US $2.00 CLAN WALLACE SOCIETY WORLDWIDE Am fear-gléidhidh “The Guardian”— Published by the Clan Wallace Society Worldwide. Founded 1966.

Autumn 2004 Vol 38, No 3 CWS Contacts From the Desk of the President

OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Greetings Again Fel- mation on these two important new C/o John R. Wallace low Clan Society projects will be forth coming in early 4327 Gadwell Place Members! 2005. I am sure that you will all be Virginia Beach, VA 23462-4810 excited about the projected benefits of PH: 757-495-8194 As you read this fall their implementation. CEL: 757-270-8239 edition of the Society Email: [email protected] Newsletter, most of Also at the ADM, I was privileged to us are finishing up be able to present to Past President EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT the 2004 Highland Marcus J. Wallace and to Past Presi- C/o William J. Wallace Games and Scottish dent JoAnne Wallace McIntosh indi- 3060 N Diego St Festival Season and now turn our vidual Lifetime Achievement Awards Mesa, AZ 85215-0705 thoughts to the Holiday Season which consisting of a Pewter Quaich and a Email: [email protected] approaches rapidly. This was a busy framed Certificate. Both of these ac- year for your President. I was able to tive Board Members are highly de- GLEIDHIDH EDITOR attend 13 Festivals and Games held all serving of these awards. They have C/o Tom E.S. Wallace over the United States this year. Need- both contributed greatly to our Society 50 Cavalier Drive less to say, I had a great time at each of over the past many years. Well Done, Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia them. JoAnne and Marcus! Canada B4C 3K3 PH: 902-252-2653 This past quarter has been very busy for The most important item for the next Email: [email protected] your Board of Directors and Officers. At month or so will be finalization of our the Annual Directors Meeting in McPher- plans for the “Clan Wallace Society CWS MEMBERSHIP CHAIR son, Kansas, in September, we wel- Gathering” to in August C/o Richard (Dick) A. Wallace comed aboard a new Board Member, 2005. I am informed that we have 728 East 19th Street Robert Bruce Wallace, from California, almost filled the first busload on the Marysville, CA 95901-4438 who will be replacing longtime Director tour. Time is getting short, so if any of PH: 530-743-1060 and good friend, Richard A. Wallace. Bob you are interested, you need to con- Email: [email protected] will be taking over the responsibilities of tact Bay World Travel very soon. This Treasurer in January 2005. Dick and his is going to be an opportunity of a life- SOCIETY SECRETARY lovely wife, Janice, will, however, con- time. I hope to see you there. C/o Kay Cayler tinue to serve the Society as Membership 510 Spruce St Chairs. It was decided at the ADM that I have unfortunately had to terminate Dixon, CA 95620-3742 Kay Cayler from California will remain the Wallace Merchandise Mail Order PH: 707-678-2448 our Secretary for the next year and that Project that was previously an- Email: [email protected] William J. Wallace from Arizona will take nounced in the Clan Newsletter. I the Executive Vice President position, never have received orders for the relieving Wayne Jones, who will soon fill minimums required to make an order. the new position on the Board as Special No further orders will be accepted. Inside This Issue Projects Director. I have the honor and Sorry, we tried. privilege of continuing as your President for 2005. As I finish my letter to you, let me An Evening with Randall Wallace 2 send along my Very Best Wishes for a During the Annual Director’s Meeting in Wonderful Holiday Season to all of New Members 3 McPherson, KS, the Board finalized the you and your families. I look forward All Things Wallace 4-6 plans for a new Recognition Program for to seeing many of you in 2005 in my the Society and is moving forward toward travels and on the tour. Flowers of the Forest 5 a new Annual Membership Category for Lifetime Achievement Awards 5 the Society. The Society Council Mem- Pro Libertate! bers approved the By Laws Amendment John R. Wallace Wallace Heritage Center Planned 7 during the September Balloting for the President, Clan Wallace Society 2005 ADM Site & Date Announced 8 new membership changes. Specific infor- PAGE 2 AM FEAR-GLÉIDHIDH AUTUMN 2004 Two Special Evenings in the Company of the CWS’ Own Randall Wallace

The event closed with Randall spending well over an hour graciously autograph- ing his new book Love and Honor, a historical novel about an American of Scots descent who is sent by Benjamin Franklin to the court of Catherine The Great to prevent Russian troops from assisting the British Army defeat the American Revolution. A local book store sold more than 400 copies at the event.

Between the movie and the question and answer session, Ben Howard did a wonderful job representing CWS when he presented Randall with a copy of The Book of Wallace and a new CWS life membership certificate. But Ben could- n’t convince him that Ben should play the lead when Love and Honor is made into a movie. SAMS Post 48 presented Randall with a SAMS medal and certifi- cate. Afterwards, several CWS mem- bers went to dinner (photo below).

Randall Wallace (center) at dinner with CWS friends. Photo: Michelle Campbell/Norma Wallace. Ben Wallace summed up the CWS ex- perience with Randall Wallace in AZ in a On the 19th and 22nd August 2004, CWS Vegas, NV, leaving at 0300 hours to note to our president with, “A true and members from Arizona and Nevada had make the 1100 hours event. Howard honest gentleman of the highest or- a quite a treat. Randall Wallace, who Sloane drove up from Tucson, AZ and der. It was an honor and pleasure to wrote the screen plays for Braveheart, was joined by his daughter Rana. Wil- meet him.” We Were Soldiers, Pearl Harbor and liam H. Wallace and Almeda came from The Man in The Iron Mask, visited the Mesa, AZ. After the showing of Brave- Submitted by Bill J. Wallace Phoenix area. He wrote, produced and heart, Randall had a question and an- Director and Convenor, CWS directed the last three titles. On Thurs- swer session for the audience. Again, he Mesa, AZ day evening (August 19th), Randall was sincere and humble, not at all the hosted two CWS members, two mem- stereotypical Hollywood citizen. bers of Post 48, Scottish American Mili- tary Society (SAMS) and the Phoenix Director of USVETS, a national organi- zation that assists homeless vets return to society, to a casual dinner. Randall is a humble and down-to-earth Wallace who made it a point to have private con- versations with everyone. He had great stories to tell concerning his moving experience at the atop Abbey Craig outside of Stirling and his humorous encounter with the ticket seller at the entrance to Edinburgh Cas- tle. The photo above is of Bill Redpath (A Wallace), Commander of SAMS Post 48, CWS members Norma & Bill Wal- lace of Mesa, AZ, and Ben & Cathy Howard of Gilbert, AZ after dinner.

On Sunday Randall had a special show- ing of his own copy of Braveheart at a local theater. The event was a sell out with some folks turned away by the theater management because there were no seats left. Rick Pawlowski and (L to R) Bill J. Wallace of Mesa, AZ; Cathy & Ben Wallace of Gilbert, AZ; Rick Pawlowski and Mike Steele drove all the way from Las Mike Steele, both of Las Vegas, NV; and Bill H. & Almeda Wallace, also of Mesa, AZ. PAGE 3 AM FEAR-GLÉIDHIDH AUTUMN 2004 Letter to the Editor New Members

Dear Tom: as I can't afford to let them grow ram- On behalf of Ian Francis Wallace of that Ilk,

pant on my land either. The thistles are 35th Chief of Clan Wallace, the President Thank you very much for my first issue so beautiful -- I do enjoy them before and the Board of Directors welcome the of Am fear-gléidhidh! I am enjoying the they have to go, though! forty-three individuals listed below to the colorful clan Wallace Society member- Clan Council and to our Society, respec- ship certificate and information that you It was fun to see the relay team in . tively. Ciad mile failte! sent. It was wonderful to read more Every year for the past 3 years I have about the upcoming trip. I was in most of participated in the "Great Kilted Run" in LIFE TO COUNCIL UPGRADE those locations last September or I Seattle. It is a young festival, growing Joanne Elizabeth Wallace, would surely sign up. I would dearly love each year, and wearing a is re- Yankee Hill, CA to return and see them all again, but do quired, although standards for the kilt Donald E. Wallace, Yorba Linda, CA not think it will be possible to schedule are lenient. There are booths and food two trips of a lifetime so close together! and dancers and music. It is great fun to COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP:

be piped off as we cross the start line, Gregor James McFarland, Salida, CO I was interested in the the nettlecloth and run in over the finish line with wav- William Edward Wallace, article. Wish I had known; I could have ing bystanders and kilted pipers piping Grand Junction, CO shipped some to Lochcarron! I just took us in! Joshua Wallace Hamilton, Etna, NH a pickup truck load of nettles to the

County dump earlier this week (after Thanks again for getting me on board LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP: rendering them dead and, hopefully, so quickly. Timothy A. Powell, Huntsville, AL sterile, with Roundup before cutting William Leslie Redpath, Surprise, AZ them. I sure didn't want to put them in Sincerely, Dixie L. Hall, Fairfield, CA my mulch pile! Sorry to tell you that in Nancy Lovell Jennifer L. Hall, Fairfield, CA the same truckload I had a bunch of Issaquah, WA Leslie A. Hall, Fairfield, CA absolutely gorgeous Scottish Thistles, Abigail G. Mungle, Fairfield, CA Lee Ander Foster V, Marysville, CA James Edward Wallace III, 2004 ADM Is Declared “A Success” Sacramento, CA Stephen L. Wallace, Menlo Park, CA Stephen H. Wallace, Palisade, CO The Annual Directors Meeting was held company, visiting together and renewing Gary S. Brinkworth, Tallahassee, FL 25 & 26 September 2004 at old friendships. Newly-elected Director Susan Bailey Simons, Winston, GA McPherson, Kansas. Past President Robert “Bob” Bruce Wallace and his Tricia Wallace, Epworth, GA Marcus “Jim” Wallace reports that “the wife, Lois, were made welcome by the Vic Wallace, Atlanta, GA weather was beautiful with a hint of fall. Board. A refreshing surprise was the Lindsey Lovic Wallace, Marietta, GA The site was a city park in downtown number of pipe and drum bands that Christine Wallace Reilly, W Frankfort, IL McPherson with large spreading trees participated in these games. The Etta Wallace Allender, Gypsum, KS and a small lake. The CWS site was companionship was outstanding, the June D. Wallace, Louisville, KY next to the tent for competitive dancing weather cooperative and the work Robin Lynn Wallace, Louisville, KY and was under a very large tree, so accomplished impressive. All in all, it Bret W. Bennett, Crofton, MD large that the Society’s two tents side was a very successful meeting. Michael J. Jackonis, Boyds, MD by side did not extend all the way from Joshua J. Rockwell, Grand Rapids, MI the trunk to the edge of the tree. It was Dr. David O’Dell Clevenger, Glendive, MT cool and shaded and could not have Charles Robert Wood, Lexington, NC been in a better location. The local Michael D. Rusk, Tulsa, OK committee had arranged for us to meet Sherry Sherer, The Dalles, OR in the Lakeside cabin on the grounds. Susan Ripley Leppard, Mechanicsburg, PA Dennis Clark and the rest of the local Dale J. Leppard, Mechanicsburg, PA committee were accommodating and Richard W. Wallace, Sr., Liverpool, PA responsive. These are not large games Dr. Bernard L. Allen, Conway, SC and so there were only eight people Patricia Crocker, Houston, TX who signed the book. Etta Wallace Kelly R. Wallace, Wharton, TX Allender of Gypsum, KS, who became a Pamela “Red” Hughes, Austin, TX member on the spot. There was also Ramsey Jouejati Wallace, McLean, VA one existing member, Linda Wallace, Adam Jouejati Wallace, McLean, VA who visited the tent with her children, Kim Raat, Richmond, VA Danielle, Jacob, Nathan, and Sarah. (L to R): Dick A. Wallace (CA), Treasurer Robert “Bob” Bruce Wallace (CA), President Michael E. Raat, Richmond, VA The members of the Board in Kathryn R. Raat, Richmond, VA attendance and their spouses had John R. Wallace (VA), EVP Bill J. Wallace (AZ) holding Sierra, Secretary Kay Cayler dinner together on Friday and Saturday (CA), Marcus “Jim” Wallace (TX), Charles M. There are presently 1,022 evening at Montana Mike's Restaurant Wallace (GA), Jean R. Wallace (AR), Wayne and they enjoyed each other’s Jones (WV), and JoAnne McIntosh (TX). members of the Clan Wallace. AUTUMN 2004 AM FEAR-GLÉIDHIDH PAGE 4 “All Things Wallace” — Convenors’ News and Members’ Contributions

contributor to help them return to discovered a tie to Elizabeth Virginia for another win. The band is an IRS 501 Wallace - better known as Bess Truman. (c)(3) non-profit foundation and donations The book has taken 25 years of can be tax deductible.” research, but does not pretend to be all inclusive or the final word on the Clan 49th Grandfather Mountain Highland and Family.” For more information, Games and Gathering of Scottish Clans please contact Doug directly at President John Wallace announces that [email protected]. Clan Wallace returned to the field at th 1st Place Winners: The High Desert Pipes and Grandfather Mountain on 8-11 July 2004 6 Annual Triad Drums, official band of the CWS, posing with to join 100 other Clans and 18 Societies This year’s Triad Games was sited at Miss Albuquerque at Rio Rancho (NM) for a beautiful weekend in the North beautiful Bryan Park just North of Carolina Mountains. He writes, “New Clan Greensboro, North Carolina on 20-21 Rio Rancho Highland Games Convenors Russ and Marcia Harper August 2004. President John Wallace and Scottish/Irish Festival represented submits that “This moderate sized Bill J. and Norma Wallace of Mesa, AZ, the Clan Festival hosted 5 Pipe Bands and a attended the Rio Rancho (AZ) Highland Society well complete set of heavy athletic events, a Games & Scottish/Irish Festival on the and signed up weekend of 26-27 June 2004. Bill writes, 7 new “In 2002, then president Jim Wallace Members proclaimed the HDPD as the official CWS during the Pipe Band. Several members have been event from individual contributors to the band for the 68 several years. The HDPD won the Grad Wallace IVB world championship in Glasgow at Family groups the 1999 competition. In 2004 the band that visited will again compete in Glasgow during the Tent. As August in addition to its schedule of usual the Western U.S Pipe Band Competition Festivities schedule. At the Rio Rancho (NM) were filled Highland Games and Scottish/Irish with beautiful Festival on 26-27 June, 2004 the band CWS Member Destin Fritz highland Clan Wallace on the field at the 6th Triad HG continued its winning ways and its music, tradition of supporting the CWS. The exciting competitions, and ceremony. solo piping competition, as well as band placed first in Grade IV competition New Member Destin Fritz, a young Scottish Dancing and a Golf and played at the CWS tent, not once but Wallace high school student from Tournament. Co-Convenors, Russ and twice. Actually two of the youngest band Fairview, Kentucky, was present as a Marcia Harper and Ron and Terri members played for CWS initially. Later guest of his grandmother, who promised Heacock, were visited by 17 Wallaces the entire band played. Even more Destin that she would bring him to during the weekend, including Clan exciting than hearing the entire band was Grandfather Mountain and sponsor his Society President Captain John Wallace. the piping by Shawnee and Joseph CWS Membership, if he got ”Straight A’s” One of the highlights of the Saturday Kanteena. This brother/sister team have on his school Grade Card. Destin did and activities at the Festival was the only played their pipes for one year but is now a Life Member. Welcome, Destin!” Veterans March, which brought wowed the crowd near the CWS tent. We hundreds of US Military Veterans onto assume they wowed the judges during New Wallace Book Published the center field to march with their competition. They train with the band and Member Doug Wallace of Fort Wayne, IN, Service Flags.” An interesting note was practice at home where they are home writes “My father, C. Robert Wolfe, and I that Clan Wallace is credited with being schooled by their mom. Pipe Major Bill have recently published a genealogy of one of the Founding Clans of this nice Horn and his musicians are reaching out the Wallace Family. The title is Beyond Highland Games, which began back in to local communities to attract and train Braveheart: Wallace Family Roots, 1076- 1999. other budding musicians. On Sunday 2003. The book has some 10,000 names. afternoon when all competition was The book focuses on our own direct McLain Celtic Festival complete the entire band drew quite a ancestors but does branch out Convenor Richard Wallis, Jr., attended crowd when it played a medley at the occasionally. Besides Sir William the McLain Celtic Festival at Carlisle, CWS tent. While there, the band Wallace, we have found ties to General PA, on 04 September 2004. He submits received its first place trophy and was Lew Wallace author of "Ben-Hur", that “Clan Wallace was represented well photographed for the media with Miss Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, with Director Wayne Jones, Convenor Albuquerque. For those who would like Commodore Matthew Galbreath Perry, Richard Wallis, and CWS Webmaster to learn more about the band their web and one signer of the Declaration of Jim “Bowie” Wallace (nearby with the site is at http:// Independence - George Wyeth of Knights Templar) at the McLain Celtic Consider becoming a band sponsor or Virginia. Since the publication I have Festival this past Labor Day Week- AUTUMN 2004 AM FEAR-GLÉIDHIDH PAGE 5

some of us that weekend is given Flowers of the Forest over to holding down a tent in the Florence C. Wallace, 1905-2004 clan area, one of Florence C. Wallace of Tucson, AZ, dozens of clan passed away in the early morning of Fri- tents at what is day, 01 October 2004. She was 99 years advertised as old. Mrs. Wallace resided with her son, being one of the Charles T. Wallace, longtime council largest Highland member of the Clan Wallace Society. Gathering and Mrs. Wallace was a delightful person to Games anywhere meet and know. The family has requested in the world. Kay that in lieu of flowers that anyone wishing and Russ Cayler to donate a memorial instead make a hosted the Clan contribution to their local chapter of the Wallace Tent. For Make-A-Wish Foundation as it was one of others, the Mrs. Wallace's favorite charities. The weekend is given funeral was a private ceremony per the over to running family’s request. The Society extends its one of the heartfelt sympathies to Charles T. and his numerous family. President John Wallace (3rd from L) leads the official re-establishment concessions at this of a CWS presence at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games. major event, or showing up to (Continued from page 4) perform at one of the several stages Two LAA’s Conferred end. The festival is held in a wooded around the grounds. Featured area with rocky ground giving it a Scottish performers at this year's event included The President and Board of Directors feel. There were approximately 15-20 the Pipes and Drums of The King's Own took the opportunity to recognize two Clans represented which looked like a Scottish Borderers and the U.S. Marine CWS past presidents with the Society’s whole army of Scots in the parade of Corps Band from San Diego performing Lifetime Achievement Award. Marcus Clans. The McLain Festival includes selections individually, and marching as “Jim” Wallace and JoAnne Wallace highland games, song & dance, good a combined band playing a handful of McIntosh have been instrumental in man- food, vendors a plenty, and a display of tunes. Add to this musical treat the likes aging the Society’s 300% growth since Scottish cattle that the children really en- of Kinship, Tempest, Wicked Tinkers 1999. Jim Wallace now resides in Cor- joy. Larry Slight brought a replica of Sir inth, TX, while JoAnne resides in Austin, William's sword that garnered much at- TX. Both sport the newly inaugurated tention from visitors to the Clan Wallace “President’s Medallion of Office.” tent. Jim “Bowie” did a masterful job demonstrating the great size of the sword and showed how big a man Sir William was to wield such a weapon. There was grand news in terms of member- ships. Three new members of Clan Wal- lace were completed and another 3-5 promising visitors could raise that total. It was a great day and I invite all members near or passing thru the area to stop by next year at the McLain Celtic Festival. Clan Wallace Tent at San Francisco Games

San Francisco Highland Gathering and Wolfstone performing at several Newly-elected Society Treasure Robert locations around the grounds and you “Bob” Bruce Wallace sends the following can easily imagine the crowds moving report: “Labor Day weekend in Northern from one venue to another as the hours California is set aside for the Caledonian of each day progressed. Closing Club of San Francisco's Scottish ceremonies each day placed over 300 Highland Gathering and Games at the Pipers and Drummers on the main track Alameda County Fairgrounds in in front of the grandstand along with the Pleasanton, about one hour east of San combined Pipes and Drums of The Francisco. Opening the gates for this King's Own Scottish Borderers and U.S. annual event -- this year's marked the Marine Corps Band, all performing 139th -- opens the floodgates for up to selections appropriate to the occasion. 50,000 visitors to the Gathering and They continued to play as the gates Games over Saturday and Sunday for closed on the last stragglers. Marcus “Jim” Wallace and JoAnne Wallace McIntosh smile as each is presented with their everything from heavy events to piping Lifetime Achievement Awards at the Annual competitions and massed bands. For (Continued on page 6) Director’s Meeting at McPherson, KS. AUTUMN 2004 AM FEAR-GLÉIDHIDH PAGE 6

(Continued from page 5) academic achievements of these fine 4th Sycamore Shoals Celtic Festival young men. This 4th Annual event located at Sycamore Shoals State Park in Elizabethton, 25th Tulsa (OK) Scottish Games and Tennessee, and sponsored by the Upper Gathering East Tennessee Celtic Society was held Clan Wallace Society (Worldwide) was on 9-12 September represented by past President Marcus J. 2004. Clan Wallace. He writes, “The weather was Wallace Society clear although about 10 degrees warmer President John R. than average for this time of year with Wallace was the temperatures ranging from 94 to 96 Honored Clan degrees F. There were about 40 clans Guest for this represented and as usual the games Native American Honor Guard at Tulsa year’s event and were held in beautiful Chandler Park. was present for the One enthusiastic lad bought a Wallace Gathering and Highland Games opening kilt at the games. His parents expressed Past President Marcus “Jim” Wallace set ceremonies and an interest in becoming convenors and I up Friday with his daughter, Donna Kay the weekend gave them copies of the convenors Wallace, and with retired Convenor Mark festivities. 21 handbook in addition to the regular Wallace of Austin assisting. Jim com- Clans and material I hand out. They took ments that The weather was cool and President John Wallace Societies were applications for the whole family. A cloudy turning to rain for most of the is presented with the represented this convenor for the Buchanan Clan, Mike weekend. Members William Wayne and Honored Clan plaque at year to participate Rusk recently discovered a Wallace Mary Jo Wallace, Anne Wallace, her the Sycamore Shoals in the wide range ancestor and became a Life member on daughter Director JoAnne Wallace Celtic Festival of entertainment the spot. Mike and his wife Kathryn also McIntosh, and JoAnne's husband Jim and cultural won the best tent award for these games. and son Ian Francis, visited the tent on heritage exchanges scheduled during the Congratulations! This was the 25th Saturday. June and Don Hillman and beautiful mountain event. Russ and Anniversary for these games and among Frank Wallace Leslie also dropped by. In Marcia Harper from North Carolina were other things they honored all of the past spite of the weather, two visitors became present to help host the Wallace Tent Directors of the games. The special members on the spot. The crowd re- where 14 Wallaces signed the log and the Honor Guard was made up of Native mained fairly good until the rain started. Clan Society got one new member. During Americans representing several tribes There were approximately 25 clans rep- the 3 days of this Festival over 3,000 including Creek, Cherokee and resented. We fielded several inquiries guests attended and all had a great time. Delaware. “The Honored Guest of the concerning the trip to Scotland in 2005.” Games was Chenubbie McIntosh. He is Jim concludes, “Finally, at noon on Sun- Recognition for Academic Excellence a descendent of the 16th Chief of the day, the games were cancelled because Member Andrew Wallace Wrenn, age 16 Clan McIntosh in the Highlands of of the weather. Heavy athlete Lance and in the 11th Grade at St. Mary's Ryken Invernesshire, Scotland. These Scots Catholic High School, scored 1400 on the intermarried into the Creek Indian Nation SAT last year. He has been approached and were elected principal Chiefs of the by over 100 colleges. The University of prestigious and aristocratic Wind Clan of Virginia wishes to place Andy in the Eccles the Muskogee Indian Nation of Georgia. Honors Program for Arts and Sciences or Chenubbie has equal recognition with in the Rodham Honors Program for principal families on both sides of his Engineering. UVA produces more Rhodes family heritage. Chenubbie travels to Scholars than any other public college in Scottish and Creek Indian Festivals all the U.S. The University of Southern over the United States, patrons will find California recently contacted him to accept him wearing his eagle feather war- a position in their early admissions bonnet, ribbon shirt, beadwork, and the program, skipping his senior year of high only Muskogee or Creek Nation school. He has declined, however, adding ever made. This tartan was designed by that “senior year is too much fun.” His Chenubbie’s father, Chief Dode McIntosh brother and fellow CWS Member Jeremy in the 1960’s, and was registered in Mark Wallace and William Wayne Wallace Ryan Wrenn, age 10 and in the 5th Grade 1973. His Scottish ancestry is also at St. John the Evangelist Catholic School honored through his service as the Wallace of Houston was present com- has a “straight-A” report card with glowing President of the Clan MacKintosh peting in the games. When asked about comments from his teachers. He received Society of North America, and he his performance, he replied that he ‘was a certificate for the Principal's Honor currently serves as one of three trustees doing about as well as anyone who Roll. Andy and Jeremy are the sons of of the Society.” Incidentally, Chenubbie needed more practice.’ His results were Miriam and Charles “Kip” Wrenn, and the McIntosh is a first cousin of Alta not immediately available.“ grandsons of former Director and past Bearman, wife of CWS Past President EVP Charlie Wrenn and Barb Wrenn (both Chuck Bearman. retired convenors), all of Temple Hills, MD. The Society is duly and very proud of the 43rd Salado (TX) AUTUMN 2004 AM FEAR-GLÉIDHIDH PAGE 7 CWS at RAF Memorial Ross’ March Inspires “Wallace Heritage Center”

During World War II hundreds of Royal Celebrations to is in training for the grueling walk, which Air Force (RAF) cadets learned to fly at mark next year’s he insists on doing alone as his own Falcon Field in Mesa. Arizona. They 700th anniversary personal tribute to Wallace. But he is were taught by civilian flight instructors of the execution inviting Scots to join him when he walks alongside U.S. Army Air Corps cadets. of William Wal- the final six-mile route to Smithfield, Twenty-three RAF cadets lost their lives lace are in proc- where Wallace was executed outside in training accidents while flying from ess. Two the Church of Bartholomew the Greater, Falcon Field. All are interred in the ‘funerals’ will be the oldest church in London. Mesa City Cemetery. staged, one in London and a At the church there will be an exclusive On the Sunday closest to Armistice Day/ David R. Ross speaking second in Lan- commemoration (invitation-only), similar Veteran’s Day, their sacrifice is honored. at the Kincardine (ON) ark, with the aim to a funeral service. David said, "I've On 14 November 2004, the moving Scottish Festival & High- of drawing always been a patriot and I'd hate to ceremony was opened by the Mesa land Games, July 2004. 40,000 people. think the 700th anniversary of Wallace's Caledonian Pipe Band and color guard In fact, Scotland’s South Lanarkshire death would come and go without any presentation of the U.S. and U.K colors. Council has plans to construct a £2 million attention. I decided a while back to walk Reverend Jack May, himself an RAF Heritage center in an the six miles from Westminster hall to Falcon Field graduate, gave the invoca- effort to bring tourism to the area. the site of his murder and the whole tion which proceeded a fly over by AT-6 thing has grown arms and legs. Lots of David R. Ross is walking from Glasgow to people wrote to me saying it was a great London - to bring home Wallace's body. idea so I decided to walk the entire dis- The East Kilbride man is convenor of the tance from Robroyston to London. Wil- Society of William Wallace and has liam Wallace is our national hero and the planned his historic trek to mark the 700th remembrance service will be a serious anniversary of the Scots hero's death next occasion. When Wallace died, he was a year. long way from home and there was no one there for him. Hopefully this service It was on 03 August 1305, that Wallace will go some way towards making up for was betrayed by fellow Scot Sir John that. His body, of course, was com- Menteith who was in the service of Eng- pletely destroyed after his death but he land’s Edward I. He was captured at Ro- lives on in the hearts and minds of Scots broyston, near Glasgow and 19 days later all over the world. It will be a proper arrived in London, where he was taken to remembrance service with pallbearers Westminster Hall to be tried. Condemned speaker and hopefully a few celebrities for treason against a king to whom he saying a few words. The church only claimed no allegiance, Wallace was tied to holds 300, so it'll be invitation only. the tails of horses to be dragged six miles Members of the Society of William Wal- through the city to his brutal execution. lace will be given first refusal."

Bill Redpath (R) presents the SAMS wreath. After his death, Wallace's torso was cut Mr. Ross concedes that the 450-mile into pieces and his ashes scattered to the walk will be demanding - but David says winds. So how does David Ross plan to the thought of what William Wallace had World War II training aircraft, a 21-gun reassemble the body to bring it home? to endure in London will keep him going. salute by Airmen of Luke AFB, Taps and Symbolically of course! David will recre- "I keep reminding myself that when Wal- Amazing Grace played by Chris Hossak, ate Wallace's journey, walking approxi- lace made the same journey he was P/M of the Mesa Caledonian Pipe Band. mately 450 miles from Robroyston to Lon- hung, drawn and quartered at the end of After moving poetry readings, organiza- don from 3-22 August 2005. When he it. The worst I'll need is a band-aid and tions presented wreaths at the RAF returns, he will be carrying Wallace's a few pints of beer. You can tell what he monument located adjacent to the RAF "body" - but the coffin will contain notes means to the people of Scotland by the graves. Members of the Scottish Ameri- bearing the thoughts of the Scots on their number of visitors who flock to the Wal- can Military Society (SAMS) Post 48 feelings at the freedom fighter's return to lace Monument in Stirling each year. I assisted presenters representing HM his homeland. It will be laid to rest with really hope that once we bring his coffin Queen Elizabeth II, The Falcon Filed pomp and ceremony, in a specially pre- back to Lanark, it'll signal the start of a Association, DBE, The Military Order of pared mausoleum at St Kentigern's proper heritage centre in William Wal- World Wars and the Caledonian Society Church in Lanark, where Wallace was lace's honour.” of Arizona. The final wreath was pre- married and spent the happiest days of his sented in behalf of SAMS by Bill Red- life. path, Commander of SAMS Post 48, and also a Wallace. CWS members David hopes the mausoleum will form the Norma and Bill Wallace represented first phase of a William Wallace Heritage CWS at the ceremony. Center. The author and historian currently AUTUMN 2004 AM FEAR-GLÉIDHIDH PAGE 8 will be reserved for our group. To Scotland Tour Update experience Scotland with fellow Society Salado is located on Interstate 35, about members and participate in exclusive eight miles south of Belton and about 50 events arranged specifically for the miles north of Austin. The Central Texas By Lois Wallace members of our group will make this the Area Museum and College Hill are trip of a lifetime! behind the Stagecoach Inn to the East Interest in our Scotland 2005 Tour and of I-35 while the Robertson Ranch, site Gathering to commemorate the life of Sir To contact Wendy Pine at Bay World of the Scottish Gathering and Highland William Wallace has been vigorous. De- Travel, call 1-800-351-8728, or via e-mail Games is on the service road on the posits for the tour and requests for infor- at [email protected]. (Bay West side of I-35, across the highway mation are coming in on a regular basis, World Travel CST #2034794-10) from the Stagecoach Inn. The Ceilidh keeping our travel agent Wendy Pine of and the Tattoo will be held on College Bay World Travel quite busy. At this writ- Hill. ing there is still space available on both ADM 2005 Announced the main tour and the pre-tour. Do not Additional information on the Village of hesitate to send your deposits in if you The 2005 Annual Director’s Meeting has Salado is available at http:// are interested. been scheduled to coincide with the 44th Salado (TX) Scottish Clan Gathering & When the first bus is filled, a waiting list Highland Games, 11-13 November 2005. Additional information on the Salado will be set up with ranking on a basis of Scottish Clan Gathering and Highland the date your deposit is received. When RSVP with JoAnne Wallace McIntosh by Games is available at http://www.ctam- the numbers indicate a second motor email [email protected] coach will be required, a second coach or call 512-391-3429.

2005 Clan Wallace Society International Gathering in SCOTLAND Pre-tour: 9 - 15 August 2005 Tour: 15 - 23 August 2005

Commemorating the 700th Anniversary of William Wallace’s Death.

A unique, customized itinerary is being planned for members and friends of the Clan Wallace Society to visit Scotland in August 2005.

Pre-Tour Highlights: 9 August – 15 August 2005. US $1,275.00

► Glasgow, Loch Lomond ► Inverness, Abernethy Highland Games ► Glencoe, the Glen of Weeping ► Isle of Skye, Fort William and Ben Nevis ► The Great Glen, Loch Ness, Urquhart Castle ► The Trossachs, Scone Palace and Edinburgh

Tour Highlights: 15 August – 23 August 2005. US $1,869.00

, Wallace’s birthplace ► Robroyston, site of Wallace’s capture ► Aberdeen, the Granite City ► William Wallace Commemoration at Aberdeen ► Social event with the Wallace 700 Group and the Lord ► Social Event in Edinburgh Mayor of Aberdeen ► Stirling Bridge, Falkirk and Bannockburn ► The Wallace National Monument at Abbey Craig ► Imposing Stirling Castle, Highlands Gateway ► The Wallace Portrait at Smith’s Gallery, Stirling ► Edinburgh, Scotland’s Magnificent Capital: ► Deeside and its famous castles, including a private tour of Pageantry of the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, Drum Castle led by Laird David Irvine of Drum Old Town, New Town, The Royal Mile and Mighty Edinburgh Castle