Dining with the Devil
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Vol. VI. No. 9 SEPTEMBER., 1951 ISSUlDIrTHE.----------------------------- ASSOCIATION OF JE.WISH RE.FUGE.E.S IN GRE.AT BRITAIN CORNER 8, FAIRFAX MANSIONS, FINCHLEY ROAD ( FAIRFAX ROAD ) LONDON, N.W.3 Ottica aM c.n.uld", Ho." : 10 a,,".-I p.m.• J-.i p.m. Sundoy 10 a.m:-I p.m. ToIephOlM: P1Ald. Val. 909' (Ganaral OIR.-) HAld. Vale ....9 (Empl.y••nc "'.ney) TRANSFER OF PENSIONS Hans Reiclunann: It has been agreed to allow transfers on a limited scale to pensioners now resident in the United Kingdom. These transfers will be made in accord DINING WITH THE DEVIL ance with the following provisions :- (1) Without any prior examination other than The historical evaluation of Hitler cannot be therefore brought lip topics during these conversa that of the genuineness of the claim. made finally at a time which is so close to his tions about which there were arguments in the (2) Provided that the amount concerned does not activity. About the character of this strange man. administration, or between the administration and exceed DM 300 monthly (any sum in excess many derogatory and flattering details are known. the party, or between the military and the party. to be examined individually having regard His opponents certainly underestimated him when Hitler's utterance was then recorded in shorthand. to the personal and financial position of the they presented him as a mentally dull hysteric and if it favoured the intentions of Bormann's applicant and whether unnecessary hardship with the talent of a soap-box orator. who executed radical clique-which was usually the case-it was would arise if the sum were reduced). like a willing tool the commands of his mainly used to silence their opponents. The stenographer (3) Transfer to be arranged upon all current industrialist paymasters. Just as wrong as the was thus probably quite unconscious of the enormity payments falling due after June 1, 1950. reports about the biting of carpets are the ridiculous which was being perpetrated when Bormann in (4) Payments which have fallen due between byzantine eulogies according to which he was the sisted on his shorthand elaboration of Hitler's June I. 1950, and the date of application to acme of intellectual and moral strength. utterance about" Mischlinge.'· Moderate elements. be transferred within a period not exceeding probably in the Mini of Justice, did not wish The post-war period has disclosed little about the try SL't months and to be in addition to current real Hitler which was not already known. The to apply the terrible anti-Jewish measures to part payments. true Hitler has not been revealed by the German Jew. Bormann eagerly seized upon Hitler's words As the Federal Government still has difficulty in generals. diplomats, by his interpreter and cretary which made it pos ible to accord the same treatment earning sufficient foreign exchange to meet its of State. who are now publishing their voluminous to full and part-Jews. essential requirements. the United Kingdom has memoirs instead of keeping silent about their part This political use of his conversation was of course accepted the present arrangement, but has informed in a criminal regime. :Members of the intimate known to Hitler. He even countersigned some of the Federal Government that it will ask for an circle in which Hitler may have shown himself in the shorthand reports. It follows that he was not increase in the monthly limit if it becomes evident his true colours are. if they have survived. probably completely natural in these talks. but said what he that the additional cost could be met by the unable to write. as these .. old fighters" had the believed uitable for a more or less limited public. Federal authorities without serious repercussions education of chauffeurs and chuckers-out. More This limits the use of these records for a character on the balance of payment. over, as these people are scenting the morning air analysis of Hitler. again. they would probably not show us the real Even so there remains plenty for the historian J-litler eith r. but wonId probably present another and the psychologist to learn from these talks, and IMPORTANT FOR BERLI CLAIMANTS legendary distorted image of their idol. especially for those allied politicians who to-day ormer residents oE Berlin are reminded What authoritative personal utterances are profess complete conJidence in those circles which that the time limit for the registration of available to us? First there is his book .. Mein only six years ago were entirely under Hitler's indemnification clainu in Berlin ends on Kampf." in the writing of which he may have been influence. Those who accepted the expression of February 8, 1952. This is only five months from assisted by his close collaborator, but which, in unexampled brutality as the expression of the now on. As every claimant has to submit its essentials. is flesh of his own flesh. To analyse ational Socialist view of liie and acted upon it, documentary evidence which is often difficult his character solely on the basis of this book. do not seem suitable to us as the allies of powers to obtain, he should prepare his claim without however, is dangerous. It is intended as a propa who have introduced the term .. Crime against delay, if he has not already done so. ganda work. and the writer shows himself as he Humanity" into international criminal law. Forms are available at the United Restitution wants to be seen, and not as he is. This is even Office, Fairfax [ansions, London, N.W.3 (please more the case in his speeches; even 0, if you .. Expert" in all Fields enclose 6d. and large stamped envelope). listened to these speeches on the wireless or in URO will represent before the indemnification ow what does Hitler talk about? Practically authorities claimants who cannot afford lawyers' public meetings you felt sometime and especially about all questions of politi , war, law, but also about his terrible anti-Semitic fits of rage-that fees. Consultation by special appointment (Tele about morals, religion, church and state, science, phone: MAlda Vale 9 96). there the real Hitler revealed himself with all his art and music, architecture. He considers himself brutality and his vulgarity. as expert in all fields, and whether he produces platitudes about smoking or marriage. discusses RESPITE FOR IMMEDIATE AID TAX " Hitler's Table Talks" German pre-history and nordic culture, talks about The Minister of Finance of the German Federal Similar doubts apply to the talks which former Kapoleon I or Jeanne d'Arc or Philipp of Macedon, RepubliC has issued a new Decree, dated June 4, follower of Hitler had with him. We cannot even be always as umes a finality of judgment which is 1951. regarding respite /Stundung) for the pay tell in these cases whether the report reflects Hitler's not justified by his education. Undoubtedly he ment of Immediate id Tax (Soforthilfeabgabe) by exact words or the writer's memory of what may read mUCh, and especially of course Houston -azi persecutees. \Vhilst a previous decree had have been said. tewart Chamberlain and popular national his already provided for a respite if the persecutee had The .erman Institute for the History of the torian. He also thought about many problems of a claim against a Land on the strength of Indemifi ational Socialist Period has now issued, politics and political philosophy, although without cation Laws (e.g. Jews' Tax-Judenvermoegensab through its director, the Freiburg historian Professor the ability of seeing any point of view other than gabe-deprivation of liberty. etc.). respite may now Gerhard Ritter, .. Hitler's Table Conversations in his own pre-conceived ultra-nationalist and racial al 0 be granted if the per ecntee submits prima the Leader's Headquarter, 1941-42," as taken one. or is there any doubt that he is more intelli facie evidence (Glaubhaftmachung) that he has a down in shorthand by Dr. Henry Picker (published gent and cunning than his opponents would admit. claim against the German Reich on the strength of by Athenaeum, Bonn, 1951). Here then we have His judgments are sometimes even different from restitution laws (compensation for auctioned lift some authentic utterances of the man who was his own propaganda" line." In these conversations vans. delivered jewellery, coniiscated bank accounts. personally guilty of the decision to start the second Stalin is not the blood-thirsty barbarian of azi etc.). If judgment of the restitution authorities world war and of the violent death of millions. propaganda. On the contrary, Hitler admires him cannot be submitted as evidence. the application The conversations were wTitten down in Hitler's because of his recklessness and because he is free for respite may be granted if the .. Oberfinanz bunker in East Prussia and in the Ukraine. Hitler's from sentimental humanitarianism. The Russian direktion" can confirm on the strength of its records secretary and political conJidant Martin Bormann Five Year Plan, he thinks, is only outdone by the that the persecutee had been deprived of his assets. caused them to be recorded. His intention was not German Four Year Plan. He even almost salutes The assessment of the amount of damage due to by any means to preserve for posterity every word in Stalin an anti-Semitic ally, for Stalin has told the persecutee has to be based on the R.M. value which the Master uttered at lunch or dinner. Under Ribbentrop he was only waiting until sufficient of the conJiscated property at the time of depriva a regime in which the Supreme Court was not native intelligence had matured in the USSR before tion.