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Sports Tuesday, December 25, 2018 17 AZF launches first Aspire winter camp for kids A fun-filled programme has been designed to keep children engaged during their winter break TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK like football, taekwondo, DOHA gymnastics, aerobics and other recreational games FOLLOWING the tremendous this winter. In addition to success of the previous sum- these sports-based activities, mer camp, Aspire Zone Foun- field visits and informative dation (AZF) launched its first courses in plantation, read- Aspire winter camp for kids. ing, arts and crafts will also The event, held in Aspire take place. Dome, Ladies Sports Hall, and Speaking about the As- Registration of the participants is on. Aspire Park, is for kids aged pire winter camp, Al Anoud 6-14 years and is scheduled to Almesnad, Head of Events run over a two-week period at AZF, said, “Following the until January 3, 2019. The win- great turn-out of kids and ter camp runs from 8:30 am to positive comments from par- 1:30 pm during the week. ents during our previous sum- A fun-filled programme mer camp, we expect the new Kids enjoying basketball during Aspire’s first winter camp. has been designed for children initiative to thrive and secure during their school’s winter similar success due to ideal to follow a healthy and active divided into three groups per Baladna, Cage Sport, Pony break, where several exciting weather conditions, distinc- lifestyle. Because of this, we gender; from 6-8, 9-11 and 12- Cycle, Friends of the Environ- educational and sporty activi- tive facilities and our diverse created this atmosphere to 14 years old.
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