Booklist, March 2011 2010
Booklist, March 2011 2010. Pages not noted. ISBN Press, 2011. 232 pp. ISBN Recently published architectural 9782757701102 $74.50 9780262515795 $24.95 books and related works, selected by Barbara Opar, Architecture Oeschlin, Werner. Eugene Architectural Treatises Librarian, Syracuse University Emmanuel Viollet-Le-Duc:Studien Library. und Texte zur Geschichte der Ciccone, Salvatore. Vitruvio: Opera Architekturtheorie. Berlin: Gebr. e documenti : Atti del Convegno di Reference Works Mann Verlag, 2010. 278pp. ISBN Studi sui giacimenti culturali del 9783786124535 $87.50 Lazio meridionale, Minturno: Biggs, Michael & Henrik Karlsson. Caramanica, 2009. 130pp. Routledge Companion to Research Pelkonen, Eeva-Liisa. Kevin Roche ISBN 8874250851 $68.50 in the Arts. New York: Routledge, : Architecture as Environment. New 2010. 488pp. ISBN 780415581691 Haven: Yale University Press, 2011. Architecture, Ancient $175.00. 280pp. ISBN 9780300152234 $65.00 Frederiksen, Rune. Palmer, Allison Lee. Greek City Walls of the Archaic Historical Dictionary of Schumann, Ulrich Maximilian. Period, 900-480 BC Neoclassical Art and Architecture. Friedrich Weinbrenner : Oxford: Oxford University Press, Summit: Scarecrow Press, 2011. Klassizismus und 'praktische 2010. 320pp. ISBN 9780199578122 304pp. ISBN 9780810861954 Ästhetik.' München: Deutscher $170.00 $80.00 Kunstverlag, 2010. 344pp. ISBN 9783422069695 $105.00 Senseney, John R. The Art of Architects Building in the Classical World : Architectural Design Vision, Craftsmanship, and Linear Boyer, M. Christine. Perspective in Greek and Roman Le Corbusier : Homme de Lettres. Neumann, Dietrich. Structure of Architecture. Cambridge: New York: Princeton Architectural Light: Richard Kelly and the Cambridge University Press, 2011. Press, 2010. 781pp. ISBN Illumination of Modern ISBN 9781107002357 $90.00 9781568989730 $70.00 Architecture. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010. 214pp.
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