Firearms! DX A Modern Day Firearms Compendium for the Tri-Stat DX Role-playing Game Systen Version 1.o Written By: Anime
[email protected] SPECIAL THANKS The author(s) of the book, The World’s Greatest Small Arms. The author(s) of the book, Weapons: An International Encyclopedia from 5000 BC to 2000AD. The webmaster(s) of the Netbook of Firearms for their informative website. ( The webmaster(s) of Sniper Country for their site on scout/snipers information. ( And for the countless people and websites that I have gained information and inspiration from! And of course.... Guardians of Order for their efforts in making one of the best role-playing games out there! ( COPYRIGHTS Tri-Stat DX Core System Role-Playing Game by Guardians of Order. Big Eyes, Small Mouth: The Anime Role-Playing Game by Guardians of Order. The World’s Greatest Small Arms by Diagram Visual. The Netbook of Modern Firearms is the property of Mischa and Kitsune. ‘Lady shooting paino’ picture, I believe, is from 5th Edition HERO System of Hero Games website. All firearms belong to their respected owners/manufacturers. All images and such belong to their original artists. Everything else belongs to their respected owners. CONTENTS Introduction ? Brief History on Firearms ? Firearm Terms ? Weapon Classes ? Weapon Ranges ? Explanation of Weapon Tables ? Chapter 1: Handguns ? Auto Pistols ? Revolvers ? Specialty Handguns ? Chapter 2: Submachine Guns and Machine Pistols ? Machine Pistols ? Submachine Guns ? Chapter 3: Rifles ? Automatic Rifles ? Repeating Rifles ? Sniper Rifles ? Chapter 4: Shotguns ? Chapter 5: Heavy Weapons ? Machine Guns ? Anti-Material Rifles ? Other Heavy Weapons ? Chapter 6: Oddities ? Chapter 7: Field Gear and Outfitting ? Magazines ? Weapon Accessories ? Optic Devices ? Misc.