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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 4Ra SEPTEMBER 1981 11330 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 4ra SEPTEMBER 1981 SCHEDULE Order as an unopposed Order. If the Order is submitted That part of the East Midlands Airport at Castle Doning- to the Secretary of State for confirmation any representa- ton which comprises the complex of buildings. tions and objections which have been duly made and not withdrawn will be transmitted with the Order. 4th September 1981. (504) /. Wyn Williams, Chief Executive Council Offices, Welshpool. 25th August 1981. (141) MAIDSTONE BOROUGH COUNCIL TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING GENERAL DEVELOPMENT ORDER 1977 (AS AMENDED) NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE CITY COUNCIL The Maidstone Borough Council Town and Country Plan- LOCAL GOVERNMENT, PLANNING AND LAND ACT 1980 ning Direction No. 2 1981 The Newcastle Enterprise Zone Designation Order 1981 Direction Restricting Permitted Development on land at the rear of Boxley Road, Walderslade, Boxley, Nr. Maidstone Notice is hereby given that pursuant to paragraph 5 of Schedule 32 to the Local Government, Planning and Land Notice is hereby given that on 21st August 1981 the Act 1980, the Secretary of State for the Environment has Secretary of State for the Environment approved the on 23rd July 1981 made the above Order. Direction made by The Maidstone Borough Council in pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by Article 4 The Order designates an area of land situated within the of the Town and Country Planning General Development City Boundary, and referred to in the Order, as an Enter- Order, 1977 and of all other powers enabling it in that prise Zone as from 25th August 1981. behalf so that the permission granted by Article 3 of the A copy of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Enterprise Zone said Order shall not apply to land at the rear of Boxley Scheme is available for inspection, free of charge, during Road, Walderslade, Boxley, near Maidstone in the county normal office hours (8.15 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.) at the Depart- of Kent (being part of the woodland known as Beechen ment of Administration, Civic Centre, Newcastle-upon- Bank) insofar as the development set out in the Schedule Tyne NE99 2BM. hereunder is concerned. The effect of the Direction is that planning permission must be obtained before any develop- R. A. A. Brockington, Director of Administration ment in the under-mentioned Class is carried out on the Civic Centre, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE99 2BM. (789) said land. This direction may be cited as The Maidstone Borough Council Town and Country Planning Direction No. 2 1981. K. B. Rogers, Secretary NORTHAMPTONSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL 13 Tonbridge Road, Maidstone. NOTICE OF PUBLIC PATH ORDER SCHEDULE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 210 Development comprised within the undermentioned Class of MINERAL WORKINGS ACT 1951, SECTION 32 Schedule 1 to the Town and Country Planning General The Northamptonshire County Council (Parish of Gren- Development Order 1977 (as amended) don - Public Footpath TF3) Public Path Temporary Class 11(1) Diversion Order 1981 The erection or construction of gates, fences, walls or Notice is hereby given that the above-named Order (here- other means of enclosure not exceeding 1 metre in inafter referred to as "the Order") made on 3rd Septem- height where abutting on a highway used by vehicular ber 1981 is about to be submitted to the Secretary of traffic or 2 metres in height in any other case, and the State for the Environment for confirmation or to be maintenance, improvement or other alteration of any confirmed by the Northamptonshire County Council as an gates, fences, walls or other means of enclosure: so long unopposed Order. as such improvement or alteration does not increase the The effect of the Order, if confirmed without modifica- height above the height appropriate for a new means of tion, will be (a) temporarily to stop-up for a period not enclsoure, exceeding 3 years the length of public footpath TF3 in the being development comprised within Class 11(1) in the parish of Grendon described in Part I of the Schedule Schedule to the said Order and not being development hereto, (b) to create an alternative right of way in lieu comprised within any other Class. as described in Part II of the Schedule hereto, and (c) to 3rd September 1981. (771) require the restoration of the diverted right of way at the end of the period. A copy of the Order and the map contained in it may be inspected at the office of the Borough Secretary, Well- MONTGOMERY DISTRICT COUNCIL ingborough Council, Council Offices, Tithe Barn Road, Wellingborough, Northants, or at the office of the under- TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 210 signed between the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 noon and 2 The District of Montgomery (Footpath No. 47, Community p.m. and 4 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays inclusive. of Cemmaes) Public Footpath Diversion Order 1981 Any representation or objection with respect to the Notice is hereby given that the above-named Order made Order must be sent in writing to the County Secretary, on 20th August 1981 is about to be submitted to the County Hall, Northampton, not later than 19th October Secretary of State for confirmation, or to be confirmed as 1981 and should state the grounds on which it is made. an unopposed Order by the Montgomery District Council, If no representation or objections are duly made, or if The effect of the Order, if confirmed without modifica- any so made are withdrawn, the Northamptonshire County tion, will be to divert approximately 35 metres of Public Council may, instead of submitting the Order to the Secre- Footpath No. 47, near The Rectory, Cemmaes, Machynl-. tary of State for the Environment for confirmation, them- leth, Powys, to enable a B.B.C. UHF television relay selves confirm the Order as an unopposed Order. If the station to be provided. Order is submitted to the Secretary of State for confirma- A copy of the Order and the map contained in it has tion any representations and objections which have been been deposited at and may be inspected free of charge duly made and not withdrawn will be sent to the Secretary at the offices of the Montgomery District Council, Council of State with the Order. Offices, Welshpool, and Cemmaes Community Council, 1 J. Fttrsey, County Secretary Caemaenllwyd, Machynlleth, Powys, during normal office County Hall, Northampton. hours. Any objection or representation concerning the Order SCHEDULE may be sent in writing to the Chief Executive, Montgomery District Council, Council Offices, Welshpool, not later Part I. Description of site of existing footpath than 30th September 1981. That length of public footpath (TF3) in the parish of If no representations or objections are duly made, or if Grendon which extends from its commencement at Station any so made are withdrawn, the Montgomery District Road' in a general easterly direction to the stream, being Council may, instead of submitting the Order to the Secre- a distance of approximately 833 yards as shown on the tary of State for confirmation, themselves confirm the plan by a solid black line between points A and B..
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