Maidstone East Edition & Malling’s No. 1 newspaper Maidstone Edition Maidstone & Malling’s October 2017 No.No. 246 1 newspaper

NewsFREE AugustPanto 2019 ahoy! Kate,No. 107,268 dies THE cast of Cinderella, which is to be KATE Hart, a resident at an old staged at the Hazlitt Theatre in Maid- people’s home in , stone, took to the River to hasNe diedws aged 107, her son 3 launch this year's panto. David has disclosed. On board The Kentish Lady were national treasure Rustie Lee (Fairy Airport security visit ‘Godmother),Sto formerp EastEnder t Ste-he building - MP’sSECURI TLocalY servic ePlans have vbidisited fan Booth (Prince Charming), Eliza- HELENHeadc oWhatelyrn Aero daskedrome theto p romote beth Bright (Cinderella), Craig governmentthe fight ag atoin haltst te therror ism Anderson (Buttons) and, pictured, borough’sand organ housingised crim scheme.e. 43 Stephen Richards and Adam Bor- bzone (Uglye Sisters)fo . re it’s too late’ Tackling illegal lorries They were greeted by pupils from Plans for Dr Nigel South Borough Primary School and VILLAGERS and police have THE widow of GP Dr Nigel Minnet members of the media. The panto joined forces to stop law- PLANNERS admit only a third of the 17,660 homes earmarked for the will walk the Grand runs from December 1-31. For tick- breaking lorries from Canyon for charity. 12 betsor ogou tog have been built … and 9,000 more could be piled on top of that. using country roads. 6 As roads, schools and GP surger- ies creak under Maidstone’s phe- JasonSnake Donovans in the g daterass nomenal growth, residents and THEDOG formerwalk eNeighboursrs are urge stard to bringskeep his show to the Hazlitt workers in the borough are being an eye out for snakes Theatre next May. 18 warned much worse is to come. after pets were bitten. 10 CCTVDowns Mail has discovered that call in a bid just 6,437 or 36% of the 17,660 houses have been “delivered” Wild fire warning ahead of the 2031 deadline. FIREFIGHTERS have warned the But Maidstone Borough Council public to beware of grassland stoays an extra 9 stop,277 properties are fly-tipping blazes after record- likely to be added to that figure to breaking temperatures. 21 mCALLSeet the G forover thenmen installationt’s housing of CCTV cameras to prevent fly-tipping on a targets by 2037. Obituaries 26 countryAt the sam roade time, have highwa beenys au- made by the local borough councillor. thBurberryority Lane, Coun nearty Co Leedsuncil andhas nearby, more than a year after it unlicensed waste carriers, but be- Parish Councils 28-29 cBroomfield,onfirmed th hasat i beent has targetedcomplete byd was dumped and set on fire. lieves the cost to small firms of dis- just 27 infrastructure improve- RESIDENTS were concerne d waste dumpers for years, but in re- The church car park has also seen posing of construction waste at a Obituariesabout commuter parking at t32he mcentent months,s in respo thense problemto local g hasrowt be-h. many instances of illegal dumping. transfer station is proving a deter- entrance to Gibbs Hill, ; comeThe morearea acute.’s only “substantial” But it is a problem in many rural rent that is costing councils more. Parishwalkers cCouncilsomplained a bou34-35t the roConstructionad improvem waste,ent sch rubble,eme in hard the areas including Langley, Cllr Fort made her remarks as overgrown footpath from High pcore,ipeli windowsne for thi ands yea householdr involves fur-the and Kingswood. Water Lane in one of the borough’s closest trans- ASH dieback has been discovered in Banks to Heath Road, rnitureemova isl leftof a illegally bus lan –e,often wide strewnning a Bearstedsaid deve andlopm Pilgrimsent had r Wayocked have his fertim stationses and th ate M Northaidsto Farm,ne gyr Tun-atory Monks Meadow in ; ; a jinun thectio middlen, and of c thereat a shared alsovilla beenge, bu targetedt associa recently.ted community bridgesystem Wells, is a w announcedaste of time it b willecau bese HollingbourneCoxheath Suvillagetton V a fetelen c stall-e holderreside co-ordinatornt has asked Jean for a Duffy redu chastion cyCllrcle a Gillnd fo Fortotpa said:th on “Every the A2 month0. beLastnefits year, have Maidstonenot material Boroughised. “All closedyou ca forn’t 10get weeks. to it for the traffic.” resigned;in the sp eyellowed lim linesit fro mare th needede weNo arew, a havings work toilets,progres sinksses on andan- Councilwe’ve ha clearedd is a fa 911ll incases water of pr fly-tip-essure SheDow added:nswoo “Ifd b youorou gogh alongcounci thellor for Buffkyn Way, Otham, to allow oconstructionther 1,301 h wasteomes, dumpedwith a fu inrth theer pingand a andn inc thisrease year in tr moreaffic,” thanhe sa 163id. lineGor ofdo increasingn Newton fines, said: they“It’s have a me toss bottom of South Lane to the BP buses through Imperial Park; rub- village, specifically in Burberry have been recorded since April. be enforced. A reduction in the garage; Langley Parish Council 6,000 ready to start, the public Sean Carter, pictured, of the and this is just the beginning. The bish bins in the sports field in Lane, where we are now thinking The approaching darker evenings charge or offering it free may have has been asked to nominate two clamour for a moratorium on fur- South Maidstone Action for Roads place is wrecked.” Kingswood are to be moved over to of installing cameras on private will prompt a rise in illegal tipping. the desired similar effect.” pensioners to attend the ’s ther development while services & Transport (SMART) pressure Gary Thomas, Maidstone district the picnic area and rear exit. aland,nd i tonf overseerastructu there problemcatch u area.”p, is grCllroup Fortsaid welcomed: “It’s comm ao jointn se initia-nse to chAai three-monthlyrman of the C litterampa pickign t ono P thero- tea party this summer. reaAch recenting fev eventer pit inch. Burberry Lane tivesay t byhe r theoad Environments are not copin Agencyg.There mile-longtect Rural stretchEngland of, a roaddded through: “There CrimeCrime Reports Report s 3529 sawMa ard caravanen farm burneder Trist outan whileRussel al andis gr theidlo Driverck eve andrywh Vehicleere at Stan-peak Leedsare so village many producesthings tha ant h averageave not torched car remains on a footpath dards Agency to clamp down on 32be blacken do sacksne, an ofd o rubbish.thers that should VEHICLESA BIKE an haved too beenls we re driven stole n over hCllrave b Fort,een, b whout u n alsoderp servesinning asmo ast farmlandfrom a g ar inag eLenham, in Boughtcausingon parishof them councillor, has been la c saysk of fo teachingresight.” damgeMonch e tols e crops;a; lea d an wa s attempted stolen childrenMBC iaboutnsists socialit is w oresponsibilityrking with its break-infrom th wase ro oreportedf of a co inm Detlingmunity; a andpar tthener issues, add ofin litterg: “T hine schoolsmajorit ywill (of vehiclehall in wasNet tvandalisedlestead; y inou Bearstedths were Rd, ; pumpkins were helpproj etakects) athere r eissueliant offon otheur pstreets.artners seenWeavering destroying crops in stolen from an allotment in Shein t hbelievese NHS awithnd K everyCC to household deliver, so Marden; A Renault Captur was . YOUR LOCAL PROPERTY EXPERT receivingwe work aw weeklyith the mrefuse to en collectionsure they damaged in after service,are com therepleted is w noith excusein time sforca llitteres.” youths threw missiles at it. [email protected] being thrown from vehicles or Comment 46-47 01622 690290 23 Pudding Lane • Maidstone • Kent  Turn to pages 18 and 19 for the dumpedfull stor yin. the road. Comment 38-39

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2 Maidstone Weald August 2019 News Road blocked RESIDENTS were forced to clear Kent airports targeted tree debris from the street after overhanging branches were chopped back on Amsbury Road in last month. in security crackdown Furious motorists described the road as being impassable, and THE security services were at Headcorn Aerodrome last month one reported it to the council as a as part of a major drive to counter flytipping incident. terrorism and organised crime. Villager Matt Weller said on so- Officers from and cial media: “Just spent half an UK Border Force had targeted air- Police hour clearing the road.” ports, airstrips and helipads by officers were coaching staff to become addi- joined by UK Cross moved tional crime-fighting eyes and Border Force ears on the ground. THE Hoppers’ Cross in East Far- in an leigh church yard has been The law enforcers say they fo- operation to cused on areas susceptible to moved inside to protect it from promote air- human trafficking or the importa- the elements. tion of drugs or firearms, which port security The wooden structure was are often used by terrorists to air on a daily basis, so it’s impor- plane or helicopter as a means to erected in 1849 as a memorial to bankroll attacks. tant that people who work at our commit crime. 43 unnamed hop pickers who Headcorn was one of Kent’s ports can spot the signs of crimi- “Criminality can support and died from cholera. three main aviation hubs, includ- nality and raise concerns with us. fund terrorism, which is why op- ing Rochester and Lydd, to be sin- “Our presence at the airports erations such as this are so impor- gled out for the special attention. was well received and it was ben- tant and will be repeated.” PO break-in Over a week, a total of 13 air- eficial to be able to share our Readers with information about IN LAST month’s Neighbour- craft were screened, but nothing knowledge with those who come suspicious activity around airfields hood Watch section we carried a of concern was found. into contact with aircraft pilots. should report it at reference to an attempted break- Ports co-ordinator Nick Reed “While the vast majority of peo- port-border-crime or by calling in at a post office in Marden… said: “Kent is the gateway to Eu- ple who travel into Kent by air are Kent Police on 101. For details visit: this should have read Sutton Va- rope and welcomes large num- law-abiding citizens, there is also lence. We apologise for any con- bers of visitors by land, sea and a minority who will see an aero- pegasus. fusion caused.

Maidstone Weald August 2019 3 News Police defend rural crime record A STUDY carried out by the Country Land and Business Association (CLA) reveals police forces do not recognise the detrimental effects of rural crime. Flytipping, thefts of machinery a dedicated rural crime strategy in or livestock, illegal cruel blood place before then.” sports such as hare-coursing and The analysis pulls together in- farm vandalism costs the economy sight from CLA’s regional teams £44.5m a year. who regularly engage with rural Kent has an issue with rural police forces on behalf of its 30,000 crime, especially flytipping, which rural landowner and business critics say is not properly enforced. members. Police and Crime Com- The CLA scrutinised 38 rural po- missioner Matthew Scott said: “I lice forces across and Wales, and shows that more than a regularly visit rural areas to talk to third (37%) lack a dedicated rural local people about their concerns crime strategy, nearly two-fifths and, partly in response to their (39%) do not have a rural crime feedback, I used money raised from council tax to double the size of team, and only 10 forces (28%) de- PCC Matthew Scott and, right, flytipping is a common sight liver rural crime training for new Kent’s Rural Task Force last year. recruits. Half of rural business owners make sure tackling rural crime is at “I have seen the excellent work It also revealed that more than state that crime has a “moderate” to the forefront of its work, consulting those specialist officers do in tack- one in four (27%) do not have a po- “great” impact on their lives and with residents and businesses to ling organised crime and keeping lice officer of inspector rank or 60% are “fairly” or “very” worried build links and shared working.” our rural communities safe.” above leading rural crime. about becoming a victim of crime. CLA President Tim Breitmeyer Furthermore, only around half CLA South East regional director said the issue of rural crime might KENT Police issued a £300 fixed (53%) of rural police forces across Robin Edwards said: “Kent Police climb the agenda with the police penalty notice to the owner of a England and Wales have dedicated is already doing a lot of good work and crime commissioner elections van caught in Burberry Lane near rural crime prevention tools, such fighting rural crime, with a dedi- in 2020. He added: “There is no rea- Langley - a notorious flytipping as 4x4s, trail bikes, night vision cated team in place across the son why – as a bare minimum – all hotspot - on July 24 after a “chan- equipment or drones. county. It needs a clear strategy to rural police forces should not have nce encounter” on patrol. Soaring heat on the trains RAIL operator Southeastern slashed the number of trains running on Thursday, July 24, as Kent baked in soaring tem- peratures. Commuters through Head- corn, , and Mar- den, as well as Yalding, Members of Hunton Bowls Club remember Basil Seaward and Brian Maytum with their families and East Far- leigh not only endured fewer services, but also had to suffer Bowls club’s tribute to members more crowded carriages as a MEMBERS of Hunton Bowls Club Basil was actively bowling last bowls club for more than 30 years. result. have held a tribute match for long- season, and would have celebrated The afternoon was attended by Southeastern said the reduc- standing members Basil Seaward his 100th birthday in September. 50 members, including Basil and tion had been driven by speed and Brian Maytum, who both died Brian was 85. Brian’s families, and was followed restrictions on the lines to pre- in February. Both had been members of the by a cream tea. vent rails buckling in the ex- treme heat, which reached 50 degrees on the tracks. Those trains still running took longer to complete their Elderly warned of fake fines journeys. Parish Council diately, they will avoid a substan- verified them with the local coun- The day before the cancella- has reiterated warnings to elderly tial penalty charge. cil or the car park’s owner. tions, the company urged pas- sengers to avoid travelling drivers to be wary of fake fines. They are then directed to a They should shield their PIN where possible, carry a bottle It endorsed Action Fraud’s con- parking payment machine that from view and, if their bank card of water with them, and not to cerns after victims were targeted has been tampered with. is retained by the machine, con- board a train if they felt un- by criminals impersonating police Action Fraud said: “The crimi- tact their bank immediately well. officers and traffic wardens. nal shoulder surfs the victim as Victims should call Kent Police Normal services started to The scam involves drivers they enter their pin and the ma- on 101. To report issues to KCC resume on the Friday, as the being told they have parked ille- chine retains the victim’s card.” Trading Standards, call 03454 04 blistering heat subsided. gally or broken a speed limit and Readers suspicious of fines, 05 06 from 9am to 5pm Monday that, if they pay a small fee imme- should not pay until they have to Friday.

4 Maidstone Weald August 2019 News News Police defend rural crime record Thug smashed A STUDY carried out by the Country Land and Business Association (CLA) reveals police forces do not recognise the detrimental effects of rural crime. diner window Flytipping, thefts of machinery a dedicated rural crime strategy in A DRUNK teenager cracked a or livestock, illegal cruel blood place before then.” window at McDonald’s after a sports such as hare-coursing and The analysis pulls together in- screaming match with the security farm vandalism costs the economy sight from CLA’s regional teams guard in Maidstone. £44.5m a year. who regularly engage with rural Reece Waters (19), formerly of Kent has an issue with rural police forces on behalf of its 30,000 Church Crescent in Emergency crime, especially flytipping, which rural landowner and business but now living in Maidstone, took Appointments critics say is not properly enforced. members. Police and Crime Com- a tube of sour cream and onion & Free Parking The CLA scrutinised 38 rural po- Pringles into the dock with him on missioner Matthew Scott said: “I lice forces across England and a single charge of criminal damage. regularly visit rural areas to talk to Independent Wales, and shows that more than a Prosecuting, James Nichols told third (37%) lack a dedicated rural local people about their concerns Maidstone Magistrates Court: “At AFFORDABLE, QUALITY and, partly in response to their Dentistry crime strategy, nearly two-fifths around 7pm on June 14, Waters en- DENTAL CARE (39%) do not have a rural crime feedback, I used money raised from tered McDonald’s with a group of turned to crime. I’m aware he is Recently renovated... council tax to double the size of team, and only 10 forces (28%) de- PCC Matthew Scott and, right, flytipping is a common sight friends. He appeared agitated and here today for a criminal matter, liver rural crime training for new Kent’s Rural Task Force last year. began shouting at security. He but he hasn’t gone round stealing New Patients Nervous Patients recruits. Half of rural business owners make sure tackling rural crime is at “I have seen the excellent work then kicked and hit the door caus- from houses or anything like that. Call 01622 741817 It also revealed that more than state that crime has a “moderate” to the forefront of its work, consulting those specialist officers do in tack- ing it to crack. “The background here is he was Welcome or book online on our website one in four (27%) do not have a po- “great” impact on their lives and with residents and businesses to ling organised crime and keeping “McDonald’s had to pay £1,089 drunk at the time, recognised the lice officer of inspector rank or 60% are “fairly” or “very” worried build links and shared working.” our rural communities safe.” to get it fixed, so I would ask that security guard who has had previ- above leading rural crime. about becoming a victim of crime. CLA President Tim Breitmeyer some compensation is awarded.” ous altercations with his cousin, What our patients say: Furthermore, only around half CLA South East regional director said the issue of rural crime might KENT Police issued a £300 fixed Defending, Jag Takk said: “Mr took the situation upon himself ‘I was put at ease straight away’ (53%) of rural police forces across Robin Edwards said: “Kent Police climb the agenda with the police penalty notice to the owner of a Waters is 19 years old and suffers and ended up kicking the door. He ‘The receptionist, nurse and dentist are always excellent’ England and Wales have dedicated is already doing a lot of good work and crime commissioner elections van caught in Burberry Lane near from autism, ADHD and As- was then quickly arrested. It is safe ‘Best dentist I’ve had’ rural crime prevention tools, such fighting rural crime, with a dedi- in 2020. He added: “There is no rea- Langley - a notorious flytipping perger’s syndrome. When he was to say today he has taken proceed- as 4x4s, trail bikes, night vision cated team in place across the son why – as a bare minimum – all hotspot - on July 24 after a “chan- 15, his dad died of a heart condi- ings very seriously.” equipment or drones. county. It needs a clear strategy to rural police forces should not have nce encounter” on patrol. tion, meaning his mum had to look Chairman of the bench, Gary after him and his siblings alone.” Knight said: “It’s a shame to spoil 4 Mangravet Avenue, Maidstone, ME15 9BQ Mr Takk said his mother then left your clean record with something the home. “He lived with his so silly. Do you have a temper? I Soaring heat younger brother and had to en- think you need to learn to count to dure a host of problems with rent, 10.” on the trains bailiffs and care. Waters admitted criminal dam- COUNTY COBBLER RAIL operator Southeastern “His younger brother is now in age and was given a 12-month con- slashed the number of trains care. However, Mr Waters hasn’t ditional discharge and a £605 fine. running on Thursday, July 24, Shoe Repairs - Key Cutting as Kent baked in soaring tem- peratures. Alderman honour for Fran Just moved? Need spare keys? Commuters through Head- We are here to help! DISCOUNTS on multiple corn, Staplehurst, and Mar- THE former Liberal Democrat leader of Maidstone Borough Council has been made an Honorary Alderman for her sterling work over decades. den, as well as Yalding, Members of Hunton Bowls Club remember Basil Seaward and Brian Maytum with their families key orders COMPETITIVELY priced Fran Wilson, who decided to retire earlier this year, was leader of the Wateringbury and East Far- council twice and served on every leigh not only endured fewer committee. services, but also had to suffer • Gifts engraved by our engraving specialists Bowls club’s tribute to members On July 17, MBC voted unani- more crowded carriages as a - jewellery, pens & Zippo's etc. Zippo fuel KEYS* MEMBERS of Hunton Bowls Club Basil was actively bowling last bowls club for more than 30 years. mously to bestow the honour on her. Yale type £5 result. & flints available. have held a tribute match for long- season, and would have celebrated The afternoon was attended by Cllr Fay Gooch, the independent 2 for £7.50 Southeastern said the reduc- standing members Basil Seaward his 100th birthday in September. 50 members, including Basil and deputy leader to current Lib Dem • Watch repairs, batteries & straps replaced 3 for £10!!! tion had been driven by speed leader Martin Cox, described her as and Brian Maytum, who both died Brian was 85. Brian’s families, and was followed We specialise in men’s We also cut restrictions on the lines to pre- “hard-working, determined, very • in February. Both had been members of the by a cream tea. leather soles stitched on. Mortice, vent rails buckling in the ex- thorough, hugely experienced, a Chubb treme heat, which reached 50 consummate politician and a great • We can replace ZIPS on Security & degrees on the tracks. strategic thinker…” premises within 24 hours. most car keys Those trains still running Cllr Wilson was leader when the took longer to complete their Elderly warned of fake fines Local Plan, the controversial scheme • NEW SPECIALISED key cutting – i.e. *from the same key journeys. tubular multi-lock security SUTTON Valence Parish Council diately, they will avoid a substan- verified them with the local coun- to deliver 17,600 houses to the bor- The day before the cancella- has reiterated warnings to elderly tial penalty charge. cil or the car park’s owner. ough and supporting infrastructure, MOST car keys cut tions, the company urged pas- • Prompt drivers to be wary of fake fines. They are then directed to a They should shield their PIN was adopted. sengers to avoid travelling Conservative opposition group leader Cllr John Perry said that Mrs Wil- Engraving Service – we can also While U Wait where possible, carry a bottle It endorsed Action Fraud’s con- parking payment machine that from view and, if their bank card • cerns after victims were targeted has been tampered with. is retained by the machine, con- son was a “wonderful servant to the borough” and a “formidable politi- supply trophies & tankards service of water with them, and not to cian”. by criminals impersonating police Action Fraud said: “The crimi- tact their bank immediately Zippo Lighters available board a train if they felt un- He added: “I cannot think of anyone better to be our first Honorary Al- • well. officers and traffic wardens. nal shoulder surfs the victim as Victims should call Kent Police The scam involves drivers they enter their pin and the ma- on 101. To report issues to KCC derman. I wish her all the best for the future.” Normal services started to Labour leader Malcolm McKay said that despite his initial reservations being told they have parked ille- chine retains the victim’s card.” Trading Standards, call 03454 04 resume on the Friday, as the about the ceremonial role, he said that Mrs Wilson as the first recipient gally or broken a speed limit and Readers suspicious of fines, 05 06 from 9am to 5pm Monday 370, DukesWalk, The Mall blistering heat subsided. had set the standards high from the start. that, if they pay a small fee imme- should not pay until they have to Friday. (Near Pizza Hut) • 01622 297600

Maidstone Weald August 2019 5 News Taking action on illegal lorries VILLAGERS and police have (ANPR) device to record vehicles come up with a plan of action to entering the B2163 from the A20. tackle the problem of articulated Cllr Govett said local parish lorries driving illegally along a councils affected by illegal trucks country road near Maidstone. driving through their communities Representatives from Leeds and could club together to pay for an Langley met with a delegation of ANPR sign. officers, led by Ch Insp Ray The meeting at the George Inn, Quiller, on July 23 to devise initia- was convened by Downs Mail after tives to deter HGVs defying the years of public frustration at ap- weight restriction on the B2163. parent police inaction over the Residents will be able to report issue, despite numerous calls to en- infringements directly to Kent force the 17.5T weight restriction Who was there County Council via email. The between the A20 and the A274. data will be collated and sent on to Local representatives at the PRESENT at the meeting were: Cllr Gary Cooke & Tim Middleton Kent Police’s commercial unit closed session accepted police do (KCC); Cllr Gill Fort & Wendy Young which tackles freight issues. “I would urge residents to report not have the resources to deliver (MBC); Cllr Lesley Martin & Cllr This could lead to direct enforce- incidents by email to Kent County the level of cover needed to deter John Govett (Leeds Parish Council); ment by Kent Police. Council to allow all partner agen- lorry drivers from driving illegally PCSO Siobhan Derose, Insp Mark Locals will also be able to call the cies to identify the most effective through Leeds and Langley. Hedges and Ch Insp Ray Quiller police control room on 101 if they way to respond.” Cllr Cooke said: “It was a pro- (Kent Police); residents Neil Willett, see evidence of law-breaking by Chairman of Leeds Parish Coun- ductive and positive meeting and David and Monica Wratten; Simon HGV drivers, such as damage to cil, John Govett (pictured above), gives us something to work with. I Finlay (Downs Mail). verges, cars or property. said: “If we have, for sake of argu- am also aware that if you take the Chief Inspector Ray Quiller said: ment, 100 lorries going through trucks off the road here, they will Report problems “This was a constructive meeting presently and we can get it down have to go elsewhere. That means TO REPORT lorries driving illegally where we heard the concerns of to four, I’ll take that.” Willington Street, and the people along the B2163: residents. My officers will deal KCC’s Tim Middleton and Cllr there don't want them either. For EMAIL [email protected] or with any offences they see whilst Gary Cooke pledged to investigate me, it strengthens the argument for DIAL Kent Police on 101 if the HGV on patrol, in line with their regular signs along the A20 and an auto- a relief road.” driver has broken the law. duties including emergency calls. matic number plate recognition Lorry madness in Leeds, page 20

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6 Maidstone Weald August 2019 News Taking action on illegal lorries VILLAGERS and police have (ANPR) device to record vehicles come up with a plan of action to entering the B2163 from the A20. tackle the problem of articulated Cllr Govett said local parish lorries driving illegally along a councils affected by illegal trucks country road near Maidstone. driving through their communities Representatives from Leeds and could club together to pay for an Langley met with a delegation of ANPR sign. officers, led by Ch Insp Ray The meeting at the George Inn, Quiller, on July 23 to devise initia- was convened by Downs Mail after tives to deter HGVs defying the years of public frustration at ap- weight restriction on the B2163. parent police inaction over the Residents will be able to report issue, despite numerous calls to en- infringements directly to Kent force the 17.5T weight restriction Who was there County Council via email. The between the A20 and the A274. data will be collated and sent on to Local representatives at the PRESENT at the meeting were: Cllr Gary Cooke & Tim Middleton Kent Police’s commercial unit closed session accepted police do (KCC); Cllr Gill Fort & Wendy Young which tackles freight issues. “I would urge residents to report not have the resources to deliver (MBC); Cllr Lesley Martin & Cllr This could lead to direct enforce- incidents by email to Kent County the level of cover needed to deter John Govett (Leeds Parish Council); ment by Kent Police. Council to allow all partner agen- lorry drivers from driving illegally PCSO Siobhan Derose, Insp Mark Locals will also be able to call the cies to identify the most effective through Leeds and Langley. Hedges and Ch Insp Ray Quiller police control room on 101 if they way to respond.” Cllr Cooke said: “It was a pro- (Kent Police); residents Neil Willett, see evidence of law-breaking by Chairman of Leeds Parish Coun- ductive and positive meeting and David and Monica Wratten; Simon HGV drivers, such as damage to cil, John Govett (pictured above), gives us something to work with. I Finlay (Downs Mail). verges, cars or property. said: “If we have, for sake of argu- am also aware that if you take the Chief Inspector Ray Quiller said: ment, 100 lorries going through trucks off the road here, they will Report problems “This was a constructive meeting presently and we can get it down have to go elsewhere. That means TO REPORT lorries driving illegally where we heard the concerns of to four, I’ll take that.” Willington Street, and the people along the B2163: residents. My officers will deal KCC’s Tim Middleton and Cllr there don't want them either. For EMAIL [email protected] or with any offences they see whilst Gary Cooke pledged to investigate me, it strengthens the argument for DIAL Kent Police on 101 if the HGV on patrol, in line with their regular signs along the A20 and an auto- a relief road.” driver has broken the law. duties including emergency calls. matic number plate recognition Lorry madness in Leeds, page 20

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Maidstone Weald August 2019 7 News Tories eye up Emily’s ward NINE months before the most hotly contested borough council seat comes up for grabs, the Liberal Democrat incumbent Emily Fermor remains undecided whether or not to contest it. Her Coxheath and Hunton ward party was beaten into third place is Maidstone Borough Council’s by Labour. most marginal of marginals – just Odds are high that Kent educa- one vote in 2016 was the difference. tion expert Simon Webb may be The Conservatives have eyed it picked by his party on August 14 to up as their number one target seat stand in Coxheath & Hunton. in May 2020, which may see the The Hunton resident said: “If se- end of Lib Dems’ control of the lected I’d be looking to cut speed- council. ing in Dean Street, get some form Cllr Fermor came under fire after of traffic calming on Linton Hill the May elections for failing to at- where motorbikes do 90mph and I tend the full council meeting at believe we have to stop the current which the Lib Dems needed her rate of house-building in the area. presence to retake control of the “What I am hearing overwhelm- administration. Lib Dem Councillor Emily Fermor and Simon Webb ingly from the residents I speak to Senior councillor Clive English is that the Lib Dem administration told Downs Mail at the time: “I un- you know when I make that deci- group of people sitting on the is absolutely not sensitive to the derstand that Emily decided to sion. council, with a mix of age, gender needs of the current or future pop- take a holiday. But then I have not “Since being proudly elected as and life experience, and I take great ulations of this area. seen her for a while – Emily has not a Maidstone councillor I have at- pride in balancing full time work “The leaders seem to have little been playing a very active role re- tended more than 80 per cent of alongside representing our resi- or no idea about how to provide or cently.” council meetings. dents." plan for the roads and services Former Invicta Grammar pupil “I am committed to the commu- Cllr Fermor scraped into the needed to implement central gov- and Oxford graduate Cllr Fermor, nity and continue to work hard to Coxheath and Hunton seat in 2016 ernment targets.” who has been forging a career in get the best for the residents of by one vote, but failed to make ex- Mr Webb lost heavily to popular London, said: “I’ve not decided yet Coxheath and Hunton. pected headway in the parliamen- Lib Dem Richard Webb at May’s if I’ll be standing again, but will let “It is essential to have a diverse tary election in 2017 when her election. Bus changes SUMMER roadworks in rural Teen held after dumper truck chase areas around Maidstone has POLICE arrested a teenager when prompted a bus operator to over- he failed to stop in what officers haul its timetables. believe was a stolen dumper truck. Nu-Venture has been changing The 16-year-old was detained bus times through Yalding, Mar- after patrols ended a night chase den, the Farleighs and Hunton. by deploying a stinger. And it has not ruled out having to The incident happened at make more. around 2am on Wednesday, July A company spokesman said: 24, when police were called to “The timetable changes are neces- Heath Road, Coxheath, to investi- sitated, in part, by the spate of gate reports of a “suspicious vehi- road closures in the Farleighs and cle”. Yalding areas this summer. The dumper matched the de- “There are four separate up- scription of a vehicle that had been coming closures on the B2010 taken earlier that night from a alone over the next five weeks, all building site in Maidstone. the stinger kit across Hubbards was subsequently arrested and of which will require further di- Patrols ordered the driver to stop Lane to deflate the dumper’s tyres. taken into custody on suspicion of versions and changes to bus and, when he refused, deployed The teenager from Maidstone aggravated vehicle taking. times.” Death crash driver gets five years A DRIVER has been jailed for correct side. It then veered onto at Maidstone Crown Court to Kent Police’s Serious Collision five years following a fatal colli- the other side of the road, collid- causing death by dangerous Investigation Unit said: “The sion involving a 22-year-old man ing with an oncoming Ford Fi- driving. He was convicted after a driver’s decision to overtake two near Maidstone. esta travelling towards Linton. four-day trial and sentenced at cars showed appalling judge- At about 9.15pm on December The Fiesta, driven by a 22-year- the same court on July 18 to five ment and led to the needless 4, 2017, John Verlander (38) was old man from the Hastings area, years in prison. death of a young man. driving a Citroen C4 on Linton came to a halt in a ditch at the He was also disqualified from “This tragic incident should Hill, towards Staplehurst, be- side of the road. The driver was driving for seven years and six send a message to motorists that hind two other cars. As they ap- pronounced dead at the scene. months and will be required to they must think twice and not at- proached a bend, he overtook Verlander, of St Leonards-on- take an extended driving test. tempt dangerous manoeuvres as the two vehicles but lost control Sea, East Sussex was later Investigating officer, Police they can lead to serious injury or of his car as it returned to the charged and pleaded not guilty Constable Simon Masterson of worse.”

8 Maidstone Weald August 2019 News Business Focus Tories eye up Emily’s ward NINE months before the most hotly contested borough council seat comes up for grabs, the Eye test probably Liberal Democrat incumbent Emily Fermor remains undecided whether or not to contest it. Her Coxheath and Hunton ward party was beaten into third place is Maidstone Borough Council’s by Labour. most marginal of marginals – just Odds are high that Kent educa- one vote in 2016 was the difference. tion expert Simon Webb may be saved man's life! The Conservatives have eyed it picked by his party on August 14 to up as their number one target seat stand in Coxheath & Hunton. Mr Denyer had noticed several Fortunately for Mr Denyer, like Mr Denyer, we can monitor his in May 2020, which may see the The Hunton resident said: “If se- end of Lib Dems’ control of the lected I’d be looking to cut speed- unusual symptoms, but it was a rapid Alisdair at Buchanan Optometrists retinal health closely and treat any council. ing in Dean Street, get some form Cllr Fermor came under fire after of traffic calming on Linton Hill change to his vision that prompted owns one of only two Heidelberg problems long before it threatens the May elections for failing to at- where motorbikes do 90mph and I him to call his optometrist Alisdair OCT-A scanners in the UK which his vision.” tend the full council meeting at believe we have to stop the current which the Lib Dems needed her rate of house-building in the area. Buchanan. Concerned enough to Mr Denyer’s GP was full of praise presence to retake control of the “What I am hearing overwhelm- retina and can pick up on diabetic for the experienced optometrist too administration. Lib Dem Councillor Emily Fermor and Simon Webb ingly from the residents I speak to Senior councillor Clive English is that the Lib Dem administration examined Mr Denyer urgently and retinal damage far sooner than the and thanked him for his “excellent told Downs Mail at the time: “I un- you know when I make that deci- group of people sitting on the is absolutely not sensitive to the derstand that Emily decided to sion. council, with a mix of age, gender needs of the current or future pop- diagnosed suspected diabetes. The basic photographs of the eye that thorough and professional care”. take a holiday. But then I have not “Since being proudly elected as and life experience, and I take great ulations of this area. seen her for a while – Emily has not a Maidstone councillor I have at- pride in balancing full time work “The leaders seem to have little same day appointment with his GP diabetics will be familiar with Being diabetic also increases your been playing a very active role re- tended more than 80 per cent of alongside representing our resi- or no idea about how to provide or led to hospitalisation to stabilise his having once a year. risk of other eye conditions such cently.” council meetings. dents." plan for the roads and services Former Invicta Grammar pupil “I am committed to the commu- Cllr Fermor scraped into the needed to implement central gov- blood sugars and in Mr Denyer’s as glaucoma and cataract. Regular and Oxford graduate Cllr Fermor, nity and continue to work hard to Coxheath and Hunton seat in 2016 ernment targets.” words ‘probably saved my life’. advanced eye examinations are who has been forging a career in get the best for the residents of by one vote, but failed to make ex- Mr Webb lost heavily to popular With regular scans, even tiny London, said: “I’ve not decided yet Coxheath and Hunton. pected headway in the parliamen- Lib Dem Richard Webb at May’s recommended annually to diagnose if I’ll be standing again, but will let “It is essential to have a diverse tary election in 2017 when her election. diabetic changes can be found early and treat these conditions early. If Diabetes the facts: and treated before they become a Bus changes you notice any sudden changes in • By 2025 5 million people in the problem. Alisdair explains “We SUMMER roadworks in rural Teen held after dumper truck chase your vision, Alisdair recommends areas around Maidstone has POLICE arrested a teenager when UK will have been diagnosed have one of only two of these prompted a bus operator to over- an urgent eye examination using the he failed to stop in what officers with diabetes machines in the country, capable of haul its timetables. believe was a stolen dumper truck. new OCT-A scan where applicable. Nu-Venture has been changing The 16-year-old was detained bus times through Yalding, Mar- after patrols ended a night chase retinal blood vessels and detecting den, the Farleighs and Hunton. by deploying a stinger. that they have diabetes And it has not ruled out having to The incident happened at changes as small as 1/1000th of a make more. around 2am on Wednesday, July • Forty per cent of people with A company spokesman said: 24, when police were called to mm. This new technology is set to “The timetable changes are neces- Heath Road, Coxheath, to investi- type 1 diabetes and 20 per cent sitated, in part, by the spate of revolutionise care for all diabetic Buchanan Optometrists gate reports of a “suspicious vehi- with type 2 diabetes will develop road closures in the Farleighs and cle”. patients. As Optometrists, it is a joy sight-saving OCT-A scans Yalding areas this summer. The dumper matched the de- sight-threatening damage to their “There are four separate up- scription of a vehicle that had been to be able to detect changes early and more about how diabetes coming closures on the B2010 retinal blood vessels (diabetic taken earlier that night from a and prevent sight loss, where just alone over the next five weeks, all building site in Maidstone. the stinger kit across Hubbards was subsequently arrested and retinopathy) during their lifetime of which will require further di- Patrols ordered the driver to stop Lane to deflate the dumper’s tyres. taken into custody on suspicion of a year ago the same patients would versions and changes to bus and, when he refused, deployed The teenager from Maidstone aggravated vehicle taking. • Symptoms of diabetes include times.” Visit blurred vision, increased thirst, unnecessary and invasive tests and frequent urination, feeling more treatments. Diabetes is the leading Death crash driver gets five years tired than usual, losing weight A DRIVER has been jailed for correct side. It then veered onto at Maidstone Crown Court to Kent Police’s Serious Collision cause of preventable sight loss five years following a fatal colli- the other side of the road, collid- causing death by dangerous Investigation Unit said: “The without trying to, cuts and amongst working age people in sion involving a 22-year-old man ing with an oncoming Ford Fi- driving. He was convicted after a driver’s decision to overtake two wounds take longer to heal near Maidstone. esta travelling towards Linton. four-day trial and sentenced at cars showed appalling judge- the UK. Using this technology, we At about 9.15pm on December The Fiesta, driven by a 22-year- the same court on July 18 to five ment and led to the needless • Diabetes can cause a short term 4, 2017, John Verlander (38) was old man from the Hastings area, years in prison. death of a young man. hope to help change that statistic. driving a Citroen C4 on Linton came to a halt in a ditch at the He was also disqualified from “This tragic incident should shift to a person’s vision but can With early detection and treatment, Hill, towards Staplehurst, be- side of the road. The driver was driving for seven years and six send a message to motorists that hind two other cars. As they ap- pronounced dead at the scene. months and will be required to they must think twice and not at- also lead to damage to the retinal the chances of sight loss is reduced 56 Malling Road, , Kent proached a bend, he overtook Verlander, of St Leonards-on- take an extended driving test. tempt dangerous manoeuvres as blood vessels ME6 5NB the two vehicles but lost control Sea, East Sussex was later Investigating officer, Police they can lead to serious injury or for 9 out of 10 patients. For patients of his car as it returned to the charged and pleaded not guilty Constable Simon Masterson of worse.”

Maidstone Weald August 2019 9 News Strategic plan ‘is harmless’ Walkers warned after THE borough council has launched a “Strategic Plan” set- ting out what it refers to as its rise in snake numbers long-term “aspirations, vision and priorities and how these THE public are being warned to public are becoming more sensitive will be achieved”. keep an eye out for adders and to preserving, protecting and pro- It was shown to business peo- grass snakes as sightings in the moting natural habitats we are see- ple by Maidstone Borough area reach a peak. ing a welcome increase in grass Council (MBC) chief executive It follows two reports this week of snakes.” Alison Broom, and the Liberal dogs being bitten in woods at Adder bites are not fatal, but can Democrat leader Cllr Martin Kingswood and another near Leeds cause a painful swelling, nausea and Cox at a summer networking Castle. One dog died, despite treat- dizziness. Those with a bite should event. ment. remain calm, try to remember the MBC accepts the population There have been sightings in rural shape, size and colour of the snake, is set to expand as a result of its parts of the borough including Sat- removejewelleryandwatchesincase programme to build tens of plehurst, Sutton Valence and Mar- Adders have a black zig-zag pattern of swelling, loosen clothing and seek thousands of new homes and den. In , those on their back medical guidance. Pets bitten by a “where the need for housing is walking on land owned by the ronmentally sensitive land manage- snake should be taken to a vet. Treat- met, infrastructure is in place to Hollingbourne Meadows Trust have mentismakingthemmorevisible,in ment will involve pain relief and meet the growing needs of res- been warned to be wary, particularly spite of a falling population. Walkers sometimes anti-venom medication. idents...” around the gateway into the Mead- should stick to paths in the country- Most dogs will make a full recovery The plan claims to show the ows by Grove Mill Cottage after a side, and keep dogs on leads in long with treatment. borough is “open for business” small number of adders – the UK’s grass. Tree surgeon and naturalist Theo and is “safe, green and clean”. only venomous snake – were found They rarely bite unless they feel McCausland,ofLangley, saidthein- Despite MBC claiming politi- under a tarpaulin. According to the threatened, but they are more likely crease in snake numbers may be due cal approval, a spokesman for NHS, 100 adder bites are reported in togetnastyifyouaremoving,sostay togoodweatherandfoodsourceand the Tory opposition said: “It's the UK every year, with the number still and give them a chance to move added: “People are creating more just words. They spent months of bites peaking in July. away. Phil Brown, of the Badger sympathetic habitats by putting on this. In the end, they pro- Experts say warm weather en- Bushcraft workshop in Egerton, has ponds in their gardens, for in- duced a harmless document.” courages the cold-blooded creatures noticed a marked increase in grass stance. This creates the food to bask, while more ponds and envi- snakes. He said: “I think because the sources on which they thrive.”


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10 Maidstone Weald August 2019 News Over 55? Looking to release tax free cash? Strategic plan THEN YOU COULD CONSIDER RETIREMENT common type of retirement lending, where he is friendly, professional and Walkers warned after LENDING – the most common uses are: home you have the option to repay the interest, genuinely cares about his clients and ‘is harmless’ improvements, repay an existing mortgage make overpayments or let the interest roll giving best advice THE borough council has or unsecured debt, holidays of a lifetime, upwithout making any payment. With launched a “Strategic Plan” set- have funds for everyday living, gifting to many flexible products you can initially Andrew has been established since ting out what it refers to as its rise in snake numbers family members which can help with a take enough money for your immediate 2003 and is one of the few mortgage long-term “aspirations, vision deposit towards a home purchase or funding needs with a drawdown facility for future advisers to have the prestigious DipMAP and priorities and how these THE public are being warned to public are becoming more sensitive school fees. Other reasons can include to use or to provide a regular income. holistic mortgage qualification. will be achieved”. keep an eye out for adders and to preserving, protecting and pro- purchase a holiday home, estate planning, • Home reversion 65+ - You raise money It was shown to business peo- grass snakes as sightings in the moting natural habitats we are see- to fund long term care or to pay for private by selling all or part of your home while 90% of clients are returning customers ple by Maidstone Borough area reach a peak. ing a welcome increase in grass medical costs. continuing to live in it, this is the least or referrals. The company ethos is that Council (MBC) chief executive It follows two reports this week of snakes.” we will service clients for their lifetime, Alison Broom, and the Liberal common and rarely features in current dogs being bitten in woods at Adder bites are not fatal, but can WHAT IS RETIREMENT LENDING? – This viewing the relationship as a long term Democrat leader Cllr Martin Kingswood and another near Leeds cause a painful swelling, nausea and retirement lending can be in the several forms, typically from 55 commitment Cox at a summer networking Castle. One dog died, despite treat- dizziness. Those with a bite should event. ment. remain calm, try to remember the years upwards; Borrowing is typically repaid from the MBC accepts the population There have been sightings in rural shape, size and colour of the snake, • Retirement mortgage - Similar to a sale of your home when you die or move Andrew is also a member of the Equity is set to expand as a result of its parts of the borough including Sat- removejewelleryandwatchesincase traditional mortgage where you repay the permanently into residential care Release Council which sets standards programme to build tens of plehurst, Sutton Valence and Mar- Adders have a black zig-zag pattern of swelling, loosen clothing and seek capital and interest or solely the interest and provides safeguards to consumers. den. In Hollingbourne, those on their back medical guidance. Pets bitten by a thousands of new homes and keeping monthly payments low, main THE ADVISER – Andrew “where the need for housing is walking on land owned by the ronmentally sensitive land manage- snake shouldbe taken to a vet. Treat- difference is there is typically no end date HOW DO WE DISCUSS THIS? – Andrew Hollingbourne Meadows Trust have mentismakingthemmorevisible,in ment will involve pain relief and McCrossan of Equity Life met, infrastructure is in place to with the interest only option is happy to carry out meetings at the meet the growing needs of res- been warned to be wary, particularly spite of a falling population. Walkers sometimes anti-venom medication. UK has a wealth of • Lifetime mortgage - This is the most company office, in the comfort of your idents...” around the gateway into the Mead- should stick to paths in the country- Most dogs will make a full recovery experience as an The plan claims to show the ows by Grove Mill Cottage after a side, and keep dogs on leads in long with treatment. independent own home, by phone or video call, to start borough is “open for business” small number of adders – the UK’s grass. Tree surgeon and naturalist Theo mortgage adviser, with please contact him to discuss this. and is “safe, green and clean”. only venomous snake – were found They rarely bite unless they feel McCausland,ofLangley, saidthein- Despite MBC claiming politi- under a tarpaulin. According to the threatened, but they are more likely crease in snake numbers may be due T: 01622 826150 cal approval, a spokesman for NHS, 100 adder bites are reported in togetnastyifyouaremoving,sostay togoodweatherandfoodsourceand the Tory opposition said: “It's the UK every year, with the number still and give them a chance to move added: “People are creating more [email protected] just words. They spent months of bites peaking in July. away. Phil Brown, of the Badger sympathetic habitats by putting Experts say warm weather en- Bushcraft workshop in Egerton, has ponds in their gardens, for in- on this. In the end, they pro- The Old Library, St Faiths Street, Maidstone ME14 1LH duced a harmless document.” courages the cold-blooded creatures noticed a marked increase in grass stance. This creates the food to bask, while more ponds and envi- snakes. He said: “I think because the sources on which they thrive.” Equity Life UK is Appointed Representative of New Leaf Distribution Ltd. 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Maidstone Weald August 2019 11 News Local plan RESIDENTS get a final say on a KCC tip charges facing “local blueprint” for development in Loose. After years of public engage- ment and drafting by the parish council, the Neighbourhood Plan Government review has reached its referendum stage. If approved, it will be considered THE Government is to review the However, the Government be- when local plans are considered by way councils slap “backdoor” lieves that illegal dumping and Maidstone Borough Council. waste disposal taxes on house- backyard burning will actually be The vote takes place at the pavil- holds undergoing home improve- fuelled by disposal fees, which it ion on the King George V Playing ments. describes as “backdoor charging”. Field from 7am to 10pm on Thurs- Whitehall fears that tip-side fees, KCC leader Paul Carter (pic- day, August 8. Polling cards should like those introduced by Kent tured) said he did not believe “the be received from the borough County Council this summer, new policy will turn law-abiding council by August 7. Everyone is could undermine the “long-estab- citizens into criminals”, although encouraged to vote. lished precedent of free access” to he did concede: “I cannot predict municipal dumps, and feed a fly- what criminal gangs might do in tipping epidemic. response.” Cricket week Kent’s 18 household waste and KCC introduced fees on June 3, VISITING teams will be bowled recycling centres currently make “a just days after ending a stand-off over when they compete in Mar- modest charge” for residents dis- A Defra spokesman told Downs with neighbouring Medway, den’s Cricket Week later this posing of DIY waste including soil, Mail: “We have been clear that dis- whose councillors feared the month. rubble, hardcore and plasterboard. posing of household waste, includ- charges would drive Maidstone Five sides will take on local tal- They are not alone… nation- ing waste from DIY home residents across the border. ent over five days, with competi- wide, nearly 50 local authorities are improvement projects, should be Medway threatened to close its tors including the famous MCC now levelling similar fees against free of charge. That is why we are tips to Kent householders but re- (Marylebone Cricket Club). taxpayers. planning to review current rules.” lented following 11th hour negoti- The event runs from Monday, However the Department for En- The county council has defended ations, and postponed action for 18 August 12 to Saturday, August 17 vironment, Food and Rural Affairs its actions by saying the DIY levy months. at Marden Cricket Club’s Maid- (Defra) says that residents should is being re-invested in its waste and Cllr Carter responded by an- stone Road ground. The bar is not be charged for anything which recycling services, including a nouncing a new household waste open from noon and a barbecue “results from work a householder £250,000 cash injection into the recycling centre in Allington from 6pm on match days. would normally carry out”. fight against flytipping. “within the next 12 to 15 months”. Delivering good response

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Lots happening at The George and in Yalding.Music A with barbeque, DJ Julie raffles, Santa will make a guest appearance, face painting and lots more. DJ John with lots of party fun! The family warmly Sunday 24th December welcome you to Sunday 31st December The George Inn, Yalding. We also have Curry & a Pint Mondays & Tuesdays. Atmospheric family friendly pub, Pizza & Pasta special Thursdays. Fish Fridays & Saturdays. outside events. Roasts 12-8pm 01622 630 330 Christmas menu available from 3rd(booking December advisable). 21 01622 814376 Now showing Weald October 2017 The George Yalding 12 Maidstone Weald August 2019 Road, Yalding, Maidstone, Kent ME18 6EJ News News Local plan Hospital gift RESIDENTS get a final say on a KCC tip charges facing LIFE-saving equipment worth “local blueprint” for development Tories defeat plan to £51,000 has been bought for Maid- in Loose. stone Hospital’s emergency de- After years of public engage- partment, thanks to its league of ment and drafting by the parish friends. council, the Neighbourhood Plan Government review ‘trouser’ extra pay day The charity funded the portable has reached its referendum stage. Sonosite X-Porte ultrasound ma- If approved, it will be considered THE Government is to review the However, the Government be- A MAIDSTONE Borough Coun- the special responsibility payments. chine, which allows doctors to scan when local plans are considered by way councils slap “backdoor” lieves that illegal dumping and cil bid to award its members an Lib Dem Cllr Brian Clark said if local patients for a collapsed lung and Maidstone Borough Council. waste disposal taxes on house- backyard burning will actually be increase in allowances has been councils offered no allowance, town blood in the abdomen or chest. The The vote takes place at the pavil- holds undergoing home improve- fuelled by disposal fees, which it defeated emphatically by the halls would only attract the “very X-Porte also allows doctors to take ion on the King George V Playing ments. describes as “backdoor charging”. Tory opposition group. wealthy” or retired. videos and photos of scans. Field from 7am to 10pm on Thurs- Whitehall fears that tip-side fees, KCC leader Paul Carter (pic- Backbench members would have Labour group leader Cllr Malcolm The hospital trust thanked Maid- day, August 8. Polling cards should like those introduced by Kent tured) said he did not believe “the gota“pay”risefrom£5,065to£5,237, McKay accused the Tories of turning stone Hospital League of Friends, be received from the borough County Council this summer, new policy will turn law-abiding while the Liberal Democrat leader the issue into a “political football”. adding: “This wonderful piece of council by August 7. Everyone is could undermine the “long-estab- citizens into criminals”, although Martin Cox would have received IndependentMaidstonecouncillor kit has been used every day and encouraged to vote. lished precedent of free access” to he did concede: “I cannot predict £20,002 (up from £19,610) and com- Eddie Powell argued for"self-auster- has made a life-changing differ- municipal dumps, and feed a fly- what criminal gangs might do in mittee chairmen/women would get ity" at a time when people are find- ence to numerous patients.” tipping epidemic. response.” £8,000 instead of £7,843. ing life tough. Later he added: “It's Cricket week Kent’s 18 household waste and KCC introduced fees on June 3, Therecommendationsfollowedan not right for us to accept these in- VISITING teams will be bowled recycling centres currently make “a just days after ending a stand-off independent review panel, which “higher than inflation” increases creases when people are finding it Sewage leak over when they compete in Mar- modest charge” for residents dis- A Defra spokesman told Downs with neighbouring Medway, Liberal Democrat-led MBC says cost when others had to rein in spending. hard to get by. It’s not fair." A LEAKING sewer pipe caused den’s Cricket Week later this posing of DIY waste including soil, Mail: “We have been clear that dis- whose councillors feared the the taxpayer more than £2,000. Per- HetoldfullcouncilonJuly17:“We Tory member Jonathan Purle headaches for council bosses at the month. rubble, hardcore and plasterboard. posing of household waste, includ- charges would drive Maidstone hapsthemost controversial proposal are going to trouser a little bit more called for a named vote in the inter- Maidstone Leisure Centre car park Five sides will take on local tal- They are not alone… nation- ing waste from DIY home residents across the border. was to give the independent deputy money from our hard-pressed coun- ests of knowing who wanted “this in Mote Park. ent over five days, with competi- wide, nearly 50 local authorities are improvement projects, should be Medway threatened to close its councilleader,CllrFayGooch,£4,000 cil taxpayers which, quite frankly, I largesse charged to the council tax Waste was said to be running tors including the famous MCC now levelling similar fees against free of charge. That is why we are tips to Kent householders but re- for the post and £4,000 for the newly- find pretty awful.” payers' chit”. down towards a children's park, (Marylebone Cricket Club). taxpayers. planning to review current rules.” lented following 11th hour negoti- createdDemocracyandGeneralPur- Cllr Gooch’s independent group The motion for an allowance in- which was due to open officially The event runs from Monday, However the Department for En- The county council has defended ations, and postponed action for 18 poses Committee, of which she is wasnecessaryfortheLibDemstore- crease was defeated by four votes. A on July 24. August 12 to Saturday, August 17 vironment, Food and Rural Affairs its actions by saying the DIY levy months. chair. taincontrolofthecouncilinMay,de- majority of the Liberal Democrats Maidstone Borough Council, at Marden Cricket Club’s Maid- (Defra) says that residents should is being re-invested in its waste and Cllr Carter responded by an- The council passed a pay increase spite the Conservatives being the voted in favour of the increase, all which owns the centre, said the stone Road ground. The bar is not be charged for anything which recycling services, including a nouncing a new household waste in 2018 with little dissent. numerically superior party in the but one of the Tories voted against leak did not affect the operations of open from noon and a barbecue “results from work a householder £250,000 cash injection into the recycling centre in Allington The Conservative group leader chamber. She pointed out she would and Cllr Powell also rejected a pay the centre and apologised for the from 6pm on match days. would normally carry out”. fight against flytipping. “within the next 12 to 15 months”. John Perry (pictured) opposed only have been able to claim one of rise. inconvenience caused.

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Maidstone Weald August 2019 13 Summe Event & Dining

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14 Maidstone Weald August 2019 Summe Event & Dining

COMBINED OPS AIR SHOW SOUTHERN MODEL SHOW 10 & 11 August 2019 7 & 8 September 2019 This unique event has a variety of vintage and modern Featuring a stunning array of model aircraft, aircraft displays, on the ground and in the air. A family helicopters, ships, tank and other vehicles and a show event which includes static military vehicles, living history re-enactment groups, arena events, military could possibly need for models. A must go to event for stalls, children’s entertainment and food stalls. anyone with an interest in this fascinating hobby. BOTH OF THESE GREAT EVENTS WILL BE HELD AT: Headcorn Aerodrome, Shenley Road, Headcorn Ashford, Kent TN27 9HX For tickets & more information please contact us on 0845 652 6263 | [email protected]

Maidstone Weald August 2019 15 Summe Event & Dining

16 Maidstone Weald August 2019 Maidstone Weald August 2019 17 News | Housing update Government’s data is ‘flawed’ JOHN Horne lives in Bearsted, is a member of Thurnham Parish Council and the Kent Association for Local Councils. He says the Government’s housing calculations are “flawed” and Maidstone Borough Coun- cil’s approach to dealing with in- creased demands lacks vision. He is urging the public to hold the council to account for its mis- takes in the Local Plan review consultation. He said: “Unfortunately, the borough council simply didn’t want to listen to anyone able to tell them about the issues its plans would cause. “If the borough council isn’t just a cipher for government policy, it must pause and determine a ro- bust way forward. The borough council was very assertive about Villagers ‘didn’t move what it wanted to achieve from its Local Plan and suddenly it’s not in its power to deliver it.” MBC ‘unsure’ here to live in a town’ on final figure IN MARDEN, residents are angry… the village has seen 570 new homes MAIDSTONE Borough Council is built since 2013, and there are plans for 2,000 more. unsure exactly how many extra homes will be needed to satisfy A “garden community” is being whatever community benefits are the Government’s demands, and suggested on Maidstone Road to promised, it doesn’t mean they how long its revised plan will ac- meet the latest Government re- will get them and if S106 money commodate the appetite for more quirement in one hit. isn’t spent, it goes back to the de- properties in the south east. Farmer Tristan Russell (pictured veloper and benefits no one. It is looking to provide the extra above with wife Claudine and “The borough council needs to homes on top of those in the Local children George and Elvie) agrees tell Government – like Sevenoaks Plan either by focused develop- new homes are needed, but says has – that the area simply cannot ment in Maidstone, making all building massive new communi- accommodate all these extra villages across the borough take a ties is a different matter. He is houses.” share of the extra homes or build- angry that community benefits Asked about the £146,000 held ing garden communities in the promised by the borough council for healthcare improvements in countryside. have also not materialised. Marden, a spokesman for MBC In the autumn, it will release “All we’ve had is a fall in water said the money had yet to be details of the building plots sug- pressure and an increase in traf- drawn down by NHS West Kent gested in its latest “call for sites”, fic,” he said: “The new estates de- cil is suggesting it is going ‘to save CCG. which it will not consult the pub- cant on to existing rural roads and Marden’, and give it all new facil- “We understand this is to be lic on, instead announcing in Feb- developers’ money sits in the ities, by building a 2,000-home spent at Marden Medical Practice, ruary or March its preferred bank because MBC and KCC have garden community. But it is ig- including an extension. Education approach to satisfying the devel- been unable to take forward the noring the fact that people who payments go to Kent County opment shortfall. promised extension to the school move here do not want to live in a Council and it is understood this To comment on the Local Plan, and medical centre.” town. will be spent at Marden Primary go to The sixth generation farmer “Those affected by new devel- School and Maidstone Grammar localplanreview. adds: “It seems the borough coun- opments need to be aware that School for Boys.” Residents’ fears as Lenham grows and grows LENHAM is preparing to dou- it might come schools, a medical cil – only our Neighbourhood modate the growing population, ble in size, with 500 homes ap- clinic, shops and even a new Plan will give us some control while parking in the village proved and a further 1,000 in the motorway junction. over where these extra homes square is “becoming impossi- pipeline by 2031. Parish council chairman might go.” ble”. But on the horizon a much Richard Greenwood said he Trafiic has increased, he says, He blames high-priced larger threat looms - Maidstone spends three days a week in bringing noise, litter and in- homes, a lack of local jobs for Borough Council’s own hush- talks relating to development in considerate parking. The recre- creating a “commuter neigh- hush application for up to 5,000 the area. He added: “We are at ation ground and village school bourhood” which has little houses at Lenham Heath. With the mercy of the borough coun- will have to expand to accom- benefit to villagers.

18 Maidstone Weald August 2019 News | Housing update Housing update | News Government’s data is ‘flawed’ Building town to a standstill JOHN Horne lives in Bearsted, is a member of Thurnham Parish WITH only a third of the homes in Maidstone borough’s Local Plan built, and a call for sites to ac- Council and the Kent Association commodate 9,000 more, pressure is mounting on roads and services, writes Dawn Kingsford. for Local Councils. He says the Government’s Maidstone Borough Council gresses on another 1,301 homes, Mark Jones, owner of Sapphire housing calculations are “flawed” (MBC) has revealed just 6,437 new with a further 6,000 ready to start. Cars in Maidstone, says the con- and Maidstone Borough Coun- addresses have been “delivered” Gary Thomas, Maidstone dis- gestion problem is beyond a sin- cil’s approach to dealing with in- from the 17,660 homes allocated to trict chairman of the Campaign to gle solution. He says a substantial creased demands lacks vision. it - a target that does not include Protect Rural England, says the ring road, from Hollingbourne He is urging the public to hold the Government’s additional congestion, loss of countryside, roundabout to the M20 at Kings the council to account for its mis- homes demands. and the deterioration of quality of Hill is needed, bypassing Maid- takes in the Local Plan review Liberal Democrat-led MBC says life for people in and around stone and providing a dual car- consultation. some 9,277 extra properties are Maidstone has been all too evi- riageway for traffic turning Leeds, He said: “Unfortunately, the likely to be needed to bring the dent. He says, sadly, that the situ- Langley, , borough council simply didn’t area’s Local Plan into line with the ation is likely to get worse, given Coxheath, , want to listen to anyone able to its 2037 housing target. the scale of permitted housing de- and into giant rat- tell them about the issues its plans Across the borough an increas- velopment. runs. Gary Thomas, of the CPRE would cause. ing number are calling for a mora- He added: “The destruction of He said: “I’m struggling to get “If the borough council isn’t just torium on building, until roads traffic problems. A report from so much pristine countryside is drivers because who wants to sit a cipher for government policy, it and improvements to infrastruc- Kent County Council confirmed heart-breaking enough, but couple in traffic all day? Everyone is look- must pause and determine a ro- ture, such as schools and surgeries, last month that just 27 infrastruc- that with the failure to address the ing for alternative routes and cre- bust way forward. The borough catch up with the population ex- ture improvements have been com- needs of our young people in their ating new ‘rat-runs’, driving on council was very assertive about Villagers ‘didn’t move plosion. pleted in response to the Local Plan, ambitions to find homes they can roads not meant for this volume of what it wanted to achieve from its A failed taxpayer-funded High with residents accusing the bor- afford, and the situation is near traffic.” Local Plan and suddenly it’s not Court action by MBC against Tory- ough council of failing to turn cash scandalous. We understand around 500 ap- in its power to deliver it.” run Kent County Council over how contributions from developers into “Building hugely expensive plications have been submitted developers’ money is used has not the community benefits promised. four- and five-bedroom executive as result of the MBC “call for here to live in a town’ helped the situation, while motor- In the meantime, residents and homes in our villages will clog up sites” for the upcoming Local MBC ‘unsure’ way closures and diversions have motorists are preparing for the sit- our roads even more and benefit Plan review which concluded on final figure IN MARDEN, residents are angry… the village has seen 570 new homes further aggravated the growing uation to worsen, as work pro- few local people at any level.” earlier this summer. MAIDSTONE Borough Council is built since 2013, and there are plans for 2,000 more. unsure exactly how many extra A “garden community” is being whatever community benefits are More homes, Stacey’s ‘hell’ homes will be needed to satisfy STACEY Betteridge is one of hun- the Government’s demands, and suggested on Maidstone Road to promised, it doesn’t mean they dreds of home care assistants how long its revised plan will ac- meet the latest Government re- will get them and if S106 money no new roads quirement in one hit. isn’t spent, it goes back to the de- working in the borough. commodate the appetite for more CLLR GORDON Newton, at Farmer Tristan Russell (pictured veloper and benefits no one. She provides vital care to the properties in the south east. , says develop- above with wife Claudine and “The borough council needs to It is looking to provide the extra ments at Langley Park and elderly, running them to the doc- children George and Elvie) agrees tell Government – like Sevenoaks homes on top of those in the Local Woods have arrived tors, picking up shopping and new homes are needed, but says has – that the area simply cannot Plan either by focused develop- without improvements to the helping around the house. building massive new communi- accommodate all these extra ment in Maidstone, making all road network. The 24-year-old, who runs 121 ties is a different matter. He is houses.” villages across the borough take a And with plans for another Homecare in Coxheath, serves an angry that community benefits Asked about the £146,000 held share of the extra homes or build- 440 next to Otham church, he area from Teston to Kingswood promised by the borough council for healthcare improvements in ing garden communities in the says a moratorium on green- and says the roads are “hell, have also not materialised. Marden, a spokesman for MBC countryside. field development is needed. wherever you go”. “All we’ve had is a fall in water said the money had yet to be In the autumn, it will release “We’ve had the Langley She claims the roads will not pressure and an increase in traf- drawn down by NHS West Kent details of the building plots sug- and Bicknor Woods develop- cope with more traffic and says fic,” he said: “The new estates de- cil is suggesting it is going ‘to save CCG. gested in its latest “call for sites”, ments in return for a ‘A paradise no longer’ she already has to allow nearly an which it will not consult the pub- cant on to existing rural roads and Marden’, and give it all new facil- “We understand this is to be 200metre stretch of road con- SUE Pritchard moved to Shortlands leaving home in the car before hour to get to Kingswood. lic on, instead announcing in Feb- developers’ money sits in the ities, by building a 2,000-home spent at Marden Medical Practice, necting all these houses to Green in Park Wood six years ago… 9.30am.” ruary or March its preferred bank because MBC and KCC have garden community. But it is ig- including an extension. Education the A274 via Gore Court Road when fields and woods stretched She wants to see development approach to satisfying the devel- been unable to take forward the noring the fact that people who payments go to Kent County and Church Road – a road out to Sutton Valence. Now, hun- halted until an acceptable time- Road changes opment shortfall. promised extension to the school move here do not want to live in a Council and it is understood this built for horses and carts,” he dreds of homes stand in their place, frame has been established for in- A SPOKESMAN for KCC said the To comment on the Local Plan, and medical centre.” town. will be spent at Marden Primary said. only substantial road improve- go to The sixth generation farmer “Those affected by new devel- School and Maidstone Grammar with more to come. frastructure improvements. “It’s a mess and everyone is ment to come this year will re- localplanreview. adds: “It seems the borough coun- opments need to be aware that School for Boys.” She paints a grim picture of the She says: “Who is actually think- suffering for it, and this is Sutton Road area, but says the ing about our environment? We move a bus lane on the A20 and just the beginning.” whole town is destined for gridlock. need to be carbon-free in five years, widen junctions between New After sitting in traffic in The retired school teacher added: not 2050, but electric charging Hythe Lane and Station Road, Residents’ fears as Lenham grows and grows Maidstone en route to Ash- “When I moved here it was a little points are being put in a town cen- Larkfield. LENHAM is preparing to dou- it might come schools, a medical cil – only our Neighbourhood modate the growing population, ford Road, he added: “People piece of paradise, now it’s a tre that no one can reach, and new The scheme will also create a ble in size, with 500 homes ap- clinic, shops and even a new Plan will give us some control while parking in the village are moving out of London to dystopia. Langley Park has shops, homes have no room to charge a shared cycle footpath. Work to proved and a further 1,000 in the motorway junction. over where these extra homes square is “becoming impossi- Maidstone, but having to but we need new roads, schools, sur- car. It’s time someone looked at the improve Coldharbour round- pipeline by 2031. Parish council chairman might go.” ble”. commute, which is adding to geries and community centres, to bigger picture and started consider- about at and the A229 the problem. make living here pleasant. All I can ing moves like free public transport, But on the horizon a much Richard Greenwood said he Trafiic has increased, he says, He blames high-priced Loose Road corridor will not start “Perhaps we should be ask- see is longer waiting times for doc- and it needs to start at Government larger threat looms - Maidstone spends three days a week in bringing noise, litter and in- homes, a lack of local jobs for until next year. ing who we are building tors, A&E overwhelmed, our envi- level, rather than leaving it to KCC Borough Council’s own hush- talks relating to development in considerate parking. The recre- creating a “commuter neigh- Results of a KCC study into the hush application for up to 5,000 the area. He added: “We are at ation ground and village school bourhood” which has little these extra houses for. Is it ronment fume-filled and roads at a and MBC, who don’t work well to- feasibility of a Leeds-Langley re- houses at Lenham Heath. With the mercy of the borough coun- will have to expand to accom- benefit to villagers. for locals or Londoners?” standstill. I can’t even think about gether and have no vision.” lief road has been completed.

Maidstone Weald August 2019 19 News

News CX Factorhar datege idea to X FACTOR star Louisa Johnson has been lined-up to headline the Princess Royal meets Big Day Out to be held in Maid- stone in July. bThee singer,a bestt knownc foro then hit gestion Best Behaviour, will take the stage charity shop workers Aat MoteCOUN ParkCIL on-fu Julynde 1.d investiga- However, members of the bor- tioShen in announcedto battling thepo gigllu ontion Twit-in THEough’ PRINCESSs strategic p Royallannin receivedg and in a- Mter,aid saying:stone “Bighas s news!ugges I’llted beth head-e in- warmfrastru welcomecture co frommmit charitytee, w vol-ho lining the @BigDayOutUK Festival unteers when she visited the Save discussed the findings at their July tinrod Maidstoneuction of c thisong July!estio Can’tn char waitges The Children shop in Maidstone. oton seebus youes, ta allxi there.”s and lorries. mAee crowdting, w ofere onlookersless than waitedenthus out-ias- TAlsohe fo onur- themon billth s aretudy Diversity,, which sidetic ab theout storecong ines Uniontion ch Streetarging to. see rwhoan fr wonom D Britain’secember Gotto A Talent,pril, d andis- PrincessCllr Pa Anne.trik Ga Sherten wassaid greetedthat, fac byed cgirlove bandred th Atomicat Upp Kitten,er Ston whoe St havereet dignitarieswith a £50 b includingill, some H theGV woul ofd hKerryas som Katonae of the inw theirorst a quality in Maidstonetry to squee Cllrze th Derekrough Butler,Leeds, thein- theLouisacountr (19)y. won the X Factor in charity’sstead of us retailing the managerdesignated Cheryltruck Illegal lorry mounts footpath 2015,In a afterdras singingtic atte withmpt mentorto reme Ritady Adamsroute th androug voluntaryh Maidsto shopne. leader, Ora in the final. Karen Elphick, before going inside THIS is the moment the driver of an through. “He reversed back into the this, the report suggests a raft of toH meete sa shopid: “I workers.prefer the red route HGV sparked outrage in Leeds vil- village and went on his way up to- measures, including congestion opThetion Princess,… all th whoat w hasould beentake presi-is a lage. wards Langley. cAssaultharges and the cre caseation of a no- dentpubli ofc c theons charityultation since, a c theoup 1970s,le of Not only was the Reed Boardall "He didn’t seem in the least bit sAto MAIDSTONEpping red ro womanute, to hasprev beenent spokemetal ofbo herard appreciations and a pot o off p theain con-t.” lorry defying the weight restriction, apologetic or embarrassed. All in a ichargeddling tra withffic woundingfrom pum afterping anou al-t tributionThe rep theort’s shopauth makesors, A torca thedis Thewh Princessich outla Royalws tru isc greetedks on the byB2 Cheryl163, Adams,day’s w theork mayor.” and Karen Elphick flegedumes stabbingin the cen intr Shepway.e of town. workand In ofteg therate charityd Trans atpo homert Ltd, andbe- Nicola Goslitski (40), of Sutton the driver then tried to take a right A spokesman for Reed Boardall Its authors recognise Lib Dem-led abroad.lieve congestion, the carriageway’s loved animals. raised £40,000 for the charity last Road, was arrested after police were She also presented certificates to Amongturn into thea dozenstiny cou ofnt onlookersry lane at year.said: “We take public safety very se- McalledBC’s toas api reportrations ofof an“a assaultchievin ing Dennisgradient Foad,and th Brendae “canyo Harrisn” effec andt of whoabo watchedut 5.45pm theon PrincessJuly 20. depart riMoreously a donationsnd will be lo andokin customersg into the mWestmorlandodal shift to w Roadalking, oncycl Sunday,ing and Sylviabuildin Thomasgs lining inth honoure road ofare theirbe- wasO 88-year-oldne witness Bettysaid: Warren"People whowere arema alwaystter fur welcomether with atth thee dr tinyiver shopcon- pAprilublic Officersansport were”, bu toldt p thatropo twose longhind serviceUpper toSto thene charity.Street’s poor air hadsho waiteduting forat nearlyhim an and hourasking toh seeim whichcerned is. packed with goods ranging mwomenoves th hadat c madeould s theiree bu ways an tod t hos-axi quSeven-year-oldality results. Daisy, the daugh- herwh andat o wasn ea givenrth he aw chairas do anding. a cup from“We clothing,can only ap children’sologise and items,reas- spitalervic withes tor armpedo injuries.ed by hi Theygh ch arearg be-es. terC ofou shopncill volunteerors say the Loray ha Maxwell,ve noted of tea“It outsidewas so thedan shop.gerous. The driver kitchensure resi waredents andthat ath collector’sis contraven cor-ed lievedThe torep haveort s knownuggest thes bu and presentedthe repor thet’s f Princessindings Anne, and withhav ae Thehad charitymounte shopd the openedfootpa inth Unionat the ner.our Thererigorou iss alsoguid ael “wantedines and board”we will posy and a card she had made. The coaGoslitskiches cou hasld be beenhit w chargedith £50 b withills asked borough officials to gauge Streetentra innce 1980of Fo whenrge Lan thee an buildingd realised fordo a peoplell we can whoto en aresure lookingthat it do fores two counts of wounding with in- card had a picture of a horse be- was bought for £12,000. Thirty- something in particular and the vol- ttento acc andess c oneentr ofal possessingMaidstone, aw knifehile causeKCC’s Daisythoug hadhts researchedon introdu oncin theg a seventhere yearswas later,no w itsay successhe co contin-uld get unteersnot happ willen a keepgain.” an eye out for tinax ais publicwould place.face £8 charges. internetred rout ande. found that the Princess ues, with the volunteers having them.

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16 Maidstone June 2017 20 Maidstone Weald August 2019 News Fires break out after heatwave WILDFIRES flared in the borough conditions, leaving fire crews as Britain baked in record temper- wrestling with a swathe of burning atures last month. vegetation, which covered three Firefighters in full kit tackled two acres. major blazes as the mercury hit the Firefighters used an extended high 30s on Thursday, July 25. hose reel jet to tackle the blaze , be- In , six fire engines fore damping down hotspots with took on a two-hectare cornfield con- hose reel jets and flexi-packs. They flagration. They were called out just stood down just before 2pm. after 2.30pm. Fire chiefs say there were no casu- A spokesman for Kent Fire and alties from either incident, and the Rescue Service said the crews’ first causes are not yet known. priority was to limit the fire’s The Kent Fire and Rescue Service spread. spokesman said: “Anyone who Two hours after arriving, having spots a grass fire should report it as used three main jets and three hose soon as possible, providing as much reel jets on the flames, firefighters detail as possible on the location so it Club’s centenary success declared the incident over and re- can be dealt with before it spreads. BOWLERS have celebrated their Cindy said: “Headcorn Bowls turned to their stations. “During periods of hot and dry club’s centenary this summer by Club put on a great tournament, Members of the public raised the weather, incidents on grassland taking top prize at the Headcorn the weather was perfect and the Chart Sutton alarm just two hours have the potential to become much Ladies Triple Day. green played beautifully.” after four fire engines arrived in bigger wildfires.” Loose Bowls Club fielded the Both Loose and Headcorn are Mote Park, Maidstone, following re- At Leeds on July 30, a major fire winning team of Jane Hills, Sandra on the lookout for new players. For ports of smoke and flames in grass broke out in a field of wheat off Carr and Cindy Jones (pictured), more information, visit www.loose- and undergrowth. Burberry Lane destroying much of who took on allcomers on Wednes- or www.head- The spokesman said the blaze the crop which was due to be har- day, July 10. moved quickly in the tinder-dry vested imminently.

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Maidstone Weald August 2019 21 News Police assaults ‘not tolerated’ Wife’s tribute to cyclist ELEVEN officers were assaulted over the course of one weekend after responding to calls for help after fatal A20 collision across Kent. Officers reported being spat at, kicked, threatened, punched and THE family of a cyclist who died after a collison with a tipper truck have pushed between June 28 and paid tribute to a loving “larger than life” father and husband. June 30. In one incident, an offi- Daniel Waite (43) died at the “On the slopes, he was a thrill- cer needed hospital treatment scene near the junction for Leeds seeking skier and loved sharing after hitting his head while at- Castle and Leeds village on the this with his family every year. He tempting to restrain a suspect. A20 at 8pm on July 3. had a real zest for life and those During one incident in Maid- Paramedics were unable to save around him loved his passion and stone on June 30, an officer was Mr Waite, a father of two. being in his company. sprayed with a deodorant whilst In a statement, wife Sarah said: “His ability to give will still re- trying to arrest a suspect in con- “Dan ‘Waitey’ was a larger than main, as we remember him for the life character, who really was the amazing man and father that he nection with a drugs offence. nicest person you could meet. His is. His stories will help us fill the Deputy chief constable Tony big grin was infectious and he had gap that his presence leaves in our Blaker said: “Every day our offi- time for everyone. daily lives. cers are required to attend un- “Dan was a generous, caring “Dan did not get nearly enough predictable, challenging and son, husband, father, brother and time to finish what he was here to sometimes volatile situations. friend who is sorely missed and do. Those who knew him will feel This doesn’t mean they should will be remembered so fondly, enjoyment of sport. He was a pas- privileged and grateful to have accept being abused, assaulted with many good memories. sionate and dedicated team had a chance to know him as he or spat at as part of the job. “He lived his life to the fullest player with his local football club leaves memories of good times in and this could be seen through his and cycling group. our thoughts and hearts.” “The large number of arrests made over one weekend demon- strates that such behaviour will simply not be tolerated.” KCC’s £150k to encourage cycling KENT County Council is helping borough colleagues Stones school to achieve “modal shift” by contributing £150,000 to a cycling scheme. MAIDSTONE United FC is set to Train operator Southeastern was awarded cash spend the summer hosting a se- from the Government’s Cycle Rail Programme which ries of “soccer schools” for has been matched by Tory-run KCC. youngsters in years two to nine. Parking bays for 60 cycles will be created at Maid- The Stones say it is a rare stone East. chance for budding stars to expe- Liberal Democrat-led Maidstone Borough Council is rience the Gallagher alongside committed to the concept of “modal shift” which it first team and academy players. claims will mitigate against its massive house-build- ing programme by persuading residents to abandon The sessions offer professional their cars in favour of walking, cycling or catching a coaching, competitions and mini- bus. tournaments. A fraction of the 17,600 homes contained in the plan’s review. Last year, MBC’s Lib Dem leader Cllr Classes kicked off on July 25, Local Plan passed in November 2017 have been built Martin Cox admitted to Downs Mail he was not with the last session on August but another 8,000 units are to be included in the “100% sure” that “modal shift” will work. 23. Fire warning after heatwave dries grass FIREFIGHTERS are warning the group manager for community reflective cans and glass can never put the ashes straight into public to be on their guard as this safety, said the public should easily start a grassfire in the a dustbin or wheelie bin.” summer’s blistering tempera- think “fire” whether they are sun. Readers who discover a blaze tures leave the county vulnerable out in the countryside or relax- “Keep barbecues away from should move to a safe place and to grass and crop fires. ing in their own back gardens. trees, buildings, sheds and call the fire service on 999 im- Kent Fire and Rescue Service She said: “We would like to shrubs, and always keep a large mediately, providing as much (KFRS) says rural blazes can remind everyone to take extra bucket of water on-hand in case detail as they can, including the quickly escalate into wildfires precautions to keep safe and of an emergency. size of fire, the exact location now that record temperatures help us prevent further fires. “Use only recognised fire- (including road or property have baked the land. “Please ensure you always ex- lighters or starter fuel for bar- name) and terrain. In 2018, the county’s fire crews tinguish smoking materials be- becues, braziers, fire pits or Leanne said: “Never attempt responded to almost 700 grass- fore disposing of them safely. chimineas, and never leave to tackle the fire yourself, as fires. Already this year, they have “Do not have campfires in the them unattended. Once you’ve fires can be extremely unpre- attended more than 400. countryside and take any litter finished with them, ensure they dictable and spread incredibly Leanne McMahon, KFRS’s or rubbish home with you, as have completely cooled, and fast in this heat.”

22 Maidstone Weald August 2019 News News Police assaults ‘not tolerated’ Wife’s tribute to cyclist County show is a winner ELEVEN officers were assaulted over the course of one weekend THE Kent County Show attracted almost 80,000 visitors this year – its 90th anniversary. after responding to calls for help after fatal A20 collision Blessed with good weather, or- across Kent. ganisers said targets had been met Officers reported being spat at, – the show’s attendance was up kicked, threatened, punched and THE family of a cyclist who died after a collison with a tipper truck have 4,000 on 2018 to 78,000. pushed between June 28 and paid tribute to a loving “larger than life” father and husband. Show manager Lucy Hegarty said: “The show team have been June 30. In one incident, an offi- Daniel Waite (43) died at the “On the slopes, he was a thrill- planning this all year and we were cer needed hospital treatment scene near the junction for Leeds seeking skier and loved sharing delighted that everyone who at- after hitting his head while at- Castle and Leeds village on the this with his family every year. He tended helped us celebrate this tempting to restrain a suspect. A20 at 8pm on July 3. had a real zest for life and those huge milestone. During one incident in Maid- Paramedics were unable to save around him loved his passion and “The atmosphere was fantastic, stone on June 30, an officer was Mr Waite, a father of two. being in his company. and we were pleased that all our sprayed with a deodorant whilst In a statement, wife Sarah said: “His ability to give will still re- exhibitors, trade stands, displays trying to arrest a suspect in con- “Dan ‘Waitey’ was a larger than main, as we remember him for the and entertainment joined the party life character, who really was the amazing man and father that he nection with a drugs offence. and helped make this a really spe- nicest person you could meet. His is. His stories will help us fill the cial show for our 2019 visitors.” Deputy chief constable Tony big grin was infectious and he had gap that his presence leaves in our Blaker said: “Every day our offi- Management paid tribute to time for everyone. daily lives. sponsors, who included Quinn Es- cers are required to attend un- “Dan was a generous, caring “Dan did not get nearly enough tates, Savills, MHA MacIntyre predictable, challenging and son, husband, father, brother and time to finish what he was here to Hudson, and Wingham Wildlife sometimes volatile situations. friend who is sorely missed and do. Those who knew him will feel Park. This doesn’t mean they should will be remembered so fondly, enjoyment of sport. He was a pas- privileged and grateful to have HRH The Duke of Kent attended with many good memories. had a chance to know him as he accept being abused, assaulted sionate and dedicated team as patron of the Kent County Agri- formed acrobatics on horseback New Line Learning’s Ruby Sumner (15), Jack Austin (11), Jack Wilding “He lived his life to the fullest leaves memories of good times in or spat at as part of the job. player with his local football club cultural Society. twice daily in the main Astor Ring. (11), Shayleigh Harber, Jess Austin (16) and Danielle Sumner (17), and and this could be seen through his and cycling group. our thoughts and hearts.” “The large number of arrests Organisers said the Duke took A spokesman said: “Visitors below, Tom Hulme, from Sittingbourne, won Best In Show for his cherries made over one weekend demon- particular interest in the heritage cheered them for their superb strates that such behaviour will vehicles, Kent farriers, livestock horsemanship and they were the perfect entertainment for the light- simply not be tolerated.” KCC’s £150k to encourage cycling and the young farmers who com- pete over three days. He also hearted and friendly celebratory KENT County Council is helping borough colleagues planted a tree in the woodland area atmosphere. Stones school to achieve “modal shift” by contributing £150,000 to to commemorate the 90th Show. “They, along with all the trade a cycling scheme. Headlining the entertainment stands, displays and demonstra- MAIDSTONE United FC is set to Train operator Southeastern was awarded cash spend the summer hosting a se- this year were The International tions helped make the 90th show from the Government’s Cycle Rail Programme which Dzhigitovka Show, who per- very memorable.” ries of “soccer schools” for has been matched by Tory-run KCC. youngsters in years two to nine. Parking bays for 60 cycles will be created at Maid- The Stones say it is a rare stone East. chance for budding stars to expe- Liberal Democrat-led Maidstone Borough Council is rience the Gallagher alongside committed to the concept of “modal shift” which it first team and academy players. claims will mitigate against its massive house-build- ing programme by persuading residents to abandon The sessions offer professional their cars in favour of walking, cycling or catching a coaching, competitions and mini- bus. tournaments. A fraction of the 17,600 homes contained in the plan’s review. Last year, MBC’s Lib Dem leader Cllr Classes kicked off on July 25, Local Plan passed in November 2017 have been built Martin Cox admitted to Downs Mail he was not with the last session on August but another 8,000 units are to be included in the “100% sure” that “modal shift” will work. 23.

Fire warning after heatwave dries grass Cllr Marion Ring, Mayor of Maidstone, is introduced to the Duke of Kent FIREFIGHTERS are warning the group manager for community reflective cans and glass can never put the ashes straight into public to be on their guard as this safety, said the public should easily start a grassfire in the a dustbin or wheelie bin.” summer’s blistering tempera- think “fire” whether they are sun. Readers who discover a blaze tures leave the county vulnerable out in the countryside or relax- “Keep barbecues away from should move to a safe place and to grass and crop fires. ing in their own back gardens. trees, buildings, sheds and call the fire service on 999 im- Kent Fire and Rescue Service She said: “We would like to shrubs, and always keep a large mediately, providing as much (KFRS) says rural blazes can remind everyone to take extra bucket of water on-hand in case detail as they can, including the quickly escalate into wildfires precautions to keep safe and of an emergency. size of fire, the exact location now that record temperatures help us prevent further fires. “Use only recognised fire- (including road or property have baked the land. “Please ensure you always ex- lighters or starter fuel for bar- name) and terrain. In 2018, the county’s fire crews tinguish smoking materials be- becues, braziers, fire pits or Leanne said: “Never attempt responded to almost 700 grass- fore disposing of them safely. chimineas, and never leave to tackle the fire yourself, as fires. Already this year, they have “Do not have campfires in the them unattended. Once you’ve fires can be extremely unpre- attended more than 400. countryside and take any litter finished with them, ensure they dictable and spread incredibly Leanne McMahon, KFRS’s or rubbish home with you, as have completely cooled, and fast in this heat.” Cobtree YFC’s Anna Chatfield (13) and Ethan Healy (15)

Maidstone Weald August 2019 23 News Court break-in BURGLARS broke into the local Call for the magistrates’ court, just yards from Invicta Grammar tops the town’s police station. Thieves took computer equip- ment in the break-in at 5am on the morning of Sunday, July 7. On the Monday, a sign on the Kent schools’ league door of the court in Palace Av- INVICTA Grammar School has enue directed all parties to the been rated the fourth best in the KENT’S TOP 10 crown court in Barker Road. C Prompt country and tops the league in ollection Conservative councillor 1 Invicta Grammar School Kent, according to a new guide. Jonathan Purle said: “I’m not sure 2 Highworth Grammar School Fast there is any better metaphor of The Real School Guide 2019 3 Grammar School Delivery how the police have lost control of bases its rankings on last year's D.TD.T exam results, pupil-to-teacher ra- 4 The Rochester Grammar Maidstone’s streets – a break-in at School the magistrates’ court next door tios and attainment data. 5 Dartford Grammar School for to one of the few manned police The guide puts Ashford’s High- SKIP HIRE Accredited Hypnotherapy Girls SKIP HIRE stations.” worth Grammar School in second A police spokesman refused to slot, while third is Dartford 6 Weald of Kent Grammar Over 20 Years Experience & NLP Training say how many staff were at the Grammar School. School station at the time. The RSG compilers said: “This 016227 T h753618e Folkestone School for Girls guide aims to give parents a bet- Starting 7th September 8 Sir Joseph Williamson's Math- T Skip Hire 3, 4, 6 Assault case ter idea of which schools will help ematical School Accredited Training in Hypnotherapy their child prosper, no matter 9 Chatham Grammar School for & 12 Yard Bins A MAIDSTONE man has ap- what their background.” relationships with their students, Girls peared before magistrates ac- T Covering Maidstone Julie Derrick, IGS head teacher provides the platform for stu- 10 The Skinners' School cused of beating a woman. (pictured), said: “We are thrilled dents to be inspired, work hard & The Weald Also Business Coaching & Development David Brown (27), of Cam- to have been recognised for our and enjoy their learning. received outstanding reports in bridge Crescent, denied three achievements in the Real School “However, we recognise that T EA Registered Accredited by the Hypnotherapy Association their last Ofsted inspections. charges including criminal dam- Guide. we could not do this without T Fast & Prompt Service age, assault by beating, and en- “We have always had high as- great support from our parents.” Schools which receive an out- gaging in controlling and coercive pirations for our students in both Invicta is rated as outstanding standing Ofsted rating do not get T Commercial behaviour. their academic and personal op- by education watchdog Ofsted inspected again unless there are & Domestic Call Patricia Whitson 07711140201 A trial date has been set for at portunities programme. and is run by the Valley Invicta special reasons for doing so. Maidstone Magistrates Court Email [email protected] “I believe students must have a Academies’ Trust. All but three of those on the list later this summer. Nineteen Kent secondary are grammar schools and seven balance of both; this, combined For one to one sessions visit with teachers who understand the schools have not been inspected schools have not been inspected 01622 843511 importance of developing strong in the last five years, all of which in at least 10 years. 01233 623721 Sunnybridge Farm, Watery Lane, West Well, Ashford, Kent TN25 4JJ

Drug user abMuesdewday sBlindtorse &s Curtaintaff s A MAIDSTONE man unleashed a Chairman of the bench, Mike DO YOU NEED torrent of abuse towards staff at a Bean said: “It seems like you need local store after being asked to to start behaving like a sensible PLANNING PERMISSION OR leave, a court heard. citizen. Can I ask how old you BUILDING REGULATIONS FOR AN Set in Stone Jordan Lindo (25), of Quarry are?” Road, was in the Premier store in Lindo replied: “I’m 25. I’ve been New memorials in Courtenay Road when he became in and out of prison for about five DESIGN,EXTENSION, PLANNING & LOFT BUILDING CONVERSION REGULATIONS verbally aggressive in front of years. Little things just set me granite, marble and Lions’ new chief young children. off.” We offerOR a fullEVEN design service A BRAND from planning NEWyour new house,HOME? extension stone. Renovations, Prosecuting, Debbie Jones told Mr Bean said: “You are a young or conversion to gaining the relevant permissions and approvals. THE Lions in Maidstone have a cleaning and new president. Maidstone Magistrates Court: man and it’s time to get straight We can guide you throughCALL the whole USprocess ON and deal with any matters David Frost was presented “During the afternoon on May 20, 0% now. I’m sure you don’t want to that may arise in helping you achieve a bigger or better home. additional inscriptions. with his chain of office at Mote Lindo refused to leave a Premier be going in and out of prison your 01622 812868 House in Maidstone on July 7 by convenience store in Courtenay Finance whole life, do you? Because you 01622 812868 outgoing president Bryan Viz- Road. He became aggressive and Available have only just got out of prison, Find us at: zard (pictured above). started swearing at staff mem- we are going to give you two con- WWW.ORJOHNC GOH ILTODS .COM 24 High Street, David, a retired consultant en- bers. current sentences for both charges Sittingbourne, Kent gineer, from Loose, has been “The defendant was heard of using threatening behaviour ME10 4PD president on two other occasions shouting an offensive remark at a and the possession of cannabis. and has been a Lion for 34 years. staff member saying ‘speak ******* “You will receive a 12-month Tel; 01795 410800 His term of office lasts a year. English’. Young children were 01634c on68ditional d68ischarge , m68eaning for our best prices EVER! 66 High Street, The club usually gives away present at the store and witnessed no further action will be taken. more than £20k to charitable the incident. A small bag of 6 The OaksH Buowevseinr, iessf you Villagcome toec,o urt Maidstone, Kent causes each year. It meets on cannabis was also found on him.” Lordswood, Chathamagain Mr Lin Kdoe, yntou wME5ill be i n8LFse- ME14 1SR the third Tuesday of each month. Defending, Hugh Roberts said: amount of cannabis on him for his rious trouble.” Tel; 01622 679888 For details visit www.maidstone- “Mr Lindo is a single man. He did own personal use.” Lindo pleaded guilty to both or call them on 0845 acknowledge during police inter- The cowwwurt heard he.mhad peredvi- wchayblindarges and was serve 8339869. views a wrongdoing in the situa- ous drug convictions and had a 12-month conditional discharge [email protected] tion. He was found with a small served time in prison. and pay a £105 fine.

24 Maidstone Weald August 2019 Maidstone Weald August 2019 25

Maidstone Weald October 2017 33 News Court break-in BURGLARS broke into the local Call for the magistrates’ court, just yards from Invicta Grammar tops the town’s police station. Thieves took computer equip- ment in the break-in at 5am on the morning of Sunday, July 7. On the Monday, a sign on the Kent schools’ league door of the court in Palace Av- INVICTA Grammar School has enue directed all parties to the been rated the fourth best in the KENT’S TOP 10 crown court in Barker Road. C Prompt country and tops the league in Conservative councillor 1 Invicta Grammar School ollection Kent, according to a new guide. Jonathan Purle said: “I’m not sure 2 Highworth Grammar School Fast there is any better metaphor of The Real School Guide 2019 3 Dartford Grammar School Delivery how the police have lost control of bases its rankings on last year's D.TD.T exam results, pupil-to-teacher ra- 4 The Rochester Grammar Maidstone’s streets – a break-in at School the magistrates’ court next door tios and attainment data. 5 Dartford Grammar School for to one of the few manned police The guide puts Ashford’s High- SKIP HIRE Accredited Hypnotherapy Girls SKIP HIRE stations.” worth Grammar School in second A police spokesman refused to slot, while third is Dartford 6 Weald of Kent Grammar Over 20 Years Experience & NLP Training say how many staff were at the Grammar School. School station at the time. The RSG compilers said: “This 016227 T h753618e Folkestone School for Girls guide aims to give parents a bet- Starting 7th September 8 Sir Joseph Williamson's Math- T Skip Hire 3, 4, 6 Assault case ter idea of which schools will help ematical School Accredited Training in Hypnotherapy their child prosper, no matter 9 Chatham Grammar School for & 12 Yard Bins A MAIDSTONE man has ap- what their background.” relationships with their students, Girls peared before magistrates ac- T Covering Maidstone Julie Derrick, IGS head teacher provides the platform for stu- 10 The Skinners' School cused of beating a woman. (pictured), said: “We are thrilled dents to be inspired, work hard & The Weald Also Business Coaching & Development David Brown (27), of Cam- to have been recognised for our and enjoy their learning. received outstanding reports in bridge Crescent, denied three achievements in the Real School “However, we recognise that T EA Registered Accredited by the Hypnotherapy Association their last Ofsted inspections. charges including criminal dam- Guide. we could not do this without T Fast & Prompt Service age, assault by beating, and en- “We have always had high as- great support from our parents.” Schools which receive an out- gaging in controlling and coercive pirations for our students in both Invicta is rated as outstanding standing Ofsted rating do not get T Commercial behaviour. their academic and personal op- by education watchdog Ofsted inspected again unless there are & Domestic Call Patricia Whitson 07711140201 A trial date has been set for at portunities programme. and is run by the Valley Invicta special reasons for doing so. Maidstone Magistrates Court Email [email protected] “I believe students must have a Academies’ Trust. All but three of those on the list later this summer. Nineteen Kent secondary are grammar schools and seven balance of both; this, combined For one to one sessions visit with teachers who understand the schools have not been inspected schools have not been inspected 01622 843511 importance of developing strong in the last five years, all of which in at least 10 years. 01233 623721 Sunnybridge Farm, Watery Lane, West Well, Ashford, Kent TN25 4JJ

Drug user abMuesdewday sBlindtorse &s Curtaintaff s A MAIDSTONE man unleashed a Chairman of the bench, Mike DO YOU NEED torrent of abuse towards staff at a Bean said: “It seems like you need local store after being asked to to start behaving like a sensible PLANNING PERMISSION OR leave, a court heard. citizen. Can I ask how old you BUILDING REGULATIONS FOR AN Set in Stone Jordan Lindo (25), of Quarry are?” Road, was in the Premier store in Lindo replied: “I’m 25. I’ve been New memorials in Courtenay Road when he became in and out of prison for about five DESIGN,EXTENSION, PLANNING & LOFT BUILDING CONVERSION REGULATIONS verbally aggressive in front of years. Little things just set me granite, marble and Lions’ new chief young children. off.” We offerOR a fullEVEN design service A BRAND from planning NEWyour new house,HOME? extension stone. Renovations, Prosecuting, Debbie Jones told Mr Bean said: “You are a young or conversion to gaining the relevant permissions and approvals. THE Lions in Maidstone have a cleaning and new president. Maidstone Magistrates Court: man and it’s time to get straight We can guide you throughCALL the whole USprocess ON and deal with any matters David Frost was presented “During the afternoon on May 20, 0% now. I’m sure you don’t want to that may arise in helping you achieve a bigger or better home. additional inscriptions. with his chain of office at Mote Lindo refused to leave a Premier be going in and out of prison your 01622 812868 House in Maidstone on July 7 by convenience store in Courtenay Finance whole life, do you? Because you 01622 812868 outgoing president Bryan Viz- Road. He became aggressive and Available have only just got out of prison, Find us at: zard (pictured above). started swearing at staff mem- we are going to give you two con- WWW.ORJOHNC GOH ILTODS .COM 24 High Street, David, a retired consultant en- bers. current sentences for both charges Sittingbourne, Kent gineer, from Loose, has been “The defendant was heard of using threatening behaviour ME10 4PD president on two other occasions shouting an offensive remark at a and the possession of cannabis. and has been a Lion for 34 years. staff member saying ‘speak ******* “You will receive a 12-month Tel; 01795 410800 His term of office lasts a year. English’. Young children were 01634c on68ditional d68ischarge , m68eaning for our best prices EVER! 66 High Street, The club usually gives away present at the store and witnessed no further action will be taken. more than £20k to charitable the incident. A small bag of 6 The OaksH Buowevseinr, iessf you Villagcome toec,o urt Maidstone, Kent causes each year. It meets on cannabis was also found on him.” Lordswood, Chathamagain Mr Lin Kdoe, yntou wME5ill be i n8LFse- ME14 1SR the third Tuesday of each month. Defending, Hugh Roberts said: amount of cannabis on him for his rious trouble.” Tel; 01622 679888 For details visit www.maidstone- “Mr Lindo is a single man. He did own personal use.” Lindo pleaded guilty to both or call them on 0845 acknowledge during police inter- The cowwwurt heard he.mhad peredvi-wchayblindarges and was serve 8339869. views a wrongdoing in the situa- ous drug convictions and had a 12-month conditional discharge [email protected] tion. He was found with a small served time in prison. and pay a £105 fine.

Maidstone Weald August 2019 25

Maidstone Weald October 2017 33 Freephone 0800 6942024 HOMEFRESH Throughout the South East CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING OFFER Carpets (Average) Normal rate Special rate Single Room (12’ x 12’) £52 £26 Through Room (12’ x 18’) £66 £33 Hall, Stairs & Landing £66 £33 Upholstery 3 piece suite £94 £47 Kent business owner? Leather 3 piece suite £156 £78 50% We can handle all your Trade Waste needs Curtains Discount Full length £84 £42 O b i t u a r e s Joan Irene Jennings 1,156. He was active in the successful closed for the summer break he always campaign to stop Kent International wished us a happy summer. As a 0344 8807700 Half Length £52 £26 No hidden extras - All prices inclusive of VAT JOAN Irene Jennings (82) lived in Otham Gateway’s commercial railway and chairman, he was quite strict but he often from 1989 to 2015, and quickly made warehouses coming to had a laugh.” many friends and Bearsted/Hollingbourne. Vice-chairman Sandra Manser added 01233 840624 TOM HOPE offers the following services: became involved in The society said: “Brian was a very “Being tall and with very dark hair, Arthur volunteering. special person: he was simply the kindest was quite a noticeable figure. He was, for a [email protected] Most types of fencing undertaken Born in Wales, she man, and a man more generous with his while, a special constable, which meant he Fields rolled, harrowed and fertilised (ATV spread if wet) married Derek time would be difficult to find.” was called on to assist when extra policing Flail mowing (untidy field to a lawn) Jennings in 1957 and The largest G Blocked drain clearance Having (whole or part job) bale wrapping, baling, round, quadrant and conventional. Brian was heavily involved in many was needed. In , he would help £62 £31 Horse manure loaded and taken away. the couple moved to Maidstone organisations and trusts, Holy anyone and was often called upon by independently G CCTV drain£76 & sewer surveys£38 Dundee, Scotland, 13 tonne 360 with experience operator, full range of bucket’s concrete breaker Cross Church, Bearsted, and more recently elderly people who were unable to help G £76 £38 Circular saw for overgrown hedges – other services available (anything considered). where Derek worked owned liquid Drain & sewer cleaning he and his wife Jill were regular themselves. He was devoted to his wife waste REQUIRED: Fields for haying and grazing. as a government- volunteers helping the homeless with and looked after her when her health G Cesspool & septic tank services £104 £52 FOR SALE: employed scientist, Maidstone Churches Winter Shelter. started to fail many years ago. He was management G Tankering including ADR (hazchem) becoming eminent in his field. £166 £83 Oak offcut’s ideal woodburner (large loads). Half tonne apple bin’s – used once. He was a dedicated member of the known as ‘a good man’.” company in G Pollution & flooding solutions All type and shapes of forage. Clean brick and block hardcore, also plannings. Joan was mother to Helen, Richard and Rotary Club of Maidstone for about 30 the UK G Waste disposal & recycling Large quantity of farmyard manure any size load, collected or delivered. John. Helen said: “My parents moved to years, holding many offices, including £94 £47 All above subject to availability. Otham after my father retired at 60. president. He was awarded the club’s top Len Alliston £62 £31 “My mother was a gentle but very social honour – a Paul Harris Fellowship. Telephone/Fax: 01233 756673 Mobile: 07890 818783 person, who made and kept very good THE death of Len Alliston (65) following He joined the family business founded an accident on the A2 made local friends and had an elegant quality. in 1747, James Clifford & Sons Ltd, “My father worked with a local headlines. primarily located in Hart Street and with Len, of businessman called Simon Brice whilst my two shops in Bank Street, Maidstone, and mother became involved in volunteering Staplehurst and another in Sevenoaks. It specialised in formerly of Yalding including work at Maidstone Hospital, a manufacturing textile and agricultural Brand New hospice shop in Maidstone and as a guide was an HGV driver •Driveways •Tar & Grit products, wholesale distribution of floor with years of Straight Stairlifts at the National Trust property, Stoneacre. coverings and retailed sports, leather and •Tarmacadam •Footpaths “My parents were also involved with experience. His travel goods. death came after an Reconditioned the local church in Otham and my mother After National Service he joined the •Block Paving•Car Parks was part of a large social network which accident near Stairlifts Territorial Army Kent Yeomanry from Ebbsfleet. Council Approved Drop Kerbs Free Estimates met regularly and went out in the area. 1951/68 and was honoured with a Tributes have Tel No: 01622 756128 Next My father was often called to speak at Territorial Decoration award in 1966. been led by Len’s WE BEAT ANY GENUINE QUOTES Mobile: 07905 182363 day conferences and he and my mother Brian’s contributions to Bearsted and the partner of seven years Linda Reynolds, enjoyed the opportunities for travel and area – he scrutinised every planning installation who described him as a “much-loved 01622 741183 [email protected] the places they visited.” application – were marked by the parish Joan leaves her husband, children, and caring man.” 01622 862035 / 07771 523799 council in 2009 when he received the Mynn Len was father to daughter Charlie and 49 West Park Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 7AF grandchildren: Callum, Callum, Claire, Award and in 2010 by Maidstone with a Call us today to request your FREE, no obligation, home survey. Henry, Lawrence, Teri-Louise, Adrienne stepfather to Linda’s children Sco�, Ian, Pride of Maidstone award. Jenny, Jess and Ben. He also leaves and Struan and great-grandchildren: He loved his family life and is survived Rosie, Ewan, Ma�hew and Anna. Another grandchildren Micky, Sonny and Lenny Access by his wife, children Nicky, Sue and and one great grandchild, Stanley. Computer great-granddaughter is expected in Andrew, and three grandchildren. HOODS TREE SERVICES LTD Denied September. TREE SURGERY SPECIALISTS Problems??? Arthur Earl Jalisa Forsyth Brian Clifford ALLINGTON’S Jalisa Forsyth (22) was a Services include: Double Glazing Repairs THE death has been reported of Arthur Tree Reductions and Felling Any IT related issues, do not hesitate to contact MANY organisations in Maidstone, and university graduate known for her Earl who was known locally for his devotion to pop music. Stump Grinding Dean: & Locksmith Services notably in his home village of Bearsted, involvement with Kent Police’s special are indebted to the support, campaigning, Her sudden death prompted an Hedge Cutting and Removal Mob: 07722 293187 • Locks repaired or replaced • Doors that are difficult to close & lock constabulary and from decades of work as outpouring of tributes from friends and voluntary work and kindnesses of Brian • Hinges & window handles • Broken glass & misted units part of Barming Parish Council. celebrities who knew the former pupil of Seasoned Logs Email: info@warford­ Clifford (85), who died after a short bout • Lost key replaced & doors opened • Letterboxes Arthur served the council as chairman Maplesden Noakes School. Facebook: Warford Computers of pneumonia. NPTC Qualified and fully insured • Patio doors, runners & rollers for around 22 years, starting his stint in the Jalisa had followed the career of Meghan He revived Bearsted and Thurnham mid 60s. Current council members recall Free quotes and advice provided £25 per hour Society in 2005 and as new chairman Trainor for a decade and the star paid him with affection. The present chairman, tribute to the woman she described as one NO Fix NO Fee 01622 611107 / 07967 625 447 helped build membership from 114 to Fay Gooch, said: “Every July, when we of her best friends, saying: “I will never [email protected] - No Call out Charge Quote ‘The Downs Mail’ forget Jalisa and she will forever be a 01622 744149 - 07590 461382 member of the Megatron family. Maidstone Weald October 2017 35 “My deepest condolences go out to her 01233 840624 Camrass Wills family and friends. I love you forever and Quality Garden Buildings always, Jalisa. I’ll keep you in my heart [email protected] Advice you can trust and bring you to every performance.” in the Heart of Kent Local Instagram star Bri�any Archer Do you need help with probate? said on Facebook: “In u�er shock: so many Do you want to buy a funeral plan? hearts broken over this.” Sheds, Site Huts, Jalisa, who held a degree in business Workshops, Garages, • We offer help & advice • Home visits • All fees agreed before you proceed and management from the University of The largest independently owned liquid Mini Tool Stores, Potting waste management company in the UK Chester, is also being commemorated with DipPFS MSWW Sheds, Play houses, a fundraising page started by her family. And all other types of Proceeds will go to the neonatal unit at 01622 720985 garden building. Poole Hospital in memory of the fact that Jalisa loved babies. • Blocked drain clearance • CCTV drain & sewer surveys 01622 880031 • Drain & sewer cleaning • Cesspool & septic tank services Hollingbourne Hill, Hollingbourne, Maidstone Kent • Tankering including ADR (hazchem) • Pollution & flooding solutions There is no charge for our obituary service. Call Neil Nixon on 01622 630422 or email [email protected] [email protected] • Waste disposal & recycling

26 Maidstone Weald August 2019 Maidstone Weald August 2019 27 Freephone 0800 6942024 HOMEFRESH Throughout the South East CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING OFFER Carpets (Average) Normal rate Special rate Single Room (12’ x 12’) £52 £26 Through Room (12’ x 18’) £66 £33 Hall, Stairs & Landing £66 £33 Upholstery 3 piece suite £94 £47 Kent business owner? Leather 3 piece suite £156 £78 50% We can handle all your Trade Waste needs Curtains Discount Full length £84 £42 0344 8807700 Half Length £52 £26 No hidden extras - All prices inclusive of VAT

01233 840624 TOM HOPE offers the following services: [email protected] Most types of fencing undertaken Fields rolled, harrowed and fertilised (ATV spread if wet) Flail mowing (untidy field to a lawn) The largest G Blocked drain clearance Having (whole or part job) bale wrapping, baling, round, quadrant and conventional. £62 £31 Horse manure loaded and taken away. independently G CCTV drain£76 & sewer surveys£38 13 tonne 360 with experience operator, full range of bucket’s concrete breaker owned liquid G Drain & sewer£76 cleaning £38 Circular saw for overgrown hedges – other services available (anything considered). waste G Cesspool & septic tank services REQUIRED: Fields for haying and grazing. management G Tankering£104 including ADR (hazchem)£52 FOR SALE: £166 £83 Oak offcut’s ideal woodburner (large loads). Half tonne apple bin’s – used once. company in G Pollution & flooding solutions All type and shapes of forage. Clean brick and block hardcore, also plannings. the UK G Waste disposal & recycling Large quantity of farmyard manure any size load, collected or delivered. £94 £47 All above subject to availability. £62 £31 Telephone/Fax: 01233 756673 Mobile: 07890 818783

•Driveways •Tar & Grit Brand New •Tarmacadam •Footpaths Straight Stairlifts Reconditioned •Block Paving•Car Parks Stairlifts Council Approved Drop Kerbs Free Estimates Tel No: 01622 756128 Next WE BEAT ANY GENUINE QUOTES Mobile: 07905 182363 day installation 01622 741183 [email protected] 01622 862035 / 07771 523799 49 West Park Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 7AF Call us today to request your FREE, no obligation, home survey. Access HOODS TREE SERVICES LTD Computer Denied TREE SURGERY SPECIALISTS Problems??? Services include: Double Glazing Repairs Tree Reductions and Felling Any IT related issues, do not hesitate to contact Stump Grinding Dean: & Locksmith Services Hedge Cutting and Removal Mob: 07722 293187 • Locks repaired or replaced • Doors that are difficult to close & lock Seasoned Logs Email: info@warford­ • Hinges & window handles • Broken glass & misted units Facebook: Warford Computers • Lost key replaced & doors opened • Letterboxes NPTC Qualified and fully insured • Patio doors, runners & rollers Free quotes and advice provided £25 per hour NO Fix NO Fee 01622 611107 / 07967 625 447 [email protected] - No Call out Charge Quote ‘The Downs Mail’ 01622 744149 - 07590 461382 Maidstone Weald October 2017 35 01233 840624 Quality Garden Buildings [email protected] in the Heart of Kent

Sheds, Site Huts, Workshops, Garages, The largest independently owned liquid Mini Tool Stores, Potting waste management company in the UK Sheds, Play houses, And all other types of garden building. • Blocked drain clearance • CCTV drain & sewer surveys 01622 880031 • Drain & sewer cleaning • Cesspool & septic tank services Hollingbourne Hill, Hollingbourne, Maidstone Kent • Tankering including ADR (hazchem) • Pollution & flooding solutions [email protected] • Waste disposal & recycling

Maidstone Weald August 2019 27

P Broomfield and Kingswood a r i s h Local Plan review The call for sites is completed and approximately 500 sites

C have been put forward. Not all will get

o u n c i l s approval. A public consultation was due to Professor Tim run from July 19 to September 30, 2019. Briggs with Potential sites will be discussed in terms of members of Maidstone, urban increase, more dispersal, his NHS new se�lements. Cross border duty to improvement cooperate will also be considered. Sports Field The three top fixings in the team and top beam of the flat seat swings will be staff from fixed along with the replacement of the Coxheath damaged gondola table. Ma�ing under the Clinic gondola is to be investigated. Repair of the A LEADING health expert has been in Maid- Home Treatment Service and the trust’s broken rope net in the junior multi play stone looking at how Kent’s community west Kent referral unit, which is helping to unit is in progress. health trust works with others. keep people out of hospital. Coffee morning Cllr Hubbard will a�end The visit by Professor Tim Briggs included Professor Briggs was accompanied by two the August coffee morning and Cllr Davies an appointment at Coxheath Clinic. colleagues from the Getting It Right First will a�end the September coffee morning. The NHS director for clinical quality and Time NHS Improvement programme. He Parish website Councillors were updated efficiency heard about the trust’s Home said: “Staff are doing some fantastic work, on the options for a new website and First scheme; the Rapid Response Service; which I hope to share with other trusts.” resolved that the clerk should create the website using Hugo Fox – a free resource being patrolled and signage had been put the school on the car park to open up for parish councils. It was agreed that the up. opportunities for other funding and would clerk should do this in her own time and be Textile bank There had been no further give the school certain rights. given a donation of £300. response from Phil the Bag. Cllr Waring Play area Cllr Alan White had filled the Café Cllr Hoy advised that a resident is would provide details about the textile pothole by the igloo on the play area. keen to set up a micro-brewery and café in bank run by the Scouts at Boughton Dog bite The car park a�endant had been the village and this could be combined Monchelsea village hall. bi�en by a resident’s dog. The clerk would with a parish office and sited in the Sports Village clean-up The next event would be ask the resident to keep her dog out of the Field. Councillors agreed this was an on Saturday, October 26, meeting at the car park. option, but there is still the access issue. village hall at 10am. Another site was also suggested. Football pitch It was agreed to allow Snake bites Residents were warned to take Coxheath U11s girls football team to train Headcorn care when walking their dogs as one dog on the pitch one evening a week during the Co-option The council heard a had been bi�en by a snake in Kingswood summer. presentation from James Thomas, who was and another near Leeds Castle. Footpath Repairs had started on Mercer co-opted on to the council. Planters The clerk reported that the Way but had been left unfinished, with the Crime report Six crimes were noted, and a planters had been vandalised. Prickly roses footpath closed. The clerk was asked to number of anti-social behaviour incidents had now been planted in the one near the report this. were discussed. It was noted that all but village hall. Councillors agreed that the one of the gang involved in the taking of plants should not be replaced in the one the ATM from Sainsburys had been near the finger post, as it was only the East Farleigh apprended. blooms that had been removed. One way An email had been received from Fire hydrants The clerk was continuing to Picnic in the Park A sum of £161 had been a Dean Street resident suggesting a one chase for the map. A resident had reported raised, half of which had been given to the way system around Forge Lane, Vicarage a hydrant in Forge Meadows that had not pre-school, who have emailed thanking the Lane, Lower Road, Dean Street to avoid been touched for years. The clerk would parish council. The other half will be given lorries and large vehicles ge�ing stuck at investigate. to the Scouts. the narrow part near New Cut. Members Air quality The readings from the agreed this was not a practical solution, as diffusion tubes were being received from it would encourage speeding and large the laboratory. It would take time to Chart Su�on vehicles would cause huge problems at the establish a pa�ern. Speeding There was not much crash data junction of Forge Lane with Vicarage Lane. Local plan It was said to be essential to for Chart Hill Road, which would be Flytipping Cllr Lloyd Porter reported the challenge the formula being used by MBC needed to reduce the speed limit from frequent textile flytipping at the junction of in se�ing the housing requirement. A le�er 60mph to 40mph. Traffic calming measures Wilsons Lane and Gallants Lane. had been drafted which, once ready, would would be a possibility, but would not be Apparently the waste was left by residents be sent to Alison Broom at MBC and easy to install. Parishioners were urged to for collection by the bin men, but the bin copied to MP Helen Whately. report all crashes to the police and to write men were leaving it as they did not have Gibbs Hill Residents were concerned to Highways and Cllr Eric Hotson. A room for it. about commuter parking at the entrance to parishioner felt that the police speed Defibrillators The Almshouses in Gibbs Hill. The clerk advised that evidence camera unit would be a deterrent. Workhouse Lane had decided against would be needed if the ma�er was to be Li�er It was reported that there was a lot of installing a defibrillator, as they were pursued by KCC. li�er on Chart Hill Road. The clerk was unable to find a suitable location and a asked to contact John Edward to ask power supply. The Gallants Lane Maidstone Borough Council to carry out a defibrillator has now been installed in the Langley li�er pick. phone box and was ready for use. Co-option David Woodcock was co-opted Police report There had been one crime in Village car park Cllr Glyn Charlton had a to the council and signed the declaration of the month before the meeting – the theft of meeting with Roger Gough and County acceptance. a van from Amber Lane. PCSO Gardner Cllr Paulina Stockell over help with Bus scheme Another email had been also reported on youths causing issues on maintenance costs for the car park. They received from Robert Clark, of KCC, land at Parsonage Farm land. The area was are going to look into creating a lease for regarding the delay to the pilot scheme. It

28 Maidstone Weald August 2019

was not expected to be implemented until in the car park of the KGV playing field development in . The clerk P the autumn. and had driven across the field and would contact KCC. a r i s h Tea party The parish council was asked to removed the kissing gate to get out. The nominate two elderly residents to a�end damage had been reported to the police for the Mayor’s Tea Party in August. Names insurance reasons. The manager of the club C

Staplehurst o u n c i l s were suggested and the clerk would was asked to come to the meeting but had Golf club It was agreed to ask MBC to progress this. not a�ended. The club had advised that the allocate £7,140 of S106 funds paid by Taylor No new items were identified in gate was already damaged. The cost of Play area Wimpey to a project for three new fairways the MBC inspection report. It was agreed to repairs was £435.94. It was agreed to report and greens at the Village Golf and Sports apply for the MBC SIPA grant and to Cllr the incident to the Kent FA and carry out Club. Hotson’s Member’s Fund to upgrade the repairs. Pump It was agreed to accept a quote of equipment. Community fete This would take place on £920 to supply and install new PVC August 31. Cllr Grigg would open the pipework and replace valves at the Jubilee event, the theme of which would be Past Field pump. and Present. There would be a Loose Anniversary There was a discussion about photography competition, with a closing Footpath There had been a complaint how to commemorate 125 years of parish date of July 26. The winner of each about the footpath from High Banks to the councils. Cllr Sharp volunteered to lead Heath Road in Coxheath, which was said category would be decided on the day of the fete. It was hoped to put the winning organisation of activities and would check to be overgrown. It was agreed that the availability of the village centre in October. clerk would ascertain the owner and seek photographs into a calendar The dog show action. sponsor had dropped out and the working Busbridge Road Road markers had been group was looking for other sponsors. Su on Valence damaged or knocked down. The clerk Pavilion The Stay and Play group wished would contact Cllr Paulina Stockell to see to cancel the hire contract. Six months Play area It was proposed that the what could be done. notice was required. The RFO would councillors repair the fence. Cllr Ward Weight restriction A weight limit of 7.5 contact KCC about any assets. would progress this. The bin was said to be tonnes was to be imposed on the bridge lifting from the ground and the contractor structure at the junction of Bridge Street had been contacted. Dog wast5e had been and Mill Street. This would affect some Marden spread over the baby swings and the tower waste collections. Crime report Since the last meeting there slide. The clerk was checking the area Afternoon tea Cllr Grigg had been asked to had been two thefts from vehicles; an daily. provide the names of four older residents a�empted burglary and three burglaries. Football Agreements and fees were to a�end afternoon tea being hosted by the There were also two reports of anti-social continued with no increase. It was agreed mayor. The clerk would arrange this. behaviour. that as Su�on Valence FC was managed by Community warden While covering the Social media The website was being the groundsman, who was a volunteer, post, Adam McKinley had been working updated and the Twi�er account had been their fees would be waived for the season. with vulnerable residents and working reactivated. It was agreed to set up an Pavilion British Gas had increased the with the PCSO on complaints of antisocial Instagram account. The deputy clerk asked climate change levy on the electricity bill. behaviour. that a flyer be included in the newsle�er Tennis The licence was approved and the Police report PCSO Ross Russell warned of asking for feedback on communication. fees would remain as last year. The tennis high levels of theft locally, particularly of This was agreed. It was agreed to set up a club had offered money towards re- motorbikes. A multi-agency operation was communications sub-commi�ee. surfacing the courts. The clerk would get taking place in woodland near Pheasant GDPR It was agreed not to continue with quotes. Lane to educate youths on the dangers of the contract for the data protection officer Harbour play area Cllr Cook had taken fire and general interaction. He said he for 2019/20. photos of equipment that had rusted. The would look into complaints of youths Parking restrictions MBC had said that clerk had forwarded them to the making camps in the woods behind due to the high number of objections for contractor. Walnut Tree Lane. Pa�enden Lane and West End areas, the Speed limit A resident asked for a Parking Cllr Luckhurst asked if anything restriction proposals would be put to the reduction in the speed limit from the could be done about vehicles parking on Joint Transportation Board, but would not bo�om of South Lane to the BP garage. the cobblestones by Copper Tree Court. be recommended by MBC. Cllr Tippen Bus stop KCC had wri�en to the parish The PCSO said he would contact the would draw up at statement for the JTB council and properties near to the village company that owned the vehicle. and was prepared to speak at the meeting. hall identifying the proposed site of the bus Gate damage A member of Crosskeys Sheephurst Lane Lorries over 7.5tonnes stops. Work should be finished by mid- Football Club had found his vehicle locked were taking soil from Marden to a September.

NUMBER plates have been removed from C r i m e a vehicle that was parked in the owner’s field in Old Tree Lane, Boughton Neighbourhood Watch Monchelsea.

Working to reduce crime. Call Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 or local police r

A Honda Accord had the front driver’s e p o r t s side window smashed in High Street, Two men were seen taking a sit-on lawn A trailer was stolen from an industrial Headcorn. mower and pu�ing it into a van in Old Tree site in Lower Road, . A garage at a house was broken into in Lane, Boughton Monchelsea. They A fuel card was stolen from a Vauxhall Heath Road, Boughton Monchelsea. A dropped it and fled when challenged. in a car park in High Street, Headcorn. bicycle, tools and other items were stolen. There was a break-in at a cricket club in Burglars took a handbag from a house in A red Vauxhall Corsa, GF56***, was Lenham Road, Headcorn, but the Loose Road, Loose, while occupants slept. stolen from a car park in Amber Lane, intruders fled when an alarm was Lead was stolen from the roof of a Chart Su on. activated. community hall in Maidstone Road, The rear window was smashed on a A house was broken into in Peens Lane, Ne lestead. Toyota Yaris parked in Headcorn Road, Boughton Monchelsea. A man fled when Youths were seen destroying crops on a Headcorn. the residents returned. farm in Goudhurst Road, Marden. A trailer was stolen from a shed in A ride-on lawn mower was stolen from a Youths threw items at a Renault Captur Norton Road, Chart Su on. garage in Plain Road, Marden. in Hampstead Lane, Yalding, damaging it.

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Mini Specialist Classifieds Natasha Bastone Teresa Jeffery Rebeccasmell, messAbbottdowns or 1000's of ChartCutting Sutton, Maidstone, ME17 3RY Reach more peopleNatasha thanBastone ever before Jeffery Rebeccadelighted Abbott local customers. M: 07812 921748 T Pruning TelesalesTelesales Manager ManagerReach more peopleClassifiedClassified than Sales everSales Executive Executive before Sales Sales Executive Executive Reach more people than ever before Oven cleaning from just £49 FREE 24 hour call & emergency T Fencing Reach more peopleE: natasha@ than ever before teresa@ E: Computer Serviceswork carried out straight away Gardening Services continued E: natasha@ E: teresa@ E: T Prompt @[email protected] call James on Free Bark Collection E:[email protected] Mulsh J Merchant PlumbingFreephone & Heating 0800 6942024 T. 01622 630330 T. 01622 630330 616168 CRB checked, Checkatrade approved D.T T. T.01622 01622 630330 630330 T. 01622 630330 T. 01622 630330 QualitreeFast Services HOMEFRESH Throughout the South East ext.ext. 224 224 ext.ext. 227 227 ext.ext. 234 AComplete J treeGRANT services • General builderSKIP HIRE Local plumber and heating engineerCarpets with 39+(Average) years Normal rate Special rate ContactContact our our sales sales team… team… Delivery SKIP HIRE CARPET & • All general building work in the job, who strives to provide professionalSingle Room (12’ service. x 12’) £42 £21 T Over 20ry Years Experience UPHOLSTERY Through Room (12’ x 18’) £56 £28 Appliance Repairs Carpenters Electricians • ExtensionsNO JOBrenovations TOO T Skip Hire 3, 4, 6 I am a long-time member of the charteredHall, Stairs institute & Landing of £56 £28 ApplianceContact Repairsour salesNatasha team… Bastone Teresa Jeffery CarpentersRebecca Abbott • V2rus/ ARBOU2w r D t cti &R R v 2 & 12 Yard Bins Natasha Bastone Teresa Jeffery Rebecca Abbott EPIC • PatiosPrices paving from T £110+VAT plumbingCLEANING and heating engineers and have been gas Telesales Manager Classified Sales Executive Classified Sales Executive • PC/ pt TREEp R p 2SURGERYrs, Upgr d s & I st 22 ti LANDSCAPES BIG OR SMALL T Covering Maidstone Upholstery Contact our sales team… Telesales Manager Contact our sales team…Classified Sales Executive Classified Sales Executive ‘Trust your local experts’ Contact our sales team… • W2r 2 ss & Br d d Issu s & C figur ti (min 1 hour) • Rag stone and brick walls & The Weald safeOFFER registered (formally Corgi) since3 piece 1990. suite £84 £42 ALLALL DOMESTIC DOMESTIC APPLIANCE APPLIANCEE:NatashaE: natasha@ natasha@ BastoneFindFind your your local local TeresaE:E: teresa@ teresa@ Jeffery RebeccaE:E: rebecca.abbottELECTRICIAN Abbott • N tw rk2All g Aspects of Tree Work 01622V 843511 50% Leather 3 piece suite £146 £73 T EA Registered Discount REPAIRREPAIR SERVICE Manager Sales Executive Classifi[email protected] Sales Executive ELECTRICAL • … Felling d uc • Pruningr Over 30 Years• IT Fencing • Treework • Turfing • Decking• Levelling Ground Mr Jamie Merchant Curtains Natasha Bastone Teresa Jefferytradestrades people peopleNatasha BastoneRebeccaWoodWood Abbott Works WorksTeresa Jeffery Rebecca Abbott 01233 623721 T Fast & Prompt Service No hidden extras - All withwith fully fully qualified qualified engineer engineerT.Natasha 01622 630330 Bastone TeresaT. 01622 Jeffery 630330 RebeccaT. 01622 630330Abbott Call07971715866 Today for Your • 01622Free Quotation 685198 prices inclusive of VAT Full length £74 £37 E:T. natasha@01622 630330 TelesalesE:T. teresa@ Manager 01622 630330 ClassifiedE: Sales rebecca.abbottT.Carpentry 01622Carpentry ExecutiveFor 630330 all your electrical needsClassified C Salesontac HedgeExecutivet Mark o nCutting... Experience • Patios • Jet Washing Service • AstroturfSunnybridge • Farm, Water Watery Features Lane, T Commercial 01622 751475 07971 886949 Telesales ManagerAllAll makes makes of ofwashing washing machines, machines,Telesalesext.ext. 224 Classified224 Manager Sales Executive Classifiedext.ext. 227 227 ClassifiedSales ExecutiveFULLFULL Sales CARPENTRYExecutive CARPENTRY Classifiedext.ext. 234 234 Sales Executive Half Length £42 £21 BusinessesBusinesses & & Services Services Stump Grinding [email protected] Well, Ashford, Kent TN25 4JJ & Domestic [email protected] E: natasha@ fridges,fridges, freezers, freezers, vacuum vacuum cleaners, cleaners,E: teresa@ E: natasha@ E: E: teresa@ Fuseboards,AllAll aspects aspects of ofCARPENTRY Re-wires,CARPENTRY CertificatesE: rebecca.abbottT 2 01622 859969 07867 905522 E: natasha@ teresa@ SERVICESERVICE FROM FROM • Clearance • Driveways01622 208426,t/dryers, dishwashers, dishwashers, elec elec ovens.T. 630330 onon the the Downs Downs Mail Mail T. 01622Reach [email protected] up to 80,000 householdsT. 01622 630330 every month 2 22 Fully ma rInsurk@meds candom Sales 227 DECKING TO DOORS,,Doors, 234 Windows, Windows,NICEIC Kitchens KitchensPart P supplied registered supplied and and Free No Obligation Written Quotation @ 01622 630ext. 224 330 directorydirectory DECKING TO DOORS, T. 01622 630330 Appliance All All work work guaranteed guaranteedRepairs T. 01622 630330 T. 01622 630330T. 01622 630330 CarpentersT. 01622 630330fitted, fitted, Free Loft Loft Estimates,Conversions, Conversions, FriendlyDoors Doors hung, hung, ServiceT. 01622 630330 For a free site survey call: Appliance RepairsT. 01622 630330 ext. 224T. 01622 630330 Carpentersext. 227T. 01622 630330 ext. 234 ext. 224  Free Free estimates estimates and and call call out outext. 227 ext.KITCHENS 234KITCHENS & & FLOORS. 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CarpentryFULLAll aspects CARPENTRY of • Part P 3523(57< offers All makes of washing machines, t/dryers,AllFree Free makes estimates estimatesdishwashers, of washing and and machines,elec call call ovens. out out FULLon the CARPENTRY Downs Mail BusinessesKITCHENSFULL CARPENTRY & & Services FLOORS. LocksLocks31,31, Sheppey fitted, Sheppeyfitted, Skirting, Skirting, Road, Road, small smallLoose, Loose, alterations, alterations, Maidstone Maidstone Paving, Fencing, Concrete Bases TheTheBusinesses complete complete & Services Bathroom Bathroomfridges,Businesses freezers, vacuum & Services cleaners, DECKING TO DOORS, Doors, Windows,domestic Kitchens electrical supplied andcertification All aspects of CARPENTRY E: [email protected], ROAD, MEOPHAM Free estimates & all works guaranteed fridges, freezers, vacuum cleaners, fridges, freezers,0162201622 673113 vacuum673113 cleaners, FROM ALLAll JOBSaspects of BIG CARPENTRY & SMALL. SERVICEPlastering and FROM Tiling 6(59,&(6/WG • Driveways • Treework k All work guaranteed t/dryers, dishwashers, elec ovens. ALLonSERVICE JOBS the Downs BIG FROM & Mail SMALL. fitted,All Loft aspectswork Conversions,Plastering ofundertaken CARPENTRY and Doors Tiling hung, Turfing, AllGroundwork, Work Guaranteed, Jungles Cleared. 01580 890624 t/dryers, dishwashers, elec ovens. t/dryers,MaintenanceAnytime:Anytime: Maintenanceon dishwashers, the 07831 07831Downs 557677elec557677 Mail ovens. Company Companyon the Downs Mail Doors,KITCHENS Windows, Kitchens & FLOORS. supplied and DECKINGAll work TO guaranteed. DOORS,provided Doors, Windows,01634 Kitchens supplied865213 and W: SALT Free estimatesdirectory and call out DECKING TO DOORS, DECKINGdirectory TO DOORS, Doors,Locks Windows,fitted,by All aSkirting, trusted work Kitchens guaranteed. small and supplied alterations, and Free Advice & Quotations LANDSCAPING - Drives, Patios, Pathways, Brick/Stone Walls,Experienced Block/Stone Paving, • Reliable • Fully Insured 07944 367320 / 01622 729600  All work guaranteed  All guaranteed MAKINGfitted,MAKING Loft Conversions, THE THE BEST BEST Doors OF OF WOODhung,WOOD qualified • All work NIC fitted, Loft Conversions,Call Paul Doorson 01622 hung, 844605 Tarmac, Decking, Fencing, Turfing, Ponds,SOFTENER Water Features, [email protected] Clearance, 07712 163167 All01622 work guaranteed673113  ALL JOBS BIG & SMALL.Chimney Maintenancefitted,KITCHENS LoftPlasteringFREE Conversions, ESTIMATES and & Tiling FLOORS.Doors hung, NICEIC Part P registered All work carries an Vicarage Lane, East Farleigh [email protected]  Free estimates and call out  Anytime:Free estimates 07831 and 557677 call out FreeKITCHENS estimates & andFLOORS. call out LocksINKITCHENSIN AND ANDfitted, AROUND Skirting,AROUND & smallFLOORS. THE THE Chimneyalterations, HOME HOME MaintenanceelectricianFREE ESTIMATES with 20 approved and Locks fitted,07748185920 Skirting,or small07767 alterations, 683747 2 WarrenSheds/Summer Road, Bluebell & Play House Hill Bases, TChatham,el: 01622 Tree Surgery527106 Kent etc Mob:07788 ME5 9RD 532926 Email:Insurance [email protected] Backed Guarantee NO CALL OUT FEE & FREE QUOTES Locks fitted,FamilyFamilyAll Skirting,work business business guaranteed. established smallestablished alterations, 21 21 years years Based in Bearsted 01622 673113 NO OUT 673113 FEE &Bathrooms FREE QUOTESALL BIG 673113 & SMALL. MAKINGPlastering THE BEST and Tiling OF WOOD ALL JOBSyears experience. BIG & SMALL. certified Plastering and Tilingor email: BUILDING WORKS - Extensions, Porches, Conservatories, Garages, Groundworks, BathroomsAnytime: 07831 557677 ALL JOBS BIG & SMALL. Plastering and Tiling [email protected] Roofing, PVC Windows, Doors, Soffits, Fascias, Floor/Wall Tiling, Decorating etc Anytime: 07831 557677 Anytime: 07831 557677 FREE- Free noESTIMATES obligation quotes All01622 work guaranteed. 737750 CALLIN AND CliffAll AROUND work on guaranteed. THE HOME MAKINGFamilyAll0162201622 businesswork THE guaranteed. established BEST 743648 743648 21OF years WOOD for free estimate MAKING THE BEST OF WOOD MAKINGCALL Cliff THE on BEST OF WOOD H & G- No jobChimney too large or small Services FULLY INSURED/WORK GUARANTEED, VERY PROFESSIONAL/FRIENDLY SERVICE FOR ALL ASPECTS OF MAINTENANCE & LANDSCAPING SupplySupply • •Install Install • •BathroomsRepair Repair 07940 854927FREE ESTIMATES H &Mob: GFREE Chimney ESTIMATES07711 291921 Services FREE07768 ESTIMATES 957 456 IN AND AROUND THE HOME 07940IN AND 854927 AROUND THE HOME IN Mob:ANDTel: AROUND 07966 07711 511408 THE 291921 HOME Family business established 21 years Top Quality Materials/Workmanship from design to completion - FREE ESTIMATES Est. in 1993 Turf Laying Specialists One-off or Ongoing Maintenance Bathrooms CALL FamilyCliff business on established 21 years 31, SheppeyFamily01622 business Road, established 743648 Loose, 21 years Maidstone BathroomsTheFloorTheFloor complete&complete & Wall Wall Tiling Tiling BathroomBathroomsBathroom • •Full Full Plumbing Plumbing Services ServicesBathrooms ChimneyChimney sweeping sweeping service service • •Long Long31, established establishedSheppeyTel: 01634 Road, • 920598 •ICS Loose, ICS registered registered Maidstone Planting Commercial & Domestic Mob: 07711 291921 AlphaFencing Property Services MaintenanceGardeningTel: Services 01622 851222 Mob:South 07786 07 01 East 07 Handymen Fencing Grass Cutting & Treatments 07940 85492701622AllAll 743648types types of of flu flu • •All All pots-cowls pots-cowlsCALL 01622Cliff E-mail:supplied supplied on [email protected] & & fitted fitted 01622 743648 SHAUN ELLEN MaintenanceMaintenance CompanyCompanyCALL Cliff on CALL Cliff on 31, Sheppey Road, Loose, Maidstone E: [email protected] types SPECIALIST of Hard & S &o fGENERALt Landsca BUILDERpes GREG LAURENSONPaving & Patios Hedge Cutting & Reductions The complete Bathroom Complete re-builds • Re-pointing • Guttering, roof & valley repairs Mob: 07711 291921 All typ30es ofyears Har dexperience & Soft Lands incapes Fully Insured & Qualified 07940 854927 07940Mob:Complete 854927 07711 re-builds 291921 • Re-pointing07940 • Mob:Guttering, 854927 07711 roof &291921 valley repairs • Bathroom & kitchen PAINTING & DECORATINGRaised Beds PROPERTYPaddock SERVICES Maintenance CallCall Gary Gary 07738 07738 902116 902116 Chimney Maintenance 31, Sheppey Road, Loose, Maidstone DS LANDSCAPES •• Pa•tiotio EXTENSIONSss,, Paving R• PORCHESoads & D •r rGARDENiives •• C oncWALLSrret te • PATIOSBases •& RE-POINTING Stabletable BasesBases Garden & Site Clearance Pressure Washing Maintenance CompanyThe complete Bathroom31, Sheppey0162201622 Road, 739439 739439 Loose, 07860 Chimney 07860Maidstone 318166 318166 Maintenance 31, [email protected] [email protected] Sheppey Road, Loose, Maidstone LOOK: Please check ourPainting reviews and other & decorating / Electrics & plumbing Tel: 01580 438004 The complete BathroomTheNONO CALL CALLcomplete OUT OUT FEE FEE & & BathroomFREE FREE QUOTES QUOTES Fencing • Painting & decorating • CHIMNEY• Fencing REPAIRS & Ga •t CONSERVATORYes • • JunglesBASES • STONE Clear WALLSed 0162201622 736266 736266 Chimney MaintenanceMaintenance GARDENING - FENCING - LANDSCAPINGcompanies you may use at• FExtensionsencing & Gates &• loft conversions• Jungles Cleared e: [email protected] Maintenance CompanyMaintenance CompanyMaintenance Company Chimney Maintenance Maidstone 01622 809840 - 07387 816196Established 1990 Director: M Potter• CONCRETING • DRAINAGE • BLOCK PAVING • ROOFING Interior & Exterior Work Commercial & Domestic NO CALL OUTALLALL FEE WORK WORK & FREE GUARANTEED GUARANTEEDQUOTES • Plastering • Plumbing SupplySupply •• InstallInstall •• RepairRepair Chimney Maintenance Chimney MaintenanceHH && GG ChimneyChimneyALL TYPES – Chimney ServicesServices Maintenance All•RESTORATION handyman jobs WORK covered • PROPERTY no matter MAINTENANCE how small. Free Quotes Reliable Quality Service REPAIR/RENEW & Malling’s NO CALL OUT FEE & FREE QUOTESFloorNO CALL& Wall OUT Tiling FEE & FREE • Full QUOTES PlumbingNO CALL OUT Services FEE & FREE QUOTESChimney sweeping service • Long established • ICS registered Free Quotations Gardening and smallRING trees. PA OutsideUL ON guttering & UPVC FloorSupply & • Wall Install Tiling • Repair • Full Plumbing Services Chimney sweeping service •H Long & establishedG ChimneyEst. 25 •YEARS ICS Servicesregistered Locksmith CITY & GUILDS OVERRING P A25UL YEARS ON EXPERIENCE AllAll types types of of flu flu • • All All pots-cowls pots-cowls supplied suppliedFREE ESTIMATES & & fitted fitted No. 1 newspaper fascia's01622 plus FREE844605 small ESTIMATES roofs or and 07767 the & ADVICEerecting 683747 of sheds. [email protected] Floor & Wall Tiling Builders•Builders Full Plumbing Services H & GChimney Chimney sweeping Services service • LongH & established G Chimney • ICS registered Services H & G Chimney ServicesCall Bob on 01622 844605 or 07767 683747 Supply • Install • Repair Supply • Install Building• Repair ServicesSupply • Install • Repair CompleteCompleteClean re-builds re-builds • • Re-pointing Re-pointing Sweep • • Guttering, Guttering, roof roof & & valley valley repairs repairs PHONE SHAUN: 01622ffor frree ee679618 estimestimaa tt•ee .MOB:. 07889 903590 Call Gary 07738 902116 Clean Sweep01622 232860 07931 368710 George 07740 347 596 / 07957 103 203 All types of flu • All pots-cowls supplied & fitted Call Gary 07738Floor 902116 & Wall Tiling • Full Plumbing0162201622 739439 739439 Services 07860 07860 318166 318166 [email protected] [email protected] 01622 762164 07941 703193 07870 271 077 Floor & Wall Tiling • Full PlumbingFloor & Wall Services Tiling • Full PlumbingChimney sweeping Services service • Long establishedCompleteChimney re-builds •sweeping ICS registered • serviceRe-pointing • Long • Guttering, roof • ICSsweeping & valleyregistered repairsservice • Long established • ICSFAIRVIEW registered FARM FOR A RELIABLE & FRIENDLY SERVICE Call Gary0162201622 07738 736266736266 902116All types of flu • All pots-cowlsBrush01622 Brushsupplied 739439All types& &fitted vacuum07860 ofvacuum flu 318166• All pots-cowls [email protected] suppliedAll & typesfitted of flu • All pots-cowls suppliedTREE MAINTENANCE & fitted & GARDEN SERVICES  24 hour service  locks openedClassified  new locks fitted  security checks MDMD Building Building & & Services Services Complete re-builds • Re-pointing • Guttering,Complete roof re-builds & valley • repairs Re-pointing • Guttering, roof & valley repairs  emergency work undertaken  UPVC door & window repairs MD Building & Services CallALLALL Gary01622 WORK WORK 07738 GUARANTEED GUARANTEED 736266Complete 902116Call re-builds Gary • Re-pointing 07738 • Guttering, 902116 roof & valley repairs for a helping hand with:- Call Gary 07738P 902116PAULAULBBEST EST 01622 Specialists739439Specialists 07860 in in 318166 [email protected] 739439 burners burners 07860 318166 and and [email protected] flues flues01622Fence 739439 me 07860 in & 318166 alot more [email protected] SURGERY: T:@ 01622Spindlebush 755750 Farm, M: 07738 658751 Maidstone & Kent HomeSpecialists Improveme innts and • Extensions • Refurbishments CROWN REDUCTION, FELLING, Handyman Services PaintingSupp &li eDecoratings Ltd 01622 736266 ALL01622 WORK GUARANTEED 736266• Extensions • Refurbishments01622 736266 All types of Fencing & Gates 3 Plains Avenue, Maidstone ME15 7AT • Extensions • Plastering (All aspects) Brickwork • Plastering• Plastering (All (All aspects) aspects) suppliedsupplied and and fitted fitted Installed & Repairs MARSHALLSPRUNING, HEDGE & SHRUB - Yalding Hill, ME18 6AL Kitchens / Bedrooms/ Bathrooms / Brickwork • Electrics • Modernisations TRIMMING, CLEARANCE • Refurbishments • Electrics • Modernisations ALL WORK GUARANTEED ALL WORKBuildersBuilders GUARANTEED• Electrics • ModernisationsALL WORK GUARANTEED Clean SweepAll Aspects of Garden Services, Landscapes, Karndean Flooring (supply / supply O OExtensionsExtensions • Kitchen• Kitchen & &Bathroom Bathroom Installations Installations Clean Sweep T SeasonedSEASONED LOGS logs SUPPLIED, suitable for • Kitchen & BathroomLADY Installations INTERIOR CleanAllAll work work insured insured SweepDecking, Patios, Paths & Paving. Next day 44 Builders Brush & vacuum Wood burners and flues supplied and fitted MOWING (lawns) Brand New Straight Stairlifts Decoratorand install / install only) O Builders• Driveways,• Driveways, Patios Patios & &Repointing Repointing LogsHandyman HANDYMAN • Driveways, Patios & Repointing • Fencing & Blockpaving O GeneralGeneral Builder Builder Regular Contracts, Lawn Mowing, openFULLY fires INSURED & wood stoves • Fencing• Fencing & &Blockpaving Blockpaving CleanAll work certified to cover Sweep insurance All work insured (City & Guilds installation D. STEWART BrushBrush && vacuumvacuum No job too small see to see O O 25 years Experience MD Building & Services AllAll work work certified certified to to cover cover insurance insuranceHedge Cutting etc. For a friendly & NPTC qualified) Reconditioned StairliftsNo job too big or too small. FULLY INSURED Builders 25 years ExperienceBuildersMD Building & ServicesBuilders Pest control available Camera inspections available a gallery of our previous installations.G G FULLYFULLY INSURED INSURED CleanBrush & vacuum SweepCleanCall Colin on 07521 SweepT Bulkprofessional bags service from & advice £55 Competitive prices Painting & decorating, All decorating NO JOB TOO SMALL Clean Sweep Tel No: 01622 756128 Mobile: 07905 182363 PAULAUL BESTEST SpecialistsSpecialists in in WoodWoodWeddings burnersattendedburnersMember andand fluesofflues the ICS HETAS approved Tel: Mark 07841 409061 P B MDTel: Building Mark 07841 & Services 409061 PestPest control control available available 377306 or 01622 853978 Please call:- 01622 743428 – LOGS•Painting & Decorating – • Plastering all roofing works & repairs, Very competitively priced GagainstFREE ESTIMATES G 0162201622 891960 891960 Tel:•• Extensions Extensions Mark • 07841• Refurbishments Refurbishments 409061 T Loose loads: £100 delivered interior & exterior PAUL BEST Brush• PlasteringSpecialists & vacuum(All aspects)in BrushWoodsupplied & burners vacuum andContact fitted and KfluesevinBrush Bovis & vacuum Mob:- 07817 517 733 • Tiling • Fencing email: [email protected] Suppliers MD BrickworkBuildingBrickwork & Services MDe: e:[email protected][email protected] Plastering (All& Servicesaspects) MDsupplied Building &and Services fitted Four-year [email protected] apple logs chimney’s, guttering & gutter Call Lynda Daniel 07748 630747 •• •Extensions Electrics Electrics • • Modernisations ModernisationsRefurbishments CameraCamera inspections inspections available available or £125 • Laminate Flooring • Plumbing ESTIMATESMobile No: 07855 466438 07748O 630747• Plastering (All aspects) supplied and fitted cleaning, pressure cleaning, AUL EST PBrickworkOSpecialistsAULExtensionsExtensionsB in EST •Wood• Kitchen KitchenPSpecialists AUL& & Bathroom BathroomburnersB in Installations Installations EST and fluesWoodAll workSpecialists 07885burners insured in 651578 and flues01622Wood 430855 burners and flues AVID YNN £100 load General–49 £125 West Household Parkload Road, Maintenance. Maidstone, Kent, ME15 7AF P B • Electrics • Modernisations All work insured D W Tel No: 0800 1804590on 07733 354617 • Extensions • Refurbishments ••• Driveways, Driveways,Extensions Patios Patios• Refurbishments & & Repointing Repointing • Extensions • Refurbishments Call us today to request your FREE, no obligation, homefencing survey. & brickwork & driveways Bearsted 730541 OO General Builder • Kitchen & Bathroom Installations WeddingsWeddings attended attended 01622 812005 07970 647334 Any odd jobs considered Based in Maidstone • PlasteringGeneralExtensions (All aspects) Builder supplied•• FencingPlastering Fencing & & (AllBlockpaving andBlockpaving aspects) fitted suppliedAll• [email protected] and(Allinsured aspects) fitted supplied and fitted Any moisture test welcome on delivery. Brickwork Brickwork • Driveways,Brickwork Patios & Repointing All work certified to cover insurance Phone Lee for quotes • ElectricsOO 25 25General• yearsModernisations years Experience BuilderExperienceBuilding Plans• Electrics • Modernisations All• Electrics work • Modernisations certified to cover insurance GREEN MAN Also other hardwoods available 07554 267087 O O Extensions BuildingBuilding Plans• PlansKitchen• FencingFULLYFULLYO & BathroomExtensions & INSURED INSUREDBlockpaving Installations All• KitchenMemberMember work & Bathroom insured of Installationsof the the ICS ICS Tree & Garden Services 07894 138224 01622 204491 Extensions • KitchenO & Bathroom Installations All work insured All work certified to coverAll work insurance insured Rolin Cleaning Services 25 years Experience • Driveways, Patios & Repointing • PestDriveways, control Patios & Repointing available TREE SURGERYFREE L DELIVERYTD – FREE STACKINGDay SERVICEEvenings or to leave a message O • Driveways,O GeneralPatios & BuilderRepointing Tel: MarkFULLYO General 07841 INSURED Builder 409061 Pest control available 01622 807860 LEE Hughes General Builder • 01622Fencing & Blockpaving 891960 Tel:• FencingMark & 07841 Blockpaving 409061 • FencingMAIDSTONE & Blockpaving Hedge cutting FullyMD insured Building & Services 01622O 891960 e: [email protected] AllPestHETASHETAS work control certifiedapproved approved available to coverAllCleaning work insurance certifiedServices to cover insurance Call Maidstone office: 01622 813750 O 25 years Experience 25 years Experience Tel:Alle: [email protected] MarkworkO 25 07841 years certified Experience 409061 to coverCHIMNEY insurance SWEEP PAINTING & DECORATING• Wood Floor Sanding 07748FULLY01622 INSURED 630747891960 FULLY INSURED CameraCameraFULLY INSURED inspectionsinspections availableavailable MarchantTraditional Garden Services Specialists in • QualityCA DecoratingLL U Sat aO N: 07748 630747 e: Pest control available or Mobile: 07854 615687 SERVICES and Oiling services Tel:Pest Mark control 07841 409061 availableTel:Camera• FullContactContact BrushMark & Vacuum 07841 inspections Kevin 409061Kevin Bovis BovisavailablePest control available Hedge laying MIKE• Full LEWIS• Roof Extensions Installation • Plastering • Tiling (All & Slateaspects) Roofing fair &01622 competitive 92064 price 2 Tel: Mark0162207748 07841 891960630747 409061 •Weddings All types of fires & stoves attendedswept Adrian Marchant Locksmith Interior & Exterior Work 01622 891960 e: [email protected] 891960 Weddings attended PROPERTYHandyman• MAINTENANCE Refurbishments • Electrics • ModernisationsLocksmith • Family •run Dulux business approved over e: [email protected] Camerae:• Certificates [email protected] issued inspections available Fencing • UPVC Fascias & Soffits Undertaken 07748 630747Building inspections 630747 availableWeddings attended Camera inspections available - Tree Surgeon • HOME & GARDEN• Kitchen & Bathroom Installations contracts@l30a yearsndlcre 07748 630747 Plans Plans •Member guards & cowls fitted ofof844385 844385 thethe ICSICS Landscaping • Chimney Re pointing or Removal 01732OVER 25 872199 YEARS EXPERIENCE• Fully insured No dust or mess Call our salesIMPROVEMENTS team• Driveways, now & RENOVATIONS- Patios & Repointing • Fencing & Blockpaving ww•w insuredlcreativ Building PlansWeddings attended WeddingsMember of attended the ICS attended N.P.T.C. Qualified • Fully Insured • INTERIOR & EXTERIOR• Roofing PAINTING Repairs & Maintenance City & Guild Qualified• Trained Technicians HETASHETAS approvedapproved Free estimates & advice - Fully insured & DECORATING FULLY INSURED Tel: 01622 759040 Tel: 01622 737225 MemberCall0788507885 for of 651578 651578the ICS • Hedgecutting & Fencing 07860• DECKING 100295 • FENCINGby • PallmannARTIFICIAL GRASS • HARD Building Plans Building PlansMember of theBuilding ICS PlansHETASa Quotation 01622approved 629035 Member of the ICS • WALLPAPER & Kent Mobile: 07816 149502 [email protected] Tel: 01622 892244 01622 630• GARDEN 330 MAINTENANCETel: Mark 07841 409061 LANDSCAPING • FIRST FIX PROJECTS • SPECIALIST IN ContactContact KevinKevin BovisBovisNo1 Locally Since 1996 Offham Nr West Malling T: 01622 755750 M: 07738 658751 HETAS approved Mobile: 07732 768331 email:• DECKING [email protected]& PERGOLAS 3 Plains Avenue, Maidstone ME15 7AT [email protected] HETAS approved Contact Kevin BovisHETAS approved 07808 414965 or 01622 853601 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT email:• BESPOKE [email protected] GARDEN 07932 492897 01732 841041 • QUOTATIONS PROJECTS • SAFETY SURFACING 01622 844385 Maidstone• SMALL Weald JOBS CallOctober UNDERTAKEN for 2017 a free no39 obligation quote MALCOLM ROBERTS 3838 MaidstoneMaidstone Weald Weald October October 2017 2017 Contact01622 844385Kevin Bovis Contact Kevin Bovis  24 hour service  locks opened Mid Kent Living 59 Contact Kevin Bovis01622 844385 MIKE LEWIS  new locks fitted  security checks Over 25 years’ experience of 07885 651578 TEL: 01622 663192  maintaining people’s homes. 0162207885 844385 651578 MOB: 07810 486146 emergency work undertaken Ray Cox 01622 844385 07885 651578 01622 844385 66 Mid Kent Living [email protected] AZING RE A friendly, reliable service. Painting & [email protected] LE GL PAIR Painting & decorating, 30 Maidstone Weald August 201907885 651578 07885 651578 07885 651578 UB BEARSTED MA A1Roofing ServicesMaidstone Weald August 2019 31 Decorating [email protected] DO N Logs Wall Papering, Tiling 3838 MaidstoneMaidstone Weald Weald October October 2017 [email protected] [email protected] Sealed Units Door Handles Broken Glass • TILED ROOFING • FLAT ROOFING and all aspects of DIY. Interior & Exterior 38 Maidstone Weald October 2017 MKL_Winter_2019 CLASSIFIED.indd 66 14/03/2019 11:14 Door Locks Window Handles Letter Boxes • LEAD FLASHING • PVC FASCIA / SOFFITS CALL MALCOLM Private or commercial 38 Maidstone Weald October 2017 CHRISTMAS ON 01634 308067 38 Maidstone Weald October 2017 38 Maidstone Weald October 2017 Broken Hinges New Doors New Windows • FULL REPAIR SERVICE 30+ years experience • Fully Insured Mob: 07788 142576 • FREE No Obligation Quote Maidstone Weald December 2017 39 FREE ESTIMATES FOR A FREE QUOTATION SPECIAL Business Directory Contact Ray Tel: 01622 296011 For a prompt reliable service OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Advertise from as little as 07733072389/01622 205625 SEASONEDMob: 07884 DRY 180595 LOGSEmail: [email protected] 07808 849432 or 01622 738683 per month £3.00 Painting & Decorating RING JOSH Call 01622 630330 or visit Professional Services B M Travelour (Kent) website for more details Interior Decorator 07939 935149 • Interior & exterior painting Ian Terry Private Hire Not just a decorator, • Wall papering • Plastering Airports-London-Seaports-Days Out-Events but one with over • Fully insured Plastering Services Ditton based, our locally established drivers 40 years experience • Friendly & reliable service are friendly, helpful and courteous. 31 Roseacre Lane, Bearsted ME14 4JE now semi retired, Call Nick for a WaghornCompetitive rates Logs (airports from £40). free quotation 24 hour service. so can offer a cheaper price 07855 529283 Bulk bags £39.99 07921 193298 For enquiries contact 01622 687200 01622 206702 Bob Matthews on: 07904 492819 or [email protected] Get properly plastered Seasoned mixed hard wood Est 1980 £70 a load [email protected]

Seasoned wood for Mid Kent Living 63 •Plastering wood burners £60 a load •Painting & Decorating Free Delivery • Free Stacking •Laminate Flooring •Home Improvements Mobile: 07854 615687 Office: 01622 813750 FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE 07804 927680

LOGMANLOGMAN ENERGYENERGY Rathbone Decorating Services

suppliers of seasoned, dry hardwood logs Painting & Decorating No job too small ...cut...cut toto orderorder forfor woodburningwoodburning stovesstoves andand openopen firesfires Interior & Exterior with special rates Works Undertaken for pensioners Now is the time to stock up with the • Free Estimates • Friendly Personal Services best cut to order Kentish seasoned • Domestic and Commercial • Qualified Tradesman hardwood logs at discount prices. Tel 01622 721491 or Mobile: 07753 487796 Call ROBBIE on 07802 625125 We accept payment by

40 Maidstone East January 2017 Sales ClassifiedsClassifieds Sales&Services Services ReachReach more more people people than than ever ever before before & Classified All servicing work Cleaning Services Garden Services undertaken, Ltd diagnostics, mechanical and "WE CLEAN T Tree ClassifiedsClassifieds Surgery bodywork repairs, OVENS!" MOT preparation TREE CARE T Stump Using van mounted cleaning tanks, BMW & BMW ReachContact more our peoplesales team… than ever before Contact Tom Grinding and winter checks. ClassifiedsContactReach more our sales people team… than ever before ovendowns hob extractor is “At your service” Classifieds cleaned to showroom shine without Cherry TreeT HedgeBusiness Estate, Plough Wents Road, Classifieds T: 01622 206431 ClassifiedOver 25 years experience. Mini Specialist Classifieds Natasha Bastone Teresa Jeffery Rebeccasmell, messAbbottdowns or 1000's of ChartCutting Sutton, Maidstone, ME17 3RY Reach more peopleNatasha thanBastone ever before Jeffery Rebeccadelighted Abbott local customers. M: 07812 921748 T Pruning TelesalesTelesales Manager ManagerReach more peopleClassifiedClassified than Sales everSales Executive Executive before Sales Sales Executive Executive Reach more people than ever before Oven cleaning from just £49 FREE 24 hour call & emergency T Fencing Reach more peopleE: natasha@ than ever before teresa@ E: Computer Serviceswork carried out straight away Gardening Services continued E: natasha@ E: teresa@ E: T Prompt @[email protected] call James on Free Bark Collection E:[email protected] Mulsh J Merchant PlumbingFreephone & Heating 0800 6942024 T. 01622 630330 T. 01622 630330 616168 CRB checked, Checkatrade approved D.T T. T.01622 01622 630330 630330 T. 01622 630330 T. 01622 630330 QualitreeFast Services HOMEFRESH Throughout the South East ext.ext. 224 224 ext.ext. 227 227 ext.ext. 234 AComplete J treeGRANT services • General builderSKIP HIRE Local plumber and heating engineerCarpets with 39+(Average) years Normal rate Special rate ContactContact our our sales sales team… team… Delivery SKIP HIRE CARPET & • All general building work in the job, who strives to provide professionalSingle Room (12’ service. x 12’) £42 £21 T Over 20ry Years Experience UPHOLSTERY Through Room (12’ x 18’) £56 £28 Appliance Repairs Carpenters Electricians • ExtensionsNO JOBrenovations TOO T Skip Hire 3, 4, 6 I am a long-time member of the charteredHall, Stairs institute & Landing of £56 £28 ApplianceContact Repairsour salesNatasha team… Bastone Teresa Jeffery CarpentersRebecca Abbott • V2rus/ ARBOU2w r D t cti &R R v 2 & 12 Yard Bins Natasha Bastone Teresa Jeffery Rebecca Abbott EPIC • PatiosPrices paving from T £110+VAT plumbingCLEANING and heating engineers and have been gas Telesales Manager Classified Sales Executive Classified Sales Executive • PC/ pt TREEp R p 2SURGERYrs, Upgr d s & I st 22 ti LANDSCAPES BIG OR SMALL T Covering Maidstone Upholstery Contact our sales team… Telesales Manager Contact our sales team…Classified Sales Executive Classified Sales Executive ‘Trust your local experts’ Contact our sales team… • W2r 2 ss & Br d d Issu s & C figur ti (min 1 hour) • Rag stone and brick walls & The Weald safeOFFER registered (formally Corgi) since3 piece 1990. suite £84 £42 ALLALL DOMESTIC DOMESTIC APPLIANCE APPLIANCEE:NatashaE: natasha@ natasha@ BastoneFindFind your your local local TeresaE:E: teresa@ teresa@ Jeffery RebeccaE:E: rebecca.abbottELECTRICIAN Abbott • N tw rk2All g Aspects of Tree Work 01622V 843511 50% Leather 3 piece suite £146 £73 T EA Registered Discount REPAIRREPAIR SERVICE Manager Sales Executive Classifi[email protected] Sales Executive ELECTRICAL • … Felling d uc • Pruningr Over 30 Years• IT Fencing • Treework • Turfing • Decking• Levelling Ground Mr Jamie Merchant Curtains Natasha Bastone Teresa Jefferytradestrades people peopleNatasha BastoneRebeccaWoodWood Abbott Works WorksTeresa Jeffery Rebecca Abbott 01233 623721 T Fast & Prompt Service No hidden extras - All withwith fully fully qualified qualified engineer engineerT.Natasha 01622 630330 Bastone TeresaT. 01622 Jeffery 630330 RebeccaT. 01622 630330Abbott Call07971715866 Today for Your • 01622Free Quotation 685198 prices inclusive of VAT Full length £74 £37 E:T. natasha@01622 630330 TelesalesE:T. teresa@ Manager 01622 630330 ClassifiedE: Sales rebecca.abbottT.Carpentry 01622Carpentry ExecutiveFor 630330 all your electrical needsClassified C Salesontac HedgeExecutivet Mark o nCutting... Experience • Patios • Jet Washing Service • AstroturfSunnybridge • Farm, Water Watery Features Lane, T Commercial 01622 751475 07971 886949 Telesales ManagerAllAll makes makes of ofwashing washing machines, machines,Telesalesext.ext. 224 Classified224 Manager Sales Executive Classifiedext.ext. 227 227 ClassifiedSales ExecutiveFULLFULL Sales CARPENTRYExecutive CARPENTRY Classifiedext.ext. 234 234 Sales Executive Half Length £42 £21 BusinessesBusinesses & & Services Services Stump Grinding [email protected] Well, Ashford, Kent TN25 4JJ & Domestic [email protected] E: natasha@ fridges,fridges, freezers, freezers, vacuum vacuum cleaners, cleaners,E: teresa@ E: natasha@ E: E: teresa@ Fuseboards,AllAll aspects aspects of ofCARPENTRY Re-wires,CARPENTRY CertificatesE: rebecca.abbottT 2 01622 859969 07867 905522 E: natasha@ teresa@ SERVICESERVICE FROM FROM • Clearance • Driveways01622 208426,t/dryers, dishwashers, dishwashers, elec elec ovens.T. 630330 onon the the Downs Downs Mail Mail T. 01622Reach [email protected] up to 80,000 householdsT. 01622 630330 every month 2 22 Fully ma rInsurk@meds candom Sales 227 DECKING TO DOORS,,Doors, 234 Windows, Windows,NICEIC Kitchens KitchensPart P supplied registered supplied and and Free No Obligation Written Quotation @ 01622 630ext. 224 330 directorydirectory DECKING TO DOORS, T. 01622 630330 Appliance All All work work guaranteed guaranteedRepairs T. 01622 630330 T. 01622 630330T. 01622 630330 CarpentersT. 01622 630330fitted, fitted, Free Loft Loft Estimates,Conversions, Conversions, FriendlyDoors Doors hung, hung, ServiceT. 01622 630330 For a free site survey call: Appliance RepairsT. 01622 630330 ext. 224T. 01622 630330 Carpentersext. 227T. 01622 630330 ext. 234 ext. 224  Free Free estimates estimates and and call call out outext. 227 ext.KITCHENS 234KITCHENS & & FLOORS. FLOORS. LocksLocks fitted, fitted, Skirting, Skirting, small small alterations, alterations, 01622 759119 07771 970570 Services ext. 224 ext. 227 ext. 234Fully insured, 25yrs Experience 01622 527106 07788 532926 & Southeastgroundworks 01622 673113 01474 Appliance01622 673113 RepairsBathroom Installers ALLALL JOBS JOBS BIG BIG & & SMALL. SMALL.CarpentersCarpenters PlasteringPlastering and and Tiling Tiling Electricians A.P.S Ltd ALLALLAnytime:Anytime: DOMESTIC DOMESTIC 07831 07831 APPLIANCE APPLIANCE 557677 557677 FindFind your your local local CallAll SteveAll work work guaranteed. guaranteed.01622 747257 Driveways, patios, council approved REPAIR SERVICE Appliance Repairs MAKINGMAKING THE THE BEST BEST OF OF WOOD WOOD A.H.B.S Carpenters 812005 Appliance Repairs ApplianceREPAIR SERVICE Repairs tradestrades people people CarpentersWoodWood WorksWorksCarpentersA.H.B.S MobileFREE ESTIMATES07985 474176 B.G Electrical ContractorsEst. in for drop crossings,Roofing all types & Chimney Services withAppliance fully qualified Repairs engineer ININ AND AND AROUND AROUND THE THE HOMECarpenters HOME FREE ESTIMATES IRELAND 1993 ALLwith DOMESTIC fully qualified APPLIANCE engineer Find your local FULL CARPENTRY CarpentryCarpentryFamilyUplands,Family business business Halstow established established Cl, Maidstone 21 21years years ME15 9XA P.BROWNest. 1997 BUILDING0$,'6721( & ROOFINGALL MAKES OF WATER SOFTENERS of •ground New worksroofs & repairs • Slating/Tiling/Lead work AllAll makes makesREPAIR of of washing washing SERVICE machines, machines,BathroomsBathroomsBusinesses & Services FULL CARPENTRY A.H.B.S ALL DOMESTIC APPLIANCE fridges,Find freezers, your vacuum local cleaners, ALLBusinesses DOMESTICtrades people &APPLIANCE Services WoodFindSERVICE your Works local FROM All aspects of CARPENTRY Domestic-Commercial-IndustrialLANDSCAPES SERVICED • Brickwork • SALES20% • SERVICE • FILTERS• & REVERSE OSMOSIS undertaken fridges,ALLwith DOMESTIC freezers, fully qualified vacuum APPLIANCE engineer cleaners, Find your local SERVICE FROM All aspects0162201622 of CARPENTRY 743648 743648 discount* • Chimney rebuild/repairs • Pointing t/dryers,t/dryers, dishwashers, dishwashers, elec elec ovens. ovens. REPAIRonon the the Downs SERVICEDowns Mail Mail CALLCALL Cliff Cliff on on CarpentryDoors,Wood Windows, KitchensWorks supplied and A.H.B.SExtensions,Any Electrical work undertaken renovations, roofing,/$1'6&$3(6 loft conversions • • &FREE alterations SURVEY PROMPT • INSTALLATIONSDecking/Patios REPAIR SERVICE All makesREPAIRtrades of washing people SERVICE machines, Woodtradesdirectory people Works A.H.B.SWoodDECKINGDECKINGFULLtrades CARPENTRY people WorksTO TO DOORS, DOORS, A.H.B.SDoors, JWindows, Norris Kitchens Electrical supplied Contractor and All Types of Hard & Soft Landscapes on production of this advert  All All work work guaranteed guaranteed withBusinesses fully qualifieddirectory & Services engineer 0794007940 854927 854927 fitted,Mob: Mob:Loft Conversions, 07711 07711 Doors 291921 291921 hung, NaturalTo See & Concrete Our Full Paving Range & visit Patios * not to be used in • Guttering Services with fully qualified engineer fridges,with freezers,fully qualified vacuum engineer cleaners, CarpentrySERVICE FROM fitted,All aspects Loft Conversions, of CARPENTRY Doors hung, CarpentryCall Paul on • Waterconjunction Featu with anyres other • Fencing  All makes of washing machines, KITCHENS & FLOORS. CarpentryFULLAll aspects CARPENTRY of • Part P 3523(57< offers All makes of washing machines, t/dryers,AllFree Free makes estimates estimatesdishwashers, of washing and and machines,elec call call ovens. out out FULLon the CARPENTRY Downs Mail BusinessesKITCHENSFULL CARPENTRY & & Services FLOORS. LocksLocks31,31, Sheppey fitted, Sheppeyfitted, Skirting, Skirting, Road, Road, small smallLoose, Loose, alterations, alterations, Maidstone Maidstone Paving, Fencing, Concrete Bases TheTheBusinesses complete complete & Services Bathroom Bathroomfridges,Businesses freezers, vacuum & Services cleaners, DECKING TO DOORS, Doors, Windows,domestic Kitchens electrical supplied andcertification All aspects of CARPENTRY E: [email protected], WROTHAM ROAD, MEOPHAM Free estimates & all works guaranteed fridges, freezers, vacuum cleaners, fridges, freezers,0162201622 673113 vacuum673113 cleaners, FROM ALLAll JOBSaspects of BIG CARPENTRY & SMALL. SERVICEPlastering and FROM Tiling 6(59,&(6/WG • Driveways • Treework k All work guaranteed t/dryers, dishwashers, elec ovens. ALLonSERVICE JOBS the Downs BIG FROM & Mail SMALL. fitted,All Loft aspectswork Conversions,Plastering ofundertaken CARPENTRY and Doors Tiling hung, Turfing, AllGroundwork, Work Guaranteed, Jungles Cleared. 01580 890624 t/dryers, dishwashers, elec ovens. t/dryers,MaintenanceAnytime:Anytime: Maintenanceon dishwashers, the 07831 07831Downs 557677elec557677 Mail ovens. Company Companyon the Downs Mail Doors,KITCHENS Windows, Kitchens & FLOORS. supplied and DECKINGAll work TO guaranteed. DOORS,provided Doors, Windows,01634 Kitchens supplied865213 and W: SALT Free estimatesdirectory and call out DECKING TO DOORS, DECKINGdirectory TO DOORS, Doors,Locks Windows,fitted,by All aSkirting, trusted work Kitchens guaranteed. small and supplied alterations, and Free Advice & Quotations LANDSCAPING - Drives, Patios, Pathways, Brick/Stone Walls,Experienced Block/Stone Paving, • Reliable • Fully Insured 07944 367320 / 01622 729600  All work guaranteed  All guaranteed MAKINGfitted,MAKING Loft Conversions, THE THE BEST BEST Doors OF OF WOODhung,WOOD qualified • All work NIC fitted, Loft Conversions,Call Paul Doorson 01622 hung, 844605 Tarmac, Decking, Fencing, Turfing, Ponds,SOFTENER Water Features, [email protected] Clearance, 07712 163167 All01622 work guaranteed673113  ALL JOBS BIG & SMALL.Chimney Maintenancefitted,KITCHENS LoftPlasteringFREE Conversions, ESTIMATES and & Tiling FLOORS.Doors hung, NICEIC Part P registered All work carries an Vicarage Lane, East Farleigh [email protected]  Free estimates and call out  Anytime:Free estimates 07831 and 557677 call out FreeKITCHENS estimates & andFLOORS. call out LocksINKITCHENSIN AND ANDfitted, AROUND Skirting,AROUND & smallFLOORS. THE THE Chimneyalterations, HOME HOME MaintenanceelectricianFREE ESTIMATES with 20 approved and Locks fitted,07748185920 Skirting,or small07767 alterations, 683747 2 WarrenSheds/Summer Road, Bluebell & Play House Hill Bases, TChatham,el: 01622 Tree Surgery527106 Kent etc Mob:07788 ME5 9RD 532926 Email:Insurance [email protected] Backed Guarantee NO CALL OUT FEE & FREE QUOTES Locks fitted,FamilyFamilyAll Skirting,work business business guaranteed. established smallestablished alterations, 21 21 years years Based in Bearsted 01622 673113 NO OUT 673113 FEE &Bathrooms FREE QUOTESALL BIG 673113 & SMALL. MAKINGPlastering THE BEST and Tiling OF WOOD ALL JOBSyears experience. BIG & SMALL. certified Plastering and Tilingor email: BUILDING WORKS - Extensions, Porches, Conservatories, Garages, Groundworks, BathroomsAnytime: 07831 557677 ALL JOBS BIG & SMALL. Plastering and Tiling [email protected] Roofing, PVC Windows, Doors, Soffits, Fascias, Floor/Wall Tiling, Decorating etc Anytime: 07831 557677 Anytime: 07831 557677 FREE- Free noESTIMATES obligation quotes All01622 work guaranteed. 737750 CALLIN AND CliffAll AROUND work on guaranteed. THE HOME MAKINGFamilyAll0162201622 businesswork THE guaranteed. established BEST 743648 743648 21OF years WOOD for free estimate MAKING THE BEST OF WOOD MAKINGCALL Cliff THE on BEST OF WOOD H & G- No jobChimney too large or small Services FULLY INSURED/WORK GUARANTEED, VERY PROFESSIONAL/FRIENDLY SERVICE FOR ALL ASPECTS OF MAINTENANCE & LANDSCAPING SupplySupply • •Install Install • •BathroomsRepair Repair 07940 854927FREE ESTIMATES H &Mob: GFREE Chimney ESTIMATES07711 291921 Services FREE07768 ESTIMATES 957 456 IN AND AROUND THE HOME 07940IN AND 854927 AROUND THE HOME IN Mob:ANDTel: AROUND 07966 07711 511408 THE 291921 HOME Family business established 21 years Top Quality Materials/Workmanship from design to completion - FREE ESTIMATES Est. in 1993 Turf Laying Specialists One-off or Ongoing Maintenance Bathrooms CALL FamilyCliff business on established 21 years 31, SheppeyFamily01622 business Road, established 743648 Loose, 21 years Maidstone BathroomsTheFloorTheFloor complete&complete & Wall Wall Tiling Tiling BathroomBathroomsBathroom • •Full Full Plumbing Plumbing Services ServicesBathrooms ChimneyChimney sweeping sweeping service service • •Long Long31, established establishedSheppeyTel: 01634 Road, • 920598 •ICS Loose, ICS registered registered Maidstone Planting Commercial & Domestic Mob: 07711 291921 AlphaFencing Property Services MaintenanceGardeningTel: Services 01622 851222 Mob:South 07786 07 01 East 07 Handymen Fencing Grass Cutting & Treatments 07940 85492701622AllAll 743648types types of of flu flu • •All All pots-cowls pots-cowlsCALL 01622Cliff E-mail:supplied supplied on [email protected] & & fitted fitted 01622 743648 SHAUN ELLEN MaintenanceMaintenance CompanyCompanyCALL Cliff on CALL Cliff on 31, Sheppey Road, Loose, Maidstone E: [email protected] types SPECIALIST of Hard & S &o fGENERALt Landsca BUILDERpes GREG LAURENSONPaving & Patios Hedge Cutting & Reductions The complete Bathroom Complete re-builds • Re-pointing • Guttering, roof & valley repairs Mob: 07711 291921 All typ30es ofyears Har dexperience & Soft Lands incapes Fully Insured & Qualified 07940 854927 07940Mob:Complete 854927 07711 re-builds 291921 • Re-pointing07940 • Mob:Guttering, 854927 07711 roof &291921 valley repairs • Bathroom & kitchen PAINTING & DECORATINGRaised Beds PROPERTYPaddock SERVICES Maintenance CallCall Gary Gary 07738 07738 902116 902116 Chimney Maintenance 31, Sheppey Road, Loose, Maidstone DS LANDSCAPES •• Pa•tiotio EXTENSIONSss,, Paving R• PORCHESoads & D •r rGARDENiives •• C oncWALLSrret te • PATIOSBases •& RE-POINTING Stabletable BasesBases Garden & Site Clearance Pressure Washing Maintenance CompanyThe complete Bathroom31, Sheppey0162201622 Road, 739439 739439 Loose, 07860 Chimney 07860Maidstone 318166 318166 Maintenance 31, [email protected] [email protected] Sheppey Road, Loose, Maidstone LOOK: Please check ourPainting reviews and other & decorating / Electrics & plumbing Tel: 01580 438004 The complete BathroomTheNONO CALL CALLcomplete OUT OUT FEE FEE & & BathroomFREE FREE QUOTES QUOTES Fencing • Painting & decorating • CHIMNEY• Fencing REPAIRS & Ga •t CONSERVATORYes • • JunglesBASES • STONE Clear WALLSed 0162201622 736266 736266 Chimney MaintenanceMaintenance GARDENING - FENCING - LANDSCAPINGcompanies you may use at• FExtensionsencing & Gates &• loft conversions• Jungles Cleared e: [email protected] Maintenance CompanyMaintenance CompanyMaintenance Company Chimney Maintenance Maidstone 01622 809840 - 07387 816196Established 1990 Director: M Potter• CONCRETING • DRAINAGE • BLOCK PAVING • ROOFING Interior & Exterior Work Commercial & Domestic NO CALL OUTALLALL FEE WORK WORK & FREE GUARANTEED GUARANTEEDQUOTES • Plastering • Plumbing SupplySupply •• InstallInstall •• RepairRepair Chimney Maintenance Chimney MaintenanceHH && GG ChimneyChimneyALL TYPES – Chimney ServicesServices Maintenance All•RESTORATION handyman jobs WORK covered • PROPERTY no matter MAINTENANCE how small. Free Quotes Reliable Quality Service REPAIR/RENEW & Malling’s NO CALL OUT FEE & FREE QUOTESFloorNO CALL& Wall OUT Tiling FEE & FREE • Full QUOTES PlumbingNO CALL OUT Services FEE & FREE QUOTESChimney sweeping service • Long established • ICS registered Free Quotations Gardening and smallRING trees. PA OutsideUL ON guttering & UPVC FloorSupply & • Wall Install Tiling • Repair • Full Plumbing Services Chimney sweeping service •H Long & establishedG ChimneyEst. 25 •YEARS ICS Servicesregistered Locksmith CITY & GUILDS OVERRING P A25UL YEARS ON EXPERIENCE AllAll types types of of flu flu • • All All pots-cowls pots-cowls supplied suppliedFREE ESTIMATES & & fitted fitted No. 1 newspaper fascia's01622 plus FREE844605 small ESTIMATES roofs or and 07767 the & ADVICEerecting 683747 of sheds. [email protected] Floor & Wall Tiling Builders•Builders Full Plumbing Services H & GChimney Chimney sweeping Services service • LongH & established G Chimney • ICS registered Services H & G Chimney ServicesCall Bob on 01622 844605 or 07767 683747 Supply • Install • Repair Supply • Install Building• Repair ServicesSupply • Install • Repair CompleteCompleteClean re-builds re-builds • • Re-pointing Re-pointing Sweep • • Guttering, Guttering, roof roof & & valley valley repairs repairs PHONE SHAUN: 01622ffor frree ee679618 estimestimaa tt•ee .MOB:. 07889 903590 Call Gary 07738 902116 Clean Sweep01622 232860 07931 368710 George 07740 347 596 / 07957 103 203 All types of flu • All pots-cowls supplied & fitted Call Gary 07738Floor 902116 & Wall Tiling • Full Plumbing0162201622 739439 739439 Services 07860 07860 318166 318166 [email protected] [email protected] 01622 762164 07941 703193 07870 271 077 Floor & Wall Tiling • Full PlumbingFloor & Wall Services Tiling • Full PlumbingChimney sweeping Services service • Long establishedCompleteChimney re-builds •sweeping ICS registered • serviceRe-pointing • Long • Guttering, roof • ICSsweeping & valleyregistered repairsservice • Long established • ICSFAIRVIEW registered FARM FOR A RELIABLE & FRIENDLY SERVICE Call Gary0162201622 07738 736266736266 902116All types of flu • All pots-cowlsBrush01622 Brushsupplied 739439All types& &fitted vacuum07860 ofvacuum flu 318166• All pots-cowls [email protected] suppliedAll & typesfitted of flu • All pots-cowls suppliedTREE MAINTENANCE & fitted & GARDEN SERVICES  24 hour service  locks openedClassified  new locks fitted  security checks MDMD Building Building & & Services Services Complete re-builds • Re-pointing • Guttering,Complete roof re-builds & valley • repairs Re-pointing • Guttering, roof & valley repairs  emergency work undertaken  UPVC door & window repairs MD Building & Services CallALLALL Gary01622 WORK WORK 07738 GUARANTEED GUARANTEED 736266Complete 902116Call re-builds Gary • Re-pointing 07738 • Guttering, 902116 roof & valley repairs for a helping hand with:- Call Gary 07738P 902116PAULAULBBEST EST 01622 Specialists739439Specialists 07860 in in 318166 [email protected] 739439 burners burners 07860 318166 and and [email protected] flues flues01622Fence 739439 me 07860 in & 318166 alot more [email protected] SURGERY: T:@ 01622Spindlebush 755750 Farm, M: 07738 658751 Maidstone & Kent HomeSpecialists Improveme innts and • Extensions • Refurbishments CROWN REDUCTION, FELLING, Handyman Services PaintingSupp &li eDecoratings Ltd 01622 736266 ALL01622 WORK GUARANTEED 736266• Extensions • Refurbishments01622 736266 All types of Fencing & Gates 3 Plains Avenue, Maidstone ME15 7AT • Extensions • Plastering (All aspects) Brickwork • Plastering• Plastering (All (All aspects) aspects) suppliedsupplied and and fitted fitted Installed & Repairs MARSHALLSPRUNING, HEDGE & SHRUB - Yalding Hill, ME18 6AL Kitchens / Bedrooms/ Bathrooms / Brickwork • Electrics • Modernisations TRIMMING, CLEARANCE • Refurbishments • Electrics • Modernisations ALL WORK GUARANTEED ALL WORKBuildersBuilders GUARANTEED• Electrics • ModernisationsALL WORK GUARANTEED Clean SweepAll Aspects of Garden Services, Landscapes, Karndean Flooring (supply / supply O OExtensionsExtensions • Kitchen• Kitchen & &Bathroom Bathroom Installations Installations Clean Sweep T SeasonedSEASONED LOGS logs SUPPLIED, suitable for • Kitchen & BathroomLADY Installations INTERIOR CleanAllAll work work insured insured SweepDecking, Patios, Paths & Paving. Next day 44 Builders Brush & vacuum Wood burners and flues supplied and fitted MOWING (lawns) Brand New Straight Stairlifts Decoratorand install / install only) O Builders• Driveways,• Driveways, Patios Patios & &Repointing Repointing LogsHandyman HANDYMAN • Driveways, Patios & Repointing • Fencing & Blockpaving O GeneralGeneral Builder Builder Regular Contracts, Lawn Mowing, openFULLY fires INSURED & wood stoves • Fencing• Fencing & &Blockpaving Blockpaving CleanAll work certified to cover Sweep insurance All work insured (City & Guilds installation D. STEWART BrushBrush && vacuumvacuum No job too small see to see O O 25 years Experience MD Building & Services AllAll work work certified certified to to cover cover insurance insuranceHedge Cutting etc. For a friendly & NPTC qualified) Reconditioned StairliftsNo job too big or too small. FULLY INSURED Builders 25 years ExperienceBuildersMD Building & ServicesBuilders Pest control available Camera inspections available a gallery of our previous installations.G G FULLYFULLY INSURED INSURED CleanBrush & vacuum SweepCleanCall Colin on 07521 SweepT Bulkprofessional bags service from & advice £55 Competitive prices Painting & decorating, All decorating NO JOB TOO SMALL Clean Sweep Tel No: 01622 756128 Mobile: 07905 182363 PAULAUL BESTEST SpecialistsSpecialists in in WoodWoodWeddings burnersattendedburnersMember andand fluesofflues the ICS HETAS approved Tel: Mark 07841 409061 P B MDTel: Building Mark 07841 & Services 409061 PestPest control control available available 377306 or 01622 853978 Please call:- 01622 743428 – LOGS•Painting & Decorating – • Plastering all roofing works & repairs, Very competitively priced GagainstFREE ESTIMATES G 0162201622 891960 891960 Tel:•• Extensions Extensions Mark • 07841• Refurbishments Refurbishments 409061 T Loose loads: £100 delivered interior & exterior PAUL BEST Brush• PlasteringSpecialists & vacuum(All aspects)in BrushWoodsupplied & burners vacuum andContact fitted and KfluesevinBrush Bovis & vacuum Mob:- 07817 517 733 • Tiling • Fencing email: [email protected] Suppliers MD BrickworkBuildingBrickwork & Services MDe: e:[email protected][email protected] Plastering (All& Servicesaspects) MDsupplied Building &and Services fitted Four-year [email protected] apple logs chimney’s, guttering & gutter Call Lynda Daniel 07748 630747 •• •Extensions Electrics Electrics • • Modernisations ModernisationsRefurbishments CameraCamera inspections inspections available available or £125 • Laminate Flooring • Plumbing ESTIMATESMobile No: 07855 466438 07748O 630747• Plastering (All aspects) supplied and fitted cleaning, pressure cleaning, AUL EST PBrickworkOSpecialistsAULExtensionsExtensionsB in EST •Wood• Kitchen KitchenPSpecialists AUL& & Bathroom BathroomburnersB in Installations Installations EST and fluesWoodAll workSpecialists 07885burners insured in 651578 and flues01622Wood 430855 burners and flues AVID YNN £100 load General–49 £125 West Household Parkload Road, Maintenance. Maidstone, Kent, ME15 7AF P B • Electrics • Modernisations All work insured D W Tel No: 0800 1804590on 07733 354617 • Extensions • Refurbishments ••• Driveways, Driveways,Extensions Patios Patios• Refurbishments & & Repointing Repointing • Extensions • Refurbishments Call us today to request your FREE, no obligation, homefencing survey. & brickwork & driveways Bearsted 730541 OO General Builder • Kitchen & Bathroom Installations WeddingsWeddings attended attended 01622 812005 07970 647334 Any odd jobs considered Based in Maidstone • PlasteringGeneralExtensions (All aspects) Builder supplied•• FencingPlastering Fencing & & (AllBlockpaving andBlockpaving aspects) fitted suppliedAll• [email protected] and(Allinsured aspects) fitted supplied and fitted Any moisture test welcome on delivery. Brickwork Brickwork • Driveways,Brickwork Patios & Repointing All work certified to cover insurance Phone Lee for quotes • ElectricsOO 25 25General• yearsModernisations years Experience BuilderExperienceBuilding Plans• Electrics • Modernisations All• Electrics work • Modernisations certified to cover insurance GREEN MAN Also other hardwoods available 07554 267087 O O Extensions BuildingBuilding Plans• PlansKitchen• FencingFULLYFULLYO & BathroomExtensions & INSURED INSUREDBlockpaving Installations All• KitchenMemberMember work & Bathroom insured of Installationsof the the ICS ICS Tree & Garden Services 07894 138224 01622 204491 Extensions • KitchenO & Bathroom Installations All work insured All work certified to coverAll work insurance insured Rolin Cleaning Services 25 years Experience • Driveways, Patios & Repointing • PestDriveways, control Patios & Repointing available TREE SURGERYFREE L DELIVERYTD – FREE STACKINGDay SERVICEEvenings or to leave a message O • Driveways,O GeneralPatios & BuilderRepointing Tel: MarkFULLYO General 07841 INSURED Builder 409061 Pest control available 01622 807860 LEE Hughes General Builder • 01622Fencing & Blockpaving 891960 Tel:• FencingMark & 07841 Blockpaving 409061 • FencingMAIDSTONE & Blockpaving Hedge cutting FullyMD insured Building & Services 01622O 891960 e: [email protected] AllPestHETASHETAS work control certifiedapproved approved available to coverAllCleaning work insurance certifiedServices to cover insurance Call Maidstone office: 01622 813750 O 25 years Experience 25 years Experience Tel:Alle: [email protected] MarkworkO 25 07841 years certified Experience 409061 to coverCHIMNEY insurance SWEEP PAINTING & DECORATING• Wood Floor Sanding 07748FULLY01622 INSURED 630747891960 FULLY INSURED CameraCameraFULLY INSURED inspectionsinspections availableavailable MarchantTraditional Garden Services Specialists in • QualityCA DecoratingLL U Sat aO N: 07748 630747 e: Pest control available or Mobile: 07854 615687 SERVICES and Oiling services Tel:Pest Mark control 07841 409061 availableTel:Camera• FullContactContact BrushMark & Vacuum 07841 inspections Kevin 409061Kevin Bovis BovisavailablePest control available Hedge laying MIKE• Full LEWIS• Roof Extensions Installation • Plastering • Tiling (All & Slateaspects) Roofing fair &01622 competitive 92064 price 2 Tel: Mark0162207748 07841 891960630747 409061 •Weddings All types of fires & stoves attendedswept Adrian Marchant Locksmith Interior & Exterior Work 01622 891960 e: [email protected] 891960 Weddings attended PROPERTYHandyman• MAINTENANCE Refurbishments • Electrics • ModernisationsLocksmith • Family •run Dulux business approved over e: [email protected] Camerae:• Certificates [email protected] issued inspections available Fencing • UPVC Fascias & Soffits Undertaken 07748 630747Building inspections 630747 availableWeddings attended Camera inspections available - Tree Surgeon • HOME & GARDEN• Kitchen & Bathroom Installations contracts@l30a yearsndlcre 07748 630747 Plans Plans •Member guards & cowls fitted ofof844385 844385 thethe ICSICS Landscaping • Chimney Re pointing or Removal 01732OVER 25 872199 YEARS EXPERIENCE• Fully insured No dust or mess Call our salesIMPROVEMENTS team• Driveways, now & RENOVATIONS- Patios & Repointing • Fencing & Blockpaving ww•w insuredlcreativ Building PlansWeddings attended WeddingsMember of attended the ICS attended N.P.T.C. Qualified • Fully Insured • INTERIOR & EXTERIOR• Roofing PAINTING Repairs & Maintenance City & Guild Qualified• Trained Technicians HETASHETAS approvedapproved Free estimates & advice - Fully insured & DECORATING FULLY INSURED Tel: 01622 759040 Tel: 01622 737225 MemberCall0788507885 for of 651578 651578the ICS • Hedgecutting & Fencing 07860• DECKING 100295 • FENCINGby • PallmannARTIFICIAL GRASS • HARD Building Plans Building PlansMember of theBuilding ICS PlansHETASa Quotation 01622approved 629035 Member of the ICS • WALLPAPER & Kent Mobile: 07816 149502 [email protected] Tel: 01622 892244 01622 630• GARDEN 330 MAINTENANCETel: Mark 07841 409061 LANDSCAPING • FIRST FIX PROJECTS • SPECIALIST IN ContactContact KevinKevin BovisBovisNo1 Locally Since 1996 Offham Nr West Malling T: 01622 755750 M: 07738 658751 HETAS approved Mobile: 07732 768331 email:• DECKING [email protected]& PERGOLAS 3 Plains Avenue, Maidstone ME15 7AT [email protected] HETAS approved Contact Kevin BovisHETAS approved 07808 414965 or 01622 853601 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT email:• BESPOKE [email protected] GARDEN 07932 492897 01732 841041 • QUOTATIONS PROJECTS • SAFETY SURFACING 01622 844385 Maidstone• SMALL Weald JOBS CallOctober UNDERTAKEN for 2017 a free no39 obligation quote MALCOLM ROBERTS 3838 MaidstoneMaidstone Weald Weald October October 2017 2017 Contact01622 844385Kevin Bovis Contact Kevin Bovis  24 hour service  locks opened Mid Kent Living 59 Contact Kevin Bovis01622 844385 MIKE LEWIS  new locks fitted  security checks Over 25 years’ experience of 07885 651578 TEL: 01622 663192  maintaining people’s homes. 0162207885 844385 651578 MOB: 07810 486146 emergency work undertaken Ray Cox 01622 844385 07885 651578 01622 844385 66 Mid Kent Living [email protected] AZING RE A friendly, reliable service. Painting & [email protected] LE GL PAIR Painting & decorating, 30 Maidstone Weald August 201907885 651578 07885 651578 07885 651578 UB BEARSTED MA A1Roofing ServicesMaidstone Weald August 2019 31 Decorating [email protected] DO N Logs Wall Papering, Tiling 3838 MaidstoneMaidstone Weald Weald October October 2017 [email protected] [email protected] Sealed Units Door Handles Broken Glass • TILED ROOFING • FLAT ROOFING and all aspects of DIY. Interior & Exterior 38 Maidstone Weald October 2017 MKL_Winter_2019 CLASSIFIED.indd 66 14/03/2019 11:14 Door Locks Window Handles Letter Boxes • LEAD FLASHING • PVC FASCIA / SOFFITS CALL MALCOLM Private or commercial 38 Maidstone Weald October 2017 CHRISTMAS ON 01634 308067 38 Maidstone Weald October 2017 38 Maidstone Weald October 2017 Broken Hinges New Doors New Windows • FULL REPAIR SERVICE 30+ years experience • Fully Insured Mob: 07788 142576 • FREE No Obligation Quote Maidstone Weald December 2017 39 FREE ESTIMATES FOR A FREE QUOTATION SPECIAL Business Directory Contact Ray Tel: 01622 296011 For a prompt reliable service OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Advertise from as little as 07733072389/01622 205625 SEASONEDMob: 07884 DRY 180595 LOGSEmail: [email protected] 07808 849432 or 01622 738683 per month £3.00 Painting & Decorating RING JOSH Call 01622 630330 or visit Professional Services B M Travelour (Kent) website for more details Interior Decorator 07939 935149 • Interior & exterior painting Ian Terry Private Hire Not just a decorator, • Wall papering • Plastering Airports-London-Seaports-Days Out-Events but one with over • Fully insured Plastering Services Ditton based, our locally established drivers 40 years experience • Friendly & reliable service are friendly, helpful and courteous. 31 Roseacre Lane, Bearsted ME14 4JE now semi retired, Call Nick for a WaghornCompetitive rates Logs (airports from £40). free quotation 24 hour service. so can offer a cheaper price 07855 529283 Bulk bags £39.99 07921 193298 For enquiries contact 01622 687200 01622 206702 Bob Matthews on: 07904 492819 or [email protected] Get properly plastered Seasoned mixed hard wood Est 1980 £70 a load [email protected]

Seasoned wood for Mid Kent Living 63 •Plastering wood burners £60 a load •Painting & Decorating Free Delivery • Free Stacking •Laminate Flooring •Home Improvements Mobile: 07854 615687 Office: 01622 813750 FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE 07804 927680

LOGMANLOGMAN ENERGYENERGY Rathbone Decorating Services

suppliers of seasoned, dry hardwood logs Painting & Decorating No job too small ...cut...cut toto orderorder forfor woodburningwoodburning stovesstoves andand openopen firesfires Interior & Exterior with special rates Works Undertaken for pensioners Now is the time to stock up with the • Free Estimates • Friendly Personal Services best cut to order Kentish seasoned • Domestic and Commercial • Qualified Tradesman hardwood logs at discount prices. Tel 01622 721491 or Mobile: 07753 487796 Call ROBBIE on 07802 625125 We accept payment by

40 Maidstone East January 2017 Classifieds Reach more people than ever Salesbefore BENSServices PLASTERING& Sky Vac Gutter Cleaning/ ProfessionalRendering, jet damp Sucks Your Gutters Clean washingproofing, services atSkimming B.T. ENVIRONMENTAL LTD • Saves using expensive access equipment affordable prices: Contact our sales team… Tel. 01622 200333/07875 579692 • Reaches up to five storey’s high • DrivewaysClean & Paths and friendly • Reaches those awkward places • Block paving [email protected] • Camera and video footage • NatashaPatios • Walls [email protected] Free no obligation Teresa Jeffery Rebecca Abbott • Prices from £30 • TelesalesGraffiti removal Manager07943200289 quotations Classified Sales Executive Classified Sales Executive E: natasha@ E: teresa@ E: T. 01622 630330 T. 01622 630330 T. 01622 630330 ext. 224 ext. 227 ext. 234 Classified Plumbing & Tiling Classified Bathroom Installation Dr. Tiles ApplianceTiling Repairs & Building Maintenance Carpenters & refurbishment,Painting & Decorating Plumbing & Heating continued Roofing Services continued Skip Hire continued DAVID COX •Plastering •Friendly, reliable, ALL FREEDOMESTIC APPLIANCE Find your local Mobile: 07701024078 NO OBLIGATIONREPAIR SERVICE•Painting & Decorating clean & tidy worker. A.H.B.S QUOTE •Laminate Flooring trades•City & people Guilds Wood Works with fully qualified engineer 01233 660 099 Home: 01622 730960 •Home Improvements qualified Carpentry All makes07804 of washing machines, Businesses & Services FULL CARPENTRYICHARDS OOFING & E: [email protected] fridges, freezers, vacuum•Tiling cleaners, •Fully insured SERVICER FROM RAll aspects of CARPENTRY 927680 on the Downs Mail t/dryers, dishwashers, elec ovens. directory DECKING TO DOORS, Doors, Windows, Kitchens supplied and # FREE ESTIMATES # Call All Danny work guaranteed on 07450 876363 or email: [email protected] UILDING SERVICESfitted, Loft Conversions, Doors LTD hung,  Free estimates and call out KITCHENSB & FLOORS. Sales Locks fitted, Skirting, small alterations, SKIP HIRE 01622 673113 ALL JOBSLead BIG & SMALL.Work and TilingPlastering Specialists and Tiling Anytime: 07831 557677 All Serviceswork guaranteed. Commercial & Domestic MAKING THE BEST OF WOOD & New tiled roofs, repairs & replacementsFREE ESTIMATES Recycling Services G ARDEN & IN AND AROUND THE HOME Family business established 21 years BathroomsAGRIC ULTURAL Slate and lead roofs & repairs MAIDSTONE AUTOCENTRECALL Cliff on PVCu guttering, fascias & soffits01622LTD 743648 Redwall Farm, Redwall Lane, MAC HINERY 07940 854927 Mob: 07711 291921 Cladding & bargeboards Decorator TheLinton, Maidstone, complete ME17Kents 4AX Bathroom Leading StihlMazda Chainsaws, MX-5 Brushcutters, Stockists 31, Sheppey Road, Loose, Maidstone Hedgetrimmers, Strimmers Repointing & chimney repairs MaintenanceT: 01622 749819 Company Viking Lawn Mowers and D. STEWART OVER 40 2 & 4 SEATER CONVERTIBLES IN STOCKBrickwork and carpentry All decorating F: 01622 749829 Ride-On Mowers by Stihl Chimney Maintenance No1 Locally NO CALL OUT FEEView & FREE our QUOTES full rangeMountfield of Lawnmowersstock online Plastering and decoration Book Online interior & exterior Also at Lydden Road, Swingfield, and Garden Machinery Dover CT15 7HF Multiclip and Ride-On Mowers Loft, cellar & garage conversions Order your skip via secure Since 1996 Supply • Install • Repair H & G Chimney Services Skip Hire FREE ESTIMATES Design support & advice 24hr online book facility Roll On/Offs FloorMaidstone & Wall TilingAutocentre • Full Ltd Plumbing• 20 Bow Road Services • Wateringbury • ChimneyMaidstone sweeping • Kent service • ME18 • Long 5DD established Tel: • ICS01622 registered 812234 Bearsted 730541 4 Yard Skip £200 inc Vat Road Permits Arranged All typesQualified of flu • plumbers, All pots-cowls electricians supplied & & heating fitted engineers 6 Yard Skip £240 inc Vat Waste Recycling Facility Complete re-builds • Re-pointing • Guttering, roof & valley repairs Call Gary 07738 902116Freephone 0800 6942024 01622 739439 07860Plumbing 318166 [email protected] & Tiling 8 Yard Skip £280 inc Vat Rathbone Decorating Services Flat Roof Specialists | Felt & Single Ply Throughout the South East Tel: (01622) 734377 12 Yard Skip £360 inc Vat FibreHOMEFRESH glass and01622 Liquid Roofs 736266 Bathroom Installation Carpets (Average) Normal rate Special rate CARPETALL &WORK GUARANTEED & refurbishment,Direct: 07885 241666 Many more services available. See website for details Painting & Decorating No job too small Single Room (12’dunn x 12’) & £42 cole £21 Interior & Exterior with special rates UPHOLSTERY Through Room (12’ x 18’) £56 £28 COX for pensioners Hall, Stairs & Landing £56 £28 Stairlifts Works Undertaken CLEANINGRoofingBuilders ServicesUpholstery email:Mobile: [email protected] 07701024078 3 piece suite £84 £42 Clean Sweep • Free Estimates • Friendly Personal Services OFFER property maintenance services Home: 01622 730960 07957903638 50% Leather 3 piece suite £146 £73 • Domestic and Commercial • Qualified Tradesman Discount Brush & vacuumE: [email protected] UKNo hidden ROOFING extras - All & CurtainsLEADWORK Rubbish Clearance prices inclusive of VAT FullMD length Building & Services£74 £37 01622 891512 South East London & Kent areas Tel 01622 721491 or Mobile: 07753 487796 PAUL BEST Half LengthSpecialists in £42 £21 Wood burners #andFREE flues ESTIMATES # Contact Chris on: 07734 950 882 •| [email protected] • Refurbishments supplied ALLand fitted RUBBISH CLEARED Today's Stalifts At Affdable Prices BrickworkFor a Free No Obligati•o nPlastering Quote (All aspects) Pest Control • Electrics • Modernisations Household, Garden, Builders, Office, Factory, 01622 756128 O Extensions • Kitchen &NO Bathroom JOB Installations TOO All work insured O EPIC • Driveways, Patios & Repointing FenceGeneral me Waste,in & Garage alot etc more Call 07534 863994 GeneralLANDSCAPES Builder • FencingBIG & ORBlockpaving SMALL 07905-182363 us O All work Allcertified typesDomestic of Fencing to cover & & Gates Commercial insuranceInstalled & Repairs 25 years Experience FULLY INSURED on 01634 320604 •Driveways• Fencing • Treework•Tar & • GritTurfing • •Tarmacadam Decking• Levelling Ground Pest controlAll Aspects availableAll of GardenAreas Services,Covered Landscapes, [email protected] •01622Footpaths 891960 •Block PavingTel: Mark•Car 07841 Parks 409061 EA Registered Discreet and reliable pest control serving homes and businesses in Kent • Patios • Jet Washing Servicee: [email protected] • Astroturf • Water Features Decking, Patios, Paths & Paving. Straight New & Reconditioned Stairlifts Council Approved Drop Kerbs Free Estimates Camera inspectionsWe do availableall the Loading and the surrounding areas. Effective and tailor-made solutions to all of 07748 630747 Regular Contracts, Lawn Mowing, Hedge Cutting etc. With Free Next Day Installation, From £995 WE BEAT •ANY Clearance GENUINE • Driveways QUOTES Reconditioned, Brand New From £1595 your pest control needs including rats, mice, wasps, moles, squirrels, Weddings07516 attended 063790 07842 293456 Curved Stairlifts From £3500 Reconditioned, CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE EMAIL [email protected] fleas, bed bugs etc. Non-toxic methods used where possible and advice 01622For a free 741183site survey call: Call Colin on 07521 377306 Brand New From £4200, Installed within 7-14 Days provided on preventative measures. Building Plans Member of the ICS 0162201622 862035 527106 / 07771 07788 523799 532926 or 01622 853978 Sales - Servicing - Repairs - Removals Local, family run business, fully qualified and insured. HETAS approved Skip Hire

P TV, Aerials + Satellites Contact Kevin Bovis Collectionrompt 01233 840624 D.T Allington Roofi[email protected] 01622Fast 844385 EST 1979 SKIP HIRE HALLFORD DECORATING BMP SKIP HIRE Delivery SKIP HIRE PAUL MILL Television Ltd Fascias, Soffits & Gu eringG Blocked drain clearance G CCTV drain & sewer surveys Painting & Decorating Services The largest 07885Over 651578 20 Years Experience G Drain & sewer cleaning G Cesspool & septic tank services T Skip Hire 3, 4, 6 01622 751000 Est. 1981 E: [email protected] Roof CleaningindependentlyFelt owned Flat Roofing [email protected] & 12 Yard Bins Call for free estimate G Tankering including ADR (hazchem) Prices from £110+VAT Moss Removal liquidRoof waste Repairs T Covering Maidstone • See the Latest Panasonic OLED, LED, Smart & 4K TVs in Stock 2/3/4 & 6 YARD G Pollution & flooding solutions & The Weald • PlasteringPlastering • Carpentry • PropertyPlumbing Maintenance & Heating Free Estimatesmanagement • SAME DAY SERVICE 01622 843511 38 Maidstonecompany Weald in the UKOctoberG Waste2017 disposal & recycling T EA Registered • On Demand, BBC IPlayer,ITV HUB & 4oD • Ceramic Tiling, Floor Tiling, Laminate Flooring E.A. REG • FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE T Fast & Prompt Service 01622 861564 07889255813 01233 623721 • Satellite dish Installation, WIFI, Fault Finding. • WE RECYCLE YOUR WASTE Sunnybridge Farm, Watery Lane, T Commercial Call Martin Hallford on 01622 730418 or 07956 234273 West Well, Ashford, Kent TN25 4JJ & Domestic • Freeview & Freesat, Aerial Expert installation Your friendly local service - Bearsted 858887 07870 680 979 • Bespoke TV Wall mounting installation service • CCTV Installation Specialist 58 Mid Kent Living Garage Door Free Quotation Dont forget to mention Specialists Site Survey GDS Please phone us for free friendly advice today. • Kent based business and specialize in the • At GDS we offer a range of designs, colours and Installation, supply and repair of garage doors accessories to personalise your garage door. Bower Place Maidstone ME16 8BG ww across the South East of England. • Not only do we supply and install garage doors, We pride ourselves on being a local business offering outstanding service • Years of experience in the garage door industry we can also repair any door from any when replying to advertisements and we are proud to have received many glowing manufacturer to a top standard. Open: Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm, Sat 9am-12pm customer recommendations for us. 32 Maidstone Weald August 2019 6pm 24 Maidstone Weald August 2019 33 01634 786129onwards 07540 224938 hour [email protected]

Dr. Tiles I B Plastering Tiling & Building Maintenance Free No Obligation Quote FREE •Plastering •Friendly, reliable, Reliable Service, No Job To Small, Fully Insured NO OBLIGATION •Painting & Decorating clean & tidy worker. QUOTE •Laminate Flooring •City & Guilds Call Ian on: 07804 •Home Improvements qualified Mob 07752175135 Tel:01622 843530 927680 •Tiling •Fully insured Call Danny on 07450 876363 or email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

64 Mid Kent Living Classifieds Reach more people than ever Salesbefore BENSServices PLASTERING& Sky Vac Gutter Cleaning/ ProfessionalRendering, jet damp Sucks Your Gutters Clean washingproofing, services atSkimming B.T. ENVIRONMENTAL LTD • Saves using expensive access equipment affordable prices: Contact our sales team… Tel. 01622 200333/07875 579692 • Reaches up to five storey’s high • DrivewaysClean & Paths and friendly • Reaches those awkward places • Block paving [email protected] • Camera and video footage • NatashaPatios • Walls [email protected] Free no obligation Teresa Jeffery Rebecca Abbott • Prices from £30 • TelesalesGraffiti removal Manager07943200289 quotations Classified Sales Executive Classified Sales Executive E: natasha@ E: teresa@ E: T. 01622 630330 T. 01622 630330 T. 01622 630330 ext. 224 ext. 227 ext. 234 Classified Plumbing & Tiling Classified Bathroom Installation Dr. Tiles ApplianceTiling Repairs & Building Maintenance Carpenters & refurbishment,Painting & Decorating Plumbing & Heating continued Roofing Services continued Skip Hire continued DAVID COX •Plastering •Friendly, reliable, ALL FREEDOMESTIC APPLIANCE Find your local Mobile: 07701024078 NO OBLIGATIONREPAIR SERVICE•Painting & Decorating clean & tidy worker. A.H.B.S QUOTE •Laminate Flooring trades•City & people Guilds Wood Works with fully qualified engineer 01233 660 099 Home: 01622 730960 •Home Improvements qualified Carpentry All makes07804 of washing machines, Businesses & Services FULL CARPENTRYICHARDS OOFING & E: [email protected] fridges, freezers, vacuum•Tiling cleaners, •Fully insured SERVICER FROM RAll aspects of CARPENTRY 927680 on the Downs Mail t/dryers, dishwashers, elec ovens. directory DECKING TO DOORS, Doors, Windows, Kitchens supplied and # FREE ESTIMATES # Call All Danny work guaranteed on 07450 876363 or email: [email protected] UILDING SERVICESfitted, Loft Conversions, Doors LTD hung,  Free estimates and call out KITCHENSB & FLOORS. Sales Locks fitted, Skirting, small alterations, SKIP HIRE 01622 673113 ALL JOBSLead BIG & SMALL.Work and TilingPlastering Specialists and Tiling Anytime: 07831 557677 All Serviceswork guaranteed. Commercial & Domestic MAKING THE BEST OF WOOD & New tiled roofs, repairs & replacementsFREE ESTIMATES Recycling Services G ARDEN & IN AND AROUND THE HOME Family business established 21 years BathroomsAGRIC ULTURAL Slate and lead roofs & repairs MAIDSTONE AUTOCENTRECALL Cliff on PVCu guttering, fascias & soffits01622LTD 743648 Redwall Farm, Redwall Lane, MAC HINERY 07940 854927 Mob: 07711 291921 Cladding & bargeboards Decorator TheLinton, Maidstone, complete ME17Kents 4AX Bathroom Leading StihlMazda Chainsaws, MX-5 Brushcutters, Stockists 31, Sheppey Road, Loose, Maidstone Hedgetrimmers, Strimmers Repointing & chimney repairs MaintenanceT: 01622 749819 Company Viking Lawn Mowers and D. STEWART OVER 40 2 & 4 SEATER CONVERTIBLES IN STOCKBrickwork and carpentry All decorating F: 01622 749829 Ride-On Mowers by Stihl Chimney Maintenance No1 Locally NO CALL OUT FEEView & FREE our QUOTES full rangeMountfield of Lawnmowersstock online Plastering and decoration Book Online interior & exterior Also at Lydden Road, Swingfield, and Garden Machinery Dover CT15 7HF Multiclip and Ride-On Mowers Loft, cellar & garage conversions Order your skip via secure Since 1996 Supply • Install • Repair H & G Chimney Services Skip Hire FREE ESTIMATES Design support & advice 24hr online book facility Roll On/Offs FloorMaidstone & Wall TilingAutocentre • Full Ltd Plumbing• 20 Bow Road Services • Wateringbury • ChimneyMaidstone sweeping • Kent service • ME18 • Long 5DD established Tel: • ICS01622 registered 812234 Bearsted 730541 4 Yard Skip £200 inc Vat Road Permits Arranged All typesQualified of flu • plumbers, All pots-cowls electricians supplied & & heating fitted engineers 6 Yard Skip £240 inc Vat Waste Recycling Facility Complete re-builds • Re-pointing • Guttering, roof & valley repairs Call Gary 07738 902116Freephone 0800 6942024 01622 739439 07860Plumbing 318166 [email protected] & Tiling 8 Yard Skip £280 inc Vat Rathbone Decorating Services Flat Roof Specialists | Felt & Single Ply Throughout the South East Tel: (01622) 734377 12 Yard Skip £360 inc Vat FibreHOMEFRESH glass and01622 Liquid Roofs 736266 Bathroom Installation Carpets (Average) Normal rate Special rate CARPETALL &WORK GUARANTEED & refurbishment,Direct: 07885 241666 Many more services available. See website for details Painting & Decorating No job too small Single Room (12’dunn x 12’) & £42 cole £21 Interior & Exterior with special rates UPHOLSTERY Through Room (12’ x 18’) £56 £28 COX for pensioners Hall, Stairs & Landing £56 £28 Stairlifts Works Undertaken CLEANINGRoofingBuilders ServicesUpholstery email:Mobile: [email protected] 07701024078 3 piece suite £84 £42 Clean Sweep • Free Estimates • Friendly Personal Services OFFER property maintenance services Home: 01622 730960 07957903638 50% Leather 3 piece suite £146 £73 • Domestic and Commercial • Qualified Tradesman Discount Brush & vacuumE: [email protected] UKNo hidden ROOFING extras - All & CurtainsLEADWORK Rubbish Clearance prices inclusive of VAT FullMD length Building & Services£74 £37 01622 891512 South East London & Kent areas Tel 01622 721491 or Mobile: 07753 487796 PAUL BEST Half LengthSpecialists in £42 £21 Wood burners #andFREE flues ESTIMATES # Contact Chris on: 07734 950 882 •| [email protected] • Refurbishments supplied ALLand fitted RUBBISH CLEARED Today's Stalifts At Affdable Prices BrickworkFor a Free No Obligati•o nPlastering Quote (All aspects) Pest Control • Electrics • Modernisations Household, Garden, Builders, Office, Factory, 01622 756128 O Extensions • Kitchen &NO Bathroom JOB Installations TOO All work insured O EPIC • Driveways, Patios & Repointing FenceGeneral me Waste,in & Garage alot etc more Call 07534 863994 GeneralLANDSCAPES Builder • FencingBIG & ORBlockpaving SMALL 07905-182363 us O All work Allcertified typesDomestic of Fencing to cover & & Gates Commercial insuranceInstalled & Repairs 25 years Experience FULLY INSURED on 01634 320604 •Driveways• Fencing • Treework•Tar & • GritTurfing • •Tarmacadam Decking• Levelling Ground Pest controlAll Aspects availableAll of GardenAreas Services,Covered Landscapes, [email protected] •01622Footpaths 891960 •Block PavingTel: Mark•Car 07841 Parks 409061 EA Registered Discreet and reliable pest control serving homes and businesses in Kent • Patios • Jet Washing Servicee: [email protected] • Astroturf • Water Features Decking, Patios, Paths & Paving. Straight New & Reconditioned Stairlifts Council Approved Drop Kerbs Free Estimates Camera inspectionsWe do availableall the Loading and the surrounding areas. Effective and tailor-made solutions to all of 07748 630747 Regular Contracts, Lawn Mowing, Hedge Cutting etc. With Free Next Day Installation, From £995 WE BEAT •ANY Clearance GENUINE • Driveways QUOTES Reconditioned, Brand New From £1595 your pest control needs including rats, mice, wasps, moles, squirrels, Weddings07516 attended 063790 07842 293456 Curved Stairlifts From £3500 Reconditioned, CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE EMAIL [email protected] fleas, bed bugs etc. Non-toxic methods used where possible and advice 01622For a free 741183site survey call: Call Colin on 07521 377306 Brand New From £4200, Installed within 7-14 Days provided on preventative measures. Building Plans Member of the ICS 0162201622 862035 527106 / 07771 07788 523799 532926 or 01622 853978 Sales - Servicing - Repairs - Removals Local, family run business, fully qualified and insured. HETAS approved Skip Hire

P TV, Aerials + Satellites Contact Kevin Bovis Collectionrompt 01233 840624 D.T Allington Roofi[email protected] 01622Fast 844385 EST 1979 SKIP HIRE HALLFORD DECORATING BMP SKIP HIRE Delivery SKIP HIRE PAUL MILL Television Ltd Fascias, Soffits & Gu eringG Blocked drain clearance G CCTV drain & sewer surveys Painting & Decorating Services The largest 07885Over 651578 20 Years Experience G Drain & sewer cleaning G Cesspool & septic tank services T Skip Hire 3, 4, 6 01622 751000 Est. 1981 E: [email protected] Roof CleaningindependentlyFelt owned Flat Roofing [email protected] & 12 Yard Bins Call for free estimate G Tankering including ADR (hazchem) Prices from £110+VAT Moss Removal liquidRoof waste Repairs T Covering Maidstone • See the Latest Panasonic OLED, LED, Smart & 4K TVs in Stock 2/3/4 & 6 YARD G Pollution & flooding solutions & The Weald • PlasteringPlastering • Carpentry • PropertyPlumbing Maintenance & Heating Free Estimatesmanagement • SAME DAY SERVICE 01622 843511 38 Maidstonecompany Weald in the UKOctoberG Waste2017 disposal & recycling T EA Registered • On Demand, BBC IPlayer,ITV HUB & 4oD • Ceramic Tiling, Floor Tiling, Laminate Flooring E.A. REG • FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE T Fast & Prompt Service 01622 861564 07889255813 01233 623721 • Satellite dish Installation, WIFI, Fault Finding. • WE RECYCLE YOUR WASTE Sunnybridge Farm, Watery Lane, T Commercial Call Martin Hallford on 01622 730418 or 07956 234273 West Well, Ashford, Kent TN25 4JJ & Domestic • Freeview & Freesat, Aerial Expert installation Your friendly local service - Bearsted 858887 07870 680 979 • Bespoke TV Wall mounting installation service • CCTV Installation Specialist 58 Mid Kent Living Garage Door Free Quotation Dont forget to mention Specialists Site Survey GDS Please phone us for free friendly advice today. • Kent based business and specialize in the • At GDS we offer a range of designs, colours and Installation, supply and repair of garage doors accessories to personalise your garage door. Bower Place Maidstone ME16 8BG ww across the South East of England. • Not only do we supply and install garage doors, We pride ourselves on being a local business offering outstanding service • Years of experience in the garage door industry we can also repair any door from any when replying to advertisements and we are proud to have received many glowing manufacturer to a top standard. Open: Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm, Sat 9am-12pm customer recommendations for us. 32 Maidstone Weald August 2019 6pm 24 Maidstone Weald August 2019 33 01634 786129onwards 07540 224938 hour [email protected]

Dr. Tiles I B Plastering Tiling & Building Maintenance Free No Obligation Quote FREE •Plastering •Friendly, reliable, Reliable Service, No Job To Small, Fully Insured NO OBLIGATION •Painting & Decorating clean & tidy worker. QUOTE •Laminate Flooring •City & Guilds Call Ian on: 07804 •Home Improvements qualified Mob 07752175135 Tel:01622 843530 927680 •Tiling •Fully insured Call Danny on 07450 876363 or email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

64 Mid Kent Living Classified Classified Waste Services Web Design Recruitment 01233 840624 [email protected] Time on your hands? Don’t know what to do? Why not join the Maidstone Hospital League of Friends

The largest independently owned liquid waste management company in the UK WE URGENTLY NEED VOLUNTEERS TO HELP IN THE FOLLOWING WAYS:

• Blocked drain clearance • CCTV drain & sewer surveys Window Services • Drain & sewer cleaning • Cesspool & septic tank services • To staff the hospital shop which is stocked with a wide variety of • Tankering including ADR (hazchem) • Pollution & flooding solutions sandwiches,crisps, drinks, toiletries, greetings cards, sweets, chocolate, etc. • Waste disposal & recycling GREAT SAVINGS ON WINDOWS DOORS AND CONSERVATORIES • To take trolleys (containing sweets, drinks, toiletries, etc.) round the wards. 5 WINDOWS £1510 FITTED • Staff our busy tea bar. • Sell books in the book room. The League of Friends is a registered charity and all monies raised ensures that it can respond to requests for equipment in the hospital.

If you can spare a few hours a week and would like to join a friendly team doing something rewarding for the community please contact: Jacqui on 01622 224781

Water Services £600 £660 £960 On the Road £980 A QUALITY SERVICE YOU CAN RELY ON! CALL US FOR A FREE, NO OBLIGATION QUOTE & ADVICE: 0800 7839661 We buy cars for cash Health & Beauty (best price paid) • MOT • Servicing • Repairs • Cambelts • Clutches • Springs and Shocks De-stress the healthy way, with a massage! Great for those aches & pains too MOTs £35 • Diagnostics • Air Conditioning

Swedish massage • Deep tissue massage or Free MOT with Tyres • Exhausts • Tracking Pregnancy massage • Indian head massage Every Major service in Maidstone town centre FREE COLLECTION AND DELIVERY Quote Downs Mail SERVICE WITHIN 10 MILE RADIUS - Tel 07443 424 605 Tel: 01622 663662 Tel:01622 890933 | Unit 5, Bridge Industrial Estate, Wharf Road, 37 Station Road, Headcorn, Kent, TN27 9SB , Maidstone ME15 6RR

34 Maidstone Weald August 2019 Maidstone Weald August 2019 35 Classified Classified Waste Services Web Design Recruitment 01233 840624 [email protected] Time on your hands? Don’t know what to do? Why not join the Maidstone Hospital League of Friends

The largest independently owned liquid waste management company in the UK WE URGENTLY NEED VOLUNTEERS TO HELP IN THE FOLLOWING WAYS:

• Blocked drain clearance • CCTV drain & sewer surveys Window Services • Drain & sewer cleaning • Cesspool & septic tank services • To staff the hospital shop which is stocked with a wide variety of • Tankering including ADR (hazchem) • Pollution & flooding solutions sandwiches,crisps, drinks, toiletries, greetings cards, sweets, chocolate, etc. • Waste disposal & recycling GREAT SAVINGS ON WINDOWS DOORS AND CONSERVATORIES • To take trolleys (containing sweets, drinks, toiletries, etc.) round the wards. 5 WINDOWS £1510 FITTED • Staff our busy tea bar. • Sell books in the book room. The League of Friends is a registered charity and all monies raised ensures that it can respond to requests for equipment in the hospital.

If you can spare a few hours a week and would like to join a friendly team doing something rewarding for the community please contact: Jacqui on 01622 224781

Water Services £600 £660 £960 On the Road £980 A QUALITY SERVICE YOU CAN RELY ON! CALL US FOR A FREE, NO OBLIGATION QUOTE & ADVICE: 0800 7839661 We buy cars for cash Health & Beauty (best price paid) • MOT • Servicing • Repairs • Cambelts • Clutches • Springs and Shocks De-stress the healthy way, with a massage! Great for those aches & pains too MOTs £35 • Diagnostics • Air Conditioning

Swedish massage • Deep tissue massage or Free MOT with Tyres • Exhausts • Tracking Pregnancy massage • Indian head massage Every Major service in Maidstone town centre FREE COLLECTION AND DELIVERY Quote Downs Mail SERVICE WITHIN 10 MILE RADIUS - Tel 07443 424 605 Tel: 01622 663662 Tel:01622 890933 | Unit 5, Bridge Industrial Estate, Wharf Road, 37 Station Road, Headcorn, Kent, TN27 9SB Tovil, Maidstone ME15 6RR

34 Maidstone Weald August 2019 Maidstone Weald August 2019 3535 On the Road On the Road

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36 Maidstone Weald August 2019 MaidstoneMaidstone WealdWeald AugustAugust 20192019 3737 C o m e n On top of a load of rubbish? HOW are you doing recycling and t disposing of your household and School Lane wins garden waste? MailMarks  FO L L OWING my piece last month Most of us in Maidstone and Malling DENNIS FOWLE President about deteriorating quality of life in area are now experienced, generally [email protected] Maidstone, I have had a nomination from knowledgeable, efficient and keen to a reader for the worst road surface. help our area hold a good position in It is for School Lane on its approaches the national table. to Willington Street, with its desperately That is why there are local concerns composting over a three-year cycle – bad surface, poor markings and speed about national reports that some and the same for leaf mold. These are humps so ridiculously high they recyclables are being dumped with valuable for a productive garden and seriously shake up car and passengers waste and directed to incinerators or shrubs. travelling well within the speed limit landfill sites. Is this happening to any of So if residents are dedicated to (these should be made illegal). our local meticulously-separated waste recycling we expect the national system He suggests all KCC Highways as well? I have been enlightened by to be the same. Obviously in some areas employees and elected councillors specialists in Maidstone Borough it falls seriously short. should be made to drive along School Council’s team. Maidstone’s recent Maidstone waste goes to Crayford Lane every day, on the way to and home record on recycling is good. The Material Recycling Centre, managed by from work or meetings. percentage of local household waste Viridor under contract to KCC. It gets my vote too – but has many sent for re-use or composting hit 51.1% Maidstone Borough Council officers awful competitors. in 2017/18, placing us 73rd among 345 regularly visit this site to check the local authorities. Worst was Newham quality of loads delivered from our No-see seats with 14.1%, and top East Riding of borough.  I A L W AYS support Pegasus Yorkshire with 64.5%. Currently, Crayford has an 8% Gymnastics Club, increasingly successful I suspect our own house is typical of rejection rate – materials not meeting its in its endeavours with such a wide range so many around Maidstone. I counted recycling acceptance criteria. Typically, of our local young people. the total rubbish-related points and was these include nappies, wood, garden I looked forward to its festival at amazed it totals 22. Five bins are waste, plastic toys and plastic film. If Maidstone Leisure Centre – and almost provided by the council for collections – contamination is excessive the load can saw nothing. Our seats were in row P one for recyclables, one for general be rejected and these materials are and it was impossible to see the floor- rubbish, two we need for garden waste disposed of at energy waste plants, level arena over the heads of rows in and one for food. never to landfill. front. Small ones had no chance. The others include eight small bins To reduce contaminants, Maidstone There was no warning of restricted – or around the house and sheds for Borough Council a�ached information nil – viewing on the many tickets sold in convenient collection of waste, plus one stickers to all recycling bins. Detailed the gallery. It must be resolved, perhaps for kitchen waste, an internal food waste advice is also available on the council’s by using a normal elevated stage and not collection and another for recyclables. website. If you want to do it right, it is advancing it from the back wall to install In the garden there are three bins for worth checking these out. seating. Where there’s muck ... for councils? There has always been why, “now more facts are known” should “recycling” of one sort or another. we not have a confirmatory second I UNDERSTAND that certain items of Bo�les nearly always had a deposit on referendum? household waste are going to be charged them, and just off Lower Stone Street you What facts are these and what would the for at the council refuse tip. could see bo�les being cleaned in a big questions be? Surely we’d need to leave When I was very young, rag and bone machine. In America, they have always before we could know what the facts men came round the streets, a la Albert had and still have brown paper bags. would be? Anything else is just guesswork and Harold Steptoe, shouting out in a The truth is that the makers of or scaremongering. peculiar language impossible to translate, containers, tin cartons etc. have always In 1975, we had a confirmatory but everyone knew it was them. They made more than the produce in them, and referendum, two years after we had first wanted rags, bones, rabbit skins, pots, those who remove garbage do not do it for joined the Common Market “when more pans, metal and almost any old item. The peanuts. If the most wealthy control facts were known”. We then had to wait payment was nearly always a goldfish. packaging and its disposal, how can it be for 41 years before we had the chance to When I was about 15, I went into one of regulated? But I do know my packaging vote again and this time the majority voted these places in what appeared to be the simply keeps ge�ing bigger every week. to leave the EU. poorest street in Maidstone but, in fact, Alan Wallace, via email Most people who call for another was the richest. I was cha�ing to the referendum do so because they didn't like owner dressed in a leather apron and a the result of the last one. How on earth can pork pie hat, he said to me: “Son, to look at Complaints don’t stack up the Lib Dems call themselves democrats? me you wouldn't think I own five houses KG Banks (Comments, July 2019) suggests As sure as night follows day if another and two cars, one of them a Rover!” Mrs May suffered from the misogynist referendum produced a remain result we This turned out to be true, and to think I views of her ex-public school colleagues – wouldn’t be consulted for another 41 had felt sorry for him. so how on earth did the last Conservative years! The TV show The Sopranos informed us leadership election end up with two Mike Wardle, that it was not very wise to move in on the female candidates and no male ones? garbage business. But in the north they say Neither the Labour or Lib Dem parties that “where there’s muck there’s brass”. have ever had a female leader nor a female Future of Power Hub It poses the question, why is it that those prime minister, so which parties are I READ with much interest recently of the I know in the scrap business have always actually full of misogynists? transformation of a former Nestle coffee been millionaires and there is a problem In the same edition, AJB Collins asks factory at Hayes in Middlesex.

38 Maidstone Weald August 2019

This £410m scheme will combine 1,386 animal very slowly along the road as it while it has negotiated with Medway C new homes and commercial warehouses tried to find a hole in the hedge to escape – Council to allow Kent residents to o m e n and, by 2025, will breathe new life into an something I have never seen before. I continue using Medway sites. iconic 1913 building. would be intrigued to know if your While this is positive news, flytipping The grand façade of the Sandhow readers have seen these creatures in the and waste crime are serious problems and Detling area before? it comes at a time when KCC is

building will be fully restored as part of its t conversion into apartments. The 1920s- Sharon Hooper, via email introducing charges for disposing of items style main office building and grand such as soil, rubble and plasterboard. staircase will be given a new lease of life, While the authority has rejected 40% of the new properties will be Respect others’ opinions widespread concerns that these fees could affordable housing and the public will I WISH to correct Mike Watson’s recent lead to a rise in the amount of waste benefit from the development with access comment on my le�er published in dumped in Kent, it is interesting that it has to the Grand Union Canal. Downs Mail. pledged this extra money to fight Here in Maidstone, we have our own He is right that the proportion of those flytipping days before the charges come in. fine example of an early “Daylight” who voted remain in Maidstone would Kent is the Garden of England, yet there are nearly 20,000 incidents of flytipping a factory with an ornate front façade, fall to 31% if votes were related to the total year. It causes enormous harm to the namely the Power Hub building, which electorate. I have never sought to claim environment as well as costing a fortune Tilling Stevens built in 1917, during WWI, otherwise. My point was that it is grossly to clean up, especially if hazardous and is a rare survivor of its period. misleading to claim that 58% of Maidstone materials are involved. The main building was grade II-listed in wishes to leave the EU, when we do not Landowners are liable for waste 2012. This grand edifice is crying out for a know what the 24% of the electorate who dumped on their land and are fed up with similar transformation to that happening did not vote actually think. having to pay to clear up the mess. at Hayes. On the question of whether or not the Recent data from the Local Government The Power Hub building has an result would be reversed if the Association revealed that nobody has been enviable riverside location, good transport referendum were to be re-run, I am not given the maximum penalties for links to London and a town centre se�ing. offering any opinion on that and never flytipping since they were introduced five A mixed housing development would have, other than to say that national years ago. make this area very desirable. opinion polls carried out recently suggest Flytipping incidents in England have Back in 1999, there was a project to a small majority in favour of remaining. risen by nearly 40% in that time, to almost develop a “Li�le Venice” along the St Mr Watson can easily check that this is so. one million in 2017/18, although the true Peter’s Street water frontage, with flats, My point was that I feel it is entirely figures are likely to be significantly higher shops, wine bars and cafes to replace the unhelpful for biased editorials, not as predominantly the statistics do not retail sheds. I do believe that we can still actually supported by the facts, to include incidents on private land. encourage a be�er ambition for this area. continue to be broadcast in such a tone CLA South East, which represents With the iconic Power Hub building still that the writer assumes more or less landowners, farmers and rural businesses standing proud, I do hope Maidstone will universal agreement with his sentiments. across Kent, is calling on councils and soon produce a development worthy of its Everybody is entitled to their own courts to take action to deter flytippers. historical past and a beacon for the future opinion. I have no problem with that. But We appreciate that councils have of our county town. please let us show respect and seek to base budgetary pressures, but failing to tackle David Picke , Ex-borough councillor, criticism on what has actually been said. the menace of flytipping could make their Bridge Ward David Hacke , via email financial situations worse if it means they end up facing increased clean-ups costs dealing with more dumped rubbish. Muntjac sighting a first Time to tackle waste The message needs to be sent loud and SOME time ago, I was interested to read THE Country Land Business Association clear that dumping waste will not be your articles in the Downs Mail about (CLA South East) welcomes Kent County tolerated, and those who do it will be muntjac deer sightings. But having lived Council’s announcement that it is to spend prosecuted. in Maidstone for most of my life, I may an extra £250,000 fighting flytipping, as we For more information about the CLA have laughed at this at the time. have long called for additional resources and its work, visit However, one morning in early June I to help ba�le waste crime. area/south-east/regional-news. was proved wrong. I saw a muntjac on the It has also announced a new recycling Robin Edwards, regional director, CLA Pilgrims Way in Detling. We followed the centre to serve , South East

The five editions of the Downs Mail are delivered to 90% of households in the Maidstone and Malling area, reaching over 190, 000 readers every month. Maidstone North Maidstone South Maidstone East Maidstone Weald Malling Current and archived editions are also free to read online at Contact our teams…. Editorial Sales Accounts Dept. Editor: Simon Finlay Sales Manager: Bill Brett [email protected][email protected] 01622 630330 ext 229 01622 734735 [email protected] 01622 630330 ext. 221 Mail Publications Ltd Deputy editor: Doug Kempster Forge House Advertising Sales Enquiry [email protected] : Bearsted Green Business Park 01622 734735 01622 630330 option 1 Bearsted, Maidstone ME14 4DT

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Downs Mail is published by Mail Publications Ltd (President — Dennis Fowle, Chairman — Claire Procter, Editor — Simon Finlay, Sales Manager — Bill Brett) 2 Forge House, Bearsted Green Business Park, Bearsted, Maidstone, Kent ME14 4DT 01622 630330 email: [email protected] Printed by Mortons.