THE CONGRESSIONAL ARTS CAUCUS 113TH CONGRESS, 2ND SESSION 173 Members as of April 18, 2014 Louise Slaughter, Co-Chair Leonard Lance, Co-Chair

ALABAMA DISTRICT OF KANSAS Terri Sewell COLUMBIA Lynn Jenkins Eleanor Holmes Norton ARIZONA KENTUCKY Raúl Grijalva Brett Guthrie Ed Pastor John Yarmuth ARKANSAS LOUISIANA Tim Griffin Bill Cassidy John Fleming CALIFORNIA Joe Garcia Vance McAllister Julia Brownley Lois Capps Patrick Murphy MAINE Tony Cárdenas Michael Michaud Susan Davis Tom Rooney Chellie Pingree Anna Eshoo Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Sam Farr Debbie Wasserman MARYLAND Michael Honda Schultz Elijah Cummings Duncan Hunter Donna Edwards Barbara Lee John Sarbanes Zoe Lofgren GEORGIA Chris Van Hollen Doris Matsui Hank Johnson Tom McClintock John Lewis MASSACHUSETTS Grace Napolitano Michael Capuano Scott Peters IDAHO Stephen Lynch Lucille Roybal-Allard Michael Simpson James McGovern Linda Sánchez Richard Neal Loretta Sanchez ILLINOIS John Tierney Adam Schiff Danny Davis Niki Tsongas Brad Sherman Luis Gutiérrez Mike Thompson Dan Lipinski MICHIGAN Henry Waxman Mike Quigley John Conyers Janice Schakowsky John Dingell COLORADO Brad Schneider Sander Levin Mike Coffman Aaron Schock Gary Peters Diana DeGette Jared Polis INDIANA MINNESOTA André Carson Keith Ellison CONNECTICUT Peter Visclosky Betty McCollum Joe Courtney Rick Nolan Rosa DeLauro IOWA Erik Paulsen Elizabeth Esty Dave Loebsack Collin Peterson Jim Himes Tim Walz John Larson

All Members of the House of Representatives are encouraged to join the Congressional Arts Caucus. For more information, please contact Stefanie Winzeler in the office of Congresswoman Louise Slaughter at (202) 225-3615 or [email protected], or Anna Pellecchia in the office of Congressman Leonard Lance at (202) 225-5361 or [email protected]. THE CONGRESSIONAL ARTS CAUCUS (CONTGene.) Green

MISSISSIPPI NORTHERN MARIANA TEXAS (cont.) Gregg Harper ISLANDS Sheila Jackson-Lee Gregorio Sablan Eddie Bernice Johnson MISSOURI Pete Olson Wm. “Lacy” Clay, Jr. OHIO Beto O’Rourke Marcia Fudge Lamar Smith NEBRASKA Marcy Kaptur Marc Veasey Lee Terry Timothy Ryan Steve Stivers UTAH NEVADA Jason Chaffetz Dina Titus OREGON Jim Matheson Earl Blumenauer NEW HAMPSHIRE Suzanne Bonamici VERMONT Ann Kuster Peter DeFazio Peter Welch Carol Shea-Porter Kurt Schrader VIRGIN ISLANDS NEW JERSEY PENNSYLVANIA Donna Christensen Rush Holt Robert Brady Leonard Lance Charles Dent VIRGINIA Frank LoBiondo Michael Doyle Gerry Connolly Frank Pallone Michael Fitzpatrick James Moran Bill Pascrell, Jr. Jim Gerlach Robert Scott Donald Payne, Jr. Tim Murphy Allyson Schwartz WASHINGTON Glenn Thompson Suzan DelBene NEW MEXICO Derek Kilmer Ben Luján PUERTO RICO Rick Larsen Pedro Pierluisi Jim McDermott NEW YORK David Reichert Tim Bishop RHODE ISLAND Adam Smith Yvette Clarke David Cicilline Eliot Engel James Langevin WEST VIRGINIA Michael Grimm Shelley Moore Capito Brian Higgins SOUTH CAROLINA David McKinley Nita Lowey James Clyburn Nick Rahall Dan Maffei Joe Wilson Carolyn Maloney WISCONSIN Jerrold Nadler TENNESSEE Ron Kind Charles Rangel Steve Cohen Tom Petri José Serrano Jim Cooper Mark Pocan Louise Slaughter Phil Roe Reid Ribble Paul Tonko TEXAS WYOMING NORTH CAROLINA Lloyd Doggett Cynthia Lummis Mike McIntyre Kay Granger David Price Al Green

All Members of the House of Representatives are encouraged to join the Congressional Arts Caucus. For more information, please contact Stefanie Winzeler in the office of Congresswoman Louise Slaughter at (202) 225-3615 or [email protected], or Anna Pellecchia in the office of Congressman Leonard Lance at (202) 225-5361 or [email protected].