Natures Mild Regulator! Red R Ver Cereal Made
" ‘ ' I DII N “D C DtI_ IL ! BE in the V lU N t IE IDS lflB ‘DF t ”) DDNW ‘D T i i C C r n t ollege , federated with the University , is one of the Arts olleges of the Unyiversity and includes A 1 . Faculty of Arts providing instruction for students in classes of limited size in all subjects taught by the Colleges 2 . The full advantages of Federation with the University , instruction by its S Professors , qualification for its cholarships and Degrees , with its Library , Laboratories and Athletic facilities and membership in Hart House . A Faculty of Divinity in which Trinity exercises its University powers of con ferring degrees and prepares candidates for the ministry of the Church . “ ” Residen ces under col l ege regul a tions for men Trinit y House ans for “ ’ ” — t women students S . Hilda s ; also for members of the academic staff . ’ St . The new residence for women students , known as Hilda s , was opened in 1 S 9 3 8 . eptember , The Scholarships offered by the College have recently been revised and largely increased . Full particulars will be supplied on request . S For information concerning cholarships , E xhibitions , Bursaries , etc . , address THE RE I S R R G T A , C 5 . Trinity ollege , Toronto Bi s son n et t e an d Com an , p y Cust om Ta il ors Cl ot hiers , , F urnishers A BOY S’ CL OTHI NG Ha t s Ca s L ea t her Good s and , p , Mot or Rug s Sol e Di s t r i b ut or s for t h e W or l d -Fa m o us Bur b er r y Coa t s NATURE ’S MI LD REGULATO R! RED R VER CEREA L MADE FROM CRACKED HEAT W , CRACKED RYE and W HO LE FLA ! FO R EVERYBO DY EVERYD Y , A MHPLE LEHF M ILLING CO MPHNY L M T D , I I E The traveller purchasing his ticket F mi .
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