Brazilian Pianist Marcelo Amaral Has Gained a Reputation As a Sought-After Accompanist of Singers and Instrumentalists Alike
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MARCELO AMARAL, PIANIST Hailed by The New York Times as "a superlative accompanist", Brazilian pianist Marcelo Amaral as !ained a reputation as a sou! t"a#ter accompanist o# singers and instrumentalists alike$ %inner o# t e &ianist Prize at t e '(() *nternational +obert ,c umann ,ong -ompetition, e as per#ormed wit numerous internationally renowned artists including Janina Baechle, Olaf Bär, Juliane Banse, Daniel Behle, John Chest, Layla Claire, Ronan Collett, Sarah Connolly, Roxana Constantinescu, Melanie Diener, Veronika Eberle, Manuel Fischer-Dieskau, Soile Isokoski, Michaela Kaune, Jochen Kupfer, Sophie Marilley, Íride Martínez, Nils Mönkemeyer, Christoph Pohl, Christoph Pregardien, Daniel Röhn, Edicson Ruiz, Tobias Scharfenberger, Birgid Steinberger, Roman Trekel, Michael Volle, Matthias Winckhler und dem Alfama Quartet. His collaboration wit soprano -arolina .llric as led to bot a song album #or /EN.*N +ecords in '(1' entitled 0moci2n, as well as a critically acclaimed tour o# t e .nited ,tates whic included appearances at New York -ity3s Merkin Hall and t e 4ennedy -enter in %ashington 5$-$ +ecent debuts at t e %i!more Hall in 6ondon, t e Mus7e d38rsay in &aris, and t e ,c ubertiade in ,c warzenberg were i! ly praised and several o# is collaborations ave been broadcast on t e BB-, Bayerisc er +und#unk, 5eutsc land +adio 4ultur, %5+9Arte, and +adio :rance. He as appeared at numerous #estivals including Montpellier :estival, Mozarteum ,ommerakademie, ,c leswig-Holstein :estival, 0urop;isc es Musik#est, *nternational Art ,ong :estival, +avinia :estival, Tuscan ,un :estival, Festival de Marvão and Oxford Lieder Festival, among ot ers$ A graduate o# bot t e -leveland *nstitute o# Music and *ndiana .niversity, e as worked toget er wit and received guidance #rom suc eminent artists as 0lly Ameling, 5ietric :isc er-Dieskau, +udol# <ansen, Malcolm Martineau, 8l!a +adosavl=evic , Andras ,c i>, &eter ,c reier and +oger ?ignoles. *n addition, e studied /erman 6ied *nterpretation wit renowned pianist Helmut 5eutsc at t e Hoc sc ule #@r Musik und Theater M@nc en$ A passionate teac er o# song interpretation, Marcelo was invited to teac at t e Master -lass ,eries at t e *nternationale Hugo %ol# Akademie in ,tutt!art, where e is on t e artistic advisory board. ,ince '(1A e as been Pro#essor #or /erman 6ieder and ,ong interpretation at t e Hoc sc ule #@r Musik N@rnber!$.