Trace and Extension Theorems for Sobolev-Type Functions in Metric
TRACE AND EXTENSION THEOREMS FOR SOBOLEV-TYPE FUNCTIONS IN METRIC SPACES LUKÁŠ MALÝ Abstract. Trace classes of Sobolev-type functions in metric spaces are subject of this paper. In particular, functions on domains whose boundary has an upper codimension-θ bound are consid- ered. Based on a Poincaré inequality, existence of a Borel measurable trace is proven whenever the power of integrability of the “gradient” exceeds θ. The trace T is shown to be a compact operator mapping a Sobolev-type space on a domain into a Besov space on the boundary. Sucient condi- tions for T to be surjective are found and counterexamples showing that surjectivity may fail are also provided. The case when the exponent of integrability of the “gradient” is equal to θ, i.e., the codimension of the boundary, is also discussed. Under some additional assumptions, the trace lies in Lθ on the boundary then. Essential sharpness of these extra assumptions is illustrated by an example. 1. Introduction and Overview Over the past two decades, analysis in metric measure spaces (and non-linear potential theory, in particular) has attracteda lot of attention, e.g., [3, 4, 14, 15, 21, 28]. See also [19, Chapter 22] and referencestherein. The metricspace setting provides a wide framework to study partial dierential equations and, specically, boundary value problems. These seek to nd solutions to an equation in a domain, subject to a prescribed boundary condition. Most thoroughly studied problems deal with the Dirichlet boundary condition, where a trace of the solution is prescribed, and with the Neumann condition, where the normal derivative of the solution at the boundary is given.
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