Rad51 As Functional Biomarker to Select Tumors for Parp Inhibitor Treatment

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Rad51 As Functional Biomarker to Select Tumors for Parp Inhibitor Treatment ADVERTIMENT. Lʼaccés als continguts dʼaquesta tesi queda condicionat a lʼacceptació de les condicions dʼús establertes per la següent llicència Creative Commons: http://cat.creativecommons.org/?page_id=184 ADVERTENCIA. El acceso a los contenidos de esta tesis queda condicionado a la aceptación de las condiciones de uso establecidas por la siguiente licencia Creative Commons: http://es.creativecommons.org/blog/licencias/ WARNING. The access to the contents of this doctoral thesis it is limited to the acceptance of the use conditions set by the following Creative Commons license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/?lang=en RAD51 AS FUNCTIONAL BIOMARKER TO SELECT TUMORS FOR PARP INHIBITOR TREATMENT JF1"3,2%-,*%-+0)02-1*223+-01 "-0%,$%%2-0202+,2 02120-4%(-0+(- ?6#8)0#1:/(#86#;:) 983;6 //"U #831 19:):;:#3&1 3/3'@_ ` )8# :38R8S)3/#:#88/)A/"#1"8S#8 $8:*)63// ;:38R8S 39%)';#/ )A 13"##' (683'80)1)3 (#0)9:8@P3/# ;/8)3/3'@1")30#") )1# #68:0#1:3&)3 (#0)9:8@1"3/# ;/8)3/3'@ 1)=#89)"";:4130"#8 #/31_` 8 #/31Pnlmu (#")8# :3890=%-*200*%8*1"0=0 02&%.-**1":(# :;:380= -1!%#3* %8,-#P #8:)&@R (::(##?6#8)0#1:/>38.1":(#>8):)1'3&:(#0#038@3&:()9"3 :38/ :(#9)9 #1:):/#" Vqm 9 &;1 :)31/ )308.#8 :3 9#/# : :;0389 &38 )1()):38 :8#:0#1:W (=# ##1 6#8&380#" @ 8: 9:83=)#-3 #80#-3 ;1"#8:(#)89;6#8=)9)311" 319)"#8:(:):)99;):/#:3#68#9#1:#"&38:(# "#'8##3&3 :383&()/3936(@_(`)1)3 (#0)9:8@P3/# ;/8)3/3'@1" )30#") )1#@1)=#89)"";:4130"#8 #/31 8 #/31Pnlmu (1")":# 02120-4%(-0+(- )8# :389 ;:38 0=%-*200*%8*1"0=0 02&%.-** 0= -1!%#3* %8,-# &.")() ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS # *#>:317;#6;"30)88:1/#-396387;#9#;64(30839"#')'1:#9S3#9 8)3 (3@#9:9/*1#968"#-87;*P#16</) 3P/391308#9"#:3"397;#//397;#P"#;1; 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