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[email protected]; Email or Guide extension 4345; extension 397-6118, at (360) at Clean Water Program Water Clean Call Clark County County Clark Call this trail guide: trail this For more information about the program or program the about information more For Trail our waterways. our mandate to reduce the amount of pollution in pollution of amount the reduce to mandate helps fund and implement a federally required federally a implement and fund helps The Clark County Clean Water Program Water Clean County Clark The Interpretive learn more about the lakes. the about more learn Cronquist, Ownbey, and Thompson and Ownbey, Cronquist, the Park and follow it back to the kiosk to kiosk the to back it follow and Park the , by Hitchcock, by , Northwest Pacific the of Plants Vascular Turn left onto the paved trail into trail paved the onto left Turn bridge. Lake Loop Lake MacKinnon Andy walkway on the east side of the highway the of side east the on walkway , by Jim Pojar and Pojar Jim by , Coast Northwest Pacific the of Plants gravel shoulder across the pedestrian the across shoulder gravel , by Peter B.