((Roeody/Us Porosus) from the Philippines
AcknowledgmeIlIS.-We would foremost like to thank Jorge Lar collaboration reveals encouraging status for the severely deplet gaespada for his dedication to this work. We gratefully thank Osa ed population of hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata. Oryx Conservation for providing key provisions for the study, Osa Adven 44:595-601. turas, EI Tigre Fund, Walter Aguirre Aguirre, Juan Diego Morales Cam --, R. L. LEWISON, I. L. YA"JEZ, B. P. WALLACE, M. j. LILES, W. J. NICHOLS, bronero, Marvin Villalabos Palma, and Dan Hughes for field support, A. BAQUERO, C. R. HASBIlN, M. VASQUEZ, j. UIlTEAGA, AND J. A. SEMINOFF. and Jorge Cortes, Pilar Bernal, and Didher Chacon for valued insigh t. 2012. Shifting the life-history paradigm: discovery of novel habitat This project was funded by a Greg Gund Memorial Fellowship. use by hawksbill turtles. BioI. Lett. 8:54-56. HAZEL, I., I. R.IAWLLR, lIND M. HAMANN. 2009. Diving at the shallow end: green turtle behavior in near-shore foraging habitat. I. Exp. Mar. LITERATtmE CrrED BioI. EcoJ. 371 :84-92. MANCINI, A., AND V. KOCH. 2009. Sea turtle consumption and black ALVARADO-DIllS, J., ,11'0 L. FIGUEHOA. 1990. The ecological recovery of sea market trade in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Endang. Species Res. turtles of Michoacan, Mex.ico. Special attention: the black turtles, 7:1-10. Chelollia agassizii. Final report 1989-1990, U.S. Fish & Wildl.ife MARQUEZ, R., C. S. PENIII'LORES, A. O. VILLANUEVA, AND I. F. DIAZ. 1982. A Service, Silver Spring, Maryland. 139 pp. model for diagnosis of populations of olive ridJeys and green tur AMOROCHO, D.
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