Psalm 118:6


"Young people of every continent, do not be afraid to be the saints of the new millennium! Be contemplative, love prayer; be coherent with your faith and generous in the service of your brothers and sisters, be active members of the Church and builders of peace".

Saint John Paul II Patron Saint of Youth 2000 NATIONAL LEADER

It is with great joy that Youth 2000 Ireland brings you the Summer E-Festival 2020.

This is the fruit of much hard work from our team of dedicated volunteers from around Ireland.

In any other year we would be bringing you the Youth 2000 Summer Festival, over 1000 young people gathered in the midlands of Ireland to celebrate their Catholic faith and praise the Lord.

However, in the unique situation the world finds itself in this year, we are delighted to bring you the Youth 2000 Summer E-Festival.

We ask you to continue to pray for this wonderful and transformative mission as we create and host prayer groups and retreats for young people all across Ireland, and at a time when it is needed more than ever.

Please contact us to donate and support this mission or to offer us your prayers, we love to hear from the people we serve across Ireland.

Thank you for the last 30 years of grace. This year Youth 2000 celebrates its 30th birthday. There is no doubt that Youth 2000 has changed the pastoral and diocesan landscape of Ireland through its ministry this last 30 years, and by the grace of God will continue to do so for the next 30 years.

Watch this space as we will be holding events and activities to celebrate our 30 years in ministry.

We love you all very much and we hold each of you up in prayer every day.

Please continue to pray for us and come support this amazing mission.

Yours in Christ,

Peter Sands

YOUTH 2000 Youth 2000 is a Catholic youth organisation that organises lively faith festivals, retreats, prayer groups and other events for young people aged 16-35 across the island of Ireland.

Our story is about one young man’s response to Pope John Paul II’s call in 1989 to change the world.

At in 1989 Pope John Paul II said to the 400,000 young people who had gathered from around the world “It is up to you young people that the task first falls of bearing witness to the faith and bringing into the Third Millennium the Gospel of Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life”.

But to whom does the task fall to bring this message to those who are not at World Youth Day, who do not go to Mass on Sunday and who do not even know that God exists?

This question led Ernest Williams to respond to this need by forming Youth 2000. Youth 2000 was formed because a young man responded to the greatest poverty of our times; a generation of young people living in the spiritual poverty of not knowing that they were created in the image and likeness of God.

Immediately after World Youth Day in 1989, Ernest made a pilgrimage to Fatima. It was there during a period of prayer and reflection in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, the structure and format for what Youth 2000 was to do became clear. Through a rediscovery of Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Scriptures, the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Devotion to Mary the Mother of God, and the Church’s teaching, young people would discover the unique calling that they had to live as Christians.

Ernest began to gather young people together in prayer, and soon this initiative, known as Youth 2000, spread to more than 25 countries all over the world, changing the lives of thousands of young people. Youth 2000 commenced in Ireland in 1993. Youth 2000 is a spiritual initiative established to draw young people through Mary to a deep and lasting union with Christ, especially in the Eucharist, the “source and summit of the Christian life.” In short, it is a gateway that leads young people into the everyday life of the Church.

Youth 2000 carries out its mission, based on the vision of St John Bosco in the following 3 ways, known as the 3 ‘pillars’ of Youth 2000:

1. Devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament 2. Devotion to Our Lady, particularly through the 3. Fidelity to the Teaching of the Church, including a deep love for Sacred Scripture.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Saint Joseph

Saint John Paul II Saint John Bosco FRIDAY

6.30pm Festival kick-off

7.00pm Talk One - Jesus in the Eucharist

8.00pm Holy Mass

9.00pm Adoration SATURDAY

10.00am Talk Two - Mary, Our Mother

11.00am Testimony

12.00pm Adoration

3.00pm Talk Three - Scripture

4.00pm Holy Mass

5.00pm Adoration

7.00pm Talk Four - Reconciliation & Healing

8.00pm Reconciliation & Healing service

9.00pm Adoration SUNDAY

1.00pm Testimony

2.00pm Talk Five - Living the Christian Life

3.15pm Holy Mass Morning Offering

God, our Father, I offer you my day. I offer you my prayers, thoughts, words, actions, and sufferings in union with Your Son Jesus Christ, Who continues to offer Himself in the Eucharist for the salvation of the world.

May the Holy Spirit, Who guided Jesus, be my guide and my strength today so that I may witness to Your love. With Mary, the mother of our Lord and of the Church, I pray especially for the intentions of the Holy Father.


Evening Review

At the end of the day , I ask the Holy Spirit for light to see how the day went.

-What gifts, graces and blessings have come my way? -Thank God for these gifts. -Is there anyone I want to remember to pray for today?

Now, I take time to examine my conscience. -Did I hurt or break my relationship with God or others by intentionally doing something that I knew was wrong? -Did I avoid doing something I knew I should do?

If so, make a heartfelt prayer of sorrow and express your desire that things would be made right between you and God, and anyone else you might have hurt by your sins. Then have a peaceful nights sleep!

Youth 2000 Dedication Prayer

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, My mother and my queen. I thank you from my heart, for all the blessings and graces you have given me. I love you with all of my heart and I promise to serve you always and to make you loved by all.

I place my entire life, with its many cares, anxieties, joys and hopes in the tender arms of your maternal love, knowing that you will always guide and protect me. Inflame my heart with a true love of Jesus, your son, that I may always accomplish His Holy will.

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, watch over and guide Youth 2000, that we may be faithful to our mission of leading young people to the heart of the church. Do not leave us until you see us safe in Heaven.

There, in your presence, with all the angels and saints, we will sing the praises of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for all eternity.

Amen A very recognisable face in Youth 2000 Ireland, Fr. John Harris was the Spiritual Director for many, many years. Fr. John Harris OP is an Irish Dominican. He has a doctorate in moral theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas in Rome (Angelicum) and has taught dogmatic and moral theology in the Dominican Studium in Dublin. Fr. John has a profound love for the youth of Ireland and we are beyond privileged that he is leading us through our Summer E-Festival weekend with content including Jesus in the Eucharist, Scripture, Our Lady, the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Living the Christian Life. Gerard Hanley works for the Archdiocese of Dublin and was previously a goalkeeper in the League of Ireland with Mervue United, Dundalk, Shelbourne and Galway United. This year Gerard will be sharing his testimony with you at the Youth 2000 Summer E-Festival 2020.

We are so delighted to have Gerard share his journey with us and hear how God has impacted his life in the profound but also the small ways.

Evelyn McGinley is a veterinarian and county sports woman from Creeslough in Donegal. This year she will be sharing her testimony with you at the Youth 2000 Summer E-Festival 2020.

We are delighted to have Evelyn share her story with us and show us how God has worked in her journey so far. He was a serious 'Face' in London's East End. His jackets were tailored to hold his machete and knuckledusters. His drug deals netted him thousands. He had a penthouse, sports cars and women. He nearly killed a man outside a nightclub. Then something extraordinary John Pridmore happened. John Pridmore joins us with his workshop

called 'What God can do with your life... if you let him'.

Sr. Colleen joins us from her role in the USA as Vocations Director for her congregation, the Apostles of the Sacred Heart. Sr Colleen brings us a

workshop on the Spirituality of the Sacred Heart and Religious Sisterhood, explaining the potential to achieve Sr. Colleen Mattingly true joy, and how it is only found in Jesus Christ.

Bill Keimig serves as Assistant Director for the Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University, Steubenville. Mr. Keimig holds a Master’s Degree in Theology and Christian Ministry from Franciscan University in Steubenville, and Certification in

Bill Keimig Catechetics. He joins us for the Youth 2000 Summer E-Festival to investigate John Pridmore "Why the Sacraments are important." Sr. Mary grew up in Kilkenny and having gone to school with the Presentation Sisters, she joined the congregation in 1979. After years of teaching and several leadership roles within her congregation; she is currently employed as a prison chaplain by the Irish Sr. Mary Hanrahan Prison service. Join Sr. Mary in this workshop as she reveals life on the inside of Arbour Hill Prison, Dublin.

"I was in Prison and you visited me" (Mt 25: 31-40)

Katie is a young woman from Ireland who has not been afraid to be a witness to her faith in the public sphere. A science graduate and journalist, Katie has been a strong pro-life advocate in recent years. Katie joins us to talk about the importance of formation and reflects

Katie Ascough on how necessary it is for us to know our faith, before we can share our faith. “Living the great commission... starting with yourself.”

Dr. Scott Hahn was born in 1957, and has been married to Kimberly since 1979. He and Kimberly have six children (two of which are seminarians for the Diocese of Steubenville) and eighteen grandchildren. Dr. Hahn joins Youth 2000 with his workshop called

Dr. Scott Hahn 'Understanding the Mass through Sacred Scripture', looking at why this is a game-changer and shares John Pridmore some of his personal testimony and insights along the way. Beth Davis is a lover of Jesus, a retired youth minister, and the Director of Ministry Advancement for Blessed is She. Beth is passionate about teaching women how to develop an intimate relationship with Jesus and speaking hope to weary hearts. Beth joins Youth 2000

Beth Davis with her workshop called 'Friendship with God', looking at what this is and shares some personal and touching insights along the way, even including some beautiful singing!

Fr. Isaac is a member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and lives with five great brothers at St. Columba Friary in Derry, Northern Ireland. He has been a priest for ten years and has a passion for preaching the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus and encouraging

Fr. Isaac Mary others towards true freedom in Christ. In his inspiring Spinharney, CFR workshop he asks the question: Who is the Holy Spirit?

Want more workshops?

We have built for you a bank of some of the best Catholic speakers in Ireland and beyond. These speakers address us on issues of the faith and social teaching. To see the full list of speakers, make sure to register at:

We asked our Youth 2000 family what their favourite memory was over the past 30 years...

“I am often moved by the entrance processions for Mass - seeing all those faithful priests is powerful.”


It was my birthday“ at one of the retreats and everyone got together to surprise me and I had no idea what was happening. I felt so loved and appreciated as I always do with youth2000.

Laura” “There are so many to pick from really but the most powerful ones are really focused around confessions and the healing services. Looking at all the ‘Saturday nights’ I’ve participated in at retreats, I see myself changed so much from my first to my last one. The priests we have in Youth 2000 are really what make the organisation what it is, they are the ones that bring us close to God in confession, in the Holy Mass, in adoration, in spiritual direction and in the craic. I used to say one of my favourite things about Youth 2000 was friends but I’ve learned that they’re not really important at a retreat, so long as there’s good and holy priests there and Jesus is present in the Blessed Sacrament, nothing else really matters.”

Maire “Encountering the Holy Spirit and feeling the true presence of Jesus and his love for me. It was truly a life changing experience and has changed my life for the better. Also meeting my favourite priest - Fr Ferry.”


My favourite memory“ of Youth 2000 would have to be the summer festival in Roscrea 2014. There was such an intense sense of community and fellowship with people who loved Christ which I had never encountered before like that. Hundreds of young people in one room praising the Lord and having mighty craic leaves great memories.

Sarah” “My first Youth 2000 retreat (Summer Festival in Clonmacnois) in 2010 was life changing. It's hard to pick just one memory from it, but healing service was really powerful. I'd gone to confession properly for the first time at the festival. In Adoration after, it was like time stood still and it was just Jesus and me. I think I was there for hours. The other thing that stood out for me was how happy and normal everyone was. They were all so friendly and made me feel at home right from the start. It made me want to be part of it, to find what it was they had. ”

Katherine We also asked how has Youth 2000 impacted your life...

“I genuinely don't know where I would be in my life without Youth 2000. Meeting new Catholic friends, having so many opportunities to encounter the Lord at retreats, having the consistent fellowship of a weekly prayer meeting, having opportunities to serve in ministry in ways I wouldn't have seen myself doing, all this has been due to Youth 2000. I have a huge debt of gratitude to Y2K for being such a key part of my faith for the last number of years, and I know for sure that Catholic Ireland owes a huge debt of gratitude too!”

Nodlaig It has deepened“ my love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, as well as my devotion to Our Lady. The friends I have made in Youth 2000 are friends for life.


“I doubt I would be a Catholic right now, or have any faith at all, had it not been for the impact that Youth 2000 has had. While I didn't meet my husband directly through Y2000, I did so indirectly through Y2000 friends/housemates. We all grow up and move on, but there are some friends I made that are friends for life, godparents to my children, and who we will always keep in touch with. It has impacted every single area, in that regard.”

Leah “Youth 2000 really helped my commitment to my faith grow and provided me with a place I felt I belonged. Even from that first retreat I remember being challenged by Fr.Patrick's words in one of his talks. He said the world did not need anymore lukewarm Catholics, it needed people who were ready to be on fire with their faith. I really went home that weekend thinking hard about what I wanted to be, as at that point I would have considered myself one of those lukewarm Catholics. So I decided I needed to become more committed to the weekly prayer meetings and they really are the piece that keeps it all going for me. Going to the weekly prayer meetings is how Youth 2000 has had the most positive and fruitful impact on my life I look forward to being with what I like to call my faith friends or "like hearted" people, a phrase I heard once at a retreat, and being before Jesus together, I feel I can bring anything to Jesus there in Adoration. And even the cup of tea after and having the chat and the laugh is also as important I feel. Being apart of Youth 2000 has also helped my confidence and self esteem grow and also helped me build on my strengths and is somewhere I feel very at home”

Emer “ It has filled me with heart burning love, joy and sense of fulfilment in my faith and life journey ”

“It was instrumental in firstly practising my Catholic faith and also joining religious life, and joining an order which has a mission of Eucharistic Adoration.”

Sr. Louise “It gave me back my faith, it gave me friendships, it completely transformed my life and the course of my life. I will be forever incredibly grateful for this wonderful organisation. ”

Aisling “Youth2000 has helped me to realise I am not alone and it had helped me grow in my faith so much. It has given me friends and a place where I feel at home. I will forever be grateful of youth2000. ”

Laura Throughout our lives, God sends us many great gifts

and the retreats of Youth 2000 are one of those

unique gifts that are exciting, inspiring and life

changing. I have been going to Youth 2000 retreats

and festivals since 2014 and each of them have been

very special through the people I have met, the friendships I have made, the testimonies I have heard

and through how I have encountered God in prayer

and Adoration and experienced the power of His

presence and guidance. These all came to the fore

most memorably in the autumn of 2016 when I attended the Youth 2000 retreat on Lough Derg. It was a life changing experience and following that retreat I

believed that God was calling me to the ministerial

priesthood. I have now been a seminarian for three

years, having begun my formation at St. Alban’s

College Valladolid for my Propaedeutic Year and I

have continued my formation and studies at St.

Patrick’s College Maynooth. It has been a real happy

time and as I continue to discern God’s vocation for

my life, Youth 2000 continues to hold a special place

in my heart and the central place of God on the

retreats and prayer gatherings continues to give me

great spiritual strength on my formation journey.

By John Leonard.

The Sisters of Bon Secours congratulate Youth 2000 on 30 years reaching out to young people and bringing them closer to Jesus. Thank you for your commitment and we are delighted to work closely with you all. May you continue to be blessed in your mission. Happy 30th Anniversary, Youth 2000, from Clonmacnois Press! In the early 18th century new seeds of God’s creative dream were planted in the heart of a young Irish woman named Nano Nagle who went on to become the Foundress of the Presentation Sisters in Ireland in 1776. She was a woman who, in her simplicity, dared greatly...dared to let herself be guided by the Spirit of God.

Many congratulations to Youth 2000 on 30 years of being guided by this same Spirit! Vocations Ireland congratulates Youth2000 on 30 years!

Do you feel called to Religious Life?

Vocations Ireland can help in your discernment and answer questions that may arise during the process. We are currently facilitating small group meetings online and would be pleased to welcome you.

Contact us today to learn about our digital meetings, online retreats and prayer initiatives. Facebook/ vocations.ireland

St. Ignatius Loyola was a Spanish Basque soldier who underwent an extraordinary conversion while recuperating from a leg broken by a cannonball in battle. He wrote down his experiences which he called his Spiritual Exercises and later he founded the Society of Jesus with the approval of Pope Paul III in 1540. Ignatius Loyola had gathered around him an energetic band of well-educated men who desired nothing more than to help others find God in their lives. His Mission lives on in the young men of today. Mary’s Meals is a simple idea, bringing hope to a hungry world. Mary’s Meals sets up community-run school feeding programmes in some of the world’s poorest com- munities, where poverty and hunger prevent children from gaining an education. Each day, Mary’s Meals provides children with one meal in their place of education, which encourages them back into the classroom. It costs just £15.90/18.30 to feed a child with Mary’s Meals for a whole school year.

Mary’s Meals is named after Mary, the mother of Jesus , who brought up her own child in poverty. Mary’s Meals grew out of the Catholic faith of our founder , and our values and ethos reflect this. Our mission consists of, respects and reaches out to people of all faiths and none.

Want to find out more or get involved? Here are a few ideas!

Watch - Check our new film ‘Love Reaches Everywhere’ Pray – Sign up for our monthly prayer email ‘Loaves and Fishes’ Get Involved – Visit our website to find out the more about how you can share your time and talents.

Stay in touch with Youth 2000 Ireland:




@y2kireland @barituscatholic @catholicwill

@thecatholicwarrior @catholiclink_en

@derryyouth @jugend2000

@youth2000uk @ctmcatholic

@igniteireland His Crown Of Thorns was initially set up to fulfill a Lenten promise of being more courageous in sharing our Catholic faith. In seeking out opportunities to do such, prayer led us to consider encouraging others to do the same – in wearing ‘His Crown Of Thorns‘ on a daily basis by promoting their faith in a subtle manner. This is where the idea of His Crown Of Thorns came from. We are a small but passionate company specializing in Catholic merchandise, aiming to create Heroic Catholics to share their faith on a daily basis.

His Crown of Thorns are now selling the official Youth 2000 Summer E-Festival tshirt.

To purchase visit the website:

Youth 2000 is a registered charity and relies completely on donations and extensive fundraising to carry out its mission. We do not receive any official funding from any Church body or organisation.

If you would like to donate please visit Caoimhe McCann Christopher Berkeley Darina Cronin PR Leader Leinster Regional Leader Leinster Regional Leader

Emma Maloney Fr. Luuk Jansen OP Gareth Carroll National Administrator National Spiritual Director National Treasurer

Gemma Haire Helena O’Shea Karen Morgan National Mission Assistant National Leader & Connaught Regional Leader Coordinator Connaught Regional Leader

Lisa Russell Maire McAteer Maria Doherty Ulster Regional Leader National Development Officer National Music Leader & Prayer Group Leader Mary Murphy Peter Sands Phoebe Watson Leinster Regional Leader National Leader National Safeguarding Officer

Roisin O’Rourke Sarah Marley Connaught Regional Leader Rachel Sherlock PR Leader National Volunteer Coordinator

Shane O’Sullivan Sinead Gaffney Munster Regional Leader Ulster Regional Leader Siobhan O'Shaughnassy Munster Regional Leader