Vol. 10 No. 5 October 2011 –e*I*58– (Vol. 10 No. 5) October 2011, is published and © 2011 by Earl Kemp. All rights reserved. It is produced and distributed bi-monthly through http://efanzines.com by Bill Burns in an e-edition only. “Welcoming Committee” by Steve Stiles Contents–eI58–October 2011 Cover: “Welcoming Committee,” by Steve Stiles …Return to sender, address unknown….47 [eI letter column], by Earl Kemp Charles Stross’ Accelerando, by Mark Biswas One of These Days, You’re Gonna Rise up Singing, by Chris Garcia Midnight Special, by Victor Banis Watching Pulp Fiction, by Earl Kemp Dirty Larry, by Larry Revene Back cover: “Very Wide Colossus on the Bridge,” by Ditmar [Martin James Ditmar Jenssen] You stand outside a society and a culture and realize that it is an invention and that you can improve it. Well, I like the American culture, such as it is, but let’s get rid of the fucking guns —Kurt Vonnegut THIS ISSUE OF eI is for Steve Stiles, in appreciation of all the great artwork he has created for eI over the last decade. # As always, everything in this issue of eI beneath my byline is part of my in-progress rough-draft memoirs. As such, I would appreciate any corrections, revisions, extensions, anecdotes, photographs, jpegs, or what have you sent to me at
[email protected] and thank you in advance for all your help. Bill Burns is jefe around here. If it wasn’t for him, nothing would get done. He inspires activity. He deserves some really great rewards.