1952-11-13, [P ]

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1952-11-13, [P ] Pag* Nine Thursday, November 13, 1952 EAST CLEVELAND LEADER AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE | AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE IT'S A SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! TRUCK RUYERS WATCH LANDSLIDE Hudson Official's Cars WATCH • Now You Can ^Vvo $500.00 Try'em On The Job! EAST END « PRICES GOOD CHOICE OF COLORS AND BODY STYLES EAST END NASH With The WITH THE FAMOUS Come In and Inspect The Finest HUDSON Service We're Trading High COMMERCE (Ford) MONEY MONEY-BACK Facilities In Greater Cleveland 1952 Nash Ambassadors, NASH GUARANTEE SEE OUR USED CAR SHOW ROOM,- Right Next Door To Our New Car Sales Room. Aii Used Care Under fio-rer. Listen To Our Big Statesmen and Ramblers BACK GUARANTEE! RADIO SHOW 4 TIMES DAILY WAGGONER - BEACH, INC. All Models Now Available WEBE — 1300 ke TRUCKS AUTHORIZED DIRECT FACTORY HUDSON SALES and SERVICE A-l USED 481 East 185th St. at Lake Shore Blvd. KEnmore 1-6696 1949 CHEVROLET 1950 STUDEBAKER Genuine GENUINE I’/z Ton Cab-Chassis; OyftE 3« Ton CfiQR blue $13w Pick-up ... VOW Nash Reductions FORD BATTERY Fur Aihurtisinij Fall fiLmivith' 1-4303 Highest Prices Paid OR NEW 1947 CHEVROLET 1947 CHEVROLET SKID CHAINS 1 Ton Panel; $635 V4 Ton Pick-up; CCQK red, heater 1951 NASH With Every Car Listed Here AMBASSADOR SEDAN A What on Used Cars 1950 CHEVROLET 1947 DODGE Beautiful light gray hydramatic. loaded with accessories• reduced piles. ■z Ton Panel; CAQR Parcel Delivery; Q^AR BANGAINS WASHINiGTtON ANO maroon, heater red, with heater $1695 1951 Ford Deluxe 1945 FORD "SMALL BUSINESS’ I. Tudor, Hawthorn green, ’2 Ton Pick-up; CZJRft 1951 NASH C | QQK A-.;"* \ Z l¥C.WIlSp^,BMDE,t heater, red.............. 4>‘iUU STATESMAN 2-DOOR radio, heater...................0 1 WW GET OUR DEAL Sparkling 2 tone green, radio and 1951 Plymouth Low Down Payment—Easy Terms heater; one owner; low mileage; new Washington is anxiously curi­ Here is the blight of the can­ low price. Cranbrook 4-Door. eL-c./ CJ I ous on this question. How will cer. The Owl-Rexall market in $1495 black, radio, heater . .*.. wl WvW the new administration tilt its Los Angeles sells food at prices on a New Car NOW! COMMENCE MHTUIl!i,(Foril) eyes? often far less than cost. An ex­ 1951 Chevrolet * * * ample: coffee, which costs a 13608 SL Clair at Hayden MUlberry 1-4000 1951 NASH 5-Pass. Coupe; gray. i 2ttR Will the new administration minimum of 80 cents per pound RAMBLER STAi.wN WAGON radio, heater . w ■ 4*0* have its eyes so raised to gaze wholesale, was sold recently at Only 25% Down — 36 Months To Beautiful blue, full custom equipment, at Bessarabia, Trieste, and other 45 cents per pound. whitewalls. 1951 Plymouth ♦ ♦ » Everybody goes for the dur­ foreign places, it will not see Thus the cancer spreads. If what is hap-^. Pay Your Balance $1395 Cambridge Club Coupe; | people can be attracted by less ms m GO YUK able beauty of an ECON­ pening in the Sheridan blue, heater. 0 ■ JUd than cost food prices, then a OMY BUICK CO. Used Car! United States? drug chain can sell them drugs Listen To Our Big RADIO SHOW • 1951 NASH 1950 Studebaker Or will home We have autos suitable for RAMBLER CUSTOM HARDTOP at a normal or higher profit. 4 TIMES DAILY WERE -7- 1300 kc Champion 2-Door; Cloud problems be ♦ * * Smart 2 tone ivory and rust, white- C 1 AQR observed and ECONOMY BUICKCQ every age — every pocket­ Mist green, radio, heater Nothing prevents a drug chain wails, overdrivo, lull custom equip- 0 ■ UwW recognized? "Buy Where Integrity Counts" book. from adding drygoods, hard­ meat: only. 1950 Chevrolet ware, appliances, and other A new dang­ items to sell them at cost, or less, $1595 Styleline 4-Door; dark C* i AftE er "spreading SPECIAL! to attract drug trade. green; heater ** 1 *-**w cancer” threat­ ♦ * * EAST END NASH 1951 NASH ening the en­ Independent capital cannot 1950 Buick RAMBLER CONVERTIBLE 1949 Mercury tire American compete. Thus not only are in­ Beautiful maroon, black top: very few free enterprise economic struc- dependent druggists harmed, but NEW CAR SHOWROOM Fordor Sedan.- maroon. 0 1 OQR has been overlooked in the miles; cut to radio, heater . M < ture the entire food industry is de­ 13829 Euclid Ave. near Eddy* LI. 1-5300 2-Door Sedan: Nack; heater past five years. moralized. $1395 1947 Chrysler • a * GIANT USED CAB LOT and defrosters. Here is an example. To the big financial interests Windsor Convertible, ebon C7QR In Los Angeles, the vast United controlling these operations, it 16229-Euclid near Noblo Liberty 1-5309 1950 NASH black, radio, heater .. 0IWV makes little difference how many AMBASSADOR SEDAN Rexall Drug Company is head­ other businesses are ruined as Beautiful light gray, hydramatic. loaded quartered. Besides drug manu­ 1947 Pontiac long as their operations profit. *1295 with accessories: month-end cleanup. facturing, United Rexall has a * ♦ * 4-Door Sedan; mist gray- QT^R curious Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Open Mon.. Wed.. Fri. S11S5 heater ........ .... V**-** As Washington observers see Hyde, operation. the picture, America is on the Till 9 P. M. * * • Don't Forget Our United Rexall wholesales to road to the elimination of the Save $600 1951 DODGE 4-door sedan, a metal­ 1947 OLDS 4-door Model 75 rc 'D 1050 NASH middle class, the historic pre­ heater, other equipment: ©TOR MONEY-BACK independent drug store owners lic green finish that shows one- STATESMAN 2 DOOR with Rexall franchises. There is lude to Facism or Communism. BORNER'S owner care; radio and O | Eft A-l mechanically 4? I Uw Clean, metallic blue, radio and weather- GUARANTEE * * * 1952 BUICK also a big drug chain under the In the new Congress,' some will heater; can be yours for 0 • ••• banner of Ou 1-Rexall stores. 1951 BUICK Riviera 4-Door, blue. Many Others To Choose From advocate elimination of chain 1950 PACKARD 4-door 2100 Series; * ♦ * stores as the remedy. Indepen­ OFFICIALS’ CAR DYNAFLOW; radio. $985 On national Sunday radio pro­ very clean, low mileage; electro- Q91QR dent business leaders however, d) heater, defrosters grams United Rexall has adver­ AT GREAT matic drive; C ! RAR 1940 NASH 1 tised the independent druggist. do not feel this is the solution. a beauty . V • vHU • * • SAVINGS 1949 BUICK Super CONVERTIBLE AMBASSADOR SEDAN COMMERCE In newspapers of the same day, The solution, it is felt, is legis­ 1051 STUDEBAKER Starlite coupe; Coupe, nice blue finish: radio Beautiiul 2 tone blue, iully equipped; the Owl-Rexall chain has run lation under existing anti-trust 1952 Buick Roadmastor Riviera Se­ hydramatic drive, famous V-8 en heater and defrosters. Q1AQR advertising slashing the indepen­ laws making it illegal to demor­ dent druggist's prices. dan; beautiful Glen Green. A com­ gine. an economical car fl* I CAE SNAPPY for ................... $895 MOTORS (FORD) alize another industry 0* build to operate V' UwW * * * sales in another business. plete custom car with the following A new note has now been ht- 1950 BUICK 2-door Special, beauti­ 13608 St. Clair jected. The cancer now feeds on No one can raze all the other K equipment; dynaflow, power steer­ 1951 PONTIAC "8" 2-Door Sedan, ful blue finish; very clean: r"nomi- 1949 NASH At Hayden ' the food business. The Owl-Rex­ homes on a block to protect his USED TRUCKS ing. E-Z eye glass, white wall tires, blue, radio, healer f C1 fiQR cal car with Buick O | flJJK 600 SEDAN MUlberry 1-4000 all chain in Los Angeles has home in the event of fire. radio and heater, special tym up­ and defroster ................. V ■ famous Dynaflow W • WwV Clean, surf green, radio and heater; very economical: just reduced to opened, in conjunction with their * • ♦ 1947 FORD holstery. and a host of other extras. 1949 BUICK Roadmaster 4-door drug departments, huge food But this spreading- cancer is Vi-ton panel, reconditioned through­ 1949 HUDSON Commodore 8. good con­ Buick's luxury car of distinction. sedan, beautiful black offset with 1950 BUICK 4 Dr. Super, light grey, $795 dition. Call WI. 2-0861 after 6 p. m. markets. Fifty of these units are doing the same thing to the na­ out; hen‘.-- -‘efrostw. whitewall tires; DYNA.n.i • 2 to choose irom; equipment in:?. '■ i 1951 HENRY J De Luxe, good condi­ planned on the West Coast alone. tion’s business community. Driven 2850 miles. New car war­ tion. one owner, 8995. Inquire IV. ranty. new car finance. heater, radio and Dynaflow and Buick's fij | TOR 1948 NASH $395 defrosters . W • i air conditioned ride $ I I slU 1-5710. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE. 600 SEDAN FORD. 1940 Tudor, like new. all around, 1949 FORD Beautiful maroon, radio, heater; recon- must sell, entering armed services. Cost S4.040.7I i»w rid)MyTiYlVtYiJuaart w i Call IV. 1-4011. F3 Pick up, heavy duty equipment; 'MANY STL’DEBAKFR. 1951 black 4-door, A-l high speed transmission. Sale Price $3,440.71 OTHERS $595 condition, fully equipped, plus auto­ A Clean Stove Saves Fuel at j TO matic drive. KE. 1-7338 after 6. 5755 CHOOSE FROM 1947 NASH 1948 FORD AMBA^ADOR CLUB COUPE WANTED TO BUY !>,4-ton C.O.E. chassis and cab. RALPH Beautiful 2-tone maroon and tan; over­ drive: completely reconditioned; new PORTABLE gasoline air compressor, Long wheel base; 750x20 tires body grinder. Presto light outfit, cr’l around. STEWART low price furnace and blower. Box 64 Madi­ Whyte Chevrolet's O.K.
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