Rockingham AB
White-fronted Chat Sed -R, CW, AP Tawny-crowned Honeyeater U, Vi-AP WHAT IS BIRDS AUSTRALIA? Brown Honeyeater B, LNo -Ws# Birds Australia is a non-profit organisation working for New Holland Honeyeater LNo -Ws# White-cheeked Honeyeater LNo -C, AL, AP# the enjoyment, study and conservation of Australia’s Brown-headed Honeyeater birds. White-naped Honeyeater LNo -AL, AP The Western Australian members of Birds Australia are QUAIL-THRUSH, ALLIES Varied Sittella LNo -CW, AP state-wide and are offered a variety of activities and CUCKOO-SHRIKE, TRILLER services including conservation and research projects, BIRDS Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike B, Sed -Ws# excursions, camp-outs, bird surveys and social activities. White-winged Triller U, Mi, Sp-S -AL OF THE WHISTLER, SHRIKE-THRUSH We also have a library, books for sale and information Golden Whistler B, Sed -B, K, G, AP, AL, CW about birds. Rufous Whistler B, Sed -Ws To view our full range of bird guides and bird lists, visit Grey Shrike-thrush B, Sed -Ws CITY OF WOODSWALLOW our web site. Black-faced Woodswallow No -R, B, K, AP, CW INTERESTED? Dusky Woodswallow Sed -Ws BUTCHERBIRD, CURRAWONG Contact us at: ROCKINGHAM Grey Butcherbird B, Sed -Ws# Birds Australia Western Australia Australian Magpie B, Sed, LNo -Ws# Grey Currawong Ra, Sed -AP 167 Perry Lakes Drive FANTAIL Floreat WA 6014 Grey Fantail B, Mi, W-Sp -Ws# Willie Wagtail B, Sed -Ws# RAVEN, CROW Weekdays 9.30 – 12.30pm Australian Raven B, Sed -Wsl FLYCATCHER, MONARCH Restless Flycatcher Magpie-lark B, No -Ws# Ph: (08) 9383-7749 ROBIN, SCRUB-ROBIN
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