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Guide to the Theater programs from , 1951-1973

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Guide to the Theater programs M0644 1 from East Germany, 1951-1973 Guide to the Theater programs from East Germany, 1951-1973

Collection number: M0644

Department of Special Collections and University Archives Stanford University Libraries Stanford, California Contact Information Department of Special Collections Green Library Stanford University Libraries Stanford, CA 94305-6004 Phone: (650) 725-1022 Email: [email protected] URL: Processed by: Special Collections staff Encoded by: Steven Mandeville-Gamble © 2002 The Board of Trustees of Stanford University. All rights reserved.

Descriptive Summary Title: Theater programs from East Germany, Date (inclusive): 1951-1973 Collection number: M0644 Extent: 2 linear ft. (186 items) Repository: Stanford University. Libraries. Dept. of Special Collections and University Archives. Abstract: Collection of theater programs from the former GDR. Includes important performances of the time, including plays of classical repertoire (Schiller, Goethe, Lessing, Goldoni) as well as modern (Brecht, Gorki, Bredel). Each program includes the cast, extensive descriptions, and quotations from the classics of Marxist ideology intended to educate the spectator. Language: English. Access Restrictions None. Publication Rights Property rights reside with the repository. Literary rights reside with the creators of the documents or their heirs. To obtain permission to publish or reproduce, please contact the Public Services Librarian of the Dept. of Special Collections. Acquisition Information Purchased, 1992. Preferred Citation Theater programs from East Germany. M0644. Dept. of Special Collections, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, Calif. Collection Scope and Content Summary Collection of theater programs from the former GDR. Includes important performances of the time, including plays of classical repertoire (Schiller, Goethe, Lessing, Goldoni) as well as modern (Brecht, Gorki, Bredel). Each program includes the cast, extensive descriptions, and quotations from the classics of Marxist ideology intended to educate the spectator. Access Terms The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the library's online public access catalog. () Deutsches Nationaltheater (Weimar)

Guide to the Theater programs M0644 2 from East Germany, 1951-1973 Deutsches Theater (Berlin) Maxim Gorki Theater (Berlin) Metropol (Berlin) Theater am Schiffbauerdamm (Berlin) Theater der Freundschaft (Berlin) Volksbèuhne (Berlin, Germany) Volksbuhne (Rostock) Philosophy, Marxist. Theater--East Germany.

Box 1, Folder 1 Deutsches Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, Authors A-F, 1952-1964 Physical Description: 6 programs Scope and Content Note The Büchner program includes a play by Carl Orff. The program Julius Fucik, play by Jurij Burjakovski, contains a lot of information about Fucik Subjects and Indexing Terms Besson, Benno. Director. Aristophanes. Der Frieden. Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de, 1732-1799. Der tolle Tag, oder Wenn Figaro Hochzeit macht. Friedrich, Götz. Director. Langhoff, Wolfgang. Intendant. Burjakovski, Jurij. Julius Fucik. Langhoff, Wolfgang. Director. Bernhardy, Werner. Ein Polterabend. Bois, Curt. Director. Bill-Belozerkowski, Vladimir, 1885-1970. Storm. Büchner, Georg, 1813-1837. Woyzeck. Orff, Carl. Astutuli.

Box 1, Folder 2 Deutsches Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, Authors G, 1951-1971 Physical Description: 9 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. Egmont. Langhoff, Wolfgang. Intendant. Langhoff, Wolfgang. Director. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. Faust I. Dresen, Adolf. Director. Heinz, Wolfgang. Director. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. Iphigenie auf Tauris. Gogol, Nikolai, 1809-1852. Tagebuch eines Wahnsinnigen. Gorky, Maksim, 1868-1936. Jegor Bulytschov und die Anderen. Jungbauer, Hans. Director. Gorky, Maksim, 1868-1936. Die Kleinbürger. Paryla, Karl. Director. Gorky, Maksim, 1868-1936. Ssomow und Andere.

Guide to the Theater programs M0644 3 from East Germany, 1951-1973 Collection Contents

Box 1, Folder 3 Deutsches Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, Authors H-I, 1952-1972 Physical Description: 10 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Hauptmann, GerhardJohann Robert, 1862-1946. Vor Sonnenuntergang. Heinz, Wolfgang. Director. Hacks, Peter, 1928. Adam und Eva. Hacks, Peter, 1928. Amphitryon. Solto, Friedo. Director. Hacks, Peter, 1928. Columbus oder Eröffnung des indischen Zeitalt Kahler, Ernst. Director. Langhoff, Wolfgang. Intendant. Hacks, Peter, 1928. Die Schlacht bei Lobositz. Langhoff, Wolfgang. Director. Hauser, Harald, 1912. Prozess Wedding. Hikmet, Nazim, 1902-1963. Ein komischer Mensch. Trösch, Robert. Director. Isaev, Konstantin. Vas vyoyvaet tainyr. Galich, Alexander. Vas vyoyvaet teinyr. Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906. Nora oder ein Puppenheim. Hanau, John. Director. Hikmet, Nazim, 1902-1963. Legende von der Liebe. Gliese, Rochus. Director.

Box 1, Folder 4 Deutsches Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, Authors K, 1951-1974 Physical Description: 8 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Kana, Vasek. Brigade Karhan. Langhoff, Wolfgang. Intendant. Kant, Hermann. Die Aula. Birnbaum, Uta. Director. Heinz, Wolfgang. Intendant. Kirsch, Sarah. Die Pantherfrau. Kornejtschuk, Aleksandr. Der Chirurg. Langhoff, Wolfgang. Director. Kroetz, Franz Xaver. Oberösterreich. Stillmark, Alexander. Director. Kron, Aleksandr, 1909. Das tote Tal. Grosse, Herwart. Director.

Guide to the Theater programs M0644 4 from East Germany, 1951-1973 Collection Contents

Box 1, Folder 5 Deutsches Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, Authors L-R,1951-1968 Physical Description: 11 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim,d1729-1781. Minna von Barnhelm. Jungbauer, Hans. Director. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim,d1729-1781. Nathan der Weise. Holtz, Jürgen. Director. Heinz, Wolfgang. Intendant. Lorca, Frederico Garcia. Bernarda Albas Haus. Maltz, Albert, 1908-. Hotelboy Ed Martin. Langhoff, Wolfgang. Intendant. Menzel, Gerhard W, 1922-. Marek im Westen. Dissel, Werner. Director. Moliere, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 1622-1673. Malade imaginaire. O'Casey, Sean, 1880-1964. The Shadow of a Gunman. Wessely, Rudolf. Director. Moliere, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 1622-1673. Der Tartuff. Besson, Benno. Director. Heinz, Wolfgang. Intendant. Ostrovskii, Aleksandr Nicolaeviki, 1823-1886. Tolles Geld. Wendel, Fritz. Director. Remarque, Erich Maria, 1898-1970. Die letzte Station. Stöhr, Emil. Director. Rosov, Viktor, 1913-. Unterwegs.

Box 1, Folder 6 Deutsches Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, Authors Salomon-Shakespeare, 1951-1968 Physical Description: 9 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Salomon, Horst. Ein Lorbass. Heinz, Wolfgang. Intendant. Besson, Benno. Director. Schiller, Friedrich, 1759-1835. Don Carlos. Langhoff, Wolfgang. Director. Langhoff, Wolfgang. Intendant. Schiller, Friedrich, 1759-1835. Kabale und Liebe. Scholochow, Michael. Neuland unterm Pflug. Shvarts, Evgenii, 1896-1958. Der Drache. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Hamlet. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. King Lear. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Othello. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. As You Like It.

Guide to the Theater programs M0644 5 from East Germany, 1951-1973 Collection Contents

Box 1, Folder 7 Deutsches Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, Authors Shaw-Suassuna,1951-1974 Physical Description: 8 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Shaw, George Bernard, 1856-1950. Androcles and the Lion. Shaw, George Bernard, 1856-1950. Candida. Shaw, George Bernard, 1856-1950. Frau Warrens Gewerbe. Shaw, George Bernard, 1856-1950. Heartbreak House. Shaw, George Bernard, 1856-1950. Der Mann des Schicksals. Shaw, George Bernard, 1856-1950. Blanco Posnets Erweckung. Shaw, George Bernard, 1856-1950. Pygmalion. Silva, Francisco Ribeiro da, 1810-1876. Chap-en-de-Sebo. Suassuna, Ariano. Auto da compadecida. Kipphardt, Heinar. Director. Langhoff, Wolfgang. Intendant. Heinz, Wolfgang. Director. Paryla, Karl. Director. Solter, Friedo. Director. Noelte, Rudolf. Director.

Box 1, Folder 8 Deutsches Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, Authors T-Z,1951-1965 Physical Description: 9 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Tarn, Adam. Ein ungewöhnlicher Fall. Tolstoy, Leo Nicolaevich Graf, 1828-1910. Voskresenie. Vega, Lope de, 1562-1635. Das Dorf Fuente Ovejuna. Vailland, Roger. Colonel Foster ist schuldig. Zapolska, Gabriela. Die Moral der Frau Dulski. Grosse, Herwart. Director. Langhoff, Wolfgang. Intendant. Paryla, Karl. Director. Heinz, Wolfgang. Director. Wessely, Rudolf. Director. Schönemann, Horst. Director. Literatur im Widerstand 1933-1945.

Box 2, Folder 1 Berliner Ensemble (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1957-1971 Physical Description: 9 programs. Subjects and Indexing Terms Baierl, Helmut. Johanna von Döbeln. Becher, Johannes. Winterschlacht. Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-. Der aufhaltsame Aufstieg des Arturo Ui. Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-. Die Dreigroschenoper. Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-. Die Gewehre der Frau Carrar. Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-. Der gute Mensch von Sezuan. Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-. Der kaukasische Kreidekreis. Brecht, Bertolt. Director. Wekwerth, Manfred. Director. Besson, Benno. Director.

Guide to the Theater programs M0644 6 from East Germany, 1951-1973 Collection Contents

Box 2, Folder 2 Berliner Ensemble (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1951-1959 Physical Description: 6 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-. Das Leben des Galilei. Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-. Die Mutter. Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-. Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder. . Büchner, Georg. Woyzeck. Brecht, Bertolt. Director. Nitzschke, Helmut. Director.

Box 2, Folder 3 Berliner Ensemble (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1964-1972. Physical Description: 11 programs. Subjects and Indexing Terms Farquhar, George, 1678-1707. The Recruiting Officer. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. Urfaust. Moliere, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 1622-1673. Don Juan. Ostrowski, Aleksanr Nikolajewitsch, 1823-1886. Die Ziehtochter oder Wohltaten tun weh. Pogodin, Nicolai Fiodorowitch. Das Glockenspiel des Kreml. Seghers, Anna, 1900-. Der Prozess der Jeanne d'Arc zu Rouen 1431. Shakespeare, Willaim, 1564-1616. Die Tragödie des Coriolan. Strittmatter, Erwin. Katzengraben. Vishnevsky, Vsevolod. Optimistische Tragödie. Besson, Benno. Director. Monk, Egon. Director. Hurwicz, Angelika. Director. Busch, Ernst. Director. Wekwerth, Manfred. Director. Tenschert, Joachim. Director. Brecht, Bertolt. Director. Tragelehn, B.K. Director.

Box 2, Folder 4 Volksbühne (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1954-1974 Physical Description: 11 programs. Subjects and Indexing Terms Calderon, Pedro de la Barca Barreda Gonzales, 1600-1681. Der Richter von Zalamea. Diderot, Denis, 1713-1784. Rameaus Neffe. Goldoni, Carlo, 1707-1793. Der Diener zeier Herren. Hacks, Peter. Margarete in Aix. Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906. Die Wildente. Kohout, Pavel, 1928-. Taxova laska. Majakovsky, Vladimir, 1893-1930. Das Schwitzbad. Mesterhazy, Lajos. Menschen von Budapest. Orkeny, Istvan. Katzenspiel. Ostrovsky. Wald. Hellberg, Martin. Director. Tausig, Otto. Director. Besson, Benno. Director. Holan, Karl. Intendant. Wisten, Fritz. Director. Karge, Manfred. Director. Langhoff, Matthias. Director.

Guide to the Theater programs M0644 7 from East Germany, 1951-1973 Collection Contents

Box 2, Folder 5 Volksbühne (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1954-1972 Physical Description: 7 programs. Subjects and Indexing Terms Sartre, Jean Paul. Nekrassow. Schiller, Friedrich, 1759-1835. Die Räuber. Schiller, Friedrich, 1759-1835. Wilhelm Tell. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Othello. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. A Midsummer Night's Dream. Shaw, George Bernard, 1856-1950. Caesar and Cleopatra. Langhoff, Mattias. Director. Wisten, Fritz. Director. Karge, Manfred. Director. Tausig, Otto. Director. Bennewitz, Fritz. Director. Gaillard, Ottofritz. Director.

Box 2, Folder 6 Volksbühne (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1955-1972 Physical Description: 7 items: 4 programs, 1 season catalogue and 2 posters. Subjects and Indexing Terms Weiss, Peter. Die Verfolgung und Ermordung Jean Paul Marats dargestellt durch die Schauspielgruppe des Hospizes zu Charenton unter Anleitung des Herrn de Sade. Winterlich, Gerhard. Horizonte. Wischnewski, Wsewolod. Die erste Reiterarmee. Zinner, Hedda. Was wäre, wenn?. Langhoff, Mattias. Director. Karge, Manfred. Director. Besson, Benno. Director. Holan, Karl. Intendant. Jung-Alsen, Kurt. Director. Bornemann, Fritz. Director. Tausing, Otto. Director. Wisten, Fritz. Intendant.

Box 3, Folder 1 Maxim Gorki Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1953-1957 Physical Description: 6 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Aristorphanes. Lysistrata. Blach, Erich. Sturmflut. Caragiale, Ion Luca, 1852-1912. O scriseare pierduta. Gorky, Maksim, 1868-1936. Barbaren. Gorky, Maksim, 1868-1936. Dotigajew und Andere. Gorky, Maksim, 1868-1936. Feinde. Littlewood, Joan. Director. Wolfram, Gerhard. Director. Bortfeldt, Hans-Robert. Director. Vallentin, Maxim. Intendant. Vallentin, Maxim. Director. Mäde, Hans-Dieter. Director. Hetterle, Albert. Director.

Guide to the Theater programs M0644 8 from East Germany, 1951-1973 Collection Contents

Box 3, Folder 2 Maxim Gorki Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1952-1962 Physical Description: 5 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Hauptmann, Gerhard, 1862-1946. Der Biberpelz. Hay, Julius, 1900-. Energie. Lavrenev, Boris, 1891-1959. Za Tex, kio buope. Mesterhazy, Lajos. Das elfte Gebot. Popov, Ivanovich Vasilevich, 1885-1961. Schulz-Wittan, Werner. Director. Lang, Otto. Director. Vallentin, Maxim. Intendant. Schöbel, Helfried. Director.

Box 3, Folder 3 Maxim Gorki Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1952-1969 Physical Description: 5 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. The Comedy of Errors. Shatrov, Michael. Bolsheviki. Stehlik, Miroslav. Der Weg ins Leben. Wolf, Friedrich August, 1888-1953. Das Schiff auf der Donau. Vallentin, Maxim. Intendant. Bortfeldt, Hans-Robert. Director. Schulz-Wittan, Werner. Director. Vallentin, Maxim. Director. Bornemann, Fritz. Director.

Box 3, Folder 4 Theater am Schiffbauerdamm (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1951-1954 Physical Description: 7 programs. Subjects and Indexing Terms Gogol, Nikolai Vasilevich, 1809-1852. Die Heirat. Goldoni, Carlo, 1707-1793. Der Brauthandel. Gorky, Maksim, 1868-1936. Die Feinde. Karras, Peter, 1920-. Menschen unserer Strasse. Molina, Tirso de, 1571-1648. Marta la Piadosa. Tank, Herb. Tanker Nebraska. Zinner, Hedda. Der Teufelskreis. Wisten, Fritz. Director. Kutschera, Franz. Director. Jung-Alsen, Kurt. Director. Herrmann, Gottfried. Director.

Box 3, Folder 5 Friedrichstadtpalast Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1958 Physical Description: 1 program. Subjects and Indexing Terms Feier zu Ehren von Paul Robeson.

Box 3, Folder 6 Komödie Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1958 Physical Description: 1 program. Subjects and Indexing Terms Magnier, Claude. Monsier Masure. Wölfer, Hans. Director.

Guide to the Theater programs M0644 9 from East Germany, 1951-1973 Collection Contents

Box 3, Folder 7 Metropol Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1953 Physical Description: 3 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Wangenheim, Gustav von. An beiden Ufern der Spree. Hermecke, Hermann. Doktor Eisenblatt. Offenbach, Jacques, 1819-1880. Die Banditen. Pitra, Hans. Intendant.

Box 3, Folder 8 Schauspielschule (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1952 Physical Description: 1 program Subjects and Indexing Terms Kavertin, Veniamin, 1902-. Zwei Kapitäne. Gööck, Dieter. Director.

Box 3, Folder 9 Schiller-Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1951-1952 Physical Description: 2 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Sartre, Jean Paul, 1905-. Le diable et le bon dieu. Camus, Albert, 1913-1960. L'Etat de Siege. Barlog, Boleslav. Intendant.

Box 3, Folder 10 Schlosspark-Theater (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1951-1952 Physical Description: 2 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Anouilh, Jean, 1910-. Colombe. Becher, Ulrich. Samba. Käutner, Helmuth. Director.

Box 3, Folder 11 Theater am Kurfürstendamm (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1951-1952 Physical Description: 1 program Subjects and Indexing Terms Hauptmann, Gerhart, 1862-1946. Herbert Engelmann. Kurth, Otto. Director.

Box 3, Folder 12 Theater der Freundschaft (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1958-1959 Physical Description: 3 programs. Subjects and Indexing Terms Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich, 1759-1805. Kabale und Liebe. Michalkov, Sergei. Das rote Halstuch. Küchenmeister, Wera. Damals 18/19. Küchenmeister, Claus. Damals 18/19. Bellag, Lothar. Director. Rodenberg, Hans. Intendant. Menzel, Siegfried. Director. Rodenberg, Hans. Director.

Box 3, Folder 13 Berliner Festtage (Berlin, Germany) Programs, 1958 Physical Description: 1 program Scope and Content Note Music, film, cabaret, ballet, and theater performances for the November, 1958 10. Jahrestage des Demokratischen Berlin.

Guide to the Theater programs M0644 10 from East Germany, 1951-1973 Collection Contents

Box 3, Folder 14 Tribüne 10 (Berlin, Germany). Programs, 1954 Scope and Content Note 1 pamphlet on types of theater performances.

Box 4, Folder 1 Landestheater Altenburg (Altenburg, Germany). Programs, 1950 - 1951 Physical Description: 2 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Reutter, Hermann. Kirmes von Delft. Orff, Carl. Die Kluge. Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 1818-1883. Mesiats v derevne. Jung-Alsen, Kurt. Intendant. Jung-Alsen, Kurt. Director.

Box 4, Folder 2 Cottbus Stadttheater (Cottbus, Germany). Programs, 1951-1953 Physical Description: 2 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Pagnol, Marcel, 1895-1974. Das grosse ABC. Gericke, Konrad. Intendant. Rabe, Kurt. Director.

Box 4, Folder 3 Landestheater Dessau (Dessau, Germany). Programs, 1952 Physical Description: 1 program Subjects and Indexing Terms Kubsch, Hermann Werner. Die ersten Schritte. Kubsch, Hermann Werner. Director.

Box 4, Folder 4 Staatstheater Dresden (Dresden, Germany). Programs, 1952 Physical Description: 1 program Scope and Content Note Special week on Classical heritage. Subjects and Indexing Terms Woche des Klassischen Erbes. Schiller, Friedrich, 1759-1835. Wilhelm Tell. Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826. Der Freischütz. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 1729-1781. Emilia Galotti. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 1729-1781. Minna von Barnhelm. Hauptmann, Gerhart, 1862-1946. Die Weber. Lortzing, Albert, 1801-1851. Der Wildschütz. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. Iphigenie auf Tauris. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Cosi fan Tutte.

Box 4, Folder 5 Kleist-Theater (Frankfurt a.O., Germany). Programs,1963-1964 Physical Description: 1 program. Subjects and Indexing Terms Olmo, Lauro. La Camisa. Rüdiger, Carl. Director.

Box 4, Folder 6 Laienspielstudio (Leipzig, Germany) Programs, 1958 Physical Description: 1 program. Subjects and Indexing Terms Baierl, Helmut Johannes. Die Feststellung, ein Lehrstück.

Guide to the Theater programs M0644 11 from East Germany, 1951-1973 Collection Contents

Box 4, Folder 7 Leipziger Stadttheater (Leipzig, Germany). Programs, 1952-1960 Physical Description: 3 programs. Subjects and Indexing Terms Becher, Johannes Robert, 1891-1958. Winterschlacht. Gorky, Maksim, 1868-1936. Die Letzten. Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944. Robespierre. Burghardt, Max. Director. Jopp, Arthur. Director. Burghardt, Max. Intendant. Ruede, Fritz, Director. Curth, Johannes. Director.

Box 4, Folder 8 Hans-Otto-Theater (Potsdam, Germany). Programs, 1953-1954 Physical Description: 1 program. Subjects and Indexing Terms Goldoni, Carlo, 1707-1793. Das Kaffeehaus. Weintrad, Ilse. Director.

Box 4, Folder 9 Volkstheater Rostock (Rostock, Germany). Programs, 1952-1974 Physical Description: 5 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Goodrich, Frances. The Diary of Anne Frank. Moliere, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 1621-1673. Don Juan. Streubel, Manfred. Ratcliff rechnet ab. Vellejo, Antonio Buero. El sueno de la razon. Weiss, Peter. Hölderlin. Richter, Alexander. Director. Allmeroth, Heinrich. Intendant. Perten, Hans Anselm. Director.

Box 4, Folder 10 Salzland-Theater (Stassfurt, Germany). Programs, 1954 Physical Description: 1 program Subjects and Indexing Terms Waterstradt, Berta. Ehesache Lorenz. Merten, Rolf. Director.

Box 4, Folder 11 Theater der Werftstadt (Stralsund, Germany) Programs, 1958-1959 Physical Description: 1 program. Subjects and Indexing Terms Rosov, Viktor Sergeevich. Vpaiskakh radati. Hermann, Hugo. Director.

Box 4, Folder 12 Deutsches Nationaltheater (Weimar, Germany). Programs, 1955-1970 Physical Description: 2 programs Subjects and Indexing Terms Brecht, Bertolt, 1898-1956. Die Gewehre der Frau Carrar. Schiller, Friedrich, 1759-1835. Wallenstein. Lang, Otto. Intendant. Kayser, Karl. Director.

Guide to the Theater programs M0644 12 from East Germany, 1951-1973