Land Acquisition CEW Appendices

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Land Acquisition CEW Appendices MANHATTAN Dfsffift RY m i m BOOK I - G E M VOLUME 10 - LAUD ACQUISITION. CEW n a- APPENDAPPENDICES ICES , /, , . a J t x - vj. io ' CLASSIFICATION CANCELLED DATE ________ For The Atomic Energy Commission • 7 4 i h '■ - A j c Chief, DectassifjcoHow Branch V CONFIRMED TO BE UNCLASSIFIED DOE OFFICE OF NUCLEAR AND mmkrtMi msmict histost NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION ^ V o c V j . DC, IDR nATF- >p-(3-<g- BOOK I - OTSHAL vouqbe xo - uao acquis in oir cm A p p m m c m H3751 0 R 0 8 b ± 02 M A T M DISTRICT SISIOEY BOOS' I - QBKSIX. TOWJME 10 - U l® ACQUISITION CET APPEKDIX "A” MAPS Tltl® Classification of laM by Utilisation Classification of land by Type of Ownership Classification of laud fey Typo of Prssent Control Area Map of Clinton Engineer Works L ____.___. v.Hicr SSBSZSSsSJw? §P . I JUfft f»45 R E S T & ^ L i) / j :' sm § 3 ® i ltfgp § M m M 6"\ ' i - ’ s i .. U s ]l<3 V-1i^'>V jlj° Vy~»ss^’ " ' HBjaBSL-. yALlg.V___ mUem Hi SSH B C TM £ SCHEME FOR DESIGNATING UTILIZATION C R O P LAND........ PASTURE LAND FOREST LAND... ORCHARD LAND R ESlkiJlr.n CUM TOM ENGINEER WORKS) ' IfeijSgS a O* ^sotiwi SCHEME FOR DESIGNATING UTILIZATION CROP LAND....................................k l S S E l i PASTURE LANO............ ........... 1 ' 1 WAR DEPARTMENT FOREST LAND................................felfeSI OHIO RIVER OtVISION U. S. ENGINEERS ORCHARD LAND............................H M i 3 CLASSIFICATION OF LAND BY UTILIZATION _ RESIRiJTiiD A v' AOAO •N• (T ..., , ..•.. - ..... .. / '· - ...: ••4 .. .......... ~ ... •• • .. ~"~ ~ t • ·:· :~~·.:·:·· ••·· · · ·· ••••••• • ••LLU ~·· - • •• • ~• · ••'•••t·.'• ••·l'.S..'. .... ,. ....• •'~ · ······ ·· · .l':~ ,IJ'. .,-"'· •·,~,. ;•' ~·•,• •• • ••••1.,....--- ·~ ·~ •.... ~n..n • >- • .••• ;~[} .:\.-, •• •'r'!! . '·.· ___... i \ .... >- • .. ~ ' ·~ .,-; :f ~ ~,.. • : .t·~ ··~ .o.: O' ::> w , q; ·· ~,... : •. 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ENGINEERS GANIZATION* Church 8 Lodge r z z j CLINTON ENGINEER WORKS HARRIMAN, TENNESSEE CLASSIFICATION OF LAND BY TYPE OF OWNERSHIP SCALE IN MILES z ACCCSS ROAD "N" ( UE INS£T MAI') ___ ........... , ...~· ......f .s, ... ..... •. ..f()ljlt~ .. .. .f I I JUNE 1145 FE E .....................................................|_________ | LEASE............................................. W A R D E P EASEMENT.....................................I I OHIO RIVE PERMIT,'......................................... IS -iig jg a - a yf U. S. E N G CLINTON ENGI HARRIMAN, CLASSI FICAT BY TYPE OF PRE SCALEC EXHIBIT SCHEME FOR DESIGNATING r « > CONTROL < p FEE ..... .............. I_________| l e a s e ........... r r s s a WAR DEPARTM ENT EASEMENT.....................................f OHIO RIVER DIVISION PERMIT.............................................f c S S g g l U. S. ENGINEERS CLINTON ENGINEER WORKS HARRIMAN, TENNESSEE CLASSIFICATION OF LAN BY TYPE OF PRESENT i -K. SCALE OF MILES -/ . ._) ·. ' ·~, .., , :, . ' ·. ... •. ... '--- -- ' •. I I ·::- . ' ' · . ; . .. '\ . .. .. ' ·-· ' · .. .. '~ .... ·. ·,. { ·· ...... .· . ·.. ., ·. •. 1 ... ·. .. 4 '1--1 ·' ·-- / .. ·- -. ! ··.: •. ""-- I .· - ...... .. ·. ; ... \ ' ,_ ' ... ._, -~ ~-.,:--. \ '~ .. ( '· .I ,fl• ... ; .... .· ' .. :"· ·. ·-... :·· ... .. .... ' '•, B A s u m i r d i s t r i c t h i s t o r y BOOK I - QEjm&L volume 10 - LASp acquisition cm APPEBDIX *8" 1 . DISIXJTIVSD A®> I ^ m m S T IETTERS JSo» m i * H 20 tfopteaber 1942, RB-D 1707 1 -b 14 June 19439 KB-D 1707-* l~ c 3 July 1943, EB-D 1707-A 1 -d 15 J u ly 1943, RB-D 1707-3 1-e 25 Sopteafoor 1943, RE-D 1707-C l ~ f 0 Pobruary 1944, RE-0 2858 s 1 -g 3 torch 1944, B&-D 2908 1 -h 19 April 1944, RE-D 2903-A .. vH 1* -1* 2 May 1944, RE-D 2959-A m , i - j 4 Aug Vet 1914, RS-D 2908-B : • '' ' > . 1 ■ . ■'} l - k 29 Aurust 1944, S&*D 4111 1 -1 26 February 1945, RE-D 4111-A l « o 23 May 1945, RE-D 4111-B 2 -a Pro teat of Site Selection by iendowner 2 -b Request frara Congresaiaan for Aid in Relocating Landowner 2-o Report of George S* Farrell, Department of Agriculture, on Land Acquisition Procedure 2 -d isequost frosi Congresaraan to Pom it Owners to salVage I:nprow*snt6 So# Title 2-o Letter fron Congreaoaan Pertaining to Alleged Statements by d. H* itoEensio 2-f Correspondence Porta ini n~ to Relocation of IIi$:sways 2-g Correspondence Pertaining to Crop Harvesting in Area 2-h fJovspaper Clipping and Correspondence Relating to Congressional Investigation 2-i Correspondence relative to Plano for Military Affairs Committee Investigation 2-j I&wapaer Clipping, Knoxville Sews Sentinel, 12 August 1945, and Related Correspondence. 2-k Correspondence Relating to Crop Gathering In Project 2-1 Correspondence Relatiire to Anderson County*s Solway Bridge 2-n Letter, Subject* “Investigation of land Acquisition, Clinton Engineer Works" 2-n Correspondence Relating to Rarrixaan Power Department, Polo Lime Relocation 2-o Correspondence Relative to Losing Solmy and Edgaaoor Bridges 2-p Letter froa Office, Chief of Engine era to Orrln fhackor. 2-q Reports by Project Mamger of Prooeodinga, House Military Affairs Sub-Coaaitteo I /*•— i y . v 'jlj J,C* S } s y . ConaeoutTve No* RE-D 1707 j i v ' < ' s y/ September 30, 1942 ORD w Ke- •$t& D E P A R H E N T OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS WASHINGTON f CE 601*1 (Kingston, Tenn,)SFELA •• j * September 29, 1942 > SUBJECTt Acquisition in Fee of Approximately 56,200 Acres Of Land Near Kingston, Tennessee,/for Demolition Range# : T x * TO i The Comnanding General, Services of Supplyi, 1* There is a military necessity for the acquisition of land indicated under subject above, and described more in detail in paragraph 2, below* 2« Description of land and other pertinent data are as follows* a* BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND* The area to be aoquired is looated in Anderson and Roane Counties near Kingston, Tennessee, and is outlined in heavy blue line on the attaohed map marked "Directive Map"* b* PROPOSED USEt For use as a demolition range* c* ACREAGE INVOLVEDi Approximately 56,200 aores of land, d. ESTIMATED COSTi |3,500,000* e. ME TIED OF ACQUISITION* Condemnation for fee simple title* f. REMARKS* It is noted that the perimeter description covers 56,200, acres, while the approval is of the area on the site map but mentions the arpa as 45,000 aores# • 3* The determination of a military neoessity is based upon the reooiw- mondation of the Deputy Chief, Construction Division, Corps of Engineer#, September 19, 1942, * ' - . 1,1 . jf ■<' k !■ * 4* Funds for this acquisition are available from appropriations for Engineer Service«-Army* ' ' •" "• - * 5* It is reoonsaanded that the Under Seoretary of ?hr be informed that ; a military neoessity exists for the abovjS-*o»ntioned acquisition, and that he bo requested to authBflza this' office to aoquire fee stable title to said land* • ' ■ ' ‘I ■ • . ' ■ . • / 1• . ' • . »* . • ' *. • ‘ . '..X' T93MAS If* ROBIN®, Major General, ^Acting Chief of lagl&erie 2 inols, ' A I. , WM * Memo 9/19/4* Katoii'kVfr * Directive M a p . ^ | j •, V;/ SUBJECT; Land Acquisition - Acquisition in Fee of Approximately 56,200 Acres of Land Noar Kingston, Tennessee, for Demolition Range# 1st Ind. War Department, Headquarters, Services of Supply, September £9, 1942. Tos The Under Secretary of War* 1. The Secretary of War directs that you be informed that a military necessity exists for the acquisition of the land referred to in the basic communication. For the Commanding General* W. D. STYER, Major General, G. S. C., Chief of Staff. 2 Incls. n/c 2nd Ind• >• Office of the Under Secretary of War, September 29, 1942. Toi Chief of Engineers. • * ' * ' ' ' • • 1. For acquisition of land in accordance vrith Section'VII; Circular No. 47, W. D. 1942. By direction of the Under Secretary of Wari * • MARION I0J3HT0N,' • Colonel, J.'A,C.D., > Assistant Exeoutive. 2 Incls, xi/o 1943 ■f.flMPaWIJ AL RIM) 2707 k JULIUS r fDcHlFPv ? WAR DEPARTMENT
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