Remote Mental Interactions: a Review of Theoretical Modeling of Psychophysical Anomalies Part 3
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research | July 2012 | Vol. 3 | Issue 6 | pp. 715-735 715 Miller, I., Remote Mental Interactions: A Review of Theoretical Modeling of Psychophysical Anomalies Part 3 Article Remote Mental Interactions: A Review of Theoretical Modeling of Psychophysical Anomalies Part 3 Iona Miller * ABSTRACT This article presents a review of theoretical modeling of psychophysical anomalies. It originates from my involvement with the Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions (JNLRMI) which was founded by Lian Sidorov in the wake of research institutions of previous decades, such as SRI, IONS, PEARS, and MRU. JNLRMI began as an attempt to bridge widely scattered evidence and ideas on the frontline of mind-matter research (energetics, remote mind- mind and mind-matter interactions). JNLRMI was a challenging and exhilarating journey, sustained by multidisciplinary readership interest in the subject. Part 3 of this article contains a round-table discussion on memory, information and the limits of identity entitled “Who and where is the Self?” moderated by JNLRMI Editor, Lian Sidorov, and participated by Roger Nelson, Stanley Krippner, Jim Tucker, Mark Germine, Chris King, Matti Pitkanen and Gerry Zeitlin. Such discussions help researchers re-contextualize what has come before, determine where we “are” in deciphering the minscape, and where we are going by suggesting pertinent open-ended questions. Key Words: psi, parapsychology, biophysics, energetics, Schumann Resonance, mind-body, geomagnetism, ELF, ESP, precognition, hypnosis, paraphysics, remote viewing, worldview. Who and where is the Self? A round-table discussion on memory, information and the limits of identity Lian Sidorov, Moderator The hard problem of consciousness is no petty adversary but the abyss staring us back in the face.
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