Congressional Record—House H1132
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H1132 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 9, 2002 this matter. Thank you for your assistance with the accompanying papers, without sure feels great to every Minnesota and cooperation. We look forward to working objection, referred to the Committee hockey fan. All of Minnesota is ex- with you in the future. on Science: tremely proud of this talented, never- Best regards, say-die team, which rallied to tie the BILL THOMAS, To the Congress of the United States: Chairman. As required by 42 U.S.C. 1863(j)(1), I championship game with just 52 sec- onds left in regulation on a goal by The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. am pleased to submit to the Congress a report prepared by the National Matt Koalska, a St. Paul native play- BIGGERT). The question is on the mo- ing in his hometown. The Gophers and tion offered by the gentleman from Science Board entitled, ‘‘Science and Engineering Indicators—2002.’’ This re- Black Bears then battled through an California (Mr. THOMAS) that the House intense 17 minutes of overtime before suspend the rules and pass the bill, port represents the fifteenth in the se- ries examining key aspects of the sta- realizing the dream of all Minnesota H.R. 3991, as amended. hockey fans when Grant Potulny The question was taken. tus of science and engineering in the United States. scored that winning goal. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the By tying the game in the final sec- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of GEORGE W. BUSH. THE WHITE HOUSE, April 9, 2002. onds of regulation and then winning in those present have voted in the affirm- f overtime, the University of Minnesota ative. hockey team joins the list of legendary Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I ob- SPECIAL ORDERS teams. ject to the vote on the ground that a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Madam Speaker, there have been so quorum is not present and make the the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- many stars this season for the cham- point of order that a quorum is not uary 3, 2001, and under a previous order pion Gophers. I hesitate to mention present. of the House, the following Members any at risk of leaving out others, but The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- will be recognized for 5 minutes each. they were a true team in the real ant to clause 8, rule XX and the Chair’s f meaning of that word. They came to- prior announcement, further pro- gether in pursuit of a common goal, ceedings on this motion will be post- UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA winning a national championship. Each poned. MEN’S HOCKEY TEAM MAKES player, each trainer, each coach, each The point of no quorum is considered AMERICA’S HOCKEY STATE VERY manager, played a pivotal role during withdrawn. PROUD the season, picking each other up at f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a the crucial time. GENERAL LEAVE previous order of the House, the gen- Goalie Adam Hauser made 42 saves in tleman from Minnesota (Mr. RAMSTAD) the championship game. Hauser had 83 Mr. WELDON of Florida. Madam is recognized for 5 minutes. victories in his career, breaking the Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Mr. RAMSTAD. Madam Speaker, I WCHA record. Adam also set league all Members may have 5 legislative rise to salute the University of Min- and school records for games played, days within which to revise and extend nesota Golden Gophers men’s hockey shutouts and saves. their remarks and include extraneous team on winning their fourth national All-American senior Johnny Pohl of material on H.R. 3991, as amended. championship Saturday night in St. Red Wing, Minnesota, ended his college The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Paul. career by leading the entire Nation in objection to the request of the gen- Minnesota has a long and proud scoring. tleman from Florida? hockey tradition. This weekend, as one Madam Speaker, each and every one There was no objection. of our newspapers put it, we experi- of these Gophers hockey players gave f enced a ‘‘Return to Glory.’’ On Satur- the record crowd of 19,324 great fans day night, right in our State’s capital PLAN COLOMBIA SEMI-ANNUAL plenty to cheer about Saturday night, city, the University of Minnesota, my OBLIGATION REPORT—MESSAGE and in fact all season long. Jordan proud alma mater, added an illustrious FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE Leopold, a graduate of Armstrong High new chapter to our State’s proud hock- UNITED STATES (H. DOC. NO. 107– School in my district, was a big part of ey heritage. 198) this season’s greatness. Leopold won Madam Speaker, in one of the most the Hobey Baker Award, which is col- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- thrilling NCAA championship games lege hockey’s version of the Heisman fore the House the following message ever played, the University of Min- Trophy, for his outstanding play. He is from the President of the United nesota defeated the University of the fourth Gopher to win college hock- States; which was read and, together Maine 4-to-3 in an overtime edge-of- ey’s highest honor. with the accompanying papers, without your-seat nail-biter, a game that Madam Speaker, I also want to com- objection, referred to the Committee meant the 2002 NCAA men’s ice hockey mend Coach Don Lucia for an out- on Appropriations and the Committee championship for the University of standing job of coaching. The history on International Relations and ordered Minnesota. And, believe me, this was of Golden Gophers hockey is reflected to be printed: no ordinary hockey game. Both teams by its legendary coaches, and Coach To the Congress of the United States: were fueled by powerful motivating Lucia joins this respected group: John Pursuant to section 3204(e), of Public forces that produced one of the most Mariucci, Glen Sonmor, Doug Woog, Law 106–246, I am providing a report entertaining, hard-fought and memo- Herb Brooks, a guy who knows a thing prepared by my Administration detail- rable games ever played. or two about miracles on ice. ing the progress of spending by the ex- Last season, the Gophers lost to Madam Speaker, these hockey Go- ecutive branch during the last two Maine in an overtime game in the phers join the University of Min- quarters of Fiscal Year 2001 in support NCAA Tournament, and that memory nesota’s title winning teams of 1974, of Plan Colombia. united this year’s Gophers team and 1976 and 1979, and will forever be etched GEORGE W. BUSH. provided the motivation to fight to the in the annals of the greatest Minnesota THE WHITE HOUSE, April 9, 2002. very end of the season’s championship hockey teams. f game. This year’s team played with amaz- Maine had plenty of motivation also. ing consistency. They never lost con- SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING INDI- The Black Bears had lost their long- secutive games, and finished with a CATORS 2002—MESSAGE FROM time coach of 17 years, Shawn Walsh, record of 32 wins, 8 losses and 4 ties. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED to cancer just before the season start- The team’s six seniors improved their STATES ed, and the Black Bears put forth a tre- record each and every year and pro- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- mendous effort in memory of Coach vided solid senior leadership. fore the House the following message Walsh. Madam Speaker, the 2001–2002 Go- from the President of the United Madam Speaker, this champion sea- phers hockey team will be remembered States; which was read and, together son has been a long time coming, and it forever by Minnesotans and hockey.