The CULTURE Jerusalem COEXISTENCE Foundation COMMUNITY Annual Report 2010 Table of Contents 5 From the President 7 About the Jerusalem Foundation 9 Vision, Mission and Values 10 Culture 24 Coexistence 34 Community 50 Financial Data 2010 52 Awards and Scholarships 53 Donors 57 Legacies and Estates 58 Board of Trustees 59 The Jerusalem Foundation Leadership Worldwide Any questions or concerns about the Annual Report should be directed to Ariella Bernstein:
[email protected]. Information in this report is correct as of April 30, 2011. Photos: Jerusalem Foundation staff Design: Abstract, Youval Hefetz The Second International Writers' Festival at Mishkenot Sha'ananim Ballet class in Greater Katamon, one of our adopted neighborhoods From the President Dear Friends, Year after year, the Jerusalem Foundation In 2010, we completed several important physical continues its work in Jerusalem among all sectors projects, including among others the Stella and of the population, working with our partners Alexander Margulies Education Center on Mount worldwide to preserve our ancient and modern Herzl, renovating the Gerard Behar-Hilda and city all while improving the quality of life for all Jacob Blaustein Civic Center, building a learning its residents, whether Jewish, Muslim or Christian. center in the Central East Jerusalem Library and upgrading a soccer field in Beit Safafa. We are happy to share with you the Jerusalem Foundation's Annual Report for 2010, a year in Our work over the last few years has largely which we raised more than $26 million in pledges focused on stemming negative migration from 5 and grants, of which 69.6% was allocated to the city.