MAZEL TOV Mark and Esther Radzyner on the bar mitzvah of their grandson Dovi, to the parents Reena and Daniel Green and the siblings, and to all the grandparents MEMORIAL KADDISH David Englander beloved father of our devoted member Allan Englander, and Steven (Libbe) Englander, grandfather and great grandfather YAHRZEITS Mr. Allan Kornblau, wife • Mr. Sol Lesh, mother Mrs. Teela Lelyveld, husband • Mrs. Anne Zygleman, husband SHABBAT SHALOM Dr. Craig Sherman, father • Mrs. Tzila Beraha, husband Mr. Michael Diamond, father • Mrs. Dorothy Neustadter, husband World Jewish Congress Shabbat Mrs. Sheila Kamerman, father • Mr. Hugh Greenberg, sister Mr. Steve Austern, mother • Dr. Derek Enlander, mother Rabbi Arthur Schneier • Senior Rabbi Dr. Craig Sherman, mother • Mr. Steve Holm, grandmother, grandfather, uncles Ms. Elisse Stern, father • Mrs. Ninette Stiskin, mother Rabbi Benjamin Goldschmidt • Assistant Rabbi Mrs. Karen Zimmer, mother • Mrs. Klavdia Goldiner, aunt Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot • Chief Cantor Mr. Lonnie Keene, father • Mrs. Lois Kirsh, father Mrs. Irina Klionsky, father • Mrs. Judith Lewittes, mother Cantor Benny Rogosnitzky • Cantor Ms. Debra Goldberg, mother • Mrs. Carol Lederman, husband Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Neuhaus, son • Mr. Lawrence Heller, mother Rabbi Harold Einsidler • Ritual Director Dr. Sarah Hirschfeld, father Toby N. Einsidler • Administrator PARSHAT SHEMINI Aaron was silent…(10:3) APRIL 22, 2017 26 Nisan 5777 In youth, one learns to talk; in maturity, one learns to be silent. This is man’s problem: that he learns
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