Pacific Journal of Mathematics





Summary. The form of a stationary translation-invariant Markov process on the real line has been known for some time, and these proc- esses have been variously characterized as infinitely divisible or infinitely decomposable. The purpose of this paper is to study a natural gene- ralization of these processes on a homogeneous space (X, G). Aside from the lack of structure inherent in the very generality of the spaces (X, G), the basic obstacles to be surmounted stem from the presence of non trivial compact subgroups in G and the non commutativity of G, which precludes the use of an extended Fourier analysis of characteristic functions, a tool which played a dominant role in the classical studies. Even in the general situation there is a striking similarity between homogeneous processes and their counterparts on the real line. A homogeneous process is a process in the terminology of Feller [3] on a locally compact Hausdorff space X, whose transition probabilities P(t, x, dy) are invariant under the action of elements g e G of a tran- sitive group of homeomorphisms of X, in the sense that P(t, g[x~}> g[dyj) = P(t, x, dy). It is shown that if every compact of X is separable or G is commutative the family of measures t~τP(t, x, •) converges to a not necessarily bounded Borel measure Qx( ) on X-{x} as £->0, meaning that for every bounded continuous, complex valued function / on X which vanishes in a neighborhood of x and is constant at infinity t-Ψ(t,x,f)-+Qx(f). In 3 we show that the paths of a separable homogeneous process are bounded on every bounded ^-interval and have right and left limits at every t with probability one. If the action of G on X is used to translate the origin of each jump to x, it is shown for suitably regular compact sets D that the probability of a jump into D while t e [0, T] is given by 1-exp {-TQX(D)}. The maps/->P(£, .,/) = (Γ,/)( ) map the Banach space, C(X), of continuous functions generated by the con- stants and functions with compact support into itself, and by a suitable normalization can be assumed strongly continuous for t > 0. Indeed,

Tt is a strongly continuous semi-group. The domain D(A) of the in- finitesimal generator A of Tt admits a smoothing operation whose precise

* This paper was originally accepted by the Trans. Amer. Math. Soc; received by the editors of the Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. November 5, 1956, in revised form February 24, 1958. This paper is a thesis, submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph. D. degree, Princeton University, June 1956. During its preparation the author was a National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellow.

293 294 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr. nature is described in Corollary 1 of Theorem 2.2. Roughly speaking, if g 6 D(A), ε > 0, and / e C(X) we can find an h e D(A) such that \\h — /|Ioo < ε and /= h on any preassigned compact subset of interior ({x\f(x) = g(x)}). A family of measures P(x, A) which is a probability measure on the Borel of X for fixed x e X, measurable in x for fixed A, and invariant under G(i.e. P(g[x], g[A]) = P(x, A)), is called a homogeneous transition probability of norm one. Such a family generates a continu- ous endomorphism /-> P( ,/) = (P/)( ) of C(X), and a homogeneous process Tt = exp{ίr(P— 1)}. This latter process is called a compound Poisson process. In 4 we study strong convergence for compound Poisson processes (Definition 4.1) and prove among other facts that every homogeneous process is a strong limit of compound Poisson proc- esses exp {tr^Pi — 1)}, and if rt < M < + oo the limit process is neces- sarily compound Poisson. If X is given the discrete topology every homogeneous process on X is compound Poisson. In case the Qx associated with P(t,x, dy) vanishes identically, or equivalently P(t, x, dy) has con- tinuous paths, we show in 5 that P(t, x, dy) is the strong limit of compound Poisson processes whose Pι{x, dz) have support arbitrarily closed to x. In 7 we study subordination of homogeneous processes as defined by Bochner [1]. By phrasing the definition in terms of a probabilistically run clock it is shown that many processes are maximal in the partial order induced by subordination. If we follow the notation in (7.2) where exp {tS(b, A, F, z)} denotes the family of characteristic functions of a homogeneous process X(t, ω) on Euclidean w-space, we obtain the following type of result. When support (F) is compact, X(t, ω) is not subordinate to any process but itself unless support (F) is also contained in the half line R+b and A = 0. In this latter case X(t, ω) is subordi- nate to the Bernoulli process Z(t, ω) = tb. Actually somewhat stronger statements can be made but they are proven only for the real line. In our notation we have not distinguished between the application of a measure μ to a function / and the measure of a measurable set E, denoting these respectively by μ(f) and μ{E). The set X-Έ is denoted by Ec and the usual convention is adopted in letting C, R, R+,Z, and Z+ represent respectively the complex numbers, the reals, the non- negative reals, the integers, and the non-negative integers. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Professor Bochner who has patiently encouraged this work, and whose own ideas are at the base of § 7.

1. Introduction. Let G be a Hausdorff, locally compact topological group and H one of its compact subgroups, We consider G as a group HOMOGENEOUS STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 295 of homeomorphisms of the left cosets of G modulo H, which we denote by G/H, the left coset xH being mapped by a e G into the left coset axH. Moreover, if we are primarily interested in the space G/H and the action of G on this space, there is no reason why the subgroup H should play a dominant role, for the homeomorphism x -> xb of G carries the left coset xH of H into the left coset xbb^Hb of b^Hb. As far as left multiplication by elements of G is concerned this is an operator homeomorphism and G/ϋ* is equivalent to Gjb~ιHb. For this reason we use the neutral letter X for the space GjH and denote the operation of a e G on x e X by a[x]. We call the system (X, G) a homogeneous space and note that X is naturally homeomorphic to any coset space of the form G\GZ where Gz = {a e G\a[z] = z). For the sake of exposition let N(X) be the Banach space of regular bounded complex Borel measures on X; CC(X) the linear space of con- tinuous complex valued functions with compact support; CΌo(X) the of CC(X) in the uniform norm C(X) the Banach space of functions generated by CΌo(X) and the constant functions with the uniform norm. We use the current notation of W. Feller and denote linear trans- formations of N(X) by postmultiplication. In this notation a linear transformation T of CΌo(X) is denoted by the same letter as its adjoint transformation on N(X), viz. μT(f) = μ{Tf). By the expression μ > 0, μ e N(X), we mean μ is a real valued non-negative measure, and by the transformation La we refer to the isometries of CC(X), CΌo(X), C(X) and N(X) generated by translation of X by a e G, viz. (Laf)(x) = 1 x f(a- [x~i)f μLa(E) = μ(a[E]). When x e X we denote by δ the measure placing a unit mass at x, so that δx(E) = 1 if x e E and 0 otherwise. x aίxl For example, we shall often use the relationship S La-i= δ . Finally, when we say that a directed sequence (μq)qeQ of measures-commonly called a net in N(X) - converges weakly to μ e N(X), in symbols μQ-+ μ, we mean for every / e CC(X), μq(f) -> μ(f) as complex numbers.

DEFINITION 1.1. A homogeneous transition probability is a continuous endomorphism P: N(X)-+ N(X) satisfying: (i) μ > 0 implies μP > 0

(ii) μq-*μ implies μqP-+μP;

(iii) PLa = LaP. An endomorphism, P, with properties (i) and (ii) is usually called a transition probability and (iii) makes the transition probability homogeneous. When fe C^X) it follows from (ii) that SxP(f) is continuous in x. In addition δxP(f) e CΌo(X). To show this let αjz] be any directed sequence in X tending to infinity, then by virtue of the assumed com- pactness of Gzy a^D] -> infinity for any compact set D c X and 296 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr.

La-ιf(y) = f(

= δ*LarlP(f) = δΨ(Larlf) -+ 0 ,

proving δ*P(f) e C^X). Now for any given μ e N(X) let μq = Σ ί^V^ be a bounded, directed sequence of purely atomic measures in N(X) ap- proaching μ weakly, μq -> μ. Then separate calculations show that on the one hand μQP(f) -> μP(f), while on the other

μJP(f) = Σim^ Accordingly, for / e C4-X") and μ 6 N(X)

(1.1) /<(«*[/]) - μP(f) the adjoint of P transforms CΌo(X) into itself and when / e CJ^X)

(1.2) (Pf)(x) = By letting / f 1 in (1.1) we see that (1.1) and (1.2) hold for fe C(X) as well. If P and Q are homogeneous transition probabilities

(1.3) (1.4) IIPQII = I|P|| HQIl. We obtain (1.3) by noting first from (iii) that <5*P(1) does not depend on x G X, and then it follows from (i) that μ > 0 implies \\μP\\ = μP(l) — II^H^P(l); so ||P 1| > ^XP(1). The opposite is obtained by using the preceeding remarks on a Jordan decomposition of μ e N(X), while (1.4) follows easily from (1.3). We remark at this point that if z e X and m is the normalized

Haar measure of Gz, then the mapP->Pe N(G), given for geC^G) by P(g) = 1 δ'P(dy)\ m(dw)g(yw), maps the Banach algebra generated by the homogeneous transition probabilities isometrically onto the subalgebra m * N(G) * m of N(G).

DEFINITION 1.2. A homogeneous process is a one-parameter semi- group, (T£)ί>0, of homogeneous transition probabilities which is temporally continuous in the sense

(iv) μ e N(X) and / e C(X) imply μTt(f) is continuous in t.

vt Using (1.4), (1.3) and (iv) we see that ||Γt|| = e . Therefore, we pt replace Tt by the equivalent process e~ Tt and assume in the rest of this paper that (v) below is satisfied unless explicitely stated otherwise.


The requirement of temporal continuity for a homogeneous process is equivalent to the weak continuity of the restricted adjoint process

Tt: C(X) -• C(X), and by well known results, [5], implies the strong continuity of this last process for t > 0. The theory of semi-groups shows that Tt is strongly continuous at t — 0 on the closure of

\Jt>0TtC(X). This may be a proper subspace of C(X). For example, let (G, G) be the homogeneous space of a group acting on itself by left translations with μTt = μ * m, where m is the normalized Haar measure of a non trivial compact subgroup. G. Hunt [7, pp. 291-293] has shown that by enlarging the subgroups Gz if necessary we can always assume a homogeneous process possesses the following quality.

Property I. For any fixed x e X and any Borel measurable neigh- x x c borhood N of x, d Tt(N) -> 1 or equivalents δ Tt(N ) -> 0 as t -> 0. It is a routine calculation to show that Property I is equivalent to the strong continuity of Tt: C(X) -> C(X) at the origin, so we hence- forth assume our processes satisfy Property I, and by Hunt's result we can do this without loss of generality. In view of the above statements we can apply the Hille-Yosida theory of strongly continuous semi-groups to the semi-group Tt: C(X) ~> C(X). An elementary application of this theory shows that there exists a dense linear subspace of C(X) which we denote by D(A), and a closed linear operator A: D(A) -> C(X) with the property that for / e D(A) - A/ΊU = 0.

2. Properties of D(A). In this section we investigate the domain of the infinitesimal generator for homogeneous processes which satisfy Property II below. Later we show that Property II is automatically satisfied if either X is separable or G is commutative.

Property II. There is a regular Borel measure Qz on X — {z}, such that t-\TJ){z) -> Qβ(f) as t -> 0 for all / e C(X) which vanish on any neighborhood of z.

Qz is positive and QzLa-λ = Qα[β]. In general, of course, Qz will be unbounded, although its values on any set E lying in the complement of a fixed neighborhood N of z must be bounded, or equivalently

δ*Tt(E) = O(|ί I) as t -H>0. This is easily checked if one notes that D(A) includes the constant functions and is invariant under G. For then we can choose an / 6 D{A) which is everywhere positive on X, vanishes at z, and is greater than 1 on Nc. Clearly

QZ(E) < (Af)(z) = limt^t'\Ttf)(z) is bounded independently of E c NG.

The homogeneity of the process Tt entails a uniformity in this 298 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr.

convergence to Qz which may be stated as follows.

THEOREM 2.1. // / is an open subset of X, fe C(X), and f(J) — ι 0 then t~Ttf converges to its limit as t -> 0 uniformly on every com- pact subset of J. If in addition Jc is compact, this convergence is even uniform on every closed subset of J.

Proof. To prove the first assertion it suffices to show that the approach is uniform on a neighborhood of z e J of the form N[z] where N2[z] c J and N = N'1 is compact. If α, b e N, and K is chosen so e that t-ψTt(N[z] ) < K, then

|t-i3αωΓί(/) _ t-^Tt{f)\< K\\LhaM) ~ f\\-

ι x The family {ht(x)\t > 0, ht(x) = t-δ Tt(f)} is accordingly, equicontinuous

on N\z\, and ht(x) -> Qx(f) as t -* 0. It follows that this approach is uniform on N[z], The second assertion is a consequence of the fact

that for each e > 0 there is a compact set Ds and a ts > 0, such that

x $ D2 and t < tε imply \t'\Ttf)(x)\ < ε. Assume on the contrary that

there is a sequence at[z] -> infinity, together with a sequence ί, -• 0, 1 such that \tr (Ttif)(ai[z'])\ > s. Now choose a bounded sequence of functions (^ from C(X) which converges to zero monotonely while their supports approach infinity, and which satisfy the crucial inequalities

g3 > sup^j|Z/αrl(/)|. The inequalities

1 ε < liminf<|ti- (Γί4/)(α,M)| < Km^fo) = 0 yield the contradiction which proves the second assertion. Suppose h 6 D(A) and on some open subset J of X we have / = h, where fe C{X). Suppose further that either / or Jc is compact. Let D be a closed subset of J, containing a neighborhood of infinity if Jc is compact; and let m e C(X) be constructed so that o R defined by

S(x, y, t) = (Tm(yytf)(x) is, because of the strong continuity of Tu defined and continuous in (x, y, t). Consequently its restriction to the diagonal in the first two components is continuous on X x (0, oo). When G ^^(^ΛW^tW), while if J is compact (Tmωtf)(x) =

(TJ)(x) = f{x) close to infinity. The maps Wt:C(X) -> C(X) defined by

fix) -> Tm(x)tf(x) form a strongly continuous family of bounded linear transformations, so that we may form the Rieman integral gix) =

r~\ (Wtf)(x)dt. If x 6 D, m(x) = 0 and g(x) = fix); while for any x, Jo

1 P \g(x) - f(x)\ = r- 1 f {TΓt/(a5) - f(x)}dt\ JO


Thus for any given ε > 0 we may guarantee that \\g — /|U < ε by a sufficiently small choice of r.

THEOREM 2.2. Let D be a closed subset of the open set J in X, where either J or Jc is compact. Let h e D(A), f e C(X), and f = h on J.

Then for each ε > 0 there exists a g,: e D(A)y such that (i) h = / = gs on

D, and (ii) ||#ε-/|L<ε.

Proof. We only need to prove that the g defined above lies in D(A). To do this we show that

\- f}dt converges to its limit uniformly on X. The computations are divided into two cases.

Case I. m(x) < 1/2. On this closed subset of J

1 -h} +s- {Ts(f~h)~(f-h)} .

x Now s~ {Tsh — h} -> Ah in the uniform norm as s -• 0, and by Theorem

2.1 s-'iT^f- h) - (/- h)} ->Qx(f- h) uniformly on {x\m(x) < 1/2}. Accordingly,

τ 1 s' {Tsg - g} ^r- Γ Wt{Ah + Qx(f - h)}dt Jo uniformly on {x\m(z) < 1/2).

Case II. m(x) > 1/4. On this set

1 s-^Tsg - g} = (rs)' [ {Ts+mix)tf - Tm(x)tf}dt Jo [ Γ m(x}r+s Γs 1 {T f}dn- T fdu\ m(x)r J u Jθ u J

-+ {rnι(x)}-i{Tmωrf(x) - f(x)} as s -> 0, uniformly on {x\m(x) > 1/4}. These observations show that g 6 D{A). In the above proof we did not really need the fact that h e D(A). Indeed, had we replaced h by h + u, where u e C(X) and u{J) — 0, there would have been no change in the proof. Furthermore, since ι g(x) = r~ \ (Tm{x)tf){x)dty if / is real valued we have the Jo infx f(x) < inf yg(y) < sup^(2;) < supx/(x). These remarks allow us to state a corollary. 300 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr.

COROLLARY 1. Let Jlf J2, •••, Jn be disjoint open sets of Xand let

Dt be a closed subset of Jt. Suppose that for each i either Jt is compact or for at most one i, J\ is compact. Let ht e D{A) and f e C(X) satisfy f —hi on Jt. Then for each ε > 0 there exists a g2 eD(A)> such that

(i) ge = ht = / on Di9

(ϋ) |lflrβ-/||-

(iii) iff is real valued then mfxf(x)< mf yg£(y) < sup* gs(z)

COROLLARY 2. If B is compact in X, His closed, and H Π B — φ; there exists an f e D(A), such that 0 < / < 1, f(H) = 0, and f(B) = 1. The above results have been derived under Property II and we now show that we can replace Property II by a condition on D(A).

Property III. For each ε > 0 and / e C(X) which is zero in a neigh- borhood J of x9 there exists an /ε e D(A), such that fs = 0 in a neigh- borhood U of x which is independent of ε, ||/ε — /|U < ε, and if / is real valued so is fe with inΐxf(x) < infyfB(y) < supz f,(z) < supxf(x).

THEOREM 2.3. Property III is equivalent to Property II for homo- geneous processes.

Proof. We have already seen that Property II implies Property III and will now demonstrate the converse. First, let / be a neighborhood of x, and choose a function h e C(X), such that h = 0 in a neighborhood U d J of x, and h(JG) — 1. We also require that h > 0 everywhere.

Now for 0 < ε < 1 choose an hs in accordance with Property III.

λ G 1 t- d*Tt{J ) < (1 - eyWT^t- < K{U)< + oo for some constant K(U) depending on U. If /e C(X) and /(J) = 0, 1 x Property II is equivalent to the fact that t~ d Tt{f) -> a limit as t -> 0. The inequalities

) - \im t-WTt{fH)\ <

< (ε, + e,)lim sup t-WTW) < (ε, + et)K(ϋ) show that lim lim ί'^Γ^/g) exists. If we call this limit 6, the inequality

\WTt(f) -b\< \t-WTt(fe) - 6|+ εK{U) HOMOGENEOUS STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 301 shows by first letting t -> 0 and then ε -> 0, that t"\TJ){x) ->b as t -> 0, completing the proof. By the use of well-known smoothing techniques which exist on a differentiable manifold we can conclude that if G is a Lie group or if X is a differentiable manifold on which G acts differentiably, and D(A) includes C°°(X) Π C(X), then Property III and Property II are automatically satisfied. We close this section by remarking that the only place where we have used the homogeneity of Tt was in the proof of Theorem 2.1, so that a strongly continuous semi-group on C(X) satisfying the conclusions of Theorem 2.1 also satisfies the conclusions of Corollary 1 if its adjoint preserves positivity.

3* The paths of a homogeneous process and Property IL Before we discuss the nature of the paths of a homogeneous process it is necessary to take certain precautions which will assure us that the properties we want to discuss can be handled by the theory of probability. Given a consistent set of transition probabilities for a particle moving in a locally compact Hausdorff space it is possible, using a theorem of Kolmogoroff s, to construct an infinite product space in which these transition probabilities determine the finite dimensional distributions. From this we can construct, in the usual manner, a set of paths and a probability measure on this path space. Alternatively, we can consider a process as a family X(t, ω) of measurable transformations from some abstract sample space Ω to the range space X. Since there is some freedom in the definition of X(t, ω) given only the finite dimensional distributions, it is important to notice that the concept of separability as used on the real line is available in this case.

DEFINITION 3.1. A process {X(t, ω), 0 < t) will be called separable relative to the A of closed subsets of the locally compact Hausdorff space X if, and only if, (1) there exists a denumerable subset {tj} c [0, oo), and (2) an event K c Ω with P{K} — 0, such that for every open in- terval Ic. [0, oo), and every set F e A, the event

{ω\X(tjf ω) β F, tj 6 I Π {tj}} - {ω\X(t, ω) 6 F, t € 1} C K .

The importance of the concept of separability rests on the validity of the following theorem.

THEOREM 3.1. Let Xbe a separable locally compact Hausdorff space, and let {X(t, ω), t < 0} be an X-valued process. Then there exists an X*-valued stochastic process {X(t, ω), t > 0} such that: (1) X{t, ω) is 302 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr. defined on the same ω-space, Ω, as X(t, ω) and takes values in the one point compactification, X*, of X; (2) X(t, ω) is separable relative to the class of closed sets of X* (3) for every t>0 {Pω\X(t, ω) = X(t, ω)} = 1.

Proof. This theorem may be proved in a manner entirely analogous to the comparable theorem on the real line, and its proof is given, for example, in Doob [2 p. 57]. We remark that the separability of the space is necessary for this proof. In the following we discuss the displacements of the path X(t, ω) during a closed interval of time. The success of our technique depends directly on the possibility of comparing two such displacements with different origins. If our homogeneous space (X, G) is that of a group acting on itself, we can translate all displacements origins to the identity and their endpoints are uniquely determined. On a general homogeneous space, however, the endpoint of a translated displacement is not deter- mined by its new origin. We introduce several concepts from the calculus of relations and a space of displacements to handle this ambiguity. By a relation (U) on X we mean a subset of X x X which contains the diagonal. The notations (U)-1 = {(y, x)\(x, y) e (U)}, (W) o (U) = {(x, y)\ for some z, (x, z)e(U) and (z, y) e(W)}, and (U)[A]= {x\(y, x)e(U) for some y e A} are standard. It is sometimes convenient to substitute

Ux for (U)[{x}] and in this notation (W) o (U)x = \Jveϋx Wy. A relation (U) is called homogeneous whenever (x, y) e (U) implies (α[x], a[yj) e (U) for all a e G, and it is convenient to describe a relation by giving a property possessed by all the sets Ux. For example, we call a relation

(U) compact, open, closed, or a neighborhood relation if each Ux is compact, open, closed or a neighborhood of x respectively. Using a double coset representation it is easily shown that the class of homogeneous neighborhood relations forms a base for the natural uniformity of the homogeneous space (X, G). We say the displacement from x to y belongs to the homogeneous relation (£7) if (x,y) e (U). The reason for this mention of relations is that they appear to be exactly what is needed to generalize the statement and proof of a theorem from Kinney [9], p. 292-293.

THEOREM 3.2. Let (X, G) be a homogeneous space satisfying the first axiom of countability, and let X* be the space X compactified by adding a single point at infinity. Let {X(t, ω), t > 0} be an X*-valued homogeneous stochastic process governed by the transition probabilities x δ Tt. and separable with respect to the closed subsets of X*. Then if

T > 0, there is an ω-set Eτ with P{ET) = 0, such that ω 0 Eτ implies the statements below. (1) X(t, ώ) is bounded on t e [0, T). By which we mean HOMOGENEOUS STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 303

Cl[{X(t, ω)\t β [0, T)}] is a compact subset of X. (2) X{t, ω) has finite right and left hand limits at every t e [0, T). (3) The number of jumps in [0, T) whose displacements lie out- side a homogeneous neighborhood relation (U) is finite. Furthermore, for any homogeneous neighborhood relation, (U), the maximum number of disjoint subintervals (t,s) o/[0, T) for which (X(t~,ω), X(s~,ω)) $ (U) is finite, where X(t~, ω) = \imh]QX(t + h, ω). In particular the use of the one point compactification of X was only necessary to cover the processes constructed in Theorem 3.1 and may be eliminated as soon as (1) is proved. The displacement or jump of a particle from x to y can be considered as a point in the space X x X. It is natural to consider classes of similar displacements, and this involves the introduction of an equi- valence relation on X x X, two points, (x, y) and (#', yf), being considered equivalent if there is an a e G such that (a[x~], a[yj) = (xf, yf). This is a closed and the quotient space is homeomorphic to the space of double cosets {GxaGx} = Y. Let p:lxl->7be the canonical projection. Y is a locally compact Hausdorff space known as the space of displacements, and p is a continuous open mapping. If we fix the first component at x, so we only consider jumps origination at xf we get a mapp':X-> Y given by z-+p(x,z). Using this map the commutativity of Tt with La shows that we can very properly place x the measures δ Tt and Qx on the space Y without losing a thing. If

/ e CC(X), and m is the normalized Harr measure of Gx, the equation x x x δ Tt(f) = [f(a[z})m(da)δ Tt(dz) indicates a means of returning 3 Tt and

Qx to X from Y. The following theorem is the key to the results of this section. It and Theorem 3.4 are generalizations of similar results for homogeneous processes on the real line which may be found, for example, in Doob [2, p. 422-424].

THEOREM 3.3. Let (X, G) be a homogeneous space satisfying the first axiom of countability, and X{t, ώ) a separable homogeneous process on Σ X governed by the transition probabilities δ Tt{ ). Suppose that for some sequence of t-values, t5 -> 0, there is a not necessarily bounded regular Borel measure Qx on X — {x} for which f e CC(X), x 0 sup- 1 port (/), imply t] (Ttif)(x)-+Qx(f) as t3 -> 0. Let Y be the space of x displacements of (X, G), and denote the measures δ Tt and Qx after transference to Y by the same symbols. Suppose X(0, ω) — x a.s,, C(D) = {ωllim^ooPίXίί - n~\ ω), X(t + n'\ ω)) e D for some t e [0, I7)}, and let P* and P* be the inner and outer measures induced by P on Ω. (1) Then for any compact subset D of Y — {x}: 304 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr.

1 x 1 - exp {T\imsuv3tj δ Tt(D)} < P*{C(Z>)} P (2) If D is a compact subset of Y — {x} satisfying, either x (i) there is a Uopen c D for which δ Tt(U — D) = o(t) as ί -• 0, or (ii) £Λere exists a sequence C^ compact c interior (D) for which

Qx(Ck) -> QX(D) as k -> oo, = P*{C(Z>)} = 1 - e-Γβ«w

Proof. Using the monotone sequence t3 -> 0 we define a sequence of partitions of [0, Γ). The ith partition being given by

{[0, tj), ltJf 2tj), , [(kj - l)tj, kjtj), [kjtj, T)} , where k3 is the largest integer < Tjt3. Define Y-valued random variables

= p(X({n - l}tj'f ω), X{ntf, ω)) l

+ l) = p(X(kjtf9 ω)X(T-, ω)) , where as usual X(t~, ω) — limsTcX(s, ω). For any measurable subset FdYwe put F(j, n) = {ω\H(j, n) eF} and F(j) = (JV1 F(j, n). Since

{H(j, ri)yl

P{F(j)} = 1 - {1 - δ*Tτ_kjtj(F)}{l - δ*Ttj(F)}*> ,

1 where 1 > ε, -> 0, 0 < T - kόt3 < t5 \ 0, and k5 = Ttf - ε3. Let D be a compact subset of Y, and Z7 an open neighborhood of D whose closure does not contain x. Our knowledge that the paths have right and left hand limits at every point shows that C(D) c lim inf3 U(j). If

ω e lim sup^ D(j), choose a sequence of semiclosed intervals [n3t3, (n3 + l)t3) which converge to a point, and across whose length the path ω has a displacement H(j, n3) e D. By passing to further subsequences if necessary we can assume that the sequences of endpoints are monotone. There are four cases;

(a) njtj f, (nj + ΐ)t31 leads to ω e C{D)

(b) itjtj I, (n3 + l)tj t is impossible; while

(c) n3t3 f, (n3 + ΐ)tj t and

(d) n3t31, (n3 + l)t31 both lead to ω's having infinitely many dis- placements close to D in [0, Γ), and, accordingly, occuring with proba- bility zero by condition (3) of Theorem 3.2. Therefore, lim sup^ D(j) c

C(D) c lim inf 3 U(j) which in turn implies

1 _ exp {- Tlimsup^r^CD)} < and P*{C(D)} < 1 - exp {- HOMOGENEOUS STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 305

It can be shown by a standard arguement that if V open 3 U and x 0 V, ι x then QX(D) < lim inf} tfd Tt){U) < QX{V), and by letting Fand Ushrink to .D it follows that P*{C(D)} < 1 - e-^^) . If in addition D satisfies either (i) or (ii) in (2), it is easy to see that which implies the conclusion of (2). We now show that the conditions (i) and (ii) placed on the compact set D in (2) of Theorem 3.3 are sufficiently unrestrictive for us to prove Property II for homogeneous processes.

THEOREM 3.4. Let (X, G) be a separable locally compact homogeneous space, and let Tt be a homogenous process on (X, G). Then there exists a unique not necessarily bounded Borel measure Qx on Y — {x}, the space of displacements of (X, G)> such that f e C(X) and x $ support (/) imply

t'\Ttf){x) -> Qx(f) as £->0. Proof. The use of the Hille-Yosida theory of strongly continuous semi-groups shows that when restricted to the complement of any neighbor- 1 x hood U of x e Y, the family of measures t~ δ Tt is bounded. We compact- if y Y by adding a point at infinity and denote the compactified space by Y*. Using the compactness of bounded sets in the weak star topology, and the first axiom of countability for Y, we can find a sequence tό -> 0 and a not necessarily bounded Borel measure Qx on F* — {x}, such that ι x for any feC(Y) = C{ Γ*), x φ support (/) implies tfd Ttμ) as t3 -> 0. There remain two problems.

(a) to prove Qx is unique, and

(b) to show that Qx({^}) = 0. Using the separability of (X, G) construct a representation, X(t, ω), of the paths of Tt satisfying all the conditions in Theorem 3.2. 1 x Suppose that sf S TSj -> QJ were another limit and let C be any

compact subset of 7- {x}. For an arbitrary ε > 0 let Us be chosen

so that C a Uζ open c Us compact c Y- {x}, QX(U,) < QX(C) + ε, and

QX'(US)< QX'(C) + ε. Now construct a function f e Ce(Y), such that f(U,c) = 0, 0 < / < 1, and f(C) = 1. Select a 6 e (0,1) such that

\f() - ί>}) - o and put D = {x\f(x) < b}. Note that

C compact c interior (D) c D compact c UC9 306 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr.

Qx (interior (D)) = QX(D), and QJ (interior (D)) = QJ(D). Accordingly, D satisfies condition (ii) of Theorem 3.3 (2), and thus for any fixed T > 0,

τ rρ P*{C(D)} = 1 - e~ Qx(D) = 1 - e- *'W ,

so that QX(D) = QJ{D). This shows

\QΛC) ~ QX(C)\ < \QX(D) - QX(D -C) + QΛD - C) - QX'(D)\ < 2ε

r for every ε > 0; so Qx = Qx .

To show that Qx is really a Borel measure on F- {x}, and not on

F* — {x}9 we must show that Qx({oo}) = 0. In order to do this we make a final appeal to the paths. Except for an event of probability zero we know that Cl[{X(t, ω)\t e [0, T)}] is a compact subset of X, and, consequently, its projection on Y will also be compact. Using the method above, choose a sequence of compact sets Dn[ {cχ>} in F* and satisfying condition (ii) of Theorem 3.3 (2). Then if Qx({oo}) ψ 0,

P{C(D)} =l-e-τQx(Dn)>r>0, and P{f\ n-\ C{Dn)} > 0. Any path with a jump in every Dn during the time interval [0, T) certainly contains co as a limit point. Thus our process violates the condition that the paths are a.s. bounded. Hence Q,({«>}) = 0.

The temporal continuity (weak continuity) of Tt enables us to restrict x consideration to a sigma-compact subset of X, namely U t>0 support (δ Tt). As a consequence of the preceeding theorem this remark proves the following corollary.

COROLLARY. Let (X, G) be a homogeneous space where every compact subset of X is separable. Then every homogeneous process on (X, G) possesses Property II. The following theorem gives an accurate description of the important set support (Qx).

x THEOREM 3.5. Let (X, G), Y, X(t, ω), δ Tt, and Qx be as in Theorem 3.4. For those ω's which have one sided limits let F{ω) = {limp(X(ί - n~\ ω), X(t + n~\ ω))\t > 0} .

Then F(ώ) = support (Qx) U {x} a.s..

Proof. By definition CflJΛ) = U«C(Fa) for FΛ measurable c Y.

Now choose a sequence of compact sets Di9 such that U

which shows F(ω)dsupport(QX)U {#}. Let Uopenc Ucompactc Y— {x}, and U Π support (Qx) =£ φ. Choose / e Cc( Γ), such that 0 < / < 1, sup- port (/) c U, and Qx(f) > 0. Let

r(U) = lim sup t'^xTt(U> Qx(f) > 0 . £->U

If {Ui9 i = 1, 2, , n} is a finite class of such U's, let

7 P*{ω|ω has a jump in every Ut when ί < ϊ } = A(T) 1 1 P*{ω|ω has a jump in C7cf when T(k - l)^" < ί < Tkn" } = 5(fc, Γ) .

We have the following inequalities relating the above numbers

A(T) > J5(l, Γ)5(2, Γ) B(n, T)

ι > (1 - exp {- ^^ΓrίC/,)}) . (1 - exp {- n-Tτ{Un)}) . Letting T approach infinity one sees that

P^{ω\ω has a jump in each ί7έ for some t > 0} > 1. If we now choose a countable sequence of finite classes of the type {[/«} above, and let their sets become arbitrarily fine while their unions swell out and eventually cover support (Qx),

P* {ω I ω has a jump in each Z7t of the fcth covering} = 1 . Hence the inner measure of their intersection is one. Now the paths in their intersection have jumps in the closure of each of the finer and finer covering sets, and consequently for these paths Cl [F(ω)] D sup- port (Qx). The existence of left hand limits for X(t, ω) implies x e [F(ω)].

4. Compound Poisson processes* The poisson process with rate parameter r > 0 on the real line is a homogeneous process with transi- 1 tion probabilities δ°Tt(E) = exp {triδ - δ°)}(E). It can be generalized to a compound Poisson process by replacing δ1 by any positive regular Borel measure μ of norm one. Probabilistically one thinks of a compound Poisson process in the following manner. A simple Poisson process is run at a rate r, and when a jump occurs in this simple process, the particle ruled by the compound Poisson process jumps from its position x into the set E + x with probability μ(E). Suppose we observe two Poisson processes, exp {tr^δ1 — δ0)} i = 1, 2, running simultaneously. We can then define a new process as follows. The state of our process will be described by a finite sequence of x^s 308 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr.

and x2's called a word, and we change states when a jump occurs in either of our two simple Poisson processes. If a jump occurs in the ΐth process we lengthen our state by placing the symbol xt to the right of the current word. One can calculate that the probability of starting with the empty state at time zero, and being at a fixed state with nxXi$ and n.zx2'$ at time T, is independent of their order, and given by w 7 2 exp { - (n + r2)Γ}(r1T) i(^22 Γ /(^i + njl. To give an alternative de- scription of this process, let H be the free group generated by the symbols

{xl9 x2}. Topologize H with the discrete topology, and consider the compound Poisson process on H given by

e x x e δ Tt = exp {tin + r2)(pδ i + qδ 2 - δ ) , 1 where p = rλ{rx + r^' and q = r%{rι + r2y\ An elementary expansion shows this process is identical with the word generating process defined above. It would seem natural to define the superposition of the two x e e Poisson processes exp {trt(δ i — δ )} to be the process δ Tt. This symbol generating process can also be interpreted by running a simple Poisson process at the rate rλ + r2, and each time a jump occurs, multiplying on the right by xι with probability p and by x.z with probability q. The analogue of the compound Poisson processes for a homogeneous space (X, G) is the class of processes of the form Tt = exp {tr(P — 1}, where P is a homogeneous transition probability of norm one. We shall, accordingly, call these processes compound Poisson processes. An easy computation shows that the infinitesimal generator of such a process is A = r{P - 1) and D(A) = C(X). Thus the superposition of the two processes in the preceeding paragraph corresponds to the addition of their infinitesimal generators. We use this last remark to define the superposition of an arbitrary homogeneous process and a compound Poisson process.

DEFINITION 4.1. The sequence T^ of semi-groups on C(X) is said to converge in the sense of Bernoulli {strongly} to the semi-group Tt if, i and only if, whenever / e C(X), (T pf){x)-+{Ttf)(x) for each fixed x and t as n -» oo {if, and only if, the following condition is satisfied. For each δ > 0 and each / e D(A) where A is the infinitesimal generator of Tt1 there exists an integer Nstf, such that n > Nstf implies

\\(T^f- Ttf\U < St for all ί > 0}.

It is an elementary consequence of this definition that T^ -> Tt strongly implies T£° -> Tt in the sense of Bernoulli. We now recall a fact from the theory of semi-groups which we need in the proof of the next tA theorem. Put As - ε'\T9 - 1), then \\e *f - TJW- -> 0 as ε -* 0 for any f e C(X), and uniformly for t e (0, M), M < oo. More precisely,

(4.1) ||(e"β - Tt)f\U < ^ limsup||(A2 - S>0 HOMOGENEOUS STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 309

tA which for fe D(A) becomes \\(e * - Tt)f\U < t\\(As - A)/|U.

THEOREM 4.1. Every homogeneous process is a strong limit of a sequence of compound Poisson processes.

Proof. Let Tt be a homogeneous process, / e D(A), and A,Q be as above. Then ||(exp {tAtQ\ - Γt)/IU < tδtQ, where StQ~>0 as ΐo-> 0. We now study the concept of strong convergence in more detail for compound Poisson processes. Our main results are stated in Theorems 4.2 — 4.5, but before proceeding to these theorems we establish the following useful lemma.

LEMMA 4.1. Let πntt n = 1, 2, , oo be positive Borel measures on (X, G) while t ranges over the compact separable set F. Suppose for each f e C(X), πΛtt(f) is continuous in t> and πnti(f)-+ π*>tt(f) as n-+ oo uniformly for t e F. Under these conditions

sup {\πnΛ(Laf) - π^t{LJ)\: a e G} -> 0 uniformly on F as n -> oo.

Proof. We show first that given ε > 0 there exists a compact set G B, for which πnίt(B ) < ε whatever n and t. Choose {ίj as a countable dense set in F, and consider the union, E, of the supports of all πntH. E is sigma-compact as the closure of a sigma-compact set in a uniformly locally compact space, and includes the supports of all the measures

πn>t because by the continuity of πntt(f) if a point does not lie in Έ it cannot lie in the support of any πn>t. Select a sequence of functions c Λ 6 C(X), such that fn I 0 on E, fn(0 n) - 1, and fn(Vn) = 0, where Vn is a compact set contained in the open set 0n c Vn+1. For fixed k the sequence of continuous t -> πhft(fn) converges monotonically to zero on the compact set Fas n -> CXD . This convergence is then uniform. Ac- cordingly, we can find an Mk, such that n> Mk implies 0 < πktt(fn) < ε/2 all t 6 F. Using the hypotheses of the lemma, we can find a Kn, such that k > Kn implies \π^t(fn) - π^t(fn)\ < ε/2 for all t. Put n' = Mco.

Then for any Knf < k < oo, and every ίeF,

< π»tt(fnf) + \πktt(fn>) ~ π-Λfn,)\ < e .

Whereas for k < Knn and every t e F,

If we put Ws equal to the union of 0n, and \J^0M , Bs — Ws satisfies 310 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr. the desired condition.

Now put / = 1 and observe that from πΛtt(f) -> π^^f) uniformly on Fj we can conclude there is an M, such that 0 <||7rn>ί||< M, and II^Λ.ίll-^lk o.ίH uniformly on F. This shows we need only to prove the lemma for / e CUX). Choose a δ > 0, an / e CΌo(X), and put Dδ =

{x: \f(x)\> δ}. D8 is compact. If H8 = {a e G:a[Dδ~\ Γi B, = φ}, H8 is open, and a e H& implies.

\π%ti(La-J) - π-tALa-J)\ < 2ε||/|U + 2SM . In this paragraph we show that

lim supwsup {\πntt(La-jf) - ^(L^/)|: t e F, a e Hi} = 0 .

Regard a -> \πnΛ{La^f) — π^^L^jf)] = hatfi(t) as a map from the com- pact set HI to the space of continuous real valued functions on F.

If b is sufficiently close to α, ||I#α-i/—Z/6-i/IL < s', from which l^α.w(^) — Λ'&.nOOl ^ 2Mε', so that the maps ha,n( ) are equicontinuous in

α. Now lim^oo hatn(t) = 0 uniformly in ί by"hypotheses, so that we have a sequence of equicontinuous functions, a —> ha

lim supw sup {ha>n(t): t e F, a e iίg} = 0 . Collecting results we have shown

lim supw sup {ha,n(t): t e Fy a e G} < 2ε||/|U + 2δM . Since ε and δ are arbitrary, this gives the conclusion of Lemma 4.1.

(w) THEOREM 4.2. If rn->r and P , P are homogeneous transition probabilities, such that for each fe C(X), p(n>f-+Pf pointwise as n-> oo. Then.

exp {trn(PW - 1)} -> exp {tr(P - 1)} strongly as n -> oo .

Proo/. Given / 6 C(X) define W(n, t) by

ίlF(Λ, ί) = IKexp {trn(PW - l)} - exp {tr(P - l)})/|μ .

We must show that lim supw sup {W(n, t): t > 0} =0. An expansion gives

tτ tr {\rne- nδ*P

where Q%tt is a difference of two positive measures and satisfies: ι HQS.ί II < 2; llί-'QS.t II -> 0 uniformly in n as t -> 0 t~ Qlt{g) -> 0 for each g 6 C(X) as n -> oo uniformly in every compact t subinterval of (0, oo). We handle these three terms separately. Clearly

tr tr lim supw sup {| t-\e' n - e~ ) |: t > 0} = 0 .

Lemma 4.1 shows that the second term is also zero in the limit. For the last terms we let t range over a bounded interval [t0, T] where

0 < ί0 and again use Lemma 4.1. If ί0 is small enough and T large enough the extra pieces are arbitrarily small, so that for sufficiently large n we can make this last term small too. This completes the proof of Theorem 4.2. For later use we weaken the hypothesis of Theorem 4.2 by gene- ralizing the concept of a homogeneous process to allow an escape of mass to infinity. Let X* = {X, x*} be the cannonical one point com- pactification of X with x* denoting the point at infinity. Extend the operations of G to X* as proper maps, so that G[x*] = se*. In order to use our earlier notation we consider the spaces CJ.X), CC(X) as imbedded in C(X*) = C(X). A homogeneous transition probability on (X*, G) is a continuous endomorphism P: N(X*) -> N(X*) satisfying (i), (ii) and (iii) of Definition 1.1. It follows as before that P satisfies equations (1.1), (1.2), (1.3) and (1.4) of § 1 with / e C(X) and μ e N(X*). On the sub- space N(X) of JV(-X"*), P can be expressed as

(4.1) P=P' + kS , where Pf is a homogeneous transition probability on (X, G) and μS =

A homogeneous process on (X*, G) is a weakly continuous one- parameter semi-group of homogeneous transition probabilities of norm one acting on C(X), or as adjoints on N(X*). If X is not compact it is easy to show that whenever x Φ x* there is an r > 0, such that

rt (4.2) δ*Tt(E) = δ*Tt(X Π E) + {1 - e- }P*(E) , and

x (4.3) δ**Tt(E) = δ *(E) .

(w) THEOREM 4.3. Ifrn->r and P , P are homogeneous transition probabilities on (X*, G), such that for each fe C(X), P(w)/-> P/ point- wise as n —• oo. Then

exp {trn(P^ - 1)} -> exp {tr(P - 1)} strongly as n -> oo. 312 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr.

Proof. An expansion shows immediately that one only need con- sider those / e CJJK) in the criterion for strong convergence. Since for these /, Pf = P'f, the conclusion of Theorem 4.3 follows by the methods used in the proof of Theorem 4.2.

n) THEOREM 4.4. Let exp{trn(P^ — 1)} be a sequence of compound w Poisson processes on (X, G). Suppose rn

(X, G), where |]Γt|| = l. Then Tt = exp{ίr(P - 1)} is a compound

Poisson process on (X, G), and for some subsequence {wj of {n}, rn% -> r, and P Pf pointwise whenever f e C(X)

Proof. Choose a subsequence {%J so that rn. approaches some r and <$*P δxP' + kδx* in the weak topology generated by C(X). By Theorem 4.2 it suffices to show k = 0. If & ^ 0 it follows from Theorem 4.3. that

tr Tt = exp {W ~ 1)} + (1 - e-* )δ* , violating the condition that \\Tt\\ = 1 on (X, G). The following theorem is known for homogeneous processes on a commutative group. A proof based on an analysis of characteristic functions is given in Bochner [1, p. 76].

THEOREM 4.5. Let X be a discrete space so that every one point subset of X is an open set, and let Tt be a homogeneous process on

(X, G). Then Tt is a compound Poisson process.

Proof. Select a sequence of compound Poisson processes

n exp{ίrn(P< > - 1)}

x converging strongly to Tt and normalized by 3 P^({x}) — 0. Using the discretness of X the characteristic function of the set X — {x0}, Ix-{Xo}, is in C(X). For any ε > 0 we can choose an f e D(A), such that llίr-{»0} —/IU < e. By addition of the constant — f(x0) to / we obtain an h—f — f(xQ) 6 D(A) which vanishes at x0 and is greater than 1 — 2ε elsewhere. Using this h in the definition of strong convergence we find that on the one hand

- 1)} - Γβ)(A)IL < δn -> 0 as n -> co, while on the other this first expression approaches

\\rn(P^ - l)(h) - Ah\U && t->0, From this it follows that HOMOGENEOUS STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 313

(1 - 2ε)rn < rnδ*oPW(h) < δn + Ah(x0) , which implies

1 rn < {δn + Ah(xo)}(l - 2s)- < K < oo .

Then Tt is a compound Poisson process by Theorem 4.4.

5, Processes with continuous paths. We define in this section a class of processes having continuous paths, and we give conditions for a process to belong to this class.

DEFINITION 5.1. We say that a homogeneous process Tt on (X, G) has the property Gw {GJ, or belongs to the class of processes designated by the symbol Gw {Gs}, if, and only if, for any fixed x0 e X and any neighborhood NXQ of xOf there is a sequence of compound Poisson proc- (rι) esses exp{£rw(P — 1)} converging in the sense of Bernoulli {strongly} aίx to Γ£, with support (δ oψ^) c a[NXύ] for all a e G

THEOREM 5.1. If TteGs and satisfies Property II of § 2, it follows x that δ Tt(Nx) = o(t) as t -> 0 for every measurable neighborhood Nx of x.

Proof. Choose a compact neighborhood, Vx, of x contained in the interior of NX9 and in accordance with Corollary 2 of Theorem 2.2 let

/ 6 D(A), 0 < / < 1, f(Vx) = 0, and f(N%) = 1. Now select a sequence (w) of compound Poisson processes exp{£rw(P — 1)} converging strongly (W) to Tt and satisfying support (

lim suVntΰ\Ttnf)(x) = lim sup^exp {ίnrn(P<»> - l)}(/)](a?) 1 t r t r < lim supw t~ e~ n n{e n n — 1 — rntn) t r < lim ^vφnt^e- n n{tnrnf as we desired to prove. In the proof of a partial converse to Theorem 5.1 we will need the following lemma.

2 1 LEMMA 5.1. If t,ε,δ>0 and k > (te + l^" + 1 - logδ, then

Σexp { - tε-^itε-γinl < εδ . 314 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr.

Proof. Rather than prove this lemma in detail we will indicate a method of proof. If the sum is overestimated by an integral and the n\ in that integral is underestimated using (2π)1/2wn+(1/2)e~n < n\, one obtains the statement that k > εΉe2 implies

Σ exp {- tε-^itε-^lnl < (2πk)-1'2 ex^ {- (k + te-1)} .

The desired conclusion follows easily from this estimate. Lemma 5.1 gives more than we need to prove a weak converse to Theorem 5.1, but not enough to prove a converse. The best we are able to achieve in this direction using the above estimate is stated below.

x c THEOREM 5.2. (i) // S Tt(N x) = o(t) as t -> 0 for every neighborhood

Nx of xe X, Tt e Gw. x c 2 (ii) // S Tt(N x) = o(t ) as t -> 0 fore very neighborhood

Nx of xe X, Tt e Gs.

Proof. These results are stated together because their proofs para- llel one another. Let Tt be (at first) any homogeneous process, and suppose NXQ is a compact neighborhood of xQ. Put WXQ = f\ae&x a[NXQ] and Wy = b\Wa^ where b[x0] — y. This choice of WXQ insures that Wy is well-defined, WaίXQl c a[Nx^\, and Wx is a compact neighborhood of x. y Now define a homogeneous transition probability, Pε, by S Ts(F) = c δ*Te(WyΓίF). Let s(e) = δ*Te{W x), and q(e) = 1 - s(e) = δ*T9(WΛ). We show that the compound Poisson processes exp {ίε"α([l — ^(ε)]"^ — 1)} approximate Tt in the desired sense as ε -> 0. Since support X (3 PS) c Wx c a[NXQl whenever a[x0] = x, this will be sufficient to prove

Theorem 5.2. Since it is known that the processes exp {tε~\Tz — 1)} approximate Tt in the strong sense, it suffices to show

U(t, ε) - |[ exp {tε-i[q(e)-ψζ - 1]} - exp {U~\TZ - 1)} || -> 0 as ε->0 for fixed t in conclusion (i), and that t^Uit, ε) -• 0 uniformly in t as ε —> 0 in conclusion (ii). Calculation shows

U(t, ε) < Σexp {- ίε^Kίε-1)"^, e)lnl where

Since δx(T? - P?) > 0, it follows that || Γ? - P?|| = 1 - g(e)n; so HOMOGENEOUS STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 315

B{n, e) < 2g(6)-{l - ?(e)"} . For large n there is a better bound because B(n, ε) < 2 in any case. We will also use the fact that 1 > s > 0 implies log (1 — s) > — s(l — s)"1.

Proof of (i). Let s(ε) = /(ε)ε where /(ε) -> 0 as ε -+ 0, and suppose t is fixed and ε small enough so that ε~~λK > (te2 + l)ε-1 + 1. Putting δ = 1 in Lemma 5.1, and using the substitution

E(n, r) = exp {rε"1 log[l - εw/(ε)]} , we find

U(t9 e) < Σ {terms above} + Σ {terms above}

< £7(1, - £Γ){1 - £7(1, £Γ)} + 2ε ^ 0 as ε -> 0 .

1 Proof of (ii). For δ > 0. We will show lim supε_>0 sup^oί" ?/^, ε)<<5. Since Z7(ί, ε) < 2, we only need to consider those t < 2δ~\ For these t choose K > 0 and a range of ε's sufficiently close to zero, so that the hypothesis of Lemma 5.1 is satisfied for all ε's and t's which come under consideration. Let s(ε) = ε2/(ε) where f(e) -> 0 as ε -• 0. Com- puting as before and noting that

• Σexp {- ίε^Kίε-^'VVw! < ε'1 , we find f'E/ίί, ε) < ε-χ{l - £?(2, £Γ)}£7(2, - £Γ) + εZε"1 Σ {terms above} n>iΓε~1-l - Kf(ε)e[l - ε2/(ε)]-}£;(2, - K) + 2eδK-1 -• 0 as ε -> 0, which completes the proof of Theorem 5.2. G In Euclidean spaces it is easy to see that δ°Tt(N 0) = o(t) implies m δ°Tt(NQ) = o(t ) for any m -> 0 as t -> 0. Accordingly, in these spaces the o(£) condition and the Gs condition are equivalent. This may be true in general but we will not explore the question further here.

6. The commutative case. This section contains an independent proof of Property II that is more general than the proof in § 3 in that X need not be separable, and more restrictive because G must be 316 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr. commutative. LetG = {x,y,z, •} be a commutative, Hausdorff, locally- compact topological group, and let G = {a, b, c, } be its character group. Denote the Fourier-Stieltjes transform of the measure μ e N(G) by μ(χ) = I (χ9 a)μ(da), and write μn -4 μ if, and only if, for every g e C(G), μn(g) -> μ{g). If fn, f are uniformly continuous bounded func- tions on G, we write /w-^/ as a substitute for the fact that fn-+f pointwise and uniformly on compact sets. It is convenient to denote the Haar measure of a Borel set E by \E\, and to let N+(G) be an ab- breviation for the cone of positive measures in N(G). We need the following results which we state without proof from harmonic analysis.

(a) If μn, μ e N+(ό), then μn -4 μ is equivalent with μn -4 μ.

(b) If μn e N+(G) and μn ->/ pointwise, / being continuous at e e G, then / is continuous on G and there is a μ e N+(G), such that f = μ and

(c) If μw 6 N+(G), μn~> μ almost everywhere with respect to the e e Harr measure on G, and μn( )-* K ) 1 then μnAμ.

(d) If G is connected, μn e N+(G)t\\μn\\ < M< + oo, and μn->M on a set, A, of positive Harr measure in G then/^ -4 M on G.

(e) If \\μn\\ < M < + oo, then μn~> μ if, and only if,

for every compact E c G. Let P+(G) be the cone of regular not necessarily bounded Borel measures, Q, on G-{e} for which the integral Q'{x) = I {1 — (x, a)}Q(da) exists and is continuous on G. If U is a compact symmetric neigh- borhood of e e G, we define the function h on G by

and observe that this h has the following properties: (i) h is real valued and continuous; (ii) 0 < h(a) < 2 (iii) it G is connected, h(a) = 0 implies a = β (iv) ft(α) -> 1 as a -> infinity, so that h e C(G). By choosing if necessary a new Haar measure we can assume \U\ = 1. We do this in the proofs below, and in addition denote the measure μ{F) = f h(a)Q(da) by hQ.

+ LEMMA 6.1. 7/Qe P (G), 0 < U(α)Q((ϊα) - < + HOMOGENEOUS STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 317

Proof. [ Q'(x)\dx\ = f \dx\ (Λ Λ {1 - (x,a)}Q(da) =[h(a)Q(da). JU }u jG-{e} J

The first term above is clearly bounded, so \\hQ\\ is finite. + Let {Qq, q e L} be a directed set with Qq e P (G), and g a con- tinuous complex valued function on G. We say Qq-> g boundedly on every compact set if Qq-> g pointwise, and for every compact set D c G there is a positive KD and an JV^ 6 L, such that q > ND and x e D imply

\Q'q(x) \ g. The following theorem collects the Fourier analysis we need for P+(G).

+ THEOREM 6.1. ForQeP (G) define Q\x) = Ux, a)h(a)Q(da), and let

+ Qq be a directed sequence from P {G). Then

(1) Q'q\Q>^ Q* -> Q* pointwise ^> QJ ΛQ^O hQq 4 hQ

(2) Qq^> g continuous =φ QJ -> some continuous / φφ QJ Λ / <^iφ &Qq -4 some /ί e N+(G).

Proof. Only the first implications need proof in each case. Cal- culation shows

Qh(x) = J (x, α)Λ(α)Q(dα) = ^ |#| j Q(dα){(a?, α)[l - (y, a)]}

Q(da){[(x, a) - 1] + [1 - (yx, a)]}

= \ Q'(yχ)\dy\ - Q'(χ).

The implications follow after an application of the Lebesgue bounded convergence criterion.

e THEOREM 6.2. Let Tt be a homogeneous process on G. Put δ Tt — wt. tf Then wt(x) = e ^ where f is a uniquely determined continuous com- plex function on G.

Proof. This is an immediate consequence of the semi-group prop- erty wt(x)ws(x) = wt+s(x) and Property I, wt 4-1 as t -> 0. For small enough values of t we can even define / directly at a particular x e G 1 by putting f(x) = t' log wt(x) and using the principal branch of the logarithm. We can now prove a slightly weaker statement than Property II for commutative groups. 318 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr.

THEOREM 6.3. If Tt is a homogeneous process on the locally compact ι e abelian group G, there is an me N+(G), such that t~ hδ Tt A- m as t —> 0.

tgCx Proof, [(x, a)δ°Tt(da) = e~ > from Theorem 6.2. If we put Qt =

t-\l - exp {- tg(x)}) = Q[(x) Λ g(χ)

as t —> 0, and Theorem 6.1 shows hQt -> some m e N+(G). In general it is not possible to choose a single h in the above manner which vanishes just at e. For example, if G is the real line with the discrete topology, denoted by Rd, then in order to satisfy the condition I U\ < + oo, U must be a finite point set and generate a proper sub- group K of Rd. In this case the associated h will surely vanish on K* = RJK which is certainly not equal to {e}. By K* we mean, as usual, the set of characters identically equal to one on K. By varying U we can, however, prove Property II. In the following we denote by J the class of h's defined by h(a) = | U\~λ \ {1 — (y, a)}\dy\ for some compact symmetric neighborhood U of e.

LEMMA 6.2. IfheJ, then Hh = [a:h(a) = 0} is a compact subgroup ofG.

Proof. Hh is closed and compact because h-+l as a -> infinity.

Since a e Hh is equivalent to (x, a) = 1 for all x e U, Hh is also a sub- group of G

LEMMA 6.3. For each a e G — (e) there is an h e J with h(a) > 0.

Proof. Choose a y e G for which (y, a) Φ 1, and for any U satisfy- ing the above conditions construct a new U' = yU U U U ZT^/-1. i7' satisfies the required conditions and since (x, a) Φ 1 for every x e IP, the /t corresponding to IP satisfies h(a) > 0. With this preparation Property II is immediate.

THEOREM 6.4. Given any open neighborhood N% of e e G and any ι e homogeneous process Tt on G, t~ 3 Tt -^ some μ € N+(NΛ) when restricted to NZ. e

Proof. Compactify G by adding a point at infinity. Then taking complements in the compactified space {H°h Π Ni: h e J} forms an open HOMOGENEOUS STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 319

c covering of the compact Ni. Choose a finite subcovering {H h. Π Nϊ, 1< i < n}, then Σ?-A > 0 on NZ. By Theorem 6.3 htt-ψTt Λ mΛi on G as £ -> 0 and, accordingly,

so that

c on iV; . 7. Subordination of stochastic processes • In this section we give a new definition of the concept of subordination introduced by Bochner for homogeneous processes on Euclidean spaces. Using this definition we are able to show that there are a great many processes which are not subordinate to any but themselves. We introduce this topic by discussing subordination from the characteristic function viewpoint. Bochner calls a map v: (0, + oo) -> (0, + oo) a completely monotone mapping if for every completely monotone function f:R+-*R, the func- tion / v: R+ -> R is completely monotone. A mapping, v, is a complete- ly monotone mapping if, and only if, dvjdx is a completely monotone function, or equivalently e~tυ is a completely monotone function for every ί > 0. If v is a completely monotone mapping, it can be extend- ed to a map v: R + + %R —> R + + iR of the closed right half complex plane into itself, which is analytic on the interior of its domain, and is of the form v(z) = c0 + cz + Qυ(z) where c0, c > 0

(i) SRe{QB(s)} >0;

(ii) SteJQΛs)} - 0, 9te(z) > 0 implies Qυ = 0;

(iii) 9te{Qβ(s)} = 0, 9ΐe{^} - 0 implies 9fm{Qβ(2)} = 0;

(iv) ϊRt{Qυ(z)} = o(\z\) as \z\ -> + oo with 3ΐe(z) > 0. If v is a com- pletely monotone mapping ^(0 +) exist, and we call v a subordinator tυ( x) xs when vifl +) = 0. v is a subordinator if, and only if, e~ - — \ e~ πt(ds)f Jo where πt > 0, 1)^11 = 1, πQ({0}) = 1, τrt*^s = π8+t9 and s -> ί implies πs -> πt. ίft(x) e If v is a subordinator and e" = i (x, a)3 TL(da) is the family or Pourier- Stieltjes transforms of a homogeneous process on G, then exp {— tv[h(x)]} is also the family of Fourier-Stieltjes transforms of a homogeneous process on G.

thW DEFINITION 7.1. (Bochner) A process e' = \ (x,a)δ°Tt(da) is called

ίΛ Λ) e subordinate to a process e-" ( = 1 (a?, a)δ Tt(da) if, and only if, one of 320 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr.

the three following equivalent conditions is satisfied.

CO sx e~ πt(ds,) such that S 0 v{h(x)} = h(x).

(2) e'ihW

s (3) VTt = \~δ T,πt(d8) . Jo

If Tt is a homogeneous process with infinitesimal generator A and

A; = ε'^Ts — 1), then the equation exp {— tv{— As)} — \ exp {sAB}πt(ds) shows that subordination leads from a process with infinitesimal gene- rator A to a process with infinitesimal generator — v( — A) when suitable interpreted. Bochner has proven that an infinitely decomposable process with a Fourier-Stieltjes transform of the form exp {— t(bx2 + ib'x)} on the real line is not subordinate to any processes but those with ch.f ,(Xt) = exp {— tcφx2 + ib'x)} and c > 0. In this case subordination is simply a linear change of time scale. In general we denote the relationship

T[ is subordinate to T[ by T[ < Tt. If processes differing only by a linear change of time scale are identified, it is easy to show using Bochner's result that the relation < is a proper partial ordering of homogeneous processes. An alternative definition of subordination rests on a probabilistic choice of time scale. If X(t, ω) is a measurable stochastic process and Y(t, ω) is a non negative stochastic process which is independent of + {X(s, ω)}9 and whose paths are almost surely non decreasing in R , we can form the composite process Z(t,ω) = X(Y(t,ω),ω). Under special circumstances this composition corresponds to subordination of the X(t, ω) process by the Y(t, ω) process. In general the transformation X(t, ώ) -* Z(t, ω) will preserve any of those properties of the X(t, ώ) process which depend only on the order relations of the time scale. For example, if X(t, ώ) is Markov, a semi-martingale, a martingale, or spatially homogeneous, so is Z(t, ώ). The stationarity of X(t, ω), a prop- erty depending not only on the order of the time scale but on the magnitude of certain time differences, will in general not be preserved unless Y(t, ώ) is a homogeneous process (i.e. spatially homogeneous and stationary). In this last case if Y(0, ω) — 0 with probability one, we say Z(t, ω) is subordinate to X(t, ω) with subordinator Y(t, ω). After making the observation that P{Y(t, ω) e E\ Γ(0, ώ) — 0} should

correspond to πt(E) in Bochner's definition, we can show the coincidence of transition probabilities in the two concepts of subordination. If X(t, ώ) is a homogeneous process on the commutative group G with X(t, ω) — e and HOMOGENEOUS STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 321

z P{X(t + S, ω) 6 E\X(8, ω)} = δ «"*>Tt(E) , then subordinating by F(ί, α>) according to Definition 7.1, we get δeT[(E) = e \ δ Ts(E)πt(ds). If we subordinate the same process using the definition in terms of paths, we find

- P{Z(t, ω) e E\Z(O, ω) = β}

= \P{X{U, ω) 6 J£|Y(ί, ω) = u}P{Y(t, ω) 6 du}

e - \P{X(U, ω) 6 £7}τre(dtt) = [δ Tu(E)πt(du) .

Consider a homogeneous process on a not necessarily commutative locally compact topological group, G, described by the transition proba- x bilities δ Tt. For such a process, define the set F(Tt) = Πί>o support e (δ Tt). F(Tt) is a closed possibly empty semi-group of G.

THEOREM 7.1. Let T[ be a homogeneous process subordinate to Tt 1 e on G, and supporse t~ δ T[-^ Qe on G — {e} in the sense of Theorem 3.4 as t -> 0. The either T[ = Tct for some c > 0, or support (Qe) z> F(Tt).

Proof. Since the paths of Y(t, ώ) are non decreasing and accord- ingly, of finite length in any time interval,

(7.1) #{exp {iuY(t, ω}} = exp {t(icu + ί°° [eixu - J where e > 0 and \ xJ{dx) < + oo for any ε > 0. If J = 0, Γ(ί, ω) = Jo cί a.s. and T[ — Tct. If J Φ 0, the F(£, ω) process will have jumps with probability one, and during any of these jumps there is a positive probability that the Tt process will move from its position to a neigh- borhood of any specific point in F(Tt). This means the subordinated process may have jumps anywhere in F(Tt), then from Theorem 3.3

F(Tt)d support (Qβ).

That support (Qβ) φ F(T[) in general can be seen by subordinating a Bernoulli process on the real line (see Bochner [1] for definitions). It is easy to refine Theorem 7.1.

THEOREM 7.2. Let T[ be a homogeneous process subordinate to Tt on e f e G. Let t-^ T't->Q e and t'^ Tt->Qe as t -> 0 in the sense of Theorem 3.4. Let Y(t, ω) be the subordinating process as in (7.1). Then if c < 0,

e support (Q'e) = Cl [ U {support (δ Ts): s e support (J)} U support (Qθ)] , and if c = 0 , 322 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr.

e support (Qί) = Cl [ U {support (δ Ts): s e support (/)}] .

In particular, support (Q') = φ if, and only if, J = 0 and either Qe or c equals zero.

e Proof. Let z e support (δ Ts) and s € support (J). Then given any neighborhood Uz of z there is a neighborhood Vs of s, such that t e Vs e 1 e implies b Tt{Uz) > 2~ δ Ts(Uz) > 0. We can show this by choosing a com- c pact set Da Uz and a function / e CC(G), such that f(D) = l,f(U a) = 0 e e and 0 0 it is clear from the definition of subordination, and the fact that the paths of a homogeneous process can be chosen to have limits from both the left and the right at all time points, that support (Qe) c support (Q'e).

If, conversely, y e support (Q'e), the subordinated paths will have a jump in every neighborhood of y and the only manner in which this can happen is for y to lie in the right hand side of the above expressions.

e COROLLARY 1. // F(Tt) = support (δ Ts) for every s > 0, and J Φ 0, then support (Q'e) = F(Tt). If J = 0 support (Q'e) = support (Qe).

COROLLARY 2. If all motion in the Tt process occurs by jumps, as is the case if Tt is compound Poisson, and J Φ 0, then

support (Q[) - F(Tt) = Cl [ U Γ-i {support (Qeψ] .

e Proof. In this case F(Tt) = support (δ Ts) for every s > 0 and the first corollary applies. If G is commutative we can use a different method of description.

THEOREM 7.3. Let T[ be a homogeneous process subordinate to Tt on ι e the commutative group G. Let t^δ'Tl -> Q'e and t-δ Tt-+ Qe as t -* 0. Then

support (Q'e) Z) support (Q[) support (Qe) .

Proof. In this case it is clear that

e e support (δ Tt) support (Qe) c support (δ T) and the conclusion follows from Theorem 7.2. Let us now restrict our attention to Euclidean w-space. In Rn we HOMOGENEOUS STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 323 denote the inner product by ζx,yy and the norm by \x\. The charac- teristic functions of a homogeneous process X(t, ω) have the form

(7.2) #[exp {i}] = exp {tS(b, A, F, z)}: where b e Rn, A is a positive semi-definite linear transformation of Rn, F is a positive, bounded, regular Borel measure on Rn — {0},

(7.3) S(b, A, F, z) = i

(7.4) Q(F, z) = f Γexp [i} - 1 - -^'->Γ1 ~P^- F(du) . J|wι>o|_ 1 + \u\2 J \U\2 Corollary 1 shows that if X'{t, ω) is a process subordinate to X(t, ώ) in a non trivial manner and

(7.5) #[exp {i}] = exp {tS(V, Af, Ff, z)} , then support (F) contains the subspace of Rn orthogonal to {x|^4x = 0}. If, in particular, A is positive definite support (F') — Rn. Theorem 7.3 states

support (Ff) + support (F) c support (F') .

This shows if support (Fr) is compact that X(t, ω) is not subordinate to any process but itself and possibly a Bernoulli process of the form

X(tt ω) = tb. In the latter case X'(t, ω) — Y(t, ω)b and all displacement of the X'(t, ω) process takes place along the ray {sb:s>0} = R+b. These observations are summarized below.

n THEOREM 7.4. Let X'(t, ω) be a homogeneous process on R for which support (Ff) is compact, then X'(t, ω) is not subordinate to any process but itself unless support (Ff) c R+b, and A' = 0. In the latter case Xf{t, ω) is subordinate to the Bernoulli process Z(t, ω) — tb. Theorem 7.4 does not exhaust the results which can be obtained by the above technique. In particular we will improve Theorem 7.4 for the real line. Let X'(t, ω) be a homogeneous process on the real line subordinate to X(t, ω) as above. For convenience put

Hf) = ί [f(x)ΓF(dx) , Jxφo and

B(s) = [b + L(x)]s + Cl [ U »+-°ΐ {support (F)}n] 324 JOHN W. WOLL, Jr.

when L(\x\) < + oo. Then if δ°Ts denotes the transition probabilities of X(t, ω), and X(t, ω) has no Gaussian component, it is clear that support (δ°T8) = B(s) when L(|x|) < + oo, and support (δ°T8) = R other- wise. Using Theorem 7.2 this leads to the following.

THEOREM 7.5. Let the homogeneous process X'(t, ω) on the real line be subordinated by Y(t, ώ) to the process X(t, ω), where their Fourier- Stieltjes transforms are given by (7.1) and (7.2). (1) // A Φ 0 or L(\x\) = + oo, support (Ff) = R. (2) // A = 0 and L(\x\) < + oo, then

support (Ff) = [ U {2?(s): s e support (J)}] lj support (J) if c > 0, and

support (F') = U {.B(s): s e support (J)} ifc = 0. It should be noted that we are using the notation of a multiplicative group, so that U +Γi {support (F)}n in B(s) refers to the additive semi- group generated by support (F). If we use the easily proved fact that a closed additive semi-group of the real line which contains both a positive and a negative number is necessarily a subgroup of R, the following corollary of Theorem 7.5 is immediate.

COROLLARY. // X'(t, ώ) is non trivially subordinate to a homogeneous process, then support (Ff) has one of the forms (H + S) (J W or H + S, where W is a closed set which generates the closed additive semi-group S, and H is not empty and is contained in either [0, + oo) or (— oo, 0]. // S is not a closed subgroup of R it is contained in either [0, + oo) or (— oo, 0]. This rules out, among others, sets like {...,— 2, — 1, 0} U (0, + oo) as the support of the F of a non trivially subordinated process.


1. S. Bochner, Harmonic analysis and the theory of probability, University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1955. 2. J. L. Doob, Stochastic processes, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1953. 3. W. Feller, The general diffusion operator and positivity preserving semi-groups in one dimension, Ann. of Math., 60 (1954), 417-436. 4. W. Feller, Semi-groups of transformations in general weak topologies, Ann. of Math., 57 (1953), 287-308. 5. E. Hille, Functional analysis and semi-groups. Amer. Math. Soc. Colloquium Pub- lications, Vol. 31. New York, 1948. HOMOGENEOUS STOCHASTIC PROCESSES 325

6. G. A. Hunt, Positive transformations on group spaces, Dept. of Math. Cornell Uni- versity, Ithaca, New York. 7. G. A. Hunt, Semi-groups of measures on Lie groups. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, 81 (1956), 264-293. 8. L. H. Loomis, An introduction to abstract harmonic analysis. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York (1953). 9. J. R. Kinney, Continuity properties of sample functions of Markov processes, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 74 (1939), 280-302




DAVID GILBARG A. L. WHITEMAN Stanford University University of Southern California Stanford, California Los Angeles 7, California

R. A. BEAUMONT L. J. PAIGE University of Washington University of California Seattle 5, Washington Los Angeles 24, California



Printed in Japan by Kokusai Bunken Insatsusha (International Academic Printing Co., Ltd.), Tokyo, Japan aicJunlo ahmtc 99Vl ,N.1 No. 9, Vol. 1959 Mathematics of Journal Pacific Pacific Journal of Mathematics Vol. 9, No. 1 May, 1959

Julius Rubin Blum and Murray Rosenblatt, On the structure of infinitely divisible distributions ...... 1 Robert Geroge Buschman, Asymptotic expressions for P na f (n) logr n ...... 9 Eckford Cohen, A class of residue systems (mod r) and related arithmetical functions. I. A generalization of Möbius inversion ...... 13 Paul F. Conrad, Non-abelian ordered groups ...... 25 Richard Henry Crowell, On the van Kampen theorem...... 43 Irving Leonard Glicksberg, Convolution semigroups of measures ...... 51 Seymour Goldberg, Linear operators and their conjugates ...... 69 Olof Hanner, Mean play of sums of positional games ...... 81 Erhard Heinz, On one-to-one harmonic mappings ...... 101 John Rolfe Isbell, On finite-dimensional uniform spaces ...... 107 Erwin Kreyszig and John Todd, On the radius of univalence of the function 2 R z − 2 exp z 0 exp( t )dt ...... 123 Roger Conant Lyndon, An interpolation theorem in the predicate calculus ...... 129 Roger Conant Lyndon, Properties preserved under homomorphism ...... 143 Roger Conant Lyndon, Properties preserved in subdirect products ...... 155 Robert Osserman, A lemma on analytic curves ...... 165 R. S. Phillips, On a theorem due to Sz.-Nagy...... 169 Richard Scott Pierce, A generalization of atomic Boolean algebras ...... 175 J. B. Roberts, Analytic continuation of meromorphic functions in valued fields ...... 183 Walter Rudin, Idempotent measures on Abelian groups ...... 195 M. Schiffer, Fredholm eigen values of multiply-connected domains ...... 211 V. N. Singh, A note on the computation of Alder’s polynomials ...... 271 Maurice Sion, On integration of 1-forms ...... 277 Elbert A. Walker, Subdirect sums and infinite Abelian groups...... 287 John W. Woll, Homogeneous stochastic processes ...... 293