Bergvesenet 5Ie Postboks3021, N-744I Trondheim Rapportarkivet2001 Bergvesenet rapport nr Intern Joumal nr Gammelt interntrapp. nr. Rapportlokalisering Gradering BV BV 3083 Kasse34 Trondheim

Kommer fra ..arkiv Ekstem rapport nr Oversendt fra Fortrolig pga Fortrolig fra dato:

N- 8I - 2 Tverrfjellet

Tittel Diamond drilling program 1982with a review of the geologi of the -district Text and diamond drill logs. Finnmark project (N-81-2).

Forfatter Dato Àr Bedrift Priesmann, Frank-Dieter 1982 Folldal Verk AJS Amoco Oil Company

Kornrnune Fylke Bergdistrikt 1: 50 000 kartblad 1: 250 000 kartblad Karasjok Finnmark 20334 Karasjok

Fagområde Dokumenttype Forekomster Boring Rapport Madijavri Daktejåkka Sammalcåkka Gætkevarri Aslat Pier Varri Dabmutsuokkadas Råstoffgruppe Råstofftype Gæssaroavvi Malm/metall , Au Cu


Sammendrag / innholdsfortegnelse Borprofilene finnes på By 3084.

I duplikat. Amoco Norway Oil Company P. 0. Box 2494 Solli Oslo 2 Norway



with a review of the geology of the Finnmark-distriel


The Karasjok-programme is located i8 Finnmark fylke, , centered at 69°20' N and 25 15' E. (Fig. 1). The tract of land is called Finnmarks-vidda, an area of about 14.000 km2, which means the southgoing sheety extension of the normal northern norwegian coaststate into the "Lappi" - district of Finland. It represents the norwegian part of the north scandinavian, respectivly artic, peneplain.

The project-area lies in the eastern part of this region in the nearea, west of Karasjok, a town located at the Karasjåkka (Karasjok-river) 18 km west from Ihe Finnish-border. The prospected area is about rRctangular shaped with a N-S extension and encloses aboul 1000 km'. It encludes the main part of the so called "Karasjok-feltet" (WENNERWIRTA, 1968).

The landscape of this district is formed by extense glacial erosion and shows therefore a very soft relif. It predominates knolls or smouth mountain ridges surrounded by flat u-shaped valleys, which are normally covered by svamps. The general heights differes between 400 and 250 m, with an average of about 300 m. The main elevation is the Iskuras mountain belt - made up out of quartzite - with 642 m a.s.1.. It is outside the work area.

The drainage is undertaken by the main rivers: Karasjåkka, Jesjåkka and Bavtajåkka. They are running mostly either in a strict N-S or E-W direction with rectangular bands in be- tween. They are following and pointing out by that way the prominent tectonic lineaments. The riverbeds are wide - 40 - 170 m - and u-shaped and filled with fluviatile and glacial material. The older river terrasses are in general 6 to 7 m above the nowadays run. Due to the very little fall - Kara- sjåkka: 90 m on a distance of 60 km (Baeivasgiedde: 218 m, Karasjok church: 125 m) - the rivers are even in the summer- time navigable by engined riverboats.

There exists a typical vegetation of the higher latitudes. It comprises of cripple - birches, juniper, dwarf - birches and small willow-trees and bushes. Furthermore there are existing pine-trees, but they are restricted to the river- valleys. The ground is covered by gras, several kinds of berries (e.g. rubus chamaemorus, arctostaphylos alpina, vaccinium uliginosum, vaccinium vitis-idea) mosses and different kinds of lichen (cladonia mitis, peltigera aphthosa, cladonia pyxidata). At some locations there were found flowers of viscarla alpina which are typical indicators for Mg-rich rocks. (see also REITAN, 1963). rkenes %A0 Attc Trtm I innmar Pro ect Ga'P


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Only very little information are available about the geology and lithostratigraphic of the precambrian base- ment south of Varangerfjord. That is why most of the works are carried out by geologists of Sydvaranger A/S, here under the leadership of J.A.W. Bugge (BJØRLYKKE, 1982). However some notes and within that a general stratigraphy are found in OFTEDAHL (1974) and BJØRLYKKE (1982). After OFTEDAHL (1974) the precambrian rockgroup is divided into three main groups. (Fig. 3).

Ære og omtrentlig StrMig rali alder i mill. år

Gjennomsettende diabasganger

Foldning og metarnorfose

Petsamo-gruppen. 1). Underordnet: Lag av glimmerskifer, kalk, Katelider 2. Skogfoss grønnstein ca. 1930 tuffer og sure lavaer. I tilslutrung: Basisk gabbro og peridotitt. 1. Neverskrukk-konglomeratet: Polymikt baselkg1.

jennomsetten genger av granitt og pegmatnt.

2500 Sterk foldning og metamorlose med dannelse ev feks, den anatek- tiske Neiden granitt.

Norvego- Elj•rnevannagruppen. samider 4. Ørnevann meta-vulkanitter: Biotitt-hornblende-gneiser (vesentlig meta-andesitt og metadacitt). 3. Sydvaranger jernmelm (Mt kvartsrandrnalm). ca. 2500 2. Bjernevann gneis: Mest kvartsitter og glimmerskifre, tynne rhyo- litthorisonter. 1. Baernevenn konglomerat: Polym. basalkgi. 1): Jarflord-komplekeet Pre- Gammelt gneisunderlag i Sydvaranger med granitttske gneiser, mig- samider matitter, glimrner og granatgnemer, akinzigitto og arntibolitt. ca. 2800 7 Fra Polmak vestover langs Tana: Granulittgneiser.

1) Forslag tit nye stratigratuke navn

Fig. 3: The precambrian of the east-Finnamrk (OFTEDAHL, 1974).

There are from the basis upwards the "Jarfjord-komplexset" (2800 m-Y), which consists of granitic gneises and migmatites and-finds its pendant in the archean gneisdome on the Finnmarks-vidda (see 2.2), than the "Bjørnevanns-gruppe" (2600 m.y.) supposely a geosyncline series and at least, with a clear discordance to the underlying group, the "Petsamo- gruppe" (1800 m.y.), a typical geosynchine sedimentation pile. This group startsat its footwall with a basal-conglomerate (Neverskrukk-conglomeratet), what is mixed with arkosic sand- stones. Upon that rests a sequence of basic volcanics ("Skogs- foss grønnstein"), made up out of submarine - pillowed - basic volcanics,now metamorphosed to greena_ones and or amplibolites and not further differentiated ultrabasic volcanics with inter- - 5 -

bedded graphite slates and - schists. Further up there are following more felsic volcanics and, in a greater amount, metasediments like micaschists and carbonates.

The series as its whole could be related to a rift - volcan- isme (BJØRLYKKE, 1982). There are some indications - age of formation and lithostratigraphie - what leads to a corre- lation of this group with the volcanic-sedimentary sequence of the Finnmarks-vidda (OFTEDAHL, 1974).


Connected to the BjØrnevanns-group there is an exhalative - sedimentary iron-ore deposit called "Sydvaranger quartz - banded iron ore". Further informations can be taken from BUGGE (1978).

In the norwegian part of the Petsamo-group no sulfide mine- ralisation of economic importance has yet been found. Well known is a Ni- Cu - mine (Petsamo) on the russian side, not far away from the norwegian border. This pentlandite/chalco- pyrite appearence is connected to serpentinized peridotites and metagabbros. On the norwegian side there have been re- portet boulders of equivalent mineral compositionin glacial residues from the Pasvik-area. Glacial transport direction and trace-element analysis of these heavy sulfide boulders point to an own mineralisation supposely located in this area. In the last few years prospecting activities were carried out by Sulfidmalm A/S. They included diamond-drilling. In fact of the negative results these activities were stopped in the middle of 1982.


The geological structure of the Finnmarks-vidda is from the first point of view a very simple one. (Fig. 4). In central position there is found a tongue-shaped gneisdome of archean age (2800 m.y). With a mainly N - S elongation this body covers an area of about 5000 km2. Its northern hinge is located in the nearea of Skoganvarre. This gneisdome is surrounded by a volcanic-sedimentary series metamorphosed in lower greenschist - to amplibolite-facies. Its horizons are running more are less N - S and by that parallel to the gne,isborders.This unit shows lithological differences be- tween its eastern and western part, what efforts a discrimi- nation in the West-Vidda, with the westerly greenstone-belt and the Karasjok-group (east side). Their separate discrip- tion will be given later.

The total age of this rockgroup is nowadays in discussion. Former age-determinations pointed out a karelish (1800 m.y) formation. Never works carried out on samples of adequate



- - - - ,, VV V VVV V V V V V VVV V - V VVV V V - ) v vvvv v v LEGEND: - x_ ,VVVVVV VVVV ‘.4 VVVV V Gronite VVVVV, VVVV Sandstone Greenstone

ultromof ics vv VVV ArgiSaceous Sedirnents V V v, v V Arenoceous Sediments V V V _ V V Archeon Bosement -- V V VS, V V - V V V V V Moin Areo Of Interest VVVV /1V, V V v VVVvVVV MV VVV Placer Gold Occurences VVvVvvveriV VVVV v v V V V V V V V V V V . VVvVVVvVV VVvV \.‘ V VV V ' VvvVVV vvvy ------vvvvy V V " \ VVVV V V V . V V \ V V '. V V V • v vy.tvvv\c VV V '\/ - -,v"/v/vvv V V V -,vvvvvvyvv VV V V . V V . V V V VVV VV VV v V IVVVV :VV v' v - V V\I V V VVV 1, V ".1 V I _ v

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4: 1:ta,„4 fied map or ?inLmarksvi,:.:a - 7 - material from northern Finland lead to a possibly archean age (BJØRLYKKE, 1982).

Both, gneisdome and volcanic sedimentary pile are in- tructed by gabbros - the majority of them is found in the Karasjok-greenstone - belt-, granites and dolerite - dykes.


This basal gneis varies from granitic to dioritic in com- postion (BJØRLYKKE, 1982) - granodioritic to quartzdioritic (SKÅLVOLL, 1972) - and shows by that locally enrichments of mica and garnets, what leads to a mica - or garnet gneis. It predominates a medium grain-size and a granoblastic texture. Pegmatitic equivalents develops as small (dm) "veins" and or certain bodies with typical mikrographic textures between quartz and feldspar. Enrichments of large biotite-plates are common in these zones.

Inclusions of unfamiliar material as amphibolites, hornblende- gneises and micagneisses are reported from WENNERVIRTA (1969). HOLMSEN et al (1957) describe micaschists, green- schists, quartzites and talkschists, the common types of rocks in the westerly greenstone-belt...

The contacts between the gneisdome and the onlying meta- sedimentdry formation are as well concordant as discordant.


The stratigraphie of the Karasjok-group given by WENNERVIRTA (1968) and SKÅLVOLL (1972) basis essentially on one good outcrop, called the "Cag'gejåkka nØkkelområde", which is located about 10 km south of Skoganvarre. After that the Karasjok-group consists of two, supposely three groups: an arenaceous basis, the following volcanic-sedimentary pile and a more sedimentary completition part (Fig. 5). The last two ones are described as the Karasjok greenstone-group. It builds the Karasjok greenstone-belt,(BJØRLYKKE (1982)),a mainly N - S trending formation, which runs from Porsanger- fjorden in the north to the southern corner of the Finnmarks- vidda. From here it continues further into Finland, where it forms the Kittil.å greenstone-complex.

Fig. 5: Strati9raphic of the Karaslok-group

Karasjok greenstone-group amphibolite, hornblendeschist (marbel) meta-picrite (mafic, ultramafic, laves) - 8 -

supposely Karelish Arenaceous basis

(1800 m.y.) - mica schists, metagreywacks, graphiteschists quartzites, metaarenites basalconglomerate Basal gneis-complex arkean (2800 m.y)

The arenaceous basis comprises out of a typical basal cong- lomerate, which grades upwards into arkosic sandstones and further into pure quartzite. This alignment characterizes an typical clastic evolution of shelt deposition. Upon that follows a more pelitic section made up out of quartz-mica schists, which contain small horizons of metagreywackes and graphite schits.

The contacts between the base - sediments and the onresting volcanic-sedimentary pile appearse to be very sharp with locally obvious brecciation. This let think about tectonic conditions, which are mainly accepted by SKALVOLL (1972) and BJØRLYKKE (1982) - he believes in an overthrusted sequence from the east.

A detailed description of the whole volcanicsedimentary pile or even an idea of the karelish (?) volcanic evolution hasn't been found in any of the publications. Surely, this is why there is a lack of information about the geology based on the very small amount of outcrops.

The greenstoneunit starts at here base with basic and ultra- basic volcanics, which show locally very well preserved pillow - and agglomerate - structures (Njuvcokka). They occure nowadays as more or less massive amphibolites or garnet - amphibolites and greenstonesand can be interpre- tated as former submarine basalt-flows.They are accompanied by amphibolechlorite schists, supposely tuffaceaus in origin (WENNERVIRTA, 1968). Furthermore SKALVOLL (1972) reports rockmaterial composed of amphibole, chlorite and serpen- tine surely an altered ultrabasic volcanic. Interbedded in this section are some arenaceous layers, described as biotite - bearing metasandstones (BJØRLYKKE, 1982). Furter are associated one or even more horizons of iron-banded quartzites (banded iron-formation) and beds of graphite slates and - schists.

These banded iron-formations are of possibly exhalativ - sedimentary origin and occure in 8 to 15 m big horizons - 9

mostly on top of marked basalt-flows (masses of amphi- bolites with underlain amphibolite-chlorite), from which they are divided by 5 to 20 cm thick seams of sulfides (composed out of pyrrhotite with minor amounts of pyrite and chalcopyrite). The formations show in general a wide mineralogy. Main components are quartz, carbonate and magnetite. In a lesser degree there appeares garnet, pyroxen, biotite, g runerite and ferric tremolite and in addition hematite and Mn-oxides. By diamond drilling (TRØFTEN, 1957062) there is proved a distinct zoning, both in a horizontal and vertical extension, what is indicated by mostly slowly changes in mineral compostion. Carbonate - facies banded iron-formation occures for example at Njuv- cokka in a higher niveau as the magnetite enriched more quartzite variation. The pure silicate section, very often located at the footwall of the formations, are always over- lain by "Skarnstein" (WENNERWIRTA, 1968), supposely the silicate-facies of banded iron-formation.

As a rule the banded iron-formations are capped by graphite- rich pelites.

Higher up in the volcanic-sedimentary sequence there are found greater amounts of quartzites (with and without fuch- site), arkosic sandstones, micaschists and carbonates.

The uppermost part of the Karasjok-group consists mainly out of amphibolites (massive and banded, garnet-bearing or not) and hornblende gneisses, which are interlayered by small horizons of carbonate. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY.


The Karasjok-district has been noted for many years for the occurence of placer gold. Nearly all of the earlier papers available were restricted to these occurences (DAHL, 1891, RENSCH, 1903). A good review of all is given by BJØRLYKKE (1966).

Most of the placer gold prospects are located in the south- west of Karasjok along the Bartajokka and Karasjokka (here only the streak between Baeivasgiedde and Raitejavri). From this areathere are reported both, basic and ultrabasic vol- canics, which belong to the bottom part of the Karasjok-group. Connected to are banded iron-formations. Another placer gold area is the Gorzzejåkka-/Anajåkka-field, lying in the far south of Karasjok close to the easterly border to Fin- land. This occurence is arranged - after SKÅLVOLL (1972) - in the completion pile of the Karasjok-group.

There are three different types of placer gold occurences - 10 -

reported by BJØRLYKKE (1966). The first two ones are re- stricted to the old erosional river terraces, which often lie 6 - 8 m above the present river level. These occurences are described as

preglacial placers which have not been affected by glacial erosion and pregalcial placers which are enclosed in glacial residues.

The third type is represented by postglacial gold concen- trations in present river beds. This is only found at the "Sargejok-gullfelt".

The estimated total gold production of the Finnmarks-vidda is of the order of 40 kg. The extracted gold consisted mainly out of small plates of 1/2to 1 mm in diameter. No gold dust has been reported. Besides that there were found some nuggets, with up to 17 g ip weight ("Sargejok-gullfelt")

Native gold has been found by RENSCH (1903) in quartzites and sandstones near Baeivasgiedde and Skiecamjokka. From Finland (Lappi-district) there have been reported gold- bearing pyrrhotite and siderite veins.

At last should be mentioned, that the highest gold-concen- tration of more than 2 g/m3 was found in the "Sargejok - gullfelt". This is located at the Sargejokka south of Baei- vasgiedde.


In 1956/57 a prospecting programme on magnetic iron-ore connected with the banded iron-formation was carried out at Soulomaras, Njuovcåkka and Gaessagielas. These activi- ties included as well geophysical surveys as diamond-drilling. On the best looking mineralisation south of Njuovcokka there were drilled altogether 12 holes with a total meterage of 1100 m. The iron-content ranged between 22 - 27 % by a thick- ness of 10 to 15 m. No economic iron - enrichments have been prooved (TRØFTEN, 1957/62, WENNERVIRTA, 1968).


A chalcopyrite occurence, bearing some gold, in a gneis of dioritic composition was discovered by Sydvaranger A/S at Raitivarri in 1966. The exploration programme lasted for several years (a member of 10 were named by local persons).

Sulfidmalm A/S concentrated their activities on Cu - Ni - occurences bounded to ultramatic volcanics, the same type of deposite they were looking for in the Pasvik-area (2.1.1). These activities were dropt in 1976. Several chalcopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite mineralisations are described from metamorphosed mainly basic volcanics of the Caskias-Porsanger group, which is the northern lithological eqUivalence of the volcanic-sedimentary section of the Karasjok-group. The occurences are divided into a stratiform type with a domination of pyrrhotite and a Cu-enriched brecciated vein-type. The stratabouad.sedi- mentary deposits consists of alternating bands of quartzitic and schistose rockmaterial with sulfide-rich seams. This section can be followed on the base of a distinct rusty colouring over a distance of several hundrets of meters along the strike. Its thickness vary from 10 to 20 m. The main sulfides reported are pyrrhotite and pyrite with lesser amounts of arsenopyrite (gold ?) (BUGGE, 1978). The brecciated vein-type shows a very inhomogeneous habit and develops mostly in the greenstones. The vein-material consists of quartz (carbonate is not reported) (TRØFTEN, 1957) and sulfides, mostly chalcopyrite with bornite and digenite. Typical are ore-shots near boundaries of greenstones.

All prospecting programms in the last 50 years,which encluded yeophysical surveys, diamond-drilling and pitting came to a negative result.


A nearly complete description of the Vest - Vidda is given by HOLMES et al (1957). The results of further works, namely carried out by A. SOLLI are at the present time not avail- able, though they are discussed already by BJØRLYKKE (1982). Uurthermore there are found some regional studies mainly dealing with the Bidjovagge Cu - Au - deposit. Espesially they led forewards to a better understanding of the tecto- nic structure of this area.

The rocks of the Vest-Vidda are metamorphosed in either very low greenschist (Caravarre region) or in amphibolite- facies.

The nowadays valid stratigraphy for the "Vest- Vidda" oriyinates from OFTEDAHL (1974) Fig. 6.

As pointed out, the supracrustale rock-assemblage comprises out of three main groups. The bottom-part builds the "Masi- yruppen", which mainly is composed out of arenaceous sedi- ments, here the Masi - konglomerate and the Masi-quartzite. This Masi-quartzite is well known especially from its significant amount of Cr-mica (Fuchsite). Right beyond this horizon there is found the "lowest" greenstone-series which is called the Gåldenvarriformation (BJØRLYKKE, 1982). - 12 -

fEra og alder Stratigrafi.

Ost-karelsk Yngre efiabasganger.

Invasjon av pegmatittgranitt på sprekker. (Sen-karelsk) Foldning, metamorfose, granittiseong.

Careverre-gruppen. Sandstein, dels grov og feltspatisk. Karelsk Argillitt med karbonatlag. Kautokeino-konglomerat. Argillitter, tuffittiske leirskdre.

'&skias-gruppen. 1800-1900 Grønnstem; dertil tuffskdre, agglornerat, kvartskeratobir. intrusjoner av gabbro og ultrabasoke bergarter

Mesi-gruppen. Masi kvartsdt, bl.a. med fuchsot

Masi konglomerat. Grønnskifer-fm. (?), Masi-kbron Basal-arkose (Karasjokk, 100 m v. Skoganvarle). Skoganvarre-kg1... Basalkg1. log breksiel -• Pre-samdfisk. Ca. 2800 Migmatitt-gneoer med rester av ambboint, etc.

Fig. 6: Stratigraphic of the Vest-Vidda (OFTEDAHL, 1974).

The following "Caskias-group"comrpises out of masses of metabasalts(amphibolites) with local obvious pillow- and agglomerate-structures, beds of tuffites, graphite rich pelitic sediments and the often described and discussed Albite-felsite from the Bidjovagge-mine, a rock, which supposely represents a felsic volcanic tuft (leptite) (HOLLANDER, 1979).

This rockgroup with predominating basic volcanics is capped by the "Caravarre-group", a more arenaceous and argillaceous unit, which carries minor amount of the tuff- aceous pelites. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY.

1n the opposite to the Karasjok-group no placer gold occurences are reported from the Vest-Vidda. Several Cu, Zn, Pb enrichments are pointed out by HOLMSEN et al (1957). These occure as syngenetic mineralisations in graphite-rich sediments (either untouched by tectonics or brecciated)(ppto 0,5 % Cu. (GJERSVIK 1957))or are bound as a epigentic type of deposition to metasomatic alt-ra- tions or to vein likestructures. All of them are restricted to the Caskias-formation.

The one and yet only reported deposit of commercial size is the Bidjovagge-mine, located in thembstwesterly part of the Vest-Vidda. Mining operations here started in 1970, after several years of prospecting and exploration. "Due to the falling prices of copper" the production was already closed down in the middle of 1975 (HOLLANDER, 1979). - 13 -

The Cu - Au mineralisations at Bidjovagge occure in the Casikas-Stuorajavre group, which consists in that part out of either greenstones or greenschists, than carbona- ceous schists, the albite-felsite and further more out of intrusive amphibolites and metadiabases. The sulfides are mainly localized to the albite-felsite and the carbonaceous schists, which in places show a significant brecciation (matrix out of chalcopyrite). The heavy sulfide concen- trations are found in more or less lenseshaped bodies which are following the main tectonic structures. They represent remobilisations from syngenetic, stratabound mineralisations.

The ore-minerals are chalcopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite. Galena, sphalerite and magnetite are restricted to fissuring. The reported gold is mostly connected with chalcopyrite and pyrite, or, by lesser amounts of sulfides, to Bi-, Ni-, Fe- tellurides (HAGEN 1981/82).

The Cu-content varies between 1,8 and 2,1 %. The Au-content shows a great variation, but the average grade is about 1,2 ppm. (HAGEN, 1982), 0,5 Ppm (HOLLANDER, 1979).


The Alta-Kvennangen window:-is used in fact,of the very good ouccrop-situation,as a referance-district, by, for example, interprelations of the precambrian rock-unit of the Finnmabksviidda.

Most of the papers available are dealing with the Cu- mineralisations, found at Raipas and Kåfjord and further in the Bergmark-district. From ZWAAN a GAUTIER (1980) there exist a geological map (1 : 50000) and a detailed description of the Alta - Gargia region, the east part of the precambrian tectonic window.

The precambrian rocks of this area are combined to the Raipas-group, which consists, following the new subdivision, out of four sections, known as the "Kvenvik-","Storviknes-", "Skoaddivarri-" and the "Luovusvarriformation". (Fig. 7).

This group is overlain by the senprecambrian "Bossekop-" and the Bocambrian "Borrasformation". - 14 -

Fig. 7:

Stratigraphie of the Alta-Kvennangen tectonic window

Luovusvarriformation (dolomite with sandstone) Skoaddivarriformation (sandstone with metapelites) Raipas- group Storviknes-formation (carbonates and metapelites) Kvenvikformation (metagabbro, metabasalt, tuffs, metapelites, carbonates).

The Kvenvik-formation encloses a more or less volcanic sequence, mainly built up out of metagabbros and metabasalts. They are interlayered by tuffs and tuffites which gradually increase in amount up section. This pure volcanic pile is in his upper parts more and more intermixed by pelitic and carbonaceous sediments.

The following Storviknes-formation carries an alternating bedding of carbonates and pelites.

Messive to slightly bedded sandstone, which is interbedded by some horizons of pelitic material, predominates in the Skuaddivarri-formation.

The Luovusvarri-formation shows a significant alternation of dolomites and sandstones.

For the better understanding of the lithology of the Raipas- group, there are given, in the following, some simplified profiles published in different NGU-reports and by ZWAAN a. GAuTIEA (1980). (Fig. 8 - 10).

SKYVEDEKKER Skifer/sandstein

Skifer/sandstein BORRASGRUPPEN

BOSSEKOP ".. GRUPPEN . • Kvartsitt, noe skifer RAIPASGRUPPEN

koaddevarri- Sandstein. Dolomittlag f orrnasjonen i •vre deler


..--, Massiv dolomitt

Storviknes - Dolomitt/skifer formasjonen

Laminert sandstein , ->. ..., ....- / Tuff/tuffit/grennskifer ... / 1 t . ...,- - ‘ % / c> Putelava , / 0 17 ... ig"

0 I 1 % ./ 0 . • v Metagabbro 1 - 1/ \ V- . V v , _ Kvenvik - v v - Dolomitt \ for masjone n v ... i /

I ..., 1 / fl

Fig. 8. Sinp1ifiai stratigraphy of the Alta - Kværangen window (VIK, 1979).




Nentjellgruppen 13.1110E7GMEIS 14EDAMFIBOLITTLINSER mkjent atder,antott) kprekambrium KALKGLIMMERSKIFERMED DUMIe1KR,OPP



- - leOkornbrium?) -











Fig.9. Tektonostratigraphicoolumn(map-sheetAlta).Vertical scaleis approximate.(NAAN og GAURLER,1980). KALAK — DEKKET

Metaarkose KJÆKAN —GRUPPEN Kvartsitt tillitt leirstem

RAIPAS— GRUPPEN 4. IS000 rn Luovusvarrisandste;nen; Dolomitt vekshng med sandstem

Skoadduvarrisandstemen Feltspat sk sandstem med tynne leirstemslag og konglomerater

Grafittholdig sandste n)

. .• •• ••• ø • • ••• • 4.• • b • • • ••• • b, Storviknesdolom;Iten:

Siltstein med tynne dolorni ttlag ^, 350 rn Dotomitt Imed underordnet kalkspat

RodLig sittstein



Met abasaltlag sk lt av tynne tufflag. Pwer den overste enheten

Kalkspaldom nert karbonat Svartsksfer

‘;/f 5,f I, Metagabbro

Putelava med endel metagabbrolinser 1 'Blandet enhet- ftuffitt , els, svartfels1

. . — Svartfels Fels Intrudert av rnagnehttholdige --• ••.'"•\7--1 '• metagabbro - sItts Dolom tt + 10 0Orn _ . _

° 0 ° 0 ° 0 00 ° ° Dolom tt feltspat b a

\--/ -1•

••/‘ •"„I 1%-/' 1—% 1 C-G•1;,1,' ‘1,

Fig. 10. Simplifiedstratigraphyof the hata - Kvanangenwindow (VIK,1981). - 18 -


The Alta-Kvennangen window shows a great number of Cu- mineralisations and - deposits, that have been extensively explored or even have been mined for a longer period. The most important Cu-occurences were Kåfjord and Raipas, both located in the Alta-Gargia district, and the "Bergmark- området" in the western part of this window.

There are found two main types of deposits (VIK 1979/80/81), both located in the Kvenvikformation of the Raipas-group. The first, dessiminated type, is connected to albite-felsite and graphite-schists of a greenstone sequence. This appear- unce makes it comparible with the Cu-mineralisation at Bidjovagge

The second type represents vein-deposits. There are described either quartz - carbonate - or siderite - veins, which carry chalcopyrite and pyrite in bigger and smaller lumps. These veius occure mainly in altered metagabbros (VIK, 1981) greenstones (BJØRLYKKE, 1982). This group includes too the Raipas-copper-mine, a brecciated vein-type deposit, but located in dolomites and metapelites of the "Storvikformation".


The general geology of the Komagfjord-window is described either by REITAN (1963) or by PHARAOH (1980) (see BJØRLYKKE, 1982).

The supercrustale series of karalish age is divided into the "Holmvannsgruppen", the"Sa1tvannsgruppen" and thc "Nus.serengruppen".Both the first and the last one, enclose basic and ultrabasic volcanics (metabasalt, tuffs, tuffites) and in minor amounts calcareous sediments, quartzites and carbonaceaus layers. The "Saltvannsgroup", located in be- Lween these volcanic-sedimentary sections,comprises out of arkosic sandstones and polymikt conglomerates.


There are known a lot of copper-iron sulfide deposits from the Kvennangen-window. These mineralisations are divided into a more Cu-rich dessiminated type, found for example in the arkosic sandstones of the Saltvannsgroup at Ulve- ryggen (Repparfjord) and a more pyrite-rich paragensis, which is represented by small vein-fillings especially occuring in the greenstones and quartzites of the Holmvanns- and Nusserengroup. This type of deposite has been mined at Bratthammeren, Porsa and Bachkes. - ty -


Most of the correlations between the supercrustale series of precambrian age, found in the Finnmark-district, are made for only that reason, to clear up the geology and lithostratigraphy of the highly covered areas, especially these of the Finnmarks-vidda. Further more these combi- nations can also help with prospecting and exploration programmes. These correlations were made with the use of marker horizons and characteristic rock-groups.and several interpretations may exist. The "Masigruppen" finds, and there is no doubt, its pendant in the arenaceous bottom part of the Karasjok-group. Com- plicated is the situation of the Gåldenvarriformation. Egual material has not been found in the basis section on the east side of the gneis-dome. This unit may be corre- lated with the Holmvannsgroup of the Komagfjord tectonic window. The following Caskejasformation (Vest-Vidda) is comparable with the volcanic-sedimentary section of the Karasjok-group, the Nusserengroup of the Komagfjordarea, the Kvenvikformation of the Alta - Kvenangen - window and the Skøgsfossgreenstone of the Petsamogroup of the east Finnmark-district. The arenaceous sediments of the Caravarriformation (Vest-Vidda) supposely find their northern extension in the Skuadduvarrisandstone of the Alta - Kvenangen area. Further it may be equivalent with the Saltvannsgroup (Komagfjord window), but also with the Masi-quartzite of the Vest-Vidda.

A main problem is the stratigraphic position of the Iskuras quartzite (Karasjok-district), which can be, based on the mineralogy, combined with the Masi-quartzite in the west. This is done as well by OFTEDAHL (1974) as by BJØRLYKKE (1982). WENNERVIRTA (1969) tries no real correlation. He comes only to the result, that this block of rock must be- long to his sedimentary-volcanic complex, what includes the arenaceous basis and the volcanic-sedimentary section, without the upper amphibolited and hornblendites (2.2.2).

From the economic point of view, it it to stress out, that placer gold occurences are restricted to the eastern side of the Finnmark-vidda. It is conspicuous too, that no banded iron-formations are reported from other precambrian outerop-areas. Furthermore no gold-quartz veins are found at all within the norwegian part.

The Cu-mineralisation and - deposits are restricted, with only some exceptions, to the volcanic-sedimentary rockgroup at the basis of the precambrian supercrustale series. No - 20 -

real massive stratiform sulfide-deposite is known from the whole district. On the opposite, mumerous vein-type or u-ecciated vein-type deposits with sometimes high Cu-values >. 10 % (VIK,1980/81)) are described from the precambrian vindows and also (one)from the north-part (Porsanger) of the fLrasjok greenstone-belt. Stratiform dessiminated types it albite-felsits (possibly of volcanic origin) and carbona- ct:.usschists and greenstones have been mined at Bidjovagge secondary enriched, tectonically controlled) and in tht Bergmark-district. Equal mineralisations have been re- por:,d from North-Sweden and North-Finnland (BJØRLYKKE, 1982).


The glc1ogy of the Karasjok-district is mainly described by WENNER''RTA (1969) and SKALVOLL (1972). From the last one originttes too the nowadays valid geological-map (scale 1 : 250 000 of this area. Further informations are available by diffttent NGU-rapports, which in the majority are dealing with the irospecting on iron-ore connected to the banded iron-foric.tion( Several other papers, such from BJØRLYKKL (1966) and REUSCH (1903) are more or less restricted to the pl,ler gold occurences in this area (

Both, stratiraphy and the main geology of this area are not really up yet. But a model of the lithology of the precambrian c)ckgronp is already in operation (2.2.2).

The geologica map draws a very diffuse picture of the Kara- sjok district. Phe whole series of supercrustale rocks seems to be divided n several small blocks, which have been rotated against each otPlor.This is shurely on one hand due to a lack a information (Ivw degree of outcrops), to the other .due to a certain high diree of deformation, which is represented by isoclinal folO_ng, obvious, both, in a smaller and a greater scale ann in an extreme thrust faulting.

However, even from he very little information available, it is possible to dra. out belts of specific rock appearence.

The basis and ultrabt;is volcanics for example, classified by SKALVOLL (1972) a metapicrites, together with the banded iron-formations are siread out over a crescent shaped area, which extends from Vuuilosjavri in the south to Bakkelvarri in the north. (Fig. 4). This area lies very close to the border of the gneis-dom, but east from Bavtajåkka and Karasjåkka. In this belt the metavolcanics are accompanied by the mica schists and luartz-mica schists of the arenaceous bottom-patt.Further to tle east there follows the large district of the hornblen: schists and the amphibolites. A belt of quarlzites (with ruchsite) is extending from Biesken- jarga in the west over Jaegilvarri to the east side of Karasjok. - 21-

The strike of the horizons varies between 00 and 360° (4000). Locally there is found a very distinct E - W trend, here especially in the metapicrites at Njuocåkka and Gaessagielas. The dip is in all directions, but clearly predomigates to- wardsthe east. The gipangles are normaly 30 to 45 , some- times higher, at 60 , ore even more.

Tectonical studies from the Karasjok-district have not really been carried out yet. No foldaxis or faults are included in the geological map from SKÅLVOLL (1972). A structural sketch with a brief explanation is given by WENNERWIRTA (1969). This illustration shows foldaxis, which are mostly N S trending, here in Iskuras-district (south of Karasjok) and strict E - W orientated in the far south at Baeivasgiedde. Fractures occure as flat lying uplifts strikeing ca. NE - SW. The direction of movemertor even the age are not dis- cussed.


The diamond-drilling program in the Karasjok-project area lasted at least three month, from the 18th of June to the 16th of September. On ground of a mutual aggreament, there was a two weeks break from the 13th to the 27th of July.

The works were carried out by the norwegian drill-company TERRANOR A/S. Drilling-operations were undertaken in two skifts. The equipment consisted out of a rig-slade, a transport-slade and muskeg (Bombardier, Can.). The drill-rig was a fully automated hydraulic core drill of the type DBH 700 from Diamond Boart, Belgium,with wireline. Normal coring was undertaken by 46,1 mm (1.815') (0.D.) steel-rocks of the metric system and diamond-bits with impregnated dia- monds Ly different hardnesses and diamond-qualities. The normale casing was done by 56,1 mm (2.209') and 66,1 mm (2.602') rocks. In only half of the cases, there was used a 76,1 mm (2.996') dimension.

The drilling operations were concentrated in two main areas. (Fig. 11). The first is the tract between Karasjok and Bieskenjarga, which encloses the drill-targets on Madijavri (1 holo), Daktejåkka (2 holes), Sammelcåkka (1 hole), Gaetkevarri (2 holes) and Aslat-Pier-Varri (1 hole). These locations are connected to good supply gravel roads. The secOnd drill-area is lying in the far southwest at Baeivas- giedde, about 35 km (linear distance) from Karasjok. Drilling was done here at Dabmutsuokkadas (3 holes) and Gaessaroavvi (1 hole). This place can be reached only either by tractor or heavy cross country cars on swampy dirt roads or by heli- copter. No supply is possible by water-plane. The transport of the drill-equipment to this operation area was undertaken by muskeg.

There were drilled 11 holes (13 with stucked ones: DAB-82-01/04) with a total meterage of 1.337,35 m. The drill-targets were - 22 -


MAQ -82-01 war3-- ‘DAK- 82-02 OAK-132-01 lies.5kka 0 SAM - 82-01 ° GPET- 82-01

APV- 82-01 0 G/K T- 82-02




DAB-82-04/05 0 0-DAB- 82-03 0 DAB- 82- 01/02 44' o GMS- 82-01


• •

10 15 k Orin hole INacer gold occurence scale 1 : 250 030

Fig. il. Drill hole location map, Karasjok-prosject.

- 23 -

good corresponding EM- and Mag.-anomalies of ground geo- physical surveys. Some conductors could be eliminated before as graphite hosizons by former fieldobservations. The dråll- angle was - 45 , that in fact of the mostly low (30 - 45 ) dipping of the supercrustale horizons. The direction of drilling was mostly aligned with the geophysical profils.


The logs of the single drill holes are arranged at the end of this report.Furthermore, from every drill hole there are columnar profils available. The illustrations include too the estimated total sulfide contents of the different rock- lypes, the sample-locations together with their chemical results and sketches of the EM- and Mag.-anomalies of the target.


location: Madijavri-grid, 1 km southwest of Karasjok L 1 + 00 N / 0 + 00 drilling: - 450, grid west (3300) overburden: 3,40 m depth: 75,00 m further points of interest: started : 19.06.82 (d) finnished : 21.06.82 (d) cementation at 35,30 m. samples: 4, covering together 6 m.

This drill hole intersected three distinct rock-units. These are from the top downwards a metagabbro (0 - 46 m), a graphite sequense (46 - 57 m) and a series of argillaceous metasedi- ments with interlayered basis volcanics (57 - 75 m).

The metagabbro (amphibolite) is a massive, locally - here pspecially in the contamination zone to the metasediments - slightly schistose, greenish black rock, which occures as well in a medium (0,2 - 0,5 mm) as a coarse grained (0,5 - 1,0 nm) variety. The plagioklas-content may rise to about 60 % - this gradual but is mostly very very low. A neglig- able titanomagnetite impregnation is recognized between 22 and 23 m. Sulfides, here mostly pyrite accompanied sometimes by pyrrhotite, are present sporadically. At about 40 m there occures a massive sulfide seam (pyrrhotite overestimates pyrite), which shows very irregilar walls to the surrounding foliated and disturbed metagabbro. This mineralisation shows no characteristics with a real vein-type deposition. It is more to think of a lense shaped remobilisation. The cnntact between the metagabbro and the metasediments are clearly discordant. - 24 -

The graphite sequence, of 11 m thickness, is maid up out of a more or less massive, blackish coloured graphite pelite, which posesses some bands of biotite-phyllite. To the irregular fissuring, there are bound quartz (remobilized, autochthon) and the only visuable sulfides (pyrrhotite, pyrite).

In the lowest sequence there predominates a dark grey, very well schistose garnet phyllite (garnets reach locally 10 Vol. - by an average grainsize of 0,2 mm), which is inter- bedded by a green to light green biotite-chlorite-amphibolite, perhaps a basic tuff to tuffite.

The sedimentary pile of this drill hole shows a clear domina- tion in pelitic sediments. The amount of intermixed volcanics is very low.

Tho EM-conductor is represented by the graphite sequence.

DAK-82-01. location: Daktojåkka-grid, 4 km west of Karasjok. 9 00 S / 1 + 25 drilling: - 45°, grid west (340°) overburden: 17,00 m depth: 91,60 m further points of interest: startet : 23.06.82 (n) finished: 25.06.82 (n) samples: 13,covering together 27 m.

From the lithology this drill hole is to divide into an upper section mainly made up out of quartz-feldspar-biotite- amphibole gneis (17,00 - 57,82 m), a middle one, named yraphite sequence (57,82 - 84,42 m) and a last one, consisting out of metagabbro (84,42 - 91,60 m).

The first section shows a high contingent of metamorphosed areaceous sedimentsoccuring as quartzites, metasiltstones/ sandstones and the quartz-feldspar-biotite-amphibOle gneis, a may be in situ recrystallized arkose or greywacke (WINDLEY, 1977). This gneis is for the first described as a rock of sedimentary origin, thought it is not clear yet, of -rhat kind of parent rock it originates.

The following graphite-rich zone shows a distinct alternating bedding of a massive to well laminated, sometimes distorted graphite slate with the equal arenaceous metasediments of - 25 -

the more upper section. The contacts between these pelitic and argillitic/arenaceous beds are always extreme sharp.

The sulphides as pyrite and pyrrhotite (no chalcopyrite has been observed) displays a clear rockpreference. Pyrite is the only sulfide occuring in the quartzites. It is hear filling cracks and veins, what let think of a secondary enrichment (5 to 7 Vol.-%). In the graphite slates there is mineralized as well pyrrhotite (major part) as pyrite (1 - 2 Vol.-%).

The EM-conductor is the graphitic sequence.


location: Daktejåkka-grid, 4 km west of Karasjok. • 3 + 00 N / 0 + 50 V drilling: - 450, grid west (3400) overburden: 7,60 m depth: 82,75 m further points of interest-started: 25.06.82 (d) finished: 26.06.82 (d) samples: 4, covering together 7 m.

The main part of this hole is made up out of a amphibole/ hornblende schist, supposely the same kind of rock SKALVOLL (1972) already described from this area. This rock occures in several varieties, here, with or without biotite and garnets (0,5 - 1,0 mm), or markedly enriched in quartz or graphite. It is possibly of sedmentary origin. This amphi- bolite is furter down interlayered by thinner (20 cm) and • thicker ( 2 m) bands of graphite slate and metasandstone/ -silstone.

This series is intruded b a gabbraThe contamination zone between the metasediments ana this intrusive rock is charak- terized by an alternating of bands of highly reworked gra- phite schist with a very schistose metagabbro.

Sulfide mineralisation is found in metasiltstones,graphite horizons and distorted sections of the metagabbro. The values in general do not pass 2 Vol.-%. Pyrite is the most occuring sulfide.

The EM-conductor is represented by the graphite horizons. - 26 -

SAM-82-01. location: Sammelcåkka, 11 km west from Karasjok. 3 + 00 S / 1 + 25 Ø drilling: - 450, grid west (3100) overburden: 6,50 m depth: 124,00 m further points of int-erest:startet : 29.06,82 (n) finished: 01.07.82 (n) samples: 6, covering together.10 m.

The drill hole shows a very clear predominance of metamor- phosed arenaceous and argillitic sediments. Products of volcanic activities are only obvious in one section. Here they even exceed the accompaning sediments.

The revealed rockpile presents four significant rockunits. These are the arkosic sandstone (6,50 - 36,68 m), the upper garnet schist (36,68 - 56,70 m), the volcanic-sedimentary section (56,70 - 84,40 m) and the lower garnet schist (84,40 - 124,00 m). The first two ones and the last one are very homogeneous in character. The most important part of this drill hole is the volcanic-sedimentary interval, which consists out of an alternating bedding of graphite slates, laminated intervals with graphite schists, phyllites, biotite schists and metasiltstones, than quartzites and basic to ultrabasic tuffs and tuffites. Further with are intermediate volcanics. The contact between the different beds or horizons are always sharp. This section carries the highest sulfide mine- ralisation which can reach in places 20 Vol.-%. The most important sulfide is pyrrhotite. Pyrite occures in only minor amounts.

High magnetite concentrations accompanied by idiomorphic pyrite (2 Vol - %) are found in the arkosic sandstone. The garnet schist are always sulfide - or oxide - free.

The Em-anomaly indicates surely the graphite and the sulfide of the volcanic-sedimentary section. The weak and wide Mag. should be referred to the magnetite found in the arkosic sandstone and the higher pyrrhotite concentration in the volcanic-sedimentary section.

GET-82-01. location: Gaetkevarri, 14 km west from Karasjok. 3 + 00 N / 0 + 75 Ø. drilling: - 45, grid° west (304). 0 - 27 -

overburden: 6,00 m depth: 137,80 m further point of interest: startet : 02.07.82 (n) finished: 04.07.82 (d) samples: 18, covering together 28 m.

The drill hole intersected a very structured sedimentary - volcanic pile. The sediments consists mainly out of pelitic rocks, either metamorphosed to garnet-aphibole schists or, by consSderable amount of carbon, to graphite slates. Further more there are occuring carbonate beds (the only drilled ones) and some horizons of quartzite. The volcanic material is of basic and supposely of intermediate to felic composttionand represents tuffs and tuffites. Some greenstones are surely metamorphosed basalt-flows. They build up only some thinner bands.

The division of this sedimentary-volcanic pile into a meta- gabbro section (6,00 - 26,00 m), a graphitic interval (26,00 - 80,70 m), a unit of garnet - amphibole schists (80,70 - 94,70 m), a volcanic sequence (94,70 - 117,30 m), a carbonate horizon (117,30 - 132,80 m) and a massive quartzite occurence (132,80 - 137,80 m) is surely practicable.

Sulfidmineralisation is restricted to the graphite slates and the basic volcanics. The amount is normally very low and varies between 1 and 2 Vol - %. Pyrrhotite is the most common sulfide. It is accompanied by some pyrite. Chalco- pyrite is in the opposite only mineralized in the graphite slates.

The EM-conductor is represented by the graphite slates.

GÆT - 82 - 02.

location: Gaetkevarri, 14 km west from Karasjok. 18 + 00 S / 9 + 75 drilling: - 450, grid west (304o). overburden: 6,05 m depth: 157,40 m further points of interest : started: 06.07.82 (n) finished: 08.07.82 (d) samples: 31, covering together 54 m.

The top group of this drill hole consists of two thick graphite horizons, which are divided by a 11 m thick volca- niv sequence. This divisionpart shows in the majority biotite- - 28 -

carbonates, which have been interpretated as intermediate tuffs or tuffites. The whole group extends from the over- burden to 85,40 m, were it stands in a contact to a supposely sill-like intructed metagabbro. This shows a distinct frac- tionation from a Fe, Mg-rich bottom part, now described as a plagioklas - amphibolite, to a Ca-rich hanging portion , consisting of quartz - feldspar - amphibole - gneisses or schists. They carry a significant titanomagnetic - mineralisation.

The lower sedimentary interval - from 111,90 to 157,40 m - is mainly made up out of an alternating bedding of laminated biotite schists and well bedded graphitic phyllites. In this group the content of tuffaceous material may be important, especially that in the laminated intervals. In this lower sedimentary section there are further found bands of very homogeneous biotite phyllites.

The sulfide-mineralisation, as pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalco- pryite and spahlerite, is restricted to the not intrusive rockvarieties. The content is reaching sometimes 10 Vol.-%, but varies normally around 1 and 2 Vol.-%. The highest chalcopyrite values are found in the upper graphitic section, where there also appearse sphalerite. Further down in the hole pyrrhotite and pyrite are nearly the only sulfides.

Both, graphite slates and the mica-carbonatesshow no signi- ficant differences in their sulfide-charge.

The EM-conductor is represented by the graphitic units.

APV-82-01. location: Aslat-Pier-Varri, 18 km weet from Karasjok. drilling: - 45o, grid west (324o). overburden: 4,40 m depth: 86,54 m. further points of interest: startet : 28.07.82 (d) finished: 29.07.82 (n) samples:

Intersected is a single basalt-flow, now occuring as a more ore less massive greensone. This is capped by a volcanic- sedimentary sequence, build up out of graphitic slates and basic - to ultra basic tuffs and tuffites. Further with are, but in minor amount, intermediate volcanics. This volcanic rockgroup is intruded by a gabbro, occuring as a plagioklas -amphibolite, which carries very locally some garnets. - 29 -

Sulfide mineralisation is found only in the volcanic - sedimentary section. The amounts do not pass 2 Vol.-%. Pyrrhotite is the main phase.

The EM-conductor is represented by the graphitic material.


location : Dabmutsuokkadas, 35 km. south-west from Karasjok. L 3 + 00 S/ 2 + 75 Ø drilling : - 45, grid west (2500) overburden : 6,75 m depth : 55,60 m further points of interest: started : 09.08.82 (d) finnished: 11.08.82 (d) stucked samples : 15, covering together 31 m.

A general description of this stucked drill-hole is included in the explanations for DAB-82-03.


location : Dabmutsuokkadas, 35 km. south west from Karasjok. L 3 + 00 S / 2 + 85 Ø drilling : - 450, grid west (2500) • overburden : 10,25 m depth : 121,90 m further points of interest: started 12.08.82 (n) finished 15.08.82 (d) samples : 47, covering together 93,00 m

The drill hole shows a typical volcanic cycle consisting out of basic to ultrabasic volcanics with intercalated banded iron- formations. The amount of sedimentary componenSis very low.

The series starts at the bottom with a massive basalt±tI~ occuring as amphibolites or greenschists and greenstones. The following volcanic-sedimentary interval shows an alternating bedding of basic to ultrabasic volcanics (supposely tuffs), described as talk-chlorite schists, chlorite-amphibolite schists or chlorite-biotite-amphibolite schists, with graphite-felsite breccias. The contacts between each layer are mostly sharp and furthermore sometimes distorted. Some thicker horizons are - 30 -

looking very knead, what is obvious by either small scale zick-zack folding or brecciation or even mylonitisation.

The onresting banded iron-formation consists out of two main horizons, which are devided from each other by beds of graphite-felsite breccia and basic tuffs. The banded iron- formations show- only silicate or oxide facies. Interlayered are bands of cummingtonite/grunerite, which may carry signifi- cant amounS of idiomorphic garnets.

The uppermost volcanic-sedimentary section has the same litho- logy like the lower volcanic-sedimentary interval. But there exists a slowly incoming of argillaceous and arenaceous material up section, what is visuable by the occurence of beds of sandy metapelites.

This drill hole, together with the stucked one of DAB-82-01, shows the highest sulfide content - up to 60 vol.-% - this drilling programme has indicated. The most common sulfide is pyrrhotite, which is accompanied by lesser amounts of pyrite. Chalcopyrite is very rare.

The highest sulfide content is found in the graphite-felsite breccias, where pyrrhotite and pyrite are locally the only matrix. Furthermore concentrations of about 10 - 15 vol-% occure also in basic to ultrabasic volcanics. But here predominates a dessiminated type of mineralisations. The banded iron-formations carry lower degreese of sulfides (1 to 5 vol.-%), while the basalt-flows normaly are barren.

Magnetite occures only in the banded iron-formations and shows a distinct preference to silicate-rich rock-types.

There are several indications, which lead foreward to the assumption, that this drill hole is located in the very nearea of a thrustfault. There is first the anomalous high distortion, which grades locally in a distinct mylonitisation and second the results from the ground geophysical survey, which point out a very diffuse structure especially for the area of the drill- target. Further south all anomalies are suddenly cut off.

The EM-conductor is represented by the graphite horizons and the high sulfide mineralisations. The Mag. can be explained by the magnetite and pyrrhotite mineralisations.

DAB-82-03. location : Dabmutsuokkadas, 35 km south west from Karasjok. L 4 + 50 N/ 6 + 00 ø. - 32 -

Drilled is a banded iron-formation with silicate facies. This horizon is to correlate with the first "banded - quartzite" out off drill hole DAB-82-05.


location : Dabmutsuokkadas - north, 35 km. south-west from Karasjok. L 1 + 50 N / 7 + 40 Ø. drilling : - 45, grid west (255°) overburden : 33,75 m depth : 114,51 m further points of interest: startet 26.08.82 (n) finished 30.08.82 (n) cementation at 35,90 m samples : 16, covering together 29 m.

The drill hole shows in equation to DAB-82-02 a very typical volcanic cycle. This starts at the base with a basalt-flow, which is here interlayered by some basic to ultrabasic tuffs. Immediatly on that follows a series of three banded iron- formations in silicate facies. As division-horizons between them appears a rock-assemblage, made out of basic to ultra- basic tuffs and graphite-felsite breccias. Further with, is one thin bed of a graphite-bearing siltstone. This section is capped by a very well strucktured rockpile, consisting out of an alternating bedding of basalt-flows, basic/ultrabasic tuffs, thin bands of banded iron-formations and some arenaceous metasediments.

Highest sulfide-concentrations, of 10 Vol-%, are locally found in the banded iron-formations. Amounts of 5 to 7 Vol.-% are reached in the graphite-felsite breccias. The most common sulfide is pyrrhotite.

Magnetite is restricted to the banded iron-formation.

Responsible for the steep Mag; is the high magnetite-concen- tration in the banded iron-formation. For the distinct EM- anomaly, there is no real conductor available. That is shurely, why this drill hole was not directly aligned on the geo- phySical profile.


location : Gæssaroavvi, 36 km. south-west from Karasjok. L 6 + 00 5 / 0 + 75 0 - 33 -

drilling : - 450, grid west (3100) overburden : 9,75 m depth : 137,00 m further points of interest: startet 01.09.82 (n) finished 12.09.82 (d) cementation at 33,55 m waiting for rods (3 days) repairing of the rotation- motor (3 days). samples : 21, covering together 45 m.

Intersected with this drill hole is a section, formed out of mainly volcanics. The most characteristing parts are two thick basalt-flows, situated at the bottom and at the top of the hole. These more or less homogeneous flows are divided from each other by a greywacke interval, which is occuring on the top of the lower flow and a volcanic section, made up out of minor basalt-flows, basic tuffs and banded iron-formations (silicate-facies).

Sulfide-mineralisation is restricted to the banded iron- formation (1 to 2 Vol.-%) and to the greywacke interval (mainly 1 Vol-%).

Magnetite occures in places in the banded iron-formation.

The geophysical anomaly is due to the pyrrhotite and magne- tite enrichments and further due to a distinctiv graphite content of the greywacke.


The diamond drilling programme turned out for the present no attrictive gold,gold-sulfide or sulfide mineralisation. All of the dilled conductors were graphite-rich horizons, occuring either as graphite slates or schists, which carry only un- importent amounts of dessiminated pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite, or graphite-felsite breccias, with locally higher sulfide mineralisation. Further-more, dessiminated sulfide is found in some quartzites, tuffs or tuffites and the banded iron-formations.

In general, the most frequent sulfide occuring is pyrrhotite, what is often accompanied by pyrite. Chalcopyrite is very rare. The estimated total sulfide contents of mineralized rocks vary normally between 1 and 2 Vol.-%. But they reach locally 5 Vol.-%, or can even grade up, in very rare cases, to 60 or 100 Vol.-%. The best mineralisation is found in the drill holes DAB-82-01/02. The diamond drili holes are one of the best information available about the lithology from the Karasjok greenstone- helt.

By the holes BAB-82-01/02 it is shown, that correlaticus even between nearby driilholes are only possible by the use of marker horizons (banded iron-formations, basalt-flows) er characteristic rockgroups. Gombinations in a smaller soale are very difficult to ostablish.

ri'ne11 drill holes can be summarized to two grwips. There are nn uhe one hand those, with a very clear domination of basic volcanics, here zietabasalrs and basic to eltrabasic teffs, which carry sediments in a very low percentage. These are the drill holes from the Baeivasgied.:e area and tnat lonely one from Aslat-Pier-Varri. The further east located Ones from Gaetke- varri, Sammelckka, Daktejåkka and Madijavri show significant amounts of metamorphosed pelitic and arenaceous sediments. These are interbedded by thick horizons of carbonaceous material. Nearly no basalt-flows are obvious, but tufts and tuffites of m.ostly intermediate or even felsic compostion.

The first group of holes represent a typical Lasic to ultra- ba[:ic suBuiarine voicanic pile, a very normal bott0z.-part uf a archean greenstone-belt (WINDLEY, 1977). The second group shows sOme SL.Dts Out of a higher proportion of the volcanic .volution. They can be interpretated as marine shallow: -water deposition products, mostly bouLded to low energy environments.

This conclusion results in a possible modei fcr the litho- stratlgraphv of the Karasjok greenstene-belt (Big. 12).

intcrmodLate (felsic) mostly sediments veloanIcs (quartzites, carbonates, garnet-mica (w.,Jhibo1e) (Gaetkevarri,Sammecåkka, schists, mocapelites, Daktejkka,Madijavri graphite slates/schists) nearly no basalt-flows tuffs and tuffites basic to intermediate more sediments voluanics minor basalt-flows mcre tuffs, tuffitcs basic + ultrabasic minor sediments volcanics (metapelites, graphite slates, graphite-felsite breccias) (Dabmutsuoakkadas, several cycles of submarine Gaessaroavvi, Asiat- basalt-flows, with inter- Pit.r-Varri) bedded banded iron-formations (silicate-, oxide-, karbonate facies) tuffs Big. 12: Model of the stratigraphy of the Karasjok green- stone-belt (Karasjok-district). - 35 -

It is not clear yet, if there occures in the real a slowly outdieing of the basalt-volcanisme upsection. In the compar- able greenstone-formation of the Alta-Kvenangen window, the metabasalts for example, obvious only in one horizon (Kvenvik- formation), show no distinct graduation (Fig. 8 - 10). This lead further foreward to the assumption, that the rockmaterial of the second group of drill holes - with nearly nc metabasalts- represents already sections, equally with those of the Storvik- nesformation of the Alta-Kvenangen window. But from here no tuffs or tuffites are reported. Therefore this volcanic- sedimentary assemblage should be best correlated with the uppermost sections of the Kvenvikformation of the Alta- Kvenangen window.

All these ideas do not coincide with the geological interpre- tation of the Karasjok-district. The map from SKALVOLL (1972) points out occurences of the micaceous basis of the super- curstale series (micaschists and quartzmicaschists) from the Gaetkevarri, Sammalcåkka, Daktejåkka and Madijavri areas. This opinion should be wrong, from the nowadays available informa- tion.


From the 13 drill holes there were taken altogether 197 samples. These covered a total length of 377 m, what are 35,4 % of the drilled meterage. The decision either to take 1, 2 or 3 m material depended on the lithology of the sampled section. There was only taken special looking rockmaterial, like visu- able mineralized metasediments-quartzites, carbon-rich metapelites - all kinds of tuffs and tuffites, banded iron-formations and obviously altered basic volcanics. Further were included all quartz-carbonate occurences (very rare mineralized). The samples were assayed by assessment assay methods for Au, Ag, Cu, Zn and Pb. Not all results have been received yet.

From the nowadays available results only one Au-assay (GET- 82-02, sample 17, 54,50 - 55,50 m) showed an attractive en- richment. Furthermore no higher copper-mineralisation hhs been prooved.

Except from MAD-82-01 all the other drill holes contain one or even more samples with a low Au-content, variing mostly between 0,034 and 0,102 ppm. The highest value of 0,816 ppm Au was found in GÆT-82-02, a sample which consists out of graphitic slate, mica-carbonate and biotite-chlorite-talk schists. This content stands alone for only 1 m. The surround samples do not reach more than 0,064 ppm Au. Furthermore there - 36 -

are better looking Au-targets occuring in a banded iron- formation of DAB-82-02 (66 - 72 m), with a Au-content of 0,102 to 0,544 ppm and in a graphite slate of GÆT-82-02 (12 - 27 m) with 0,034 to 0,374 ppm Au.

It is obvious, that the detacted Au normally is accompanied by somewhat higher values of Cu and Zn. One anomaly is found in the above mentioned banded iron-formation, where the assayed Au stands alone, joined only by traces of Cu, Ag and Zn.

It is surprising, that no real Au-enrichment has been prooved. There are visuable all characteristics of good Au-occurences, for example talk-chlorite schists and banded iron-formations. Anyways, the uneconomic Au-content of the assayed banded iron-formation does not surprise very much. It is already proposed by several authors, that high Au- values are bound only to the sulfide - or carbonatic facies of • banded iron-formation, while the argillaceous variety, rich in pyrrhotite, mostly is barren (FRIPP, 1976; UITTERDIJK APPEL, 1979).

The Cu-values range normally between 0,02 and 0,05 %. The highest content of 0,13 % is found in drill hole SAM-82-01. The procentage of Zn does not increase over 0,24 (DAB-82-02), normal rates are between 0,02 and 0,09 %. No, or only traces of Ag and Pb have been reported.


Summary: Page:

1. Introduction 1 - 2 2. General, geology of the Finnmark- district 3 2.1 The "Øst-Finnmarks Grunnfjell" 4 - 5 2.1.1 Economic geology 5 2.2 Geology of the Finnmark-vidda 5 - 11 2.2.1 The central gneisdome 7 2.2.2 The Karasjok-group 7 - 11 Economic geology 9 - 11 2.2.3 The Vest-Vidda 11 - 13 Economic geology 12 - 13 2.3 The Alta-Kvenangen window 13 - 18 2.3.1 Economic geology 18 2:4 The Komagfjord-window 18 2.4.1 Economic geology 2.5 Correlations between the precambrian areas of the Finnmark-district 19 - 20 3. Geology of the Karasjok-district 20 - 21 4. Diamond-drilling programme 1982 21 4.1 Diamond drill hole description 23 - 33 4.2 Summary and conclusion of the diamond 33 - 35 drilling project 5. Geochemical results 35 - 36 REFERENCES.

Diamond drill hole logs. MAPS .

MAD - 82 - 01 DAK - 82 - 01 DAK - 82 - 02 SAM - 82 - 01 GÆT - 82 - 01 GÆT - 82 - 02 APV - 82 - 01 DAB - 82 - 01 DAB - 82 - 02 DAB - 82 - 03 • DAB - 82 - 04/05 GÆS - 82 - 01


The this year's diamond drilling programme of the Karasjok-project (N-81-2) lasted for three month, from the 18th of June to the 16th of September. in that time, there were drilled 11 holes (13 with stucked ones), with a total meterage of 1.337,35 m. The targets were good corresponding EM-MAG.-anomalies of ground geophysical surveys.

There were two main drill areas, first the tract between Karasjok and Bieskenjarga and second, the area around Baeivasgiedde.


The drill holes are separated from their lithology into two groups. The Baeivasgiedde holes, together with that one from Aslat-Pier-Varri show a clear domination in submarine basic volcanics, accompanied by banded iron- formations. The further east located ones are characte- rized by significant amounts of metasediments, interbedded by intermediate, (felsic) tuffs and tuffites. These signi- ficant differences between the two groups lead to a possible model for the stratigraphy of the Karasjok green- stone-belt. Correlations to the good described precambrian Alta-Kvenangen window are carried out.

The drilling programme turned out for the present no attractive gold, gold-sulfide or sulfide mineralisation. But the revealed rockmaterial shows all characteristics of good Au-occurences. • REFERENCES

BJØRLYKKE, A. (1982): NGU-Rapport Finnmarksvidda.

BJØRLYKKE, H. (1966): De alluviale gullforekomster i indre Finnmark. NGU 263, 1 - 66.

BUGGE, J.A.W. (1978): The mineral deposits in the precambrian of northern Norway in: BOWIE, S.H.U., KVALHEIM, A., HASLAM, H.W.: Mineral deposits of Europe. Vol. 1, Northwest Europe London, Inst.Min.Metall, Min. Soc., 202-211.

DAHL, T. (1891): Om fjeldbygging i Finnmarkens og guldets forekomst sammesteds. • NGU 4, 1 - 21. FRIPP, R.E.P. (1976): Stratabound gold deposits in archean banded iron-formations, Rhodesia. Econ.Geol. 71, 58 - 75.

GJERSVIK, T. (1957): Epigenetisk kobbermineralisering på Finnmarksvidda. NGU, Årbok 1957, 203, 49 - 60.

HAGEN, R. (1981): Gullet i Bidjovagge kan avgjøre gruvens skjebne. Kjemi 1, 8 - 10.

HAGEN, R. (1982): The Bidjovagge Copper-Gold deposite of western Finnmark, Norway. Geol.Rdsch. 71, 1, 94 - 103.

The geology of the Bidjovagge • HOLLANDER, N.B.(1979): mining field, western Finnmark, Norway. Norsk geol. Tidsskr. 59, 327-336.

HOLMSEN, P. PADGET, P. PEHKONEN, E. (1957): The precambrian geology of Vest- Finnmark, northern Norway. NGU, 201, 106 pp.

OFTEDAHL, CHR.(1974): Norges Geologi Tapir, Trondheim 169 pp

REITAN, P.H. (1963): The geology of the Komagfjord tectonic window of the Raipas suite Finnmark, Norway. NGU 221, 71 pp.

RENSCH, H. (1903): Fra det indre av Finnmarken NGU 36, Aarbog 1903, 1 - 64

SKALVOLL, H. (1972): Geologisk kart over Norge - berggrunnskart Karasjok - M 1 : 250 000, NGU

TRØFTEN, P.F. (1957): Regional malmleting i Finnmark Bergarkiv NGU, Rapport 3081.

TRØFTEN, P.F. (1957): Geologisk/geofysisk undersøkelse og diamantboring Karasjok. Resymé Bergarkiv NGU, Rapport: 3095.

TRØFTEN, P.F. (1962): Magnetisk rekonosering, Diamant- boring: Bakkelvarre, Suolomaras, Guoikkavarre (Karasjok). GM-Rapport: 204 C

UITTERDIJK APPEL, P.W. (1969): Stratabound copper sulfides in a banded iron-formation and in basaltic tuffs in the eary pre- cambrianIsua Supracrustal Belt, West Greenland. Econ.Geol. 74, 45-52.

VIK, E. (1979): Geologiske undersøkelser ved Raipas kobbergruve, Alta, Finnmark. NGU-Rapport nr. 1625/10 A.

VIK, E. (1980): Middavarre kobberforekomst, Kvenangen Troms. NGU-Rapport nr. 1650/46 A.

VIK, E. (1981): Bergmark gruvefelt, Kvenangen, Troms. NGU-Rapport nr. 1800/46 C.

WENNERWIRTA, H. (1968): Karasjokområdets geologi. NGU 258 (Årbok 1968), 131-184.

ZWAAN, K.B. . a.GAUTIER' A.M. (1980): Alta og Gargia. Beskrivelse til de berggrunns- geologiske kart 1834 I og 1934 IV. M 1 : 50 000. NGU, 357, 47 pp. #1-9e r

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Interval Assays From To DescriptIon DDH No."47n2_49 Frorn To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

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Inlorval 0 , Assays Frorn lo DoserlptIon DDH No./43_e2_0( From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

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Hanin I ryili AfS. • le • e Gle ai • a•• DIAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE / FOILDAL VERK AtS D D H No • AzImoth Started DirecIlonal surveys Ak-e2-0l 390° 23.06.82 Deplb Azim. Dip. Deplh AzIm Dip. Property Angle Finishpd IZTE A — 25. 06.12 Co ord Depth Logged by +00 P2s- 9/. do From IntervaI FTwm To r».-,cuption Jr) o Assays To Cu Mo Pb Zn 71/7walinitAt"

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Interval AssayS Frotn To Describbon 131)" N °34ft-i2- Ot Frorn To Cu Mo Pb ZJ Au Ag

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ontte& d _


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Wit c(igset<4.1“« s'i-crezu.4£53.4.cii

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30. cia-, icte SVelitaue

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fict C

‘47.4- Sfariattutn

carta.“ a cvi


304-3- - CariOnailt -

"-‘44-ea Ctutifistis

k;14.: t


1.33 3 I.3.Vr rt.4-66kg.:‘

32 13 - 32,t4/ :

2,2 - 32.2fi ra. u-S121.44#

2.Z't - 32.36-1 Ltue144; (1-145nt

frea.ciet a /8

ifi'LL : ty

314 .32301_;11iC?tit:tr_LkitAr_ ri«a

c4 bri‘c Icittc

rity _dit‘Claiketted (.4407g4 Caza- -

111 Inar I rykk DIAMOND DRILL LOG • FOLLDAL VERK A/S • PAGE S /2 Intoryal Assays From To DOSCrIption DDH Noa4k4/)2- / -• From To Co Mo Pb Zn Au

bted atib; ‘44,2,1.

33.80: itter447 oleitt cw ic44,441.4

' CCSZCIL 3WO - 3(2 dct..A0(

wiutot rximAr9u;s

34.42 - 34_437: pht40.‘lael~_e 144_69 4'144.2. 644"4 4 pa£4,tiotte. ilis.a: /7 4,914,e_4elp

3s32 - 3s.2? csia,tfuilo

of ca4L9vtevie


3“70 - 36 1 å--: rtc4(4,a.s9ki. bcal cctL p tÜJ Lerkjcue ijo- Jea.,04 peth‘e,,J,iok - citets.4

kb_g: / 12t, cattisna/c

oo - 320 atctåt; V ttte,ict.tietti

3e.249 n60: (1>tt ~:C.SIG4.2

3940 - 90419, 144.0.44;v


liamar-1~5 DIAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE FOLLOAL VERK A/S • • Inierval Assays Frorn To Dewription DDII No j4 q 12_0/ From To Cu Mo Pb Zn At, Ag

9/.21 - (14: tuassi itzt eiSlome

41.3. - W,33 Cad

42.00 9215". uha,d4iv4.4:54rtrizi lut /44;e1)/(me

43.95- 5tuatial'4_ -49kte (46itt aSile14. „ Ittatc d,sttai lettaltd

(13. Vb--"1 myk gai cieLhuc. 46:10 (ci.‘2 9.Ax.o.r/L. e

( Ii7.42 41. I 9buatia;4-c :144(.{(41.4141_10c«..) ,91 ‘64.4-0‘

s I 4./ .00

46! ,1,1,44-ikteuictr ctut9"4. gu4s.e4 4

oo 01;silocteLl sted‘cht

Szac<4 4 t

atcc-C9taar - kr9t _ tuvict.41e.17late

'36.14£ CcAttikm aÅt

e. 30 n. 3 2

tiitof› ctact it-ebsj 2 - P

98.35:7:4 e. : Cuaifit4:1)0(4 Jie 1-4;it - tchAct de.

itf.cto cel;t1(6`ciimn.72~. - - DIAMONDDRILLLOG 04; PAGE g/ FOLIDAL VERN A/S • • Inlerval Assays From To 0C5CI I p1ran DDH Nafg 42- 0, From To Cu Mo Pb Zn /4"4 /Ziga<

9.4Aott4,14 tuAVA ccitr

1/61/41.e H;« Q1/44‘e.sp.91‘ frj

itts4,91.14'; rtaltAi kz$cQ,4 i. , fale

41.29 - qg 40.


, fiimo - sktio 41,44oet aSawt1/4 (44444) -

(16'n er_, taifisi 4 attari 4 at 1ctL4" 4IOnC , r-te WI$631, aeliuus

deia ni

57,(40- s 2. 3Z yta/51) dca4 ?,“

eatu; ‘Actie hatr vae '14 sth.m.


kht: ,aft ;,--tet“ 90 4, (2.4.....<

2 - 3 Pcit. %)

52_32 51.5"0 9u4nri?t. DI1. - 3 140LI .57.00 a. 012 3 ‘,4 17-4-luts X P

St - .91.114:ral.91.;;.Ctaitt /10 inNct 497.44.cdriwes CRI cof DIAMOND DRILL LOG


Interval Ftoto To Doseriplinn DDH Noj4.k. 82_ 01 From To Go MO Pab A sZa: ilf4» t

kik clidectithk tvo4- 3/1 zec,41(904, Hit4:fry .‘idurk COMalr-

1(144 Jeda;u1 ,ig4.4e4

sit" --ae°1----"4"tX , tte 1.41(xt oincipti waf.

. thie 4C4»ta 1:51)4#1-Clad-e


80- .76.24 ratd12.1A Ject 1444:i? 1?2il

n.960-3-2.32 (gel 34k (2- SL 0.0 / St. oo Ser. o 37.32 51.10 gotie

'cf-tAciA eac„.;,. 4 ra#142 Lec 4ta4 j&&4Lzw4d& 4 ifiti ,*a441 944ar4;6.

iSostic etwit4 f4tir a4 . obk

VorLioi Log42lc9La4e2a - /0(c i

ki,..:n._&„e„./Ctifreetteetit4 01A yoc Jtn frea“e4

57. io Ste2 cLuviji4s!-Ce - crArSna-4 2-S' )472ce 82 42.10 tcqSZi scSig.s4- 40.00 0.02

wris.,;(/ io Pa4.44‘zaled . eawitict. tpf c tioi.44z‘ ac4

.44- citcxs(ome, ge-a. 491 fareic freor;(4, DIAMOND DRILL LOG

• FOLLDAL VERK A/S •PAGE 9//3 Interval 04 Assa ys 4 From To DescroRlon DDH Noi444/..fa_of From To Cu o Pb Zn NAI7 fil944

_ Wtticledor(AGI cuig 21(9anc9:-( it icact4;«,i , Car.£014a frie+Li.y.At

H/“J a4 _ridurm 0.4.4c1 stcp 4 c1nicar4a.c4A

fic;Septclitåtk. jia442-, I i(ed /11.4401.4.12cdc csctÇ fri4r.446`m.t aud tattsbstesitt ea citae iicuAss 1 2 roL."P4)

60./3 - 40./b: desicurtzd 1.1441 V £1 9h4,41 4VII

kli 69: 9Watiai (-4:c itt.tictA thione Hitt: pt. (1- 10 2mbt-e- 0 0/ - 6ate - 40 - 61.28 : ao,i1c 0 00 2,a0 twAtitta- t9( Jto‘ile - 35~ctle (2.€ Saic voteChtti4 fry 1-<)( 1-2 lott `',€) 4,9va

/0 diiSe ua 3c>4sueAci1/2 cto co),- cordaud_ e4.44ccee 9eurad-2, gistor Jio sie Ingn

issu‘c carity-tAcc,it Puida.2 DIAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE le2 FOLLOAL VERK A/S • tj Inloryal Assays Frorn To DescrIplIon DDH Ot From To Gu Mo Pb Zn

lo cli,szew ilualerilec nialt-e* huiricita cio_yinchz« 63.09 bt oe 9w076; _ _ lAruxicut a4.4caccctj 4w2oa czad

- e Pat-t)

occ“4-t4 ofe g ethc s ,

Co-Acat d au.Lio_?Steicli czzAci

4(fituektue4 ClosCd.414 .

: itzthic( deino.«.41 act 4;<

66:12- 6,5-itpaldlede 4rh tailt

_ _ 66.13 rit-113_Cote—ittisSIcAl

t-8 -64/17 Cari:914a-le- u."2:6Å cL£ 444,44«.


10 r

- 62.02 t 0,t4e.4-uatz ecistictz c.,42)

9Azari-zae._, et-Satz- 4?-ceitti-l-Isel4

auxi itGLite - <8“41 kfirt# Aitai> (46%44, «.4

gat C4) a4u- z- 7 itate _6g.Or? "(2.22. 9,unriB, 41d4p.7 aoo R).$919 °." itact 2- (oLdect si ifrterdo Cart fo.00 n.00 0.0/ - litaceViace - 7

11-1,mmlnkkAA. DIAMOND DRILL LO4 • FOLLDAL VERK A/S 0/0 PAGgE Intorval r Assza:s /7/7 //74,4 Etorn To Doscdplinn ODH 0/ fi Frorn To Go Mo Pb

1-1,ta:/,_Jue4 ittegehlat 9244 at _35ea 4,164;

Ctit_ fr cu4 eicke €.6 e teie4 444r4 hidde4.4 3ieddlut fisam

4,1 44 /J a ce4 d/544444i lict (r- 2 Pcol-t)

?-0.6sTt1!. 3C, a Jtcfrelic4, 4“4 5tAzar tt, Sk?"4: - / 4;

tu.tot -6491,44 - Scatiti

Lgt, e9 - og - 16.0Q 0.20y — _ 72. 22 22. 40 fitile-sc9L(: val;.A.Frar4Lit e tita&

co:vitwiL i'~itaz Se licca4chyx4 Y-race 4ace car_*itz,e4 cts tal Vat giza - ircrce 61.1068 fau-Li hact 0.0Gt Cuad Slicor‘ yerahtneje ra4.411gtz.canSoneth Ltic/(/ 2_41.—"X)

tlitL:CerS.eraic Itht4c4ct4d sich•te

H;i4 /-2 • cliSsca-htc:c (1 gsi. -*b) . terat in-erear ss/> W•54 -75.; riptik argo icm.e.laseet- datte

4e) ColtaAtC10441



Interval Assays From To Description DDH No()fik,... 4.2_ ( From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

À4A4€4 C )014 cat lach

COm« c.4cCatia (I -2 ike4,)


ZTAfc- flyZOj5ZO,ic uAteksiefidoxe

ht.t.14£ elideled t e t httil;

611 Jicv - }461 U.4 to etss(2444;tade ( icat-°&,)

<99.2? odaCQic uAx4“; 6-410s4

1.04 - etio aiSze:QicwiliciAiddeut

81,12- €1,a etr‘iC ute,4a-s;Wout -set: 71.4z

82.4o 85-:2 culittace~ _110cutuccce. cum

,g2.60-8320: (jutar4:4 ito cittstwaiaticci (t-2641-ex,

1044c ,9491-a / : t 23.14- ditti2 Qiåvie LtAtictAcuid ttue te)14. acs it cia4tAckm.m

nzo - eyip : ettai LL‘ock:it.(011usgzit.) DIAMOND DRILLLO4 • FOLLDAL VERK A/S PAGE Inlerval Assays From To Descrplion DDH No ),441, n_0 From To Mo Pb Zn Au Ag eva- zzatafr44:30(4:4 ittilitita ctiÅt.ei csizz-1.5:n tAsta£11"putr, å;s4,4;~fretiity4-

n . .54,;44c

"f2 9I t ' Catted tociii49) kig iokte,

Ibma Inkh A


Intoryal Assays bzieL • 1-4 ¼ From To DescrIplion DDEI Nosh411`f2-01 rorn To Cu MO Pb Zn Au Ag

g 01 I. 0 tik - 422- .7,44,4,fteva,3(/&44,0-m441‘6-

erswe Siert

a9 2.11T- 20." 494 Comieij

loSs - 20 U. 9thew712/4 16kit4 46),«e

4.444.~.‘ atzat

,z<49)444 (06,e iortic%.


pj lOufe ‘6,c?r,- / 1/crie.-"kol

20.9L- Z0.9/1_ si,5244

0.01 — 7 C.v 22 <10_ Llkie j7.actr4 tetLitw1Jial4.4 iitetA4,1 2141»lt 1 /1"1-‘72~ 2 eLoes. •cev iracc

?xta Aet: IX610-21110

23 00 -23./.5 74,4culafire a4:65 4“41-1

Ituteti fratrittit ASewteCcuitSiAalePeeuitti fia4Q4aucl 4,494‘


Interval Assays Frorn To Descriplion DDH NO3)14/.82_,9, —From Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag cw‘talx. jait hm.v.1

ilzwQ ki« Lfrif Limp‘ auctiOtat Jttin «,firde<< J/01;41,4 ,4 (t /siffit-s4)

2313 - 23 33 9~4/fp

Sguirat quAsukci-Q gpl wka k.,Lm 40,y e9,9L,

23.13- n.m!_atc.MAAjle._

234s- - zq. lo ati-tualtiv2 (iusA,) til s4U»k - frettede__, hed_ae

, (tuali_,ScuxciA021"14419- ei

ZVO-2(1.2,s-r 9i<4211.e._ 4 tuatt auisuo Ws'04.4, jatee(

2'i.2( sa,“

- 2‘01/. cdiuusL,Ai 4wirdiK2(k.“‘„)


Interval Assays #24? Description DDH Noalt cfP2_ From To From To Cu Mo Ptj Zn Au Ag

4 5tutAt4ii,tuzg s6941t- friztLit 233C- 2(1.10





tekLmiLdit-t veiLitå

— riace 1/4.30 ri) YAW-12- 3 52.6,0 5 no 0 03


sz YQ raiLadejeaMI,e1 leucukiic

Paadaaled bdtwat of.g:a


«.61 liatds ,

(g- I/d.-t)

52,32* 53 5-09.12()Alf DIAMOND DRILL LOG


IntervaI Assays Fiorn To DescrIptIon DDH No From To Cu Mo PO Zn Au Ag


P) funtri_fEi

ek- disi



4eC: 5140 - .522

(Pni P2- 9 .6- .0 • 0.0 »aCe - 911-(41 itiam;‘, 5721 . ?eue


Inlerval Assays From To Descriplion 0011 Noa(X_fl..Ø, From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au AV

,14.464 St;iki_.2.4.44‘ deasaiu&

_ 4_;_ ti

.ghut 14.4.1e4ce,,,tct

.:41‘161,4htatig eirkza.c9L-latee

Ita €~4,(e-c

zzitasket- 51.82 42 ,10 14 - gatt{i-tedellki)

Mat44LV10 1~4;gaiti. conSoude -kArdélte oLra4:4_

flic,±4,1_ 4, iviod",)

4441t_ditia_ried—kitzi 4414'

/414141 424,We 41%ante,iic



cgst-asaed4 25td4uri~

.fr pe .fignietCslfiscilect

_111;14riesaitAt_a«d_car . Flaha6

,Thuite/3, '4

nyn DIAMOND DRILL LOG FOILDAL VERK A/S 111. PAGE 6/9' Inloryal Assays Frorn To Descript lon _ DDH No. :D.4il-e2-of Frorn To Cu Mo Pts Zn Au ez 42 lo ?roLgult- sffictir tttk- e2- 6 40.00 62.00 0.0/ - (tlace -


461. cod‘ , disto1dtd Adzmal ?miN-616 u)14(

tkrt;ks-trear- re- tO l'ex(.4W iO.W-Ltze. 742a.t4



def (/ti tt

kt. » ft—diue ioiKa hd

Jt.of 72.z2 die44- ucit ?-eta/-4- itecerstAte£ g2 - ditio »oo 0.01 dace -

0.o - Yiace °Y;race joidedad4 itl-titdar ØiStait ilactil 12 g ? lumit inzittIcv- _9(cpLasal

izzatc£ k) cu.4_11cch:suisitr) /Speue4as, ,P6I7v4 lair4241

luddeu geddluj "9,440 6A2,1 dis'accied tse.


Interval Assays From To DescoptIon DDH No.34g _,4_0/ From To Cu Mo PO Zn

k45T-41.3C: alifmak<7 Jc4W4«,) 92othilc6So6rea 9thwkle_g wdzSis14,4 taal ac.: Yfy -Gtof

iz oo 222 •J44 tuf9? reucv_7 4 - 4,2- 72.00 woo 0.03 cllace_ azoy —

4ai itot ZZ 22 (citarc)

n. 2 2 V.3, a raiAdt—t£41•6

_ _ _ _ rinximt relt,44.

to44 caitemale dt's Zit&ontnia_dgicb_a__10&414:

ILE,046/kipe- Le4401:5101544401-141

ahtiAteled lauLati _T5

2 1/43.e.

_fl.00 Ca-%9 _Luerct 42-1

ttd OlkgatKikL241 "/1/(8,-c kt

_46±ude fi ta

34/1 -22 - /0 00 n. 0 q. 00 '(Y.6 / 0A82ic gaiettacti ioite .63

40£ n.n 4 TogialtSevej

11.1.A.1 A

•IAMOND DRILL LOG 0 FOILDAL VERK A/S PAGE .1 791 Intorval P_ A sszanya From To DesenplIon DDH No34 g From To Cu Mo PO Ag

t/.41 1$56 itagithlte scPzic

4«. gg (Ætisp-re) rs.a 'AS.7,5" p o44dtakii a):%2Lcitte44(4k toscardafAkicdeddlut thut 4i4ted chmaceit_adwdt co)Lhat-

dd kta (14<_codca,41E-2

: dPuie


: Y2.22 4 x3.,re(ddnt

4.vo cyflat _A9:4( 3,Kt- 82 - 't 0 n.00 0.0,1 — Wite c riofe — 1 0 ‘(1° Aet: lo La)

flJY -60 atez07ic fatia4ie‘ "fevielf -ds,~ LdNat ll4/D LIPiCk4.4 )451t 04:4"/Hahd 0 141.-±W

(3,44L-ez- 12. 71.0o lo.0+9 0 03 - tig te 0.0ie - 7.c 4.0o ¥StiL Ot-ClOaicIAALICte;MIOsa 3&Lt UsTIoiEoo

a .v2 80.00 grtaijuie

4et: ?2.22Jp_33.1,5 _



Interyal 0 Assays Frorn To Description DDH No.CU‘k Frorn To Cu Mo Pb V. Au Ag

e0.00 U.S? ?ta rpta( (,411 42- /3 10390 f 2.00 0.02 — cfiace 0.0d8 — 2.0,44

i X2-22 lo (ctint)

as Cb-c20-icuctke4CM0w-t

Mic fl tfl0 weo (4:6,9scj

(J-04 114-LieS8U;SI-

4«.1 y2.22h, 2 1.0(0

?c, Zr.eo_(adxsvc.) fl.10 11.1 z rephiLe 49frisf

, Yee: 2.22f0 32,1.81(46K/cj

0.49-z9?ictutian CLiBitt

y a-4, ze.00 43,0vd g±kL e2.00 rfrae 46I,e4f ?'.3a tzion)


D.D.H. No. AzIrouth Started Direct lonal surveys hk - A22- 02 3110 ° 25: 04. 4.2 Depth Azim. Dip. Depth Az DIp. Property Angle Flnished .7214RTE 2wg4 — 24.04. n Co-ord Depth Logged by L3+001.7/ 0,-5-01.1 °F-P Interval Assays From To Descritaion From To Mo Pb Zn

O.00 eisicrak-t de,“

59. 49 ta& 4e?4nuce

419- 10.10 74~d2,,,Lri laux.; haied , bumA fr(

ocicItui : 200

10.10- 4.00 2a.nuzi - J;01.tit. - re9u:r1

0.s -1.0 cga

)3.19_ r3.111 Itx.5,14can136-KaceaLea tuuti(12m.'s

ctatre,(414:i itclet-at of carioxa4

fic.R r4.462,h1 ufidfit zuket - cari.

13.5-8- 131.0 t - 1.6:92

lb.00- /G.28: tatiasiek‘otu_e (1444.4.ive.)

1-1114.:jo. hated ( - 2 frott.-,',) •

/big - /‘. 14.ce.(a azoin

Sitif 19044A) I tuica car $6,4 (2,4

3.2c1d;LL.? itOclia-N



• Assays Intental From To Desenpilon DDH No dr,2_02 Frem To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

p , ‘441 . ctsa teczfect

1/ -

439 - IY-00 sicst. 04)_


at« e on:69.4ev4 Ytitm:t4.2

a.3o - 11,311 cajjisaLe

SzaciA co-1

qtarbouate keit 7k.u.H.A(97.tti (“4:4 wice. - carikma..1e.


fi.“ - /9.2 iscica , a444 - carifrm.Q.4

31.1:- rezu-sion fteci,(col

embs covtOkocit reitz/h

. frictit &fri cs( 6naare


113AkA DIAMONDDRILLLOG • FOLLDAL VERK AfS • PAGE 3 g Interval Assays From To DOSeriplion DDH Na ll-e -Oz From lo Cu Mo Ptl Zn Au Ag

U.So - 3¥.07 :_CaktthAct.12.- ct.4.4.&( 0.44:&4;

49144..e_Wallen 191 9....wash4c


kLailty _ an et_gb

f7;:c4.c.1.4m- /...ect444,

3f_i? ; ca„LS.402e.- teL4.40L

38_31 - attli M

3,4 qL clisicr_bom

cat termalc-..

39.,?0 9u40.44 - Ftc9i sQct4 _ cttjicL&it twj

Canb. Itivaitt—

fie. igh At p

tia 00 0. 0 CarS;Kait - CLotot


khtte 6) CaliebtAilt

tiago cli sior Los-ta cw c

.Lob ( I - 2 llote.-04,

91.00-tfi..Sa tart,ricti-e- - namArInik A



Int erval Assays From To Descript lon DDH N od7Ak— 2-0 Frorn To Cu Mo PO Zn Au Ag

3mkte intdos drut

/1Lww ,t e prip

9/50 - 4-Cou- aokte

iet! go.go - ett oo

tittO : rzt44 (Gkt

tn. - 92so renstas (14

2.00 - 42.7-0 t....24,14 tOnt

ti 1 a co.tch.t.J€ - 35(4.9(

112,» - 92.9C: r_ctif44e 3.e ye.e,

HitAAJLt 449we stept

9.5-St .5taiduleSh/g1-

di&4044 wa-4. ihm,191 driur ihtt

0:4 ectrit(ctilt

Hh QA-1,1CLI-t&S?&AbaCIWE

113.thi: - 24,42.

L-e400AL 0t raid2th:Li. - 'c4 o.44".4.44td 9,A,ta.rh wxd . ifåk: 1.1 &si te sppita

457.5"- qs: 90 iu.d;saux-14161/2-ce

Hh41 4o tue. xitevip



Inierval Assays From Tu Desmiption DDEI From To Cu Mu Pb In Au Ag

tis:Qa - 4'k

d ar-3rAst-cL taimhccz col Vtagt.44:c

taJded 4491.m..c, 1VRtC4 t41,.< cpit

tit00- 441,01-. 4 51t ct;sisciel iukgpa itju.,(4 carte_

Wat Vtit4i.” cielottaiimfficceditT:,cao(614 nis--sz.vo , ym€444Aa

if - 519.4-0 Sankcit t-t.twt

tkiht 51-04

OSQr 57. So14:4 cithca,ti2,1

atut didoett:144 tl4;49> i0Liate

VtitA4:(.4 .

kirt ifovit.&k, tøv ylr*G4AreiticLag

1.16_-_ao4 : 7Lua1'hi (a:c des,,te

st:ke" Slitd pectam s 13°

clkstutti waltd 1 rest-t,) .08 - St1.67 6e. JA; 4P„,cha. 414 >tlicf.tct


Sti.57 - rtit if4ds" 41ttatlfit tcc 9i4"4-5‘94:5 aelxte 1-awi,ctit puti i,Caric9vcrit

_ ,qy 9t-CCA.X&‘&14C. DIAMONDDRILLLOG PAGE .5791 • FOLLOAL VERK A/S • 61. Interval Assays From To Descri pl lon DD" No34it-e2-02 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Ag

6:5:03 - år,ll 3;04ilt 9hatf 1.4

6111 - 53-.€1.$ ri.acc1/44e.

494tat eou atti, ika-Ltitimicty

/11m. fr9 49(44e Sttl 4

ca 151, a,Cr. JeC44.0(

H44: . 5"44 e SfrOl)

Z.49- 5-5-42i it.aui Av cio-K4

;/-tc94444, eCts arit-gei4444.1 ,tea46if‘ 4'ac44icib.4c4

.42- SG.Wr914.1249K.C.

4,4,t ;›-terkt.r Car-b5s e dt.tclit


561 sciof

.20 - t.c 0 : _9tA..4,tr4;4_

brism ,10 . — — 0.0 ilaCe 2.5:00 0.12

51..40 - 25; ragti 4.ecvle

dlid@i‹.(1 Se,44isktA 4,14$ (144

GtOti iceti 014 . CanSOlta-le 1444.cci

JÛÄ , 4(44AC Vir4



rom To Intnntal Assays Descriplion DDH No.aN_ 4,2,0z _0 Frorn To Cu Mo Pb Zn 1/Aluta frAt7 es-- ct.qr cans,,kakria«c{

km4e.Ja«.0e4 gs.r rniae,

low å, ihirdiccr r4315 at

    a- aco: SA944 - eavy jeors je 4u74 9t94:&c dlati4k_

    ilowe Sitis aeat raf ,60,444 mu,n.,50,at stel<

    69.40 29-La s ccS6ro- iecictueuh a01- 2- tr SYrdo- L03,43: 4444pL44lt. 60.00C 240 0.03 - 0.0€1aDG: — 30: 9raftflu'h ,ff9t4,(sti litkey c&ilotlid t int. f

    derwe r/cdp 30 - - tCo tratai,k- ccitir

    iudviecided uttko.- c _cu4re(



    Inierval A sszanys "2,eciaIt/A4,7. From To Desertphoo DDH From To Cu Mo Pb imi.wsd241,111

    -Pute tuctibut ect r

    kig: Itt . ,s4itys-3 caxqk clawil 4 4)ectett4: 41P aifit.36›ez:4 (0i6re4 I. P - 61.91 4eirt4-4.1- 410ne. 1.91- 62.ol J1_01i4 (44:£ c44ktrlid1/24 2iclflczc9z-Pert 2,01- 63.6si, 8anAti- a-tigzitset

    4tinct of raNt- ieri4 34Y- i3.80 :/ 14414_- cUti‘-401 Illus it_st . yetz bitsr- (.4 ij(Foj 432o U.(90: gaitikciotetie (ebt set- kht, frt . di.s.teudi d (i41.1

    43-P0- 61/..30:Audar a)A-14.- /6 0.06 z' Lr;* 64.00- 4t131- Stk: C1( 64,00 ‘2.00 0.02 0.039 -

    /11.00.1-Q1 toik oft.“( kaidi (kt4octr% sf CAthtadaj



    Interval Asc.ays From To DesCrIptrOn DDH 492-02 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn fir NAr

    SitsiC achtl a.avALLA: (07219.,-ed zcao)

    /1/1.4 , . /21442. 3/0

    : cari)o-itet4- 2±.±) ,aece- of4/2“itat:4

    teatt“.4d - Weo: latiaitot aeo 0.02 - 0.03 irace -

    kLus .

    IttroAr 1,11 A


    Interval Frorn To Descilpt lon DDH No.34,/ 7 — .I From To Cu Mo Pb A sZary: /9Atiff Ag

    0.12 0.0/ e Fictee - 6-4.00 s:6.2m i<4.144,4,t< i - /g 54.00 51.00

    49uctilltios CatSka new:az

    924(ÅrSi6 _

    datat spoL

    (122e./2tt'ig_ heaie

    4i,y4 cletlarlArt. 4c-Pah4 UL191.44c-

    CaiSualt 14412s4,Cilittiant5.

    -Sotac 5‘, .85" 5-6.77 Cnifrnale-

    ,dosati~,(4 actot driir4 ytettmahl

    «•-4arict pi.arl‘t'‘e

    difio . a„teLzuctik“-

    rs Pot-'42)

    54.9? _S104 __ citbick JXCAli 4ttaliade 4 sa cediot_at:c. 4frs4teu44415£ rn,a, driter Ofrui»Ka4 higt_ft _4out._.sittpla

    0.0? (9.06i - 4,0.00 60.(#3 awbal.i.6644 £2 - 60.00 62.0o 11.03

    _1)0-43__ 41,3o _ 9-ta#9,4.4.rc9xxV

    I A/t- ODIAMOND DRILL LOG FOLLDAL VERK AIS • PAGE 2/3 Intorval Ausays htis From To DoscrIpUon ODH _e2_0 From No.a4k To Cu Mo Pb Zn AU Ag

    cidasimi ar car&h

    _ vaidi

    kikt, Athme.

    6/.)3 _ biugg a..49id>9li‘e

    rabdg_ cc9thi-

    t4i4tddci Wka - CW1 )&14alle -_amoC aay.flu

    /1/h4, tuiale,/_cfrnacried urib;

    -jori&nwit (2 ,a..4)_

    49ctteeCLA4124ACt fria44;14 eiztaria 4,(142e

    ita,n _uhicareLJ__lo JectotA:“

    I 66- 6/J1 cuu.~.4 {1 ctra.t,t - hga.d_u_t

    61,91 ‘7 oo SoLcie, Ziaz24tc5i.jui.d.:£41

    b&-Oo 4t00 rigu .le_c&S g- 82 - /6 44.00 ‘82.O0 0-02 - 0.p6 0.039 —

    1-tiooruot , tp» aur.) iHriar Rigia (404) 4 caÆ~die A ODIAMOND DRILL LOG FOLLDALVERKA/S • PAGE 3 Inbarval 0 Assays Frorll To DescriptIon DOM Noi)44z,g2 _oz ft. From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    kiaLit _906

    2er._oo_ayAiAtio-P-4/_aercoLIcetasn) 34 - X -12 - Xs.wo ri:oo 0.02 0.03 triace 460,1ed 1i4t,i ft cihs~' -°

    Lffiiil•mar I ryltk A/6- -‘ ,

    • IE. • a • I II • I• DIAMOND DRILL LO PAGE / 13 • FOLLDAL VERK A/S I) D.H. No. A711,101h Started Directional surveys SAI-1- 82- 01 29'.06. 82 Deplh Azim. Dip. Depth Azim Ebp. Properly Angle Firushed 0/.07.

    Depth Logged by tOO 1,25- /29.00 717,2 IMeryal Assays To Description From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au

    0.00 6. SO as /c4ur46.. 134.42 al-%crak C~,/c4,..‘ 922,4-6 252~4.‘ eica. 0 1

    aeltr (4.444 ils< 63 1 C ICC , 453datoe4 ati•-

    /tate $24404 44-etacte "1474-as 25- °

    kg: COrtcor d a4.4 dadcna, freaati ick2-

    miteraw:c , ea«,424.7

    1±1 "tan4e4«..a‘ c6's4ec44:ccah.? fecem- detttt ic9 ute447 le Ict.A2wob-au..° . it<

    Ç'ArLtCL „sæc t?-t<4 mår(r 14.20,73:(' cucc( CleldWiGut a(tridi, 14420) /6(.-

    tV57. lateact Sec4 :P14 11..U.a accice?taal SAH- 2- I 0•OZ 6.0/ 8.0o /0.0o deef crAigg4

    dàI 4'DS. , awe J1,-61€jr.a. Lecita 1ns--ivo ciletact4t1 35Additi (a..)

    ,4044.0644e uftia 31/04:47 Jwh - k&? 4ctudfich« .



    • Interval Assays From To Doscript lon DDI I No.S4H42_0, / From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    6:20 - ott's ise149y,

    430 - /1.`ro g -±ccicomGittia

    ed,H16 )49, t c.

    /iss - teh Cod4 - /2c5å. dcuaid•=9...c ita - dfo • cartntailt

    19.,0 _ 3i,9414„ dA,,(14 161? 62-ce 21.01 - Z1.0? : elipics,me ete ifict6214 2,99 - 4

    3. VO - 23.1#1 ; I. zttos, zitto

    24 - 24. 30 : I.

    sii - 24- 30 :SauCt p-auhr9r.i.if dx.eacia

    j(101.aLf (PCe04,11t.- htSac..d- Liont

    2451-210 t uc91 ,Scuzetti

    iczac; uct sieitiogeaud o arq49-pic 4

    41/44,,ecb40,14:6‘4. ce4

    chectim - - 22.002 in ,Sct‘tril r-Ltwic‘Al ü4 itc4d2ack,M tiltal-t - i-cfit dcwast DIAMOND DRILL LOi • PAGE 3/13 FOLIDAL VERK A/S Interval Assays From To Doscription DDH No.&4h (2 -01 lit From To Cu Mo Pb Au Ag 2g.30-ze), 4,Acti 2/42 ,z9. Q0I__lateceid spcLiest.,_tai

    2934 - 29-10 5taar414 feLteti. 1019; golate

    iu) czuo 14 LIÇ - 3/AL? dVOCLL - da 74.46/4 36.4€ (ALL-3/44:4 a9z4u.0 viscei : aido toc«, caaa.zt.4.,

    )7. 00 :3 f.ibrs S0.14.4 SCUicid‘ta

    ;4,dri-ittice tot bcf1/44..tJU4 -ta.4.40(C 11444 625letat

    3,12 -3? 81: ;14 erear h.44T7W-ri ca-I

    32%1 9144ail234.:c Siet4)10±4e

    Luiaeidatati(cauj (1c9t:;41.,c tLicola FecuLts: /2 3930 - tboLLe , a5iacAz(4:01€ - 'a Cctuct44m 4a: noo JS"

    Lio.ett - Catt».0.4. -

    11/1.1. A ot DIAMOND DRILL LOG • FOLLDAL VERK A/S PAGE 5,7 /3 Interval Assays From To OesenptIon DDH F4o. Ç4f fj 01 From To Pb Zn Ag

    -4-h° _- 4:01.4 hdeival e4h (z~e ry4.4.4(c 412°,4 dåk-u¢ i ctreal dect (i/lo o. resa e4biata4-} &ci.oth4f frea.c.a.4 : tin

    St.t,Sti.947 etio4it cithmig. - .r8LA: actik

    (o. i chm ctiaweid tuaLui_L-M Vt.i.44.29 ty coxfrt (tett_cafion.pit nt Ithica - cariks,t4a-4 yeAdca

    22- Si zo : 4ahikè åflf, 57.80 9raiPti l" • 4. Qu2wt&&6aact r aiiiti(e inc

    4.80 01 rvapAiA:c _tirest e d utait ,sem,e

    11.1mn 1.0.1 A DIAMOND DRILL LO PAGE • FOILDAL VERN A/S 0/o lolorval Assays 0 From To Descilp1Mn DDH No.Stin_ /9„41 I 241 Frorn To Cu Mo Pb Zn

    Ses01- 5-9.241_ gusca-rizi 4 59 29 -59.go tu

    .52k5-0- 6740 Luica. Car,b0.14.a.1-e il t kcutt-teiu-k_ fre si_co 61.20 444Adit ts-u_LAA*1..ct_ ostificie

    - Jvi(914:te- .5,4H- 2-2 1-20 - 42./4 r a itiztd2t4 61.00 42 Co v-03 Anv; IA.0.110"kCP ,9tit• - cgazi,

    Gebl 9 /.11/2044 LgL dicicartect k ik: to 1/01a201.4it.t? otr ,Lect.:Lttdular L aw-e4 czJ-e. UR- 2-3 ( 2 II 41-0o 3.00 0-03 - 0.03 C.034' - ot,

    2.19-4215-014:14 - Carlat,s4a..4

    L4..~; t/ ki :fis tçt tua4ot

    /1”ne I 010. A DIAMONDDRILLLO• 070 • FOLWAL VERKA/S PAGE / 3 Incerval From To Descriphon DDH No.w.t_ez. From To Cu Mo Pb AssaZry: /4111Lfrc Mfr 62.25"--42.24, raifith.4. ifsetic bf4; , g4t-t-ttcl sa f Lett;(4. cItto‘i - car a/le

    2,3/ 24252)_ _Act4-;tkaltrÅ _roifici, 4c &Q/e

    e-Iciteuz 1/4 tit-ts& ec< tud. _4121‘ ett

    itutioki tiSetkoht

    __42 52._-43.itt Jiaijz , Citeor;it - Co4

    HA*4- 1.9 cti“ethdua 2,64-%)

    - 61p:LY low.tit,ta

    i tAtell4 CA car ak t21491-&- , qc192- ee1/41 4 ett!Liou-tzem„. 6-,,9 4«,g9.7jto telt - cai a4.e.

    r iabotitt c6_212‘1( b <4.44,444._

    0.02 - 0.03 - L4,04- 64.90 lasm-;u_aftedchterva,C 4640 6e.Qo 9it4446212c{rctitStje-


    sior Ltctk

    /Inviat 11, 11. A,‘ IL



    From To Interval Assays Descraamn 0 t1 DPR N°6/01-492 —0 I From To Cu Pb Zn Au Ag pr, ccht coccecui

    4tdi Itte-ulat icass_gueliet4.,

    COnatti2.1 Walt Sna. 4 ilat..-%)

    ‘t_oo Jigrizk - c(9;.‘s

    : ttati (2.ait ceita.0

    ktice.t. Cor'Smcd 7~,t(Ski.s( ti-Plot4e iti2vdet 1k idzide4 (c/.4:£flat i“024.4) aüL 491.4.4t-b4.3iCt. CusSgult- Vtithit41 )4;K: . SIL94 (.4) 61'.6o- Eno a elbece eA,k, t,te c s - cobt_vie. cner - krtitiv : _citaarfii Le_atifå 142: a-ca 49-(1-1-3 d4s.tokivisoo 0 .62 0. 04/ aituta vo.c f o. ;Hict4„, s 4; 144-%

    49.(10-YOtZÔTLILL444iRabc( Uct..1

    yailflutt kgtWit taie - ccw-sisiffuait, - .“914.c( , btalciA etiente

    iåbtAt s4eselich, DIAMONDDRILLLOC. PAGE ,87 • FOLLDAL VERK A/5

    Interval Assays Frotn To Descopl lon DDH Nos4/42, 0, I From To Gu Mo i Pb Zn Au Ag

    11M.:to.Ceitcot otcrAti- dxtricteut,

    ro.26" r0.31. tctitSiteat, taica - Car -

    1),Kale 1,fiet c4 cLic larttri. ifp foutecholui6 cbu 1jittatt cuaLe1-0-4utkiul vekt-oh)

    7o3C- 7op frettett; 4 mia 4",«At ;14-ertaw4 driar, a5k>1f4-

    i(fi«:(1 ami wica - tarbst qad uzo, ‘butat,lai

    11,1•<, ibLerfor eSwi tvoet cåhuec

    Yid - Ifft'a

    )tri-7-49.14 aticor.-cat:6~4 iSkue Scv-afelea9»-c a2i 114;14 iguided aud dl bc«. to. d/oit 2,,Palettlet3tRA4: kemi

    44 4161 umea ;1-t gev

    IthiL41 . 3k67.

    linn” 11,1, A



    Interyal Assays Frcen To Doserip tIon DDH No 11-C2-0 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au

    g. 41.06,

    Loak t6-fitc4 tu4 Cart_c&it

    -1>e.cUltt 1.44.4€5 Yg-6'

    - alån42,i4Veddli ( ict Cra)

    112*419 ug dale aeh I/Cz4

    _cheodie ,s&fi‘ , wiect 7 ii1/41424 ide zikal

    khzqiz lortild4ai decict uvia444 &Per ala61/44.‘ duzczif lath 41 (244baj dtiet fil 4<14: 24-°

    a itt ice"). fuf lida(aty

    dtdi aze4.4arx 4 (2-3 Ate-

    AaSti laiecCh.e&dt, - .r

    åtaiva »sai44/e21ea `cti «.441. P kt dcal, ficsidel ( 4a P14.<*cj , de~ 4gzed audesiar4d , ettuf frea«.4( 45.19

    ito ;1« 1/d.



    Interval Assays From To DeserlptIon DDH Frorn To Cu Mo PO Zn Au Ag

    - 73 03: icusiluah4(

    rafitd4 44,4 /i/c74:b. daYilt (2iit9ua4 ScuAdt 4 )‘114 dtion1/4a_ ‘9ue. y et dc:(1/6witai Mays kazi 4'1ica4 CRI1+4ta•u„ 4/6, 1421 GÅtticLicicua

    iczads, Ahlts4, „ cedc 4 kt

    dcidaleof wal

    SpIda ,_&/4 (PiVen (2-3 14L--%) P1-10-44.45", cRic1/2,14,641644,aczt-

    baciiiotc - 0~201/11,4: cchtyfid-644

    664,44ti2u4?4 ivideoz tuicar, eum,dhi Aesid4

    iicPt caudi

    ( -2 Uati

    Ilimar I t,kk. DIAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE ////3 FOLLDAL VERK A/S • Ir Assays From To DeserlpOon DDH NoQii,(2_0( — From To Co Mo PO Zn Au Ag

    Pf,c1,9-43)?: gazai


    so4tigx thum so°

    1444, . mit 1r er#44.- cux drucian4 ( _Lar2L-t) ».74,- te_÷,t.csALd (ce2kt& 6 CeA.fitfi:44) coa16. 28° (49 A544:4-awA 64262-,e/CA cPs&plic- ide; iCt4ACIAJOIA-tilo 6a4Ldi m6ti.£1 dikAte._Sn'tys dia?". ita~ Qumlut tual. kx't4( 10aga .5ter4‘,£4.44e4, (2-3 iloit-cip)

    XS:57 rt.“62tx:d(4ti Dep, (e 44,4)394) - fiCM Switwied Igilen/d ict; PIS8 - P“V ér

    7,CP - #36"t lawa' valei 1 .4-1 ked ytat I( 10rtifii -< eale„Carb • 4;e14gt ,p4144, &'to 1Ati 44itre 6cii.44 eetr a 4 icica


    Interval Assays From To Descdption DDH NoLiff i72 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    vejubt &Ø4dtsdrIt t&6P,4,tc. .&fia icfil RiA su tt-

    I tv Cbscosd acc frv' teec

    druc itati kocced ?Sr l ecee-t ( 49-/C get 17/276": ctEeraa,litt: iedeti aza k4-,41 677 Itel4 yea ra- dtgc511.

    44 .1 dt:‘ 4 ci 4a Æ .2 erew_ Czu7S. tauf. .

    4'c's "4. 65744-4 #ibralgi (Aiu144 (1-2 41.- toj

    necb-tivio Tuutil ¥ (35,164,A, 4,.ae 4A2A.,


    ucassity akided_ c

    dtittlA invht 401 Rhai / 11.?-*Z) pt, ,ila,It4A 1.1«.4

    Aluna, 1”111. A A DIAMOND DRILL LOb • FOLLOAL VERK A/S 070 PAGE i'r3 Interval Assays Froin -12 To Description DOSI _e, _0, From To Cu Mo PO Zn 9AI 119:g"‹

    7166--¥141 CaraSevailt -

    Y19.52- so.00: hm;c0.-, kwacich.t. p.4‘ S.4H- 2 - 0.13 — 0.0 2 — — ( Iq.q o 119.0o fl.1-‘413_,Jdolde C/IMMk, aac - taati_ gi.00 9 x.Oo tucti 6,Jfe44 cC

    , LINAtAmi cral e-41uri '41c Lca.! datcud

    9C.?t94LsïccZr& larimÅ 1.4-45,6--ASZ4Y

    katit 25,2ridti stu.“ /S-0

    '1,5" (e.eiatia, Sfc 14914 : 2 °

    IY547 - 9r.L/

    1 22 - .30 - 99_yo CalS 10.4. 4-45.

    122.91-ilz3,3Z : Otti eltuz - SM4.4 C


    ICLA fo axe, ( ) IAMOND DRILL LOG SAKPLPs : syni - 492-01 • FOLIDAL VERK AIS PAGE 1/9

    Interval A ssanysz From ro DescrIptIon DDH Nck 4-tin —472_01 From To Cu Mo PO Au Ag

    1.00 oo C2I- ler» C CaadAittue. 64.42,4iicutdad SAH -ez - (ca Ao.a2 ooz


    alismalccn. 63/ cm.4. 7.424.

    Lit ft

    Hilt 1441._Ce1/4cOda441 Q5e-detikr joko-

    kta . recticaowil,

    tt riowet444'-4 clitacusiu.44.1_ ,

    iencelicum filiatsjk.

    iSlefritd ikt ctonc444144,

    too Cizo saa.cb4 9.4,ASeme -C - - 2 4/.00 62.~ 0 03 0.02 -

    11; pb(oc /44E.-'6)

    C1.20 Gi .00 graiPLA:4 c&s(-

    unita, oirtgt, cesQs,ytaifijik

    681,171t/444 .


    fiev . / 01, n H; utut !_ii‘mcieced

    4A, d 0,“ CIcr34 IAMOND DRILL LOG


    Inloryal Assays "9,414 Frora To DescrIplIon DDH No.S10142-0 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au

    42.60 62.11 pagcti4CA.4:511- SA-1-1 -12- 3 ‘2.00 63. Cio 0.03 t203 0034, —

    4ac, ‘/.20 4 42.00 (,45„ye)

    42.2‘ J?eide -_CatiNale Sua44/1/

    4,144- ap, diste~j/4441_(t i7si.-142) 42•2S- 42.24 perfivae-tte.a) sCtit 4e4“..1 4esticIta:6,'" 4 4Z-2‘ ‘2,5L j;041e-c-heattit4 -_,car_t?ktade

    _62.A1/ 42.5-2 eata;na4.04rajcPc.idic. 4.6.4

    erimAmeet olpesced_.,_&4M 4_4:44/


    tflur pp au(e CMI‘ 6zsz ‘3.0a .å;o1<:4 - rithdie - abitS dinew;444L1 (24.1.-to)

    Wos— eic£4- ezvi6,91.4a4 SM-82 - 661'0 62.t90 0.02 - (103 —

    64.o4 44.10 42444;44.2.10ent

    alitheol P3eccitcloS

    d:s4dact imcd.

    mk, ceNtcordaJ p';m41 €if lismffit ok A,L 413IAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE 3/V FOLLOAL VERK A/S • Inleryal Assays From To Descrlpilon DDH No. gAhr_ gr2_ ( From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    kbipico-nttecisi tta ,L0.3.40,472 - 4

    46 -10 " dtoit.4- s(9t.“


    ite-Se , catib-Kok rea i>d t4164,4 A lyie,44

    4/1-924i joli4le4( (04 :5ktka&u,k) sm:45


    frilu, beI (43{.`- 9 )

    - 61.OV nee K`le) cua duackgfallueg 1.1-1 492- ‘9.00 W.00 0-03



    61.40 V49.2C ectudkalernuitrad caleKsh. /,‘&4 Xigtje K4JlcuiLe4lch4.t


    C4,14.coedaJlod)eddiat (1 -%)

    ;o 'kL 91said2414seflief 14,-)(4wilcs Cariø-male erelieutte disio4ci

    liarnm I rykk Atry.


    Interval Assays Ebarn To DescrIptIon 0011 Noair _01 -92 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    kiat , eem,ixtiteddimi tecta eA a4441

    c,t,nc444ki (6--7

    >2234 V42-ev tet.ye64.. to;i4 atut ;Hepec- sitikr toidia Ad

    a..41 CalitAta

    ghlit *!)44.1_.usnitt

    Ifirt 2/Dillerfor . if.01144 etfintded

    Ittia 4.4cc.- fia u.<4.1 C-4 1.-°4

    0.ey,,_312.9y1 athica. Car

    46mAe ‘4«giet .11/Thri erst (itzIfic44

    440.11“ uctcitcLauff

    1.0 . -

    .Yot, W .0



    Hixt f —4p , drhytt , 4/6 itai-

    L4.9eb i4L.-e4)

    0.13 - 01 JG .0o 941.00 catiOL.tht4 -dGect - alsk- S,O-1- - 94.00 no0

    Udiit . teme_sg‘.

    Ant • • •I1 • le • •

    DIAMONDDRILLLOG PAGE // FOLLDAL VERK A/S • DiroctIonal surveys D.D.H. Mo. Azimuth • Slarted (2- 0/ 02.07.82 Deplb AzIm DIp. Depth AzIm. Dlp

    Property Angle FInIsherd t2 guilltW 0q. 07 , Deplb logged by Co-ord. P +oo 01-7S- Interval Aesays From To DesenptIon From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    0.190 4 .t90 spu-a6cArcica

    6.00 26.00 (ai4ealiatSre9)

    4.00- 8Ctitte4_ lia.z/e951ect4 —asuAtii9-ef:ste

    )e.k.o- 13.05 itia5ia)3. fcta cei.4v.PAA:t33-eda


    g.42- Id'.70 : ttit ca_ htz. - cht‘tai

    st odctu 2 plaAim, 2g°

    in195-0 freatiosiect4

    25wectiu Feame/s °

    11,,SOTi22.35-:rr „Ctr«.4.1.(2u4,24(s- 46\a:

    22.3C- (244.,ciatibc£Cie

    SJ&c4 ita....u41 2g°

    2&.yo- e4.00: etiaG OWIAL-bcni-x: - 4AA!Zcf

    p; gitc91>

    26.00 69.60

    24.00- 24 trat.91A:1?C4.Q0.1-e DIAMOND DRILLLOG


    • Assaya Inlorval From To Doscripl Mn DDH Nosie.42_0( —From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    ectaLiusatorutii4 ,(;e4

    4Gt2S‘, cold> CcusbeNka-4.4

    L034ti2Cait • OA;t4t ' 2‘

    ifiw p occu.)-€ cactA: eg( 9gZe

    Calb. mAce).,Levtte ctimeat;thet,44

    4tte Le,e f'u it

    24.42- 24.0 ), stak-)yiebien-te

    2a Te - 2? : rttu.410ite (3510 it

    wd-Lotsrezc)(1w_ritiii4:tc‘e ti-i>docs

    ZY.6-0- zk,s1sulasi ti1/4rbte

    - 2?.ab4taptiL2e acble , Set: 26.0o- 2“2 ,25wee*«: kea-tous 3c9° 42.- : c CactoiAct,le cio ci44). yi-tat- 3c2d,s(

    khht to , cti cAc 2fis-b°6)

    2y.80- 2r./2 acifie

    4.Q.: 24.0o- 24.61

    2?92- 2ny cjukcohi“

    kli.t fjp to14.4e

    2r.et4 - 2.79a : 14L4CCc Car Aflpt wijoet frs. I Havw`i Ilamar Ink A DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Intorval Assays From To DescriptIon DDH No 01 -Frorn To Cu Mo PO Zn A11 Ag

    (4-tivi~ ;_idhure ista-ø_cter-o-5-

    Cut; ,_14.a>c_e4 a •ce,ci ( 2kM. - 2k.28 rctifit.ii.4:c ta;(c_

    itt: 26.00- 4.L2._

    zrjg - 22 Oo ufAirct. - CortfrKcolt_


    2too -_22.!-14114rralgii-t:c

    26-42,4(2~ dis

    zg.9-8 - carbonalt aez.: 21"94 - ZY 94

    2f,Y2 - reit91)-1-4:cAegaie

    1a.: 210.0o- 26.42

    Zeib-2 - 22 61 likkwictAsi la1/4te.

    t9014 :1 Ltit tockr_ett_Ltdo


    tA • r=nn atua Sit(P-& ;44- carb • tucvi

    2843 -2e.cro V-rapÅtt-4:c ‘ectig. 24.Qo - 24.42_

    Zesto - Zecil : 1..s.m4,cc5t-tf



    Intenral Assays Trom To DescaptIon DDH No iET-1 2_0/ From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au

    2e.1e-24.2C1 e-K 20wz

    2i2c 34.oc9L ytatQtit iezu 1 Ont

    " 0 • Cet.Årle, Uglle 49‘2

    2TY -2t st1 iwit) et ry9tat

    ioad •Szcecti'l 200

    tia44.24 q

    3030 -

    ausi 35-0

    3.9Æ-t9- 3060

    _te4cti 144 ethaA I 2C° 340_42- CaX601.4. - tam,GC - ,3i, •J)112 cc,4: 201/2.4t

    av-Lo-Ketie tit+ 31'12- stn: 62? ria»h.

    tui4“4 aug 30° _4ectric DIAMOND DRILLLOa 070 PAGE cr FOLIDAL VERK A/S lor • Assays Intorval _From DDH N Er.42.0 Zn Ag Froin To DescriptIon To Cu Mo Pb iet 24,00 24,42


    ettcleek< 2e° - 2 - 21 0.0 — 0.04 — 33.00 39. 0Q__ 32.89 33.90 4014-4C 1Å: azb tt 2 w..4.) (51ra LtzLechft&It 461-144ei3Ozq

    HiLt IUD 33 85 -3%00: CIG4A_arbi


    k f 44r- 2.- 22 — O.02 — — Z.6 34:00 Es.00 0.03 7Kti6itAit U91-1; Lf ,ectu4.1.uot. ic9ot_c5ihh2 scax:‘‘,

    vAint- carix9K cvk

    etihot vd,,,dah 4 ccu uhiAn -44s9tiletLians t ka•42.9itraa.ot• FO, occuste i iQu_cart. tuod. t_.1JÅL__°å)

    Luwi a.44c1 g

    Ilamm A S


    FOILDAL VERK A/S PAGE Viq Interval o Assayz Frorn To Doscopt ron DDH No Er-47.0 E7Orn To Gu Mo PO Zn kra gier- 2 - 23 0.0Z tecti.t joddi 2e° 34.00 31.00 o ' 0c, ki44, tot ps

    34.9z- 309.

    34.e2o -34. sio

    3too - 3Y.Orctifith:L-Q- etiza-41. 3je_

    Wigt cccjLp


    3y.04 - 3t40 _cpp-t, _1,4,41,


    14t sup cii,“aLitArtit.g

    L± 2 6t-%)

    0 ,_Aam_ctlx tchit9tAtet&4( z- zcb &k,(41c,kce‘•cd 31.oo tio.00 0-05 0.02 -

    /444: 2_116).e.-74 go.00 ti2.00 0.03 irate

    3k 3o - 3t6o. 61-6 2011£ usiOt

    titoo - 92.4' : tOct.0 (ird 'icv-L.coe 4914- z-24 - o.o 3 - (11N. (4<$41A 92.00 .00 ° 3

    (42.'fOt3.lQ1jjjcjj- carisua,Le

    obsdeuea ME21,.4) DIAMOND DRILL LOG FOLLDAL VERK A/S • 070 PAGE 7//q Assays • 4 From To DescrIption DDH N £7--492-of From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    4320- 44 -519_L_4(444.clatA?-ta tfttik(silz - 2'i 44.00 46.00 0.04' 0.0 1 L ter- - 22 - (te.eL_?-4-ctilskiitc(9,A:s 461,120_42.00 C. — 0.01 — C Er- -29 141-01Å;Si tier00 S0.00 0.04' 0.01 — 2 o

    4a, gq. 00 - 36 4-0

    R Qtfli 44LCa4). ku2(Æt4Å k-1,--2-52.00 30 0. 03 - 0.01 P.068 — 0.4‹ 4t6.0tctpkLZc 120)le "EfLo

    "stmskl,kagted_s_ictett t/1 444.24: 0-10°

    3o.t 24.00- 26.4z

    209 - 53. 46",

    jato-micwitgAidc_etro e 144._c4eals4e

    uAcciit: h&tui_et,464£C 461; £1144.

    _Ji p iHt?"-eas C

    Szgo- sz 5-0 u64.

    rån44,L,tuircet - S&14

    Sz.44,- ,52.68 :

    53 Zo - 53.2c; ckept c ictiS -,v9a 53.1./s4 oo 9a,9tit.ç dqk

    ,ett: 2440 - 2442

    StdetluQ jfieweA; z °

    - Sitot letdcq.::_ecci-itccde

    lAsmar1910tA.,, DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Intental Assays Frorn To Descrionon DDH N 01 --F-r-oni To Gu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    cCuti-11?iiAlc#4.4ticteiet 9 a4i Qrs ctad Szadn 6.u.4.44,) 4 rt .u.p2iiti,

    itecti.t . stkes-, ctriai ic.£4.44.4 c et,i ;u_dihriz tyeati.)

    dictikt tettie kfrZ (kuctli crA,

    tas-ILL ccu-rbiatKaik, 1.9.12(Axetelt,

    1 1;44- I f 4N co,imsdexi coA. wa,L. Per3 - tic ute,k4 ; ont

    _fL ft gri cletta (<4.4.

    af 64>tet- Le lQas po 0 2 Ild-e4)

    Sg.18 - 551,2 • arezOpicIta,k4 cewt-4 clo paik 41/2-ktedistithr aai /-44£.4 kly: ju» . uar" iv lacepedu.z tELeta4


    ! 2Mot-°(.3 55-b -5,tu

    bmar lokk A,S DIAMOND DRILL LO4 PAGE 524q • FOLLDAL VERK A/S Interval Assay, Frorn To DoscriptIon "" " Er-te 2-0( —Fron, To Cu Mo Ptt Zn u Ag 5tbs- ,sa,“<„t r kitt ebteut42 2set,


    Ssiceitt. ificuAts : 20°


    as. 26.00 -26,42

    Ww itt ttt_IAL91 QA ilabeaS

    finf-toitu-e /5-4-a96.4

    6,112- 4/. n .

    frto4ü& 0-lith o4lo-


    klm.t ( ad:Lt.

    _ Yfio- ‘itgr, ttdca.--cart5-nar,4

    - “-_422 ri .9

    !So-KA2tocti tiact<42 /4.44- pfr / Vdt-°69

    Gsle2- 6C53 Ccub. Ca-reU>lic cutict4; 49,42

    utly/ cait ccuti høk A.‘ DIAMOND DRILLLOG


    Assays Interval o 144 From To Description DDE1 No 2,0 ky-4 From To Co Mo PO Zn Au A

    4ta & Ct--8 - 31 0. 03 - 94alt• -- 26.00- 24.c2 43.00 67.0o kitc / 14,(A,)

    4Y. _1* alLib uati-Lut eadd‘ct: rtikdit btwi 1 Llade

    ettculitt ALCZO>LcU.A.114,1L icsitt iniaLint do

    ( -94)

    Y.Yer-4ffir ttcykack d2a)14

    l'eutzuckitd., paiM12 1“.?t;e4 iWa,.a 1-61i e 11~..

    Lth,te tOctuxitecUittz des ioclifr34 pio ,ty -7.fic3tcap)

    e• - e43 sie4Iatt.

    69.40 - b7 420 9c/ YO 4CW eck aQcc ?‘" fÆr- z-ui "in — 010 - - 9unlaiLe w.00_ nrofi

    os---P.20 wica - cevickta,4 A.424,4», 44:#6" zbeded /./4 Ca.):49maiÆ - rncgaot

    /lignm f•,Ut A,i po, Pal.-64) DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Interval Assays From To DoscrIptIon DDH N Er _82-01From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    W20- Yky‘,_7u,c0.4-41/4:c 7utct464,4(

    Zi %- n.00. Luicst , a.4,44,tkis.e - .5661-tAzat

    3.00 - 13,2z

    22 - ?-s-00 - cu«fi4i.60 sAt_k(

    LOtcct tCtcd4

    .Ccutio, C.Oo- 16--22 .1_,te4A-cc9L-etL

    - 1".t10 1,242c4iut- 26,34.2

    gati of •rct,d2Gt:(1.44ear Lue sCoctitmt,gu


    k4:«. : <6.wa

    - otteicei tA-t

    iQce,4 gi.tta.-

    114.1J sla;144; e‘ 241-e.Pt

    - tattot etthoetm sio ta <4.zuf- . Sdctv ,davys:

    Ys-,70- .O0I yrat9Li 1-4:c1-eale

    Set. Jiiw• ita. 44flcct 4/-4:cu- sito‘


    Intorial Assayo From To DescrIptIon DD/1 NI _o From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    4.00 -14.09 2c6t4Stdd;

    4ttilY.4"li.(10 - .0? -76.28 eamesimalecC hativai ifita_4;c acv e AS2 b )_14t «,ti ce;_,~lahli kerZL. 14.9‹, ettizzi L8L2LIL s(th, aA,_d u(.4.crit,,*14-44 4

    Xå9 - taG44.4lACc. 74.0.9-V-4.2e

    ¥ZY0 0.4.,AttRe;icRiALL ic9t2‘tt

    rakC) _ (scuAsii jA(eide kimist~e4cuttd_e “fic 4 thd(914:si psfere>>14:Lehaz-tel

    - Wt41 1.2CUAJA 2De

    #. )2 ecw-tiuchic'i eteddlici ka-,91j_ JioWe 9.1~


    1(32 - #.4e: .cesp..44.1-44.c 54d2o4e. I.

    WCoc - t~cis ctaid- kia: Ap_,


    FOILDAL VERK A/S 0/0 PAGE /3 /9

    From To Inlerval Descfiplion DDH f er_82- 4/ In From To Cu o A3"Z: /r Alila 1141;41

    YL9C- eau,ki 3tered'hi

    4ev yP/3 2


    79.<90t lue(celi 4et, Xf.3z

    fc2(2- 7r 14. ctact(x d'ILLcuAcficizi

    £4u.: m) 4014.« 3,ffi 6

    /4=h.32: acutti. , cet9ûttoag,--L(2,,tc(

    itt_dieceleed‘ citas leud,

    ”,se- 9Lusahil

    eatttios.< 0J 14.444.4: ,siett:i-divtyf tci(;c1, j .E.a4.4.14,24 °

    e0.10 q(1. 3tce.,titti W1),et-b? - Mivic

    fly,tack4 - Cattl-LAceiC •er- 2- 3z nq0.15oo. 0 0/ — .9Luct-t4;1-c 90 8o v .03 11-1-tfrAs ticamr-?( tor4C 6{,c46),,;4- carkka.c,

    /k jtv , j.occn ags, a4.4-0(

    )u 9/.20 - 9159: ccrbile lrykkAI Let fo.x.r-gzso DIAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE .1./ //7 FOILDAL VERK A/S ty0 • Interval Assayo / /i/pra.irjr, From To Descontion DOH N From To Cu Mo PO Zn

    99.70 116.30 ileecit

    9gro-9,5-No: aV-Luoe.‹..ffite, (soin(.)

    95-90 - 100.4c1: altuucait.4-1 tuct=e.ii.ct

    9.£4,2,44; 92.tetrizilic cAtoL4,_

    -dia,cAcc% it9 csele


    34,4d14 p2c~, te°

    Jjo , fl uÅaLL4


    10044/- 112012 _Weiccc- oztr t61/4"azia

    ibv 4,14.4.est,91-a:

    /00.fg - 101.60: 92.nir6i•le talk CL C(cEori

    4e-Fpu (14: ( 4.0;-tio? 044

    .2; iHrect., (11149t-c6,)

    10100- 101.0q taLca- ccv&?-voie

    lotoy- 92,4_0.1712/ te

    .3et : /00. /0/.00

    10(50 - (03.90: 9uL 0-f tec

    ~a4 ent Cfrt

    kilt4 ite), Kr- 2 - 33 103,44- Witgo: 0.,(4)1.4.c.,Lut eddk 1($11,» 10.5,0 tee: 95-.40 - /00.6$1 DIAMOND DRILLL042


    Inloryal 742 Assays From To DoscrlplMo DOH N 1tET-22-01 Frorn To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au regir


    "2,4.4,, ..444 Led 4, elZ1/4t egtua 414

    ot, (

    wq.73- 92~62u;£1

    By.91 - 104"42 ; .•e_

    44.4 11/4.10-104.4/3 2-34 j. — 0.0 — 10,F.11 914"lic 71-44"4414£ 105.'w ,O4-» naie 1

    , (< ird 9v,cfriad-e

    ctiailkec e icsL ,5-12-Cor 4k4e4 gleto 4

    ltfig it.S/ Ustitel ears djur;v6

    P.740?[. elt _COS/LeJtri ca/i

    la.C.95--104.61, ftb•r w,,,o1A:LF

    1:4g n

    ,96 - 106_93, dg6t-4 - cc,f6 tEr-1 - as- 0.0/ - 0.01 0.102 - 104.fl? 101.70 kv: *4) li t /04.13- /n.n: 91/4a,6 atodul rittus

    (/ dett -6'4) 4,DIAM0ND DRILLLOG


    IntervaI Assays From To DescrIption DDH N dery_je2_0/ From To Cu Mo Peb2— t /1/0.17 i rtgick(

    mr.n-/07.30, ./ 491(.•4- /0/.3,9 lorst cd4rctce-4‘4: 9~0-6de Li m•M fu ou 1.4c 21:cdcW

    *tcal (2«.-9 ktc6Ç. avy-t_gia24,

    oal.Saufc u —ii61144

    liefitetefit< ;(ed gr- 82- 3b - - 0.0 - - ,14,ta3ie lo¥.7Y;4/09.70 "Ce *--ci%L)9 /0t1 73

    107.25: - 107.°12 -1061C -

    lo7.92 - 02: te(z,.oaCosiie r _zvote, -

    101.02 - 101.10, dienzu61 23tddii

    9tuadrkie czLJa e(‘, -6.64-es clisi ded . 2°A 1

    /01.10 - 10/.40

    4ez. 109.(0 - 10(1.93

    IPP10 - 101/0: _

    uül4 tcwoù Q.,cd etad Leq.tcÆ4itc-dZ ioddibiticuAci, 3041

    tOtlal - 112.0G, yars4t1 ,Jio47,a449.fia 4a).4isrl I


    FOILDAL VERK A/S 0/o PAGE AV/9 Intorval o Asszanys /2 A Aig44, From To Descriplion DDH No From To Cu Mo Pb


    Itif ,dpsue 9 ,96 - 113.29 rrietti.i_z1ietis;k4_a<44. 'boet--saec( 113.2q- 113,52 a4,44.ic4:664.. 4.4,4i 149 lani4(?)

    #3. - : - sPrial Qk-r- - (5:62_11.5130: 91.445,,Lbii4 llsiss-o s-o c "tetc£ - I•

    la? - 104./O

    dievut_si-e? .444-4(pil

    CO,et2.4.1 jo C.A4.41‘11 ( z Pot-84)


    - 30 oarStItat-le cei.ottA6ttitAiC it;it .

    W.1 1-1it 461‘ 2 11,-(-%)

    114.30 13180 s&s( _castonile

    116.30- 1/4. - £(9,is(

    4a...444 25,,vA)Le

    4.-r1 - 11.61 Ccvnet-i-e

    4o-uce difiurti e I bic94; J62“51

    16 41 -11‘.1q, - Cartti-tarit

    11.(mu t51,1 A 5 DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Intorval Assays Frorn To Doscription DDH No From To Co Mo Pb Zn AuAb

    116,4)11-114.teg c9a

    114 - lit30 u4A:co. - carrb6h4cf,Le

    _ _ IitO - 111.62 d>io4k - S(S4‘‘

    alekkwfivi i~d). Ist,,,,wit

    ut.62 - uti): ctuia-1,091e

    _ - 119.71r ji0Lae- Si9}2(1

    4,61katai-ittpuan of Cata,4,

    113¥1 - 120.2f, Cajbeructit

    120.zs- sta.e£1


    120.t0 - 12S;00, ,turbprkteLie

    1L9uLt_dE,941t. - (249v4

    s-.00 - )25-.01 aonj

    ilje04 0/ "Aharhite tai czei4y-mwi-e

    zugg4440( Sd curho,w,r, AVA4

    cittaid wai cceet ozt_

    "gny {fice_10Å. ' e4 ns-de - 12S-44: ttacct . - Crxr0t4a-le

    US.34 -128.15 recfragiOni

    124.0•F- 124 0: 251-aZ;ddld Zev.acati as- tC irytt A 5 DIAMOND DRILL

    • FOLLDAL VERN AIS PAG E From To Interval Description DDN No. A ssaYb £r"82-01 From To Cu Mo Pb in Au

    122.iv_it 124).(10 cedterwat I2Lyo - 129.30

    t /26:00 - 1Z5-.02

    /2cf.30 - /30./t Col-c (.4

    13038 - i30. 30 Cat,649-Kct,4

    - 132-‘0_:__(39-0Ltie

    125:00 - /25:101

    132-40 - 1.3292 CArlbentqle

    ezllu..tick- Card"ale.

    /37-(2 - /33; 2 4 133.245-_ 1,33_39 trultervicti-e-

    )33. - /33.535"; tit94:4 -

    33 3;>-- /33; 20 ; 21-02 dit

    ?.usrhill4c focatitcbt att.tectie."

    ce,u3o.kala ._4914.4t ~0-7,tflu'e

    tiottle /3310 13`t.20 9teueu-lai 1,,k,A s /

    DIAMOND DRILL LOG S41121.Es: (2-01 FOLLDAL VERK A/S • PAGE /7, InIerval Assays From To • DescOption ODH Not,ir_ 0, Ø -C/ I From To Cu MO Pb Zn Au Ag

    33.00 33 qg -5Saarut al>lone. r-e2- 2/ 33.00 34‘0,9 COV — 0.09 —

    Su.4aiLic«.44. t 2 g<4«„)

    7taik1e - Jezkr;i S6t 4

    Ifiks, ir _ (:eLleme_

    ottse~.kaledR -4.%)

    33.2s 34/40 9~-112,4e 4;1410.c


    kfitA, g

    34,00 gita,a4;it €91.‘gi /Er- 12- 22 341.00 jc.49 0,03 - 0.O2

    icua; gatel , &44; tAR into, aat

    r444:Cct-carlSonah .

    49uceitAffl cca( R.4.:«64 cdt4th.aie

    _ 3,25141.1-4)..

    Min „ c 1 t d 4gu

    34.6t 34.5-0 91.a.,P(A.:/e Sa4:111 Er-ez- 23 atoo speo O.‘91/ -

    4«. 3q, 00 to 34. 90icdswej

    1 1.•msr DIAMONDDRILLLOG PAGE 2/1 11, FOLIDAL VERK A/S all Inloryal 0 Assays From To DescrIplIon DDH No — From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag 34.92 7ici4k4J6c4.4:41slei‘lont

    4944441 6uxottz-014 4ma‘

    34.92 37.00 /62,4:1c£A4I

    4 2. 39.00434.00 L>65,it)

    3'r.00 37.04

    «A444;1,U9S4 Curieb«ste_l_timid.41


    3r.‘0 Caritfrtalt 3¥.0‘ - gch kuict4444.41(64,e

    ki.a4,4; v . . d;f4~huded Aa_uct,g_ppygtAktgis

    ilaw; ucdeel

    110,ne 2ad.-14,)

    - ‘9.62 — 31.00 40.00 soa,Att vap44^ lecltAd Ærm- z 3,00. W00 0.05-

    Ase.: 3too(abit)

    - 0.03 ta - 40.#0 (12.00 Afaucty_trolgtilta411 er-11 -1C 50.00 4Q.£90 OV

    4te, 3flo lo 3t.00(a.f»vd

    Ilarnar Trykk

    ODIAMOND DRILL LOG FOILDAL VERK AlS • PAGE 371 Intoryal Assays jAL,"74, Froni To OescrIplion DDH No3042-0/ From To Cu MO Pb In Ag

    42 oo 92.90_ 4am.cly reySkitle&R‘ii fer-g2 - 24 92.00 Vq00 t9.03 — 003

    iciavåeMlitt aad clicieldat4

    4a: 3r.60 31.00(a4-yej

    in.90 z0 ugeocc- cayi0,412,4

    _ fip, ___dipse,6,4;kaif,d_(U41.-sk)

    Q t 0Q400 atuitz taiguits(Micif

    ee 3Y.L0 ,310o Ab49-yej

    44.oo 44.00 Lcutit rgfitt4s9,25.11- Woo - e201

    4es: 3r40 _1031.00 (ainej

    94.O0 4.s-O laady roi,2“,401.;!i Åk-e2- ze VL SToo 0.051 — 0.0 I

    3L‘o 3toolagerd _yloo taigAhleshal

    kùc1to, 4sE ,itd444ct 4 caÅh.le (±/44-%)

    vi oo ra,62,411(cAint Er12-29 iltso fopo 0.051 — 0o/

    . £14CO I QQ flC#)

    _Yrt?_ 42.14cw-to-ah. adio-ile-44,t

    hysk A .7t 1 DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Interyal 0 Assayn Frorn To DoscriptIon DDH Nointn From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    111.99 50.0o 4,4


    11,4Åu4- ccuitta.4 stisw.h

    48t44e. ca./.69vta1 e pb:ui

    _ii4t;."_.39a44,c4 44_144_Citi-

    itiacvle scuti. , jtAvdt.i #4ctAi- diute

    dlisn4c,..11444 01 '144 ralbe;6_(.‘ 2

    50.00 5-2.00 .er-e2- 30 5-0.0o 52.0o 0.03 - 0.0/ 00‘f -

    412, la.crg 4 50.00 tai.nt-1

    /12421Ce,Eah rEr 42- (31 Gi.00 6900 003 cbritt a2.

    isgc: 91,n_4 10.90ictbsye3 aileitcd-Cutie440,2

    rigfitGlit Lea4 all44199u:44.citt


    é latk atriektzit im41


    b.)rfr btseio raifid, Aecfr4

    iekittne_ ga""a r9gta filaifuf It•mo DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Intorval Assays bAtif From To Doscriullon DDH Noter-t2-0/ —From To Cu Mo PO Zn Ag

    iuka - aci»hecit_,__91,ucti 61' kcela -



    : 1491 n

    Ær-22- 9/ ~49 72.00 0.0b - 0.01 noo 1/s• 14.4k,z - Car60,(a 4

    biA0A4;i1 4eciM

    71.15 can6owah 45.A.ot

    42o miccc-cario-ka4

    ig" tafrt

    P.zo 9t4.4CV 144144latfitiL

    tfl 72.00 - ar«iyadd ccu-Swcale

    949.80 9 I.00 Ær- 82- 32 90.80 91 to 0.03 -

    ;inriar sLapol /0/4ceit tq tA4vi -


    )(12/ Cts OCCW«a. .Cg 1‘. C44.4 ‘4/144r

    it< At ciesait

    g oo itt 2o rt) tui - aizftestiL - zo eitsv

    H•rn.r It,hk 4£4.1 4 91.00 (a6eve.)

    a DIAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE Ve 11111 FOLLDAL VERK A/S Interval 0 0 Assays :7 From To Deseription DDH No 9/Cr—e2— From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Ag

    91.5-9 91.10

    - 0.0/ LuQ ffiy.Po 4eitruct4st 22 - 33 10€/.70 145:70 »tice 7.«An17144col isqq- Afrith.

    (frpkLJdc (( anit)

    jO 4fir itisi 4 h« 6eicaeitga„.4

    W-11-93 litca 924aslaile. gagaLed t‘r

    fa9'3 - Abiesicanta$3 jeao. c94.14e." , desaccduaied z

    /Oin3 loscv 4.etuak,e4,-

    /09.47L io.r.z_ itaak

    at, /0410 /0V.93 (4,256wet) 105-42 105.70 rigslome. (c /411)

    - 00/ 105-. 9,u2lladf:c reutdonc Er-ez- 3y 105:• In.k) 99tce

    I ii<2.:14) lono

    bpse? jo.s.qs- ..9aint6de

    ecuaima P S;o414-6(Zeogi4 Aglif t ifie

    hituu s44r6"144 jr DIAMOND DRILL LOG • FOLLDAL VERK A/S PAGE Interyal 0 Assays Frorn To Description DDH No N4 ii4" -- Frorn To Cu Mo PS Zn Au Ag

    kitt: . de_444ualU( 2_141-

    / 5-m"- 10G.,57 tties

    lli 14. • aet:~-; kaitei

    104.fi1 I0.kL %126 £19i. C‘ti‘DIAR3Q


    — 0.0/ 0.102 10G.» .106_83 ict4 Ær-ez- bs- /063° 10?.?0 0,0/

    42c.: 1.04:3o (ca ISPVt)

    10C13 _91a4J4 login /±g.-#4,)

    101.2? io. 3 -dd0 474 107.30 10141 _cted.uut1412Sedd

    _yuccA412;6 ug:g__.4:c_stp44,tifit. 101.0

    lo loinj (aieve)

    — 0 01 107..r4 /01.4" tr.52.J ie .92- 3 /07.70 /0Fro tece

    0910 4 /,3 (aind 1oY.ter lo1.9z -tokie

    Ic:z _(<3.5 c14,4114 163/«04

    11.1.1.? rrykk A .31 IAMOND DRILL LOG • FOLLDAL VERK A/S PAGE fir

    Interval 0n Assays From ro DescrIptIon DDH No.9er_422_,9/ From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    101.02 ilit.20 ctat

    .tiLd.;4 tom _4æs.-440k -2Sio Ittc

    ekliretatereitioriaa infrif ,fccd-e_gråve.3 faut

    114.20 Igt.Y0

    4ec, /041 - ( e3.66,re)

    _ «.90 1e4R'0 54tar6;it

    t3.44,4 cud (4 t»LCO/ Slie_44,4 4(et

    accd ‘kritikAlut( - Abel

    /16:5-0 act2_ garia,‘ aglit3sta_c fAati_ //5" //6.(1) ace

    a5142. irs-tre,

    10€310go (airrej

    45.3.ut 44 .4 actd t4ittiel

    1/590 / gdoz - cea‘1/44,x.4.

    1/4.30 /4. rg .S.41( JOetlat

    ,tnnst Trylk DIAMOND DRILL LO. • FOLLDAL VERK A/S D.D.H. No. AzUnuth Startod 30v° DirectIonal survoys .-ET-12- 02 0‘67.1 2 Dnplh Ailm. Dlp. Depui Azirn. Dlp. Property Angle Finished il n - 4 C° 049.07.(2 Co-ord. Depth loggod by 400 xS7: 90 Tr7.7. - Inlorval From To Description 0 61/ Assays MA. /44 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    0.00 0‘.0.5- pverarden IL-T- 1- I nu 04.05" 21. 0 _ card>ot4.4.c.e.vt.c.4hciefm2.1 htiedx.Ided kellazad. s 12,00 13. 00 I Li O.O4 0.304 - or- 7ffligtikc Lecat iditRififiLt:c 4e€4.4 _,s,00 0.09 _ 0-03- 0.3110 - .‹ 112-3 u H.44,44.1V afte :74.104.4 0.07 eirner 1.roo ' 7 o.136 - ltcr n-it Vo1c.a4t6cuod. t5Y3,«Aa)11?./cE gucti iY,00_ /9.00 O-OC 0.13" 0.0‘f n- Ata-~-4 30_£1.-48scce4t4ce4 . Puo 20.00 v.0 t 0.251 0.3711 -

    di:s o utia gety44€244668 - 20.00 2i.00 1° 0.10 itace jizece - „ 1101/814 atxdCrItit-ncal-Liet4t4 ?I. 00 23,00 V.v 0./1 0.0bt

    4_co.44. . dePhc Ca.rd atica 44-1 23.00zg oo 0-if .03q -

    ifix, 10 f leY S COWMIX 2t:ooszn.090 0•Os- 0.09 0.102 - 2c,,

    4c1 caar i&ea.c. uai. - 19.0f 0.11 diate - fikr e1-11 cou-datel etdce.'ut tad-e zq 00 31.00 _ 0.12 0.4g - 2 co‘ flEt 12-12 _ C2.4.“ C freCa.#11£4-i 31.0033.000.19,1 0f.I2 _ _ i c..., sk 82-13 _ _ ( acie.-. 4 448k4.848z4e4 alt 4 33.0o 3c.00 0.0g - 82- t(t - -"t4). ,Aaaiide .00 3t0o 0.06 _ o17 _ _ g.crez-38 _ Zem14-41/4y.4 trZsa- hf.go _noo 34.00 0-0.5" _ 0.07 - q.EY _ 1940 - t9.10 39.009/.00 0‘ 0./.5- _ _ 82 39 Æ - - aoo 41.00 V3.00 0.0.5" 0.09 0.041 - DIAMOND DRILL LOG. c? FOILDAL VERK A/S 0/0 PAGE • Interval Asbays From To DescrIptIon DDH No2,Fri(2-02 0 From To Cu Mo Pb ZII Au Ag 12-14 21a - 2L5- 43.00 n 00 Cl." — 0 06 2-40 - 2 22.20 - 14.4es - 'cl 41420_ 0.04 — 0.09

    30.20 - 3o.24: it44.CQ, gar

    6a41C, Ikpec ics

    02 - 31 0_, da1014;Le- r

    ffitte .04‘r«. Di car‘s&aie,

    ito - 34O åic t& 1C ,warin'te. 11)26.9ria _‹9«.1ffiguk_ J.ear_LutLect ctalittaL yeg_c ;cs.

    11;st cr,/to

    ;t4. voe 1c amr." catf). warl . W.-ehj

    3910 Clat dit-r-o4

    J>C14k. $49.e.0 .C4j_

    Hit4t 0 fitAi ciAL“e“«.

    (t 3_1/ " tri,)

    3ticto - J/144-tarla kitc: pf t,r_ t 3 I/ -4)

    Ilimar rrylk A/S DIAMOND DRILLLO‘ • FOLLDAL VERK A/S PAGE <3/9 Inlorval Assaya From To DescrIpI lon From DDH No e2-0 To Mo Pb Zn Ag

    3:13o- 5C Yo: nktect- 64444(afitreot Jzt4k- vt

    i‘obb&peride. 9uto-,117÷453 se.cit:am. yei totan'k


    : 142, es.A.Q4.4.44ualtig.


    0,3 co dtia.caelt)- ;14. gr(at

    3Ylid 94.2ctehliie

    _Å0.40 -ç,o.&31 Laket_ - "itz4k ) 1-(ht! + y • /4.4._xi•


    9130 -t11.70 : føl

    - ciwar 4 -14: 4t4A:cc‘ car ec,CSx41c iele)

    kht: to dit4eu.d. ta.tied ( g Pst `94

    11..nårk A,S


    From To Inlerval DeseriPtIon DDH No „Ey-4,-02 Fram To Cu Mo Pb Zn ASSays jf ir Ag

    2.74 - 2. 9liai4 - k.61 cct - Caritnailt

    (adehttetitadVI 1/01C4~.0 L )

    khc: 10

    idoh ( M. -616)

    W.10-tiC.349' ktiCa - CCU- ce,4 (oPhreoL

    30t4% OsSleata (.4.224 deu4€ ,fia9a,i 4

    9C.Lf-44n0_: tite.<4 (00.91e.

    4C10 C.3 0


    ttflO -

    - i/2 91-10 - (1‘32._ tri-9:30 0.01 C.04 I jÆT-(19.20-Soso. 4,14yeolio1/4: ver?"'c‘ 519.Zo ss-o 0.01 - 0.02 0.102 - /. 3 itr- 2- vt, (tuicca.- car 5.50 510szbc, 0.09 itace 0.039 sitace A.,

    - iiilt4 52-60 .57j.S0 0.19/ 0.02 0.0“/ - )--- 6-2.40-611.n1 CP-L crit (ctikca _aso srso - 0-03 VoC ' )

    kic p ocacuul

    1204/ 0-t Cah DIAMOND DRILL LOG FOLIDAL VERK A/S 04 PAGE „5- 9 Intental Assazrs /4Aig £44 From To Descripbon DDR N From To Cu Mo Pb


    SOIdeC (C4 -Sg3i

    kgilA7to-,4; ~«.1 taal T- z - _ aad ccutov 0.01 0-03 itate

    per- 2- sq - tolc,1;«: _aoo sr. oo 0 -02 0. ott 11061 - , ter- -vat 0.03 _ 0.02 yince 42c t 14,3„, ssito-574.30:g~-; Uet 4c, u(rAest- .6-1.00 S9. 63 - / stiaEU 0.02. 0-02 — -

    St. 30 - 33+.00 latzi-hcalt ultr Val

    r o/fitiica

    ;,_urta, sp,04

    42„4-) kcy Am«, act(orzies„ _

    5900 kcc2ca car (cifivta witm ddrt

    tibut4u4e.4 1.41a.t

    itteet coaacedii

    tem ate 7raiLitilt DIAMOND DRILL LO4 111 FOLLDAL VERK A/S 070 PAGE Interval /0 Assays ut Frorn To Descript lon DO11 No •14 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au

    sq -59 76- ifiul itiavikide

    4 to .69993 - - 0.02 — 0.03 0.03,/ — 2 legs" : Uhiccc. tolagt-4, 41 e04_3.00

    kisz ito tkist-t) .900 0.02 — 0.03 — 10 00- IHO aifiema4 ,SecteCuz ikleaSioric ci Jea4 fet4 .teok,t 4c,/7044 cti zese-0 ho ces _Soldeith 4 isett4-#Istridtd au,e cil Car&i,ta, 89 90 £4.0d thtia_tif aul).coviht+L "settakLats piceicia 6,4cdc 87.90 io?'.ro c.a.4). 94,

    Ilarnn rolt A/S 2:4 DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Interval Assays From To DoscdplIon DDH No -(2- 02 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn All Ag q5-.3g_ coAeuctic /07.0 2ecti atgifici4o6.14 al‘ed ito)

    /04 67) k; I uti,4.31;c4o.c.(257.9tic) lo ftz, 3K "sa4Å(9 (a5/6)4:Li kzeu-siv deLs_6:74ly iudded ; luzfiz coi-756,kaie_6t_cR:iierka4t dtdc6* €gui-a"_"KeL jlie944, cidcfri6-4 kig: 10 r/aC

    112.10- 1/2-6-0: Isee4f010£51c 4944 l'a,;(544.~,t4 ic

    118-3g or Uojc. ,(Q-Ceit4.,£(24.4,10.. _ iuitruaL ke.38 - iiaaiiuccied raf fhiti. „Ateicit !_g_itatba

    cwignede, atcd ufl(p L - &,1/[2.diclor t:61.4cui-a ia 2a61 frw.p . zuslese cos dawl Vo_

    ca~Adary £4 #11-4 6i«te"(t

    1173P-119yel ,tscu.4 .J;014:4- cgSqh.

    1&.96--/r79t. 1,1\ k A,S DIAMOND DRILL LO‘ • FOLIDAL VERK A/S From To Interval Assays DoscrIption DDM No 4 qg4 iy; ga4 -12- From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au /2Y 90r12Q101 eauticut kt vtil Cktica. - Caricsale , 4t614 larn casidfled 6L'Iltr,d4 g 4araLiftkittfri

    Cagge.Q40( 169/N CQt16

    128 9?5:129 LAte /2r TO- /2 (40

    /3/ r- /32. 42, I.

    13ii. - i3Y.yo:

    134.if - 136 00 :

    1)S" - 13r ?‘:

    136 - QL.911: 44

    Ne-02 ; LuiCct Ccs ttita4

    Itif 50 - /9412:

    , -1,65-- 2 - 20 0.02 - 0 .0 1 — — 1 9? 50 - 650.00L itaca-tar enalt_14.4:44 Inoo 1,g_00 (-4,,

    ‘<< dsi

    khc /10 cu-15-41.ffs 1.57.0c sjq idei tlit €1,4 isma iLturn ati covi.

    /Immel A,‘ DIAMONDDRILLLOG • FOLICIAL VERK A/S • PAGE 9/4i, Interval AssayJ From To DescrIpUon DDH N 82 _02 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ap

    C114161t1i6/Lival‘ie ‘y_ill_erteAr Cal4 P414z. iti/g,/oCo~t_cled ictia ca4. (

    /57 457. 9G I 4.eibucc41 itddi rctidti.lic-„ketle.1,J/6)44 iu.da-11ild ,

    4444:kr 4c.Æy- . 15-6, 3Seddicti (10eauxitz

    ttilcic tOhie- (/ 7Q e‘ito-ue lelue .htitteer ca,4. et,"cciut to

    Ibmn Ink Å'S DIAMOND DRILL LOG SP-OLES cr,Cf- 82- Oz FOLLDAL VERN A/S PAGE ifr, 411 °A Inleryal r/Sk 0 0 Assays lig..4K From To DoscriptIon DOH Notre:12_0 2 From _ To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    12.00 /3.00 if-r0/644:6c aa% lopet44c Aitsge.c.,4 tr- cr2 - /2.00 13.42 (9.01/ — 0.6,b 0.304

    . 49.14.4e_cotzStmale 11-0„ci(,,t-ittst __actietcon/teded imagttcarvisuah -2_41.-`k)

    /3.00 ra44c 4Ectie raAhy,.,4 fr- ez -2 /3.00 /6":00 0.051

    13.00- 111 .00: (4ea.41t/ Lte: Q4:2 ta" 19.00 lcuaikahd_cm.i4

    U4t4(444 lawe

    83o - /6-.00; dideried adib1/24#.4.t9;


    15:00 1.00 aseale ir- 12- 3 /6-.00 /1.00 e.0,/ a /36


    6.342 - lausi&wied 0i.zdof40-.

    - - 9 /7 eo 45- 0.062 - /7.00 /9" _rta#444-c 42a-4 io roligice Ær O 0 06 4.00 - 4.00 ta~"guacal witit 4114,:fkieci

    cliAlå4Øm 1£00 - 149.‘0: p2,244,1sC DIAMOND DRILL LOG FOLIDAL VERKA/S 11, 070 PAGE 2/// Interval AssayS From To DescrIption DDI1 NolLy_e2_ n, Ag — From To Mo Pb Zn

    C4t4t I3omeexin,AA..

    &01/01-a4) ced04-401~1.

    61441.2uala Lou:Q1.,340,ity

    - 6129( 03/ /9.00 20.00 4.4.44 teade4 railitz4ca:4 /£7.00 20.00 0.07 fa4uahd ofriOi 4.124:g11.4f o(444-44.3.

    coucew4Q-lisi. ,940 /9.10: AzikAulliok

    19,10- 10P01 tufwgh 16Y.44e.iigp-txr


    20.00 2100 Irct4i4c 41alc r2,54.4:4.4 i fitalt Ær- /2- 6 20.00 21.00 — /0

    20,00-20Æ0: 4174. 4jkszic coxceAdfcrcia1/24


    20S0- 20.W: ect.444i,to..401 4 cuiwigy

    20.7° 21.00' IDGC

    121/4244.44(kcaLer cati,&a.

    cgite'M taice.

    113mar A \ DIAMOND DRILL LOG 411 9 PAGE 3/i/ FORDAL VERK A/S % Inlerval 0 0._ o Assays "ifra From To DescrIplion DOM No. £F.42-0,2 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn i Au Ag

    2100 9ier-tz- Z1.40 2,5040 0.0r on oar — 222° TQ4J C £4 fRi14:c 21.00-.21.30. usat ixty-cetol 4244.-$4 ,tamzid

    (tia.44J4 cati"ah ceiia u4.4.1CQ. 21.30- 21,5-0; 4.4.:g 444 ccmca‘ciralf:"..

    gatai ualtbi

    U6P 2ZW Wah41. 6,

    22. 20 22 -21 Ji047t scsiint 2221 23 oo jact#ifie 1tp-klo_rgylip5.14:c

    wicciLcayithi„.41 01 94..fAtbike.

    ‘440.1.. CShia< 14._‘444.1,v-f

    4CP, 1240 k /3.00 449Ve.--)

    23.0o 25.00 rizigiLe acLh 4 r t4r4 23.00 zroc; 0.05- - 0./42 0.0,3S1 -

    .4a, 22.21 - 23.00 (adove)

    26'.00 21.00 rafkilic igx.4 ,tiLlec Ær- n-9 2.5:0c, 21.00 0.05- - 0.09 0 an

    4e.t: 22.21- 23.00 (adni ve.)

    21.00 29.610 r.tiLic anie ' frittetsVe ter-t2 - /0 21W 29.00 005.- 0.// 7a.c4. -

    "Ism•r r.)kk jAl DIAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE FORDAL VERK A/S 170 Interval 0 Assays 3,9,44 From To DescrIplion DDH Nokr-42...02 From To eu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    22.21- 2 3 .00 (C4.644)

    £t-t2-I, 29.190 31.00 0.05- - 6./ 2 00‘1 - 2 "51 30.w ?7(d4j,lic 4.90.4 4,

    424.: 222I - 23hQo (ctiovei

    3QÄ4 iaca - carbehca

    »I.g.C•dc4r åa&L( hc _30.24 _ 31.00 PG,5114:4C__Ltak. 1(24.444x44 ot. 49~ INIttear cati~.4

    1.114c: ickot44.1,± tcy , pAikeici avitfr:th gat -%)

    - 0./2 3I.00 31.0g rce,fitislit 4f2C04 Ær-e2-12 31.00 33.00 P.6y

    414: 30..24 - 31.00 lad"ove 31.08 ato,

    3(09 33.00 iretAA: dale

    tamhia-t ol imien - catibude cntah gratfitiicitaz

    • isetat 114-er.earcati49,".4 me4.,:c1

    ;a14:4›,-. ( loc91 litcaA 0. - 0.2 4.••IK


    a• Tr,kk A S DIAMOND DRILL LOG FOLIDAL VERK AIS by, PAGE 5/8 Interval 0 0 Assays Mal From To DescriptIon DDH No.9Æ7-_g2..02 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Aci t o, -9 tat-'4..)-

    3.2oo 39.00 ?LaiPtific dale_ Ær-12- 33.oo 657oo 0.6r — 0.07 —

    4et: 31.0:71. 33.00 Laieve)

    .._3(too 39.20 cdfli ntakci

    ?1:atftt;leital 4-eccie_taiV7

    åwthil,1>;4 am_ci eCecue

    21 katec COA)6114ah. , Cx -3 141.-%

    fr7.0 cortmecieteea5 ePte J.

    3q. 2o 34.vo rit9tikc

    iLthajtAlt 4 UdatCW-11»tiale

    Hirtt /49, ( t ze4L-ai

    341J,Q 3WC101.4:14.-FeicR 9,«Avala..4 1442 of talef4,44 dtatia-8. iteco4 etc4c1(44C.R.- Cari61-frect.<4

    p _acce‹te_a_e

    YO(Cd.44-t“.~ lia-C&41•649/4.)

    39. 34.eo Staiditi;A:c 412ait

    4te.: 3/.0«,n 0061.1Q14-4

    rrykk AtS DIAMONDDRILLLOG 111, FOLLDAL VERK A/S 111 PAGE ‘/.// Interval Assays _"/"A« From To Deseripilon DDH NoSEr-n- 02 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    3(1.90 34.90 KAA:CO_ co.risuaie

    fre‘ , oks402-.44-4-1-ed12 Vazt-t)

    _39-90 36190_ - 9 rnie

    li214.1 ito 149- c e


    35: 00 af. 30 Jiedde-- Q.49_MA:4-5_9..«At4114 ET-422- 14i 3370o ,3r.e2o 0.06 — 0./7 —

    Zet : 34.40 Catovej

    _345;3o ihdanc.a,4~,k _

    itiArklated rarizichrose4

    455,e(4,4Zuahol___~,e 1423501

    4,4. 03 12.3 CA•aelitt (5744.-1 94) 39:(10 343.9 tk4c. 4eak

    _14./t4 Stirs CUAPtcdriplei wia- av--

    towrit kth,, to to r ft (± 2 4e.-04)

    34.Yo 31,9 0 Azwiita hcit;v41 cuicet - inv1424-Vewhi 14034


    lamn frykk A/5 DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Interval n Assays Frorn To DescrIplIon DDH Notir-t2-02 —Fram To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    H;s: / 91 t t 2 l/61.1.-%)

    3• 00 tax.44.;ctctlat hhiniAti [1-42- 32 37390 4o0 0.of - 0.07 -

    imickt - crni~ede aftiginfLit- iataus

    /sex.t.34.;0 lo 3 rOo 614\9fr;) 3¥.74 3.e0 _9"-6;4

    3M0 . haVid

    _1424:0%-Car<4~4 rtcy5Lat lak!ui galt


    3Y.410 39.00

    Lawiwt. atAd iskith 64 Ltu:oz-cord)

    ±ipimte catich6414_11444,41,

    ifin4 af fri0 t_t_Cef‘ Concacial ittag ihe

    :ab.‘mait (2 1/41.-e4)

    0395-- - 39•00 90.60 _4401,fiiiic act4 /5" nO0 en. 4;

    Att: 3_Y.qo lo atoo (aionj

    110.60 tio.83 wiecct. -

    t _t_c44. ial-Looå_QAt (10V61,-_°4

    lryIS A/S r.S1

    DIAMOND DRILL LOG 070 PAGE FOLLDAL VERK A/S • Interval 0 Assay, From To Description DDR No. ter-12-02 From To Gu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    110.93 1 1100 8tat9li14.4 4f2evit

    X•90 4 3.7.00 (aievej

    - 0.09 4.06, - 2. 00 itiZSI, alcule LY-42- 39 41?.co 93.0o Cor

    Aet: 37'.*ro 39./90 (aléerc

    HiHt_ p 1144.-%)

    42. 4,5" V2Ç,"aarlialle -- AC5‘ fax:ect - CettSvale

    11;.t: ite ( 042)

    42.0 92.14 4QP-4

    92.00 le; (aStit)

    itzto. -6:91 ConSfrstale

    -sez: £12.4f 42.51 ASied

    friht: lo, t Cdx. iu.kockr e‘ke

    42.80 j.00 friy,tPv:14.c d20.4,2

    luct54 ak226_frJictithuiebleut £3444,— •


    .soctatdi,c10-34.3n /4.9iilt iy.t?chta Caric,



    _ ar:{4(C401 “tig ae 44411

    cet/Slaii 1144.1.


    Inleryal Assays From To DescrIptIon DDH NoW-4,2_02 — From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Åu Ag

    93.00 Lis-.00 &taipti14:c act 4 g 4IS:00 19,Orz — P.OA —

    ,tee , 412.101043.00 625bovej

    - 0.0? - (15. 00 in-do traftitak awle -CT--82- Vo 445:00 oo 0.0

    4a: 42.t010 43.00 (0.46,vtj

    w 95:30

    4"..e dritri 4 r4 kin n t c_114t-°4,L


    4a, 43.00 (çabonj

    awlo 3i akAst joat4JLceO.v .

    chava-ixt caitemÅt - 2act£4411) kak qturaat

    tig.ko 9522 2,_cti.9%.1,1x:eskait

    mer zafo foyj.00 (aibewej

    45.88 95:92 -Cartena,4

    cisio 9,530 (aliktve)

    _95".92 JS it).4

    nto io 43.00lgioyj

    _41‘25" tuicret, - crArientcule

    ,set: cif (o_ 93.610taievc.)


    FOLLDAL VERK A/S • PAGE o Intorv al 0 Assays Hom To Description DDH No.S942- 02 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Ag

    44.25- 97.00 81c9fitike .Acck_

    w.go 93.ogjcziovej

    .571.» cuica -4uiet

    occvie4 ikt

    644 ‘QC 4611".4 411COn Cor

    _do44c. a.wLho c4aitoac.G

    (t I Vait-°/2)

    6:1132 $-C.3ig 11,C acLie

    _ 1.41Å. /14 44441 42,t211 catiotifi. ,

    HiK: p , -t (-< 2 ipt.-.%) Ssqo TssU&z4üktafed ;ult rval

    S0fi1t-414- lat cati&nalt

    ?rait9t4 k4 OJnC

    3A2 aMenco.14.4åtototrut 12 - Cf.00 63.00 o.oz - 0.03 0.0351 — rat9t,4;LtaStai sgait ita 44.

    aAAd kaika 4 mhica.- cutaLe

    _ ,ttinr14£ , zoj24c&f

    lo n A r DIAMOND DRILL LOG • • FOLLDAL VERK A/S €4, PAGE /1/4 I 010 nterval v Assays ifier from To Description DDH From To Cu hlo PO Zn Au Ag

    2.00 460 Qi443_40,444edech.ct 0-42- /9 1100 xii.00 0.02 — 003

    @044620)-iut dalt aei,M

    buwaika 4 gm:ca.-cortottetie ytettaik- Jtaih,r v..4.4vhiVe .i);Gt.ithsztes

    4a, too k 43.00

    1250 - 73.4. Liegit_4takit amcsalfit

    /99.00 ans-o icauciA.a4d iudakt1 ter-82 - ao Inoo Iszoo 0.02 — 00/

    wicaralc23~4 åk)/".1e.zOact

    /494(! LIM

    149.5-0 Iso.00 14.44.:ca- COrtitm-ak

    kfiK It1)• hp. ear (5-1/01.

    OQ_ 157,00 _ laugkaki ?afilltific lfity€4* ca»1>sie Jieidudial mr_ce 02 DIAMOND DRILL LOG 6914.964:6-14 mwEl~ pAGE 22

    Ass hileryal ays #4‹ F rorn To Descriut lon DDH No. From To Gu Mo Pb Zn Au Ao

    Woo qflo actic t-r- - 4t2 W.00 ‘19.20 D.n 0.06 -

    4td4 ctiSm/C 42£104i.e6iDne g

    ance PCS4riedke atib; interlor ca; -- d»putic at4tfl

    MiSt AO,n, 2 Cy t<.€-‘9.) IUTP14/ahtled afita 444d (4.!4nah ‘44.S. lcut in suA:cet. - cadie-uaile

    46!)44x...54iir ry sit,c,4 yfits.m , / pg.--4) 9f. Xr Lhe.lo "armie.c AieCtAk xiCt: 00 -

    118.90 98.92 _NhCca-- Caft,sable A«. : ge. ?.0 - >r Wzo ILA24;C44,4 9780- Vi

    0. 0.2 0.102 9920 S0-6-40 - atte2- 93 1/9..20 5-04-0 0.01 J.jyt.cle/cationctle ca. -4704-0

    c"..tioicie-71£0211.44Aatit J et‘i DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Interyal 04 Assays brerdlat From To DescriptIon DDH No „07422_0 From To Mo Pb Zn Au Ag Sujuid,4:",_ "«,,,q de,Ls«.4,6.

    QA 1:54e)‘ Luebit /4€ ca-ISchactf4 4e-

    ..5-0 24o rat9ti.lic dervie Sig aso .52.40 0.09 0.029 + 44," fla5&ti , sit Mica.- CorSw44 4t4 - Lecci doa "te toø,t{axk (te a«g

    44944iitt, tdraft

    lo -12 if9,--°4) OCCW-C4

    147.0:4 $(4,e_Ectri6tY-nceit cual,

    50.52 - so. 40 4e," 2i a4oU 2b.te adi,,i0,35M5kia.4014

    (A,c9ifi.e-Ge4 a cat _ cli~c0.4.1

    zets<44.1) 52.30 - 52.32 upLa a4.4.41 ,4 z ftt_ DIAMOND DRILLLOG


    Inierval d) Assays 11464 From To DeScriphon DDH NogiOr4 ^ 2-(1 From To Co Mo Pb Zn Au ". Ag

    3260 S4'.S0 car Ær- tz - 4€5.- .52.40 57,4;0 0.01 - 0.02 0.04(i -

    4ect 419.20

    itc? ce.,44),(9.4‘ 44. «40ye Cas -

    U;t9ucth ista.‘< 4614.4eliccat

    14110. CO-ncarda«1

    cp/ j5lohle -1(

    a440( C.10>ICt4,#/cy

    .55: 45-0 33:80 icumi actilect ibc.16tVal sr-n- .5-37soszo 0.01 - 0.03

    d/ø44.- chee-tile- 4i satsi, cat60- sta.4 , ratAile iectfik: ace lowe - 5-‘. 3Q ildo.t..‹h - 4e5 sc9u;£11 lawhtaied

    3Z- 30 51.00 la4wiuck,449( 6 ‘txtitkeded czeitt,ca yeec~.4a)0.h.a ‘79-h-tiefi ci



    lolenral o eito As.says / /..4144 Description DDH No. re—lee—oz— From From To To eu Mo Pb Zo Au /Cm

    citiont4), ubrzzczt 4474 cchtliztJ. 4,9we CaliataA kt..44 (.6isceol 4-4ak.

    44 9c9/‘

    a4,4d iehae .44-; (.c. aie-'4

    0.0tI 0.06! — 57. 00 6.444;uca e 4 catt &dcecoe Er-82-9 s-goo sfoo o.Ô2 -

    (44-cd 0144.1c£ apig A'n.c cu

    Aietr 5 3O-S7. 0o

    — 0.02 + .59.00 ta.wciu.42.44' 4 (.454.vT)eridco( a,e4cd Ærni2Z- Sq' 370 .5263 0.03 $CZA1Ct?eectiai c s. afrdå ifice castå ear 4 r afrfide : sq.00 ,,51?63 1•444Ccc - cfrb - SOSO

    0164 aad .25a.“04 A; 4

    35eari1 dale

    con4CCC ah,Ct 144

    pa# :4 actil ac7 4 ecth DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Inlerval Assays From ro Doscrian DOR No 10 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn

    51.43 6/60 c6eitrunicii GY.G3 6/.0o 0.02 — 0.02 4e.fe

    k44:cc,- catiostaie 0.4441 ecauluct 4 retifim,Ze&cd-Cuiyuaillarie 4c9z4ti

    Its ,± 6,2 lot , i,±c

    0513“tejed autixt, 4:9

    441 60-nait

    11,,,a( nit 1 :C.i5,1 ;771:

    • 1101 • e e DIAMOND DRILL LC. PAGE //1/2 FOLLDAL VERK A/S

    D.H. No. Azimuth Slarted Dueettonal suryeys APV-(2 -01 329° 21.° 7- 12 AzIm. DIp. Depth Aprn DIp. Prepedy FInIshed • Angle — 95---° ce. - - 29. 07 12 — Co-ord. Deplh Logged by t- /2n2oS 2#005 Interval Assays From To DeseriplIon From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    0.00 4.4 0 01.eigArc t <24,-

    40 944 cut4 atåtcd

    9 qo /- 2 14?.-



    Uftig .1Buze 9433-6 attitnalt_

    TOO - 16.00 cm.44,144:h9 tail Wat 30 - c69 icactivAa (o.3 -0. Cc4.--) Uto- 17100 Coie ku: “l

    - 11.10 __attA kht:Z‘drec‘t

    /4-390- 4.6v

    4.10 - ‘)04Q: 2eoltieh1'a4 - ,24.51,44:4,e;

    Coarse rtai. ttlf, ( .15— i• 0 Ci4

    461tue stnedcu caji. att4 t.<4

    19.4G nal - i(9/2:1A- 41421 (

    4a),t_coal4 °

    20.40 - 20.80 aitti 111441/4.£

    2cto - 2Cp: ectitucbdt -



    Interval Assays From To DescrIpIIon DOM Nopy 2 V / From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    kibt M ffrIal 412010

    30.00 yo_.y.fj_c~ 4-, da~a4 ctagiti_60,6.4_ do 444Cp4: oit-friCarti9144i

    Wo.hfrt tucC664.41 tta eitaa mattic cogic4A-L. d(owAstii,u4m obrkikc itr 6.11.oe.11,1 s4.d

    41'.- 30 "70 ca-tikm aSa«ol 31.10 - al.ticazioKa,44 Jamo( o4 Jtoo - I40.g x4S1&(


    ( 40M -_tittbo:_ploVisSlect4

    CotutoL_Vv_ ito.u.ora 46,144,t_14.;ut_ia44/1.4(14.41,-,) caAxPumic

    1 4Y.00 tiot - io C4:4 ot (c4AAJ

    ‘Lt,g waL ?f °,12ti-le d-r witecr. Clili» — tak. DIAMOND DRILL LOa PAGE • FOLLDAL VERK A/S W Interval Assays From To DescrIption DDH o Frorn To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    ed 4 weaiv,

    erliezi,r 6-0 kit:4,2 hifit_z r adiam.A. Car . mt_cteva

    41.44£4 'cte.44.4149..i.epi

    11062mA:C- secUus.cAt40-tA

    QQ60-911.92: cd4 of

    aa-4/1_4-iatoa. C444fL (4,a_CCA-


    451.«.e il-ntteur cctd. Veg SzdiLm- jti~± 10°


    .Ca -4C 19: 9"12 - I a

    1411pAAL dirihrs oact

    t4,~) 9,o4d24z



    45-19-1/CCO : raiti pficiit

    1,d81tLA ray1244 al ifimlot4 hog20... Gloirt~pro€9«'44.cderi

    11.amn 1 1.11A DIAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE PAr2 FOLWAL VERK A/S 411 Inlerval Assaya From To DescrIplIon DDH NoAPV From To Cu Mo PO Zn

    pft. weiley, att I (u.acru.4.4cia tv ifitt -oggw

    ten9t laitem4P/uff th-ct

    (15-.80-46.01(44Cck- Cof4uctie

    . aacivaltd (/ -2 bovt-to)

    Wo.cgt- itY 00 Setapv: 41c_ do sect,

    uce1teit kaCC.--

    61:4141-ti$C9L talt 14..«;k4W-Æk1/4«,_)


    kitt, itc? tunli-ey ca-~e tott Cal6 ConCor cwf

    C1034(AA-14t47 ( I - e )

    ea -ettd&- 1car_CtirSchtist4 9ta&i.f;c. xpo,4 Stdottå tuka. - ccut9Kadt.

    ca. V im.-As<7

    kik) cutd ti-mt4

    co~te,‘,2. km:IA carif) _ uscal. ( 2 e&e.--c4,) DIAMOND DRILL Lei.


    InlervaI Assays Frorn To DescrIptIon DDH No/pv 2-0 Frorn To Cu Mo Pb Zn

    W.31- 9".20 : ?i_tku4(9t2d (tot;le, c iflitt e4

    katd witÅericted tatka Ca.r)encade

    £tddi kect~ 20°

    k;«,, f0_._61/4teci Acuck -Ccui014Q4 ketc,voia 7 ,f4,4Air ( 49P6le -`94)

    ttt102- 4t30 CP-(1.Skel.4, SO-Kit ralf24.4;1.4;c Wiat.-Cart .

    itfititic ; eaLt41.1.(4.--

    (Oue, lw:Qc‘r

    Catenk.Cuk CC4.1(91A,ccht 4m-t. cca-(1 2ta 2 cf.c92.- Ifiat ;$.03.? e.s-f tites 7-tctifiu:Ct-.1 itittett egyt.../ „,;,A

    stoette 14A,e>u,ic ctu:4i

    ,sehmt P Car ra t

    14; its?s 11.›0.4.4_01J-4/tt s


    Inlorval Assay, From To DoseriptIon DDH Noipfr 4 ,2_01From Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag To

    I-a d carLi (I -2

    ka.20 -56.5-61;_


    avieuckit lx:La

    tciJtkr (2o°J auctiii&Latc, kir, d-Wia:ttpt CALt_maik Lic2.cec5k celvt_ kht, t itz . bach ConCorday:1

    Ctuct CCP-hurecto, 4AA:ti clAt earl). tAAA-4.

    50,50 riat ‘4.51-4,1-te -

    5050 - floo: ritt4-4,(~ (5,101-de, c Aelmt

    2 28 - 52.

    bm:*&8te ekm.rL est


    kig: 1W, 1,4 (tVotr°

    52 Le - S2,80 ; 9tsuctrh- 14M4'sfrste tsit (itoitSktit DIAMOND DRILL LO4 • FOLUTAL VERK A/S PAGE it/cF2 IMoryal Assays From To DescrIptIon DDH No.py_ 01 —Frorn To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag Cetn oti


    4p.e_ r_tiCry -

    - 300 - s-q ‘E; riAtL9,,iJ (6/04,:ct , ik ictu)ualtot . ison Ipuret364“- 4 trai siti‘Lg&witcle; chpl, 4.6±. caxi. aUh4Q4 eq_cad).

    ; hcctoe;mt,L,easus,,, - 20 Sit 4&-• ki-c9,.-ttite yeat£

    eaw.; ua, 4 tbe)wthz . tovete;


    S453tz3LwLc CarLt iw freta-,Q9u: s

    4ot4A1—(1144?-41 4.44 424.< 4" 4.) tiQ/11154:11C 4L:ciet4-etwitieLecte letS DIAMOND DRILLLO4 PAGE • FOLLOALVERKA/S Inlerval Assays Froin To DeserIpbon DDH NoAlpy_n _ I From To Cu Pb Zn Au Ag

    Gusiorttd wtqcac amic

    SSOo Htnar ,Cr( r 4 ,taitf2“.:1eCc4F.,,dca2cct- C/514-1

    5-5.1q- SY, 32 : f-INct,f4.41,14 vai

    • _ åtti: 3-39110 - SMI, Sgiz - nos, auf; ;,-g Iwtik..e0L pay tA:ceen ?hti.(4 cletui

    4Wri J>te) - fekme cco-ttKak k ihtbear .sitcr 5",23-t,019: rout4,10m, ueN-sit/ S.dce-ecl tuA (Aid. col aulSo-katz d>edclice ifistu,

    84.00- g‘Sil VOiS , 6 2tic»411 - Sti2u:std- • le DIAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE FOLLDAL VERK AIS

    D D.H. No. Azirnulh Started Directional survoys Of.)0,59./9/2 143 -82 - 01 2S0° Depth Atim. Dip. Depth AzIrn. Property Angle Finished

    —415-0 /10,49./9,2. - A M 7-,W011 i Co-ord. Depth Logged by ,5374 0 3#oo s 217 slue4 7-‘)P Intorval Assays rom To Deserintion Frorn To Cu Pb Zn itit Aitr4.4 bitAiga

    _0.00 6.7s- enItsuicle.•4.

    4-Vg 34 92 Voectu

    agAr4a4tct ,32046iterel frraf<1:4 _

    (1,16ed 4e4lic lialca,

    41d-iChc4 Cea44C eexa/ , 4P-Le/a4,4ta

    ezAzat 94.4~4.7e..4. ccjchu4 &4çat, A payAiie ecal pepeca.„.os

    are le-G724 ihtrit 4u4e hiuccA a‘O)te 9fee44 641C-

    lor . b ao1 Ac1/47i ae Yfrct 14#e , ,D43 2 -55- 0.03 940et 0.06 — kciect - Cart»ale /0 0 3 aitir cu-td312-“c (,G.J paitti/e

    disiefrled Celia duail 4Cde Agiclite,f i~e

    M'k p . dis.-~u.alect424;45,44 ce4a.1iihae

    7111-Y.9C: ike4t.4 15s2cc

    airecerto ma....LcEedpeem(0./ - 0..s"eux ,g) DIAMOND DRILLLOG FOLLDAL VERK A/S 0 PAGE 27/z

    Interval 0c Assays fitig< From To Descnotion 001-1 No2,A3...82 _0) Fram To Cu Mo Pb Zn "Au Ag

    2eadu1a,A.5-14 4 ?2,424,-6,.4 d ca45,,pla4 .

    s'jtP. hz6o,4e . cuow P-41Fic.hd tio

    t _

    Guica- ca..-R5o)4a.4 012C1S 2 - 0 - ck00,14

    ae sirp 6tipa,14:4 ,;( clecloded.

    Kia: o . or ci/sesean

    : 49..ce st,ce‘

    obkd dec e,ticit a,„ feal 1/62-e.-t)

    .33-/O.10 traidtde - a ccia,

    Ctetagv 4 mtive&A t.e kiccee -

    zuccauLd 9w.«, 4

    $16 fri? : 419 te4 let, AA atfriernaie vt,tc.a.,6 14/caOck.9;u7 6ratiam Giolca -L4ct44 c5ii4t - - 10./0: oct cne YdvL-#4.)

    Yt4;w1:1,i 43- 2- 4 10.10 mAject-cart?fructif- 40 4.4;74ar cf.le iset(lt - / .00 /2.00 0.02 0.03 4- 4- 2 . ILmnI,.PkA clueoti - Vof1,4sc9u:si- DIAMOND DRILL LOG

    FOLLDAL VERK A/S PAGE 3//2 fO Interval From To DescrintIon DDH Nom42_01 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn he:

    U.Lig gewe. raiiftlt

    a.klotuzetx ctc icks Lti /jatztt

    it o ts/44 a444 444.4e4 4,04h.49/1,-


    , ips4


    exitt.e.Cu-4 !34cKt6ct $.94/at (0.1- 3. o

    17),ge.444.~Led/3X 9Azar4( 9.4,4,9

    ito italtd.c

    LutitCSAC , 4-4-teffetear_461k

    Cattt ELCULI -2 vei2i-3

    64- Ltirittn('o - 'r/w. - 44)

    II,e?‘ 12tiO: Cart0-vi.cule. -

    50-w9 trtf iteede

    (0.1 - j.Ocyt ik,e)

    bfig ft„.0 . «26,24 .s,,semx.euctleol

    itatkoli iis(-°4)

    - - 12407 tan: atteik9,-åtddict* I2.00 I .00 v.oz - 0.09 —

    Cr...krichkode rogaljt. - tuico. -

    Chtitøttoilt qtattai .It .

    fli“: , diecaeuciutled ( 3 V _oto) FOLLDAL VERK A/S PAGE W/2

    Interyal 04 Assays Feom To DescrlpHon DDH Not4342..01 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au frir

    E4• nuxtmutzli cis4 itx aul»,..4,44-_-a5a42ett „awi (1.14.vr_

    co-rAkecitd. talb91 1LO -412 -.5".; 0.03 0.03 — IYALE 13.» - /5. 0 i ? ilitze - Cil. 614 -

    ea4..1 icu'g cliMa.<44,(4 col.ria- 1, 461/4ta ituais44 dirra,12.dea oacirta! ictrix:cem szjra,4.44 - Sii-e..

    cratie-4a4_ imius4: .6ed,G41

    /444e4, 930

    mn, fit oasria~:iatioi (ha.-to) fits- o-lyho: iscierva.L aa ind.Pcv5,2c1fral.fivie

    sw-u-40( ivazI.ic (o .1 - 3.oea,,..‹

    catits-aaie o_,-

    citeadit- cati

    Wit: ito . wei com«clipt tuiER

    aviekkale_ 1S:01-16-. 1:_ il Luzict/Aciinte

    ufrig kuu.. dribr mi rctitg.4.4

    _ 1444,p . ,Somete Sitrfri oAel I 42~

    dichowimaltg (6"-- l'ist-ei.

    ,ffir 1“1.1 DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Interval 0 Assays 0 From To DescrIption DDH No 71/2 11,-) Carf.r° I From I To Cu Mo Ph Zn r vAi4 44_ afienuzigiismcdii 4fia,L,k , u ccizJaÉ

    ralkat - 1,14;le 44,4( km.gat.- du- Suak . iturtnish uziM

    , smaza erita4;~ .

    1.241 - t4.1

    /S5/ a2tnk4,4“: 45.facæh4 (44aoli e - cat ,24

    Jedditi /A2NA4 ..579


    (3141,:%) - - # 1511-lA I_vaifivdt, sb.,4 .00 /9.00 0-03 4- 0.0

    L.S/Z -157S1

    (7.12: raiPt.j,e,-4414;le dm.c.ciet

    ,ite, #40 -1.96 2-51 1112 - 2322 : itsa es4cuit4hd 4;11.c.ila, 614.4. 19. 20. 0.ot ifact 0.01

    laig 424,4 icaletifille C4lur ,

    .4th«t kt_t4ti ra

    hcal ‘44444/å/

    AsÅle>miOt ahica- a4 2-sn - 0.15- kk I . chkse~inatcd (' -27d -t) 23.00 as--. t.03 0.03v 2 DIAMOND DRILL LOG

    FOLLDAL VERK A/S PAGE 6712 0/0 Interval 0 oAssays at From To Doscriplion DDH N pr t (fl anc n From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au I Ag

    a.12 - aog :

    att 10.40- /796


    79.4,51:So4icst.924‘" 343- 2- 3 29.4C-25:20 Cetsiguajk 2 .00 . 0.0 0.0354 - 2 C tc-c

    taith firigite% a4.41t44;p4 ekiwAxc4 hrfrt tu,Livel

    4calit C14;&kon4.4 igaikt.t

    Hist 06“ ' aled (Mit% 26.50-240 rafkli - 4 zbuccsa

    2C44.44,1_Lia), (39 Ptto J - 0 .02 n.of_ 27 90: tr-A- teidt d31icw6itt- av6~.4 2.00 29. 0 - (9.06 0.0r, - tti1A ariart a.«.1 Åouc 10 biztfra aj

    ekk«e3/4 4.14-1.41

    . 444‘e

    2tio - ykto.444.,_fr-eriå at: 10.,70 ric

    zsgs--3).4.5": trif24.-c44,4 1.9414. .ae-c.tvionait. - 2- I () z 4ee: nOt - 27.70 31.00 33.00 .• -• DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Interyal 0 o Assays pfttw p/7A7 From To Doscilption DDH Nof.3 - / Frorn To Cu Mo Pb Zn «Au

    31.65- 32,n, icz,444k.zial raifiti acrie

    giii4 ea444ikk 4 akrighca.h. . _

    ek4te4m4 didoeltd usi« <64

    didati«axic a44e1it'Sa actc9xliøetut

    Cctittait A4 cirir , ih:s.t ac4444, duicill

    6444e4 concarda./ 4 CbM CA i i lat

    kikip. IIt 1 11,Cr , .-11 "C:ael 1 COH - Waki cor datti 4 piu.4.4.7 4441,-4 a.....tot

    crit, cnn4adii . P-41'ficiti lo 44

    co.hualc (3. got.-64) _

    32.02 -3152: ,a«,,tictechd ualccesciwalene.

    vi.01 14 amAttku.46 4 ctaut4 Vacavics

    la444;u4 4 Cw‘ceL4 aud cs.otart aa'44.i<

    11ig4:fip. 614:“~4.444J4i 44.‹. (214o dicit

    itlftzcfitibcit-4pIceitc, Ag 7 / 41.-6)

    .52 - non Si- ch../64.-ii.e-loide- a9z udiSge-corbow _

    Act: nog- 2r.cto O.OZ itate 0.09 - 6act 2 nO1 -33.45": L'ai j 4€4,4 910ta444~ , dixtific4:4 deale 3-31.:v STO O

    kiluk( ya&it ceitiej 0.41-111t-kat Kit .«.4 aviemak

    Ki4.. 12. lateeteicc putAHAtd. ,i4.44.c.44£4.

    .11.mat LOG PAGE FOLLDAL VERK A/S 0 Interval 0 Assays o From To Deser Vion DDH No348 _o From To Cu Mo Pb Zn

    ity Kerticu- caect latZt P-

    tt 4,14.4 45.4

    ne-1.4c4414t Afdriciccilo_09te caist

    t 33sis - : 1412h.-als44 ted4C a-924"#(4 - ocei»Hak a43-82 - 0.I I 0.03 ue: 08 2rq0 26:00 00

    kras9Je- jatde. ccàt

    hskscLed 14964ijaen 4.1 e

    ett Crtr6euct,

    kla, n ie.4440“,71.

    0-2 144.-04,j

    3,5i3c -3C40; 4 Pg«hiczediet fqife ‘ectie

    44: 33.02- 33.9.5" _

    3“0 ii ,as9ue-fre4..4 ccia

    itxuale cur- b9c51I si ka.t.

    Cma./Siat &44.4.etiettli S3.14:2,4

    (a4Q1 auct p kh‹aS a Vcr I d 1.0a itetccen

    34.¥0 - 3C .92 ezzetais.altel 104/441Leath4.: ituda,saacd4k-kt

    4Ct 32.01- 37.52 DIAMOND DRILL LOG

    FOILDAL VERK A/S PAGE qb2 Interval p AssayS pp$44 ping, From To Descriplion n 0 / DDH Nod)f3, 42_01 Fram To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    . t_449i4d cit4. 4hd)

    ia...(depc iordiejsicm,„; 3',43- z- 43 utis O st-e eilati«Lt41,itcoci cpt "T-4---"41 34a - 9 cua? uttaketle4 ila.«Ceo ase cul« - 0.0/ -». .

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    04- 4al-eurmi c 41/ kh Ar4o.,/,ancilbc5 , -'41&./e4 d / (frAti --4-zu61/44

    t .r;kepAr _d0 PL121

    retirSiA iLtaicoste,


    42.20-43.431_ tWututii/e9f4(.61,,taajdve 4 y

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    kaul katle

    99,14- aitAy«,',77{«.amt:4

    4tt; 41.10

    FOLLDAL VERK A/S PAGE U1/42 0 Assays Frorn To DescriplIon DDH Noia4t. . a . Interyal 12.0 From To Cu Mo Pb In Peufie: 43 - 2 -és- ao sittice 0. 0( a035/ — c • (15-.14 s6-.60 »êcctaic raea

    ST.S - 9,.VS; 9,u6+6/4 u24:64cra.,)3anah :244.ct

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    1a444hc4 Wcart‘nade

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    Ap. h4. „o4, 6.44.414

    celkatr01t24.3 "Acti

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    0.00 - StI0 : ?4&athi4-ic. cw..qatitatie

    dow L4uxuelds 44.1, cati61/44./t. DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    From To Intersal Assays Oescriplion ODH No34‘t 4,2 pi Fram To Go Mo Pb Zn Au Ag



    Hint: 49h, driuttn,

    1.10- las,“:‹a-ite(

    ratiguic a 1-44,14.

    Catiehtcdt 7A.,tcyfii‘c &24.4(53t

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    co4s,A4.4 reLitz142 DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Inleryal Assays Frorn To Descnotion ODH No 4 s p2 oi From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    to. %14.(4/gr 41.4 . getst


    ektr-t4m-ci&tioÅeÆct4t33 ciaid:01441L9eA.4..

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    9sattlik Luig 4292)4;uoW

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    - fictitea 61/2, DIAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE FOLIDAL VERK A/S 14,

    D.D.H. No. Ailmuth Slartod Dreclional sumeys 43 - 82 - 02. 2.5-0° Depth Depth Alim Dlp Pronorty Angle Anished hl k 4 4 - 93-.° Co-ord. Depth Logged by /21 90 #005 2 iSSt Interval Assays flpityt noin To Describlion From To Gu Mo Pb Zn " Au "Ag

    0.00 ot/t4e4zde..«

    / 0ar 52. 00 __VOCoA.tC - 4e cd-C:

    «,€10-4,7,‘,1 kæev

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    coule41. _Imujua ko% °

    ffi4: . Adiehol«Lmausry

    detchati Occuti'l 44 gu:st

    41.4447,«-14-cd& tstader /ekt

    ail‘‘~h luar gual.

    /2.30 - /3.00 : 41,6,4

    areaf 9‘ /cluarilei Adfr5k/47cm63/ a / h;

    2.0 £4« .1.<4.444.64. aut..ceact/

    _9uutz(gz_ atcot teficit;

    M'R: 0, ,

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    tfity yryt) sisr aring :1TH pw»- yt ,vni6 nrranne rnyi ;"147 trituo,n1Aqrs, 776FP 7,1vntant '5£171-rh

    . /t o - /1 -0 £0 '0 -r -evc •pr».?-nnnifi

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    717.t79MF/P ??4,779 ?7,vv»-6 -

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    ist actoity diss

    ( iedai ceit - 2 •-%) - 2- 69 LIO - 2043 ra,u4- iffaih Jgctict /8.00 20. 00 0. Oit - 0. 3 / 0.03y 4q4-, .6 (Dik3- - 10 aajaAr4 ,haStakeeeeltd iece4eire/ .00 .00 0.03 itate 0 . .0 0.03y - 2,(2 o./ 3.0 ce« "e4de'deahr eiftl

    faa 2€4..tuAlcot ?4,1

    44.644 . cueret.3 a463

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    C.ttari2i4 (/0 -%)

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    Quel cartS".. c 4

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    2600 - 2t.00 : adUtolaitt - - leeek Jrio*Itc6lert's{

    fehm.0eatui.uct raffic4' ilmnat 111.14 A DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Intorval Assays itfi itt From To DescriptIon DDH Noa4.3472—.02 From To Cll Mo Pb Zn iNu Att

    4021£‘5`21: M1/44« 4£ 4014 ivia

    da4.4a4cse. ,4ed47 . '

    imrdar yd aad n&gred4

    2r60- 32.0014.474 ,tufiut4ific a.ce‘cost4c-1.ati_-_dity; - LOO 0 51 e›1‹: rePt‘C( 4 e 14; e - c41s 3a 303j) 4io; 2-27 . 0 0. Jiy64- tic5} itjakk

    fat i fry clitgitax, a.altd

    ( I kz ist-%). 3- 2 - - 0.02 - .09 - 3240, rapfluit M414dlucc44 .00 3 oo

    -44;?kkt 1.44teouili•aci sleaa, taah , em„.66 4r4 ifrtetut - .40- 3330: 42:yk 6Jt ac4 &e - tiolde 4614 kney didodul

    14, /. ikkr4 a neti.4 (Tirt -0.4) 2-34,0036.00 0,011 .33.70-39.80 -4414 din-elo kfAc,ft

    dee, - 32. bC2 DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Inlprval Assays Frorn To DescriptIon P127 °D" ".9,48 -12-02 From To Gu Mo Pb Zn Au

    3410 300: M4,c..achico& c - 11101•1-

    - .4å4teC62/1.Cli

    40*.a 32.60 - $35,2

    fl: /.1) 44.1:21‘t-°

    s'« dristprt sfivr4 ot, 15te-

    ?"&r. 3C.00 - kkg fru4rb_,441. ctoteRdia ite-.141.941. 31.43- 2- 0.05- - 0.03r CC _ &181atlegi£11 34.00 .0o e Iti«Aatet Å o4aracmck Istov

    ,140 {.4-0/&. d61/2cce96‘ je. adli" 408(trim-: it -7224.4 Ji4 . skkac4t4.a204 4 itzt up of.1464 itti0.9tace . P- /, LI*6 'c4)

    37i0 9>t8,5-4 Cari&-uct-4 A1.0vhi 4t - dtbnh 2- aci 44.“ ) .00 0.06 0.3V — 39Aa- 2- ?.5" 0.011 Ilface 0-06 dritfri aael urhyor5at41.0frlic4 1 12-0o 343 - Z- 8 0.03 - 0.08 C p1/414c.4 - fr4i4 2.00 44.0 31;23- 2- . o S:00 0.02 isace 0.02 / Hat, . 11Kjuirtritwold 4k.“424 , sA - 41?-lurt 5--- s/u. 04). £00 ¥.00 0.03 0.25- 7 DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Inloryal Assays From To DescriptIon DDH No3. _ 4.0 12-02 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    £1240:r_92.80:rfict4 7/44(4 ducda cat6onatt ücecewi f Km.1149. S46,41 reflu4 _ /4193it'ca4 . Mse- iticutei #11uf (044 it64,0

    43./r- 4SzC ysISJt izJaCcia

    4f,t ift - 210

    ifiK: 10, t sino - W.70, natA.4- autud 4 carosta, cheonVer ruad .54664 Ifitt: n , e «4# r ,42.4 424 reigA, eitda4 , guail 4/4 et,auLtan COOÅ thtiwea loial side£41101/91- 9gyr%so 1 rvs42:4 Xr; R.LL LOG PAGE FOLIDAL VERK A/S X/16

    Intorval Assays pp" pp" From To DescrIptIon DDH Nc9,3 o From To co Mo Pb Zn Au Ag - 2-/0 0.01 — 2 C til.84-- 9‘91: itct.4,14. - 4eah o . o 0.03

    Ii14 41444~41 14.4.6tÅ iir aud _ Ahugta 64.4.4“ 041 caÅdit4.4 . ac.,44 Atmaiet,A.„ (,..å tiren:a : 0/ - 0.2fi.“) i &doti, dag« : fo.

    .frlis: lo , i ef c4gicor 1 4 454,06:7

    itLthe canSozazie._ flate. -7J 3)/43- 2- // - oo 0.05- + - - ,raAit.itidde iliaccia.

    acricsi_lo Askatdel hpc;Licas gadkd

    arik _ae,rd ieuxtahd_eit 02.49nah

    cua< 44441 (4.1 - cmc 0114—

    fl/nr144t10)p itt 14,c ±r t h r Fatrak- 1414/14 1..4cc.4 65741( W 1)43-8 -77 .00 5(1.00 ei S-2.00 .521.tir 1-0( 9.4,44/1211(e Cugu.ilkSh44444 141S-2-12 — 0.02 CaltriediA4V5ehlita4,24cci-1214 itfitØr .00 .60 .2)43- - 18 itace itace 0. 01 aloz c aad 14.£414-11,11:4150.4.4.64 stuu ito 4.12e. 0,:a 5-.00 .00 kudit . 0.0g ekazi itace t•-r 3/1i- 0.0 &41.4141 filcuat r' 90• , 49zai ctriviåpm Stoo DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Interval 0 Assays From To DescrIplion DDH Nopf. 3 -82 -02 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au fiCr -

    Af t .

    #0 : clis.4“444. mahd sUot ~4,1,17 aattLM43e.1

    itct ptua.,4 . «.01:wo-; occcu-in (ect a4a, 4ide accon4/t4c;141

    cigninii4k;4-,L104 S.13. (x9 /674t( -Z) Vs; _ åt.c.ciolcentZehtt »W216f4

    41)44c Car6Nta4 2tateca4

    hih: /0, . awt

    54' 62.3C rat -/1-141475,11,-Ckt,

    Qatria.r 1~21-col 1.02 ttleCt4 49./ c4“ ciakt - .00 61.00 0.0 2 ,DA3- - 30 wh it, 2.„«.„4" 4 9.44 ...424 Alicti .0 63.00 0.0 2 - 0. 0 1 + Filit,p. itt‘or9-14.54 , frå.

    ifiS Åtarndll ,Utdi

    (641 4414t iisc.-€74) .7.atzi‘de

    arear lo dicuAucteci di‘let F..421-‘14

    01 0.3 - Y.0a44. diettada 2atso1,cfal

    Carbougilt 444c1 ii.celi.

    /lAw /v ( 20 vse.-44) DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Intorval AsszsV pc ,„ From To DeseriplIon DDI1 N0t>8 _ From To Co Mo Pb Ag

    62.35- 63.62 no- galhcc: 942ii - ag*44 fr_ h ci awte (beit«..4 c,“4.) 7,4242r latai didadwe ,s2- 2-31 _ kik: 10. ve.i.“.6.4 . .o 0.0 1 0.03 -1- , 3:141- 2 - 32 _ _ 342_ XCL2 2),:24.4.44( 9tuckr 4,14_ 4 .00 .00 + 0.03 0.5"k1V 3473- 2-33 494.: 452.00 - .57./.15" 68.00 n.00 • - + 0.102 243- 2- 351 _ 75.42 94.0.5" «91cagic - secti*esc hcia- itte 10.00 n.00 + + 0.23 2 .c.; 343- 2- 3-V + rm. 2 c aelt)katålt&l-CettiGt fillint,“ afaccick. .o .00 j)43 - 2-10 + 0.01 augiStde)&a«.A.05 44.4.4€ dasce C .00 .00 0.01 L


    V5:42- trafiluier litåtk afmccia ,4.0o '14.00 0.0$- - 0.13 - 2 .L

    auriev- lala«cetoe AWS cen - 3.0 tuaka hol 74,0,4, ,

    _ cani"A, 4 ,2,..‘d .

    _ 144“hish..61« iNefutz. _(.4246tuah

    lo , frt c.t

    461-7.1eca , ;de.4 aca.#1 - .D43 - 2 - 1( fice tover 80.00 0.02 o.ey - 2 ita - Pd. - DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Asry: Interva 19 pountpc" From To Description DOHNo3 43," 134/ From To Cu Mo Pb

    Y-142- vO,rteinuatiii deciptii 2KLIfithie dah deev

    tkiretmeiy d,eslarki (444ig(iaztfr4&&l

    afia4 ihrerlar av6atah ildmakt

    1.6„; o k.0/30) ahr.caa P-10-2;i1 ffrCLWAtie £.14.Chcsai acce< 06~-14“-I • CrYnktc4-4(

    az4.14 con3Cua4 cz4u1 le- ,116iP

    nv 0- nes-: aokesto4.6ge- Stp4le ooz 0.oz - — arsue_ .141r .00 2143 — —In 14- 0.02 - - Alst Air41.4, des ickle 2.00 89.00 0.02 343 —is- 0.or o.n _ 7 (li., Wr- 4.0D: raifitih. - 614,4 (iSucckt., attris iaateled isåtMece.4 64.4e4 ae4"44

    fite4 /o (‘19/$10 ) . a4

    $79 71(444tp :k4ogarte



    FOLIDAL VERK A/S 04 PAGE Intoryal Assays From 1 0 Description DDH NoLpkIA>t o - qc vc Frorn To Cu Mo Pb Z„ Pe44t <6, 4` .>73-3 - /12 0.03 4a2- 8.4tz 4&$k' catISsuctlec ›ZU tGfie 6.00 84.00 o.oe - 2(,<

    _ U44441v

    av6"4.4..4 Ve.4«. IfiKt 1.0 _o4.54€444,:cald (42( -e4) I- am-te ficuitut L40 -fin 9tuar414c dieCS ilt;" d411r1 clirafew.‘ (Pai figi - conias baecty _14,« , Ira.Ari‘ -Cot.cleul ) facuimaied (415-9

    (SVASP). J141 aucLa."40 463.semesi 4c1. a‘ik. fr04,24.47 pdt4.(4)1 tkicelutte-4 asal eacce,k~ fisy- atO : 719ifije,cealt

    4mccit 61446I ;1".£ tiu.4 ,tAatri“. ilsty Seccia4d-a (.672/3"; . 4 ,p7c, afrim >43- 2 0.05, dAift Ql concird .98.0 90.00 - 0.0? tet V.C.-94 idal ,9 DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Interval Assays From To Descriution DDH NG34312- 02 Rom To Cu Pb Zn Au Ag

    9tizark ick zthv6k- c%e» dited

    : raulc - de_a$ftscc-i4

    a4ciu.€w .4(4.2‘)ok..wicc2 loc94.1.4c.ced 691 - 3.0 c.“.. 11“ diøsnfelej 2444,2mi4el cutd dalApet

    itimpl?„ (W.19) . IÅ'Ke _ecs«v44 . nry 44,4 ag‹.4d


    Ptzt biort itat ic;t4-14

    ?warki te)41.£- dulariit kficia+ 4et.: -

    44 - - lotide daccia. idah diedesuAcP)//142: dia,6

    dset: etn- at?

    1950 - S1,(4: 772.Aile åtaai Aaaseis ;044- lam : 144%, cicat; -rat«d-ewl


    .1#4,4c9 4tti9za4 Feigi

    deS4t1444; cuti,s1- 2 Yair MOND DRILL LOG


    From To Inlerval Asszanys i Desooption DDH No34342 Fram ne To CU Mo Pb Au

    900/ 44,1c.3.2ccia.

    itf. 39 - ei.r? 3-8 - 90.01- 90.10 (ikatt:sti r .pad _ 90.00 92.00 0.03 -- 0.3 9 "14- 2C .“‹ (ackaoccat . ch.lfri;4L

    k. ,todi (wiai cokc4rata4.1 4 tdcÛccj aft‘-.4) _

    foio - 90.20 : It0.0,5L4 - ..ccchz _ aureer., lo laka.ultd biece4_ d )4(dt.'‘u-calcr, 64, seotch 24tak.t.itzt eut (W3o). frte .fiG/«, var4 t'tse

    96.2o- tflot 714544.- itetti.414s4t144 sks.i• 4a, q0.0,_go.lo (4,0,20), ±c4, (,-2‘447...% 44e 11.4'0-9/.itsn 7eale

    APR4e dxeccIedeatt ($9.1 - /. ot. ;,‹ otta-

    s-diu , stalay


    11444 akt coeht.d. 44.iocai Cle444(Aki (3 -%


    FOLLOALVERKA/S PAGE /946 Interval Assoziy: reup< ipizn Frorn To Descriplion DDH No,W342_ 02 -- O From To Mo Pb inAk_/4,4 steccict.

    'umJ4 apri- ear4 44c.14,744la7_10092,au:c4

    (0.1 - 4'.0 £4,4 is4 clia4-€1v) . pard ity 924.1v4#16 Irka 41$14-c

    k: Itrp,fit (Wso), t ?

    4tual1 igeir , aia - 2- 19 0.0T 6 b“ 9no -12 47 • 914,62t4drqb cati6 92.00 99.00

    kw.A4fr i p4A4.4-#514aLt Aa 9z,a2

    1441t4- Gvi,".£2,4 fo Ca



    $2C- 93.57 ?ftvgje irect4

    4(4.: '49.4b9-9/.44--

    351 - 93.7Z : "uctiki 14:c 1444242.-

    Au: 92.10 -

    ftKlht 4"44e /1:4« 44/1 le

    C45444.-tt. Hast


    FOLLDAL VERK A/S 0% PAGE /S/4 Interva Assays pftw pfrm,4 From To Descoption DDH No343 _p_o From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    93.2 - 99.057 2jew riza

    go.of - 9,2,112 99.06- 12140 fra,„ (weia --zfinceifj qs

    atme duazil f244c4 (“4.4.4 issintkh. 96.00 98.00


    02 - ft vo tuictc- 4,44$40tac 4641 3)43 - 2- 8S 4- ,tt uta 2.0 /00 00

    gesio - gel R re.444ad2t,csf-_

    _ iskutit Q5a44(144(.£44. 10 c4.4 61_Cw6timalt

    .12 - 99.6_7y 9kaa741/144, J4,466.igensL:d .343 - 2 - 84 ,57 100.00 /02.00 0,C,C

    Åonce tctr

    103.30- /0 V.qo1 Q.c.449-14.a404e Agu:416

    cuct.41;t1, 4ehi4e. CA,-16 get:142,47

    rtt444 f

    „totiA,c rtia 10

    iaç - I'0. 62; aceditmatiattcahlt

    14.404,Siv _Lat 4.14 å 3)43- -n 7 449tut Catt0uctit fa'144: lio.00 112.00 + 0.01 +

    Ihmai Inkk DIAMOND DRILL LOG FOLLDALVERKA/S 0s PAGE /‘ Inturval As anys From To Doscriplion DDH No(343 -ez_oz From To Cu Mo Ob z Cul" te :

    /10.42- 1gL444kke. - - eg 0.02 0.02 - etticuL&C tuitS119444J4 at4-61 II .00 II .00 — 2 c ii+triar COÆttitcylt

    1/340- 113.32: "AttafiAtfit 4,9KGeskiscry eir44~sr

    13,32 - 12/.04 ittnAcPu;Si‘ 3,13- 2-8? 0.02 + 0.02 ,Seute ritz24. 4es itticadot 120.00 12100

    _ 121.06- /2/ 90 : rtajdu:Lic - 624 ,a4t4;salitu ett fruks.ditavactÅ Cari»ugit. ifist:to COLLCOrd 4 asedothif

    freccum (2

    /24'10 - 12/30 : inemis10,14.. RILL LOG PAGE ///0 FOLLDAL VERK A/S

    0.13 H. No. Azirnuth SIarUxI Orrectional surveys -422 - zso° Depth Ailm Dip Depth Ahrn Dip Property Angle Finished - “5-° Go-ord. Depth Logged by t(5, #.501/ 600 /137or fif Inlerval o 0 Assays From DOSCriptIOn From To Cu Mo PO Zn Au Ag

    0. 019 tZQ ,oytney

    20 3645- l'IttatIOnt ;«41/417

    Y.20 - 23.00 : ach:uotat.

    zaa4sh/ do 44:74.1t aSerided (2s-9 8.2o -8-56, mso

    23 .00 -2t.00 cOtC suriSCi

    (00 -29.5-0: tygtimiene

    nars ei4 — 6.2«ol neso - cok. 144issii

    ti.90 - 3572E: 4r-ft i“ 4Givz...

    .25"- 34, 2.5-: 1444•55 .2-3i, 36-2r -34.4T: iret.u.44stt .0 32.0 2- 3 3 q2. 00 CtUar‘ »oi4.-Ene .co .00 / • .• A423- 421/1744.(t4a: Jaa4 (4(444e cia.) yucett4lhic o. 42.00 7 C), htelaAaaol‘Ace 64761(, courslidatd) atcd tual-on AefIctr# -awomArtd in Kite eowur DIAMOND DRILL LOG

    FOLIDAL VERK A/S PAGE 2/10 Inlorval o Assays From To DesonpRon D01-1 No34k42_ From To Cl/ Mo Pb Izn PI2A{7.

    V2.00 Ifq. cote culs£ scz A- - 3 _ 1/4.g5" 1(30 61•4 1.00 tmuun 3)43- 2- (10 4 cta4a4a/44: 44,dotc.7 oyafutett i‘le/ledat;ilem.W . 0 . 2 c'

    a“.d 4reaai4 lareitil

    (111,c Ctst‘d C . Jecectuf fre4as4 • 2.‘"°

    KA, r.441 (5- gal.-°4)

    lig- 30 17. Po lloecaati ùc 4fltaJ

    9‘)..30 ganekstiletaa & _

    St4<4,0acm.dk464,4 l'aZ6 D48- 2-4/ _irtteriokr carits“ SV. 00 53.00 4- 3 c)

    Ittu ito . ,Ltute spsh

    ‘3./S-1 aC444-06:..A c sa,q;£

    46‘44.4? da..“14 (£44.44. 6 c olIcativsath.

    Jeci(c(ht: /1444.124 a°

    a W- SO.G9: ?„taii4-

    .57.52 - 9ticarkle digt4m4 4ed41 ac4itzt c3do : «4der4.-

    lr- 441.21: .3aktte4-- ca2 — ile'h4,39.34‘tirts.44 toa.trit.c1;61, MOND DRILL LOG

    FOLLDAL VERK A/S oh PAGE 3fro 04 Assays Frorn To Der.criplIon "" Na43-82-03 Fron, Cu Mo Pb Zn

    4h1tym awi a4ipå 16".a.6, isi444

    in-trior ikitc;31

    49.173: i-tt/44,(9t4:51 ' inrLar C.fliduale nittd&t..i 4q..få G4.08: atitosta2<-be0thi 10 (444CW4s4alt-.

    2S1•11;it 9Wat414 4 _ 3- - q2 4- 44.049 ».00: - etckudi.eksaal 64.00 be.00 2 (2 4 ei;ILi4‘_ea.wiUalte( K14:4 .144(11113 a4S ?.AB- 0.0 I -4- dwall 444t.*4 41Caribs44 a“4 '10.00 ¥2.oo ?..uar/larlit 49t4.4e.ikgrter caaSomaie

    reLLtiui . 412°

    Y2.00 - .42,n4L1 - ariz elt:69ztlitid 46ir , Veiwt acal _.,Ja44.44 cad)ouctit 4ovnt. Jrna- 2- zo • =.< `{roo V9.9' zkz4ac&d ?,(4.asik;ge .00 -19.00 4t3o

    hjsc: to. disteut:cezicot (/ 9 9.5".20 71-ttuAc9t.i“ havoca melcz.J2.3

    n.qe - alt, at4 tat -



    Inlortal 0/0 From To Oescription 00" No <74312.43 From To CU MO Pb ASSZ:S NArt

    Rhc:fl . 4etue ifKracir trib . al.61 rtacitu-t frecuct4 (049- 80._t_9(.4.4.0414,14

    to. f3- 10.92: Jauctiot /2./it

    Att, 41. 3 0 , Lefil 431+Ke‘get"14.C4g rffiLete

    82,I8 Otc14.(4.oei4escgzsf dyitt4 calgv-LotActit ~oui z- 2 I 0.0b - 0.04 - 86-.20 9 /.60 retIlltiiic ick .00 88.60 2 C, - vs• 0.03 4- 0.1z. ezw.iueded iøit4 ioarkdditi tipazi .49sue • 1.00

    isttc-Cia46,14 (ften5/414Ce4 - 0.2 csK ch'adatiati

    Val;e4e14.4 gri..carb J CalithidthiCeS1/4444d, flircialar._cafteude. ve,44.4:figt

    1-144:p, n, cy. 44.4"cor

    Aw.4./.4, Jahor, AlinhiettsJ

    ( )10 3 Pext.-042 46( ceJk41)

    U4-0- n.60. - cap‘u.alt

    11;K: lotn-Ct", »tCftufor efia-frå (0.3 (.4.4 ;K di.afimeM 3 lot)

    ,firm - carkuok DIAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE FOLLDAL VERK A/S 04 5770

    Inlerval 04; Assays FramIl To Description tInt( FP14< — DDR "/3 3 42-03 From To Cu MO Pb Zn Au Ag

    klitt (0 14.44001,9.CåA. utst-e4) stu-ats-, imic.A.-CaP6dhictle

    dut, er.n emi .4•2 - 22 0.05" 9/. 6o MS:05- vgea.titittaktA 4e4u4at4ad, are.c. 91.00 43.0o 0.03

    9V. o - WcwraSecidc01r.2".4/4i4 444

    Cartchia-le_ _

    4e144c in4.141Pro csi

    frt oCic.ce4,4q14.41to(( 3 1491.-$4.,) 7/49 _q./5 frut. tricsr‘ G9it tA4 rtfit4c .;43 - 2 - 3.00 94‘.00 0. 0/ U 4"

    imAlthieolded 4bute A f ad-gzi-

    a4440t4Ac cw.,2 41ri

    . 611‘424.44-ittai41 ( s%)

    93.W - q.ti: cctri)~461- aSc«...D1

    q3,22 - 19.30: (4.90., 6.441/441 7v.tan1214 krze-6q tru,e1-'utrecii/g< 46itivit

    ethoe ch.a.ts #t6i6 icu-ict.t1 - adeu rlagnesc9“;c1(44c Slez0)


    FOLLDAL VERK A/S t1/4 PAGE ipo

    Intorva Assays From To Doscraalon 00K Na+3-82-0 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn

    tE 30 - Werg: (ya.mtli - - acieraP61644

    4.9cia(tie£444 , ou c 641icA 4,4xaria,4

    ct«ACcadiaixa.4 6)23- cheowl4-cwihaptif)3c 4c9acf

    9t-SO Ca.1.664scat - adiusit e daLis+

    104 Sticted atigi Setut, ega414 4c44

    •a4&4 rpatu/ah

    ito . 40$44e gio-4

    - W.4 ct4i;ust.:614e g‘

    «2a4/xbtcMcd 1786- 9820 9tmcullJ,*4 Igivieddefrf_ 4444r3 a ci,rifre4

    ast Cutfii44,1 le 4+4,444-ode

    .20 - ic0-144 - J £4. 43 4 - 95‘ 0.02 0.03 49(V)X c,edole.(4 99. 0 102.0 ?

    rf. /3 - 9t. 3Z

    (i-G61 pect4 0./ - o. E c<44.;44

    i tu: n /5-a ar eito am../ (14urs


    From To Inlorval Assays Description DDH Noaa 4,2.0 From To Cu Mo Pb zn Au Ag

    99.32- ?9.601 hi: 4 car69144e a.cliih eaSie

    4.40 - 9939 ; E.a4.4.ciu.dtka ;401-twgi tra.,91.44c 42(4,4 ali g 41.44;02. - ct.

    La44.4.i~teci ttlitA ,sei,i(t c14:16tri4t. 'il-t-c2c4Ackrcar&mr.bit. Ileiu.i.kt

    ilist: 1 o . ;/4-ego-ecti 4/c94 (/ - 2 14(.- °%)

    Atrwe iiti tbs 4 reA4.46.4.t , rfitilic Aicsit , .Suttfiole-

    H;R, ". o , &f . coltcosacruf do ecictil./. ( i dc9C- 4) loo.w-lolob-,itatAiii-- ittadt 6+4ccl'a

    a..0-8u4k,io tot~dat so liseg4 4 _ 0.1 - osci.44.,4 otau,a 2e,weuitcl

    itt ..444€144t ctuff Ccull.) alt

    tuis: ju2 . ( .5-Prg. - %) 1 10/.ar- /01.81, ?ant.ti - c14414- I 0.4iiketdit<


    tt2W/ lactåhui . Cckif»mcill ;HL Àda, (644.itti DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Inerv Assays From To DescriplIon DON"343-(2-03 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    10121- 101.00: - _ettrtl-CK4 -

    2iAzaSi 69Lclii (Lacal 40214 ,

    ,Mrlor cationalt sleiticitt betwait yta Ade - /44,1e

    Hù pei,,_(‘O/vo)(zad.-€M)

    w.0o-/Oz.43; sc9“;‘,11 vids4striar-s_, amid 444.4t4 4

    ciusati41•1t 9.44.CL cani",,Le Suidt. kti : fOZ63 - /03.00 Ca.) tia

    - adzikve‘bit

    49.4414044 421,4»it 103.00-/06:10 : jaal.

    ussikh41-thArt •SifiEtA $44444 4 11

    ?Atizthdt cacci car‘ cat 10(1.tfz- 10S.10-1OLP ctch;w9a0",e.- ccei)

    towix åt.diAta

    /04.¥1 - 107.43, r ttai 1dic4.4teic i_ DIAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE qfio FOLLDAL VERK A/S 04

    Inlervnl Assays IrpAtuti From lo Descrption A47 """%943-82-03 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn

    10&ie- /07.20 Ctc4g46t - ccui6b,i4

    i07:20 - 10r80 : 9thAw1121.4

    SLIA ei puubt -

    Ntst:wk .4stçe sperl 3+3- - 0.03 — ' o.o‘ 10no - 111.0c1: raiPtite, - e64 lotoo 11 . afb - 0.01 4- 0.02 ztersa wavy4 410.00 412.00

    kegCa4A-ICS it42144-0(Ct(1 r019“,44-

    (GLit ixat i (}oc% ceet 0.1- 49.2


    p 1/.‘" °1 4)

    litedt 6-14 cs!ritwica-€

    frectA4fri ,D,s3 - SO •••• 2 I, II/. 09 - 11140 : yntAAAJITA;c4 142.00 04.00

    ;#44.?Alokt coiri Omuit (4.4:441

    11240 - 112J0, carbehuaz - 3S0-441 3,48-8z - 3-1 + 0.0/ - 120.20: 44;7& cai-tri024_ iie4:14.- 142Z - c9ziotnie .00 II .o Å J>A73.- - 23 4614:5.1 u .0 li .0 ,D4-8- 2- S2 LOati C1Y1M44 4 (2ciar:ftot II 120. 3

    Fuk, , ai“e4.44,41,utteof (zu:sc.-s)

    120.20 -121.00: liijkcswJc acizuktAe-Jisoide

    citnstaz rt9t4£1. DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Interva. Assays Fronn To Descdption DDH NojA3..ez..02 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn 74

    121.00- 124.102 catio4.42,4 clueesin. WA- Stelde-

    ctri‘ust:isit sa4:£1

    lacz,vx-M,GAL4. 464.44e. 1;/-1-t cat-

    Snctit VCA44:1 ,N8 n 4- 1ZY.10- 1241.00 /2CO3

    ittS9vc4z at.tcLsfel›

    I29J19-- t2441/ -£444-01

    \ • e • 4011 e an • al • DIAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE 1// FOLLDAL VERK AIS

    D D.H No Anmulh Started Deectional surveys 2.53—° - 82- 034 22. 0.1. 12 Depth Azim. Dip Deplh Azim Dgy.

    Property WORT# Angle Finished u 2. 01.12 Co-ord. Depth oggeg by /r5-04/ 7+2S 21zo g Interval o Assays From To DoscriptIon o From To Cu Mo Pb Zn PP,:t /1/!:

    0.00 23.00 0 10-35urclau .D4,1312-9 23.00 , 28.20 Jcm.coltd 5favia,it 2 .Oo 12 .d.?

    caz444 æcIpt c,44 g _ _

    9(A,cody4/4 , yakia l - etto,picti Ottatcht, 6nAV frucctrlit , (14.41.19,t) 4.4.41tiù ca.) ,4

    14.244 Agt ipsiS JArnuttlif 04) lediezadi J5eaddicti becicus ('ad, - DIAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE in FOLLDAL VERK A/S

    D.D.H. No. Azimulh Started Directional surveys B- 82 - 0S- zsr° Depth AiIm. Dlp. Depth Azim Dlp Property NOR7-41 Angle ErnIshed — 96-0

    CO-ord. Depth Logged by at Interval Assays Frcan To Description From To o Mo Pb Zn An Ag

    0. 00 26.00 on,aScdde.“,ca£ Plo 33. ks—.4.‹ 2C.oo 33.*„5-T uziA hde€010eel 23.tace.,2d

    24.00- 26..5W czkriattah.. -149? clien'et 4lo64s6Lesit _404,44 4 Carilemple

    Sdcliatt frect.ten ( /5-9

    24.51 - 9S- arclisto eig>e 4c9u:si-

    i0Coi ,1"4.4t lotitt4 (0./ c44.4 49)

    Uts" - 28,00 ;

    wit; ,$~ 44;str atAd Stat _ca./_


    eto0 - 2g. 30: 6t.c.4vo etifitc dri 1hr am-Gt 6444 carieua

    28.30 - catiBuctilt gan4d - cÅåvt4 ar4ttott:-Ote sc9ari garKAL ( its .11)

    ze.szt cfrÅeLet.rfit'le 44414 &dated 6, tuccv adtriim &.r JloVat DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Intoryal Assays From To DescriptIon DDH N2)Å, 3-I2-05- From To Cu Pb Zn Au Ag

    2&32- neio, - ca, usicwitåccuticti

    29.90 - 3052 etre-lekot.git sc9cf:.

    ut: 28.00- 2.f.30

    0.51 - 30.10 ?Astaf,214

    3030 - 31.5V: c-Moldt actia *Me

    - 9tAzaz4; 4

    ,Seactsct4Altsti cL 4 i4I&Lt1

    3 /. - 32.00 Ccir$Ditcy4 48“11


    _32.00 - 33.001 ratd - acLuo eilRe s

    Caett&1412.4. - zbakto l4c ff c444.)(1/4:KA(t)

    33.00 - 33. 30 51.45.k- 46LL'i

    eautibtaid Wig 44411, 4

    JitsitatscAhl cua aSictu 6444a) of


    33.30- 33.Vs-,_ _pravi ckxld5-- d2I.C&;4 691e

    49tid k91A 66,we 694...&ts ( 4 cAmj4

    gocti iectothi DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Intorval Assays From To DoscrIptIon DDH 0 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn fir sa 2 -24 3n2 24.4c1cce1 yuhat4,4 4. at

    itz akticti (liada cs4,ItPi ettli

    64 444g

    (stahvi-L64) aud (44414al sfiCct. -

    ezett4 4aute it'eac ituas auce a et afoo_4is

    caitov.ale . Arx LL('‘4p441,4 toatat

    kAt, froAroJ wed3/4 dits 'k.t4d_ it

    igu ?..‹,av-74 tict_frual,s , is<

    Muale p4v4 ist 4,.tic-cch - za i.

    34 .26--34.3?+ eiCtn- cktimite.- adiasei. tsåisih 49w.t hecceucec u9a44(15.4di1 Az3- 472 .39.00 Ccoie-nace-akkis Latt Vcti + 0.01 0.068 — C ort4

    die2- 3tf?.32. roikic -Jutsibcz tcteict

    usubs3/4;v4_ 4CtM -4444.; 144

    ito 30) . tudwo.44 4:5‹ iu.sfelS GuA- DIAMOND DRILL LOG


    Intoryal Assays From To DescriptIon DDH N?.»73.404 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn 1w Ag

    _ isaciwIt

    (1-2 Pst-% ; eacal

    3e,3 2 - 3 9. oo 4144.6,44.„4:a.

    atiuta, 4tAincau,A4ed liapk,scA

    (0.1 - 42.awitti tckJ4et it 944.44-4itud 4494.

    0144 61.14Suci _Its"

    49;449-4£4.4e4 tui.(41 tuus4 ( 3 latf4 eocal (-5t

    39.00 1,34. 30 Jatteita 9tua.d)1J;it

    aeinbtaki i6ed-c4.2 d2-1_9uharld?, frisu. sHit 46.yett.ütum accatufauk cutot dkviGh.

    4eifi4a.t Wkai. e£11c1 , /6"

    fig ilterew .drifree aud di4-1 _ cincofd aud clo-?tscusiHat 7,4t.- 39.30 cf3.3y attkc vacowm:c

    39 .30 -110.0C: 44:44 cationait taiud 41 -actitu,0,Ae



    FOILDAL VERK A/S 0/6 PAGE ...677

    Inlorval 0 Frorn To DescrIpllon DDH No34342_ os - __ From To Cu Mo Pb Ass:: PlAr P/77 —

    ad.,44~-4 cai

    km:caaact cor-1.

    WIgt 49. accel4cutell 1».+24

    644K4) C0x Cordam) is cros4c4a14.«.?

    4045- - 40.fl -

    (2u4e4 (4,44.4.)a44c1ntdg ./raAr6iLt


    461.;3 44.3.00 y.«.4.4.4c9m;s1. ctc.4 gaa4e)

    4.44.34 tt4“4. - c44,4) cs4.441 iltictictf 4


    Fetatt ÅkAttil Ja•Wit si 4/54 ese,/4

    -4(9t4;c1. karm.i D.h«.4 qfl- ayi cartvitic

    4.6u,, ti 90, oC aAa - 2- 2S- • • + • •• 43.39 96.€0 z.bakccttd 5t44-47--12;4 443.50 4/4•50

    4C4.: 39'.00 3Q a - 2- 411 ettdi;.v zoo .00 ¥.00 DIAMOND DRILLLOG


    Intenial Assays From To Description 001-1 No343 42_0 o From To Cu Mo Pb Zn PP: MA7 44.8o 4ino cosio-Kac4c~ _ - 2 0.102 cos..4;s1›duf lovaeizi-s 111.00 14.9.00 + 0.04[

    _ 4 imiteg Catio-w2,6~ 42/.44 kf.,.4 0 cia„e6c 1 wayittiat

    - W.,5:5"; law.4 KoitoCi kulAtila£ I

    94,tai1? - kAtt4,t4;k- thect4«.z_944


    decx.o.44tr frifighic con4J 4 4aatf.1 itorittow.4 6444c~:«..2.141 tå

    alitjt -M4114 ect;c1 - 1 attilat 4 _st4.4Å~K cack_ /.4C C4.4

    ,1 44 ‘o. - lecai t5L6 3,Oca, cbit- gaitt) tie.444c44,6b, SCr

    v.at4 ,51-erecv 141.--‘41

    9gyil - 1,1421 41444): va2

    a : .to -

    989.4 - ,tctAsit -j&JiWt ZkLPCicL A2 - - 414: - 9tf. Ye? 0 .50.00 ." - 0.0 /


    Inlerval 0 Assays /19,trA. ly,c From To DeSCIiplion DDH Noas 42 , From To Cu Mo Pb Zn ,! Av

    yqç-yflo itu.aiwth.4( /i4-1-Wca

    &4efroVzoctet 4.ecky

    9-uabla - cd:1/2.< 4.4 COIK4i4..1, ictu4aa4d 1“-lund

    r_CtitMt.4812‘1 Lai:V17 itatu sits p 4it ;a4 , a%14.:i.c6,414£iiPte£1


    49.go .9.4Atitzot ( Pd4-#4) ÇfWC/ a.144ta_4•L4, bestå. 1 ol /p4,„frid- riicei-J5eur kie6tt&44, a.4 - - + 0.01 0.0bd - .7.0 tralgtat 12.440( 49We ta eS UAIL , 51.00 .53.00 - kn.; p 11.4 04 /1 C&G.OL4a..tait 5104 co-scosda4ci noo .00 34a - - 96 c; th9cak .34eta4tc.2.44 Sg. 51.0 343 - - fl .0 + + 2 ai4.3 - 28 •••••• 4 0.0‘P C 14.4:t&.saijikk Cenctufect24: .00 aM3 - 2- 100 .53.26--- 53. r a 60.00 63.00 0.03$1 + 3 C .3)#e Z -SV •••• 33. n -519 0 63.00 “.00 3 343-82-10/ S1t L4.00 Le.00 • DIAMOND DRILLLOG


    IntorvaI Assays From ro Descoplion DOH Na43_a From To Mo Pb Zn Au Ag

    6-g.34 - etilt f 59.n - SVIC PtC4f9L4t Afat;14.1

    144+: 1.44.444 dn:«Ad£ co-nalsw-cleim.,14

    $241.cGuvicitm.4 .t/u4t. Cfrntacki

    149 Knictittei . ou&s4caÂcc

    -1/Lt tttfraiet C61/2144..Ccid,utA Col<0444ttly

    t/ - I Mat-sé e•Cafe1(tst -‘949



    do - set9C

    40.3( -

    ‘t,so - 45: s-

    _(iten-s- _ (ha 4Stali)

    latia40.4“,e, it44,-Cmand cl cd44.-

    2a4ics ‘trs-- ,A-tati? -Ftic511 QCiti 4‘4e 4634,2dmar cuta 4~,e, $.441.44 4Ar

    g44/ Celt ea#14 . Cht(1.4444,d G1 cattol.cdt . åtdc6 o° DIAMOND DRILL LOG FOLIDAL VERK A1S PAGE 9/q Inlerval 0 Assays From To Deseriptran DDH Noa3."2,0( 0 Frem ia Cu Pb Zn

    70.4te- 7SW1 - 2- 92 - akutoes ‘44444.6 c“..) 4 catictua,4 atal ';L.of9 7.8.0o .42, 42 93 u4Abil(t 4.0444,‘,_ 84.00 n.00 2

    tocaL ci44114:2td rtal, (41 C444 At 49)

    P.92- 90./ COtt Ku:s4 iwf

    94.42 - n.5 clarn-

    Iwiztåtatbci <49vut Ja4.4. ( 41~ 4 tc9ILle. 1.48 - 9e. /0 i ethltrugLut iuda,Cat

    acIo .01t_s644f aeLlA car _

    - 49.00 cccLuef-COLe. spuist

    .00 - Y9,39: Sicte24-ciolivA9Catte .c644;cl

    9.30-ll'1 , 57

    ,ffi...riost- 14.42 • DIAMOND DRILL LOG PAGE FOLLOAL VERK A/5 /41

    D D H. No Azimulh Started Directional surveys Depth Azim. Dip. Depth Anm. properly Angle FrMshed

    Go-o d Deplh 1447 Logged by

    Interyal AssaYs rom DescriplIon From To Cu o Pb Zn bAC:4 11:7

    0.00 ovudku. s- - 9, ;5' s 3. 4'2 jr-etAts/ch.e 64.4,42524 e ..69 34.00 ar.00 0.02

    «.44.441.1.1lo el ez ta44c1 ait'63 tpcai duaxal

    ?a444 CALKA 4 cA.-) ts/ Carit"4.44 atehue

    lit4t4:Kt . c?ancti‘ ( 0.1 c-ru dicsa-esio.) art

    deletewl &veis_ u cul

    ealerisi : 25° - I 4- 21 .4 2 - g0 carieh.a.le YeA4 21.3 22.50 0.0

    erear aft12,

    11Ùt: sr#7$ c: I "12 • -(49"Ce 22.2e - 22. 30: fr.c.4:71? -

    2G.60 - akt MA.415.51

    1.40 - 29.00

    33.73 - 34.20 :1,44a111-i - Ca4awtah. . 0 34.57) /

    t 90 - 4C4-‘09 6Se - jare£4,9443.14

    82. go jauoted yucatiki4 IN4rcust,4?-kt

    Ktittof t4 ‘ue /c{ emd eteSied 23a-1/C yoeccti,c/cs

    *,L 9Mw.. 41 ht4 DIAMOND DRILL LOG 2/, FOLIDAL VERK A/S avo PAGE loterval Assays 0 0 From To Descriptmn ODH No a From To Cu Mo Pb Zo u" $ bitt: —

    .ez-53.8S; 4£4.4.1ed yuad 6,4

    attentalAtt ittotcti 4 »affni , Q.<44.414

    5351, k u:GQ- cafickkah.

    .91 -,53.9e,

    hAat eamhinglest .onçe gicuat44am., omj


    atricte 6 du.-16MV.44 0.1-0.3 ca4


    1144.:ja2 , 44 1.4..rn tuale Jat-

    Åt9ne/tcc44 witoisr9 .

    cehtceufro4ex cti

    laktituail Åtg 2 au0144.

    Ifin eet 4AcPwst 4 (81‘ cskf (ieAÅcoiiLd :

    3.98 - 3a,4tct

    4/4/144441 JeGedi 9. 4 6 t&s4wa 114.11fritati - t galaphit4

    eddel fi4ttt4 20°

    _?hiafft C014 to 21),



    IMerval Assays From To Demalotion DOM No £6 422-01 From To Cu Mo Pb Zn Au /9,,r

    igte.io04 itotitcht 49-nce dri ten coh-


    $71.47) - 44. 2 rtAA4 11014.4__stai a_ aatt9

    e co4o-nale. . eCrAt, 20 °

    442 - iL fl. a.c.ccial _9(.±.14912, •

    ate. g3.1 - . 41 tAC. 49B 110‘121 4.141t1.4.4 42C1C2i ai -SQS.4:4 kti 71.,Wat åttat 351,011;14- ket1 ita

    1*a . dùn4Ycst. s4) g - z 0. 01 — 0.09 0039 — - 5/.2.s": ?apPtLltMatJt#c l r.%; sizo 1cuu., ai-co cits Led u-ca tatiA Iteriar catio~le (“v(kta -


    1-1K ito : , Grn.cord~1 JCPICt

    cat ag.4.t Fax 49t6

    (q1,4( s 2 - e4)

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