SQ Question on Notice
Senate Committee: Education and Employment QUESTION ON NOTICE Budget Estimates 2017 - 2018 Outcome: Schools and Youth Department of Education and Training Question No. SQ17-000760 Senator Collins, Jacinta provided in writing Schools funding - estimated Commonwealth dollars allocated to each approved authority Question Please provide estimated Commonwealth dollars allocated to each approved authority using the 2017 Financial Estimator Tool (FET) school allocations (the FET that accords to the current Australian Education Act 2013 legislated settings). Answer The following table provides Commonwealth funding attracted by each approved authority in the 2017 Financial Estimator Tool, that aligns with the 2017–18 Budget, under the Australian Education Act 2013. The estimates include enrolment projections calculated using the latest available enrolment data. Estimated Approved authority name Commonwealth funding 2017 ($) NSW State Education Department 2,186,086,355 Catholic Education Commission NSW 1,922,476,089 Al Amanah College Incorporated 7,775,207 Al Faisal College Limited 24,849,217 Al Sadiq College Incorporated 6,490,693 Al Zahra College Limited 3,219,126 Al-Hikma College Ltd 2,486,463 All Saints' College Bathurst Council 3,415,335 Al-Noori Muslim School LTD 14,807,835 Alpha Omega Senior College Ltd 1,870,073 Amity College Australia Limited 14,960,267 Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha LTD 506,896 Anglican Schools Corporation 99,408,051 Arden Anglican School Council 2,858,138 Arkana College Limited 1,424,429 Armenian General Benevolent Union
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