
Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 1

Abercrombie, Joe 5. Mostly Harmless, kr. 80,00 Age of Madness, The (TPB) Roman. . 1. Little Hatred, A, kr. 195,00 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (TPB) Roman. . Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The, kr. First Law (TPB) 200,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Best Served Cold, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Adams, Guy Heroes, The, kr. 130,00 Heaven's Gate Roman. Fantasy. 2. Once Upon a in Hell, kr. 80,00 Red Country, kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 3. For a Few More, kr. 80,00 Sharp Ends, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Adams, John Joseph (Ed.) 2. Before They Are Hanged, kr. 130,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Cosmic : A Saga Anthology of Far-Away 3. Last Argument of Kings, kr. 130,00 Galaxies (TPB), kr. 180,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Shattered Sea (TPB) Operation Arcana, kr. 90,00 1. Half a King, kr. 120,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. Adeyemi, Tomi 2. Half the World, kr. 120,00 Legacy of Orïsha (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Children of Blood and Bone, kr. 105,00 3. Half a War, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Children of Virtue and Vengeance, kr. 105,00 Abraham, Daniel Roman. Fantasy. Dagger and the Coin, The (TPB) Adornetto, Alexandra 1. 's Path, The, kr. 120,00 Ghost House Saga, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Ghost House, kr. 130,00 2. King's Blood, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Aftermath, The 3. Tyrant's Law, The, kr. 130,00 Tales Of The Aftermath (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Shelter (af Dave Hutchinson), kr. 120,00 4. Widow's House, The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Haven (af Adam Roberts), kr. 120,00 5. Spider's War, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Aguirre, Ann Long Price Quartet Omnibus (TPB) Apparatua Infernum Novel 1. Shadow and Betrayal (indeholder A Shadow in 2. Silver Mirrors (Skriver som A. A. Aguirre), kr. 80,00 Summer og A Betrayal in Winter), kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Seasons of War (indeholder An Autumn War og A Corine Solomon Shadow in Summer), kr. 145,00 2. Hell Fire, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Adams, Cat 3. Shady Lady, kr. 90,00 Blood Singer Roman. Fantasy. 2. Siren Song, kr. 90,00 4. Devil's Punch, kr. 80,00 Roman. . Roman. Fantasy. 3. Song, kr. 90,00 5. Agave Kiss, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Eldritch Conspiracy , The, kr. 80,00 Dred Chronicles Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Perdition, kr. 80,00 6. To Dance With the Devil, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Havoc, kr. 80,00 Adams, Douglas Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Breakout, kr. 90,00 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Immortal Game (TPB) 2. Restaurant at The End of the Universe, The, kr. 80,00 1. Mortal Danger, kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Young Adult. 3. Life, the Universe and everything, The, kr. 90,00 2. Public Enemies, kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Young Adult. 4. So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. 2 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Ahdieh, Renée Alexander, Lloyd Beautiful, The (TPB) Chronicles of Prydain, The (TPB) 1. Beautiful, The, kr. 115,00 1. Book of Three, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Flame in the Mist (TPB) 2. Black Cauldron, The, kr. 80,00 1. Flame in the Mist, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Castle of Llyr, The, kr. 70,00 2. Smoke in the Sun, kr. 195,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Allan, Jay Wrath & the Dawn, The (TPB) Far Star Series (TPB) 1. Wrath & the Dawn, The, kr. 120,00 1. Shadow of Empire, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Rose and the Dagger, The, kr. 120,00 2. Enemy in the Dark, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Ahern, Cecelia 3. Funeral Games, kr. 170,00 Flawed (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Perfect, kr. 105,00 4. 's Fist, The, kr. 170,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. Ahern, Jerry & Sharon Flames of Rebellion (TPB) 1. Flames of Rebellion, kr. 115,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Written in Time, kr. 90,00 2. Rebellion's Fury, kr. 145,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Ahlborn, Ania Allan, Nina Uden serie Uden serie Devil Crept In, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Silver Wind, The (TPB), kr. 105,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. Ahmed, Saladin Alsberg, Sasha & Cummings, Lindsay Crescent Moon Kingdoms Androma Saga, The (TPB) 1. Throne of the Crescent Moon, kr. 80,00 1. Zenith, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Aiken, G. A. Altebrando, Tara Scarred Earth Saga, The (TPB) Uden serie 1. Blacksmith Queen, The, kr. 160,00 Possible, The (TPB), kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. Akers, Tim Altman, Mark A. & Gross, Edward Hallowed War, The Uden serie 1. Pagan Night, The, kr. 90,00 So Say We All: The Complete, Uncensored, Roman. Fantasy. Unauthorized Oral History of Battlestar Galactica 2. Iron Hound, The, kr. 100,00 (HC), kr. 270,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Bøger om SF. Albert, Melissa Ambrose, E. C. Hazel Wood, The (TPB) Dark Apostle 1. Hazel Wood, The, kr. 110,00 2. Elisha Magus, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Night Country, The, kr. 110,00 3. Elisha Rex, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Alder, Mark 4. Elisha Mancer, kr. 95,00 Banners of Blood (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 2. Son of the Night, kr. 130,00 5. Elisha Daemon, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Aldiss, Brian W. Andelman, Bob SF Masterworks (TPB) Greybeard, kr. 120,00 Will Eisner: A Spirited Life Deluxe Edition, kr. 180,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Non-Stop, kr. 120,00 Anders, Charlie Jane Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Alexander, Karl (TPB), kr. 105,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Time After Time, kr. 90,00 City in the Middle of the Night, The (HC), kr. 250,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 3

Andersen, Hans Christian 2. Crusade, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Flyvende kuffert, Den, kr. 229,50 4. Distant Thunders, kr. 85,00 Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Science Fiction. 5. Rising Tides, kr. 80,00 Andersen, Kenneth Bøgh Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 6. Firestorm, kr. 85,00 Lysets hjerte (HC), kr. 149,95 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 7. Iron Gray Sea, kr. 85,00 Antboy Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Tissemyrens bid, kr. 149,95 8. Storm Surge, kr. 85,00 Roman. Adventure. Dansk skønlitteratur. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Operation skæbnespil, kr. 149,95 9. Deadly Shores, kr. 85,00 Roman. Adventure. Dansk skønlitteratur. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Maskefald, kr. 149,95 10. Straits of Hell, kr. 90,00 Roman. Adventure. Dansk skønlitteratur. Roman. Science Fiction. Den store djævlekrig 11. Blood in the Water, kr. 90,00 1. Djævelens lærling, kr. 129,95 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 12. Devil's Due, kr. 90,00 4. Ondskabens engel, kr. 129,95 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 13. River of Bones, kr. 90,00 Den store djævlekrig (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 5. Den Faldne Engel, kr. 249,95 Andreasen, Michael Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Uden serie 6. Den Faldne Djævel, kr. 249,95 Sea Beast Takes a Lover, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Anderson, K.J. & Hoyt, Sarah A. Andrews, Ilona Arcane America Hidden Legacy 1. Unchartered, kr. 80,00 1. for Me, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Anderson, Kevin J. 2. White Hot, kr. 80,00 Saga of Seven Suns Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Hidden Empire, kr. 90,00 3. Wildfire, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Forest of Stars, A, kr. 90,00 Mercenary Kate Daniels Roman. Science Fiction. 10. Magic Triumphs, kr. 100,00 3. Horizon Storms, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. Andreyev, Leonid 4. Scattered Suns, kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Abyss and Other Stories, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 5. Of Fire and Night, kr. 95,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. Android 6. Metal Swarm, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 7. Ashes of Worlds, The, kr. 95,00 Slayer (HC) (af Daniel Lovat Clark), kr. 150,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Saga of Shadows Identity Trilogy 1. Dark Between the Stars, The, kr. 100,00 3. Rebel (af Mel Odom), kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Spil. 2. Blood of the Cosmos, kr. 100,00 Angelini, Josephine Roman. Science Fiction. Worldwalker Trilogy, The (TPB) 3. Eternity's Mind, kr. 100,00 1. Trial by Fire, kr. 128,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Terra Incognita Angleberger, Tom 2. Map of All Things, The - TILBUD (så længe lager Origami Yoda haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 25,00 1. Den Mystiske Sag om Origami Yoda, kr. 99,95 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Wake the Dragon (TPB) 2. Darth Paper slår igen, kr. 99,95 1. Spine of the Dragon, kr. 250,00 Roman. Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Fantasy. Anonymous Anderson, Taylor Uden serie Destroyermen Slender Man (HC), kr. 130,00 1. Into the Storm, kr. 90,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. 4 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Anthony, Piers 6. Darkness Splintered, kr. 80,00 Xanth Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Spell for Chameleon, A, kr. 80,00 7. Darkness Falls, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Source of Magic, The, kr. 80,00 Outcast Roman. Fantasy. 1. City of Light, kr. 90,00 3. Castle Roogna, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Winter Halo, kr. 90,00 36. Luck of the Draw, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Souls of Fire Ardagh, Philip & Jansson, Tove 1. Fireborn, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Paranormal Romance. Moomins, The: The World of Moominvalley (HC), kr. Aryan, Stephen 455,00 Age of Dread (TPB) Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. 2. Magefall, kr. 130,00 Arden, Katherine Roman. Fantasy. Winternight Trilogy (TPB) Asaro, Catherine 3. Winter of the Witch, The, kr. 120,00 Skolian Empire (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Undercity, kr. 145,00 Armentrout, Jennifer L. Roman. Science Fiction. Dark Elements, The (TPB) Ashby, Madeline 1. White Hot Kiss, kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Young Adult. Company Town, The (TPB), kr. 150,00 2. Stone Cold Touch, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Young Adult. Asher, Neal 3. Every Last Breath, kr. 100,00 Agent Cormac Roman. Young Adult. 1. Gridlinked, kr. 80,00 Lux (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 5. Opposition, kr. 130,00 3. Brass Man, kr. 80,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. Armstrong, Kelley 4. Polity Agent, kr. 80,00 Age of Legends (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Sea of Shadows, kr. 110,00 Spatterjay Novel Roman. Young Adult. 1. Skinner, The, kr. 80,00 2. Empire of Night, kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Young Adult. 2. of the Sable Keech, The, kr. 80,00 Arnason, Eleanor Roman. Science Fiction. PM Press Outspoken Authors (TPB) 3. Orbus, kr. 80,00 4. Mammoths of the Great Plains Plus..., kr. 145,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Asimov, I. & Silverberg Arnett, Mindee Uden serie Rime Chronicles (TPB) Nightfall, kr. 80,00 1. Onyx & Ivory, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Asimov, Isaac Arnopp, Jason Uden serie Uden serie End of Eternity, The, kr. 120,00 Last Days of Jack Sparks, The (TPB), kr. 145,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Horror. Dreams, kr. 90,00 Arnott, Robbie Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Uden serie Robot Visions, kr. 90,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Flames (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Baley & Olivaw 1. Caves of Steel, The, kr. 80,00 Arnt, Thomas Roman. Science Fiction. Zombier vs. Troldmænd 3. of Dawn, The, kr. 80,00 1. De døde vågner, kr. 149,95 Roman. Science Fiction. Horror. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Complete Stories Arthur, Keri 1. Complete Stories, The vol. 1, kr. 130,00 Dark Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 4. Darkness Hunts, kr. 80,00 2. Complete Stories, The vol. 2, kr. 130,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 5. Darkness Unmasked, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 5

Empire Serien (TPB) Aveyard, Victoria 2. Stars, like Dust, The, kr. 120,00 Red Queen (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Cruel Crown, kr. 110,00 Voyage Novellesamling. Fantasy. 1. Fantastic Voyage, kr. 80,00 1. Red Queen, kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Foundation 2. Glass Sword, kr. 105,00 1. Prelude to Foundation (Prequel 1), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. King's Cage, kr. 105,00 2. Forward the Foundation (Prequel 2), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. War Storm, kr. 105,00 3. Foundation, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 4,5. Broken Throne, kr. 100,00 4. Foundation and Empire, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Bacchilega, Christina (Ed.) & Brown, Marie 5. Second Foundation, kr. 80,00 Alohalani (Ed.) Roman. Science Fiction. Penguin Classics (TPB) 6. Foundation's Edge, kr. 80,00 Penguin Book of , The, kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Fantasy. 7. Foundation and Earth, kr. 80,00 Bacigalupi, Paolo Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Robot Water Knife, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 2. Rest of the Robots, The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Windup Girl, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Second Age, The Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Foundation's Fear (af Gregory Benford), kr. 80,00 Ship Breaker (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Ship Breaker, kr. 105,00 2. Foundation and Chaos (af ), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Drowned Cities, The, kr. 115,00 3. Foundation's Triumph (af ), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Bacigalupi, Paolo & Buckell, Tobias S. Asprin, Robert Uden serie Tangled Lands, The (TPB), kr. 180,00 3. Dragons Deal (m. Jody Lynn Nye), kr. 85,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Badoe, Yaba 4. Dragons Run (m. Jody Lynn Nye), kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Wolf-Light (HC), kr. 145,00 Atwood, Margaret Roman. Fantasy. Handmaid's Tale, The (HC) Baines, Emily Ansara 2. Testaments, The, kr. 218,00 Hunger Games (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook, The (Cookbook), Handmaid's Tale, The (TPB) kr. 120,00 1. Handmaid's Tale, The, kr. 120,00 Science Fiction. Kogebog. Roman. Science Fiction. Baker, Richard MaddAddam (TPB) Breaker of Empires 1. Oryx and Crake, kr. 160,00 1. Valiant Dust Roman. Science Fiction. Valiant Dust, kr. 80,00 2. Year of the , The, kr. 169,50 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Restless Lightning, kr. 80,00 3. MaddAddam, kr. 169,50 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Bakker, R. Scott Atwood, Rachel Aspect-Emperor Uden serie 1. Judging Eye, The, kr. 130,00 Walk the Wild with Me (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Aspect-Emperor (TPB) Avdic, Asa 2. White-Luck Warrior, The, kr. 160,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Dying Game, The (TPB), kr. 160,00 Prince of Nothing Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Warrior-Prophet, The, kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. 3. Thousandfold Thought, The, kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. 6 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Bale, Lucas Bara, Dave Beyond the Wall (TPB) Lightship Chronicles, The 1. Heretic, The (Signeret), kr. 95,00 2. Starbound, kr. 90,00 Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Defiance (Signeret), kr. 95,00 Baratz-Logsted, Lauren Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 3. Shroud of Night and Tears, A (Signeret), kr. 120,00 Abbey (TPB), kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Horror. Ballantine, Philippa Barclay, James Book of the Order Uden serie 2. Spectyr, kr. 80,00 Heart of Granite (TPB), kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Wrayth, kr. 80,00 (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Once Walked With Gods, kr. 144,00 4. Harbinger, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Rise of the TaiGethen, kr. 128,00 Bancroft, Josiah Roman. Fantasy. Books of Babel, The (TPB) Bardsley, Michele 1. Senlin Ascends, kr. 115,00 Broken Heart Roman. Fantasy. 4. Wait Till Your Gets Home, kr. 80,00 2. Arm of the Sphinx, kr. 120,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Over my Dead Body, kr. 80,00 3. Hod King, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 6. Come Hell or High Water, kr. 70,00 Banghart, Tracy Roman. Paranormal Romance. Grace and Fury (TPB) 8. Must Love Lycans, kr. 80,00 1. Grace and Fury, kr. 105,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 9. Only Lycans Need Apply, kr. 90,00 2. Queen of Ruin, kr. 105,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. Bardugo, Leigh Banks, Iain M. DC Icons (TPB) Uden serie 1. Wonder Woman: Warbringer, kr. 120,00 Against a Dark Background (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Grisha (TPB) Feersum Endjinn (TPB), kr. 130,00 2. Siege and Storm, kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Young Adult. Transition (TPB), kr. 130,00 3. Ruin and Rising, kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Young Adult. Culture (TPB) Nikolai Duology (TPB) 2. Player of Games, The, kr. 130,00 1. King of Scars, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Use of Weapons, kr. 130,00 Six of Crows (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Crooked Kingdom, kr. 110,00 4. State of the Art, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Young Adult. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Barker, Emily Croy 7. Look to Windward, kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 8. Matter, kr. 130,00 Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 9. Surface Detail, kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Barker, RJ 10. Hydrogen Sonata, The, kr. 130,00 Tide Child, The (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Bone Ships, The, kr. 120,00 Bannister, Andrew Roman. Fantasy. Spin Trilogy, The (TPB) Barnes, Jonathan 1. Creation Machine, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Cannonbridge (TPB), kr. 100,00 2. Iron Gods, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Barnett, Barbara 3. Stone Clock, kr. 130,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Apothecary's Curse, The (TPB), kr. 180,00 Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 7

Barrie, J. M. 17. Redemption, kr. 195,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. : The Collected Peter pan (HC), kr. 220,00 Beagle, Peter S. Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Barron, Rena In Calabria (HC), kr. 190,00 Kingdom of Souls (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Kingdom of Souls: The Last Witchdoctor, kr. 170,00 Last Unicorn, The (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Summerlong (TPB), kr. 169,50 Barron, T.A Roman. Fantasy. Atlantis Saga (TPB) Beahm, George 1. Atlantis Rising, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Atlantis in Peril, kr. 100,00 Military Science of Star Wars, The (HC), kr. 260,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Star Wars. Barrowman, John & Barrowman, Carole E. Beal, Clifford Orion Chronicles (TPB) Valdur (TPB) 1. Conjuror, kr. 90,00 2. Witch of Torinia, The, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Nephilim, kr. 105,00 Bear, Elizabeth Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Bartlett, Claire Eliza Carnival, kr. 70,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. We Rule the Night (TPB), kr. 130,00 Edda of Burdens Roman. Fantasy. 3. Sea thy Mistress, The - TILBUD (så længe lager Bashardoust, Melissa haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 25,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Eternal Sky (TPB) Girls Made of Snow and Glass (TPB), kr. 110,00 3. Steles of the Sky - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, Roman. Fantasy. der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 98,00 Bates, Callie Roman. Fantasy. Waking Land, The (TPB) Jacob's Ladder 2. of Fire, The, kr. 180,00 1. Dust, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Bauers, W. C. 2. Chill, kr. 80,00 Chronicles of Promise Paen (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Unbreakable - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der 3. Grail, kr. 80,00 tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 98,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Jenny Casey Baum, L. Frank 1. Hammered, kr. 80,00 Oz Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Wizard of Oz, The, kr. 115,00 2. Scardown, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Baxter, Stephen 3. Worldwired, kr. 70,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Obelisk (TPB), kr. 130,00 Karen Memory (TPB) Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 1. Karen Memory, kr. 180,00 Destiny's Children Roman. Science Fiction. 1. (Xeelee 9), kr. 75,00 2. Stone Mad, kr. 150,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. 3. (Xeelee 11), kr. 80,00 Lotus Kingdoms, The (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Stone in the Skull, The, kr. 260,00 Manifold Roman. Fantasy. 1. Manifold: Time, kr. 80,00 Bear, Greg (Ed.) Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 2. Manifold: , kr. 90,00 : Exploring 's Worlds (Ed. Roman. Science Fiction. Greg Bear) (TPB), kr. 150,00 SF Masterworks (TPB) Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. (Xeelee Sequence), kr. 130,00 Beaulieu, Bradley P. Roman. Science Fiction. Song of the Shattered Sands; The (HC) Xeelee Sequence (TPB) 0,5. Of Sand and Malice Made, kr. 170,00 16. Vengeance, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 8 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Song of the Shattered Sands; The (TPB) Bennett, Tara & Terry, Paul 1. Twelve Kings (Twelve Kings in Sharakhai), kr. 145,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Big Trouble In Little - The Official Art Of (Art 2. Blood Upon the Sand, kr. 115,00 Book), kr. 360,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Bøger om Film. Beaulieu, Bradley P. & Ziegler, Rob Bennis, Robyn Uden serie Signal Airship (TPB) Burning Light, The (TPB), kr. 160,00 1. Guns Above, kr. 170,00 Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Bedford, Jacey 2. By Fire Above, kr. 190,00 Psi-Tech Novel Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Nimbus, kr. 80,00 Berg, Carol Roman. Science Fiction. Collegia Magica Rowankind 1. Spirit Lens, The, kr. 80,00 1. Winterwood, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Soul Mirror, The, kr. 80,00 2. Silverwolf, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Demon Prism, The, kr. 80,00 3. Rowankind, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Berry, Julie Bein, Steve Uden serie Novel of the Fated Blades Lovely War (TPB), kr. 115,00 1. Daughter of the Sword, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Bestwick, Simon 2. Year of the Demon, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Feast of All Souls, The (TPB), kr. 110,00 3. Disciple of the Wind, kr. 90,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Bigum, Martin Belcher, R. S. Uden serie Golgotha Min personlige kunsthistorie (Art Book), kr. 349,95 1. Six-Gun Tarot, The, kr. 100,00 Kunstbøger. Roman. Fantasy. Birmingham, John 2. Shotgun Arcana, The, kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Cruel Stars, The : A Novel (HC), kr. 218,00 3. Queen of Swords, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Axis of Time Bellairs, John 1. Weapons of Choice, kr. 80,00 House with a Clock in Its Walls (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. House With a Clock in Its Walls, The, kr. 80,00 2. Designated Targets, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Belleza, Rhoda 3. Final Impact, kr. 85,00 Empress of a Thousand Skies (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Blood of a Thousand Stars, kr. 120,00 Dave vs. the Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Emergence, kr. 100,00 Bennett, James Roman. Fantasy. Ben Garston (TPB) 2. Resistance, kr. 100,00 1. Chasing Embers, kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Ascendance, kr. 100,00 Bennett, Jenn Roman. Fantasy. Roaring Twenties Disappearance, The 2. Grim Shadows, kr. 80,00 3. Angels of Vengeance, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. Bennett, Robert Jackson Bisgaard, T.R. Divine Cities, The (TPB) Midgårds beskyttere (HC) 2. City of Blades, kr. 160,00 1. Vølvens spådom, kr. 149,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 3. City of Miracles, kr. 115,00 2. Lokes list, kr. 149,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Bishop, Anne Black Jewels Dreams Made Flesh, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 9

Invisible , The, kr. 80,00 Black, Levi Roman. Fantasy. Red Right Hand (TPB) Shadow Queen, The, kr. 80,00 1. Red Right Hand, kr. 150,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Shalador's Lady, kr. 90,00 Blake, E. C. Roman. Fantasy. Masks of Aygrima Black Jewels Trillogy 2. Shadows - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages 1. Daughter of the Blood, kr. 90,00 forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 50,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Heir to the Shadows, kr. 90,00 Blake, Elly Roman. Fantasy. Frostblood Saga (TPB) 3. Queen of the Darkness, kr. 90,00 1. Frostblood, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Ephemera 3. Nightblood, kr. 130,00 2. Belladonna, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Blake, Kendare 3. Bridge of Dreams, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Goddess War (TPB) Novel of the Others 1. Antigoddess, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Written in Red, kr. 80,00 2. Mortal Gods, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Murder of Crows, kr. 90,00 3. Ungodly, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Vision in Silver, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Three Dark Crowns (TPB) 4. Marked In Flesh, kr. 90,00 0,5. Queens of Fennbirn, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. 5. Etched in Bone, kr. 90,00 1. Three Dark Crowns, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. One Dark Throne, kr. 120,00 World of the Others, The Roman. Fantasy. 1. Lake Silence, kr. 80,00 3. Two Dark Reigns, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Björkelid, Anders 4. Five Dark Fates Fortællingen om Blodet Five Dark Fates, kr. 120,00 1. Ondvinter, kr. 199,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Blasim, Hassan (Ed.) 2. Ildbærerne, kr. 199,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Iraq + 100: The First Anthology of Science Fiction to 4. Frostskumring, kr. 299,00 have Emerged from Iraq (TPB), kr. 180,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Fortællingen om Blodet (HC) Blum, Jason (Ed.) 3. Forbundsbrydersken, kr. 249,00 Blumhouse Book of Nightmares, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Haunted City, The, kr. 149,50 4. Frostskumring, kr. 349,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Blumberg, Arnold T. & Woodard, Scott Alan Black, Holly Uden serie Curse Workers, The Cinema and Sorcery: The Comprehensive Guide to 1. White Cat, kr. 100,00 (TPB), kr. 300,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Bøger om Film. 2. Red Glove, kr. 100,00 Blumlein, Michael Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 3. Black Heart, kr. 110,00 Longer (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Folk of the Air, The (TPB) PM Press Outspoken Authors (TPB) 1. Cruel Prince, The, kr. 105,00 21. Thoreau’s Microscope Plus..., kr. 140,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fiction. 3. Queen of Nothing, The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Bolander, Brooke Black, J. Patrick Uden serie Only Harmless Great Thing, The (TPB), kr. 110,00 Uden serie Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Ninth City Burning (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. 10 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Bolender, Mirah Bowen, Lila Chronicles of Amicae (TPB) Shadow, The (TPB) 1. City of Broken Magic, kr. 160,00 2. Conspiracy of Ravens, kr. 115,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Monstrous Citadel, The, kr. 190,00 3. Malice of Crows, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Bonesteel, Elizabeth 4. Treason of Hawks, kr. 130,00 Central Corps (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Cold Between, The, kr. 180,00 Boyle, T.C. Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 2. Remnants of Trust, kr. 180,00 Terranauts, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Boone, Ezekiel Bracken, Alexandra Hatching, The (TPB) Darkest Mind (TPB) 1. Hatching, The, kr. 180,00 1. Darkest Mind, kr. 105,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. Boop, David (Ed.) 2. Never Fade, kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Straight outta Tombstone, kr. 80,00 3. In the Afterlight, kr. 100,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Roman. Science Fiction. Bornikova, Phillipa Passenger (TPB) 1. Passenger, kr. 100,00 Linnet Ellery Roman. Science Fiction. 1. This Case Is Gonna Kill Me, kr. 80,00 2. Wayfarer, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Bova, Ben Bradley, James Uden serie Uden serie Able One, kr. 80,00 Clade (TPB), kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Mars, Inc: The Billionaire's Club, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Bramesco, Charles New Frontiers: A Collection of Tales About the Past, Close-Ups the Present, and the , kr. 90,00 Vampire Movies, kr. 130,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Bøger om Film. Transhuman, kr. 90,00 Brandt, Gerald Roman. Science Fiction. San Angeles Asteroid Wars, The 3. Rebel, The, kr. 80,00 4. Aftermath, The (Grand Tour 12), kr. 85,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Brennan, Marie Grand Tour Memoir by Lady Trent (TPB) 16. Mercury, kr. 128,00 Turning Darkness Into Light (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Turning Darkness Into Light, kr. 105,00 Power Roman. Fantasy. 1. Power Play, kr. 80,00 1. Natural History of Dragons, kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Star Trilogy 2. Tropic of Serpents, The, kr. 180,00 2. Death Wave, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Voyage of the Basilisk, kr. 105,00 Voyagers Roman. Fantasy. 4. Return, The (Grand Tour 19), kr. 90,00 4. In the Labyrinth of Drakes, kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Within the Sanctuary of Wings, kr. 105,00 Bova, Ben (Ed.) & Choi, Eric (Ed.) Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Ree Varekai (TPB) Carbide Tipped Pens: Seventeen Tales of (TPB), kr. 190,00 1. Cold-Forged Flame, kr. 130,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Kort Roman. Fantasy. Bowden, Oliver 2. Lightning in the Blood, kr. 130,00 Kort Roman. Fantasy. Assassin's Creed Brett, Peter V. 7. Unity, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Demon Cycle, The 8. Underworld, kr. 110,00 1. Warded Man, The (Painted Man, The), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 11

2. Desert Spear, The, kr. 90,00 Brin, David (Ed.) Roman. Fantasy. Cthulhu Mythos (TPB) 3. Daylight War, The, kr. 90,00 Extreme Planets: A Science Fiction Anthology of Alien Roman. Fantasy. Worlds, kr. 184,50 4. Skull Throne, The, kr. 90,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. Brisbin, Terri 5. Core, The, kr. 90,00 Novel of the Stone Circles, A Roman. Fantasy. 2. Raging Sea, kr. 85,00 Briggs, Andy Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Britain, Kristen CTRL+S (TPB), kr. 120,00 Green Rider Roman. Science Fiction. Dream Gatherer, The: A Green Rider and Briggs, Patricia Other Stories, kr. 100,00 Alpha and Omega Novellesamling. Fantasy. 1. Cry Wolf, kr. 80,00 1. Green Rider, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Hunting Ground, kr. 80,00 2. First Rider's Call, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Fair Game, kr. 80,00 3. High King's Tomb, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Dead Heat, kr. 80,00 Broaddus, Maurice Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 5. Burn Bright, kr. 80,00 Buffalo Soldier (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Mercy Thompson Brockman, Robin (Ed.) 1. Moon Called, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Classic Ghost Stories: A Collection of Chilling 2. Blood Bound, kr. 80,00 Supernatural Tales (HC), kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Horror. 3. Iron Kissed, kr. 80,00 Brogden, James Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 4. Bone Crossed, kr. 80,00 Hollow Tree, The (TPB), kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. 5. Silver Borne, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Brookmyre, Christopher 6. River Marked, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Places in the Darkness (TPB), kr. 115,00 7. Frost Burned, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Brooks, Jayde 8. Night Broken, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Daughters of Gods and Shadows (TPB), kr. 165,00 9. Fire Touched, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Brooks, Mike 10. Silence Fallen, kr. 80,00 Keiko (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Dark Run, kr. 145,00 Mercy Thompson (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 11. Storm Cursed, kr. 218,00 Brooks, Terry Roman. Fantasy. Defenders of Shanara Brin, David 1. High Druid's Blade, The, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Existence, kr. 110,00 3. Sorcerer's Daughter, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. universet Fall of Shannara, The 3. Uplift War, The, kr. 90,00 1. Black Elfstone, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Brightness Reef, kr. 80,00 2. Skaar Invasion, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 6. Heaven's Reach, kr. 80,00 Heritage of Shannara, The Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Scions of Shannara, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. 2. Druid of Shannara, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. 12 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

3. Queen of Shannara, kr. 80,00 Brust, Steven Roman. Fantasy. Phoenix Guards (TPB) 4. Talismans of Shannara, The, kr. 85,00 5. Sethra Lavode, kr. 155,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Legends of Shannara Vlad Taltos (TPB) 1. Bearers of the Black Staff, kr. 90,00 2. Book of Taltos, The (Taltos & Phoenix), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Magic Kingdom of Landover (TPB) 3. Book of Athyra (indeholder Athyra & Orca), kr. 2. Magic Kingdom of Landover (The Tngle Box & 155,00 Witches' Brew), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Book of Dragon ( Dragon og Issola), kr. 155,00 Shannara trilogien Roman. Fantasy. 0. First King of Shannara, kr. 90,00 Brynnum, Mads L. Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 1. Sword of Shanarra, The, kr. 90,00 Når En Drage Drager Ud, kr. 199,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 2. Elfstones of Shannara, The, kr. 90,00 Skyggen over Mundstrup, kr. 99,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 3. Wishsong of Shannara, The, kr. 95,00 Buehlman, Christopher Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Brooks-Dalton, Lily Lesser Dead, The (TPB), kr. 160,00 Uden serie Roman. Horror. Good Morning, Midnight (TPB), kr. 115,00 Necromancer's House, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Brown, Christopher Bujold, Lois McMaster Uden serie Adventures of Miles Vorkosigan Rule of Capture (TPB), kr. 160,00 Vorkosigan Companion, The (red af Lilian Stewart Roman. Science Fiction. Carl), kr. 80,00 Tropic of Kansas: A Novel (TPB), kr. 160,00 Bøger om SF. Roman. Science Fiction. 15. Cryoburn, kr. 80,00 Brown, E. M. Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 16. Captain Vorpatril's Alliance, kr. 80,00 Buying Time (TPB), kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Penric and Desdemona (HC) Brown, Eric 1. Penric's Progress (Penric’s Demon, Penric and the Uden serie Shaman, Penric’s Fox), kr. 230,00 Roman. Fantasy. Engineman, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Sharing Knife 3. , kr. 80,00 Bengal Station Roman. Fantasy. 1. Necropath, kr. 80,00 4. Horizon, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Jani Bukowski, Charles 1. Jani and the Greater Game, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 2. Jani and the Great Pursuit, kr. 90,00 Kærlighed og Showbusiness (Illustreret af Robert Crumb), kr. 149,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Fiction. Brown, Pierce Bullington, Jesse (Ed.) Red Rising Trilogy (TPB) Uden serie 1. Red Rising, kr. 120,00 Letters to Lovecraft (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Horror. 2. Golden Son, kr. 120,00 Swords v. Cthulhu : Swift Bladed Action in the Horrific Roman. Science Fiction. World of H.P. Lovecraft, kr. 140,00 3. Morning Star, kr. 120,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. Roman. Science Fiction. Bunch, David R. 4. Iron Gold, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Moderan - Foreword by Jeff Vandermeer (TPB), kr. Brozek, Jennifer (Ed.) & Schmidt, Bryan Thomas 170,00 (Ed.) Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Uden serie Burgis, Stephanie Shattered Shields, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Masks and Shadows (TPB), kr. 180,00 Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 13

Burke, Sue Butler, D. J. Semiosis (HC) Witchy Eye 2. Interference, kr. 260,00 1. Witchy Eye, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Semiosis (TPB) 2. Witchy Winter, kr. 80,00 1. Semiosis, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Butler, Octavia E. Butcher, Jim Uden serie Uden serie Fledgling (TPB), kr. 150,00 Mean Streets, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Parable (TPB) Cinder Spires, The 2. Parable of the Talents, kr. 130,00 1. Aeronaut's Windlass, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Bødker, Benni Codex Alera Uden serie 1. Furies of Calderon, kr. 100,00 Julebestiariet (Ill. af John Kenn Mortensen), kr. 248,00 Roman. Fantasy. Horror. Dansk skønlitteratur. 2. Academ's Fury, kr. 100,00 Caine, Rachel Roman. Fantasy. Great Library, The (TPB) 3. Cursor's Fury, kr. 100,00 1. Ink and Bone, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Captain's Fury, kr. 100,00 2. Paper and Fire, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Princep's Fury, kr. 100,00 3. Ash and Quill, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 6. First Lord's Fury, kr. 100,00 4. Smoke and Iron, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dresden Files Caldecott, Andrew 1. Storm Front, kr. 100,00 Rotherweird (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Rotherweird, kr. 115,00 2. Fool Moon, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Wyntertide, kr. 120,00 3. Grave Peril, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Call, Justin 4. Summer Knight, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Silent Gods, The (TPB) 5. Death Masks, kr. 100,00 1. Master of Sorrows, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 6. Blood Rites, kr. 100,00 Caltabiano, Anna Roman. Fantasy. Seventh Miss Hatfield, The (TPB) 8. Proven Guilty, kr. 100,00 1. Seventh Miss Hatfield, The, kr. 144,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 9. White Night, kr. 100,00 Cambias, James L. Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 10. Small Favor, kr. 100,00 Arkad's World, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 11. Turn Coat, kr. 100,00 Corsair (TPB) - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der Roman. Fantasy. tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 98,00 12. Changes, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Cameron, Miles 13. , kr. 100,00 Masters & Mages (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 2. Dark Forge, kr. 120,00 14. Cold Days, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Traitor Son Cycle (TPB) 15. Skin Game, kr. 100,00 1. Red Knight, The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dresden Files (TPB) 2. Fell Sword, The, kr. 155,00 Side Jobs, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. 3. Dread Wyrm, The, kr. 145,00 Butcher, Jim (Ed.) & Hughes, Kerrie L. Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 4. Plague of Swords, A, kr. 145,00 Shadowed Souls (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. 14 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

5. Fall of Dragons, The, kr. 130,00 3. Drifters, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. Campbell, Jack Campbell, N. J. Ensign Paul Sinclair Uden serie 2. Burden of Proof (skriver som John G. Hemry), kr. Found Audio (TPB), kr. 160,00 75,00 Kort Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. Canavan, Trudi 3. Rule of Evidence (skriver som John G. Hemry), kr. Age of the Five 85,00 1. Priestess of the White, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Against all Enemies (skriver som John G. Hemry), kr. 85,00 2. Last of the Wilds, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Lost Fleet 3. Voice of the Gods, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Dauntless, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Black 2. Fearless, kr. 80,00 1. Magician's Guild, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Courageous, kr. 80,00 2. Novice, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Valiant, kr. 80,00 3. High Lord, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Relentless, kr. 80,00 Black Magician (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 0. Magician's Apprentice, The, kr. 130,00 6. Victorious, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Millennium's Rule (TPB) Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier 1. Thief's Magic, kr. 130,00 1. Dreadnaught, kr. 95,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. of Storms, kr. 130,00 2. Invincible, kr. 95,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Successor's Promise, kr. 130,00 3. Guardian, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Traitor Spy Trilogy 4. Steadfast, kr. 80,00 1. Ambassador's Mission, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Leviathan, kr. 80,00 2. Rogue, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Lost Fleet: The Genesis Fleet 3. Traitor Queen, The, kr. 90,00 1. Vanguard, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Cantero, Edgar 2. Ascendant, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Meddling Kids (TPB), kr. 120,00 Lost Fleet: The Genesis Fleet (HC) Roman. Fantasy. 2. Ascendant, kr. 218,00 Supernatural Enhancements, The (TPB), kr. 159,50 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Horror. Lost Fleet: The Lost Stars Card, Orson Scott 1. Tarnished Knight, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Pastwatch, kr. 90,00 2. Perilous Shield, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Empire 3. Imperfect Sword, kr. 80,00 1. Empire, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Shattered Spear, kr. 80,00 2. Hidden Empire, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Campbell, Jen Ender's Game Uden serie 0,5. First Meetings, kr. 70,00 Beginning of the World in the Middle of the Night, The Novellesamling. Science Fiction. (TPB), kr. 115,00 1. Ender's Game, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Campbell, John L. 1,5. Ender in Exile, kr. 90,00 Omega Days (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Omega Days, kr. 160,00 2. , kr. 90,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 15

3. Xenocide, kr. 90,00 Hungry Plague, The (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Girl With All the Gifts, The (Skriver som M. R. 4. Children of the Mind, kr. 90,00 Carey), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 6. Shadow of the Hegemon, The, kr. 80,00 2. Boy on the Bridge, The (Skriver som M. R. Carey), kr. Roman. Science Fiction. 120,00 8. Shadow of the , kr. 90,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. Cargill, C. Robert 9. Shadows in Flight, kr. 80,00 Dreams & Shadows (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Dreams and Shadows, kr. 145,00 First Formic War Roman. Fantasy. 1. Earth Unaware (m. Aaron Johnston), kr. 90,00 2. Queen of the Dark Things, kr. 155,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Earth Afire (m. Aaron Johnston), kr. 90,00 Carlsen, Torben (Ed.) Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 3. Earth Awakens (m. Aaron Johnston), kr. 80,00 Malstrømmen: Poe og Danmark, kr. 150,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Horror. Dansk skønlitteratur. Mithermages Carmack, Cora 3. Gatefather, kr. 90,00 Stormheart (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Roar, kr. 110,00 Second Formic War, The Roman. Fantasy. 1. Swarm, The, kr. 90,00 Carr, Viola Roman. Science Fiction. Electric Empire Novel, An (TPB) Tales of Alvin Maker 2. Devious Dr. Jekyll, The, kr. 170,00 2. Tales of Alvin Maker Omnibus Vol. 2 (Prentice Alvin Roman. Fantasy. & Alvin Journeyman), kr. 100,00 3. Dastardly Miss Lizzie, The, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Carew, Leo Carriger, Gail Under the Nothern Sky (TPB) Claw & Courtship Novella, A (TPB) 1. Wolf, The, kr. 195,00 1. How to Marry a , kr. 155,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Spider, The, kr. 195,00 Roman. Fantasy. Custard Protocol, The (HC) Carey, Jacqueline 2. Imprudence, kr. 230,00 Roman. Young Adult. Agent of Hel Custard Protocol, The (TPB) 1. Dark Currents, kr. 90,00 1. Prudence, kr. 115,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. 2. Autumn Bones, kr. 80,00 4. Reticence, kr. 210,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. 3. Poison Fruit, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Delightfully Deadly Novella, A (TPB) 1. Poison or Protect, kr. 155,00 Kushiel Kort Roman. Paranormal Romance. 6. Kushiel's Mercy - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 25,00 Finishing School (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Etiquette & Espionage, kr. 110,00 Carey, Janet Lee Roman. Young Adult. 2. Curtsies & Conspiracies, kr. 110,00 Wilde Island Chronicles Roman. Young Adult. 1. Dragon's Keep, kr. 90,00 3. Waistcoats & Weaponry, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. Wilde Island Chronicles (TPB) 4. Manners & Mutiny, kr. 105,00 2. Dragonswood, kr. 110,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Fantasy. Parasol Protectorate (TPB) 3. In the Time of Dragon Moon, kr. 120,00 1. Soulless, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Carey, Mike 2. Changeless, kr. 105,00 Uden serie Roman. Paranormal Romance. Fellside (Skriver som M. R. Carey) (TPB), kr. 120,00 3. Blameless, kr. 120,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Paranormal Romance. House of War and Witness, The (TPB) (m. Linda & 4. Heartless, kr. 120,00 Louise Carey) - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der Roman. Paranormal Romance. tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 80,00 5. Timeless, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 16 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

San Andreas Shifters (TPB) Cato, Beth 1. Sumage Solution, The (Skriver som G L Carriger), Blood of Earth (TPB) kr. 210,00 1. Breath of Earth, kr. 160,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Omega Objection, The (Skriver som G L Carriger), 2. Call of Fire, kr. 150,00 kr. 210,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Roar of Sky, kr. 130,00 Supernatural Society (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Romancing the Inventor, kr. 155,00 Clockwork Dagger Duology (TPB) Kort Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Clockwork Dagger, The, kr. 145,00 2. Romancing the Werewolf, kr. 155,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Clockwork Crown, The, kr. 160,00 Carson, Rae Roman. Fantasy. Gold Seer Trilogy (TPB) Cave, Holly 2. Like a River Glorious, kr. 110,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Memory Chamber, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 3. Into the Bright Unknown Roman. Science Fiction. Into the Bright Unknown, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Cawkwell, Sarah Carthage, Lynn Heirs of the Demon King Arnaud Legacy, The (TPB) 1. Uprising, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Haunted, kr. 105,00 Roman. Young Adult. Chainani, Soman Cartwright, Ran School for Good and Evil, The (TPB) Uden serie 1. School for Good and Evil, The, kr. 105,00 Darktowne (TPB), kr. 150,00 Roman. Fantasy. 2. World Without Princes, A, kr. 105,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Cashore, Kristin 3. Last Ever After, The, kr. 105,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Jane, Unlimited (TPB), kr. 120,00 Chakraborty, S. A. Roman. Fantasy. Daevabad Trilogy, The (TPB) Graceling Realm (TPB) 1. City of Brass, The, kr. 120,00 1. Graceling, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Kingdom of Copper, The, kr. 170,00 2. Fire, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Chambers, Becky Cast, P.C. & Kristin Uden serie House of Night (TPB) To be Taught, If Fortunate (HC), kr. 170,00 1. Marked, kr. 95,00 Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Young Adult. 2. Betrayed, kr. 110,00 Wayfarers (TPB) 1. Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Chosen, kr. 95,00 2. Closed and Common Orbit, A, kr. 120,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Untamed, kr. 110,00 3. Record of a Spaceborn Few, kr. 120,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. 5. Hunted, kr. 100,00 Roman. Young Adult. Chan, Kylie 6. Tempted, kr. 110,00 Celestial Battle Roman. Young Adult. 1. Dark Serpent, kr. 80,00 7. Burned, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. 2. Demon Child, kr. 80,00 8. Awakened, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. 3. Black Jade, kr. 90,00 9. Destined, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. Dark Heavens House of Night (HC) 1. White Tiger, kr. 80,00 1. Dragon's Oath, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. 2. Red Phoenix, kr. 80,00 2. Lenobia's Vow, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. 3. Blue Dragon, kr. 80,00 3. Neferet's Curse, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 17

Journey to Wudang 12. Betrayer, kr. 90,00 2. Hell to Heaven, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 13. Intruder, kr. 90,00 3. Heaven to Wudang, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 14. Protector, kr. 80,00 Chance, Karen Roman. Science Fiction. 15. Peacemaker, kr. 80,00 Cassie Palmer Roman. Science Fiction. 5. Hunt the Moon, kr. 90,00 16. Tracker, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 6. Tempt the Stars, kr. 80,00 17. Visitor, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 7. Reap the Wind, kr. 85,00 18. Convergence, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 8. Ride the Storm, kr. 80,00 19. Emergence, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. Midnight's Daughter Foreigner (HC) 2. Death's Mistress, kr. 80,00 20. Resurgence, kr. 198,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. Chandler, A. Bertram Child, Heather Starship Captain John Grimes (TPB) Uden serie 6. to Never, kr. 140,00 Undoing of Arlo Knott, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Chapman, Clay McLeod Chima, Cinda Williams Uden serie Heir Chronicles, The (TPB) Remaking, The (TPB), kr. 150,00 3. Dragon Heir, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Chappell, Fred 4. Enchanter Heir, The, kr. 160,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Shadow All of Light, A (TPB), kr. 170,00 5. Sorcerer Heir, The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Charbonneau, Joelle Shattered Realms (TPB) Dividing Eden (TPB) 1. Flamecaster, kr. 100,00 1. Dividing Eden, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Shadowcaster, kr. 100,00 2. Eden Conquered, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Stormcaster, kr. 105,00 Charlton, Blake Roman. Fantasy. Spellwright (TPB) 4. Deathcaster, kr. 120,00 3. Spellbreaker, kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Chivers, Greg Cherryh, C.J. Uden serie Uden serie Crying Machine, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Collected Short Fiction of C.J. Cherryh, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Cho, Zen Foreigner Sorcerer Royal (TPB) 3. Inheritor, kr. 90,00 1. Sorcerer to the Crown, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Precursor, kr. 80,00 2. True Queen, The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 6. Explorer, kr. 85,00 Chokshi, Roshani Roman. Science Fiction. Gilded Wolves, The (TPB) 7. Destroyer, kr. 90,00 1. Gilded Wolves, The, kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 8. Pretender, kr. 90,00 Christian, Deborah Teramis Roman. Science Fiction. Mainline (TPB) 9. Deliverer, kr. 90,00 Mainline, kr. 250,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 10. Conspirator, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Christo, Alexandra 11. Deceiver, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. To Kill a Kingdom (TPB), kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. 18 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Into the Crooked Place (TPB) 2. Forgotten Worlds, kr. 130,00 1. Into the Crooked Place, kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Clarke, Arthur C Christopher, Adam Uden serie Spider Wars (TPB) Childhood's End, kr. 80,00 1. Burning Dark, The, kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 2001 2. Machine Awakes, The, kr. 170,00 2. 2010: Odyssey Two, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Christopher, John 3. 2061: Odyssey Three, kr. 80,00 Tripods, The (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. White Mountains, The, kr. 90,00 4. 3001: The Final Odyssey, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. City of Gold and Lead, The, kr. 90,00 Golden Age Masterworks (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Against the Fall of Night, kr. 120,00 3. Pool of Fire, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Earthlight, kr. 120,00 4. When the Tripods Came, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Rama Ciccarelli, Kristen 1. , kr. 80,00 Iskari (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Last Namsara, The, kr. 145,00 2. Rama II (med Gentry Lee), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Caged Queen, The, kr. 120,00 4. Rama Revealed (med Gentry Lee), kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Sky , The, kr. 170,00 SF Masterworks (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. City and the Stars, The, kr. 120,00 Clapton, Michele & McIntyre, Gina Roman. Science Fiction. Game of Thrones (HC) Clarke, Cassandra Rose Game of Thrones: The Costumes, the Official Book Uden serie From Season 1 to Season 8 (Art Book), kr. 680,00 Mad Scientist's Daughter, The (TPB), kr. 160,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Film. Roman. Science Fiction. Clare, Cassandra Our Lady of the Ice (TPB), kr. 170,00 Dark Artifices, The (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Queen of Air and Darkness, kr. 230,00 Star's End (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. Dark Artifices, The (TPB) Assassin's Curse, The (TPB) 2. Queen of Air and Darkness, kr. 160,00 1,2. Magic of Blood and Sea (The Assassin's Curse + 's Wish), kr. 190,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Fantasy. Eldest Curses, The (TPB) Hanna Duology, The (TPB) 1. Red Scrolls of Magic, The (m. Wesley Chu), kr. 105,00 1,2. Magic of Wind and Mist (The Wizard's Promise & Roman. Young Adult. The Nobleman's Revenge), kr. 180,00 Ghosts of the Shadow Market (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. Ghosts of the Shadow Market (1 - 10), kr. 155,00 Clarke, Neil (Ed.) Novellesamling. Young Adult. Uden serie Infernal Devices, The (TPB) Eagle Has Landed, The: 50 Years of Lunar Science 1. Clockwork Angel, kr. 150,00 Fiction (TPB), kr. 200,00 Roman. Young Adult. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Mortal Instruments, The (TPB) Clarke, Susanna 2. City of Ashes, kr. 150,00 Uden serie Roman. Young Adult. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, kr. 100,00 3. City of Glass, kr. 125,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories, The (TPB), Clare, Gwyndolyn kr. 120,00 Ink, Iron, and Glass (TPB) Novellesamling. Fantasy. 1. Ink, Iron, and Glass, kr. 110,00 Cline, Ernest Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Clark, D. Nolan Armada, kr. 100,00 Silence, The (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Forsaken Skies, kr. 115,00 Ready Player One, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 19

Clines, Peter 5. Dark Desires after Dusk, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Paranormal Romance. Eerie Adventures of the Lycanthrope Robinson Crusoe, 7. Pleasure of a Dark Prince, kr. 80,00 The ( m. H. P. Lovecraft & Daniel Defoe) (TPB), kr. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 160,00 8. Demon from the Dark, kr. 80,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Paradox Bound (TPB), kr. 160,00 9. Dreams of a Dark Warrior, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Cluess, Jessica 10. Lothaire, kr. 80,00 Kingdom on Fire (TPB) Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Shadow Bright and Burning, A, kr. 100,00 11. MacRieve, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Poison Dark and Drowning, A, kr. 100,00 Cole, Myke Roman. Fantasy. Sacred Throne Trilogy, The (HC) 3. Sorrow Fierce and Falling, A, kr. 120,00 1. Armored Saint, The, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Cochran, M. & Murphy, W. 2. Queen of Crows, The, kr. 180,00 Forever King Roman. Fantasy. 1. Forever King, The, kr. 80,00 3. Killing Light, The, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Cochran, Robert Shadow Ops: Reawakening Uden serie 1. Gemini Cell, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Sword and the Dagger, The (HC), kr. 170,00 2. Javelin Rain, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Coe, David B. 3. Siege Line, kr. 80,00 Case Files of Justis Fearsson Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Spell Blind, kr. 80,00 Colero, Bruce Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 3. Shadow's Blade, kr. 95,00 Naked Desire, kr. 119,50 Roman. Fantasy. Kunstbøger. Coggan, Helena Coles, Bennett R. Uden serie Blackwood Virtue (TPB) Catalyst, The (TPB), kr. 115,00 1. Winds of Marque, kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Orphanage of Gods, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Colfer, Eoin Cogman, Genevieve Artemis Fowl (TPB) Invisible Library, The (TPB) 1. Artemis Fowl, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Invisible Library, The, kr. 105,00 2. Arctic Incident, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Masked City, The, kr. 105,00 3. Eternity Code, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Burning Page, The, kr. 105,00 4. Opal Deception, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Lost Plot, The, kr. 105,00 5. Lost Colony, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 6. Secret Chapter, The, kr. 120,00 6. Time Paradox, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Cohen, Daniel A. 7. Atlantis Complex, The, kr. 90,00 Coldmaker Saga, The (HC) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Coldmaker, kr. 195,00 8. Last Guardian, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Cole, Kresley Collins, Bridger Immortals After Dark Uden serie 1. Hunger Like No Other, A, kr. 80,00 Binding, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 2. No Rest for the Wicked, kr. 80,00 Collins, Suzanne Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night, kr. 80,00 Hunger Games (TPB) 1. Hunger Games, The, kr. 105,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Young Adult. 4. Dark Needs at Night's Edge, kr. 80,00 3. Mockingjay, kr. 105,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Young Adult. 20 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Comtois, Pierre V. Lychford (TPB) Uden serie 1. Witches of Lychford, kr. 130,00 Goat Mother and Others: The Complete Mythos Kort Roman. Fantasy. Fiction of Pierre V. Comtois (TPB), kr. 169,50 2. Lost Child of Lychford, The, kr. 160,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Kort Roman. Fantasy. Condie, Ally 3. Long Day in Lychford, The, kr. 150,00 Uden serie Kort Roman. Fantasy. Last Voyage of Poe Blythe, The (TPB), kr. 110,00 4. Lights Go Out in Lychford, The, kr. 150,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Fantasy. Conroy, Robert Shadow Police Uden serie 2. Severed Streets, The - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 25,00 1882: Custer in Chains, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Corr, Katherine & Elizabeth Day After Gettysburg, The (m. J.R. Dunn), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Witch's Kiss, The (TPB) Germanica, kr. 90,00 2. Witch's Tears, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Stormfront, kr. 90,00 3. Witch's Blood, The, kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Cook, Glen Correia, Larry Chronicles of the Black Company (TPB) Grimnoir Chronicles 1,5. Port of Shadows, kr. 190,00 2. Spellbound, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Return of the Black Company (Bleak Seasons og Monster Hunter She's the Darkness), kr. 200,00 1. Monster Hunter International, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Many Deaths of the Black Company, The (Water 2. Monster Hunter Vendetta, kr. 80,00 Sleeps, Soldiers Live), kr. 240,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Monster Hunter Alpha, kr. 80,00 Cooper, Brenda Roman. Science Fiction. Glittering Edge, The (TPB) 4. Monster Hunter Legion, kr. 80,00 1. Edge of Dark - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der Roman. Science Fiction. tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 98,00 5. Monster Hunter Nemesis, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Cooper, Elspeth 6. Monster Hunter Siege, kr. 80,00 Wild Hunt (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Trinity Rising - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der Monster Hunter (HC) tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 98,00 6,5. Monster Hunter Guardian (m. Sarah A. Hoyt), kr. Roman. Fantasy. 230,00 Corey, James S. A. Roman. Science Fiction. Expanse (TPB) Saga of the Forgotten Warrior 1. Leviathan Wakes, kr. 120,00 1. Son of the Black Sword, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Caliban's War, kr. 130,00 Saga of the Forgotten Warrior (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 2. House of Assassins, kr. 230,00 3. Abaddon's Gate, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Target Rich Environment 4. Cibola Burn, kr. 130,00 1. Target Rich Environment, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 5. Nemesis Games, kr. 130,00 Target Ritch Environment (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Target Ritch Environment, kr. 230,00 6. Babylon's Ashes, kr. 130,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Correia, Larry & Kupari, Mike 7. Persepolis Rising, kr. 130,00 Dead Six Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Dead Six, kr. 80,00 Corlett, Anne Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 2. Swords of Exodus (m. Mike Kupari), kr. 80,00 Space Between the Stars, The (TPB), kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Alliance of Shadows, kr. 80,00 Cornell, Paul Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Chalk (TPB), kr. 190,00 Roman. Horror. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 21

Correia, Larry & Ringo, John Chronicles (TPB) Monster Hunter Memoirs 1. Girl in the Steel Corset, The, kr. 100,00 1. Grunge, kr. 80,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Girl in the Clockwork Collar, The, kr. 110,00 2. Sinners, kr. 80,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Girl with the Iron Touch, The, kr. 110,00 3. Saints, kr. 80,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Girl with the Windup Heart, The, kr. 100,00 Monster Hunter Memoirs (HC) Roman. Young Adult. 3. Saints, kr. 230,00 Crouch, Blake Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Correia, Larry (Ed.) Dark Matter, kr. 100,00 Monster Hunter Roman. Science Fiction. Monster Hunter Files, The, kr. 80,00 Recursion (TPB), kr. 120,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Corrie, Chad Crowe, Sara Return of the Wizard King (HC) Uden serie 1. Portalen til afgrunden, kr. 199,95 Bone Jack (HC), kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Roman. Fantasy. Cowell, Cressida Crowley, John Wizards of Once, The (TPB) Fantasy Masterworks (TPB) 1. Wizards of Once, The, kr. 105,00 5. Little, Big, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Twice Magic, kr. 130,00 Cunningham, Bailey Roman. Fantasy. Novel of the Parallel Parks 3. Knock Three Times, kr. 130,00 2. Path of Smoke - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der Roman. Fantasy. tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 25,00 Cox, Edward Roman. Fantasy. Relic Guild, The (TPB) Czerneda, Julie E. 1. Relic Guild, The, kr. 144,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Gossamer Mage, The (HC), kr. 198,00 2. Cathedral of Known Things, The, kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Clan Chronicles: Stratification 3. Watcher of Dead Time, The, kr. 130,00 3. Rift in the Sky, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Cox, Greg Reunification Librarians, The 1. This Gulf of Time and Stars, kr. 90,00 1. Librarians and The Lost Lamp, The, kr. 115,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Adventure. 2. Gate To Past, The, kr. 80,00 Cremer, Andrea Roman. Science Fiction. 3. To Guard Against the Dark, kr. 80,00 Inventor's Secret, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Inventor's Secret, The, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Web Shifter's Library 2. Conjurer's Riddle, The, kr. 120,00 1. Search Image, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Crichton, Michael Czerneda, Julie E. (Ed.) Jurassic Park Trade Pact Universe (TPB) 1. Jurassic Park: 25th Anniversary Edition, kr. 100,00 Clan Chronicles: Tales From Plexis, kr. 200,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 2. , The, kr. 100,00 Dalby, Richard (Ed.) Roman. Science Fiction. Collins Chillers (TPB) Crilley, Mark Dracula’s Brethren, kr. 160,00 Manga Novellesamling. Horror. Manga Art - Inspiration and Techniques from an Dracula's Brood: Neglected Vampire Classics by Sir Expert Illustrator (How-to-draw), kr. 210,00 Arthur Conan Doyle, M.R. James, Algernon Blackwood and Others, kr. 145,00 Non fiction. Bøger om at tegne. Novellesamling. Horror. Cross, Kady Dalglish, David Sisters of Blood and Spirit (TPB) Keepers, The (TPB) 1. Sisters of Blood and Spirit, kr. 110,00 1. Soulkeeper, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 22 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Dallas, Keith og Wells, John Day, Kate Hope Uden serie Uden serie Implosion - An Oral History of DC If, Then (HC), kr. 170,00 Circa 1978, kr. 200,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Dayton, Arwen Elys Dane, Joel Uden serie Cry Pilot (TPB) Stronger, Faster, and More Beautiful (TPB), kr. 115,00 1. Cry Pilot, kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. DC Daniels, April DC (HC) Nemisis (TPB) DC Comics Year by Year - A Visual Chronicle New 1. Dreadnought, kr. 160,00 Edition, kr. 450,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Danker, Sean de Bodard, Aliette Evagardian (TPB) Dominion of the Fallen (TPB) 2. Free Space, kr. 170,00 1. House of Shattered Wings, The, kr. 240,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Dao, Julie C. 2. House of Binding Thorns, The, kr. 115,00 Rise of the Empress (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Forest of a Thousand Lanterns, kr. 120,00 De Castell, Sebastien Roman. Fantasy. Greatcoats, The (TPB) 2. Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix, kr. 110,00 3. Saint's Blood, kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dark Horse 4. Tyrant's Throne, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Art of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, The Spellslinger (TPB) (HC) (Art Book), kr. 360,00 1. Spellslinger, kr. 105,00 Bøger om Tegneserier. Roman. Fantasy. Hellboy (HC) 2. Shadowblack, kr. 105,00 Hellboy: Art of the Motion Picture (Art Book), kr. Roman. Fantasy. 360,00 3. Charmcaster, kr. 145,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Film. Roman. Fantasy. Dashner, James 4. Soulbinder, kr. 105,00 13th Reality Books Omnibus, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 2. Blade of Shattered Hope, The & Void of Mist and 5. Queenslayer, kr. 105,00 Thunder, The (Ill. Af Brandon Dorman) (Bog 3 & 4), kr. Roman. Fantasy. 130,00 6. Crownbreaker, kr. 145,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Fantasy. Mortality Doctrine (TPB) De Jager, Liz 1. Eyes of Mind, The, kr. 110,00 Blackhart Legacy, The (TPB) Roman. Young Adult. 1. Banished, kr. 128,00 2. Rule of Thoughts, The, kr. 115,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Young Adult. 2. Vowed, kr. 128,00 3. Game of Lives, The, kr. 125,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Young Adult. 3. Judged, kr. 130,00 Datlow, Ellen (Ed.) Roman. Young Adult. Cthulhu Mythos (TPB) de la Motte, Anders Children of Lovecraft (TPB), kr. 200,00 Game Trilogy (TPB) Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. 1. Game, The, kr. 155,00 Daud, Somaiya Roman. Science Fiction. Mirage (TPB) de Lint, Charles 1. Mirage, kr. 180,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. From a Whisper to a Scream (TPB), kr. 175,00 Davidson, Rjurik Roman. Fantasy. Caeli-Amur Onion Girl, The, kr. 100,00 1. Unwrapped Sky, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. de Rituerto, Blanca Martínes & Sparrow, Joe Davis, Hank (Ed.) Uden serie Uden serie Dungeons and Drawings: An Illustrated Compendium Baen Big Book of Monsters, The (TPB), kr. 135,00 of Creatures (HC), kr. 180,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. Non fiction. Bøger om Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 23

DeCandido, Keith R.A. 3. Bloodwitch, kr. 180,00 Sleepy Hollow Roman. Fantasy. Children of the Revolution, kr. 80,00 Witchlands, The (TPB) Roman. Horror. 1. Truthwitch, kr. 110,00 Dees, Cindy & Flippin, Bill Roman. Fantasy. Sleeping King, The Denzel, Jason 2. Dreaming Hunt, The, kr. 90,00 Mystic Trilogy, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Mystic, kr. 160,00 3. Wandering War, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. DeStefano, Lauren DeFalco, Tom Glass Spare (TPB) Uden serie 1. Glass Spare, The, kr. 100,00 Hulk: The Incredible Guide, kr. 275,00 Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Tegneserier. Internment Chronicles (TPB) del Rio, Tania 1. Perfect Ruin, kr. 110,00 Warren the 13th (HC) Roman. Young Adult. 1. Warren the 13th and the All.Seeing Eye (Ill.: Will Devenport, Emily Staehle), kr. 159,50 Medusa Cycle, The (TPB) Roman. Horror. 1. Medusa Uploaded, kr. 160,00 2. Warren the 13th and the Whispering Woods, kr. Roman. Science Fiction. 160,00 2. Medusa in the Graveyard, kr. 190,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. Del Toro, Guillermo & Kraus, Daniel Devereux, David Uden serie Jack Shape of Water, The (HC), kr. 250,00 1. Hunter's Moon, kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Delaney, Wray Dick, Philip K. Uden serie Uden serie Beauty of the Wolf, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?: Blade Runner, Roman. Fantasy. kr. 120,00 Delany, Joseph Roman. Science Fiction. Wardstone Chronicles, The Minority Report, kr. 144,00 1. Spook's Apprentice, The, kr. 105,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Nick and the Glimmung (TPB), kr. 160,00 2. Spook's Curse, The, kr. 105,00 Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Collected Stories (TPB) 3. Spook's Secret, The, kr. 105,00 2. Second Variety, kr. 144,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Delany, Shannon 5. We Can Remember It For Your Wholesale, kr. 180,00 Weather Witch (TPB) Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 2. Stormbringer, kr. 110,00 SF Masterworks (TPB) Roman. Young Adult. Dr. Bloodmoney, kr. 115,00 DeMonaco, James & Evenson, B. K. Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Feral (TPB), kr. 160,00 Martian Time-Slip, kr. 120,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. Dempsey, Kristy Maze of Death, A, kr. 130,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Superhero Instruction Manual (Ill. Mark Fearing) Penultimate Truth, the., kr. 145,00 (HC), kr. 160,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Non fiction. Diverse. Scanner Darkly, A, kr. 120,00 Deneen, Brendan Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Ubik, kr. 120,00 Chrysalis, The (HC), kr. 240,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Horror. Valis, kr. 120,00 Dennard, Susan Roman. Science Fiction. Witchlands, The (HC) Dickinson, Robert 0,5. Sightwitch, kr. 160,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Tourist, The (TPB), kr. 115,00 2. Windwitch, kr. 180,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 24 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Dickinson, Seth Great God's War, The (TPB) Masquerade, The (TPB) 1. Seventh Decimate, kr. 130,00 1. Traitor, The, kr. 210,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Thomas Covenant: Last Chronicles (TPB) Dietz, William C. 1. of the Earth, The, kr. 160,00 Mutant Files, The Roman. Fantasy. 2. Redzone, kr. 85,00 2. Fatal Revenant, kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Graveyard, kr. 90,00 3. Against All Things Ending, kr. 160,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Prequel Legion Series, The 4. Last Dark, The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Andromeda's Fall, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Donnelly, Lara Elena 2. Andromeda's Choice, kr. 90,00 Amberlough Dossier (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Amberlough, kr. 240,00 3. Andromeda's War, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Doore, K. A. Xenocop Chronicles of Ghadid (TPB) 1. At Empire's Edge, kr. 90,00 1. Perfect Assassin, The, kr. 180,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Bones of Empire, kr. 90,00 2. Impossible Contract, The, kr. 180,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Disney Douglas, Ian Uden serie Andromedan Dark DuckTales Grønspættebogen, kr. 99,95 1. Altered Starscape, kr. 80,00 Non fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Grønspættebogen - Ny Udgave, kr. 99,00 2. Darkness Falling, kr. 80,00 Non fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Divya, S. B. Heritage Trilogien Uden serie 1. Semper Mars, kr. 80,00 Runtime (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Luna Marine, kr. 80,00 Dixon, John Roman. Science Fiction. Phoenix Island (TPB) 3. Europa Strike, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Phoenix Island -TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 50,00 Inheritance Trilogy Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Star Strike, kr. 80,00 2. Devil's Pocket -TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der Roman. Science Fiction. tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 50,00 2. Galactic Corps, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Doctor Who 3. Semper Human, kr. 80,00 Doctor Who/Roger Hargreaves Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Dr. Second (af Adam Hargreaves), kr. 60,00 Legacy Trilogien 7. Dr. Seventh (af Adam Hargreaves), kr. 60,00 1. Star Corps, kr. 80,00 8. Dr. Eighth (af Adam Hargreaves), kr. 60,00 Roman. Science Fiction. 9. Dr. Ninth (af Adam Hargreaves), kr. 60,00 2. Battlespace, kr. 80,00 Doctorow, Cory Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 3. Star Marines, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Radicalized: Four Novellas (TPB), kr. 195,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Star Carrier Walkaway (TPB), kr. 120,00 1. Earth Strike, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. PM Press Outspoken Authors (TPB) 2. Center of Gravity, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. 8. Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow Plus..., The, kr. 120,00 3. Singularity, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Donaldson, Stephen R. 4. Deep Space, kr. 80,00 Great God's War, The (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Seventh Decimate - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, 6. Deep Time, kr. 80,00 der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 7. Dark Mind, kr. 80,00 2. War Within, The, kr. 218,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 25

8. Bright Light, kr. 80,00 2. Dragons of Winter Night, kr. 199,95 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Star Corpsman 3. Dragons of Spring Dawning, kr. 199,95 1. Bloodstar, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Science Fiction. Legender (HC) 2. Abyss Deep, kr. 80,00 Bind 1-3 samlet, kr. 500,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Downum, Amanda 1. Time of the Twins, kr. 199,99 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Dreams of Shreds & Tatters (TPB), kr. 100,00 2. War of the Twins, kr. 199,95 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. 3. Test of the Twins, kr. 199,95 Necromancer Chronicles Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. 2. Bone Palace, The, kr. 128,00 Roman. Fantasy. Drake, David 3. Kingdoms of Dust, kr. 144,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Dinosaurs & a Dirigible, kr. 90,00 Dozois, Gardner Roman. Science Fiction. Year's Best Science Fiction, The (TPB) Foreign Legions, kr. 90,00 Science Fiction. Antologi. 29. Year's Best Science Fiction, The, kr. 200,00 Other Times than Peace, kr. 85,00 Science Fiction. Antologi. Roman. Science Fiction. 35. Year's Best Science Fiction, The: Thirty-Fifth Annual Collection, kr. 240,00 Patriots: A New Revolutionary War - 25th Centry Style (TPB) - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 50,00 Dozois, Gardner (Ed.) Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Spark, The, kr. 80,00 Book of Magic, The (HC), kr. 218,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Books of the Elements Book of Swords, The (HC), kr. 218,00 2. Out of the Waters, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. Very Best of the Best: 35 Years of The Year's Best 3. Monsters of the Earth, kr. 90,00 Science Fiction, The (TPB), kr. 230,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. 4. Air and Darkness, kr. 100,00 Dragon Age Roman. Fantasy. Dragon Age Illustrated (HC) Republic of Cinnabar 1. Stolen Throne, The (af Davic Gaider), kr. 270,00 5. Some Golden Harbor, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 6. When the Tide Rises, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Dragons of Summer Flame ( & Tracy 12. Though Hell Should Bar the Way, kr. 80,00 Hickman), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Tom Kelly Chronicles Loose Cannon (Indeholder Skyripper & Frotress), kr. 1. Dragons of Autumn Twilight, kr. 80,00 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Dragons of Winter Night, kr. 80,00 Drake, Emily Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Magicker 3. Dragons of Spring Dawning, kr. 80,00 1. Magicker Chronicles vol. 1 (The Magickers og The Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Curse of Arkady), kr. 115,00 Legends Roman. Fantasy. 1. Time of the Twins, kr. 80,00 2. Magicker Chronicles vol. 2 (The Dragon Guard & Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. The Gate of Bones), kr. 100,00 2. War of the Twins, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Draven, Grace 3. Test of the Twins, kr. 80,00 Fallen Empire (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. 1. Phoenix Unbound, kr. 150,00 War of Souls Roman. Fantasy. 3. Dragons of a Vanished Moon, kr. 90,00 Drayden, Nicky Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Uden serie Dragonlance (dansk) Escaping Exodus (TPB), kr. 170,00 Krøniker (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. Bind 1-3 samlet, kr. 500,00 Prey of Gods, The (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Science Fiction. 26 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Temper (TPB), kr. 130,00 Dunstall, S. K. Roman. Fantasy. Linesman Driben, Peter 1. Linesman, kr. 95,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. 1000 Pin-Up Girls (Bibliotheca Universalis) Durbin, Frederic S. (Multilingual Edition), kr. 150,00 Uden serie Non fiction. Kunstbøger. Green and Ancient Light, A (TPB), kr. 160,00 Druga, Jacqueline Roman. Fantasy. Sleepers (TPB) Durham, David Anthony Sleepers: Book One, Book Two, Book Three, kr. 210,00 Acacia Roman. Science Fiction. 1. War with the Men, The, kr. 95,00 Duane, Diane Roman. Fantasy. Young Wizards 2. Other Lands, The, kr. 90,00 1. So You Want to Be a Wizard, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Durst, Sarah Beth DuBois, Brendan Queens of Renthia, The Novel of Alien Resistance 1. Queen of Blood, The, kr. 95,00 1. Dark Victory, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Reluctant Queen, The, kr. 80,00 2. Red Vengeance, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Queen of Sorrow, The, kr. 80,00 3. Black Triumph, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Dyachenko, Sergey & Dyachenko, Marina Duckett, Katharine Uden serie Uden serie 1. Scar, The, kr. 80,00 Miranda in Milan (TPB), kr. 150,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Eames, Nicholas Duga, Lindsey Band, The (TPB) Uden serie 1. Kings of the Wyld, kr. 120,00 Glow of the Fireflies (TPB), kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Bloody Rose, kr. 130,00 Dulley, Dominic Roman. Fantasy. Game Long, The (TPB) Eason, K. 1. Shattermoon, kr. 120,00 Thorne Chronicles, The (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. How Rory Thorne Destroyed the Multiverse, kr. 198,00 Duncan, Alexandra Roman. Science Fiction. Salvage (TPB) Ebbesen, Christina E. 1. Salvage - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages Til Aretz' Ende (HC) forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 80,00 1. Sumpbaronens rejse, kr. 349,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Duncan, Paul (Ed.) Eddings, David Uden serie Belgariad James Bond Archives 007 HC, kr. 500,00 5. Enchanters' End Game, kr. 80,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Film. Roman. Fantasy. Star Wars Archives 1977-1983, The, kr. 1.500,00 Malloreon Non fiction. Bøger om Film. 1. Guardians of the West, kr. 90,00 Duncan, Rod Roman. Fantasy. Fall of the Gas-Lit Empire 2. King of the Murgos, kr. 80,00 1. Bullet-Catcher's Daughter, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Demon Lord of Karanda, kr. 80,00 2. Unseemly Science, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Sorceress of Darshiva, kr. 80,00 3. Custodian of Marvels, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Seeress of Kell, The, kr. 90,00 Map of Unknown Things, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Queen of All Crows, The, kr. 100,00 Tamuli, The Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Domes of Fire, kr. 90,00 Dunne, Rachel Roman. Fantasy. Bound Gods (TPB) 2. Shining Ones, The, kr. 80,00 1. In the Shadow of the Gods - TILBUD (så længe lager Roman. Fantasy. haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 80,00 3. Hidden City, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 27

Edison, David Elliott, Kate Uden serie Crown of Stars Waking Engine, The, kr. 90,00 2. Prince of Dogs - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der Roman. Fantasy. tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 25,00 Edwards, Graham Roman. Fantasy. Talus Spiritwalker (TPB) 1. Talus and the Frozen King, kr. 80,00 2. Cold Fire, kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Ee, Susan Elrod, P.N. Penryn & the End of Days (TPB) Her Majesty's Psychic Service (TPB) 1. Angelfall, kr. 105,00 1. Hanged Man, The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. World After, kr. 105,00 Elwes, Cary Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 3. End of Days, kr. 105,00 As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of Roman. Fantasy. The Brincess Bride (TPB), kr. 170,00 Egan, Catherine Non fiction. Bøger om Film. Witch's Child Novel, A (TPB) Emrys, Ruthanna 1. Julia Vanishes, kr. 110,00 Innsmouth Legacy, The (HC) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Winter Tide, kr. 240,00 2. Julia Defiant, kr. 110,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Deep Roots, kr. 250,00 Egan, Greg Roman. Horror. Uden serie Ende, Michael Perihelion Summer (TPB), kr. 150,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Neverending Story, The, kr. 80,00 Egeskjold, Eva Roman. Fantasy. Brødre af Blodet (HC) Enge, James 1. Vildornen (Ill.: Iona Brinch), kr. 69,95 Tournament of Shadows, A (TPB) Kort Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 2. Wrath-Bearing Tree, kr. 175,00 2. Krigstid (Ill.: Iona Brinch), kr. 129,95 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 3. Wide World's End, The, kr. 175,00 3. Fenjans hule (Ill.: Iona Brinch), kr. 129,95 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Erdrich, Louise 4. Kongens løgne (Ill.: Iona Brinch), kr. 129,95 Uden serie Kort Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Future Home for the Living God (TPB), kr. 120,00 5. Iliana og Belin (Ill.: Iona Brinch), kr. 129,95 Roman. Science Fiction. Kort Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Erikson, Steven Næslandet Uden serie 1. Legenden om Querqus Skjoldet, kr. 199,95 Devil Delivered and Other Tales, The (TPB), kr. 115,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Novellesamling. Fantasy. 2. Vinterkrigens ofre, kr. 199,95 Kharkanas Trilogy Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 1. Forge of Darkness, kr. 130,00 3. Snedkerens Hemmelighed, kr. 199,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. 2. Fall of Light, kr. 105,00 4. Asaphs Rige, kr. 199,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Malazan Book of the Fallen Eika, Jonas 1. Gardens of the Moon, kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Efter Solen, kr. 200,00 4. House of Chains, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk skønlitteratur. Roman. Fantasy. El Akkad, Omar 5. Midnight Tides, kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. American War: A Novel, kr. 90,00 6. Bonehunters, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Elgin, Suzette Haden 7. Reaper's Gale, kr. 100,00 SF Masterworks (HC) Roman. Fantasy. 8. Toll the Hounds, kr. 100,00 Native Tongue (Native Tongue 1), kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 9. Dust of Dreams, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. 28 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

10. Crippled God, The, kr. 100,00 7. Widow's Web, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Malazan: Tales of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach 8. Deadly Sting, kr. 90,00 (TPB) Roman. Paranormal Romance. Bauchelain and Korbal Broach Books 1 - 3: Three 10. Spider, The, kr. 80,00 Short Novels of the Malazan Empire, kr. 130,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Novellesamling. Fantasy. 11. Poison Promise, kr. 90,00 4. Crack'd Pot Trail, kr. 125,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 12. Black Widow, kr. 90,00 5. Wurms of Blearmouth, The, kr. 145,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Kort Roman. Fantasy. 13. Spider's Trap, kr. 90,00 Willful Child Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Wrath of Betty, kr. 100,00 14. Bitter Bite, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Ernshaw, Shea Evans, Chris Uden serie Uden serie Wicked Deep, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Of Bone and Thunder, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Winterwood (HC), kr. 180,00 Evans, Leigh Roman. Fantasy. Mythwalker Series, The (TPB) Escalada, V. M. 2. Thing about Wolves, The, kr. 128,00 Faraman Prophecy Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Halls of Law, kr. 80,00 3. Problem with Promises, The, kr. 128,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Gift of Griffins, kr. 80,00 4. Danger of Destiny, The, kr. 128,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Esslemont, Ian C. Eves, Rosalyn Malazan Empire Blood Rose Rebellion (TPB) 1. Night of Knives, kr. 120,00 3. Winter War Awakening, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Malazan Empire (TPB) Ewalt, David 3. Stonewielder, kr. 145,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Defying Reality: The Inside Story of the Virtual Reality 4. Orb Sceptre Throne, kr. 145,00 Revolution (TPB), kr. 180,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Non fiction. Bøger om SF. 5. Blood and Bone, kr. 145,00 Ewing, Amy Roman. Fantasy. Untitled Duology (TPB) 6. Assail, kr. 130,00 1. Cerulean, The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Path to Ascendancy Fahl, Signe 2. Deadhouse Landing, kr. 120,00 Tågespind Roman. Fantasy. 1. Ellekongen, kr. 249,00 Estep, Jennifer Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Black Blade (TPB) 2. Elleskudt, kr. 249,00 1. Cold Burn of Magic, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Roman. Young Adult. Faizal, Hafsah 2. Dark Heart of Magic, kr. 105,00 Sands of Arawiya (TPB) Roman. Young Adult. 1. We Hunt the Flame, kr. 110,00 3. Bright Blaze of Magic, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. Farmer, Nancy Crown of Shards (TPB) Sea of Trolls Trilogy, The 1. Kill the Queen, kr. 170,00 1. Sea of Trolls, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Protect the Prince, kr. 170,00 2. Land of the Silver Apples, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Assassin 3. Islands of the Blessed, The, kr. 95,00 3. Venom, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Fawcett, Bill (Ed.) 5. Spider's Revenge, kr. 90,00 Clan of the Claw Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. By Tooth and Claw, kr. 90,00 6. By a Thread, kr. 90,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 29

Feehan, Christine Darkwar Saga Carpathian 2. Into a Dark Realm, kr. 80,00 1. Dark Prince, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Wrath of a Mad God, kr. 80,00 2. Dark Desire, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Demonwar Saga 3. Dark Gold, kr. 80,00 1. Rides a Dread Legion, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Dark Magic, kr. 80,00 2. At the Gates of Darkness, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 7. Dark Nights, kr. 80,00 Firemane Saga, The Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. King of Ashes, kr. 80,00 13. Dark Destiny, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Legends of the Riftwar 16. Dark Demon, kr. 100,00 1. Honored Enemy (med William R. Forstchen), kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 18. Dark Possession, kr. 85,00 2. Murder in LaMut (m. Joel Rosenberg), kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 28. Dark Ghost, kr. 90,00 3. Jimmy the Hand (m. Steve Stirling), kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 31. Dark Legacy, kr. 80,00 Riftwar Legacy Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Krondor the Assassins, kr. 80,00 32. Dark Sentinel, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Krondor: Tear of the Gods, kr. 80,00 Ghostwalker Roman. Fantasy. 2. Mind Game, kr. 85,00 Riftwar Saga, The Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Magician: Apprentice, kr. 80,00 7. Murder Game, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Magician: Master, kr. 80,00 8. Street Game, kr. 85,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Silverthorn, kr. 80,00 10. Samurai Game, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 4. Darkness at Sethanon, A, kr. 80,00 12. Spider Game, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 5. Prince of the Blood, kr. 80,00 Shadow Series, The Roman. Fantasy. 1. Shadow Rider, kr. 95,00 6. King's Buccaneer, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Shadow Reaper, kr. 80,00 Serpentwar Saga, The Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Shadow of a Dark Queen, kr. 80,00 3. Shadow Keeper, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Rage of a Demon King, kr. 80,00 4. Shadow Warrior, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Shards of a Broken Crown, kr. 80,00 Feist, R.E. & Wurts, J. Roman. Fantasy. Empire Fenner, Cathy & Arnie 1. Daughter of the Empire, kr. 80,00 Spectrum Roman. Fantasy. 11. Spectrum XI, kr. 170,00 2. Servant of the Empire, kr. 90,00 Non fiction. Kunstbøger. Roman. Fantasy. Fforde, Jasper 3. Mistress of the Empire, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Early Riser, kr. 105,00 Feist, Raymond E. Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Chronicles of Kazam, The (TPB) Faerie Tale, kr. 80,00 1. Last , The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Conclave of Shadows 2. Song of the Quarkbeast, The, kr. 80,00 1. Talon of the Silver Hawk, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Eye of Zoltar, The, kr. 90,00 2. King of Foxes, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Thursday Next 3. Exile's Return, kr. 80,00 1. Eyre Affair, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 30 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

2. Lost in a Good Book, kr. 120,00 Fleskes, John Roman. Science Fiction. Spectrum 3. Well of Lost Plots, The, kr. 120,00 26. Spectrum 26 (Art Book), kr. 360,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Fantasy. Kunstbøger. 4. Something Rotten, kr. 120,00 Fletcher, C.A. Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 5. First Among Sequels, kr. 120,00 Boy and his Dog at the End of the World, A (TPB), kr. Roman. Fiction. 180,00 6. One of Our Thursdays Is Missing, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Fletcher, Tom 7. Woman Who Died a Lot, The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Factory Trilogy, The (TPB) 1. Gleam - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages Finderup, Mette forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Døde hus på Egevej, Det (HC) (Øde hus på Egevej, Det), Flewelling, Lynn kr. 179,95 Roman. Horror. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Tamir Trilogy 2. Hidden Warrior, kr. 80,00 Den Grønne Ø (HC) Roman. Fantasy. 2. Blodvarslet, kr. 199,95 3. Oracle's Queen, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Hjerteløs, kr. 199,95 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Flint, Eric Fine, Sarah Uden serie 1812: The Rivers of War, kr. 80,00 Imposter Queen, The (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Imposter Queen, The, kr. 120,00 Pyramid Power (m. Dave Freer), kr. 85,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Cursed Queen, The, kr. 130,00 Worlds One, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. True Queen, The, kr. 130,00 Worlds Two, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Fitzpatrick, Becca 1632 Black Ice (TPB) 1635: The Wars for the Rhine (1635: The Tangled Web 1. Black Ice, kr. 160,00 sequel) (af Anette Pedersen), kr. 80,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. Flanagan, John Grantville Gazette II, kr. 80,00 Brotherband (TPB) Science Fiction. Antologi. 1. Outcasts, The, kr. 90,00 Grantville Gazette III, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Science Fiction. Antologi. 6. Ghostfaces, kr. 90,00 Grantville Gazette IV, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Science Fiction. Antologi. Ranger's Apprentice (TPB) Grantville Gazette l, kr. 80,00 4. Battle for Skandia, The, kr. 90,00 Science Fiction. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. Grantville Gazette V, kr. 80,00 5. Sorcerer in the North, The, kr. 90,00 Science Fiction. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. Grantville Gazette VIII, kr. 90,00 Skyggens lærling Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 1. Gorlans ruiner, kr. 169,95 Ring of Fire I, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Science Fiction. Antologi. 2. Den brændende bro, kr. 169,95 Ring of Fire II, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Science Fiction. Antologi. 3. Det vinterfrosne land, kr. 169,95 Ring of Fire III, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Pagten med Skandierne, kr. 169,95 Ring of Fire IV, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 5. Troldmanden i Nord, kr. 169,95 2. 1633 (m. David Weber), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Science Fiction. 12. Kongens ranger, kr. 169,95 3. 1634: The Galileo Affair (m. Andrew Dennis), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Science Fiction. 14. Duellen i Araluen, kr. 169,95 4. 1634: The Ram Rebellion (m. Virginia DeMarce), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Science Fiction. 5. 1635: The Cannon Law (m. Andrew Dennis), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 31

6. 1634: The Baltic War (m. David Weber), kr. 80,00 2. Rise of the King (af R. A. Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 7. 1634: The Bavarian Crisis (m. Virginia DeMarce), kr. 3. Vengeance of the Iron 80,00 (Af R. A. Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. 8. 1635: The Dreeson Incident (m. Virginia DeMarce), Hunter's Blade kr. 80,00 1. Thousand , The (af R.A. Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. 9. 1635: The Eastern Front, kr. 80,00 2. Lone , The (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. 10. 1636: The Saxon Uprising, kr. 80,00 3. Two Swords, The (af R.A. Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. 11. 1636: The Kremlin Games, kr. 80,00 Legend of Drizzt, The Roman. Science Fiction. Collected Stories, The (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 12. 1635: The Papal Stakes, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Exile (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 13. 1636: The Devil's Opera (m. David Carrico), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Sojourn (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 16. 1636: The Viennese Waltz (m. Paula Goodlett & Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Gorg Huff), kr. 90,00 4. Crystal Shard, The (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. 20. 1636: Mission to the Mughals (m. Griffin Barber), kr. 80,00 5. Streams of Silver (af R.A. Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. 21. 1636: The Vatican Sanctions (m. Charles E. 6. 's Gem, The (af R.A. Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Gannon), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Roman. Science Fiction. 10. Passage to Dawn (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Jao Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. 2. Crucible of Empire, The (m. K.D. Wentworth), kr. 11. Silent Blade, The (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Roman. Science Fiction. 12. Spine of the World (af R.A. Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Jao (HC) Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. 3. Span of Empire, The (m. David Carrico), kr. 240,00 13. Sea of Swords (af R.A. Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Flores, Fernando A. Neverwinter Uden serie 2. Neverwinter (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Tears of the Trufflepig (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. 3. Charon's Claw (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Flynn, Gillian R.A. Salvatore's Legend of Drizzt Uden serie 1. Timeless, kr. 80,00 Grownup, The, kr. 65,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Horror. Sellswords Foody, Amanda 1. Servant of the Shard (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Daughter of the Burning City (TPB), kr. 105,00 2. Promise of the Witch King (af R.A. Salvatore), kr. Roman. Fantasy. 80,00 Shadow Game, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. 1. Ace of Shades, kr. 105,00 3. Road of the Patriarch (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. 2. King of Fools, kr. 120,00 Shadow of the Avatar, The Roman. Fantasy. 3. All Shadows Fled (), kr. 80,00 Ford, Jackson Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Uden serie Sundering Girl Who Could Move Sh*t With Her Mind, The (TPB), 1. Companions, The (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Godborn, The (af Paul S. Kemp), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Brimstone Angels 3. Adversary, The (af Erin. M. Evans), kr. 80,00 4. Ashes of the Tyrant, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. 4. Reaver, The (af Richard Lee Byers), kr. 80,00 Companions Codex Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. 1. Night of the Hunter (af R. A. Salvatore), kr. 80,00 5. Sentinel, The (af Troy Denning), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 32 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Transitions French, Jonathan 1. King, The (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Lot Lands Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. 1. Grey Bastards, The, kr. 120,00 2. Pirate King, The (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Friedman, C.S. 3. Ghost King, The (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Dreamwalker Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. 1. Dreamwalker, kr. 80,00 Forstchen, William R. Roman. Science Fiction. Pillar to the Sky (TPB) 2. Dreamseeker, kr. 90,00 1. Pillar to the Sky, kr. 155,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Dreamweaver, kr. 80,00 Fort, Charles Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Frost, Jeaniene Book of the Damned, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Broken Destiny Roman. Horror. 1. Beautiful Ashes, kr. 80,00 Fortune, Margaret Roman. Paranormal Romance. Spectre War 2. Sweetest Burn, The, kr. 80,00 1. Nova, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Brightest Embers, The, kr. 80,00 2. Archangel, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. Night Huntress Foss, Nanna 1. Halfway to the Grave, kr. 80,00 Spektrum (HC) Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Leoniderne, kr. 199,95 2. One Foot in the Grave, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Geminiderne, kr. 200,00 3. At Grave's End, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Ursiderne, kr. 249,95 4. Destined For an Early Grave, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 4. Kvadrantiderne, kr. 299,95 5. This Side of the Grave, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Foster, Alan Dean 6. One Grave at a Time, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Uden serie 7. Up From the Grave, kr. 90,00 Relic, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. Night Huntress World Relic (HC), kr. 198,00 1. First Drop of Crimson, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Foster, Amy S. 2. Eternal Kiss of Darkness, kr. 80,00 Rift Uprising Trilogy, The (TPB) Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Rift Uprising, The, kr. 210,00 Night Prince Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Once Burned, kr. 90,00 Fowler, Karen Joy Roman. Paranormal Romance. PM Press Outspoken Authors (TPB) 2. Twice Tempted, kr. 80,00 12. Science of Herself Plus..., The, kr. 145,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 3. Bound by Flames, kr. 80,00 Frazetta, Frank Roman. Paranormal Romance. Uden serie 4. Into the Fire, kr. 80,00 2020. Fantasy Art of Frazetta 2020 16-Month Calendar Roman. Paranormal Romance. (Kalender), kr. 135,00 Night Rebel Kalendere. 1. Shades of Wicked, kr. 80,00 Fredsti, Dana & Fitzgerald, David Roman. Paranormal Romance. Time Shards (TPB) Frost, Kimberly 1. Time Shards - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der Southern Witch tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 80,00 3. Halfway Hexed, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Frellsen, Louise Floor 4. Slightly Spellbound, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Roman. Paranormal Romance. Hvad skoven skjuler (HC), kr. 99,00 5. Casually Cursed, kr. 90,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 33

Gabaldon, Diana Smoke and Mirrors: Short Fiction and Illusions, kr. Outlander 80,00 Novellesamling. Fiction. 1. Outlander, kr. 100,00 Stardust, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Dragonfly in Amber, kr. 100,00 Stories (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. 3. Voyager, kr. 100,00 Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances, kr. Roman. Fantasy. 90,00 4. Drums of Autumn, kr. 100,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Wolves in the Walls, The (ill. Af Dave McKean) (TPB), 5. Fiery Cross, The, kr. 100,00 kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Fantasy. 6. Breath of Snow and Ashes, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. American Gods: Anniversary Edition, kr. 100,00 7. Echo in the Bone, An, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. , kr. 100,00 8. Written in My Own Heart's Blood Roman. Fantasy. Written in My Own Heart's Blood, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. InterWorld (TPB) 1. InterWorld (m. Michael Reaves), kr. 100,00 Outlander (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. Seven Stones to Stand or Fall: A Collection of 2. Silver Dream, The (af Michael Reaves & Mallory Outlander Fiction, kr. 218,00 Reaves), kr. 130,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Gaiman, Neil 3. Eternity's Wheel (af Michael Reaves & Mallory Uden serie Reaves), kr. 120,00 Art Matters: Because Your Imagination Can Change Roman. Science Fiction. the World (Ill.: Chris Riddell) (HC), kr. 180,00 Gaiman, Neil (Ed.) Diverse. Uden serie (ill. Af Dave McKean) (TPB), kr. 80,00 Unnatural Creatures (TPB), kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Dangerous Alphabet, The (TPB), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Galenorn, Yasmine Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish, The (ill. Af Fly by Night Dave McKean) (TPB), kr. 80,00 1. Flight from Death, kr. 80,00 Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Fortunately, the Milk (Ill. Skottie Young) (HC), kr. 2. Flight from Mayhem, kr. 90,00 140,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Kort Roman. Fantasy. Indigo Court Graveyard Book, The (TPB), kr. 90,00 2. Night Veil, kr. 85,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Hans og Grete (ill. af John Kenn Mortensen), kr. 199,95 3. Night Seeker, kr. 85,00 Kort Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Hansel & Gretel (HC) (ill.af Lorenzo Mattotti), kr. 160,00 4. Night Vision, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Instructions (HC), kr. 90,00 5. Night's End, kr. 85,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. M Is for Magic (TPB), kr. 80,00 Otherworld Novellesamling. Fantasy. 2. Changeling, kr. 80,00 Make Good Art (HC), kr. 150,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Non fiction. Diverse. 3. Darkling, kr. 80,00 & Chris Riddell Boxed Set (Coraline, Roman. Paranormal Romance. Graveyard Book, og Fortunately, the Milk) (Ill. Af Chris Riddell), kr. 210,00 4. Dragon Wytch, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Neil Gaiman in the 21st Century: Essays on the Novels, 5. Night Huntress, kr. 90,00 Children's Stories, Online Writings, Comics and Other Roman. Paranormal Romance. Works, kr. 285,00 6. Demon Mistress, kr. 90,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Norse Mythology - UK Edition (Red Edition) (TPB), kr. 7. Bone Magic, kr. 90,00 120,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Novellesamling. Fantasy. 8. Harvest Hunting, kr. 90,00 Norse Mythology - US Edition (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Novellesamling. Fantasy. 9. Blood Wyne, kr. 90,00 Sleeper and the Spindle, The (Ill. Af Chris Riddell) Roman. Paranormal Romance. (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. 34 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

10. Courting Darkness, kr. 90,00 Gemmell, David Roman. Paranormal Romance. Drenai Saga, The 11. Shaded Vision, kr. 90,00 2. King Beyond the Gate, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 12. Shadow Rising, kr. 90,00 3. Quest for Lost Heroes, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 13. Haunted Moon, kr. 90,00 Troy Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Lord of the Silver Bow, kr. 120,00 14. Autumn Whispers, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Shield of Thunder, kr. 145,00 15. Crimson Veil, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Fall of Kings, The, kr. 145,00 16. Priestess Dreaming, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Gensler, Sonia 17. Panther Prowling, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Uden serie Whisper Hollow Dark Between, The (TPB), kr. 110,00 Roman. Horror. 1. Autumn Thorns, kr. 85,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Gerstein, David Gallery 1988 Uden serie Uden serie Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse. The Ultimate History (HC), kr. 1.500,00 Rick and Morty: Show Me What You Got - The Gallery Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. 1988 Artwork (HC) (Art Book), kr. 390,00 Non fiction. Kunstbøger. Gianni, Gary Gallo, Irene (Ed.) Uden serie Uden serie Art of Gary Gianni - George R. R. Martin's Seven Kingdoms, kr. 450,00 Worlds Seen in Passing: Ten Years of Tor.com Short Fantasy. Kunstbøger. Fiction (HC), kr. 260,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Gibson, William Gannon, Charles E. Uden serie Peripheral, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Caine Riordan Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Fire with Fire, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Blue Ant Trilogy 4. Caine's Mutiny, kr. 80,00 1. Pattern Recognition, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Spook Country, kr. 100,00 Garcia, Kami Roman. Science Fiction. Legion (TPB) 3. Zero History, kr. 100,00 1. Unbreakable, kr. 112,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Young Adult. Sprawl 2. Unmarked, kr. 128,00 1. , kr. 90,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. Garcia, Kami & Stohl, Margaret 2. Count Zero, kr. 80,00 Caster Chronicles (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Beautiful Darkness, kr. 140,00 3. Mona Lisa Overdrive, kr. 80,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Beautiful Chaos, kr. 110,00 Giesbrecht, Jennifer Roman. Young Adult. Monster of Elendhaven, The (HC) 4. Beautiful Redemption, kr. 130,00 1. Monster of Elendhaven, The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Fantasy. Caster Chronicles: Dangerous Creatures (TPB) Giger, H.R. 1. Dangerous Creatures, kr. 130,00 Roman. Young Adult. Uden serie Garland, Rosie Giger, kr. 100,00 Non fiction. Kunstbøger. Uden serie Gilbert, Erin Night Brother, The (TPB), kr. 115,00 Roman. Horror. Uden serie Gear, W. Michael Ghosts from Our Past: Both Literally and Figuratively: The Study of the Paranormal (TPB) (m. Abby L. Yates & Donovan Trilogy Andrew Shaffer), kr. 160,00 1. Outpost, kr. 80,00 Bøger om Film. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Abandoned, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 35

Giles, Jeff Gonzales, Tony Edge of Everything, The (TPB) Uden serie 1. Edge of Everything, The, kr. 105,00 Tabit Genesis, The (TPB) - TILBUD (så længe lager Roman. Fantasy. haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 80,00 2. Brink of Darkness, The, kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Goodkind, Terry Gilman, Felix Uden serie Uden serie Law of Nines, The (TPB), kr. 145,00 Revolutions, The (TPB), kr. 165,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. (Children of D'Hara (HC) Gilman, Laura Anne 1. Scribbly Man, The, kr. 105,00 Devil's West, The (TPB) Kort Roman. Fantasy. 3. Red Water Rising, kr. 170,00 Legend of Magda Searus, The (TPB) Roman. Horror. 1. First Confessor, kr. 180,00 Gladstone, Max Roman. Fantasy. Bookburners (TPB) Nicci Chronicles, The 1. Bookburners (m. Margaret Dunlap, Mur Lafferty og 1. Death's Mistress, kr. 100,00 Brian Francis Slattery), kr. 230,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Shroud of Eternity, kr. 100,00 Glass, Cate Roman. Fantasy. 3. Siege of Stone, kr. 100,00 Chimera (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Illusion of Thieves, An, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Richard and Kahlan Gloss, Molly 1. Omen Machine, The (Sword of Truth 12), kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Third Kingdom, The (Sword of Truth 13), kr. 100,00 Dazzle of Day, The (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Severed Souls (Sword of Truth 14), kr. 100,00 Glukhovsky, Dmitry Roman. Fantasy. Metro (TPB) 4. Warheart (Sword of Truth 15), kr. 100,00 1. Metro 2033, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Sword of Truth 2. Metro 2034, kr. 120,00 0. Debt of Bones, kr. 70,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Gläser, Mechthild 1. Wizard's First Rule, kr. 100,00 Book Jumper, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Book Jumper, The, kr. 110,00 2. Stone of Tears, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Forgotten Book, The, kr. 110,00 3. Blood of the Fold, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Golden, Christopher & Lebbon, Tim 4. Temple of the Winds, kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Blood of the Four (HC), kr. 230,00 5. Soul of the Fire, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 6. Faith of the Fallen, kr. 90,00 Golden, Christopher (Ed.) Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 7. Pillars of Creation, kr. 90,00 Hark! The Herald Angels Scream (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. 8. Naked Empire, kr. 90,00 Goldman, William Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 9. Chainfire, kr. 80,00 Princess Bride, The: S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of Roman. Fantasy. True Love and High Adventure (TPB), kr. 120,00 10. Phantom, kr. 115,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Gonzales, Manuel 11. Confessor, kr. 115,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Regional Office Is Under Attack!, The (TPB) - TILBUD Goodlett, Ellen (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 80,00 Rule (TPB) 1. Rule, kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 36 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Goodman, Alison 2. Symbiont, kr. 145,00 Lady Helen (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Dark Days Club, The, kr. 120,00 3. Chimera, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Dark Days Pact, The, kr. 110,00 Gratton, Tessa Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 3. Dark Days Deceit, The, kr. 110,00 Strange Grace (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Goodman, Carol Queens of Innis Lear, The (TPB) Blythewood (TPB) 1. Queens of Innis Lear, The, kr. 170,00 1. Blythewodd, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. Gray, Andrew Neil & Herbison, J. S. 2. Ravencliffe, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Young Adult. Ghost Line, The: The Titanic of the Stars (TPB), kr. Goodwater, W. L. 150,00 Cold War Magic Novel, A (TPB) Kort Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Breach, kr. 160,00 Gray, Claudia Roman. Fantasy. Constellation (TPB) 2. Revolution, kr. 160,00 1. Defy the Stars, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Gordon, Alex 2. Defy the Worlds, kr. 105,00 Gideon (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Gideon, kr. 145,00 Firebird (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Thousand Pieces of You, A, kr. 110,00 2. Jericho, kr. 160,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Ten Thousand Skies Above You, kr. 110,00 Gosling, Sharon Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Million Worlds with You, A, kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Tomb Raider: The Art and Making of the Film (HC) (Art Book) - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages Green, Chris Marie forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 200,00 Jensen Murphy, Ghost for Hire Bøger om Film. 1. Only the Good Die Young, kr. 80,00 Gower, Jasmine Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Another One Bites the Dust, kr. 80,00 Moonshine (TPB), kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Every Breath You Take, kr. 80,00 Grahame-Smith, Seth Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Green, Hank How to Survive a Horror Movie: All the Skills to Dodge Absolutely Remarkable Thing, An the Kills (TPB), kr. 150,00 1. Absolutely Remarkable Thing, An, kr. 100,00 Bøger om Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Grant, Donna Green, Simon R. Dark Kings Ghost Finders 2. Fire Rising, kr. 90,00 1. Ghost of a Chance, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Burning Desire, kr. 80,00 2. Ghost of a Smile, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Hot Blooded, kr. 80,00 3. Ghost of a Dream, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Night's Blaze, kr. 80,00 4. Spirits from Beyond, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. Grant, Mira 5. Voices from Beyond, kr. 80,00 Newsflash Roman. Fantasy. 1. Feed, kr. 100,00 6. Forces from Beyond, kr. 85,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Deadline, kr. 100,00 Nightside Roman. Horror. 1. Something from the Nightside, kr. 80,00 3. Blackout, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. 2. Agents of Light and Darkness, kr. 80,00 Parasitology (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Parasite, kr. 145,00 5. Paths Not Taken, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 37

10. Good, the Bad and the Uncanny, The, kr. 80,00 Grossman, Lev Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 12. Bride Wore Black Leather, The, kr. 80,00 Warp (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Secret Histories Magicians, The (TPB) 1. Man with the Golden Torc, The, kr. 80,00 1. Magicians, The, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 7. Casino Infernal, kr. 80,00 2. Magician King, The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 8. Property of a Lady Faire, kr. 80,00 3. Magician's Land, The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 9. From a Drood to A Kill, kr. 80,00 Grove, S. E. Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 10. Dr. DOA, kr. 95,00 Waning Age, The (TPB), kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Gregory, Daryl Guild Wars Uden serie Guild Wars 2 Afterparty (TPB) -TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 80,00 1. Ghosts of Ascalon (af ), kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Spoonbenders (TPB), kr. 115,00 Guldager, Christian Roman. Fantasy. SkyWorld (HC) Gregory, Stephen 1. Himmelpiraterne, kr. 99,95 Dark Novel of Possession (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 1. Waking That Kills, kr. 90,00 2. Samleren, kr. 99,95 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 2. Wakening the Crow, kr. 100,00 3. Øgleøen, kr. 99,95 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Gresh, Lois H. Gunn, Addison Sherlock Holmes vs. Cthulhu (TPB) Extinction Biome 2. Adventure of the Neural Psychoses, The, kr. 105,00 1. Invasion, kr. 90,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. Griffin, Sarah Maria Gunn, James Uden serie Uden serie Spare and Found Parts (TPB), kr. 115,00 Transcendental (TPB), kr. 155,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Griffith, Clay & Susan Guran, Paula (Ed.) Crown & Key Uden serie 1. Shadow Revolution, The, kr. 85,00 Mythic Journeys: Retold and Legends (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. 2. Undying Legion, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Mammoth Books (TPB) Grigsby, Sean Mammoth Book of Cthulhu, The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Horror. Smoke Eaters Gurley, Jason 1. Smoke Eaters, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Ash Kickers, kr. 90,00 Eleanor (TPB), kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Grimes, Linda Gwynne, John In a Fix Faithfull and the Fallen (TPB) 1. In a Fix, kr. 90,00 2. Valour, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Quick Fix, kr. 90,00 3. Ruin, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Grimwood, Jon Courtenay 4. Wrath, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Assassini, The (TPB) Of Blood and Bone (TPB) 2. Outcast Blade, The, kr. 144,00 1. Time of Dread, A, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Grodin, Sara 2. Time of Blood, A, kr. 120,00 Cirkus Mystique (HC) Roman. Fantasy. Ønsketræet, kr. 249,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 38 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Haig, Francesca Hamill, Shaun Fire Sermon, The (TPB) Uden serie 1. Fire Sermon, The, kr. 130,00 Cosmology of Monsters, A (HC), kr. 198,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. 2. Map of Bones, The, kr. 105,00 Hamilton, Laurell K. Roman. Fantasy. Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter 3. Forever Ship, The, kr. 115,00 1. Guilty Pleasures, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Hair, David 2. Laughing Corpse, The, kr. 80,00 Return of Ravana, The (TPB) Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Pyre, The, kr. 144,00 5. Bloody Bones, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Adversaries, The, kr. 145,00 6. Killing Dance, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Haldeman, Joe 7. Burnt Offerings, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Paranormal Romance. , kr. 80,00 8. Blue Moon, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Separate War and Other Stories, A, kr. 90,00 9. Obsidian Butterfly, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Work Done for Hire, kr. 80,00 10. Narcissus in Chains, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 11. Cerulean Sins, kr. 80,00 Marsbound Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Earthbound, kr. 80,00 12. Incubus Dreams, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Hale, Robert Beverly 14. Danse Macabre, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Paranormal Romance. Drawing Lessons from the Great Masters - New Edition, 16. Blood Noir, kr. 80,00 kr. 234,50 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Non fiction. Bøger om at tegne. 23. Jason, kr. 80,00 Haley, Guy Roman. Paranormal Romance. Dreaming Cities, The (TPB) 24. Dead Ice, kr. 90,00 1. Emperor's Railroad, The, kr. 140,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. 25. Crimson Death, kr. 90,00 2. Ghoul King, The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. 26. Serpentine, kr. 90,00 Hall, Alexis Roman. Paranormal Romance. Uden serie Hamilton, Peter F Affair of the Mysterious Letter, The (TPB), kr. 160,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Great North Road (TPB), kr. 145,00 Hall, Kerstin Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Misspent Youth (TPB), kr. 130,00 Border Keeper, The (TPB), kr. 150,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Chronicle of the Fallers (TPB) Halo 1. Abyss Beyond Dreams, The, kr. 130,00 Halo (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 11. Silentium (Forerunner Saga 3) ( af Greg Bear) - 2. Night Without Stars, kr. 130,00 TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for Roman. Science Fiction. udsolgte varer), kr. 80,00 Commonwealth Saga (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Judas Unchained, kr. 155,00 13. Broken Circle (af John Shirley) -TILBUD (så længe Roman. Science Fiction. lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), Greg Mandel (TPB) kr. 80,00 1. Mindstar Rising, kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Spil. Roman. Science Fiction. Hambly, Barbara 2. Quantum Murder, A, kr. 130,00 Winterlands (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Dragonshadow, kr. 120,00 3. Nano Flower, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Knight of the Demon Queen, kr. 120,00 Intersolar Commonwealth (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Dreaming Void, The, kr. 145,00 4. Dragonstar, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 39

2. Temporal Void, The, kr. 145,00 Harding, Traci Roman. Science Fiction. Time Keeper Trilogy (TPB) 3. Evolutionary Void, The, kr. 145,00 1. Dreaming of Zhou Gong, kr. 145,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Nights Dawn Trilogy, The (TPB) 2. Eternity Gate, The, kr. 115,00 Second Chance at Eden, A, kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 3. Awol, kr. 115,00 1. Reality Dysfunction, The, kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Hardinge, Frances 2. Neutronium Alchemist, The, kr. 145,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Cuckoo Song (TPB), kr. 128,00 3. Naked God, The, kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Lie Tree, The (TPB), kr. 130,00 Salvation Sequence (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Salvation, kr. 130,00 Skinful of Shadows, A (TPB), kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Salvation Lost, kr. 195,00 Hargrave, Kiran Millwood Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Hand, Cynthia Deathless Girls, The (TPB), kr. 145,00 Lady Janies, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. My Lady Jane (m. Brodi Ashton og Jodi Meandows), Harkness, Deborah kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. All Souls Trilogy 2. My Plain Jane (m. Brodi Ashton og Jodi Meandows), 1. Discovery of Witches, A, kr. 90,00 kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Shadow of Night, kr. 90,00 Hand, Elizabeth Roman. Fantasy. PM Press Outspoken Authors (TPB) 3. Book of Life, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. 18. Fire Plus..., kr. 130,00 Novellesamling. Fiction. All Souls Trilogy (TPB) Handeland, Lori 4. Time's Convert, kr. 180,00 Roman. Fantasy. Summer of the Witches, The Harkup, Kathryn 1. In the Air Tonight, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Heat of the Moment, kr. 90,00 Making the Monster: The Science Behind 's Frankenstein (TPB), kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Bøger om SF. 3. Smoke on the Water, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Harper, Steven Hanover, Sara Books of Blood and Iron, The Wayward Mages (TPB) 2. Blood Storm, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Late Great Wizard, The, kr. 160,00 3. Bone War, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. New Improved Sorceress, The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Harris, Charlaine Hanrahan, Gareth Gunnie Rose Black Iron Legacy, The (TPB) 1. Easy Death, An, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Gutter Prayer, The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Gunnie Rose (HC) Hansen, Vilhelm & Onkel Per 1. Easy Death, An, kr. 250,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Brandmand Jumbo og hans venner (HC), kr. 139,00 Harper Conelly 1. Grave Sight, kr. 80,00 Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Harbour, Katherine 2. Grave Surprise, kr. 80,00 Night and Nothing Novel, A (TPB) Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Thorn Jack, kr. 145,00 3. Ice Cold Grave, An, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Briar Queen, kr. 130,00 4. Grave Secret, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Nettle King, kr. 140,00 Midnight, Texas Roman. Fantasy. 1. Midnight Crossroad, kr. 100,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. 40 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

2. Day Shift, kr. 100,00 8. Sanction, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Night Shift, kr. 100,00 9. Pale Demon, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Midnight, Texas (HC) 10. Perfect Blood, A, kr. 80,00 3. Night Shift, kr. 218,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 11. Ever After, kr. 80,00 Southern Vampire Mysteries Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Living Dead in Dallas, kr. 80,00 12. Undead Pool, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Club Dead, kr. 80,00 13. Witch with No Name, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 4. Dead to the World, kr. 80,00 Peri Reed Chronicles Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Drafter, The, kr. 100,00 5. Dead as a Doornail, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Operator, The, kr. 90,00 6. Definitely Dead, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Hart, Christopher 7. All Together Dead, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Paranormal Romance. Monstrously Funny Cartoons (TPB) (How-to-draw), kr. 8. From Dead to Worse, kr. 80,00 200,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Bøger om at tegne. Harris, Charlaine (Ed.) Doodletopia (TPB) Southern Vampire Mysteries (TPB) Cartoons: Draw, Design, and Color Your Own Super- Dead But Not Forgotten, kr. 160,00 Fun Cartoon Creations (How-to-draw), kr. 190,00 Novellesamling. Paranormal Romance. Antologi. Bøger om at tegne. Harris, Charlaine (Ed.) & Kelner, Toni L. P. (Ed.) Manga For the Beginner Manga For the Beginner (How-to-draw), kr. 220,00 Uden serie Non fiction. Bøger om at tegne. Apple for the Creature, An (TPB), kr. 144,00 Novellesamling. Paranormal Romance. Harte, Aidan Games Creatures Play (TPB), kr. 155,00 Wave Trilogy (TPB) Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. 1. Irenicon, kr. 144,00 Harris, Joanne M. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Warring States, The, kr. 175,00 Runemarks (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 0. Gospel of , The, kr. 120,00 3. Spira Mirabilis, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 1. Runemarks, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Hartung, Peter 2. Runelight, kr. 115,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Manden der sagde nej til Disney, kr. 50,00 Harrison, Harry Non fiction. Kunstbøger. Uden serie Hartwell, David G. Bill, the Galactic (TPB), kr. 144,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Age of Wonders: Exploring the World of Science Harrison, Kim Fiction (TPB), kr. 170,00 Non fiction. Bøger om SF. Hollows Harvey, Michael 0,1. Turn, The: The Hollows Begins with Death, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Uden serie 1. Dead Witch Walking, kr. 80,00 Pulse (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Good, The Bad and the Undead, The, kr. 80,00 Haspil, Michael F. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Uden serie 3. Every Which Way but Dead, kr. 80,00 Graveyard Shift (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Fistful of Charms, A, kr. 80,00 Hastings, Christopher & Grosser, Jordan Roman. Paranormal Romance. Adventure Time (HC) 5. For a Few More, kr. 80,00 Adventure time: The Official Cookbook (Cookbook), Roman. Paranormal Romance. kr. 260,00 6. Outlaw Demon Wails, The, kr. 80,00 Non fiction. Kogebog. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Haufniensis, Aspíciens 7. White Witch, Black Curse, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Paranormal Romance. Københavns skygger (HC), kr. 99,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 41

Hawke, Sam Heckel, Jack Poison Wars, The (TPB) Mysterium 1. City of Lies, kr. 160,00 1. , The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Haydon, Elizabeth 2. Darker Lord, The, kr. 80,00 Symphony of Ages Roman. Adventure. 2. Prophecy, kr. 85,00 3. Darkest Lord, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Destiny, kr. 85,00 Hedengran, Jeanette & Sanddahl, Tina Roman. Fantasy. Mørkets søn (HC) 4. Requiem for the Sun, kr. 85,00 1. Mørkets søn, kr. 299,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 6. Assassin King, The, kr. 90,00 2. Grænselandet, kr. 299,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 7. Merchant Emperor, The, kr. 90,00 Mørkets Søn (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 3. Sikanias Arvinger, kr. 299,00 9. Weaver's Lament, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Fantasy. Heinlein, Robert A. Headley, Maria Dahvana Uden serie Magonia (TPB) Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 1. Magonia, kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Starship Troopers, kr. 100,00 2. Aerie, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Waldo & Magic, Inc (TPB), kr. 135,00 Hearn, Lafcadio Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Penguin Classics (TPB) Heitz, Markus Japanese Ghost Stories, kr. 160,00 Uden serie Novellesamling. Horror. Oneiros (TPB), kr. 145,00 Hearn, Lian Roman. Horror. Tales of Shikanoko (TPB) Dwarves (TPB) 1. Emperor of the Eight Islands, kr. 105,00 1. Dwarves, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Hearne, Kevin 2. War of the Dwarves, The, kr. 130,00 Iron Druid Chronicles, The Roman. Fantasy. Besieged, kr. 80,00 3. Revenge of the Dwarves, The, kr. 130,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Hexed, kr. 80,00 4. Fate of the Dwarves, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Hammered, kr. 80,00 5. Triumph of the Dwarves, The, kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Tricked, kr. 80,00 Legends of the Älfar (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Righteous Fury, kr. 150,00 5. Trapped, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Devastating Hate, kr. 160,00 6. Hunted, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Dark Paths, kr. 160,00 7. Shattered, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Raging Storm, kr. 170,00 8. Staked, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Hejll, Oskar H. 9. Scourged, kr. 80,00 Investigations of the Unknown Roman. Fantasy. 3. Dr. Cagliostro's Cabinet of Curiosities, kr. 399,50 Seven Kennings Horror. Bøger om Horror. 1. Plague of , A, kr. 90,00 Hendee, Barb Roman. Fantasy. Mist-Torn Witches Hearne, Kevin & Dawson, Delilah S. 2. Witches in Red, kr. 80,00 Tales of Pell, The (HC) Roman. Fantasy. 3. Princess Beard, The, kr. 218,00 3. Witches With the Enemy, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Tales of Pell, The (TPB) 4. To Kill a Kettle Witch, kr. 90,00 1. Kill the Farm Boy, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 42 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Vampire Memories 4. Black Lament, kr. 80,00 2. Hunting Memories, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Black City, kr. 80,00 3. Memories of Envy, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 6. Black heart, kr. 80,00 4. In Memories We Fear, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 7. Black Spring, kr. 80,00 5. Ghosts of Memories, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. Chronicles of Alice, The (TPB) Hendee, Barb & J.C. 1. Alice, kr. 105,00 Noble Dead Roman. Fantasy. 1. Dhampir, kr. 110,00 2. Red Queen, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Thief of Lives, kr. 90,00 3. Lost Boy: The True Story of Captain Hook, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Sister of the Dead, kr. 90,00 Herbert, Brian Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 5. Rebel Fay, kr. 80,00 1. Hunters of (m. Kevin Anderson), kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 6. Child of a Dead God, kr. 80,00 2. Sandworms of Dune (m. Kevin J. Anderson), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 7. In Shade and Shadow, kr. 85,00 Legends of Dune Roman. Fantasy. 1. Butlerian Jihad, The, kr. 100,00 8. Through Stone and Sea, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Machine Crusade, The (m. Kevin J.Anderson), kr. 9. Of Truth and Beasts, kr. 80,00 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 10. Between Their Worlds, kr. 80,00 3. Battle of Corrin, The (m. Kevin J. Anderson), kr. Roman. Fantasy. 100,00 11. Dog in the Dark, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Herbert, Brian & Anderson, Kevin J. 12. Wind in the Night, A, kr. 80,00 Hellhole Roman. Fantasy. 1. Hellhole, kr. 90,00 13. First and Last Sorcerer, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Hellhole Awakening, kr. 100,00 Henderson, Randy Roman. Science Fiction. Arcana Familia, The (TPB) 3. Hellhole Inferno, kr. 90,00 2. Bigfootloose and Finn Fancy Free - TILBUD (så Roman. Science Fiction. længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte Heroes of Dune varer), kr. 98,00 1. Paul of Dune, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Hendrix, Grady 2. Winds of Dune, The, kr. 110,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. We Sold Our Souls (TPB), kr. 120,00 Schools of Dune Roman. Horror. 1. Sisterhood of Dune, kr. 100,00 Henning, Sarah Roman. Science Fiction. Sea Witch (TPB) 2. Mentats of Dune, kr. 100,00 1. Sea Witch, kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Navigators of Dune, kr. 100,00 Henningsen, Nils Jacob Rey Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Herbert, Frank Er dette himlen, kr. 199,00 Dune Science Fiction. Dansk skønlitteratur. 1. Dune, kr. 110,00 Henry, Christina Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 2. Dune Messiah, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Girl in Red, The (TPB), kr. 105,00 4. God Emperor of Dune, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Black Wings 5. Heretics of Dune, kr. 100,00 2. Black Night, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 6. Chapterhouse: Dune, kr. 100,00 3. Black Howl, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 43

Herman, Eleanor Hill, Roger Blood of Gods and Royals (TPB) Uden serie 1. Legacy of Kings, kr. 110,00 Wally Wood - Galaxy Art and Beyond, kr. 270,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Kunstbøger. 2. Empire of Dust, kr. 100,00 Hines, Jim C. Roman. Fantasy. Janitors of the Post-Apocalypse, The Hewitt, Deborah 1. Terminal Alliance, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Nightjar, The (TPB), kr. 105,00 Magic Ex Libris Roman. Fantasy. 2. Codex Born, kr. 80,00 Hickman, Tracy & Garriott, Richard Roman. Fantasy. Shroud of the Avatar 3. Unbound, kr. 80,00 1. Sword of Midras, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Revisionary, kr. 80,00 Hickman, Tracy & Laura Roman. Fantasy. Nightbirds, The Hinz, Christopher 1. Unwept, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Starship Alchemon (TPB), kr. 130,00 Hidalgo, Pablo Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Hobb, Robin Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Uden serie Galaxy's Most Notorious (HC), kr. 360,00 Inheritance (TPB), kr. 120,00 Star Wars. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Hieber, Leanna Renee Farseer Trilogy, The Eterna Files 1. Assassin's Apprentice, kr. 80,00 1. Eterna Files, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Royal Assassin, kr. 90,00 2. Eterna and Omega, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Assassin's Quest, kr. 90,00 Strangely Beautiful (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1,2. Strangely Beautiful (Indeholder The Strangely Fitz and the Fool Trilogy, The Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker og The Darkly 1. Fool's Assassin, kr. 90,00 Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker), kr. 220,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Assassin's Fate, kr. 100,00 3. Perilous Prophecy, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Liveship Traders 4. Miss Violet and the Great War, kr. 190,00 1. Ship of Magic, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Higgins, C. A. 2. Mad Ship, kr. 90,00 Lightless (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Lightless, kr. 160,00 3. Ship of Destiny, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Supernova, kr. 160,00 Rain Wild Chronicles Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Dragon Keeper, The, kr. 80,00 3. Radiate, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Dragon Haven, kr. 80,00 Higgins, Peter Roman. Fantasy. Wolfhound Century Trilogy (TPB) 3. City of Dragons, kr. 80,00 1. Wolfhound Century, kr. 144,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Blood of Dragons, kr. 80,00 Hill, Joe Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Soldier Son Trilogy, The Fireman, kr. 100,00 1. Shaman's Crossing, kr. 80,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Heart-Shaped Box (TPB), kr. 120,00 2. Forest Mage, kr. 80,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Horns: A Novel, kr. 80,00 3. Renegade's Magic, kr. 80,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. NOS4A2 (Movie-tie-in), kr. 100,00 Tawny Man Trilogy Roman. Horror. 1. Fool's Errand, kr. 90,00 Strange Weather (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Horror. 2. Golden Fool, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. 44 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

3. Fool's Fate, kr. 100,00 2. Claus Holm's Tempus Investigations Season Two, kr. Roman. Fantasy. 200,00 Hocking, Amanda Roman. Fantasy. Kanin (TPB) Holst, Jette (Ed.) & Nordestgaard, Kristian (Ed.) Kanin: The Complete Chronicles, kr. 160,00 Serieklubben præsenterer (HC) Roman. Young Adult. Det grufulde bibliotek: Dansk gys før og nu, kr. 299,00 Hoffman, Alice Novellesamling. Horror. Dansk skønlitteratur. Practical Magic (TPB) Holt, Tom 1. Practical Magic, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Orc on the Wild Side, An (TPB), kr. 120,00 2. Rules of Magic, The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Horn, J. D. Hoffman, Paul Witches of New Orleans (TPB) Left Hand of God, The (TPB) 1. King of Bones and Ashes, The, kr. 150,00 1. Left Hand of God, The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Hossain, Saad Z. 2. Last Four Things, The, kr. 170,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Gurkha and the Lord of Tuesday, The (TPB), kr. 150,00 3. Beating of His Wings, The, kr. 155,00 Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Houck, Colleen Hoffmann, Ada Uden serie Uden serie Lantern's Ember, The (TPB), kr. 110,00 Outside, The (TPB), kr. 150,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Reawakened (TPB) Hogarth, Burne 1. Reawakened, kr. 120,00 Dynamic Drawing Series (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. Drawing Dynamic Hands (How-to-draw), kr. 240,00 Houellebecq, Michel Non fiction. Bøger om at tegne. Uden serie Drawing the Human Head (How-to-draw), kr. 240,00 H. P. Lovecraft Against the World, A (HC), kr. 180,00 Bøger om at tegne. Fiction. Bøger om Horror. Dynamic Anatomy: Revised and Expanded Edition Hough, Jason M. (How-to-draw), kr. 300,00 Bøger om at tegne. Uden serie Dynamic Figure Drawing (How-to-draw), kr. 230,00 Zero World, kr. 110,00 Non fiction. Bøger om at tegne. Roman. Science Fiction. Dynamic Light and Shade (How-to-draw), kr. 240,00 Hounsom, Lucy Bøger om at tegne. Worldmaker Trilogy, The (TPB) Dynamic Wrinkles and Drapery (How-to-draw), kr. 1. Starborn, kr. 200,00 250,00 Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om at tegne. Howard, Jonathan L. Holder, Nancy Carter & Lovecraft (HC) Uden serie 2. After the End of the World, kr. 250,00 Ghostbuster (Movie-Tie-In), kr. 100,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Horror. Bøger om Film. Howard, Robert E. Holland, Cecelia Uden serie Uden serie Skullcrusher: Selected , Volume One Dragon Heart (TPB), kr. 170,00 (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Holland, Sara Fully Illustrated Robert E. Howard Library, The (TPB) Everless (TPB) Best of Robert E. Howard vol. 2: Grim Lands, kr. 159,50 1. Everless, kr. 130,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. El Borak and Other Desert Adventures, kr. 170,00 Holm, Claus Novellesamling. Fantasy. Sword Woman, kr. 175,00 Uden serie Novellesamling. Fantasy. Tucson Time-Traveler and Other Stories, The (TPB), kr. 180,00 Howe, John Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Uden serie TV Series for the Pages, A (TPB) Middle-earth Traveller, A: Sketches from Bag End to 1. Claus Holm's Tempus Investigations Season One, kr. Mordor (HC) (Art Book), kr. 260,00 200,00 Fantasy. Kunstbøger. Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 45

Howe, Katherine 2. Sworn in Steel, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Conversion (TPB), kr. 110,00 Hunt, Leo Roman. Horror. Uden serie Howe, Sean Phantom (TPB), kr. 105,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. : The Untold Story, kr. 180,00 Hunt, S. A. Bøger om Tegneserier. Malus Domestica (TPB) Howey, Hugh 1. Burn the Dark, kr. 180,00 Silo (TPB) Roman. Horror. 2. Shift - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages Hunt, Samantha forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 50,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Mr. Splitfoot (HC), kr. 220,00 Howrey, Meg Roman. Horror. Uden serie Hunter, Faith Wanderers, The (TPB), kr. 160,00 Jane Yellowrock Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Skinwalker - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der Hoyt, Sarah A. tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 25,00 Darkship Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Darkship Thieves, kr. 90,00 2. Blood Cross - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 25,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Darkship Renegades, kr. 80,00 4. Raven Cursed - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der Roman. Science Fiction. tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 25,00 3. Few Good men, A, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. Hunter, Megan Huang, S. L. Uden serie Cas Russell (TPB) End We Start From, The (TPB), kr. 115,00 1. Zero Sum Game, kr. 190,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Hunter, Sylvia Izzo 2. Null Set, kr. 190,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Noctis Magicae (TPB) 1. Midnight Queen, The, kr. 150,00 Hudson, Gabe Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Lady of Magic, kr. 150,00 Gork, the Teenage Dragon (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Season of Spells, A, kr. 160,00 Huff, Tanya Roman. Fantasy. Enchantment Emporium,The Hurley, Andrew Michael 1. Enchantment Emporium, The, kr. 85,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Loney, The (TPB), kr. 130,00 2. Wild Ways, The, kr. 85,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Hurley, Kameron Keeper's Chronicles Uden serie 2. Second Summoning, The, kr. 80,00 Geek Feminist Revolution, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Bøger om SF. 3. Long Hot Summoning, kr. 80,00 Light Brigade, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Peacekeeper Bel Dame Apocrypha 1. Ancient Peace, An, kr. 80,00 1. God's War, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Peace Divided, A, kr. 80,00 2. Infidel, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Privilege of Peace, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Worldbreaker Saga, The 1. Mirror Empire, The, kr. 80,00 Tony Foster Roman. Fantasy. 2. Smoke and Mirrors, kr. 90,00 2. Empire Ascendant, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Smoke and Ashes, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Huxley, Aldous Hulick, Douglas Uden serie , kr. 90,00 Tales of the Kin Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Among Thieves, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. 46 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Ings, Simon Alex Verus (TPB) Uden serie 10. Fallen, kr. 120,00 City of the Iron Fish (TPB), kr. 144,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Jackson, Shirley Ireland, Justina Uden serie Dread Nation (TPB) Haunting of Hill House, The (TPB), kr. 180,00 1. Dread Nation, kr. 105,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Jacobs, John Hornor Irvine, Alex Uden serie Sleepy Hollow (TPB) Lush and Seething Hell, A: Two Tales of Cosmic Horror Secret Journal of Ichabod Crane, kr. 145,00 (HC), kr. 180,00 Roman. Horror. Film. Novellesamling. Horror. Irvine, Ian Incorruptibles, The (TPB) 1. Incorruptibles, The, kr. 120,00 Well of Echoes Roman. Fantasy. 1. Geomancer - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 25,00 2. Foreign Devils, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Alchymist - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages Jae-Jones, S. forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 25,00 Wintersong (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Wintersong, kr. 105,00 Irving, Washington Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Shadowsong, kr. 105,00 Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Ghostly Tales, The Roman. Fantasy. (TPB), kr. 105,00 Jakobsen, Lars Novellesamling. Horror. Uden serie Ishiguro, Kazuo Hvordan man restaurerer bøger, blade og tegneserier, Uden serie kr. 149,00 Buried Giant, The (TPB), kr. 115,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Roman. Fantasy. James, Betsy Islington, James Uden serie Licanius Trilogy, The (TPB) Roadsouls (TPB), kr. 200,00 2. Echo of Things to Come, An, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. James, John Itäranta, Emmi Uden serie Uden serie Fourth Gwenevere, The (TPB), kr. 145,00 City of Woven Streets, The (TPB), kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. James, Marlon Iyengar, Kartik Dark Star Trilogy, The (TPB) Uden serie 1. Black Leopard, Red Wolf, kr. 180,00 Predator: Horn OK Please (TPB), kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. James, Vic Jacka, Benedict Dark Gifts (TPB) Alex Verus 1. Gilded Cage, kr. 105,00 1. Fated, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Tarnished City, kr. 105,00 2. Cursed, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Bright Ruin, kr. 115,00 3. Taken, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Jarry, Nicolas 4. Chosen, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Nibelungens Ring, kr. 249,95 5. Hidden, kr. 80,00 Fantasy. Diverse. Roman. Fantasy. Jasper, Elle 6. Veiled, kr. 80,00 Dark Ink Chronicles Roman. Fantasy. 2. Everdark, kr. 80,00 7. Burned, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Eventide, kr. 80,00 8. Bound, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Black Fallen, kr. 80,00 9. Marked, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Darklove, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 47

Jean, Emiko Johnson, Kij Uden serie Uden serie Empress of All Seasons (TPB), kr. 105,00 Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe, The (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Fantasy. Jemc, Jac Johnson, Less (Ed.) Uden serie Uden serie Grip of It, The (TPB), kr. 105,00 Mission to Methone, kr. 80,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. Jemisin, N.K. Johnston, Ollie Uden serie Uden serie How Long 'til Black Future Month? (TPB), kr. 120,00 Illusion of Life, The: Disney Animation (HC) (m. Frank Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Thomas), kr. 540,00 Broken Earth (TPB) Bøger om Film. 1. Fifth Season, The, kr. 120,00 Jones, Diana Wynne Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Obelisk Gate, The, kr. 120,00 Dark Lord of Derkholm, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Stone Sky, The, kr. 120,00 Chronicles of Chrestomanci Roman. Fantasy. Conrad's Fate, kr. 70,00 Dreamblood (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Killing Moon, The, kr. 120,00 1. Chronicles of Chrestomanci vol. 1 (Lives of Roman. Fantasy. Christopher Chant & Charmed Life), kr. 90,00 2. Shadowed Sun, The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Chronicles of Chrestomanci vol. 2 ( Magicians of Inheritance Trilogy, The (TPB) Caprona & Witch Week), kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, The, kr. 130,00 3. Chronicles of Chrestomanci vol. 3 ( Conrad's Fate & Roman. Fantasy. The Pinhoe Egg), kr. 90,00 2. Broken Kingdoms, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Howl's Moving Castle 3. Kingdom of Gods, The, kr. 130,00 1. Howl's Moving Castle, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Jensen, Danielle L 2. Castle in the Air, kr. 90,00 Malediction Trilogy, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Stolen Songbird, kr. 100,00 Jones, Gwyneth Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Hidden Huntress, kr. 100,00 Proof of Concept (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Warrior Witch, kr. 100,00 Spirit (TPB), kr. 128,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Jerome, Celia Jones, Holly Goddard Willow Tate Uden serie 2. Night Mares in the Hamptons, kr. 90,00 Salt Line, The (TPB), kr. 180,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Life Guards in the Hamptons, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Jones, Stephen Graham 5. Sand Witches in the Hamptons, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Paranormal Romance. Mapping the Interior (TPB), kr. 110,00 Jeschke, Wolfgang Kort Roman. Horror. Mongrels (TPB), kr. 160,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Cusanus Game, The (TPB) - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 98,00 Jordan, Neil Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Johansen, K. V. Carnivalesque (TPB), kr. 115,00 Marakand (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 2. Lady, The, kr. 175,00 Jordan, Robert Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 3. Gods of Nabban, kr. 180,00 Warrior of the Altaii (HC), kr. 260,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Johnson, Jean Wheel of Time, The Theirs Not To Reason Why 0. New Spring, kr. 100,00 1. Soldier's Duty, A, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 48 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

1. Eye of the World, The, kr. 100,00 Jürgensen, Martin Wangsgaard Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Great Hunt, The, kr. 100,00 Thelema (HC), kr. 250,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. 3. Dragon Reborn, The, kr. 100,00 Kadrey, Richard Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 4. Shadow Rising, The, kr. 100,00 Dead Set: A Novel (TPB), kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. 6. Lord of Chaos, kr. 100,00 Grand Dark (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 7. Crown of Swords, A, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kaftan, Vylar 8. Path of Daggers, The, kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Her Silhouette, Drawn in Water (TPB), kr. 120,00 9. Winter's Heart, kr. 100,00 Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Kagawa, Julie 10. Crossroads of Twilight, kr. 100,00 Blood of Eden (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Immortal Rules, kr. 110,00 11. Knife of Dreams, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Eternity Cure, kr. 100,00 12. Gathering Storm, The (m. ), kr. Roman. Fantasy. 100,00 Iron Fey, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Iron King, The, kr. 100,00 13. Towers of Midnight (m. Brandon Sanderson), kr. Roman. Fantasy. 100,00 2. Iron Daughter, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 14. Memory of Light, A (m. Brandon Sanderson), kr. 100,00 3. Iron Queen, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Wheel of Time, The (HC) 4. Iron Knight, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Wheel of Time Companion, The: The People, Places and History of the Bestselling Series, kr. 298,00 Iron Fey, The: Call of the Forgotten (TPB) Fantasy. Bøger om Fantasy. 1. Lost Prince, kr. 100,00 Jordan, Sophie Roman. Fantasy. Reign of Shadows (TPB) 2. Iron Traitor, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Reign of Shadows, kr. 110,00 3. Iron Warrior, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Rise of Fire, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Shadow of the Fox (HC) Jurgens, Dan 2. Soul of the Sword, kr. 180,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie You Can Draw... Marvel Characters, kr. 180,00 Shadow of the Fox (TPB) 1. Shadow of the Fox, kr. 110,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Roman. Fantasy. Jürgensen, Dennis Talon (TPB) Uden serie 1. Talon, kr. 100,00 Kadavermarch + Kadaverjagt (Sampak), kr. 199,95 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 2. Rogue, kr. 100,00 Freddy-bøgerne Roman. Fantasy. De fem bøger med Freddy og monstrene, kr. 199,95 3. Soldier, kr. 100,00 Roman. Horror. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Fantasy. Roland Triel (HC) 4. Legion, kr. 100,00 1. Løbende Tjener, kr. 249,95 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Krimi. Dansk skønlitteratur. 5. Inferno, kr. 105,00 2. Dansende Røde Bjørne, kr. 250,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Krimi. Dansk skønlitteratur. Kappes, Tonya 3. Hviskende Lig, kr. 300,00 Ghostly Southern Mystery, A Roman. Krimi. Dansk skønlitteratur. 1. Ghostly Undertaking, A, kr. 80,00 5. Eksploderende skadedyr, kr. 299,95 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Krimi. Dansk skønlitteratur. 2. Ghostly Grave, A, kr. 80,00 6. Faldende Masker, kr. 299,95 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Krimi. Dansk skønlitteratur. 3. Ghostly Demise, A, kr. 85,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. 4. Ghostly Murder, A, kr. 85,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 49

5. Ghostly Reunion, A, kr. 90,00 Kennedy, Jeffe Roman. Paranormal Romance. Forgotten Empires 6. Ghostly Mortality, A, kr. 95,00 1. Orchid Throne, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. Kashina, Anna Uncharted Realms, The (TPB) Uden serie 1. Pages of the Mind, The, kr. 109,50 Shadowblade (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Kenyon, Sherrilyn Kassel, Meg Deadman's Cross Black Bird of the Gallows (TPB) 1. Deadmen Walking, kr. 90,00 1. Black Bird of the Gallows, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Death Doesn't Bargain, kr. 90,00 2. Keeper of the Bees, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Kerr, Katharine Kassner, Heather Deverry & The Westlands: Act One - Deverry (TPB) Uden serie 1. Daggerspell, kr. 120,00 Bone Garden, The (TPB), kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Darkspell, kr. 120,00 Katsu, Alma Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 3. Dawnspell, kr. 120,00 Hunger, The (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. 4. Dragonspell, kr. 120,00 Kawaguchi, Toshikazu Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Deverry & The Westlands: Act Two - The Westlands Before the Coffee Gets Cold (TPB), kr. 120,00 (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Time of Exile, A, kr. 120,00 Kay, Guy Gavriel Roman. Fantasy. 2. Time of Omens, A, kr. 120,00 Under Heaven (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Under Heaven, kr. 160,00 3. Time of War, A, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. River of Stars, kr. 130,00 4. Time of Justice, A, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Kearney, Paul Khan, Ausma Zehanat Different Kingdom Khorasan Archives, The (TPB) 1. Different Kingdom, A, kr. 80,00 1. Bloodprint, The, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Way to Babylon, The, kr. 80,00 2. Black Khan, The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Riding the Unicorn, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kincaid, S. J. Keller, Sophie Chen Uden serie Diabolic, The (TPB), kr. 130,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Luster of Lost Things, The (TPB), kr. 150,00 Roman. Fantasy. King, Stephen Kelly, Lee Uden serie Dolores Claiborne, kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Horror. City of Savages (TPB), kr. 160,00 Elevation (TPB), kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Horror. Criminal Magic, A (TPB), kr. 180,00 From a Buick 8, kr. 112,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. Kemmerer, Brigid Institute, The (HC), kr. 260,00 Curse So Dark and Lonely, A (TPB) Roman. Horror. 1. Curse So Dark and Lonely, A, kr. 105,00 It: A Novel (TPB), kr. 200,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. 2. Heart So Fierce and Broken, A, kr. 105,00 Long Walk, The (skriver som Richard Bachman), kr. Roman. Fantasy. 100,00 Kemp, Paul S. Roman. Horror. Egil & Nix Misery, kr. 100,00 2. Discourse in Steel, A, kr. 85,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Outsider, The, kr. 100,00 3. Conversation in Blood, A, kr. 80,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. 50 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Revival, kr. 100,00 Klingele, Lindsey Roman. Horror. Marked Girl (TPB) Rose Madder, kr. 100,00 1. Marked Girl, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Stephen King Three Novels: Carrie, The Shining, Knight, E. E. Salem's Lot (Leather Bound Hardcover Edition), kr. 160,00 Age of Fire Roman. Horror. 2. Dragon Avenger, kr. 80,00 Bill Hodges Trilogy Roman. Fantasy. 1. Mr. Mercedes, kr. 100,00 3. Dragon Outcast, kr. 80,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Finders Keepers, kr. 100,00 4. Dragon Strike, kr. 90,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. 3. End of Watch, kr. 100,00 5. Dragon Rule, kr. 80,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Dark Tower, The 6. Dragon Fate, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Gunslinger, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Horror. Dragoneer Academy (TPB) 4. Wizard and Glass, kr. 100,00 1. Novice Dragoneer, kr. 160,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. 6. Song of Susannah, kr. 100,00 Vampire Earth Roman. Horror. 4. Valentine's Rising, kr. 85,00 Dark Tower, The (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. Charlie the Choo-Choo (Ill. Af Ned Dameron) (Skriver 5. Valentine's Exile, kr. 90,00 som Beryl Evans), kr. 140,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 6. Valentine's Resolve, kr. 85,00 Green Mile, The Roman. Science Fiction. Green Mile, The, kr. 100,00 7. Fall with Honor, kr. 90,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. Shining, The 8. Winter Duty, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Shining, The, kr. 90,00 10. Appalachian Overthrow, kr. 80,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. King, Stephen & King, Owen Knight, Julia Uden serie Duellists Trilogy, The (TPB) Sleeping Beauties, kr. 90,00 1. Swords and Scoundrels, kr. 145,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Kingfisher, T. Knaak, Richard A. Uden serie Twisted Ones, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 City of Shadows (TPB) 1. King of the Grey, kr. 110,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Kittredge, Caitlin 2. Frostwing, kr. 160,00 Hell hound Chronicles (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Black Dog, kr. 145,00 Dragonrealm (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 2. Legends of the Dragonrealm vol. 2, kr. 200,00 2. Grim Tidings, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Legends of the Dragonrealm vol. 3, kr. 200,00 Kjær, Jan Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 4. Shade, kr. 180,00 Lær at tegne Fantasy (HC) (How-to-draw), kr. 129,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Bøger om at tegne. Legends of the Dragonrealm: The Turning War Nomerne (TPB) Viljetyven, kr. 149,00 Cut from the Same Shadow and Other Tales, kr. 160,00 Adventure. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Klages, Ellen 1. Dragon Masters, kr. 160,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Passing Strange (TPB), kr. 160,00 2. Gryphon Mage, The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Kless, Eyal Koch, Gini Tarakan Chronicles, The Kitty Katt 1. Lost Puzzler, The, kr. 120,00 10. Universal Alien, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 11. Alien Separation, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 51

Kokkedal, Jacob 3. Path of Gods, kr. 145,00 Den trofaste bror Roman. Fantasy. 1. I døden og videre, kr. 299,00 Kristoff, Jay Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Lifelike (TPB) 2. Ørkenrose, kr. 299,00 1. Life L1k3, kr. 115,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Helerens håb, kr. 299,00 3. DEV1AT3, kr. 115,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Roman. Science Fiction. Kollin, Dani & Eytan Lotus War (TPB) Unincorporated Man, The 2. Kinslayer, kr. 180,00 1. Unincorporated Man, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Endsinger, kr. 145,00 Koontz, Dean R. Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Nevernight Chronicle (TPB) Ticktock, kr. 110,00 1. Nevernight, kr. 120,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Godsgrave, kr. 120,00 Odd Thomas Roman. Fantasy. 4. Odd Hours, kr. 100,00 Roman. Horror. Krog, Lene 7. Saint Odd, kr. 85,00 Pigen fra Månehøjen Roman. Horror. 1. Grå magi, kr. 299,00 Korpon, Nik Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Memory Thief, The Krogsøe, Jacob Holm & Jürgensen, Martin 1. Rebellion's Last Traitor, The, kr. 80,00 Wangsgaard Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 2. Queen of the Struggle, kr. 90,00 Randvad (HC), kr. 250,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Horror. Dansk skønlitteratur. Koski, Olivia & Grcevich, Jana Krueger, Paul Intergalactic Travel Bureau (HC) Steel Crow Saga (TPB) Vacation Guide to the Solar System: Science for the 1. Steel Crow Saga, kr. 170,00 Savvy Space Traveler!, kr. 180,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Diverse. Krys, Michelle Kostova, Elizabeth Witch Hunter (TPB) Uden serie 1. Hexed, kr. 110,00 Shadow Land, The (TPB), kr. 190,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Horror. Kröger, Lisa & Anderson, Melanie R. Kowal, Mary Robinette Uden serie Uden serie Monster, She Wrote: The Women Who Pioneered Forest of Memory (TPB), kr. 110,00 Horror and (HC), kr. 180,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Non fiction. Bøger om Horror. Ghost Talkers (TPB), kr. 170,00 Kuang, R. F. Roman. Fantasy. Poppy War, The (TPB) Lady Astronaut (TPB) 2. Dragon Republic, The, kr. 170,00 2. Fated Sky, The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Kuhn, Sarah Kress, Nancy Heroine Complex (TPB) Yesterday's Kin Trilogy (HC) 1. Heroine Complex, kr. 160,00 3. Terran Tomorrow, kr. 250,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Kupari, Mike Yesterday's Kin Trilogy (TPB) Privateer Andromeda 1. Tomorrow's Kin, kr. 160,00 1. Her Brother's Keeper, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Krinard, Susan 2. Sins of Her Father, kr. 80,00 Midgard Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Mist, kr. 85,00 Kuttner, Henry Roman. Fantasy. Golden Age Masterworks (TPB) Kristjansson, Snorri Fury, kr. 120,00 Saga, The (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Swords of Good Men, kr. 144,00 Roman. Fantasy. 2. Blood Will Follow, kr. 144,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. 52 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Kaaberbøl, Lene Dragon Prophecy Trilogy Skammerens datter 1. Crown of Vengeance (m. James Mallory), kr. 90,00 1. Skammerens datter, kr. 129,95 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 2. Blade of Empire (m. James Mallory) 2. Skammertegnet, kr. 129,95 Blade of Empire, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Slangens gave, kr. 129,95 Elemental Masters Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 1. Serpent's Shadow, kr. 90,00 4. Skammerkrigen, kr. 129,95 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 2. Gates of Sleep, The, kr. 80,00 La Farge, Paul Roman. Fantasy. 3. Phoenix and Ashes, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Night Ocean, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 4. Wizard of London, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Lachlan, M. D. 5. Reserved for the Cat, kr. 80,00 Wolfsangel Cycle (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Wolfsangel, kr. 145,00 6. Unnatural Issue, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Lord of Slaughter, kr. 144,00 7. Home from the Sea, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Valkyrie's Song, kr. 160,00 7,5. Elemental Magic, kr. 85,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Lackey, Mercedes 8. Steadfast, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Black Swan, The, kr. 100,00 8,5. Elementary, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Gwenhwyfar: The White Spirit, kr. 90,00 9. Blood Red, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Bardic Voices 10. From a High Tower, kr. 80,00 Fiddler's Fair, kr. 60,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 11. Study in Sable, A, kr. 80,00 Bedlam's Bard Roman. Fantasy. 1,2. Bedlam's Bard (m. Ellen Guon) (Knight of Ghosts 12. Scandal in Battersea, A, kr. 80,00 and Shadows + Summoned to Tourney), kr. 85,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 13. Bartered Brides, The, kr. 80,00 5. Spirits White as Lightning (m. Rosemary Edghill), Roman. Fantasy. kr. 80,00 Elemental Masters (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 0. Fire Rose, The, kr. 160,00 7. Music to My Sorrow (m. Rosemary Edghill), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Heirs of Alexandria 8. Bedlam's Edge (m. Rosemary Edghill), kr. 90,00 1. Shadow of the Lion, The (m. Erc Flint & Dave Freer), Fantasy. Antologi. kr. 80,00 Diana Tregarde (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Burning Water, kr. 185,00 2. This Rough Magic (m. Eric Flint & Dave Freer), kr. Roman. Fantasy. 80,00 2. Children of the Night, kr. 185,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Much Fall of Blood (m. Eric Flint & Dave Freer), kr. 3. Jinx High, kr. 230,00 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 5. All the Plagues of Hell (m. Eric Flint & Dave Freer), Doubled Edge kr. 90,00 1. This Scepter'd Isle (m.Roberta Gellis), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Hunter (HC) 2. Ill Met by Moonlight (m. Roberta Gellis), kr. 90,00 2. Elite, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. By Slanderous Tongues (m. Roberta Gellis), kr. 85,00 Roman. Fantasy. Obsidian Trilogy 2. To Light a Candle (m. James Mallory), kr. 90,00 4. And Less than Kind (m. Roberta Gellis), kr. 85,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. When Darkness Falls (m. James Mallory), kr. 105,00 Dragon Jousters Roman. Fantasy. 1. Joust, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Secret World Chronicle 2. Alta, kr. 100,00 1. Invasion (m. Steve Libbey, Cody Martin, og Dennis Lee, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 53

2. World Divided (m. Cody Martin, Dennis Lee, og 3. Magic's Price, kr. 90,00 Veronica Giguere), kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Valdemar: Mage Storms 3. Revolution (m. Cody Martin, Dennis Lee, og 1. Storm Warning, kr. 100,00 Veronica Giguere), kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Storm Rising, kr. 100,00 4. Collision (m. Cody Martin, Dennis Lee, og Veronica Roman. Fantasy. Giguere), kr. 85,00 3. Storm Breaking, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Avalanche, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Valdemar: Mage Wars SERRAted Edge 1. Black Gryphon, The (m. Larry Dixon), kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1,4. Chrome Borne, The (m. Larry Dixon) (Born to Run + Chrome Circle), kr. 70,00 2. White Gryphon, The (m. Larry Dixon), kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2,3. Otherworld, The (m. Holly Lisle & Mark Shepherd) 3. Silver Gryphon, The (m. Larry Dixon), kr. 90,00 (Wheels of Fire + When the Bough Breaks), kr. 70,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Valdemar: Mage Winds Shadow Grail (TPB) 1. Winds of Fate, kr. 100,00 1. Legacies (m. Rosemary Edghill), kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Winds of Change, kr. 80,00 Valdemar Roman. Fantasy. Brightly Burning, kr. 90,00 3. Winds of Fury, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Take a Thief, kr. 90,00 Valdemar: Owl Mage Trilogy Roman. Fantasy. 1. Owlflight, kr. 90,00 Valdemar: Collegium Chronicles Roman. Fantasy. 1. Foundation, kr. 80,00 2. Owlsight, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Intrigues, kr. 90,00 3. Owlknight, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Changes, kr. 80,00 Valdemar: Tales of Valdemar Roman. Fantasy. 1. Sword of Ice and Other Tales of Valdemar, kr. 90,00 4. Redoubt, kr. 90,00 Fantasy. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Sun in Glory and Other Tales of Valdemar, kr. 80,00 5. Bastion, kr. 90,00 Fantasy. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Crossroads and Other Tales of Valdemar, kr. 80,00 Valdemar: Exile Fantasy. Antologi. Exile's Honor, kr. 80,00 4. Moving Targets and Other Tales of Valdemar, kr. Roman. Fantasy. 80,00 Fantasy. Antologi. Exile's Valor, kr. 100,00 5. Changing the World: All-New Tales of Valdemar, kr. Roman. Fantasy. 80,00 Valdemar: Herald Spy Fantasy. Antologi. 1. Closer to Home, kr. 90,00 6. Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar, kr. Roman. Fantasy. 90,00 2. Closer to the Heart, kr. 80,00 Fantasy. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. 7. Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar, kr. 3. Closer to the Chest, kr. 80,00 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Valdemar: Heralds of Valdemar 8. No True Way: All-New Tales of Valdemar, kr. 80,00 1. Arrows of the Queen, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 9. Crucible: All-New Tales of Valdemar, kr. 80,00 2. Arrow's Flight, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. 10. Tempest: All-New Tales of Valdemar, kr. 80,00 3. Arrow's Fall, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. 12. Choices: All-New Tales of Valdemar, kr. 80,00 Valdemar: Kerowyn's Tale Novellesamling. Fantasy. 1. By the Sword, kr. 100,00 Valdemar: Vows and Honor Roman. Fantasy. 1. Oathbound, The, kr. 80,00 Valdemar: Last Herald-Mage Roman. Fantasy. 1. Magic's Pawn, kr. 80,00 2. Oathbreakers, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Magic's Promise, kr. 80,00 3. Oathblood, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. 54 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Lackey, Mercedes (Ed.) 6. Ghoul Interupted, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Paranormal Romance. Nebula Awards Showcase 2016 (TPB), kr. 190,00 8. Ghoul Next Door, The, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 9. No Ghouls Allowed, kr. 80,00 Valdemar: Tales of Valdemar Roman. Paranormal Romance. 13. Seasons, kr. 80,00 10. Ghoul's Guide to Love and Murder, A, kr. 90,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Lafferty, R. A. LaValle, Victor Uden serie Uden serie Past Master (TPB), kr. 150,00 Ballad of Black Tom, The (TPB), kr. 140,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Kort Roman. Fantasy. Lake, Jay Changeling, The (TPB), kr. 180,00 Green Universe (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Green, kr. 180,00 LaValle, Victor (Ed.) & Adams, John Joseph (Ed.) Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Lake, Nick People's Future of the , A: Speculative Uden serie Fiction from 25 Extraordinary Writers (TPB), kr. 170,00 Satellite (TPB), kr. 120,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Lawhead, Stephen R. Lam, Laura Eirlandia Series Pacifica (TPB) 1. In the Region of the Summer Stars, kr. 90,00 Shattered Minds, kr. 115,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Lawrence, Mark Lambert, Charles Broken Empire Trilogy Uden serie 1. Prince of Thorns, kr. 80,00 Children's Home, The (HC), kr. 220,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. 2. King of Thorns, kr. 80,00 Lambert, Eugene Roman. Fantasy. Sign of One (TPB) 3. Emperor of Thorns, kr. 80,00 2. Into the No Zone - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der Roman. Fantasy. tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 50,00 Broken Empire Trilogy (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Road Brothers, kr. 170,00 Lane, Andrew & Foster, Nigel Novellesamling. Fantasy. Netherspace Red Queen's War 1. Netherspace, kr. 80,00 1. Prince of Fools, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Netherspace (TPB) 2. Liar's Key, The, kr. 80,00 2. Originators, kr. 150,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Wheel of Osheim, The, kr. 80,00 Lang, Ruth Emmie Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Laws, Robin D. Beasts of Extraordinary Circumstance (TPB), kr. 170,00 Cthulhu Mythos (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. New Tales of the Yellow Sign, kr. 170,00 Lannister, Jammy Novellesamling. Horror. Uden serie Laws, Robin D. (Ed.) Game of Scones: All Men Must Dine (HC), kr. 160,00 Uden serie Non fiction. Kogebog. Shotguns v. Cthulhu, kr. 120,00 Larsson, Åsa & Korsell, Ingela Novellesamling. Horror. Pax (HC) Le Guin, Ursula K. 1. Nidstangen (Ill. af Henrik Jonsson), kr. 69,95 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Changing Planes, kr. 80,00 Laurie, Victoria Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Ghost Hunter Mystery No Time to Spare (TPB), kr. 285,00 Novellesamling. 2. Demons are a Ghoul's Best Friend, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Cycle 3. Ghouls just Haunts to have Fun, kr. 75,00 2. Tombs of Atuan, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Ghouls Gone Wild, kr. 75,00 3. Farthest Shore, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Ghouls, Ghouls, Ghouls, kr. 90,00 4. , kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 55

5. Tales from Earthsea, kr. 80,00 2. Liaden Universe Constellation Vol. 2, A - TILBUD Novellesamling. Fantasy. (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for 6. Other Wind, The, kr. 90,00 udsolgte varer), kr. 98,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 3. Crystal Variation, The - TILBUD (så længe lager Hainish Cycle (HC) haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 98,00 2. Hainish Novels & Stories, Volume Two, kr. 298,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Liaden Universe Constellation Vol. 3, A - TILBUD PM Press Outspoken Authors (TPB) (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for 6. Wild Girls Plus..., The, kr. 145,00 udsolgte varer), kr. 98,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. SF Masterworks (TPB) Lee, Stan Always Coming Home, kr. 145,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Stan Lee's How to Draw Comics (How-to-draw), kr. Lathe of Heaven, The, kr. 120,00 250,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Non fiction. Bøger om at tegne. Word for World is Forest, The, kr. 120,00 Stan Lee's How to Write Comics (How-to-draw), kr. Roman. Science Fiction. 250,00 Lebbon, Tim Bøger om at tegne. Stan Lee's Master Class: Lessons in Drawing, World- Uden serie Building, Storytelling, Manga, and Digital Comics Silence, The (TPB), kr. 105,00 from the Legendary Co-creator of Spider-Man, The Roman. Horror. Avengers, and The Incredible Hulk (How To ) (TPB), kr. Relics (TPB) 250,00 Relics, kr. 105,00 Kunstbøger. Roman. Fantasy. Trick of Light, A (m. Kat Rosenfeild) (HC), kr. 260,00 Leckie, Ann Roman. Science Fiction. Lee, Tanith Uden serie Raven Tower, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Companions on the Road, kr. 80,00 Imperial Radch (TPB) Novellesamling. Fantasy. Electric Forest, kr. 80,00 Provenance, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 1. , kr. 120,00 Silver Metal Lover Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Silver Metal Lover, The, kr. 80,00 2. Ancillary Sword, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Metallic Love, kr. 80,00 3. Ancillary Mercy, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Leigh, Lora Lee, Alan Feline Breeds Uden serie 12. Stygian's Honor (Breeds 19), kr. 80,00 Lord of the Rings Sketchbook, The (HC) (Art Book), kr. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 260,00 Feline Breeds (TPB) Fantasy. Kunstbøger. Overcome, kr. 155,00 Lee, Fonda Novellesamling. Paranormal Romance. Antologi. Green Bone Saga, The (TPB) Leigh, Stephen 1. Jade City, The, kr. 115,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Crow of Connemara, The, kr. 90,00 2. Jade War, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Immortal Muse, kr. 80,00 Lee, Sharon & Miller, Steve Roman. Fantasy. Liaden Saga Hoorka Trilogy 18. Dragon in Exile, kr. 90,00 Assassin's Dawn, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Liaden Saga (HC) Sunpath Cycle, The (TPB) Accepting the Lance, kr. 230,00 1. Fading Sun, A, kr. 160,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Liaden Saga (TPB) Lerner, Edward M. 2. Agent Gambit, The (Agent of Change og Carpe Uden serie Diem) - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages Energized, kr. 95,00 forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 50,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 56 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Levene, Rebecca Unquiet House, The (TPB), kr. 128,00 Hollow Gods, The (TPB) Roman. Horror. 1. Smiler's Fair, kr. 145,00 Liu, Cixin Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Hunter's Kind, The, kr. 145,00 Ball Lightning (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Levine, David D. Supernova Era (HC), kr. 245,00 Adventures of Arabella Ashby, The Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Arabella of Mars, kr. 95,00 Wandering Earth, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 2. Arabella and the Battle of Venus, kr. 90,00 Remembrance of Earth’s Past (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Three-Body Problem, The, kr. 120,00 3. Arabella The Traitor of Mars, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Dark Forest, The, kr. 120,00 Levitz, Paul Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Death's End, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. 75 Years of DC Comics. The Art of Modern Mythmaking, kr. 500,00 Liu, Ken Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Uden serie Golden Age of DC Comics, The - Bibliotheca Ed, kr. Invisible Planets: Contemporary Chinese Science 180,00 Fiction in Translation (TPB), kr. 120,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Lewis, Beth Dandelion Dynasty, The (HC) Uden serie 2. Wall of Storms, The TILBUD (så længe lager haves, Wolf Road, The (TPB), kr. 130,00 der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 150,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Lewis, C.S. Liu, Ken (Ed.) Chronicles of Narnia (TPB) Uden serie Chronicles of Narnia Collected Edition, kr. 250,00 Broken Stars: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction in Translation (HC), kr. 245,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Ligotti, Thomas Livingston, Lesley Uden serie Valiant, The (TPB) Conspiracy Against the Human Race, The: A Contrivance of Horror (TPB), kr. 170,00 2. Defiant, The, kr. 110,00 Non fiction. Diverse. Roman. Fantasy. Teatro Grottesco (TPB), kr. 130,00 Livingston, Michael Roman. Horror. Shards of Heaven, The (TPB) Likitalo, Leena 1. Shards of Heaven, The, kr. 170,00 Waning Moon Duology, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Five Daughters of the Moon, The, kr. 180,00 Lloyd, Tom Roman. Fantasy. Empire of a Hundred Houses, The (TPB) 2. Sisters of the Crescent Empress, The, kr. 180,00 1. Moon's Artifice, kr. 144,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Lim, Elizabeth 2. Old Man's Ghosts, kr. 145,00 Blood of Stars, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Spin the Dawn, kr. 110,00 God Fragments, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Stranger of Tempest, kr. 145,00 Lindberg, Jesper W. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Princess of Blood, kr. 130,00 Myter og mysterier (HC) Roman. Fantasy. 2. Bigfoot og Yetien, kr. 99,95 Non fiction. Diverse. Twilight Reign (TPB) God Tattoo, The: Untold Tales from the Twilight Reign, Lindsey, Erin kr. 144,00 Bloodhound Novellesamling. Fantasy. 2. Bloodforged, The, kr. 80,00 2. Twilight Herald, The, kr. 128,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Bloodsworn, The, kr. 90,00 3. Grave Thief, The, kr. 144,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Littlewood, Alison 4. Ragged Man, The, kr. 144,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Crow Garden, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Horror. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 57

Lo, Malinda 3. Black Wings of Cthulhu: Seventeen Tales of Uden serie , kr. 120,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. Line in the Dark, A (HC), kr. 180,00 4. Black Wings of Cthulhu: Seventeen New Tales of Roman. Horror. Lovecraftian Horror, kr. 120,00 Locke, M.J. Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. Uden serie 5. Black Wings of Cthulhu: Twenty New Tales of Up Against It, kr. 90,00 Lovecraftian Horror, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. Loory, Ben 6. Black Wings of Cthulhu: Twenty-One New Tales of Lovecraftian Horror, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. Tales of Falling and Flying (TPB), kr. 170,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Cthulhu Mythos (TPB) Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, kr. 170,00 Lord, karen Horror. Antologi. Uden serie Tales from Lovecraft Middle School (HC) Unraveling (HC), kr. 198,00 2. Slither Sisters, The (af Charles Gilman), kr. 135,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. Lostetter, Marina J. 3. Teacher's Pest (af Charles Gilman), kr. 135,00 Noumenon (TPB) Roman. Horror. 1. Noumenon, kr. 115,00 4. Substituete Creature, kr. 135,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Horror. 2. Noumenon Infinity, kr. 120,00 Lovecraft, H.P. Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Lotz, Sarah Crawling Chaos, Volume Two: Selected Weird Fiction Three, The (TPB) 1928-1935 (TPB), kr. 130,00 2. Day Four, kr. 105,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. Rædslen fra Dunwich, kr. 49,50 Love, Comfort & Withers, Adam Novellesamling. Horror. Dansk skønlitteratur. Uden serie Uncanny Tales of Cosmic Horror and Unspeakable Complete Guide to Self-Publishing Comics, The: How Terror (TPB), kr. 230,00 to Create and Sell Comic Books, Manga, and Novellesamling. Horror. Webcomics (TPB), kr. 250,00 Cthulhu Mythos (Dansk) (HC) Bøger om Tegneserier. 1. Cthulhu kalder. Fortællinger 1926-1928, kr. 399,00 Lovecraft, H.P & Andre. Novellesamling. Horror. Dansk skønlitteratur. Uden serie 2. Ved vandviddets bjerge. Fortællinger 1929-1937, kr. 399,00 Book of Cthulhu II, The, kr. 155,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Novellesamling. Horror. Cthulhu 2000, kr. 139,50 Cthulhu Mythos (TPB) Horror. Antologi. Rats in the Walls & Other Tales, The, kr. 105,00 Horror for the Holidays, kr. 195,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Novellesamling. Horror. H.P. Lovecraft Omnibus Horror in the Museum, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 1. At the Mountains of Madness, kr. 170,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Novellesamling. Horror. Horrors Beyond 2: Stories of Strange Creations (Ed. 2. Dagon and Other Macabre Tales, kr. 145,00 William Jones), kr. 149,50 Novellesamling. Horror. Horror. Antologi. New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft, The (HC) New Lovecraft Circle, The (ed. af Robert M. Price), kr. 1. New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft, The (Ed. Leslie S. 155,00 Klinger), kr. 375,00 Horror. Antologi. Novellesamling. Horror. Season in Carcosa, A, kr. 195,00 2. New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft, The: Beyond Roman. Horror. Arkham (Ed. Leslie S. Klinger), kr. 390,00 Spirit of Revision, The - Lovecraft's Letters to Zealia Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. Brown Reed Bishop, kr. 200,00 Penguin Classics (TPB) Non fiction. Diverse. Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories, The (TPB), Yith Cycle, The, kr. 164,50 kr. 180,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. Novellesamling. Horror. Black Wings of Cthulhu (TPB) Lovegrove, James 1. Black Wings of Cthulhu: Twenty-one Tales of Uden serie Lovecraftian Horror Vol. 1, kr. 120,00 Sherlock Holmes & the Christmas Demon (HC), kr. Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. 170,00 2. Black Wings of Cthulhu: Eighteen Tales of Roman. Horror. Lovecraftian Horror Vol. 2, kr. 120,00 Roman. Horror. Antologi. 58 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Cthulhu Casebooks, The (TPB) 5. Last of the Red-Hot , The, kr. 80,00 2. Sherlock Holmes and the Miskatonic Monstrosities, Roman. Paranormal Romance. kr. 105,00 6. Zen and the Art of Vampires, kr. 80,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Sherlock Holmes and the Sussex Sea-Devils, kr. 7. Crouching Vampire, Hidden Fang, kr. 85,00 105,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Horror. Steampunk Romance James Lovegrove Collection (TPB) Steamed, kr. 80,00 1. James Lovegrove Collection Vol. 1 (Days + United Roman. Paranormal Romance. Kingdom), kr. 145,00 Macallan, Angus Roman. Science Fiction. Lord of the Island Novel, A (TPB) Lu, Marie 1. Gates of Stone, kr. 160,00 Warcross (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 2. Wildcard, kr. 130,00 Mack, David Roman. Science Fiction. Dark Arts (TPB) Young Elites, The (TPB) 1. Midnight Front, The, kr. 160,00 3. Midnight Star, The, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Macleod, Ken Lucasfilm's Alien Chronicles PM Press Outspoken Authors (TPB) Uden serie 10. Human Front Plus..., The, kr. 120,00 2. Crimson Claw, The (af Deborah Chester), kr. 70,00 Novellesamling. Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Second Law 3. Crystal Eye, The (af Deborah Chester), kr. 80,00 2. Corporation Wars, The: Insurgence, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Lucia, Ant 3. Corporation Wars, The: Emergence, kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Art of DC Comics Bombshells, The (Art Book), kr. 360,00 Madsen, Frank Non fiction. Kunstbøger. Gustav og Raketbroderskabet Luhtanen, Sari & Oikkonen, Miikko 1. Grønne pige, Den, kr. 70,00 Nymfit (TPB) Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 1. , kr. 145,00 2. Fluen, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Lukavics, Amy 3. Robotter, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Women in the Walls, The (TPB), kr. 100,00 4. Beriah, kr. 90,00 Roman. Horror. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Lynch, Scott 5. Plan B, kr. 90,00 Gentleman Bastard Sequence Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 1. Lies of Locke Lamora, The, kr. 90,00 6. Xenia, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 2. Red Seas under Red Skies, kr. 90,00 7. Tvekamp, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 3. Republic of Thieves, The, kr. 90,00 8. Klapjagt, kr. 69,50 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Lyons, Jenn Madsen, Peter Godslayer Cycle, The (TPB) Uden serie 1. Ruin of Kings, The, kr. 120,00 Eventyrbogen (HC), kr. 249,95 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. 2. Name of All Things, The, kr. 195,00 Madsen, Peter & Capezzone, Thierry Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Lyris, Sonia Tegn og Fortæl, kr. 149,95 Uden serie Non fiction. Bøger om at tegne. Seer, The (TPB), kr. 160,00 Mafi, Tahereh Roman. Fantasy. Furthermore (TPB) MacAlister, Katie 1. Furthermore, kr. 90,00 Dark Ones Roman. Fantasy. 1. Girl's Guide to Vampires, A, kr. 80,00 2. Whichwood, kr. 110,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Sex, Lies and Vampires, kr. 112,00 Shatter Me (TPB) Roman. Paranormal Romance. Find Me, kr. 105,00 4. Even Vampires Get the Blues, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Young Adult. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 59

Unite Me (Collects Fracture Me and Destroy Me), kr. Mamatas, Nick 105,00 Uden serie Roman. Young Adult. I Am Providence (TPB), kr. 170,00 1. Shatter Me, kr. 105,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Young Adult. Mammay, Michael 2. Unravel Me, kr. 105,00 Roman. Young Adult. Planetside 3. Ignite Me, kr. 105,00 1. Planetside, kr. 80,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Restore Me, kr. 105,00 2. Spaceside, kr. 80,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. 5. Defy Me, kr. 105,00 Mandel, Emily St. John Roman. Young Adult. Uden serie Magrs, Paul Station Eleven (TPB), kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. 666 Charing Cross Road (TPB), kr. 115,00 Manieri, Evie Roman. Fantasy. Shattered Kingdoms Maguire, Gregory 1. Blood's Pride, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. After Alice (TPB), kr. 130,00 2. Fortune's Blight, kr. 95,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister (TPB), kr. 115,00 Mann, George Roman. Fantasy. Wychwood Lost (TPB), kr. 105,00 1. Wychwood, kr. 80,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Mirror Mirror (TPB), kr. 115,00 Mann, Phillip Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Wicked Years, The (TPB) Disestablishment of Paradise, The (TPB) - TILBUD (så 1. Wicked, kr. 120,00 længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte Roman. Fantasy. varer), kr. 50,00 2. Son of Witch, kr. 115,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Maresca, Marshall Ryan 3. Lion Among Men, A, kr. 115,00 Maradaine Constabulary Roman. Fantasy. 2. Import of Intrigue, An, kr. 90,00 4. Out of Oz, kr. 115,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Parliament of Bodies, A, kr. 80,00 Mahnke, Aaron Roman. Fantasy. World of Lore, The (HC) Maradaine Elite 2. Wicked Mortals, kr. 228,00 1. Way of the Shield, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Dreadful Places, kr. 218,00 2. Shield of the People, The, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Mahurin, Shelby Novel of Maradaine, A Serpent & Dove (TPB) 2. Alchemy of Chaos, The, kr. 90,00 1. Serpent & Dove, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Imposters of Aventil, The, kr. 80,00 Malan, Violette Roman. Fantasy. Novel of the Mirror Lands Streets of Maradaine, The 2. Shadowlands, kr. 80,00 1. Holver Alley Crew, The, kr. 95,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Lady Henterman's Wardrobe, kr. 80,00 Malerman, Josh Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Marillier, Juliet Inspection (HC), kr. 198,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Blackthorn & Grim Novel 1. Dreamer's Pool, kr. 80,00 Bird Box (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Bird Box, kr. 120,00 2. Tower of Thorns, kr. 80,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Malfi, Ronald 3. Den of Wolves, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Little Girls, kr. 100,00 Shadowfell (TPB) Roman. Horror. 1. Shadowfell, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. 60 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

2. Raven Flight, kr. 110,00 Dreamsongs Book One (TPB), kr. 195,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. 3. Caller, The, kr. 110,00 Dreamsongs Book Two (TPB), kr. 195,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Marion, Isaac Fevre Dreams, kr. 80,00 Warm Bodies (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. New Hunger, The, kr. 140,00 Ice Dragon, The (Ill. af Luis Royo) (HC), kr. 140,00 Kort Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Fantasy. 1. Warm Bodies, kr. 150,00 Nightflyers & Other Stories, kr. 100,00 Roman. Young Adult. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 2. Burning World, The, kr. 170,00 2020. Song of Ice and Fire 2020 Calendar, A: Illustrations by John Howe (Kalender), kr. 155,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Fantasy. Kalendere. Mariotte, Jeff Song of Ice and Fire (TPB) Witch Season (TPB) 0. Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, A (Ill. Af Gary Year of the Wicked: Summer; Fall; Winter; Spring Gianni), kr. 120,00 (TPB), kr. 150,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Song of Ice and Fire, A Marr, Melissa Song of Ice and Fire Boxed Set (1 - 5), kr. 298,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Arrivals, The (TPB), kr. 128,00 1. Game of Thrones, A, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Shards & Ashes (TPB), kr. 110,00 2. Clash of Kings, A, kr. 90,00 Novellesamling. Young Adult. Roman. Fantasy. Seven Black Diamonds (TPB) 3. Storm of Swords, A, kr. 100,00 1. Seven Black Diamonds, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Feast for Crows, A, kr. 100,00 2. One Blood Ruby, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Dance With Dragons, A, kr. 90,00 Marsh, Sarah Glenn Roman. Fantasy. Reign of the Fallen Duology (TPB) Song of Ice and Fire, A (HC) 1. Reign of the Fallen, kr. 110,00 Lands of Ice and Fire, kr. 360,00 Roman. Fantasy. Fantasy. Kunstbøger. Marshall, Alex Wit & Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister, The, kr. 130,00 Crimson Empire, The (TPB) Fantasy. Bøger om Fantasy. 1. Crown for Cold Silver, A, kr. 130,00 1. Game of Thrones, A - LAGERFØRES IKKE MEN KAN BESTILLES HJEM, kr. 298,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Blade of Black Steel, A, kr. 130,00 2. Clash of Kings, A - LAGERFØRES IKKE MEN KAN Roman. Fantasy. BESTILLES HJEM, kr. 298,00 3. War in Crimson Embers, A, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Clash of Kings, A: The Illustrated Edition (Ill. Af Martin, Gail Z. Lauren K. Cannon), kr. 298,00 Ascendant Kingdoms Saga, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 2. Reign of Ash, kr. 160,00 3. Storm of Swords, A - LAGERFØRES IKKE MEN KAN Roman. Fantasy. BESTILLES HJEM, kr. 298,00 3. War of Shadows, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Feast for Crows, A - LAGERFØRES IKKE MEN KAN BESTILLES HJEM, kr. 298,00 Chronicles of the Necromancer Roman. Fantasy. 1. Summoner, The, kr. 80,00 5. Dance With Dragons, A - LAGERFØRES IKKE MEN Roman. Fantasy. KAN BESTILLES HJEM, kr. 298,00 2. Blood King, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Martin, George R.R. & Dozois, Gardner (Ed.) 3. Dark Haven, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Rogues (TPB), kr. 130,00 4. Dark Lady's Chosen, kr. 90,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. Deadly Curiosities Dangerous Women 2. Dangerous Women Vol. 2, kr. 80,00 2. Vendetta, kr. 90,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Dangerous Women Vol. 3, kr. 80,00 Martin, George R.R. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Uden serie Warriors Armageddon Rag, The (TPB), kr. 130,00 1. Warriors Vol. 1, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 61

2. Warriors Vol. 2, kr. 90,00 Matheson, Richard Fantasy. Antologi. Uden serie 3. Warriors Vol. 3, kr. 90,00 Shadow on the Sun, kr. 80,00 Fantasy. Antologi. Roman. Horror. Martin, George R.R. (Ed.) Matthews, Susan R. Wild Cards Under Jurisdiction (TPB) 18. Inside Straight, kr. 80,00 1. Fleet Inquisitor, kr. 180,00 Science Fiction. Antologi. Roman. Science Fiction. 20. Suicide Kings, kr. 90,00 2. Fleet Renegade, kr. 180,00 Science Fiction. Antologi. Roman. Science Fiction. 22. Lowball, kr. 90,00 3. Blood Enemies, kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Wild Cards (TPB) Maxey, James 24. Mississippi Roll, kr. 115,00 Dragon Apocalypse Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 2. Hush, kr. 90,00 Marvel Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 3. Witchbreaker, kr. 90,00 80 for 80, kr. 360,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Kunstbøger. May, Elizabeth Art of the Avengers Endgame, The (Art Book), kr. 450,00 Falconer (TPB) Non fiction. Bøger om Film. 1. Falconer, The, kr. 128,00 Marvel Universe of Super Heroes, kr. 315,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. McAuley, Paul J. Avengers (HC) Uden serie Road to Avengers Infinity War, The, kr. 450,00 Austral (TPB), kr. 130,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Film. Roman. Science Fiction. Marvel (TPB) McCaffrey, Anne Art of the War of the Realms, The, kr. 315,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Acorna's Children Marvel Art of , The, kr. 450,00 3. Third Watch (m.Elizabeth Ann Scarborough), kr. 90,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Roman. Fantasy. Marvel Art of Skottie Young, The, kr. 450,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Adventures of the Unicorn Girl Marvel Monograph 1. Acorna, The Unicorn Girl (m M. Ball), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Art of Adi Granov, The - Vol. 1, kr. 180,00 2. Acorna's Quest, kr. 80,00 Non fiction. Kunstbøger. Roman. Fantasy. Art of Sara Pichelli, The, kr. 180,00 3. Acorna's People, kr. 112,00 Non fiction. Kunstbøger. Roman. Fantasy. Mascull, Rebecca 4. Acorna's World, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Visitors, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 5. Acorna's Search, kr. 85,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Masefield, John 6. Acorna's Rebels, kr. 85,00 Kay Harker (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Midnight Folk, The (Ill. Quentin Blake), kr. 105,00 7. Acorna's Triumph, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Box of Delights, The (Ill. Quentin Blake ), kr. 115,00 Catteni Sequence Roman. Fantasy. 2. Freedom's Choice, kr. 80,00 Masson, Cynthea Roman. Science Fiction. Alchemists' Council, The (TPB) Crystal Singer 1. Alchemists' Council, The, kr. 180,00 1. Crystal Singer, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Mastai, Elan 2. Killashandra, kr. 85,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. All Our Wrong Todays (TPB), kr. 190,00 Dragonriders of Pern Roman. Science Fiction. 1. , kr. 80,00 Masterton, Graham Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Dragonquest, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Ghost Virus (TPB), kr. 120,00 3. White Dragon, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern, kr. 80,00 Roman. 62 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

4. Nerilka's Story(Pesten 2. del), kr. 80,00 McClellan, Brian Roman. Gods of Blood and Powder (TPB) 5. Dragonsdawn, kr. 80,00 1. Sins of Empire, kr. 120,00 Roman. Roman. Fantasy. 6. Renegades of Pern, The, kr. 80,00 2. Wrath of Empire, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 7. All the Weyrs of Pern, kr. 80,00 Powder Mage (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 2. Crimson Campaign, The, kr. 130,00 8. Dolphins of Pern, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Autumn Republic, The, kr. 130,00 9. Dragonseye (= Red Star Rising), kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. McCloud, Scott 10. Masterharper of Pern, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 11. Skies of Pern, The, kr. 90,00 Making Comics (TPB), kr. 250,00 Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Tegneserier. 12. Dragon's Kin (m. Todd McCaffrey), kr. 80,00 Reinventing Comics (TPB), kr. 250,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. 13. Dragonsblood (m. Todd McCaffrey), kr. 90,00 Understanding Comics (TPB), kr. 250,00 Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Tegneserier. 14. Dragon's Fire (m. Todd McCaffrey), kr. 80,00 McCormack, Una Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 15. Dragon Harper (m. Todd McCaffrey), kr. 80,00 Undefeated, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. 16. (m. Todd McCaffrey), kr. 90,00 McCreight, Kimberly Roman. Fantasy. Outliers, The (TPB) 17. Dragongirl (m. Todd McCaffrey), kr. 80,00 1. Outliers, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. 18. Dragon's Time (m. Todd McCaffrey), kr. 90,00 2. Scattering, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. 19. Sky Dragons (m. Todd McCaffrey), kr. 80,00 3. Collide, The, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. Harper Hall (TPB) McCrudden, Chris 1. Dragonsong, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Battlestar Suburbia (TPB), kr. 120,00 2. Dragonsinger, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. McCullough, Kelly 3. Dragondrums, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Fallen Blade 2. Bared Blade, kr. 80,00 Paytabee Roman. Fantasy. 2. Power Play (m. Scarborough), kr. 90,00 3. Crossed Blades, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Power Lines (med Scarborough), kr. 90,00 4. Blade Reforged, kr. 85,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Planet Pirates 5. Drawn Blades, kr. 80,00 3. Generation Warriors (med Moon, E), kr. 70,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 6. Darkened Blade, kr. 80,00 Talent, The Roman. Fantasy. 1. To Ride Pegasus, kr. 80,00 McDermott, Joe M. Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 2. Pegasus in Flight, kr. 80,00 Fortress at the End of Time, The (TPB), kr. 210,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Damia, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. McDevitt, Jack 5. Damia's Children, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Time Travellers Never Die, kr. 85,00 McCaffrey, Gigi Roman. Science Fiction. Dragonriders of Pern (HC) Alex Benedict 20. Dragon's Code, kr. 218,00 1. Talent for War, A, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. McCarthy, Cormac 3. Seeker, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 4. Devil's Eye, The, kr. 85,00 Road, The (TPB), kr. 115,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 63

5. Echo, kr. 80,00 October Daye Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Rosemary and Rue, kr. 80,00 6. Firebird, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Local Habitation, A, kr. 90,00 7. Coming Home, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Artificial Night, An, kr. 80,00 Priscilla Hutchins Novel Roman. Fantasy. 7. Starhawk, kr. 85,00 4. Late Eclipses, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. McDonald, Ed 5. One Salt Sea, kr. 90,00 Raven's Mark (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Blackwing, kr. 115,00 6. Ashes of Honor, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Ravencry, kr. 120,00 7. Chimes at Midnight, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. McDonald, Ian 8. Winter Long, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 9. Red-Rose Chain, A, kr. 80,00 Time Was (TPB), kr. 150,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. 10. Once Broken Faith, kr. 90,00 Everness (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 3. Empress of the Sun - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, 11. Brightest Fell, The, kr. 80,00 der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 50,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Wayward Children (HC) Luna (TPB) 2. Down Among the Sticks and Bones, kr. 170,00 Menace from Farside, The, kr. 150,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Beneath the Sugar Sky, kr. 170,00 1. New Moon, kr. 180,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 5. Come Tumbling Down, kr. 180,00 McGee, Katharine Roman. Fantasy. Thousandth Floor, The (TPB) McIntosh, Fiona 1. Thousandth Floor, The, kr. 130,00 Quickening, The Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Myrren's Gift, kr. 80,00 McGinnis, Mindy Roman. Fantasy. Given Duet (TPB) 2. Blood and Memory, kr. 144,00 1. Given to the Sea Roman. Fantasy. Given to the Sea 3. Bridge of Souls, kr. 80,00 Given to the Sea, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Quickening, The (TPB) McGuire, Jamie Scrivener's Tale, kr. 144,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Red Hill (TPB), kr. 128,00 Trinity Roman. Horror. 2. Revenge, kr. 144,00 McGuire, Seanan Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 3. Destiny, kr. 128,00 Dusk or Dark or Dawn or Day (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Fantasy. McIntosh, Will InCryptid Uden serie 1. Discount Armageddon, kr. 80,00 Faller: A Novel (HC) - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, Roman. Fantasy. der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 80,00 2. Midnight Blue-Light Special, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. McIntyre, Angus 3. Half-Off Ragnarok, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Warrior Within, The (TPB), kr. 150,00 4. Pocket Apocalypse, kr. 95,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Chaos Choreography, kr. 90,00 McKay, Amy Roman. Fantasy. Witches of , The (HC) 6. Magic for Nothing, kr. 90,00 Half Spent Was the Night: A Witches' Yuletide, kr. 140,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Fantasy. 7. Tricks for Free, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Witches of New York, The (TPB) 8. That Ain't , kr. 80,00 Witches of New York, The, kr. 115,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 64 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

McKiernan, Dennis L. 4. Succubus Heat, kr. 90,00 Mithgar Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Voyage of the Fox Rider, kr. 80,00 5. Succubus Shadows, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Dragondoom, kr. 80,00 Glittering Court, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Glittering Court, The, kr. 140,00 4. Stolen Crown, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Midnight Jewel, kr. 120,00 McKillip, Patricia A. Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 3. Emerald Sea, The, kr. 115,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kingfisher (HC), kr. 198,00 Roman. Fantasy. Vampire Academy (TPB) Vampire Academy: The Ultimate Guide, kr. 110,00 Fantasy Masterworks (TPB) Novellesamling. Young Adult. Bøger om Fantasy. 48. Forgotten Beasts of Eld, The, kr. 160,00 1. Vampire Academy, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. McKinley, K. M. 2. Frostbite, kr. 110,00 Gates of the World, The Roman. Young Adult. 1. Iron Ship, The, kr. 80,00 3. Shadow Kiss, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. 2. City of Ice, The, kr. 80,00 4. Blood Promise, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. McKinley, Robin 5. Spirit Bound, kr. 110,00 Uden serie Roman. Young Adult. Deerskin, kr. 80,00 6. Last Sacrifice, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. Shadows (TPB), kr. 110,00 Vampire Academy: Bloodlines (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Bloodlines, kr. 120,00 Chronicles of Damar Roman. Young Adult. 1. Blue Sword, The, kr. 80,00 2. Golden Lily, The, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. McKinney, L. L. 3. Indigo Spell, The, kr. 110,00 Nightmare-Verse, The (TPB) Roman. Young Adult. 1. Blade So Black, A, kr. 120,00 4. Fiery Heart, The, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. 2. Dream So Dark, A, kr. 120,00 5. Silver Shadows, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. McLean, Peter 6. Ruby Circle, The, kr. 110,00 Roman. Young Adult. War of the Rose Throne (TPB) Meadows, Jodi 1. Priest of Bones, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Fallen Isles Trilogy (TPB) 2. Priest of Lies 1. Before She Ignites, kr. 100,00 Priest of Lies, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. As She Ascends, kr. 110,00 McNamara, Margaret & Fearing, Mark Roman. Fantasy. Solar System Adventure! (HC) Meadows, Joel Three Little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot, The, kr. Uden serie 90,00 Masters of Comics: Inside the Studios of the World's Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Premier Graphic Storyteller (TPB), kr. 250,00 McNutt, Myles Bøger om Tegneserier. Game of Thrones (HC) Means, David Guide to Westeros and Beyond (The Complete Series), Uden serie A, kr. 450,00 Hystopia (TPB), kr. 190,00 Fantasy. Bøger om Film. Roman. Science Fiction. Mead, Richelle Meehan, Gary Uden serie True Fire Trilogy (TPB) Soundless (TPB), kr. 120,00 1. True Fire, kr. 112,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Georgina Kincaid Mehrotra, Rati 2. Succubus on Top, kr. 90,00 Asiana (TPB) Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Markswoman, kr. 160,00 3. Succubus Dreams, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 65

2. Mahimata, kr. 170,00 Miller, Karen Roman. Fantasy. Kingmaker, Kingbreaker (TPB) Melamed, Jennie 0,5. Blight of Mages, kr. 130,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Gather the Daughters (TPB), kr. 115,00 3. Prodigal Mage, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Merz, Jon F. 4. Reluctant Mage, kr. 130,00 Shadow Warrior Saga Roman. Fantasy. 1. Undead Hordes of Kan-Gul, The, kr. 80,00 Miller, Madeline Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Meydan, Lena Circe, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Twilight Forever Rising, kr. 80,00 Miller, Rowenna Roman. Horror. Unraveled Kingdom, The (TPB) Meyer, Stephenie 1. Torn, kr. 160,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Prom Nights from Hell, kr. 112,00 2. Fray, kr. 160,00 Young Adult. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. Twilight (HC) Miller, Sam J. Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, kr. 130,00 Uden serie Roman. Young Adult. Blackfish City (TPB), kr. 120,00 1. Twilight: Tenth Anniversary/Life and Death Dual Roman. Science Fiction. Edition, kr. 270,00 Miller, Tom Roman. Young Adult. Philosopher's Flight, The (HC) Twilight (TPB) 2. Philosopher's War, The, kr. 250,00 3. Eclipse, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. Mitchell, David Miéville, China Uden serie Uden serie Bone Clocks, The (TPB), kr. 128,00 (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Cloud Atlas (TPB), kr. 130,00 King Rat (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Horror. Slade House (HC), kr. 210,00 Looking for Jake and Other Stories, kr. 130,00 Roman. Horror. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Mitchell, J. Barton (TPB), kr. 144,00 Conquered Earth (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Midnight City, kr. 110,00 This Census-Taker (TPB), kr. 105,00 Roman. Young Adult. Kort Roman. Horror. Modesitt, Jr., L.E. Three Moments of an Explosion: Stories (TPB), kr. 145,00 Corean Chronicles Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 8. Lady-Protector, kr. 80,00 Bas-Lag (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Perdido Street Station, kr. 170,00 Imager Portfolio Roman. Fantasy. 1. Imager, kr. 100,00 2. Scar, The, kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Scholar, kr. 90,00 Mihalik, Jessie Roman. Fantasy. Consortium Rebellion (TPB) 5. Princeps, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Polaris Rising, kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Saga of Recluce, The 2. Aurora Blazing, kr. 145,00 1. Magic of Recluce, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Mikkelsen, Morten 2. Towers of the Sunset, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 3. Magic Engineer, The, kr. 100,00 Lille bog om Frankenstein, Den, kr. 149,95 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Bøger om Horror. 4. Order War, The, kr. 90,00 Milán, Victor Roman. Fantasy. Dinosaur Lords, The 6. Fall of Angels, kr. 90,00 3. Dinosaur Princess, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 19. Mongrel Mage, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. 66 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Moning, Karen Marie Esmay Suiza Sagaen (TPB) Fever 1. Serrano Connection, The ( Once a Hero og Rules of 1. Darkfever, kr. 80,00 Engagement), kr. 150,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Bloodfever, kr. 80,00 Paladin's Legacy Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Oath of Fealty, kr. 80,00 3. Faefever, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Kings of the North, kr. 80,00 4. Dreamfever, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Echoes of Betrayal, kr. 80,00 5. Shadowfever, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 4. Limits of Power, kr. 80,00 6. Iced, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 5. Crown of Renewal, kr. 90,00 8. Feverborn, kr. 95,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Vatta's Peace 9. Feversong, kr. 80,00 1. Cold Welcome, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 10. High Voltage, kr. 80,00 2. Into the Fire, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. Monk, Devon Moorcock, Michael Age of Steam PM Press Outspoken Authors (TPB) 1. Dead Iron, kr. 80,00 5. Modern Times 2.0 Plus..., kr. 120,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Novellesamling. Fiction. 2. Tin Swift, kr. 80,00 Moore, C.L Roman. Paranormal Romance. Golden Age Masterworks (TPB) 3. Cold Copper, kr. 80,00 Doomsday Morning, kr. 120,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. Broken Magic , kr. 120,00 2. Stone Cold, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Northwest of Earth, kr. 120,00 House Immortal Roman. Science Fiction. 1. House Immortal, kr. 90,00 Moore, David Thomas (Ed.) Roman. Paranormal Romance. Uden serie 2. Infinity Bell, kr. 90,00 Creatures: The Legacy of Frankenstein: The Legacy of Roman. Paranormal Romance. Frankenstein (TPB), kr. 160,00 3. Crucible Zero, kr. 90,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Moore, James A Monroe-Cassel, Chelsea Tides of War Uden serie 1. Last Sacrifice, The, kr. 80,00 Elder Scrolls, The: The Official Cookbook (HC) Roman. Fantasy. (Cookbook), kr. 320,00 Morden, S. J. Fantasy. Kogebog. Uden serie Firefly: The Big Damn Cookbook (HC) (Cookbook), kr. 315,00 One Way (TPB), kr. 105,00 Science Fiction. Kogebog. Roman. Science Fiction. Overwatch: The Official Cookbook (HC) (Cookbook), Moreci, Michael kr. 320,00 Uden serie Kogebog. Black Star Renegades (HC) - TILBUD (så længe lager Monroe-Cassel, Chelsea & Sumerak, Marc haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 80,00 Star Wars (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: The Official Black Spire Moreno-Garcia, Sylvia Outpost Cookbook (Cookbook), kr. 320,00 Uden serie Non fiction. Kogebog. Signal to Noise, kr. 100,00 Moon, Elizabeth Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Morgan, Kass , kr. 120,00 Light Years (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Light Years, kr. 105,00 Deed of Paksenarrion, The Roman. Science Fiction. Deed of Paksenarrion (1-3 samlet), kr. 220,00 Morgan, Louisa Roman. Fantasy. Store formater. Uden serie Witch's Kind, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 67

Morgan, Richard Mosley, Walter Uden serie Crosstown to Oblivion Market Forces (TPB), kr. 130,00 Merge and Disciple - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, Roman. Science Fiction. der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 25,00 Thin Air (HC), kr. 218,00 Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Stepping Stone and Love Machine - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), Black Man (TPB) kr. 25,00 Thirteen, kr. 130,00 Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Motayne, Maya Land Fit for Heroes, A (TPB) Forgery of Magic, A (TPB) 1. Steel Remains, The, kr. 130,00 1. Nocturna, kr. 195,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Cold Commands, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Moyer, Jamie Lee 3. Dark Defiles, The, kr. 130,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Brightfall (TPB), kr. 195,00 Takeshi Kovacs (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Altered Carbon, kr. 130,00 Muir, Tamsyn Roman. Science Fiction. Ninth House, The (HC) 2. Broken Angels, kr. 130,00 1. Gideon the Ninth, kr. 240,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Woken Furies, kr. 130,00 Murad, Mahvesh (Ed.) & Shurin, Jared (Ed.) Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Morgenstern, Erin Djinn Falls in Love and Other Stories, The (TPB), kr. Uden serie 160,00 Starless Sea, The (HC), kr. 220,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. Murphy, Jill Starless Sea, The (TPB), kr. 180,00 Worst Witch Roman. Fantasy. 1. Worst With, The, kr. 60,00 Night Circus Kort Roman. Fantasy. 1. Night Circus, The, kr. 80,00 2. Worst Witch Strikes Again, The, kr. 60,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Fantasy. Morris, Cass 3. Bad Spell for the Worst Witch, A, kr. 60,00 Aven Cycle (HC) Kort Roman. Fantasy. 1. From Unseen Fire, kr. 198,00 4. Worst Witch at Sea, The, kr. 60,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Worst Witch Saves the Day, The, kr. 60,00 Morris, Jon Kort Roman. Fantasy. Regrettable (HC) 6. Worst Witch to the Rescue, The, kr. 60,00 League of Regrettable Sidekicks, The: Heroic Helpers Kort Roman. Fantasy. from Comic Book History!, kr. 198,00 7. Worst Witch and the Wishing Star, The, kr. 60,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Roman. Fantasy. League of Regrettable Superheroes, The: Half-Baked Heroes from Comic Book History, kr. 198,00 Murphy, Lois Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Uden serie Legion of Regrettable Supervillains, The, kr. 198,00 Soon (TPB), kr. 105,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Roman. Horror. Morris, Mark (Ed.) Musk, Justine Uden serie Uden serie New Fears, vol. 2: More New Horror Stories by Masters 1. Blood Angel, kr. 80,00 of the Macabre (TPB), kr. 105,00 Roman. Horror. Novellesamling. Horror. 2. Lord of Bones, kr. 75,00 Morrow, John Roman. Horror. Uden serie Maas, Sarah J. Kirby & Lee: Stuf' Said (Updated Ed.), kr. 245,00 Court of Thorns and Roses, A (HC) Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. 3,1. Court of Frost and Starlight, A, kr. 170,00 Mortimer, Ian Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Court of Thorns and Roses, A (TPB) Outcasts of Time, The (HC), kr. 240,00 1. Court of Thorns and Roses, A, kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Court of Mist and Fury, A, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. 3. Court of Wings and Ruin, A, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. 68 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

3,1. Court of Frost and Starlight, A, kr. 105,00 Dark Elite Roman. Fantasy. 1. Firespell, kr. 70,00 Throne of Glass (TPB) Roman. Young Adult. 1. Throne of Glass, kr. 105,00 2. Hexbound, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. 2. Crown of Midnight, kr. 105,00 Devil's Isle Novel, A (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Veil, The, kr. 150,00 3. Heir of Fire, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Hunt, The, kr. 150,00 4. Queen of Shadows, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Nelson, J. C. 5. Empire of Storms, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Reburialists, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 6. Tower of Dawn, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Fantasy. Grimm Agency 7. Kingdom of Ash, kr. 105,00 2. Armageddon Rules, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Throne of Glass: Miniature Character Collection 3. Wish Bound, kr. 85,00 0. Assassin's Blade, The, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Nelson, Michael Alan 2. Crown of Midnight, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Hexed (TPB) 3. Heir of Fire, kr. 170,00 1. Sisters of Witchdown, The, kr. 150,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 6. Tower of Dawn, kr. 170,00 Néret, Gilles Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 7. Kingdom of Ash, kr. 170,00 Erotica Universalis - From Pompeii to Picasso Roman. Fantasy. (Bibliotheca Universalis), kr. 150,00 Nagata, Linda Non fiction. Kunstbøger. Red Trilogy, The Ness, Patrick 1. Red, The (First Light), kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Monster Calls, A (TPB), kr. 120,00 Naslund, Brian Roman. Horror. Dragons of Terra (TPB) Neumeier, Rachel 1. Blood of an Exile, kr. 170,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Mountain of Kept Memory, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Nassise, Joseph (Ed.) Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Black Dog Trilogy (TPB) Midian Unmade: Tales of Clive Barker's Nightbreed 1. Black Dog, kr. 128,00 (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. Neuvel, Sylvain Urban Enemies (TPB), kr. 160,00 Themis Files (TPB) Novellesamling. Fantasy. 1. Sleeping Giants, kr. 170,00 Nathan, Ian Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 2. Waking Gods, kr. 160,00 Anything You Can Imagine: Peter Jackson & the Roman. Science Fiction. Making of Middle-Earth (HC), kr. 260,00 3. Only Human, kr. 170,00 Non fiction. Film. Roman. Science Fiction. Neill, Chloe Newman, Emma Chicagoland Vampires Industrial Magic (TPB) 2. Friday Night Bites, kr. 90,00 1. Brother's Ruin, kr. 160,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Twice Bitten, kr. 80,00 2. Weaver's Lament, kr. 150,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Kort Roman. Fantasy. 4. Hard Bitten, kr. 80,00 Planetfall (TPB) Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Planetfall, kr. 130,00 5. Drink Deep, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. After Atlas, kr. 130,00 6. Biting Cold, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Before Mars, kr. 120,00 7. House Rules, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 4. Atlas Alone, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 69

Split Worlds, The (TPB) Niven, Larry & Barnes, Steven 2. Any Other Name, kr. 150,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Seascape Tattoo, The (HC) TILBUD (så længe lager 3. All Is Fair, kr. 150,00 haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. Roman. Fantasy. 150,00 4. Little Knowledge, A, kr. 150,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Niven, Larry & Pournelle, Jerry 5. All Good Things, kr. 150,00 Inferno Roman. Fantasy. 1. Inferno, kr. 105,00 Newman, Kim Roman. Fantasy. Anno Dracula (TPB) Nix, Garth Anno Dracula 1999: Daikaiju, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Novellesamling. Fantasy. Across the Wall: Tales of the Abhorsen and other tales, Anno Dracula 1899 and Other Stories, kr. 130,00 kr. 100,00 Roman. Horror. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Diogenes Club Series, The (TPB) Abhorsen Trilogy 1. Man from the Diogenes Club, The, kr. 130,00 To Hold the Bridge (TPB), kr. 110,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Drearcliff Grange (TPB) Noon, Jeff 1. Secrets of Drearcliff Grange School, The, kr. 105,00 John Nyquist (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Man of Shadows, A, kr. 115,00 2. Haunting of Drearcliff Grange School, The, kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Body Library, The, kr. 115,00 Newman, Peter Roman. Science Fiction. Vagrant, The (TPB) North, Claire 1. Vagrant, The, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. End of the Day, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 2. Malice, The, kr. 145,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Gameshouse, The (TPB) 3. Seven, The, kr. 115,00 Gameshouse, The: Vol. 1 - 3 (The Serpent, The Thief, Roman. Fantasy. The Master), kr. 120,00 Newton, Mark Charan Roman. Fantasy. Legends of the Red Sun (TPB) Novik, Naomi 1. Nights of Villjamur, kr. 144,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. (TPB), kr. 120,00 2. City of Ruin, kr. 144,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. (TPB), kr. 105,00 3. Books of Transformations, The, kr. 128,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Temeraire 4. Broken Isles, The, kr. 128,00 1. His Majesty's Dragon, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Lucan Drakenfeld Novels, The (TPB) 3. Black Powder War, kr. 80,00 1. Drakenfeld, kr. 128,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Empire of Ivory, kr. 80,00 Nielsen, Michael G. Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 5. Victory of Eagles, kr. 80,00 Bassernes Mort Walker, kr. 128,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. 6. Tongues of Serpents, kr. 80,00 Niven, Larry Roman. Fantasy. 7. Crucible of Gold, kr. 80,00 Bowl of Heaven Roman. Fantasy. 2. Shipstar (m. Gregory Benford), kr. 100,00 8. Blood of Tyrants, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Known Space 9. League of Dragons, kr. 90,00 Protector, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Naam, Ramez 1. , kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Nexus (TPB) 2. Ringworld Engineers, The, kr. 80,00 3. Apex: Connect, kr. 150,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Ringworld Throne, The, kr. 80,00 O., Adam Roman. Science Fiction. Den Rustne Verden (HC) 5. Fate of Worlds (m. Edward M. Lerner), kr. 90,00 1. Flugten fra Danmark, kr. 199,95 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. 70 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

2. Motorhjerte, kr. 199,95 3. Night Masquerade, The, kr. 150,00 Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Oakes, Colleen Who Fears Death Queen of Hearts Saga (TPB) 0,1. Book of Phoenix, The, kr. 95,00 1. Queen of Hearts, kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 1. Who Fears Death, kr. 90,00 Oates, Joyce Carol Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Okungbowa, Suyi Davies Hazards of (TPB), kr. 170,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. David Mogo, Godhunter (TPB), kr. 100,00 O'Brien, Caragh M. Roman. Fantasy. Vault of Dreamers Trilogy, The (TPB) Older, Daniel José 1. Vault of Dreamers, The, kr. 120,00 Bone Street Rumba Roman. Young Adult. 1. Half-Resurrection Blues, kr. 80,00 Ochse, Weston Roman. Fantasy. Burning Sky (TPB) 2. Midnight Taxi Tango, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Burning Sky, kr. 150,00 3. Battle Hill Bolero, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Task Force Ombra Novel Older, Malka 1. Grunt Life, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Centenal Cycle (TPB) 3. Grunt Hero, kr. 95,00 1. Infomocracy, kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Null States, kr. 170,00 Odom, Mel Roman. Science Fiction. Makaum War, The 3. State Tectonics, kr. 190,00 1. Master Sergeant, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Olesen, Anne-Marie Vedsø 2. Guerilla, kr. 85,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Oh, Ellen Lucie (HC), kr. 250,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dragon King Chronicles, The (TPB) Oliver, Jonathan (Ed.) 1. Prophecy, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Warrior, kr. 110,00 Five Stories High: One House, Five Hauntings, Five Chilling Stories (TPB), kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. 3. King, kr. 110,00 Magic: An Anthology of the Esoteric and Arcane Roman. Fantasy. (TPB), kr. 100,00 O'Hearn, Kate Roman. Fantasy. Antologi. Valkyrie (TPB) Olson, Melissa F. 1. Valkyrie, kr. 90,00 Nightshades (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Nightshades, kr. 170,00 O'Keefe, Megan E. Roman. Fantasy. Protectorate; The (TPB) Omø, Tue 1. Velocity Weapon, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Eternal DarkRay, kr. 298,00 Okorafor, Nnedi Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Uden serie O'Neill, Anthony Lagoon (TPB), kr. 170,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Dark Side, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Akata Witch (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Akata Witch, kr. 110,00 O'Neill, Louise Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Akata Warrior, kr. 120,00 Surface Breaks, The: A Reimagining of The Little Roman. Fantasy. (TPB), kr. 145,00 (HC) Roman. Fantasy. Binti: The Complete Trilogy, kr. 198,00 Onyebuchi, Tochi Roman. Science Fiction. Beasts Made of Night (TPB) Binti (TPB) 1. Beasts Made of Night, kr. 100,00 1. Binti, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Crown of Thunder, kr. 110,00 2. Home, kr. 150,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 71

O'Regan, Marie (Ed.) Palmer, Ada Uden serie Terra Ignota (TPB) Phantoms: Haunting Tales from Masters of the Genre 1. Too Like the Lightning, kr. 120,00 (TPB), kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. 2. Seven Surrenders, kr. 120,00 Wonderland: An Anthology (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. 3. Will to Battle, The, kr. 120,00 O'Reilly, Jane Roman. Science Fiction. Second Species Trilogy, The (TPB) Paolini, Christopher 1. Blue Shift, kr. 120,00 Inheritance Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Inheritance - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der 2. Deep Blue, kr. 180,00 tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 25,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Orullian, Peter Inheritance: Tales from Alagaësia (HC) Vault of Heaven 1. Fork, the Witch, and the Worm: Eragon, The, kr. 1. Unremembered, The, kr. 90,00 160,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Trail of Intentions, kr. 110,00 Parisien, Dominik (Ed.) Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Orwell, George Mythic Dream, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Uden serie Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. 1984, kr. 100,00 Robots vs. (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Antologi. Orwin, Paige Parker, K.J. Interminables Uden serie 1. Interminables, The, kr. 80,00 1. Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Immortal Architects, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Pass, Emma Overstreet, Robert M. Uden serie Fearless, The (TPB), kr. 110,00 Uden serie Roman. Young Adult. 49. Official Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide, kr. 270,00 Patel, Carrie Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Recoletta Paige, Danielle 1. Buried Life, The, kr. 80,00 Stealing Snow (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Stealing Snow, kr. 110,00 2. Cities and Thrones, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Painter, Kristen 3. Song of the Dead, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Cresent City (TPB) Pathfinder 1. House of the Rising Sun, kr. 144,00 Roman. Fantasy. Tales 2. City of Eternal Night, kr. 144,00 Forge of Ashes, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. 3. Garden of Dreams & Desires, kr. 144,00 Liar's Blade, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Pirate's Promise, kr. 100,00 Palecek, Willow Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Uden serie Prince of Wolves, kr. 100,00 City of Wolves (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Kort Roman. Fantasy. Skinwalkers, kr. 100,00 Palma, Felix J. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Trilogía Victoriana Song of the Serpent, kr. 100,00 1. Map of Time, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Fantasy. Stalking the beast, kr. 100,00 Palmatier, Joshua Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Novel of the Ley Patrick, Den 1. Shattering the Ley, kr. 80,00 Ashen Torment (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Witchsign, kr. 120,00 2. Threading the Needle, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Erebus Sequence (TPB) 1. Boy with the Porcelain Blade, The, kr. 115,00 Roman. Fantasy. 72 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

2. Boy who Wept Blood, The, kr. 145,00 Perry, Steve Roman. Fantasy. Cutter's Wars 3. Girl on the Liar's Throne, The, kr. 160,00 3. Tejano Conflict, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Peacock, Shane Pessl, Marisha Dark Missions of Edgar Brim (TPB) Uden serie 1. Dark Missions of Edgar Brim, kr. 100,00 Neverworld Wake (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Horror. Peak, Tony Pevel, Pierre Inherit the Stars High Kingdom (TPB) 1. Inherit the Stars, kr. 85,00 1. Knight, The, kr. 144,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Peake, Mervyn Philip, Gillian Trilogy (TPB) Rebel Angels Gormenghast Trilogy, The - Complete (TPB), kr. 260,00 1. Firebrand, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 1. Titus Groan, kr. 130,00 2. Bloodstone, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Pearson, Mary E. Pierce, Tamora Dance of Thieves (TPB) Uden serie 1. Dance of Thieves, kr. 110,00 Melting Stones (TPB), kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Pedreira, David Tortall and Other Lands: A Collection of Tales (TPB), Uden serie kr. 110,00 Gunpowder Moon (TPB), kr. 150,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Tortall: A Spy's Guide (HC), kr. 198,00 Peek, Ben Fantasy. Diverse. Children (TPB) Circle Opens 1. Godless, The, kr. 144,00 2. Street Magic, kr. 95,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Leviathan’s Blood, kr. 145,00 3. Cold Fire, kr. 95,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Shatterglass, kr. 95,00 Peeler, Nicole Roman. Fantasy. Jane True Daughter of the Lioness (TPB) 4. Eye of the Tempest, kr. 90,00 1. Trickster's Choice, kr. 110,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Tempest's Fury, kr. 95,00 2. Trickster's Queen, kr. 110,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 6. Tempest Reborn, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Protector of the Small Quartet (TPB) 1. First Test, kr. 100,00 Penelope, L. Roman. Fantasy. Earthsinger (HC) 2. Page, kr. 100,00 1. Song of Blood and Stone, kr. 250,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Squire, kr. 110,00 Penny, Laurie Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 4. Lady Knight, kr. 110,00 Everything Belongs to the Future (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Song of the Lioness (TPB) Perry, S.D. & Manning, Matthew K. 2. In the Hand of the Goddess, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. DC Comics: Anatomy of a Metahuman (HC), kr. 450,00 Pilkey, Dav Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Kaptajn Underhyler Perry, Sarah 1. Kaptain Underhylers Eventyr, kr. 129,95 Uden serie Roman. Adventure. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Essex Serpent, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Pinborough, Sarah Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Melmoth (TPB), kr. 120,00 Behind Her Eyes (TPB), kr. 105,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Horror. Death House, The (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Horror. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 73

Language of Dying, The (TPB), kr. 145,00 Poore, Michael Kort Roman. Horror. Uden serie Tales From the Kingdoms (TPB) Reincarnation Blues: A Novel (HC), kr. 218,00 Beauty, kr. 128,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Porter, Max Charm, kr. 128,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Lanny: A Novel (HC), kr. 220,00 Poison, kr. 128,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Poston, Ashley Pini, Wendy & Richard Heart of Iron (TPB) Elfquest (HC) 1. Heart of Iron, kr. 100,00 Art of Elfquest, The (Art Book), kr. 450,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Non fiction. Kunstbøger. Once Upon a Con (TPB) Pinsker, Sarah 1. Geekerella: A Fangirl Tale, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Song For a New Days, A (TPB), kr. 160,00 2. Princess and the Fangirl, The; A Geekerella Fairy Roman. Science Fiction. Tale, kr. 120,00 Pitt, Darell Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Potter, Jeff Toaster on Mars, A (TPB), kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Cooking for Geeks: Real Science, Great Cooks, and Planck, M. C. Good Food (TPB) (Cookbook), kr. 470,00 World of Prime (TPB) Non fiction. Kogebog. 1. Sword of the Bright Lady, kr. 175,00 Povey, Jeff Roman. Fantasy. Shift (TPB) 2. Gold Throne in Shadow, kr. 170,00 1. Shift, kr. 112,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. Plate, Peter Powell, Eric Uden serie Uden serie Dirty in Cashmere: A Novel (TPB), kr. 159,50 Art (And Many Other Mistakes) of Eric Powell, The, kr. Roman. Horror. 450,00 Poe, Edgar Allan Non fiction. Kunstbøger. Uden serie Powell, Gareth L. Dead Brides (TPB), kr. 120,00 Uden serie Novellesamling. Horror. Ragged Alice (TPB), kr. 150,00 Pohl, Frederik Roman. Horror. SF Masterworks (TPB) Power, Dermot Gateway, kr. 130,00 Wizarding World Films (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Art of Fantastic Beast, The: The Crimes of Poitevin, Linda Grindelwald, kr. 450,00 Fantasy. Bøger om Film. Grigori Legacy Power, Rory 1. Sins of the Angels, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Sins of the Son, kr. 90,00 Wilder Girls (TPB), kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Polansky, Daniel Powers, Tim Empty Throne, The (TPB) Uden serie 2. Those Below, kr. 115,00 Anubis Gate, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. On Stranger Tides, kr. 80,00 Polk, C. L. Roman. Fantasy. Kingston Cycle, The (TPB) Fantasy Masterworks (TPB) 1. Witchmark, kr. 160,00 , kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Pollack, Rachel Vickery and Castine Uden serie 1. Alternate Routes, kr. 80,00 Child Eater, The (TPB) - TILBUD (så længe lager Roman. Science Fiction. haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 50,00 Roman. Fantasy. Pratchett, Terry PM Press Outspoken Authors (TPB) Uden serie 22. Beatrix Gate Plus..., The, kr. 170,00 Blink of the Screen, A: A Collected Short Fiction (TPB), kr. 130,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Fantasy. 74 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Dodger, kr. 105,00 39. Snuff, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Nation, kr. 90,00 41. Shepherd's Crown, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Slip of the Keyboard, A: Collected Non-fiction, kr. Discworld (HC) 105,00 Miss Felicity Beedle's World of Poo, kr. 195,00 Novellesamling. Non fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Unadulterated Cat, The (HC), kr. 170,00 Discworld (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. Diverse. Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (Cookbook), kr. 145,00 Discworld Non fiction. Kogebog. 1. Colour of Magic, The, kr. 90,00 Pratchett, Terry & Baxter, Stephen Roman. Fantasy. Long Earth, The 3. Equal Rites, kr. 90,00 1. Long Earth, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 5. Sourcery, kr. 90,00 2. Long War, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 6. Wyrd Sisters, kr. 90,00 3. Long Mars, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 7. Pyramids, kr. 90,00 4. Long Utopia, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 8. Guards! Guards!, kr. 90,00 5. Long Cosmos, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 9. Eric, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Pratchett, Terry & Gaiman, Neil 10. Moving Pictures, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Good Omens, kr. 80,00 15. Men at Arms, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Pratt, Tim 16. Soul Music, kr. 90,00 Axiom Roman. Fantasy. 1. Wrong Stars, The, kr. 80,00 17. Interesting Times, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Dreaming Stars, The, kr. 90,00 18. Maskerade, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Forbidden Stars, The, kr. 90,00 19. Feet of Clay, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Predator 20. Hogfather, kr. 90,00 Predator Roman. Fantasy. 2. Cold War (af Nathan Archer), kr. 70,00 21. Jingo, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Big Game, kr. 80,00 22. Last Continent, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Film. Roman. Fantasy. Price, Daniel 23. Carpe Jugulum, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Silvers (TPB) 24. Fifth Elephant, The, kr. 90,00 1. Flight of the Silvers, The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 25. Truth, The, kr. 90,00 Price, Kalayna Roman. Fantasy. Alex Craft 26. Thief of Time, kr. 90,00 1. Grave Witch, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 29. Night Watch, kr. 90,00 3. Grave Memory, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 30. Wee Free Men, The, kr. 90,00 Priest, Cherie Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 31. Monstrous Regiment, kr. 90,00 Brimstone (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Roman. Fantasy. 33. Going Postal, kr. 90,00 Family Plot, The (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Horror. 36. , kr. 90,00 Toll (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. 37. Unseen Academicals, kr. 90,00 Borden Dispatches (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Maplecroft, kr. 150,00 38. I Shall Wear Midnight, kr. 105,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 75

2. Chapelwood, kr. 160,00 Children of the Dragon Nimbus Roman. Fantasy. 1. Silent Dragon, The, kr. 80,00 Clockwork Century (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. , kr. 105,00 Rajaniemi, Hannu Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 5. Fiddlehead, kr. 150,00 Summerland (TPB), kr. 195,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Priest, Christopher Jean le Flambeur Uden serie 1. Quantum Thief, The, kr. 80,00 Dream of Wessex, A (TPB), kr. 144,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Jean le Flambeur (TPB) Indoctrinaire (TPB), kr. 144,00 2. Fractal Prince, The, kr. 128,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Prince, Dennis L. Ramirez, David Uden serie Uden serie Joe Alves: Designing Jaws (HC) (Art Book), kr. 390,00 Forever Watch, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Film. Roman. Science Fiction. Pulley, Natasha Ratcliffe, Amy Uden serie Uden serie Bedlam Stacks, The (TPB), kr. 115,00 Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy (HC), kr. 270,00 Roman. Fantasy. Star Wars. Watchmaker of Filigree Street, The (TPB), kr. 130,00 Rather, Lina Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Pullman, Philip Sisters of the Vast Black (TPB), kr. 170,00 Book of Dust, The (HC) Kort Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Secret Commonwealth, The, kr. 260,00 Rawlik, Peter (Ed.) Roman. Fantasy. Chronicles of Dr. Herbert West (TPB) Purcell, Laura Legacy of the Reanimator, kr. 179,50 Uden serie Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. Bone China (TPB), kr. 170,00 Rawn, Melanie Roman. Horror. Golden Key, The (TPB) Silent Companions (TPB), kr. 155,00 1. Golden Key, The (m. Jennifer Roberson & Kate Roman. Horror. Elliott), kr. 240,00 Purdie, Kathryn Roman. Fantasy. Burning Glass (TPB) Reaves, Michael 1. Burning Glass, kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Shadows over Baker Street (med John Pelan), kr. 170,00 Pyper, Andrew Horror. Antologi. Uden serie Redick, Robert V.S. Demonologist (TPB), kr. 155,00 Chathrand Voyage, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 4. Night of the Swarm TILBUD (så længe lager haves, Qiufan, Chen der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Waste Tide, The (TPB), kr. 195,00 Redwine, C. J. Roman. Science Fiction. Ravenspire (TPB) Quillien, Christophe 1. Shadow Queen, The, kr. 110,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Deconstructing the Metabarons, kr. 225,00 2. Wish Granter, The, kr. 100,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Roman. Fantasy. Raby, Amy 3. Traitor Prince, The, kr. 100,00 Hearts and Thrones Roman. Fantasy. 1. Assassin's Gambit, kr. 80,00 Reeve, Philip Roman. Fantasy. Hungry City Chronicles, The (TPB) 2. Spy's Honor, kr. 80,00 1. Mortal Engines, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Radford, Irene 2. Predator's Gold, kr. 105,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Spoonful of Magic, A, kr. 80,00 Reichs, Brendan Roman. Fantasy. Project Nemesis (HC) 1. Nemesis, kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. 76 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Reintgen, Scott Inhibitor Sequence Nyxia Triad, The (TPB) 1. Revelation Space, kr. 120,00 1. Nyxia, kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. , kr. 90,00 2. Nyxia Unleashed, kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Absolution Gap, kr. 90,00 3. Nyxia Uprising, kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Redemption , kr. 90,00 Rennison, Nick (Ed.) Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Poseidon's Children (TPB) Rivals of Dracula, The (TPB), kr. 130,00 1. Blue Remembered Earth, kr. 130,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. On the Steel Breeze, kr. 115,00 Resnick, Laura Roman. Science Fiction. Esther Diamond 3. Poseidon's Wake, kr. 145,00 3. Unsympathetic Magic, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Prefect Dreyfus Emergency (TPB) 4. Vamparazzi, kr. 90,00 1. Aurora Rising (Prefect, The), kr. 130,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. Resnick, Mike (Ed.) 2. Elysium Fire, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Worlds of , The, kr. 80,00 Revenger (TPB) Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. 1. Revenger, kr. 120,00 Reus, Katie Roman. Science Fiction. Moon Shifter 2. Shadow Captain, kr. 120,00 3. Mating Instinct, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Rhinehart, Luke 4. Avenger's Heat, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Paranormal Romance. Invasion (TPB), kr. 145,00 5. Hunter Reborn, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Rhodes, Jenna Revenson, Jody Elven Ways Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Films 1. Four Forges, The, kr. 90,00 (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Movie- 2. Dark Ferryman, The, kr. 85,00 Making News: The Stories Behind the Magic (Art Book), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Fantasy. Bøger om Film. 3. King of Assassins, kr. 85,00 Roman. Fantasy. Revenson, Jody & Riley, Deborah 4. Queen of Storm and Shadow, The, kr. 90,00 Game of Thrones (HC) Roman. Fantasy. Game of Thrones: The Art of Game of Thrones, the Official Book of Design From Season 1 to 8, kr. 680,00 Rice, Anne Non fiction. Bøger om Film. Uden serie Revis, Beth Feast of All Saints, The, kr. 90,00 Give the Dark My Love (TPB) Roman. Horror. 1. Give the Dark My Love, kr. 110,00 Vampire Chronicles, The Roman. Fantasy. 4. Tale of the Body Thief, The, kr. 95,00 2. Bid My Soul Farewell, kr. 105,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. 7. Merrick, kr. 85,00 Reynolds, Alastair Roman. Horror. 8. Blood and Gold, kr. 85,00 Uden serie Roman. Horror. Diamond Dogs, Turqoise Days, kr. 80,00 9. Blackwood Farm, kr. 85,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Roman. Horror. , kr. 90,00 Vampire Chronicles, The (TPB) Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles An Alphabettery - Permafrost (TPB), kr. 150,00 Compiled and Written by Becket, kr. 200,00 Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Fantasy. Bøger om Fantasy. Pushing Ice (TPB), kr. 130,00 Richards, Jess Roman. Science Fiction. Slow Bullets (TPB), kr. 120,00 Uden serie Kort Roman. Science Fiction. City of Circles (TPB), kr. 120,00 , kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 77

Richardson, K. R. Posleen War (Cally's War) Gattis File (TPB) 1. Cally's War (m. Julie Cochrane), kr. 90,00 1. Blood Orbit, kr. 180,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Posleen War (Side Stories) Riddell, Chris Tuloriad, The (m. Tom Kratman), kr. 90,00 Goth Girl (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Goth Girl and the Ghost of a Mouse (Ill. Af Chris Special Circumstances Riddell), kr. 176,00 2. Queen of , kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Goth Girl and the Fete Worse Than Death, kr. 145,00 Troy Rising Roman. Fantasy. 1. Live Free or Die, kr. 80,00 3. Goth Girl and the Wuthering Fright (Ill. Af Chris Roman. Science Fiction. Riddell), kr. 145,00 2. Citadel, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Riggs, Ransom 3. Hot Gate, The, kr. 80,00 Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, kr. Riordan, Rick 110,00 Heroes of the Olympus, The Roman. Fantasy. 1. Lost Hero, The, kr. 100,00 2. Hollow City, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Son of Neptune, The, kr. 100,00 3. Library of Souls, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Mark of Athena, kr. 100,00 4. Map of Days, A, kr. 180,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. House of Hades, The, kr. 100,00 Riising, Jacob Roman. Fantasy. Karmaboy 5. Blood of Olympus, The, kr. 100,00 1. Kometen og den onde numsekløe, kr. 199,95 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Adventure. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Kane Chronicles 2. Sultanen af Dillermann, kr. 199,95 1. Red Pyramid, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Adventure. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Fantasy. Ringo, John 2. Throne of Fire, The, kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Hero, The (m. Michael Z. Williamson), kr. 90,00 Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Sword of Summer, The, kr. 105,00 Von Neumann's War (m. Travis S. Taylor), kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Hammer of , The, kr. 100,00 Black Tide Rising Roman. Fantasy. 1. Under a Graveyard Sky, kr. 80,00 3. Ship of the Dead, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. To Sail a Darkling Sea, kr. 80,00 Percy Jackson and the Olympians Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Lightning Thief, The, kr. 90,00 3. Islands of Rage and Hope, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Sea of Monsters, The, kr. 80,00 4. Strands of Sorrow, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 5. Last Olympian, The, kr. 80,00 Bolo Roman. Fantasy. Road to Damascus, The (m. Linda Evans), kr. 90,00 Trials of Apollo, The Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Hidden Oracle, The, kr. 100,00 Paladin of Shadows Roman. Fantasy. 1. Ghost, kr. 80,00 2. Dark Prophecy, The, kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Kildar, kr. 80,00 Rivera, K Arsenault Roman. Science Fiction. Their Bright Ascendency (TPB) 4. Unto the Breach, kr. 90,00 1. Tiger's Daughter, The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Deeper Blue, A, kr. 80,00 2. Phoenix Empress, The, kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 6. Tiger by the Tail, kr. 90,00 Roberts, Adam Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Posleen War Bete (TPB), kr. 144,00 2. Gust Front, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 78 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

I, Soddit: The Autobiography (HC), kr. 160,00 Ross, Kevin (ed.) Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Uden serie Roberts, T. G. Edge of Sundown: Tales of Horror in the Wild West Uden serie (TPB), kr. 176,50 Seven to Die (TPB), kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. Dead But Dreaming Robertson, Al 2. Dead But Dreaming 2, kr. 195,00 Uden serie Novellesamling. Horror. Crashing Heaven (TPB), kr. 240,00 Ross, Rebecca Roman. Science Fiction. Queen’s Rising, The (TPB) Robinson, Andrea 1. Queen's Rising, The, kr. 105,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Art and Making of The Handmaid's Tale (HC), kr. 2. Queen's Resistance, The, kr. 105,00 325,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Bøger om Film. Rossner, Rena Robinson, Jeremy Uden serie Uden serie Sisters of the Winter Wood (TPB), kr. 120,00 Uprising, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Roth, Veronica Robinson, Kim Stanley Uden serie Uden serie End and Other Beginnings, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 2312, kr. 100,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Carve the Mark (HC) Aurora (TPB), kr. 120,00 1. Carve the Mark, kr. 180,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Icehenge, kr. 105,00 Carve the Mark (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Carve the Mark, kr. 105,00 New York 2140 (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Fates Divide, The, kr. 105,00 Red Moon (TPB), kr. 195,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. Rothfuss, Patrick Vinland the Dream, kr. 112,00 Kingkiller Chronicle Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 1. Name of the Wind, The, kr. 110,00 Mars trilogien Roman. Fantasy. Martians, The, kr. 80,00 2. Wise Man's Fear, The, kr. 100,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 1. Red Mars, kr. 90,00 Kingkiller Chronicle (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 2,5. Slow Regard of Silent Things, The, kr. 110,00 2. Green Mars, kr. 90,00 Kort Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Rouad, Antoine 3. Blue Mars, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Book and the Sword, The (TPB) Science in the Capitol (TPB) 1. Path of Anger, The, kr. 144,00 Roman. Fantasy. Green Earth: Science in the Capitol Trilogy (Forty Signs of Rain, Fifty Degrees Below, and Sixty Days and Routh, Rowan Counting), kr. 260,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Eight Ghosts: The English Heritage Book of New Ghost Robson, Justina Stories (TPB), kr. 120,00 Uden serie Novellesamling. Horror. Glorious Angels (TPB), kr. 145,00 Roux, Madeleine Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Switch, The (TPB), kr. 130,00 Salvaged (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Rodman, Howard Asylum (TPB) Uden serie Asylum Novellas: The Scarlets, The Bone Artists, & The Great Eastern, The (HC), kr. 218,00 Warden, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Horror. Rollins, Danielle 0,5. Escape From Asylum, kr. 130,00 Roman. Horror. Uden serie 1. Asylum, kr. 110,00 Burning (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Horror. 2. Sanctum, kr. 100,00 Roman. Horror. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 79

3. Catacomb, kr. 110,00 Harry Potter Illustrated Edition (TPB) Roman. Horror. 1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Ill. Jim House of Furies (TPB) Kay), kr. 195,00 1. House of Furies, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. 2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Ill. Jim 2. Court of Shadows, kr. 100,00 Kay), kr. 195,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Tomb of Ancients, kr. 120,00 Harry Potter: 20th Anniversary Edition (TPB) Roman. Horror. 2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Slytherin Edition), kr. 105,00 Rowell, Rainbow Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Almost Midnight, kr. 90,00 (Gryffindor Edition), kr. 105,00 Roman. Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Simon Snow (TPB) 3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 2. Wayward Son, kr. 110,00 (Ravenclaw Edition), kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Rowling, J. K. 3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Slytherin Edition), kr. 105,00 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Films (HC) Roman. Fantasy. 2. Crimes of Grindelwald, The: The Original Screenplay, kr. 220,00 Roy, Lauren M. Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Film. Night Owls Harry Potter (Dansk) 1. Night Owls, kr. 80,00 1. Harry Potter og De Vises Sten, kr. 179,95 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Rubin, Lance 2. Harry Potter og Hemmelighedernes Kammer, kr. Denton Little (TPB) 179,95 1. Denton Little's Deathdate, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Harry Potter og fangen fra Azkaban, kr. 179,95 Rucker, Rudy Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Uden serie 4. Harry Potter og Flammernes Pokal, kr. 199,95 Nested Scrolls: The Autobiography of Rudolf von Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Bitter Rucker (TPB), kr. 155,00 5. Harry Potter og Fønixordenen, kr. 199,95 Novellesamling. Non fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. PM Press Outspoken Authors (TPB) 6. Harry Potter og Halvblodsprinsen, kr. 199,95 7. Suffering the Gnarl Plus..., kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Novellesamling. Fiction. 7. Harry Potter og Dødsregalierne, kr. 199,95 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Ruckley, Brian Harry Potter (TPB) Uden serie Free, The (TPB), kr. 145,00 Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them (af Newt Scamander), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Fantasy. Rudd, Alyson Quidditch Through the Ages, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Kort Roman. Fantasy. First Time Lauren Pailing Died, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Ruff, Matt 2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, kr. 105,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Lovecraft Country (TPB), kr. 160,00 3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, kr. 120,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Ruocchio, Christopher 4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Sun Eater 5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, kr. 120,00 1. Empire of Silence, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, kr. 120,00 Sun Eater (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 2. Howling Dark, kr. 245,00 7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Ruocchio, Christopher (Ed.) & Daniel, Tonhy (Ed.) Harry Potter Illustrated Edition (HC) Uden serie Tales of Beedle the Bard, The (Ill. Chris Riddell), kr. Star Destroyers, kr. 80,00 325,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. Rusch, Kristine Kathryn (Ed.) 4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Ill. Jim Kay), kr. Uden serie 415,00 Women of Futures Past (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. 80 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Russell, Ray Sage, Angie Uden serie Septimus Heap Haunted Castles (TPB), kr. 170,00 1. Magyk, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Russell, Sean 2. Flyte, kr. 80,00 Moontide and Magic Rise (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. Moontide and Magic Rise (World Without End & Sea 3. Physik, kr. 80,00 Without a Shore), kr. 200,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Queste, kr. 80,00 Ryan, Anthony Roman. Fantasy. Draconis Memoria, The (TPB) 5. Syren, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Waking Fire, kr. 130,00 6. Darke, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Legion of Flame, The, kr. 130,00 7. Fyre, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Empire of Ashes, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Septimus Heap: TodHunter Moon Raven's Shadow (TPB) 1. PathFinder, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Blood Song, kr. 130,00 2. SandRider, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Tower Lord, kr. 130,00 3. StarChaser, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Queen of Fire, kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Salvatore, R.A. Rødtnes, Nicole Boyle Coven, The Elverskud (HC) 2. Reckoning of Fallen Gods, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Skæbnedans, kr. 199,95 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Coven, The (HC) 2. Søsterpagt, kr. 199,95 2. Reckoning of Fallen Gods, kr. 270,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Fantasy. Ilt Tyv (HC) Saga of the First King 1. Over sløret, kr. 199,95 2. Ancient, The - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 25,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Fantasy. Zombie-Jæger (HC) 4. Bear, The - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages 1. Sort blod, kr. 99,95 forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 25,00 Kort Roman. Horror. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Knuste kranier, kr. 99,95 Sammons, Brian M. (Ed.) Kort Roman. Horror. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Cthulhu Mythos 3. Friske lig, kr. 99,95 Undead & Unbound:Unexpected Tales From Beyond Kort Roman. Horror. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. the Grave, kr. 174,50 6. Døde venner, kr. 99,95 Novellesamling. Horror. Kort Roman. Horror. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Samuel, John Raasch, Sara Uden serie Snow Like Ashes (TPB) What I Tell You in the Dark (TPB), kr. 176,00 1. Snow Like Ashes, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Sanderhage, Per 2. Ice Like Fire, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 3. Frost Like Night, kr. 100,00 Interpresse - Historien om et Forlag (m.Micahel Nielsen m. Fl.), kr. 10,00 Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Tegneserier. Stream Raiders (TPB) Sanderson, Brandon 1. These Rebel Waves, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Legion (HC) 2. These Divided Shores, kr. 120,00 1. Legion, kr. 144,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Fantasy. 2. Skin Deep (Signeret), kr. 160,00 Saberhagen, Fred Kort Roman. Fantasy. Book of Swords (TPB) 3. Lies of the Beholder, kr. 170,00 First Swords, The: The Book of Swords, The, Volumes I, Kort Roman. Fantasy. II, III, kr. 210,00 Roman. Fantasy. Mistborn 1. Mistborn, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 81

3. Hero of Ages, The, kr. 100,00 16. Under a Vampire Moon, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 4. Alloy of Law, kr. 90,00 17. Lady Is a Vamp, kr. 85,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 6. Bands of Mourning, The, kr. 90,00 18. Immortal Ever After, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Reckoners (TPB) 22. About a Vampire, kr. 90,00 1. Steelheart, kr. 110,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 23. Runaway Vampire, kr. 80,00 2. Firefight, kr. 110,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 26. Immortally Yours, kr. 80,00 3. Calamity, kr. 110,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 29. Trouble with Vampires, The, kr. 80,00 Skyward (TPB) Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Skyward: Claim the Stars, kr. 140,00 30. Immortal Born, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Starsight, kr. 140,00 Sanz, Monica Roman. Science Fiction. Witchling Academy, The (TPB) Stormlight Archive 1. Seventh Born, kr. 100,00 1. Way of Kings, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Mirror Bound, kr. 100,00 2. Words of Radiance, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Sapkowski, Andrzej 3. Oathbringer, kr. 110,00 Witcher (Dansk) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Elverblod, kr. 249,95 Stormlight Archive (HC) Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Edgedancer, kr. 170,00 Witcher (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. Season of Storms, kr. 120,00 Stormlight Archive (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 3. Oathbringer, kr. 180,00 Sword of Destiny, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Stormlysfortællingerne (HC) 3. Baptism of Fire, kr. 120,00 1. En konges vej - Del 1, kr. 399,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. 4. Tower of the Swallows, The, kr. 120,00 1. En konges vej - Del 2, kr. 399,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. 5. Lady of the Lake, kr. 120,00 Sandford, John & Ctein Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Sautter, Aaron Saturn Run, kr. 115,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. How to Draw , , and Other DC Super Sandor, Marjorie (Ed.) Heroes and Villains (TPB) (How-to-draw), kr. 150,00 Bøger om at tegne. Uden serie Savory, Brett Uncanny Reader, The: Stories from the Shadows (TPB), kr. 215,00 Uden serie Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Perfect Machine, A, kr. 80,00 Sands, Lynsay Roman. Science Fiction. Argeneau Vampires Sawyer, Jamie 1. Quick Bite, A, kr. 80,00 Eternity War, The Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Pariah, kr. 100,00 2. Love Bites, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Paranormal Romance. 2. Exodus, kr. 100,00 5. Bite to Remember, A, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Lazarus War, The 10. Rogue Hunter, The (Rogue Hunter 1), kr. 80,00 2. Legion, kr. 100,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 11. Immortal Hunter, The (Rogue Hunter 2), kr. 90,00 Sawyer, Robert J. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Uden serie 12. Renegade Hunter, The (Rogue Hunter 3), kr. 90,00 Red Planet Blues, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 14. Hungry for You, kr. 80,00 Neanderthal Parallax Roman. Paranormal Romance. 2. Humans, kr. 80,00 15. Reluctant Vampire, The, kr. 95,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 82 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

WWW Schrieve, Hal 3. Wonder, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Out of Salem (HC), kr. 180,00 Scalzi, John Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Schroeder, Karl Android's Dream, The, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Lockstep (TPB), kr. 155,00 Interdependency Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Consuming Fire, kr. 100,00 Schrøder, Thomas Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Novel of the Near Future Fætter Klams (u)lækre monsterkogebog, kr. 200,00 2. Head On, kr. 100,00 Non fiction. Kogebog. Roman. Science Fiction. Schwab, V. E. Novel of the Near Future (TPB) Archived, The (TPB) 0,5. Unlocked: An Oral History of Haden's Syndrome, Dark Vault, The: Unlock the Archive (The Archived 1 - kr. 120,00 2,5), kr. 130,00 Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Old Man's War Cassidy Blake (TPB) 1. Old Man's War, kr. 90,00 1. City of Ghosts, kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Ghost Brigades, The, kr. 90,00 Monsters of Verity (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. This Savage Song, kr. 105,00 3. Last Colony, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Our Dark Duet, kr. 105,00 Old Man's War (HC) Roman. Fantasy. 6. End of All Things, The, kr. 230,00 Shades of Magic (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Darker Shade of Magic, A, kr. 105,00 Schiller, Friedrich Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Gathering of Shadows, A, kr. 105,00 Ghost-Seer, The (TPB), kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Horror. 3. Conjuring of Light, A, kr. 105,00 Schjönning, Martin Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Vicious (TPB) Kværnen (ill. Af Tom Kristensen), kr. 300,00 1. Vicious, kr. 105,00 Roman. Horror. Dansk skønlitteratur. Roman. Science Fiction. Schmidt, Bryan Thomas (Ed.) 2. Vengeful, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Galactic Games (TPB), kr. 170,00 Schwehn, Kaethe Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Uden serie Mission: Tomorrow, kr. 90,00 Rending and the Nest, The (HC), kr. 245,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Roman. Science Fiction. Infinite Stars (HC) Scull, Luke 2. Infinite Stars: Dark Frontiers, kr. 235,00 Grim Company Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. 1. Grim Company, The, kr. 90,00 Infinite Stars (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. Infinite Stars, kr. 120,00 2. Sword of the North, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. Schmidt, Palle Sebastian, Laura Uden serie Ash Princess (TPB) De efterladte (HC), kr. 149,00 1. Ash Princess, kr. 115,00 Roman. Krimi. Dansk skønlitteratur. Roman. Fantasy. Scholte, Astrid 2. Lady Smoke, kr. 110,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Four Dead Queens (TPB), kr. 120,00 Sebold, Gaie Roman. Fantasy. Babylon Steel Scholz, Carter 2. Dangerous Gifts, kr. 90,00 PM Press Outspoken Authors (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 16. Gypsy Plus..., kr. 155,00 Sedgwick, Marcus Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Uden serie Monsters We Deserve, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Horror. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 83

Segel, Jason & Miller, Kristen Shearin, Lisa Otherworld (TPB) Spi Files Novel Otherworld, kr. 130,00 2. Dragon Conspiracy, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Sejrbo, Mette 4. Ghoul Vendetta, The, kr. 95,00 Ulfhedin-sagaen Roman. Fantasy. 1. Heksens kald, kr. 199,00 Shelley, Mary Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Uden serie 2. Varulvens forbandelse, kr. 249,00 Frankenstein: The 1818 Text (TPB), kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Vampyrens pagt, kr. 299,00 Shepard, Lucius Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Fantasy Masterworks (TPB) Setchfield, Nick Dragon Griaule, The, kr. 160,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. War in the Dark, The (TPB), kr. 105,00 Shepherd, Mike Roman. Fantasy. Kris Longknife Shakespeare, William 3. Defiant, kr. 95,00 Back to the Future (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Get Thee...Back to the Future! (af Ian Doescher), kr. 4. Resolute, kr. 90,00 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 5. Audacious, kr. 80,00 Shallcross, Leife Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 6. Intrepid, kr. 80,00 Beast's Heart, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Shinn, Sharon Shannon, Samantha Uden serie Bone Season, The (TPB) Quatrain, kr. 80,00 1. Bone Season, The, kr. 130,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. Elemental Blessings 2. Mime Order, The, kr. 130,00 1. Troubled Waters, kr. 90,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Song Rising, The, kr. 105,00 2. Royal Airs, kr. 80,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Fantasy. Sharma, Priya Shifting Circle Novel Uden serie 1. Shape of Desire, The, kr. 80,00 Ormeshadow (TPB), kr. 150,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Fantasy. 2. Still Life with Shape-shifter, kr. 80,00 Sharp, Chris Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 3. Turning Season, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Cold Counsel (TPB), kr. 230,00 Roman. Fantasy. Shipp, Jeremy C. Shatner, William Uden serie Samuel Lord Series, The (TPB) Atrocities, The (TPB), kr. 110,00 Kort Roman. Horror. 1. Zero-G (m. Jeff Rovin), kr. 160,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Shirley, John Shaw, Ali PM Press Outspoken Authors (TPB) Uden serie 11. New Taboos Plus..., kr. 120,00 Novellesamling. Fiction. Trees, The (TPB), kr. 145,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Shirvington, Jessica Shaw, Vivian Disruption (TPB) 2. Corruption, kr. 130,00 Dr. Greta Helsing (TPB) Roman. Young Adult. 1. Strange Practice, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Showalter, Gena 2. Dreadful Company, kr. 120,00 Everlife (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Firstlife, kr. 110,00 3. Grave Importance, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Lifeblood, kr. 100,00 Shea, Kieran Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 3. Everlife, kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Off Rock, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. 84 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Gods of War Skye, Evelyn 1. Shadow and Ice, kr. 80,00 Circle of Shadows (TPB) Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Circle of Shadows, kr. 120,00 White Rabbit Chronicles (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 2. Through the Zombie Glass, kr. 110,00 Crown's Game, The (TPB) Roman. Young Adult. 1. Crown's Game, The, kr. 130,00 Simmons, Dan Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Crown's Fate, The, kr. 130,00 Abominable, The (TPB), kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. Slatter, Angela Drood (TPB), kr. 115,00 Uden serie Roman. Fiction. Of Sorrow and Such (TPB), kr. 140,00 Terror, The (TV-Tie-In Edition) (TPB), kr. 130,00 Kort Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. Sloan, Helen Game of Thrones (HC) 1. Hyperion, kr. 80,00 Game of Thrones: The Photography of Game of Roman. Science Fiction. Thrones, the Official Photo Book of Season 1 to 2. Fall of Hyperion, The, kr. 90,00 Season 8 (Art Book), kr. 680,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Non fiction. Bøger om Film. 3. Endymion, kr. 90,00 Slonczewski, Joan Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 4. Rise of Endymion, The, kr. 90,00 Highest Frontier, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Smale, Alan 1. Ilium, kr. 100,00 Clash of Eagles Trilogy, The Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Clash of Eagles, kr. 100,00 Simpsons, The Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 2. Eagle in Exile, kr. 110,00 Bart Simpson's Guide to Life (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Film. 3. Eagle and Empire, kr. 100,00 Simpsons: Beyond Forever, Featuring Seasons 11 & Roman. Fantasy. 12 - HOLLANDSK UDSALG (se den aktuelle pris i vores Smith, Cordwainer artikel, så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 129,50 Uden serie Bøger om Film. We the Underpeople, kr. 85,00 Vault of Simpsonology (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Lisa Simpson's Guide to Geek Chic, kr. 200,00 Smith, E.E. "Doc" Bøger om Tegneserier. Golden Age Masterworks (TPB) 5. Guide to Aging, kr. 200,00 Children of the Lens, kr. 120,00 Bøger om Tegneserier. Roman. Science Fiction. Sims, Michael (Ed.) Galactic Patrol, kr. 120,00 Connoisseur's Collection, A (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Frankenstein Dreams: A Connoisseur's Collection of Second Stage Lensmen, kr. 120,00 Victorian Science Fiction, kr. 220,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Smith, Michael Marshall Singer, Constantine Uden serie Uden serie Hannah Green and Her Unfeasibly Mundane Existence Strange Days (HC), kr. 170,00 (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Sinisalo, Johanna Only Forward (TPB), kr. 144,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Core of the Sun, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Smith, Sherwood Roman. Science Fiction. Dobrenica Duology Skovron, Jon 1. Coronets and Steel, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Empire of Storms (TPB) 2. Blood Spirits, kr. 90,00 1. Hope and Red, kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Smythe, James Skuse, C J Uden serie Uden serie Echo, The (TPB), kr. 128,00 Deviants, The (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Horror. I Still Dream (TPB), kr. 170,00 Monster (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Horror. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 85

Machine, The (TPB), kr. 128,00 11. Sexiest Vampire Alive, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Snodgrass, Melinda 12. Wanted: Undead or Alive, kr. 80,00 Edge (TPB) Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Edge of Reason, The, kr. 128,00 13. Wild About You, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 14. Vampire With the Dragon Tattoo, The, kr. 80,00 Imperials Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. High Ground, The, kr. 80,00 15. How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying), Roman. Science Fiction. kr. 80,00 2. In Evil Times, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 16. Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire, kr. 90,00 Solomon, Rivers Roman. Paranormal Romance. Uden serie Spencer, Wen Deep, The (m. Daveed Diggs, William Hutson, Jonathan Black Wolves of Boston Snipes) (HC), kr. 180,00 1. Black Wolves of Boston, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Unkindness of Ghosts, An (TPB), kr. 155,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Elfhome 2. Wolf Who Rules, kr. 80,00 Soper, Kerry D. Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie 3. Elfhome, kr. 80,00 Gary Larson and The Far Side (TPB), kr. 225,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Spooner, Meagan Soule, Charles Uden serie Uden serie Hunted (TPB), kr. 100,00 Anyone (HC), kr. 200,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Spoor, Ryk E. Oracle Year, The (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Grand Central Arena Spark, Anna Smith 1. Grand Central Arena, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Empires of Dust (HC) 2. Spheres of Influence, kr. 90,00 2. Tower of Living and Dying, The, kr. 195,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Spurrier, Jo Empires of Dust (TPB) Children of the Black Sun (TPB) 1. Court of Broken Knives, The, kr. 120,00 1. Winter Be My Shield, kr. 145,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Sparks, Kerrelyn 2. Black Sun Light My Way, kr. 145,00 Embrace, The Roman. Fantasy. 1. How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days, kr. 80,00 3. North Star Guide Me Home, kr. 145,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 2. So I Married a Sorcerer, kr. 80,00 St. John, Julia Verne Novellesamling. Paranormal Romance. Uden serie 3. Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon, kr. 80,00 Transference Engine, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. Love at Stake Stanko, John 2. Vamps and the City, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Uden serie 3. Be Still My Vampire Heart, kr. 80,00 Mastering Fantasy Art: Drawing Dynamic Characters: People, Poses, Creatures and More (TPB) (How-To), kr. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 260,00 4. Undead Next Door, The, kr. 80,00 Kunstbøger. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Star Craft 5. Secret Life of a Vampire, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Uden serie 6. All I Want for Christmas Is a Vampire, kr. 80,00 Devils' Due (af Christie Golden), kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Spil. 7. Forbidden Nights with a Vampire, kr. 90,00 Star Craft: Ghost: Spectres (af Keith R.A. DeCandido), kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Spil. 8. Vampire and the Virgin, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Star Trek 9. Eat Prey Love, kr. 90,00 Bøger om Star Trek Roman. Paranormal Romance. 50 Artists 50 Years, kr. 360,00 10. Vampire Mine, kr. 90,00 Science Fiction. Kunstbøger. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 86 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Deep Space Nine Star Wars: Droidography (HC) (af Marc Sumerak), kr. Ascendance (af David R. George III), kr. 90,00 225,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. Non fiction. Bøger om Film. Force and Motion, kr. 90,00 Bounty Hunter Wars Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. 2. Slave Ship (af K.W. Jeter), kr. 90,00 Missing, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. 3. Hard Merchandise (af K.W. Jeter), kr. 95,00 Original Sin, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. Clone Wars Sacraments of Fire, kr. 90,00 Jedi Trial (af David Sherman & Dan Cragg), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Fall, The 2. Cestus Deception, The (af Steven Barnes), kr. 80,00 2. Crimson Shadow, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. Corellian trilogien 4. Poisoned Chalice, The, kr. 80,00 1. Ambush at Corellia (Roger Macbride Allen), kr. 75,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. 5. Peaceable Kingdoms, kr. 80,00 Coruscant Nights Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. 1. Jedi Twilight (af Michael Reaved), kr. 85,00 Next Generation Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Headlong Flight, kr. 80,00 2. Street of Shadows (af Michael Reaves), kr. 85,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Original Series, The 3. Patterns of Force, kr. 85,00 Crisis of Consciousness (af Dave Galanter), kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. 4. Last Jedi, The, kr. 90,00 Elusive Salvation, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Film. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. Darth Bane Face of the Unknown, The, kr. 90,00 3. Dynasty of Evil (af Drew Karpyshyn), kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Latter Fire, The, kr. 90,00 Darth Plagueis Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. 1. Darth Plagueis (af James Luceno), kr. 80,00 1. Legacies: Captain to Captain (af Greg Cox), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. 2. Maul: Lockdown (af Joe Schreiber), kr. 95,00 2. Legacies: Best Defense, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. Empire and Rebellion 2. Seekers: Point of Divergence, kr. 80,00 1. Razor's Edge (af ), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. 3. Legacies: Purgatory's Key, kr. 80,00 3. Heir to the Jedi (af Kevin Hearne), kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. 3. Seekers: Long Shot, kr. 85,00 Empire and Rebellion (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. 2. Honor Among Thieves (af James S. A. Corey), kr. 4. Seekers: All That's Left, kr. 90,00 198,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Fate of the Jedi Fortune of War (af David Mack), kr. 80,00 1. Outcast (af Aaron Alston), kr. 95,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Voyager 2. Omen (af Christie Golden), kr. 95,00 Acts of Contrition, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. 3. Abyss (af Troy Denning), kr. 95,00 Architects of Infinity (af Kirsten Beyer), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. 4. Backlash (af Aaron Alston), kr. 95,00 Pocket Full of Lies, A (af Kirsten Beyer), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Trek. 5. Allies (af Christie Golden), kr. 95,00 Star Wars Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Uden serie 6. Vortex (af Troy Denning), kr. 95,00 Art of Solo, The: A Star Wars Story (Art Book) (HC), kr. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. 360,00 7. Conviction (af Aaron Allston), kr. 95,00 Non fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Queen's Shadow (af E. K. Johnston), kr. 170,00 8. Ascension (af Christie Golden), kr. 85,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Rebel Rising (af Beth Revis) (TPB), kr. 120,00 9. Apocalypse (af Troy Denning), kr. 85,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Film. Star Wars Drawing Manual: Step-By Step Illustration Projects (TPB), kr. 210,00 Non fiction. Star Wars. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 87

Force Awakens, The (HC) 5. Agents of Chaos 2: Jedi Eclipse (af James Luceno), Tales From a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Vol. 1: Aliens, kr. kr. 95,00 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Star Wars. 6. Balance Point, kr. 95,00 Galaxy's Edge (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. 1. Black Spire (af Delilah S. Dawson), kr. 218,00 7. Edge of Victory 1: Conquest (af Greg Keyes), kr. 95,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. 8. Edge of Victory 2: Rebirth (af Greg Keyes), kr. 95,00 Han and Lando Novel, A Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. 1. Last Shot (af Daniel José Older), kr. 80,00 9. Star by Star (af Troy Denning), kr. 95,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi 10. Dark Journey (af Elaine Cunningham), kr. 95,00 Canto Bight, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Old Republic, The Phasma, kr. 80,00 4. Annihilation (af Drew Karpyshyn), kr. 95,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (HC) Star Wars Force Collector (af Kevin Shinick), kr. 170,00 Master & Apprentice (af Claudia Gray), kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Resistance Reborn (af Rebecca Roanhorse), kr. 218,00 New Dawn, A (af John Jackson Miller), kr. 115,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Spark of the Resistance (af Justine Ireland), kr. 160,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Star Wars - filmene Journey to The Force Awakens (HC) Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (af Alexander Freed), kr. 80,00 Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure (af Cecil Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Castellucci), kr. 120,00 Solo: A Star Wars Story... (af Mur Lafferty), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo Adventure (af Greg Rucka), kr. 120,00 2. Attack of the Clones (af R.A. Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Weapon of a Jedi, The: A Luke Skywalker Adventure, 3. Revenge of the Sith (af Matthew Stover), kr. 80,00 kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. 5. Empire Strikes Back, The (Film) (D.F. Glut efter en Journey to The Force Awakens (TPB) ide af Lucas), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Lost Stars (af Claudia Gray), kr. 130,00 6. Return of the Jedi (film) (J. Kahn), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Last Jedi, The (HC) 7. Force Awakens, The (af ), kr. 90,00 Cobalt Squadron (af Elizabeth Wein), kr. 160,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. 8. Last Jedi, The (af Jason Fry), kr. 80,00 Legacy of the Force Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. 1. Betrayal (af Aaron Allston), kr. 80,00 Star Wars - filmene (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. 8. Last Jedi, The (af Jason Fry) (Dansk oversættelse), 3. Tempest (af Troy Denning), kr. 95,00 kr. 249,95 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. 4. Exile (af Aaron Allston), kr. 95,00 Star Wars (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Dooku: Jedi Lost (af Cavan Scott), kr. 198,00 5. Sacrifice (af Karen Traviss), kr. 95,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Solo A Star Wars Story The Official Guide (Guide 6. Inferno (af Troy Denning), kr. 95,00 Book), kr. 200,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Non fiction. Bøger om Film. 7. Fury (af Aaron Allston), kr. 95,00 1. Alphabet Squadron (af Alexander Freed) (A marvel Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. & Del Rey Crossover Event), kr. 218,00 8. Revelation (af Karen Traviss), kr. 95,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Star Wars (TPB) 9. Invincible (af Troy Denning), kr. 80,00 Star Wars Cookbook, The: Han Sandwiches and Other Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Galactic Snacks (incl. Cookie cutters) (Cookbook), kr. New Jedi Order 230,00 1. Vector Prime (af R.A.Salvatore), kr. 80,00 Kogebog. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Star Wars Icons (HC) 3. Dark Tide 2: Ruin, kr. 95,00 Han Solo (af McIntyre, Gina), kr. 450,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Non fiction. Bøger om SF. 4. Agents of Chaos 1: Hero's Trial (af James Luceno), Star Wars Insider (TPB) kr. 95,00 10. Best of Star Wars Insider: Rogues, Scoundrrels, and Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Bounty Hunters, kr. 225,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Film. 88 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Star Wars Novellesamlinger Stay, Mark Tales from the Empire, kr. 95,00 Uden serie Science Fiction. Antologi. Robot Overlords (Movie-tie-in) (TPB), kr. 128,00 Star Wars roman udenfor serier Roman. Science Fiction. Courtship of Princess Leia, The (Dave Wolverton) - Steele, Allen TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for Uden serie udsolgte varer), kr. 10,00 Avengers of the Moon: A Novel (TPB), Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. kr. 170,00 Crucible, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Film. Stegelmann, Jakob Darksaber (Kevin J. Anderson), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Uden serie Death Troopers (af Joe Schreiber), kr. 90,00 Verdens 25 bedste tegneserier, kr. 149,50 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Bøger om Tegneserier. Force Unleashed I, The (af Sean Williams), kr. 80,00 Steinmetz, Ferrett Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Uden serie Force Unleashed II (af Sean Williams), kr. 90,00 Sol Majestic, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Kenobi, kr. 80,00 Uploaded, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Knight Errant (af John Jackson Miller), kr. 90,00 Stenby, Pernille L. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Mestenes-Serien Labyrinth of Evil (af James Luceno), kr. 85,00 1. Inkarnation, kr. 299,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Red Harvest (af Joe Schreiber), kr. 90,00 2. Under Huden, kr. 549,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Riptide (af Paul S. Kemp), kr. 90,00 Stender, Lars A. R. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Uden serie Rogue Planet (af Greg Bear), kr. 90,00 Eyes, kr. 185,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk skønlitteratur. Ruins of Dantooine (af Voronica Wshitney-Robinson), kr. 85,00 Stephens, Anna Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Godblind Trilogy, The (HC) Scourge (af Jeff Grubb), kr. 80,00 2. Darksoul, kr. 195,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Fantasy. Shadow Games (af Michael Reaves og Maya Kaathryn Godblind Trilogy, The (TPB) Bohnhoff), kr. 90,00 1. Godblind, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Fantasy. Thrawn 3. Bloodchild, kr. 170,00 1. Thrawn (af Timothy Zahn), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Stephenson, Neal 2. Alliances (af Timothy Zahn), kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. , kr. 100,00 Thrawn (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Treason (af Timothy Zahn), kr. 218,00 Reamde (TPB), kr. 200,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Science Fiction. Thrawn Trilogy, The Seveneves (TPB), kr. 130,00 2. Dark Force Rising (Timothy Zahn), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Baroque Cycle 3. Last Command, The (Timothy Zahn), kr. 80,00 1. Quicksilver, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Fantasy. Young Jedi Knights Sterling, Isabel 3. Lost Ones, The, kr. 60,00 These Witches Don't Burn (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Star Wars. 1. These Witches Don't Burn, kr. 115,00 Starlin, Jim Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Sterling, L. E. Art of Jim Starlin, The - A Life In Words and Pictures True Born (TPB) (Art Book), kr. 450,00 1. True Born, kr. 100,00 Non fiction. Kunstbøger. Roman. Science Fiction. Starling, Caitlin 2. True North, kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Luminous Dead, The (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 89

Stevens, Francis Stross, Charles Modern Library Torchbearers (TPB) Uden serie Heads of Cerberus, The, kr. 150,00 , kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Stewart, Alex Glasshouse, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Fistful of Elven Gold, A, kr. 80,00 Wireless, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Shooting the Rift (TPB), kr. 170,00 Empire Games (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Dark State, kr. 240,00 Stiefvater, Maggie Roman. Science Fiction. Raven Cycle, The (TPB) Empire Games (TPB) 1. Raven Boys, The, kr. 110,00 1. Empire Games, kr. 105,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Dream Thieves, The, kr. 100,00 Freyaverse Roman. Young Adult. 1. Saturn's Children, kr. 80,00 3. Blue Lily, Lily Blue, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Young Adult. 2. Neptune's Brood, kr. 90,00 4. Raven King, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Young Adult. Halting State Stirling, S.M. 1. Halting State, kr. 80,00 Novel of the Change Roman. Science Fiction. 8. Tears of the Sun, The, kr. 100,00 2. Rule 34, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 15. Sky-Blue Wolves, The, kr. 100,00 Laundry Files Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Atrocity Archives, The, kr. 90,00 Shadowspawn Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Taint in the Blood, A, kr. 100,00 2. Jennifer Morgue, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Fuller Memorandum, The, kr. 80,00 Stohl, Margaret Roman. Science Fiction. Icons (TPB) 4. Apocalypse Codex, The, kr. 90,00 2. Idols, kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Young Adult. 6. Annihilation Score, The, kr. 80,00 Stoker, Ma'am Roman. Science Fiction. Drag Queen Classics (HC) Merchant Princes Omnibus (TPB) Dragula, kr. 105,00 1. Bloodline Feud , The (The Family Trade + The Kort Roman. Fantasy. Hidden Family), kr. 170,00 Stone, Eric James Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 2. Traders' War, The (The Clan Corporate + The Unforgettable (TPB), kr. 160,00 Merchant's War), kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Revolution Trade, The (The Revolution Business + Straczynski, J. Michael The Trade of Queens), kr. 180,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Becoming Superman: My Journey From Poverty to Stæhr, Jannich Allan Hollywood (HC), kr. 270,00 Bøger om Tegneserier. Uden serie Det sorte tårn, kr. 195,00 Strahan, Jonathan (Ed.) Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Uden serie Skriftrullerne, kr. 149,00 Mission Critical (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Dansk skønlitteratur. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Suarez, Daniel New Solais Book of Fantasy Uden serie 1. Fearsome Journeys, kr. 80,00 Change Agent (TPB), kr. 190,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Roman. Science Fiction. New Solaris Book of Fantasy, The (TPB) Sumerak, Marc 2. Fearsome Magics, kr. 100,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Hidden Universe Travel Guides (TPB) Firefly: A Traveler's Companion to the 'Verse, kr. 200,00 Straub, Peter Bøger om SF. Uden serie Sun, Amanda Interior Darkness: Selected Stories (TPB), kr. 180,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Uden serie Heir to the Sky (TPB), kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. 90 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Sunstein, Cass R. Sølvsten, Malene Uden serie Ravnenes hvisken (HC) World According to Star Wars, The (HC), kr. 200,00 1. Ravnenes hvisken - Bog 1, kr. 249,95 Non fiction. Star Wars. Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Sutherland, Krystal 2. Ravnenes hvisken - Bog 2, kr. 249,95 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Semi-Definitive List of Worst Nightmares (TPB), kr. 3. Ravnenes hvisken - Bog 3, kr. 249,95 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Roman. Fantasy. Saadawi, Ahmed Swain, H. A. Uden serie Uden serie Frankenstein in Baghdad (TPB), kr. 160,00 Hungry (TPB), kr. 110,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Young Adult. Tahir, Sabaa Swann, S. Andrew Ember in the Ashes, An (TPB) Uden serie 1. Ember in the Ashes, An, kr. 120,00 Marked (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Talley, Robin Dragon Princess Uden serie 1. Dragon Princess, kr. 80,00 As I descended (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. 2. Dragon Thief, kr. 80,00 Tanaka, Yoshiki Roman. Fantasy. Legend of the Galactic Heroes (TPB) 2. Dragon Wizard, kr. 90,00 1. Dawn, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Swanwick, Michael 2. Ambition, kr. 170,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Dragons of Babel, The, kr. 90,00 3. Endurance, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Swendson, Shanna Tarkoff, Sarah Rebel Mechanics (TPB) Eye of the Beholder (TPB) 1. Rebel Mechanics, kr. 110,00 1. Sinless, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. Sweterlitsch, Tom Taylor, Andrew Uden serie Uden serie Gone World, The (TPB), kr. 180,00 Fireside Gothic (TPB), kr. 115,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Horror. Swift, E. J. Taylor, Jodi Uden serie Chronicles of St Mary's, The Paris Adrift (TPB), kr. 130,00 Long and Short of It, The: A Collection of Short Roman. Science Fiction. Stories, kr. 120,00 Sykes, Sam Novellesamling. Fantasy. Bring Down Heaven (TPB) 1. Just One Damned Thing After Another, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. 2. Mortal Tally, The, kr. 170,00 2. Symphony of Echoes, A, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Sylvan, Dianne 3. Second Chance, A, kr. 120,00 Shadow World Roman. Fantasy. 2. Shadowflame, kr. 90,00 4. Trail Through Time, A, kr. 120,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Shadow's Fall, kr. 90,00 5. No Time Like the Past, kr. 120,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Of Shadow Born, kr. 80,00 6. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?, kr. 120,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Shadowbound, kr. 80,00 7. Lies, Damned Lies, and History, kr. 120,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. Sytes, Set 8. And the Rest is History, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Born to Be Weird: A Collection of Demented Fantasy & 9. Argumentation of Historians, An, kr. 120,00 Horror (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. 10. Hope For the Best, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 91

Taylor, Laini 2. Master of Plagues, kr. 80,00 Daughter of Smoke and Bone (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 2. Days of Blood and Starlight, kr. 120,00 Tevis, Walter Roman. Fantasy. SF Masterworks (TPB) 3. Dreams of Gods and Monsters, kr. 120,00 Man Who Fell to Earth, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Taylor, Travis S. & Johnson, Les Thing, Morten Uden serie Uden serie On to the Asteroid, kr. 80,00 Danske vittighedsblades historie, De, kr. 399,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Tchaikovsky, Adrian Thomas, Penny (Ed.) & Tillotson, Stephanie (Ed.) Uden serie Uden serie Dogs of War (TPB), kr. 120,00 Wish Dog and Other Stories, The: Haunting Tales from Roman. Science Fiction. Welsh Women Writers (TPB), kr. 120,00 Made Things (TPB), kr. 150,00 Novellesamling. Horror. Antologi. Kort Roman. Fantasy. Thomas, Roy Spiderlight (TPB), kr. 210,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Stan Lee Story XXL, The, kr. 1.500,00 After The War (TPB) Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. 2. Salvation's Fire (Skrevet af Justine Robson), kr. Little Book of 120,00 Captain America, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Echoes of the Fall (TPB) Incredible Hilk, The, kr. 80,00 1. Tiger and the Wolf, The, kr. 120,00 Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Roman. Fantasy. Thompson, Jean 2. Bear and the Serpent, The, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Witch and Other Tales Re-Told, The (TPB), kr. 160,00 3. Hyena and the Hawk, The, kr. 120,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Thompson, Tade Shadows of the Apt (TPB) Molly Southbourne (TPB) 3. Blood of the Mantis - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 80,00 1. Murders of Molly Southbourne, The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Horror. 5. Scarab Path, The - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, 2. Survival of Molly Southbourne, The, kr. 120,00 der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 80,00 Kort Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Wormwood Trilogy, The (TPB) Teller, Danielle 1. Rosewater, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. All the Ever Afters: The Untold Story of Cinderella’s 2. Rosewater Insurrection, The, kr. 120,00 Stepmother (HC), kr. 250,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Rosewater Redemption, The, kr. 120,00 Tem, Steve Rasnic Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Thorne, Jack Ubo (TPB), kr. 160,00 Harry Potter (TPB) Roman. Horror. 8. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Parts I & II, kr. Tepper, Sheri S. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Fantasy Masterworks (TPB) Beauty, kr. 144,00 Thurman, Rob Roman. Fantasy. Cal Leandros Terrell, Heather 6. Blackout, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Books of Eva (TPB) 7. Doubletake, kr. 90,00 1. Relic, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Young Adult. 9. Downfall, kr. 80,00 Tesh, Emily Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Trickster Silver in the Wood (TPB), kr. 120,00 2. Grimrose Path, The, kr. 80,00 Kort Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Tettensor, E. L. Tidbeck, Karin Nicholas Lenoir Uden serie 1. Darkwalker, kr. 80,00 Jagannath (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Fantasy. 92 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Tingey, Sue Townsend, Jessica Soulseer Chronicles, The (TPB) Nevermoor (TPB) 1. Marked, kr. 145,00 1. Trials of Morrigan Crow, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Cursed, kr. 145,00 2. Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow, kr. Roman. Fantasy. 130,00 Tolkien, J.R.R. Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Towsey, David Annotated Hobbit, The (HC), kr. 325,00 Walkin' Trilogy, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. Store formater. 1. Your Brother's Blood, kr. 144,00 Hobbit, The, kr. 105,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Your Servants and Your People, kr. 160,00 Hobbit, The (Ill. af Jemima Catlin) (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. 3. Your Resting Place, kr. 160,00 Hobbit, The (Movie-Tie-In Edition), kr. 128,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. Trelease, Gita Hobbit, The: Illustrated Version (HC), kr. 325,00 Enchantée (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Enchantée, kr. 105,00 Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Trent, Tiffany Tales From the Perilous Realm (Tom Bombadil, Leaf Unnaturalists, The by Niggle, Smith of Wootton Major & Farmer Giles of Ham) (TPB), kr. 120,00 1. Unnaturalists, The, kr. 90,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Lord of the Rings, The 2. Tinker King, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. 1. Fellowship of the Ring, The, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Tucholke, April Genevieve 2. Two Towers, The, kr. 128,00 Boneless Mercies, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Boneless Mercies, The, kr. 110,00 3. Return of the King, The, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Turner, Marc Tolkien, J.R.R. & Rateliff, John D. Chronicles of the Exile, The Uden serie 1. When Heavens Fall, kr. 110,00 Brief History of , A: Contains the complete Roman. Fantasy. manuscript version of The Hobbit, kr. 160,00 Turner, Megan Whalen Roman. Fantasy. Queen's Thief, The (TPB) Tomlinson, Patrick S. 1. Thief, The - 20th Anniversary Edition, kr. 100,00 Breach, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Gate Crashers, kr. 190,00 2. Queen of Attolia, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Starship Repo, kr. 190,00 3. King of Attolia, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Children of a Dead Earth 4. Conspiracy of Kings, A, kr. 100,00 1. Ark, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 5. Thick as Thieves, kr. 100,00 2. Trident's Forge, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Turtledove, Harry 3. Children of the Divide, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. House of Daniel, The: A novel of Wild Magic, the Great Tompkins, Mark Depression, and Semipro Ball (TPB), kr. 160,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Last Days of Magic, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Through Darkest Europe (HC), kr. 240,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Torgersen, Brad R. Through Darkest Europe: A Novel (TPB), kr. 190,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie American Empire Chaplain's War, The, kr. 85,00 1. Blood & Iron, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Toutonghi, Steve Great War Uden serie 1. American Front, kr. 80,00 Side Life (TPB), kr. 160,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Walk in Hell, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 93

3. Breakthroughs, kr. 80,00 Valentine, Genevieve Roman. Science Fiction. Persona Sequence, The (TPB) Great War: Settling Accounts 1. Persona, kr. 160,00 4. In at the Death, kr. 128,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Icon, kr. 170,00 Novel of Roman. Science Fiction. Joe Steele, kr. 100,00 van Arsdale, Peternelle Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Supervolcano Beast Is An Animal (TPB), kr. 105,00 1. Eruption, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Cold Is in Her Bones, The (TPB), kr. 105,00 2. All Fall Down, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. van Lente, Fred 3. Things Fall Apart, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Con Artist, The (Ill. Tom Fowler) (TPB), kr. 150,00 United States of Atlantis Roman. Krimi. Atlantis and Other Places, kr. 90,00 Van Name, Mark L. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Jon & Lobo 2. United States of Atlantis, The, kr. 85,00 5. No Going Back, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Liberating Atlantis, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Vance, Jack War that Came Early (TPB) Fantasy Masterworks (TPB) 4. Coup d'Etat, kr. 155,00 4. Tales of the , kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Store formater. World War Vandermeer, Ann & Jeff (Ed.) 2. Tilting the Balance, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Big Book of Classic Fantasy, The (TPB), kr. 250,00 Turtschaninoff, Maria Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Red Abbey Chronicles (TPB) Big Book of Science Fiction, The (TPB), kr. 250,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. 1. Maresi, kr. 130,00 Sisters of the Revolution: A Feminist Speculative Roman. Fantasy. Fiction Anthology (TPB), kr. 160,00 Tuttle, Lisa Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Uden serie VanderMeer, Jeff Mysteries, The (TPB), kr. 145,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Veniss Underground (TPB), kr. 115,00 Jesperson and Lane (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Somnambulist and the Psychic Thief, The, kr. 120,00 Ambergris (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. City of Saints and Madmen, kr. 112,00 2. Witch at the Wayside Cross, The, kr. 120,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Shriek: An Afterword, kr. 115,00 Valdes, Valerie Roman. Fantasy. Chilling Effect (TPB) Borne (TPB) 1. Chilling Effect, kr. 145,00 Strange Bird, kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Valente, Catherynne M. 1. Borne, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Refrigerator Monologues, The (Ill. Af Annie Wu) (TPB), 2. Dead Astronauts, kr. 170,00 kr. 150,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Vaughn, Carrie (TPB), kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Martians Abroad (HC), kr. 230,00 Fairyland (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 5. Girl Who Raced Fairyland All the Way Home, The Vaughn, S. K. TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Across the Void (TPB), kr. 180,00 Fairyland (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels Vega, Danielle There, The, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Survive the Night (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Horror. 94 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Merciless, The (TPB) Walker, Sage 1. Merciless, The, kr. 110,00 Uden serie Roman. Horror. Whiteout, kr. 90,00 2. Exorcism of Sofia Flores, The, kr. 110,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Horror. Wallace, Daniel 3. Origins of Evil (A Prequel), kr. 110,00 Uden serie Roman. Horror. Art and Making of Pacific Rim Uprising, The (HC) (Art 4. Last Rites, kr. 110,00 Book) - TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages Roman. Horror. forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 300,00 Verne, Jules Science Fiction. Bøger om Film. Penguin Classics (TPB) Wallace, Jon Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, kr. 130,00 Kenstibec (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Barricade, kr. 144,00 Viehl, Lynn Roman. Science Fiction. Disenchanted & Co. 2. Steeple, kr. 145,00 1. Disenchanted & Co., kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Rig, kr. 160,00 2. Clockwork Wolf, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Wallace, Sean (Ed.) Lords of the Darkyn Mammoth Books (TPB) 1. Nightborn, kr. 90,00 Mammoth Book of , The, kr. 160,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. 2. Nightbred, kr. 80,00 Walpole, Horace Roman. Paranormal Romance. Uden serie 3. Nightbound, kr. 80,00 Castle of Otranto, The, kr. 105,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Horror. Vigna, Paul Walton, Jo Uden serie Uden serie Guts: The Anatomy of The Walking Dead (HC), kr. (TPB), kr. 180,00 250,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Bøger om Horror. Tooth and Claw (TPB), kr. 190,00 Viguie, Debbie Roman. Fantasy. Witch Hunt Novel What Makes This Book So Great (TPB), kr. 130,00 1. Last Grave, The, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Non fiction. Bøger om SF. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Thessaly (TPB) Vilhjálmsson, Alexander Dan 1. Just City, The, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Shadows of the Short Days (TPB), kr. 180,00 Warcraft Roman. Fantasy. World of Warcraft Vinge, Vernor Warcraft: The Official Movie Novelisation, kr. 130,00 Zones of Thought Roman. Fantasy. Film. 2. Deepness in the Sky, A, kr. 100,00 World of Warcraft Chronicle (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. World of Warcraft Chronicle vol. 1 (Art Book), kr. 3. Children of the Sky, The, kr. 80,00 360,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Vonnegut, Kurt 2. World of Warcraft Chronicle vol. 2 (Art Book), kr. 360,00 Uden serie Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Drawings: Introduction by Nanette Vonnegut (HC), kr. 298,00 Ward, J.R. Kunstbøger. Black Dagger Brotherhood Slaughterhouse-Five, kr. 80,00 1. Dark Lover, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Slaughterhouse-Five: A Novel (50th Anniversary 3. Lover Awakened, kr. 80,00 Edition) (HC), kr. 198,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Lover Revealed, kr. 80,00 Timequake (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fiction. 5. Lover Unbound, kr. 80,00 Vyleta, Dan Roman. Paranormal Romance. Uden serie 6. Lover Enshrined, kr. 80,00 Smoke: A Novel (TPB), kr. 190,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 7. Lover Avenged, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 95

8. Lover Mine, kr. 80,00 Age of Sigmar: Blacktalon (TPB) Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Blacktalon: First Mark (Andy Clark), kr. 120,00 9. Lover Unleashed, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Age of Sigmar: Eight Lamentations (TPB) 10. Lover Reborn, kr. 80,00 1. Spear of Shadows, The (af Josh Reynolds), kr. 115,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. 11. Lover at Last, kr. 80,00 Age of Sigmar: Hallowed Knights (TPB) Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Plague Garden: Hallowed Knights (as Josh 12. King, The, kr. 80,00 Reynolds), kr. 115,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. 13. Shadows, The, kr. 80,00 2. Black Pyramid (af Josh reynolds), kr. 120,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. 14. Beast, The, kr. 80,00 Age of Sigmar: Legends of the Age of Sigmar (TPB) Roman. Paranormal Romance. Black Rift, The (af Josh Reynolds), kr. 170,00 15. Chosen, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Legends of the Age of Sigmar, kr. 180,00 16. Thief, The, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Age of Sigmar: The Khul (TPB) 17,5. Where Winter Finds You: A Caldwell Christmas, kr. 90,00 1. Red Feast, The (af Gav Thorpe), kr. 120,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Black Dagger Legacy Age of Sigmar: The Realmgate Wars (TPB) 1. Blood Kiss, kr. 80,00 1. War Storm (af Nick Kyme, Guy Haley og Josh Reynolds), kr. 170,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Rollespil. 2. Blood Vow, kr. 80,00 2. Ghal Maraz (af Josh Reynolds & Guy Haley), kr. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 115,00 3. Blood Fury, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 3. Hammers of Sigmar (af Darius Hinks & C L Werner), Fallen Angels kr. 170,00 1. Covet, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 4. Call of Archaon, kr. 170,00 2. Crave, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 5. Wardens of the Everqueen (af C L Werner), kr. 170,00 3. Envy, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 6. Warbeast (af Gav Thorpe), kr. 170,00 4. Rapture, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 7. Fury of Gork (af Josh Reynolds), kr. 170,00 5. Possession, kr. 85,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 8. Bladestorm (af Matt Westbrook), kr. 170,00 6. Immortal, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Paranormal Romance. 10. Lord of (af C L Werner), kr. 160,00 Warhammer Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Uden serie Age of Sigmar:Callis and Toll (TPB) Orion Trilogy Omnibus (TPB), kr. 170,00 1. Silver Shard, The (af Nick North), kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Age of Sigmar (TPB) Bounty Hunter Omnibus (TPB) Gloomspite (af Andy Clark), kr. 120,00 1. Brunner: The Bounty Hunter (Blood & Steel, Blood Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Money & Blood of the Dragon) (af C.L.Werner), kr. 195,00 Gods and Mortals, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Hamilcar: Champion of the Gods (af David Guymer), Daemon Gates kr. 120,00 2. Night of the Daemon (af Aaron Rosenberg), kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Myths & Revenants, kr. 120,00 3. Hour of the Daemon (af Aaron Rosenberg), kr. 85,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Antologi. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Rulers of the Dead, The, kr. 120,00 End Times, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. 3. Curse of Khaine, The (af Gav Thorpe) - TILBUD (så Scourge of Fate (af Robbie MacNiven), kr. 120,00 længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. varer), kr. 100,00 Tainted heart, The (af C L Werner), kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Gotrek and Felix (TPB) 1. Soul Wars (af Joshua Reynolds), kr. 120,00 1. Gotrek & Felix: The First Omnibus (Trollslayer, Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Skavenslayer, Daemonslayer & Dragonslayer) (af William King), kr. 195,00 Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. 96 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

2. Gotrek & Felix: The Second Omnibus (Dragonslayer, Warhammer Underworlds (TPB) Beastslayer, Vampireslayer) (af William King), kr. Shadespire: The Mirrored City (af Josh Reynolds), kr. 195,00 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. 3. Gotrek & Felix: The Third Omnibus (Giantslayer, Warhammer 40K Orcslayer, Manslayer & Redhand's Daughter) (af William King), kr. 195,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Blood of Iax (af Robbie MacNiven) (TPB), kr. 120,00 Heroes Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 1. Sword of Justice (af Chris Wraight), kr. 95,00 Great Devourer Omnibus, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 3. Sword of Vengeance (af Chris Wraight), kr. 100,00 Lords and Tyrants (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Heroes Omnibus (TPB) Lords of Silence, The (af Chris Wraight) (TPB), kr. 120,00 Warlords of Karak Eight Peaks (af Guy Haley & David Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Guymer), kr. 195,00 On Wings of Blood: An Aeronautica Anthology: An Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Aeronautica Anthology (TPB), kr. 120,00 Kharadron Overlords (TPB) Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 1. Overlords of the Iron Dragon (af C L Werner), kr. Spear of the Emperor (af Aaron Dembski-Bowden), kr. 120,00 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Mathias Thulmann Omnibus (TPB) Adeptus Mechanicus (TPB) Mathias Thulmann: Witch Hunter (af C L Werner), kr. Servants of the Machine-God, kr. 120,00 195,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Adeptus Mechanicus: Adeptus Titanicus (TPB) Thanquol & Boneripper (TPB) Imperator: Wrath of the Omnissiah (af Gav Thorpe) Thanquol & Boneripper Omnibus, kr. 170,00 (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Time of Legends: The War of Vengeance (TPB) Warlord: Fury of the God-Machine (af David 2. Master of Dragons (af Chris Wraight) - TILBUD (så Annandale) (TPB), kr. 120,00 længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. varer), kr. 80,00 Adeptus Mechanicus: Forges of Mars Omnibus (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Forges of Mars (af Graham McNeill), kr. 195,00 3. Curse of the Phoenix Crown, The (af C L Werner) - Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. 80,00 Alpha Legion (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. 1. Sons of Hydra (af Rob Sanders), kr. 120,00 Ulrika the Vampire Omnibus (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Ulrika the Vampire (Bloodborn, Bloodforged & Apocalypse (TPB) Bloodsworn) (af Nathan Long), kr. 195,00 Valedor (af Guy Haley), kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Warhammer Chronicles Omnibus (TPB) Astra Militarum Omnibus (TPB) Knights of the Empire Omnibus (TPB), kr. 195,00 Shield of the Emperor (af Steve Parker), kr. 195,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Masters of Stone and Steel (af Gav Thorpe & Nick Beast Arises, The (HC) Kyme), kr. 195,00 1. I Am Slaughter (af Dan Abnett), kr. 165,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Warriors of the Chaos Wastes Omnibus (af C L 2. Predator, Prey (af Rob Sanders), kr. 165,00 Werner), kr. 195,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. 3. Emperor Expects, The (af Gav Thorpe), kr. 165,00 Warhammer Horror (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. House of Night and Chain, The (af David Annandale), 4. Last Wall, The (af David Annandale), kr. 165,00 kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. 5. Throneworld (af Guy Haley), kr. 165,00 Wicked and the Damned, The (af Josh Reynolds, David Annandale & Phil Kelly), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Horror. Rollespil. Black Legion, The (TPB) Warhammer Horror: Genevieve (TPB) 1. Talon of Horus, The (af Aaron Dembski-Bowden), kr. 120,00 2. Genevieve Undead (af Jack Yeovil (Kim Newman)), Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. 2. Black Legion (af Aaron Dembski-Bowden), kr. 120,00 3. Beasts in Velvet (af Jack Yeovil (Kim Newman)), kr. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 120,00 Blood Angels (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Dante (af Guy Haley), kr. 115,00 4. Silver Nails (af Jack Yeovil (Kim Newman)), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Novellesamling. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 97

Blood Angels Omnibus (TPB) Genestealer Cults (TPB) Blood Angels: The Complete Rafen Omnibus (af James 1. Cult of the Warmason (af C L Werner), kr. 115,00 Swallow), kr. 195,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 2. Cult of the Spiral Dawn (af Peter Fehervari), kr. Carcharodons (TPB) 120,00 2. Outer Dark (af Robbie MacNiven), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Grey Knights (TPB) Castellan Crowe (TPB) Sons of Titan (af David Annandale), kr. 170,00 1. Warden of the Blade (af David Annandale), kr. 115,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Horus Heresy, The 2. Castellan (af David Annandale), kr. 120,00 1. Horus Rising (af Dan Abnett), kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Ciaphas Cain Omnibus (TPB) 3. Galaxy in Flames (af Ben Counter), kr. 100,00 1. Hero of the Imperium (For the Emperor, Caves of Ice Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. & The Traitor's Hand), kr. 170,00 5. Fulgrim (af Graham McNeill), kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Spil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 2. Defender of the Imperium (Death or Glory, Duty 6. Descent of Angels (af Michel Scanlon), kr. 100,00 Calls & Cain's Last Gambit) (af Sandy Mitchell), kr. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 170,00 7. Legion (af Dan Abnett), kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Bøger om Spil. Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Spil. 3. Saviour of the Imperium (The Emperor's Finest, The 10. Tales of Heresy (red. af Nick Kyme & Lindsey Last Ditch & The Greater Good) (af Sandy Mitchell), Priestley), kr. 100,00 kr. 195,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 11. Fallen Angels (af Mike Lee), kr. 100,00 Circle of Fire, The (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 1. Rebirth (af Nick Kyme), kr. 170,00 13. Nemesis (af James Swallow), kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Spil. Crimson Fists (TPB) 15. Prospero Burns (af Dan Abnett), kr. 100,00 Legacy of Dorn (af Mike Lee), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 17. Outcast Dead, The (af Graham McNeill), kr. 100,00 Dark Angels (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Spil. Angels of Darkness (af Gav Thorpe), kr. 135,00 19. Know No Fear (af Dan Abnett), kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Dark Coil (TPB) 21. Fear to Tread (af James Swallow), kr. 100,00 1. Requiem Internal, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 22. Shadows of Treachery (Ed. Christian Dunn & Nick Deathwatch (TPB) Kyme), kr. 100,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Ignition (Ed. Laurie Goulding), kr. 170,00 24. Betrayer (af Aaron Dembski-Bowden), kr. 115,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Shadowbreaker (af Steve Parker), kr. 120,00 26. Vulkan Lives: Unto the Anvil (af Nick Kyme), kr. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 115,00 Eisenhorn Trilogy (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Magos & the Definitive Casebook of Gregor Eisenhorn, 28. Scars: A Legion Devided (af Chris Wraight), kr. The (af Dan Abnett), kr. 130,00 100,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Fabius Bile (TPB) 29. Vengeful Spirit: The Battle of Molech (af Graham 1. Primogenitor (af Josh Reynolds), kr. 120,00 McNeill), kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Farsight (TPB) 30. Damnation of Pythos, The: Thinning the Veil (af 1. Crisis of Faith (af Phil Kelly) David Annandale), kr. 100,00 Crisis of Faith (af Phil Kelly), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 31. Legacies of Betrayal: Let the galaxy burn (af Gaunt's Ghosts (TPB) Graham McNeill mfl.), kr. 100,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 2. Ghostmaker (af Dan Abnett), kr. 140,00 32. Deathfire: Into the Ruinstorm (af Nick Kyme), kr. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 100,00 5. Guns of Tanith, The (af Dan Abnett), kr. 150,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 33. War Without End (Ed. Laurie Goulding), kr. 100,00 7. Sabbat Martyr (af Dan Abnett), kr. 170,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 34. Pharos: The Dying of (af Guy Haley), kr. Gaunt's Ghosts Omnibus (TPB) 115,00 3. Lost, The (Traitor General, His Last Command, Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Armour of Contempt & Only in Death) (af Dan Abnett), 35. Eye of Terra (Ed. Laurie Goulding), kr. 100,00 kr. 195,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Spil. 98 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

36. Path of Heaven, The: Riding Out From the Storm Imperial Knights (TPB) (af Chris Wraight), kr. 100,00 1. Kingsblade (af Andy Clarke), kr. 160,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 37. Silent War, The (Ed. Laurie Goulding), kr. 100,00 2. Knightsblade (af Andy Clarke), kr. 120,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 38. Angels of Caliban: Emperors and Slaves (af Gav Iron Hands (TPB) Thorpe), kr. 100,00 1. Eye of Medusa, The (af David Guymer), kr. 115,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 39. Praetorian of Dorn: Alpha to Omega (af John French), kr. 100,00 2. Voice of Mars, The (af David Guymer), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 40. Corax: Nevermore (af Gav Thorpe), kr. 100,00 Iron Warriors Omnibus (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Iron Warriors: The Complete Honsou Omnibus (Storm 41. Master of Mankind, The: War in the Webway (af of Iron, Iron Warrior, The Enemy of My Enemy, The Aaron Dembski-Bowden), kr. 100,00 Heraclitus Effect & The Skull Harvest) (af Graham McNeill), kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Spil. 44. Crimson King, The: A Soul Divided (af Graham McNeill), kr. 100,00 Legends of the Dark Millennium (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Sons of Corax (af George Mann), kr. 115,00 45. Tallarn: War for a Dead World (af John French), Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. kr. 100,00 Lucius the Eternal (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 1. Faultless Blade, The (af Ian St. Martin), kr. 115,00 46. Ruinstorm: Destiny Unwritten... (af David Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Annandale), kr. 100,00 Macharian Crusade Omnibus (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Macharian Crusade, The (af William King), kr. 195,00 47. Old Earth (af Nick Kyme), kr. 100,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 50. Born of Flame: The Hammer and the Anvil, kr. Mephiston (TPB) 100,00 1. Blood of Sanguinius (af Darius Hinks), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Horus Heresy, The: Primarchs (HC) 2. Revenant Crusade (af Darius Hinks), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 2. Leman Russ: The Great Wolf, kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Phoenix Lords (HC) 3. Magnus the Red: Master of Prospero (af Graham 1. Asurmen: Hand of Asuryan (af Gav Thorpe), kr. McNeill), kr. 170,00 220,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 6. Fulgrim: The Palatine Phoenix (af Josh Reynolds), Ravenor Omnibus (TPB) kr. 170,00 Ravenor: The Omnibus (af Dan Abnett), kr. 195,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Spil. 7. Ferrus Manus: The Gorgon of Medusa (af David Rise of the Ynnari (TPB) Guymer), kr. 170,00 Ghost Warrior (af Gav Thorpe), kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 8. Jaghatai Khan: Warhawk of Chogoris (af Chris Wild Rider (af Gav Thorpe), kr. 120,00 Wraight), kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 10. Corax: Lord of Shadows (af Guy Haley), kr. 170,00 Rogue Trader Omnibus (TPB) Rogue Trader: The Omnibus (af Andy Hoare), kr. 195,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 11. Angron: Slave of Nuceria (af Ian St. Martin), kr. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 170,00 Severina Raine (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Honourbound (af Rachel Harrison), kr. 120,00 12. Konrad Curze: The Night Haunter, kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Shira Calpurnia Omnibus (TPB) Horus Heresy: Siege of Terra (TPB) Enforcer: The Shira Calpurnia Omnibus (af Matthew 1. Solar War, The (af John French), kr. 170,00 Farrer) - TILBUD, kr. 195,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Bøger om Spil. Horusian Wars, The (TPB) Silver Skulls (TPB) 1. Resurrection (af John French), kr. 120,00 1. Portents (af S P Cawkwell), kr. 150,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 2. Incarnation (af John French), kr. 120,00 Space Marine Battles (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Calgar's Fury (af Paul Kearney), kr. 115,00 Imperial Guard (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Straken (af Toby Frost), kr. 115,00 Malodrax (af Ben Counter), kr. 160,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Imperial Guard Omnibus (TPB) War of the Fang (af Chris Wraight), kr. 180,00 2. Hammer of the Emperor, kr. 195,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 99

4. Purging of Kadillus, The (af Gav Thorpe), kr. 115,00 Warhammer Quest (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Blackstone Fortress (af Darius Hinks), kr. 120,00 5. Fall of Damnos, The (af Nick Kyme), kr. 115,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Warom, Ren 9. Architect of Fate (Ed. Christian Dunn), kr. 155,00 Shock Pao Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 1. Escapology, kr. 80,00 11. Siege of Castellax (af C.L.Werner), kr. 140,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Watson, Angus 13. Death of Integrity, The (af Guy Haley), kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. West of West (TPB) 14. Overfiend (af David Annandale), kr. 160,00 1. You Die When You Die, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Fantasy. 16. Damocles, kr. 155,00 2. Land You Never Leave, The, kr. 130,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Fantasy. 20. Crusaders of Dorn (af Guy Haley), kr. 180,00 3. Where Gods Fear to Go, kr. 130,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Fantasy. Space Marine Battles Omnibus (TPB) Watson, Martine Fournier War for Armageddon: The Omnibus, kr. 195,00 Uden serie Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Dream Peddler, The: A Novel (TPB), kr. 160,00 Space Marine Conquests (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Devastation of Baal, The (af Guy Haley), kr. 120,00 Watson, Mary Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Wren Hunt, The (TPB) 2. Ashes of Prospero, The (af Gav Thorpe), kr. 115,00 1. Wren Hunt, The, kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Fantasy. 3. War of Secrets (af Phil Kelly), kr. 120,00 2. Wickerlight, The, kr. 105,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Of Honour and Iron (af Ian St. Martin), kr. 120,00 Watts, Peter Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Blindsight (TPB) 5. Apocalypse (af Josh Reynolds), kr. 120,00 1. Blindsight, kr. 190,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Space Marine Legends (HC) 2. Echopraxia, kr. 160,00 3. Shrike (af George Mann), kr. 180,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Weber, David 4. Azrael (af Gav Thorpe), kr. 180,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Worlds of Weber, kr. 80,00 5. Lemartes (af David Annandale), kr. 180,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Empire of Man Tales From the Worlds of Warhammer (TPB) 1. March Upcountry (m. John Ringo), kr. 80,00 Inferno! Vol. 1., kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 2. March to the Sea (m. John Ringo), kr. 80,00 Inferno! Vol. 2, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 3. March to the Stars (m. John Ringo), kr. 80,00 Inferno! Vol. 3, kr. 120,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Furies 4. Inferno! Vol. 4, kr. 120,00 1. In Fury Born, kr. 80,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Roman. Science Fiction. Tome of Fire Omnibus (TPB) 2. Path of the Fury, kr. 80,00 Salamanders: The Omnibus (af Nick Kyme), kr. 195,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Honor Harrington Ultramarines (TPB) House of Steel: The Honorverse Companion, kr. 80,00 2. Warriors of Ultramar (af Graham McNeill), kr. 140,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Worlds of Honor vol. 1: More Than Honor, kr. 90,00 3. Dead Sky, Black Sun (af Graham McNeill), kr. 140,00 Science Fiction. Antologi. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Worlds of Honor vol. 2: Worlds of Honor, kr. 80,00 4. Killing Ground, The (af Graham McNeill), kr. 140,00 Science Fiction. Antologi. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Worlds of Honor vol. 4: Service of the Sword, The, kr. Ultramarines Omnibus (TPB) 80,00 1. Uriel Ventris Chronicles, The Volume One(af Science Fiction. Antologi. Graham McNeill), kr. 195,00 Worlds of Honor vol. 5: In Fire Forged, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Vaults of Terra (TPB) Worlds of Honor vol. 6: Beginnings, kr. 80,00 1. Carrion Throne, The (af Chris Wraight), kr. 120,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Rollespil. 4. Field of Dishonor, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. 100 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

5. Flag in Exile, kr. 80,00 2. Crusade (m. Steve White), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 6. Honor Among Enemies, kr. 80,00 3. In Death Ground (m. Steve White), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 7. In Enemy Hands, kr. 80,00 4. Shiva Option, The (m. Steve White), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 8. Echoes of Honor, kr. 80,00 War God Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Oath of Swords, kr. 80,00 9. Ashes of Victory, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. War God's Own, The, kr. 80,00 10. War of Honor, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Wind Rider's Oath, kr. 90,00 11. At All Costs, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. War Maid's Choice, kr. 80,00 12. Mission of Honor, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 5. Sword of the South, The, kr. 90,00 13. Rising Thunder, A, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Weber, David & Zahn, Timothy 14. Uncompromising Honor, kr. 100,00 Manticore Ascendant Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Call to Duty, A, kr. 90,00 Honorverse Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Cauldron of Ghosts (m. Eric Flint), kr. 90,00 2. Call to Arms, A (m. Thomas Pope), kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Honorverse: Saganami Island Wecker, Helene 2. Storm from the Shadows, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Golem and the Jinni, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 3. Shadow of Freedom, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Weeks, Brent Multiverse Lightbringer (HC) 1. Hell's Gate (m. Linda Evans), kr. 80,00 5. Burning White, The, kr. 260,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Hell Hath No Fury (m. Linda Evans), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Lightbringer (TPB) 3. Road to Hell, The, kr. 100,00 3. Broken Eye, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 4. Blood Mirror, The, kr. 145,00 Safehold Roman. Fantasy. 1. Off Armageddon Reef, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Night Angel Trilogy 2. By Schism Rent Asunder, kr. 90,00 2. Shadow's Edge, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 3. By Heresies Distressed, kr. 80,00 Night Angel Trilogy (HC) Roman. Science Fiction. Perfect Shadow: A Night Angel Novella, kr. 130,00 4. Mighty Fortress, A, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Weir, Andy 5. How Firm a Foundation, kr. 90,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Martian, The (TPB), kr. 170,00 6. Midst Toil and Tribulation, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Weis, Margaret 7. Like a Mighty Army, kr. 100,00 Dragon Brigade Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Storm Riders (m. Robert Krammes), kr. 90,00 8. Hell's Foundations Quiver, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Dragonvarld 9. At the Sign of Triumph, kr. 100,00 2. Dragon's Son, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 10. Through Fiery Trials, kr. 100,00 3. Master of Dragons, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Safehold (HC) Weller, Sheila 9. At the Sign of Triumph TILBUD (så længe lager haves, der tages forbehold for udsolgte varer), kr. Uden serie 150,00 Carrie Fisher: A Life on the Edge: A Life on the Edge Roman. Science Fiction. (HC), kr. 260,00 Starfire Non fiction. Film. 1. Insurrection (m. Steve White), kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 101

Wellington, David Sun Sword Sagaen Uden serie 2. Uncrowned King, The, kr. 80,00 Last Astronaut, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Shining Court, The, kr. 90,00 Wells, Alex Roman. Fantasy. 4. Sea of Sorrows, kr. 90,00 Hob Roman. Fantasy. 1. Hunger Makes the Wolf, kr. 80,00 6. Sun Sword, The, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Blood Binds the Pack, kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Westerfeld, Scott Wells, H.G. Succession 1. Risen Empire, The, kr. 80,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Time Machine, The, kr. 39,50 2. Killing of Worlds, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Wells, Martha Wexler, Django Books of the Raksura Forbidden Library, The (TPB) 1. Cloud Roads, The, kr. 80,00 1. Forbidden Library, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Murderbot Diaries, The (HC) 2. Mad Apprentice, The, kr. 100,00 2. Artificial Condition, kr. 160,00 Roman. Fantasy. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Wells of Sorcery Trilogy, The (TPB) 4. Exit Strategy, kr. 170,00 1. Ship of Smoke and Steel, kr. 100,00 Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Murderbot Diaries, The (TPB) Weymouth, Laura E. 1. , kr. 150,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Wendig, Chuck Treason of Thorns, A (HC), kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Gods and Monsters (TPB) Whates, Ian (Ed.) 1. Unclean Spirits, kr. 110,00 Roman. Fantasy. New Solaris Book of Science Fiction Miriam Black (TPB) 2. Solaris Rising 2, kr. 90,00 Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 1. Blackbirds, kr. 170,00 3. Solaris Rising 3, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. 2. Mockingbird, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Wheeler, Ramona 3. Cormorant, The, kr. 160,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Three Princes (TPB), kr. 155,00 4. Thunderbird, kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Wheeler, S. M. 5. Raptor & the Wren, The, kr. 170,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Sea Change (TPB), kr. 145,00 6. Vultures, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Wheeler, Shannon Zeroes God is Disappointed in You (HC) 1. Zeroes, kr. 80,00 2. Apocrypha Now, kr. 180,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Wheeler, Thomas 2. Invasive, kr. 95,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Cursed (ill. Frank Miller) (TPB), kr. 170,00 West, Hannah Roman. Fantasy. Nissera Novel, A (TPB) Whelan, Michael 1. Kingdom of Ash and Briars, kr. 100,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Beyond Science Fiction: The Alternative Realism of 2. Realm of Ruins, kr. 100,00 (Art Book), kr. 250,00 Roman. Fantasy. Non fiction. Kunstbøger. West, Michelle White, Alex House Wars Uden serie 2. City of Night, kr. 100,00 Every Mountain Made Low, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 5. Battle, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. 6. Oracle, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. 102 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

White, Elle Katharine Blood and Gold (TPB) Heartstone Novel (TPB) 1. Daughters of the Storm, kr. 160,00 2. Dragonshadow, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Wilkinson, Kerry 2. Flamebringer, kr. 145,00 Silver Blackthorn Trilogy, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Reckoning, kr. 128,00 White, Kiersten Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Wilks, Eileen Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein, The (TPB), kr. Moon Children 120,00 5. Mortal Sins, kr. 80,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Camelot Rising Trilogy (TPB) 7. Blood Challenge, kr. 90,00 1. Guinevere Deception, The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Fantasy. 8. Death Magic, kr. 80,00 Paranormalcy Trilogy (TPB) Roman. Paranormal Romance. 1. Paranormalcy, kr. 112,00 9. Mortal Ties, kr. 90,00 Roman. Young Adult. Roman. Paranormal Romance. White, Steve Willett, Edward Uden serie Worldshaper Her Majesty's American, kr. 80,00 1. Worldshaper, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. White, T.H. Williams, Drew Once and Future King, The Universe After, The (TPB) 1. Once and Future King, The, kr. 100,00 1. Stars Now Unclaimed, The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Book of Merlyn, The, kr. 80,00 Williams, Jen Roman. Fantasy. Copper Promise, The (TPB) Whitehead, Colson 1. Copper Promise, The, kr. 120,00 Uden serie Roman. Fantasy. Underground Railroad, The (TPB), kr. 120,00 2. Iron Ghost, The, kr. 145,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Whiteley, Aliya Winnowing Flame Trilogy, The (TPB) Uden serie 2. Bitter Twins, The, kr. 120,00 Beauty, The (TPB), kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Horror. Williams, Katie Skein Island (TPB), kr. 105,00 Uden serie Roman. Science Fiction. Tell the Machine Goodnight (TPB), kr. 170,00 Whyman, Matt Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Williams, Sandy Nice and Accurate Good Omens TV Companion, The: Shadow Reader Your guide to Armageddon and the series based on the 2. Shattered Dark, The, kr. 80,00 bestselling novel by and Neil Gaiman (HC) (Art Book), kr. 360,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Bøger om Film. Williams, Tad Wichmann, Rasmus Bobby Dollar Uden serie 1. Dirty Streets of Heaven, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Enkemagerne, kr. 200,00 2. Happy Hour in Hell, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Dansk skønlitteratur. Roman. Fantasy. Wilde, Fran 3. Sleeping Late On Judgement Day, kr. 80,00 Bone Universe (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Updraft, kr. 170,00 Last King of Osten Ard, The Roman. Fantasy. 0,5. Heart of What Was Lost, The, kr. 80,00 Wilhelm, Richard & Martens, Frederick H. Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Last King of Osten Ard, The (HC) Chinese Fairy Tales and Legends: A Gift Edition of 73 2. Empire of Grass, kr. 270,00 Enchanting Chinese Folk Stories and Fairy Tales (HC), Roman. Fantasy. kr. 170,00 Novellesamling. Fantasy. Memory, Sorrow and Thorn Wilkins, Kim 1. Dragonbone Chair, The, kr. 100,00 Roman. Fantasy. Blood and Gold (HC) 2. Stone of Farewell, kr. 100,00 2. Sisters of the Fire, kr. 198,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 103

3. To Green Angel Tower (1. del), kr. 90,00 Blackout (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Blackout, kr. 170,00 4. To Green Angel Tower (2. del), kr. 90,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. 2. All Clear, kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. 1. City of Golden Shadow, kr. 100,00 Wilson, Daniel H. Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 2. River of Blue Fire, kr. 90,00 Robot Uprising (TPB), kr. 128,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 3. Mountain of Black Glass, kr. 100,00 Wilson, G. Willow Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie 4. Sea of Silver Light, kr. 100,00 Bird King, The (HC), kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Shadowmarch (TPB) Wilson, Kai Ashante 3. Shadowrise, kr. 115,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Taste of Honey, A (TPB), kr. 160,00 Williams, Walter Jon Kort Roman. Fantasy. Quillifer (TPB) Wilson, Robert Charles 1. Quillifer, kr. 170,00 Roman. Fantasy. Uden serie Bridge of Years, A (TPB), kr. 185,00 Williamson, Jack Roman. Science Fiction. Fantasy Masterworks (TPB) Chronoliths, The (TPB), kr. 210,00 38. Darker Than You Think, kr. 112,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Fantasy. Darwinia (TPB), kr. 230,00 Williamson, Jack & Gunn, James Roman. Science Fiction. Uden serie Last Year (TPB), kr. 170,00 Star Bridge (TPB), kr. 165,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Spin Williamson, Michael Z. 3. Vortex, kr. 80,00 Freehold Roman. Science Fiction. Tide of Battle, kr. 80,00 Wivel, Matthias & Thorhauge, Thomas Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Uden serie Freehold (TPB) Forandringstegn: De Nye Tegneserier, kr. 198,00 Freehold: Resistance, kr. 160,00 Bøger om Tegneserier. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Wolf, Deborah A. Williamson, Michael Z. (Ed.) Dragon’s Legacy, The (TPB) Freehold 1. Dragon’s Legacy, The, kr. 115,00 Forged in Blood, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Antologi. Wolfe, Bernard Willis, Connie SF Masterworks (TPB) Uden serie Limbo, kr. 160,00 Bellwether, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Wolfe, Gene Best of , The (TPB), kr. 180,00 Uden serie Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Land Across, The (TPB), kr. 200,00 Crosstalk (TPB), kr. 180,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. Peace (TPB), kr. 180,00 , kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Pirate Freedom, kr. 100,00 Impossible Things, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Sorcerer's House, The (TPB), kr. 210,00 Lincoln's Dreams, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Science Fiction. Book of the Long Sun, The (TPB) Lot Like Christmas, A: An Expanded, Updated Edition of Connie Willis's Beloved Miracle and Other 1. Litany of the Long Sun, kr. 230,00 Christmas Stories (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Novellesamling. Science Fiction. 2. Epiphany of the Long Sun, kr. 250,00 Terra Incognita: Three Novellas (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Book of the New Sun, The (TPB) Uncharted Territory, kr. 90,00 1. Shadow & Claw (Bind 1 & 2 i et bind), kr. 200,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Science Fiction. 2. Sword & Citadel (Bog 3 &4 I et bind), kr. 200,00 Roman. Science Fiction. 104 Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020

Soldier (TPB) Yaszek, Lisa (Ed.) Latro in the Mist ( and Soldier of Uden serie Arete samlet i en bog), kr. 270,00 Future Is Female! 25 Classic Science Fiction Stories by Roman. Science Fiction. Women, from Pulp Pioneers to Ursula K. Le Guin: A Wolfman, Marv Library of America Special Publication, The (HC), kr. 218,00 Uden serie Novellesamling. Science Fiction. Suicide Squad: The Official Movie Novelization, kr. 130,00 Yong, Jin Roman. Adventure. Film. Legends of the Condor Heroes (TPB) Wong, David 1. Hero Born, A, kr. 120,00 John Dies at the End (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 2. This Book is Full of Spiders, kr. 105,00 2. Bond Undone, A, kr. 195,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Fantasy. 3. What the Hell Did I Just Read, kr. 105,00 Yoss Roman. Horror. Uden serie Wooding, Chris Condomnauts (TPB), kr. 170,00 Ember Blade (TPB) Roman. Science Fiction. 1. Ember Blade, The, kr. 145,00 Young, Adrienne Roman. Fantasy. Sky in the Deep (TPB) Tales of the Ketty Jay (TPB) 1. Sky in the Deep, kr. 110,00 1. Retribution Falls, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. 2. Girl the Sea Gave Back, The, kr. 120,00 2. Black Lung Captain, The, kr. 130,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Yu, Mimi 3. Iron Jackal, The, kr. 130,00 Girl King, The (TPB) Roman. Fantasy. 1. Girl King, The, kr. 145,00 4. Ace of Skulls,The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Zahn, Timothy Wright, Laura Chronichle of the Sibyl's War, A Mark of the Vampire 1. Pawn, kr. 90,00 2. Eternal Kiss, kr. 80,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Cobra Rebellion Saga 3. Eternal Captive, kr. 80,00 3. Cobra Traitor, kr. 80,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Eternal Beast, kr. 80,00 Zanotti, Patrizia M.fl. Roman. Paranormal Romance. Uden serie 5. Eternal Demon, kr. 80,00 Hugo Pratt på sporet af Corto Maltese, kr. 248,00 Roman. Paranormal Romance. Non fiction. Bøger om Tegneserier. Wung-Sung, Jesper Zelazny, Roger Uden serie Uden serie Guldfisken glimmer, kr. 149,95 Night in the Lonesome October, A (TPB), kr. 120,00 Roman. Horror. Dansk børne- og ungdomslitteratur. Roman. Fantasy. Wynne, Marcus Chronicles of Amber, The (TPB) Depossessionist Great Book of Amber, The : The Complete Amber 1. Sword of Michael, The, kr. 90,00 Chronicles, 1 - 10, kr. 270,00 Roman. Fantasy. Roman. Fantasy. Yakumaru, Gaku Zeltserman, Dave Uden serie Uden serie Cop's Eyes, A (HC), kr. 210,00 Boy Who Killed Demons, The (TPB), kr. 145,00 Roman. Fiction. Roman. Horror. Yancey, Rick Zieja, Joe Monstrumologist, The Epic Failure (TPB) 1. Monstrumologist, The, kr. 80,00 1. Mechanical Failure, kr. 150,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. 3. Isle of Blood, The, kr. 80,00 2. Communication Failure, kr. 170,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. 4. Final Descent, The, kr. 80,00 3. System Failure, kr. 170,00 Roman. Horror. Roman. Science Fiction. Yang, JY Tensorate Series, The (TPB) 4. Ascent to Godhood, The, kr. 120,00 Roman. Fantasy. Fantask Bogkatalog · 10-01-2020 105

Ziemska, Liz Uden serie Mandelbrot the Magnificent: A Novella (TPB), kr. 110,00 Kort Roman. Science Fiction. Zumas, Leni Uden serie Red Clocks (TPB), kr. 170,00 Roman. Science Fiction. Aaron, Rachel Legend of Eli Monpress 1. Spirit Thief, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. 2. Spirit Rebellion, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. 3. Spirit Eater, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. Aaronovitch, Ben Rivers of London 1. Midnight Riot (Rivers of London), kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. 2. Moon over Soho, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. 3. Whispers Under Ground, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. 4. Broken Homes, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. 5. Foxglove Summer, kr. 90,00 Roman. Fantasy. 6. Hanging Tree, The, kr. 80,00 Roman. Fantasy. 7. Lies Sleeping, kr. 105,00 Roman. Fantasy. Alle priser er i danske kroner (DKK) og incl. 25% moms. Vi bliver nødt til at tage forbehold overfor prisangivelserne i kataloget. De vil med garanti ændre sig, fordi forlagene ændrer priserne, og fordi valuta-kurserne ændrer sig. Der tages tillige forbehold for trykfejl. Ved forsendelser til Skandinavien vedlægges et girokort, der skal betales inden 30 dage fra fakturadato. Herefter pålægges 2% pr. påbegyndt måned, dog mindst DKRr 25,00. Ved forsendelser ud af EU fratrækkes dansk moms. Ved alle forsendelser ud af Danmark tillægges faktiske portoudgifter plus DKRr 30,00 i girogebyr. SE nr. /VAT reg. DK 12 62 21 39.

Fantask A/S (Tegneserier) Postadresse Skt. Peders Stræde 18 DK-1453 København K. Danmark Fax: (+45) 33138501 Telefon: (+45) 33 11 85 38 E-mail: [email protected]

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