Set roboto android

Continue I hear this often nowadays: Roboto is the default type of font. But how do you use this type of font by default? What I am referring to in particular is that in the old days, when I used to download assets, etc., I used to specify such things as roboto_bold/item/roboto_thin roboto_thin_italic roboto_light roboto_light_italic roboto_regular roboto_italic roboto_medium roboto_medium_italic roboto_bold roboto_bold_italic roboto_black roboto_black_italic roboto_condensed_light roboto_condensed_light_italic roboto_condensed_regular roboto_condensed_italic roboto_condensed_bold roboto_condensed_bold_italic roboto_slab_thin roboto_slab_light roboto_slab_regular roboto_slab_bold item? This is for future people working on the same issue as me. Use the following two codes together to actually make it run smoothly. I got a solution from the stackoverflow, but they didn't list the answers together. RobotoTextView Public Class Expands TextView Context - Context; Public context RobotoTextView (Context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) - super (context, attrs, defStyle); this.context - context; - Public invalid setTypeface ( tf, int style) - if (!isInEditMode()) - if (style - Typeface.NORMAL) - super.setTypeface (TypeFaceProvider.getTypeFace (getContext).), backgrounds/Roboto-Light.ttf))) IR) - super.setTypeface (TypeFaceProvider.getTypeFace (getContext); )) - otherwise if (style No Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC) - super.setTypeface (TypeFaceProvider.getTypeFace (getContext),), backgrounds/Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf);; Typeface , typeface, typeface, typeface, fileName - Typeface tempTypeface - sTypeFaces.get (fileName); If (tempTypeface - null) - tempTypeface - Typeface.createFromAsset (context.getAssets,), fileName); sTypeFaces.put (fileName, tempTypeface); I have to add Roboto bold font style to my text review. How to implement it in the studio android. Do I need to add a family of from the outside, or is it possible to add it internally? I don't know what to do? Can you help me solve this problem? Android字体设置 // ⾃定义字体sfully - the new TextView (it);/xx.ttf, located in assets/fonts/fonts. Custom Font Typeface uses TTF font to customize fonts We can put ttf font files into the program and font to customize fonts in the program. The first step is to create a new font catalog under the assats catalog and put the tf font file here. Step 2, called in the program: AssetManager mgr'getAssets (); Get AssetManagerTypeface tf? Typeface.createFromAsset (mgr, fonts/ttf.ttf); Get Typefacetv.setTypeface (tf) according to the trajectory; Set font 2. Use android:textStyle bold in xml files to set English in bold, however, Chinese cannot be set in bold: TextView TV s (TextView) findViewById (; tv.getPaint (.setFakeBoldText (admittedly); Chinese imitation bold - setFakeBoldText is set to correct the use of the imitation TextPaint bold. Reference: // xml Android:fontFamily use From Android 4.1 / 4.2, available the following family of roboto fonts: android: fontFamily ssans- // roboto regularandroid: font Family ssans-serif-light // roboto lightandroid: fontfami / roboto-coreandroid: fontFamilysans-serif-thin / roboto thin (android 4.2) with Android: textStyle italic these 12 options are possible: RegularItalicBoldBold-italic Light-italicCondensed regularCondensed FontFamily has the same built-in Android font, that and android:typeface: normalsansserifmonospace See: TextView. Android Developers 3atypeface How to change the textView font in Android - Stack Overflow Android System Fonts (/system/fonts): AndroidClock.ttfAndroidClock_ Highlight.ttfAndroidClock_ Solid.ttf Android Emoji.ttfClockopia.ttfDroidNaskh-Regular.ttfDroid NaskhUI-Regular.ttfDroid .ttfDroid Sans Ethiopic-General.ttfDroidSansFallback.ttfDroidSansGeorgian.ttfDroid Sans Hebrew- fDroidSerif-Italic.ttfDroidSerif-Regular.ttfMTLmr3m.tRoboto-Bold.ttfRobOto-Bold talic.ttfRoboto-Light.ttfRoboto-LightItalic.ttfRoboto-General.ttfRoboto-Thin.ttfRoboto-ThinItalic.ttfRobotoCondensed-Bold. ttfRobotoCondensed-BoldItalic.ttfRobotoCondensed-Italic.ttfRobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf Finally, after years of dreams and prayers, the outer fonts are fully supported in Android. To the fullest I mean you can use it directly in XML, add them to styles, create your own family font. There are the same fonts through from the app. That's great! Yes, I enjoy a bit of this lightweight font instead of. To. Write a custom extension class of necessary browsing just to make the font you like, what a pain it was! I'm happy and this post will make you happy, so let's dive right into the code. Yeaaahhhh! Scream of joy! No more of this stupid method: custom fonts in Android using a custom class. Just some random fonts of custom fonts in Android With Android 8.0, fonts in XML was introduced. This means that fonts can be used as resources. Simply add a font file to the font folder in the resource catalog. Good people, let's go. Open the resource folder, create a new folder font. Inside it is easy to copy all the fonts you want. For this project, I added montserrat fonts. I love them they're as sexy as I am. And now you can just create styles for your Android App and use style wherever you want. For example, create this style: now all you have to do is simply use this style, the style name of AccentTitleTextStyle parent title_text_size @dimen. @font/montserrat_bold/item name:@color/colorAccent/lt/gt; where you want to go through from your Android app, provided you add montserrat_bold font to the font. If you want the default font via the Android App without applying to each view, then you can just add a font to your default theme app like this: Now you'll be !-- Base Application theme. --> <style name=AppTheme parent=Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar> <!-- Customize your theme here. ----lt;item name/colorPrimary/gt;@color/colorPrimary/lt;item/item-name-colorPrimaryDark/@color/colorPrimaryDark/lt;lt;item/item @color/colorAccent/gt; item name:@font/montserrat_bold/item/gt; to have a font mentioned in fontFamily property. But this will only allow one font, wouldn't it be nice if we could create a family of fonts and change it by simply installing the fontStyle property the same way we do now with the default Roboto font? Yes, it would. And yes, we can! Yaahhh. It's good to get back on the ground and create a new XML file in the font folder. I'll just call it a montserrat, like all the fonts I have belong to the montserrat family. Okay, let's insiiddee file montserrat.xml: qlt;?xml version?1.0 encoding'utf-8?'lt;lt;family xmlns:android' q xmlns:app' android:@font/montserrat_regular q android:fontstyle'normal q android:fontweight'400 q app:font'@font/montserrat_regular app:fontstyle'normal > <font ></font ></font-family> ></font-family> android:fontStyleitalic Android:fontWeight400 app:font'@font/montserrat_light_italic app:fontStyleitalic app:fontWeight400 /'gt;So Simple, now if you use this file as a fontFamily in style and use this style in views, then you can just enter fontStyle and your look will use montserrat_light_italic as a style. To use this in the Android version as low as 4.1 (API level 16), you'll need to use the support library of the zgt; 26. App:font lines are more so than your fonts can be used in versions below API 26. Here it is. Go, cry tears of joy and use your favorite font in your app! If you have any problems, feel free to comment below. I'll help, I'm happy. :D We can earn commissions for purchases made on our links. It's easy to overlook the importance of fonts in software design, especially when it comes to designing graphical user interfaces. Unfortunately though, even the best fonts ever created, including (perhaps the most popular no-frills font ever created), would turn into porridge if they were scanned and used on computers as is, as they were created for printing. A good GUIs , especially those that power , require fonts that size smoothly and readable and appealing, whether used in tiny battery counters or in blown home screen widgets; and making a font recognizable on every scale on a digital screen is no longer a practical impossibility. Adobe managed to do this with the source pro family of fonts, Apple created San Francisco, and came up with Google Sans and Roboto. What is even more commendable, however, is that the latter has slowly become a favorite for amateurs and professionals alike, having been worn everywhere, from magazines to billboards because of its libra of nature. Introduction and initial failure When Roboto was first introduced by Google way back with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich in 2011 along with the language of Holo design, free fonts were basically a joke. Most of them would be amateur or abandoned professional projects or adaptations of popular print fonts, and they often have some flaw that would disrupt the functionality of any project they were used in. To make matters worse, despite the fact that Google and Christian Robertson (leading designer of Roboto) wanted the public to believe, the font had almost no of its own character and received criticism from many magazines and giants. For example, Mirko Humbert of Typography Daily has done a great job covering this in his article on Roboto.With Roboto, Google has often been accused of ripping off classics like DIN, and Univers are fonts that can be found on the streets almost everywhere you go. It is also worth noting that the main competitor of Android then, then, used a modified version of Helvetica (Neue) to handle its text display. Despite minor controversy, Android continued to use this version of Roboto as the main font of the system until Android 4.4 KitKat, which will be the last major release to use the Holo theme. What was next was the game changing in many ways, and his Roboto treatment was one of them. and Roboto 2014In response to initial criticism, Robertson announced Roboto's work in progress, and returned to the drawing board. With the release of Android 5.0 Lollipop, Google has unveiled its new design language called Material Design, which will grow to become synonymous with all kinds of guIs on Android. Part of this big renovation was the font, which was accessible and geometric, being able to convey a lot of information in a small space, and completely reinvented Roboto played a role. A sample image from the blog showing the differences between the old and 2014 Roboto versions. This version of Roboto was fresh: it had its own visual identity, it looked spectacular both on screen and in print, and its source code was released to the public along with a free for commercial use license. What was once criticized for shamelessly copying the upper register of Helvetica R now had a unique R-glyph in its place. Roboto now also had a high density of information - that is, glyphs were readable, but narrow enough to form more words in a given area of the screen than most other fonts. Soon, the new Roboto became a feature of the Android operating system and other Google software projects, with a sleek, thin version that adorns the OS lock screen, an easy option working in many third-party app interfaces and Layers themes, and a friendlier regular option found elsewhere. Two new families of the common font were also released: Roboto Condensed with even higher density of information, designed for use with small elements and wearable devices, and Roboto Slab for more book-based use of the readability of the original font. Along with the adoption of this new font came the rise in popularity of services such as and Belka font, platforms that offer completely free font files for personal and commercial purposes as designers began downloading more high-quality fonts under open source licenses, in particular encouraged by Robertson's success in making free fonts disrupt the outt-expensive printing industry. Soon enough, even the most experienced designers found themselves using Roboto with branded font files, both for digital and print purposes. and BeyondWith Android 9.0 Pie, Google started replacing some text elements in GUI with Google Sans, a modified version of Google's branding-oriented products without. Unlike Roboto, Google Sans is the property and be used in any third-party projects outside of those deployed on the Android operating system. While Google Sans has even friendlier and more geometric behavior, the regular Roboto option continues to be used as the main font for anything other than beaters throughout the OS, due to poor readability of the first in smaller sizes and the lack of a clear distinction between glyphs. Comparison of Roboto, Roboto Condensed and Google Sans. Note that there is no difference between the lower L register and the upper register of i glyphs in the latter. And now, as is actively pushing for universal availability and ease of use, the compact and easy-to-use font as Roboto continues to be the best option Google has going forward for fonts for the GUI operating system. And yet, Google seems to be slowly replacing it with Google Sans with each new iteration of the OS and material theme, drawing even more flak from users for a design language that many consider broken. The robot was last updated in 2018 on its GitHub and can be downloaded from Google Fonts. 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