TOPIC OF RESEARCH: Politics of ‘Difference’ and ‘Otherness’ in the Selected Fiction of

Scholar’s Name – Manasvini Rai 2018RHS9032

Supervisor – Dr. Preeti Bhatt Associate Professor Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences MNIT, Jaipur About the author: Zadie Smith 2

Zadie Smith, originally Sadie Smith, (born October 27, 1975 London, England) Major Works 3

 Novels: (2016) NW (2012) (2005) The Autograph Man (2002) (2000)  Short Stories: Grand Union: Stories (2019) The Embassy of Cambodia (2013) Martha and Hanwell (2005)  Essays: Intimations (2020) : Essays (2018) Changing My Mind: Occasional Essays (2009)

Introduction 4

. Zadie Smith – Life and Work

. Interpretations of „Difference,‟ and „Otherness‟ in recent


. Reflections of the above in Zadie Smith‟s fiction Review of Literature 5

 Early critical responses: . Postcolonial elements . Racial connotations . Multicultural London . “Cover girl of the „Multicultural Novel‟”  Views on genre and style: . hysterical realism . pastiche . social realism  Views on short fiction  Views on non-fiction

Research Methodology 6

. Core Primary Texts . Novels . Short Fiction . Essays . Review of Literature

. Theoretical Basis

. Chapterisation

. Referencing (MLA 8th Edition) Published Research / Writing 7

. "Race, Culture, and Postcolonial Feminism: Maggie Gee‟s My Cleaner." Journal of Literature and Aesthetics, vol. 19, no. 1, 2019, pp. 75-87. . "Hunter-hunted and other Binaries: Power-play in Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories.” Journal of the Faculty of Arts 2018-19, Aligarh Muslim University, vol. 11, no. 1, 2019, pp. 154-161. . „(Dis)advantage and the Self-Determining „Other‟: Intersectional Politics in Zadie Smith‟s The Embassy of Cambodia.‟ The IUP Journal of English Studies. (Accepted) . "The Femme Fatale and the Avenger's Quest." The IIS (deemed to be University) Journal of Arts, vol. 8, no. 1, 2019, pp. 177-180. . „In Continuum.‟ „Voices: Voices of interdisciplinary critical explorations‟. Vol. 9, No. 1, Aug.-Sep. 2020, p. 100.

Presented Research Papers 8

. „Intersectionality Theory in Interdisciplinary Humanities Research: Literary Interpretations in Zadie Smith‟s Immigrant Fiction,‟ presented on 10th Jan. 2021 at the First Pan-NIT HSS Research Conclave (virtual) Organized by the Department of HSS, NIT Warangal. . „Narratives of a Failing Ecosystem: Zadie Smith‟s „Elegy for a Country’s Seasons‟ and „The Canker‟‟ presented on 7th Feb. 2020 during the ICSSR sponsored International Conference titled „Rethink, Restrict, Restructure and Reinvent‟ held at St. Xavier‟s College, Jaipur. . „Alterity and the Search for Autonomy in Zadie Smith‟s The Embassy of Cambodia‟ presented on 25th Jan. 2020 at the International Conference on „Hermeneutics Today‟ held at SKIT, Jaipur. Select Bibliography 9

Primary Sources . Smith, Zadie. White Teeth. Penguin, 2001. . ---. The Autograph Man. Penguin, 2003. . ---. On Beauty. Penguin, 2006. . ---. NW. Penguin, 2013. . ---. Swing Time. Hamish Hamilton, 2016. . ---. “The Embassy of Cambodia.” The New Yorker, 11 Feb. 2013. . ---. “Grand Union.” Grand Union: Stories, Hamish Hamilton, 2019, pp. 239-42.

. ---. Changing My Mind: Occasional Essays. Penguin Books, 2009. . ---. Feel Free: Essays. Hamish Hamilton, 2018. . ---. Intimations: Six Essays. Penguin Books, 2020.

Select Bibliography 10

Secondary Sources

. Beauvoir, Simone de. The Second Sex. Vintage Books, 2011.

. Bhabha, Homi K. The Location of Culture, Routledge, 1994.

. Eagan, Jennifer L. “Multiculturalism.”, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.

. Friedan, Betty. The Feminine Mystique. W. W. Norton & Company, 1997.

. Holmes, Christopher. “The Novel‟s Third Way: Zadie Smith‟s „Hysterical Realism‟.” Reading Zadie Smith, edited by Philip Tew, Bloomsbury, 2018, pp. 141-154.

. Loh, Lucienne. “Zadie Smith‟s Short Stories: Englishness in a Globalized World.” Reading Zadie Smith, edited by Philip Tew, Bloomsbury, 2018, pp. 169-186.

. Said, Edward. Orientalism. Vintage Books, 1979.

. Wood, James. “Human, All Too Inhuman.” The New Republic, 25 July 2000.