archived as (also …TTSA_01.pdf) => doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf

more related documents are on the /UFO.htm page at doc pdf URL note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was initially archived from on December 9, 2019. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from any website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site.

Beyond Bigelow & BAASS, After AATIP, and on To-the-Stars Academy

{ only selected Reader Comments from 298 original pages appear below ... }

1. mirageman posted on Feb, 28 2019 @ 06:12 AM

This is something of a continuation of the original thread Bigelow, UFOs, MUFON and ‘DeLonge’ Road to AATIP. If you are unfamiliar with the details, then it’s probably wise to read at least the opening posts on that thread to help you catch up.

We are now into a second year after Tom DeLonge stood up on a stage in front of a crowded empty venue and spoke with incredible verbosity in corporate double speak about the launch of what ultimately appears to be an entertainment company called “ Academy”.

On board with him were a bunch of former members of various arms of the United States Military Industrial Complex. They told us a lot about how important entertainment was. We saw a Mylar party balloon and a lighthouse on the screen behind them. They appeared to be promising much...

1 But one year later despite some people having seemed to have lost bladder control at what they think is a company dedicated to UFO disclosure, there are still more questions than answers.

1. TTSA and their supporting cast have created a general, but unverifiable, impression that has confirmed that alien spacecraft are violating US airspace and this has been reported in the mainstream media.

The truth is that no one currently employed by the Pentagon has confirmed much more than AATIP existed and was closed down. Closed because it generated lots of paperwork but not much in the way of results.

2. 'To the Stars Academy' has been promoted as an organization committed to UFO disclosure by Tom DeLonge and his Director of Global Security ().

The truth is TTSA is filed as an entertainment company “Services Allied to Motion Pictures”. Despite all their talk about UFOs and showing alleged videos of such they are hiding things in plain sight.

3. TTSA is supposedly a group of disgruntled ex-Government employees who are going to reveal Top-Secret Government videos and files and disclose what the Government knows about UFOs (or UAPs)

The board consists of former Government or Military Intelligence employees. The ' advisory team' of "To the Stars Academy" has no ufologists or even business consultants. They are almost all involved in biological and (especially) brain sciences. Which surely brings up questions about the real nature of their operations.

Nothing classified can ever be revealed by these people. Not without booking a long stay in Russia. They have presented 3 videos of questionable provenance and value. The Government hasn't even confirmed any details concerning the origin or status of these videos. Nor has any 'chain of custody' been produced. Meanwhile, TTSA’s filed papers appears to show a company providing financial fluidity to Tom DeLonge so he can sell 'entertainment' products.

But first let’s have a short recap of how they made it To the Stars ...

Bigelow & BAASS

Bob Bigelow may not appear to be publicly involved with the TTSA project. However, he has a history going back to the late 1980s linked to studying UFOs, consciousness, crop circles, and other subjects. He also has links to UFO researchers, politicians, media and business people, and of course ties to the Military Industrial Complex.

Isaac Koi made a list of people and projects funded by Bigelow here .

His company, BAASS ‘won’ a Government contract to study future weapons capabilities. This was instigated by his good friend Senator in 2008. Without the touted $22m to handle the AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program), then this journey “To the Stars” may never have seen the light of day or the dark of space (or whatever it was supposed to really see).

2 One interesting fact that surfaced in Feb of 2018 is that Dr. Hal Puthoff helped Bigelow (BAASS) land the contract with the Government to study UFOs by writing the proposal for it!

One of the scientists who helped figure it out is a physicist named Dr. Hal Puthoff. He wrote the proposal that helped Bigelow land the contract to study UFOs. In a recent radio interview, he said that he commissioned 38 scientific papers during the study to explore exotic propulsion ideas including what he calls space-time metric engineering. In essence, the idea that the Gimbal and Tic-Tac craft can create their own space-time bubbles.

"We believe it has to do with a high amount of energy and the ability to warp space- time. Not by a lot but by a little," said Elizondo.

Source : Las Vegas Now

This effectively confirms that Bigelow, BAASS, Puthoff and his company EarthTech were all at the heart of operations long before Tom DeLonge and To-the-Stars Academy of Arts and Science appeared in 2017 (with, coincidentally, Hal Puthoff as a Vice-President of the TTS AAS set up).

Bob Bigelow has since sold Skinwalker Ranch, declared aliens are right under our noses on TV and distanced himself (for now) from the all the controversy in order to concentrate on his space habitat business. But there are still a cast of characters linked to him and thorough him that remain knee-deep in the UFO topic and directly involved with TTSA.

Hal Puthoff meanwhile seeks to gain financially from his dual role as Director at TTSA and continuing role at EarthTech.

All Bound for MU-MUFON Land


MUFON’s failed coalition with FUFOR and CUFOS (something that Bigelow attempted to organize in 1994) was followed when John Carpenter (a MUFON abduction research specialist) sold MUFON’s personal data in the form of abduction files to Bigelow at $100 a shot through the 90s. MUFON then found itself involved in complaints about a lack of ethics. However, Bigelow was still allowed unlimited access to their database when he came back with his funding proposal a decade later.

In 2009, a contract was offered to worth up to $672,000 to MUFON. This comprised of dispatching MUFON investigators to the scene of UFO events (other than lights in the sky) to file reports. In addition, Bigelow had unlimited access to MUFON’s database. Knowing now that the sponsors were the U.S. DoD should ring a few alarm bells about privacy and data protection. However, back then only John Schuessler of MUFON was made privy to who the real sponsors were (for reasons unknown to this day). [StealthSkater note: somewhat remindful of issues raised about Donald Keyhoe's UFO investigations. Other investigators remarked how incredible cases also seemed to be leaked to him and not anyone else. Somewhat like a yesteryear Linda Moulton-Howe.]

Protestations from MUFON International Director James Carrion followed. He felt that Bigelow was manipulating their organization. Bigelow’s attempt to reduce payments to MUFON (thus violating the terms of his already agreed contract) was also a major concern to James Carrion. Carrion parted ways with MUFON. MUFON backed down and accepted Bigelow’s new terms. MUFON has since appeared to focus on becoming more of an entertainment organization itself in recent times.

All Aboard the TTSA Bus

4 They might not be on the board at TTSA. But they are certainly on board the TTSA bus. Obviously, the bus here is a metaphor for the UFO narrative. A narrative TTSA are determined to control and drive as far as they can all the way to Moo Moo land.

People are involved to differing degrees in spreading the continuing and often contradictory UFO gospel of the last years of this decade. We’ve got broadcasters, pilots, the son of God, physicists, bloggers and tweeters, and even Lady Diana of the Catholic Church all pumping out fantastical stories of UFOs, metamaterials, tic-tacs, Catholic Saints with telekinetic powers, and even the gift of genius plucked from the living timeless consciousness of the Universe itself. All suspiciously appear to be part of a grander scheme in support of TTSA and spreading the belief in non-human intelligences (even the existence of Atlantis) despite the lack of any hard proof.

The Las Vegas I-Team has issued nothing but positive supportive reports on the TTSA operation since its inception. Here are just some of the Las Vegas Now I-Team articles which are all 100% positive and unquestioning about the operation of TTSA. In fact, these go back well over a year prior to the company launch. This is not journalism. It is propaganda!

I-Team: Rocker turns UFO expert – 05/06/2016

I-Team: Tom Delonge looks to lift veil of UFO secrecy – 05/06/2016

I-Team: Rock star plans for announcement on UFOs – 05/23/2017

I-Team: Public company launched to investigate UFOs – 10/11/2017

I-Team: DeLonge to unveil plans for cutting edge science to investigate UFOs – 10/11/2017

Former Pentagon UFO official: ‘We may not be alone’ – 12/18/2017

The Pentagon’s secret UFO program – 12/18/2017

I-Team Exclusive: Sen. Reid discusses UFO study – 12/19/2017

I-Team: UFO study focused on U.S. military encounters – 12/20/2017

I-Team Exclusive: Sen. Reid discusses UFO study – 12/21/2017

I-Team: Pentagon UFO study catches attention of Congress – 12/21/2017

I-Team: Secret UFO program recorded encounters with unknown objects – 02/01/2018

I-Team: Man who headed up secret government UFO study speaks out (I) – 02/01/2018

I-Team: Man who headed up secret government UFO study speaks out (II) – 02/02/2018

I-Team: Secret UFO program recorded encounters with unknown objects – 02/06/2018

I-Team: Understanding the science of UFOs – 02/07/2018

I-Team: Mystery metal studied in Las Vegas – 02/20/2018

5 I-Team: Documents prove secret UFO study based in Nevada – 05/04/2018

TTSA have chosen George Knapp as their sole media outlet for longform interviews. He seems happy to deliver softball questions for this exclusivity. By early summer 2018, this even included George attacking anyone who doubts his and their motives. All very out of character for a guy who has built up a sturdy reputation since the late 1980s.

George is of course an award-winning journalist with a long history in the UFO field. However, his judgement seems clouded here. He has left himself in a position where he appears biased towards TTSA by presenting everything as being positive and well-handled. When we know he surely can’t be that dumb or he wouldn’t be an award-winning journalist.

Just in case people think there isn't much to all the claims about TTSA, this short video raises questions in a visual medium.

The TTSA UFO Videos

As we know many people out there believe the U.S. Government released 3 rather fuzzy videos of UFOs last year and handed them over to TTSA to promote as ‘craft or unknown origin’. They proclaimed that this was the first time the Government had admitted to studying UFOs and this was a turning point in History. Supposedly ...

These people seem to have never became aware of previous studies undertaken in the history of UFOs (such as Project Bluebook). And they are also ignorant of the fact that many governments (including the United States) have released official files concerning the UFO topic via agencies such as the CIA and FBI.

They are also unable to discern the differences and understand that TTSA are not the U.S. Government. And despite what people may believe, the provenance of these videos still remains unclear. TTSA can not or will not reveal their sources. The Pentagon has still not confirmed the authenticity of these videos.

Every video has the TTSA logo imprinted on it and made it onto the pages of major global TV stations, newspapers, and websites. Technically there is no copyright assigned to film or video shot on behalf of the U.S. Government. But adding your own company’s logo is absolutely blatant self- promotion.

6 Many people believed these videos showed alien spacecraft. But we don’t even know whether the videos are genuine or where they really originate from. One of them was found on a German film company website back in 2007.

TTSA seem unable to release any documents detailing how these videos were obtained; what they show; and where they came from. Zondo in his slightly chunkier more exotically clothed days attempts to explain it all here.

The TV Deal (A.D.A.M. Project) According to the official website (worded with the usual verbosity) TTSA released their A.D.A.M (American Deception and Misinformation?) video trailer on 14th August 2018.

“Known as Project ADAM (an acronym for Acquisition & Data Analysis of Materials), the project is "an academic research program focused on exotic materials for technology innovation" and "will focus on the collection and scientific evaluation of material samples obtained through reliable reports of advanced aerospace vehicles of unknown origin."

Although from previous TTSA promo clips, it appears that it may all in fact be aligned to Zondo’s search for a change of clothes. He never appeared to change his T-shirt, jeans, or hat in previous appearances. (Well, maybe his cap once or twice.)






The Skinwalker Connection

In 2004, Bob Bigelow disbanded his NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science) organization because the activity at Skinwalker Ranch had ‘receded’. [StealthSkater note: see doc pdf URL ]

But just when you thought it was safe to go back to the Ranch. After all the hyperbole from the initial press reports in late December of 2017 and early 2018 of a $22m funded project to get to the

12 bottom of the UFO problem. The original news reports led us to believe that the studies would be based out of Las Vegas after BAASS bid for and won the contract.

6 months later after glossing over the problem that this contract was not actually described as a UFO study, it also was revealed that just 3 years after Bigelow wound things down at Skinwalker Ranch with NIDS, he began winding them up again. It is not clear how much of his $22m contract was spent on studies there. But it is very clear what was going on there.

The agreement with DIA did not mention UFOs at all. It used more generic terms such as future threats and breakthrough technologies, and specified 12 focal points including, lift, propulsion, materials, versions of stealth as well as human interface and human effects, meaning Bigelow's team would study people who reported unusual experiences beyond seeing UFOs.

A ranch in Utah, known for decades as the site of bizarre encounters, became a living lab for the study.


There is more information given in a Statement from a Senior (but anonymous) Manager of BAASS:

One of the major successes of BAASS was in adopting the novel approach of utilizing the human body as a readout system for dissecting interactions with the UFO phenomenon. This novel approach aimed to circumvent the increasing evidence of deception and subterfuge by the UFO phenomenon in that multiple eyewitnesses co- located in the same vicinity frequently reported seeing widely different events. The evidence was multiplying that the UFO phenomenon was capable of manipulating and distorting human perception and therefore eyewitness testimony of UFO activity was becoming increasingly untrustworthy.

The BAASS approach was to view the human body as a readout system for UFO effects by utilizing forensic technology, the tools of immunology, cell biology, genomics, and neuroanatomy for in-depth study of the effects of UFOs on humans. This approach marked a dramatic shift away from the traditional norms of relying on eyewitness testimony as the central evidentiary arm in UFO investigations. The approach aimed to bypass UFO deception and manipulation of human perception by utilizing molecular forensics to decipher the biological consequences of the phenomenon.

The result of applying this new approach was a revolution in delineating the threat level of UFOs.

[StealthSkater note: In the "old days", U.S. atomic labs (e.g., Brookhaven, LANL) always dealt strictly with "atomic" stuff. But today, there is a ton of biological and genetic research being performed (way way beyond just the effects of radiation on cells). I always thought that was very strange.]


13 To shed a little more light on what was going on, we can refer back to an interview given by a former security guard at Skinwalker Ranch back in 2012 on the Paracast. Identified only as “Chip”, he confirmed that he had worked shifts totaling some 8 weeks at the ranch between 2009 and 2010.

He claimed that the security cameras were all inoperable at the ranch and that his only instructions were to patrol the border of the ranch. He was given a dog to assist him. However, this was just an ordinary ‘pet’ and not a trained guard dog. He believed that the animals were there to be used as bio- sensors rather than to protect the property (something confirmed by Colonel John Alexander in his recent book Reality Denied).

This was further backed up that he also noted that he had to give a urine test after he’d reported anything strange or unusual. Some employees were also given brain scans although the results were never revealed.

‘Chip’ claimed that when he was told the contract was not being renewed in 2010 that their final pay was signed off by the NSA. He also felt that the security guards were there not to protect the ranch itself but as lab rats for some form of testing without their consent. Although the story seemed confusing back in 2012, this starts to make a lot of sense now.

Spooks and Experiencer Studies

Also noted should be the number of advisors (with MIC links) listed on TTSA’s website and qualified in various biological and neuro-sciences. One of these advisors was Dr. Garry Nolan who stepped down from his role with TTSA due to conflicts of interest. Garry was involved in some very interesting work with Dr. Christopher Green studying the effects of alleged UAP/UFOs on experiencers at close quarters. This, however, has remained outside the remit of TTSA despite the unusually large number of biologists and neuroscientists employed as advisors. Most had links back to the Intel services.

● Dr. Paul Rapp is the Brain Function & Consciousness Consultant & Professor of Military and Emergency Medicine at the Uniformed Services University.

● Dr. Norm Kahn is a National Security & Program Management Consultant currently a consultant on national security for the US Government, with a focus on preventing the use of biological weapons of mass destruction/disruption.

● Dr. Colm Kelleher is the Biotech Consultant (biochemist).

● Dr. Adele Gilpin is the Biomedical Research & Attorney. A scientist with biomedical academic and research experience as well as an active, licensed, attorney.

● Luis Elizondo's academic background includes Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, with research experience in tropical diseases.

Very little has been made publicly available about these studies. But the words “antenna” and “consciousness” have become buzzwords seeded into the UFO narrative in recent years.

There are now supposedly "special" people who see things others are incapable of. It’s all in their head. But it’s not in their head as such. They have supernormal powers to communicate with other intelligences that don’t exist in the material world and this can be tested by changes to their biology. It effectively makes the UFO and paranormal topics unfalsifiable. Which is very convenient if you 14 produce entertainment. [StealthSkater note: Remote-Viewers doc pdf URL probably fall into this category. RV has been seen its share of verifiable results. Why build a spaceship when you can view any point in the Universe at any time from the comfort of your chair. It may even be possible to interact with a view-ee in real time. And can existing timelines be changed as in the Montauk Project doc pdf URL . History could be rewritten (or at least a new parallel universe). Former Lockheed Skunk Works engineer and president Ben Rich once said that "to understand UFOs, you have to know ESP doc pdf URL . I recall an article by (somewhat discredited) David Adair who claimed the hull of a recovered UFO was psycho-reactive doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf . Reminded me of the sci-movie "5 Million Years To Earth".]

The Financials from TTSA

TTSA appears to be top heavy with executives and have no qualified business consultants on their team other than a nominated Chief Financial Officer - Louis Tommasino, CPA & Associates who runs 'Tom’s Our Two Dogs' (a business listed as a hotdog stand but apparently it isn’t). The filings are a matter of public record . This video probably explains the financial money shuffle in a few minutes.

In short, Tom’s existing companies were all combined vertically under the umbrella of TTSA. Tom’s other myriad of companies can be seen below and how they fit into the structure.

And despite the proclamations from first Tom and then Zondo, TTSA is registered as a company offering Services Allied to Motion Pictures.


The original offering document also confirms the current ‘consumers’ for TTSA and its 'products’. Business with them will be conducted via social media.

TTS’s current consumers are based in the coastal regions of the United States with a 75/25 male-to-female ratio, ages 18-34, with interests in music, entertainment, comedy, and comic books, and are fans of the bands Blink 182 and AVA. We will aim to attract these consumers through the following: • Our socially responsible business mission (public benefit corporation status) • Creating engaging content and sharing it through social media channels...


TTSA failed miserably to meet its $50M fund raising target. In fact, it barely raised the minimum target of $1M.

If the offering size were to be less than $5 million and above the $1 million minimum, TTS AAS would adjust its use of proceeds by reducing planned growth of employee headcount, reducing operational costs, and slowing down projects or not making investment in projects. The company is also required under the loan to Our Two Dogs Inc. (a non-existent hotdog company) to repay 10% of the net proceeds from funds raised in this offering, up to $400,000 in this scenario ...

And then in October of 2018 and repeated in February 2019 with the latest SEC Filings, there was a statement expressing doubt about the Company’s ability to continue:

The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis which contemplates the realization of assets and the satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of business. The Company has incurred losses from operations and has an accumulated deficit at June 30, 2018 of $37,432,000. These factors raise doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.


A number of websites (including Arstechnica) reported that Tom’s company was in debt to tune of $37M. However this time, Tom was so angered by this inaccuracy that he felt it necessary to correct the fact that this wasn’t debt by posting on Instagram. Which is always an effective way of correcting financial inaccuracies.

“This article is highly misleading and grossly mischaracterizes statements in an SEC filing,” he writes. “Mr. Berger apparently did not EVEN READ the filing in its entirety and clearly did not understand the excerpt of the SEC filing that he quotes.”

“The approximate $37 million stockholders’ deficit is NOT DEBT as he characterized it but is attributable to stock-based compensation expense,” 16

For Mr. Berger [the author of the article for Arsetechnica] to make the conclusions he did on incomplete research and his own interpretations without contacting Mr. DeLonge or the company is inexcusable ...

It was probably also pointless trying to contact Tom or the company as we know TTSA rarely talk to anyone in the media with one exception. Tom also failed to comment on the doubts raised about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. Which really should have been of concern to him. But he ignored it.

The End Game?

In their Boy Band phase – Big Bob, Jack and Hoff.

Without a massive injection of cash, TTSA is an entertainment company. They don't have the resources to compete with other science and aerospace corporations. Talking about UFOs and disclosure is for entertainment. They mention nothing about UFOs and disclosure in their SEC filings whatsoever. The projected Science and Aerospace Divisions simply do not have enough funding to get off the ground!

The question has to be asked could these guys simply be siphoning U.S. taxpayers money? When that runs out, they then go with cap-in-hand to rich sponsors like Firmage or Bigelow?

Look at Hal Puthoff. What has he actually produced of substance since 1970? He became a $cientologist in the 1970s after a promising career. What was that all about?

Puthoff also appears to have had his hands closing in on Joe Firmage’s pockets if the recent claims of Bob Kiviat are to be believed. [StealthSkater note: Joe Firmage was a Silicon Valley billionaire who believed in UFOs. He formed International Space Sciences Organization doc pdf URL with consultants like Jack Sarfatti and Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchel. Firmage seemed to be

17 impressed by Bob Lazar's UFO alleged back-engineering doc pdf URL and helped to fund Hungary-based Gravity-Control Technologies doc pdf URL .]

Then he was involved in producing the papers as part of the BAASS contract. Next thing, he’s on the board of TTSA who awarded his EarthTech International Company a contract. So is he just a scammer who makes money out of rich billionaires and the U.S. taxpayer? Or is he a maverick not understood by conventional scientists and never given enough backing to make a real breakthrough that will give us warp drive and teleportation?

This seems to sum up TTSA, too. Is TTSA genuinely on the cusp of a major announcement? Are they ‘scamming’ everyone for a fast buck? Or is TTSA a cover for something entirely different?

2. course catalog : posted on Feb, 28 2019 @ 08:04 AM Excellent summary ,MM.

This plane keeps sputtering but can never get off the ground. The delays will eventually be fatal to the whole operation. Ben Mezrich's tossed-off book about UFOs and Bigelow (which seemed like some sort of kickoff event at the time) is almost 3 years old. DeLonge's leaked documentary trailer is also 3 (or maybe 4) years old as is all the interviews he did with Podesta and (if you believe his hints) former high profile politicians like Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Corbell' documentaries have come and gone with barely a blip on the radar. DeLonge, Hartley, and Levenda's Sekret Machines books have sold less copies than most self-published romance novels. Knapp's NDA assures that he will continually be scooped on stories he could have broadcast decades ago.

The funniest part is that in age when young people on the left, right, and middle trust the Government about as much as they trust big business, DeLonge, and friends think "Big Brother has your back" is the best way to sell this thing.

3. shawnmanfromny : posted on Feb, 28 2019 @ 08:18 AM As always, GREAT thread! The fact that TTSA is just an entertainment company was also discussed in an excellent WIRED article that I had bookmarked. It was published on February 2018 and mentioned that AATIP (Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program) was set up "to investigate flying foreign weapon threats—ones that exist now or could be developed in the next 40 years." The program wasn't formed to investigate extraterrestrial threats.

There is also the fact "that WIRED was unable to verify that Elizondo worked on AATIP". But it was confirmed that he worked for the Defense Department. It should also be noted that WIRED filed a FOIA request to view Elizondo's resignation letter from AATIP. But the Office of the Secretary of Defense/Joint Staff turned up no records.

In addition, there is no proof that these videos were ever "Classified" in the first place. The videos "weren’t released through any proper DOD declassification channels." The Pentagon wasn't the source of the videos and the DOD did not approve the release of the videos either. As you mentioned in your thread, without proof on where these videos came from, there is no way to know if the videos "haven’t been tampered with."

18 In summary, Tom DeLonge is nothing more than a charleton who wants to gain publicity and make money from the public's interest in UFOs. He's no different than Steven Greer who's "Serious Disclosure" company is making money from the sales of DVDs, books, CDs, MP3s, and lectures. Oh, let's not forget his "Contact Expedition" camps where participants (suckers) supposedly make contact with beings throughout the Universe by meditation.

It went by AATIP for Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program although the Times story refers to it as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Its purpose was to investigate flying foreign weapon threats. Ones that exist now or could be developed in the next 40 years. The product of legislation cosponsored by senators Harry Reid of Nevada and Daniel Inouye of Hawaii. The program, according to Pentagon spokesperson Audricia Harris, was primarily executed through a contract with Bigelow Aerospace (a company owned by Reid’s constituent and donor Robert Bigelow).

WIRED was unable to verify that Elizondo worked on AATIP. But Harris does confirm that he worked for the Defense Department.

... It doesn’t seem like the Pentagon ever held the program’s data or documents that close. And it doesn’t seem like the videos in that story ever were Classified.

And a Classified video would likely have a marking at least at the beginning and end even after it was okayed for public consumption. Someone at the Times or at To-The- Stars could have cut those introductory and closing seconds from the video. But why would they do that when both groups were emphasizing the direct-from-DOD legitimacy of the videos? “It looks very strongly like these weren’t released through any proper DOD declassification channels that I’ve ever seen.”

Information is Classified according to the National Archives if its improper release would present a National Security problem. So why would a secret program looking at aerial anomalies (“aerodynamic vehicles engaged in extreme maneuvers, with unique phenomenology,” says Harris) remain unclassified? Sounds like those UAPs weren’t so threatening after all.

The videos show some weird stuff. But without a clear chain of custody, we can’t even know whether they were part of AATIP at all or trust that they haven’t been tampered with.

-- Wired

4. beetee : posted on Feb, 28 2019 @ 08:58 AM

Great summary. If there is one angle that is somewhat missing, it is the so-called primary and secondary advisory groups.

We know that the primary group has managed to remain under the radar and that the secondary advisory group seems to have been assembled with the advice of George Knapp.

19 Of the shadowy "primary advisors", the only names we have are potentially Rob Weiss of Lockheed- Martin's Skunk Works and retired General McCasland. I feel these people are key to understanding the purpose and maybe even the importance of TTSA

Below is a somewhat outdated infographic I put together for the previous thread:

5. pigsy : posted on Feb, 28 2019 @ 10:09 AM Here's some excerpts from the interview that George Knapp did with Harry Reid very recently:

“Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid dropped major hints that he knows potential adversaries Russia and China have carried out their own military studies to figure out how UFOs work and how to build their own.” – George Knapp

It also appears that Harry Reid is inferring that the DIA is lying about the AAWSAP program and what it actually entailed. AAWSAP allegedly didn't just do the 38 DIRD reports.

What I find funny about this is that these reports are all unclassified but only 5 of them have been released. As they are not classified, why have they not then been released? Or have people simply not asked for them?

20 “The I-Team has learned Bigelow’s UFO study employed more than 50 people at one point.” – George Knapp

Well yes. We kind of get the jist of this. Whilst certain areas of the internet and bloggers will state that this in relation to the AAWSAP program, I think it's more apparent that this was just NIDS 2.0 and potentially little to do with UAP and more to do with "Being Back At The Ranch!". These "50 people" was probably the guys getting the old band back together for a Skinwalker Reunion Tour!

Also of note is the source. Why is it always Knapp that releases this kind of information? If history has taught us anything, like with the DIRDs list, we know it isn't always accurate. Considering his position as pointed out by Beetee that we discussed on the old thread, Knapp is part of the secondary advisory group. So why would he get slightly wrong information when he is on the inside of this nonsense? [StealthSkater note: maybe he is being "fed" information by the PTB like Donald Keyhoe or Linda Moulton-Howe.]

“Anomalous Acute And Subacute Field Effects on Human Biological Tissues” written by Dr. Kit Green.

Sounds pretty much like a "non-lethal" weapons test on humans more than UAP damage to humans in my opinion. We also know of a few characters in that also insert themselves into all of this angles and incidents that are very interested in "non-lethal weapons".

It's funny how "" is always quick to shout "Cover-up! Its' a cover-up!" and doesn't stop to think are UFOs and the existing narrative and sub-culture that surrounds them being used as the actual cover-story for activities and programs that want to be kept secret and out of the MSM?

Ufology does a good job of assisting with the "coverup" as it self-promotes the story.

6. beetee : posted on Feb, 28 2019 @ 10:39 AM One of DeLonge's co-authors for the "non-fiction" books, Peter Levenda, actually has an account on ATS that he posted from in a thread about the project. I thought I would just add this to this thread as he came up a few times in the previous mammoth thread. Worth a read for those who might have missed them.

Levenda posts

7. vinafalou : posted on Feb, 28 2019 @ 10:51 AM Amazing thread as usual!! Also nice memes there, lol.

I believe TTSA is either a disinformation plan or a distraction from something bigger.

Those who are into the UFO/conspiracy theories are the ones "awake" to see things are not quite clear to the general public, the masses, or the sheeple (whatever you want to call).

They were targeting a very specific group of people when they first started with their operations. I guess we will just keep waiting to see if something happens.

My advice is don't put your money on it!


8. The Gut : posted on Feb, 28 2019 @ 01:50 PM Cleaning up ufology one con job at a time. It's our duty and thank you, MM.

IMVHO... think "MK-ULTRA" and it's probably as close a call as to what these particular cons are actually up to. [StealthSkater note: doc pdf URL ]

It can be easily argued that Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green has direct professional lineage to MK himself.

9. ctj83 : posted on Feb, 28 2019 @ 04:21 PM

Did you see my post in the previous thread about Ira Einhorn claiming Ron Pandolphi emailed him regularly? The book is called Ruse and you see the relevant parts on Google. Einhorn allegedly claimed to the author that Pandolphi had said that the truth about mind experiments and Dr Green would have to come out before disclosure would happen.

It’s worth reading. But also bearing in mind that Ira almost certainly is a killer and Dr Green has flat out denied many of the more outlandish claims made by Einhorn.

Ira believed he discovered the truth about UFOs, a topic he really showed little interest in. It was essentially the Corso story.

10. ColdChillin : posted on Feb, 28 2019 @ 05:00 PM

The fact is that UAP are violating U.S .airspace. I have personally witnessed it. I don't say that to convince anyone. I say it because I know it. The rest of your post is character assassination.

Congrats on understanding umbrella or parent companies and the associated methodologies in corporate organization. But unless you are privy to internal secrets and documents, you are way off base. The sheer length that you go to to attack their organization is absurd. You basically just make assumptions and then cherry pick facts that support your supposition.

The REAL QUESTION isn't if they are here. It is WHY are they here.

I can't blame you totally. I was skeptical for 25 years myself so I do understand. But August 2015 changed everything for me.

11. ctj83 : posted on Feb, 28 2019 @ 05:07 PM

Isn't it possible that this isn't an either-or scenario? That UAPs could well exist. But also that something isn't right about this disclosure process?

22 Why the continual difference in minor details? Spelling mistakes, wrong acronyms, slightly off paper titles? Leaks like the CD rams and Buddy Mellon getting papers from Chris Mellons website?

That doesn't seem odd to you? Irrespective of the truth about UAPs, what do you think? I 'd love to know and I'm happy to be proven wrong.

12. crj83 : posted on Feb, 28 2019 @ 05:22 PM

It's worth reading because the author is a Government agent posing as a book agent to retrieve criminals and fugitives. He's got zero skin in the game regarding conspiracies or UFOs so to see the names of Ron Pandolphi and Kit Green pop up in what Ira relates to him feels more valuable as a result. Ira's claims seem far-fetched. But I suspect you will have a far easier time judging the merits or lack thereof than I.

My own personal guess is that Ira saw network messages sent over an early packet based digital radio network that was designed to ferret out hackers. Fake stories about Hanger-18 or Roswell or something. These plus remote-viewing created the core stories and MJ-12. Bait to catch spies, nothing more.

Of course, he was also deep in with his networking, Esalen, and psychedelics. So there are probably even more plausible mundane options.

13. vlawde : posted on Feb, 28 2019 @ 09:50 PM I'm put to shame by all the research and effort that mirageman does in these threads. I don't even put that much effort into my job!

TTSA have not (as they promised) come out with anything new since their initial unveiling and tic tac video. If they had anything else, I'd think it would be revealed long before now to try and keep that cash flow/stock raising effort going. I was hopeful. But now I don't expect anything new. You can only dangle the carrot for a certain amount of time before it's realized the carrot leads to ... nothing. It's just a carrot.

I have the utmost respect for George Knapp. But even so, him saying he knows all this stuff but "can't talk about it" is frustrating.

I've always been blunt and straightforward in my communication and have little patience for games or beating around the bush. I just can't fathom the secrecy and convoluted way many in the UFO field approach the topic. Just come out and friggin' tell what you know or shut up!

14. orlu12 : posted on Feb, 28 2019 @ 10:11 PM

I really used to respect George Knapp as a straight-shooting investigative journalist. But his association with Coast-2-Coast and George Noory soured it for me.

George Noory is the biggest donk ever. I can't respect anyone connected with that charalatan.


15. pigsy2400: posted on Mar, 1 2019 @ 04:50 AM Revisiting on of mirageman's posts from the previous thread that didn't really get much traction but was still very interesting was a comment that Zondo made at the MUFON symposium.

Quotes from Jason Colavito; The piece concluded with Elizondo saying that he saw Ukrainians at a MUFON conference he attended. He concluded that they must be connected to Ukraine’s archenemy, Russia, and therefore Russian intelligence operatives spying on him to gain his UFO secrets.

Even taking his claim at face value, there is a long history of the Russian and Soviet governments as well as the U.S. Government examining UFO reports for insights into the other country’s advanced military and space programs since both used UFO reports as a convenient cover for test flights and to obscure failures.


Now this is interesting, of course, in terms of spying etc etc etc. But I think the answer to all this nonsense actually lies in the last paragraph of that quote.

It does from Zondo's perspective, make me wonder why he mentioned it at all if not to just add more "gravitas" to what he was saying and how much fun/danger being a super-secret agent is.

16. mirageman: posted on Mar, 1 2019 @ 07:58 AM

I still like and respect George Knapp. He is a professional journalist and a good interviewer. I give him a lot of kudos for making crazy stories like UFOs a bit more acceptable in the mainstream.

But this past year-or-so, he's been getting some flack from those outside of the TTSA appreciation group for signing NDAs and sitting on information for years. Sure, a journalist protects his sources. But not information. Not for years on end anyway.

Of course, his involvement with TTSA goes back years when DeLonge was speaking to him and asking for advice. Whilst he may not be linked to TTSA in any kind of official capacity, he has become a media publicist for them. The problem is that this is being presented as news.

Let's not forget the early days when Tom told George : "We found a lifeform"....

That all changed once the world of TTS & AAS, ASS WAP. And of course, Commander Sex Favors entered the story.

17. pigsy2400 : posted on Mar, 1 2019 @ 08:31 AM Really interesting if you look at all the groups, TTSA, Nolan & Vallee, Firmage etc etc etc..

It's almost like a fight between the different hypotheses. IDH, ETH, and the EDH that some of these groups possibly represent or actually believe in.

24 Will be interesting to see what comes of Kaviats lawsuit if anything too..

18. SacredLore : posted on Mar, 1 2019 @ 08:37 AM How does Richard Doty fit in here? I thought he was a "disinfo agent" who had the job to convince the world that UFOs are just in our heads and unreal. But now he makes these statements:


The United States Government (USG) had a special program to hide the most secretive research program of the USAF. During that time period, the USAF was developing extremely advanced aircraft. The USG sometimes released information from a third party to hint the secretive aircraft observed was possibly a UFO. That was part of a disinformation program.

The Roswell incident of 1947 involved two ET crafts. Both apparently collided with each other above the skies of New Mexico during a lightning storm in June 1947. One craft broke up. Part of that craft landed northwest of Roswell. Other parts of the craft landed near Corona, NM. The second craft landed above Horse Mesa, west of Magdalena, NM. The first craft was found in early July 1947. One live Alien was recovered from that craft. The second craft wasn’t found until 1949 because of the remoteness of the location.

I was never briefed into all the information on this subject. I just knew that we recovered one live Alien from the Corona crash site. It lived until 1952. The Alien was named EBE for Extra biological Entity. The Alien was from a planet in the Zeta Reticuli, Star System.

I worked in the Intelligence service from 1978 until 1988. I was trained to conduct counterintelligence and counterespionage operations. I followed orders and did my job. One of my jobs was to develop assets within the news media. We recruited news personnel to provide the intelligence community with information about local air force bases. We sometimes paid those assets to provide information.

We are on course for a disclosure. However, there are many obstacles in the way. Mainly, the USG past secrecy of the UFO program that muddy the waters in a release operation.

My secrecy oath was for a 25-year period. That time frame is over.

TTSA seems to be about to deliver more food for discussion. Recently, Tom DeLonge on Instagram.

I find they are doing quite well in the entertainment department so far. Following them and all the ensuing discussions is quite fascinating :-)

And I am adding the following from another thread because in my opinion, it is the best take on TTSA. Grant Cameron explains what "plausible deniability" is in the context of TTSA:

25 < to => mirageman> What is your opinion on the UFO phenomenon? Is there a non-human influence (paranormal, ET or what have you) on our Planet?

I think this is an important basic question. Because if the answer is YES, then I think TTSA deserves credit for at least trying. If the answer is NO, then of course they deserve all criticism imaginable.

19. mirageman : posted on Mar, 1 2019 @ 02:52 PM Deary me Doty is still fibbing into his senior years. Do secrecy oaths for Company men end after 25 years?

Never mind. There is a movie planned about Doty (a Dotymentary).

20. beetee : posted on Mar, 1 2019 @ 03:24 PM I recently listened to an interview with Cmdr Fravor where he is interviewed by another pilot. It is a very good interview and you can listen to it at here and a partial summary is here.

Now, one interesting piece of information in this interview is not related to the Nimitz incident but to the two other videos published by TTSA (Gimbal and Go Fast). Allegedly these videos are from 2015 on the East Coast. I have been unable to find the exact location. But I seem to have read at least something more precise somewhere.

Fravor states in this interview that encounters with these things were so common around this time that there were actually NOTAMs issued about it for the area. This to me is very intriguing because NOTAMs (Notices To AirMen) are public documents and searchable at the FAA NOTAMS database. But since we lack a precise time and location going through, this is a mammoth task. So if we could refine the search a little, it would help a lot.

26 My question to this forum then is has anyone heard a more precise location for the 2015 videos? I, for one, would like to see such a NOTAM just to see how UAPs would be referred to in these documents.

21. mirageman : posted on Mar, 1 2019 @ 04:15 PM

Why do you think TTSA and even AATIP were so hung up on the Fravor Tic-Tac case? It occurred before the inception of AATIP by around 4 years. But that was the story they chose to lead off with. It also seems to be something BAASS reported on and George Knapp gleefully announced he was putting out there. Knapp told us:

Elizondo is not authorized to release such information. But the I-Team obtained some of it anyway. Source : KLAS I-Team News

So obviously George felt that despite Zondo not having the authority in this case, he was able to release it??? That doesn't sit right with me.

As for the 2015 occurrences. Well, I do think these need more study and I hope more information comes to light.

But again, it's a year since all this stuff originally came out. TTSA seem unwilling and unable to give full details of where the videos came from and what they show? Instead we get half-baked statements and partial stories. It's these vagaries and uncertainties that throw doubt all the time on this strange operation.

22. SacredLore : posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 03:32 AM

Thanks for clearing this up. So Doty was made to believe the alien story in order to do his job convincingly. Namely to make people believe that they saw craft of non-human origin when in fact they observed secret U.S. projects.

Bob Lazar may fall in the same category. Both until today still believe what was fed to them.

If the Government FAKES aliens, this really muddies the water. But even in the Sekret Machines story, they mention faked UFOs and aliens. Duh...

I find it very likely that the Government agencies have difficulties figuring it all out. Especially with all that paranormal stuff. Maybe the purpose of TTSA is to "crowd-source" knowledge from all walks of life to get a better understanding. A secretive CIA unit probably could not do it.

One other explanation is offered in the Sekret Machines books. Maybe the U.S. agencies DID make progress and they DO want to keep it secret and make themselves look like fools. Not so much for us but for THEM. Preparing in silence.


23. mirageman : posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 06:37 AM

If it's of any help, there's circumstantial evidence that "Gimbal" and "Go Fast" are likely parts of the same video around 16 minutes apart. This was discussed on various forums and websites around a year ago. Both videos can still be seen directly on TTSA's Youtube Channel.

The sensor overlays both show a 4-digit code [1688 highlighted in the shots below] on the right-hand side. It is the PRF code for laser guided munitions specific to an individual aircraft. Something both videos ignore in their explanations. This information supposedly points to it being the same F-18.

Some have even said the pilots voice is the same in both videos.

Someone like BASS might be able to explain this better than me.

"There are members on this forum who had personal experiences and I believe them. But I very much agree with you that especially in this subject, objective and reproducible evidence is required."

Of course they do. But the problem is that a fair chunk of these people often say "I know what I saw" and immediately jump to a conclusion that it involved aliens. Yes, people have odd and unexplained experiences. But even if we had solid proof that aliens had visited Earth, these experiences remain unexplained until proven.

The TTSA story feels more like "Tom and Lue's Excellent Adventure" (or more correctly their "Bogus Journey").

If NASA or any other global space agencies find ET life on Mars or Europa (or anywhere else), they would issue a press release that they had important news. Then the confirmation and proof of what they'd found would be released to the World immediately. They wouldn't string the story out over years with promo videos and documentaries BEFORE any proof is shown.

28 So my own 'opinion' is that this is something similar to a Studio Six Operation. Or more recently the Vaccinations Project in Pakistan which eventually led to the end of the World's longest ever game of hide-and-seek.

In other words, people in the shadows sometimes operate in plain sight. They appear to be doing one thing. But we have no idea what they are really doing.

24. coursecatalog : posted on Mar, 2 2019 @ 06:28 PM I listened to that KK Komedy Korner podcast with Kiviat/Caveat and it adds very little new informations about his lawsuit against Firmage/Pandolfi/The Firmage Academy of Portals and Spinny Things.

Kiviat obviously did no due diligence before accepting a job doing PR for Firmage. A simple Google search would have thrown up numerous red flags. Maybe he was distracted by dollar signs. In addition, his first glimpse of Pandolfi lurking around should have sent him running for the door.

The whole Firmage operation was a honey pot (or flypaper as Kiviat himself says) to draw out Russian and Chinese operatives and make them think the U.S. is close to opening up a series of stable portals to other dimensions. As if that were a sustainable business model that would not completely collapse every economy on Earth in one week. [StealthSkater note: A hypothesis exists that the Roswell story was a deliberate attempt to flush out Soviet spies around the only base in the World that held atomic weapons. But the only people that believed it were the American Public.]

Kiviat is counting on this never getting to court. He is not going to be allowed to put the CIA on the stand. This whole charade does make me wonder about the lawsuits that will eventually arise from the collapse of TTSA. Who will be the Kiviat in that honey pot?

25. mirageman : posted on Mar, 3 2019 @ 06:14 AM

Yep, to me that podcast was all 'show business' too. Let's not forget that the Kiviat caveat is that he is involved in the entertainment business. So it's all self-promotion and hype, too. He's hinting that his court case will blow the Aviary wide open and expose what the spooks have been doing for 30+ years in the murkiness of the world of UFOlogy.

But as you rightly point out, Kiviat is doubling down. He knows that the more he shouts about it the less likely the case will get to court. Then he gets his own compensation from an out-of-court settlement. Probably accompanied by a huge non-disclosure fee to never mention anything about it again. It's all bluff and bluster and part of the huge entertainment package that will run until the public interest dies.

That's when DeLonge will have to sue himself for the collapse of TTSA.

26. pigsy2400 : posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 03:36 AM originally posted by: 1point92AU a reply to: mirageman

29 Great post. But I'm a little confused by what you are implying. Are you saying the Tic-Tac UAP footage is not legitimate simply because its provenance cannot be validated?

That is a very valid point in terms of the authenticity of the video. The problems with the video itself range from what it actually is in the video and has been postulated that its jet exhaust from an aircraft in the distance, the audio has been laid on top of the file? The chatter between the pilots has been called into question. The resolution of the video has also been questioned.

I hear what you are saying overall though. There used to be a saying on this forum many years ago "Pics and vids or it didn't happen". Well, even videos in this day and age aren't enough if there isn't other corroborating evidence. This would include multiple eye-witness testimony, radar confirmation, reports, filed reports through FOIA, chain of custody, and so on. All we did get is fuzzy videos.

The issues are that the particular DOD forms that are needed to be completed for the review of Classified materials to be reviewed for release to the public were requested but never completed. This was confirmed by John Greenwald (The Black Vault).

Eric Davis has stated that the proof of provenance for these videos is likely to "never be released". The question has to be asked Why? That's because they were never completed or processed.

I would say that TTSA has acquired "some" of the videos from elsewhere and from systems that were "not" Classified and probably came into Zondo's possession when he was sat all alone serving his punishment on the AATIP help desk next to the boiler room in the Pentagon. I mean he must have really P'od someone to have been give the assignment of AATIP!

One of the videos was available on the old fighter sweep forums. If you use the Wayback Machine, you can access the index files of their server this way and you will find a f4.mpg. This is one of the videos that TTSA "released" even though it had been on the internet some years ago already and also on a German special effects films now defunct website. This is the same video I posted on the previous page

The main issue with TTSA is that they haven't been transparent. This is a running theme with a lot of materials. A lack of transparency is seemingly the only thing they have been consistent with.

This is why they come under fire. If you are going to come into mainstream news/ufology and claim the things you have, you better have good evidence and chain of custody to back it up!

All this is starting to look like a public benefit entity that is for "entertainment" purposes that wants to spin off into the private sector at a later date with DOD contracts through raising awareness through Congress of the "clear and present danger" so they all get fatter retirement pots.

27. beetee : posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 04:06 AM I know I am harping a lot on this issue perhaps. But it seems strange to me that we now are wholly focused on the TTSA bunch. And the people who really started this whole affair according to TDL are completely off the hook.

I did some poking around on McCasland and he is still pretty tightly involved with the aerospace industry in the private sector. But not once have I seen him being asked a single question on the record about all of this. 30

Now as journalism and investigations go, that is pretty intriguing to me. Not even a denial on the record? After presumably telling DeLonge we found a lifeform during the Cold War?

And Carey? Also heavily involved with US Space command at one point in his career. Not a peep.

Rob Weiss? Head of Skunk Works? Not a single comment or question asked by all of these journalists covering this affair.

Has nobody reached out and at least been brushed off? Is it the good ole "we only did it for the STEM"?

My point is that these people who have been implicated as being very much responsible for setting all of this in motion should be put on the spot to answer a few questions on their own because they seem disinclined to come clean of their own volition. Are there not any journalists out there who can get a single comment out of them?

How about Mr Podesta? He seems to be cheering for the TTSA cause (at least he used to on Twitter).

28. pigsy2400 : posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 04:23 AM

Investigative journalism is dead in the mainstream media on very serious topics. Ufology in my eyes is no different.

There are those who claim to be "journalists". But if you look at their contributions to this specific topic; they have not contributed anything that one would say is impartial, fair, thorough, or accurate. It has all been very much a one-sided affair. This particular journalist has been compromised and I think they have only just realized how much. But it's far too late to stop now.

As for McCasland and all the rest setting this thing in motion, all we have is TDL's word for it and a few emails back-and-forth that could be taken out of context due to the one sided nature of the email leaks.

Their statements were not made on the record. They have not commented further either. And if anyone did ask, they would/could just deny it all. All we have is TDL's word for it and nothing more. And his "word" is hardly a currency that is worth investing in.

Now if I was a Google employee with access, I would search the logs of their Google Hangouts chat against their usernames that allegedly took place and have a look at what was said! Now that would be an interesting conversation to read!

29. beetee : posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 05:13 AM I would say that the leaked e-mails and the account of the genesis of TTSA (as well as the Google hangouts meeting that you reference) most definitely are enough circumstantial evidence for a serious journalist to take a look and make a few phone calls or send a few e-mails at least.

31 In the correspondence, both McCasland and Weiss stand out as less than disinterested third parties. McCasland even lays out a possible White House memo to help smooth the way. But then that was a White House with Podesta presumably somewhat involved in it.

I know it is possible to downplay the whole e-mail leak as insignificant and "out of context". But it really is very significant in my opinion because it is behind the scenes information not meant for public consumption.

In these exchanges, we have DeLonge telling Podesta how McCasland has helped him put together his team of advisors. And we have Weiss asking about progress and McCasland suggesting how the White House should send memos to get various Government institutions and organizations to cooperate. I mean, come on! How can this not be significant? They are clearly not just humoring DeLonge.

Then we have Knapp and all these secondary advisors coming aboard and now we only talk about them.

Why-on-earth is Rob Weiss in a google hangout meeting with DeLonge and Podesta? And why is Steve Justice (who is not an insignificant person in the history of the Lockheed Skunkworks) going to build a UFO with Delonge and Puthoff?

I strongly feel that after the leak, someone put Plan-B into effect and there is a lot of "managing" being done to prevent the whole thing being pried open. And some very serious questions being asked.

Like, for instance, was DeLonge lying when he said a "general who claims to be a sceptic" told him at a restaurant table the U.S. found a lifeform during the Cold War? If so, why would he lie about that? And if he is not lying, well what kind of lifeform did they find? Or is the general lying then,about there being a lifeform found?

Either way, this is pretty significant. Either because it tells us something about a group of people with an agenda that will tell gullible people nasty lies for reasons we are not privy to. Or because it will tell us that the world is not as we have been led to believe.

Remember also that both DeLonge and Hartley are on record saying they were told that the Locust craft portrayed in the fictional books are real. Told by whom?

(Relevant portion is from 1:57 and out in the video)

30. mirageman : posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 07:40 AM Legitimacy of the video goes beyond the questions of provenance. Even if we get documentation showing the provenance of the video confirming this was footage from the same mission that Cmdr. Dave "Sex" Favor has spoken about, then what does it actually show you?

I posted this in the original OP. But a guy sounding very familiar (we'll call him 'UFO Judas') illustrates how IR video like this looks very similar to that of a jet aircraft.

Then there is the loud white noise (like a vacuum cleaner) that people have questioned on the audio track of the FLIR video. There's pilot chatter in this video where there is some noise interference but nowhere near as loud. Even the comms between the pilots sounds like a couple of frat boys talking.

32 That's why this looks like some form of strange operation where nothing is quite as it seems when you dig just a little bit.

31. beetee : posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 08:59 AM

ATA is very much linked to various projects tied to the space activities of the US Air Force and NASA. So, I guess we can conclude he didn't go very far (which is perhaps not so surprising).

He was (as you point out) retired from the USAF when DeLonge had contact with him. So the question then becomes what his role would have been? Was he doing this for himself as a private citizen with a passion for the subject? Or was he doing it for someone else? Did Delonge (or someone else) pay him to take on this task? Carey (exposed in the leak) was also retired. Weiss, however, is still smack in the middle of Lockheed's Skunk Works.

I have 3 possible angles that makes sense:

1. He is another private citizen who has no more knowledge than we do but with a "passion" for the subject.

2. He is engaged by an actor with an agenda (Air Force Intelligence comes to mind) to get Delonge going.

3. He is representative of a faction within the USMC of people with knowledge they want out because it is true.

Now if Delonge is telling the truth about being told about "a lifeform" with regards to the three scenarios above, in my view this would mean:

1. This is the same kind of rumor that has allegedly been whispered about in the IC for a while and which others have alluded to hearing in the past. Gossip and not much else. If this is the case, the "primary advisors" are probably trying to create a momentum to make something or someone come clean/out. With regards to the statement to Delonge about the "lifeform", this would in such a scenario be gossip and quite worthless.

2. This is what Doty once did and others have been accused of in the past. If true, this is very much troubling and would mean that Delonge et al. are being used to create a smokescreen of rubbish to hide some nuggets of real secret technology that the U.S. does not want to be public. The "lifeform" statement in such a scenario is very troubling and points to a deliberate attempt at misleading the public on a massive scale. Worse than Doty.

3. This is the "slow disclosure" idea possibly pointing at infighting and disagreement within the Government as various factions advocate degrees of openness versus secrecy. This is what Cameron is claiming perhaps? The statement about the lifeform is "hold on to your hats" in such a scenario very close to "disclosure". But not quite, of course.

Which scenario is more likely?

33 Anyway, my point about the General (retired or not) is that when Delonge serves up such a make-or- break quote, any illumination is likely to come from the horse's mouth if the horse can be asked. We are concentrating our fire on the messengers and not the people who wrote the message.

Delonge, Hartley, and Levenda have all pretty much been told about things they should put in the books. So while they may have added things of their own, I feel the Master Chefs are not to be found in the limelight.

I think this needs to be remembered because if they come out with something that will "change the conversation", we should remember where this information (for good or ill) came from.

Out of curiosity, have the Air Force changed their stance on the UAP/UFO phenomenon or is it still "closed with Project Bluebook"? Are they still officially done with it?

32. ctj83 : posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 09:00 AM

What I believe we have is a fundamental failure of the Fourth Estate. Both in terms of infiltration and bias.

I’ll say one other thing. I’m fairly sure that Harry Reid believes in the demonic hypothesis. I suspect that the entire AATIP group does and they are separated only by the belief that it should be tackled versus avoided.

Once you assume this is the central belief of these characters, you can parse the attitudes to Skinwalker, hitchhikers, the lack of direct action by the other.

33. 1point92au : posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 12:51 PM

The reason I asked the question regarding the video of the Tic-Tac UFO footage is the fact that the Navy pilot went on record regarding that incident and he has nothing to do with TTSA. I'm not a fan of Tom DeLonge and was largely a naysayer of him when the TTSA announcement was made. However, his involvement in UFOlogy shouldn't discredit credible eyewitness testimony such as that of Cmdr Fravor.

As an aside regarding Fravor, I can add that I am very close friends with a 20-yr Navy pilot who served and knew very well Cmdr Fravor. My Navy pilot friend even called me when the video went public and told me Fravor was as pragmatic and practical man who never had a prior belief in UFOs until that day after what he witnessed. He (my friend) also referenced A LOT more detail of what he (Fravor) witnessed than what he eluded to in public interviews. Some of what he told me was mind- bending.

So back to my original point is that while idiots like TDL muck it up for most of UFOlogy, we shouldn't allow a charlatan such as TDL to discount legitimate unsolved cases.

34. beetee : posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 02:53 PM 34

I. A Doty-esque scenario where Delonge (and everybody else who buys into the information they are dishing out) becomes the new Paul Bennewitz. A grand scale William Moore operation run by the Primary Advisors aided willingly or unwillingly by the Secondary team.

- OR -

II. The Grant Cameron style slow disclosure and turning black technologies white.

And who have the clout to dictate to the MSM and enroll former generals and a couple of very senior figures of the Skunk Works? More to the point, who have a motive and what is it? And, above all, are they lying or are they telling the truth (from their own perspective)?

We'll have this figured out before tea-time, no doubt.

35. pigsy2400 : posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 07:25 PM Interesting sidenote whilst I was having a mooch around ...

Keeping the track on all things "Joe Firmage", he is on the advisory board of a company called Kosmos (is an ancient Greek term meaning the harmony and beauty of the Universe wherein all parts have their place within the Whole.)

What's interesting is that they scrubbed the members of the board from their website. But with the magic of the Wayback Machine =>

Interesting setup and "mission" too. All New Age, connections with the UN, Gorbachev foundation, Esalen, and all the usual New Age-ry stuff. Some interesting articles on their site that fit in with a few of the narratives that other such groups in Ufology have pushed.

Sorry, mirageman. I know this doesn't solve the hostile bidders mystery. But considering we are on Firmage, I found this and found it interesting all the same.

Cult of Kosmos...malakas!

Some of the legal troubles:

On July 27, 2015, Manyone and Joe Firmage announced a debt repayment program to repay employees who Firmage and his companies had employed without paying them salaries since 2014. Again on September 27, 2015, Manyone announced that it had reached an out of court settlement with Drew Taubman for repayment of monies owed by Manyone and Firmage due to non-payment of its employees.[5]

Manyone and Firmage stated “Based upon renewed understanding of external circumstances and events from Q2 2014 to today, which caused material harm to members of the Executive Team and Board of ManyOne, and to Drew Taubman, we have reached a renewed and restated settlement with Mr. Taubman. This action acknowledges the forging of pathways both for ManyOne, its Board and Executive Team, as well as the resolution of past issues with Mr. Taubman on a priority basis.

35 We stand united against third party tortious interference against ManyOne, its leadership and its agreements, and jointly reaffirm Mr. Taubman has never been involved in any such action.

Maybe there is nothing nefarious. Purely down to offers of getting people to invest (sound familiar) that when people were not getting a return they tried to grab any and all assets in an attempt to get some of their investment back?

Also interesting of note that wherever there is £$£ to be had, Hal Puthoff and his pals aren't too far behind. But I think that is pretty obvious these days.

What's with the all the Greek references in all this though and with TDL etc.? Even Joe Firmage with this KOSMOS stuff and then there was also Project Kairos too.

Reading off the same script, I bet they just tippexed the date out really badly and gave it to Tom.

For those only just joining the party and not aware of the similarities between Joe and Tom:

Firmage was also involved in " The International Space Sciences Organization [SS note: doc pdf URL ] whose mission was: "We seek to advance human understanding of the fundamental nature and functions of matter and energy, yielding breakthroughs in propulsion, energy generation, and likely a deeper appreciation for the physical processes underlying consciousness."

What do they "do"?

ISSO is organized into 2 operating groups. The first, ISSO Science, is pursuing a research agenda which includes theoretical and experimental studies of breakthrough propulsion, energy generation, and the physical processes of consciousness. ISSO Science has provided grants to a small number of researchers and organizations involved in advanced studies in these domains.

Other Joe Stuff

36. ctj83 : posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 03:55 AM As I predicted in the other Bigelow/TTSA forum thread, now we are in March, the usual commentators are talking about how the “announcement” is being pushed back and won’t happen in March.

Queue others talking about how it was ridiculous to think it would be March and how only “critics” of TTSA would complain that there has been no announcement! By such logic, all those who are not complaining of over a year of delays and missed promises are essentially uncritical cheerleaders. Personally I don’t agree with that. But it is the corner that some are painting themselves into.

For those who are fine with how TTSA behaves, the lack of communication and broken promises, tend not to comment on those aspects, and gloss over any criticism, then you are by definition UNCRITICAL.

In the media, a positive uncritical piece is usually a press release. Just like the 2017 December articles. It will stand out to anyone involved in the media, PR, etc. 36

A while back, you might have seen me mention two things. NDAs. When you see someone be uncritical and not holding something they claim to investigate to account, they are either:

- An embedded commentator under NDA - A biased commentator

You’ve got to give credit to Jacques Vallee and George Knapp. Both have freely admitted being under NDA.

I hate saying this because there is so much positivity that comes from the Young Guns. However, when they don’t even consider any negative side to the way TTSA behaves they harm the community. I’m sure many were the same over Project Beta, MJ12, the Holloman film, Serpo, etc.

I hope I’m wrong. But regardless, a more investigative stance re TTSA would go a long way.

Next time you see an uncritical article about a UFO group or organization, an article or comment that lacks balance, consider if it is a press release, a spokesperson under NDA, or biased thinking.

Just my two cents.

—-> The big announcement will be that they are closer than ever to understanding the materials but more work needs to be done. Hence more funding.

Oh, and a 9-12 episode series made by A&E on "History" and starting in June. This series and its crew are under NDA (I’ve had that confirmed).

37. Defragmentor : posted on Mar, 7 2019 @ 07:03 AM “Anomalous Acute And Subacute Field Effects on Human Biological Tissues” written by Dr. Kit Green.

I’m slow catching up with all this. So apologies if this has already been covered. But one angle of the TTSA angle/narrative might becoming a bit clearer:

● This DIRD article above (according to one source online: Silva Record) may have “looked into the harmful health consequences for persons who have had close encounters” (in particular 1977 Colares) and supposed evidence of “a thousand pages of documents all done by Brazilian Air Force investigative team, 500 photographs, 15 hours of motion film, a lot of medical injuries when people encountered these craft at close range” (Puthoff).

● The Rendlesham case of interest because of potential harmful health consequences to John Burroughs (mitral valve of the heart failure) and/or Jim Penniston (Meniere’s disease) and/or others like Smith.

● 1984 USSR case recently uncovered by Guest101 (see: Rendlesham thread II page 76) where “ECG and electroencephalogram data seem to show brain and heart muscle damage that was caused by a relatively thin beam” (upon individual named Joeri Kabatsjnikov).

Posted by Guest101, we have this comment by Dr. Kit Green vis-à-vis Rendlesham injuries sustained by John Burroughs: 37 What caused his injuries (and several others present over the encounter) with the odd Air Form that emitted the Broad Band NIEMR? […] He [John Burroughs] had injuries that we now understand are related to narrow RF bandwidths that only in some cases in the past 5 years have become linked to the specific etiology of cardiac and other injury he suffered. […] The RF is identified in a dozen Classified and a half-dozen unclassified studies on cardiological and neurological injuries. […] The data is sparse. It is not properly Peer- reviewed. It is not understood. It is not the subject of current research. And that is the truth. (Christopher C. Green MD, PhD, FAAFS; Source: This forum)

And of the USSR case, this passage from a medical report by Ministry of Health of the Georgian SSR Research Institute:

When the aircraft is within 35 km of the UFO, the aircraft was exposed to radiation. As a result of irradiation, Kabachnikov Yu. I. suffered damage to the head and heart […] From here it should be concluded that Kabachnikov Yu. I. was subjected to radiation electromagnetic influence of an unknown physical characteristic. […] Identified abnormalities in the heart muscle and electroencephalogram are unique as they are not described in medicine because of the unusual and unique situation in which the pilot Kabachnikov Yu.I. was injured. (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor KI Tsintsadze)

Make of that what you will.

- Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program( threat emphasized by me). But it would align with some of the above. Perhaps even if some of the effects were not through hostile intent.

Some interesting elements. If they (TTSA/AATIP) do happen to have a smoking gun here which somehow lines up these coincidences and exposes an external influence (odd Airform/UFO), how-on- earth are they going to be able to release it given the waves this might make throughout the World?

38. mirageman : posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 08:02 AM ...... Mainly because it references the work of one of Hal Puthoff's underlings Eric Davis. It dates back to 2002 when Las Vegas physicist Eric Davis was paid $25,000 by the U.S. Air Force Research Lab to discuss the scientific possibilities of teleportation in a small 88-page paper. Yep!

Star Trek fans may be happy to hear that the Air Force has paid to study psychic teleportation. But scientists aren't so thrilled.

The Air Force Research Lab's August "Teleportation Physics Report" (posted earlier this week on the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) website) struck a raw nerve with physicists and critics of wasteful military spending.

38 In the report, author Eric Davis says psychic teleportation (moving yourself from location to location through mind powers) is "quite real and can be controlled." The 88- page report also reviews a range of teleportation concepts and experiments:

● Quantum teleportation is a technique demonstrated in the last decade that shifts the characteristics( but not the location) of sub-atomic particles at great distances.

● Wormholes are a highly theoretical possibility whereby the intense gravitational field near black holes could rip open entrances to distant locales.

● Psychokinesis (or psychic teleportation). In support of the idea, the report cites UFO reports, Soviet, and Chinese studies of psychics and U.S. military studies of spoon- bending phenomena.

"It is in large part crackpot physics," says physicist Lawrence Krauss of Case Western Reserve University, author of The Physics of Star Trek, a book detailing the physical limits that prevent teleportation. He describes the Air Force report as "some things adapted from reasonable theoretical studies and other things from nonsensical ones."

Some experts have long criticized what they see as a military sweet tooth for junk science. A "remote-viewing" project, for example, undertaken by defense intelligence services and declassified in 1994 sought to see whether psychic powers could be employed to spy on the Soviet Union. The teleportation report "raises questions of scientific quality control at the Air Force," the FAS' Steven Aftergood says.

Davis (a physicist with Warp Drive Metrics of Las Vegas) couldn't be reached for comment. The Air Force paid $25,000 for the report, part of a $20.5 million advanced rocket and missile design contract. The report calls for $7.5 million to conduct psychic teleportation experiments.

"The views expressed in the report are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the Air Force, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government," says an Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) statement sent to USA TODAY. "There are no plans by the AFRL Propulsion Directorate for additional funding on this contract."

Explaining why the lab sponsored the study, AFRL spokesman Ranney Adams said: "If we don't turn over stones, we don't know if we have missed something."

Sources : USA Today Nov 5th 2004

Source :

American taxpayers may wish to see the document that made Mr. Davis $25K and decide if it was worth their cash for themselves: Teleportation Physics Study. It includes some interesting recommendations [paragraphs added for easier reading]


There are numerous supporters within the U.S. military establishment who comprehend the significance of remote-viewing and PK phenomenon and believe that 39 they could have strategic implications. Bremseth (2001), a U.S. Navy SEAL, attended the Marine War College and studied the Remote-Viewing program and interviewed many of the former program participants. Bremseth then wrote his thesis on the topic and concluded that the evidence supported continued research and applications of remote- viewing.

A research program improving on and expanding or implementing novel variations of, the Chinese and Uri Geller-type experiments should be conducted in order to generate p-Teleportation phenomenon in the lab. The performances and characteristics of p- Teleportation need to be delineated in order to develop a refined hypothesis. Such a program should be designed so that an operational model for p-Teleportation can be developed and implemented as a prototype.

An experimental program similar in fashion to the Remote-Viewing program should be funded at $900,000 – 1,000,000 per year in parallel with a theoretical program funded at $500,000 per year for an initial 5-year duration. The role of quantum physics theory and related quantum phenomena (i.e., entanglement and teleportation) in p-Teleportation and psychotronics should be explored in this program (see for example, the Biological Quantum Teleportation recommendation in Section 3.3). An experiment definition study should be conducted first to identify and propose the best experiments for this program which should be funded at $80,000 for one year.

The report also confirms that :

... we are still very far away from being able to entangle and teleport human beings (and even simpler biological entities such as cells, etc.)

[StealthSkater note: The problem with remote-viewing is that multiple viewers often report different results when "viewing" the same target while sometimes all agree. Which led some to speculate whether parallel worlds are being "viewed" (or more mathematically, possible "quantum histories"). Joe McMoneagle and Lyn Buchanon are two of the most respected RVers doc pdf URL . If made reliable, R-V would be the ideal mechanism to explore any point in the Universe at any time. No more trying to exceed FTL or worry about alien bacteri/viruses and radiation. Tom Skeggs' proposed Star Chamber even allows for real- time interactions between the view-er and the view-ee doc pdf URL .

Professor Ray Kramer's 'The Equation' allows for instantaneous quantum communication at any point in the Universe. He suggests that biological teleportation may also be possible. After decades of trying, his son (famed missing person Philip Taylor Kramer) found a mathematical solution. But both are now deceased doc pdf URL .]

If you recall, Steven Aftergood (who was quoted in the report questioning the "quality control" in the US Air Force) was also the guy who filed the FOIA request for the 38 DIRD reports paid for by AATIP. The list was kindly made public in January of 2019. Some of the concepts in the titles of those documents are talked about in the "Teleportatiom" report. Davis also authored 5 of those DIRD reports and his EarthTech boss Puthoff authored 3 of them.

Now the teleportation report was commissioned as part of a "$20.5 million advanced rocket and missile design contract" calling for a further $7.5 million to conduct psychic teleportation experiments.

40 Reading between the lines I would say that there was a deep suspicion not long after 9/11* about who was receiving DoD funding for writing up pamphlets of little real-world use. Except to recommend $millions more be wasted on similar research.

Probably serious questions were being asked of why 'fringe science' was being funded when the money could have gone to a lot better use. Maybe "Financial Fundamentalists" in the U.S. DoD decided the gravy train was being de-railed and this group were getting no more cash from the taxpayer? That's when Tom DeLonge's office was given a call to ask him to bring the TTSA bus on down to Texas.

39. pigsy2400 : posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 11:37 AM

I think this is an area that does require our greater attention. With the aspect of reducing the gravy train to the crazies, well that was probably due to the homeland security and the increased funds they needed after the 11th September. So it probably had to be taken from somewhere else.

As for the whole teleportation thing, well bio-locating nuns fan, Diana Pasulka, Bigelow, Tim Taylor, and Garry Nolan all like that stuff, don't they.

What part of the USAF commissioned Davis work MM?

Reason I ask is if anything odd in the sky, future threats etc., then NASIC is where the gold is in my opinion and not any of the AATIP nonsense. Was it part of NASIC that commissioned some of this earlier work?

As for getting the gravy train back, well if you look through the history of all of this and we know it's the "Esalen crew" mainly, probably why they wanted their work refinancing again and why the word "threat" was thrown around so much.

40. InspectaBecky : posted on Mar, 9 2019 @ 11:38 PM I just heard a really interesting interview with Ryan Skinner about the Skinwalker Ranch on midnight in the desert. I think a few things he said possibly flesh out some points in this thread.

● He has a source high in the Government working with Elizondo who told him about their research regarding the radiation people have experienced while in proximity to the lights (orbs?) or portals when opening. If you’re familiar with the Ranch, I believe they are basically saying when ships come in inter-dimensionally i.e., through portals and blue orbs that have been reported. That this is correlated to the findings of double the cases of brain cancer in the Uintah basin compared with the rest of the state. And O-Zone found comparable to LA in traffic.

● He recently saw Colm K who was concerned when Ryan told him about his experience with the orbs on the Ranch and told him he needed to get a blood test and what specifically to look for.

● Finally, that there is a third presence on the Ranch other than Bigelow and DOD that is far blacker and is unknown to people like Reid, Knapp, etc. [StealthSkater note: more on portals at => doc pdf URL . An "unknown third presence" is reminiscent about the "secret crew" who used the decommissioned Montauk Sage radar base for unknown experiments. Some have said this was the Montauk Project which dealt with time experiments while others 41 said this was where runaway teenagers were used for mind-control experiments (and formed the basis for the hit Netflix series 'Stranger Things'. Physicist Fred Alan Wolf (a colleague of Jack Sarfatti) said that interdimensional "bleedthroughs" likely have already occurred => doc pdf URL .]

Also, researcher Ryan Burns basically confirmed that Bigelow is still involved which I think many speculated after the sale. It really seems like everything is about the ranch and the gimbal videos are just shiny bs and TTSA, is just a convenient outfit to control the narrative, make people money and feel like they are in the know(controlled). Hearing that Ryan’s contact is in the government and working with Elizondo Is one more clue as I’ve assumed he handed in his resignation and immediately signed on as a contractor. For some reason I am stuck on his ridiculous resignation letter, it’s such a sloppy charade? this guy is central casting for a loyal company man, The last guy I would expect to quit on a ufo soapbox, I don’t even think he has any interest in UFOs! Lol

41. Paddyofurniture : posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 10:57 AM

New York Magazine interview of Senator Reid: (hope it helps. )

“I, at the time, was the leader of the Senate. I called two of my friends who for many, many years were like brothers. One a Democrat, one a Republican. They controlled for quite a number of years the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. It was Stevens and Inouye.

As I said in the New York Times article, it was the easiest meeting I ever had. I walked in and I knew so much. Ted Stevens interrupted me and said: “I’ve heard enough. Since I was a pilot in World War II, I’ve been tremendously curious, concerned about stuff that we don’t know anything about.”

He said: “I was in my airplane alone and off to my left was an object. I could see it. It was so close to me. I would veer up, down, sideways. Wherever I went, it was there. I was starting to get low on fuel, went and landed, and went to the air-traffic controller. I said ‘Was there anybody up in the air with me?’ The guy said ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ ”

That’s why it was an easy sell for him. He -- Ted Stevens when he was in the military -- didn’t go to his superior and say 'I saw the damnedest thing in the air.' Why? Because the work we did, pilots would almost refuse to report this stuff. Why? Because it would hurt them in their promotions and make them look like goofballs.

What we decided to do — it would be black money. We wouldn’t have a big debate on the Senate floor over it. They would put in their defense appropriation bill - 11 million bucks. The purpose of it was to study aerial phenomena. The money was given, a directive was given to the Pentagon, to put this out to bid. Which they did.

42. cravens : posted on Mar, 10 2019 @ 11:37 PM Do you believe the U.S. Military have vehicles that manipulate time and local gravitational-effects while Boeing still puts out aircraft that can’t make it to the stratosphere before suffering mechanical failure resulting in massive loss of life? 42

What’s more probable. Mankind is still limited by inertia or the U.S. Military owns the intellectual property of the physics that allow for time distortion (and the engineering to make it happen) and they have kept it tightly-lipped since *insert your aerodynamics vintage*? Like, the human capital coming outta MIT or Georgia Tech or Rice University is somehow secretly convinced to mine the secrets of Universe without getting commensurate pay because it’s the Government.

There is a certain interloper of this thread (and other threads) that is 100% certain that the U.S. Military has a monopoly on all the physics and, more importantly, the engineering on things that go FTL in the night.

**Mini-rant over**

43. beetee : posted on Mar, 11 2019 @ 03:23 AM

I just have to comment on this because it is a subject I have asked myself a lot. My current thinking is that there has been some serious progress in this field and that someone has access to technology that is very much exotic compared to our current thinking.

While this exotic technology may be useful for some very limited Military or Intelligence tasks, it is probably not mature enough or safe enough to make sense in the Civilian sector. You have to remember that because something can be done it does not necessarily mean anyone could do it or that they would want to do it.

Just look at Moon exploration. We went to the Moon half-a-century ago so we know it can be done. But it is so expensive, complicated and dangerous that since Apollo, nobody has done it. Why isn't the Moon full of private enterprise?

Let's take another example. Let's say Lockheed-Martin gets some funding from DOD to build a miniature nuclear reactor small enough to power a small flying machine. Such a reactor could make perfect sense powering a submarine or a military space- or air-craft. But it would never been pushed to the Civilian market. At least publicly. And L-M would face some serious problems should they try because the U.S. (or anyone else) wouldn't want everyone and his crazy uncle to have access to a nuclear reactor. or would it be very comfortable to have a million potential nuclear disasters flying over major population centers in privately-owned airplanes.

My point is that very advanced technologies can be developed and put to very limited use without ever being released to the Civilian sector. Either because there is no marked, because it is too expensive, or because it is too dangerous.

We all know such technologies exist. Stealth technology, for instance. Very limited usefulness for the Civilian sector and closely guarded for Military reasons.

What you really need to ask yourself is this. The U.S. Military has known for over half-a-century that humankind will expand into space. Increasingly they have also realized for a long time that space will become the ultimate high ground in future conflicts. Do you really think that they and their opposition have been so negligent as to not do everything in their power to dominate this domain for over 50 years?

43 It was obvious after WWII that unconventional R&D as done by the Germans produced results not replicated in the Civilian sector because backing novel ideas is inherently high-risk (something Civilian investors are pretty adverse to).

I think the U.S. has demonstrated that after the War, they were ready to go after every conceivable idea that could produce the tiniest smidgeon of an advantage. If you don't believe me, look into the Remote-Viewing program.

And yet we are to believe they would not go after technologies that would enable them to dominate space in a future they knew was coming? I cannot believe this.

44. Willtell : posted on Mar, 11 2019 @ 02:34 PM

No, I don’t think the U.S. Military knows much of anything beyond the nuclear technology they stumbled across and can thank the Nazis for their antisemitism that brought all those Jewish scientists to the U.S.


45. pigsy2400 : posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 05:23 AM "Initiation" into the brotherhood.... Sounds like the Invisible College / MJ-12 / Alintel etc. etc.

"Apparently you get invited into the desert near Sandia in New Mexico and there you see your first UFO."

Sounds like the narrative in American Cosmic by Diana Pasulka that does GUT or where she would get the idea at least. Particularly interesting as she was driving around Silicon Valley with JV as well. So there are already patterns emerging when putting the two pieces of literature side-by-side.

"In summary; The secret project is illegal. It isn't within a Government agency. It is small. It generates high-level "leaks" designed to infect the research community with false data. And the cover makes it look bigger than it really is!

Sandia Labs is also mentioned as being near where they are taken for this initiation GUT. What's interesting is the location that we have deduced in Diana Pasulkas book where she was taken by Timothy Taylor and Dr. Garry Nolan was "Gran Quivara". The Top-Secret place where she was taken to be shown "Alien Artifacts". You know, the place that has a visitor center and a gift shop!

Looking at this geographically, the Sandia Labs are only 90+ miles from Gran Quivara.


Sandia Labs have come up in my research before and apparently played a part in funding some of the scientists that would end up at places like Esalen and connected with others that are always intertwined with any aspect of UFOology (Jack Sarfatti being one of them) ...

"In the 1960s, the CIA began backing young geniuses, buying a round of physics educations, and pairing them up with UFO lounge-lizards at the Esalen Institute, a conference center/resort in Big Sur, California. Physicist Jack Sarfatti claims he was visited by 2 men from Sandia Corporation as a child in the 1950s. He later received a full scholarship to Cornell at age 17 and studied under the major figures in the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos. He spent time at the Esalen Institute in the early 1970s"

46. Hyperboles : posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 08:55 AM < a reply to: pigsy2400> It would be interesting to know if these alien materials are monoatomic. Forget about all the nonsense about unique isotopic ratios and all that crap.

[StealthSkater note: 'Monatomic' has also been mentioned in ORMEs materials doc pdf URL . Joe Firmage's Gravity Control Technologies (GCT) also mentioned ORMEs doc pdf URL . 'Monatomic' was even mentioned in the 1939 Doc Savage adventure "World's Fair Goblin" doc pdf !]

47. beetee : posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 11:56 AM 45

"You believe that Remote-Viewing is an example of next-level tech being so incredibly disruptive and paradigm-shattering that it could only be done clandestinely and never to be replicated by the public. That’s your analog??"

Well, I cannot quite see where in my comment to you I mentioned anything about either remote- viewing or Hal Puthoff. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. But my comment was meant to be more about the apparent disparity between the public space effort and technology and what is rumored, hinted at, or claimed to have been worked with in Secret.

Remote-Viewing is a fascinating topic, of course. But it is hardly a technology. As I understand it, it is really more of a technique the proponents of claim everyone can do. I can offer little as to the accuracy of these claims. Hal Puthoff is certainly an interesting guy for all sorts of reasons. But he is not in any way all that central to what might or might not have been developed in Secret.

If you want my opinion on what that might be, I have a sneaking suspicion that the U.S. (and some other governments and perhaps some private entities too) are behind a significant number of UFO sightings.

I also do believe that there has been for a long time a small-scale clandestine space program in parallel with the official one. What have been done in the past 50 years in space with regards to achievements, I cannot say. But it would explain a lot of the apathy towards space exploration in the U.S. and elsewhere.

I do not believe that the U.S. or anyone else have developed FTL travel. Or if they have ideas, it is pretty recent and in its infancy. But I don't think the clandestine part of the space program(s) relies on rockets anymore. I am pretty convinced they figured out SSTO a good while ago. And once you have that, why wouldn't you poke around at least in the near neighborhood?

I do also think that the U.S. has figured out some pretty next level stealth and some very advanced holographic stuff. And that at least some of the "black triangles" hang so effortlessly in the air [SS note: doc pdf URL ]. Not because they are exempt from gravity, but because they are very advanced and stealthy blimps. [StealthSkater note: Airborne holographic projection => doc pdf URL ]

I do also think that the U.S. has tinkered with electromagnetism and made some breakthroughs and might have some tricks up its sleeve that they do not want to become common knowledge because they are too valuable or too dangerous.

I also believe that the U.S. would keep breakthroughs from being displayed openly even at great cost to their civilian space program if there were legitimate or perceived security concerns with it.

Can I prove any of this? Nah.

I am, however, utterly unconvinced by most of what you have presented in your post which I honestly think relies more on cheap shots like "crackpot physics" and "fancies". Surely you can do better than that.

48. ctj83: posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 12:55 PM 46

I wonder if Dr Nolan and Dr Green have looked at their experiencer data to see if there is a correlation with SNP rs4680. At the very least, I suspect those who had experiences at the ranch(es) will correlate fairly positively or negatively with this SNP.

I also wonder if the other ranch has supposed infrasound communications of data going on as SkinWalker allegedly does. Odd that we never heard about this.

Ultimately, Knapp can talk about this now that it's in the public domain. But he could (and did) give zero clues before. George is upfront about honoring his NDA commitments. I suspect others are not even mentioning they've signed NDAs. Either way, it truly distorts the situation.

49. 1ofthe9 : posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 01:08 PM

Could be! I was thinking just plain schizotypals tbh.

Could Colin the madcow guy talk?

also q for humanoidlord - does that Saskatchewan case investigated by Bigelow ring a bell?

50. pigsy2400 : posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 01:31 PM

There are interesting correlations between degenerative brain diseases sufferers and high strangeness. People that suffer from Alzheimer's aren't just crazy. They report children and little beings on their rooms, balls of light, and large insects etc.

I have looked into the magnetotatic bacteria in some detail. (But that's for a thread within itself.)

I always found it interesting that the book Colmworth Kelleher did before Hunt for the Skinwalker was about Alzheimer's in cattle etc.

As for the rs4860, are we talking about the "warrior/worrier" stuff as a marker?

51. ctj83 : posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 01:55 PM

Yes, as it relates to susceptibility to hypnosis. I suspect a connection between infrasound and susceptible people.

52. The Gut : posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 03:04 PM In light of that it's interesting that Vallee seems to plug Robert Temple's Open To Suggestion in FS 4. I happen to agree that knowledge pertaining to hypnosis was/is the bigger secret being kept about MK-ULTRA and associated projects.

47 On a side note, did anyone else notice that Vallee seems to throw the term "Bimbo" around a lot? Even when he doesn't know the women and based mostly (apparently) on their clothes choices?

Also, Vallee really comes out of the woo-woo closet with this latest addition. I find it funny that he cast aspersions on some of the New Age folk when he and Puthoff (and the rest of them for that matter) seem firmly in that camp and have some pretty out there beliefs themselves. Very "superior" these cats and calls into question whether they own a mirror or not.

That same superiority is more than evidenced in the Gang of 5 emails Puthoff and Green were a part of during their SERPO hoax.

53. Willtell : posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 06:56 PM I don’t know what they're doing. The secret boys over the years certainly have failed to suppress interest in Ufology. Of course, maybe that’s the point. It's always easy to hide something in plain sight when you foster many kinds of beliefs in something.

My take has always been that the Government rather than suppressing UFO interest were actually stirring it up in many directions. Also, building certain areas up and then taking them down.

In this case, TTSA, we forget, has a negative view of the supposed alien UFO phenomenon. You wonder then the distraction of Levenda’s book. Misdirection perhaps.

And then it's always next weekthat we’ll have something or next month. Now some of us know from experience that that’s a fundamental tactic of a con man.

Will the "New Truth" be swallowed whole, critical voices ignored in the light of the long awaited "definitive evidence" that is unassailable?

Like exactly what? Anything they come up with does not justify the distortions TDL espoused before they created this group.

And even if they do come up with something (which I seriously doubt they will) and it is "definitive", then fine, so what we criticized them. Truth is truth and if they have it good, people really interested in truth have little concerns about recriminations regarding criticism.

Could TTSA be an organized multi-version of Richard Doty? Now that’s a very possible possibility!

54. pigsy2400 : posted on Mar, 13 2019 @ 07:27 AM One thing that we do have to be careful of with all things in this field and in relation to TTSA as there is a connection. The people that are involved with TTSA have been involved with TTSA previously and indeed involved with UFOlogy since the modern era began. These people that have always been at the center of many UFO stories, angles, and events. Doesn't it seem odd how they just seem to "pop-up" everywhere?

People like Hal Puthoff, Jacque Vallee, Dr Christopher Green, Jack Sarfatti, John Mack, Gordan Cooper, Purharich, Phillip K Dick, and many others all have common links with each other and a very similar genesis of ideas and theories. The original bubbling pot is one and the same even if the individual recipes have changed over the years. 48

Some are critical of these individuals. But some also put these people on a pedestal and at times it seems to develop into what seems like"hero worship". Particularly with Jacque Vallee. This can be quite a dangerous mindset to enter as all objectivity then disappears and the bias that people hold as a "fan" of these individuals seemingly only goes with the theories of these people.

They may be very well educated in terms of numerous degrees and PhDs to their name and be successful authors in their own right and have indeed added some interesting concepts and theories to the field and topic of ufology. I am not denying that at all. I just think that people need to ensure that they don't compromise themselves.

There is no PhD in UFOlogy nor is it widely recognized as a true and proper scientific endeavor by the wider scientific community. We know this. These individuals that have appeared within this field of research since it began in the modern era are (when looking at this from an outside looking in perspective) nothing more than fringe scientists at best.

We must be careful with the information that we digest and process that is presented by these people as there is a commonality between them all. I believe their reach goes much beyond of what most people are aware of. Puthoff for example. The whole space-time metric stuff. There are papers and interviews going back some 30 yrs with the same theories and concepts by him. Is it a lick of fresh paint and all is new again?

People may criticize me for posting a few of the things above. That's fine. I am all for discussion and debate. And I don't want to hijack this thread and turn into a bashing session, either.

The reason I felt compelled to bring this up is the influence and ideas these people have had over the years. And most recently (and still for some of them) within TTSA.

Once we start putting these people subconsciously or not on a pedestal, you inadvertently elevate them in intellect and knowledge above your own. And then... Well, you are compromising yourself to other people's narratives and all can be lost at that point.

55. beetee : posted on Mar, 13 2019 @ 07:53 AM There are many weird and wonderful connections.

Here is a wonderful timeline detailing the very real connections between some of our cast and the wonderful world of Scientology. I found it absolutely fascinating although some fact checking must be done, of course.

A timeline of Remote Viewing and Scientology

So many tangled webs...

56. mirageman : posted on Mar, 13 2019 @ 08:36 AM They are all tied in with the U.S. i=Intelligence community and this sort of thing only happens in the America. We may never know exactly what it was all about before it disappears and collapses due to a "crusade" to destroy the TTSA project by religious fundamentalists or however this will all end. No major news media outlets have ever followed up since December 2017 on TTSA and most of the World don't even know or care about whatever they are up to. 49

Could they all just be in it for easy money from rich entrepreneurs and the Military? We've seen that you can write a paper for the U.S. DoD. Waste a huge amount of space with your references and diagrams in an 88-page pamphlet and make $25K well over a decade ago. Not many book authors make that sort of money!

So besides making entertainment shows, putting out some videos and documents of unclear provenance, what has TTSA's first full year of operations given us?

I know these young guns are amazed at what TTSA have achieved. But they are still making excuses and announcing announcements. Will it ever change?

57. pigsy2w400 : posted on Mar, 13 2019 @ 01:36 PM < a reply to: mirageman>

The young guns are an interesting bunch. But one reason they are possibly in TTSA's eyes is that they are not "contaminated" by UFOlogy over the decades. The meddling of the intelligence agencies, the hoaxes, the disinformation, the fake and seemingly impending "disclosure" that's just around the corner which never appears, the arguing and fallout, the fake whistleblowers and compromised ufologists of times gone by.

They have no experience of this and is demonstrated by their approach. They have a use and are moldable to the aims of TTSA and also part of the "changing the perception of government to the youth" - TDL; Podesta Emails

What's missing from young guns is critical thinking and a balanced approach. Have they traded up unknowingly? Possibly. Or just awestruck at their idols actually talking to them? OMG!!!

I would like to see one of them do an unbiased pros and cons approach. But I'm not holding my breath. In time maybe.....

58. beetee : posted on Mar, 14 2019 @ 03:51 AM 50 I have been pondering the timeline of the whole TTSA thing. And one thing that would be interesting to figure out was if Puthoff et al. were in from the beginning or if they were brought aboard in this "expansion" of advisors that DeLonge writes to Podesta about.

To me, there is a slight disconnect between the first set of advisors with the Generals and the aerospace types and this sudden influx of spooks and former NIDS people.

I find it very intriguing that the google hangouts meeting was curiously devoid of intelligence people. No Puthoff. No Semivan. No Elizondo.

And yet now they are all over this thing and quite central to the project. How did that happen?

59. beetee : posted on Mar, 15 2019 @ 06:25 AM I listened to an interview about the Pascagoula abduction recently and something struck me about this very odd tale. Calvin Parker told of how after they had seen these lights and whatnot, he was injected with something that rendered him unable to move but still conscious.

Well, non-leathal weapons research has been an interest of many Intelligence and Millitary organizations for a long time. I think we can all name someone with a special passion for this subject matter. What also struck me was that humans come equipped with a mechanism which does exactly what is described by so many abduction victims.

The scientific name for this is REM Atonia, often experienced by people who experience sleep paralysis. This is a natural mechanism that shuts down the larger muscle groups when you sleep but importantly does not cause life-threatening issues like airway obstruction. Why would this be of interest to anyone working with non-leathal weapons?

If it could be artificially induced either by triggering the brain to do it or chemically, it would provide a method of rendering someone incapacitated yet still able to breathe.

This is a crucial point as causing someone to become unconscious is very dangerous unless you make sure the airways do not become obstructed by the tongue causing asphyxiation. REM atonia does not cause this problem or we would all be in grave danger every time we sleep.

If anyone remember the Moscow Theatre Hostage Crisis, it is alleged that many of the hostages died from being rendered unconscious and dying from airway blockage due to exactly tongue prolapse. I would think any method of triggering a way of incapacitating people without the risk of killing them would be very interesting to researchers into non-lethal weapons.

Especially if you could find a way to trigger the brains natural REM atonia mechanism.

The brain is poorly understood, and if a method to trigger this atonia was found and developed, what else might it trigger in the brain?

Might it trigger a R.E.M like state, as witnessed by those victim of sleep paralysis? If chemically induced, might it cause other side effects affecting the brain? Would you be paralyzed and in a dream like state? I think it is no coincidence that there are so many similarities between Sleep Paralysis and what many abduction witnesses describe.

51 I don't want to derail the thread. But as abductions and the Government are part of the discussion, I think this is at least a point to consider.

60. Willtell : posted on Mar, 16 2019 @ 12:45 AM We’re all trying to get a grip on this myriad stew of information and links and connections regarding things that go back to the 4190s. We’re close. But as of yet, no cigar.

I’ve always said the key to me is the beginning in the time between 1947 to 1952-4. In 1952 when that Indian mystic cornered Puharich and started the NINE communications. The Indian mystic disappeared to history. Then began many connections and links.

One key person was Arthur Young who is (I think) even in the Pasukla book. Young as Levenda wrote in his book was connected to all of these links and connections. Including BTW the long- forgotten The Sirius Mystery (a book I could never get through).

Robert Temple was Young's protégé and is probably the first mainstream theorists claiming an alien connection to the planet Earth. Mainly he deduces this from mythological chronicles. Temple is no Erich von Däniken. He was a recognized and erudite mainstream researcher scholar. Interestingly, the CIA harassed him and stole some of his research and generally made it known that they didn’t take kindly to his book The Sirius Mystery.

My take on that is the IC community DO NOT want serious scholarship tackling the UFO/alien issue.

Then there are the few years between 1947 and 1952-4 when maybe (just maybe) something deep happened that we don’t even know about. I speculate an alien contact may have happened in that small- time window of 1947 to 1954. I believe that any real thing covered up by the U.S. is about that.

Shortly after that, the IC community began to infiltrate UFO organizations. This is done to keep surveillance on the UFO community and related fields. From top-to-bottom, they have and still do have the UFO community covered. TTSA is a continuation of this monitoring program. Or the culmination of it.

61. pigsy2400 : posted on Mar, 16 2019 @ 06:21 AM < a reply to: Willtell>

I still don't get why AATIP would have existed in the first place considering there has been NATIONAL Air and Space Intelligence Centre (NASIC) whose mission throughout its different squadrons is pretty much what AATIP has been put forward as being.

Back to your post about 1947 which is the Genesis chapter in UFOlogy, in NASIC documents they describe receiving 1,500 tons of documents from the Germans after the War :


Just as one example, some of which include the Germans R&D on things like nightvision which some people (e.g., Corso) love saying came from crash retrievals like Roswell in 1947. I'm at a point where I believe that "da alienz" is indeed the cover story to hide mundane things that still require higher levels of secrecy and classification.

53 As for Zondo and the rest, it just seems like duplication work for what I would have thought NASIC would have been charged with anyway. Maybe a few within Congress and the DOD/DIA knew something was going on and they wanted to seek attention to trade up themselves.

62. beetee : posted on Mar, 16 2019 @ 06:57 AM

I have increasingly come to believe that we will never get to the bottom of any of this until the National Security State in the U.S. is dismantled on the demand its citizenry and replaced with something with proper oversight and accountability.

The ease with which rotten secrets and stunning stupidity can be hidden under an impenetrable blanket of "National Security" is just too convenient a tool for people who swim in this cesspool to hide what they have done and are doing. It is crazy that people accept that 70-year old secrets are still "properly classified".

I am not very optimistic ...

[StealthSkater note: ... unless the secrets threaten to upend total civilization. What if these sightings were of "time machines" from the Future? Meaning not "aliens" but us humans. What if we are living in a large irreversible time loop as suggested by the Montauk Project? That would imply predestination and no AfterLife and no punishment for bad deeds. How could citizenry be adequately governed by such a revelation.}

63. The GUT : posted on Mar, 16 2019 @ 12:12 PM < originally posted by: mirageman > This "hippy" generation that seem to always be behind the goings on in the darkness of UFOlogy seem to be actually creating their own form of religious cult (or mental illness in some people's eyes of their eyes). When it really seems to have little to do with life out there on other planets. More to do with "trading up" knowledge with entities that can never be proven to exist with any degree of certainty.

Many of these guys are getting way up there in age now. So I wonder some if this is a last roll of the dice for them. TTSA has way too many advisers skilled in neuro- sciences for this to be all about UFOs.

As far as the neuroscience, I keep coming back to national security sciences and Dr. Green’s professional association and work. Like the following that he has/is working on:

True and False Memories as an Illustrative Case of the Difficulty of Developing Accurate and Practical Neurophysiological Indexes of Psychological States

An important issue for cognitive neuroscientists concerns efforts to determine whether a person is reporting a true experience or one that is false but believed. In the last decade, there have been innumerable research efforts designed to distinguish true from false memories. Earlier work examining behavioral differences between true and false memories revealed that group differences were sometimes found (for example, more sensory details in true-memory reports) (Schooler et al., 1986). However, the statistical

54 group differences did not enable reliable classification of any particular memory report as to its authenticity...

That’s virtually only the tip of the research iceberg that might relate. Much of the work would naturally find the UFO community at large a very convenient and ready-made test bed. Gotta test this stuff somewhere and obviously the laboratory itself is very limited. It needs real-world work.

For those interested in The Stargate Conspiracy aspect but don’t have the book, here’s an article by Pickett & Prince that covers some of it:

In 1978, it all fell apart. Lab Nine mysteriously burned down and Puharich fled to Mexico claiming he was being targeted. By the CIA! Perhaps they feared revelations about the Space Kids through a scandal involving his associate Ira Einhorn who was being investigated for the murder of his former girlfriend Holly Maddux (for which he was subsequently convicted).

At the time of her disappearance, Maddux possessed papers relating to the Space Kids research. (Puharich returned to the USA three years later. Odd for someone who feared assassination by the CIA and continued his paranormal research although apparently playing no further part in the Nine story. He died in 1995.)

Onwards and Downwards

The Council of Nine continues its mission. Schlemmer/Tom’s 1992 book The Only Planet of Choice remains a New Age bestseller and although no longer actively channeling the Nine, she still promotes their message. Given she had been in touch with these ‘ancient gods’ almost daily since 1975, her book of just under 400 pages is clearly somewhat selective.

Then the Nine entered the big time. In 1978, Whitmore introduced Englishwoman Jenny O’Connor to the Esalen Institute, the Californian center for the alternative scene that attracted famous names from the worlds of art, entertainment, science, and even politics. Incredibly, not only did the Nine give seminars at Esalen through her but also from 1979 until at least 1982, they effectively took over the Institute.

In Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion (2007), Jeffrey J. Kripal describes the founder Richard Price’s reliance on O’Connor. “Dick decided to ask Jenny and the Nine to help him make tough administrative decisions which included firing and hiring individuals.” Esalen staff member and Price’s biographer Eric Erickson describes the Nine as “extraterrestrial hatchet men.” [4]

This period was particularly significant for Esalen. Many of those who attended O’Connor’s seminars became prominent in political circles both in America and the USSR (through the Institute’s Soviet Exchange Program) as Jack Sarfatti wrote (his emphasis):

The fact remains… that a bunch of apparently California New Age flakes into UFOs and psychic phenomena (including myself) had made their way into the highest levels of

55 the American ruling class and the Soviet Union and today run the Gorbachev Foundation. [5]

It was through O’Connor that the Nine reached Washington including the circles from which Al Gore (an unashamed fan of the paranormal) was to emerge. It isn’t known how much he was influenced by the Nine. But some of his associates (including his political mentor Senator Claiborne Pell) were certainly interested in their pronouncements. It’s a chilling thought that if Gore had become President, who or what would have influenced him?

Behind the Mask: Aliens or Cosmic Jokers? By Lynn Pickett & Clive Prince

63. Willtell : posted on Mar, 16 2019 @ 02:23 PM What we have to accept as an established fact is the disinformation of the U.S. Government on Ufology staring in the early 1950s and upgraded substantially in the 80s. Originally the U.S. Army and Air Force 1948-52 ran the UFO desk. But later it was taken over by the CIA after the Robertson panel recommendations. [StealthSkater note: I always felt that there was a link between nuclear events/detonations and UFO sightings. And not necessarily machines. Maybe some interaction of dark-matter/energy that was released in the nuclear reaction that gave rise to whatever-these-are. Some have postulated "plasmoids" doc pdf URL . But mass sightings disappeared after the worldwide moratorium on nuke testing in the 1980s. Perhaps the "secrets" of these things are buried in come compartmentalized Q-clearance for which the DOE administers and the CIA uses them for counterintel purposes.]

I personally don’t believe UFOs are used as a cover for military ops, More likely the Government IC community trying to control and monitor the ESP/UFO/mystical connective community in order to understand UFOs from another perspective of consciousness. And in the meantime, they control the narrative and will perfectly accept any crank ideology about UFOs in order to maintain distraction and control. [StealthSkater note: recall that Lockheed Skunk Works President Ben Rich said that "To understand UFOs, you have to know ESP" doc pdf URL ]

What they WON’T accept is serious mainstream ideas and ventures about Ufology unless they control those ideas and ventures. TTSA is a perfect example of this in real time.

64. Willtell : posted on Mar, 19 2019 @ 10:11 PM What a guy like TDL and many others get wrong is that anyone (and I mean ANYONE … ALL OF THEM!) from the Government (particularly the Armed Forces and IC) HAVE NO INTEREST IN ANY DISCLOSURE OF UFO information BEING EXPOSED TO THE PUBLIC!


With all due respect to TDL, he is ignorant and naive thinking any disclosure will come from any branch of the U.S. Government on any level. These people are trained for certain things and disclosing UFO information is not in their training. They are hard-nosed almost-fanatic agents of the U.S. Government defense structure which has not an iota of interest in disclosure.

65. Willtell : posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 03:18 PM

56 Please never forget TTSA is an organization with a known ex-IC community character at its helm — Zondo. hat in itself, as far as I’m concerned, makes them a joke and I believed that from the beginning.

Some history. The record is clear. A known government AFOSI agent Richard Doty spread open disinformation and fraud as an agent and after he was an agent. Kit Green ran around with Vallee in the late 1990s pretending to be a legitimate researcher and 7 years later was a part of the Serpo hoax with another Government operator Hal Puthoff, (Doty again) and Mr. Gullible traveler Bill Ryan!

The record is clear. They can’t be trusted

It’s an established FACT that these UFO organizations (beginning with one of the first called NICAP) started in 1956 after the Robertson panel’s recommendation to watch and direct UFO groups. Also infiltrated by ex-CIA agents are part of an ongoing U.S. Government IC operation to monitor UFO perceptions by infiltrating UFO groups. This is a clearly established fact and not speculation or .

Anyone with any knowledge or true interest in UFOlogy, therefore, should not take this TTSA organization seriously. They are the professional wrestling of UFOlogy pretending to be scientists.

66. The GUT : posted on Mar, 22 2019 @ 05:30 PM I’m a little over halfway through American Cosmic. While it’s a well-written and interesting read, I didn’t buy it for that reason. I wanted to glean it for clues and a better understanding of Team Bigelow/TTSA. I think it payed off in that respect and might go towards understanding why TTSA is stacked with bio-scientists. [StealthSkater note: as I mentioned before, I never understood why America's nuclear labs are now stocked with so many biologists. And it has nothing to do with the effects by nuclear weapons on living organisms.]

Last night I came across a couple of intriguing chapters. They stood out from the rest of the book in that they were written more like the language you come across in declassified technical papers. The kind of language that uses terminology that those in-the-know will understand but that the common person wouldn’t necessarily grasp the implications of (or for plausible deniability purposes).

One of those chapters was discussing some of Vallee’s lesser-known interests/venture capital projects and referenced "Synthetic Biologists, Bioengineers, and biotechnical imaginaries”.

Human-Use experimentation is nothing new to the scientists working in the IC. Most here are familiar with MK-ULTRA and associated projects. Kit Green and Hal Puthoff are certainly familiar with it. The remote-viewers were designated as “Human-Use Experimentation." (More than a few of the RVers, btw, had psychotic breaks and other ailments associated with their training.)

Kit and crew also addressed the subject in the T.I.G.E.R. & Emerging Cognitive Neuroscience and Related Technologies from the National Research Council studies where it was noted that the U.S. is in danger of lagging behind other countries where human experimentation isn’t constrained by ethical considerations. China was mentioned. Having noted, that I’d say it’s at least worth mentioning that Kit is the Assistant Dean of Clinical Research, China for the Wayne State School of Medicine.

Not all of the "good" research will be done exclusively in the West. At least not before 2015. The results of this work will make sick people well and soldiers safer. But the technologies will not exclusively follow Western views on ethical questions such as

57 human stem-cell research, research on willing prisoners, and work on human-animal chimeras…

Emerging Cognitive Neuroscience and Related Technologies, from the National Research Council

Also maybe worth noting is that John Alexander is also on record a decade ago talking about the rules of human-use experimentation needing to (and starting to) loosen up again.

The terms mentioned are basically related by Paskula to the “human antenna” aspect and seems to suggest that that receptivity might be capable of being enhanced. These topics are also of interest to NASA. I’d say that Bigelow’s space industries might be another clue as to the kind of things the TTSA team might be working on.

I figured I’d throw it out there and see if any of our sleuths think it’s applicable and has explanatory power in relation to the scientists of TTSA.

Synthetic biology is an interdisciplinary branch of biology and engineering.

The subject combines disciplines from within these domains such as biotechnology, genetic engineering, molecular biology, molecular engineering, systems biology, membrane science, biophysics, chemical and biological engineering, electrical and computer engineering, control engineering and evolutionary biology.

Synthetic biology applies these disciplines to build artificial biological systems for research, engineering and medical applications.


Synthetic biology is a new interdisciplinary area that involves the application of engineering principles to biology. It aims at the (re-)design and fabrication of biological components and systems that do not already exist in the natural world. Synthetic biology combines chemical synthesis of DNA with growing knowledge of genomics to enable researchers to quickly manufacture catalogued DNA sequences and assemble them into new genomes.

Improvements in the speed and cost of DNA synthesis are enabling scientists to design and synthesize modified bacterial chromosomes that can be used in the production of advanced biofuels, bio-products, renewable chemicals, bio-based specialty chemicals (pharmaceutical intermediates, fine chemicals, food ingredients), and in the health care sector as well.

What is the difference between synthetic biology and systems biology? How does genetic engineering fit in?

Systems biology studies complex natural biological systems as integrated wholes using tools of modeling, simulation, and comparison to experiment. Synthetic biology studies how to build artificial biological systems using many of the same tools and experimental techniques. The focus is often on taking parts of natural biological systems,

58 characterizing and simplifying them, and using them as components of an engineered biological system.

Genetic engineering usually involves the transfer of individual genes from one microbe or cell to another; synthetic biology envisions the assembly of novel microbial genomes from a set of standardized genetic parts that are then inserted into a microbe or cell.


The skills to manipulate DNA

DNA is the language of Life. Scientific understanding and ability to manipulate this molecule has significantly progressed since the age of Gregor Mendel. Today, reading and writing DNA has become a standard in the industry and is utilized in a plethora of applications from data storage to antibody creation.

Following the central biology dogma of DNA → RNA → proteins, DNA opens doors to further molecular discoveries and is an indispensable resource for synthetic biologists.


NASA Moon To Mars: Advanced Exploration Systems

In digging around you’ll find interesting titles such as the following:

Biological Modeling, Directed Evolution, and Complexity from Design to application

What’s a little harder to find (at least in clear non-technical terms) are the ways some envision “directed evolution.” In reading up on the disciplines involved, you’ll read a lot about proteins and industrial uses. But the Big Picture is how they hope to upgrade the human-being. Of course that’s a rather touchy subject (and for legitimate reasons).

It occurs to me that “experiencers” are pretty vulnerable. They have big questions about what they’ve experienced. I’d say it’s probable that a fair number of them are open to being examined and even experimented with. Especially if they are reinforced with the belief that they are special.

ETA correct 2011 article/interview of Kit Green by Ryan Dube (of Serpo buster fame) Current State of Mind Control and Human Performance Research

[StealthSkater note: a little known fact is that Japanese and German doctors who performed medical experiments on POWs were given immunity from WWII War Crimes Trials if they turned over all their research to the American Military and continued to do research for them. And other like research can be read at => doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf ]

67. mirageman : posted on Apr, 3 2019 @ 03:14 PM

59 The young guns aren't so young. Some are naïve. Others seem to blindly follow their newfound spiritual leaders in learning the ways of the Force.

As for Eric Davis. Well, he's been called out for lying already a number of times. He's become a troll. He even called 2 serious and diligent researchers "idiots with computers" and "rank amateurs with no demonstrated professional record of success in scientific, intelligence, or forensic investigations/research into anything, much less the UFO phenomenon".

This is from a man who writes short pamphlets on teleportation @$25K each for the U.S. DoD claiming ...

... moving yourself from location to location through mind powers is "quite real and can be controlled." [StealthSkater note: Based on what Kramer doc pdf URL alleges , I'm not so sure that this can't be done although it might be decades-and-decades for the technology (and perhaps even the human brain to have been genetically evolved).]

His report also appears to have disappointed the DoD when they said ...

... we were disappointed at the level of scientific rigour in the report's analysis." Source : Las Vegas Weekly

It was criticized as "in large part crackpot physics" by his peers.

I think he might be suffering from psychological problems. He is quoted as having taken a poltergeist home with him from Skinwalker Ranch. Maybe he's been subjected unknowingly to psy-ops from the people he trusts and thought he was working for? His irrational outbursts on radio shows and social media illustrate this. More recently, he ripped into European researchers for daring to criticize American UFOlogy and making it difficult for TTSA!

TTSA itself is making it difficult for TTSA with their continual shifty vagueness.


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