorv thla t veil AT ELKS' TONIGHT Is to a areat future. While The growth of the STATU NATIONAL HANK hna been faMer ei Ihe definite !ncithn ,f a ntoxr-tocti- t Intl. II. K. W I'I CII. this is meant to Imply a ureal Brouih the Hair, Cures Dandruff, than that of any other bank In New Mexico. It ta now the third lo aeciire a aeiiernua, adequate 1 N,.tth Kiiihth Kln i I. as a hole-aliti- K slid disirlliutiiiK i en la rRest bank In the Ktate. TIIK STATU NATIOVAI, ftA X K offer V 1 1, ter, Stops Falling Hair. mid r kuI H lci;ibitite up.r.i.Haiion AhllOi:enitic. XI.. Kcb. naiitralty this carries with it every advantace and courtesy to customcra, whether their account KioW'ih in popiilatloii. l.ualnea lo enable tin lair lo be II lit retail Is laree or amalL Boys From Thiity-Tw- o and Ihe ci nsirttclion of a larue num- The following flmirea show lo l.e. ORDER OF OWLS Evanston, MMip!c the ateady rapid Increase In ber of hoiia, for the who will a I be "hat pity ll to ace so many' pnit( for the past eight year: a aitp-pmi- attracted rr.' ll ull fifrv tate IIU, i ELECT OFFICERS Accomplished Musi- her. people with thin. wIspv hair, faded on Thai the demand for honsca Is al- streaked with gray, that1 with ai pti'i II iil"ii of inoiiet ready and realize cians, Will Enteitain iie KtuwinK la confirmed hv the mo1 of Ihesp people Deposits Dec. 3!, 1904, $1 I FOR ENSUING YEAR miaht have soft. 14.316.66 Ihe atalr lair. It ft rf t hi t a alateliient of Ihe John M. Moon-i- t Klissy. pall v abundant hair of beautiful rent nil, d tnalltutloll. It benefit la People. iv. Thl tirm is havim daily color and lustre If they would but use Deposits Dec. 31, 1905, applii atli lis for hoiiae of i lasses, $395,505.06 tl.e ptatea need no a'amnc nt, all the proper treatment. There I no irre The All. ii, ii, 1. and with their eXMrlonce of year in laiai-riea- lie neal of the order necessity for Kray aixly-llv- e and pari of Ihe older of Ibis they are able to pro. hair under Deposits Dec. 31, 1906, $530,283.39 of I lw I. Iield a lonaitlfl Ittcelina inat - ii. locate year of ma., and I no r- - I The N'mihwestern Cnlvcrslly i!b- readily. there Ihe proMdin fir Ihe main- . nctip purchaser They have cusp for anv one. v.mnv , ,r ..i,t . nicbl .it tahleh ..tfliera were il.-- .il t'luli of Kianslon. lllinota. coiisistin a number of desirable prop- Deposits Dec. 31, 1907, Ihe u-r- . residence Inc thin, iikr'r $586,174.86 tenance nf ante ex.wlton. thtriy-lw- o straiialina hair r.,ll lor ihr nuioa hi fotlowa; I'r, f i lexer youna men, with er! ica nl all limes, Ihe Idem. A. A. pleaidetil all km, la litc and fart of dandruff or heavy and smell-- i The people of the rliy and lerrllnty flee of Inn and music al their mat all .r..M-rtn-- Is rank Deposits K. '. lialeil with them in wim oil. Dec. 31, 1906, $681,875.75 lr. J. I'i.i. Ion. sccrt'tarv, oinmand. will appear al the Klk' . a excessie f..r IhiMy fari bate m net,oil In lilu r; trraaur, r, In, 1iii,.v in Ihelr h.iluia. cnabb-- ihe Tou can J. A. Thtrlon: r tonlvhi under the auanlcca of puii haaer lo make as k.mmI a batc.iin brlnrf hack the natural Deposits Iht lair, but a riyitMr alale J. II. warden, v. : aaa,H-la- color of ,, Dec 31, i.itnr. sioiih; the Santa Ke remlina rmm aa lie c. .nl, with Ihe owner direct. II ..ur hair in , fFW tiai9 1909. $915,578.88 apl 1 nita h nutre boam,-aj- i At inonirotit , lruwt,e, Wm. KO'ke, I tion A 'bullv" lime la promlaed lo )ott nre interested In owmns your forever rhl )oiiraelf r .nr ,t,.i,.lr,if f K. shell, K. of ihe l.i i loos,, hairs, Deposits Dec. like a I., cffittUe anil will allow the a and U Ii. ka..n. The sr aiidirnce that will lie In o n home, s,e the MiNire Mats. There and and make your halrH 31,1910, $992,893.85 II. will br formally tnaiallcl ai i for a S.ini.i Ke readme la ther,. (row stronn and beaatln, t,v uaint; J fair manaKcoicnt to apend m,ite lime me, Kei-ru..- r I aoiiieihina thai will attract VVyelh line I., l. Ii, l, on Tuesday. room ,nl arurrd of a rapadiv oil. Siiae and Sulphur ltemedv.1 Deposits Dec 31, 1911, build. til up a ureal ei,.aill,,n and dr. hoiiie aa rasin a Ihe annonncetoent la For Keneration common sarden Maae i $1,105,175.95 "i l The I arnw inic made. lM,a In-- ha Iwen M,le leji a tirinit the ftnnni it local Older if Owla Iloae Ihe reputation A W used for restoring and pre i a iirortiln, nl Insulation I being; Kpleiidnl ai em and a treat IHMVi WIT ITIT. ervina the ,.i..r ,,f Sul- - ' I nnl nt ;liTli--it the hair: and foundation. Wet and n d In loc.,1 Alio.. in. rune liuli rnal in I. . la iiti.louhiollv In store. rhillcl usually fleet phur y. rcoKr.i.-- by Scalp Specialist j . . - A I all,-lilan- i I the nnie.itia memtirnne aa With the re itly c, protj- ifr e of mi'mlir. if the nose. Inuic exciient f..r treatment of J . II. . lllllVIWIX, rrl,lcnt, rtd ih, too-lira- lhn, and limrrs. and la erippe. bron- - hair and Scalj. nli.n all lln,' of til tmMrtt nl lntalbition rr Voler Kblner Till will rnrw ant hiiia r trnnW. 'j r"x Tn, re will lw a - a. r - , pneumonia mar result If yon ,,re J. MUtltlll. MaittOMMl N- - aaiirl ,l caw i.i knlii.- r Udder I'oiii.le n.. W.l-- troubled with dandruff which bring. ma: ctrefollv. pins ulnrtv or Hi 4 riM-AI.- th it wixlil. follow Ihe hKlt'e Ih nil the reach of ntcdi, me Nn t the bm tu ilp. r if vmti ri i ir im lillV e n. Ihe r.ix alcr. Ihi oitKhl t Ihe ;reaie.i f T!-- - i im la Ih. and for kln. nubborta loaim ita ,.r he are crifterina no .li. iur ran Uu more. J. II. Il'ltlelly coimh Foley Money eoniina out. set a IHIttXTftRH. )rro-- r . rive and fifty fair In hitorv. Now rtahl at lite oiiiinc oi loh rnimi ami t Tr la.tie f Wvrth a and O. X. a at ..ii iH.,,,,,1 t aooihiK (, Inflamed sulphur SKe Mi;i:o t n romniltli- la not Int iaallnc lb, , from )our no- KTi-j- a j t .:xin)X alart Ihe lime f..r all tru 1hI-- - ni, n l.tin.-a- and heal dririaiM. and w. w. I f. " lion and a report la p.- i J to the couth nce the iinnr,ei,,etlI in 1:ov M M.xtAi n ' Rrsults From ip.ii klv. no au btrt it ui e. 11 ,n, Ut fK lraaua4 and bav, xi aifftiiif mrht. Journal Want Ads Take J n. ,.r t,.ur hair a .wr. "TltOMl J. KOKtlllt hi MOV JTI v P.iiMir Co, treatment. after f,, j,, 'THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY1 FEBRUARY. 14. 1912. SEVEN. jSSMKSSBKUCStSSSSSSmSSSSSSSSSSSmSSSSSSKIBlCBKB FIIIAIICE AND COfJOERCE J The JJoomall Wamiit CoMinniiiiisl j IF YOU HAVE A WANT TELL IT THROUGH THE JOURNAL Wall Street. Nevada Consolidated J 8 Niplssing Mines 7 '4 North Rutte 25 New York, Feb. IS. Professional North Lake fi Vi traders In stocks bi'Bun the day with Old Dominion 45 to assume the duties of manager of Osceola 109 New agency ??5.NAL-P- PERTY.l.9.N.? STORAGE. ii n to put prices down, but they, the Mexico state of the R - PROFESSIONAL CARPS effort Quinoy "4 wcre able to make little impression1 Equitable Life Company. Mr. Coks MONICY TO LOAN. BETTERLOOKatTHIS! be- - .Shannon siij of the Spitz & Coks. which WANTiCIv Pianos, household goods, mi the list. Operations then were firm of On furniture, pianos, organs, horses, etc., safely on side unci tnesc met Superior . 24 has hitherto held the agency, goes to stored at reasonable nun the inner &. Va wagons and other chattels; also on 540,, AIT.Rrj! more success. In the last hour Superior lioHlou Min 3 New York and Mr. Spits will retain rates. Advances made. Phone with Tamarack ...... 27 his salaries and warehouse receipts; as The Security Warehouse fe Improve- . . buying was conducted on a large scale connection with tho offices here low as $10.00 and as hlKh as $180.00. 3 4, v. U. S. Sm. Ref. & Min 3514 Mr. Is an In Ab ment Co, Offices: lloonis sod it. i. imv.w imil prices of leading stocks were ; Patterson old timer quickly made Attorney-ut-Ij- do. pfd. ..; 47 Vt Loans are and strictly Five-roo- Grant block. Third street and Central on to two points. Un- buiiuerque, being 11 nephew of W. A modern house, fire- liulla-in- g, i.dvanced from Utah Consolidated 15 ',3 private. Time one month to one year avenue. Office In First National Panic Heading, stocks, Walker, nt one time postmaster here pos- place, good porches, east front, lawn, ion Pacific, tlio Hill Co 14 given. Goods to remain in your Albuquerque, N. M. Utah Copper 05 shubbcry. la cry dcslr-ubl- o llie Krles, United Ktutcs Steel and Winona session. Our rates are reasonable, and This u 014 home, FOR SALE Real Estate. W. i,.. rimiicrs were the leaders in 9S " ('all and see us before borrowing. JOHN WILSON' Wolverine ...... NOTICES 2:!UII Altorney-at-Law- . streiiKth und activity. LEGAL Steamship tickets to and from all lrice Onlv O0. t(M7-t- 9 Building, United Slates Kteel pave way to 5N parts of the world. FIRE INSURANCE AND FOR SALE. Itooms Cromwell year; Chicago Board of Trade. iii:i'.imiKXT Tin; PKIVATK OFFICES Open KvenlngS. lien. Phone 1522W ; Office Pilous 4 for the lowest price of the of interior. were not V. S. land office Fe, N. M., TIIK LOW CO., A fine home, all furnished, fine Jer- 1172. the lift eased off but Josses at Santa 4, LOANS sey cow, over 100 chickens, gasoline soon evident cf-- f. Chicago, Feb. 13. today" suf- January 24, J:muiik 3 and Grant lluilillng. laiKe and It whs that Wheat 1912. West Avenue. engine tank, fruit trees, nil for GLOI'.GIC S. KMX K was Tran-quilin- o Sua '4 Central and ciive support botnic offered. fered the most severe decline In more Notice Is hereby given that t'J'Jall.OO Attorney. Prices rallied before the end of the than two months. Rearish sentiment Garcia, of Albuquerque, N. M.. cash, easy terms. Rooms Stern l!hl., Alhiiquerqua. trading became dull. became owing con- FOR SALE. Part balance first hour and pronounced to the who, PKAK. X 1 .R. Ainer'..'an Surely llonds. upward tendency was said to tinued big receipts and lower cables. on Feb. 4, 1907, made brick, modern, good (illtl The Homestead SK. $2900 Co. Phone :iN 2111 W. iold luive been caused by covering of ahort Tlie cloce was I to 1 under 10635, No. 0:206, for N. street, close In. Porterficld 4, cellar. Fourth DENTISTS. I contracts, although there seemed to Saturday night's level. Corn finish- SW. S. 2, SIC. an,l NR. brick, modern, hard- KAMI! ItUl SAI.l!. 4, $3200 1 I renewed accumula-- I ed to down, oats off SIC. Section 28, Township 11, -r be indications cf wood floors, fire place, corner lot, 2 6 West Gold See owner, 2 mile north of In 1:. i- stocks, 8 to c, and hog products X. Range 6 K. no- int. j. m: tlon of some Meridian has filed $700 cutdi, 8 dlan (l!amh.) Surireon, in-- expensive by 2 7 Highlands; balance school. Lewis Jones Denial r liuylnt? of Hill group stocks was I ltss to tice of lntcnlioi. to muko final live " I'.ldg. 744 per cent. 1 I looms Harnett Phono fluenced by the testimony of Janus Stop loss crdcrs made the break In year proof, to establish claim to the A IIOM ITA I' Al A KG A V Appointments Mail, by Mall. - worse $3800 modern bungalow, lot I Hill before the. Stanley investisra- when much than might have land E. Sale-- A 125x14 2 foot lot, 3 room lions. i. his been the case, Receipts had furnish- above described, before A. 75x150, lawn, trees. N. 11th St. for "Home" tlon committee implying that in Walker, Clerk, Albuquer- barn, i lc, 50 tearing fruil trees; will PHYsTcWsTNb SURGEONS Great Northern ore prop- ed a genulno surprise running about Probata at $800 frame, good lot, shade Concrete foundation. sell cheap, ow leaving the city; opinion the double year ago. que, N. M on 4th day March, ler erty was worth at least $500,000,000. those of a World the of trees, near shops. lCnsy terms. Four nice rooms. terms. P. 1. llox ''86. two shipments turned out larger than' 1912. Modern plumbing. Six-roo- Great Northern ore rose nearly $2250 framo, bath, furnish- Foil A I '.KTt 'l; It AlViC m 'points. of Hill roads and the decreuse in the Unit- Claimant names an witnesses: ed, lot, good barn. So. Arno. Fine electric lixluiea. ii" A. fi. SIIOHTI L, M. 1. The shares the disin-pninting- corner modern brick house; fine sleeping ed States vislblo supply was ly good Fifty-foo- t lot. later moved up strongly, Ponaciano Gullet rex, J. M. SUInnci. $1200 frame, lot, city porch, barn, fruit and shade trees. to heavy, small, liack of the weak- water, N. 8th st. $600 cash, bal- on street cur line, Practice. Limited Tuberculosis. f Some of the specialties were ness in foreign lay Damacio Otero. Celso Garcia, all ol city. T. mis reasonable. Apply 406 South . markets the fact ance 8 per cent. owner leaving W. t American Tobacco fell back four that Argentine exports showed signs Albuquerque, N. M. Underprloed at $1,800. Waller. Hours to It. 224 ,i Central AvS. f points. The boom In this stock has MANUEL OTIC $1,900 brick and WANTICD To correspond with ow f a material gain. There was alsr R. nO, on lot C0xl42, High- Terms arranged. Over Walton's Drug Store. suffered a decline. Closing slocks: a report that India promised a bumper Keglsier. frame, both Kxceptlomil bargain. CIS, large and small true land lor lands, close in; $900 cash; balance Allis Chalmers pfd I y,e a. Mav fluctuated between $1.01 27 Feb. 27. Money to lend. sale. Itox 273, McKlnncy, Tex. 63 Jan. Amalgamated Copper 8 and 1.02 8 with lust stiles at ( per cent. Lots for sale on Thirteenth street. yOU SALK of""$300 cash ' 59 9i First offer American Agricultural r. SI. 01 a loss of 1 nul. NOTICIC TO IIIDDKHS. MONICV TO I.OAV. takes two choice lots on North First Reel Sugar . 54 j Corn chiefly of JXSl HANCK. W. M. SHERIDAN, M. D. .American weakened because Bids will be received nt the office l'lHH TIIAXTON CO.. street. Inquire 1134 North ICIghlh. American Can 'i the collapse in wheal.' Favorable of tho county clerk of Hernalillo 211 TV Gold Ave. 'Phone, 657. & 57 Vi j A. N 1 1 Y I I O M l IC O l Practice Limited to American Car Foundry weather and the generous arrivals county up 2 u'i'tcr-noo- n FLEISCHER To I T (Ti l 49 to o'clock In the Fit l Gcnitro-Urinar- y American Cotton Oil j acted likewise against the bulls, May of Monday, February 19th, 1912, 111 South Fourth Street. ICXl IIANG1C. Diseases. American Hide & Learner put. ranging from C 7 7 8 f ri 8 to 68 2, 74. Next to New PoMofflco town 38 miles north of 20 for the construction of a wing dam, Phone FOR SALE Livestock, Poultry In a small The Wussermatin und Noguelil Testa, American lee Securities closing steady at 68 u net de- 100 feet long, on tho west bank of Albuquerque: six room house recently Salvarsiin 'tlOO" American Unseed of Cash were Administered. 32 cline trades the Jtio Grande, above the Harelas Improved und renovated; sleeping State National Hank llulldlng. American Locomotive ". weak. No. 2 yellow was not quoted. bridge, at a place to designated by HELP WANTED Male. Foil SALIC Fine saddle or driving iiorch. ou'.bulldinKS. corral, mature & Kefg. . . 70 be 516 Copper. Albuquerque, New Mexico. ( American Smelting Notwithstanding a steady start oats the county surveyor said wing dam mare. West orchard. Irrigation ditch and about ,lr 104 set-bac- l.fil suffered a k as a result of constructed of piles 25 feet long, FOlFsAlTlC KggaTor latching, fresh acres of garden. Price, $1,2011. Highly Am. Steel Foundries bearish efforts in other grains. Sup- not less than 1 foot In diameter nt 210 V. silver I 'bono 351 every duv from thoroughbred It. 1. adjoining, can American Sugar llefinlng IDiVj port, developed dip. productive alfalfa land GKO. K WOODS, M. 1. 140,4 however, alter the the butt nor less than 6 inches in WANTED Teamsters, laborers, and Reds, P. llocks, W. Orpingtons and be bad If wanted. Kxcellcnt school American Tel. & Tel limits Mav were I W. l'hysiclnn and Surgeon. 104 ',4 Outside reached for diameter at the point and to be wail reuses; good blacksmt h. Hocks. Also Orpington cockerels. 'and daily mull service; 3 miles from American Tobacco, pfd. 52 52 with wind up 1510 41 3 S. Huildlnir. 25 and the planked, when in place, with 2x12 WAM'Hl) llright boys, between ages Phone W. Ilrondway. main Hue of railroad. Address A. G Grant American Woolen .. 52 c, just Saturday plank, 35 under as shown on diagram and 14 und 16, boys, SALIC Team of goo ponies, V.. care Journal. Phones. Office 1121; Residence 156CW Anaconda Mining Co li night. II of for errand at Fl'lt 104 specltlcatlons on le in the clerk's set of double harness; good air.ed Atchison Stock yards concerns sell- said piles a the Kconomlst. JOSICPII K. I PI N. M. D. took the office; to bo driven to I ! wagon, new, pfd 13 W wide awake .. .. utmost und buggy with SALIC Modern do. ing tide provisions and there was depth of 20 feet, 6 Inches below-lo- ANTED Two A 5 IC. FOR Suite Whiting Rtdg. oCast Une 130 tf u,.v.r..i"i'. Dick. jl Silver. In Highlands; two Atlantic disposatiun to buy. All ma- young men of good frame house 7- but little shown water mark. work and dreased s Hours, a. 111., 4 p. 111., p. nv lliiltlniore & Ohio 1214 Fl'K SALIC Ten hives of bees. 824 room on porch.-- Accordingly the market sagged with terial to be in accordance with specifi- to go on road and solicit; experlnnce screened porches, Phones 1 119-5- Hclhlchcni Steel 30 5 7 10c lilo by AVIIIIaniRt. beds; two chlclieii yarns 77 prices in the end to and off cations on and to be Inspected unnecessary. Call at Savoy Hotel, for three Brooklyn Rapid Transit 2 7 WIUTIC PLYMOUTH R11CKS, 11. eggs, chicken, coal wood house; 1). tor pork and to down and satisfactory to the county sur- 9 to 12 a. 111. C. and W. II. PATTICHSOV, M. Canadian Pacific 228 veyor. Wednesday, II. $1. II. 510 S. ICdlth. Kasy Cull at ISVj for the other kinds of products. Loopor. lor Jl. Harris, shade trees. terms. Disease of Women am Obstetrics, Central Leather . The successful will be re- 914 JCdlth St. S6 Vi bidder Phone7S3. South fiver Walton's drug store. Phone 11S do. pfd. quired to give bond, W A NT1C 1) Col : $ : on ... .S50(tf30 acceptable to the lector required. FOR SALIC Thoroughbred eggs for Ccnlriil of New Jersey The Metal Markets. board of county commissioners, con- Address box 6 77, City. hatching, IC. IC. HI III). M. D. Chesapeake & Ohio 70 lilack l.anshuns. J009! ditioned for the faithful performance WANTED Men und bovM to Forester Ave. Phone 326. Physician Surgeon. Chicago Alton , . .' 17i24 bain and cop of the contract. 011 Chicago 1 7 2 New Yi rk. Feb, 13. Standard automobile repulrint;, driving FOR SALIC Thoroughbred eggs for Cromwell Hlock Phone 1014 (ireat Western The board reserves the right to re- ' FOR SALE do. pfd 34 per easy; Spot, February, March, any cars; electrical, civil en hatching from winter layers. 8. C. $1 3.85 fw 1 Lon- ject or all bids. SOLOMON 1IVIITON, M. I)., Chicago & North Western 141 April and May, 4.10. My gineering, surveying; methods most Tllack Miuorcns $1 per 13. Rarred ertsy; spot, 62, 8s, 9d; 63, order of the board of county Physician and surgeon. Chicago, .Mil. & t. Paul 1044 don futures, commissioners. practical; room und board while Plymouth Rocks $1 per 15; H. C. U., C. & St. Louis s, fid. Arrivals reported at New learning; positions secured; satisfac Wlilte Leghorns $1 per 15; Win. Suit ( Harnett Did. C. 5258 200 re- A. K. WALK E U, Clerk, Colorado Fuel & Iron 25',i York, tons. Custom house 1912, tion guaranteed; ruining flic. Na Hloti!jlSWestAtlatitle. turns show exports of 16,80.1 tons bo February 6th, lCngini Tlhg, 2110 I will Sell my smaller fruit ranch Colorado &. Southern 43 tional School of heavy drutight 7 11. far Lake copper, Angeles. For: SALE Team of consisting .? 4 ucres, S. Patent INSURANCE. Consolidated Gas 140 this month. Department of Interior, West Seventh, I.os I ' the horsis, with wiigons und harness Six acres Ir. earing apples and pears. Corn 9 electrolytic. $14.37 V. B. Land Office at Fe, N. M, Products casting, Santa VV'ANTJKD Men HI Los Angolcs. Can complete. Albuquerque Foundry & 14 acres alfalla, 12 acres young on h W Delaware Hudson 172 14.50; J13.87 February 6, 1912. sec- AltTlll It AI.KKR Lend quiet, $3.95 (f 4.05 New York; learn trade. Fair waned after Machine works. nrd: house and rnmptct Rio Grande 20 i Notice is hereby given Mooney lluo-poun- Fire Insurance. IJcnvtr thut Automobiles, electricity, d 2,500 V. London, 15, Lis, lid. ond month. FUR SALIC Good male, smud'dng plant, with gallons do. pfd 40 Wctmore, of Luguua, N. M., who on plumbing, bricklaying. Practical (dl payment of $2,51)0; bnl Secretary Mutual Rnildlng Association & Spelter, quiet, $0.40 ft 6.00 New single double. Grunnh! for a cash Distillers' Securities 28 November 25. 1906, made I lometitead broke and 7 Phono 695, 217 W, work on actual Jobs. 1200 students I 14 ante nt per cent and will also lease !i Ceiitral Avenue 31 London, 26. 15s. 4. Hiding W. Silver. Krie Yorki No. 4U90". for NW HW Ser. last five years. Only few months re- rt.Jiool, to purchaser of the above my ad 1st i!4,-.j- .t Anrimony, flull; t'ookson's, $7.12 7 5 Ml'iUNTAfV View 1 inrV ' T" do. SHi tlon 24, Township N., Ilango W Log An- ia:icli, consisting 41 quired. United Trade 'School, Joining larger fruit ranch, do. 2 ml pfd. N. M. P. ' ' of Old Town. ICegn VETERINARIANS. 48s; 10 Meridian, has filed notice of geles. ' north inm of 12 acres bearing fruit trees: 2.000 General Electric 155 Iron Cleveland warrants, Intention to five yeur thoroughbred rtin, i:ia. K was un- make Final While l.csh. bearing gripe vims, 10 acres alfalfa Great Northern pfd 180 In London. Locally iron Proof, to establish claim to the land Mlnoii. ss, R. C. and S. C. R. 1. I'.cilc, smudging 135 No. 1 foundry northern, pasture, complete I'. II. IIARR, V. H. llllnoir. Central settled. above described, before Probute Clerk, $1 per setting. IC. IC, Rooth, P. o 4 cows, 4 l. 2. ' $ 1 41 1 4.75 ; EJJNT outfit wllh oil, milk horses Intcrborough-Me- t 17 $l4.75jil3.25; No. 4.25 at Albuquerque, N. M., on the 12 day WANT1CJ.) Girl for general; house- Old Albuquerque, house and complete VeliTliiary Surgmm. No. 1 mid No. 1 ' furnished do. pl'd 55", southern southern of March, 1912. work. 823 West Gold. Hue of farming Implements, one fnlr (Iradunte Chicago Vet. College. 1SJS. 1 n t e. 1 0 5 soft, $14.75r((il5.25. FOR SALIC Cycle Hatchers and old r Harvester Claimant names as witnesses: John WANTkTj Nurse girl. , Apply Mrs! crop or run ami win puy tor offlco and JIospuul, Corner First and Inter-Murl- pfd 21', a liar silver. 60 S. Trusty Incubator; eggs for hatch' niiuua Marquette. 777. Day & Night. Pradt, Hill Kle, Jurtnlto Slsero and D. Weinman, 701 West Copper. , the smaller ranch. Phone International Paper 10 Mexican dollars, 47c, Uert Wetmore, all of ligunu, N. M. lug. Phone 1402-J- Jllllswcll ranch Pump 29 International MANUICL It. OT1CKO, Hcglsler. Albuquerque. DR. J. V. IIICAIMlsr.l'.Y, Iowa Central 11 fit. Louis Speller. Feb. 8. 8. DjveJIings S(i March 0RJOJT FOR SALIC Horse and curl, sultuhle Helen. N. M. JNTEJ3-To- Bt Kansas City Southern St. IaiuIs, Feb. 13. Lead, firm; Ap- Six-roo- tor mall or bub her. do. nfd 63 $3.95; spelter, $6.45. NOTICIC FOR RKNT und bath, new earlier 100 firm, ply 710 West Lend a venue, FOR RENT Rooms. WANTKD TO HHY - Laclede Gas Department of t:.e Interior, IT. P. Land and modern; gas range In kitchen. Three room Louisville & Nashville 153 Office, New hot water heat; also modern complete FOR SALIC OR TRADK lug. heavy bouse und large lot. H A, L., & 25 Wool at Santa Fe, Mexico. FOR RKNT rooms; mod .Minneapolis St. l.ouls Boston Market. February 8, 1912. apartment with work horse, gentle, tnie puller; Furnished Minn., St. P. Ha nit St. M 132 furnished slnglu harness, pony no Apply BOS' W Notice is hereby given Jacob gas range. Apply to A. W. double hjirnes, ern; sick. Central. Mlwonrl. Kansas 4fc Texas 26 U that bath and team, good buggy, spring wagon and Iloston. Feb. 13. Activity In domes- Scofleck, of Albuquerque, M who, 81 It FOR RKNT Modern rooms. lllo do. pfd 62 N. Anson. North 5th St. galled saddle pony. 210 West Sli- SADDLE HORSES tic wools keep pace with demand 3 Hotel. 619 W. Central. the on August Five-roo- Grando Missouri Pacific iVs foreign product 2!. 905. made homestead FOR RKNT brick bouse. ver, or phone 354. National for the and holders LK RKNT Three furnished rooms Biscuit 144H slightly entry. No. 8474 (06933). for S. W. modern. Inquire 620 S. Third. Foil-SA- eggs, Foil National Lead 53 report a firm market with lilack Ijiiigshan for light housekeeping. 418 N. Sue- - t.RANMS III HI NC SCHOOL. higher In grades. Suction 27, Township 10 N.. Range mod- prise win- Nni I. 01 2nd pfd. 32 tendency the finer FOR RKNT Furnished $1.00 per selling, from St. lln. Mexico is west 3 E.. N. M. P. M. meridian, has tiled cottage, largo City; find First Class Riding Horses. New York 110H Interest also turning to the - ern yard, nice ning stoca, Kl Puso and Kansas Central for new clip notice of Intention to make Ilnal live- porches; & Co., RICNT Prick cottage und fur Phone W. Silver. New York, Ontario & Western 36 where the bidding the year to to $18.00. Thuxton 211 also dozen Plymouth Rock pullets. Ill continues with 14 cents quoted fur proof establish claim the W. Gold. 212 South Ilrondway. nlshed rooms. 218 South Walter. Norfolk Western .108 lei'd bbove described, before A. IC. Utah and Nevada. Good sales are re !'., RKNT The room North American . Albuquer-lou- e. cottage; 1CGGS vV. i'gnorn, 5 els.; R Foil best located 78'i ported In three-eight- territory Walker, Probata Cleik, at FOR RENT Furnished ing In JCuqiiire n( Noil hern Pacific .117 ',4 New Mexico, on the 16th day of sleeping porch. $12.50 n month. G ls.; Huff Orpington, 8 ctu. ; i house the city. stock and in Montana in original bags I l'lii itic Mail .. 82 March, 1912. Highland car line. 1204 South ICdlth. for Sale. 21 So. Hit!T.. 218 West Ibd.l Ave. Pennsylvania , .122 but transfers of Texas and California de- Claimant names as witnesses: Seven-roo- m Kggs hatching, two pens Two rooms for stuck A gooj . modern for WhllMjFolt RKNT front People's Gas . 105 sliuw a decrease, Allan C. Cone, FOR HKM mand Is reported for Ohio medium of Albuquerque, brick; steam heat, ut 103 S. Walter; Wyandotte.". $1.50 and $2.00 per 11.1 light housekeeping; ull modern Hudson Signs Pittsburg. C. C, & St. Louis . .102 ' for combing. basis; $35 per Apply 4 011 S. $3 per 15. on cnb no. s. fi:.'l West Silver. Pittsburg Coal , 17 Quotations, scoured Joseph Diigner, month. Waller. R. C. White Orpingtons, Texas, 6 to 8 48e: line of Albuquerque, Premed Stud Car . 31 fine months. New Mexico. Foil RICN'T house, completely Thoroughbred und prise winners. P FoR )I;ICT Furnished rooms loi I'lillnian Car .159 63fe54c; fine fall, 43c. furnished: modern; will sell furni- O. Pox 417. Acme Poultry Yards, No. housekeeping; ull conveniences. Palace mid- Mrs. L. K. Werner, of Albuquerque, K.illwuy Steel Spring , California, northern, 50fi52c; ture to tenant. 415 North Fifth St. N. Pboi. HS7 W. 27'i 48(ti 46 New Mexico, 1215 5lh ..j Wall Paper dle counties, 60c; southern, F.dw-sr- Heading .157 C. Llppilt, (;f Albuquerque. 1X)R KIC.NT. . 4 7c; fall free, 42W44'', FOR SALIC Thoroughbred eggs for FOR RKNT Front rooms for house. Itcuiiblic Steel 20 New Mexico. VV. 1 58c; $25.00 Five-roo- modern brick, C I. Moltlcd, kx ping. Also store room at 521 do. pfd 74 Oregon, eastern No. staple. OTIC I IO, hatching, R. R. Reds. valley No, 1, MANUICL R. Central nvciiue. Call at roar. K'K'k Island Co. . 23 eastern clothing. 60c: Register, Fourth ward. Aiicorias and H. P. Rocks. Alio HUDSON Fourth do. pld 48 47 (j) 48c. j Albuquerque Morning $12.00 Four-roo- m cottage. West baby chicks. Look orders curly, l'i 111" RKNT A pleasant furnished Territory, staple. 2c !inei Journal. l.j St. Louis A San Fran. 2d. pfd. . 31 fine Central. K. Thomas, 717 IC. Hazeldine Ave., room. 212 N. High St. for Picture Street and St. Louli: , medium staple, 58t69c; fine clolliiu.l Seven-roo- Southwestern Jl Department of the Interior, $35.00 modern, extra P. O Itox 111. Ff ' KNT Two" large nanus fur- do. pfd . 70 53f55c; fine medium clothing. fiOffli N. M, 8. Land office nt Santa Fe, nice home, Highlands, near Cen- nishedlR housekeeping, single ir Frames Copper Ave. Sloss Sheffield Steel and Iron . 40 52c; hair blood combing. February, S. 1912. KGGS FOR HATCHING from the best for 108 three-eight- blood combing, CI5ift 52c tral. of laying strain; $1.00 for 13. pluck m suite, modern. 010 West Coal. Southern Pacific Notice Is hereby given that llert Seven-roo- $25.00 large reo-- )esii m Southern Hallway 28 quarter blood combing, 47ii49c. Wetmore. cf Itguna, N. M., whi. on modern, MlnorcMS. barred 222 egg l i lit J I K NT I ble furnished do. pfd. 72 Pulled extras. 54rt5 fine A Dec. 13. 1906, made Homestead 08036 yard. ord; single comb leghorn, Wyckoff rose! rooms with board. No sick. Phone Tennessee T'opper . . . . . 35 51D63c; A supers, 484i5Vu. No. 10381. for SW SW Sec- $20.00 Six-roo- modern cottage; snd s'ngle comb It, I. reds. All choice 1599 W. TexK & Pacific . 21 tion 18, Township 7 N.. Range 4 W. large yard, shade, porches. High- anil healthy. Visitors always wel- Toledo, St. Louis & West. . . 13', N. M. P. Meridian, hss filed notice of lands. come. Inspection solicited. Ihons AMERICAN HOTEL DAILY MAIL SERVICE AXI STAGS do. pfd 32 The Livestock Markets. $8.00 Three-roo- modern apart- intention to make Final five year 1398R. Ideul poultry Ranch, Old rU2'4 XV. Central. Fur ths famous Hot springs of Union Pacific 14 Proof, to claim to tlte land ments. Highlands. A llo'ooercioe. Clik-ag- o establish Rooms single, double or Dr femes, N. M. Leaves Albuquerque do. pfd 2 livestock. j Clerk, $8.00 Three-roo- cottage. above described, before Probate Fourth OKI KARLY CHICKS They griiw da or week. P. O. every morning ,n. United States Iteaitv 67 Chicago, Feb.. IS. Cuttle Receipts ut Ainuquerque, .x. ai., on me 12 uiy ward. I ergs yard. m iti.ic at I a. Tick. United 45 6,0110: mark-- slow b?tter than lute hatches. Let trie m: in I'lucrs. els sold Vajn pres., Stall's Ruber and weak. Ileevea. of March. 1913. $10.00 Four-roo- cottage, neat your at 107 North Flral United Slutes Steel , 50 $4.701 8. 60; Texas steers. 4.60 -- ell you some. or take order for Claimant names as witnesses: John shops. eggs FOR RENT street. G.W IXO ; ARCIA. proprlstof do. pfd 107 75: western steers. $4.851 7.00: sleek S. Pradt, Hill Kie, JuSnito Slsero snd later delivery. If you have you Apartments. $5.00 Three-roo- m cottage, and mall 14, Utah Copper B5 er and feeders, $3.8ui 6.00; cows andjjuuufipy Wetmore, all of N M. near want hutched, bring them to me. My contractor. P. O. Bos brewery. well room 1 101 Virginia Carolina Chemical 54 heifers. $.'.1016.50; calves, $5.751 MANUICL It. OTERO, Register. 8.000-ej- g hot water Incubator is plas FOR itKNT lne furnished 8. Droadway. I'bons 1206W. WiibuHh 7 M. MOOHIC to gentleman of cmplo mciit. 310 8.25. "h Mr.rrh 8 JOIIV niCALTY CO. ed In a cellar and win natcn more do. pfd 18 II, ,K, 30,000: market Smith Walter. r. and better chicks. Not loss than 7S Western Maryland slow and steady. Light. $5.856.25; FOR SALE-Ho- uses FoK RKNT Modern furnished and 71 STOLEN. charges 3e per egg. Come and SANTA FE Weaiinghotine Klectrle 6.30: heavy. $5.5(.-S5- : egijs; j housekeeping rooms, week or TIMETABLE W, m'xed, $.",.5i February stern Union 3 rough, . pigs. $4.:tor FOR BALL Another beautiful bun see. Price for chickens. de month. Westminster. Phone 1078 $5.5i 1; P.leycle, Shap-leig- h Wheeling Ijke Krle 4 6.25. fcTOLKN No. D. galow or will build what you want livery: Ilarred Rock", 20e. 118 "': T ; 7Z , 5.90; hulk of sales. $.10i Special. $5.00 If re- P'rirr.": -. -. Volley 8 Shcip Receitds. 20.11O1); market reward at minimum cot. H. Keller. 72$ 100: White Leghorns, ltn, $14 per 1.- ,u..r- 23 turned to 1 W. Coal Ave. -. housekeeping. 50. 'hino Cop sleidv. Native, $3.1514.60: western, N. Klahth street. Pione W. 11.0. March: llarrrj llocks. 18- """t 1 lt For "" I!ay ', , Con ' 5.5S; Clo-Hp- KD5 11 veirlinzs. 14.781 SALK 011 ner 100: It. f. Reds. I 7c. Der d St. Am. Tob 58 lihi FOR SALE Miscellaneous. Full paiueiits. its Ill iambs, native, $4.251 6.60; wetern. orlik, modern, corner lot; inn: White leghorns. 1 Sc. $11 per FoR RKNT 'pposlta park, The bond market was quiet and ir-- (.65. $4.&0t itlifc-Ks- Highlands, close In. Plume 414 190. Vandersluls, Vox 141. Phone' spsrlmenls. furnished or unfurnish rMtular. St. lunula & South western i re. j tor sale or rent. W. throughout. Ty W. SALIC Itv owner, fite-roo- ed. Steam heot, modern consols and I.rle ronvrrtibb were CUT lt. Underwood pewriter Co., J21, FOR modern ($4. 1. building. Kana IJeto Gold Ave. 144. brick, lot 75x14!, ami tPsul TenlseH. Grant nntnhly strong. Total sales, par value, City. Feb. IS. Cattle Re- Phone fruit Kansas 1 -- shade trees, lawn, at a bargain. 7e9 t2.C7K.MOO. 1 S RAI.K 2 sen ted aurrey. Effci-tii- r ceipts. 1 .SOU, Including south- Ilaht W. WANTED Positions. WANTED Miscellaneous. NoemlK-- I2ili, 111 C.A udson . 4 I W. Copper. Rnms. United States Ininds were unchag-""- d erns: market steady. Native steers, .H ctlKund. on ran. SALK Cheap, a good double - ' W A $5 41 8.25: southern steers. $5.,' FOR set WANTKD- Position etperleneel M r.l luipel cleaning. Arrives Depart KtU-- cows and heifers, J.o wagon. ISOO SPECIAL OFFERS with msnufsc-- , 2"8 E. Central. ToUl for the dav 403,700 &.; southern work harness and light bookkeeper, fsmlllsr No. 1 Cal Epress T:20p :10p I"., res. . fiS.25; cows and helfera, $3.00 mercantile work: also e-- 1 VvANTICDt, a re ratlvr 8. Waller 8t. tutln sad To llt'V To tr No. Cal. Limited . . 10:65a 11:15 . feeders. 50: stinkers and It 0r tiericnced as enshier, timekeeper. h. close 1n. T. A. It.. mirnal. 7 Mex.-Ca- l. $4 par- No. Kp ..10:l0p ll:05p 0; hulls. $4.00 5.S0; ealves. SALK A magnificent A speed tre-t- . stock clerk; perfe. t health; not Foit New Iwlck, on ISlh I No. 1 Cal. Mail 11:15 Boston Mining western steers. 7. 25: lo. Address L, Fast ..lliOp Stocks. l7.5: $V0t Kodik: Ksstman. with focal plane l ino lMne 011 W. Ontral. ticular ss to alien. rhoaa 110. Office 411 W. Cofper Are. rnrn cows. $3.00li.25. shutter and Zeiss Tessar lens; carrv- - csre Journal. WOI RIMJ Jt HON, AII.HH Ho.. Recrlnls ll.mia; market ting rase: ray filter; 4 out- - HE I.TT VO. j . 34 mils film: ., HOME WANTKD Position bv young in'i n fnnnle44 Irrigation Ilsnta. No. Tmir. Exp l:55p 4:!0p steady Hulk of sales. $r,.9'li fit la ain.1 n . C l a ! AmsigHiimtnl ex-di- . .. 4at W. Central. ' EH-ta- K 1 Cooper, til. ft, e k (TEATS 4 icu kefs an - wllh of vm woti'd A Fon SIMPLE OIL No. Limit., 5:25d :05p m'n. Zinc Sin . 25 hmr. t6 2Ai 2: .- - i $86 rash. Apply A. W. Illkker, Luna- FOR HALF. room house, close . 4X1. :&.".p $ 05 V C.Z.",; lights, 0,1, trick like work pf any kind. Ilos care No. Kp 7:25p fri,"M Conimfnlal 4 butchers. Phone in. at n harciin 311 W. Tt.terss. Wlndmllla. No. 10 Kxp. . li i,m. H r. Moimng Journal. EiJInM and Aeroiuntor overland t:00a S:15s Corb Ciu A Sil. M. . . . i lt Well drilling and rciaiiing. Coalition . n Receipts. I ..'); market BUSINESS CHANCES WANTKD Work by the dy or meek. I I Pam Trains. '. !!H Mi 4. FOR RENT Rooms with Board elmnet . . . ste.dy. Muttons, $J.25i i; lamls. Call 114 W. OnM. room 4. Arirons S1, iistalr n No. sfl Kv;. " fed ewes yarlings, VV A VI I.D S. f M olo-a- Mix. 11:20a Miumet He, la. bid .41 t5.Z5(r.25; snd teiriporHrjr n.llie. 5 I'.ii-- ew- -. ". FOR It KNT Ktesm heated rooms POsdTInN wanted either 1 ml -- ll N. si Kl P.. is. :10a . fed $2.50' n, of S'X'd soi lai siamling 'iumtitnl $S.7ii5.5; or fiermnnent. b; stn-ma- No. K. C. CM. . . 1S ith Mrs. It. C. oll.rri.w. eprlned aiiiosinted In AIOiiiirniue to hel'i Ill '"l'lf P.snae Cn. 'o. . US 2.(IM1 On t, I u nn Imprutefl real es- ogrspher find of lice J. C. N.. Hos No. kl K. C. A- Chi. :20, l . t N. an Address tilt Cnn in. 1I PATTERSON TAKES CHARGE M-- o 21l-- Ind. 444 rritnxc ntcrtairimTit. tate' at ;irf cctit. larser Phone ) M F- M'Uiung :lr"u Consolidated . 4S amounts. A. Motitoa, oa s. Third. l:iioMSmiih close In, hoti,7 - csre Jouinal. EnsnHL I lvls anil Amarlllo. Cona.lidate4l. . bid Si OF STATE AGENCY OF THE klt IH So'Oh Kdtth stfeet. WANTED Rooms. No. I1 pecoa V.i I. Esp T:I1 :nnna. ex-rtt- . . I. LOST. No, 111 AuIhi.i Kxp t.Mp . rs EQUITABLE LIFE COMPANY - $1.25 PKR WilKD inserting elasslflod ,.R .R.EN.!""Ranches-- , I kv 1 I.11I0 s s,ilil 111 tlifc li.r- V. IC Id . . f nlslied rooms: Ik- In Rood Iih.-- An j i p. 401IS4. Ari. . 4', ads In lending rapers th 1'. mot L"t iiir Adrer-tisin- e Foil ItKNT with hoop and anil hot auto.--: 1. C. liis. . N. T. Sub. kvj.. . C, Send for list. The Iske Rsnh tion. plenty of hisl turn to tli rioon An-geli- stable, snd fro1! trees.-0- 1 prierv 41- - or 221 N. Hi: h .. iXsii.I . 2S', W. S. P.,tteron arrived rn th Acener, 421 Main St.. I slfslfi ci fell pnrtii end Atnos' biiiblnis. Results From Journal Want Ads Winstow, MotJi'jio 4 22 V,'. Tl r M. I lr M'liiiing Journal. im-.i- i' l'It . iS city terdy from Arts. or II Gearj' Francisco. rod. !!'! l. ditss '.. liiru nj rcld. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1912. EIGHT. ' THE

will l. hi ilic lo. loo of 51m, Ji.lir. ('lurk. 4l) W Iron ave- nue, i n Thur.iiiiiy n i. F. O. l;.ntli U, K. F. (Jilition-t- , Hart-Schaffn- , l. er CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. .nil. nnil I'.'. H. Hwr.-l- roin-(.ils.-- .l &'Marx a parfy of Hooori n i it Izt-i- ho Knives, Katijrr. !loue VnrnlHhlnic Gorsla. Outcry, Tool. Iron Pipe, tirriyod in AMui!i-rtU,- - hixl mslit. Vnle unj nctliiRS, riutnldiiff, Ilcnthilf. Tiu nil Copper Work. n. K, Church, a well known eni-y- p Suits, to $35 ... .- . .. K sho.B h.'i". Spring $20 MM . I :i,i:i' sis a of tho SantH New Air t ior toiiHy with bin fumily for I'J r.ixo, hi-r- - they will make Ih. lr h"i)ic BAKING POWDER in the future. Uolx-r- t thin Absolutely l wIkIiih lo take Pure irwlh. il of v x.r.-nilii- hln i IhnnkM to fri.iiilH for lln-i- klndn.-.Hi-ilurin- Baking Powder made Clothes, the Suit - only $17.00 I Visit Matthew's liln lati- bereuvctiteiit In The Styleplus &7SU.S? of hlH wilt-- . from Royal C rape Cream ofTartar 4 Mr. ('. V. WiniKh, of iy I'll ho, T.x.ih, 4 TELEPHONE 420 died a dnysi iii?o In that i lty. tw r ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE hrre for years, h'-- NO Hi-- . WORD IX flOTIIINU.) htinli.ini! biln loal miinagi.r lor (THE LAST Uiohh Kelly foinpany. quality and you do not run any risk of hav- , , 1). .MIIil T We guarantee fit and Illnl. 1.', .In, r something you don't want. wan in AII)iniiierUo lawt nlKht on nl ears white coupling curs nt the tie ing to pay for plant. His Injuries, it Is said, will not CO". way to Knlf, Wlcrra louiny, F ASSOCIATION Stop try on any of these Suits; see for yourself Just how they IffELD to InHpei't the Kleiihant liutt..-ilai- prove serious. lii In. any money. CHARLES n"en before you part with eoriMtructiun work. Charged with nssaiilt with deadly fit and look and be satisfied weupon Keillll", nt $17.00. Yon cannot beat tliera W. 10. iiutiK'T Will leuvci tonight on Josef u Uemetrio Sec our new Styleplus Blue Series was urrcstc-- yesterday ul'ter-n'ni- ii Tor J'hocnlx. Ariz., on h wool buyinif Uuran for $20.00 any plucc. Everything In reprefteritntivo for New by Chief of Poliee Thomas ON Wholesalers of trip, lie the alleged is said to HOT TRAIL OF assortment of new Spring Shirts, Hals and Shoes now on Mi-xlc- and Arlzotm for Muujrer The assault A Rood ROSA wool buyers. have occurred on Februury . He was UTVEGAS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA Avery, Iloxton $250 his displur. p(i-l- on a bond of for linrney Multerna win fined In li released on the appearance for a preliminary heurlng o court vpHtenlay for hhshiiH before Justice of 4 T. In default tomorrow mornlna t 4 M 4 LAUNDRY perm n of W. Innrarn. the Peace fieorge It. frulg. APPROPRIATION of a $10 fine, and touts ho wan t minnn to tail for Id days. Albuoueroue motor car ownora und Templo drivers are to petition tho city coun- WHITE Hnnrlal Rommunleutlnti of nt next Monday M., HiIh even-iri- R cil its meeting nlht X UxlKe, No. . A. & A. speed limit Called For In tho K. A. to Increase the maximum Big Mass Meeting WAGONS t ffr work within the city IlinilB. At present X Stern!! of the nnd K. C decrees, lly order miles is and Night Commercial Simon cluht an hour the limit Friday at V. M. Hurry Ilraun, nerrelary. CENTRAL AVENUE CLOTHIER Down! this is regarded as snail's pace, It X of Humner, nn Big D. J. Mcf'nniiB Fort Is probable twelve or fifteen milea an Club to Start Work For 4. ixtennivo owner of IrriKateil liindo, hour will bo the maximum speedj m by H. l'nrson, nti Exposition, aeeoinpnnled li. limit proposed by the petitioners. of pla.e, arriveil In tho Mr, (!runsfeld re- that to- unci Mrs. Alfred Strong Brothers elty lilMl nlKlit uml will he here turned yesterday from Denver, where day. Mr. I irnnsleltl was met by Mrs. DEEP INTEREST MANIFEST . and t'ndcrtaker Embalm. will be n regular meitlnx of lirunsfeld several days ago on his re- There will bp a mass1 meeting For There nttri-no- on FESTIVITY Suggestions Down! I'roniit wtvIl Day or Nlh4. th Women' Keller t.'orpB thlM turn from nn extended business trip at the Commercial club Friday IN SODALITY Telephone 75. Ilcsldenoe 8f. t 2:30, in A. U. W. Hill. A to Nev Vork and other eastern cities. night, February 16, ut 7:30 Strong Mk., Cupper and Second. nlletKlnn. e Ih denlr.-d- . Hv order While In Denver the (Irurisfelils vls-Ite- d o'clock, to which all members larue ISowdleli, aet-- recently be- or tb- - urcaldent. .M'h. their daughter, who of the advisory board of Much is manil'ert in the box came the bride of a well known interest Home-ranc- retuty. the Slate Fair Association, party to be given by the Valentines h Eggs, 35c of that city. gen- and card Hilled' A Id riotlety of the Find business men ami citizens young Sodality Society The I. nlen-tln- e wi'l special meeting of J.adks' . li will Klve There be a erally ore urgently invited. At MethodiHl hiin II ,.f the Immaculate Conception from .1 to U Ht. John's Guild this afternoon at this meeting the fair association per dozen. We want to vnu ahonfd tea tliiH iiinrnoon o'clock vestry room of church ut Odd Fellows' hall, i. .Htt that bom,- - of Mr. John A. in the the will elect officers und take pre- well plan- p- - oVIo. k, at the meeting Is called for tcmurrow night. The not recelva your morning r. 2 i I'IihI alri'et. All church. This liminary stops toward making bring Wlille, Ninth arr.uiLre-menl- s ned event is expected to out per. telephone tha POSTAL the of makink final the 1912 fair a 'record-break- er amuse- they 'I i." T X? t A L I r-- vnnp are Invlleil. sup- a record breaking crowd of A box Ilui-d'- or Crane's sell them as fast as n f .Wlnv fur the entertainment an.l nnd starting u movement toward booths, nice of J pa- - UlHtrl. t Forester A. H. ninulnnd. of per to held the Temple ment seekers. There will be Boxed Stationery. nam and addreaa and tha be nt Masonic a liberal legislative appropria- aprons he for par will ba delivered by a ipa- - the 1'. S. Forestry Her lee, Hpent on Monday evening, February 19. it where candy nnd .will eonf.-rri- with tion for the lair. of prominent liaiid-iiiin- c In rill-lio- n. in. Phone your or- - clal messengor. Tba Ultiphoua In Santa Fo Is urged that all members be pres- sale under the direction A Itook done tip come u women city and card No. fiinernor MiDoliiild on inntterti ent. society of the la I. In New Mex- - games' for those inclined to this fes- to the nervlie - lleglrinliig Hnturday, second section Fuhrnieyer-Cavaiinug- h In Curd from U- to $3.(10. stop wagons. $3.00 Roward $5.00 leo. tivity. The Anvthiiiir (Icrs or our J r, of thn fallloriiia limited will run only oi ;i:t i on lustra will be on band with their Tha abova reward will ba Jmlue John 11. MeFle an.l ila nulili on .Monday, Wednesday, Thursday mill out to t fast puddle ,.r a rr,.at cull- - M- $73 A YI'.AIt, NAYS K.1KTH best in the way of music, nnd a KH. (ha tnrl MIm MeFle. are vlHitlnn I" bar.-kit- s M.iiv . Saturday. The to California Is j atcal- - M M-- rush "A Is now on font," said wheel for the auctioning of lunch vlcllon of anyone caught l'.i.(iientii for a few ilav". iH ovi-- r ,'i u moveirient fea-tut- e. M'-s- - now about an.l the need of candy will be another oopli-- or ma l.llllmi President Isaac of the Far and In wurann Fie in a Kitent of Miss extra section every diiy Is less urm nt. I'arth A contest, betides, w hen of MM-M- get laauty L Jiiurnai from tha doorwaya H. n. wbil,. .IuiIko Is Htoppins luxe will Association yesterday, "to the young . The Smln Fe ile continue a number of well known moil auliaiTll-rra- at the Alvaiiiilo. schedule, however, going, legislators from Ucnuillllo county to upon girl STRONG'S BOOK STORE PUBLISHING CO. in Its usual nn appropriation from the will decide tho prettiest JOURNAL. m of Allm- - east through Albtiiiier.iii' every Wed- ask for present. A handsome prl?,.: will be Itennhir I.uhiik-- nieetliiK first state legislature for the support "Vour Money Hack If You Want It." - ' nesday and west on Thursday. lucky winner of beauty I iii.-rii'- lotlKe, N". 4'1. ' " It Is a movement awarded the t X All of the Slate Fair. to best card players. Ward's Store this eveiun'4 o', ah:ir. Thn Morning Journal has received people should boost. honors und the .i.--- n : that all the in a mem me uit-'.i-l lo Ihe following a mu iinei'inent "Air. death In Ihe Cutierivg family LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST hem - Arizm-- appropriates $ i r.,000 every IIOMI31 II. WAItD, Mc. I is to oN- .Mrs. Fidel Apodai.i and Mr. nnd Tonight. girl, hav- of Imp' name and two years' lor her Slate Fair nnd St. Valentine Dance week,' another child, also a posinl of, I. urn h will lie s. rini. Mrs. Jne IkiiucIo reiiuest the fs Tonight is the night of the Valent- Thn IS Marble llmna tot r. your presence at cons. ..ueiice I'tiiienix n;is one oi of ing succumbed to pneumonia. At. I vioTui:it iti roit purlieu of u- - honor of the mar in went. in- dunce f' r benefit the .nlhui fatiil Mif of the Valentine Ai.o-ilac- i, the biggest expositions Ihe expect- accident which resulted In the I riage ol their ilmiKliier, K,mc!eK Cottage Sanitarium, und it is I pline In He is no why New 'Mexico t lio twenty-lou- r hours ( tiding ihiy will the this iiiiiiu , to Koscndi) Salazar, on' the here reason Armory will be well filled burning of the girl occurred w hile the For Chrl.-lin- n ' ' ""-- ed that the i hun h. on not a big Statu Fair . nt 6 ii'rliH'k yisiii.liiv evening.: l'"'" miTiiiiig of Wednesdiiv, the fourleenih should have f.,r the big event. . home a few ' way, Loyal "H win eni. by state, mother wis absent from ti inpeiitiurc. H degi when the of Februury, at tt i a. m.. Ml the eiiually well supported the The of tickets has been large got of some Maximum . ossiyti il by Ihe Hills a mum sale li'lniito:. Little M'.r'u hold i.iIi.Iiiiiiiii, 16 degrees; lunge f their Sacred lleul't chill'eli, A bint ller.lle. ttlllS piaelllH 'he lllir on iiii'i and all arrangements are complete to Ignited them, setting tire Sent. In is' ' luh. I'lio.nlx. 1 matches and 3S degrees; tempi rulure al of the . ,l.. and to u dance al the A. II. A. pcrnunvnt foundation. have It mi (iiloyablc social allair. The to her clothes. Her mutlv-- was w Hi iln ; . r iiiidersliinil. the site for Ihe 6 p. m.. 3 degrees, nuilhwcn'v ItvriM-F- f. r Iwn yenra rashi. I!. S." donated public Is Invited. by the child'H screams, lint I ill- - here might weather dear. hi the lint reeenuy (in Hiturday and Sunday ncxl l!ev. there und the citizens arrived too late to save the babe from Poll Now Due - v ' plan and establish I Tax iiudllor for tin- Harvey W. ' '. Mei rltt. of the follow the Tenclier Wanted. fatal burns. The funeral will be field , best TO It 1.1 AST. urn, h ll for Kaimim, where I nt. i'tin t loiia I Kiiiid iy School Associa-Iteri- the best fall' ground and annual An experienced teacher, familiar at 2 'o'clock Mils afternoon from the Pay at John Lcc Clark's he In. will be nsfiKin-i- to iliily, pronnniv in com .u nil ,1 In Mrs. Wulk-- r, of fair In the southwest. with the Spanish language, ia needed Sacred Heart church. Hurial will 1 hend- - YVni.lilnetoii, :i. N'i'ii' ,, T, puplieii'll" with an experienced prim n".v "Another thing," said Mr. P.nrtli. school In southern :n St. Joseph's ci mctery. First and Central. Feb the vi Colorado, n.,me for a country .. U e ..hi na - ' .niai i. rs nt Annu m... Miutn. worker, elll be in Albini lie. une In In the past there lime been A long term and liberal sal- lav .. I, I.e., II ( lie. I.e. I 'II I' ',l Wed. day end V..rlr in look over the field here. A buys' and criticisms of the nniniiKcment of the ary offered. Address M. A. Mollun, I i In i nr.:. . for the citizens mil mi. h i lull in! here iim io liter, girls' meeting !ll be held nt the lair. Now is the lime Garfield, N. M". Ai Quick Window:. an. I an- to ond boost at the proper Way to Clean M. Aloiitoya, an employe ut armory F.iliird.iy .illernoon turn out Osteopath, Stent Id.lK. 'liiin:tren at. V. W. time. H Is hoped the business men itli a dry, soft (he Conner, I il;Tit, soiitn other lit the s.iniH lime the c1ih rcno'-- rl'tt Ir. Ihe M.inl I'e tie treatlm.' THREE-YEAR-OL- Arf. ( t .y ' I s. Salur-;i- in large liiin' and dis D Try a lonrml Want Rrstilts AV.iii'e.l- i 'I. mi, n rat' at lhc ill the liocpltnl sillier. C. A. for the preu work l will attend from both outside and inside, . of the ll, il u Mi.ii.iin .r.iiiiiiii f.rr.i-f- rlha and day f'Veiilng al there will be cuss the mutter thoroughly. the corners iiiid grooves wil'.i the point Intf from two frarliired M.fho- - DIES FROM lM S the l.aniiiet at the I. :id Avenue CHILD .1 1 i n vc l II, id II of II broken siiinll In Ihe n.t.arin, of a stick covered with cloth. l.llil i.lHll IVM' dist church, I,, be followed by a ei.ii- - A I 'I"-'- . K' ttillK K'llieened lleleell HIS ready pail maik: by HAIRDRESSING line II remit of I'erenee of Siuidav Sehoul worker-'- . CHOPPED OFF FROZEN TERRIBLE BURNS a vl warm suds - a tablespoon of Cold Ditit wash- lint -- Lrnhi-i Muilo lp U. In- iliiift. nr. i.l of lluchiiiuin Airs. Deanl, of 014 North Second DYING ittuiiiiiii . TOES; SETTLER IS .1 j ing powder in warm water. Dip ll visitor 1.. Al.liiin-riiir- street. Will cut rtuln tlv tvii imi Combines, FEEBLE OLD FOLKS soft cloth i'i almo-- t from j (;. Villi.. ll.'Wnnl. H.itilii Iliipllst church this uflcrnoon. from suffering Int. use agony for the vvalcr, stfjeeze . After - -- Miatiipui'liilt I i D ev. iii pro- F.-b- 1 Agi t- and wipe the glass Kwltclicl'vcd l.u . r, o In llif l ii.v i tin .iiilnl Tin- h.ui.l or time iiHtH heavily on 2:30 to o'clock. An ell. iMiluth. M mi.. J. nlzvd almost two weeks, as a result of dry off. l'olish 1 - - gram been prepared, which will v pain ' I' .en foot, Andrew doilies with chamois, it leaves lint and nihil i, n I.'IMIIH old in oi.le their blood Is thin, their has illi the ir. burns received when her ai no by some o Hi, I" :'l Il i settli-- Klver, chop- - I a wlihjfood not .llnest Till, tlin heart be parlicipaled in II, .lien, nt I'lke were uriicd off her as result in docs the work with more ease. Do no', MRS .CLAY i: A. h o. is. I'nlini 'ii aweni inu-- i' in Albu.pi'-- i ipp i I f tin If th.- with un K. renders and hum of loot ue plaving with matches. little Maria wash window when the stm i shining I hiM Ih lollK yeui s or win ."i , three-year-ol- d -- I., i.l. nn. lei.i in Allniiiier.U. til ed from lis An offering or cents will be ex may lose his life as a result. When C.utlcrrc-.- the r. I' R2l n and Apolonla on them. Mirrors should be w;r-licr- ! C).. ii. .ii,. to rl'; on ofllilal liiiHlne Thev etitllleil to the Invlnn euro peeled, from great loss of Santiago (iutler- - lire the amount derived then round he hud suffered daughter of in llic same way as windows. Then of and thn 1. 1. . rl'li, ',, U.I1I lie II reuiibir nieetlnil of Hie yoiinK strotiK. to he applb'd toward chiinh oil. reai, died yosiertiuj m" I - spend u pan polish with a soft cloth charged with III. Meil.-r- Wo.'.Iiihii "I Ainerieii in. II Ik it Une hi in.- In know thin building In ml. Come nnd ilv home In the Boutn oi help a second powJcr-i- whitins. WALLACE HESSELDEN I. F. hull al 7:.I0. b i bf- - done to make them hap pleasant i.fleilinon und thus the city. This is Ihe r.'ulit In the Ii. it. .fin. all Allm-iuer- eoil-llv- much needed work In North ( .vh.lip. pier. Our apleiidid und Iron C oerul ontrattora. Kl i)ue. ItcrresliinentH will he serve.!. M v inn. niter a Vlnol, doi'H old folks world T KUarea Hiid workmunnhlp ronnt Miih .ml.' , tonle, IMNNMtMMMM rain-ilx- more for your mono month'"' Hlt lo II. I'. Itnal.e i. n.l T LIOOll. It enrlehea their blood, girl. Apply Mr.s. H. Wr (uaraiilv - Wanted Nurse 1 M'stml.iy ber Inmie in 1' ii ii uiiy other eoiiiraettna; firm in left for Hives them better appetite and dlnes- Wllt.tKHIl, 70S West Copper. 1 )fflo nl K.i n. tlon. and adds Ereatly lo tneir hi itioit mux. (IiiiiI.n lmn.iKer of Vpr.ii, and endiirHiiee. There Is no If you need rarpaular, talephon, , str.iiKth ASKED ri t,-- llteld FRIEND I'lioneiixiuSit. oiiiie. with Ihe I'barleH doubt thut Vlnol bus prolonged the Ifeatelden, phona 177 THE INDIANA GROCERY w bob sal. rs, Is transit, tint! F.oi.p.n.v, lives of tboiiHiinils ol till propi", mu biislness in All.ii.iiiriiie. gimil who DRAINAGE ENGINEER Ainerieiv it Is eiiually for all other The II..M.I Neighbor." of bc.-ilth-. nn- - In W cheer EXPECTS TO VISIT 2 i ii,. jhi in, uii X fully give back the money If Inol New Supply of Try Vlnol lit our Sick in Bed, & doei not please. CITY AT EARLY DATE Mrs. Casey Was FRENCH LOWBER ?! risk. J. II. U K. illy fo.. drimglMa, N, M. But Her Friend's Request 1 Fur.cral Directors SPRINGER Secretary Thoimis J. Nuvlon, of tin Sweet Relish 5c Pint Is o a Heinz Embalmeis. CO. Commercial club. in receipt Resulted in Prompt Cure. and TRANSFER loiter from Sidney W. Cooper, drain 1 lH.ll llHOl A The Best Preventive Known for age engineer of the department ol t'Olt I II I II Mi i: i iii.. Z agriculture, Washington, who Is now . nrmniiini r" nriltCDICC DDDMPT tilfi-- riioiir PACK AND SHIP PIANOS. All Kinds of Diseases is at ISesweM. la which that ulllelal an- nounce bis int. nn. .n id making a Mm r.. ..,!. T..v r uli. ml It.h I i r .Mexi. ii earlv date in the years, ' says It. A. Ciisey of New at an . Mrs. this f.ood Kanlliiry plumbing In your home liiieri'st f .Iniiiuige iirsiilet Ian-Mr- place, I suilcreii won 'tinimiiiy intii-hie- s. I PHONE Coupe! '.I ...rk Is to teach the lull. I had about Iven up, nnd 754 l llila kind of work, call or phon - lor own. 'i'i how to rest or.. 1" pro.luetlve- thought I would hIv.hs have to sut R. R. BORUFF, Prop. 31n. riompt attention and good re OCS-- . I.l It, '.llieh hllS been elteeted b ler. I 612 North Fifth Street. sults. sub-i- t i. 'li and alkali, and which had all over. Hint was so AZTEC . ,.l,.-.l,- I "I pains ed In.,.Use i, tin., has belli l naru.y wort lil. ha done inn, Ii nervous at titms could stanii lie has it to live. I had spells, when 1 would ,fJ MU'ees-- l nl w.i k in the I'c. o .ill. a' t4)ee4)4)4)xof D. DRUMMOND, be in bed several at a time. J. Mirpt'isinglv low- cost. Mr. i'o..per de- - Slre-- i to t I the I'ooiijie! to I dill "A friend asked me to try Cardul. 116 South Third St. . I Mlo-l'- It ll" v it I I have bottles, h- ...tu ,,. Fuel Co. iMi.f Ibis anl alsi nn! did. taken nine address a nubile ! arraiiv-'- . mil it cured me. I feel well and N A nt of kepi I'V I lie I 1... relal club. stii.iiir. slid have not lieell sl.k a I ail Inruo flitnrra ew frini! for nearly a year. . Pone 251 kt L Granite M Noted Old Time rimili-- l In n.l. "Cardul Is certainly a boon to suf 1 New Vork, lib. I.l. I, us Kulilia fering women. I do not think I would 1 Vf fvlisslin XtlITllVIST-r.- MVTVAI, MITE l.unoiis a ,1. , ...It- - liuo as a pugilist be alive without It. I phall certainly i .7 COAL .. t'.ALLUI LUMP o.H'lii. Tom Slu.rkiv nnd ..tlier.v --n a jooil every K I'll., of Milwaukee. word lor furdui. I 4. INSl KM auf-l.tiu- GALLUP STOVE COAL of Hole, died Slid. I. Illy I... lav hiii.i e I lone, Inr I wish every t' N. V. I.K M Fit, Manager. Ills .III, III llliokllll as the w... mi a could know about Car- Goods ALLhlNDS OF WOOD Ill HotHti 4th (U I'hone $74 a Stink,. . ,. popleW. Il'lhl.ll lo.iuiit dul and what it can do for her." bis last battle N. oenilur in. 1: ' when Jim J. fines dcte.ited hnn in s V"ii i an depend on Cardul. Underwear e have placed on dis-- j r.nmd-- . Kiiltlm was n n Cain., : Cit.ini m a gi ntle, nannies. i Oil'. ioii ,.,r am. liami loiitlii li you 9 I viKilillo tmiic, that can do A. ' W. Hr. Wc sell everything for a home from ths cement for foot- IlirM fi bt in ixsd. His wite is ,ntn n.itl.iim g.n.l. complete line of hut " 4 " - ilv lay a s it i t eiri b'S. - . . j. i ing to varnish at the finish. I't, pared from limtidlents . n',l lTS SUITS the I ,IW - M NEW SPRING NEGOTIATIONS FOR i'ardiii lias h spei ifle curative effect I 'fi'' I STEIN-BLOC- , n the woo .ti.l.- . oi.stitu'iion puts The offering from H NEW RUSSIAN TREATY and I values we arc direct LUMBER AND CO. ie-ii:lh - It Try when- ir most needed. . T SUPERIOR Mill 'Mf T I. '.3 it. ' CO.. of Roches, V.isblnwl..n. 5. . tor. ' .1 i, in this line during our sale -- t.iin w e,'ll I, 'I A I'.'W ! I It V V V. It. VVi ile to: I .idle.' ,lvtor . e tt.-o- - VI tc r, N. V. IH. -:- .i l eia.-- the I.l IS.;. I . I liaiiMiniMCn Mrli-iii- I n.. if , - ' t!'.e nl!-- a I I'. il. Ce oi'i l a I lull UIIIMlN. ICMH.. Iltr SpCfilll III I V;'T' shoLld certainly not escape t I IVrrlll... .11 . al-pa- I rrrtll.ra I unip IJ A U HI ft rt Sioe hi. li ,.lt nt th d ef II trut tnii. and Inm.U. "lionio l Vf ll.ip lump vwnu Mme I ir-,- - t Women." In plnm IlMllli vwi;,i lriatuiciu. lor - "in the S.'C-- a I '.!,., i it. ,n 'T no attention of women who hae riitiM; i. - Prices Arc Wry i." I'M! n ,t the I I'll- il Mat- s 1 h "ii- - - v ... M I i 1, H0 ,, i u . lib M't'i- it am. pii's. mum I II I w ... H Attractive AMiiiMini; idal 'I n.t t Mil II" "V !e . ' 4' ill 2n eve to the worth-whil- e I V llil'l ;. wiv. I ulf. Mill ihm1, 1 ivl-o-- J ismI, lord hw1. Native Kln.illn. Itr nl iiiariiui'e !it'a,:s to, i ii k t . . i t a Suits Cleaned and Pressed 1 11 sjiiua I - 1 1.1111110a I'.rb k. l.lnie I'i, i ' I'.rl. V. rr tin, Piiik. M T I ' . n lnl ma 'inn to In .i I ' economies, Hi'"' I ( r sttitrtloii '! n.-- ir-.i- -a' ;18 to , - . I $35 e nriiiti !.'. I.. Suits Pressed Vcj.1 uiji fc.-- tn T h4 tr l f! CHICAGO MILL AND LUMBfR COMPANY ntv r st W. I- - TtimbHi'a. Ill 50 cents , i:h tfna.n.t I'hoi'a t. lz ;rt. VVotW eailT A. IV I IKH'.II.I, ManttfT. ldiiV Ine. : : 1 it - o inn-'- h' wv t , iiH.t j,lir-- lll Iiiim It 1 bur IMIl lM :. I.'l'iet .o. " t'""' falld'i't Construction. Oui ds cvi-oii- aru W In II at ttu V nn- - J'.t-.- i r.l Inn. in. THE LINCOLN HOUSE Tit. sIM.sS Pltlims." (. . 1 I.--1 . ft. III.-- I on-i-- r b i"l Marm-lie- riionc S. SI41M MKI ?7r l J l.nlluli loot. X.MI lB. At- - IT. I rv., nn- - li--r- n. . a i . f 307 W. Central. i nu ranw m 4 t