Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held at the Community Pavilion, Llys Ben, Hall on Tuesday 14 November 2017 at 7.00pm

Present: Councillors John Golledge, Linda Thew, Martin Richardson, Bill Tait, Peter Gibson, Graham Cooke, Gelnis Jones, Steve Robinson, John Lamb and Hilary Astbury.

In attendance: Stephen C Harms, Clerk.

1. Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllr Elaine Price.

2. Members Code of Conduct - Declarations of Interest

Councillors Lamb and Astbury declared personal and prejudicial interests relating to any discussions about the proposed development of the Wellfield Farm land. Councillors Richardson, Cook and Tait declared personal interests relating to any discussions about the Pavilion.

3. Ten minute public participation session in accordance with Standing Orders

No members of the public were in attendance.

4. North Police Report

PCSO Stephanie Jones reported on incidents affecting the village recorded by the Police since the last meeting on the 10 October. 1 incident of criminal damage had been reported – paint had been thrown onto a driveway in Newton Close, while the householders were away from home. No cctv recordings were available and the Police were at present unable to identify suspects.

1 incident of anti-social behaviour had also been reported of a group of males harassing 2 females, however when the Police attended the area, no one was found.

The PCSO had attended Primary School to discuss the parking problems, and the school newsletter had included some advice on parking. The PCSO was carrying out ‘spot-checks’ in the vicinity of the school, which would be on-going.

Several incidents of speeding had been reported in the village, including one where a member of the public involved in the candle-lit walk had been hit on the elbow by a vehicle. The Bryn Gwyn Lane area was causing concern with speeding vehicles, which the PCSO would look into.

Signed...... 48/17 www.northophallcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk Councillor Cook reported on a vehicle with a loud exhaust around the Bryn Gwyn Lane area after midnight.

Councillor Astbury asked what the legal position was in respect of exhausts, and the PCSO confirmed this was the responsibility of Traffic Police.

Councillor Lamb asked what area the PCSO covered, and Members were advised the villages of Northop Hall, Northop, and .

With no further items to report, the PCSO asked if any issues could be reported back for her to look into.

The Chairman thanked the PCSO from everyone for her attendance.

5. Minutes – To Approve the minutes from the Ordinary Meeting of the 10 October, and the Extra-Ordinary Meeting of the 24 October.

Councillor Astbury referred to item 6 on the minutes from 10 October, indicating she had not seconded the proposal made by Councillor Gibson, and had not voted on this proposal. Councillor Thew advised she had seconded the proposal.

Councillors Astbury and Lamb advised they had declared ‘personal and prejudicial’ interests in relation to any discussions about Wellfield Farm development, rather than ‘personal’ interests. The minutes would be amended accordingly.

Councillor Gibson referred to item 5 of the minutes of the 24 October, indicating he had not indicated the estimated cost of engaging a traffic specialist, Councillor Golledge advising he had indicated these costs.

Subject to the above amendments, Councillor Cook proposed, and Councillor Gibson seconded, the minutes of 10 October and 24 October be approved.


6. Matters Arising.

Councillor Astbury referred to her letters of the 2nd, 5th and 23rd October to which she had not received a reply. The Chairman advised this matter was to be dealt with under ‘correspondence’ later during the meeting.

Councillor Astbury asked whether the Council should seek independent advice whether it had breached the Human Rights Act in its dealings with the Trustees of the Owen Jones Trust. It was pointed out that the Council had not made any formal comments to the Trustees. After discussion, the Chairman stated that Northop Hall Community Council cannot make an impartial decision if any Councillors get involved with the ‘Anti-Wellfield Farm Group’ and requested all Members to retain their impartiality.

Signed...... 49/17

www.northophallcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk 7. Grants Sub-Committee.

The renovations works on the Cenotaph had now been completed, and the re-dedication service and the 11.00am Remembrance Sunday service had been well attended and a great success. Over 60 members of the village residents, including children, had turned out for the candle-lit procession and comments afterwards had revealed a renewed sense of community in the village. There had now been three articles in the local press, and local MP, David Hansen had been reported in commenting that more villages should take the lead from Northop Hall.

The Chairman took this opportunity to record a Vote of Thanks to Councillor Thew and the two previous Clerks, Sharon and Bridget, for all their hard work in getting this project started and seeing it through to completion. Approved Unanimously.

The Chairman proposed the Council should write to the Heritage Lottery Fund requesting we now include details of soldiers from World War 2. The book and the dvd now needed to be completed. There had been an offer from a village resident, who runs a gardening service, to tend the lawns and hedges at the Cenotaph site for no charge. Councillor Cook proposed the Council should accept this offer, subject to checking whether the service would be covered under the existing Council insurance. Approved Unanimously.

Councillor Jones asked what was happening with the fencing, and the Yew tree. Members were advised that the fencing was to be replaced next year, and the Yew tree has been re-planted, and it is hoped it will now flourish as the cherry tree has been felled.

Councillor Robinson asked about the memorial plaque for Colin Jenkins, from the bench which had not been re-fitted. Councillor Richardson advised he had the plaque which would be re-fitted in a prominent position. Councillor Robinson proposed, Councillor Astbury seconded, that the plaque should go back onto the bench. Carried.

8. Risk Assessment Up-date.

The Clerk advised there were no new items relating to the Risk Assessment. Councillor Robinson asked whether the new gardener would need to be included as a ‘risk’ for the Council. The Clerk would contact the insurers for clarification.

Councillor Astbury asked whether copies of the Risk Assessment were available for Councillors to review. It was agreed to distribute these for discussion at the December meeting.

9. Clerk’s Report and Consideration of Action Log.

On reviewing the action log, several older items appeared to be open, and it was agreed that the Clerk should review all open items and clear those that had been completed. Councillor Astbury requested a printed copy of the action log.

The Clerk advised Members that at this time of year, Council should review the expenditure for the year, and commence preparations to set the Precept for 2018/19. After some discussion, it was agreed that we should include a ‘budget setting’ item on the December meeting’s Agenda.

Signed...... 50/17

www.northophallcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk Councillor Lamb asked whether Council should look at including a provision for possible expenditure in respect of any transfers of services from County Council as a result of the continued budget setting difficulties at County level.

10. Budget Report 2017/18

Councillors reviewed the up-date of the budget monitoring report. The Clerk would check on the ‘recommended reserve’ to be held at year end. This item would be reported during the December meeting. Councillor Robinson commented on the estimated costs included for ‘website maintenance’ which would not be payable. All items of expenditure would be reviewed and a detailed up-date would be reviewed at the December meeting in preparation for setting of the 2018/19 Precept.

11. Defibrillator for the Village.

Councillor Jones requested an up-date on the proposed provision for defibrillator equipment in the village. Councillors were reminded that we had agreed to provide two sets of equipment for the village, one to be installed at the Methodist Church and the second at the Pavilion.

Councillor Richardson advised that grants were available from the Big Lottery Fund for equipment and proposed that Northop Hall Community Council should apply for such grant funding to assist with the cost of the equipment.

Agreed Unanimously.

The Clerk would prepare and submit the documents.

12. Dog Fouling and Litter Picking.

Councillor Cook advised that County Council would be putting up the signs relating to the new Dog Control measures as soon as possible. Enforcement Officers from the County would be patrolling the area, however advised that reports to the Council would result in an increased presence of the Officers.

The litter picking events had now finished for the year, the next event scheduled for January 2018.

13. Community Transport.

Flintshire County Council had now produced the timetables for the service which had been put up at stops on the route – despite the service running for some time without timetables.

Further leaflets were to be distributed in the near future.

Signed...... 51/17


14. Correspondence

The schedule of email correspondence received since the last meeting had been circulated to Members with the meeting papers.

Email request from Phoenix Football Club to attend a meeting on the 3 December 2017 to discuss the latest developments relating to the transfer of the Pavilion under CAT from Flintshire County Council.

Email from Flintshire County Council enclosing details of Flintshire Local Development Plan Preferred Strategy Summary Leaflet.

Other Correspondence Received.

Letter from David Hansen, MP relating to increase in rents payable by Northop Hall Playgroup for facilities at the Pavilion. After discussion, it was proposed by Councillor Gibson, seconded by Councillor Golledge, that the Council should reply to the letter advising that ‘other than to approve an annual grant of £2500 to the Pavilion Management Committee, this Council has no say on the running of the Pavilion, and we believe you may have been misled’. Carried.

Letter from Welsh Border Community Transport requesting financial support for 2018/19. Councillors agreed to include this request in the budget setting discussions at the December meeting.

The Chairman then brought the emails from Councillor Astbury to the attention of Members. He asked whether Councillors Astbury and Lamb wanted to declare a personal and prejudicial interest, which they agreed to and left the room.

The emails from Councillor Astbury had been circulated to Councillors together with a copy of the proposed response. Councillors discussed the matter, and it was pointed out that the response should be from Council and not Councillor Golledge. The Chairman also requested that it should be placed on record that ‘any correspondence on this matter should be sent to the Council via the Clerk, and not to individual Councillors. Subject to these amendments, it was proposed by Councillor Richardson, seconded by Councillor Thew, that the reply should be sent. Carried.

On completion of this item, Councillor Gibson went to invite Councillors Astbury and Lamb to re- enter the meeting, however discovered they had left the building.

15. Council Website.

Councillor Robinson reported that the new website was up and running and available to view on the internet under the address northophallcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk

Councillor Robinson and the Clerk had completed a training session and the new website would now be up-dated on a regular basis by the Clerk. The ‘old’ domain name should now be released back to the Council as Councillor Robinson believed it was owned by us. The Clerk would investigate and report back accordingly. Further photographs of Councillors were required, and this item could now be removed from future agendas.

Signed...... 52/17 www.northophallcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk

The Chairman expressed thanks to Councillor Robinson for his work on the up-date of the website.

16. Planning Matters.

The following Planning Application from Flintshire County Council were considered;

057685 Erection of flower shelter and toilet building to south-east of previously permitted crematorium building at land at Kelsterton Lane / Oakenholt Lane, Northop. No Objections.

Discussions then took place on the creation of a Planning Sub-Committee to highlight the impact of Flintshire County Council planning policy, including the Local Development Plan, and to review planning applications and make recommendations to full Council. This sub-committee would also review planning applications from neighbouring communities.

Terms of Reference would be developed by Council.

Councillor Golledge proposed the creation of the sub-committee, seconded by Councillor Richardson. Agreed Unanimously.

Councillors agreed that the following 5 Members be appointed to the sub-committee;

Councillors Golledge, Richardson, Cook, Jones and Robinson.

3 Councillors would be required for the sub-committee to be quorate.

The Clerk would ensure the Weekly Lists of Planning Applications received and Decisions made were circulated to the members of the sub-committee. The sub-committee would review applications and make recommendations back to full Council.

The Clerk was asked to review the Powers/Limitations of a Sub-Committee or Group, and report back to Council.

Members of this Planning Group would meet on 20 November, 7.30pm, at the Chairman’s home to discuss Council response to the Flintshire County Council consultation on the LDP Strategy.

17. Highway Matters

Councillor Richardson reported on the following two items relating to highway matters that had come to his attention;

Welsh Government improvements to the A55/A494 were to be implemented within the next 6 months.

Included in the above was a proposal to close the A55 east-bound junction 33A for Northop Hall.

Signed...... 53/17 www.northophallcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk

Councillor Richardson proposed, seconded by Councillor Cook, that this Council should request the closure of this junction as soon as possible. Carried.

At this stage, Councillor Cook proposed the meeting should continue. Approved Unanimously.

Councillor Richardson also reported he had received details of ‘speeding signs’ available from Stock-signs at approximately £1900. Council have included a cost of this item in the 2017/18 budget of £3000. This would be included on the December Agenda.

Councillor Robinson reported on the overgrown hedges at Corbiere, Village Road and Councillor Golledge proposed, seconded by Councillor Gibson, that Council write to Flintshire County Council requesting a letter to the property owners reminding them of their responsibilities and arrange for the hedge to be cut back. Approved Unanimously.

18. Street-lighting Matters.

Councillor Jones reported on a street-light on St Mary’s Drive that had been faulty for some months. Members were advised that night inspections were not being carried out any longer by Flintshire County Council.

19. Report From Training or Meetings Attended by Members.

The Clerk reported he had attended a Welsh Assembly event providing details of the recently created Welsh Revenue Authority, who now have the powers to collect and manage our own taxes. From 1 April 2018, Land Transaction Tax will replace stamp duty land tax, and Landfill Disposals Tax will replace landfill tax, which the WRA will collect and manage.

The WRA is also looking at creating a new tax for Wales, and is consulting on the following proposals;

Vacant Land Tax, Tourism Tax, Plastics Tax and Social Care Levy

Further information will be provided as the WRA decides on which to proceed with, as any proposal must be agreed by UK Parliament.

20. Items Relating to Footpaths and Stiles.

No items were reported.

21. Accounts For Payment

Members discussed the payments to be made.


The payments scheduled should be authorised. Motion Carried.

Signed...... 54/17 www.northophallcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk

Stephen C Harms Clerk’s Salary and 371.18 Chq 101580 Expenses (October) Flintshire CC Streetlighting 325.74 Chq 101581 (2 Invoices) Aura Leisure Summer Coaching 1000.00 Chq 101582 Flintshire CC Play Area Rent 1.00 Chq 101583 Flintshire CC Summer Play-scheme 1309.00 Chq 101584 H M Revenue & PAYE (October) 86.40 Chq 101585 Customs Royal British Legion Wreath 30.00 Chq 101586 Poppy Appeal Fund Mrs B Thomas Refreshments 50.00 Chq 101587

The meeting closed at 9.43pm.

Signed...... 55/17 www.northophallcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk


Ordinary Meeting of the Council held at the Community Pavilion, Llys Ben, Northop Hall on Tuesday 14 November 2017 at 7.00pm

Member Item Agenda No Refers Councillor Lamb Personal and Prejudicial interest in discussions regarding 5 the proposed development of Wellfield Farm land. Councillor Astbury Personal and Prejudicial interest in discussions regarding 5 the proposed development of Wellfield Farm land. Councillor Personal interest in any discussions relating to the Pavilion. Richardson Councillor Cook Personal interest in any discussions relating to the Pavilion. Councillor Tait Personal interest in any discussions relating to the Pavilion. Councillor Lamb Personal and Prejudicial interest in discussions regarding 14 letters from him requesting information. Councillor Astbury Personal and Prejudicial interest in discussions regarding 14 letters from him requesting information.

Signed...... 56/17
